Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Apr 12, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

These stand along stories follow a character from the main story of `The Society Boys'. (In High School section of Nifty, if reading there). Donations to Nifty are always appreciated to keep their site running.

Colin Chapter 4.

Over the next two weeks, Colin found himself spending more and more time with Dylan. They went surfing almost everyday, followed by racing home where they couldn't wait to get naked with each other, as comfortable as if they were fully dressed. As they got closer and closer, they began to realize that their relationship was quickly changing, although neither of them had acknowledged it out loud yet.

Brooks had was still full of stories of stories and pictures about his safari, and he couldn't wait to have Colin give him blowjobs again. They hit the pool and hot tub before running back to Brooks' room. "Oreo," he said using the nickname he continuously used for Colin, giving it to him since he ate more Oreos than any person he knew. "You know while I was in Africa, I masturbated a thousand times while I was away and none of it was as satisfying as getting head. I think you started something!"

Colin shrugged and got between Brooks' legs as his friend put the pillow over his face. He pulled the wet shorts off and made quick work of Brooks' erection, swallowing yet another load from him without warning. Brooks pulled underwear on as Colin changed out of his swim shorts, neither boy commenting on the fellatio. They played video games and caught up on things for the next few hours before Colin headed home.

When Brooks finally met Dylan, Colin was tense as it was apparent that Brooks did not approve right away, but since their other friends had all accepted him into their group, he made the effort as well, but barely spoke to him much.

"Hey, I know what we should do," Colin said one day when the three of them were just hanging out. "Let's go snorkeling up at our cove." Brooks looked at him and frowned. This was a spot they'd found that so far they hadn't shared with anyone. "I think you guys should get to know each other better."

"Sure, where's the cove?" Dylan asked.

"It's this place Oreo and I found when we were smaller and it's been our private spot ever since," Brooks said almost bluntly.

"Oh. I don't wanna intrude if it's a personal thing between you guys."

"No, it'd be cool, right Brooks?" Colin said giving him a look as if to tell him to stop being so stuck up. "Dylan is cool. He won't tell anyone will you?"

"No, of course not."

They grabbed the snorkeling gear from the garage and jumped on their bikes for the long trip up the beach before they headed off the main trail and dumped their bikes to finish the last bit of the hike on foot. Once they got to the cove, Dylan stood looking at it.

"Wow, this is cool," he exclaimed. "I can see why you guys keep it a secret. Don't worry I won't say anything. I probably couldn't find it on my own even if I wanted to."

The guys changed into their swim shorts on the rocks before getting their snorkels, masks and flippers on and jumping in the water. Colin gave Dylan a quick lesson on how to use it and they took off looking at everything until he got used to it. Brooks relaxed and actually talked to Dylan for a bit to find out more about him.

"Are we planning on staying in our shorts the whole time because Dylan is here?" Brooks asked once he got Colin alone for a minute.

"No. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with him first. He loves to go balls out just like we do, but I thought it might be weird if you started out like that. I'll suggest it and you'll see. Hey Dylan!" He yelled waving him over. He waited until Dylan took his snorkel out of his mouth and lifted his mask.

"I like this place. Snorkeling is cool, but I seriously gotta remember not to breathe in if I go too far under water. I think I've swallowed half the ocean," he said standing up beside the guys.

"You'll get the hang of it," Colin assured him. "When me and Brooks come out here, we usually don't bring shorts. You cool with us getting naked?"

"HELL Yeah! Just when I thought this couldn't get anymore perfect," he smiled as he untied his shorts and took them off to place them on the rocks. The other two followed, and they all went back to snorkeling. Dylan couldn't help but watch his two friend's asses as they swam away. He spent more time checking the guys out under water than he did checking the sea life. Once they got out to dry off, Dylan made sure to get a good look at Brooks before he got redressed, which Colin noticed and nudged Dylan, making him blush at being caught.

"Thanks for showing me your spot. I promise I won't say anything about it," he reiterated to Brooks.

"Good. Colin and I have been coming here ever since we were allowed in the ocean by ourselves, so it's kind of our spot."

"Noted. I won't come out here again, but thanks for showing me how to snorkel. I just wish I could have gone deeper and swam along the bottom and dug for things in the sand for longer periods of time."

"You'd need to go scuba diving for that," Brooks revealed to him. "If you took lessons, you could join Colin and I on our boat when we go out sometime."

"Really?" That would be awesome. I'd love to learn."

And with that revelation, Brooks spent time talking to Dylan about what he needed to know to scuba dive. Colin relaxed as his oldest and newest friends started to get along.

"Do you get to go to your movie studio a lot?" Dylan asked as the boys lay out on the rocks air drying.

"Sure, whenever I want. Why? You wanna go sometime?"

"Yeah, if I'm allowed. Do you meet lots of celebrities?"

"Some, sure. Mostly at events or premieres and stuff."

"Have you been, Brooks?"

"Of course. Dad...uhhh Colin's Dad, had taken us over a lot. We've been extras in lots of movies."

"Really? Cool! Would I see you in anything?"

"Sure. Mostly it's just quick background stuff."

"What do your parents do, Brooks?" Dylan asked trying really hard to get to know Colin's best friend.

"Oil mostly. They also own some diamond mines and real estate."

"Do your parents do real estate, Colin?"

"Some. But most of it is linked to the studio, or the entertainment industry. It's not like the stuff Carter does. He buys stuff and develops it, or fixes it and sells it. Dad mostly buys things and keeps them."

"I think I'd like to be in the movie business," Dylan said looking up at the sky.

"Suck up," Brooks said looking at him.


