Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on May 8, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

Reading can be done with one hand. Just clarifying that for those that find the story a little more interesting than others. Another Colin chapter ahead...

These are 'behind the scenes and backstories from the main story The Society Boys, but can be read as stand alone adventures. Please consider donating to Nifty to keep their site available for everyone.

Colin Chapter 13

"How are we gonna go about contacting all these guys?" Dylan asked as the two boys looked at the list of ten names they'd been given by the `Q'. "I only recognize maybe two names on here.

"Maybe that's the challenge. If we can't recruit people for our club we'll never get anyone. We could send them an invitation, or text them a message," he suggested.

"Instead of the Q', we should call our club the Y' as in `Why not?'"

"Wouldn't that get confusing with the YMCA being called the `Y'? I liked our original name. The Handie Boys. Our slogan could be: Our full service club begins with a helping hand."

Dylan giggled wildly. "I like it. Only those in the club would know the innuendo meaning."

"Yeah, and you'd be the member who'd most like things in-you-endo!" Colin laughed. "Okay, how about we send a few messages like a riddle or puzzle or something. Start with Can you bare' to join a new club?'

"Nice," Dylan said excitedly. "Then we give them a time and place."

"That should be last," Colin suggested. "We should come up with several more cryptic things so they get an idea of what they might be getting into."

"How about. `If it's hard to be around boys, then this all boys club is for you.'

"Funny. I like it," Colin smiled as he nodded and wrote it down with the one he'd come up with.

"You wake up in a sweat, wondering why you're all wet. Dreams become real once you join, we'll bet."

"Okay, that's works," Colin acknowledged. "Say it again so I can write it down." Dylan repeated his riddle and Colin added it to the growing list. "We should let them know more details so they don't show up and think it's like a chess club or something and freak out."

"How about we test them one at a time to see if they'd really like other boys?"

"That makes sense. We could invite them over and go skinny dipping. That's worked well before," Dylan smirked.

"Nah, we have to keep ourselves anonymous until we have members we want for a first meeting. We make them go somewhere and take their clothes off."

"Send them to the bathroom in the park and wait naked in the stall," Dylan suggested.

"That might be a bit advanced for some guy our age. Especially if they've never done anything with anyone before. We could sent them to a specific location in the woods though, and make them strip and leave clues for them to follow to another clue that makes them do something, like get hard or jerk off. Things like that."

"That would be cool, but how about we do more than that? We really test them. We could ask Blaine to help us if you want. We make it like bunch of stations, each one more challenging than the next one. The first one is to show up at a specific point. They open and envelope that explains that the club will be about boys getting to know other boys, and will require some activities to be sexual. If they agree, they can move to the second station, or leave. The next station tells them to strip and leave all their clothes. You and me could watch to see if they do it, and if they do, we text them another message to go naked to the next clue. They could be told to get hard before getting another clue."

"If they're really into it, they may already be hard just from getting naked," Colin reasoned.

"True, so we could make them do a task like jumping jacks, or taste their pre-cum or something before they get another clue. The next station could be to see how open they are to sex. One of us, could be laid out on a log with our dick out and a ski mask on. The challenge for our candidate would be to either blow us, or feed us his boner, or both. Once he's done, we send him back to his clothes where we ask if he'd like to be invited to the club."

"That would be pretty cool. At least we'd know who really was into it or not. Our instructions at the first station should say they can stop at anytime and leave. I think it's good that we only send a text message if they complete the task in the envelope. That way they don't get to the end part unless they are really into it. Maybe we could do two guys at once," Colin suggested. "That way maybe we could add a station that has them jerk each other off and kiss or something, and the last one wouldn't need one of us, we could tell them to blow each other."

"Yeah, we'd get through all the guys way faster. What if one continues and the other doesn't?"

"Then we send in one of us as a replacement using your idea of wearing a hood as a disguise."


They quickly solidified their plans and began to work on the fine details of everything from their exact text words to how the first meeting would go. They decided that they should have a third person to help them with the candidates first tasks, so Colin said he'd scope out Blaine to see if he might be into it. Dylan suggested, Kylan, Brian or Bryce, but they ended up agreeing that they were all out of their age range for the club and it might not be fair to ask them to help if they couldn't be members. Colin went to work on Blaine.

After a tough water polo practice, Colin was feeling the effects of it in every part of his body.

"Coach really busted our asses again today," Blaine said as they hit the showers.

"I'll say. But we're gonna kick some Preppy High ass next game though. Dylan is doing his shaving thing today, you wanna come over and hang out for a bit?" Colin offered.

"Sure. You want a massage before the muscles stiffen up?"

"Yeah, sounds good. I'll give you one too."

Colin told Dylan that he would talk to him later and headed home with Blaine. By the time the boys entered Colin's room and dumped their backpacks they had agreed that Blaine would massage Colin first. They laid out the towels and oil and got ready. Colin felt under his pillow and smiled as he felt the bottle of lube still there from the last time he and Dylan played around.

"We might as well both just be naked," Colin suggested. "It's not like we're shy any more, right?"

"Right," Blaine agreed. "Saves getting oil on everything." Both boys stripped and Colin lay face down on the bed as Blaine knelt beside him to work on his muscles. Colin had his head to the side so they could talk. It started with school and the team and then progressed. "You know how Dylan is doing that shaving thing, right?"

"Yeah," Colin replied.

"Well, I went back and let him do me again, and something happened."


"One minute he was shaving me, the next minute he was...err...he was..." he paused.

"Rimming your ass?" Colin said completing the sentence with a big smile. "I heard."

"He told you?"

"Like I said we tell each other everything. I guess you forgot to tell him not to say anything huh?"

"Oh god, please don't spread that around. I'd be dead."

"Relax, we do that all the time. I'll bet it drove you crazy, huh?"

"Surprised the shit out of me. Well, not the shit, that would have been super gross. You know what I mean, it just shocked me that he would stick his tongue in my ass. While he held me there, he grabbed my penis and made me cum."

"A good rimming will do that," Colin admitted with a smirk. "Then what?"

"Then he thanked me, and dropped the front of his shorts to let me see his boner again. That thing is so massive."

Colin laughed. "Yes, it is, but I gotta admit, I was a little jealous when I heard he got to do that with you though."

"You were?" Blaine asked surprised as he straddled Colin's thighs to work on his back more firmly.

"Sure. But I don't blame him. If I had been that close to your ass, I'd probably have done the same thing."

"Is that something all gay guys like?" Blaine asked.

"I dunno. Maybe not all. First time I tried it, I thought it would be super gross, but it was actually amazing, and getting one is twice as good, am I right?"

"I'll say. It was a shock, but almost made know...cum...way too fast too."

"It'll do that," Colin replied as he felt Blaine using his forearm to go up and down the length of his back. He smiled to himself as he felt Blaine adjust himself as he sat on his upper thigh. Colin turned his head and looked back slowly until he could see that Blaine had an erection. He turned his head forward again. "Yeah, whenever I think of it, I get a boner. Dylan's really good at it, but I think my favorite thing is fucking though. It makes everything else seem tame in comparison."

Colin moved his hand back slowly and reached for Blaine's erection, causing him to stop the massage for a second. "Looks like you're thinking of the rimming too, huh?"

"Sorry. Like I said before. It just does that."

"Mine too buddy. Mine too. My turn to massage you, now?"

"Don't you want your front doing?"

"Later. My turn to do the massage," Colin said as he moved quickly to get Blaine to lie down, not showing him just how hard his penis was, nor that it was pouring precum everywhere. Colin worked on Blaine's back and shoulders to get him to relax before he opened his legs and got between to work on them. As soon as he put his hands on Blaine's ass cheeks, and pulled them open, he saw why Dylan probably went down on him. A perfect light pink hole was winking back at him, which caused him to dive bomb into it with his tongue, burying his face in the firm ass. Blaine tensed up and gasped loudly as he held the bed. Colin worked Blaine's pucker as he shoved his tongue as far in as he could go, while using his hands to pull the cheeks farther apart. He was getting hornier by the second and couldn't resist licking his finger and shoving it in, as he tongue probed him. He inched up so that his penis was up against Blaine's entrance and kissed up his back, pressing his rigid tool along the crack. "So, who's better? Me or Dylan," Colin asked as he lay on Blaine's back and whispered in his ear.

"You! Definitely you!" He gasped as he felt the weight of the bigger guy on him.

"You're just saying that," Colin teased.

"No, I'm not. That was great!" Blaine said panting with excitement. Colin reached under himself and moved his penis so that the tip was pushing directly against Blaine's slicked up entrance. He moved his hand and got some spit to coat it before applying more pressure.

"I wanna fuck you," Colin panted.

"I don't think I wanna to do that yet."

"Please!" Colin begged. "It's almost in."

"I can't," Blaine repeated. "I don't want to be gay. Please."

"Huh?" Colin asked stopping suddenly as he rolled off to lie beside Blaine and look at his face.

"I don't want to be gay, and if you fuck me, that means I am right?"

"No. It just means you like sex, and that I'm killer horny right now," Colin assured him as he rubbed his ass gently.

Blaine turned to face Colin and stared at him. "If I tell you something, do you promise not to laugh or make fun of me?"

"Of course."

"After we played around last time, I had more dreams and stuff, only they were weird."


"I dreamt of girls boobs and seeing them get naked and stuff, but when we got into bed to have sex, I was with you. I mean not that you had boobs, but like the girl disappeared and you were there instead."

"Cool! Did we have sex? Was I any good? Did you fuck me?" Colin said excitedly.

"I dunno cause the last thing I remember was us kissing and then I woke up in a panic and had to clean up a mess."

"You came from kissing me in your dreams. Shit, I AM better than Dylan!" Colin teased. "So that's why you're worried you're gay? Because you dream of sex with me? Dude, that's normal. After I first had sex, I dreamt of the two people I did it with that night. One was Mason, the other was Lisa. I had a dream three-way, even though I hadn't had a real three-way with them before. I made up my own fantasy, and believe me, I shot off like a rocket. You've only fooled around with me, right?"

"Yeah," he said looking down almost sheepishly.

"So. I'm your only base of reference. You think of girls, but your brain doesn't know what it's like yet, so it goes to the only thing you, and what we did together. You're only gay when the girls stop appearing in your dreams and it's all boys. If you have both, you could be bisexual. I mean technically you're still a virgin. All you've done is kissing, blowjobs. And now rimming. If you let me fuck you, it might help you know what you like."

"I don't think I'm ready for that. This is all kinda happening super fast."

"True, but sometimes if you don't do things in the moment you miss out. How about we finish the massage? Lie on your back," Colin said putting his hand on Blaine's chest to push him backward. He got up and straddled his waist to sit his bare ass on Blaine's stomach as he reached for the oil and poured some onto his chest. He rubbed it in until he saw Blaine close his eyes and relax. Colin smiled and poured oil into his hand before reaching behind him and grab Blaine's hard cock, eliciting a gasp and deep breath. Colin worked the cock while using his index finger to rub some oil around the entrance to his own ass. Then quicker than snot on a waterslide, he moved back and pressed Blaine's erection into his ass and sat down hard on it, bearing the pain of the fast insertion so he could get it done.

Blaine's eyes shot open as he entered Colin and went to sit up, but found himself being held down with a hand to his chest. The two guys just stared at each other for a few seconds. One not sure what to say, the other holding his breath hoping his friend wouldn't freak out. "Surprise?" Colin said finally as he slowly moved up and down on the cock inside him.

"Oh god," Blaine said trying to see past Colin as if he were transparent. "Is my cock in your ass?"

"Mmmhmmm," Colin grinned. "It is! All the way in. Howz it feel?"

"Uhhh, I dunno," he said with a slight pant in his voice.

"Yeah you do. Come on. Better or worse than a blowjob?" Colin said leaning forward to move his head closer to Blaine's.


"Way better, right?"

Blaine nodded.

"Exactly. Now just let yourself have fun. Move your hips up and down slowly," Colin said as he leaned further forward and worked his ass on Blaine's firm pole. There's always that split-second moment when the initial shock or surprise turns to realization that you're having sex for the first time, and Colin saw it when Blaine let out a big breath of air, and moved a hand to grip one of Colin's thighs. "Fuck me. I wanna feel your cock," Colin whispered before moving his head down to plant their lips together and shove his tongue into Blaine's mouth. The boy moaned as he tried to get enough air to fuck, kiss and breathe at the same time. Colin counted in his head as he waited for Blaine to get into it, and was at 14, when he felt the speed increase and the breathing become shallow.

Blaine thrust up hard and went tense as he came inside Colin without warning and then his whole body went limp as he sank into the bed. Colin moved his head up and place a hand on Blaine's chest to feel his heart pounding rapidly. He grinned and looked at him. "Guess you're not a virgin any more. I think those dreams are gonna get a whole lot wilder." Blaine just stared at him as moved to try and get his cock out. "Leave it in for a minute. I like how it feels."

Despite the request, Blaine softened quickly and it popped out of Colin's ass all by itself. "Now THAT was a massage," Colin joked as he lay there looking at his friend. Suddenly Blaine began to cry. "Oh shit! Are you okay?" Colin asked becoming instantly concerned that he'd gone too far too fast.

"I don't wanna be gay," Blaine said wiping his eyes. "Sorry, I shouldn't be crying."

Colin propped himself up and looked directly at his friend. "Dude, you're just super emotional because you just came. Why put a label on yourself? You tried sex. Big deal. Eventually your brain will sort out which sex you prefer the most, or that you like both."

"I hope so, but no offense, I kinda hope it's girls."

`No offense here, but trust me, I've done both and guys are way hotter. We know what we're doing and we can fuck all the time without bullshit. Like today, we just did it, busted a nut and moved on. Of course, that doesn't mean I wouldn't want you to lie face down and spread your legs so I could fuck you."

Blaine gave a weak smile. "Yeah, I kinda got that. So, how do you think I'll eventually figure it out?"

"Keep having sex. We should find you a girl to do it with so you see the difference and that'll get it sorted out. But right now, I think we should get dressed as I can feel my dick coming back to life. Let's go get cleaned up before we're both raging horny again."

They climbed off the bed and hit the shower together. As they enjoyed the warm water, Blaine turned to Colin and watched him using the soap. "You know when you said we should get dressed before we became raging horny again?" He asked.

Colin stepped back from the spray, wiped his eyes and looked at Blaine. "Yeah?"

He moved his hand from his crotch. "Too late." He smiled exposing his boner again.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Colin grinned as he reached out to take hold of it. Blaine leaned in expecting hug himself against Colin, but found them locking lips instead. Colin jerked him off and ran a finger down his ass to tap at his hole. Blaine moved up onto his toes slightly which gave Colin better access to push inside. "God, you are so fuckable," Colin remarked as he pulled his finger out, dropped to his knees and sucked the cock right down to the balls, using one hand to jerk himself off and jamming the other hand between Blaine's legs and inserting his index finger as far into the tight hole as he could. Blaine whimpered and almost instantly shot another small load into Colin's mouth. Colin pulled his finger out as fast as he'd gone in and knelt up so Blaine could see him blast a load all over the shower floor. He stood up and pressed their lips together, using his tongue to give Blaine his cum back that he hadn't swallowed. Once they finished kissing, Blaine aimed his face right at the shower head to wash the taste out. They didn't say anything else as they got dried and dressed and played video games for the next hour, not discussing sex once, except for Blaine making Colin promise not to say anything to Dylan about what they'd done.

"You wanna stay for dinner, or do you have to get home?" Colin asked.

"No, I can stay. I just have to let my Dad know where I am and do my homework at some point.

"Cool. We'll do homework after dinner, then maybe play some basketball if you want."

"Sounds good to me," Blaine agreed. They boys raced to the kitchen to find Margaret making dinner.

"No chef today?" Colin asked as he reintroduced Blaine to her and asked if he could stay for dinner.

"I thought I'd make something for us tonight," Margaret replied. "How's the team doing, Blaine?"

"Great Mrs. Worthington. We're gonna kick some a...butt... Friday at the game."

"It's okay, you can say ass. Mom's heard way worse than that, right Mom?"

"I've heard worse, but its nice to see a boy with manners for once," she smiled.

"So, what are we having, and should we bring our own stomach pumps, or are you supplying them?" Colin teased as his Mom didn't cook very often.

"See what I mean, Blaine? We're having lasagna, but since you're complaining maybe I'll just make you a dish of broccoli and asparagus instead."

"Gross. No way. Lasagna is good. Plus, asparagus makes your pee smell."

"Dinner is in half an hour," she said as the boys ran off.

"We could do homework until then," Colin suggested.

The boys dragged out their books, turned on some music and spread out on the bed to do their assignments until it was time for dinner. Ethan and Margaret quizzed the boys on school and the team, taking a genuine interest in how things were going, even asking Colin about Dylan.

"He's fine. He's got a new business venture to make himself an entrepreneur."

"Good for him. Like I've told you before, you don't get rich working for someone else son. Be your own man. What's he doing?"

"He's set up a shaving business. Since we all have to do it for the team, plus the diving team and other jocks do it, he's offering it to them as a service."

Ethan gave a light chuckle at the idea. "I guess he saw a need and went for it. Good for him. I guess that's right up his alley since he's comfortable around boys."

"Oh, he's up their alley's alright," Colin giggled.

"I say we change the subject before this goes into the toilet," Margaret warned. "Blaine, any brothers or sisters?"

"No ma'am. Just me and my Dad."

"And the two of you get along well?"

"Yes. He's great. He works too much though, but he's there when I need him."

"You can't ask for better than that," Margaret smiled knowing better than to ask about his Mom.

Once dinner was over, and Blaine thanked them for letting him stay, the boys returned to the bedroom to finish their homework. Once they were basically done, Colin suggested they hit the basketball court for a bit.

"I like your house. There's so much to do that I'd never need to go anywhere else if I lived here."

"It's okay," Colin shrugged. "But it gets boring after a while. I like exploring places and trying new things. I can't wait to get my license so I can have road trips whenever I want."

"True. But I love the fact you have a pool. I'd never be out of the water. Plus you can skinny dip here which is wicked."

"Carter taught me to swim when I was a little kid and we never wore clothes, so you just get used to it. You said you and your Dad hang out naked at home, so it's kinda the same thing, right? It's what you get used to."

"I guess," Blaine smiled.

"Wanna hit the hot tub?"

"Sounds good to me." The boys ran over to the hot water, undressed and jumped in to sit side by side. They both relaxed and talked for a bit about nothing in particular. They had become such good friends in a short period of time that they were sitting with their legs touching. Blaine suddenly sat upright and looked at Colin.

"What?" Colin asked looking back at him.

"Ummm, nothing."

"Bullshit, you jumped like you'd seen a spider or gotten bitten by a bee."

"Nothing. It's just the warm water. I...Ummm...It feels...shit..." he said as he reached for Colin's hand and moved it to his crotch.

"Fuck yeah!" Colin exclaimed. "Let's go to my room."

They jumped out of the hot tub and ran to grab their towels, tossing them aside almost as soon as the got into the bedroom and leapt on the bed.

They did what they'd done before, and practiced kissing and jerking each other off before Colin rolled Blaine onto his stomach and spread his legs. He rimmed his ass for several minutes while playing with his boner and tight nuts between his legs. Blaine moaned, not admitting that he never wanted the rimming to stop. Once he felt liquid being poured down his ass crack, he turned to ask what Colin was doing.

"It's time."


"To fuck you."

"I dunno if I'm ready," Blaine said cautiously.

"You're ready," Colin said directly as he pushed his finger into Blaine's extra tight hole. "Don't clamp your ass like that. If you stay relaxed it feels a lot better."

Blaine nodded as he lay there trying to process the feeling. When Colin added a second one, he jumped. "Ow! I really I don't think I can handle that."

"Yes you can. It's gonna hurt at first, but then it feels wicked awesome. I'm just trying to get lots of lube into you before I put my cock in," he assured him as he kissed Blaine's ass while continuing to open him up. Blaine just kept breathing; not really sure he liked his ass being played with. When Colin removed his fingers and lay on top of him, he let out a big breath of air as it felt much better.

"Just stay relaxed and I'll go slow." Colin whispered in his ear.

"Oh god!" Blaine replied as his ass tightened.

"Seriously. Don't tense up dude, or it hurts twice as much." He began to apply pressure to Blaine's ass.

"I don't think I'm ready. What if it hurts too much? My ass is too small."

"Your ass'll open up. Just don't go tense. You were squirming around on my fingers so much you almost broke them off. Trust me, please. My first time was tough too and I kinda freaked out a bit, but after it got going, it was the best thing ever. You didn't know you'd like the other stuff either until you did it."

Colin lay completely on top of Blaine and nibbled his ear as he continued to work his cock around the entrance to Blaine's ass. He pushed against him again and as soon as he felt Blaine ease up a little, he pushed and speared his cock past the outer ring, driving his cock in so that the entire head was inside. Blaine cried out, forcing Colin to push his head into the pillow.

"Shhhhh! That's the worst part. Just keep breathing."

"It hurts. I can't do this," he whined. "Please stop, Colin. You're way too big."

"Shhh! Shut up! Trust me, okay. Just stay relaxed. It only takes a minute for this to feel better."

"I can't," Blaine said trying to get out from under him, but Colin, being larger than Blaine, easily held him down. He pushed in another inch and Blaine jumped even more.

"Stop! Stop!" Blaine complained trying to free a hand and turn to look at Colin.

"Dude, you gotta be quiet. I promise you'll feel better really soon."

"No I won't. It hurts. It feels like your ripping my ass apart."

"Relax! If you tense up it hurts way more. Stop panicking. I've been fucked a lot, even with Dylan's cock and I love it now. When he first did it, I was sure he was gonna kill me." He moved his head around so he could look at Blaine's face which was contorted with pain and fear. "Just focus on kissing me," he said reassuringly, as he rubbed Blaine's hair.

They kissed as Colin left his cock where it was just a couple inches inside Blaine's ass. He slowly moved it back and forth without penetrating him further. Blaine soon calmed down as he concentrated on kissing. Colin felt the change in him, and began to slowly insert himself further, pushing half of his cock in, while continuing to fuck. He knew that no matter what Blaine said now, he was gonna finish the fuck. With each gently thrust he went a little further into his new friend, until Blaine cried out again, breaking their kiss.

"Please stop. I changed my mind I don't want to do this. I can't take it."

"Dude," Colin said with a smile looking directly into his eyes as he lay his head down to stare at him as he gently moved back and forth inside the small ass beneath him. "You've already taken it. I'm all the way in. My balls are up against your ass. "You're totally doing it."

"I am? It still hurts though," he replied, proud of himself for succeeding, but still not sure he was enjoying it.

"Just take deep breaths, relax your ass and push out a bit. I'll add more lube and then I'll fuck you until I cum, then it'll be over. Just a couple minutes okay?"

"Okay," Blaine said reluctantly giving in to the situation. Colin leaned up and pulled back slightly so he could pour lube down Blaine's crack before pushing back inside and lying down again. He put his hands under Blaine's arms and wrapped them around the back of his head. He had learned this from Dylan and actually enjoyed it. He moved his cock in long deep thrusts getting faster and faster as Blaine whimpered and cried out with each penetration. Colin ignored it, and began pounding his newly devirginized friend. He made a point of pushing Blaine's head into the pillow to muffle the noise a bit and then felt his climax approaching.

"Here we go, buddy. I'm gonna cum!" He thrust harder a couple times and then collapsed as he shot off inside the tight hole. He could feel each throbbing spurt of cum as it jettisoned from him and he assumed it was because Blaine was clamped around his cock so firmly that it must be helping squeeze it out of him. As soon as he was done, he slowly pulled out and rolled off him so they could lie side by side looking at each other.

"So?" Colin asked.

Blaine lay there trying to get his breathing under control as he stared at Colin. "It really hurt, then I think my ass went kinda numb. It feels like my ass is stretched open really wide. Is it always like that?"

"Come back tomorrow and find out," Colin teased.

"I guess I am gay, huh?" Blaine said turning to look at Colin.

"Dude. Don't start that again. You got your cherry popped. Even a straight boy would cum after that. Just enjoy it for what it was; an incredible lay by the best cock you'll ever have, attached to the hottest guy in school who's known as a sex god around the world. No big deal, buddy," he bragged with a huge smile.

"Egotist much?" Blaine laughed gently.

"Umm, not to really brag, but you know you blew your load again while I was fucking you, right?" That's how many times today?"

They both looked down at Blaine's penis that had gone soft, but was showing clear signs of his climax.

"We're keeping this just between you and me, right."

"And the 4 million guys watching on Cam4," Colin teased.

"What?!" he said sitting up.

"I'm joking!"

"What normally happens after you have sex with Dylan?" Blaine asked quietly.

"I dunno. Sometimes we have a shower, other times we just lie like this and talk about straight boys we're gonna fuck, or fall asleep, or wait until we're horny again and go for round two, or we go out and do other things. It just depends what mood we're in. We could go several times before we're done."

"Wow. I guess I have a lot to process. I don't think being fucked is something I'd enjoy all the time as it really hurt, but at least I know about it now."

"That's exactly how I was. Then I couldn't wait to try it again. Eventually I just got used to it, and now I would fly across a room to jump on a hot cock. That's how sex is for guys, buddy. Once we're done, we're done, until next time we get horny. Thanks for letting me fuck you. We're kinda brothers now. We have each other's cum in us," Colin said smiling. "I wanted to talk to you about something if you're interested."

"Umm, sure. What?"

"Me and Dylan are starting this club that basically will be for horny guys like us to hang out together," he said generalizing. "We wondered if maybe you'd like to join." He went on to explain the idea of what they were thinking and by the time he was done Blaine was hard again, proving he was at least somewhat excited. Colin asked id he'd like to help with the first pledging tasks and told him what they had come up with.

"Not sure if I'd be able to do all that, but it kinda sounds fun. As long as I didn't have to all of them, I think it'd be fun."

Colin assured him that no fucking would be involved for the candidates first tasks.

"I actually think I'm exhausted," Blaine remarked as they lay there enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies as they talked.

"We're probably only gonna be able to go two or three more times then?" Colin teased.

"I really should go. I think I'm worn out and I can feel my ass leaking. Is that from your cum, or am I bleeding?"

"It'll be my cum, but let me check." He rolled Blaine face down on the bed and jumped between his legs flinging them apart. He pulled the ass cheeks open to see his cum oozing out. "Oh yeah. That's my cum alright. Here, I'll put it back for you," he said playfully, pushing his finger back in. Blaine just shot up the bed to get away as he felt the intrusion again and turned over to sit upright. Colin just grinned as he crawled up to get face to face with Blaine. "Did you really have fun?"

"Everything kinda happened so fast, but I don't think it was horrible or anything," he admitted.

"Oh good...I was going for not horrible," Colin joked.

"I should go," Blaine replied. "You're gonna keep this just between us, right?"

"I promise. You want a shower to clean up?"

"I can do that at home. Thanks, though."

"You should probably use the bathroom and drain my cum out. Last thing you'd want is for your underwear to get a big wet stain on it before you got home."

"Good point. Let me know about that club thing too. I'm sure I'll be able to handle it by the time you get it started," Blaine remarked as the boys separated and he headed to the bathroom. Colin smelled the bed where Blaine had been lying, positive he was inhaling left over pheromones which he assumed would make him horny again before morning arrived. Blaine returned and they got dressed before heading downstairs where Mark was waiting to take him home. Colin raced back up to the bedroom, desperately wanting to tell Dylan what happened, but opting instead to do the responsible thing and Skype him so they could do homework together.

Blaine was normal the next day at school, but the two boys didn't discuss what happened or how he was feeling about it. Colin headed to Dylan's house to plan their weekend.

What're you doing tomorrow night?" Dylan asked as Colin jumped on his bed to play a video game.

"No plans, why? You got ideas?"

"Yeah. Wanna go to a poker game and make a shit load of money?"

"I dunno how to play poker, but couldn't we lose lots of money too?"

"No. We're guaranteed to make at least 500 bucks, but probably more. The only thing is its an all-night party, so we'd have to sleepover and be back by noon on Sunday."

