
By DanishDude

Published on Nov 26, 2018



If you have any comments or questions please email me at The usual disclaimer and copyrights applies.

I've written a string of stories about me growing up in rural Denmark - they are found in the folder rural-Denmark.

This story however happened when I was 17.


I saw him on the first day in business school. I didn't know who he was or what his name was at that point but when I looked into his bright green eyes my knees got weak. He was slightly taller than me with dark brown hair and a square, masculine jawline. His body was strong and muscular and he had an ass to die for - nicely accentuated in his tight jeans. We were in the same class and over the next weeks I learned that his name was Soeren and that he had quite a reputation for being a ladies man - a long string of girlfriends bore witness to the fact that I wasn't the only person who found him very attractive. Fact was that he really stood out from all the other guys in the looks department and he instantly became very popular with both girls and boys - the girls because they fell for him and the boys because it boosted their confidence to be seen being friendly with this hunky guy and probably also because there were always lots of good looking girls around him.

But I contented myself admiring him from a distance. At least at first.

We ended up sitting next to each other in class - and that really was by coincidence - and we gradually got to talk more and more. I was always pretty good in school and found much subjects easy and he couldn't really be bothered so often he would ask me about help in math or whatever - and I was more than happy to help. Even though I tried very hard to play it cool I'm pretty sure he picked up on me being taken in by him - like the rest of the people around him.

He never had a steady girlfriend but I learned that he had more than one girl who you would call friends with benefits - and it often created frustration and anger even, amongst some of the girls because what they really wanted was to claim exclusivity to him. But he just wasn't ready for that.

And then things between he and I started to change and become confusing for me.

At first it was just his demeanor towards me that seemed to change. When we talked, he would get really close to me and look very intensely into my eyes and there was often a slight smile on his face like we were sharing some kind of secret. And sometimes I would catch him looking at me across a crowd and when I locked eyes with him he would simply smile.

And then the thing with the motorcycle happened.

I lived about 10 miles away from the city where we went to school and one day he told me about this motorcycle he had bought from a friend of his for a couple of days - he went on to ask whether I would be home later that day in case he went for spin. He had never been to my parents house before so I explained where it was and said yes, I would be home.

After school I went home by the bus as usual and had almost forgotten about the motorcycle. I was in my room reading when suddenly I heard the loud roar of an engine in our drive and I instantly rushed outside. And there he was. Sitting astride this big black powerful thing asking me if I wanted to come for a ride. I grabbed a jacket and went back outside where he handed me a crash helmet and asked me to get up behind him and hold on to his waist.

It was a warm afternoon and I got up and didn't really know how to proceed when he told me to sit real close to him to prevent me from falling off. I moved up against his strong back with a leg on each side now feeling his body warmth through the cloth. I locked my hands around his waist and the last thing he said to me was that if my hands got cold from the wind I could slide them under his jacket. And then we took off.

I cannot remember where we went - all I remember is the feeling of his warm back against me and my hands around his waist and the feeling where my inner thighs touched his legs on each side of the bike. Soon I felt me hands grow cold and I carefully slid them under his jacket and could now feel his flat, hard stomach under the t-shirt he was wearing.

We drove for a while until he turned back and we arrived back at my parents house. I invited him in for something to drink and we ended up in my room where he sat in only his jeans, t-shirt and socks on my couch. I cannot remember what we talked about but after a while he got up and said he had to head home again. I got up as well to walk him to the door and then it happened. He suddenly turned around and grabbed my neck and pulled my face towards his and before I understood what happened he kissed me. I froze completely and the only thing I sensed was his tongue and the smell of him real close to me. He then let go and flashed me that killer-smile of his before saying `see you tomorrow in school' and then he was off.

The next days were fantastic. He was very attentive towards me and made all sorts of hidden gestures that only I picked up - thankfully. It was small things like pressing his legs against mine under the table during class or the way he would look at me across the table when eating lunch. I was scared that any of our other mates would pick up on it but Soeren was so confident in his masculinity and his reputation as a major ladies man so established, that no one read more into any of this than what they saw.

Then there was to be a party at the business school.

It was taking place on a Friday evening and a few days before Soeren said to me that if I wanted, I could come to his place right after school and we could go to the party together - that would save me the trip back to my parents house and then back again later to the party so I agreed. Not altogether sure whether there was an ulterior motive or he was just being nice.

School ended at around 3pm and the party would start around 8pm so we had about 5 hours to kill. We walked from the business school back to the townhouse where he was living with his mother and big brother. Soeren offered me something to drink and then announced that he would take a bath and get prepared for the party. I sat at their dining table with my soft drink while he disappeared into the bathroom - we were alone in the house as both his mother and brother were at work.

Suddenly he came out wearing only a very small pair of briefs, apparently on his way out into the kitchen - this was back in `83 where male underwear was tiny. He smiled at me but said nothing and I was glad I was sitting down - he looked fantastic. His body was totally smooth with only a small dust of dark hair on his legs and a trail from his navel leading down into his tiny briefs.

And the briefs.

