Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Apr 30, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

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Colin Chapter 10

School began again, and once more things got back to a routine. Classes were the same, just more difficult. Everyone was now used to seeing Dylan and Colin as a couple, and the new freshmen were quick to realize that high school was a lot different from the junior school. The water polo team had its first practice almost right away, and most of the guys were back with only a few spots open to be filled later on.

"Summer is over! I hope you've all been keeping fit," the coach said as the team lined up around him. "We'll be looking for new team members this next week, so if you know anyone, invite them to try out. Meanwhile, let's get you back to being a team. Today we'll do a little team bonding exercise. Drop the speedos and hit the pool."

"Uh, coach," one boy said putting his hand up. "We're not wearing anything under the suits."

"You haven't earned those colors yet. Nothing bonds a team better than not being shy around each other. If this is too difficult for you, then turn around, hit the locker room and leave your suits in there as you quit the team. Otherwise today's practice is without the Speedos. What's it gonna be boys?"

Several of the guys yanked their swim suits off and raced to the pool, either diving or cannonballing into the water. Fueled by peer pressure, the rest joined in, some holding their hands over their crotches as they went from deck to water. The next hour, the coach ran them through routine drills, finishing with a fast 20 laps of the pool before telling them to hit the showers. By the time they got out of the water, none of the guys cared they were naked, and even joked that they should do this for games to intimidate the other teams. They filled up the roster a couple weeks later and got down to some serious practicing to get everyone up to speed as a team. It was after one practice as Colin was leaving the locker room that he heard a voice behind him.

"Hey Colin, wait up!" He stopped and turned around to see Blaine running up to him as they left the locker room. "Tough practice huh. Coach really worked us today. I think I should have worked out more all summer."

"Guess that's why the coach is driving us so hard. Probably figures we slacked off for two months. You do anything fun?"

"Went to London and Paris for a month. You?"

"Got grounded for a month for partying too hard. Then basically just hung around here and surfed."

"Oh yeah! I heard about the party. Shit, I wish I'd gone, but almost impossible to get my Dad to allow me to go to stuff like that. You're pretty lucky."

"Not so much. I got busted coming home drunk, stoned and naked. I'll be lucky if I get to party again until I'm 21. Plus, dude, I don't exactly ask permission to go to wild parties with seniors. I just make shit up and go anyway."

"My Dad would find out and you'd never see me again," Blaine grinned. "Damn, you came home wasted and naked. I'd have killed to see that."

"I have pictures," Colin said taking out his phone and showing them to Blaine, who howled with laughter at the oil covered Colin.

"Dude, you gotta share those. That shit will go viral."

"Not a chance. I'll show people I trust, but I'll never send them out. Not even Dylan has a copy," he lied. Dylan had the full set.

"So, hey. Have you done your math homework yet?" He asked as they were both in the same class together.

"No, I've gotta do it when I get home. You?"

"No. Wanna study together and maybe we can get it done faster?" Blaine suggested.

"Sounds good. Wanna study at my place?" Colin offered.

"Yeah if you want. Are we taking the bus?"

"No, my driver should be waiting for us."

He nodded. "I have a driver too, although I usually call him Dad."

"Funny. I'll have to remember that. Mark is my driver. He's pretty cool."

The boys headed outside and climbed into the car. Colin had told Mark that he didn't want him to get out of the car and open the door for him like he did for his Mom and Dad as it wasn't cool around his friends, so he always insisted on opening his own doors. When they got home, Blaine's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw Colin's house, but he kept himself under control and didn't react. As they walked in the house Margaret, Colin's Mom, greeted the boys.

"Dinner is in an hour, Colin. How was practice?"

"Tough. Coach is a ball buster," he replied.

"Sounds painful," Margaret smiled, more than used to hearing `guy talk' from her sons.

"Mom, this is Blaine. Blaine, my Mom."

"Nice to meet you. Are you staying for dinner?"

"You might as well," Colin suggested. "We're doing our math homework together so it could take a while."

"Sure. Thank you Mrs. Worthington."

"Alright boys, I'll have George call you when it's ready."

The boys raced upstairs to Colin's room. As soon as he entered, Blaine couldn't keep quiet any longer. "Holy shit! Nice room dude. It's massive, like your own apartment," he said looking around at all the furniture and the view. "Is that your own bathroom too?"

"Yeah. Way better than sharing with my brother. You wanna get right to the homework or you wanna shoot some hoops until dinner and we can study afterward?"

"Yeah, hoops. Not in a real rush to do homework," Blaine said tossing his backpack on the couch nearby. The boys headed out to the yard and grabbed the ball.

"Nice pool," Blaine said as he looked around. "No wonder you can swim so well."

"Carter says I'm part fish."

"Carter's your brother?" Blaine inquired.

"Yeah. He's like nine years older so he's taught me tons of shit growing up. What about you? Any brothers or sisters?"

"No. It's just me and my Dad. I always wanted a brother. I wouldn't care if he was older or younger, I just thought it would be cool to have one."

"Carter's pretty good, but they can be a pain in the ass too sometimes. Where's your Mom?"

"Dunno. It's always been just me and my Dad. He said she took off right after I was born. Dad says that's why we moved to America."

"Where were you born?"

"Australia. Moved here before I turned one, so it's not like I know anything about it."

"That explains it," Colin grinned as the played ball.

"Explains what?" Blaine asked as he took the ball for his shot.

"Why you're not circumcised. There's not a lot of guys like that here."

"Yeah. Only two on our team. Dad says almost no one is Australia is circumcised, except for religious reasons."

"Weird. I don't want to sound stupid or anything, but how do you pee with skin covering the head of your penis?"

"I dunno. You just pee," he said darting around Colin and making the basket.

"They just look funny like that. No offense," Colin remarked. "But dude, your dick is massive. Is that an Australian thing?"

"I dunno," Blaine said preparing to defend against Colin's rush for the net.

"Maybe it just looks extra big because you shave it. Did you do that yourself?"

"Nah. My Dad showed me. He even shaved my balls as he said they'd look ridiculous hairy when the rest of me was smooth."

"You let your Dad shave your junk?"

"Sure. It's just me and him so we're pretty comfortable around each other. We stay naked a lot when were at home. It's a guy thing."

"I hear ya there. I used to run around here naked until I was about 10, then I was made to wear clothes. My Mom said it wasn't proper. At least she still lets me swim naked. That would suck if I had to wear shorts all the time. So back to your penis..."

Blaine laughed. "You're really that fascinated by an uncircumcised dick?"

"More just curious. You're shorter than almost all of us, but you have like the biggest penis. I'm surprised you fit it into the Speedo."

Blaine just shrugged again. "Doesn't help that everyone seemed to have a growth spurt over the summer and are all way taller than me now. I just tuck it between my balls and it's not problem. Some guys put theirs up or off to the side. I don't think that would work very well. But aren't you dating Dylan Rogers?"

"Yeah, so?" Colin said about to get defensive.

"I heard he has like a massive penis. Is that true?"

"You should really be asking him that, but yeah. He's pretty big, but nothing like yours when he's soft. Yours must be like 12 inches hard."

Blaine laughed. "I wish. No, it's pretty much average. It doesn't grow much when I get a boner. Dad says some guys are like that. Some have small penises that grow huge, others have big penises soft that don't get much bigger when they get erect. I guess I'm one of those."

"Really?" Colin asked surprised. "I thought they went double in size when they got hard. Yours is about 6 inches, so it should be 12," he reasoned.

"I wish," Blaine said with a big grin, "But sadly, no. I'm just average."

"How big would you say average is?"

"Dad says around 6 or 6½."

"Yeah. Then I'm just above average. Mine is over 7," Colin admitted.

"I'm 6½ just average. Dylan is lucky I guess."

"I guess, but I'm hoping mine is still growing."


"So, I'm curious if you don't mind me asking. When you get an erection, does the skin stay over the head like when it's soft?" Colin asked as he made his shot and sank the basket.

"No. It pulls back."

"Why doesn't it do that when you pee then?"

"Sometimes I do that, but it does it automatically when it goes hard. I asked my Dad if I could get circumcised, but he said no, and that I'd appreciate it when I start having sex. He said the head is the most sensitive part of the penis and when it's exposed it makes you ejaculate faster. He says circumcised guys are less sensitive."

"Is that true? I dunno, I end up cumming pretty fast. Any faster and I'd be done before I started," Colin laughed.

"Can I ask you a personal question?"

"More personal than talking about penises?" Colin smirked as he took the ball from Blaine and did a lay-up. "Go for it? I'm an open book."

"Do you and Dylan have sex?"

"Sure. All the time. What about you?"

"Me and Dylan?" Blaine said stopping where he was.

"No dumbass!" Colin laughed as he stopped moving. "Have you had sex before?"

"No, not yet. Hopefully soon though. I don't want to be the last one in our class to be a virgin. Is it fun?"

"It's probably more fun than if you put all the things you liked together and multiplied by a hundred."

"That's what I thought. Do you and Dylan do it a lot?"

"No, not really. Maybe once a day. More if he sleeps over."

"Wow!! That's a lot."

"Really? It doesn't feel like it when I get boners five times a day," Colin admitted.

Blaine gave a nervous laugh. "Isn't that the truth."

"Colin! Dinner is served," George announced as he strolled outside to find them.

"Cool. Thanks, George."

"Was that your Dad?" Blaine asked after George returned to the house.

"No. That's George. He's our house manager. Kinda like a butler, but we don't call him that. He's been around ever since I was born, so he's like family."

"Like he's Alfred and you're Batman!" Blaine chuckled as they grabbed their shirts and headed inside to get ready for dinner. They washed up and ran down to the dining room.

"So how was school?" Margaret asked.

Colin lowered his voice to make it deeper and more raspy before answering "I'm Batman!"


"Nothing. School was school," Colin answered as Blaine tried not to crack a smile. "Carter, Dad. This is Blaine. We're on the water polo team together."

"Nice to meet you, Blaine," Ethan replied. "How's the team doing?"

"It's coming along, sir. We've been practicing pretty hard, but we'll be ready for our first game of the new season on Monday. We're gonna crush the Lions."

Carter laughed. "I would hope you'd crush them. Cats don't like water. Why don't they call your teams things like the otters, or Manta Rays? Something more nautical."

"We just use the name of the school mascots for all teams," Colin reminded him. "It's a good thing you're not on the team or they'd have to call it the `Whales'."

"Alright boys, enough. Stop before you get started. We have a guest." Ethan said putting his foot down. "Are the two of you in any classes together?"

"Yeah, math. That's why Blaine is over tonight. We've got homework to do."

"Good. Just stay focused. Keep the video games off until you're done."

"Dad! I know. You don't need to act all parental to show off ya know."

Blaine smiled. "It's okay Mr. Worthington. My Dad has the same rules. I'm not allowed to do anything until my homework is done."

"I think I'll like you, Blaine," Ethan replied as they ate. During desert, Colin dropped his spoon with a loud clatter.

"Ow!" he cried out holding his forearm.

"What's the matter?" Margaret asked concerned.

"I guess coach's workout is catching up to me. Just a sharp pain."

Blaine stood up and got behind Colin and grabbed his shoulder and pressed his thumbs in firmly.

"Ouch!" Colin complained as Blaine's fingers dug in. "Wait. That feels better. How'd you do that?"

"My aunt is a massage therapist," Blaine replied sitting back down. "She taught me about some of the pressure points. I get massages all the time and they help a lot if you have any tight muscles."

"That's a cool trick," Colin said opening and closing his fingers to test the result. Once the boys finished, and Blaine thanked them for dinner, they rushed upstairs to begin their homework. About halfway through it, Colin looked at his forearm again. "So, you seriously know like Ninja shit to cure pain?"

"Not so much Ninja as ancient Chinese secrets," Blaine joked. "My aunt is pretty good at it. This one time she hit a pressure point and I got an instant boner."

"Whoa! That'd be handy to know. Weren't you embarrassed?"

"Totally. Normally when you have a massage, you go naked with just a towel over you, but ever since that happened, I wear my underwear."

"I've never had a massage. I can't imagine how I'd react if someone was rubbing their hands all over me."

"Depends on who's doing it, but I mostly keep myself under control now. I used to get them all the time and only let them do my back so I didn't have to turn over. Now I don't mind so much especially with underwear on, but it's still better with nothing."

"I should totally try that one day. Especially if I get any more sore muscles like I just had. That hurt like a bitch."

"Massage helps for sure. Keeps the tightness from forming. I could give you one if you want. I've given them to a couple of my friends and they say I'm pretty good. Do you have any massage oil?"

"I don't think so. We have baby oil somewhere."

"That'll do. So, do you want one? At least you'd know if you liked them or not for the future."

"Sure. Maybe show me that boner pressure point. That could be a good one to know for parties, or when I need to activate Dylan. We could take a study break. I'll grab the oil. Anything else?"

"Probably some towels so we don't get oil on your bed."

"Good idea," Colin said as he raced out of his room, returning a couple minutes later with the things needed. Blaine took the towels and laid a couple on the bed and folded another. "What now? Am I supposed to get naked or should I wear my underwear?"

"That's up to you, but I'd go naked since we've seen each other without clothes before," Blaine suggested.

"Yeah, but you've never seen my boner and that's gonna happen if you're rubbing my back."

"It wouldn't bother me, and you won't get oil on your underwear. That's the only bad part of wearing clothes."

"That makes sense. Okay," he decided as he stripped and lay on the towel. Blaine put the folded towel over his ass. "Is that how it's done at a real massage place?" Colin asked trying to get lots of information ahead of any decision to actually go for one.

"Yeah. They just move it around so you're not always lying bare assed in front of them."

"If it wasn't your aunt giving you massages, would you want a girl or a guy doing it?"

"I've had both and I prefer guys. I think I'm more comfortable around them. At least if something embarrassing happens they understand."

"Totally. Do the massage people ever go naked?" Colin asked as he lay there waiting.

"No. I had one guy take off his shirt once when he gave me a deep tissue massage, but that's it. I usually take my shirt and pants off so I don't get oil on them. It leaves stains and doesn't always wash out properly. It's no big deal on underwear though."

"If you wanna take your clothes off, I don't care. I mean we hang out in speedos, so it's not like it'd be weird."

Blaine paused for a minute and then removed his shirt and shorts, leaving him in just his boxer briefs. "That feels better. Now I can move around easier."

"Cool. So now what?" Colin asked.

"You lie there and relax and I massage you," he replied as he poured oil on Colin's back.

"Ooohh! That's cold," he complained.

"Sorry. Normally you warm it up first. I'll pour it in my hand next time before I put it on you." Blaine knelt on the bed and massaged Colin's back for a good 15 minutes. Colin lay there enjoying the feeling and could quickly see the appeal of massages. Once Blaine got to Colin's lower back, he straddled his legs so he could apply more pressure. Colin instantly became aware that Blaine's underwear covered ass was now sitting on his upper thigh and he tried to think of something other than the massage. They talked only a very little as Blaine worked down Colin's body, skipping over his ass to do his legs and toes. As soon as he lifted one of Colin's feet and applied pressure to the sole, Colin almost kicked him.

"Was that one of those pressure points?" Colin asked.

"Yeah. Sorry, I should have warned you. Are you ticklish?"

"Yea, a little bit. Not like when I was little though."

"That's good. First time someone massaged my toes I think I shrieked so loud that I scared them. I'm not a fan of having my feet done. The rest is okay."

"Good to know if I ever give you one. Ummm, has anyone ever farted when you pulled their fingers?" Colin joked as Blaine worked on his hands.

"No. I made that joke once before but the lady didn't think it was funny."

"Sorry," Colin apologized.

"Not me dude. I think it's hilarious, unless you actually fart. When I'm done with your arms, normally we move to your butt. Are you okay with that or should we skip over it?"

"I'm fine with it if you are."

Blaine moved the towel slightly and worked on one of Colin's ass cheeks before moving to the other one. At one point his fingers slipped and touched the back of Colin's balls. "Sorry," he apologized quickly. Colin ignored except for a slight smile and slowly opening his legs in the hope it happened again.

"Okay, you wanna turn over now?"

"We should probably skip that part today," Colin said as he didn't want to scare his new friend off by thinking he was a perv. "I think you may have found that boner pressure point."

"It's okay. One of my masseuses said that that, and falling asleep, are two of the best compliments a masseuse can get."

"Well, consider yourself complimented," Colin said lying with his head to the side.

Blaine laughed. "Don't worry. I have one too. It kinda just happens sometimes when I really get into it."

"Really? Ummm...can I see it?" Colin asked turning his head to look at Blaine's crotch where he could clearly see the outline.

"You wanna see my boner?" Blaine asked genuinely interested.

"Definitely," Colin answered turning his head back to the other side. "I was just kinda curious what an uncircumcised erection looked like since I've never seen one before. Sorry, I guess that was inappropriate."

Blaine looked down at himself. "I've never shown it to anyone before. At least not on purpose. That's the reason I wear underwear when I get massages, remember?"

"Right, sorry. Forget I asked. Are we done yet?"

"Do you want your front massaged?"

"I don't think that'd be a good idea. I really enjoyed what you did though. I kinda might have over enjoyed it."

"Oh shit! Did you cum?" Blaine asked sitting back with a giant grin on his face.

"What? NO!! I just meant the erection, and it's probably not cool to turn over when I'm naked."

"I wouldn't care. I've never seen a boner other than my own before, except on the internet. We could consider it educational and compare."

"Are you sure?" Colin said turning back to look at Blaine again.

"I will if you will, but we don't tell anyone, right. Not even your boyfriend, although I kinda want to see a penis that big sometime."

Colin grinned as he turned onto his side and bunched the towel around his crotch. "Just ask Dylan to whip it out and he'll have it in front of you so fast you'll think he's the Flash."

Neither of them said anything as Blaine sat there on his heels while Colin lay stretched out looking at him. Finally, Colin pulled the towel away and Blaine's eyes rapidly shot to the erection protruding out in front of him. Colin moved upright so that they were both facing each other, still not talking. Blaine felt his heart rate increase and his palms get sweaty as he reached down and slowly lowered his underwear, leaning to the side to slip them off his feet before kneeling up and showing his erection to Colin. They both stared at each other silently.

"Is it okay?" Blaine asked not sure what else to say.

"Yeah, great. Mine?"

"Yeah," Blaine acknowledged.

"I thought you said the skin moved back off the head when you got hard. It's kind of only half off."

Blaine grabbed his penis and pulled the foreskin back to expose himself fully.

"Does that hurt at all?"


"Does it go back over when you masturbate?" Blaine moved the skin forward and the head disappeared. "That is so cool!!" Colin said as he paid attention. Blaine let go of it and Colin watched the foreskin slowly slide back until the head reappeared. "Wicked cool," Colin said almost to himself. "It's like a turtle peeking out of a shell. You look bigger than 6½ inches though, and I think your balls are bigger than mine. Do they always hang low like that or do they go tight sometimes?"

"No, they go tight. My Dad explained that when they're cold they move up to stay warm and vice versa."

"Maybe they're just full of sperm?" Colin reasoned. "Wanna measure dicks to see how we compare?" he suggested as he sat up to face Blaine.

"I think yours is definitely bigger," Blaine acknowledged as Colin moved forward and placed his dick against the side of Blaine's. They also agreed that Blaine's balls were slightly larger.

"How far does the skin go if you pull it forward all the way?" Colin asked as he moved aside slightly.

Blaine just looked down and took hold of the end of it and pulled. Colin watched in fascination as it stretched out over the head and beyond.

"That makes it look a lot longer. I wish mine did that."

"I just wish I were circumcised."

"Ummm, can I ask you something? You can say no if you want," Colin asked swallowing hard as he lay back down getting a much closer view as the foreskin retracted again, fascinating him.

"Uhhh, ok. Ask." Blaine replied.

"Can I see what it feels like to pull the skin back and forth?"

"Wouldn't that be like masturbating?" Blaine clarified.

"Nah, not really. I'm just curious about what it would feel like as you have so much more skin on your penis than me. I always wanted to know if it moves easier than a circumcised penis."

"Ummm, I guess it'd be okay."

Colin reached up and took a gentle hold of Blaine's penis and moved the skin forward until the head disappeared and then pushed it back until it reappeared. "How far am I supposed to push it back?"

"I'm not sure, but there's a bit of skin underneath and when it starts to pull the head down, I stop. Sometimes if I get going to fast, it hurts if I go to far," Blaine advised.

Colin looked under Blaine's penis and pointed at the frenulum. "That piece?"


Colin looked at his own penis. "I don't have one of those. I guess they remove it when you get circumcised," he said as he kept moving the skin back and forth on Blaine's penis. "This is so amazing. I wish I knew how it felt."

He continued to slide the skin back and forth and moved closer to watch. As he got into it he grabbed his own penis and began to stroke it at the same speed as if they were one. "It feels so different doing yours," he exclaimed as the familiar feeling began to take over his body. Blaine was staring at his cock being stroked, while at the same time watching how Colin was using his own.

"Stop!" Blaine said suddenly as he jumped back.

"Did I hurt you?" Colin asked as he let go concerned.

"No. I just had to stop."

"You mean you were gonna cum?" Colin said as he became excited.

"Yeah. Sorry."

"God yeah!" Colin exclaimed as he grabbed Blaine's cock again and began jerking him off faster. "I wanna see it." he panted as he moved closer.

Blaine froze just watching then began to panic. "Stop! Stop! I'm gonna cum!!" Blaine cried out suddenly. "Colin, I'm serious, stop!"