"No problem. I'll just tell George that you and me are camping out overnight. He'll be fine with it as long as I have my cell phone. Your parent's okay?"

"Yeah, I told them I'm staying at your place. Hope that's cool."

"Fine by me, although I'd rather go on an overnight campout," Colin said grinning as he kissed his boyfriend before lying on top of him to play the video games and made arrangements to hang out with the guys after dinner.

The next night, Dylan and Colin made their way to the poker game and arrived at the house, ringing the bell.

"Uh, hi Coach," Colin said with shock as the door opened. He quickly turned to stare at Dylan.

"Surprise?" He grinned weakly.

"I'm guessing by the look on your face Dylan didn't tell you this was my poker night?"

"No, he seems to have forgotten that part, coach."

"Call me Stan tonight," the coach said letting the boys in. "So other than forgetting to mention me, did Dylan tell you what the plan was for tonight?"

"Poker?" Colin said now unsure.

"Mostly. Dylan volunteered both of you to be the help for tonight. Pouring drinks, lighting cigars, bringing food and cleaning things up. If you want to play a few hands towards the end of the night we'll let you join in as well. You'll each get 500 dollars for the evening."

Dylan grinned from ear to ear. "500 bucks, dude!"

Colin was almost relieved that he wouldn't have to make a fool of himself by trying to play poker in front of everyone, but also suspected, knowing Dylan, that they weren't making 500 bucks for just pouring drinks and cleaning up.

"Let me show you where the game will be." He took them downstairs to what looked like a man cave but with good size windows up high to let in plenty of light. It had a large round table in the middle, set up for the poker game as well as a couch and a couple oversized chairs. A big screen TV was on one wall with a dart board and a large bar were at the other end. He also pointed out the full bathroom. "You'll be down here for the night making sure the guys have a great evening of poker and entertainment. We have about an hour to get things set up before the guys arrive. Hey, while I've got both of you here, I got a few sample swim suits in as the ones we have are getting a bit dated and, I thought a new look might be in order. I'd like the two of you to give me your opinions. We want to look sharp and impress everyone out there when we kick the asses of the other teams."

"Hell yeah we do!" Colin grinned as the coach went behind the bar and brought out a small box and put it on the table and opened it. He handed one suit to Dylan and one to Colin.

"These stretch a lot more than the old ones and hug your frames better. I'd like you to try them on so and see how they feel for fit and comfort."

"Where should we change coach?" Colin asked, looking around to see if there was a bathroom nearby.

"Change here," he replied bluntly. The boys dropped their pants and pulled on the new swim suit they'd been given. Colin did his best to keep his back to the coach, while Dylan had no trouble letting the coach see him.

Once the boys had them on, he looked them over. "So, how do those feel?" The coach asked standing back to look at the guys.

"They're smaller than the other one's coach," Colin said quickly. "I'm not sure they'd be the right style for how active we'd be. Mine kinda pinches at the sides a bit."

"Let's take a look. Pull off your shirt and let's see the overall look," the coach said as he stepped in front of Colin and helped push his shirt off over his head. Dylan quickly followed along. He ran his finger into the waistband of the suit. "They need to fit snuggly, but it may just feel like they're pinching due to the narrower amount of material at the side. Let's just adjust things a bit," he said as he reached inside without warning and tucked Colin's penis down between his balls to change the look of the bulge. "That any better?"

"I don't think that's as comfortable coach," Colin gulped as he felt the coach's body heat right in front of him.

"It might take some getting used to. What about you Dylan?" How do yours feel. Yours are a slightly different cut. Lower on the hips and a more stretchable material."

"I dunno coach. One wrong move and things could slip out pretty fast. They're pretty small at the sides."

The coach moved over behind him and pulled the bottom of the suit down over his ass cheeks a little more. "Yeah, not a lot of extra room in these. These might be better for the diving team. Not everyone is as well endowed as you, Rogers," the coach grinned as he reached around and slid his hand inside the top of the speedo to adjust Dylan's package while taking a firm grip of his balls. Dylan almost moaned at the big hand around his junk. His penis was adjusted up and to the side so it lay along the small fabric of the swim suit. As the coach came back around, he ran his hands around Dylan's body and patted his abs.

"Yeah, those don't give a lot of room for anything. Could be a problem. I have a couple other styles that may be better." He grabbed the sides of Dylan's speedo and pulled it down and bent over to lift each leg out before he threw it on the desk. He did the same to Colin, leaving both boys completely naked in front of him. "We should have you boys go out like that. That would intimidate the other team, especially with the big nuts on both of you."

"Or get us arrested," Colin said with a slight grin as he looked at Dylan who was fluffing his package blatantly in front of the coach.

"True," the coach laughed. "But I'll bet attendance at games would improve."

The coach gave them both different styles of suit and they pulled them on. Colin nodded. "Yeah, these feel better at the sides coach, but it feels like they wouldn't stay over my ass that well. I kinda feel like I have a wedgie already."

"Mine fit great, coach. I like this style," Dylan said looking at his.

Colin looked and nodded. "Yeah, of the four. Those look the best. I think the team would like those."

The coach went and put his hand inside Dylan's speedo and made some adjustments when gently stroking the boy's cock and balls. He nodded his head. "Yeah, I think that gives room for expansion, even for someone with a package as big as yours."

Dylan now had a strong erection showing along the side of his suit.

"Good thing we don't all get boners while we play," Colin laughed. "It's kinda visible don'tcha think?"

"If it can handle all of that and keep it in place, I think we have our new suits, boys," he said as he pulled the waistband out, letting Dylan's cock spring free as he lowered the Speedo and removed it before tossing it on the table. "It always impresses me when I see that big dick of yours. Christ, if that thing keeps growing along with the rest of you, it's gonna need a holster. Makes me almost jealous when I see it," the coach said as he pulled off his shirt and dropped his cargo shorts, leaving himself as naked as Dylan. He put his hands on Dylan's shoulder, and applied pressure so that the boy dropped to his knees. Colin watch, almost in disbelief, as the coach grabbed Dylan's jaw and pressed at the sides to have him open his mouth. It didn't look like Dylan was putting up too much resistance as the coach lifted his cock and shoved it in the open hole. Dylan allowed the coach to pull his head forward so that he was fully buried to the base.

"You're a lucky guy, Worthington. Your boyfriend here sure knows what he's doing. I'll bet the two of you have a lot of fun together, don't you?" He asked as he reached over and grabbed Colin's wrist and pulled him up beside him before letting go and placing his arm around Colin's waist, rubbing his ass over the top of the speedo he was still wearing.

"Yeah, we do lots of stuff, coach," Colin said slightly nervous as his ass was being squeezed and felt up while he was up against the bigger, much more hairy man. He couldn't help but watch his boyfriend sucking on the coach's cock, getting him nice and hard. He felt the large hand move into the top of his swim suit and feel his ass, rubbing gently at the sensitive entrance a couple times.

"I'll bet you do. How often are you two having sex? Once a week, once a day?"

"On a slow day, maybe once," Dylan chuckled taking a break from sucking the coach's cock as he stroked it.

"Nice. Enjoy it while you're young boys. The older you get, the less frequent it becomes. "Are you both swapping roles, or does one of you prefer one thing over the other?"

"We switch it up, coach," Dylan said as he replied again. "Makes it more fun that way."

"You have any of your other friends join in with you, or are the two of you pretty much exclusive?"

"No, we have friends join. Well, sometimes. Most of them are straight, so they don't do much except enjoy a blowjob now and then," Dylan explained.

"Are you able to swallow that big cock of your boyfriend, Worthington?"

"I'm working on it, coach," Colin admitted, feeling slightly nervous as he was held.

"I'll bet. How about anal? Are you both doing that as well?"

"We're still getting the hang of it, but we do it," Colin replied. "Dylan is better at it than me, though."

"But I'll bet you love how it feels inside you don't you?" He asked as he gripped Colin's ass tighter as he squeezed the globes.

"Sometimes it's good. Other times it hurts. That's why we're taking it easy."

"I can see why the two of you are boyfriends. You are both hot looking guys, and you work well together. Nice packages on both of you. Dylan, why don't you come over and help your boyfriend out for a bit?"

Dylan inched over on his knees and pulled the front of Colin's speedo down to release his cock. He quickly took it in his mouth. The coach watched before applying pressure inside the back of the swim suit to push it down to the ankles. He lifted each one of Colin's legs up so he could take them away. He stood up beside him again and pulled Colin's head down slightly.

"Go ahead and suck on my tits while your boyfriend is servicing your cock for you," the coach said as he manhandled Colin's head against his trimmed, but hairy chest. Colin put his mouth over the man's nipple and began to suck on it and lick, like he had done so many times with Dylan. He noted how different it felt when the guy was hairy as opposed to smooth. He preferred smooth for sure. He felt the coach's hands run down his back and a finger firmly go into his ass crack and push against the entrance to his tight hole.

"Damn, that's a great little hole," the coach moaned as he applied pressure to Colin's head and moved him in tighter against his chest. He let the boy suck on his tit for a little while before changing him over to the other side. "Dylan, don't make him cum yet. You boys should hold onto your loads for later. Just edge him for now."

Dylan gave the coach a thumbs up as he sucked his boyfriend's hard cock while playing with the coach's erection in his hand.

"Rogers, stand up and sit on the edge of the table," he told him as he moved away from Colin to help Dylan to his feet and ease him onto the table. He turned Colin to face his boyfriend. "Let's see you return the favour and work that massive pole of his," he suggested as he put his hand on Colin's head and pushed him down to it. He watched as the big erection disappeared into Colin's mouth, and he moaned in appreciation at seeing it happen. "Fuck that's hot. You two must get nothing else done when you're alone."

"Pretty much," Dylan grinned as he used on hand to rub Colin's back in encouragement. He grinned as he watched the coach drop to his knees behind his boyfriend.

"Mhmmmm," the coach moaned as he parted Colin's ass and quickly buried his face into it. "Oh damn! I could eat this sweet hole all night," he said between licking and poking his tongue deep into the teen. "Open your legs a bit," the coach said as he tapped his calf to indicate what he wanted. Colin complied and no sooner were his legs apart than the coach reached between them and took hold of the boy's balls. "Fuck these are nice. Big tight balls loaded for action. I can't wait to see those blast their full load." He licked down the back of them before returning his tongue into the tiny hole. He let go of the balls after a bit and pressed on each ass cheek to spread the boy wide and really get his face in as deep as he could.

The coach paused for a minute and stood up to grab a bottle of lube from behind the bar before returning to his knees behind Colin. He fingered some lube at the entrance and slowly pushed his finger in as he resumed holding Colin's balls and feeling up his hard cock. "Such a tight hole. It's like you're a virgin with something that small," Stan gushed as he felt the grip on his finger as he moved in to touch Colin's prostate and feel around inside the boy. Colin just closed his eyes trying not to think about it being the coach back there as he slowly sucked on Dylan's cock and played with his balls, while enjoying the hands of his boyfriend rubbing his back.

The coach stood up and lay his cock along Colin's crack as he moved his hands around to feel the teens chest and tweak his nipples. Colin grunted slightly as each one was pinched and pulled on. He kept his eyes closed as he heard the coach open the bottle of lube again and felt the cold liquid running down his crack.

"Arch your back down. I want a nice line on you for maximum penetration," the coach instructed as he put his hand on Colin's lower back and pushed. "That's the way. Now just stick your ass out a bit. That's the best angle to be in when someone is going to enter you. I've wanted to get into this tight little ass from the first day I saw you," Stan said as he lubed his cock and rubbed it up and down Colin's crack before pressing it against the tight pink pucker. Dylan watched closely as the coach began to enter his boyfriend, moaning and commenting about how perfect the hole was with each inch. Colin knew how to accept a cock so he just focused on relaxing and letting it happen. He wouldn't have any problem with the coach's average size 6 or 6½ inch penis, but he still would have preferred that the guy fucking him was someone his own age. As soon as the coach was all the way in stopped.

"Now this is an ass they write erotic stories about. Absolutely worth the wait! Not to take anything away from your perfect little bum, Dylan," he grinned looking at the other teen still having his cock serviced. The coach wiggled back and forth a bit to ensure he was fully buried inside Colin, moaning appreciatively as he grabbed both hips. "Let's see how you handle a good fuck." The coach pulled back until he could feel the tip of his penis right at the sphincter and then slammed back inside, pushing Colin forward, causing him to have to hold on to Dylan so he wouldn't be moved around too much. The coach began fucking him with long powerful thrusts, occasionally reaching around to see if Colin was still hard and to keep him that way. "I don't want you to cum yet. Save that for later," he warned.

Colin had stopped sucking Dylan's cock, lay his head on his boyfriend's thigh, and held the hard cock as he got fucked hard.

"Oh shit! This is too perfect. I'm gonna cum. Shit! Oh fuck!" He picked up the speed, slamming hard inside Colin and held himself there as he pumped wave after wave of hot jizz into the teenager. He collapsed his head onto Colin's back and kissed him a few times as his climax subsided. "Shit, that was incredible. That beautiful little ass was made for fucking. I'm almost envious knowing the two of you are doing this all the time with each other."

He pulled out and pulled Colin's ass cheeks apart to watch his cum run out. He almost got hard again.

"Alright boys, before the guys get here, both of you go upstairs and get cleaned up in the main bathroom. Shave nice and smooth. Not just crotch and ass, but let's do the pits and legs as well. There's a lube injector on the counter, so use that to get yourselves coated up nicely. Then jump in the shower. Take your clothes up with you and leave them in the bedroom. Once you're done, come back down here and I'll give you the plan for tonight."

Colin was about to say something but Dylan grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bathroom.

"I think you left a few details out about tonight," Colin said staring at Dylan with a frown. "You pimped us out? I already told you I don't like older guys like this."

"Sorry. I know, but it's 500 bucks EACH. Think what we can do with that money. I wanted you to come with me so I felt safer. Please!" He begged.

"Dude, I really don't want to do this." He picked up the tube of lube that looked like a thick syringe without a needle on the end. "You know they're all gonna fuck us, right?"

Dylan almost smiled, but held his face neutral. "I thought you liked sex? This could be a wicked night, plus we get paid big money to be party hosts."

"I love sex with you, or guys around our own age, not with old guys that are gonna smell like cigars."

"Coach is cool. He asked me if I wanted to do this the last time I was in his office. Please stay here with me and I'll do anything for you, just name it!"

"Oh, you're gonna owe me big time. Fine, I'll stay, but only because I'm such an amazing boyfriend."

Dylan grinned and leaned in to kiss Colin. "Thank you! I promise I'll never ask you to get into anything like this again."

"Why don't I believe you?" He said with a small smile. The boys shaved each other completely smooth including legs and pits like the coach had instructed. They pushed lube deep into each other's ass before jumping in the shower to wash each other. The more they rubbed their hands over each other, they hornier they got and it wasn't long before they were holding each other's erections as they kissed.

"Maybe we shouldn't cum if we're gonna have to have a lot of sex tonight," Dylan reasoned. They reluctantly got out of the shower and dried off, taking their clothes to the bedroom and dropping them onto a chair. "You ready?"

"No, but that's probably not gonna stop you from making me do this," Colin said as he looked at Dylan as if something might suddenly happen to bring this to a stop. The boys wandered back downstairs to find the coach, back in his clothes, waiting by the bar.

"You clean up nice." He wandered over and led them to the couch where he bent each one over and dropped to his knees to check that they were completely smooth. "Great job on the legs. You've really got a talent for shaving, Dylan." The coach ran his hands up and pulled Colin's ass cheeks apart and pushed a finger into his hole. "Good. You used lots of lube."

"Uhhh, coach, are we gonna get fucked tonight? It's not really my thing," Colin announced.

"I'm good with it, coach!" Dylan said quickly, looking back to smile at him.

"Oh, I know YOU'RE good with it, Rogers. To answer your question, you'll definitely be getting fucked. The guys will enjoy both of you, and with asses that great, you'll get some good tips."

"Penis tips, or money tips?" Dylan joked.

"Funny! Both, I'm sure."

"Such beautiful boys," the coach said as he stood up and rubbed the boy's backs. "I almost don't want to share you. You're gonna make this a very special night. Alright let's go over to the bar and I'll show you where things are for the drinks, and then explain how the night will go."

He took them behind the bar and showed them all the liquor, and how to pour the right amount into a glass. He instructed them how to cut the end of a cigar and to use matches instead of a lighter. Both boys turned up their noses at the smell of it once it was lit, but paid attention. Coach smiled at their reaction, and pointed out that there was a good ventilation system in the basement to suck out the smoke, which would ease the smell somewhat.

"When the guys arrive, welcome them, introduce yourselves and bring them down here where they'll take their seat around the table. When one of the guys wants you, he'll call you over and let you know what he needs from you."

"Are there any rules about what they can ask us for, coach?" Dylan asked.

"Yes. Apart from things like drinks, food and cigars, they'll be interested in your bodies as well. They can't ask you to do anything extreme, but the basic sex you're used to with each other can, and will, be part of it. Feel free to say no to anything more than basic sex requests, which..." he said looking at Colin. "includes being fucked. But if you're looking for big tips, you might want to try more kinky things." While the guys are primarily here to play poker, they may sit out a hand or two which is where they'll no doubt want to entertain themselves with you. They all know that they can't take you off this floor. If one of the guys wants to use you in the bathroom the door stays open. Pictures and video are not permitted. At some point during the night, I'll send you boys off to get cleaned up and when you return, you'll put on a show together for the guys. Start with kissing, then move to 69ing and then fuck each other. That will get the guys incredible horny for you and they'll probably throw money at you for what they want to see you do. Any tips the guys give you will be in the form of poker chips, which you can cash in once the night is over. Towards the end of the night, one or more of the guys will begin to leave and you are welcome to use your poker chips to join in the game if you wish, but wins and losses are on you."

"I'd probably keep my money, coach. Is that okay?" Dylan said speaking up.

"Of course. It's your money. I'm only letting you know that you're welcome to join once there are open chairs, but it's not mandatory. I'll turn your chips into cash when the night is done. Once all the guys leave, you'll clean up and then the three of us will take a shower and go to bed for some well-deserved sleep."

The doorbell went.

"Alright, you're up! Go welcome our guests," he said pointing to the stairs. The guys raced up to answer the door. Two men were waiting and as they entered Colin and Dylan introduced themselves and led the men down to the poker room. They barely had a chance to get them there when the bell went again, so they pivoted around and ran back upstairs. In total there were five guests, plus the coach for the game. The boys asked what they'd like to drink and went about pouring it as the coach had shown them. Dylan loved the fact that as the men took the drink, they patted his ass as a thank you. Colin found the opposite to be true and disliked it.

"You've outdone yourself with the boys this month, Stan. Where do you find ones this cute?"

"Let's just say I have a pool of them to choose from, and they love to help out," Stan replied with a grin.

"How big are they?"

"Dylan, the one with brown hair. He's a thick 8 inches and the other, Colin, with the blond hair, he's a respectable 7½. Too much cock for any of you boys," the coach said almost challenging them.

"Are they virgins?"

"No, but trust me they are tighter than anything you've stuck your cock in in a while. You'll have plenty of time to try them out as the night goes on boys. Let's play some poker?"

The game got under way as Colin and Dylan lit the cigars of the guys that had them and stood by to watch the game. Them found that the guys seemed to have more hands than regular guys as they threw chips in for the bets, looked at their cards, smoked their cigars, and still had a hand to reach over and grope the boys several times. Colin stood back a little further than Dylan who was right into it and enjoyed being between two men who felt him up from either side. Despite the strong ventilation, the room quickly smelled of smoke and Colin's eyes were burning as he wasn't used to it. On more than one occasion as he replenished drinks, his cock was held and even sucked, which he paused and politely waited until they were done before he moved on.

"Check this out!" One guy said laughing. "I have a new cigar holder." The guys applauded him as he had Dylan bent over with the cigar shoved in his ass, smoke coming from the tip.

"Come on Keith, stop blowing smoke up his ass and ante up!" One guy joked, as the rest laughed again. Keith took the cigar out of Dylan took a puff on it and literally blew smoke up his ass.

"Colin, drag that chair over here and put it beside me," one of the men said to him during a hand. Colin did as he was told, and the man pulled the chair right up against his. "Great, now stand up on there and face me."

Colin stood on the chair suddenly feeling like the center of attention for the entire room.

"You boys may like those stogies, but there's nothing better than smoking this," he grinned as he stood up and took Colin's cock into his mouth as he fondled the boy's balls. With nerves at full strength, it took a minute for Colin to get hard, but once he did, the men noted their appreciation by vocalizing it. The man behind Colin had the view of his ass, so he reached up and slipped his thumb into Colin's hole.

"Damn! That's nice," he said as he fished his cock out of his pants and began stroking himself as he thumb fucked him. "I'm gonna look forward to that later," he said as he let go of his cock to throw in some chips to call for the hand he was playing.

As soon as the hand was over, one of the guys slid back. "Deal me out this round," he said as he stood up and went to the bathroom. When he returned, he took a hold of Dylan's hand and led him over to one of the large chairs. He flopped into it and spread his legs.

"Go ahead and give me a nice blowjob. Let's see how good those lips are."

Dylan grinned widely and dropped to his knees to take the man into his mouth. He sucked him nonstop as the man moaned and ran his hands through Dylan's hair appreciatively. After a few minutes of it, he stood up and pushed Dylan forward lifting his ass up as he got behind him and rubbed his hole before wetting his finger and slipping it in. He looked back and snapped his fingers. "Colin, grab me some lube."

Colin quickly ran behind the bar where he'd seen the bottle of lube and took it over to the man behind his boyfriend. He watched as he coated his cock and entered Dylan as if he were stuffing a turkey. He lasted only seconds before he grunted and came inside him.

"Shit! His ass was way to perfect. I shot my load!" He complained.

"A little premature ejaculation?" One of the other guys taunted.

"No, more like a case of severe blue balls. The old lady hasn't been putting out lately, so I guess I needed that," he answered in defense as he pulled out and stood up to head to the bathroom. He returned to the game, with Dylan heading to the bathroom to dump the cum out and wipe himself of lube. Colin meanwhile had been put under the table and told to remove the pants of all the guys, and that his job for the next little while was to suck whoever won each hand and keep sucking until the next winner. He went from guy to guy for at least the next half hour. He noted that not one of these older guys shaved themselves smooth, although he did note that half at least trimmed. He made his own game under the table by calling each guy by how their cock looked. There was freckle man, who had a freckle on the left side of his dick. Right curve man. Dual height ball man, with balls that each hung at a different height. He giggled to himself as he named one guy Santa in his mind, as the guy had a large sac. Then there was stubby and drippy. A few of the guys reached under the table to hold his head while he was sucking them off, occasionally getting a bit forceful and almost choking him. A couple instructed him to work their nuts too, and he had a clear understanding of how cats got fur balls in their throats as he was sure he was getting one. He was relieved when they took a break so he could get out from under the table. He went and got some water and stretched his legs while Dylan fed his cock to another couple guys.

"I need another drink," one of the men announced holding up his glass. Colin ran off to get it. While he was behind the bar, a player came up behind him and pressed himself up against Colin and began running his hands over his chest and down to his cock. "Boy, you've got one sweet body," he complimented.

"Thanks," Colin said as he tried to ignore him and make the requested drink. The man lifted his cock and slid it firmly into Colin's ass to begin fucking him. There was no choice by to wait and let him finish. "I should take you home and introduce you to my wife. Show her what a tight pussy looks like. Fuck you're good. Are you completely gay?"

Colin wasn't sure how to answer this one to avoid encouraging him, but he figured simpler was better. "Yes sir."

"That's too bad. I'd love to give you to my daughter. She's in need of a decent good-looking guy. Of course, I'd enjoy having you around as well," he laughed, almost evilly. "I guess I'll have to wait until my son is old enough to fuck. Maybe I'll give him to you. I'm sure the boy is going to be queer when he grows up."

"How old is he?" Colin asked not sure if small talk was appropriate while being fucked.

"10. A couple more years, and the balls will drop and he'll be ready to take some cock up that little ass of his. I have a feeling he'll be popular. He already has lots of friends, so no doubt they'll all want a piece of him."

Colin wondered how a father could pimp out his son, but he kept quiet to let the man finish, which he did, and pulled out.

"Mmmmm. That was the best pussy I've had in a while. Thanks."

"Sure," Colin said with a little smile as he excused himself and walked the drink he'd made back over to the guy at the table. The game paused for a bit, and Colin hoped that it meant they were also getting a break, but it only meant that it was time for the live sex show between himself and Dylan. They ran to quickly clean up and upon returning to the room were placed on the carpet as the men put chairs in a circle around them and removed any remaining clothing they were wearing. As the boys lay together and began to kiss and make out, the guys made comments and tried to direct them as to what they wanted to see. By the time they switched to a 69 position, every one of the men was hard and calling out more things they wanted, from sit on his face, to pull his ass cheeks apart, to switch positions. On more than one occasion, a man would lean over and rub the boys' ass or balls to feel how smooth he was. When the two teens got to fucking, they were told every position imaginable so the men could watch as the cocks impaled their partners. Once the two were done and blown their loads so that everyone could see, Dylan and Colin were told to kneel side by side on the couch and kiss while the men took turns fucking them. None of them lasted long as the show had driven them to the edge of a climax repeatedly, and getting inside the performers was just the icing on the cake to send them over the edge. Load after load was deposited in whichever boy they liked and chips were dropped beside them as a tip for the enjoyment. Once it was over, the men went to clean up, leaving Dylan and Colin exhausted as they picked up the chips left on the couch and tried to hold the cum inside their asses so it wouldn't leak all over the place. They quickly ran upstairs to shower and freshen up.

"That was horrible," Colin said as he hugged Dylan under the spray of the warm water.

"I thought it was awesome. We made a shitload of money and every one of those guys shot their loads. We turned them all into raging horndogs. So hot!!" He gushed.

Once the game resumed, the boys refreshed the men's drinks and stood nearby in case they were needed. A couple men just held their arms around the boys' waists or patted their asses, but sex had diminished for the moment. A few guys sat out a hand here and there later on and made the best of it by cuddling one of the boys against them, playing with their bodies.

"Ron, are you coming back to the game? You've been fucking him for 10 minutes." Karl asked looking over at the couch where Dylan was on his back with his legs around the guy.

"This boy is too good to quit. He's unreal. Although this might be the best definition of `all in' that you could get tonight," the guy replied back as the others watched him on top of Dylan, fucking and kissing him hard. He pulled out and took Dylan by the hand to lead him back to the game. He sat down and picked up his cigar from the ashtray where he'd left it. He took a sip of his Scotch and threw in his chip for the next round. Dylan straddled his waist and sat back down on him to continue the ride. He took the man's cigar and took a puff before giving it back to him.

"Oh yeah! Fuck me Daddy. Fuck me harder," he cried out as he bounced up and down and leaned in to kiss the guy.

"Damn, looks like the twink is in love with you Ron," another of the guys laughed as they watched Dylan's antics. "You might have a regular replacement for the wife there."

"At least he puts out, unlike the wife," Ron laughed as he looked past Dylan to play cards. He held Dylan's hard cock as the boy bounced, and made love to him by kissing and leaning in to hold him tight. "Christ, this is to much, I'm gonna cum."

"Yeah, Daddy! Give me your cum. Breed my pussy," Dylan cried out as he bounced harder and kissed Ron as firmly as he could. Ron dropped his cards on the table and pounded into Dylan as hard as he could holding the boy against him almost in a bear hug. He grunted loudly and fired another load as Dylan slammed down hard on him. They slowed down and Dylan quickly got off Ron's lap and dropped to his knees to suck his cock, nuzzling into his balls.

"Holy fuck, I think I came just watching that," one of the guys remarked as the game paused for a moment as they stared at the live sex that had just taken place again.

Dylan cuddled up against Ron and put his head on his chest, as Ron put an arm around him. Dylan stayed like that as he gently played with Ron's balls and deflating penis, almost purring like a kitten. Ron handed his new sex buddy a stack of chips, which he placed on the floor beside him but never moved away.

"Damn you're adorable," Ron remarked. "I could keep you."