"You're just saying that to ingratiate yourself with Colin to get into his pants."

"No, not all. I think it'd be a cool business. Every day you play different characters and you film on location in cool places, and of course make money while you're doing it. Way better than being in the military and getting shot at like my Dad does."

"The military is good. They're the ones that protect us," Brooks said bluntly.

"I know, and I totally respect what he does...what they all do. They're heroes. I just couldn't imagine being brave enough to do that, but even if I wanted to I couldn't, being gay and all."

"You could. Don't ask, don't tell, right?"

"Like I couldn't tell!" Dylan chuckled. "If you ever hear of people needed for movies, let me know and I'm there. I'll even do nudity if they need me too."

"I noticed!" Colin teased. "The bad thing for you is they don't let kids under 18 do nude shots."

"No worries. I'll practice lots until then," he grinned as he lay back and the boys tanned a little more before heading home.

It was a few weeks later that Colin and Dylan went from just fooling around with each other to something more serious. They were playing video games in the bedroom in what they considered their best formal wear...their birthday suits, when Dylan changed the topic of conversation from who was killing who, to surfing and how he was getting the hang of it. Then he swallowed nervously and looked at Colin.

"Wanna maybe make out?" Dylan asked.

As the boys intertwined and kissed pressing their bodies together, it took no time for them both to feel their erections dueling with each other.

Dylan swallowed nervously and broke from their kissing for a minute. "Would you...ummmm...would you wanna maybe have sex?"

"I thought we were?" Colin grinned as they thrust their erections against each other, both of them now leaking precum like they were trying to generate hydro power at a dam.

"I mean would you maybe wanna fuck me?"

Colin nodded and they almost immediately went back to kissing, only this time with much more intensity as they realized things were about to get real between them.

Dylan rolled away and reached into his backpack to pull out a small bottle of lube. "Lie back like we're gonna beat off," he instructed. Colin propped himself up against the headboard and watched as Dylan took the lube and poured it all over his dick and began to jerk him off. "Feels way better than dry huh?"

"I'll say," Colin grinned. "Let me do you." He lubed Dylan up and they sat side by side jerking each other off. "Lube is so awesome. My friend Mason said guys have to use it when fucking because bums are dry, not like a girl's pussy."

"I heard that too," Dylan agreed. "You wanna try it? Only if you wanna."

"Sure. Just so you know, I'm not that experienced yet though. Mason taught me the basics, but it's not like I've done it tons."

"You're more experienced than me. At least you've tried it already," Dylan reminded him.

"Do you wanna put yours in me first, or do you want me to go first?" Colin asked as they masturbated each other.

"Ummm, not sure. Maybe you should do me first so I know what to do when it's my turn. I've been thinking about it ever since my ex-boyfriend and I talked about it. I've tried putting stuff in my ass, and it feels great, so I think I'm ready to do it for real."

"Okay, lie face down and I'll lie on top of you."

As they each took their positions with Dylan's head towards the bottom of the bed. "This would be a cool way to play video games," Dylan joked nervously as Colin moved on top of him. "You're nice and warm."

"I know, right! You're warm too. This should be our new gaming position. Like two snipers lying waiting for the enemy. Okay just move your butt up and down and you'll feel my dick rubbing along your ass crack." Dylan did as he was told and instantly went steel pole hard and had to reach underneath to readjust himself. Colin knew from playing with Mason how this felt, and was hoping that Dylan was ready for it. "Feels insane right?"

"Yeah. Nice! Now I can rub against you instead of the bed," he laughed.

Colin sat up and grabbed the lube to pour it on Dylan's ass. He pulled the cheeks apart to make sure it got to the hole, but he wasn't sure he wanted to stick his finger in. "Just push the lube in your bum," Colin suggested and watched as Dylan reached back and pushed the tip of his finger into his bum. Once he was done, Colin poured a lot on his penis and aimed it at Dylan.

"Mason said you have to relax and push out like your taking a poop which makes it easier for me to get in."

"What if I actually poop?" Dylan asked, now more nervous than before.

"Don't push that hard. Just lightly so that you're relaxed," he clarified.

Colin rubbed up and down Dylan's ass crack until he felt his friend trying to relax his bum and then on an upward thrust, he pushed on the top of his penis to aim it into Dylan's hole. Both boys froze as they felt it begin. Dylan reached back to put his hand on Colin's thigh to make him go slower and Colin stopped. "You okay? This is the part that you push out. I think you're supposed to take deep breaths too," Colin said helpfully.

"Is it gonna hurt?"

"It did when I did it the first time, but then it felt better. I think I just have to go extra slow until it feels good. Can I keep going?" He said trying to remember all the things Mason had taught him.

Dylan nodded and tried to do what he'd been told. He closed his eyes and bit his lip as the pain increased. He was about to say he couldn't do it when his ass gave way and Colin popped in past the outer ring and quickly lay on top of him. Dylan gasped and stayed relaxed as he felt his ass fill up, moving his bum slightly to make it more comfortable.

"You okay?" Colin asked.

"Yeah, great. This is what I've dreamed about for so long," Dylan gushed.

"It doesn't hurt?" Colin asked surprised.

"No, not at all. It's like so incredible. Like a hundred blowjobs all at once, but in my bum."

"Cool. Okay, I'm gonna going in further then," Colin announced. Dylan nodded. Colin moved his hips to push himself the rest of the way and Dylan gasped as a warm feeling rushed through his body as his ass was filled up.

"Oh god! Shit! Did you...are we... oh my God..." Dylan stammered. "Are we fucking?"

"Yeh. You okay? Does it hurt?"