Colin ignored him and kept going while jerking himself off at the same speed. Blaine put his hand on Colin's shoulder to steady himself as wave after wave of sperm blasted onto his team mate's chest. He couldn't stop it and Colin was clamped to him so tight he couldn't get away. He was almost finished when Colin moaned and quickly lay back to dump his own load all over himself adding to the mess already there. Blaine watched it happen and then became quickly aware that cum was still dripping out of his own cock. He scrambled off the bed and raced for the bathroom. Colin quickly came down from his orgasm and reached for the towel nearby and wiped himself clean.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm so fucking stupid. Shit." He said to himself shaking his head as he sat up, swinging his legs off the bed. He walked to the bathroom door and opened it slowly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think so. I'm sorry."

"For what? I'm the dumbass for jerking you off."

"I tried warning you. Was it gross?"


"My cum?"

"God no. Your cock was awesome and you know how you said the ultimate compliments for a massage were getting a boner or falling asleep? Well getting a guy to cum while you're playing with him is the same thing."

"But it went all over you."

"No big deal, I cum over myself all the time," he said as he stood there wrapped in a towel leaning against the sink.

"The only way to stop the mess is when you give a blowjob. Then you can just swallow it," Colin admitted.

Blaine just looked at him. "You'd swallow someone's cum? Isn't it gross?"

"No, not at all. I didn't like it at first, but now it's pretty good," he admitted without thinking.

"You do that with Dylan?"

"Yeah, sure saves having to clean up afterward. Speaking of that, I was wondering if I'm supposed to wash this oil off?" He said to change the subject.

"Yeah. Soap and warm water get it off easy enough. Most of it has already sunk into your skin."

"Kinda like our cum," Colin joked. "How do I wash my back?"

"I could do it for you if you want," Blaine offered.

"Would you be okay with that?"

"Considering what just happened, I think washing your back is pretty tame."

Colin turned on the shower and the two guys got in together. Blaine took a wash cloth and rubbed soap on Colin's back, and as he rinsed off he turned to look Blaine. "Thanks. I mean thanks for not freaking out at the handjob. The first time someone did it to me, it was so amazing that I just think every guy would like it, and get carried away."

Blaine just looked into Colin's eyes as he apologized. "Does this mean I'm gay now?" he asked quietly.

Colin almost laughed, but realized that Blaine was serious. "No. It means that you're a normal horny guy who just had a new experience, and I learned a massive amount about uncircumcised penises. So, we both got that education we talked about."

Blaine just stood there looking at the water running over Colin's hair and over his face. He could feel himself just zoning out before he heard himself talk, almost making him wonder who was taking over his mouth. "Do you know how to kiss too?"

"Sure. I love kissing. It's right up there with blowjobs!" Colin said with a big smile.

"Ummm, would you maybe wanna show me how? It's okay if you want to say no, I just dunno who else I could ask. It's not like any of my friends would do it, if they even knew how that is."

"You mean kiss or blowjobs? `cause I'm happy to show you both," Colin said knowing what Blaine meant, but figuring he'd at least give the guy more ideas.

"Kiss?" Blaine replied nervously.

Colin stepped forward slightly to get out of the spray. "Dylan and I have this rule that we don't kiss others. Sex is okay, but kissing is more for love, so we agreed to limit that to just us."

"Oh, okay. Just thought I'd ask."

"But in this case, I don't think he'd mind because it's more educational than like we're fooling around or anything. Sure, I can show you how."

Colin moved forward and pressed his lips against Blaine's before stepping back staring. "You okay?" Blaine nodded, so Colin continued and put his hand behind Blaine's head before moving in to give him a proper kiss. He held it there as he waited for Blaine to open his mouth and accept his tongue. He made a point of searching Blaine's mouth until the smaller boy began reciprocating with his own tongue. They kissed for a couple minutes before breaking apart. Colin reached for the controls and turned off the shower. He turned and grabbed a couple of towels, before facing Blaine again. He froze when he saw him crying with a hand over his crotch.

"Oh fuck," he said handing him the towel. "Was it bad? Did I fuck up or something?"

Blaine shook his head as he took the towel. "No. I should go though," he said as they got out of the shower and dried off before returning to the bedroom to get dressed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Colin said continuing to search Blaine's face for some additional sign of freaking out.

"Yeah," he said grabbing his stuff. Colin walked him out and thanked him for the massage. Mark drove Blaine home and Colin ran back to his room beating himself up for doing what he'd done.

The next day, Blaine was absent from school, and it wasn't until the next day that he reappeared.

"Hey," Colin said going up to him at his locker carefully as to not look overly aggressive.

"Hi," he greeted quietly.

"You were absent yesterday. We're you sick?"

"I needed a day off."

"Because of what happened?"

"Can we talk after school? In private, maybe at my place. My Dad doesn't get home until 5."

"Uh, sure," Colin replied. Blaine thanked him and took off for class. Colin caught up with Dylan, but deep inside he was now freaking out about what Blaine might say. He wanted to confide in Dylan, but since he'd promised to keep things just between him and Blaine, he kept his inner turmoil to himself. They met up after school and Mark drove them to Blaine's house, where the boys went to the basement bedroom.

"This is a cool room," Colin said looking around. It had sports and movie posters and lots of things lying scattered around. Blaine pulled out his desk chair and sat down, so Colin sat on the edge of his bed. "What's up?" he asked casually.

"I wanted to talk about the other day," he said quietly and obviously nervous.

"I kinda figured. You okay?"

"I'm not sure. How would I know if I were gay?"

"Why are you asking that? Because you got a handjob?"

"And kissed you," he reminded.

"Okay, and kissed me. So, what happened after you left?"

"What do you mean?"

"When you got home. What happened?"

"I dunno. I finished my homework and went to sleep."

"And then?" He asked leaning back.

"Nothing. I woke up not feeling good and stayed home."

"Come on Blaine. What went through your head either while you slept or all day yesterday? I know how I felt when I first did something with a guy. Tell me how you felt, and maybe I can help you understand it."

"I'm not sure I can. It's kind of embarrassing, and confusing."

"Sure you can. That's why you invited me over, right? Please tell me. I'm freaking out here. I mean I shouldn't have jerked you off like that, I know that, but your penis fascinated me and I just let myself get out of control. I should be locked up in a rubber cell or something."

Blaine looked at Colin almost wanting to throw up. "I had wet dreams all night, and when I woke up in the morning, I felt like I wanted to puke. That's why I didn't go to school. I didn't know how to face you."

"Shit. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to make you physically sick. Dude, I don't even know how to fix this. What can I do?" Colin said feeling like he wanted to go and give Blaine a hug, but realizing that would be the exact opposite of what he should do. Is there anyway we can just maybe pretend it didn't happen?"

"I can't do that. I can't stop thinking about it," Blaine said looking down at the floor. Colin began his own mild panic.

"Are you gonna tell on me? Is there anything I can do to make it right?"

"No. You misunderstand. I had wet dreams thinking about you and what we did and I felt sick all day because I knew if I saw you, I wouldn't be able to act normal. I...I think..." he paused and Colin found himself holding his breath waiting for Blaine to finish the sentence. "I think I love you, so I'm gay right?" he said blurting it out. "I know that's stupid because you're with Dylan, but I can't help it."

Colin took a huge sigh of relief and looked at Blaine. "Dude, I'm flattered. I mean seriously flattered, but it's just some sort of instant reaction to having someone do something sexual with you for the first time. If I'd been a chick doing it, you'd be saying the same thing to her. It's baby bird syndrome," he said trying to think of a good analogy.

"What's that?" Blaine asked looking at him with small tears forming.

"When a baby bird hatches it imprints on the first thing it sees and that's what it thinks is its Mom. Sex is the same. You imprinted on me as your first experience. Don't worry, it passes. I'm pretty sure you're not gay, and even if you are, you wouldn't know you love me that fast. Dylan and I aren't even sure yet. I mean don't get me wrong, he says it every time, just before he cums, but it's just hormones."

"I dunno. I haven't stopped thinking about you since we did it."

"What stuff did you think about? Just the handjob and kiss, or more?"

"More, I dreamt we were dating and going for long walks holding hands and stuff. But you also held my penis a lot in my dreams, and I think each time you did I ended up cumming in my bed."

"Don't take this the wrong way," Colin grinned. "But I must be fucking amazing. I wasn't even here and I got you to cum. Go me!! But seriously, did YOU do anything to me in your dreams?"

"I kissed you, I remember."

"Did you blow me?"

He shook his head.

"Did we fuck?"


"Then dude, you're not gay. When I did my first guy, all I thought about until the next time I saw him was us doing things we'd never actually done. I wanted it so bad I couldn't focus. Fortunately, we don't live close, and then Dylan came along, so it helped a lot. But the point is, I thought about what it might be like to be with him. You only thought about what we'd done."

"So I'm not gay?"

"I dunno, but a handjob doesn't make you into a fag. I've even blown straight friends and it didn't make them gay. It just meant they were horny and open minded."

"What was that like?"

"I could whip out my dick and you could find out," Colin teased trying to talk openly with Blaine as if it were no big deal.

"No, I mean getting one."

"A blowjob? Like 100 times better than a handjob, then fucking is like 100 times better than that. But that's what make ME somewhat gay as I like that stuff. Don't take this the wrong way, but your cock being uncircumcised is awesome. I'd love to try blowing you sometime to see what it's like when I put my tongue under the skin. Shit, I should shut up before I freak you out again."

"No, it's okay. I only left your place because I was trying to process what happened. The kissing gave me a boner so that's why I had to leave so fast. I thought maybe I was gay and you'd think I was gonna try hitting on you or something, and you have a boyfriend, so I thought you'd maybe hate me and not wanna be friends."

Colin almost laughed, but just gave Blaine a big smile. "Dude, that's a lot of pressure for a kiss. Trust me, you get boners from lots of things. None of them make you gay. You only know stuff like that when you know it. If you only think of boys when you are thinking of sex, or if your heart pounds out of your chest when a cute boy goes by, you might be gay. But don't try to figure that shit out all in one day. I still don't know and I have a boyfriend."

"So, you might like girls too?"

"I do like girls, but I find that as more time goes on, I look more at boys than girls. I see a cute guy and I stare at him more than I stare at a cute girl. It used to be the other way around, so I'm pretty sure I'm on my way to being totally gay, but I won't know `til I know."

"What about my dreams and thinking about you?"

"What about them? I had dreams about you too. The only difference between us is that with my dreams...and don't freak out, that I thought about doing a lot more with you than just a handjob and kissing," Colin admitted bluntly as he stared at Blaine.

"You did? Like what?" Blaine said feeling slightly excited, and not sure why.

"Are you sure you really want to know? It's not really PG."

Blaine nodded as he stared at Colin.

"Okay...but don't say I didn't warn you," he grinned. "In my dream, when we finished kissing, you let me kiss other parts of your body like your nipples, belly button and balls. You got a boner, so you let me play with your penis and pull your foreskin back and kiss the tip."

"I guess you really like kissing, huh?" Blaine said squirming slightly as he listened to his friend.

"And foreskins too, apparently. That's probably because yours is the first one I ever played with before," Colin admitted.

"Is that all we did in your dream?" Blaine asked intrigued now by the revelations.

"No. Once you let me kiss your penis, then I gave it a blowjob and from there we had sex. I imagined you fucking me and how it would feel to have your foreskin moving back and forth over your penis while you were inside me. I woke up jerking off and ended up cumming all over myself. It was a pretty hot dream, but that's what I mean about the difference between your dream and mine. I thought of stuff we'd never actually done, because I'm more gay than straight. You only thought of the things you experienced."

"We never held hands on a long walk while dating," Blaine corrected.

"Yeah, but you've held hands with someone before, so your brain already knew that one, and just added it. When my brain gave me my dream about what I wanted with the first guy I'd been with, it added stuff I thought I'd like and imagined what it would be like. Not all of it was correct. Like having you fuck me. I would have no idea what it would really be like to have an uncircumcised penis in me, so my brain made things up, but it made it up because it accepted that I'd want it. Does this kinda make sense?"

"I think so. My brain was only processing what happened and not what it thought I wanted for real. Does that mean you really want me to fuck you and you want to give me a blowjob?"

Colin blushed. "My big brother told me once that you should never ask questions that you really don't want the answer to."

Blaine adjusted his crotch and he stared for a second, which didn't go unnoticed by Colin as they talked.

"Would you wanna maybe get another massage?" Blaine asked quietly, and slightly nervously.

Colin smiled, almost to himself. "I'd love it as it was amazing, but are you only asking in hopes that I'll give you a handjob again, because you don't need to do a massage for that. You just gotta ask and I'd be all over it...literally."

"I like giving massages, but I kinda want to see what will happen if we do what we did the first time. If I freak out again or not."

"You won't freak out because now you know what to expect. How about if I show you something new, and see if you freak out at that? At least you'd have something new for a dream?"

Blaine swallowed hard and stared at Colin. "You mean like the stuff in your dream?"

"Not all of it, obviously."

"What would I have to do to know I was gay for real or not?"

"I'm no expert on the whole thing, but I know from my straight friends, when they cum, they're over sex completely and want to forget it happened. When me and Dylan do it, we still keep kissing or being naked, or wanting to go again and again. From the way you bolted out of my house, I'd lean more towards straight."

"Would you wanna try the same stuff again?" He asked nervously as he adjusted his crotch again.

"That wouldn't really tell you much, except that you're horny like every guy our age. I could sleepover and we could have sex all night until you decide," Colin teased with a grin.

"My Dad doesn't let me have sleepovers on a school night," he said in a roundabout way of saying no.

"Probably smart. We'd never get any actual sleep."

"God, I'm so confused. I don't really wanna be gay, but my penis is driving me crazy."

"That's their job. They're here to run our brains," Colin joked. "You're hard again, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Told you it wouldn't go down all day."

"If you want, I could help you with it. No pressure or anything, just maybe let me do the first part of my dream and see if you like it."

" mean the kissing my penis part? What if I freak out again?"

"Well at least I know you won't run out this time."

"Why?" Blaine asked looking at Colin for a reason.

"Because it's your house," he smiled.

"Oh yeah. Right," Blaine grinned. "Duh!"

"How about we start with the massage idea, but I'll massage you this time," Colin suggested. As he stood up and took off his shirt to see what Blaine would do. He didn't have to wait long as his friend stood up to copy him. Both boys looked at each other before Colin leaned in to give him a hug. "I'm happy that you don't hate me. I was sure I'd majorly fucked up. Wanna lie on the bed and get more comfortable? Just do me one favor okay? Don't tell Dylan that I kissed you."

"I promise."

Blaine lay face down on the bed, but Colin told him to turn over so he could do his front first. "You gonna remove the pants, or am I supposed to do that?"

Blaine slowly lowered his shorts, leaving him in just his underwear. Colin smiled when he saw the bulge already.

"You either really like massages, or you're eager for another handjob," he said as he reached for the waistband and pulled them down to reveal Blaine's erection. The smaller boy took a deep breath at being hard in front of his friend again, but lay there as he watched his underwear pulled down his legs and tossed aside. Colin sat up and quickly got out of his own clothes and lay down beside Blaine, so that they were touching.

"So far so good. You haven't run outside naked," Colin said with a smile.

"I can handle this part; I'm just not used to someone seeing my boner."

"Well, I like it. I love seeing boners. Wanna try kissing again now that you know what to expect?"

"Ummm, okay...sure," Blaine said looking at Colin who leaned in to press their lips together. Blaine opened his mouth to accept the tongue quicker this time and the boys moved closer together as they played tonsil hockey with Colin stopping only a couple of times to give Blaine some pointers on how to get better at it. He glanced down to see Blaine's penis jumping up and down a few times when they really got into it, so he ran his hand down his friend's chest, letting it rest just above his penis for a second to see if there would be any resistance. When he saw Blaine's penis jump again, he took the opportunity to slide his hand under it and let it come back down on him. He smiled as he felt Blaine gasp slightly.

Colin repositioned his hand so he had a firm hold of the shaft and used one finger to touch Blaine's firm balls. He felt them move as he stroked them. "God your cock is nice. Does it feel good?" He asked as he stopped kissing to look into Blaine's eyes.

His friend nodded as he stared back.

"Want me to keep going?"

Blaine nodded again, getting a smile from Colin who moved his head down to kiss each one of Blaine's nipples as he gently played with them. He used his free hand to rub whatever skin he could before moving down to kiss his belly button as he watched the penis carefully. He loved seeing the foreskin move up over the head and back down with each stroke. With one hand on Blaine's chest rubbing around his nipples, and the other on his cock feeling its firmness, it didn't take long before Colin forgot who he was with and moved his mouth over the tip of the penis to taste it and lick around the edges. Blain gasped loudly causing Colin to turn to look at him.

"You okay?"

Blaine nodded.

"You're not freaking out, are you?"

Blaine shook his head tensing up as Colin resumed playing with his cock. Once the exposed head was explored properly, Colin lowered his mouth over the rest of it and began to blow Blaine properly as he fondled his balls, feeling them react to his touch.

"Mmmmm," Colin moaned almost involuntarily as he got lost in what he was doing. He stopped a couple times to pull the skin all the way back and watch as it tightened, then went back down on his friend, sucking the entire length into his mouth using lots of tongue and suction. Blaine began breathing heavily, almost panting as he squirmed around on the bed. He felt a little relief when Colin stopped and just stared at the erection he'd been sucking.

"Fuck I love your cock. I could do this all day," Colin announced as he kept slowly stroking it and playing with the balls. He moved into a 69 position lying next to Blaine. "You can check out mine while I do you, if you want," he offered. "This is what they call 69ing."

"Cool." Blaine replied as he stared at Colin's cock, now only inches from his face. He alternated between that view and watching Colin suck each ball into his mouth one at a time and gently suck on them. Blaine reached out to touch Colin's penis and watched as it reacted. He saw the balls contract and moved his other hand to feel them. Colin moaned as he did it. Then, trying to put his nerves aside he took a firm hold of the erection and began to stroke it like Colin had done to him the first time. He noticed that the faster he moved his hand up and down on Colin, the more intense the blowjob seemed to get.

"Mmmhmmm. That feels great," Colin moaned before going down even harder on Blaine, sucking him faster. Blaine began to panic and announced that he was going to cum, not exactly sure what to do. He felt Colin apply more weight over him as the blowjob continued and his eyes went wide as he felt himself climax with his penis still in Colin's mouth. He stopped what he was doing as he waited to finish, not sure how his friend was going to react. As soon as it was over, Colin leaned back and wiped his mouth and pulled the foreskin up over the head to suck a little more out of him. Blaine jumped.

"Sorry, it's super sensitive after I cum. Dad says uncircumcised ones are more sensitive because the head is protected from touching anything unlike a circumcised one that gets used to it," he explained in the way of an apology. Colin took hold of his own cock and spun around to straddle Blaine's thighs. He looked at his friend's body and the rapidly deflating penis as he jerked off and prepared to reach his own climax. Blaine just stared at him as he did it.

"I'm gonna cum buddy. Can I go on you?" he panted as he felt himself approaching the point of no return. Blaine just nodded and stared at the end of Colin's penis as if about to watch a rocket launch take place. The cock erupted sending wave after wave of jizz all over Blaine. As he saw it begin to run off the side of the stomach, Colin dove down and licked it so it wouldn't get on the bed. Then he moved to slurp up the ret of it as Blaine watched with shocked surprise.

"How does it taste?" He asked when Colin as done and lay beside him.

"You've never tried your own?" Colin asked looking at him. Blaine just shook his head. "It tastes pretty good. I like it best when I'm sucking someone and it just blasts in my mouth though. Next time you cum, try it. If you can suck your own dick or catch it when it flies out, you might like it more than licking it up. How was the blowjob? You haven't run off yet, so was it okay?"

"It was great," Blaine said eagerly. "You were right about it being better than a handjob. You're not gonna tell anyone right?"

"I tell everyone that a blowjob is more fun than a handjob," Colin replied with a teasing grin.

"No, I mean that you and me did it. You won't tell anyone, right? Not even Dylan. Promise me," he begged.

"I promise. Just promise me that I can do that again if you get horny. I'm just glad you don't hate me. I'm guessing you're gonna have more wet dreams now?"

"I dunno. I hope not. I'll end up doing tons of laundry. My Dad'll get suspicious."

"He's a Dad. He probably knows anyway...about the wet dreams...not other stuff," Colin added quickly. He was about to suggest Blaine get on all fours so he could rim him when they heard a bang upstairs. Blaine shot off the bed, almost forgetting the Colin had hold of him.

"Shit! My Dad's home! Dude!! Get dressed. Fuck!!" he said as he scrambled for his clothes almost tripping over himself as he went.

"Hey honey. I'm home," said a male voice from the top of the stairs.

"Hi Dad. Just studying with a friend," he said throwing Colin's shirt to him in a panic. They heard the footsteps of his Dad coming down and Blaine jumped onto his desk chair almost out of breath and looking as guilty as two teenagers could look.

His Dad appeared and walked over to them. "Hi. I'm Karl. Blaine's Dad."

"Colin. Colin Worthington," he said standing up to shake the man's hand.

"Colin is on the water polo team with me and we have math together," Blaine explained, furiously trying to get his breathing under control almost hyper ventilating. "You're home early."

"Yeah, finished up a project so I figured I'd get home and make us a proper dinner for once. You should open a couple windows down here buddy. It's starting to smell like a teenage boy."