"I'd like that Daddy," Dylan said looking up and smiling.

"Christ, now Ron's in love!" One guy laughed as the game resumed.

"And you two are boyfriends?" One guy asked Colin as they looked over at Dylan.

"Yes, sir," Colin admitted as he stood next to one guy who was rubbing his ass.

"Shit, I'll bet you two never get out of bed," he exclaimed, as he leaned over and took a quick suck on his dick. Colin just remained silent.

The game ended just after 3am and the boys cleaned up everything. After they were done, Stan strolled behind the bar and put his hands on the boy's asses. "Great job tonight boys. I mean absolutely fucking terrific! The guys loved you. How about we get you freshened up and have some sleep." He took them upstairs into the main bathroom. "Do you know how to use one of these?" He asked holding up a bulbous container with a long plastic tube.

"Sure coach. It's for enemas," Colin replied exhausted. Dylan nodded as well.

"Good. Colin why don't you go first. Never a good idea to fall asleep with an ass full of cum. I suggest you do it three times just to make sure you get everything rinsed properly. Then jump in the shower. We'll give you some privacy to do that. Come out to the living room when you're done." The coach took Dylan by the hand to the living room where he pulled him onto his lap as they sat on the couch.

"You boys were fantastic! Above and beyond tonight. They're all looking forward to having you back again. You were a non-stop sex maniac," he said as he pulled Dylan in for a kiss.

"Thanks Coach. I love sex like that. It isn't something Colin likes though. I don't think he'll want to come back, but I'd be available."

"Well, Worthington is just as amazing. You've both got amazing bodies that should never be covered in clothes. I can appreciate he may not like doing this many guys at once, but be sure to let him know that I'm gonna want to fuck him again. He's just incredible." He pulled Dylan in for another kiss and as his cock rose, he slipped it into Dylan's ass. "I love how you just accept a cock so easily, and get so turned on by it. A lot of the boys that come to the party are straight, so they're only in it for the money. We find they wear out before the night is over and they just don't have the skills you do. Here we are ready for bed and you're still going. You're one of a kind, Rogers. I'd love to take you as my boy and use this body every day."

"Ohhhh, I'd love that Daddy. I love your body too and we could hang out naked and you could fuck my little boy pussy, and I could suck you whenever you wanted and kiss and everything," Dylan gushed.

Stan smiled and put his hand around Dylan's back and began leaning him backward as they slipped off the couch together so the Coach could get on top of the boy and fuck him harder. "Just make sure to keep calling me coach at school. Wouldn't be a good idea to call me Daddy." Dylan just grinned as the coach pounded him hard and fused their faces so tight together that they never heard Colin return.

"Okay, I'm finished Coach," Colin said bluntly. "Your turn Dylan." The guys sat up and Stan's cock slipped out of Dylan's ass.

Colin handed the enema to his boyfriend and watched him head to the bathroom.

"He's one of a kind," the coach said in lust for the boy as he sat back on the couch.

"Thank god for that," Colin grinned as he sat down as well.

"I told Dylan that the guys thought the two of you were the best we'd had over. I let him know that you can come over anytime you want, but he said you didn't like this sort of thing."

"No, I prefer guys my own age Coach. No offense or anything. I just don't enjoy things like this. It's more Dylan's thing. I just came with him to keep him company."

"Well, you're an amazing boyfriend, and with a body like yours he's very lucky to have you. I'm sure Dylan appreciated you being here, and I know I certainly did. You're probably exhausted right now. I am, but after a good sleep, I'm sure we'll both be nice and horny again."

"I dunno, Coach. That was a lot of work tonight. I think my body is gonna need a week to recover."

"I doubt that. At your age, your ass will probably be ready to go again in a few hours, and I'm looking forward to that. I mentioned to Dylan that I want to be able to fuck you again, but perhaps if the group thing isn't for you, we can arrange a few one on one sessions. I'm definitely gonna want that pussy again."

Colin didn't respond and was thankful when Dylan returned a few minutes later, and the coach showed them to the bedroom. "Go ahead and get comfortable boys. I'm just gonna grab a shower and I'll be right in and we can get some well-earned sleep."

The two of them scrambled under the covers and the coach headed for the bathroom.

"I don't think I've ever been this tired," Colin admitted. "I'm just glad it's over."

"We made some huge money though," Dylan grinned. "Coach said we can come back anytime."

"Count me out. Once was way more than enough for me."

"That sucks. It was so hot watching you have sex with everyone. I loved it when you and me made out and they were all watching. That was sick! Coach said I could even come over and just hang out with him if I wanted."

Colin laughed quietly. "Is that code for you can come over every day so he can fuck you?"

"I hope so," Dylan grinned back. "He asked if I'd ever be interested in being a top once in a while, so that could be fun."

Colin grinned as he listened to how enthusiastic his boyfriend was. He lay his head on the pillow, ready for the longest sleep of his life. The coach returned and got into bed between the boys and snuggled them into him before they fell asleep.

Several hours later, the Coach awoke and looked at his angels on either side. He leaned in to kiss Dylan who smiled as their lips touched. Stan reached down and took hold of the boys' morning boner and stroked it gently. "Such a big beautiful strong cock. We'll put that to use in a minute," he whispered before kissing him again. He turned over and looked at Colin lying face down. He ran his hands down the boys' back and felt his firm ass cheeks. Colin stirred and turned his head to look sleepily at who was playing with him.

"Morning Coach," he said groggily as he remembered he was still there.

"Morning. Hope you slept well," he said kissing Colin's back as he reached across him to grab the lube off the night stand.

"Yeah, I was exhausted. I think I'll sleep another 8 hours when I get home," he admitted as he felt the cold lube being poured down his ass crack and the coach's finger rubbing it around his entrance.

"You certainly will have deserved it. Let's give you a proper morning wake-up though shall we. Spread your legs," the coach told him as he sat up and pulled Colin's legs open regardless. He got between them and put his hands on Colin's ass cheeks. "I could wake up to you two boys every morning," he said licking his lips as he rubbed Colin's ass before moving his hands to grip the boy's waist firmly. He aimed his erection at the hole and in one swift movement, entered Colin's ass and drilled the full length into him. "Unreal. A few hours sleep and it's like you've never been fucked before," the coach gushed as he used his full weight to hold Colin down as he fucked him hard and deep as they bounced on the bed. Dylan just turned on his side and watched the coach pound his boyfriend without stopping. He jerked off as he got turned on by it. Colin lay there unable to do much except take the morning fuck, feeling every inch of the coach's cock in him, with the big balls slapping against him. He was pretty sure he'd never been fucked that hard before, or held down with such strength. Dylan shuffled closer and leaned in to kiss Colin who turned his head to look at him. Dylan stopped in shock as he saw tears running down his boyfriend's face. He reached up and wiped them off as the coach continued.

"Ohhh, fuck this is a great ass. I'm gonna cum. You're so incredible. Oh yeah, here we go. Uggghhh!!" He exclaimed as he held tight and emptied his balls into Colin before collapsing on him, leaving his cock to pulsate the last bit of sperm into the boy as he lay there panting. "Perfect. Simply perfect. Okay, Dylan. You're up. Let's see you ride his ass with that massive pole of yours. I'll bet you two do this every morning, don't you?"

"I don't think I should, coach. I think he's had enough with that fuck you just gave him," Dylan replied.

"Don't be silly. His ass is still plenty tight for you. Come on, no need to be shy now," Stan said as he pulled Dylan on top of Colin, took hold of his long hard cock and slipped it into his boyfriend's ass. "See! Perfect. Makes me wish I were a teenager again. Dylan leaned down and whispered in Colin's ear. "You okay?"

Colin just gave him a small nod. Dylan was going to only fuck him for a couple seconds before pretending to cum, but once he got going, and the coach started touching him all over, he got into it and couldn't help but fuck faster and harder as he felt his ass being rimmed and his balls being played with. He fucked for several minutes before announcing he was cumming. The coach pulled him back quickly from Colin's ass, grabbed the 8 inch pole and jerked him off furiously, aiming the shot at Colin's entrance.

Dylan blasted his morning load all over his boyfriend's rosebud before letting the coach push him back inside to finish off.

"That's how we should wake up every morning!" The coach exclaimed. They got up and had a quick shower before having some breakfast while remaining naked. Colin couldn't believe it when he saw the coach take a mouthful of Cheerios from his bowl and then lean in to kiss Dylan and share them with him. Dylan quickly got hard from it, encouraging the Coach to stroke him as they kissed and shared cereal. Finally, the boys got dressed and the coach turned their poker chips into cash and added the 500 dollars to each as promised. "See you in gym class, Monday. Keep those asses lubed up. You never know when we'll find time for a quick one," he said as he kissed them both goodbye.

Once they had rounded the corner away from coach's house, they stopped for a second to catch their breath. "Holy shit! I made like 1200 bucks. That was the best night of my entire life. How'd you do?"

"About 800," Colin admitted. "Which makes sense as you did way more than me."

"I was trying to get them to focus on me as I knew you weren't enjoying it as much. You want some of my money to make it more even?" He offered.

"No. You earned it. I should give you some of mine as thanks for keeping the guys away from me as much as you did. Although that is probably the most amount of sex I'd ever want in a week, never mind one night, even with guys our own age."

Dylan pulled Colin in tight and held him for support as Colin broke down and cried. "Oh god, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you really hated it that much. I feel like a shit head! Please forgive me baby," he said gripping him tightly.

"Fags!" Some boy yelled as he walked by.

"What did you say?" Dylan snapped, letting go of Colin and turning around rapidly.

"I said you're fags! Go do that homo shit somewhere else."

"How about I do it at your house with your brother again," Dylan said walking toward him.

"What did you say to me you little queer?"

"I said...Fuck you breeder!" Dylan growled as he punched the guy full in the face, followed by a slug to the gut causing the older boy to go down onto his ass. Dylan jumped on him and began beating the shit out of him relentlessly. All the boy could do was protect himself from the vicious onslaught. Colin rushed to pull Dylan off and finally got him to stop. "Now you can tell all your friends that a fag beat the crap out of you, you homophobic piece of dog shit." He screamed, spitting on him before kicking him a couple times in the side, and then stomped on his groin. Colin pulled him away before he killed the guys, and they took off.

"What the fuck was that?" Colin asked looking at Dylan's bleeding knuckles.

"I've seen that asshole around before picking on smaller kids. Today I'd had enough of it. Maybe he'll think twice from now on."

"Or press charges for assault," Colin reasoned.

"I can say it was self defense. You can be my witness."

"You probably broke several bones, and he may never have kids after that nut crushing."

"Good. If I see him again, maybe I'll break the rest of his bones, and kick a field goal with his nuts. Guys like that shouldn't be allowed to breed anyway."

"Fuck, let's get you to Carter's place and get you cleaned up."

"Your place is closer," Dylan reasoned.

"Yeah and so are my parents. Carter will be more understanding."

He quickly texted his brother to ensure they could come over, and as soon as Carter saw Dylan's hands, he took him to the bathroom to check him out. Once he got the blood washed off, they put some ice on it and sat down on the couch as Dylan explained his fabricated version of the story which was that the guy attacked them first and he went at him in self defense. Carter was supportive and as Dylan began to fall asleep, he suggested they take him to the bedroom where he could rest. They gave him a bandage for his hand along with another ice pack and a couple Tylenol as he crawled into bed in his underwear. He fell asleep almost the second his head hit the pillow.

"Is that really what happened?" Carter asked as he took Colin back to the living room. Colin explained the story about playing poker all night, leaving out the fact they'd been providing sex to older men. He'd never lied to Carter before, and he never planned to, but he figured an omission was acceptable unless directly asked about it.

"I'm worried about him Carter. He's been getting into a lot of strange sex, like kinky aggressive stuff, and some of it kinda scares me. I mean the guy today was a total douche for sure, but Dylan's reaction was more than a little over the top. I thought he was gonna kill him."

"Have you talked to him about it? Maybe there's something going on at home, or perhaps he's changing to be something different than you are. Is it possible that this sex he's into is a way of coping with something?"

"I dunno. I just thought he was into weird sex stuff, but when he pummelled that guy it was scary as fuck. I almost didn't recognize him."

"When he's had some sleep. Talk to him. See if you can get to the bottom of it. I can be there if you want. I like Dylan, but I agree, he seems to like older guys more than guys your age. Even I can see that. Maybe you two have outgrown each other."

"I still love him," Colin said looking at his brother.

"And he probably still loves you, but it doesn't mean your compatible sexually, which is a big part of any relationship. We've always been able to talk openly, right?"

"Of course," Colin nodded. It was one great thing about Carter. He wasn't a parent, but being nine years older, he was the best role model Colin had, whose advice he trusted a thousand percent.

"When you have sex, is it gentle loving sex where you kiss and make out, maybe a little foreplay for a while before you fuck each other? And is the fucking slow and gentle, or pound the shit out of each other?"

Colin grinned and paused as he thought about their recent activities. "It started out kinda gentle and stuff, but lately it's been more active stuff. Like he loves being tied down and totally gets wild when I fuck him, plus he loves to try and deep throat me or shove his cock in me faster than before. We still kiss and hold hands though. I figured it was just `cause we are used to sex with each other now, so we were trying new stuff."

"Possibly. That's always a thing to keep it fresh and fun. But from experience, if it's always that, it's maybe that he's found something that he likes more and it's changing how he feels about sex, which may not be the same place you're at right now. I say that the two of you talk, see what's what."

"Thanks Carter. I guess I should go have a nap though. I'm still kinda tired myself. We were up late last night."

"From those bags under your eyes and how red they are it looks like you didn't get much sleep at all. If I were to guess without knowing you, I'd say you were stoned."

"Nah, just tired. Some guys thought it would be cool to smoke cigars while they played. So gross and burns the eyes. Thanks for letting us crash here, Carter." He gave his brother a hug before going to climb into bed next to Dylan who was sleeping soundly. He never even moved as Colin cuddled up to him and wrapped his arms around his chest.

They awoke a few hours later with Dylan looking around. "We're at Carter's?"

"Yeah. How's your hand?" Colin replied looking at him. Dylan pulled the bandage back and showed it was bruised.

"Damn, I fucked that guy up good huh? Guess he won't think of fags as little sissy boys now!"

"Guess he won't be eating solid food either."

"Yeah. Just for the record, it's not like the movies. That fucking hurt when I hit him in the face. I could have broken my hand."

"Not to mention his jaw, teeth and several other bones," Colin added. "Why'd you get so crazy on his ass?"

"He's a bully. Bullies need to be taught a lesson. Maybe he'll think twice now before picking on other kids."

"Fair enough. Can we talk for a bit?"

Dylan shrugged and the two of them spent the next hour just laying together talking. Dylan admitted that he did prefer older guys and found it hot to see how horny they got when they knew they were going to use him. He admitted that he loved their attention and the fact they knew more than boys their age. "I have something else to tell you. I wasn't saying anything yet because nothing is decided."

"What hasn't been decided?"

"My Dad has been offered a job in DC."

"DC? Like Washington?"

"No DC Comics. He's gonna be Batman," Dylan laughed lightening the mood slightly.

"I thought he promised you weren't gonna move anymore."

"That's what I told him, but he said this was a major promotion that would ensure we're set up for life."

"Do you think he'll take it?"

"He hasn't said anything officially yet, but the way he's talking, it sounds like he's gonna. He said nothing would happen until the end of the school year."

"What about us then?" Colin asked feeling his heart beating harder.

Dylan shrugged. "I don't wanna think about it, but we'd probably have to break up, or try a long-distance thing, but that would suck."

"I'd agree. Can I tell you something, since we're talking?" Dylan didn't reply so Colin kept going. "I was talking to Carter about last night. Don't worry though, I didn't tell him about the older men sex stuff, just about what happened and he thought maybe you and me had outgrown each other a bit."

"Like how?"

"Ummm...So you know how you and I are really different on who we like to have sex with? Well, I wondered if maybe we're not totally compatible anymore," he said staring at Dylan and pausing.

Dylan's grin disappeared as he stared at Colin. "Are we breaking up?" He asked intuitively.

"I don't know. Kinda. But be honest. What do you see as the future? Do you see yourself getting married and settling down with kids?"

"God no! Good thing we're gay so we don't have to worry about that, am I right?" Dylan said quickly.

"Well, that's another thing that makes us different. I might want to get married someday, and have kids. I think having a family would be awesome."

"So, you wanna have sex with one person for the rest of your life?"

"God no, but I'd want something more than having group sex with anyone with a penis. I'd want to settle down with someone who loved me and enjoyed the same things. If we did other guys, it would be guys we both liked. We'd share them together, but at the end of the day we'd have a family at home waiting."

"Yeah, I dunno if that'd be for me. If we breakup, what does this mean for our club? Are we not gonna do that anymore?"

"No, I still wanna do it. I want us to always be friends, but maybe free to explore relationships that are more in line with how we're changing. Does that make sense?"

"I guess," Dylan said sadly. "I fucked up, didn't I? I should never have made you go with me to the poker game. I'm sorry. Could we stay together until my Dad decides on this new job? I love you."

"I love you too, but ask yourself deep down, are we really compatible? You have fun being in groups of old guys who use you hard, sometimes pay you money and get into all sorts of super kinky things. They pass you around like a joint, and it freaks me out, but I know that you love it."

"I do love it!" Dylan said grinning. "But I'd stop if it made you happy. I promise."

"Is that fair though? I've thought about this for a while now and wasn't sure how to bring it up. I think this thing with your Dad gives us that opportunity to stay friends but also allow us to explore more of who we've become since we started dating. We've changed a lot. I mean I love sex with you, and I can't wait to hang out with you each day, but it doesn't make sense for me to ask you to change, and me not be willing to do the same. I tried those older guys and hated it. I guess when I'm old, maybe I'll feel different, but for now, I just wanna keep being a kid. Learning with other guys our age, having fun and hanging out. I don't want to go into the woods every week and be used as a penis holder for some hairy fat guys, and you really don't want an exclusive boyfriend either."

"This sounds like we're officially breaking up." Dylan said trying not to cry as he stared at Colin, but knowing deep down that he was right.

"How about we don't call it that. How about we look at it like we're downgrading our relationship?"


"Instead of actual boyfriends, we step back to something like friends with benefits."

"How would that be different?" Dylan asked as he listened.

"We'd be free to date other people and maybe eventually we'd find someone that is totally compatible. You wouldn't have to worry about me when you're off doing your thing with the older guys, and I wouldn't have to feel pressure that I should be joining you. Then if your Dad does take that new job, it might not hurt as much being apart, but we could still visit at times, and hang out on Skype and stuff."

"It makes sense, but I love having you as my boyfriend," he said moving in closer so they could intertwine bodies.

"Me too. You're my first ever boyfriend. Until I met you, I thought I was straight. I've tried so much while we've been together, and I know I'm gay, but I like different guys than you."

"Have you met someone else? Is that why you wanna break up?" Dylan asked trying to remain strong but could feel tears about to begin.

"No, no at all," Colin assured him. "I just think we should explore more options. Who knows, maybe we'll find ourselves gravitating back to each other again one day once we've tried other things, but for now I'd think we'd both end up happier if we were just friends with benefits."

"So, we'd still have sex?" Dylan confirmed as they snuggled tighter together.

"Of course," Colin grinned moving his hand to Dylan's ass to hold him.

"And we'd hang out and do things like surfing and hiking, snorkeling. All that stuff?"


"It doesn't sound much different than what we do now," Dylan reasoned.

"Not a lot. But we'd free ourselves up to explore other relationships. You might want to settle down with an older guy because you find him better than someone our own age, and with a boyfriend, it makes it hard for either of us to get involved with someone more seriously. It's like when married couples take a break from each other. They say they're separated. Sometimes they get back together, realizing that what they have is already what they wanted. Other times, they end up divorced because they realize it wasn't exactly right. We're doing it the gay way."

"Then I guess it's official? We're friends with benefits," Dylan acknowledged as the boys kissed feeling the emotion of their decision. They finished with the `benefits' part of their new friendship before jumping in the shower. They both felt a bit surreal at their decision, but so far nothing had really changed. They washed each other, kissed and played around again as they warm water took away some of the aches and pains. They strolled out naked to the kitchen where Carter was making coffee in his underwear. Well, he wasn't making coffee...IN his underwear, he was in his underwear while making coffee. Let's be clear about that.

"Dylan and I have some news," Colin said as the walked in holding hands.

Carter stopped and looked at them. "Good to see you awake finally. How's the hand, Dylan?"

"It feels better thanks. Just some bruising."

"Great. So, what's the news?"

"Dylan and I just broke up," Colin informed him.

"Ummm...okay?" Carter said suspiciously as he stared at the naked boys holding hands in his kitchen. "Are you sure you know what breaking up means? You don't usually see a lot of couples smiling, naked, and holding hands when they make an announcement like that."

"We're still friends, but we've just downgraded our relationship from boyfriends, to friends with benefits," Dylan clarified.

"You make it sound like the terrorism alert levels. We've just downgraded to threat level FWB," he joked.

"I'm starving," Colin said as the boys moved to grab things.

Dylan sat down beside Carter and looked up at him with a smile. " know what this means, Carter. I'm free for you to have sex with now."

"And it starts..." Colin grinned.

Carter leaned in to Dylan. "Well I guess that's true, but you're not my type."

"Baby, I'm everyone's type," Dylan said snapping his fingers off to one side. "You just go jump in your bed, get those shorts off, and I'll be right there. Once you get `Roger'd' you never want anything else."

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass," Carter said shaking his head. "Rogered?"

"My last name is Rogers," he grinned. "Your loss though. You know you already love my ass. Just one night of me inside you, and you'll want me all the time. I'll give you my number in case you need me one night."

"Oh, I have your number," he said sarcastically. "You're taking the break-up rather well for it having just happened."

"Well, it's not really gonna be that much different. Me and Colin are still gonna have sex and hang out together as friends, we just get to be more open about other guys we want sex with."

"MORE open? This should be interesting. From what I know of you, you haven't once filtered out who you wanted to hook up with."

"Yeah, I have. I've only had sex with you like three times. That's SO filtered, and that's because I was dating Colin."

"Three times? You mean twice?"

"No, three. You were almost passed out drunk once. So, I helped get you off. It still counts."

Carter looked at Colin, who just shrugged as he ate his breakfast, slightly amused that Dylan was openly hitting on Carter. It wasn't long before the guys were each heading home to settle into their new roles as friends and no longer boyfriends. Colin felt sadness, but relief at the same time. Dylan was taking it a little harder as he got into his room, closed the door and cried until he fell asleep. By the time he woke up, he had regained some of his emotional strength and got on with facing being single.

"Morning," Colin said as he greeted Dylan, Martin, Preston and his girlfriend Lauren, at the lockers before class.

"Morning buddy," Dylan replied as he got his books out trying not to make eye contact.

Preston was quick to pickup on it. "Wait, what's going on here? Are you two fighting?"

"No," Dylan said quietly. "We broke up yesterday."

"What? No way! Bullshit. You two can't stay away from each other for more than a minute."

"Did you know about this?" Preston asked Brooks as he approached. "These two broke up yesterday."

"Yes. Colin informed me yesterday after they'd made it official."

"This sucks. I mean I had trouble dealing with it at first, but now you're both my friends. Do we have to choose between you?" Martin asked leaning against his locker feeling like someone had just announced his puppy was going for surgery.

"No," Colin said smiling. "We're still gonna be friends. We're just not gonna be boyfriends."

"That's probably for the best," Lauren said interjecting herself in to the conversation. "This might be a good time to ask for forgiveness. Homosexuality is a sin."

"So is that poly/cotton blend blouse," Colin replied without hesitation as grabbed Dylan's hand so they could walk away before he got totally infuriated with her, as he couldn't stand hypocritical bible thumpers.

Brooks and Martin ran after them trying not to laugh out loud, leaving Preston with Lauren. "Can we get back to you two being broken up. Are we gonna have to put up with you two being bitchy every day because you're not getting laid?" Brooks asked bluntly.

"No, we'll still have sex with each other. We're still gay, duh!"

"I don't get it. How is this different then?" Martin asked.

"Nothing changes," Dylan replied still uncertain himself. "We're just not official boyfriends, so we can date other people. Anyone interested?" He asked looking at their straight friends.

Martin grinned and put his phone to his ear. "I'll be right there, Mom."

"It never rang," Colin grinned.

"Silent Mom ring. Only I can hear it."

"Sorry dude. Ladies only." Brooks grinned, as Dylan batted his eyes at him.

"I tried. Colin, you want a blowjob before the bell?"

"Sure, might as well." He said as they closed their lockers, held hands and headed in the direction of the boy's bathroom.

Martin looked at Brooks as they watched them leave. "How is this different?"

"Who knows. Gay guys are like girls. We'll never figure them out."

"So, do you want that blowjob, or were we just kidding?" Dylan asked Colin once they got out of sight of their friends.

"We don't really have time right now, but as soon as the lunch bell goes, meet right back here. Let's make sure we have lots of benefits with our friend relationship. I'm sure coach will love to hear that you're more available now."

After school the two guys met at the lockers to send the first text anonymously to all 10 names they'd received from the Q'. It read u have been tapped. can u `bare' 2 join a new club...cumming soon!'

More than half the guys responded with `who is this?' The guys ignored it and became giddy with excitement as they got their club underway. Colin headed home to quickly get something to eat as he had a water polo match that night, and needed to get back in an hour.

"Is it true?" Blaine asked running up to Colin as they arrived back at school. "You and Dylan broke up?"

"Yeah. Yesterday. How'd you hear about it?"

"I think everyone knows. You were the talk of the school today. Sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah fine. We're still gonna be friends with benefits. Just not boyfriends."

"Are you still doing that club thing you mentioned?"

"Yeah. We sent the first text out today to get things started."

"Yeah I got it. That's good. Won't it be weird though, doing a club like that with your ex?" Blaine asked suspiciously.

"I don't think so. We're still gonna be friends. We'll even keep having sex, but not as boyfriends."

"That doesn't sound broken up to me."

"It is. Trust me," Colin said smiling as they hit the locker room just as the diving team was finishing up from their practice. After they changed and headed out toward the pool, Colin saw Jeremy in the shower.

"I'll catch up in a second," Colin told the guys and made a quick detour. "Hey Jeremy. How was practice?" He asked taking the opportunity to check him out.

"Good. Finally not nervous diving from the 10 meter."

"Better you than me. That makes me nervous just looking up at it. Is that some of Dylan's shaving work?" He asked looking at the guys crotch.

"Yeah. I figured he does such a good job; I'd be stupid to try and do myself. I heard you guys broke up. Sorry."

"Word spreads fast. It's cool. We're still friends."

"You gonna keep letting him near you with a sharp razor?" Jeremy laughed.

"Yep, I gotta keep this smooth too," he smiled and lowered the front of his speedos enough to show that he also hadn't a single visible hair.

"That guy's got skills," Jeremy acknowledged. "The first time he shaved me it almost made me more nervous that than the 10-metre platform."

"Me too. We should hang out sometime. I should get going before they send a search team back to look for me. We have a game tonight."

"Good luck."

Colin raced out of the showers almost anxious to get into the cold water before his thoughts of Jeremy went places he didn't need while in a skimpy Speedo.

They easily beat their opponents and were celebrating loudly as they hit the showers. Colin saw Jeremy approaching, fully dressed.

"Great game! You guys slaughtered them," he said giving congratulations. "Hey Blaine!"

"Hey Jeremy. You stuck around to see us?"

"Yeah, I had a free night, so I figured I be there to cheer you on. Looks like it worked. You won!"

"You guys know each other?" Colin asked watching Blaine and Jeremy interact.

"We've got some classes together and have talked before."

"We'll have to return the favour and come cheer you on for a diving comp," Colin offered.

"Sounds good to me," he replied nodding.

"Worthington, can I see you in my office, please," the coach boomed from the doorway. Colin grabbed his towel, jumped back into his speedos, and headed to the office with the coach and waited until he closed and locked the door.

"What's up, coach?" He asked, watching as the coach removed his shirt.