"No. It's unbelievable. I'm not gonna last long, dude."

"Just try to hold on. You gotta wait until I get to your boy g-spot."

"Which is where?" Dylan asked.

"I can't remember what it's called but it begins with a `P'. You'll find out once my penis touches it. When it happened to me I kinda came pretty fast," Colin admitted as he kept going.

"I'll try, but you might have already got there as I already feel like I'm gonna cum."

Colin moved slowly at first, but as Dylan got into it and began to move, he became more vocal, and they kept going, unable to prevent the inevitable from happening. He felt Dylan's ass tighten several times he fucked him faster and faster.

"Oh yeah, fuck me harder. Fuck me! I love you...I love it... Go harder!" Dylan said almost too loud, causing Colin to push his head to the bed to try and muffle him a bit before the entire house came running in. That's all it took for Colin to ejaculate deep into his friend's ass. As soon as he was done, he pulled out and quickly lay beside him. Dylan turned his head to look at him.

"So, how was that?" Colin asked waiting for the impending review.

"Better than I ever imagined!!" Dylan said with tears in his eyes. "I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did."

"Oh shit! Are you alright? Did I hurt you?" Colin asked concerned.

"No, my eyes just watered from the emotion. I'm not crying. I think I found my new favorite thing. Dude! You rock at that!!"

"Thanks. I felt your ass go tighter and I lost it. Did you cum all over the bed?" He asked looking at his friend.

Dylan made a face. "Yeah, sorry. It was way to intense and amazing. I couldn't help it. I'll get a towel and clean it up," he said as he bounced up, running to the bathroom. Colin just smiled when he saw the big wet patch.

As soon as Dylan was done cleaning the wet spot and lay back down, Colin stared at him with a big grin. "So, you really liked that?"

"God, yeah. That was the best feeling in the world. I hope we can do that tons."

"Told ya it was fun! Ummm...did you say you loved me?"

"Sorry. Heat of the moment. Ready to cum and everything. You know how it is. Unless you love me too," he added with a grin.

"I dunno about that yet. But it was definitely my top bum fuck of all time," Colin admitted.

"How many have you had?" Dylan asked.

"Two," Colin giggled.

"Yay! I'm at the top of your list!"

"Dude, that was the best thing I've ever felt. I think being friends made it seems much more intense or special or something."

"I agree. I thought it was gonna hurt, but it felt right doing it with you. Told you'd I'd been practicing and that I was ready. I loved feeling you in me. So much better for real than with other things in there. Would you want to do it again?"

"Right now?" Colin asked not sure he was recharged yet.

"No, I mean in the future, like maybe tomorrow? Maybe we could make this our thing, that we share or something?"

"Sure. Definitely. Uhhh...would you want to fuck me too?"

"Only if you wanted me too. I'm pretty big, so I'd understand if you weren't ready yet."

"No, I'd try. I just don't know how well I'd do. The first time I did it, it hurt a shit load and the guy wasn't as big as you."

Dylan just shrugged. "No pressure. Ummm, I was kinda wondering something though and I'm not sure if now is the best time, or worst time to ask."

"What?" Colin said turning on his side to look at Dylan.

"Would you...I mean do you want to... Ummm... I errr... I was wondering if you wanted to be maybe boyfriends?" He stammered looking away quickly as soon as he asked.

"Like real boyfriends?" Colin inquired as he felt his heart rate increase to the point that he thought might pass out.

"It's okay if you don't want to. I was just wondering. I'd be cool if you just wanted to be friends...maybe friends with benefits."

Colin rolled onto his back to stare at the dark ceiling. "Can I tell you something?" He said trying not to look at Dylan. "I dunno if I'm 100% gay or not..."

"It's cool. I understand," Dylan said cutting him off.

"Dude. Shhhh, I'm not done yet. "I'm not sure if I'm 100% gay or not, but I love hanging out with you, and I'm pretty sure that no relationship or friendship with a girl could beat what we have, especially since we're so comfortable around each other. If you're okay with it...can I answer your question with a question?"

"Ummm...sure," Dylan said feeling nervous, and perhaps a little stupid for popping the question.

"If I eventually decided I were straight, and didn't want to have sex with guys anymore, would we still be friends if I was your boyfriend now?"

"Wow. Cool question. I think so. I've never had to deal with that before. So, if you were straight, would we keep being friends with benefits?"

"I dunno. But I'd always want to be friends," Colin replied.

"I just made this a whole lot more complicated, didn't I?" Dylan said shaking his head. "Maybe we should pretend I didn't ask and just keep doing what we're doing?"

"So now you don't want to be my boyfriend," Colin said faking a light pout.

"No, I definitely do. I want you as the kind of boyfriend I can scream about from the top of the Hollywood sign, and hold hands with as we walk through South Central L.A. and..."

"Oh, so you want your boyfriend to be killed in 10 seconds?" Colin joked. "South Central is like the gangster capital of California. We'd be dead before our fingers finished interlocking."

Dylan gave him a big smile. "No, I mean I'd want the type of boyfriend I could go anywhere with and not be afraid of what people think. I'd be proud of us!"

"For the 10 seconds until we died!" Colin chuckled. "We might need your Dad's special forces guys as bodyguards."

"Unless they teamed up with the gangsters to take us down," Dylan added.

"You're not painting a very positive picture of our first few moments of being out in public," Colin said with a grin. "How about this? You sleepover tonight and we make out all night to see if we get sick of each other or not, and if we haven't been killed by South Central gangs by morning, we'll discuss being official boyfriends."

"Sweet. I'll text my parents" he said as he grabbed his phone and typed out the message. He showed it to Colin with a smirk. "Get ready. We're gonna vanish off the planet by dawn."