"That's because I am a teenage boy, Dad," Blaine grinned.

"Well, open some windows and air this place out. I've been in locker rooms that don't smell this bad. Be sure to empty your garbage can too. That's where some of it is coming from no doubt. Nice to meet you Colin."

"Nice to meet you to, sir," he replied.

"No sir around here. Just call me Karl. Dinner in half an hour. You joining us Colin?"

"I should get going home, sir...uhhh Karl. I still have tons of other homework to do."

Karl headed upstairs and Colin broke out laughing. "Dude, he totally knows you're whacking off down here."


"Cum smells. My brother told me the exact same thing when I started doing it. Now I flush the tissues and use Febreze. No one's said anything since."

"Shit. Do you think he knows you and I did it?"

"Nah. And who cares anyway? Boys do that all the time with each other. Never heard of circle jerks?"


"Well, there you go. Catch you tomorrow at school." Colin rushed home and immediately got on the computer to video chat with his boyfriend.

"Where you been?" Dylan asked as the screen lit up. "I was trying to reach you after school."

"Sorry, I went over to Blaine's place. He was freaking out and wanted to talk."

"Freaking out about what?"

"Just the workout that coach gave us. Made us swim naked. Guess he wasn't used to it," Colin lied.

"You should invite him over and he can practice at your place. I'll come over to help too," he grinned.

"I'm not sure it would help if you're trying to put his cock in your mouth underwater every 10 seconds."

"I wouldn't...okay, I would, but the dude has a nice penis. He should learn to use it."

"Shut up! So wanna do some homework?"

The boys got down to it over the computer before the talk came back to naked guys again. "I have an idea that you might like," Colin said as both boys had gotten naked on screen and were watching the other play with themselves.

"What idea?" Dylan asked.

"Well, you know how the team shaves their pubes, right? And some of the guys get together to do it and help each other out. What if I spread a rumour that you're awesome at it."

"What would that do?"

"They already know that we're gay, so if they got hard while you did it, you might be able to see which ones would be into blowjobs. It'd be like a straight boy buffet. If they talked to friends after that, we could expand beyond the team."

"Done. Let's start tomorrow!" Dylan said excitedly.

"I'll shave myself completely smooth for practice and when the guys comment, I'll tell them you did it and start our rumour. You cool with that?"

"Go for it."

"Wicked. This could help us find boys for out club too. We gotta get that started."

"I agree. I came up with some other ideas too. I'll show you tomorrow!" Dylan replied as they signed off. Colin rushed to the bathroom to shave his pubes, ass and pits completely smooth and made sure he got every hair he could to prove how good a job `Dylan' had done. Once he was satisfied, he headed for bed. The next day at practice, he made a point of letting the guys know how good Dylan was at shaving and showed them all. Most were impressed and admitted that they were nervous about shaving themselves that close to their balls, and Colin casually mentioned that Dylan might be willing to set up a shaving service.

Blaine came up to Colin after they left the dressing room. "So, I had more dreams," he admitted.

Colin laughed. "How was I?

Blaine nodded. "Pretty good apparently. I woke up and had to clean up my sheets."

Colin smiled. "Nice! Those are the best types of dreams. Oh hey, you know Dylan wants to do this shaving business right? I had an idea. How about you let him shave you?"

"I'm already smooth," Blaine reminded him.

"I know, but you can have him just do the stubble which always grows after a day or two. I'll suggest it to Dylan and say that you're nervous to get naked and suggest that if he's naked, you might be more relaxed. That way you could see his how big he is. Maybe I'd even suggest he help you out with the boner."

"In the shower? What if someone saw?"

"All they'd see is him shaving you, and all the guys on the team are fine with that, even if we get boners. I'm sure they all did when they shaved. So, tomorrow after practice, I'll get him to shave you, okay?"

The guys headed home and the next day after practice Blaine was nervous, Dylan was trying not to cum in his pants at getting to shave Blaine, and Colin was just eager to see what would happen.

"Are you really as good at shaving as Colin said?" Blaine asked Dylan as they talked causally by the lockers waiting for the rest of the team to leave. "You wouldn't cut me or anything would you?"

"Nope. As long as you stand still and don't jump around. I've not cut anyone yet." He didn't reveal that so far he'd actually only done himself, since Colin had actually done his own.

"Blaine's kinda nervous," Colin explained setting up the pre-arranged scenario that he'd worked out with both Dylan and Blaine, but that neither of them knew the other was aware of. "I suggested we all go into the shower naked so he feels more comfortable. That way if we get boners, we all have them. You cool with that?" He asked Dylan.

"Yeah, I'm cool with it. If it helps. Just so you know, all the other guys got hard too. Some just held it out of the way, but everyone bones up when someone is down near their crotch. It's just a boy thing."

"Really?" Blaine asked.

"Of course. I even get hard doing it. I'm just glad I'm not shaving girls or they'd all want me."

"In your dream, babe. In your dreams. They'd all want you to get away from them, is more like it," Colin insulted.

As soon as the last team member had left, the three guys stripped and headed to the showers with towels and shaving gear. Dylan dropped quickly to his knees and foamed Blaine's crotch and balls. Blaine wasted no time getting an erection, trying not to look down at what was happening. It didn't help when he looked at Colin standing beside him with an erection of his own. "Well that didn't take long for us to get boners," Colin said as he looked at Blaine. "You want me to grab the razor for you Dyl?"

"I got it," Dylan replied as he stood up making appoint of fluffing up his cock, which was also hard. Colin stared at Blaine giving him the `take a look' stare and nod. The boy looked at Dylan's crotch and felt his own cock get even harder.

"Told you he was big."

"I'll say. That's huge," Blaine admitted as he looked.

"Thanks. I like it," Dylan replied taking hold of it as he picked up the razor and returned to kneel in front of Blaine. Colin turned on a nearby shower head to give Dylan water to rinse the razor with and chose to stand right behind Blaine after getting him to spread his legs slightly so Dylan had better access.

"I'll be here to give you some support while Dylan works on you. Might help you to not jump."

"Oh, trust me, I won't jump. I don't need anything cutting off," Blaine assured him but felt good with Colin pressed up against him. Colin's erection was up along the length of Blaine's ass crack until Dylan saw it and pulled it down so it was between his legs touching the underside of his customer's balls. He made quick work of the stubble above the penis and made sure that he'd gotten everything, before moving to the balls. He pushed Colin's penis back slightly, smiling to himself as he tried to move it up Blaine's ass crack to tease the hole.

"Ummm, are you trying to fuck me?" Blaine asked as he found himself sandwiched between the two guys.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Colin replied trying to sound seductive.


"Then I won't," he assured him before leaning in and whispering quietly in his ear. "But I want to." He eased back so that his cock wasn't in Dylan's way and let him get on with what he was doing.

"Gentlemen! What's going on here?" the coach boomed as he entered the locker room to find the three boys in the showers together.

"Jesus, coach! You scared the crap out of us," Colin said jumping slightly and stepping back. Dylan turned around and held up his razor revealing Blaine's foamed up crotch. "Dylan is helping Blaine shave. He's awesome at it, so we're just doing it while we have time."

"I heard that you had skills with that," Coach remarked moving closer. "Has he done you already?" He asked Colin.

"Yeah. Take a look coach. Smooth as a baby's butt. The only way that could be smoother is if I waxed it and I'm not putting wax on my balls. Not gonna happen!"

"That's probably a smart decision."

"It's like I've never had hair at all," Colin commented.

Their coach ran his hand over where Colin's pubic hair used to be. "Very impressive Rogers. You should be getting paid for a skill like that. Especially if you can do testicles that well."

"Balls smoother than those at a bowling alley," Colin bragged, lifting his dick up so he could see them. The coach reached over to take a feel.

"Now that's a talent. Looks like Blaine isn't unhappy with your abilities either," he smiled as he looked at the erection on his player.

"Sorry, coach," Blaine blushed. "It kinda does that when it gets attention."

"Or needs attention," Dylan added. "Or wakes up in the morning, or if the wind blows."

"I remember those days. But I'm telling you Rogers, you could set up shop and charge for this. I know adults who would easily pay 10 or 20 bucks to have their crotch and testicles done. Can you do the ass the same way?"

Colin spun around and bent over pulling his cheeks apart. "Like glass!" Colin boasted giving the coach the opportunity to run his hand along it.

"Damn impressive. Why don't you drop by my office on Monday to show me how you do that, and if you're as good as you appear, we'll perhaps let you be the official team shaver. You could advertise to other teams and clubs who may need the service as well. You could make some good money."

"It's best in the shower coach. I could show you right now if you want," Dylan offered. "I could definitely use the money."

"I have a shower in my office. Probably best in private, but let's wait until Monday. No problems with doing the boys on the team in here though. Just clean up after yourselves, especially if you're going to take care of that erection before you get dressed," he teased.

"Don't worry coach. That's another one of Dylan's specialties," Colin grinned.

"What is?"

"Taking care of boners. He better at those than shaving. You can trust me on that one. Being that he's my boyfriend and all."

"Oh right. Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. Off the record, that sounds like it could be an even bigger money maker, but you never heard that from me. Carry on boys, but don't take too long I need to lock up."

"Got it coach. We'll be 10 minutes, max," Dylan replied.

The coach left and when they were sure he was gone, Blaine let out a sigh of relief. "Shit! How embarrassing was that? I had a boner in front of coach," he said rolling his eyes.

"And he loved it. You saw how he had his hands all over Colin. If he'd been naked, Colin would have been getting a hot beef injection right now," Dylan grinned.

"What's that?"

"He'd have been fucking him," he said bluntly.

"Yeah, right! No way he'd do that," Blaine said staring down at Dylan.

"Oh, he would. I'm irresistible!" He said grabbing his cock and waving it around.

"Only in your mind," Colin laughed.

"Nope, just a fact. I'm gonna get the coach's cock in my ass before I finish shaving him. It was pretty obvious he wanted a blowjob or why would he have suggested it, so once I get him hard, the rest is easy. I wonder how much extra you'd get for that?" Dylan said thoughtfully.

"That's gross. He's old and hairy. Why would you want him when you have Colin?" Blaine asked as Dylan finished with him and let him rinse off.

"Yeah, Dylan? Why?" Colin smirked. "I put out."

"And I love it. I also like getting guys to do what I want by using their hormones. Just one of the perks of being a gay teenager. I got you naked and hard, didn't I?"

"That's hardly an accomplishment," Blaine said brushing the water out of his eyes. "I get naked to shower, like everyone, and my dick got hard because you were touching it. The same thing would happen if anyone touched it."

"Yeah, but all you're thinking about getting a blowjob, am I right?" Dylan teased.

"No. I'm thinking of you and coach, which is making my dick go soft so I can get dressed," Blaine replied trying to sound disgusted by the idea.

Colin returned to the original conversation. "I can already see the price menu going up for the shaves," he said to Dylan. "Pube shaving 5 dollars, balls five dollars, ass five dollars, entire crotch and ass at once 10 bucks. Blowjobs twenty. Fucking Dylan forty. Blowjob and fucking together fifty."

"Screw that," Dylan said as he washed off his razor and began putting things away. "Shaving ten bucks, blowjobs twenty. Fucking...priceless!" They all laughed and dried off.

Once they were dressed and out of the locker room, Dylan and Colin said goodbye to Blaine before heading off home. "Do you really think I could make money shaving guys and giving them blowjobs?" Dylan asked.

"I dunno about the blowjobs. You might not be able to charge for that, but I think you could easily charge for shaving. Some guys might just want pubes done which would be the most common since we have to do it anyway. Balls and ass? Maybe a few guys would want that. Probably balls more than ass, as it'd look stupid having no hair above your penis and a big hairy set of nuts."

"Should I do it? I'll charge five bucks to do pubes and another 5 for balls."

If every guy wanted it once a week and only 10 guys wanted shaving, I could make a hundred bucks for just a couple hours work. I'm gonna go see coach tomorrow."

"Go for it dude. I wonder if he has a lot of hair like most old guys."

"Probably, but I'm not shaving his nose or his ear hair!"

"Gross!" The boys laughed and raced to Dylan's to get on with homework. The group hung out on Saturday as they went to laser tag in the morning and hit the surf in the afternoon. That evening after everyone had headed home, Dylan and Colin lay on the bed playing video games in Colin's bedroom.

"Okay, I've been planning some dares for our club. You wanna try some stuff tonight and see how it works?"

"That could be fun, but with only two of us, how about whatever dares we could come up with, we both have to do it," Colin suggested.

"That'd be fun and the first one to say no, loses and has to do a punishment," Dylan nodded getting excited.

"What kind of punishment?"

"Like the other guys chores for a week, or carrying the others books to school and back."

"Good plan. Hey, speaking of plans, I've got stuff I've been working on too," Colin said ass he jumped off the bed and grabbed his laptop to bring it over and show Dylan what he'd been working on. The boys stopped the video games and worked on their club ideas and rules until it got dark.

"Let's go do some dares!" Dylan said excitedly. "You dare me first."

"Ummm, okay, how about we ride our bikes to the beach with our dicks out?"

"Easy," he said as they grabbed their backpacks with towels and water and raced out. They both pulled their penises out and rode to the beach, excited by the dare and each planning how to push each other to extremes. They avoided the part of the boardwalk that still had people walking around and rode up to a more secluded area near some rocks where they dumped their bikes and locked them up.

"Your turn to dare," Colin said looking at Dylan as they fastened their pants back up.

"I dare you to go down the boardwalk holding hands and you have to tell two guys you think they're cute. If someone replies back, then you ask them if they'd like a blowjob."

"Holy shit! From zero to sixty in one dare. I guess we aren't ramping it up slowly huh?" Colin said looking at Dylan who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey, loser does chores, remember. I don't plan on losing."

"Fine," Colin said as he grabbed Dylan's hand and they marched out onto the boardwalk towards people. Colin was the first to tell a guy by himself that he was cute and the guy just laughed and kept walking. "Did he respond?" Colin asked. I couldn't hear as my heart was beating too loud."

"Nope. My turn," Dylan said looking around and almost pulling Colin towards two guys he saw, both roughly in their early 20's. He told one of them he was cute, and Colin told the other guy he was also cute, completing his part of the dare. Colin's guy just laughed while Dylan's compliment received a thanks. Dylan looked at Colin smiling and turned back to the guy.

"You want a blowjob?" He asked.

"How old are you?" the guy asked as his buddy made fun of him.

"14," Dylan replied boldly.

"And you know how to suck dick?"

"Been doin' it since I was 12. I'm pretty good. Just ask my boyfriend."

"Damn. 12? Shit. I barely knew shit about sex at that age. Pass but props man."

Colin and Dylan headed off hearing the one guy tease his buddy about getting a jailbait blowjob offer.

"I have an idea for a dare for you," Colin smirked as they walked back to their bikes. "Dig a hole in the sand until I say stop."

"A hole? That doesn't sound daring."

"That's not the dare." They both got on their knees and began digging in a bit of a secluded area near their bikes. Once Colin thought the hole was big enough they stopped. "Okay, now for the dare. We take off our clothes, put them in the backpack and bury everything. We stay like this until one of us loses."

"Nice!" Dylan grinned wildly as he began stripping everything off including shoes and socks. Colin rushed to join him. They pulled out their towels and the water to make room for their clothes. Once it was all in the backpack, they threw it in the hole and covered it. Dylan turned and faced Colin, already sporting a semi hardon.

"Guess that was an easy dare for you, huh! Looks like you're enjoying it," Colin laughed.

"We could make them go down. My dare is to run into the water until it's up to our necks and we can't use our towels to dry off when we get out."

"Oh sure, we'll die of hypothermia," he complained.

"It's still like 70 degrees," Dylan pointed out.

"Like I said...we'll die of hypothermia."

They ran down the beach towards the ocean. "Okay, lets do it," Dylan announced as they stood at the edge of the water. They splashed around for a bit trying to drown each other and having fun, before they got a little cold and needed to get out.

"That made your boner go away," Colin pointed out.

"Only `til it warms up and becomes excited again," Dylan said as they both stood naked on the sand. Without the sun up, they both realized it was going to take a while to dry off. "This was fun. What's next?"

"We could ride our bikes naked," Dylan suggested.

"Yeah, that'd kinda be fun," Colin admitted. "Streaking on bikes. That could be interesting." The two boys walked confidently back to the bikes and unlocked them. They rode a few hundred feet down the boardwalk, before returning, not running into anyone along the way. "That was pretty easy. I dare us to ride naked until we pass someone."

"What if they call the cops?" Dylan asked.

"We ride past fast and then once we're out of sight, we get off the main boardwalk so they don't know where we went."

The boys spent the next half hour on their bikes riding around naked, passing people and hardly being noticed. They got bolder with each ride and only rushed behind a building when a couple guys laughed at them and whistled. They waited until their heartbeats returned to normal and snuck back out to make sure the coast was clear again.

"How about we lock the bikes up and walk back to the place where we started. That's more daring than being on the bikes," Dylan suggested.

They held hands and began by sticking to the edge of the building before slowly making their way to the boardwalk.

"Oh shit! Someone's coming," Colin said suddenly as he could see the silhouette of a bike approaching in the distance. "Should we hide?"

"Or the dare is to just keep walking," Dylan suggested.

"Okay," Colin replied as his heartbeat went up to extreme. They picked up pace a little hoping to get to the rocks before the cyclist got to them. They didn't quite make it before he rode past without saying anything, and neither boy looked directly at him. Colin let out a huge sigh, not realizing he'd been actually holding his breath. "That was so nerve wrecking," he said once the guy had gone by.

"Maybe we could go climb around on the rocks," Dylan suggested as his next dare. From that dare, it quickly morphed into kissing each other's asses and getting hard."

"I dare you to climb to the top of the rocks and fuck me up there," Dylan said looking at Colin with a boner."

"Ummm...the lube is in the backpack, so unless you want a spit fuck, we probably couldn't do that," Colin grinned.

"Spit fuck it is then. Just use lots of spit," Dylan retorted.

They made their way up the small pile of rocks and Dylan found a good place to bend over where Colin could stand behind him. They got into it with Colin telling Dylan to be quiet several times.

"Looks like you guys are having fun," a voice below them said. They froze and turned to see a guy beginning to climb towards them. "I rode past you earlier while you were walking naked."

"Uhhhh..." Colin stammered as he pulled out of Dylan and the boys lowered themselves down so they weren't as visible as the guy continued towards them.

"I'm Henry," he said introducing himself as he got to them. "Wow, you guys are even hotter up close. How old are you?"

"14," Dylan replied. "You?"

"17. You look older. Must be those big cocks on you," he grinned as he sat down beside them. "Did you guys come all the way down without clothes?"

"No. We have them, but we're just doing dares," Colin replied.

"I love dares, especially ones that end up naked. What are your names?"

They introduced themselves continuing to stay seated to try and hide themselves from anyone else who might decide to stroll up unannounced.

"How do you two know each other? Friends or boyfriends or what?"

"Yeah, boyfriends," Dylan answered.

"That's cool."

"Would you like a dare?" Dylan asked Henry as he looked him over.

"Go for it! Or you could just keep doing what you were doing and I could watch."

"I dare you to take your clothes off and let us give you a blowjob," Dylan said bluntly.

"Wow, right to it," Henry said as he pulled his shirt off and went for his shoes next.

"Are you gay or straight?" Colin asked as the watched the older boy undress.

"Straight, but I don't mind some guy on guy fun now and then. It's the 21st century after all." He made quick work of his clothes and lay back on the rocks. "Okay boys, it's all yours." Dylan scrambled down to his crotch and began sucking without hesitation. Colin followed along at a slightly slower pace. The two guys shared Henry's 6-inch dick and played with his balls, until the guy tensed up and announced he was going to cum. Dylan grabbed the cock and went down on it as far as he could go while Colin watched up close. Henry thrust up and his whole body went tense as he shook from his orgasm. Once he was done, Dylan leaned back, squeezed the spent penis and licked the tip.

"Dude. It's sensitive!" He warned. "Thanks. That was a great dare. Happy to do that anytime. I should go though," he said as he pulled his clothes on. "I'll watch for you guys down here. Might have some friends that wouldn't mind a few dares. Enjoy your night, boys!"

He scrambled down the rocks and took off.

"Straight boys, am I right?" Dylan said shaking his head. "What's our next dare?"

"Do you maybe wanna just head home and do stuff there. I'm kinda getting cold out here," Colin suggested.

"Sure. You know the trouble with us doing dares? When it comes to sex we'd do anything with each other. Now if we got into non-sex dares, we might have limits. Like eating squid or base jumping. Real adrenaline stuff."

"Yeah, that's probably true. Doesn't make sense to dare each other to have sex. With us, we call that a Tuesday," Colin agreed.

The boys headed home after digging up their backpack and getting dressed. They agreed that the dares were a draw and moved on to other things before falling asleep together.

A couple days later, Dylan strolled up to Colin at the lockers before school began. "I'm officially in the shaving business," he announced.

"Coach is letting you?"

"Yep. I should make business card. `Dylan's Shaving. Be as smooth as glass in 10 minutes.'

"And on the back. `go home satisfied. asterisk...additional charges may apply.'" Colin joked. "Did you have to shave coach to show him what you could do?"

"Yeah. He was impressed."

"Was he all old man gross and hairy?" Colin asked curling his nose up.

"No, not at all. He has chest hair, but he trimmed his pubes and balls, so it didn't take long at all."

"Did he get hard?"