"How do you think the team is doing so far?" Coach asked as he took the towel from around Colin's neck and used it to rub the boy's hair dry.

"We kicked ass tonight, Coach. We shoulda probably scored more though. I think we still need to work on anticipating where the others are gonna be once we get the ball."

"I thought so too. Good observation. We'll setup some drills for the team to focus on that. Who do you think are our strongest players?" He asked as he continued to dry Colin off, moving to his chest and back.

"Scott is our best goalkeeper. He's slightly better than Josh. Blaine is our best driver as he's a fast swimmer and the ball sticks to his hands like he's Spiderman or something. If I'm allowed to say it, I think I'm our best two-meter specialist, although Kent is pretty good at that too."

"Good. It looks like you've been paying attention," he said as he put his hands on either side of Colin's speedos and pulled them down until they fell to his ankles. He used one hand to lift up each foot until the speedos were no longer attached and he continued down Colin's body with the towel. "Who would you say needs additional practice sessions, or are the weakest players?"

"Awww, Coach. I don't really wanna call anyone out. I think with more practice; we'll all be solid."

"I agree," he replied as he ran the towel between Colin's legs and up his ass crack, before finishing on his crotch. "I'm not looking for you to get anyone into trouble, I just want to see if you have a good overall impression of the team."

"If I had to pick one guy, then I'd say Shawn could use more pool time to practice his endurance. He fades out fast than some of the other guys. Also, Barry isn't as strong a swimmer as some of the rest of us."

"What about your friend Martin? Where does he fit as a player?" The coach threw the towel on the chair beside him and grabbed a bottle of lotion and began rubbing it all over Colin's body, explaining that he should use something with Aloe Vera on his skin after each time in the pool to return the natural oils to the body that the chlorine takes out.

"Martin's not bad. He's a good defensive specialist but needs to work on his backstroke a bit and keeping further up out of the water at times."

"Good. You really are a leader. I called you in to discuss something. I've decided that I'd like to offer you the team captain position."

" Thanks coach. What does that entail?"

"You'd lead the team. Speak for them at events, help run drills, work on coming up with strategies with the team. Also, bonding is a big role of the team captain."

"So super glue everyone together? Get it? Bonding?" He joked as the coach rubbed the lotion all over his crotch and ass, which seemed to take longer than the rest of the body combined.

"That might be a little too much bonding," he grinned. "Activities together outside of the pool can help bond a team. Go for morning or evening runs together, workout in the gym. Even just a movie night where the team just gets to know each other better. On a personal note, I heard from Dylan that the two of you broke up. I'm sorry as I thought you two were good together."

"It's okay, coach. We're staying friends. Damn, word spreads fast around here."

"I learn a lot just listening to people talk. It shows a great maturity to be able to stay friends, and it's rare to see that. Will it be a problem for you both to be on the team together?" He asked he continued to rub the lotion in thoroughly.

"Nah, not at all. Nothing's really changed between us except we are now free to date other people if we want. He likes older guys and I like guys around my own age."

"I got that impression from our poker night. Dylan seemed to jump in for you a lot. I'm like that too. I prefer younger guys over older. The definition on your abs is stunning and your chest is perfect," he complimented as he ran his hands over him.

"Thanks coach. I'm sure Dylan will still love coming over for your poker night. He pretty much can't stop talking about how much fun he has when you guys get together."

"He tells you about that does he?" Coach grinned as he patted Colin's ass before bending him over the desk. He eased his legs apart so he could rub lotion deep into Colin's ass crack.

"He probably won't tell me as much now that we're broken up, but we don't really have secrets from each other. I think that's how friends should always be."

"I assume he's told you about his activities with other guys on the team as well?"

"I'll say," Colin replied shaking his head slowly as if he just couldn't believe it.

"Do the other guys know he tells you?"

"Nah. We keep stuff just between us, unless we played with someone together, of course."

"Of course. Well he's a pretty busy guy. Probably the most sexual boy I've ever met. Back to your captaincy. You should also have an assistant. What do you think about Jackson? He's a couple years younger so he'd be ideal to take over once you graduate." The coach poured plenty of lotion on his finger and slid it into Colin's ass to coat him thoroughly.

"Yeah, Jackson is cool. He'd make a great assistant," he replied trying not to show the discomfort of being finger probed.

"Good. I'll let him know tomorrow. Have you had any interactions with him outside of the team?"

"Interactions? Not really. I only know him from water polo. He's not in any of my classes or anything."

"Well, I recommend you spend some time together. Take him under your wing and teach him what you know. Get him ready to take over as captain one day. Be his mentor on and off the team." The coach pushed his finger as far into Colin as he could and rubbed the prostate firmly while fondling the tight ball sac as well. "Congratulations on making captain, Colin."

"Thanks coach," Colin replied as he lay bent over letting the coach probe his ass. He felt the finger pull out and hoped he could go, but when he glanced back and saw the coach pull down the front of his own shorts and remove his hard cock, he knew they weren't done yet and almost groaned to himself. He wondered what part of `I like guys my own age' was lost on him, but he kept quiet as the coached entered him. Fortunately, it never took very long with Coach and the fuck lasted only a few seconds before he pulled out, having emptied himself.

"Ummm, yeah. Should I get dressed now?" he asked standing up and looking down at his Speedos bunched up on the floor.

"Let's take care of that erection before you leave, shall we? Might be a bit embarrassing heading to the showers in that state," he said as he reached around and began jerking him off.

"I'm about to cum, coach," just moments into the handjob. They both watched as he shot wave after wave of hot white lava all over the top of the coach's desk.

"Damn! From the size of that load, it looks like you haven't cum in a week," the coach whistled impressed.

"No, only since last night," Colin acknowledged.

"Gotta love being a teenager. I think that'll help get you under control. Go hit the showers, Captain! And keep that ass nice and tight for me!"

Colin pulled his swim trunks back on, stuffing his deflating penis in the best he could. He grabbed his towel and went to shake the coach's hand to thank him for the promotion, but found himself in a tight hug instead. He raced out to the locker room to find everyone had left, so he was a bit thankful as he worked the cum out of himself with a quick shower before heading home to do a few hours doing homework.

It was a typical day of school the next day with a few more people questioning both Colin and Dylan about their break-up. There wasn't this much interest in a breakup since Brad and Jennifer, but high school has its drama amplified. Colin was glad when the final bell went so he could get out of there. He raced home to get an early start on his homework, stopping for a snack in the kitchen and to see his parents in the living room.

"How was school sweetheart?" His Mom asked as they sat around the table.

"You know. School was school. Lots of homework. The usual."

"Always such riveting details, son," Ethan said sarcastically as he looked at Colin. "How about the team?"

"We're doing well. Coach pushes us hard but I think it's worth it. He made me captain, so that's cool. We've won a few games and the guys are bonding pretty well," he replied adding some of the required details for his father.

"Good for you. You should come down to the studio with me this weekend. There're a lot of shoots going on and I'm sure some of them could use extras if you're interested. Bring Dylan along as well if you want."

"Dylan and I broke up, but I could ask him," he said casually.

"I'm sorry, honey. Are you okay?" Margaret asked as she looked at Colin concerned and then glanced at Ethan.

"Yeah, I'm fine. We decided on the weekend."

"Well, we'll miss him around here. I'd liked Dylan, although I wasn't quite sure he was right for you," Ethan remarked. "You know sometimes it takes dating a few people before you meet the one that is your soul mate."

"You'll still see Dylan, we're staying friends, and we're gonna keep having sex, at least until we get new boyfriends. We don't want to get rusty at it," he admitted.

Now it was Ethan's turn to look at Margaret. "You know Colin, it's not healthy to have sex with someone that you're not in a relationship with. I realize that I don't know everything about same sex issues, but I think that if you're gonna remain friends, you should put sex on the back burner or it could get confusing."

"Nah, we're cool. It's not like the olden days, Dad. Sex is just for fun. I mean we know everything about each other already, right?"

"Does he feel the same way?"

"Of course, but neither of us are looking for a new boyfriend just yet. I mean we just broke up, so if we need sex, at least we still have each other until we find someone. I like Blaine and Jeremy though, so who knows.

"Blaine? Is that boy on your water polo team that we met before, isn't he?"

"Yep. That's the one."

"He seemed like a nice boy. Is he gay?"

"God, Mom! Are you seriously trying to set me up with him right now? I just said I wasn't looking for a boyfriend."

"No, I just said he seemed like a nice boy. I would have had no idea if he was gay."

"I don't think he knows if he is or not. We've had sex a few times, but it might just have been horny. Dunno."

"I don't think we need that many details," Ethan warned.

"You gotta make up your mind, Dad. First you want riveting details, then you don't want riveting details, next you'll want riveting details. But you know how it is Dad, I'm an open book. You ask, I tell. Anyway, I thought you didn't want me to keep secrets."

"That really isn't a secret so much as it is a personal thing. We don't need to know every intimate detail of your life, just things in general or anytime you're in trouble, or you have something important going on that you'd like us to know about."

"Okay, that's cool. So, you don't need to know who I'm having sex with, just if I get a boyfriend? That kind of stuff?"

The two parents looked at each other, almost out of their element again. "I think that would be the best approach," Ethan agreed.

"Whew, that's good `cause I'm sure Brooks would freak out if he thought you knew I'd been blowing him since we were thirteen." He stopped with a cookie halfway to his mouth and looked slowly at his parents. "I said that out loud, didn't I? Hit the rewind button 10 seconds and let's continue." He made a rewind sound. "Thanks. I'll be sure to let you know when I get a new boyfriend. So how was your guys' day?"

"I'd say we had a less eventful one than you. Your Mom and I are heading for a film festival in Toronto this week. If you want to come up for a day or two, I think we'd be okay with a couple days off school."

"Might be cool. If I can walk the red carpet, I'll be there. I'll let you know though. I have two games this week and a few tests. If they could move the festival to next week, I could probably take the whole week off."

"I'm not sure they can do that just to work around your school," Ethan smiled. "Now if you were in private school like we'd suggested, some of these things, like tests, could be deferred until you got back."

"Still not happening Dad. I like my school. All my friends are there. Of course, if you wanted to send me to an all boys boarding school, we could talk. Think how much potential there'd be there for dates," he said raising his eyebrows a few times.

Ethan just shook his head. "Point made. I won't bring it up again. How are you and Carter doing with those investments?"

"Great! We're kickin' it. I've made a ton of money and Carter even took some of MY advice on a couple. He bought tons of Netflix and Google."

Ethan shook his head. "It's your money, but those dot coms rarely work out son. Of course, entertainment and real estate are where we've made our money, so I'm partial to those industries myself. I've been watching a couple of those that you two got involved with, and I changed my mind about that one company, Netflix, you bought into. They're going into an online streaming business, which might be a bit risky, but the overheads are reduced from a box store. Computers are improving all the time, so they might be onto something if studios like ours get into bed with them."

"Oh, great Dad! Hypocrite much?" Colin smirked. "You don't want to know who I'm sleeping with, but I have to hear who you're getting in bed with? Gross!"

"Funny!" he said as he and Margaret both grinned. "But that investment had potential, so we're committing some resources to it. I think if it takes off it could do well. Good job son!"

"Thanks Dad. It's actually fun investing. Carter said that my big thing to watch for is a sudden collapse of a stock over a single mistake. Then check their cash on hand, and if they're flush, invest heavily and when they bounce back to normal historical levels bail out, unless they have some novel futuristic plan to revolutionise their industry."

"Well, it sounds good. Maybe a bit over simplified, but Carter is very good at it, so I'd listen to him. Just don't put..."

"All my eggs in one basket!" Colin finished. "I remember. Seems like a silly saying. I would keep my eggs in the fridge...but hey, what happened in the olden days stays in the olden I right?" He returned to his room to finish his homework and fell asleep on top of his bed. He woke up halfway through the night and crawled under the covers.

The next morning Colin and Dylan gathered at the lockers and after Colin entered the code to block his number, they sent out the second text for their group.

`find it hard 2B around boys? U R not alone. This all boys club will reveal all'

Not as many questioned who sent it that time. The third message went out a day later.

`wake up in a sweat, wondering Y ur all wet? Dreams become real when U join, we'll bet.'

The next day: `pledging begins Saturday, dont cum if u come.'

Both Colin and Dylan liked the last one as they figured most guys would get it and at least be intrigued to know more. They decided who to put together for the tasks and then sent out a final text telling each pair exact details of where to meet and the time they were to show up. They made several different starting points, in case some of the first guys stuck around to see if others showed up. While the two guys were focused on their new club, their friends were focused on watching them to see if things would blow up between them, and when they didn't, the guys almost wondered if they really had broken up. Except for no more holding hands or kissing every few minutes, things seemed pretty normal. Some even said they were acting more like boyfriends now, than they were before.

On Saturday, the first pair scheduled to arrive at the pledge tasks were Cole and Harlan. The details on all guys were minimal, but what they did know was age, phone number and in some cases hair color, but not much more. The Q' had been careful not to reveal too much, in case Colin and Dylan screwed it up, meaning that the Q' might lose potential pledges later on. The guys had spent a lot of time setting up several courses that would allow them to remain hidden in one place while their candidates moved from station to station. They wore their camouflage gear to maximize their chance of not getting caught.

Both Cole and Harlan arrived on time as instructed and, at first, each one assumed the other one was the guy who sent the message. They opened the envelope left for them which explained that the club was for gay, bisexual, curious, or horny boys who liked being naked whenever possible. They were instructed that they would be given a few minutes between stations and would receive a text only if they completed it. The instructions also said they may quit at any point, return to their clothes and leave, and would never hear from `The Handie-boys' again. If they wished to proceed, they were to wait two minutes for instructions. If they didn't wish to continue, they should leave. With peer pressure being what it was, neither wanted to quit at the first station.

Both boys received the text at the same time telling them to follow the trail of yellow string on the ground that had been tied onto trees, and to open the next envelope. It explained in detail about club bonding, overcoming shyness, and accepting each other for who they were and to accomplish this, all meetings, and many activities and events would be without clothes. If they wished to continue applying to the secret club, they were to strip and leave all clothes, except shoes and socks at this station, but to take their phones for messages. As before, it said if they didn't wish to continue, they were to leave. Cole never hesitated and quickly got naked. Dylan and Colin saw him talking to Harlan as if trying to convince him, although they couldn't make out the entire conversation. Harlan eventually stripped and the boys glanced at each other nervously as they held their hands covertly over themselves while awaiting the next text. Colin sent it to them which instructed them to look at the trees and follow the arrows carved into them. They didn't have far to go, but it had been made it a bit of an obstacle course, going over or under downed trees or through bushes. What the guys probably didn't realize is that they were actually heading in a large circle. The next envelope told the boys to get erections and, using the ruler left for them, measure their lengths and text results. Cole and Harlan both complied and texted their results to Colin. They immediately received a reply text telling the candidates to follow the trail of Doritos to the next task, while maintaining their erections.

They had discussed just letting the guys do each other but thought that if one of them didn't want to go through with it, then the other would not be able to participate, so they went back to their original idea. When the Cole and Harlan arrived at the next station, they found Blaine lying lengthways on a towel covered log fully naked, except for a ski mask to hide his identity. The instruction envelope was on his chest. It said they had a choice of giving the guy a blowjob for one minute or feeding their erection to him until they came. Once complete they should follow the marked trail back to their clothes and get dressed, watching for a final envelope along the way.

Cole almost immediately dropped to his knees and sucked Blaine's cock while Harlan watched as he tried to decide what to do. As soon as Cole was done, Harlan followed his lead and got down to give Blaine a blowjob. Cole was fully hard and grinned as he straddled Blaine's head and pushed his cock into his mouth and began to face fuck him. It took less time for him to cum than it took for Harlan to give the blowjob. Both boys high-fived each other and headed off to retrieve their final envelope which said that they had completed today's entry into the club, and would be contacted soon as to whether they were now members or not. It also suggested that the boys spend additional unclothed time together to get to know each other better. Once back to their starting point they were to leave.

Blaine watched the as the guys left, and took a drink of water to wash his mouth of Cole's cum. He smiled as Dylan and Colin approached as soon as the coast was clear. They all agreed that it had gone really well and moved to the second area they had set up. All in all, they had made three courses for the candidates in case some chose to hide and see who else was participating. One time slot, no one showed up which disappointed all three boys, but they still remained hopeful. Colin, Dylan and Blaine rotated who would lie on the log each time, and if a guy showed up by himself, one of them would show up as if they were the pledge themselves, and go through each station. Of the 10 guys they had on their list, only 6 showed up, and all six participated right through to the end. All were invited to the first meeting. They still wanted a few more, so agreed to invite others, and went home to plan how the first meeting should go.

Chapter 14 "Carter!" Colin yelled as he burst through the front door of his brother's condo.

"Eeeyyaauugggghhhhh," A naked girl shrieked from the living room causing Colin to almost jump out of his skin, scaring him half to death. He stopped dead in his tracks as she flung her arm over her breasts and grabbed a nearby pillow to cover the rest of her. Carter came running out of the bedroom, also naked, to see what the scream was about. He saw his brother standing there half turned away looking up at the ceiling, apologizing.

"God damn it, Colin. What did I tell you about checking with me first before you come over? Daphne, this is my kid brother, Colin. Colin, my girlfriend Daphne."

Nice to meet you?" he said continuing to look away. "Sorry Carter. I didn't mean to..."

"How about you go to your room for a minute so we can put some clothes on?"

"Right," Colin agreed as he looked anywhere but over at the two of them as he made his way to his bedroom. Moments later, when everyone had calmed down, Carter introduced them properly.

"Now you know why I told you to text or call before you show up," Carter said as they sat down together.

"Sorry Daphne. I didn't mean to scare you, or ummm...see you without clothes. I mean I never thought that Carter could land a chick, never mind one as beautiful as you."

"Aren't you the charmer?" She said sweetly. "I was just startled. I have no problem with nudity, I just wasn't expecting anyone to rush in the front door like that."

"Sorry. I was just in a hurry. How long have you two been going out?" He asked.

"About four months," she replied.

"Seriously? You have seen HIM naked, right? You're gorgeous. You could have a real man...any man...not one with an abnormally small penis."

"Shut up Colin," Carter said scolding his kid brother. "My penis is not a topic for your discussion, thank you very much."

"And he's a wonderful lover," Daphne replied with a grin as they kissed.

"Oh, gross!! Get a room already!"

"We have a room. You're in it!" Carter reminded him.

"Oh yeah. Well then...impressionable young mind here. Try keeping it PG."

"Ignore him, Daph. He's the most un-PG kid you'll ever meet. I'm in therapy for the number of times I've walked in on him and his boyfriend."

"You love it. You get to see how real men have sex," Colin teased.

"So, you're gay?"

"Full blooded American queer. My motto is `even straight boys need a good dicking.'"

"Now who's not being PG? What did you want anyway, now that you interrupted our day?"

"I came over to hang see if you wanted company. But I guess you have that. Thought maybe we could go get some lunch."

"I could eat," Daphne said. "Just give me a moment to get myself together." She got up and headed to the back bedroom.

Colin looked at Carter and grinned. "Dude! She's smokin'," he said quietly as he put his fist up. Carter bumped it back. "She has some wicked boobs. Even I'd motorboat those."

"Shut up!" Carter said quickly.

"But seriously. You're tappin' that? Does she have a tight snatch? I'll bet she's hot in the sack huh? I mean for a chick."

"Dude, show some respect," Carter said glaring at his kid brother.

"Oh, I have mad respect, although she may be a bit mentally deficient if she's dating you. Just your type. Think she'd let me try her out, just so I can see if she's good for you. Plus, she might like taking a big dick once in a while."

"First. Fuck off. Second. Shut the hell up. Third. I thought you were totally gay now. Fourth..."

"How many of these are there? I'm not getting any younger, or less horny, over here."

"Fourth. I'm not letting you `try out' my girlfriend."

"Why the hell not? I let you try out Dylan while he was my boyfriend."

"Big difference. For one, he'd been trying to get into my pants since the day he met me and two..."

"You're really into lists, aren't you?" Colin asked giving his brother a curious look.

"And's more of a gay thing than a straight thing."

"That seems racist or homo-racist or something. So, because you're straight you don't share your chick, but because I'm gay I had to share my boyfriend?"

"Not a matter of have to. It would be more of a matter of keeping your boyfriend on a leash so he didn't go off and screw every boy in your school."

"I've already had him on a leash. Doesn't help. Just makes him more horny," Colin chuckled.

Daphne returned and Colin looked at her again. "I like that look, but I still think you're way too hot for Carter. He needs something that requires a leash...apparently."


"What? I'm just saying what I'm saying. She's too good for you bro. Daphne is more my speed."

"What speed? Reverse?" He joked as they headed out to grab lunch and get to know each other. Colin behaved after that, and by the time they returned it was like they were all long-time friends. When he got a text, he said he had to go and headed off to meet Blaine who was with Dylan over at Maddy's house with Kaitlin. A shirtless Dylan answered the door and they headed up to Maddy's bedroom where Colin stopped and grinned before shaking his head. Everyone was shirtless, and the girls were working on Blaine's hair.

"Please tell me that they're not dressing you up like a girl," Colin said to Blaine.

"No. They're just trying different hairstyles on me. They say I need a new look."

"Yeah, I've seen that before, right...Darlene?" Colin said looking at Dylan who just shook his head as if he had long hair. "And why is everyone shirtless?"

"Our A/C's broken so it's warm in here. It's also not fair that boys can take off their shirts and girls can't, so in my room, we're all equal," Maddy explained.

"Fine by me. Don't your parents care if you have boys in your room when you have your boobs out?"

"Yeah. They'd never allow boys in here, but like I said before, you guys are gay so it's okay," she replied.

"You asked them?"

"No, but when it comes up, I will. They already know you and Dylan are boyfriends. Well, were boyfriends, and they have no problem with you being up here. Other boys wouldn't be allowed, so I figure it'd be the same for being shirtless.

"It really is warm in here," Colin admitted and took off his shirt as well. He and Dylan watched as the girls turned Blaine into their life-size Malibu Barbie as they tried various hairstyles on him. Once everyone agreed on one, the girls cut his hair and made it official. They even gave him some light makeup that they said would make him look even cuter. Both Dylan and Colin agreed that it worked and that the makeup wasn't even that noticeable. The bedroom had become a lot warmer so they all headed to Colin's place to hit the pool, where they lost the clothes and hit the cool water. The girls got out to go lie out and tan.

"Blaine, can you help us with the suntan lotion?" Kaitlin asked as she held up a bottle shaking it back and forth. He hauled himself out of the pool and was almost painfully aware that the girls were checking him out as he walked towards them. He tried to keep his nerves and breathing under control as he got closer and sat down next to Kaitlin who turned and lay on her stomach. He rubbed lotion all over her first before moving across to do Maddy. When she turned over and suggested he could do her front, he swallowed hard.

"Ummm, you can reach your front," he reasoned.

"You might as well keep going. It's relaxing when someone else does it," she replied from behind her sunglasses.

"Uhhh, sure. Do you want to do your boobs? I don't want to touch you the wrong way," he asked.

"It's fine. Would you have a problem rubbing lotion on Colin or Dylan?" Kaitlin asked.

"No, but they don't have boobs," Blaine said trying not to stare at them.

"We're all the same," Maddy assured him. Have you never touched a naked girl before?"

"No, never," he answered honestly.

"So, think of us like we're boys."

"Boys with boobs," Kaitlin laughed.

"And no penises," Dylan yelled over from the pool.

"And that," Kaitlin agreed as Blaine began pouring lotion on Maddy. He did her arms, shoulder and stomach first before moving to the boobs and did them as quickly as he could. He breathed a sigh of relief when he moved down to do her legs and thighs, only to panic again when Maddy spoke.

"You should make sure you put lotion on my vagina too. It would get just as burnt as any other skin. The same as you'd put some on your penis, right?"

"Uhhh, couldn't you do that part? I'm not sure I'd be comfortable with that. I wouldn't want to hurt you or anything," he replied as he looked at the completely shaved crotch.

"They're not made of glass, Blaine," Maddy assured him. She took the bottle of lotion and poured some above her vagina and took his hand and showed him how to do it. She smiled as she took one of his fingers and rubbed it lengthways up and down her pussy lips and he watched almost in a coma as she did it. "See, nothing to freak out about."

Dylan and Colin were hanging on the side of the pool watching. "Having fun, Blaine?" Dylan called out.

He flipped him a finger, causing Dylan to laugh and nudge Colin before whispering in his ear. "He's as hard as a rock. Maddy is so evil."

"I noticed," Colin nodded. They watched as Maddy bent Blaine's finger and slowly pushed it inside her as she told him that it was important to coat around the inside edges of the vagina as well as that skin was very susceptible to burning. As she pushed him further inside her, Blaine gasped and then cried out as his penis erupted, and shot a huge load of cum everywhere.

"Oh shit! Shit! Shit!" he said as he pulled his finger out, put his hand over his crotch and raced into the pool. When he resurfaced, Dylan looked at him grinning. "It was THAT good?"

"I should go home," Blaine said almost in tears.

"Sorry, Blaine," Maddy called out. "I was just trying to prove to you that girl's vaginas are nothing to be scared of, and they aren't that fragile. Your balls are probably more fragile than our pussies."

"That's true," Colin admitted. "Especially if you've ever been kneed in the nuts before."

"I didn't even know penises could do that on their own," Kaitlin admitted. "I thought they had to be masturbated or be played with or something."

"I didn't know it'd do that either," Blaine said still bright red, and not from excess sun. He sank under the water wondering how long he could stay down there to make the world go away. He felt Colin pull him back up.

"We're all friends. It's good we get to know stuff about each other like this," he assured him. "Gay guys learn way more than straight boys. Can you imagine Brooks or Martin being here? They'd have shot off as soon as they looked at a boob."

"Blaine, it's totally flattering," Maddy assured him. "I just learned something new about a boy too. If we're gonna be good friends we can't let stuff like this embarrass us."

"Well it does," Blaine assured her as he hung on the edge of the pool with only his eyes peering over the side towards her.

"Hey, it could be worse," Colin grinned. "You could be Preston with that stuck up girlfriend of his. He'll never get anywhere near her in the nude."

"Are you talking about Lauren?" Kaitlin asked.

"You know her?"

"Yeah, of course. She's not that stuck up. She might not go skinny dipping with us, but she'd probably be okay with her boobs out. We've talked about it before and we all agree that it's not fair that boys can do it and not girls."

"Has she been shirtless around Preston then?" Colin asked.

"No. Only around us. Girls are pretty comfortable with that. She'd probably be okay doing it around you guys though, being gay and everything."

"I doubt it. She hates gay people," Dylan replied. "She thinks we're all gonna burn in hell. Which by the way is a much more fabulous place than that stuck up judgy heaven place!"

"I don't think she hates you; she just doesn't think you should have sex together. I think she's been brainwashed to believe that all sex is wrong until you're married and only between a man and a woman. Don't worry about her, she's pretty wild when she wants to be."

The girls tanned while the boys stayed in the pool. Once it was over, Kaitlin suggested they do it again, only this time invite the rest of their friends over. "Maybe not to skinny dip, but at least for a pool party. We'll see how the straight guys handle us being topless."

"I'll alert the pool cleaner that there may be extra substances," Colin joked.

"Gross. Do boys really cum in a pool?"

"Not usually," he admitted. "But if girls are gonna be showing off boobs, that may happen whether they want it to or not. Look at what you did to poor Blaine, and he's basically gay."

The next day, Dylan arrived at Colin's with another boy with him. "Remember Chris and Bryce? I've been going over to their place to learn advanced sex stuff. This is Patrick. He's being going over to learn to be a sub and he wanted to meet you. Since you didn't seem interested in going over there, I brought him here."

"Actually, I think I've seen you around our school, haven't I?" Colin asked looking at the younger boy.

"Yes sir," Patrick said with a smile.

"For the official introduction, this is Colin," Dylan said to Patrick. "Now tell him about yourself."