Colin read it. "Gonna stay @ Colin's 2nite. Found new BF...maybe. Will let u no wen I get home."

He hit send. "Okay, do you have a panic room or anything that we could go into until morning? I think my Dad will already be getting the signal traced and having satellites moving in on our position as we speak. I wouldn't be surprised if they send in bunker busters before the black op ground forces arrive."

"You really are a military kid, huh? But in answer to your question, yes, we actually do have a panic room. It's the media room."

"Cool, we should lock it down before the armoured Humvees knock down your front gate. Both boys jumped a mile almost giving themselves heart attacks as Dylan's phone messaging went off. They read it together.

`Congrats honey. Don't be in a hurry to grow up. We'll be around in the morning if you want to talk. We'd love to have him over for dinner to get to know him better.'

"See! Its begun." Dylan said putting his phone down.

"What has? Seems like they're pretty supportive."

"Yeah, that's what it's supposed to look like for when I disappear for being a little queer boy. You read it! They want you for dinner. I hope you're tasty with a nice BBQ sauce!"

"Dude, I only met your parents once, but they seemed awesome. My parents will probably have more issue with me saying I'm gay than yours, and they're totally open minded about most things."

The boys slept together for the night, and when they weren't making out, they were wrapped in each other's arms. When they awoke in the morning, Colin rolled on top of Dylan for a repeat fuck performance. He was gonna let Dylan fuck him, but since they'd both cum already, they agreed to wait until later to try it. Once they hit the shower and gotten dressed, they sat on the bed in awkward silence for a few minutes until Colin turned to look at Dylan. He took his hand. "So I dreamed about us last night, and once we managed to escape the Guantanamo waterboarding hotel in South Central L.A. ...thanks for that by the way...we made an awesome couple. Although I really hate your choice of home you picked out for us. I still think South Central is a bad place to raise our kids, even if they are all in the Serpents."

"You dreamt all that?" Dylan laughed. "How many kids did we have?"

"Four. Snake, Cobra, Rocky and Crusher. All boys."

"Thank god. I'd hate to think our daughter was called Crusher," he giggled. "Wait, did we get tattoos?"

"You were there. You should know! We both have full back tattoos with the Serpent logo."

"See! I knew we'd be perfect together!" Dylan you'd expected from a Serpent gang member.

"I think I'd like to be your boyfriend, but under some conditions," Colin said seriously.

"Conditions?" Dylan asked nervously.

"Yeah. We have to be real. No hiding in dark alleys jumping apart whenever anyone comes near us for fear of being caught together. We don't have to say we're gay, but we do have to acknowledge that we're boyfriends, and that includes at school."

"Deal!" Dylan said excitedly. "But school is gonna kinda be scary. Good thing this is California and not Texas. We wouldn't get through the day."

"We also tell both our friends and parents that we're together, so they can support us if we need their help.

"Okay, but if I's on you!" He said shaking his head.

"I'll take that risk," Colin said looking at Dylan trying not to laugh at his paranoia.

"Yeah, `cause it's not you who'd be fired off to Mars on the first available rocket."

"I thought you were gonna be waterboarded at Guantanamo," Colin teased.

"Yeah! Then electroshock therapy, followed by a one-way trip to Mars."

"I'm okay with that. I've never been to Mars. It's on my bucket list. One last thing...I get the right side of the bed."

"Deal's off!" Dylan giggled. "Just kidding. You can have anything you want as long as I get to be with you. Can I ask you a stupid question? How come you go to a public school? I thought you'd go to a super private one."

"My parents wanted that, but I wanted to go to a normal school with my friends. So we negotiated. They insisted. I pouted and threw a temper tantrum. They gave in and provided the school extra funding to make sure it had the best of things like computers and equipment."

Dylan laughed. "Nice negotiation tactic. Does Austin go to our school too?"

"No, he's home schooled. Really? I'm agreeing to be your boyfriend and you're thinking about Austin? I want a divorce," he laughed. "Next you'll be hitting on Brooks."

"No. God, I didn't mean it like that. I'm so stupid!" Dylan said looking down as if he were about to cry. "No offense, but I really don't like Brooks. I mean he's a good-looking guy, but he's kinda stuck up and full of himself all the time."

"Yeah, we've been friends since forever so I'm pretty used to him. You'll get to like him eventually. Just give him a blowjob and you'll be friends."

"Yeah right. Like he'd let me do that."

Colin just ignored him. "And that bring us to my final condition. We just have fun being boyfriends. No jealousy if we look at other guys."

"So, like an open relationship?"

"Yeah, I guess so. My brother's friend in Vancouver said that monogamous relationships are for straight people. He said gay guys need to get laid and sex is just sex. What he said was that if he was in a relationship, then kissing and love was only between him and his boyfriend, but sex could be with anyone."

"I think I'd be cool with that," Dylan smiled as they talked about what might be in store for their future. "Maybe we could have sex with other guys and report back to each other on how good they were or not, before we decide to do them together. Like our own recon."

"Such a military kid," Colin smiled. "So, ask me your question from last night again?"

"Will you fuck me?"

Colin rolled his eyes. "Slut! No, the other question. The big one."

Dylan cleared his throat. "Colin Worthington, would you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes. I'd love to be your boyfriend Dylan Rogers!" He said leaning in to kiss him, ending up with erections by the time they were done.

"So now what do we do?" Dylan asked.