"Of course. All guys do when they get shaved. I think it's automatic. Plus what guy wouldn't get hard seeing all of this," he laughed running his hands over his body.

"Sighted ones?" Colin said giving him a burn before leaning in and whispering. "Did you blow him?"

Dylan grinned and raised his eyebrows a couple times. "Coach said I could make ten times more money if I used my other talents. He said not to actually advertise things other than shaving, but eventually word of mouth would get around pretty fast if I blew a few boys."

"Word of mouth! That's funny...because you'd be using your mouth," Colin said laughing at the innuendo.

Dylan laughed along with him, then Colin went quiet. "You okay?" Dylan asked looking at him.

"Yeah. I was just thinking if you're gonna be doing this job and you know...having sex stuff. Will we have as much time together and will you still want to have sex with me?"

"Always. This just gives me extra cash, so you don't have to pay for things all the time."

"I don't mind. I have money."

"I know, but I mind. I want to pay my own way sometimes, and now I can," Dylan grinned. "Don't worry, I'd never let my job stop us from being together. Coach and I made a deal that I should do any group shaving from 3-4 in the locker room showers for guys that just need a quick trim, and anyone who is shy or wants more privacy, I could use his office from 4-5 maybe twice or three times a week."

"That seems reasonable. Is coach planning on being in his office?"

"No. He said he usually goes home by 4 anyway, so he'd give me a key."

"That's good. That'd be creepy if he watched."

"He did say that there were other teams like the diving team and perhaps some of the jocks that might be interested too."

At the next practice, Dylan went into the locker room and changed next to Colin.

"Why are you in a Speedo?" Colin asked as they changed.

"Coach said if I want to be part of the team, I should have a Speedo. Plus he said if I was gonna be in the shower shaving guys it might be better than being naked, at least until the guys got used to the idea."

"Makes sense. I just figured you'd be naked and hard, like usual," Colin said slapping him on the ass.

"Oh, I probably will be, but at least for now, I kinda like being dressed like everyone else."

The coach gave Dylan a few jobs to do while the guys practiced and he enjoyed being part of the team. He threw in extra balls when needed and learned some of the rules of the game.

Once practice was over the coach introduced Dylan and the service he was going to be offering. "Pits and pubes boys. Pits and pubes. Keep them trimmed and we won't be embarrassing ourselves out there. If you can't do it for yourselves, get Dylan to help you out. If you just need a one time shave it's 10 bucks, if you want regular shaving, I recommend signing up with him for a monthly deal. 25 bucks and he'll keep you as smooth as a dolphin. For those of you wanting more than pits and pubes, he has other prices as well. Balls, ass and legs, so work it out with him. The more frequently you show up, the less work he has each time, and the cheaper it'll be. 3-4 pm daily in the locker room. Just show up. If you're shy, then you can do it in private from 4-5. Just make an appointment with him. The boys began talking to each other as the coach explained it. Okay boys, hit the showers. Rogers, come see me in my office," the coach barked as soon as he was done. He got a round of Ooooh's and Ahhh's from the team.

"I'll wait in the locker room for you," Colin told him before he headed off. He showered with the team and covertly checked them out as boys do. He started thinking about how it would look on a chart if he put all the different styles and sized of penises on it, which led to thinking about measuring soft and hard and putting those differences on the same chart as well. Everyone had headed out before Dylan strolled into the lockers and sat down beside Colin.

"So? What did coach want?"

"He told me that he added the idea of a monthly package as it'll get more business and be easier. They pay in advance for unlimited shaving or trimming of pits and pubes, and if they show up every couple days it only takes a couple minutes to trim or shave. Like a loyalty program with frequent shave miles!" He joked. "Oh, then lifted me onto his desk and pulled my Speedos off before he fucked me while I was on my back with legs over his shoulders. That was so hot!"

"Gross. You're gonna let him fuck you again?"

"Probably. Gotta keep the coach happy, right? It's not gross at all. Older guys know how to fuck and do sex stuff way better than guys our age, so I can learn tons and then pass it on."

Colin just rolled his eyes as Dylan got changed. The first day of his new business Dylan had three guys wanting to be trimmed or shaved, but only the pubes. A couple more only wanted shaving above the Speedo line while they wore their suits. He only charged 5 bucks for that service. One boy let him shave pits and pubes completely smooth, and when he was done the others agreed it looked good and said they'd probably do that next time.

A week later, Dylan bounced up to Colin grinning like crazy waving a wad of cash. "Dude! This is the best idea ever. Boys who can't shave themselves and get horny when you touch them. Coach even gave me a few more tips when I was in his office, plus he knows lots of guys that want shaving and they have money!"

"Did he fuck you again?" Colin asked staring at his excited boyfriend.

"Yeah. I went with him back to his office and I jumped up on the desk like before, but he pulled me off and turned me around to bend me over. He took my shorts off, kicked my legs open and fucked me hard. It was so hot, dude. You shoulda been there. He talked the whole time we were fucking asking how the business was going."

"You're so bad. I can't even imagine what it would be like with an old guy," Colin said shaking his head.

"They can be fun. But dude, I'm a total entrepreneur! As my Father says, you never get rich working for someone else."

"That's what my Dad and brother say too," Colin said nodding. "You told your Dad what you're doing?"

He shrugged. "I just told him I was helping the team out like a manager. I didn't think he'd need the details."

"Probably smart, considering he has those guns and all," Colin joked.

Business picked up and Colin helped when he could. He did trimming for any guys that had long hair, and applied shaving cream to prep them for Dylan, who did the actual shaving. He avoided the private sessions where the guys were shy and didn't want extra eyes looking at them, but Dylan told him all about it each time. The more guys he blew, the more seemed to want private sessions. Colin had almost as much information about each guy and what they liked as Dylan did. He felt a bit jealous when Dylan told him of his session with Blaine and how he'd gotten to rim him.

Brooks was sleeping over at Colin's one Friday night when his text went off.

"Shit! It's Preston. He's drunk," Brooks announced as he read the message. "We should go rescue him and take him home."

"To the bat cave!" Colin said leaping up.

"You don't have a bat cave," Brooks grinned as he got out of bed and the boys dressed.

"To the bike rack!" Colin said, changing it up.

They raced to the place where they knew Preston hung out and looked around. They heard noises down the side alley and slowly made their way in. From the sounds, it was pretty obvious that they weren't the only ones in there. It was extremely dark, but once their eyes adjusted, they could see several guys making out with girls. Some just kissing and others that appeared to be fucking. They found Preston leaning against a wall watching two couples go at it. He had his pants open with his hand down inside.

"HEY!" Preston said as he saw Brooks approach. "It's my bestest buddy Brooks," he slurred as he put his free hand around him, not bothering to stop the self-pleasuring that was going on. "Who's the cute girl with you?" He asked looking at Colin, who looked behind him in case there was someone else with them.

"Jennabella," Brooks answered before Colin could say anything. "I invited her along as I figured you'd be in the mood."

"That's a great name!" Preston said staggering slightly and giving a thumbs up. Brooks moved Colin slightly out of Preston's immediately line of sight.

"Why does he think I'm a girl?" Colin whispered to Brooks, confused.

"Because you're so cute, buddy," Brooks grinned. "Plus it's dark, he's trashed and insanely horny. His brain sees what it needs. You wanna pull that cock out and fuck her?" Brooks asked speaking louder at Preston. Jennabella, you want my buddy's penis in your tight pussy?"

Colin rolled his eyes and grinned as Brooks moved to bend him over a stack of wood pallets beside them. He reached around and undid Colin's pants and yanked them down, exposing his ass, before turning his attention to Preston. Colin was slightly amused that his drunk friend didn't recognize him and thought he was a girl instead. Brooks moved Preston up behind Colin, who quickly scrambled to get the small bottle of lube from his pant pocket and coat his ass quickly. Preston took hold of Colin's hips and without warning or introduction, fucked what he thought was a tight pussy.

"Holy shit!" Brooks said not actually expecting that he'd do it and stood staring at the two of them.

"You're a great lay, Jebbanella," Preston complimented as Brooks had a hand on his back to prevent him falling over while he fucked.

"Jennabella," Brooks corrected as he stared in disbelief at his drunk friend fucking his gay friend, both of whom appeared to be enjoying it.

"Right! I think I came," Preston said suddenly and pulled out as quickly as he'd entered.

"COPS!" Someone yelled and people began scattering. Colin yanked his pants up fast and Preston began to run with Brooks as he tried to put his penis away and prevent his pants from falling down. They got out of the alley and slowed down. Preston turned to look at Brooks. "Hey buddy! Thanks for coming to get me. I was just getting laid, so you arrived right on time. Oh, hey, Colin! Didn't see you there."

"Is he serious, right now?" Colin asked as he felt Preston's cum running out of his ass.

"Apparently. We should probably take him back to your place so he can sleep it off."

"Preston. Are your parent's expecting you home tonight?" Colin asked, getting his friend to try and focus.

"No. I'm sleeping over at Patterman's. At least they think I am."

"Okay, you're coming back to my place."

"We should find that girl. Maybe I should go over to her place," he said waving his arms in the air.

"I'm sure it'll be just like you're there anyway," Brooks laughed as they helped their drunk friend back to the house. They gave Preston some water as they took his clothes off, leaving him in only his underwear, before they put him into bed with them. They both left their own underwear on too, just in case Preston woke up before them and freaked out.

By late morning, Preston finally opened his eyes and looked around, glancing over at the other two guys beside him. "Where am I?" He croaked as he squinted at his surroundings.

"My place," Colin said acknowledging him. "You want some water or Tylenol?"

"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks. Fuck, I don't even remember how I got here. I just know I had an awesome night. Even got laid by some skanky whore. Great fuckin' night."

"Who's he calling skanky?" Colin mumbled as he headed for the bathroom as Brooks laughed. By the time he returned, Preston was sitting up slightly and took the water and Tylenol from him. Colin went around to the other side of the bed and slid in beside Brooks. They lay around for another half hour before Preston got up and headed to the bathroom for a piss and a shower.

"He really has no idea that it was me he fucked last night?"

"Doesn't look like it," Brooks laughed. "But you were a good lay apparently. For a skanky whore."

"The important part of that is I'm a great lay!" Colin grinned. "Not that you'll ever know."

"And I'm fine with it. Kill me if I ever get that drunk and don't know I'm fucking a guy instead of a chick."

Colin wondered where his gun was so he could honor the request. He was the only one that knew that both his friends had fucked him while they'd been drunk and not known it. They both seemed to like his ass, even if they'd never know it themselves.

Chapter 11 Colin was just settling into bed looking at his laptop when Carter strolled into his room and got under the covers with him. "Hey! What's up?" It had been a long time since Carter actually climbed into his bed. He put aside his laptop and turned to face him.

"I wanted to talk to you," Carter said as he lay on his side.

"I wasn't even there! I have an alibi. I was in Japan. It was my twin that did it and is trying to frame me!" He said quickly, trying not to grin.

"Well first, I'm your brother and I know you don't have a twin, and I'm not accusing you of anything," he laughed. "Guilty much?"

"I reserve the right to take the fifth!" Colin replied.

"So, listen bro. I've decided to move out."

"WHAT! Why? Did I do something to piss you off?" Colin said shocked. He always knew this day would eventually come. In fact, he couldn't wait to move into his own place someday.

"It's time, buddy. You're all grown up. You have a boyfriend and your own life. I need to start working on making my own family."

"That's code for having wild sex parties at your house isn't it?" Colin teased. "Bang a few hundred chicks a week and see which ones come back?"

"No.'s not the only reason," Carter laughed shoving his little brother on the arm. "What I need to find is a girl who I know likes me for me. It's kinda tough to do that when they come here and see this house. I never know if they're into me or our money. Half the time they wander around checking things out and drooling over them."

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I'm such a stud even your girlfriends want ME more than you!"

"That's one way to look at it," Carter grinned. "But mainly it's because I can't afford all the therapy for my girlfriend's P.T.S.D. when they see you naked in the pool. Something that small scares them, like finding a spider."

"Or a python!" Colin replied.

"But seriously dude. It's time for me to move out. I mean it's not like I'm gonna be far. I bought a condo less than three miles from here, right on the beach."

"When are you moving?"

"Next weekend. I'm just getting some furniture first."

"Want me to help?"


"Will I be able to visit you, or are you doing this to get away from me too?" He asked seriously.

"I bought a three-bedroom condo with the idea that one of the rooms would be for you. You're my kid brother. You can visit anytime you want, and I NEVER want you to think I'd ever not want you around."

"Sweet! Can I buy my own furniture for it? I was thinking bean bag chair. Big screen TV. Pool table..."

"Dude, it's a condo bedroom. Not the Staples Center. The bedroom is probably a quarter of the size of this one."

"Whoa. Where will I put all my stuff?"

"Here? In this house," Carter said, happy that his brother was somewhat enthusiastic. They played video games until they fell asleep. Carter never even complained when Colin slept half on top of him. The morning came earlier than either of them wanted as Brooks wandered in and woke them up.

"Hey bros!" He said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "Are you interested in going fishing? I'm heading out with my Uncle. He said you could come too. I only asked him about Colin as I didn't know you were both gonna be in here together."

"Good morning to you too, Brooks," Carter said looking at him. "I'll pass on that, but thanks. I have some planning to do."

"Yeah, he's moving out," Colin said sitting up and looking at his best friend.

"Seriously? I'm looking forward to doing that too as soon as I can. Oreo, get your ass in gear and come with me."

"Give me five minutes, Colin said as he threw the covers back and flew off the bed running to the bathroom. Carter got up much slower and Brooks bounced around to sit against the headboard and wait for Colin. Carter was only in his underwear as gathered up his clothes, turned and punched Brooks lightly like he did with Colin and headed out.

Colin came from the bathroom still partially wet and jumped into appropriate clothes before they raced down to the kitchen to grab something to eat on the trip. They spent the day fishing up at the lake with Brooks' Uncle, only catching a couple fish, and throwing them back.

"I never understand fishing," Colin admitted. "We've gone like a dozen times, and we never bring the fish home, yet we go bird hunting, kill half the things in the woods and bring them all back. Why do fish get off so easy?"

"We only do catch and release," the Uncle explained. "The bird hunting helps thin down the population whereas fish don't need that."

"Says the guy who takes us for fish and chips for dinner," Brooks remarked holding up his plate of food as they ate. They had a good laugh before they got dropped off at Brooks' house. It was late, so Colin just called his Mom and said he was staying at Brooks for the night. The boys jumped in the shower together and tried to wash the fish smell off themselves before heading to bed.

"How do you feel about Carter moving out?" Brooks asked knowing that Colin had a strong relationship with his brother.

"I dunno yet, exactly. He's not moving far away and he's letting me have my own room in the condo. It'll be like having a vacation home right on the beach, so that'll be cool. On the other hand, he's always been right next door when I needed him. Can we sleep?"

"No blowjob?" Brooks asked.

"No thanks. I don't need one right now," Colin joked as the guys went to sleep...blowjob free.

Over the next week, Colin went with Carter to buy his furniture and it was obvious that they had very different tastes, as would be expected between a 15 and 24-year-old. Colin did get his beanbag chair which he justified to Carter by saying it would be a good investment.

Once all the furniture had been delivered and set up, Carter looked at Colin, putting his arm around his shoulder. "So, what do you think?"

"I think it's nice. Smaller than our house, but big enough for some good parties. At least the building has a pool."

"And a work out room. Plus, it's super convenient for stores. I can leave my cars and use the bike. I'm right on the beach, so nothing better for girl watching, am I right?"

"Unless its boy watching!" Colin teased.

"There you go. You sit and watch the shirtless boys and I'll check out the racks on girls."

"Sucks to be you!"


"Can't check out shirtless girls!" He chuckled. "Can I come over whenever I want?"

"Sure, just give me heads up first so you don't cramp my style."

"No worries, there, bro."


"No, I mean no worries because you don't have any style to cramp. It's a good thing you have a gay brother to help you with it, isn't it!"

"Oh, like you think YOU have style?"

"We all know that's how I roll. They don't call me Colin of Cool at school for nothing."

"I'm pretty sure that calling yourself Colin of Cool, proves you're not."

"Am I allowed to let Dylan sleepover?"

"Only if you keep your sexual activities in your room."

"Deal! So is this an investment?" Colin asked looking at his big brother.

"Definitely. I got it on a foreclosure sale at 50% of the market value. It's on the beach, so it's value will only go up."

"Unless global warming raises the ocean and the building is under water," Colin added trying to be thoughtful.

"By that time, I'll have flipped it and made a few million. Of course, this condo is on the fifth floor so if the water rises enough, I can bring a boat right to the balcony. True waterfront property," he joked.

"How do you make a few million on a condo?" Colin asked not sure how investing worked.

"Buy the entire building, fix it up and wait for the market to rebound. Then sell."

"Oh," Colin said nodding and then paused. "Wait...did you buy the entire building?"

"Yep. The previous owner was motivated to sell, so I got it at a hell of deal."

"So, you own all the condos in here? Can I have one?"

"No, I only own this one. Every person owns their own. I just own the building and the land."

"I don't get it. How can you own the building and not the condos in the building?"

"I'll explain it to you when I have more time."

"But you own the pool, right?"

"Right. Everything that isn't a private residence."

"Okay," Colin nodded thinking that sounded better.

"While we're on the subject of investing. I'm going up to Vancouver next weekend. You want a long weekend away?"

"Is Mason still around?" He said excitedly.

"You two must really have connected the first time huh? He's asked about you a few times too. Yeah, I still have his number."

"Then I'm in. Can Dylan come with us? He'd really like Mason, I think."

"If it's okay with his Mom, sure. I'd just need paperwork from her to take him over the border."

"No worries. We can just smuggle him under the wall at the border like he's a mule or something."

"There's not actually a wall between Canada and the States."

"Huh? How do we stop the Canadians from flooding in then?"

"Buddy, if I knew that, you'd still be living in Canada!" He laughed. "You keep forgetting you're a Canadian too, ya know."

"But mainly American, right?"

"I don't think that's how it works. You have dual citizenship meaning that you have the benefits of both countries available to you."

"Like what benefits does Canada have that we don't?"

"Free health care for one."

"I already get that," Colin said quickly.

"Yeah through Dad's insurance, but once you turn 18, you have to buy your own."

"Easy. I have money. What else?"

"Not as many guns in Canada," he added.

"Dumb," Colin dismissed.

"They have an overall higher standard of living than Americans, on average."

"Not if you're rich they don't. Next," Colin shrugged.

"They are generally seen as more polite."

"Hardly a benefit for anything. We're tougher people and the world listens to us, plus we don't have that stupid metric stuff."

"Well, each country has it's pro's and con's. Might be a good idea for you to research how both countries work. I do a lot of business in Canada, and I can tell you I find it relaxing up there. If I had a chance I'd move to Vancouver in a heartbeat."

"No you wouldn't. You'd freeze to death up there," Colin said laughing at his brother. They moved on from the conversation and Colin phoned Dylan and told him to come over and check out his new condo, getting a raised eyebrow from Carter. After he hung up, Carter looked at him.

"You know this is MY place, right?"

"Okay, OUR condo," Colin compromised as he went out onto the deck to check out the ocean. "This is so cool. When I buy a place, it's gonna be right on the ocean like this. I could go surfing every day."

Dylan arrived a short while later and Colin showed him around the building as if he owned the place. They ended in the bedroom where Colin made a point of letting Dylan know that this was their own bedroom. "This is wicked," Dylan gushed. "You have like two homes now. A regular one and a beach one."

They went out to talk to Carter after the tour. "This is a cool place, Carter. Thanks for letting me come over," Dylan said. "Here we are living the dream. On the beach with my boyfriend."

"You're welcome. The only thing I told Colin is keep your sexual activities in your bedroom. I don't need to be bringing someone home and finding the two of you boning in the living room."

"Don't want your dates to get jealous huh?" Colin teased.

"Don't want my dates or my friends to think I'm running a shelter for horny runaways."

"We're going to the beach. You coming, dude?" Colin asked Carter.

"You go ahead. I still have some things to do here first."

"He's gonna whack off in every room and christen the place, probably," Colin said bluntly to Dylan.

"Do you want us to maybe stay and help with anything?" Dylan grinned.

"Come on perv. That's my brother."

"I know, dude. Trust me, I know," Dylan said licking his lips.

"I'm gonna regret letting you guys have a room here, aren't I?" Carter said shaking his head as the boys got ready to head out.

They hit the beach and then raced to Dylan's house to get permission for Dylan to go to Vancouver next weekend. Both his parent's approved and dug out his passport and prepared a letter allowing Carter permission to take him out of the country and to make emergency decisions for him if needed. They almost couldn't wait to get the letter back to Carter. Colin unlocked the front door to the condo and walked in stopping in his tracks, forcing Dylan to slam into him.

"Shit," Dylan whispered as he looked past Colin to see why he'd stopped. Carter was on the balcony naked with his ass against the railing. In front of him was some girl down on her knees giving him head. Carter looked over at his brother and gave him the finger, before waving at him to leave. The two boys backed out slowly, and had just relocked the door when Colin's phone went. He checked the text.

`This is why I said check 1st b4 u come ovr,' it read.

He texted back. `Sorry. Guess ur gonna cum ovr first huh?'


`ovr her face! Get it?'

`fuck off bro'

"He has no sense of humor. As if I'd make him leave when you and me were having sex," he said to Dylan.

The following weekend, the three guys headed for Vancouver right after school let out, experiencing no difficulties with customs in Canada as a result of Dylan being along for the journey. The car dropped them off at a condo building in the downtown core.