"Yes, Sir. Sir, my street name is Patrick, but I will answer to whatever name my master gives me and enjoy being submissive to provide service. I turned 14 two weeks ago and I stand 5'5" and weigh 120lbs. I am shaved completely smooth all over, and I have a 6-inch circumcised penis with really nice balls. I am able to be fucked if needed. My specialty in school is gymnastics so I am very flexible, sir. I also do not have a gag reflex. While I am still learning my limits, I currently do not like scat, blood, or permanent damage to skin. I am willing to explore other limits as required sir."

"He's gotten pretty good at that in a very short time," Dylan said as Patrick stopped. "He's actually a ton of fun to hang out with."

"Are you gay?" Colin asked.

"I'm whatever you want me to be sir. I identify as straight, but will do anything sexual you require."

"Like I said, fun, right? Wanna go to the media room for a bit?" Dylan grinned.

The guys headed downstairs and Patrick appeared in awe at what he saw. "You want a movie or video games?" Colin asked Patrick.

"I am happy with whatever you wish, sir. Would you like me to remove my clothes? I'm not normally allowed anything while indoors, sir"

"Why is he calling me sir? I'm like a year older, not 20."

"It's part of the training. I told him you're more dominant than submissive, so that automatically makes you a sir' or master'," Dylan explained.

"Well it sounds weird. Just call me Colin."

"He shouldn't call you by your name, it'll confuse his training," Dylan explained.

"Why? You call me by my first name and aren't you doing that sub thing too?"

"Yes, but we were friends first in the real world. Patrick is only here as a sub right now."

"Oh, that's different then," Colin said rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "I don't get this sub thing. Okay I definitely don't want to get called sir, until I'm old, so how about...ummm... C.W.? Would that work?" He asked, looking both of them.

Dylan shrugged and looked at Patrick. "Call him CW from now on, okay?"

"I can do that. Thank you, CW," he grinned.

"Take off your clothes and let CW check out your body. If he likes it as much as our master, he'll be wanting to use it."

"Yes sir! Thank you, sir!" Patrick said eagerly as he stripped and folded his clothes neatly, placing them on the floor. He stood facing Colin with his legs slightly apart and hands locked behind his head.

"That's the inspection position," Dylan explained. "He's cute, huh?"

"I'll say. I guess you work out, huh?"

"Yes sir...uh CW...I have to keep myself in shape," Patrick replied.

"So now what?" Colin asked looking at Dylan. "Does he just stand there?"

"Up to you. He'd stay there for hours if you told him to. We all have safe words when we're playing," Dylan explained. "Which are simply yellow or red. Yellow means you go slower, and should ask their concern. Red means distress and must stop immediately. But other than that, a sub pretty much does as you tell him, unless it interferes in his real-world life. You could go explore his body if you want."

"Some of this is hard to figure out, but I read a bit about it, so I think I get some stuff. Is it just about sex, or do submissive guys do other things too?" Colin asked since he had the opportunity to learn.

"They do whatever you want as long as it's within established limits. Basically if he can do it and life isn't in danger, then a sub usually does what a master wants without hesitation, or gets punished," Dylan responded as he fired up a video game.

"Doesn't seem right for him to be the only one naked. We should strip and let him see us."

"He's seen me lots of times," Dylan grinned.

"Oh really?" Colin smirked. "Have you two been fucking?" He asked looking at Patrick.

"I'm sorry, CW, I'm not allowed to give that information out without permission from Dylan."

Dylan looked at Colin and gave him a cheesy grin and stuck his tongue out before looking at Patrick and nodding.

"Dylan has fucked me a lot. I like how his big penis feels in me, but I have only been asked to fuck him a couple times, CW."

"God, I barely handle his cock. I can't even imagine how you'd do it. I guess we could all get naked," Colin suggested.

"You should make him strip you, so you don't have to do it yourself," Dylan suggested. "That's kind of the idea of having someone to do what you say."

"Makes sense. Okay, how about YOU strip and stand like he is?" Colin grinned.

"Damn, faster learner much?" Dylan smirked as he stood up and removed all his clothes, piling them neatly like Patrick had.

"Hmmm...which one is better?" How about you face each other and get as close as you can without touching," Colin challenged as the two guys moved within an inch of each other. He stood up and stripped next. He stepped up beside them and ran his down each guy's back and patted their asses, before rubbing them. It took only seconds before their penises became erect and ended up touching each other. "Ha! Neither of you can follow directions," Colin laughed. "You're touching."

"Not a fair test," Dylan said looking at him.

"True, but it was fun. What's next?"

"Patrick could show you his flexibility. It's pretty awesome."

"Cool. Stand easy, or whatever that order is," Colin told them. Both boys relaxed and moved apart.

"Bro, get on the couch and face the back to show Colin your greatest asset," Dylan smiled at him.

Patrick knelt on the couch and began to spread his legs out to the side. Colin's eyes went wide as the legs kept going well past what he could have been capable of doing, ending up in a full split position, and then went even a bit further by pushing his ass back so it was slightly off the edge.

"This is that flexibility thing he was telling you about. He can do the splits with ease. Picture him on the end of your bed with his legs straight across. The access to his ass is unfettered this way. We'll be able to eat him out, fuck him easier, and get incredibly deep as we do it," Dylan said as they watched Patrick lean forward and put his head on the back of the couch. "You wanna fuck him. I mean he's in position just waiting."

"Actually, I wanna see you fuck him. I can't even imagine how your cock is gonna fit in an ass that small."

"Well you're about to see it!"

Colin sat on the floor next to Patrick and couldn't help but stroke himself as he watched Dylan slide into the small hole without hesitation. With Dylan on his knees using the full length of his 8 inches inside Patrick, it didn't take long before he was cumming in the younger guy. He pulled out slowly making it look like his penis would never exit. When it did, Patrick's ass slammed shut to keep the cum firmly in place. Dylan looked at Colin giving him a thumbs up. "Wanna go next?"

"In a bit. That position looks like it would be uncomfortable for a long time."

"He's used to it. Chris put him out on the sling in the yard once..."

"The sling?" Colin interrupted.

"Yeah, it's like a leather swing that you lie on and it has loops at both ends for hands and feet. Chris has one in his back yard under a gazebo type thing. Patrick was put in it one day and his feet were stretched wide like they are now. He stayed like that while guys arrived to fuck him. Once they came, they recorded the number on his stomach in felt pen so we could see how many times he'd been fucked. I think he did 18 or 20 guys before they let him up. But at the same time as he was being fucked, guys sat on his face, or shoved their cocks down his throat, or came all over him. He was a mess by the time he got up. He had so much cum in him, it sounded like he was peeing when he sat down to empty it all out."

"Best day, ever!" Patrick said looking back with a grin. "Except for maybe when they tied us together."

"What happened then?" Colin asked.

"They made us lie sideways and stretched out so that our hands were tied to each other's ankles. Then they put straps around our chest and waists to hold us tight up against each other. They finished by putting our penises in the other guys mouth and left us like that. Guys showed up and fucked us all day, and if we came, we ended up going in each other's mouths. I think I came three times."

"Five," Dylan grinned.

"Five," Patrick corrected.

"Sounds like it was pretty intense."

"That's pretty mild compared to some of the stuff they teach us," Dylan admitted. "You should totally come check it out sometime."

"I don't think I'd like that," Colin replied.

"No, it's not like coach's place," Dylan assured him. "You just say you're a dom, and you get to be in charge of stuff. I mean Bryce and Chris like checking new guys out, but after that you could learn tons of new things. You'd like Saturday's the best. One of the guys always volunteers to be tied into the sling and older guys just show up at random all day to empty their nuts into him. Then inside it's like an orgy for mostly younger guys. A couple of older guys sign up to be in charge and kinda direct us on what to do all day. Sunday's aren't really a day you'd like. That's where it's kinda reversed. Two younger guys signup to be subs for all the older guys and we get used hard all day. Let's show Colin your other skills," Dylan suggested. Patrick got off the couch and stood up to wait for instructions. "Lie on your back on the floor and show him how you can put your legs behind your head."

"Yeah," Patrick beamed as he quickly did it, basically folding himself in half.

"Damn, you really are flexible, huh?" Colin said sitting on the couch as he watched. "Can you suck your own dick like that?"

"Sure, easy," Patrick answered as he leaned forward and put it in his mouth.

"How far can you go down on it?"

"All the way," Patrick replied as he took it out for a second to answer, and then went down on himself.

"Jesus, I wanna be able to do that," Colin claimed to them.

"No shit, right? I thought jerking off was great, but imagine if we could suck ourselves. Christ, I'd never get anything else done," Dylan agreed.

"Do you like to kiss, Patrick?" Colin asked looking at him.

"I love it if you do, CW," he replied stretching out and sitting up.

"Okay, maybe you could show me how good you are at it. Kiss me," Colin ordered, as both guys in front of him grinned. Patrick leaned in and shoved his tongue into Colin's mouth and kissed like he'd been doing it his whole life. Colin glanced over to Dylan was standing close by grinning.

"Okay, come on then join in," Colin said putting his hand out to pull him nearer. They shared a three-way kiss and when they separated, Patrick had another erection. "Damn, does that thing ever go down?"

Patrick just looked and smiled. "I did say I liked kissing, CW."

"We should go swimming and cool down," Colin suggested as he stood up and went for his clothes. Dylan did the same and Patrick just stood up and waited. As Colin turned to head out, Patrick followed.

"Uh, dude! You need clothes. Not a good idea to wander through the house naked. I mean it's not like people here aren't used to it, but you still have Dylan's cum running out of you. Might not be a good look."

"Oh, that's one thing you have to remember to tell him. We stay naked until we're given permission to put clothes on," Dylan explained

"Consider that one of those standing orders around here. Wear whatever clothes we do unless I tell you it's okay to be naked," Colin said to Patrick, who acknowledged the command and got dressed. The boys hit the pool where nudity was once again the correct form of dress. Then it was the basketball court wearing shorts, and the kitchen for food where shorts and shirt were required.

"Are you allowed to sleepover at all?" Colin asked as they ate a sandwich and downed a pop.

"Sure. Of course. My Mom's pretty cool with stuff like that as long as I let her know where I am. Would you like me to sleep over, CW?"

"Yeah, a lot of my friends do. Dylan sleeps over all the time."

Colin smiled to himself as he found Patrick really cute, strangely unusual, but very cute, and he liked his body which was lean, toned and smaller, which really interested him. "Dylan is sleeping over tonight; would you be free?"

"If I can call my Mom, I could let you know sir," he asked almost licking his lips.

"Yeah. Fine, do that and let me know. We'll get to know each other better that way and maybe you can teach me more of the sub stuff you guys are into. I can be a mini Master or something."

"Yes, sir! Right away sir!" He said bouncing up out of his chair to pull his phone out of his pocket. "Hi Mom! Can I stay over at Colin's tonight?...Yeah, you met him. He's on the team...great thanks...yeah, I'll keep my phone on. I remembered my charger too. Thanks Mom. Love ya!" he said as he hung up.

"Your Mom accepted it just like that? What team am I supposed to be on with you?" Colin grinned as Patrick sat back down next to him.

"Baseball. She never remembers who I introduce her to, so it's all good. I guess I'm all yours, CW."

"I really don't like the CW stuff all the time. Just call me Colin. Use CW when it fits."

"Okay. Thanks CW," Patrick grinned as he sat down.

The boys spent the night hanging out, with Colin getting lessons from Patrick and Dylan on being a dom and how to go about ordering them around. Patrick also enjoyed being tied up tight so he couldn't move, which turned him on. Colin didn't completely understand, as he wouldn't have found that enjoyable at all, but there was no mistaking that they both did. He enjoyed himself but found that it was a lot of work to keep bossing them around.

"Watch this one," Dylan grinned as he stood near the bed. "Patrick, do that thing you do against the wall."

Patrick leapt off the bed and turned his back to the wall as he bent himself backward bracing himself with his hands. He put one leg straight up in the air like a naked ballet dancer. Dylan moved up against him and held his upper leg. "Check this out, Colin," he grinned as he slipped his big cock inside the small ass of the younger boy. "Is this the perfect way to fuck or what? You can get on your knees and suck him off or let him hold onto your waist and suck you off."

"Dude! That's fucking insane. It's like a 360 view of a fuck," Colin gushed as he walked around them. He dropped to his knees in front to watch more closely and took Patrick into his mouth with a clear line of sight to Dylan's large cock drilling in and out.

Eventually they all took a break and played some video games. Patrick wanted to be blindfolded and have his hands and legs tied while he slept in the middle between the two older boys, but it didn't stop him from moving around and snuggling up to them. In the morning, Colin awoke to find a slightly bound, blindfolded Patrick bent over sucking his cock with Dylan fucking Patrick from behind. He just smiled and put his head back on the pillow to enjoy the morning wakeup call. He didn't even bother letting Patrick know when he was about to cum and just let fly. They slept another couple hours after that until Colin untied Patrick and let him use the bathroom.

"That little dude is a lot of fun," Colin admitted once Patrick was out of earshot.

Dylan nodded. "He's popular at Chris' parties too. I figured he'd be good for our club. Whatd'ya think?"

"I think he'd be fun as long as he can act normal around everyone. I don't think it would be good for him to be a sub around them or it'd just get weird. But it's kinda fun to be able to make him do things. I had tons of fun last night, and damn he's flexible. It's like he doesn't have bones in his body. We just gotta figure out rules if he wanted to be our friend outside of here, but we should definitely invite him into our club."

"Easy," Dylan smiled as they waited for Patrick to return. "Dude, did you have fun last night?"

"Definitely!" Patrick exclaimed as he crawled back into bed between the two guys.

"Would you want to be friends with us?"

"Really? You'd want me as a friend?" He said even more excitedly as if he'd been offered the Powerball lottery winnings.

"Sure. We both like you, so how about it, but under some conditions."

"Conditions?" Patrick asked sitting up to pay attention.

"Yeah. Not all our other friends would understand you being a sub, or why you'd like being told what to do all the time. When it's just Colin or me around, you can be a sub and follow orders. Strip and be available for use whenever you're told. When others are present, you're just Patrick, normal boy hanging out with us. Think you can do that?"

"Of course. Patrick normal boy when your friends are around. Sub boy slave when it's just you guys and me. Done," he nodded as he put out his hand to shake on it. Both guys smiled and shook his hand. "Wicked. I never had older friends before. I always wanted some."

"Good. You can be in our club too. You know how to surf?" Dylan asked.

"Sure. I'm Californian dude. Uhhh, dude, sir!" he grinned. "You could order me to hang eleven and I'd totally do it for you."

"Hang Eleven?" Dylan asked confused.

Colin laughed. "It means to surf naked."

"I don't get it."

"Hang ten is where you have your toes over the edge of the front of the board. The 11 is your penis," Colin clarified as Patrick just grinned. "Yeah, he's a perfect fit for the club."

"What club?" Patrick asked.

"We're just getting it started, but we're gonna invite guys who like hanging out naked and love being adventurous."

"I can totally do that," Patrick grinned. "Are the boys in your club gonna have sex too?"

"Constantly, if we do it right," Dylan said with a big grin. You'll be popular, I'm sure." Patrick just lay there beaming as Colin rolled him half onto Dylan and entered his ass for another fuck. Patrick almost purred as he leaned up to accept a kiss from Dylan. The boys played around until all three had cum, and then hit the shower before contacting their friends, planning to meet at the beach.

"So," Austin said sitting down next to Colin. "What's with the kid?"

"Patrick?" Colin asked. "He's just a new friend we met at school."

"I think it's more than that," Austin grinned. "He's like your puppy."

"What makes you say that?"

"Just the way he runs and does anything you tell him. I had a dog when I was a kid that wasn't that obedient."

"Hadn't noticed," Colin lied.

"Yeah you did. You like having someone to do what you want. Plus, the kid seems to enjoy it. I'd say he looks up to you and Dylan...a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if you find out he has a crush on you."

"Patrick? I don't think so," Colin said looking away.

Austin stared at him closely and lowered his voice. "Oh my god. You two are fucking him, aren't you?" He said getting animated. "What's that like? Does he do whatever you tell him too in bed too?"

"Shhhh. He's just a friend."

"Yeah, a `friend'," he grinned using air quotes. "But seriously, does he do whatever you tell him? He'd make an awesome actor. I get bossed around all the time on set. Mostly I hate it, but then you get some stage director putting you on your mark, or telling you what he wants, and it's kind of a turn on. I know it's stupid and shit, but I liked it that time when I was over. Remember?"

"I remember. Now shut up. The kid just likes doing things for us?"

"Like sex stuff? Is he kinky in bed?"

"Dude! Drop it," Colin warned.

"Okay, but only if you let me watch sometime."


"Come on. It'd be hot. Do you get to tie him up? He seems like he'd let you do anything. I've always thought about trying that, and I've seen porn with it in. I even got a part coming up that I get kidnapped so it'd be perfect to learn how it feels so I can get into character."

"Where are you getting this? What role?" He asked.

"It's a horror film thing. The character gets kidnapped and tortured. I think it'd be fun to learn the emotions that go with it so I could be more on point for the audition."

"That I can see, but I don't think it's the same thing. If you get tied up as a sub, it's more about sex than being kidnapped. Your torture would be that you'd get fucked or have to suck dick or something. I don't think you can audition that," Colin said with a slight smile.

"No, but imagine the real emotion if I were tied up and you came at my ass with Dylan's big cock threatening to fuck me if I didn't cooperate."

"True. But once you get us that horny, we'd have to have sex with you. Straight boys are not known for usually enjoying that. It's one thing to have your dick sucked or fuck a guy, it's completely different if you're the one getting throat fucked or having your ass shredded."

"I'd try it. Being an actor mean expanding your knowledge and trying new things," Austin admitted.

"The only thing being expanded would be your jaw and your tight virgin ass," Colin said shaking his head.

"So? Do you guys have kinky sex with Patrick where you boss him around?" Austin asked as he looked at the kid running after Dylan with a surfboard.

"God. If I say yes, will you drop it?"

"I knew it! The kid is obviously infatuated with both of you. He'd do anything for you wouldn't he?"

"He just likes having someone in control of him. I doubt he loves us. It's not like that," Colin said giving in in the hopes of having Austin be quiet about it.

"I dunno dude. I love you like a bro, and I'm not even a tenth that excited to be around you."

"You're a straight boy. I'd hope not!" Colin said standing up to go back out in the water. Austin stood with him.

"When are you gonna have sex with him again? Can I come over and see how you boss him around?"

Colin rolled his eyes. "After surfing probably. The kid is hornier than Dylan."

"Cool. I'm free. I'll join you."

Colin ignored him and ran off to join the other, mumbling under his breath. "The definition of completely straight...`Not Austin!'"

Once they were done surfing and had rinsed off, Colin threw Patrick his bag and looked at Austin with a grin as they other guys were busy sorting out their stuff.

"Patrick, strip and change."

"Right here on the beach?" He asked surprised.

"Did I stutter?" Colin said forcefully, getting a look from Austin and a big grin from Dylan. Patrick opened his bag and pulled out his street clothes and without further hesitation stripped and changed in front of everyone.

"Dude!" Preston exclaimed as he looked around to see if anyone else was watching.

Grayson just laughed. "Not shy, dude?"

"Holy crap, Patrick. You'll get us all arrested. That's what the change rooms are for," Brooks added.

"Already done," Patrick replied as he wrapped his wet clothes in his towel before stuffing them in his backpack. "I don't care if people see me."

"Yeah, a guy with balls. My man!" Treyvon said fist bumping him.

"Like you'd get naked in on the beach," Brook challenged.

"Gotta advertise if you want to shred lotsa pussy, bro," he said grabbing his crotch.

"Dude, you couldn't shred pussy if you had a cheese grater and bottle of chloroform."

The rest of the guys laughed.

"When the girls see what I'm packing, I don't even need to go find them. They find me. Even the gay boys want a piece of this. Too bad it's only for the ladies, right Colin?"

"Sure Trey, I spend my nights thinking about how badly I want your big cock," Colin replied sarcastically.

"Like I said, they all want the Trey-man."

"I was being sarcastic," Colin clarified.

Dylan looked away trying not to participate in the conversation, but Colin noticed and pulled him aside as they headed to the change rooms. "What was that back there?"

"What?" Dylan asked.

"When Trey mentioned his dick. Did you want it?"

"Dude," he said leaning in and whispering. "I've already had it."

"Bullshit. He'd kill you if you tried anything with him."

"Not true. I gave him head and he loved it. He's been over for seconds. He said if he gets drunk enough, he might even fuck me."

"Don't hold your breath for that. Mostly he's all talk and no action. Trying to keep up his image and shit."

"Oh, I'll get that cock. Wait and see," Dylan bragged.

"If you say so."

Austin ran over to Colin. "That was hot, and fuckin' ballsy! Making the kid strip like that. He really does anything you say, huh? You guys wanna grab something to eat before we go back to your place?"

"You're coming over?" Dylan asked surprised.

"Yeah. Hit the hot tub. Play some games. Are you cool with that?" Austin asked looking at the guys.

"Sure. If you want," Dylan said looking at Colin who just shrugged.

"Fine by me," he smiled knowing Austin's true intention. The other guys said they had to go, leaving the four guys alone to grab some burgers before returning to Colin's place. They stripped at the hot tub and got into the warm water. "God, this feels good after surfing," Austin admitted. "So how long have you known Colin and Dylan?" he asked Patrick.

"Not long. I knew Dylan maybe a month or two. I only just met Colin."

"How'd you meet?"

"He goes to our school," Colin said quickly.

"Are you gay too?" Austin asked bluntly.

"I'm whatever you need. From straight as an arrow to as gay as a flaming rainbow unicorn. What about you?" Patrick asked.

"I'm straight, but very open minded. I don't mind seeing guys make out."

"Did you ever do anything with a boy before?" Patrick asked just as bluntly as Austin had.

"I've tried a couple things to see what it would be like. Nothing major though."

"Really?" Patrick said grinning and sitting upright to focus. "Would you ever do it with a boy again?"

"If I were horny enough, and it was the right situation," Austin smirked.

Colin shook his head and looked at Austin who was giving him a big knowing grin. "Okay fine! Austin figured out that you liked doing stuff for us and put two and two together, and figured out you might be a submissive," Colin revealed.

"How?" Dylan asked shocked.

"I've watched porn. I know about BDSM stuff. I kinda picked up on the clues."

Dylan looked at Patrick. "Guess you haven't perfected that `normal' boy thing yet."

"Guess not!" Patrick said with a big grin on his face. "Did you bring him home to fuck me? Is that why he's here, CW?"

"CW?" Austin smirked. "Never heard that one before."

"It's something new I'm trying out. And no, we didn't bring him home just to do that, but he is gonna fuck you. He wanted to see how a sub is treated, and we need a good laugh watching a straight boy try to fuck. He's thinking of auditioning for a role in a horror movie where the character gets kidnapped."

"Yeah, I'd be a 16-year-old that gets captured, tied up and held for ransom. I'm in cabin in the woods and the guys torture me while I'm tied up."

"Why would someone kidnap YOU? Wouldn't they pay money to make you go away most of the time?" Colin joked.

"Shut up!" Austin laughed. "It'd be a good role, but I have to work on being scared and terrified of what's happening to me. The script says my character gets captured, tied up, and beaten repeatedly. Then afterward I get Stockholm syndrome and don't want to leave my kidnappers."

"What's Stockholm syndrome?" Dylan asked.

"I had to look it up, but it means you end up becoming attached to your kidnapper, even though they're abusing you, because you fear that something else might be worse."

"What could be worse?"

"I dunno. That's why I kinda want to see if I can act scared enough."

"So, we tie you up and torture you? That should be easy. We leave you in a small room with a pair of Dylan's socks," Colin teased.

"They're not that bad," Dylan complained

"That last pair walked to the laundry on their own, and tried to drown themselves." Everyone laughed as Dylan shrugged.

"I can do that kidnap thing!" Patrick admitted. "You could tie me up and pretend I'm your captive and then torture me with sex, and maybe rip all my clothes off. That'd be wicked fun."

"You know it's not really torture if you're screaming `fuck me harder' at the top of your lungs," Colin said looking at him.

"I could pretend," Patrick offered.

"Not even Brad Pitt is that good an actor," Dylan replied. "I have a better idea. Why don't we tie Austin up and rip HIS clothes off? I'd love to suck that big cock again."

"Still not torture if they're all enjoying it," Colin replied thinking this was just getting crazy right now.

"Okay. How about we tie Austin up and threaten to fuck him repeatedly if he doesn't cooperate, and to prove how serious we are, we tie Patrick up and fuck him while we make Austin watch, and tell him this is what'll happen if he doesn't cooperate," Dylan said giving a full scene set up.

"I love it!" Austin replied quickly. "That would be like the real thing. Torture someone nearby so the captured guy knows what's in store if he doesn't do as the kidnappers say. It's a classic! But you won't really fuck me, will you?"

"Are you gonna cooperate?" Dylan snarled trying to look menacing as he stood up and waved his dick in Austin's face. He got it slapped.

The boys dried off and raced up to Colin's bedroom, took quick showers to rinse off and then got dressed in t-shirts and underwear. Colin pulled the ropes out that he'd stuffed under his bed, as Austin jumped on the bed ready to be `captured'. Dylan and Colin discussed how they wanted him and settled on placing him on his back with his legs bent. They tied his hands to his ankles and then thought he didn't look tied up enough so they put another rope around his chest to bind his arms to his sides and finished with another rope under his knees to pull his legs together. They stood back and admired their work.

"Okay boy! Now you belong to us. Hopefully your family will pay the ransom soon because if they don't, we'll have to sell you to someone as a sex slave. One way or the other we're getting our money out of you," Colin said in his best menacing tone.

"Please don't hurt me. I'll do anything you want," Austin begged trying to be convincing.

"Oh, we know you will. If you don't, then we'll show you what happens when ransom isn't paid or you try to escape. Bring in that little prisoner we have," Dylan said getting in on the act.

"Am I the little prisoner?" Patrick asked as he'd sat on the bottom of the bed grinning as he watched Austin get tied up.

"You know it!" Dylan smiled. "Stand up and take off your clothes and we'll tie you up first."

Patrick stripped his t-shirt and shorts off so fast that the guys almost missed it as he stood excitedly waiting to be next. Dylan tied his legs together making sure to loop rope not only around the ankles, but between them as well, to keep him very secure. Colin did the same as he tied Patrick's wrists together. Then they decided it would be hotter to blindfold him, so Colin grabbed one of the king size cases off his pillow, folded it a few times and secured it over Patrick's eyes. Once they were satisfied with their work, they fist bumped each other before turning their attention back to Austin who had been watching them as they secured Patrick.

"Looks like he's enjoying it," Austin commented as he had noticed Patrick get a boner almost the second the first rope touched him.

"He's not supposed to. He's a prisoner just like you, only no one is paying his ransom, so we will have to sell him off. We thought you'd like to see what happens to boys whose family doesn't pay up. Throw him on the bed," Colin snarled, addressing Austin before turning his attention to Dylan. The two boys lifted Patrick up and tossed him onto the bed beside their other `captive'.

"This is what happens when your family thinks we're joking about the ransom, or plays the `we don't negotiate with terrorists' card," Colin told the bound-up Austin as he got on the bed, and grabbed Patrick by the jaw to force his mouth open. Not that he had much forcing to do as Patrick opened willingly. He pulled his cock out of the top of his underwear and shoved it into the open hole. Patrick eagerly sucked on it as if he were a starving prisoner who hadn't had anything to eat in weeks. Austin just gave a smile as he watched him take the cock, but kept quiet. Dylan meanwhile had taken his clothes off and had moved down to push Patrick's legs back and rim his hole. From there, he fingered lube into it before kneeling up to fuck him. Colin spun around to sit on Patrick's face, and now had a tongue lapping at his hole. Austin just lay and watched the action. Colin nodded to Dylan and glanced over at Austin's crotch.

"Looks like the little fag isn't the only one who likes this. Apparently, whiner boy here loves it too," Dylan said leaning over and taking hold of the visible bulge in Austin's underwear.

"It's `cause I have to pee," Austin complained. "Not because of what you're doing."

"That's what they all say," Colin nodded.