"You're asking me? You're the guy who had a boyfriend before, but I think we should do something to celebrate. I have an idea...after we take care of our morning wood, and have breakfast. I'm starving." They fooled around with each other, showered and dressed, before racing downstairs for a huge a huge cooked breakfast, not saying anything to anyone about their new relationship. They did get some curious looks from the cook and Carter, as they sat together almost giddy with excitement.

"Did you weirdos get into my pot stash?" Carter asked as they continued to act out.

"Nope. Just having a good day," Colin replied. "This is all because of you anyway!"

"What is?" Carter asked confused.

"Nothing! Later dude!" Colin chuckled as the two boys finished and raced outside.

"Mark, can you take us to Rodeo Drive, please?"

"Certainly. Are you doing a little shopping for your parents upcoming anniversary?" he asked covertly reminding him about it.

"Duh! Why else would I be going there?" Colin chuckled as they waited for a car to be brought around.

"Why do they call it `Roh-DAY-oh' drive and not Roh-dee-oh drive? It's spelled Rodeo."

"Probably because they're all rich snobs. Roh-DAY-oh sounds snooty, while Rodeo sounds redneck."

Dylan nodded. "Makes sense."

As they drove to Beverly Hills, Colin played tour guide, pointing out things as they drove past them. As they arrived on Rodeo Drive, Colin told Mark where he wanted to go and they pulled up at the door. The boys jumped out before Mark could open the door for them and headed to the entrance of Cartier.

"Dude, we have to have an appointment," Dylan said as he pointed to the sign on the door. Colin just smiled and pushed the doorbell. A security officer in a suit approached and opened the door to talk to them.

"Good morning. Do you have an appointment, gentlemen?"

"No. We're just stopping to get something cool," Colin replied knowing exactly what he was doing.

"I'm sorry sir, but an appointment is required. Please feel free to make an appointment online, or by calling our main number."

"Oh, okay sorry. I've never needed one before. Would you check please? My name is Colin T. Worthington." The security officer looked the boys up and down and then glanced past them to the street.

"Please wait here, sir and I'll check for you." He disappeared back inside, locking the door to make them wait on the street.

"What's the T stand for?" Dylan asked.

"De-Termined!" he joked. "Tanner. What's your middle name?"

"Don't have one. I'm just Dylan! Dude, we should just go somewhere else. They're never gonna let two kids in here," Dylan said looking around.

Colin just grinned as they waited a minute before they saw the officer returning with another man.

"Oh shit! We're gonna get it now!" Dylan said ready to bolt, as the door was unlocked again.

"Welcome to my neighborhood, Mr. Rogers!" Colin joked.

"Really? Not like I haven't heard THAT before!" Dylan said shaking his head.

"Mr. Worthington. A pleasure to see you again. Sorry to have kept you waiting," the other gentleman said as he held out his hand for Colin to shake. "And who is accompanying you today, sir?"

"This is Dylan Rogers. My new boyfriend."

"Welcome to Cartier, gentlemen." He led them inside and immediately offered them something to drink. Both declined. "How may I help you today?"

"We're just looking for something cool to identify us as boyfriends," Colin grinned never having done this before, but remembering what Carter had done for some of his girlfriends when they shopped here, or how his mother shopped...pretty much everywhere.

"Were you thinking of a ring? A watch? Or something else?"

"Ummm, not sure. What do you recommend?" Colin asked as they looked around almost without moving.

"If I may ask sir. Is this your first relationship?"

"Yes," he beamed.

"Congratulations. And how long have the two of you been together?"

Colin pulled out his phone. "Ummm...about an hour?" he said looking at Dylan who grinned and nodded.

The salesperson smiled and nodded, pondering thoughtfully. "Well, a ring may be a bit formal. May I suggest going more toward an accessory such as a watch or bracelet perhaps."

"I'm not really a watch person. I mainly only wear them if we're going to some special society thing and I'm getting all dressed up," Colin replied.

"So you're like a society kid?" Dylan grinned.

"Yep. That's me! Colin Worthington, Society Boy! Those things are so boring that sometimes I want to chew off my own arm to get away from them. Hey, but now you can go with me and it'll be a lot more fun."

"Great, we can chew off each other's arms," Dylan laughed.

"What about a neck chain? That is something we could leave on all the time and it wouldn't get in the way like a bracelet might."

"Excellent choice sir," the salesperson said as he led the way to a cabinet. "Were you looking for gold or white gold?"

"I think white gold would be classier," Colin said as a tray of neck chains were brought out. They tried a few styles and lengths on, before settling on the one they liked.

"How much are these?" Dylan asked as he couldn't see a price on anything.

"The ones you have on look wonderful on you, Mr. Rogers, and are only seventy-three hundred each," the salesperson replied. Dylan almost choked until Colin just looked at him and smiled.

"Dude, that's a great price. Like, compare it to the price of women's stuff," he said pointing to one that had diamonds encrusted in it. "How much would that be?"

The sales person looked at where he was pointing. "Those would run eighty-one thousand."

"Dollars?" Dylan exclaimed.

"No babe. Cucumbers. We pay in cucumbers here."

"Maybe we should go for a bracelet instead," he said looking at the ones in the cabinet. "Like that one that looks like a nail bent in a circle."

"That one is also seventy-three hundred," he told him before he asked.

"Sorry. He's new to this," Colin said apologizing.

"Not a concern, Mr. Worthington. Please feel free to ask any questions you wish Mr. Rogers."

"That watch looks awesome!" Dylan said as he saw one.

"Good eye sir. That one is only fifty-six thousand."

Dylan looked at Colin as if begging to leave the store before he made a bigger fool out of himself.

"We'll take the chains please. Can we just wear them?" Colin asked.

"Certainly sir. Would you like this on your family account?"