"Hey, how come we're not staying in the hotel this time?" Colin asked as they walked into the residential tower.

"Because, I thought we'd stay in my Vancouver condo."

"You bought a Condo in Vancouver too?" Colin asked as they entered the suite.

"Actually, you did. This entire building is yours, and we live in the penthouse."

"I bought it?"

"Officially you did. I set up a company in your name which I find makes it easier to buy property and avoid any foreign investment issues, since you're also a Canadian. You can help me find additional properties while we're up here if you want. Some day all this will be yours anyway. I'm just trying to help us both."


When you're older, we'll create another company, sell the properties to that company and the profit from the sale will come back to me, while you take over the new company with a shitload of real estate. We both win! Trust me, Vancouver is booming dude. Some of the most undervalued property is around Skytrain stations."


"Think about it. We build entire communities around the stations. They're currently building a new leg of Skytrain for the Olympics in 2010. I've already bought a ton of land around where they're doing construction. Right now, nobody wants to be there because of all the noise and mess, but once it's done, we'll have buildings up with condos, commercial stores, recreational facilities, and direct access to the Skytrain to get people downtown. Work, live and play all in one place. It's like a fully contained mini city. Vancouver is gonna blow up after the Olympics."

"From terrorists?" Dylan asked wide eyed.

"What? No...I mean it's gonna be seen worldwide and once they get a look at this place, Vancouver is gonna be the place to live.

"I dunno bro. Why live here when we can live in Cali? Sounds boring. If we really want a place that'll catch on and be worth a shit ton, we should buy Wreck beach," Colin grinned.

"What's Wreck beach?" Dylan asked.

"It's like this gigantic nude beach where they sell beer and drugs and you can get blowjobs just by walking into the woods. We went there last time we were here. Is anyone gonna be there now?"

"No, it's winter, so probably too cold to run around naked."

"I figured there'd be more snow," Dylan commented.

"You and Colin both. He figured everyone here lived in igloos and ran dog sleds."

"Nah, I knew that already. Plus, they use the metric system so it just sounds colder than it really is."

"Did EVERYONE know about this metric system but me?" Colin said looking at his boyfriend and brother.

"Probably," Carter laughed, getting a fist bump from Dylan.

"Jokes on you. I've been studying my metric, and if you never want my 19-millimeter dick in your ass again, Dylan, keep laughing it up!"

"19 millimeters huh?" Dylan said looking at him amused.

"Yeah, it's a metric measurement thing. You wouldn't get it."

"Oh, I get it alright. From a military family, remember? Dad made me learn metric. But I think you meant centimeters. 19 millimeters is about three quarters of an inch."

"That's what I said. 19 centimeters," he said as he headed for a bedroom and got out his conversion app to check it. "Shit! I hate this foreign crap. Why can't they just measure things like normal people?" He mumbled to himself. Dylan came up behind him and wrapped his arm around his waist.

"Want me to help make your 19-millimeter penis bigger?" He grinned as he rested his head on Colin's shoulder.

"Shut up! You're never seeing it again," he replied trying to sound annoyed, but they both knew he wasn't.

"Okay, I guess that means I have to get Carter to fuck me then," he teased.

"Good luck with that! But speaking of sex..." Colin grinned as he got out his phone and called Mason telling him where the new place was.

"I know where it is. I've been over before," he replied. "Looking forward to seeing you again and meeting the boyfriend."

"That's Canadian for he wants to fuck you," Colin explained to Dylan after he hung up.

"So, you're a Canadian, huh? How come I never knew that?" Dylan asked as he hugged Colin. "I've never done a foreign guy before."

"I'm only Canadian because I was born here. I don't even remember most of the time. This boy is All American baby."

"Wait! Seriously? You're really a Canadian. Nice! Foreign food for my bedtime snack tonight," Dylan said licking his lips.

"Shut up!"

In no time at all, Carter was answering the door as Mason arrived and gave him a kiss, while Colin and Dylan stood in the living room waiting patiently.

"Damn! You are even hotter than you were the last time I saw you. How old are you now?"

"15." Colin grinned as Mason bounced over and gave him a huge hug.

"You've really grown and gotten hotter than your brother. I think I've already cum in my pants."

"Uh, I was always hotter than Carter," Colin blushed with a major smile on his face at seeing Mason again.

"This is the boyfriend, huh? I'm Mason."

"Dylan," he replied.

"Charmed to meet you," Mason said having turned his flame up to 8 on the gay meter. "How long have you two been together?"

"A year," Colin replied.

"Wow, that's like 6 years in straight world. You two look so cute together. Are all California boys as hot as you?"

"Yeah, we're all made in a factory down there," Colin said sarcastically as he joined in.

"You want a drink, Mason?" Carter asked from the kitchen.

"Sure, I'll have a watermelon cooler."

"Beer it is," Carter laughed as he went to the fridge.

"Your brother still thinks he's straight huh?"

"I am straight," Carter replied. "And you still think you're fabulous."

"You know it girl! Are we having a hot tub party tonight? I know a few more boys that would love to play with some California hotties," he said looking at Colin and Dylan. "Are you as sexual as your boyfriend, Dylan?"

"I'm way more horny than he is. I'm surprised we all still have clothes on," he replied.

"I already approve of him," Mason said grinning as he took the beer from Carter. "Now back to that hot tub party."

"You know Mason, no matter how many times you suggest it, I'm never having a sex party with you and my brother," Carter said sitting down.

"No worries. You do Dylan and I'll take care of your brother for you."

"The whole concept of straight is lost on you, isn't it?" Carter laughed.

"Straight is just a word, not an ideal baby. Plus, I figure you still owe me for teaching Colin about sex."

"How'd ya figure? I mean you were supposed to teach him about straight sex so he could lose his virginity and instead he's gone fully over to your team."

"You're welcome. Not my fault you can't be as fabulous as Colin and Dylan. What's the plan while you're here?"

"Tonight, we have reservations for dinner. I included you if you're free. Then I have a date afterward, so I won't be home until after the bars close," he said looking at Mason with a bit of a smirk. Tomorrow I have some business meetings, and then the next couple of days we'll be looking for some new property to buy, but that's all pretty flexible."

"Sorry, what? All I heard was hot tub party after dinner until the bars close," Mason said as he sat back grinning.

"Yeah, I thought you might. Up to you guys what you do. Colin, tomorrow you can show Dylan around Vancouver. Use the car service if you want. I'll give you my account number to use."

"Cool. Thanks. Is there anything like Wreck beach in the winter?" Colin asked Mason.

"Not really. Too cold to go out tanning on the beach. If you just wanted to get laid, I use ManHunt, but you have to be 18 to use that site. Not a good idea at your age anyway. I could show you around Davie Village now that you've decided you're gay. Would you be cool with that Carter?"

"As long as you're not pimping them out, I'm fine."

"Then it's settled. We can go down Davie street. Have lunch at Hamburger Mary's. Best milkshakes anywhere. Maybe pick up some things at Little Sisters for you. You boys probably need a couple sex toys by now, am I right? Maybe some leather harnesses? Extra lube."

"I beginning to think I should cancel my meetings. At this rate you'll have them hanging around outside F212 bathhouse by dinner time."

"Don't be ridiculous. F212 doesn't get busy until the evening. They'd do way better on the trails in Stanley Park during the day!"

Carter just shook his head. "I'm just gonna grab a shower before dinner."

"Me too," Mason said leaping to his feet.

"No, you're not!" Carter said pushing him back to the couch with a grin.

"Straight boys! What good are they?" Mason said trying to sound like he was pouting.

Carter headed to the shower as Mason got to know Colin and Dylan better.

"You know Carter left the bathroom door open. I think that means he wants company in the shower," Mason said with a grin.

"Nah, he does it at home too. He says he helps stop the mirror from steaming up."

"Well, it's not helping to keep me from steaming up. Your brother is still smokin' hot, not that you two aren't. I can't believe how much you've grown since I first saw you. You were what 13?"

"Yep. 13 and a virgin!" Colin said with a giant smile.

"Oh, that part I remember. You arrived a kid and went home a man."

"I remember it too! I still have nightmares about goryholes," Colin said shaking his head.

"What's a goryhole?" Dylan asked.

"He means gloryhole. Where you stick your dick through a hole in a wall and someone on the other side sucks it for you, or vice versa."

"Nice! Those are the best!" Dylan grinned.

"Yeah, not nice when you're 13 and have no clue what's happening. I stuck my dick in it and some wet slime monster grabbed my penis. Scared the crap out of me."

"But now you've had more experience, right? Maybe you'll enjoy it more. We could do it together. I could be on one side and you on the other," Dylan suggested.

Mason laughed. "Defeats the purpose of a gloryhole if you already know the person on the other side, especially if it's your boyfriend. Has everything grown since the last time you were here?"

"Yep!" Colin said proudly. "I wear much bigger shoes now," he joked knowing exactly what Mason was asking.

"Mmmmm, I guess I'll have to check out your toes while your legs are over your head later, eh? How big's the dick now?"

"Almost 7½."

"Nice. Fuck if that keeps going, you'll definitely be an American."


"A big weapon in your pants!" He said jokingly.

"Dylan already has a weapon of ass destruction," Colin said repeating a pun he'd heard from friends.

"Really?!" Mason said sitting forward, "And just how big is your assault weapon? Does it fire multiple rounds?"

Dylan nodded and grabbed his crotch. "Over 8 inches of all-American grade A sausage!" He bragged.

"Fuck me! Niiice!!"

"It's also way thicker than mine too," Colin smirked. "Stand up and let him see it."

Dylan jumped to his feet and turned to face Mason as he unfastened his pant and pulled out his flaccid penis. Mason reach up and took a hold of it, pulling Dylan closer.

"Looks like you won the boyfriend lottery, eh, Colin?"

"Nah, I won the boyfriend lottery," Dylan replied quickly. Mason grinned as he fondled Dylan's package.

"You two are adorable together. You shave too. Perfect," he said as he pushed Dylan's pants down to his ankles and turned the boy around. "Your ass is so smooth too. Is that natural or do you shave it," he commented.

"I shave it. I'm not super hairy, so it's really only the crack anyway. Same as the pits," he said lifting his arms for Mason to have a look.

"Nice, I love a guy who knows how to manscape," he remarked as he ran his hands over Dylan's cheeks before pulling them apart to check his hole. "Fucking sweet! Do you guys take turns fucking each other, or is one of you exclusively the top?"

"No. We're both versatile. We kinda like to mix it up. Saves it getting boring," Colin replied.

"That's the best way. Are you two monogamous or do you fool around with others?"

"Ummm, you're holding my boyfriend's dick and we're gonna have sex all night, you do the math?"

"Presumptuous much? Who says we're having sex all night?" Mason grinned as he turned Dylan around and continued to play with his rapidly inflating cock.

"Oh, we're having sex. As if you want to miss this!" Colin said as he got up, yanked his shirt off over his head and pushed his pants and underwear down to reveal his entire body, complete with erection.

"Fuuuck!! You really have grown up. Check out those abs and that body. Shit, you were fucking hot when you were 13, but this is a whole new level dude. You're a god damn model! He ran his free hand over Colin's torso and down to his cock before taking hold of it. "I seriously think I'm gonna pass out from lack of blood to my brain right now!"

"So, I'm guessing sex is back on the table then?" Colin said as he leaned over to kiss Dylan while they were both being fondled.

"On the table, in the hot tub, in the kitchen, wherever you want it. Screw dinner, I want you both right now!"

"You should show Dylan what you look like naked since we both are," Colin grinned. Mason wasted no time getting out of his clothes to let the boys check him out, which they did by dropping to their knees and sharing his cock. Mason moaned as the teens slurped on him like he was a melting ice cream in a heat wave. Carter wandered out of the shower wrapped in a towel, his hair and body still glistening wet from the shower.

"Really? You can't wait until after dinner?"

"He is dinner," Colin replied.

"Yeah, you heard your little bro. I AM dinner. Want to share the entrée?"

"How about you guys save that for later. I'm starving and I need real food."

"If they keep doing what they're doing I'll have a nice protein dish for you in a couple minutes," Mason grinned licking his lips as he checked Carter out.

"Just get dressed. You guys have all night to do that. How about pacing yourselves."

"I can pace myself any time I want. But with three hot guys in the room to choose from that pace is full speed ahead," Mason pushed the guys away and walked over to Carter with his erection leading the way. The boys sat on the couch next to each other, holding each other's penis. Mason stopped in front of Carter and flicked the corner of the towel he had around his waist to get it to drop to the floor. He ran his hands over Carter's still damp body and down to grab his crotch.

"That's not for you!" Carter grinned not making any attempt to pullback or stop him. I have a date later and if I play my cards right, that's gonna be needed for her."

"No need to play cards, when I'm here and I'm already all in!" Mason said as he leaned forward to lick Carter's nipples. He got the desired response as Carter began to inflate. Dylan nudged Colin excitedly as they watched.

"Dude! Give it a rest," Carter said coming back to his senses as he realized his brother and boyfriend were staring at them and getting off on it. He picked up his towel and headed for the bedroom. Mason trotted after him, only to return seconds later after being kicked out. He plopped down between the two boys forcing them to move apart.

"He's still hot. I'm gonna ride that before he leaves," he announced.

"Make sure you let us know. I'd love to watch," Dylan smirked. I've always wanted to be a Worthington sandwich."

"Perv," Colin said.

"Oh right, like you wouldn't bust a nut watching your brother fuck me."

"I know I would," Mason chimed in.

"You know I can hear you assholes, right?" Carter yelled from the bedroom. "Get dressed!"

"God. Straight boys on their periods. Am I right?" Mason said as the three of them got dressed again. "Don't forget your tampons when we go out!" he yelled back.

"Fuck you!" Carter answered.

"Empty promise." Mason replied sitting back with a grin.

"You guys are hilarious," Dylan remarked as he enjoyed listening to them. He could feel the sexual tension in the air, and was secretly hoping that Carter's date might be a no-show and he'd come back to join them.

For the next three days Mason was happy to play tour guide for the boys and introduced them to some of his friends, most of whom were younger, and more than happy to have sex with the visitors. On the last morning, Dylan woke up in his usual manner, hard and horny. He wandered out of the bedroom and stopped when he saw Carter in the kitchen with his own morning boner. He watched as the older Worthington played with himself slowly as he got a glass of water. Dylan stayed out of sight and watched Carter head to the bathroom. He turned and ran back to Colin.

"Morning babe!" He said loud enough to wake Colin up.

"Hi!" He replied partially opening his eyes to see his boyfriend laying beside him with his morning erection ready to go.

"Ummm, Carter is horny and just went into the bathroom, probably for a shower, can I go play with him?"

"Knock yourself out," Colin grinned as he turned over to go back to sleep. Dylan bounced off the bed and raced to the bathroom. As always, the door was open so he stuck his head in saw Carter in the shower, still with an erection soaping himself and making a point of getting his crotch extra clean. Dylan boldly moved into the bathroom with his own erection leading the way. He stood and watched for a second as he jerked himself off almost matching each of Carter's slow strokes identically. The older boy hadn't even noticed Dylan as he had his eyes closed with his face completely under the shower head.

"Do you want some help with that?" Dylan asked quietly as he moved closer.

Carter's eyes flung open and he stepped partially out of the spray. "Fuck, Dylan. You scared the scrap out of me. I didn't know you guys were up yet."

"I'm always up!" Dylan grinned as he waved his cock at Carter. "Colin's still sleeping though," he said as he boldly strolled into the shower and took hold of Carter's cock.

"Maybe you should go use that on your boyfriend and wake him up," Carter suggested looking down at the big cock on Dylan.

"Oh, I will, but I'd like to help you with that too. I guess you didn't get a date last night, huh?"

"No, she was a no show. I hate it when chicks do that."

"Yeah, it sucks. Not that I know about chicks, but I've had guys bail before. So, maybe I can help," he said dropping to his knees and taking Carter into his mouth before he could object. Carter took a deep breath, shook his head and put his hand on Dylan's shoulder as he let the boy suck him off. A minute into the blowjob, he spoke when his brain went into crazed hormone mode.

"Fuck you're good at that," he said complimenting Dylan. "Not a lot of guys can deep throat a big cock."

"I get lots of practice on Colin. You both have the same size ones," he said looking up at Carter as he paused. He liked the fact that Carter looked like Colin as it gave him some idea what his boyfriend might look like in 9 years, which was even hotter than he was now.

"That's TMI again, but I'll bet he struggles with that big cock of yours doesn't he?"

"A bit. That why he mostly just fucks me," Dylan said as he stood up. He leaned in to kiss him while holding onto Carter's penis, but Carter put his hand on Dylan's forehead and pushed him back.

"Yeah, no!"

Dylan smiled and grabbed the lotion from the nearby shelf and opened it so he could coat his ass in it. He poured some Carter's cock and turned around. "Fuck me, please Carter. I need it so bad right now," he begged as he bent slightly forward.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Dylan. You're my brother's boyfriend."

"We're cool if the other one has sex with other guys. I mean duh! We both did all the guys this weekend, including Mason, and isn't he your friend?" Dylan reasoned as he moved back and aimed Carter's erection at his hole as he kept backing onto it. Carter had nowhere to go, and wasn't really trying to escape anyway. Dylan made one final push backward until the hard cock entered him. Carter took a deep breath and held onto Dylan's hips as the boy began to fuck himself on the penis inside him.

Once Carter was inside the tight ass, he couldn't help but give in to the temptation. He took over and began to fuck Dylan. He ran his hands up his back and reached around to grab Dylan's pecs as if he were looking for boobs. "Damn, you have a tight pussy," Carter exclaimed as he thrust his full length into him. They both heard a small little giggle from the door.

Carter snapped his head to look and found Colin standing there with his morning wood in hand watching. Dylan's hand quickly shot back to hold Carter's ass as he felt the older Worthington might wanna stop. Colin walked up to them and watched.

"I guess he got you to fuck him after all, huh bro? He's been wanting to do that since he first met you."

"Colin, how about you go back to your room and I'll send him back in a minute," Carter suggested.

"No way dude! I wanna watch. After all it IS my boyfriend you're fucking," he said as he walked into the shower with them and stood in front of Dylan. He grabbed his hair and lowered his face onto his cock. He smiled as he looked at his big brother. "Guess he got his Worthington sandwich after all."

"We never talk about this..." Carter said as he closed his eyes and fucked Dylan harder, actually enjoying the feeling of the tight ass around his cock.

"This is so hot! Fuck him, bro!" Colin exclaimed as Dylan sucked him off.

"Shhhh!" Carter told him. "Ruining the imagination that this is a tight chick pussy."

Colin came first as he blasted down his boyfriend's throat, followed by Carter unloading next into Dylan's ass.

"Shit, we just gave him two loads of our DNA," Colin giggled as he pulled out and watched as his brother's cock came out of Dylan. Carter quickly washed his dick and then smiled at the two of them.

"I guess it's only fair if you get down and suck him off now," Carter said as he pulled Dylan upright and put his hands around the boy's chest to hold him in place. Dylan wasn't going anywhere as he was quite happy to lean against the older guy and feel his embrace while he watched Colin sink to his knees to blow him. Carter slowly played with his nipples, causing him to shudder with excitement. He totally lost it when he felt one of Carter's hands grab his ass and rubbed a finger against his hole. He tensed up and fired his morning load right down Colin's throat, taking him by surprise causing him to cough as he tried to swallow it, mostly getting it up his nose and spewing it out into the shower.

"Alright, how about you guys clean up in here while I go get dressed. Just in case you think this is gonna be a regular thing, it's not" Carter told them as he grinned and shook his head. He rolled his eyes as Dylan stood there with a massive smile on his face. "You are cute though!" He added as he leaned in and kissed Dylan on the lips. Colin watched up close and took great delight in seeing his brother use his boyfriend. Carter looked at Colin standing there, giving a fake pout. " as well." He kissed his brother and walked out of the shower to grab a towel as the two boys watched him. He strolled out of the bathroom and the guy finally talked.

"Holy shit!" Colin exclaimed first.

"I know. It was so fucking amazing. I didn't think he'd let me and then when he put his penis inside me, it was perfect! Then you joined in and it was even more extra perfect!!" Dylan said as he hugged Colin.

"Is his cum still inside you?" Colin asked as he reached around and pushed a finger into Dylan's ass to check for himself.

"Yeah, I'm keeping it in there," Dylan told him. Colin pulled his finger out and smiled when he saw it had his brother's cum on it. He held it up for Dylan to see before he fed it to him. Dylan moaned as if he'd just received the best dessert on the planet. The boys washed and shampooed each other, ending in two more erections before they were done. "You should fuck me," Dylan suggested. "Use your brother's cum as lube. It'll be so hot!"

Colin nodded and slipped inside Dylan's ass with ease. He fucked him gently as Dylan held onto the wall and enjoy it. "Can you feel his cum in there?"

"God yeah. Totally fucking amazing," Colin gushed as he kept fucking. Even though he really couldn't feel his brother's cum at all, it felt special knowing that it was in there and coating his own penis as he fucked. He came moments later, giving Dylan whatever he had left before he pulled out. Dylan spun around and hugged him tight.

"How cool is this? I have both of your cum inside me. I may never poop again!"

"First, thanks for that image!" Colin grinned as they pressed together. "And second, I know, right!" They finished up and ran to their bedroom to get dressed.