"Colin, take over for me," Dylan said as he pulled out of Patrick and wiped his dick dry on the boy's leg. Colin shuffled around and put himself inside Patrick to continue the fuck. Dylan jumped off the bed and went over to Colin's desk and returned with a pair of scissors. Austin's eyes went wide.

"What're you gonna do with those?"

"Maybe I'm gonna cut you free," Dylan said as he got on the bed beside Austin. "Or maybe I'm gonna do this!" He took the side of Austin's underwear and cut them open.

"HEY! That's my good underwear," Austin complained for real.

"Not any more," Dylan said as he reached over and cut the other side before pulling the fabric out from between his legs, exposing his erection to them all. Colin pulled Patrick's blindfold off and as soon as his eyes adjusted to the light, he looked over at Austin and gave a huge grin as he saw it hard for the first time.

"You like his cock, huh?" Colin asked noticing how Patrick was staring. Patrick just nodded. "Maybe you'd like to see him completely naked. Cut his shirt off!"

"NO! Wait, I like this shirt," Austin said quickly.

"And we'd like it on the floor!" Colin snarled trying to sound like a menacing kidnapper, but sounding more like the horny teenager that he was. "Do it!" he barked to Dylan who made speedy work of cutting the bottom edge of the shirt and then ripping it wide open as hard as he could, finishing by cutting the neck band.

"Fuck!" Austin said as soon as his shirt was destroyed. "He'd already seen me shirtless."

"Now he's seeing you fully naked," Dylan said looking down at Austin's face.

"Untie the rope around his knees and open his legs. Let Patrick see his junk better," Colin instructed as he kept slowly fucking Patrick. Dylan removed the rope and pulled Austin's leg's apart and lifted up his cock and balls. Once he felt up the straight boy, he couldn't stop himself from stroking him until he saw pre-cum leak out. He smiled and let go, moving up the bed to lie next to Austin.

"Just a pee hardon, huh?" Something tells me you haven't been laid in a while."

"Ummm, you've had me tied up here for a week. Of course I haven't been laid. Let me go, or you'll be sorry," Austin said trying to think what a real kidnapped kid might say.

"I'll be sorry, huh? Awww, are you trying to threaten us. That's adorable. It's like you're a tiny country of one, threatening the big powerful United States. You'll fire off rocks from a slingshot while we come at you with nukes."

"Actually, if you keep playing with him like that, he'll fire off cum shots!" Colin joked.

"Is that right? You like what you're seeing," Dylan said trying to fake torment Austin who was obviously enjoying himself.

"NO! Fuck you! Let me go!" He said wiggling slightly as if trying to break free.

"Fuck me? I knew you were a horny slut. Hey dude. He wants to fuck me. Should we let him take a turn on little fag, there? Maybe he'll get the idea of what it's like when parents don't pay up!"

Dylan scrambled over Austin's head deliberately dragging his cock over Austin's mouth as he whispered to Colin. Austin didn't turn away, but he also didn't open his mouth to suck the cock either. Dylan made a point of moving his balls over Austin's face as well before sitting back.

Colin pulled out of Patrick and helped him sit up before spinning him around and lowering him down towards Austin's cock. "Suck it boy. Show him how we use a boy if the ransom doesn't show up."

Patrick was nowhere near as interested in acting as Austin, so he eagerly dropped his face down and took Austin's erection into his mouth without using his hands that were still tied together. Austin gave a slight gasp of pleasure as Patrick sucked him right down to the balls, and used his magic tongue to go to work on him.

"He's pretty good, isn't he?" Dylan smiled as he looked down at Austin, who just nodded before going back to being a `prisoner'. "NO! Get him off my dick you sick fucks."

"Sick fucks?" Dylan said as he moved his face much closer to Austin's as he rubbed a finger all over it. "We're not the ones letting a little fag give us a blowjob. As Austin went to reply Dylan slipped his finger into Austin's mouth. That took Austin genuinely by surprise and he turned his head away to get the finger out of him.

"I don't think you're being very appreciative, or cooperative even," Colin said as he watched the two guys playing with Austin. "We're allowing you a nice blowjob and you call us sick fucks. Not very nice. How about you do what we tell you from now on and we won't carve you up and throw you to the pigs for feed?"

"You have pigs?" Austin joked going out of character momentarily.

"Not the point," Colin said trying not to smile. He lifted Patrick's legs up and pushed him closer to Austin's face. "Since he's sucking your dick, you're going to suck his."

"What? No way. I'm not sucking a cock. Just let me go," Austin said and the guys couldn't tell if he was back in character or serious. They chose to go with the former.

"We'll let you go when WE decide to let you go. YOU do as your told and you won't get hurt...much," Dylan snapped as he began untying Patrick's ankles. Once he was done Colin and Dylan lifted Patrick over top of Austin's face so that his penis was in line with his mouth. Patrick meanwhile just let them do whatever they wanted as he happily sucked on the straight boy's erection, enjoying himself like a kitten with a ball of string...minus the tiny claws. Austin turned his head slightly so that the tip of Patrick's cock wasn't at his mouth. Dylan grabbed him and turned it back upright as Colin held his nose until he opened his mouth. Once he did it to get air, Colin slipped the cock inside and let go of his nose. They both held his head.

"I suggest you suck it, or you could be here a long time," Colin said grinning as Austin gave him an evil stare. This hadn't been part of the plan, but they were way to horny to care right now. Dylan went behind Patrick and pushed himself back into the boy's ass, giving Austin a close-up view of the penetration. "Suck Patrick properly, or Dylan's cock comes out of his ass and straight down your throat next," Colin warned. Austin wondered to himself if they'd really go that far or not, but he decided not to chance it and sucked Patrick a little better as he watched the penis above his eyes going in and out of the tiny hole.

Colin seemed satisfied and went in front of Patrick, pushing Austin's legs apart so he could see better. "How's he doing at the blowjob?" he asked.

"I like it CW," Patrick said looking up with a grin before going back down on Austin. Colin leaned in and felt Austin's balls before running a finger towards his ass crack. Once he touched it, Austin jumped slightly and Colin smiled to himself knowing exactly how that felt the first time. Colin grabbed the bottle of lube and coated his finger and slowly slid into Austin's ass feeling it clamp around him. He fingered him for a few seconds before pulling out and lubing up a second finger and re-entering. He heard Austin grunt and squirm as he was stretched out, but he just pushed in as far as he could go. Dylan pulled out of Patrick and lifted the younger guy out of Austin mouth, spinning him 90 degrees as they rolled Austin onto his side. Patrick just pivoted as he remained clamped to Austin's erection. Everyone wondered if he'd ever let go of it now that he had it. Dylan moved to watch Colin fingering Austin.

"How's it feel?"

"Like a virgin hole. Hot, tight and wet."

"Nice. You should fuck him," Dylan commented.

"NO!" Austin cried out loudly. Dylan grabbed the ripped underwear, and jumped over to Austin's head, shoving it in his mouth.

"Be quiet boy!" He barked. Austin just spit the underwear out. Not like the movie where once it goes in, somehow the captive can't figure out you can just push it out with your tongue. Dylan grabbed a small piece of rope and pushed the underwear back in and then used a rope across it to tie to the back of Austin's head. Patrick had paused the blowjob to watch before resuming what he was doing.

"Okay, fuck him and then once you've got him opened up, I get to try him out," Dylan said. Austin was trying to scream through his gag, but that all ignored him, figuring he was doing a really good job in his captive role right now. Colin coated his cock as both Patrick and Dylan watched. He pressed it at the entrance and everyone saw Austin's ass cheeks go firm and tense. Dylan slapped him hard on the ass and told him to relax. As soon as the cheeks ease up, Colin entered and Austin gave a mumbled shriek through his gag. Colin paused and waited for a second for Austin to calm down before he continued. He grinned as watched himself fucking and Patrick sucking. Dylan was straddling Austin's waist to keep him steady as he got fucked.

"Oh god. He's so tight, I'm gonna cum!" Colin announced just moments later. Dylan leaned forward to watch and was pretty sure he might have cheered as Colin reached his orgasm. He watched as the wet, spent dick pulled out, and pulled the ass cheeks apart to see cum running out.

"Fuck! That's hot. My turn!" He said climbing off Austin and switching places with Colin. He untied one of Austin's hands from the ankle, and lifted the top leg onto his shoulder as he lubed up and pressed into the boy for a sloppy second fuck. Austin screamed again tried to move away from them. "Hold him down, Colin. It's like trying to ride a bucking bronco."

He pushed his entire cock in, causing Austin to yelp loudly from under his gag. Dylan fucked him deep, but slow as he enjoyed the straight boy for the first time.

Suddenly Patrick began to choke and cough as he moved off Austin's cock with his eyes watering.

"You okay? Colin asked looking at him.

"Yeah, he just came and it surprised me. I wasn't ready for it. I almost drowned."

Colin and Dylan both looked at Austin's penis as it dripped cum onto the bed.

"I guess he likes your cock more than mine," Colin grinned as he turned to look at Austin who just shook his head and mumbled what sounded like a `fuck you'.

Dylan came quickly inside Austin to add his load to Colin's before pulling out. They rolled Austin onto his back and he just lay there staring at the ceiling.

"Great! You've killed him. Now how are we gonna get our money?" Dylan joked as Colin untied the rope gag and pulled the shredded underwear out of Austin's mouth to let him breathe better.

"We could get another one to hold for ransom," Colin suggested as they all separated with Patrick still tied at the hands.

"We've decided to let one of you go," Dylan said going back to their roles. "We're sending you to the sex slave mines of Altair four."

"We're sending him off planet?" Colin laughed. "Nerd!"

"Shut up!" Dylan grinned back at him. "You! You're the one we're sending to the sex slave mines," he said pointing to Patrick. "The shuttle will be here to pick you up in an hour. Go get cleaned up in the shower and be ready." He untied Patrick who almost gleefully scampered to the bathroom for his shower.

The two guys quickly untied Austin as Colin spoke. "Sorry dude, we just got a bit carried away. You okay?"

"Ya think? You assholes fucked me!"

"Made it feel real thought, right?" Colin asked hopefully."

"It's because it was real!" Austin replied sitting up. "I guess a real kidnapping wouldn't give you a choice either, but did you have to cut my clothes up? I liked those."

"I'd stop whining if I were you, boy or we'll send you back to your parent's naked once they pay the ransom. You must have liked part of it as you almost killed Patrick with that load of cum," Colin teased in his captor voice. "Just go pick something out of my closet. I have tons of things in there, or keep lying on the bed and we'll both fuck you again."

Austin quickly crawled off the bed and went to sort out something to wear, rubbing his ass as he walked away. Dylan fist bumped Colin as soon as Austin was inside the walk-in closet.

"Holy shit that was hot. God, I hope he lets us fuck him again. That was intense," Dylan exclaimed.

"I know right," Colin agreed hoping that his friend would forgive him for getting carried away. Austin returned from the closet, carrying clothes, and complaining about cum running down his leg, as he headed into the bathroom.

"Think those two are gonna fuck in there?" Dylan asked as he leaped off the bed to stand up.

Both boys ran to the bathroom expecting to see sex, but instead, only found Patrick drying off as he watched Austin shower.

"Damn," Dylan said as Austin turned to look.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing. We just thought you to might be fucking. We wanted to watch."

"Yeah, the roleplay game is over," Austin said as he soaped up his stinging ass.

The boys hung out in the backyard for a bit before Dylan said he and Patrick had to be leaving.

"Thanks CW! I can't wait to be in your club," Patrick waved as the guys left.

"What club?" Austin asked as he and Colin went back to his bedroom.

Colin explained the concept to him in detail.

"That actually sounds like it'd be fun. How many guys are in it already?"

"We haven't really gotten it totally started yet. We were planning on having like an initiation hike next weekend with everyone. I think we have 12 guys interested so far."

"That's cool. Is it only for gay and bisexual guys, or could I join?"

"Mainly gay or bisexual, but I guess we'd let straight guys in if they were open minded."

"I'm open minded. I think I kinda proved that already, didn't I?"

"Yeah, but I don't think you'd want to go through the initiation. You're worried about people seeing you naked and stuff and some of the things we're gonna do will be outside. Plus, one of our rules is you gotta be able to get fucked in front of everyone."

"I just did that," he reminded Colin. "Doesn't that count?"

"It's a start," Colin smiled. "You're not pissed about that are you?"

"I was at first, but it's not like I haven't been thinking about trying it. I just thought that it might be in a bit more private setting. Maybe just you and me."

"Really? You thought of letting me fuck you before?"

"Sure. I mean we've tried other stuff, so I figured you'd be a good person to try this stuff with."

"Thanks. Sorry, if we kinda got carried away with the whole kidnapping thing though. Were you okay with Dylan's cock?"

"Dude. That thing is massive. I honestly didn't know I could take that or not and it hurt like a bitch."

"Then it musta felt good as you almost drowned poor Patrick."

"Hey, I was getting sucked and fucked at the same time. I guess I couldn't hold it. But with your club, I'd be okay being naked outside, at least for now. So far no one knows who I am, so I'm not being chased around yet. I think once people recognize me, I'd have to be more discreet."

"I can see that," Colin nodded.

"I'll have to think about the whole getting fuck thing though. I'm not sure I'd want to do that with everyone. Can I think about it and let you know?" Austin asked. "I liked the kidnapping thing, and I don't mind being naked."

"I don't mind you being naked either," Colin admitted with a smirk. "I loved the kidnapping scenario too. That was actually fun. You liked having sex with us didn't you?" He teased.

"Noooo," he said lightly smiling. "I'm just mean that if you TOLD me to do it, I'd think that could be fun. I watch how big stars are treated on the lot and most of them are having their asses kissed by everyone. I'd love to be that famous, but I kinda think it would keep you grounded in reality to be told what to do sometimes too. When a stage hand puts me on my mark, or I get told to do something again because it wasn't quite right, it's a bit of a turn on."

"That sounds like Patrick. He loves being bossed around and taking orders. Maybe you're a submissive guy deep down."

"I dunno, but maybe we could try more of it and see how it goes."

"Done. Next time you're over, expect my cock again. But don't think that lets you off the hook from fucking me. I want your cock inside me too."

The guys spent the rest of the day playing video games, basketball, and even taking the bikes out for a ride to the beach where they watched surfers, before Austin headed home.

A couple days later, Austin phoned to let Colin know that he was coming over, and appeared a half hour later.

"Okay, I've decided I want to be in your club. Most of it sounds fun," Austin admitted as the boys got to his room.

"Ummm, what about the getting fucked part?" Colin asked.

"I thought about that, and on set we have to do stuff all the time that we aren't comfortable with, like a pie in the face or something super physical that may hurt a little, or just strange things as part of our character. If I pretend to be acting a role, I can probably do it."

"You have a lot of directors telling you to suck their cock and take it up the ass?" Colin teased.

"No, none of them are hot enough that I'd even consider it," he laughed. "Maybe you just order me to do it in front of your club, and I'd pretend you were a movie director or something."

"How about this for incentive," Colin said seductively as he grabbed Austin by the crotch and squeezed. I wanna lick your naked body all over and suck your dick, before I turn you around to rim your ass before my big cock opens up your tight hole and I fuck you until you cum. Incentive enough for you?"

"Nope. Creepy though." Austin replied making no attempt to get Colin to let go of him. "I think it was hotter when you had me tied up and I had no choice."

"How about this?" Colin said as he moved his hand into the top of Austin's pants and grabbed his cock skin to skin. "Let me fuck you, or I rip this off."

"If you ripped it off, you wouldn't be able to use it would you?" He reasoned.

"You're very hard to intimidate and coerce, you know that right? Maybe we just know each other way too well. But I have an idea. Strip, or I'll call Dylan over with his scissors," Colin threatened with a slight grin as he took his hand out of the pants.

"God no! I just bought these clothes," Austin replied as he quickly stripped. "Okay, now what?" Colin moved up and got extremely close to Austin and grabbed his cock, making sure he used a finger to touch his balls as he stroked him.

Once he was fully hard, Colin stepped back and smiled again. "There, mission accomplished."

"Huh? I don't get it. You've seen me hard before."

Colin raised his camera and took a couple quick pictures.


"Now you have incentive to suck my dick."

"How is that incentive?"

"Because if you don't drop and start sucking, I'll send these pics to all our friends, and who knows who they might show."

"That would definitely be incentive," he grinned as he moved to Colin and dropped to his knees in front of him. "Yeah, I like this game."

"Game? Who's playing a game? You got me horny, so start sucking."

Austin gave Colin a big smile as he undid the pants and lowered them, followed by his shorts. Colin yanked his shirt off over his head so he was completely naked. Austin took hold of Colin's cock as he got to work. He was so focused that he didn't notice Colin holding his camera off to the side recording him. He licked the side of Colin's penis before it was pushed into his mouth and he began sucking it. Colin held Austin's messy long blond hair and moved his hips in and out so he could make sure his friend wasn't just sitting there doing nothing. After a minute of it, he paused the recording and took some pictures which Austin heard and immediately turned his head to see what Colin was doing.

He stopped sucking and looked up at Colin, who took a few more pictures getting the perfect angle of Austin's face with his erection. "Dude! No more pics. If those get out, I'll be finished."

"Then I guess we have your incentive to keep going, don't we? I keep these safe and you do as your told from now on, or I release them to TMZ."

"And go to jail for distributing underage pics," Austin laughed.

"I guess I'd have to release them anonymously to the internet where they'll remain for all eternity. Looks like you're gonna get fucked again today. Either in the ass, or on the internet. Which way do you want it?"

Austin sat back looking up at Colin. "That's an easy choice. In the ass."

"Good decision. I want you on your back with your legs over my shoulder so I can watch your face."

"Shit. Is this gonna be a regular thing between us now? I'm not sure I'd want to do this all the time."

"Why are we discussing this boy? You're either giving up your ass, or your internet privacy. Pick one!"

"You can have my ass," Austin acknowledged with a light smile while trying to sound like he was giving in to the blackmail. "Am I supposed to keep sucking your dick?"

"You'd like that wouldn't you?" Colin said almost wanting to shove his cock back into Austin's mouth. "I wonder how many roles there are for a cock sucking straight boy."

"A lot," Austin replied with a big grin. "It's called porn.

"Touché," Colin nodded as the boys moved to the bed and Austin was told to lie on his back. "I'm gonna work on opening your ass up first, like before, and then we'll finish with me balls deep in there. Hope you're not planning on shrieking, crying and whining like last time. I don't have an underwear gag handy," Colin teased as he quickly lifted Austin's legs up and buried his face in between the relatively virgin ass cheeks.

"Where's the kaboom? There's supposed to be an earth shattering Kaboom," Austin laughed in his best Marvin the Martian voice.

"Shut up! There was a kaboom...and you know it! This helps relax you so that when my cock fills you up, you can actually handle it," Colin said pausing to reach for Austin's cock. "You're really horny aren't you?" He asked noticing he was already hard and precum had begun.

"Kinda. I guess all guys are if someone is playing with them though, right?" Austin asked.

"I dunno. Straight boys don't usually get turned on by the thought of being fucked hard."

"I wasn't actually thinking of that. I was thinking of your tongue that was just in my ass and the fact you're jerking me off," Austin said as he lay there enjoying himself. Colin returned to the rimming before he wet a finger and began to insert it. As with most guys new to being penetrated, he clamped shut. Colin barked instructions at him to try and sound like they were orders. Austin did his best to comply with a `yes, sir.'

As Colin worked the hole with his finger, Austin continued to be rock hard and leaking precum. "Stop! Dude, stop!" He called out suddenly and Colin pulled his finger out and let go of him.

"You okay?" Colin asked, looking at his friend.

"Yeah. It was just a bit intense, that's all. I actually thought I might cum just now," he revealed.

"Really? The straight boy is gonna cum from having a finger up his pooper? Wonder what everyone will say about that when I show them these pics." He ran through the shots he'd taken of Austin being rimmed, stroked and finger probed. Colin had been busy getting a full collection of them.

"Fuck, my ass looks so weird with a finger in it. Plus, I've never actually seen my ass in a picture like that before."

"And in a couple minutes, you're gonna get to see it with my cock in there as I fuck you. Now are we gonna keep going, or are you gonna be the internet's next porn star? You've made me super horny and I wanna fuck you."

"What if I've changed my mind and don't want to do it anymore?" Austin asked staring at Colin, who tried to see if he were being serious or not. He chose not to cave in.

"That's up to you. Who do you think we should send these pics to first? Dylan? Brooks? Maybe Grayson or Martin? How about all of them and hope they don't spread it around. Maybe Lauren, and she can pray for your soul at church.

"You wouldn't," Austin said shaking his head.

"Wouldn't I? You know if I send these to Dylan, he'll show everyone that he knows and he'd be over here to have a go inside you before the email finishes sending."

"That's probably very true. Not sure if I can handle that cock again."

"Oh, if you join our club, you'll be taking it in front of everyone. That's a rule."

"Can I ask you a question? Have you always wanted to fuck me?"

"Always? No, but I've been thinking about it ever since you joined in with me and Dylan that first time. I never thought of sex with you at all until that. Then I saw your cock get hard and you let Dylan suck you, and you fucked him. I was kinda jealous in a way."

"You were jealous of me having sex with Dylan? I was scared shitless. As soon as my dick got hard it was like my brain shut off and I was watching myself from outside my body. When you slid me into his ass, I almost freaked out, but I didn't feel in control anymore. I kinda went through with it so that you and I didn't drift apart as friends."

Colin laughed as Austin just looked at him after spilling his guts.

"What's so funny?" Austin said frowning slightly.

"I dunno. You wanted to have sex so we don't drift apart as friends? Most straight boys wouldn't go for that route. They'd do something like take me to their film set, or get a girlfriend who is comfortable joining Dylan and me on dates. Things like that. Your option is to get naked and have sex with me."

"Is that wrong?"

"Not from where I'm sitting," Colin smiled as he looked down Austin's body. "I like having sex with my friends. It's just strange that that's your first choice."

"Okay, bro to bro. Have you had sex with other straight boys?"

"If I did, I couldn't tell you about it. Same as I couldn't tell them about you."

"Fair enough...and HA!"

"Ha? What Ha?" Colin said staring at his face.

"If you won't tell them, then you're not gonna send those pics, and therefore I don't have to do what you say anymore," Austin grinned as he put his hands behind his head and lay out fully on his back.

"You think so, huh?" Colin said jumping over Austin and sitting on his waist. "You think you can get me horny, tell me that you thought about having sex so we'd stay closer friends, and then think you can just not do it? Wrong! I'm fucking you, and when I'm done, I'm riding your cock so I can get your cum. But if my cock isn't in your ass in the next two minutes, I email every pic to far to ALL our friends, and let them figure out what's going on between us. But even if you end up all over the internet with your career ruined, and living in a carboard box on the street somewhere as a crack addict, I'll still love you," Colin smirked as he reached back and took hold of Austin's flaccid penis to play with it.

"Really? You're telling me you'll still love me while threatening to turn me into a crack addict, WHILE playing with my cock? You do know that this is how straight boys end up in therapy, right?"

"I'd love to hear those therapy sessions. Okay. Here's the deal. We're having sex until we both get it out of our system and can't get hard again. If you like it, then I keep blackmailing you, and bossing you around like we're playing a character in one of your shows. If you really don't like it, then we won't do it again, but either way we'll both know we're gonna be friends for life no matter what each of us ends up doing."

"Deal," Austin agreed.

"First? We gotta get horny again so I can fuck you. How are you at kissing?"

"Kissing? I'm great at it. Haven't really kissed a boy though."

"Well, Mr. Actor! Time to act like a horny little fag. This is something you'll probably do at some point in your career anyway, so why not start with me?" Colin leaned down and pressed their lips together as Austin just stared at him. He paused for a second, then closed his eyes and opened his mouth to accept Colin's tongue. The two boys kissed for what seemed like half an hour, both ending up fully hard as a result. It was technically only five minutes of full tongue to tongue kissing, but as soon as they stopped, Colin worked his way down Austin's body licking nipples, kissing abs and his belly button before sucking him deep to enjoy his friend's cock for the first time. Austin just kept his eyes closed and ran his hands over Colin's head slowly. As he felt his knees being bent and legs pushed back, he braced for another rimming. Colin worked Austin over as he once again pushed a finger inside him. Once he pulled out Colin leaned over Austin, pressing their erections together and returned to kissing. When it was obvious that both boys were leaking and ready for more, Colin reached for the lube in his night table.

Austin took a deep breath as he saw it. "Oh shit."

"Yeah. Oh shit is right!" Colin laughed staring his friend directly in the eyes as they lay fused together.

"Just go slow," Austin said just before Colin leaned down to kiss him again. Once the kiss stopped, Colin looked at Austin again and grinned.

"I'll go as fast as I need to to make sure your straight boi pussy gets a good hard fuck!" He said returning to his dominating character.

"Yes, sir," Austin replied as Colin eased up and moved back slightly to pour lube on his finger and re-insert it into Austin's ass. He made sure to put a lot in there as he remembered how it was the first few times he first got nailed. He had definitely been thankful for a lot of lube. He rubbed some all over his erection and looked down at Austin. He put the lube back and moved the camera that he'd set up on the night table to film this. He was pretty sure Austin wasn't aware of it. "Okay, time to pop more of your ass cherries, straight boy. You're about to get a nice big cock in your ass."

"Oh, is Dylan coming over after all?" Austin replied with a bot of a smirk, not able to help himself, despite being nervous.

"No, but we could set up a live Skype to everyone if you don't shut the fuck up!" Colin replied as he aimed the tip of his cock at Austin's hole and rubbed it around. Austin gasped and tensed up almost instantly. "Relax or it hurts way more. Trust me on that," Colin instructed as he leaned forward to get a better angle. Austin just watched him.

As he felt Colin begin to penetrate his rosebud, he basically stopped breathing to focus. "Oh shit. God, I can feel it," he said almost unnecessarily.

"I hope so," Colin grinned as he moved further forward and began to insert himself. He felt Austin tense up again and reminded him to push out and breathe. As soon as he got through the sphincter, Austin jumped and cried out slightly.

Colin laughed. "Dude, relax and act like a straight boy, not a whiny little chick. You barely have the tip of my dick in you."

"Go slow. It feels really weird."

"What does?" Colin asked trying to get the audio to go with his video.

"Your cock in my ass. It feels about ten times bigger than last time."

"Aww! Aren't you sweet?" Colin teased as he pushed forward. "You like my cock in there don't you?"


"Want me to stop and send the pictures to everyone?" Colin clarified trying to keep their game on track, "or should I keep going until I cum?"

"Uhhh, just go slower."

"Beg me to fuck you straight boy," Colin said trying to snarl, but with a smile.

"Please fuck me," Austin said trying not to grimace from the pain.

"Please fuck me, what?"

"Please fuck me, sir," Austin repeated.

"Say you want me to fuck your tight boi pussy until I cum," Colin told him as he kept slowly inserting himself.

"Please fuck my tight boy pussy until you cum...sir," he added watching Colin closely. Colin leaned down on top of Austin and pressed their lips together, before easing up and looking at him.

"I'm almost in all the way, then I'll fuck you. You still okay?"

"It feels way bigger than last time. Did you grow overnight or something?"

Colin nodded. "Yep, got an extra four inches in one night! Nah, this position is the best for going deep. Surprise! Guess I forgot to mention that."

"Ya think?"

He put Austin's legs firmly on his shoulders and pushed the rest of the way in. Austin whimpered out loud before Colin pressed their faces together and began to fuck him. He made sure to go slower than he normally would, but used as much of his cock as he could to fuck his friend for the second time. Austin moved his hands to hold onto Colin, which only encouraged him to fuck a bit faster. When he felt Austin adjust his ass, almost as if to get more cock in him, he leaned back and took hold of Austin's ankles to stretch his legs out to the side as he watched himself inside his friend's hole.