"Please. Oh, and could you throw in a couple of the Trinity bracelets over there too? Those are cool!" He looked at Dylan as he went to ring everything up and bring back the boxes for the chains and the bracelets. The boys were escorted to the car and Dylan was still stunned that Colin had just spent so much.

"Ummm, how much were those bracelets, or don't I want to know?"

Colin looked at the bill. "Super cheap. Like $550 each," he said as he took one out and placed it around Dylan's wrist. "We just have to remember to take them off for swimming or surfing. Not sure the rope part would be good to get wet." Colin lowered his voice to sound like an announcer. "Colin and Dylan. Now that you're boyfriends, what are you going to do now?" He reverted to his normal voice. "We're going to Disneyland!" He laughed as they scrambled back into the car for the ride to Anaheim. They jumped out and thanked Mark, asking him if he would drop Dylan's bike at his house when he got home, and said they'd text when they were ready to be picked up. Colin was nervous about being visually out in public, but decided to man up and go for it. He took Dylan by the hand as they ran towards the ticket booth.

"Damn, Disneyland is expensive huh?" Dylan said looking at the board.

"I guess, but we have a family pass," Colin said taking out his wallet and handing it to the window. The lady welcomed them and handed over two passes. Colin handed Dylan his before putting one around his own neck.

"VIP?" Dylan asked looking at the pass.

"Just lets us go on more rides," he said as they raced towards the Disneyland Entrance. "I figure we'll do Disneyland first since you haven't seen it. Then we'll do California Adventure afterward. If we don't get through everything, we can come back another day," he explained as their passes were scanned and they entered the park, with Dylan as excited as the small children around him. He held Colin's hand almost as tightly as those children were holding onto their parents. "Do you like rollercoasters?"

"Sure, of course."

"Cool. Space Mountain first," Colin announced as he pulled Dylan up Main Street suddenly veering right over to Tomorrowland.

"Damn. I guess we should have got here earlier, huh? Look how long the line is. Does that sign say two hour wait?"

"Yeah, but if you have a fast pass, you can tap in and get a time to come back," Colin explained.

"Oh, that's better. Then we could go see other stuff first, right?"

"Right, but follow me." He kept pulling Dylan along with him and got to the front of the Fast Pass line and showed their VIP passes. They were pushed straight through to almost the front of all the lines, only waiting a couple of minutes to board a coaster. The boys were strapped in and the coaster took off into the dark cavern of Space Mountain.

"So! What'd you think of that?" Colin asked as they exited the ride.

"Oh my God. That was insane."

"Were you scared?"

"No, of course not," Dylan said acting tough.

"Really? Then why do I have a dozen broken bones in my hand and fingernail impressions?"

"I just like firm handshakes?"

"The rides in California Adventure are better than Disneyland, but since you've never been here, you should always start with the classics first. We gotta do Pirates of the Caribbean, Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain & Indiana Jones Adventure. Some things are lame like the Jungle Cruise, or the Haunted Mansion, but we gotta do them just for the whole experience. We can miss Toontown and Fantasyland unless you're into riding in teacups, or hearing 20 minutes of `It's a Small World' played over and over again."

"Yeah pass..." Dylan laughed. "Wait...did you say teacups! Just kidding. I've seen that in pictures before."

The boys raced around the park using their VIP passes to expedite the lineups and in a few cases, they heard people make comments at them for queue jumping. Colin almost laughed as he figured they would have gotten called out for being gay, but neither boy heard anyone call them names for that. They had fun being close to each other on rides where they could just relax, and probably enjoyed it more on the rides where they almost held onto each other as the adrenaline kicked in. Once Colin figured they were done with Disneyland they jogged over to California adventure, only to do more rides and food.

"I think I agree with you. I like California adventure way better. Disneyland was cool and all, but this is more for teenagers," Dylan said as they sat in one of the many restaurants eating.

"We have to head to over to the Electrical Parade. It's a classic. It used to be in Disneyland, and I saw it for the first time when I was four. But they moved it over to this park later on, so you gotta see it with me."

"Lead the way!" He grinned as the made their way through the park to the parade route and found a place to sit on the ground.

"Are you gonna sleepover again tonight?" Colin asked as they cuddled together.

"I have to go home. My parents would never let me sleep over two nights in a row."

"Too bad. I like sleeping with you. Maybe I can sleep at your place," Colin grinned as he turned to kiss him.

"My parents are gonna have rules about that once we confirm we're boyfriends. If they let you sleep over we'll have to be in the family room and I'll have to keep my bedroom door open when we're in there together. They'll be worried that we'll be having sex."

"So, tell them we already are and that should solve that," Colin suggested.

"Yep. That it would. Meet Guantanamo's newest resident: Dylan Rogers!"

"You're such a drama queen. What time do you have to be home?"

"I texted my parents to tell them where I am, and they said to be home by midnight."

"Guess we won't have time to make out then," he said being all flirty.

"Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow!" Dylan teased. "Hey, how come we haven't had to pay for anything today?"

"All the rides are included in the admission price, and anything we bought, I just used the pass. It goes on my Dad's account. Don't forget, he's in the entertainment industry. Lots of people that come to town want to see Disneyland, so he has a corporate account."

"Won't he kill you for spending all this money?"

"Nah. This is nothing. You should come with me and Carter when we take trips to places. I have an idea. Ever had sex in a limo?"

"Oh sure. I was just saying last week how routine it was getting," Dylan joked. "Dude, I know this is like a normal day for you, but I've never even BEEN in a limo before, never mind had sex in one. This has been the most amazing day in my life so far. I'll never forget it as long as I live."