By the time the long weekend was over, Colin and Dylan were exhausted and found themselves fast asleep on the plane as they curled up together. Carter had put bids in on several new properties and considered the weekend a big success. The boys also considered it a big success, but for entirely different reasons. Dylan was now bragging to Colin that he had a dozen new Canadian friends that all thought he was hot, with Colin reminding him that he'd done the same guys too.

At school the next day, Dylan was still going on about Vancouver and how he couldn't wait to go back because Canadian boys were so hot and horny. "It's probably because they can't go outside as much as we can because it's so cold, so they burn off energy in the bedroom," he reasoned.

"Or maybe you're just a slut," Colin teased.

"Says the guy with a Canadian booty call programmed into his phone," Dylan reminded him.

"Touché," Colin acknowledged as they joined the rest of their friends. The big topic of the day was their discussion about driver's ed training. They could take a class after school, or do one on the weekends.

"Me, Dylan and Blaine can't do the one after school cause it's every day and we have water polo. Let's do the one on the weekends instead. It's 5 days of 5 hours and then two weekends of actual driving. We could be done in a month and be driving the open roads," Colin suggested.

"Yeah, the open roads with an adult over 25 beside us until we turn 16," Preston complained.

"So, at least we'd be driving," Dylan replied with the guys all agreeing. Both Brooks and Grayson said they couldn't do weekends because of other commitments, but that if they all started now, they'd be done at the same time. Some of them would go for the hour each day after school and take the driving instruction on the last weekend, the others would do all weekends spending the 5 hours a day in class.

"It's stupid that we need driver's ed. I know how to drive," Preston bragged with Brooks agreeing.

"Yeah. It's totally dumb," Grayson grinned looking at Colin. "If they just moved fire hydrants back 50 feet, we wouldn't even need it."

"Fuck you!" Colin said pushing him slightly.

"Not in your wildest dream! Right Blaine?" he said as he teased Colin. Blaine went three shades of red, and responded `right'.

"You all wish I'd let you in this tight ass. Wait until I have my license. You'll all be begging to blow me for rides," Colin retorted.

"Is that grandfathered in?" Dylan asked with a smirk. "Because I think you'd owe me like a hundred rides by now."

"And that's my cue to get to class," Brooks replied. "See you homos at lunch."

"Just the homos?" Grayson replied quickly with a `hands out' questioning stance.

"Figure of speech, douchebag, but you're covered either way," he teased back.

They headed for class and Colin noticed that Dylan was being extra flirty today. "What's up with the head swiveling dude? Are you off your sex addiction medication again?"

"Just looking out for new business. Never know which guys might be wanting a trim."

"Or a blowjob, or a nice rimming," Colin added.

"Hey, extra services get extra tips."

"I'll give you a tip at lunch under the bleachers. In fact you can have the tip, the shaft and the balls."

"Tease!" Dylan laughed as he kissed him before they headed into their first class.

That weekend Blaine, Dylan and Colin all headed for driver training at the Triple A offices where they'd signed up. They sat with 15 other people all of whom were under 18.

They settled in to listen to what the course would entail, and were almost asleep by the end of the session. The only thing that perked them up was when they got to talking about the actual driving part, but somehow the instructor even made that seem boring. Fortunately, they got a couple breaks during the session and the guys talked to a few of the other people sitting the course. Colin was talking to one girl, Harper, that he found out lived not far from him and was into surfing. They were making plans to hang out when Dylan strolled up with an older boy.

Sean, this is Colin, my boyfriend. Colin this is Sean. He's 17. He was telling me that he was gonna wait six months so he didn't need this course, but he's found some cool nude beaches that are hard to get to without a car. Cool, huh. He said we could go with him sometime maybe."

"Sounds fun. I'd be into that. Tan lines suck," Colin acknowledged.

"We'll be back in a minute," Dylan told his boyfriend as he and Sean took off out of the room.

"That's your boyfriend?" Harper asked.

"Yeah. He's sometimes a pain when he just blurts stuff out, but he's a cool guy."

"I think it's nice. You two look cute together. I wouldn't mind going to a nude beach. At least I know I'd be safe around you."

"Cause I can defend you because I'm so butch?" Colin grinned as he flexed.

"No silly. Because I know you wouldn't be drooling all over me like a straight boy trying to get into my pants," she said giving a light giggle.

"Not that you'd have pants to get into. But that'd be cool. I don't usually go to a nude beach, though. If I want to tan naked, I just lie out in my back yard. Works the same without having strangers staring at me."

"That'd be fun. If I did that at my place, the neighbors would stare. We live in a condo complex with a central courtyard," she smiled.

"That would definitely cramp my style too. So, hang out at my place. Go swimming and tanning all at the same time."

"Good thing you're gay, or I'd think you were hitting on me."

"Nah. I just don't think being naked should be a hang-up. People freak out over it but we're all born nude, so why care?" He said trying to sound wise and mature.

"I'd agree with that. I'm more scared of guns than naked people."

"Me too!" Colin smiled. Their conversation was cut short as the class resumed. Dylan and Sean came back in at the last second. "Where were you?" Colin asked as Dylan sat back beside him.

"Giving Sean a blowjob in the stairwell," he whispered as he wiped his mouth seductively.

"Jesus. Pace yourself dude. One day one of these guys is gonna beat the shit out of you."

"Nah, he's gay. He said he's a bottom and when he saw my cock, he invited us to go over and fuck him later if you want to. He would have let me do it, but we ran out of time. You'd like him. His cock is super nice."

"As long as his cock is super nice then he's obviously perfect..." Colin whispered sarcastically.

Dylan nodded missing the sarcasm. The course finished up and phone numbers were exchanged with friends they'd made. Dylan was disappointed when Sean said he had a change of plans and couldn't hang out today. Harper said she was free if they wanted to do something and Dylan looked at her and the at Colin.

"I invited Harper over to go skinny dipping and tanning if she wanted to," he explained. "It came up when you started talking about a nude beach.

"Cool. But don't expect sex. I don't ever put my penis in those scary vagina things," Dylan said bluntly.

"I'll try to contain my disappointment," she said looking at Colin with a smile.

"Well, you did say you felt safer with gay guys. I think as blunt as Dylan is, he proves your point," Colin shrugged as they made their way out to the waiting car for Mark to drive them home.

"Nice house," Harper said when they arrived. "You must be super rich, huh?"

"My parents are. Not me though. I still have to beg to get money when I need I'm some guy sitting on the street with only a cardboard box and old shoes with holes in them," he joked.

"Well, you have a very nice carboard box," Harper smiled as Colin led the way around to the pool.

"If you're not comfortable skinny dipping, it's okay if you want to swim in underwear. We have lots of towels to dry off with afterward, and I can put your stuff in the dryer if you want," Colin offered, trying to be a gentleman.

"I don't have a problem with it," She said quickly stripping and jumping naked into the pool. Dylan and Colin were right behind her.

"Finally, a cool chick," Dylan said as he swam up to her. "I like your boobs, but it's so weird not seeing a penis," he said in his typical unfiltered way.

"Think how I feel," Harper replied. "Penises are so funny looking. I can't even imagine how you run with that between your legs. Plus, when you get erections it looks like they'd always in the way or at least hurt."

"Not as much as they hurt the other person when I use something this on them," he bragged.

"Looked pretty average size to me," she said looking into the water.

"Burn!" Colin laughed. "She got you, man."

"Yeah, well she's a girl. She doesn't know that much about penises. It gets huge when it's hard, but it's never gonna get hard around a girl. Pussy's scare it so much it doesn't want to come out and play."

"What about you Colin? Do pussy's scare you?"

"Nah, nothing scares me. Except Dylan's blunt attitude," he joked. "I've been with girls before so I'm not scared of pussy."

"You ever been with a girl before?" Dylan asked Harper.

"No. But girls are more open about things like that than boys," she replied.

"Probably true," Dylan nodded. They changed the subject and talked about school, surfing and their other friends, finding out that Harper was more of a tomboy than a girly girl. Eventually they got out of the water and lay out to tan on the loungers. Dylan sat up to look at Harper. "Nope, it's definitely weird not seeing a penis there."

"Think how I feel about seeing those things all wrinkled and hanging like crazy ass sausages over a marble bag."

"Uh, tennis ball bag," Dylan said lifting his cock up to show her his balls.

"Dude! First, vison check and get glasses, and second...try not being such a pervert around everyone," Colin chastised.

"Oh please! Harper loves it. You ever seen two guys make out before?"

"No, never. You're actually the only two gay guys our age that I've ever met. At least ones that admit it. I think my friend's brother is gay, but he doesn't really hang around me much."

"Bring him around sometime. Five minutes and I'll tell you if he's gay. Ten minutes and I'll suck his cock so we can see how big he is. Twenty minutes and...

"Yeah, we get it, you're a slut!" Colin teased stopping him in mid sentence.

"You ever had sex before?" Dylan asked changing his line of questioning.

"A couple times. It wasn't as good as it looks in porn, but it was okay. I guess I don't need to ask if you guys have had sex, huh?"

"Nope, you don't need to ask that," Colin assured her.

"Can I ask you something? I kinda was curious, `cause you hear it but I don't know if it's true or not."

Dylan nodded thoughtfully as he sat up looking at Harper. "It's true. You can tell all your friends that you heard it direct from us. I DO have the biggest penis in Southern California. It's not a myth or an urban legend."

She turned and looked at his crotch. "I doubt that's completely true, unless those things are interchangeable."

Colin burst out laughing. "Nice one!" He said reaching over to fist bump her.

"Actually my question was whether gay boys really have sex on the first date or not. Did you guys?"

"Yeah, I think that's true," Colin replied. "At least it is for us. Of course, it might not be full sex like fucking, but I think we at least get naked on the first date and see what the other guy looks like. Don't straight people do that?" He asked knowing the answer already since Carter was good for information like that.

"Not usually. I think boys would if we let them, but a girl's gotta hold some things back to keep a boy interested. I wouldn't get naked on a first date."

"Ummm, you got naked with us on a first date," Dylan pointed out.

"This is different. You guys are gay, and we're not exactly on a date. We're tanning," she clarified.

Colin nodded. "Exactly. Not everyone is like you Dylan. You'd be surprised to know that some people don't actually meet and five minutes later take him to a stairwell for a blowjob."

"What kind of people are those?" Dylan smirked. "They sound boring."

"Wait, you do that?" Harper asked looking at Dylan. "Is that where you went with that boy you introduced us to today?"

"Which boy? You mean the 17-year-old blond surfer dude with 6 cut inches and great abs, tight ass and killer eyes, who gave me his number after class?" I don't think so! I barely even got to know him," he grinned as he lay back. "Mmmmm, surfer boys!"

"He's a slut. Ignore him," Colin said.

"You're not like that?" Harper asked.

"I can be, but Dylan is 10 times hornier than me."

"So, do you guys always fool around with other boys?"

"We have an open relationship when it comes to sex, but we're there for each other for the important emotional stuff."

"Yeah. Sex is just sex," Dylan replied. "Colin is my best friend. We know everything about each other and we'd be there to protect each other from enemies both foreign and domestic. It's why I love him."

"Right back at ya," Colin smiled.

"You two are really are cute together. I hope we can be friends."

"I'd say we're getting there. Not a lot of girls are comfortable hanging out naked with boys. Plus you surf and are easy to talk to."

"Yeah, you're cool. Even without a penis," Dylan replied. "It'll sure save Colin getting all jealous that I'm gonna try and sleep with another one of our friends if you hang out with us."

"You sleep with a lot of your friends?"

"Nah. Just blowjobs and stuff. Nothing serious," Dylan said candidly.

"Oh, as long as it's nothing serious, then," she mocked. Dylan didn't understand her comment so just ignored it. Colin lay back with a smile. He liked Harper. She might actually keep Dylan in line.

The next month went by quickly and they finished their lecture part of driver training. Harper had been hanging around the guys a lot and spending time like she was one of the boys. She joined them one night for a movie, with Preston and Grayson trying desperately to get to know her better. Colin smiled as he watched his friends try to compete for her attention. He didn't bother to tell them that she hung out naked at his house a lot as he wasn't sure she'd enjoy them drooling all over her if he invited them back to go swimming. Blaine was also seemingly interested, but shared his time equally between everyone.

"How's that Sean guy?" Colin asked Dylan as he made small talk.

"Who?" Dylan asked looking at him with a slight frown.

"Sean. The guy you blew at the driver's training course?"

"I dunno. It's not like we're friends or anything. I've been over to his place a few times to fuck, but it's not like we hang out or anything," he said nonchalantly. "What's with Harper? You thinking of switching teams?"

"No. Dude don't be gross. It's Harper. She's just cool. What other chicks do you know that act like one of the guys?"

"Just seemed like you might have wanted to try her out."

"Nope. I like her boobs though."

"Yeah, I'll give you that," Dylan nodded and the conversation moved on to talking about other movies they'd want to see. At one point Colin looked over and saw Dylan's hand inside Blaine's pants, as Blaine desperately tried to hide the action from the rest of the row with his bag of popcorn beside him. Colin just grinned and rolled his eyes.

The night before their driver's training session, Colin asked Dylan, Blaine and Harper if they wanted to sleep over so they could all head to the course in the morning.

"Sounds good to me," Blaine nodded with Dylan readily approving of the idea as well. Harper also agreed and they made a night of it. They all squeezed into Colin's bed, despite the offer of letting Harper sleep on the sofa bed if she wanted. They wore underwear, with Harper leaving he boobs out as she said she hated sleeping in a bra. By the time they all crashed out for the night, it was well past midnight and only ended up doing so because Blaine reminded them that they were getting behind the wheel of a car at 9. Colin found himself having the greatest dream he'd ever had with thoughts of a wet warm massage followed by a very tight waterslide that only his penis was allowed to go on. He stirred slightly and partially opened his eyes. What he saw explained the dream, and also made him freeze in place. Harper was straddling him bouncing up and down on his cock. Her boobs flopped around in front of her as she had her eyes closed. Colin turned his head slightly to see that Dylan was awake and staring at them intently. He saw Colin wake and smiled, giving him a thumbs up. He pushed back his covers to show Blaine lying flat between his legs giving him a blowjob. Dylan moved his hand over to interlink his fingers with Colin's as they continued being serviced. Colin closed his eyes and it wasn't long before he was cumming inside Harper. He felt her get off and then heard a whisper.

"Can I try yours?" Harper said softly. Colin cracked his eyes open a bit and watched as Harper straddled his boyfriend and took him inside, resuming her bouncing. Dylan just watched and shook his head.

"I'm not gonna stay hard," he whispered, causing Blaine to scramble around and sit on his face. Dylan gave an approving thumbs up again. Blaine leaned forward to play with Harper's boobs and kiss her. Moments later he inched forward to push Harper backward off Dylan, mounting her so she was in a missionary position, legs around Blaine's waist. Dylan scrambled out from beneath them and entered Blaine from behind looking at Colin with a huge grin.

Colin continued to pretend he was asleep as the two guys came and the sex stopped. He wasn't sure if Dylan had cum in Harper or not, but by his count she had had a least two guys blow their loads inside her. He almost panicked at the thought he was now about to be a Dad at only 15. Everyone returned to sleep. In the morning as they awoke, it was as if the night had never happened. No one said anything and Dylan ran to the bathroom with Blaine to, as they explained it, to `get rid of morning boners.'

"Do boys always wake up with erections?" Harper asked looking under the covers to see if Colin had one, which he did. Or at least a partial one.

"I think so. I think it's a pee hardon though, not sexual. Once we take a leak it usually goes away. I think it's maybe so we don't pee the bed. When you have a boner, it prevents you from peeing," he explained remembering what Carter had told him when he was a kid freaking out about his erections.

"So how do you pee it away if it stops you from peeing." She asked logically.

"You push it down and it opens the stream. After that it just goes down by itself."

"So, Dylan and Blaine are peeing together?"

"I doubt it," Colin smirked. "I mean it's still a boner, right? They might be helping each other out."

"Boys are strange."

"Says the girl sleeping with three of them," Colin teased.

"Nah, it's like you guys are girlfriends. Just ones with penises. Can I take a shower before we go to the driver training?"

"Sure. You can either use the one in my bathroom, or go next door to Carter's room. There's another one there."

"I could go next door. They're probably gonna take a while, right?"

"Who knows. Just put a shirt on, I have no idea how I'd explain a naked girl running around the house," he joked.

"Said every boy ever," she laughed as Colin threw her one of his large t-shirts and pointed the way to his brother's room. Colin had no idea whether the sex he'd seen was real or part of his dream, but he planned on finding out as soon as he could. Right now, he needed his own morning pee and raced into the nearby bathroom. He screeched to a halt as he found Dylan on his knees at the side of the toilet holding Blaine's penis and fondling his balls. He shook his head and stepped up beside Blaine to take his own piss. Dylan reached over to hold his for him as well.

"The bathroom attendant really takes his jobs seriously, doesn't he?" Colin grinned as he looked at Blaine, who was watching him pee.

"I'll say! I gotta admit I've never had someone else hold it for me while I go. It almost makes it harder."

"Harder, as in hardon harder, or harder as in more difficult to pee?" Colin asked for clarification.

"Yeah, that one," Blaine acknowledged. "More difficult to pee."

"Agreed, but with Dylan around, you get used to things like this. Wait until he tries to pee on you in a shower because he `thinks you might have been stung by a jellyfish'," he joked.


"I know, right." The boys finished peeing and took turns having a shower before heading back to the bedroom. Harper returned a while later with her hair done and back in Colin's t-shirt. Once they were all dressed and presentable, they had a large breakfast and Mark drove them over to the triple A offices where cars were waiting with instructors on closed lots. They practiced maneuvering around cones, backing up, parallel parking, and emergency stopping after being up to regular speed. Everyone seemed disappointed that they weren't going to be allowed on the road right away, but cheered up when they found that they'd be out on side streets tomorrow. With each session providing two hours of driving per student, it only took three days before they had successfully completed Driver's Training. Now all they had to do was wait until they were 15½ so they could get their learner's permit.

Later, when Colin asked Dylan or Blaine about what he'd seen last night, he just got strange looks from them as if he were crazy, so he assumed it was one very realistic dream. He eventually dismissed it as such, sending the strongest reasoning to his brain that a) Harper wouldn't fuck them without a condom; b) Blaine wouldn't be able to handle Dylan's cock that easily and, c) Dylan would never fuck a girl. It did however provide him with a ton of jerk off fantasies for weeks.

Chapter 12 "15½...finally!" Colin yelled as he jumped out of bed. "Look out highways, here I come!"

He raced down for breakfast, and then screamed out to the garage to find Mark to drive him over to the DMV where Colin presented all his documents including the signed form from his parents to allow him to take the test, as well as the completed driver education. He sat down and concentrated on each question carefully as he didn't want to be one of those kids that failed and had the school laugh at him. He waited for the official result and when he found out he had 43 out of 46 questions correct, he almost leapt around the office with excitement. The only thing left to be a learner driver was his vision test, which he passed with perfect eyesight. He raced out to the car to find Mark standing beside it. He showed him the test and his new temporary learner's permit.

"Congratulations! I knew you'd have no problem. I think fire hydrants can breathe a sigh of relief now that you're licensed."

"Ha ha. Very funny!" Colin said giving him a `shut up' look. He went to walk around the car to get in the passenger side but Mark just looked at him.

"Ummm, don't you want to drive home?" He asked holding up the keys.

"Hell yeah!" Colin almost shrieked as he raced back around and jumped in behind the wheel. Mark took the passenger seat and they headed home, with Colin focused like a laser pointer, following any and all directions Mark was giving him. They got home and Colin maneuvered the car into the garage to park before thanking Mark with a hug, and racing inside to contact everyone on the planet to announce his big achievement towards independence. Well, independence with a licensed driver over 25 with him at all times. His parents were the most excited for him and gave him a special dinner to celebrate. Even though Dylan still had a month to wait before he qualified to go get his permit, he was almost as excited as Colin while he went out to dinner with the family. Colin asked Carter if they could sleep at his condo afterward.

It was sometime in the early hours of the morning that both boys were woken up by a loud noise. They strolled out to see Carter and another guy returning from the bar completely hammered.

"Hey!!!" Carter said waving at Colin. "It's my kid brother," he announced to the guy he was with, as he stumbled into the wall almost knocking over a table lamp. Colin rushed to help Carter by putting his arm around him. Carter took the help and supported himself on his naked brother as he was guided towards the bedroom.

"I'm just gonna crash on the couch, man," the other guy said obviously as drunk as Carter. He made his way there and flopped down hard onto it as he prepared to pass out. Colin and Dylan helped Carter to the bedroom and lay him on the bed. Colin removed his brother's shoes and socks. Dylan watched and then went for Carter's belt buckle.

"What are you doing?" Colin whispered, as if being quiet would matter in his brother's current state.

"Taking his clothes off so he can sleep better." He popped the top button on he pants and both boys struggled to get Carter's pants down and pushed him further onto the bed. Then suddenly Carter grabbed Dylan and pulled him onto the bed with him.

"Shit, he's strong when he's drunk," Dylan remarked as he went to get back up, only to be pulled down almost on top of the older Worthington.

"Wanna fuck?" Carter asked slurring his words as he stared directly at Dylan.

Dylan turned to stare at Colin with a big smile. "Can we? It'll help him sleep."

"He's almost asleep now," Colin reasoned.

"We should take his shirt off too," Dylan said as he repositioned himself so that his penis was almost in Carter's hand giving the older boy the opportunity to grab it. "See, he's super horny. I should just let him fuck me. Please Colin," he whined as he pushed Carter's shirt up to expose his chest.