"Oh god, I'm gonna cum," Colin cried out as he flooded Austin's insides. He let go of one ankle and reached for the camera, which he quickly switched from video to photo and took several shots showing him inside the tight hole. He also made sure to take plenty of shots of Austin's entire body and face so there would be no mistaking who was being fucked. He even handed the camera to Austin and told him to take his own shots of Colin being the one inside him. Once he pulled out, he took a couple last shots of his cum dripping out of the red, angry hole. Austin put his legs down as Colin lay beside him panting. "So how was that?" Colin asked.

"I didn't cum like last time, but it was okay I guess. It stopped hurting once you got going. So...umm thanks?"

"Don't thank me, boi. You're now my sex slave forever. Once I enjoy a straight boy pussy, I'll have to use it again and again. You know you have to do what I say now, or these pictures and video get out of you being fucked and obviously enjoying it with your full boner," he said as he grabbed hold of Austin's still hard cock.

"Is that an order, sir?" Austin grinned as he let Colin play with him.

"Yeah. But now we need to even out this role playing. You fuck me now. Stand at the side of the bed and breed me, straight boy."

Austin stood up and Colin turned over and put his legs over Austin's shoulders. Austin was about to just go for the fuck as Colin rolled his eyes and looked at him. "You need lube, idiot. No way our big cocks go in tight holes without lube. Finger some into me and then coat your penis before you try."

"I have to put my finger in your ass?"

"Oh, so you're fine putting your penis in there, but not your finger? Such a tool. Are you gonna be this squeamish when you have to rim me?"

"I'm never gonna do that," Austin replied as he grabbed the lube and poured some on a finger.

"Yeah you will, and now I know you don't want to, you'll be doing it for sure! You'll love it as I spread my cheeks and sit on your face."

"Gross," Austin said before sliding his finger into Colin's ass. "This feels really weird. I had no idea an ass felt like this. It's kinda moist and smooth."

"Yep. They taste even better," Colin grinned as he wiggled forward onto Austin's finger to make sure he was getting the full lube. As Austin got himself ready Colin grabbed the camera again and took more pictures of Austin standing there with an erection, legs over his shoulder about to fuck.

"Dude, are you sure you don't have enough pics? Just one of those would ruin me."

"Then I guess you better not piss me off straight boy. When I want a dicking, I'll snap my fingers and you better come running. Now are you gonna keep whining, or are you finally gonna fuck me?" He snapped playfully. Austin moved the tip of his cock into place as Colin took pictures, and once he was all the way inside, he switched to video mode and recorded himself getting fucked. Austin got into it almost immediately tossing his hair back and pounding Colin for the 45 seconds he lasted before finally pulling out to reveal a very wet and spent dick, making it more than obvious that he'd cum. Colin kept recording as Austin squeezed the end of his penis to drain the last few drops out.

"And cut...and print!" Colin smirked as he sat up. "That was AWESOME!" Colin gushed as he stood up and faced Austin who was still panting slightly. I guess we're friends with benefits now."

"I can't believe I actually did all that," Austin said stepping back just slightly to give each of them a bit more personal space.

"Me neither. Now you're my sex bitch forever," He joked.

"I might regret this whole idea, won't I?" Austin said amused at their game but feeling a little uneasy as his hormones calmed down and reality began to creep back in.

"I guess we'll find out when you're thirty and a huge celebrity and still taking my dick. Now for the next part of our fun," Colin grinned as he grabbed his own phone and called Dylan. "Hey, wanna hang out tomorrow?"

"Of course. Wanna go cliff jumping? I found a cool spot to do it."

"Sounds good to me. Oh hey, if you arrive early in the morning, Austin is sleeping over. Just thought I'd warn you so you don't jump into bed and land on him when he's bed...with morning wood..."

After they hung up, Colin looked over at Austin. "Oh, by the way, you're sleeping over tonight."

"I kinda got that from your phone call. I'll just text my parents and let them know." He made the text and got an okay back. "So, what do we do now?"

"Now? Now, we do normal friend things until I'm horny again."

"Then?" Austin said looking at Colin with amusement.

"Then we have sex again. By morning you'll understand that I own you and you do as you're told."

Austin just nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm really gonna regret this."

"Not as much as you will when Dylan gets here early in the morning, pretending he forgot you were here. I'm gonna enjoy watching him fuck you."

"I doubt I could take a cock that big again."

"You wanted to be bossed around and be in the club, so Dylan is next to use your ass. Just think of it this way, when you get his load in you, it'll be 2 down, 10 to go. With Dylan being the largest, everyone else will be easy. Plus, I intend to make a video of it, so I have more incentive for you to keep doing what I say."

"I'm not really sure about this video and picture stuff. What if it all gets into the wrong hands?"

"Nah, it won't. I'll keep it in my safe. It's just between you and me. It'll be our game."

Austin stared at Colin. "So, I'll be like your lifelong slave?"

"Exactly. But you love it anyway, right?"

"Kinda, yeah," Austin grinned.

"Good!" Colin said lowering his voice and becoming authoritative. "Because tomorrow I'm letting my boyfriend fuck that tight ass of yours, and I want to see you crying, while begging him to go harder."

"I think you might be enjoying this a little too much," Austin laughed.

"Ditto! But if you think I like it, wait until you see how Dylan is at this Master and slave stuff. He totally loves it."

"Is he a master or a slave?"

"He's a total slave when he does that stuff."

"I'm surprised. He's pretty outgoing and with a big cock like that I figure he'd be the one doing the fucking."

"Yeah, it kinda surprised me too when he started doing it, but he sometimes gets fucked more in one day than I get in a month. Speaking of that, you'll be sleeping naked with us from now on. No more underwear."

Austin looked at Colin. "Do you think a lot of straight boys hook up with other guys?"

"The horny ones probably do when they don't have a girl on speed dial to put out. Oh, and I don't care if you can do the no underwear thing or not, you'll simply do it. I don't need your input on what you can and can't do. I'll be the one to tell you what to do or not."

"Yes, sir," Austin replied with a salute. The guys settled down and played video games until bedtime where Colin took the opportunity to show Austin all the pictures and video he'd taken. At first Austin was a bit surprised by how much of him it showed, but then he offered some critique, and suggested they could get better camera angles next time.

"Okay Mr. Director. Next time we'll get a crew in here with lighting, makeup and multiple cameras," Colin said sarcastically as they turned out the light to sleep. Colin woke when Dylan entered the room in the morning and crawled into bed with him.

"Morning boys," Dylan said as he snuggled up against Colin so their bodies intertwined.

"Morning. What time is it?"

"I dunno. About 7. I wanted to get here early before you guys wasted these boners," he smiled as he reached down and took hold of Colin's erection. "Do you have a morning boner for me too?" Dylan smiled as he half crawled over Colin and reached across under the covers for Austin. He found what he was looking for. "Nice! Two for the price of one. Yum!"

"Told you he was a slut, Austin," Colin teased.

"Says the guy sleeping naked with a horny straight boy," Dylan reminded him as he shuffled over to Austin and pushed the covers down. "Mmmm. Breakfast!" he said licking his lips as he moved down the bed and pulled Austin's legs apart before lying between them to play with the erection. He looked at it closely, before licking it all over and then slipping it into his mouth. Colin hit the button for the window to lighten the room so he could see.

"Shit that's bright," Austin complained.

"So, I can get better pictures," Colin smirked as he grabbed his camera and took several shots of Dylan going down on him. Dylan just glanced over and put his hand up with thumb and pinky finger out as a salute. Colin moved around to get plenty of angles including those of his boyfriend right down on Austin's cock while holding his balls. He had Austin put his hands in Dylan's hair and took shots of that as well. He put the camera aside for a second as he grabbed the lube from the night table. "Don't make him cum yet. You gotta fuck him."

Colin fingered lube into Austin's ass as he lifted a leg onto Dylan's shoulders. He grabbed his camera and told them to get to it. Dylan just beamed as he noticed Colin getting into position to capture the penetration. He turned slightly so there was a better visual for the camera, and slowly pushed into Austin, who grimaced with pain as he went.

Dylan noticed the facial expression, but ignored it.

Austin panted as he tried to relax even more, taking a big breath of air as he was speared by the massive cock. He almost screamed out for Dylan to stop, but instead, he lifted his other leg up onto the shoulder and got comfortable.

"Oh, you want the deep dicking, huh?" Dylan grin as Colin got behind them to watch the big shaft going in and out of his friend. When he saw Austin grab Dylan's thigh, he made sure to get the shot as he moved around making his video. He couldn't stop smiling when Dylan dropped his head and surprised Austin by kissing him. Colin captured the close up as he took one of Austin's hands and placed it around Dylan's back. Austin got the message and put his other arm around Dylan and by the time Colin widened the shot, they were in a full embrace, fucking like porn stars in love. Dylan announced he was ready to cum and didn't even hesitate as he sat back pulled his cock out, sprayed his load all over Austin's cock and then pushed himself back in. It was an epic money shot that porn studios love to see. Austin grunted loudly at the re-entry but held on as Dylan came down from his climax and pulled out, with both boys panting hard.

"Fuck! That was hot!" Colin exclaimed as he stopped filming. Shit, we could make a fortune if that acting this doesn't work out. You can seriously go into porn."

Austin just rolled his eyes. "That's never gonna happen. My ass would never handle that much sex."

"Well it needs to handle a bit more, `cause it's my turn now. Dylan you film it. Austin turn over and get doggy style."

"I dunno. My ass is pretty sore," Austin complained.

"I don't remember asking. You're a jock, take a bit of pain," Colin said trying to sound intimidating. "Wouldn't want everyone out there to know you cry after only a short fuck, do you?" He said trying to remind Austin who was in charge.

"No, sir!" Austin smiled slightly as he got onto his hands and knees. Dylan got the camera into position to watch Colin coat his cock and enter Austin. He moved over top of them, underneath and made sure he got Austin's facial expressions. When Colin reached around Austin and took hold of his cock to jerk him off while he fucked, Dylan was there to capture that as well.

"I'm gonna cum!" Austin announced and Dylan pushed him upright so both boys were kneeling and he got the perfect angle to watch Austin still being fucked and jerked off as cum shot from him like a rocket. Colin couldn't hold on any longer and let his load go inside Austin's ass at almost the same time. As soon as they got breathing back under control, Austin went back down on his hands and knees and Colin pulled out with Dylan there to film it. Both guys watched as Colin's cum dripped out of the well used hole and fist bumped as the camera captured it all before being shut off.

"Shit that was a wicked hot warm-up!" Dylan exclaimed. "If you want me to wake you guys up again, just ask! I gotta jump in the shower to freshen up before we start the real sex."

He ran to the bathroom and Austin flipped onto his back to look at Colin.

"What does he mean warm-up before the real sex?"

"He's kidding...I think," Colin replied.

I'm never going to get to be straight again, am I?" Austin said with a sleepy smile.

"Nope. With all that footage, you're mine whenever I need you, bitch. Or should I just call you boi?"

"Boi, is better than bitch," Austin replied as he watched Colin push the covers back and crawl between his legs to give him a blowjob.

"Bitch it is then!" Colin teased.

"Dude, I'm spent," Austin complained.

"I don't remember asking. I like your cock and I'm going to use it whenever I want. Any more whining you want to do?"

"No sir. I guess I'll have to learn to handle it, if you're gonna blackmail me from now on," he said trying to sound like he'd reluctantly given in to the idea, but both of them knowing he loved it. "Next time we should combine what we did before and this time."

"Like what?"

"Tie me up like the first time and then fuck me like this time. It would make it seem like I had no choice that way."

"You didn't have a choice, or you'd already be a nude internet sensation going viral right now," Colin said trying to sound sinister.

"Ummm...but seriously, you won't show those to anyone right?" Austin asked concerned.

"As long as you keep being a good little bitch, no. Next time we can come up with something else," Colin said as he grabbed the camera. "If you're really worried, I can delete everything," he offered seriously.

"No, you should keep them. That way it'll be more real when you make me do stuff again. You could bring it out and show it to me and threaten to release it all."

"Just so you know. I'd never do that thought, right?"

"I know. That's why I let you take it all. I trust you a hundred percent, but this could be fun for a while. If I ever get to a point where I'm not okay, you can just give it back and we'll delete it."

"Sounds good to me. Now why don't you get your skanky gaping wet hole off my bed and go take a shower," he said jumping over Austin and pulling him off the bed, to drag him to the bathroom where he made Austin wash Dylan and himself from head to toe.

Chapter 15 Blaine bounced up to Colin and Dylan at the lockers. "Okay, Jeremy is in the club. I convinced him."

"Sweet. That dude has a nice tasty cock," Dylan said fist bumping him.

"How do you know?" Colin inquired.

"I shave him... remember? He's boned up a few times. I helped him deal."

"Slut!" Colin laughed.

"You know it! Oh, wait did you mean that as an insult?" Dylan smirked.

Later that week, Colin and Dylan sent a text to everyone that they wanted in their club, which not only included the 6 guys that had passed the test in the woods, but also, Blaine, Jeremy, Patrick, and Aidan, who Dylan said he'd vetted personally. Colin didn't ask for further details as he already assumed `vetted' from Dylan meant sex. Austin was also sent a text for the meeting in a few days.

"Welcome to our first club meeting," Colin said once everyone had arrived and found a place to sit.

"Whose place is this?" Jin asked as he looked around.

"My brother's. He's on a business trip this weekend and said we could use it. But it's kinda my place too. I have a bedroom here."

"Cool place. I'd be here all the time so I could surf," Carlson admitted. "You could just look out the window the see how big the swell was." The others agreed before turning their attention back to Colin.

"We thought of a few club rules to help get us started, and since we're the first members we can discuss them and come up with other ones for anyone else who wants to join," Colin suggested. "But first we should get to know each other better since not everyone here knows everyone else. So, that brings us to our first main rule. At all official meetings everyone must be completely naked, even if the official meetings are someplace public like a beach or the woods. Most of our activities and events would also be without clothes unless we can't because of other people. To start this meeting, one at a time everyone should come up to the front, strip, introduce yourself and tell us something about your hobbies and level of sexual experience. I'll go first and don't worry if you get a boner. We'll probably all get them before the end."

Colin stood up and moved to the front where he began removing his clothes. He folded them and put them off to one side before turning to face all the members of their new club. "I'm Colin and I'm 15. I'm on the water polo team at my school. I also surf and scuba dive, and I like basketball, ATVing, swimming, and sometimes tennis. I've also been hunting but I'm not a huge fan of that. Sexually, I've pretty much done most regular stuff including being fucked. Dylan used to be my boyfriend so we kinda learned a lot of stuff together, and from others that we played around with."

"How big's your dick?" Harlan asked with a grin.

"We don't need to tell everyone that for your introduction unless you want to as we'll probably all see each other hard before the meeting is over anyway. I'm almost 7½," he admitted anyway.

Dylan went next and told them of some of his sexual experiences which impressed a lot of the guys, getting many of them very horny, very quickly, as Dylan didn't really filter much. Harlan went next, complaining that it wasn't fair to have to follow Dylan with all his experience and large penis. When he stripped, he nervously let everyone see he had an erection, which made a lot of the others feel better as they had them as well. One by one everyone undressed and introduced themselves to the club, some still with erections, some without.

"We want to make sure our club is fun and that we all are cool with each other, so we thought of some things to get us started," Colin said beginning the conversation again. "The first is to come up with ideas for activities that we can do as a group, another is how to get new members to join. At each meeting, we'll do something different, like a theme. This one was to see each other naked and introduce ourselves, but other meetings could be to help each other learn new things, mainly about sex, or try things that we all think would be cool. So with everyone having different experiences, maybe today we could play a couple of games to learn to relax around each other."

"Like what?" Jin asked.

Colin smiled. "I'm getting to it," he said reaching for a pile of playing cards. "Each person should pick a card and look at it but not say anything yet." They all did it quickly and held their cards as if it were a winning poker hand. "There are 6 pairs of cards, so when you show your card, whoever has the matching pair is your partner for the first task."

"What task?" Trent asked.

"You'll see in a minute," Colin grinned.

One by one each guy turned his card around and the guy with the matching card turned his around and the guys shuffled around to sit next to each other. By the time it was done, all 12 boys had a partner.

"This first task is that each pair stands up in front of us and they have to kiss for 15 seconds. Full kisses, not just pecks on the lips."

"You mean with tongues, right?" Aidan asked.

"Yep. Definitely," Dylan grinned as he sat with his partner, Carlson.

"Who goes first?" Jeremy asked as he sat next to Paul.

"The team with the lowest number goes first, then the next number and so on," Colin said next to his partner, Jin.

One by one each pair got up and kissed each other. Some obviously hadn't had a lot of experience kissing and they kept most of their bodies apart from their partner, while other pairs like Dylan and Carlson, pressed up tight together and kissed like they were mining each others mouth, resulting in both guys having erections at the end of 15 seconds and getting applause from the rest of the guys. Dylan gave a bow before sitting down.

"We should work on our club rules and how to get new members. We thought of a few ideas to get us started, but we should all work on them together since the club belongs to each of us. Anyone who wants to be a member after this, must be brought to the club by an existing member who introduces him to the group. He does this by doing what we just did. He stands the pledge in front of all of us, strips him so we can check him out, and tells us about his sexual experiences."

"Yeah, and if they're not big enough we don't let them join," Cole laughed.

"Guess you're out then," Harlan joked as the others laughed.

Dylan added. "We want to make sure they'd be a good member, so once they're introduced, we introduce ourselves to the pledge next. One by one he'd come up to us and we tell him who we are and he kisses our dick as a thank you for considering him."

"We should make him put at least the head of our penis in his mouth instead of just a kiss," Aidan suggested, with the guys agreeing. Colin wrote it down as they talked.

"Once he is introduced to everyone, then all members present could draw straws, or a high card or something for the bonding session," Carlson suggested as he pitched an idea.

"What's a bonding session?" Trent interrupted.

"I'm getting to it," Carlson grinned. "The person who draws the longest straw or the highest card, or whatever we come up with, gives the new member a blowjob until he cums. He makes sure not to swallow it and passes it to the mouth of the next member, who passes it to the next and so on until it ends up with the person who brought the pledge for consideration. He then passes the pledges cum back to him and the circle is complete."

"Gross, but unique! I like it," Paul said as the guys talked about it for a bit and agreed to it.

"Then we thought we should give him a task to do so we know he's serious about joining. He would have to complete it before the next meeting he attends. We can discuss those ideas afterward and build a book of them for future pledges to complete. If he completes it and returns, then he has to have sex in front of all of us with the person who brought him in."

"Ummm, what if that person is like a brother or something?" Jeremy asked.

"Then he can pick some other member to have sex with the pledge while everyone watches."

"What kind of sex?" Blaine inquired for clarification.

"For the initiation sex, we think he should prove he can at least fuck or be able to be fucked. Then all the other basic things too. Kissing, blowjob, rimming. If they do more, that's cool, but at least those four things."

"Ummm, what if they've never done any fucking before?" Aidan asked.

"We'd let them know in advance that this is one of the rules. We should make it a rule that within three months of joining you have to get fucked in front of us. Then within six months, you should have fucked and been fucked by each member so that we are all bonded together. We could make it one of our main rules. Right up there with being naked at all meetings," Colin said in response.

"What if the guy is too big and we can't handle him. Like Dylan's penis is gigantic. I couldn't take that. I haven't taken any size yet," Jeremy admitted.

"That's the idea of learning things. You start with other guys first and work up to the bigger penises so that you get used to it."

Just then, there was a knock on the front door causing the guys to jump nervously. Colin walked to the door and looked to the peep hole. "Relax, it's just Austin," he said opening the door completely naked.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. My Illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator was malfunctioning," he joked in his Marvin the Martian voice again. "I was held up at work. Whoa, looks like I'm really late," he grinned noticing everyone sitting around without clothes.

"Guys, this is Austin. We've all introduced ourselves already and since you're late you have to go through a club punishment."

"What's the punishment?" He asked looking at Colin.

"Punishments are specific to each member, but first you have to strip, introduce yourself and tell us your hobbies and sexual experience."

As he stripped and introduced himself, Colin got to work on something on paper. Then each guy introduced themselves to Austin, but unlike a new pledge, and considering it was their first meeting, they didn't make him kiss their penis.

"Okay, now your punishment for being late," Colin said as he held up a bowl with folded papers in it. "Pick out a name."

Austin did it and handed the paper to Colin.

"Your punishment for arriving late and making us stop our very first meeting is that you must give this person a blowjob in front of everyone for 20 seconds. And the name is...Cole!"

The whole group grinned except for Austin who just stared at Colin. "I was only 10 minutes late," he complained.

"Good thing it wasn't 30 then," Colin said with a smile

"Shit! I wanna be late next time," Dylan remarked.

"Like I said, each punishment is specific to the member. Your punishment would be that you had to stay in your clothes for the entire meeting and wouldn't be allowed to do anything sexual," Colin warned him.

"Okay, then I definitely won't be late. That would suck!" Dylan acknowledged.

"Speaking of sucking. Cole, get up there," Harlan said in a bit of a teasing voice.

Cole stood as Austin got on his knees and the guys counted down the 20 seconds, ending with Cole with an erection, and Austin looking embarrassed.

"Our meeting can now continue," Colin said smiling as he pulled his laptop out of his backpack. "I thought we should keep a journal of our meetings and the things we discuss. We'd record new ideas, new rules, activities we want to do, etc. We should also keep a record of everyone's stats and personal info."

"Like what?" Carlson asked.

"Like everything. Since we're all growing and changing all the time. It would be fun to see how we change over time. We could do measurements whenever we think we've changed and record them, and then every six months make it like an official meeting to record new stats as a group. Height, weight, chest size, biceps. Things like that."

"Penis size," Dylan added with a smile. "Length and thickness. I know we'd probably all like to see if that part grows." The guys quickly agreed.

"We should also record if we learn any new sex thing," Harlan suggested.

"Huh?" Aidan said looking at him.

I just meant that not all of us have done everything yet, so when we learn it, or actually do it, we should record it."

Colin spun the laptop screen around to show the guys that he had their names on a spreadsheet already with columns for measurements and lots of rows to add new things. "We could fill some of these things in now," he suggested and sent Dylan to get the weigh scale from the bathroom as well as the tape measure and ruler his brother had in the kitchen drawer. One by one they all recorded their basic stats, which they entered into the spreadsheet. They made sure to put their age too so that they could compare against others at the same age. Blaine had the longest and thickest penis when soft, but Dylan was the longest when hard. Some guys didn't record their limp size as they couldn't get it to go down as they were too excited by the activities around them, but all promised to make sure they had it for next meeting.

Once they had completed it, their database was looking pretty good. Colin added more columns and asked the guys what sex stuff they should add.

Everyone began speaking at once, so he stopped them and quickly ran to his room and returned with a dildo, which of course got everyone laughing. "If you want to speak, you need to have the dildo. Pass it to the next guy for his turn," Colin said as he stuck it to the table and the guys watched as it waved around. "Who goes first?"

Trent put up his hand and went to take the dildo. It was suctioned to the coffee table and he yanked it off with a forceful popping sound that everyone liked, so it quickly became the rule that the dildo must be returned to its starting position each time. "I think we should record how many times we've masturbated between meetings."

"Cool. Colin, make the columns bigger," Paul laughed. Colin typed in `jerked it' in the top row.

As a group they added all the sex acts they could come up with and each one became its own column and specific to make sure they added whether they had given or received the sex act. They also decided they should put the date of the first time they did something new. Like get naked in public, been skinny dipping, or sucked a dick, got caught masturbating by someone, etc. By the time they were done the spreadsheet was looking pretty big. Colin and Dylan said they'd work on trying to make it easier to read.

"Should we fill some stuff in?" Jin asked. The guys agreed that they might not get it all done as it was now a pretty big form, but they said they could start with some of it. Colin read out the item at the top and each person who had done it put up their hand.

"Dylan, your hand is gonna get quite a workout," Colin joked as he looked along the list and realized his boyfriend had probably done it all, even on the things such as orgy and bdsm. They had put down watersports despite most of the guys not knowing what it was, but once explained they agreed to add it. They didn't go into kinkier fetishes than that though. The chart became quite interesting as it began to fill out. Everyone had been naked in front of another guy, and everyone had given or received a handjob at some point. But not everyone who had had done actual sex had done something like skinny dipping, or vice versa. Colin was right about Dylan having done everything, and to most people's surprise, Patrick was right up there with him. Colin was also as experienced. Aidan who was the youngest, having just turned 14, was the least experienced and had only masturbated a friend once and run outside naked. He had done nothing else.

Carlson took the dildo. "I think that if we record that we did something at future meetings, we should have to prove it. Like if I said I'd finally fucked a guy between now and our next meeting and I mark it down, along with the date, then I should pick someone on the chart that's been fucked before and do it front of everyone to prove that I'm not lying."

"Great idea!" Paul agreed with others almost as excited. Colin wrote that down as one of the rules and they all voted to make it pass. "That would keep guys from lying, because if he was picked to get fucked in front of everyone, and hadn't, we'd all know and could challenge him on other stuff."

Colin looked around the room at the naked guys in their new group and wondered how long it would be before the entire chart was filled in, with everyone having done everything. Then a new idea hit him. "At each meeting, you can set a goal for yourself if you want. Highlight the column green, along with a date you want to complete a specific task and see if you accomplish it. That way you can push yourself to do something new." The others agreed on that as well.

"Other than sex things, as a group we should lookout for each other. I know some guys get picked on for stuff whether being called a nerd, or a fag, or just bullied by someone bigger. Even Dylan and I have experienced it. We could also look out for guys that might be right for our group and protect them too. Like NATO, if someone attacks one of us, they attack all of us and we retaliate."

"Yeah!" Harlan agreed pounding his fist. Being one of the bigger guys, no one believed he was being bullied, or that he couldn't take care of himself, but it was good that he was up for being an `enforcer.' It was a bit of a surprise on his list of activities that the furthest he had gone was blowjobs. He hadn't got into anal at all. Some guys commented when others admitted to something. Like a few guys were wondering how a thick penis like Blaine's, or long one like Dylan's would feel. Others were a little quieter as they learned how much experience they currently lacked, but it that topic quickly came up as the chart filled up.

"I think that as a group we can help each other out with some of these things," Paul suggested. "I mean it's pretty easy to get our friends to jerk off while we watch porn, but it's not as easy to get blowjobs."

Carlson took the dildo next and added his own ideas. "We should also help some of our group fill in some the things they missed out on. Like I notice on the chart that Jin has fucked a guy, but he's never had a handjob or a blowjob. I volunteer to give him those right now if he wants them so he can add it to the list."

"I'd be okay with that," Jin nodded eagerly. "Then I could maybe fuck you, since you haven't done that yet, either," he offered.

"Not sure I'd be ready for that yet. Last time I tried anything in my ass, I couldn't do it," he replied with some of the guys nodding in agreement.

Cole put his hand out for the dildo. "That's maybe something we could do at each meeting," he began to say.

"I agree!" Dylan laughed. "Every meeting, we all fuck Jin until he's used to it."

"Hey! Objection!" Jin replied quickly.

"Overruled!" Dylan said smacking his fist on the table beside his chair.

"I meant we could have a lesson on something we might not know how to do," Cole said continuing. "I mean I don't really know how to clean my ass out properly before anal sex, so we could make that a lesson. I'm sure not everyone knows that one either."

"Great idea," Jeremy agreed nodding.

"Fine! I'll be professor Dylan," Dylan sighed sounding like he was reluctantly giving in to the idea.

Some guys laughed. Colin added a column before received anal' to say had an enema.' "That's where putting a number will help. If someone has only done it once, or 10 times, you can pick the person who you think can best teach."

"That still sounds like Dylan," Blaine remarked with a smile as Dylan nodded in agreement.

"Other than meetings, we should come up with activities to do as a group. We already wrote down a few, but I'm sure we can add to the list, and anyone can suggest things and put them down and we vote on what we'd like to do next. So far we have: skinny dipping which we can do at my place. Then a naked hike, surfing at dusk after most people have gone home. Then movie and game nights."

"We should do daring stuff too," Trent suggested. "Like if we go to a movie theatre, we should get as naked as we can without getting caught."

"How about a camping trip?" Cole added which they put on the list.

" sex an activity?" Patrick asked.