"Awww, you're so sweet, but the night isn't over yet."

Colin texted Mark and told him they were just using the service to get home, and he then called to arrange the limo for 11pm. They stayed cuddled together, almost wrapped around each other as the parade went by.

"Is it me or is this music super gay?" Dylan whispered to Colin.

"I hear ya, but so are we, so it works."

"I feel like I wanna be a Disney Princess!" He giggled.

"Ding. Babe, you're already there!"

The parade ended and the guys made their way to the parking lot where they found the car waiting. They told the driver Dylan's address and climbed into the stretch limo, where Colin immediately put up the privacy partition.

"Now we have at least an hour. That means we can make out like a dozen times before we get home!" Colin giggled as he jumped on Dylan and both boys were naked almost before they got out of the parking lot. Dylan began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Colin asked as they stopped kissing holding onto each other's dicks.

"Oh nothing. But if we're gonna do things like this at random, we have to remember to bring lube and tissues with us."

"Oh well, I guess it's everything except fucking then! We'll have to do twice as much tomorrow."

They made out for the rest of the trip, stopping only to get dressed in time to pull up at Dylan's house. Colin acted like the perfect boyfriend as he walked Dylan to his front door. He was glad they chose not to kiss as the front door opened with his Mom standing there. "I thought I heard a car," she said.

"Sorry if we're late at all, Mrs. Rogers. I wanted Dylan to see the Electrical Parade at California Adventure."

"No, you're on time."

"Great. See you tomorrow, Dyl! I better be going or MY parents will activate the tracking on MY phone."

Colin headed back to the car and a few minutes later got a goodnight text from Dylan. `Thx! Had the best time evr 2day. Mom saw chain & bracelet. Told her we got them @ Target if she mentions it. Dyl? lol!!'

`got it. loved our day 2! Had the best time. C U tmrw...byfrnd Dyl!'

Dylan texted a kissing happy face back.

The next morning Dylan called in a pissed off mood to say that he had to cancel today as his parents were taking him to some place called Fresno to see a sick aunt and that they wouldn't be home until late tonight. They both agreed it sucked, especially since they had a day off school due to some teacher conference thing, but they made plans for after school the next day.

"Martin, it's Colin. Have you done your physical for the team yet?" He asked as he called his friend after hanging up with Dylan.

"No, have you? I hate the doctor."

"No, but I got a card for a sports doctor if you want to go together and get it over with. I could make an appointment."

"Sure, I guess. Do our parents need to be there?"

"Nope. That's why I got this guy. He just does sports stuff for teams, I think. No parents around asking if I wore clean underwear, or listening to the doctor talk about how I was when I was a baby. I hate that shit."

"Me too. Cool. Sure, make an appointment and let me know when we can go." Colin hung up and called the doctor to set up the appointment, which he surprisingly got for later that day. He called Martin back to let him know, and they agreed to meet up to head over together.

Colin decided they should take the bus instead of asking Mark to drive them. He kinda wanted to keep this new doctor off the parent's radar. After a short ride they arrived, presented themselves to reception, and filled in some forms before sitting to wait. A doctor came out to meet them shortly afterward.

"Boys, I'm Doctor Dover and I'm running a little late today. I can take one of you today and the other can come back tomorrow, or I can take you both at once if you're okay getting a physical together."

"I'm fine with us going together," Colin said shrugging as he looked at Martin who nodded in agreement.

"Great. Anthony will take you to the exam room and I'll be there shortly. He can get things started for us," the doctor turned and left as the guy he introduced as Anthony took over. Colin swallowed hard as he looked at him. He was a good looking guy who barely looked old enough to shave, never mind be a nurse.

"Um, just curious," Colin asked as they followed him to the exam room. "How old are you?"

"20," Anthony grinned. "I know I look like a tall 14 year old. I've heard that a lot. I'm Dr. Dover's assistant."

"So you're a nurse?" Martin asked.

"No. I just help him with the little things and to make guys feel at ease, or as his visual prop when needed." Neither boy had any idea what that meant, but they didn't ask. "I'll get you to undress to your underwear first. You can leave your clothes on the chair over there. We can start with height and weight, then I'll take your temperature and blood pressure before the doctor comes in. What sport are you guys joining?"

"Water Polo," Colin replied.

"Cool. I guess hanging out in underwear is no big deal then?" He laughed as he waited for them to undress.

"Probably not," Martin replied. Anthony took them one at a time onto the scale to measure height and weight and then had them sit side by side on the exam table as he took their blood pressure. By the time he was done, the doctor had arrived.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" He asked as he looked at the chart Anthony had begun. "Which one of you is Colin and which is Martin?"

The boys introduced themselves and the doctor had Colin go first asking Martin to jump down and sit on the chair while he did his exam. He did the usual checks of listening to lungs, heart beat and making Colin breathe in and out. He checked reflexes by tapping the knees and then had Colin lay back to press his hands into his stomach and thump him a few times. He lowered the shorts and checked Colin's testicles and penis before pulling them back up without saying anything. He repeated the same procedure with Martin as the boys swapped places.

"Okay, let's get you to both stand up and we'll check for hernias. Then I'll just ask a few other questions and you can be on your way." The two boys stood side by side and watched not only themselves, but each other, as the doctor lowered their shorts again, cupped their testicles and had them cough a couple of times before pulling the shorts back up. "Are you boys sexually active?" the doctor asked bluntly.

"Ummm," Martin replied, blushing slightly. Colin simply answered yes.

"This is why we normally have you go one at a time. Some of the examination can get a bit personal. If one of you'd prefer to come back tomorrow to finish, I can reschedule you."