"Yeah, pleeeeassseee Colin," Carter whined as both boys helped him get his shirt off over his head.

"God, now they're both doing it," Colin said shaking his head. "It's your ass. Up to you," he capitulated.

"I think I should. He's got a boner already," Dylan reasoned as he turned to look at Carter's crotch and felt him up. Carter pulled Dylan flat onto his stomach beside him and pulled out his cock to roll on top of Colin's boyfriend. "Guess he's gonna do it anyway," Dylan giggled. "Grab some lube dude! He's trying to put it in me dry." Colin looked around the bedroom and couldn't see any, so he raced back to his room. By the time he got back Carter had removed his underwear and was fully on top of Dylan trying to hump him. Dylan grabbed the lube and quickly coated himself and Carter, before grabbing the older boys' cock and inserting it. Colin watched as his brother basically just moved his ass up and down moaning as he nailed his boyfriend. It took about two minutes of Dylan grinning wildly before Carter grunted loudly and rolled onto his back with a spent wet dick.

Dylan got off the bed and they pulled the covers over Carter and turned off the light as they headed back to their own bedroom.

"I like helping out a drunk guy. He may have a wicked hangover, but at least he won't wake up with blue balls," Dylan reasoned as the two boys spooned together and went back to sleep.

Colin awoke a while later to find he was in bed alone. He rolled his eyes and could almost imagine where his boyfriend was. He strolled out of the bedroom, planning on heading to Carter's room when he heard a camera going off in the living room. He strolled over to the opposite side of the couch to find Dylan on his knees next to the guy that had come home with Carter. The guy had his pants to his knees and Dylan was taking pictures while he sucked the guy off.

"What are you doing?" Colin whispered.

"Taking selfies," Dylan replied redundantly.

"Dude, he'll kill you if he wakes up. He's probably straight."

"Nah, he didn't budge at all when I got his pants down. Look how fat his cock is. I can barely get my hand around it."

Colin glanced at the passed out guy, noting that the penis may not have been that long, but at was so thick that it looked like a pop can. Dylan snapped a few more pictures of it as he lay beside it with his mouth open. "Come back to bed before he wakes up dude."

"I will in a minute. I just wanna try riding it."

Colin noticed the bottle of lube next to Dylan, who saw him look at it.

"I just went in to check on Carter, but I think I drained him completely `cause I couldn't even get him hard again, so I took the lube. This guy got hard as soon as I got his cock in my mouth. He needs it, bro. Help me take the rest of his clothes off."

"Come on Dylan, leave him alone. Let's go back to bed before he wakes up."

"I can't leave him like this. He's so hard that he could hurt himself if he fell off the couch onto his boner," Dylan reasoned, smirking. "Plus, how would we explain his pants half down? It'll be almost impossible to pull them back up. At least if he's naked he'll think he did it and we can just throw a blanket over him when I'm done."

"Shit," Colin said, but rationalized that it might be less collateral damage if the guy woke up completely naked as opposed to the way he was now. He gave in and helped Dylan strip the guy completely. He rolled his eyes as Dylan took a few pictures of the guy sprawled out on the couch.

"See! He's still hard, so he's horny. We're doing a public service here," Dylan reasoned as he put the camera down and picked up the lube to coat the cock. Colin wanted to point out that lubing the guy's dick might be as difficult to explain as having him half naked, but didn't bother as Dylan had already positioned himself over the erection and was lowering himself onto it. "Pass me the camera. I wanna get some shots showing it stretching me open."

Colin knew that it would be faster to just let Dylan get this over with than to argue and have it go on twice as long. "Fine," he whispered. "I'll take the pictures. Just hurry and hope he doesn't wake up while you're doing it." He grabbed the camera and got down where he could see the tip of the penis against Dylan's hole. He took several pictures as it entered his boyfriend's ass stretching it to the point where Colin's own ass was beginning to react in sympathy. Dylan wasted no time getting the guy all the way inside him, and began bouncing on it. As soon as he took hold of his own erection to jerk off, Colin slapped the hand away. "Dude, don't cum on him or he'll know what you did."

"God, almost have to," Dylan panted quietly. "His cock feels unreal in my ass. You wanna blow me and help then?"

Colin took a couple more pictures of Dylan with his boner and the thick cock in him before dropping to his knees and sucking him off. Dylan moaned in pleasure and both guys almost had a heart attack as the passed out guy mumbled and moved about two minutes into the fuck.

"I think he just came in me," Dylan reasoned. "Suck harder."

Colin worked Dylan's cock and balls until he was rewarded with the load a few seconds later. He sat back and watched as Dylan lifted off. He decided he might as well get pictures of that as well before his boyfriend begged for them anyway. He looked at the wide gaping hole with cum running out as he snapped the shots and wondered if that would ever close up again. Dylan finally got off and raced to the kitchen to grab some paper towel to clean up the stranger before they threw a blanket over him and ran back to the bedroom and jumped back into bed.

"You know one day someone's gonna wake up and kill you for doing that," Colin warned.

"Yeah, but what a way to die," Dylan said as he flipped through the pictures. "Check out how perfect that it. Fuck I look good on that cock."

"Narcissist," Colin laughed, but had to admit that he loved naked pictures of Dylan with a boner, but they both knew they had to keep them from getting into the wrong hands and ending up on the internet or they'd be out there forever. They both fell asleep again and when they finally woke up and strolled out to get something to eat, the guy on the couch was gone. The both ran to check Carter's bedroom, half expecting him to be in there, but Carter was alone. Colin got him a glass of water and two Tylenol before both guys crawled into bed on opposite sides.

"Morning, bro," Colin said quietly.

Carter stirred and looked at his brother holding the water.

"Figured you could use these."

"Thanks. You figured right," he said as he took them and downed everything before lying back to stop the world from spinning.

"What time did I get back?"

"About 3," Dylan answered. "You were sure drunk. You almost knocked over all the furniture, but we helped you get to bed"

Carter looked under the covers. "Did you guys undress me?"

Dylan nodded. "Yep. You're sure strong when you're horny though. Check out my wrist!" He grinned as he held it up and showed Carter the red mark from where he grabbed him.

"I did that? God, I'm sorry dude. You know I'd never hurt you on purpose, right?"

"No, it's okay. I didn't mind. You were so horny you almost fucked me without lube. Colin had to race to our bedroom and get it before you tried to do it dry."

"I fucked you? Shit, I gotta stop drinking. I'm sorry Dylan. I would never force you like that," he said feeling like he was gonna throw up.

"You didn't force me. We could barely get your underwear off fast enough. You can fuck me anytime you want. You know I love it. I think you're hot."

"Still, I shouldn't have hurt you. Oh god, please tell me I didn't have sex with both of you," he panicked as he turned to look at Colin.

"Don't worry bro. It was just Dylan. Once you pounded the hell out of him and came, you passed out and didn't wake up until just now. I'd never let you do something totally against what you believe in."

"Thank god. But I'm sorry Dylan. I shouldn't have force myself on you. That was totally inappropriate."

"You didn't at all. I would have offered once I saw your boner anyway," Dylan smirked as he looked under the covers. "Too bad it's not hard now, or I'd help out again."

"I don't think it's going to get hard for a while," Carter admitted.

"Who was that guy you came home with?" Colin asked.

"What guy?"

"They guy who helped you home and that fell asleep on the couch?"

"Dunno. Is he still here?"

"No. He was gone when we woke up," Colin told him as Dylan raced out of the room and returned with the camera. He showed Carter the full naked picture of the guy, making sure not to swipe and show the other shots.

"That's my buddy, Sam. We hit the bar and obviously had a few too many. Why do you have a naked picture of him with an erection? Fuck, please tell me you didn't try to have sex with him. He's a mega homophobe. He wouldn't think twice to shoot you, then snap your neck just to make sure you were dead. He has an incredible temper."

Dylan and Colin stared at each other nervously before Dylan replied. "He was totally passed out. I just took the picture `cause he was naked. I liked how fat his penis was," he replied without answering the question.

"I'd suggest deleting it and forgetting you ever saw him naked," Carter remarked.

"Why are you hanging out with a guy like that Carter? I mean you've been with guys before, and me and Dylan are obviously gay. If he saw that wouldn't we be in danger?"

"There's no way I'd normally bring him home to meet you, and as far as he knows I'm as straight as he is. Shit, I really gotta stop drinking. Sorry if I ruined your night at all guys."

"Ruined it? No way!" Dylan grinned. "It was awesome. You grabbed me, told me I was hot and fucked me. How much more perfect could it be?"

"I never heard him say you were hot," Colin said looking at his boyfriend getting more animated by the second.

"It was implied. You think I'm hot, right?"

"You're very hot," Carter admitted.

"See!" Dylan said sticking his tongue out at Colin as he lay half on Carter rubbing his hand over his chest and stomach.

"He's probably still drunk," Colin said mocking his boyfriend.

"YAY!" Dylan exclaimed.

"Yay? Why yay?"

"Because he'll want to fuck me again if he is," he said eagerly as he scrambled under the covers to take Carter's penis in his mouth.

Carter glanced down and then turned to stare at his brother.

"Hey, don't look at me. You started it by fucking him last night. He's your problem now," Colin said throwing his hands up.

"Is he always like this?"

"Like this? No. Normally, he's hornier. I was thinking of getting him Ritalin, or a chastity belt. Is he getting you hard?"

Carter just nodded slightly. "He is actually pretty good at it. You're lucky."

A thumbs up appeared from beneath the sheets.

"I'd be lucky if I was the only one he'd blown, but so far half of Southern California has detailed information on his abilities. Should I go get the lube, because you know as soon as you're hard, he's gonna ride you? Why am I even asking," he said as he ran to his room and came back with the bottle and slid it under the covers to Dylan. Another thumbs up appeared.

Colin just lay and watched as his boyfriend entertained himself with his big brother's body. Dylan bounced on Carter's hard cock, while resting one hand on the older Worthington's chest and stroking himself with the other. Colin laughed when Dylan came all over Carter and got pushed off as if he were disgusted by it. They all knew he probably wasn't.

As Carter went into the bathroom for a shower, Dylan followed him to the door and stood at the entrance. "So...when are you planning on going drinking again?" He asked with a slight knowing tease to his voice.

"Never!" Carter yelled back from the shower.

"Okay, but call me when you do and I'll come over to help," Dylan replied loudly. "Want me to come in and wash your back for you?"

"No. I'm good!"

Dylan turned to Colin. "Your brother wants me so bad."

"I think we should be giving you a breathalyzer to see if maybe you're the one whose been drinking," Colin said as he grabbed Dylan's hand and dragged him to their own shower so he could get the stored-up piles of cum out of his boyfriend before they had breakfast.

"Who should we get to join our club?" Dylan asked as he and Colin moved upstairs from the media room and lay on the bed working on ideas for their club.

"I was thinking of Blaine for sure. I'm sure he'd be interested. He may not be gay, but at least he's open minded about gay stuff."

"Yeah, cool. How about Jeremy?"

"Jeremy from the diving team?"

"Yeah. I think he'd enjoy it. He gets shaved like every two days and I've blown him a lot, so I think he might be gay, or at least bisexual.

"Or just horny and can't get a chick," Colin laughed. "Okay, who else?"

"Then I think that kid Aidan."

"Who's Aidan?" Colin asked trying to think about boys in their school.

"He's that super nerdy looking kid. Small build, dark brown hair. Wears super skinny jeans that makes his legs look even smaller. Has red runners and glasses. He's watched us together a few times and whenever I look over at him, he turns away as if he got caught doing something wrong."

"I think I know who you mean. He doesn't look 14. He looks 12. Maybe he's just never seen two alpha males in the wild before!" Colin joked.

"He's just turned 14. Maybe he's looking for a team to join and doesn't fit in with anyone. I could approach him and see. If I can get him home and put my cock in his mouth, we'll know for sure," he laughed.

"I dunno. It could take us an hour just to get those jeans off. I think they use special tools to pry something that tight off legs."

"I have the jaws of life right here baby!" Dylan said showing his teeth to Colin and snapping at him. Colin leaned in to kiss him. "Okay, you try Aidan. So that's three possible members. Who else?"

"What age are we including? Are we stopping at 16, or allowing older? If you want to include 17-year-olds, we could ask Kylan and Brian to join. They're pretty outgoing."

"I dunno. They might be too aggressive and scare off the younger guys from wanting to join. We kinda want to help guys be gay, not freak them out by being fucked hard on day one."

"We could invite them for some activities later on, maybe? Once the guys in the club all like sex," Dylan suggested hopefully. "Brian knows tons of older guys and they all know how to screw for hours."

"Yeah, you'd know that," Colin laughed. "Let's keep the upper limit as 16."

"And the lower limit?"

"14?" Colin suggested.

"So only 14, 15 and 16?" Dylan clarified. "That's a pretty small window. What about 13, but only if they've started puberty and have hair above their dicks."

"Great thing to put on your flyer," Colin joked. "Have hair above your penis and like boys? Join `The Dicks' for a gay old time!"

"Sounds good to me. I'll get one made up at Staples tomorrow," he laughed.

"Okay, so we have you, me, Blaine, Jeremy, and Aidan...maybe. Hmmm, we're off to a slow start. Maybe they can only join up to being 16, but can stay until they're 18. I could ask Austin. He might be interested," Colin suggested.

"Austin? Actor Austin? Is he gonna want to admit he'd be interested in being naked around other boys? Even if he were gay, he'd never admit it, or it'd ruin his career. I don't think he'd join."

"I'll ask anyway. Worst he can do is say no. It's not like the paparazzi is chasing him around. He's not that big in the business, yet." They sat and thought realizing that perhaps starting a gay club for teenagers might not be that easy after all.

"I know!" Dylan said sitting up quickly. "What if we have a gay/straight alliance at school and see how many gay boys show up. Then we can get them into the club that way."

"So, you wanna start a club to help us start a club? This is getting complicated," Colin chuckled. "You know that a gay/straight club would have straight people and girls in it right? You'd have a bunch of chicks showing up trying to get a GBF to brag about. Look at Maddy and Kaitlin. We're already like their pets."

"Yeah, but if we got only a couple gay boys, or at least curious ones, we could pull them aside and tell them about the real club, and see if they want to be initiated. Or we could set up a website and advertise for people to join."

"That could take a while, but once word got out, then it might be useful. I got it!" Colin said sitting up excitedly. "We just tell people."

"Tell them what?"

"Tell them about our club and some of our activities. Instead of making it a secret, let's just be completely open and say we've started a club for open minded boys who like to hang out naked. Maybe announce a swim party, or a naked hike, or a naked pizza party."

"Or a naked massage day, or a naked blowjob festival...ooohhh ooohhh oooohh, OR, a naked ORGY! Yeah, that might work," Dylan said bouncing around on the bed excitedly.

"Ummm...are we losing focus here? Are we trying to start a club to help boys get comfortable being gay, or is this a nudist club, or a sex club?"

"YES!" Dylan replied. "It'll have three branches. The join and get to know you, pizza and movie' division. The naked all the time' division and the exclusive `non-stop sex' division."

Colin laughed. "We have five guys so far, so we get a sixth and we have two people in each division?"

"You could be any division you wanted, or all three. If we had a big calendar or events, guys could show up for what interested them."

"Let me guess, you'd head up the `non-stop sex' division?"

"I'd head up, head down, ass up and ass down, that division," Dylan giggled as he jumped on Colin. "You wanna join?"

"Down boy. We have work to do. We can fool around once we get some ideas in the computer."

"We might not get all gay boys, but we could sure see who'd be cool enough to be part our club. Then we could watch for gay or bisexual ones. I'm sure we'd get some of your water polo team and divers, since they basically hang around each other almost naked all the time anyway, and if they told friends, word could spread. Ummm...where would we do these activities?"

"Well, I guess at my place. If we did skinny dipping, I'd just warn the staff and they'd stay away like they normally do. We could use the media room in the basement. It's big enough. Maybe Carter would let me use his place. Like when he goes off on a business trip some weekend."

"Wicked. Okay, so let's plan our first event." The boys got down to work on the club rules. They had decided on boys 13-16, to join and allowed to stay until 18. Colin also suggested that he'd call Carter for advice since he had set up businesses and might know how to start a club using some of those techniques. They fell asleep in the early hours of the morning, not even stopping to have sex. They did wake up curled around each other had had some fun, before Colin called his big brother for advice.

"Hey Carter! It's me, Colin! Guess what me and Dylan are thinking about doing?" Colin said excitedly as he phoned his brother.

"Not calling me while I'm with my girlfriend?" He said.

"No. We're gonna start a secret gay club. Like in the movie the Skulls. Cool huh?"

"Would sound cooler if I wasn't busy, bro!"

"Can you help us set up a website so kids know how to apply?"

"I tell you what. How about you come over tomorrow if you're free and we can talk about it. I think I have something that can help with your club," he offered.

"Wicked! See you tomorrow. What time? 7am?"

Carter laughed. "How about 10?"

The boys spent the day working hard on the club rules and ideas, stopping only for food, sex, and movies that had secret club ideas including "The Dead Poet's Society, Eyes Wide Shut and Fight Club, where they wanted to use the first two rules, but thought it would be counter-productive to getting the word out. Those led to skimming over the Davinci Code, National Treasure and the Indiana Jones trilogies for ideas on how to come up with pledging games. By the time the day ended, they were exhausted and had written so much that they felt their club was already huge, despite not having any members yet.

In the morning, Dylan rolled over on top of Colin and looked into his eyes. "Oh Captain, my Captain...wanna fuck? And remember the first rule of fuck club is to tell everyone about fuck club. Second rule is to tell everyone of fuck club. Third rule of fuck club: if someone yells stop or goes limp, the fuck is over. Fourth rule: only two guys to a fuck. Fifth rule: only one fuck at a time. Sixth rule: Fucks are bare. Seventh rule: Fucks will go on as long as they have to. Eighth rule: If this is your first time at fuck club, you have to fuck."

"How do you remember those?" Colin laughed as he wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's waist to hold him in place.

"I'm omnipotent!"

"Are you sure you want rule four? I thought maybe you'd be into double fucks by now," Colin teased.

"Those rules are for our members, not for us," Dylan explained as he prepared to enter Colin for their morning fun. "But get ready for rule seven baby, because here I go." He pushed inside Colin and they kissed as they fucked. For the next hour they made out before getting ready to head over to Carter's. They arrived at 10 and sat down excitedly prepared to tell him about their new club.

"Guys, before you tell me about your idea, I think I might be able to help more than you know. Colin, I think you're old enough to hear something that I should share with you about when I was a kid."

The two boys sat and listened with Colin paying the most attention to his big brother.

"When I was about your age, I thought I was gay, just like you are now. A few guys at school found out when they caught me kissing a boy. Being gay wasn't anywhere near as accepted as it is now. I tried to deny it, saying that it was just a joke, but it got worst. I got beat up a lot and bullied, but even teachers wouldn't help like they do now. They either said I should stand up for myself, or wouldn't believe me. It went on for a couple of years until a few friends I had decided we could stand up to the bullies together and fight back. We did it by creating our own club. It's morphed a lot since then, and about 5 years ago we changed the name of it to The Q Society', or just the Q' for short. We've since franchised the club idea to lots of different cities."

"What does your club do?" Colin asked as he stared at his brother almost not blinking.

"We protect each other, and look out for others that need help. We'll consider anyone who wants to join. The only requirement is that they're gay or bisexual, and we make sure they're committed to being part of the club by testing them with an initiation."

"Like the skulls," Dylan said elbowing Colin as Carter continued.

"Some move on when they grow up, or decide that their preference is straight sex."

"Like you did, huh? How come you never told me about it before?" Colin asked.

"I was waiting for you to decide who you are. I think I knew you liked boys when you were 11, but I waited until you figured it out on your own. But it's my job as founder of `The Q', and more importantly, your brother, to protect you always."

"I can protect myself mostly," Colin replied trying to sound tough.

"I know, but at times all of us need help, and if you ever required it, there are a lot of people that would be available for you."

"So am I a `Q' too?" Colin asked as he looked at Carter and then Dylan.

"Not exactly. You're what we call a protectorate."

"What's a protectorate?"

"It's not technically accurate, but we liked the term so we adopted it. In this case it means someone we protect even though they're not officially a member. It could be a sibling, like you, or a person important to a member, like their boyfriend."

"So is Dylan a protectorate too?" Colin asked as he held his boyfriend's hand almost excitedly.

"No because he's not the boyfriend or sibling of a member. The way it works is that a member puts a case forward to their local branch as to why we think the person should have our protection. If it's agreed, we make sure to add resources to be there if he needs it."

"Wicked. Like have you protected me against anything?"

"Normally we don't share information like that with non-members, but because I started the Society, and technically I own it as well, I think I can make an exception. We've been there a few times for you."

"Cool! Like what?"

"Let's see. When I first put you together with Mason, who's a member, it was to find out if you were heading towards being gay or straight. It was important to know. Once I learned how into him you were, more so than Lisa, I was sure, so I kept extra eyes open in case you needed help. I also made a deal with the police officer to keep you out of trouble when you crashed into the fire hydrant. He's a `Q' as well.

"Really? You saved me from the slammer? Wicked Awesome! I so want to be a `Q'! What else?"

"When you came out to Mom and Dad, especially Dad, I stuck close by in case I needed to get involved for you. After all, he was one of the people who said I should stand up to bullies, and did nothing to help me."