"Of course. Those are the best activities. We could add glow in the dark body paint orgy," Harlan smiled.

"What's that?" Paul inquired.

"I went to this party once where they had glow in the dark paint which worked awesome under blacklights. Everyone got to paint each other before the lights went out and we got see how it looked. Of course at that party guys only had their shirts off and girls were basically fully dressed, so it became lot of hands, feet and legs. We could do it naked."

"Or we could turn out the lights and paint each other in the dark. That might be even more fun," Austin said adding to the idea. They put the suggestion onto the list. From there it moved to a naked water fight and naked laser tag. Some things like naked paintball they guys didn't think would work, but they basically wrote down every activity they'd ever done but just added `naked' in front of it.

"One thing we thought our club could be focused on is being a place to learn from each other, and a safe place to ask questions if we didn't know something. Like if you get a boyfriend, or even a girlfriend, and need ideas, we could help each other, or if you're having trouble with someone and need help, or if you're just curious about something. Like if we'd all been younger and one of us had a wet dream and didn't know what happened, we could talk about it without anyone in the group making fun of it, and the rest could talk it out. We might find out that we all have the same problem and could figure out how to deal with it."

"You mean something like getting an erection in the boys locker room when we see other boys changing?" Patrick asked.

"God, that's the worst!" Trent agreed. "I almost got caught by my best friend, but I told him I was thinking about his Mom, and it shut him up pretty fast."

The guys laughed and began revealing their most embarrassing moments, which started a bonding session.

"The time I almost freaked out was when Colin's older brother caught him fucking me. At first, I thought we were gonna be dead, but turns out he wanted to watch and gave us some pointers," Dylan said leaving out all the other details.

"Whoa! You were lucky. My big sister caught me masturbating when I was 12 and called me a sick little pervert and ran to tell my Mom. She grounded me for it, and said my Dad would deal with me when he got home. I was so freaked out, as I thought I was doing something wrong and almost had a heart attack when I heard my Dad coming up to my room.

"So, what happened?" Cole asked.

Jin smiled. "Fortunately my Dad is a guy, so he gets it. He explained about masturbation and ejaculating and how it's natural, and almost required that we do it regularly. He suggested that I do it in the shower from now on behind a locked door, so that's what I do."

"See, that's the kind of stuff we can help each other with," Colin nodded. "That's why having a lesson about something at each meeting could be good. Not everyone knows everything, so we could figure out who wants to learn what and take it from there."

"We'll I want to learn how to French kiss properly," Aidan replied confidently. "I haven't really done it before today, and some guy kissed me on the lips by surprise to freak me out and I froze. If I'd known what to do, I could have kissed him back and freaked HIM out instead."

"That's a good one. Who'd wants to show Aidan how to kiss?" Colin asked. Every hand in the group went up with a couple of the boys putting up both hands. "Looks like you've got plenty of practice opportunities."

"I don't really have a lot of experience kissing," Jeremy said but I'm willing to participate...if it'll help Aidan out," he added with a smirk.

"I had an idea," Carlson said speaking up as the dildo moved rapidly around the room, some still speaking without it, and others not wanting to let it go once they had it as they like playing with it. "We all kiss Aidan. If we're all gonna eventually bond by fucking each other, shouldn't we start with kissing each other?"

"Everyone, everyone?" Aidan asked nervously.

"Yeah, but how about we line up in two lines and face each other. Then we kiss the person across from us and then everyone moves one spot until everyone has kissed everyone else. That way Aidan gets the experience he wants and the rest of us do too."

"Maybe we could do something like that with other stuff too," Trent suggested. "I mean I want to know how to get fucked so it doesn't hurt, so I'd look at the list and see who knows how to do it and ask. Maybe I could ask Dylan to fuck Colin, and we'd all watch closely how they do it with each other, getting all the steps one at a time. Then I would decide if I wanted to try it. Maybe I couldn't handle Dylan since he's pretty big, but I could look at the chart and start with someone like Jin, since he knows how to fuck, but his penis is smaller than Dylan as someone to start with. No offense."

"No offense. My penis IS smaller than Dylan's. God, I wouldn't want to start with something that big either, but I'd love to see him fuck someone."

The guys all agreed that that might be a good activity, and wrote it down as `show and tell' getting each other excited about the idea.

"I had an idea for our meetings," Chris said. "I thought maybe we could each pick a card and the person with the highest card gets to pick someone to do something sexual with, and then the next highest card picks someone etc., until we're all doing something. If there was an odd number, he could join in with whoever he wanted at the end.

"Ummm, so if you had the Ace and picked me, and I had the king, would I get to pick someone too?" Harlan asked.

"No. The person with the highest card goes first and if you're picked you give up your card," Chris clarified. "But we could only do stuff that you both have on the chart. Like I couldn't pick Jin to fuck, since he's never done it, but I could ask Colin or Patrick."

"I accept!" Patrick grinned.

"What about someone like Aidan who has only done handjobs before?" Blaine asked. "Would he only be allowed to do that with someone?"

"If he was picked, then that's all the person picking him would be allowed to do, but if he picked, he could ask to try new stuff with that guy and then update his list."

"I like that idea. So, we get a lesson first by getting two guys to show us stuff, and if we want to try it, we do. If not, then the meeting moves to picking someone to do other stuff with," Colin clarified.

"What happens when we all know how to do everything?" Patrick asked.

"Then we end all our meetings with a big orgy," Dylan grinned excitedly. "Or go get more members."

"So basically our meetings are just gonna end up being all about sex? We show up and update the chart as to how many times we masturbated, and add anything new we earned, then have a sex lesson from someone and practice with others?" Cole clarified.

"And talk about problems you may be having, or ask questions about things you want to know, or to get advice on something. We help each other become more comfortable being who we are," Colin added. "But, yeah, sex will be a fun part of it."

"Oh, I agree. I was just making sure we all understood that. I mean my dick's been hard since we took our clothes off. Personally, I'd love to see Dylan fuck Patrick if that chart works. That big dick in his little ass. I'd bust a nut in seconds."

"Ummm, I have a question," Aidan asked quietly. "If we're gonna cum, what do we do with it? I'm kinda like Jin. I do it in the shower, so it just goes down the drain. What happens if we cum in a meeting like this?"

"We should never waste cum," Dylan replied quickly. "How many have ever tasted cum, whether your own or someone else's?" Six hands went up. "So if you're gonna cum, let the group know and if you need someone to catch it for you, put up your hand. If you're fucking or getting a blowjob, just go inside the guy, but if you're jerking off, put your hand up and some can rush over and take it from you."

"Or bust a load into your hand and lick it up," Harlan suggested. "That's what I do sometimes."

"That's hot!" Cole grinned. "Or you could hold your hand out and let someone else have it."

"Gross," Jin said frowning at them.

"Sounds gross until you try it and get used to it. Then it's fucking hot!" Harlan replied. "Would Patrick be willing to let Dylan fuck him? I'd kinda like to see that too."

"I'd be willing! I'd let everyone fuck me!" Patrick said eagerly. "Check this out!" He said as he slid off his chair and lay flat on the floor before spreading his legs fully out into the split position.

"Damn! Holy shit dude! How do you do that?" Carlson asked and he tried to supress drooling.

"I'm in gymnastics, so I'm pretty flexible. I can also wrap my feet around my head."

"Okay, I'm so taking you home with me," Carlson laughed.

"Sold!" Patrick grinned. "Well, is someone gonna fuck me since I'm already down here?"

Dylan moved behind Patrick and several of the guys slipped down onto the floor to get a closer look as Dylan began explaining what to do to get a guy ready for fucking. He began by rimming him, which was already more than enough for most of the guys as they began leaking precum just from watching that. He followed it up by showing them how to finger lube into him, and let a couple of the guys put their finger in to see how it felt.

"Oh my god! I almost regret asking Dylan to fuck him. I kinda want to do it now!" Cole laughed.

"So, go for it. I'm sure Patrick wouldn't mind," Dylan smirked. "I can fuck him when you're done."

"Would you be okay with that, Patrick?" Cole asked.

"Duh! I already said I'd let everyone fuck me. The more the better."

"Shit, I've only fucked like two guys before and it didn't last long. One freaked out when my penis went into him and said it hurt too much, and the other time I came so fast I almost missed it."

"You just need more practice. Another good point of our club. We can practice anything we want with each other all the time. If you cum inside Patrick too fast, you can watch others do it until you want to go again," Dylan assured him.

"How many times have you been fucked?" Cole asked Patrick.

"Today, or ever?"

"You've been fucked today already?"

"Kinda. I slept over at a friend's house and we did it when we woke up but not since then. So are you gonna do it, or is Dylan going first?"

"I can do it," Cole said as Dylan moved aside. "Should I use lube or is there enough in your bum already?"

"You should always use lube on your penis before you enter someone," Dylan replied quickly. "The slipperier it is, the easier it goes in. Here, I'll help."

He opened the bottle of lube and poured it on Cole's erection and rubbed it in. Cole gasped and warned Dylan to stop or he might cum even before he got into Patrick. Everyone watched closely as he leaned forward and aimed his penis at the winking hole of the smaller boy. He went inside and began to fuck. Dylan suggested he lean forward so that everyone could see between his legs and check it out. It didn't take long for guys to feel Cole's ass or touch his balls as they watched. Cole didn't last long and ended up crying out as he lost to his pent-up hormones. As soon as he pulled out Dylan took his place and showed the guys just how hard a fuck Patrick could handle. He went for a long time, causing most of the group to cum from it. Some got a chance to have their dicks sucked before he shot off, others just lost control and blasted all over Patrick lying in front of them. Once they were done, most decided that they'd had enough for that meeting so it was adjourned reasonably quickly and another meeting was set.

"You're staying behind," Colin said to Austin. "You still owe the meeting 10 minutes."

"Can I get dressed?" Austin asked.

"What do you think?" Colin snapped with a grin.

"Uhhh, yes?" Austin replied knowing it was totally the wrong answer.

"Uhhh, no! Sit and wait until everyone has left."

Once the members of the group had departed, except for Dylan and Austin, Colin turned his attention to the late arrival.

"Now you. Not only were you late to arrive to our first meeting, but then you lie on the chart we made. You didn't even acknowledge that you sucked dick, despite just having done it in front of everyone as your punishment. Go correct that and put everything you've done. Don't forget we know it all."

"I have a question," Austin said as he slid off the couch and corrected the things he had done on the laptop chart. "How come if it's a main rule of the club that everyone fuck, that some of the guys haven't done it yet? That's the only reason I didn't put it down as I didn't want everyone picking me when they needed to fuck."

"Everyone WILL get fucked, just not in the first week. It's something that we're working towards. As for you lying, it's time for your next punishment. Get on your hands and knees. I'm gonna fuck you, while you and Dylan 69. Then he's gonna fuck you after you shoot your load and we'll keep having sex until your dick can't even get hard."

"How's that a punishment?" Dylan asked.

"Because he's a straight boy about to engage in several hours of non-stop sex."

"Oh that, right. Sucks to be punished. I'm not only gonna be late from now on, I'm gonna lie, cheat, steal and basically be an asshole," Dylan acknowledged as he lay down for Austin to crawl over.

"Like I told you. Punishments suit the person. Cutting you off from sex is the worst punishment you could have," Colin said as they began to play with Austin. By the end of the hour, they had all done pretty much everything three guys can do with each other, and Austin lay on the carpet exhausted.

"Are we done? I'm pretty sure I can't take any more," he said with his hands out to his side looking like he was dying.

"Done? You think we're done?" Colin mocked as he crawled over top of Austin and looked into his blue eyes. "Please tell me that straight boys can last longer than an hour. God, how pathetic. Okay pussy, but you'll owe us two hours next time."

The boys hit the shower and agreed that they would just relax and watch a movie, maybe order pizza and nap for a few hours.

A couple of weeks later the club organized its first activity together and both Colin and Dylan wanted it to be memorable.

"Today we're hiking up to the lake. We'll have lunch up there and maybe go swimming for a bit," Colin said to the other 12 members of the `Handie Boys' as they locked their bikes up at the trail head.

"Sounds a bit tame for our club," Harlan commented.

"If it were a regular hike, it would be, but we're gonna start the hike in just our underwear, and then go naked once we get into the trees. Except for shoes, we'll leave those on."

"Now we're talking," Paul said nodding as he looked at Patrick who was also grinning.

"But to make it even more fun and daring, each person picks an envelope with a task in it, and at random, I'll point at someone and they open their envelope and have to do what it says. It might involve others, but everyone has to participate as a member."

"Do you know what's in the envelopes?" Cole asked.

"I know all the tasks, but the envelopes are mixed up so I won't know who got what task. That'll be random."

"This could be interesting," Trent commented.

"What if we see someone on the trail?" Jeremy asked.

"What would they do? Call the cops? By the time they got here, we'd be dressed and call them liars," Dylan answered.

"Unless they took pictures," Aidan reasoned.

"Of a bunch of naked kids. They'd be charge with child porn. They'd go to jail long before anything happened to us," Trent replied. "I say we stay naked the whole time no matter who we meet."

The guys agreed, with Dylan having the final word. "They'll probably just think it's funny that a bunch of kids are walking naked. If it's more teenagers, maybe we could get some new members." They all liked that idea.

"Before we hike, Jin open your envelope," Colin said. They all watched as he pulled out the paper and read it out loud.

"`Wear a cock ring for the hike.' I don't have a cock ring. I'm not even sure what one is," Jin said looking at Colin.

"It's cool. Dylan has one he got from a friend of ours."

Dylan pulled it out of his backpack and handed the silver metal ring to Jin.

"Uhhh, and what do I do with it?" he asked looking at the hoop.

"You put it around your cock and balls," Dylan explained. "Push the balls through first the then the penis and put it right against your body."

"What's it for?"

"It's like jewelry," Carlson replied. "I've seen it in some porn."

"It's supposed to keep your dick harder once it goes erect," Dylan explained. "My friend told me that it stops the blood rushing out of your penis to give you a longer erection."

"Great. Just what I need an erection that last longer. It goes up too much as it is. Does it stop you from getting hard?" Jin complained.

"No, I think if I understand it correctly, it lets you get hard easily, but then when your penis is bigger, it makes it tight and cuts off circulation so the blood can't get back out."

"I can see that," Austin acknowledged.

The guys all stripped to their underwear and stuffed everything in their backpacks and looked at each other, some already finding it exciting and beginning to bone up. They then turned their attention to Jin and watched as he lowered his underwear and put the cock ring on with Dylan's help. They all wanted to get a closer look at it, before Jin pulled his underwear back up.

Carlson opened his envelope next and it read "put suntan lotion on all member's members and asses."

"All member's members. That's funny," he said as Dylan handed him the suntan lotion.

One by one he went around and pulled the guys underwear down and coated their cock, balls and asses in lotion. "You know it's not fair that some guys are hard. Just makes more work for me!" Carlson said jokingly. By the time he was done, everyone had an erection.

"Thank god he got that task while we still had underwear on, or we'd all be walking with boners," Aidan remarked.

"And that's a problem, how?" Paul joked as they all begin the hike towards the lake. As soon as they were far enough onto the trail to be away from the open area, they stopped.

"Okay guys, let's all lose the underwear," Trent said as he yanked his down and stepped out of them. He packed it away with the rest of his clothes and fluffed up his balls as if showing off. Everyone else followed his lead by getting naked.

They got to their first break and stopped for a drink and snack. "We must be used to being naked. None of us have boners," Colin remarked. "First time I did this in Vancouver it took me forever to get my pecker to go down."

"Probably nerves about getting caught," Harlan suggested.

"Maybe or maybe it's because we're not horny enough. Personally, I'd love to show off my boner. Imagine everyone seeing us waving wood around as they went past," Cole joked as he stood up and wiggled his hips sending his penis flying around.

"Well first, we haven't exactly seen anyone to wave it at," Jeremy pointed out "and second there's already a lot of wood out here...We're in a forest dude!"

Austin laughed. "He's got a point. I mean we all have good size dicks `n all, but they're still not as big as trees."

"Speak for yourself. I'm 7½ inches. Heading for 9 by the time I'm 18," Colin bragged. "You're 7½, Patrick is almost 7, and Dylan is a massive 8. If we change that all to metric, and put them all together, we're as big as any tree."

"I think we need another couple envelopes opened while we're on a break," Aidan suggested.

"Yeah. Okay, how about Jeremy and Harlan?" Colin said picking them quickly. The two guys grabbed their envelopes and opened them.

"Mine says `hump a tree until you're hard and show everyone,'" Jeremy read. He giggled and quickly looked for a good tree.

"Ummm...mine is `hold onto the penis you like the most until the next stop. (not your own)'

Harlan looked around the group. "Oh right, like give me the hard choice. I like them all, but I pick Trent."

"Yes!" Trent grinned excitedly. "But if you get it hard, you're gonna have to take care of it. That's just the rule."

"Said who?" Harlan laughed. "Just makes it easier to hold onto that way."

The guys resumed their walk with Harlan holding onto Trent, and Trent complaining that he needed to stop trying to pull it off. The guys found it funny and couldn't wait to see what the next envelopes contained.

Blaine and Cole were next to open theirs. Cole's said slap your dick against everyone's face, while Blaine got pick someone to sit on your face for five minutes. He picked Jeremy. Once the two tasks were done, the hike resumed.

"Shit someone's coming," Blaine said frantically. Most of the guys looked at the penises of the club members, until Blaine said he meant on the trail and pointed deep into the distance where they could see someone moving.

"Remember what we said. Keep walking, and act as if nothing's unusual," Dylan said quickly as he could see some of the guys beginning to look around for a place to hide. "Can't be a naked club if we freak out about being naked."

The guys agreed, although some reluctantly, choosing to walk strategically behind someone else to provide at least some cover. As they got closer to the people approaching, they could see it was a man and woman couple, roughly in their early or mid twenties. Once they could clearly see each other, the guy and girl smiled. Dylan just waved and said hi as you do to other hikers on the trail.

"Hey," the guy waved back. "Enjoying the sun?"

"Definitely," Cole said as everyone stopped. "How much further is the lake?"

"Probably just short of a mile," the girl replied as the boys tried not to react like they were naked.

"Anyone else there?" Dylan asked.

"Nope. You're the first people we've seen," the guy answered. "You should have no problem with the rest of your hike. There's good swimming up there, so hopefully you brought towels," he grinned.

"Yep! Those we got," Harlan replied feeling more confident, having let go of Trent's penis as soon as they'd spotted the approaching couple.

"Have fun, boys," the girl smiled. "Just remember to put suntan lotion on everything to prevent burns."

"Already done!" Colin grinned as the hike resumed.

"Holy shit! So, that just happened!" Jin said stepping out from behind Austin with his cock ring still on.

"That was wicked awesome. They never even acted like we were all naked," Cole grinned. "We gotta run into more people."

Newly empowered by their encounter, they decided now would be a good time to open two more envelopes. Patrick opened his which read, walk to the next break with your thumb or finger in the ass of the guy closest to you. Patrick smiled. "Sorry, Dylan...Guess that's you." He sucked on his index finger and shoved it into Dylan, who stood there grinning.

"I know what you can replace that finger with later."

"A thumb?" Patrick giggled.

Trent opened his and read, "French kiss every guy for 10 seconds while holding onto their dick." He quickly spun to face Harlan. My turn to hold YOUR dick now," he said with an evil look as he grabbed Harlan's entire package firmly and kissed him for 10 seconds. By the time he was done, Harlan was fully erect.

"Shit now I'm horny. I'm gonna need to fuck someone," he said as Trent moved around to kiss all the guys.

"No sex stuff until we get to the lake. If we start an orgy now, we'll never get there," Colin told them all. Of course they agreed, even if half of them now had boners, and seeing one boner usually got others hard. It's like yawning. One starts and others follow. I think I just yawned writing that idea down.

15 minutes later...when I woke up from my nap after yawning...

The hike resumed and they took one more break so they could open two more envelopes. Austin read his. "Pick the last two guys who had erections and eat their asses for 30 seconds each."

"Who was that?" Austin asked.

"I think Cole and Jin," Paul replied. They all watched as the two guys bent over to let Austin eat them out. By the time he was done, the guys truly did have erections.

Colin opened his slowly and read it to himself. "What's it say?" Cole asked while that all waited.

"Get an erection and stay hard until next break. Do not cum," he said showing them.

"You need help getting hard?" Cole asked with a grin.

"I got it," Colin said as he began to masturbate in front of all of them. Once he was hard, the hike resumed to their final destination of the lake. Dylan reached over a few times to help keep Colin hard, as friends do.

The finally arrived at the lake and pulled out their towels to lay them out. "Aidan, open your envelope," Colin said as they set up.

"Suck everyone's dick until they get hard," he read.

"Damn! Good thing you didn't get that before those people walked by. That could have been embarrassing," Cole commented.

"Yeah... Embarrassing for the guy when he saw how big my dick was compared to his!" Paul said holding his crotch and spinning his penis around.

"Or embarrassing for you that you think that's big," Harlan laughed.

Aidan got to work to get everyone hard, which quickly led to the group racing into the cold lake for swimming. Dylan meanwhile helped Jin remove the cock ring and gave a quick slurp of his dick as he did it. "Oh, like it needs more help to get hard," Jin laughed as they raced to the water with everyone else. The group played around for a while going in and out of the water, or off exploring.

Colin was laying beside Austin on their towels as the other guys were in the water or off somewhere checking out the area. He looked over at him and licked his lips. "You're getting a bit red, dude." He said as he grabbed the suntan lotion and quickly straddled his friend's thighs to pour some on his back.

"Thanks," Austin said quietly as he lay there enjoying it. Colin rubbed it further down his body, finally pouring lots on his ass cheeks and into his crack. He pulled the cheeks apart and moved his cock up to slide along the length, getting himself hard. As he did it, he poured more suntan lotion over both of them.

Austin looked back. "Umm, I don't really wanna get fucked right now."

"I didn't ask," Colin said. He leaned forward to whisper in Austin ear. "But you always do what I need, and right now I need a nice tight ass, right boi?" He said as he pushed himself inside Austin's firm hole.

"Yes sir," Austin replied lying down to accept the fuck.

"That's what I thought," Colin nodded as he pushed up onto his hands and stretched out to really get the most use out of his cock and drill deep into his submissive friend. One by one the other guys left the water, most getting erection and stroking them as they watched. Colin looked at the guys, which only made him hornier, so he sped up and used his full length to fuck Austin; almost so he could show off to everyone. He announced he was cumming and pulled out to spray his load all over Austin's ass.

"Fuckin' hot!" Paul said as he watched. Colin sat back.

"Okay, who's next. Paul, you're hard. Let's see you fuck him."

The boys switched places, and the guys watched as Paul took over and hammered Austin. Colin smiled as he saw Jin bending in half against a tree, with Harlan getting behind him to fuck. Cole dropped to his knees and scrambled under Jin to suck his cock.

Blaine lay on his towel stroking himself as he watched Austin and Paul. Colin went over and straddled Blaine's legs. "Looks like that nice hard cock needs someplace to go, and my ass needs a good dicking. Sounds like a match," Colin grinned as he reached for the nearest lube he could find and coated both of them before he wiggled up Blaine's body and connected themselves together.

Colin bounced up and down on slowly as he enjoyed his friend's cock deep inside him. Patrick strolled out of the water to come up beside them. He knelt down to watch Colin fisting his own cock as he rode Blaine as if they were at the rodeo. Colin leaned back, sitting fully upright. "Here it comes! Check this out!!" he said almost yelling as his cock erupted in a second powerful arc. "Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. Whew! Patrick, lick that off his stomach and then let him taste it. Drive your tongue into his mouth with my cum. That'll be hot." He got off Blaine only to find Trent almost push him aside and go down on Blaine to give him a blowjob.

"Mmmmm, delish!" Trent exclaimed as Blaine shot off in his mouth.

When Colin saw Paul finish with Austin, he took him by the hand and headed into the water. "I sure hope no one is watching us from the woods somewhere," Austin said looking around.

"That would kinda be hot though," Colin grinned as they saw the rest of the club grabbing any hole or cock available.

"It might be okay now, but if I become like a big celebrity, I couldn't do this stuff out here like this. They'd always be looking to get pictures of me naked to sell to the tabloids. They make big money off shots like that."

"If they pay by the inch, you're not gonna make more than minimum wage off those pics. I wonder how much they'd get for pics of you sucking dick or getting fucked," Colin teased.

"Millions!" Austin replied.

"Millions, eh?" He said rubbing his chin evilly.

"Don't even think about it," Austin warned glaring at Colin.

"Guess you'll just have to keep following my orders then, huh? Or I'd hand over the flash drive with a few hundred pictures of you getting screwed stupid."

"No you won't. You promised."

"I know, but it sure keeps our game rolling along nicely doesn't it?" Colin grinned. "You know what they can't take pictures of? You sucking my dick under water," he said as he put his hand on Austin's head and pushing him down. Austin disappeared for a few seconds, stopping to suck Colin's cock before resurfacing. "You really need to learn to hold your breath for ten minutes so you can give better blowjobs," Colin teased. They returned to the other guys who had gone all sex crazed on them.

"You started this," Austin said looking at Colin.

"No, I didn't. You were the one lying out looking all California sexy with your ass just begging to be fucked. If anyone started it it's you."

"Technically I was just lying there suntanning until you started to fuck me."

"Same dif," Colin grinned. "Just make sure it's always available and we won't have any issues."

"Yes, sir," Austin said with his own smile of acknowledgment. They both knew he liked it, and that this was just his way of dealing.

They watched as Harlan and Jeremy spit roast Patrick while Jin and Cole ate their asses.

"I think your club is a success," Austin said putting his arm around Colin's shoulder.

"Looks that way, although I may never get Dylan's cock to myself again," he remarked as they watched Trent, Paul and Carlson on their knees working on Dylan who was standing there with his hands on two of their heads encouraging them. When two were on his cock, the other was working his ass or feeling his nipples. Blaine and Aidan were the mildest of the sex group and were currently just lying side by side 69ing with each other.

"Too bad we agreed that one of the club rules was that we couldn't film any of our activities. This would be a movie of the week of sure," Austin said as they watched the activity. It didn't take long for things to slow down and the guys jumped back in the water to clean up before lying back down to dry in the sun.

"Who hasn't opened their envelopes yet? Colin asked.

Both Paul and Dylan replied. Paul went first. "Pee on the crotch of the guy closest to you."

He looked over at Jeremy. "I guess that's you," he said as he stood up and took hold of his dick.

Jeremy quickly rolled out of the way. "Gross. Dude! Not on my towel asshole!" He moved away from their towel area and lay down. The guys all watched as Paul peed on Jeremy's crotch. Then laughed as he sprayed his piss all over Jeremy's stomach and chest, causing him to jump up and run away, with Paul running after him. "Hey! I'm not done peeing!" He yelled as they hit the water.

"It said on my crotch. You splashed my face, idiot," Jeremy complained as the guys laughed at them. Paul jumped on Jeremy and pushed him under the water as they wrestled around together before coming back out.

"Dylan, what's yours say?"

He opened it. "Dock your hard penis with an uncircumcised cock."

"What's that mean?" Blaine asked.

"It's where you pull the foreskin of an uncut guy over the head of your dick," Dylan explained.

"Why?" Blaine asked.

"I dunno. I guess it's just fun to do. Maybe it makes a circumcised guy feel uncircumcised. I saw it on some sex play site."

He picked Jin and pulled the guy's skin over his and got himself hard. The guys all watched in fascination, all agreeing that they didn't see the point of it, except that it looked funny.

Once they decided it was time to head back, they agreed that their final task should be that everyone pick a partner that they normally didn't hang out with and hold hands all the way back. With an uneven number, one group had to have three guys holding hands. Each break they took, they swapped around until they got back to the bikes and reluctantly got dressed. They chalked their first club event up as a success, and challenged each other to present more things for them to do.

End of Chapter.

That means stop reading now. Next chapter soon. Comments welcomne at and be sure to follow on Twitter @outinwest for updates and announcements of new chapters.

Be sure to check out the main story at I'd explain it...but it's a long story.

Next: Chapter 10

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