There was a big bulge in those briefs. I could clearly see the outline of his thick cock pointing to the left with his cockhead being quite prominent. Underneath this his big, fat balls was nestled. I'm not sure whether he was slightly chubbed up at this stage but the whole package looked impressive. And when he turned around I got the full look of his ass - perfectly rounded buttocks that stretched the tiny briefs to capacity.

He came back out from the kitchen and went towards his room `have you ever seen my room' he asked knowing full well that I hadn't.

`No' I managed to reply.

`Come on then - just bring your drink' he smiled back at me.

His room was pretty decent in size with a bed and coffee table and a writing desk under the window.

`What kind of music do you like' he asked gesturing for me to move over to where he stood next to his stereo set.

Standing this close to his nearly naked body was intoxicating - I could clearly feel the heat coming off him and smell his eau de cologne and while I started going through his LPs I became aware of him looking intensely at me.

I got up and turned towards him - we were really close now - and without a word I leaned in and kissed him.

I felt his hands holding my face while we kissed like he wanted to guide me - I let my hands touch his sides and then go to his back and I pushed myself against his body.

He broke the kiss shortly and whispered `finally - I never thought we would get to this' and then he kissed me again.

I now felt his hands move and he started unbuttoning my shirt. I let my hands slide down his back and inside his tights where I caressed his buttocks.

His kiss became more demanding and he began to kiss my neck and then back up to my face - he had now managed to remove my shirt and was working on my trousers.

I helped him getting taking off my pants and at the same time he slipped out of his briefs and now I saw his big, fat cock for the first time - and could clearly see why he was so popular with the girls. His cock was fat and relatively long with a big, shiny head that was all wet with pre-cum. It was standing out in front of him in a perfect straight shape.

I was completely hard myself and he smiled at me with that killer-smile again and pushed me gently backwards until I sat down on his bed. He then pushed the coffee table aside and moved in so I had his hard, throbbing cock right in front of my face - and I didn't need any encouraging. I wrapped my hand around it and brought the wet, shiny head to my mouth and started kissing and licking his big cockhead before letting it slide across my wet lips.

`Wauw - you are good at this' he moaned and gently took hold of my face with his warm hands.

I caressed his big, firm balls with my hand while I let the other hand roam his muscular torso - never letting go of his cock with my mouth once.

The smell from his crotch was fantastic - he had clearly showered earlier that day and there was the faint but hot smell of musk coming off him.

After a while he pulled his cock out of my mouth and I looked up into his eyes with a puzzled look.

He then pushed me backwards until I lay on my back with my legs still on the floor - and then he crouched between my spread legs and pushed them upwards exposing my pink hole.

Those of you who has read about my youth in the `rural-denmark' series know that I was by no means a stranger to getting fucked so when I felt his hot breath on my asshole I was only to eager for him to continue.

Just relax' he said I will be gently with you'.

The next I felt was his warm, wet tongue in my ass and I was panting by now and telling him how badly I wanted to feel him inside me. If my straightforwardness surprised him he hid it well but it seemed to spur him on even more and I soon felt him burying his tongue in my ass getting me really wet and slippery.

Compared to him I was of slight build and he easily manage to move me fully onto his bed and turn me so he could kneel between my spread legs - and the next I felt was his thick, wet cock sliding into me. All the way. In one long slow movement.

I think he was pleasantly surprised that I didn't complain or anything but just spread my legs wider and pushed him into me.

Fuck ... this feels awesome' he whispered your ass is so tight and soft'.

At first he fucked me sitting on his knees between my spread legs so he could watch his cock slide in and out of my wet hole but soon he lay down on top of me and I wrapped my legs around his back and concentrated on meeting everyone of his thrusts.

He started kissing me again hungrily and with a deep passion and I was soon lost in the feeling of his fat cock going in and out of my ass and the sound of him fucking me.

He alternated between fast hard thrusts and slow soft motions but after a while he picked up pace and sat back up and looked down again.

I'm so close baby' he whispered and then he wrapped his hand around my throbbing cock and started jerking me off are you close too?' he whispered.

`Oh yeah' I said with my eyes half closed. I reached underneath me and started caressing his big balls every time he slide inside me.

`OOHHH I'M FUCKING CUMMING' he yelled and started thrusting hard and fast into me and I felt his fat cock throbbing inside me while he came in 8-9 thick spurts.

I came too and my cum flew across my chest and face and into his pillow.

Afterwards he collapsed on top of me and we just lay there kissing and giggling at what had just happened.

He confessed to me that it was the first time he had been with another guy - he had fooled around when he was younger but never real sex. I assured him he was a natural and we got up and went to the bathroom and went into the shower together where we spend a long time washing each other and kissing before I went onto my knees and sucked him until he came in my mouth.

For the rest of that school year we got together as often as we could and fucked our brains out - and we tried it all. Soeren discovered that his asshole was the source of much pleasure so we each took turns fucking each other.

The first months after our initial encounter in his room it was only him and me - but gradually he also started fucking girls again. I wasn't jealous or anything - he always treated me with great respect and the fucking was sensational but I knew that Soeren wasn't gay but bisexual and that he most likely would end up married to a local beauty and have a bunch of children. But I was happy that he picked me out to explore the other side of his sexuallity.

After that year Soeren dropped out of school and started working and we gradually lost contact with each other. But I'll never forget that first year in business school.

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