"Does Dad know about your club?"

"Society. And no, he has no idea."

"Did he know you were gay?"

"No, not a clue. Technically, I'm bisexual, not so much gay...And before you ask, no, I'm still not having sex with you."

"I wasn't gonna ask."

"But if you want to leave your boyfriend behind for a few hours..." Carter joked. "We did help him indirectly when you and Dylan first came out as boyfriends at school and were having some issues. We corrected that behaviour quickly so you'd have an easier time."

"Wow, cool. So what kind of initiations do you do?"

"How about you tell me what things you came up with for your club, and maybe I can give you advice from what we learned."

Dylan and Colin stood up and faced each other. They fist bumped with their right hand, while at the same time they thumped their left fist against their own chest. "A gay before any other!" The said at the same time.

Carter laughed. "It looks like you two really have been working on things, huh? May I should take that for the Q'. A Q' before any other!" He chanted, then laughed. "Did you watch all the Skull movies, or just the one?"

"All of them," Colin revealed.

"What else did you come up with?"

"Sorry, we can't tell you it all, `cause it's a secret club, remember," Colin teased.

"So how would I become a member?"

"You can't. You're too old." Colin grinned. Dylan leaned in and whispered in his boyfriend's ear.

"We could make you an honorary member and a proctologist."

"Protectorate," Dylan corrected, with Colin snapping his fingers and pointing.

"Yeah. That!"

"Just for the record. I'd be fine with the proctologist thing," Carter smirked. "Alright, make me an honorary member, and maybe we can share information about our societies. What do I have to do?"

"We haven't got that far yet. What do you guys do to initiate people?"

"I can't tell you that right now. How about I set up a meeting with some of our executives and maybe if they like what you've come up with, they'll give you some of our ideas. If they don't, then I can help you with things to make your group better. How would that be?"

"Yeah. Super cool! Wanna hear some of the stuff we have so far?"

"Sure. Hit me with it."

"First, we came up with a name, although we're still working on it. Right now we thought about The Handie Boys." We didn't want anything that said we were gay out loud if we said the name of the club. This way it sounds like handyman, but with one of those double meanings. in handjobs or in repairman. Then we came up with our secret handshake that you just saw. We figured we should have something to identify us as members when we greet each other, but also in that Skull movie they got branded and got a watch. We didn't want to do that, but we thought we could get like a wrist band or something. Read Carter what we came up with for our rights!" Colin grinned almost giddy with excitement as Dylan opened his laptop.

"Okay, we thought our members should have rights, so made some up. We're probably gonna have more, but we have these so far." He looked at his screen.

"All Members of the Handie Boys have the following rights and obligations:

One. Freedom of the Press. All meetings should have a choice of pressed juice available to members.

Two. The Right to Bare Arms. In all club meetings or gatherings, members may participate free of clothing if they so choose, provided they won't get arrested.

We spelled bare like naked, not the other kind of bear," he explained for clarification. Carter just sat with a smile on his face.

Three. No Being Quartered. No member shall be quartered in their house for being gay. Quartered meaning grounded.

Four. Protection from Illegal Search and Seizure. Especially when looking for gay materials.

Five. The Right to Remain Silent. While having sex, but anything you say is cool too, especially moaning.

Six. Membership. Is open to anyone having started puberty and below the age of 18, who has a penis.

"We said it that way rather than boys, so we could include transformer kids. We wanted to be inclusive," Colin explained.

Carter nodded, trying hard not to laugh. "Yeah, we don't want to eliminate the `transformer' kids," he repeated. "Did you just go down the list of amendments to the constitution and change them?"

"Not all of them. Just the important ones," Colin said as he looked at Dylan.

"Umm, we did other rules about how to run it, but we kinda got horny when we came up with them so never got stuff finished," Dylan explained.

"Oh, I can't wait to hear this."

"Okay, but it's not really G rated," Dylan warned.

"I think I can handle it."

"We want all members to have fun being gay, so we made it a rule that everyone should be free to kiss each other, and be into handjobs and blowjobs so they could get lots of practice. Then we thought that older boys, those 15 or older, must have sex in the bum with another member at least twice. Once to do it, once to get it, so they learn more about what they like and don't like. They could do it more, or younger, but the first time they did it, they had to do it with a witness from the club so it could be verified. Then we all have to do naked dares at least once a month, and me and Colin would decide the dare to announce to everyone. They could do it with the whole group or with another person, but never just by themselves, so we could make sure they didn't lie about doing it, and we'd keep a journal of the dares. Then as a group we'd do activities together at least once a month too where everyone could attend."

"I like it so far," Carter smiled.

"We also thought all people in our club should measure their boners once a month and put it in the journal, so everyone knows the sizes. We thought it would let boys know how they were growing over time, and if other boys liked guys with bigger or smaller penises, they'd know who to ask out on dates and stuff. That was Colin's idea," Dylan revealed.

Colin smirked. Carter kept quiet, not wanting to point out that the guys would probably see each other naked at their activities, so would already know who they liked.

Colin continued with more ideas. "Every member can suggest an activity and put it in the club-pedia page of the website. People can vote on them, and the activities with the most votes will be the one we do each month, or at meetings and stuff. We want to do most of this on a website, but only want it to be available to members. We don't know how to do that so it stays secret from anyone just searching randomly."

"I think I could find someone to help you set that up, if you get that far," Carter offered.

"We even found a club house that I thought would be cool," Colin said quickly.

"Oh, yeah? Where?"

"I was gonna ask Dad if I could clean up the old garage and us it for our meetings."

"You want to have your secret gay club at the house, where you're gonna do things naked and maybe have sex?"

"We'd lock the door and put up a do not enter sign," Colin added.

"Yeah, because that wouldn't make our parents more suspicious. I'll see if I can find someplace that might be better for you."

"Sweet. Thanks Carter. So, what do you think so far?"

"I think it's similar to the `Q' and much more advanced than when I was your age. You two have really put a lot of thought into it."

"It took forever," Dylan admitted. "Every time we got a new idea, we got excited and had to have sex, and then got tired and fell asleep."

Colin spoke up next. "We also think we should have a pledge once guys are made into members. I pledge allegiance to the flag of Queeropolis, and to the founders Colin and Dylan, one society under a `top', invisible, with lube-rty and just butts for all."

"Okay. I get it. You two are crazy! Carter howled with laughter. "I think you'll have fun. Hopefully lots of boys will want to join in. We started that way too, but have refined it as time went by. Other cities submit ideas of their own that others are free to adopt or reject."

"Let me guess. One of those cities is Vancouver?" Colin said with a big smile. "Is that why you go up there so much?"

"Yeah, we have a huge club in Vancouver. I made that our actual headquarters. Mason is one of our Executives."

"I kinda figured," Colin nodded. "So any ideas on how we can start?"

"Give me a couple days and I'll talk it over with the Execs and see what we can come up with."

"Cool, thanks Carter. Wanna hang out with us today, maybe go surfing or to the mall?"

"How about we take the car up the coast and find some better waves?" Carter suggested as he agreed to go out with them. Colin always enjoyed hanging out with his big brother as he learned so much from him, and Dylan enjoyed it because he saw Carter and as older version of Colin and loved checking him out. They spent the day together enjoying some good surfing.

It was almost the end of the week when Carter called Colin to let him know about the `Q' Executives. "We've talked over a few ideas and I think you'll like some of the things we came up with for you if you want to use them. The Council has agreed to meet with you to explain how we operate and provide some insight. You interested?"

"Hell yeah!" Colin replied excitedly.

"Okay, I'll pick you and Dylan up on Saturday morning 8am."

"8am? Like 8 in the morning a.m.?"

"Or we can call it off. Up to you."

"8am it is then!" Colin immediately called Dylan to sleepover Friday night. They only ended up getting about three hours sleep before the alarm went off. They dragged their asses to the shower to try and wake up, having spent most of the evening going over their ideas and revising things that they thought needed it, but mostly making out with each other.

Carter arrived on time and drove them up to a building several miles away. He pulled into a driveway and pointed to a door. "In there, and do as you're told if you want to learn things."

"You're not coming with us?"

"Nope. This is just you and the Executives. Have fun," He said as the boys got out and headed up the stairs. They turned as Carter drove off. Colin knocked on the big wooden door and it looked like it opened automatically. The boys entered and it closed behind them, revealing that a guy just slightly older than them had actually opened it.

"Follow me," he said as they went down a hallway to another door and entered a small room. The council is expecting you. Go through that door silently. Stop at the red line and wait." He turned and left.

Both guys swallowed nervously, but excited at the same time. "Let's do this," Colin said as he pulled the door open to find a much larger darkened room with a table at the far end. They could just barely make out what looked like 5 people sitting at behind a table with lighting that shadowed them from view. Dylan leaned over to whisper at Colin. "It's like the Skulls." They made their way forward slowly, not sure what to expect and feeling a little self conscious in the intimidating setting. They stopped at the red line across the floor. Two boys moved from the side of the room and came up to stand in front of them. They were both naked, and didn't look much older than Colin or Dylan.

"The pledges will remove your clothes, as all who address the council are to be in a natural state," one of the guys at the table said in a deep voice, almost like it had an echo. "There are no exceptions to this rule. Your clothes will be returned to you when you leave."

The pledges began stripping the guys until they were completely undressed. The two pledges left back into the darkness with all the clothes. "We understand you want to learn the ways of the `Q' Society, protectorate."

"Uh, yes please...sir," Colin replied.

"We will consider how much to reveal once we ensure you are worthy of this information, and our time. First, sit down and keep your legs wide apart."

The boys moved forward to the two chairs that were dimly lit near them. They immediately saw two dildos sticking up from the center of the seat. There was a big difference between the sizes. One was a massive thick 9 inches, while the other a more reasonable slender 6 inches. Dylan and Colin looked at each other for a split second before Dylan pushed Colin to the smaller plug, and turned around and sat on the larger one, impaling himself quickly, getting as comfortable on it as he could. Both boys were relieved to find that both dildos had been thoroughly lubed in advance. As soon as they were seated and had their legs apart, the guy in the shadows began talking again.

"Why did you choose the chairs you did?"

"I figured I could handle the larger dildo as Colin isn't as used to it as me."

"Very noble, but was there something wrong with those chairs?" He asked as two other chairs to their right lit up showing that they didn't have dildos on the seats." There was almost an evil laugh from the guys at the table. "We test not only your ability to keep secrets but how good you will be at thinking outside the box to provide fresh ideas to the club. You chose the option you thought we wanted."

Another of the Executives spoke up. "Sit upright and firmly against the back of the chair. Keep your legs as far apart as they can go, and we will have our pledges check your bodies to ensure there are no injuries, and that you are fully functional while we explain our club to you. Please pay attention." He snapped his fingers and two different pledges came up behind Colin and Dylan and put their hands around their shoulders to feel their chests and nipples as the Council member began explaining how pledging worked to weed out those that weren't serious. Both guys were having trouble concentrating as the pledges felt their bodies, moving hands over every part of them. By the time they had gotten down to the toes, Dylan and Colin were sporting full erections, now in plain view of everyone.

"We see you have passed the body check and are fully functional. It would appear that you meet our minimum requirements in this regard. Our pledges will now check your erections, please continue to pay attention to us."

As the pledges moved from behind the two guys, they could now see that they were also naked, and not much older. Perhaps 17 at the most. Both pledges dropped to their knees and simultaneously began giving the visitors blowjobs. Dylan squirmed on his 9-inch dildo and knew that it wasn't going to be long before he was reaching a climax. He just hoped that this was a good thing for the club and not a bad one. As his cock was being sucked, his balls were also being played with and he was struggling not to watch the guy, but pay attention as the main rules of the club were revealed, and how they had morphed from a single club for gay guys to a worldwide endeavour that now brought in millions of dollars a year. The pledge sucking Dylan suddenly stood up, straddled him and sat down on his erection taking it deep inside his smooth ass. Dylan had no choice but to gasp and look at the boys hardon right in front of him.

"Are we boring you?" One of the executives asked.

"Oh, no sir. Just the opposite," Dylan said looking around the body of the guy riding him to answer.

"Well please pay attention as we gave up our Saturday morning as a favour to our founder. We would like to believe you could show some sign of respect."

"Yes sir, sorry sir," Dylan said gripping onto the chair and trying to look past the guy riding him hard. Not only was he taking Dylan's full length, but on each downward drop, he was driving Dylan firmly onto the dildo deep in his ass. Colin's guy had still stayed on his knees to continue the blowjob, before standing up to the side pulling Colin's head down to slide his cock into his mouth. Colin tried to keep his head turned to look at the guys at the table and not focus on the cock he was now sucking, as he figured this was probably part of the test. One of the executives snapped his fingers and the pledges stopped what they were doing and left the same way that they'd appeared. Another two snaps of the fingers and two additional pledges arrived pushing a cart. As the introduction to the `Q' continued, the pledges took warm wash clothes and thoroughly washed and dried Colin and Dylan from head to toe. They had them stand so that they could wash the lube from the well opened holes. The dildo chairs were replaced with the regular ones, and the boys were sat back down. They tried to ignore the entire process and focus on the 5 Executive council members that were alternating talking one at a time. They learned that some activities were mandatory, others were sponsored by companies who paid to put on events, and that any member that attended could find themselves making sure those sponsors were happy. Other things included fund raising, group outings and activities, as well as options to recommend others, be part of pledge initiations once they were full members, and even host their own parties and events as long as they invited all members.

Once the guys were cleaned up, a further set of pledges arrived. This time Colin and Dylan were told they were going to get to know the Executives better, as all pledges and members were required to be available for Council members on demand. This included not only at official functions, but at any time anywhere. They were told to get on their hands and knees, and were guided forward under the table by the pledges. As they approached, they quickly saw that none of the 5 guys were wearing anything below the waist. The cocks of the members at each end were lifted up by a pledge and given to Colin and Dylan to suck. They were pushed down onto it as fast as they could go and held for a few seconds. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was expected as soon as their heads were released, and they got on with the blowjobs. Colin jumped slightly when the pledge shoved two fingers up his ass and began to feel around inside him. He was slightly more surprised when the guy he was sucking shot his load without warning, forcing him to swallow it. A tap from the table above seemed to be the signal that he was done, as the pledge moved Colin to the next guy. Once they had each received two loads, they were moved side by side and given the fifth cock to share between them. They worked on him as a team with Dylan receiving the first wave of the main load before handing the cock to Colin who licked him clean. Once done with the five Executives, they were returned to their chairs where they heard about different ways they'd had, in the past, of identifying members of the club, but could not reveal the current process as it was a secret except to worldwide members. Some past ideas had included: a specific jewelry accessory; secret handshakes; or a unique word that they could work into a sentence, and a reply to that word. The guys listened carefully and found all sorts of good ideas. The six pledges were brought back out and stood to the side as one Executive spoke.

"It is now your turn to ask us questions. This will be done while we watch you fuck a pledge of your choosing. Each of you pick one. While you are using him, you may ask anything you wish to know."

They both picked a pledge who got down on his hands and knees with his legs spread. The other four left the room. Colin got behind his guy and, not seeing any lube, spit on his hand to coat his cock and entered. He found that the pledge was already lubed, so he went in easily.

"How do you keep track of all the members?" Colin asked as he happily fucked the guy he was with.

"We use an encrypted email database. You get the password when you are initiated."

"What happens if someone leaves or isn't a member anymore. Would they still have the password?" Dylan asked as he impaled the pledge he'd chosen, who tried not to be vocal as the ig cock opened him to his limit.

"No. The passwords are changed regularly at random. To get the new one you must log in to our website. If you are no longer a member, your login privileges would be revoked, keeping us secure."

"Does everyone have to be versatile?" Dylan asked.

"To pass initiation, you must be versatile, but once a full member you may choose to be a bottom or a top if you so desire. The only exception is when an Executive member wishes to use you, you must do what is required, whenever asked."

"If you become an Executive, are you always an Executive?" Colin asked.

"No. You may only serve two years on the Executive Council. Some Society chapters allow variations, but we recommend two years to keep things moving forward. Some clubs allow past Executive members to keep privileges. Others just revert back to a regular member. A couple of clubs created a lifelong alumni program, that they pay into, which keeps their Executive status through yearly donations."

"Do pledges know who the members are?" Colin asked.

"Not until they are full members. This may be difficult when the club is starting out, but we recommend secrecy until you have decided if you want them to join you. The same goes for allowing them to know the location of your main headquarters."

"Is this your main headquarters?" Dylan asked.

The Executive laughed. "No, this is a meeting room set up for pledging, and in the case of today, for your interview with us."

"How do people find out about you?"

"We find them, and the more members we get, the more recommendations flood in. Again, when starting out, it may be more difficult to find people, but once you get rolling you can tighten rules and make it more exclusive. We also have a website."

The guys asked a few more questions and once they were done, they were instructed to pull out of the pledge they were fucking. The four pledges that had left earlier, returned holding a round wooden cauldron about two feet in diameter. The interior was stainless steel with a center piece holding a sharp pin pointing upward. They held it equidistant between where Colin and Dylan were sitting and the Executives. "If you would like to be pledges of the Q' Society once you turn 16, we will consider today as one of your pledge tasks. To complete this task, you will prick your finger and let two drops of blood fall into vessel of brotherhood. This will join with all that have come before you and pave your way to the second task for acceptance into the Q' Society. You may approach and proceed."

Both guys moved forward and looked at the pin. Colin swallowed nervously, but Dylan just tapped his finger on it to prick his finger and let two drops fall into the steel part of the cauldron. They both jumped slightly when it sizzled as it hit the metal and went up in smoke. Neither had expected that. Colin followed his boyfriend's lead and completed the task. Blindfolds were handed to them and the pledges left the room once again.

"After consulting, and seeing you in action here today, we are willing to form an alliance. We will give you a list of boys we are considering tapping when they are old enough to join us. Until then, you should contact them to be part of your club, which will ensure they are ready when they are old enough for the Q'. Every member of your club that you initiate will automatically be accepted into the final round of the four pledge tasks when he is ready to join us, allowing them fast track access into the Q'."

"If you accept our offer of a formal alliance, we will need to give you the seed of the `Q' by taking you anally. If you are in agreement, place the blindfolds on and drop to all fours, and our Executives will finish the day inside you."

Neither guy hesitated as they secured the blindfolds in place and got down on all fours to wait. Colin was the first to receive one of the Executives inside him, followed by Dylan, who not only got fucked deep, but was also pulled upright while remaining on his knees. His head was turned and the guy fucking him began to kiss while another member went down on Dylan's erection. One he was in place, Dylan was pushed forward again to find he was now straddling someone and being fed their cock while being sucked and fucked himself.

Colin meanwhile was being spit roasted and before it was over he'd been fucked four times and sucked at least twice, while Dylan found himself not only fucked five times, but having what seemed a dozen guys sucking him off. Each Executive made a point of announcing when he was cumming to ensure the younger guys knew exactly what was happening. It suddenly went quiet and neither boy heard anything. They waited a few minutes before talking.

"Ummm...are you being used?" Colin asked Dylan as they knelt there blindfolded.

"No, are you?"

"No. Do you think they left?"

"Sounds like it. I don't hear anything. Should I check?" Dylan asked.

"Maybe just peek and see if we're alone," he suggested. Colin waited as Dylan lifted a corner of his blindfold and looked around slowly. All he saw was an empty room.

"It looks like we're alone," Dylan reported as he completely removed his blindfold and knelt up to take a better look.

Colin removed his and also looked around. "I guess we can go?"

"I guess. That was awesome. I thought we were gonna get put in a coffin or something, or be chloroformed and shipped to some secret location."

"I'm glad we weren't," Colin admitted. "This was pretty cool though. I liked the secret stuff and how they kept themselves hidden."

"I liked the sex parts," Dylan admitted.

"That figures," Colin smirked shaking his head. "It was pretty hot though. Especially when we were sitting on those dildos and the two pledge guys were trying to distract us. I almost lost it right there."

"Me too," Dylan agreed. "I gotta get one of those chairs at home."

"Why am I not surprised," Colin laughed.

The guys saw their clothes piled neatly on a nearby chair so they went to get dressed. On top of both piles was a small box and an envelope. They each grabbed the box first and opened it to find a silver ring with a medieval axe symbol on the top of it. They tried them on to find they fit perfectly. The envelopes had some of the things they had talked about, and how to go about starting a club from scratch. It also gave them a certificate indicating they had completed pledge task one, making them honorary members until they wished to join the `Q' Society. It listed some of the major cities where clubs were located and any age limitations. California clubs had 16 as the minimum age, but limits to what they could do until they were 18. Vancouver was 16 with no limitations. Finally, there was the promised list of names with phone numbers & addresses.

"Shit, I'm joining the `Q' as soon as I turn 16," Dylan replied eagerly.

"Me too!" Colin agreed wholeheartedly as they got dressed, ready to go home and shower the cum out of their asses. As they raced out of the building, Carter was waiting for them.

"How'd it go?" He asked smiling.

"Awesome. Thanks Carter! That was the best day ever!" Colin said as he leapt into the car and gave his brother a hug. Dylan agreed also hugging Carter and finishing with a kiss that Colin hadn't given.

After cleaning up, they studied the information they had been given and got to work on adding it to the things they'd already come up with to start their club.

End of Chapter. The boys begin their own version of the `Q', which surprisingly seems a lot like the real Q Society. Here's hoping the boys have as much fun with their new venture...

Next: Chapter 9

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