"No, it's cool. Everything is confidential right?" Martin asked.

"It is between doctor and patient. What you two talk about after you leave here is up to you."

"I'm cool keeping our physical info just between us," Colin replied. "I'm sure I have more personal stuff than you anyway."

"Cool. Ummm, no, I haven't had sex yet," Martin replied. The doctor said nothing, but Anthony recorded the information on his file for reference.

"Alright, if you both bend over, I'll check your spine. Then we'll check your prostate."

He checked Colin's spine first, right down to his tailbone, before proceeding to Martin. He said both boys were fine and then had them turn around and place their chests on the exam table and spread their legs slightly. "Just so you don't feel the need to be embarrassed, it's pretty common for boys your age to get erections during this part, so if you're not comfortable around each other, just look straight ahead until I'm done. You'll feel a bit of pressure, but just breathe out and keep your bums relaxed. It'll be over quickly." This time he went to Martin first. He lowered his underwear after putting on a rubber glove and coating a finger in lubricant. He pushed into the boys' anus and felt around. Martin closed his eyes and kept breathing as if he were trying to blow pictures off the wall. The doctor said it was fine and pulled his finger out, moving over to Colin and repeating the process after putting on a new glove. By the time the doctor was done, Colin was rock hard and leaking precum all over the floor. Both boys pulled up their shorts and stood up before turning around to face the doctor and nurse. Colin's erection was clearly visible through his underwear.

"We're almost done, boys. Colin, your prostate is a bit more sensitive than Martin's, hence the reason for the erection. It's quite healthy for that to happen as the prostate can be a form of stimulation during sex."

"So like when you have sex in the bum, right? Is that why guys like doing that?" Colin asked bluntly as Martin just blushed a bright red.

"For some it does. Have you had anal sex before? If you're not comfortable answering that around your friend, we can ask that in private another time."

"No, I'm fine with it. I'm not shy about what I've experimented with," Colin replied boldly, but with slight nerves in front of Martin, while at the same time feeling a tingle of excitement at admitting things in the open. "Yeah, I've tried it."

"Was it with a sexual partner or with an inanimate object?"

"Inanimate?" Colin asked unsure of what he meant.

"Like a dildo, cucumber, carrot. Something like that, or did you do it with a person."

"Gross! No, I did it with a person," he said confidently. "Great, now I'm never gonna eat carrots or cucumbers again." They both laughed, while Martin smirked at his friend's outburst.

"Do you consider yourself straight, gay, or bisexual?"

"Probably bi, maybe?" He said not wanting to say he might be gay in front of his friend, considering they'd never discussed it before.

"No rush to figure it out. All part of growing up. Do you have any questions about it?"

"Not really. Except, how much can a bum take?"

"It can handle quite a bit if you go slowly and prepare properly. How big were you planning for?" He asked slightly amused. "...If you don't mind me asking."

"8 inches and a bit thicker than mine...just as a thought," he replied thinking of Dylan's cock.

"You should be able to take that eventually. Just take your time. Go slow at first. Relax, breathe, and use plenty of lubricant on your anus."

"What if it still won't work?" Colin asked thinking about how it might affect his new relationship if he couldn't take Dylan.

"Give it time. Nerves will be one thing that get in your way. Excitement is the other."

Martin just listened to how open Colin was, his eyes wide in surprise. They'd all hung out together enough and he knew Colin was pretty comfortable being naked, but he had no idea his friend was sexually active, especially with another boy. This was all hitting him a little fast. "Who are you having sex with," he asked, almost accusatory or in disbelief at what he was hearing.

"Dylan. We haven't had a chance to tell anyone yet, but we decided yesterday that we're gonna try being boyfriends."

"What? So you and Dylan? Did he do something to turn you gay?"

"No, dude. That's not how it works. I'm just trying it out to see how it goes. Why not experiment while we're young."

"Wait! You and Dylan? How did I miss that?" Martin asked staring at Colin as he continued to try and process what he'd just learned, not sure how he was feeling as they were being examined together.

"I dunno. Kinda just experimenting I guess, and it's not like it's a group thing."

"Guys, it sounds like you have a lot to talk about after we're done here. Just remember, masturbation can keep some of the sexual urges under control if you're not ready to be with someone yet. Plus, masturbation is a good way to help keep you healthy and reduce the risk of prostate cancer. So, if your mothers tell you that it'll make you go blind, just tell them you're following doctor's orders. That is always a fun comeback."

"How often should we masturbate?" Colin asked. "I mean is there a limit?"

The doctor laughed. "At your age, probably not. But if you were masturbating about once a month, it would be enough."

"Cancer?" Martin asked picking up on the important part of the conversation.

"Always a possibility when you're older, so masturbation to ejaculation is important."

"Is it okay if I do it like once a day. Sometimes I do it more," Colin admitted boldly.

"Once a day is fine, but to keep you healthy it doesn't need to be that frequent. If you do it because you enjoy it, then no harm in that. Just don't do it so much that you make your penis sore or blister the skin. Then it can become uncomfortable. That's it boys. I'm going to leave you with Anthony to finish. Colin, if you want to make an appointment for you and your new boyfriend to come in and talk about anything, just let reception know. Other that that, you boys seem perfectly healthy. I'll sign off on your examination as soon as Anthony completes your charts. Nice to meet both of you." He got up and left, leaving the guys in their underwear with Anthony.

"Dude! We passed our physical. Water polo, here we come," Colin said as he put his fist up for Martin to bump. He got a less than enthusiastic reply.

"Go ahead and get dressed guys. I'm just going to make sure I have everything on your chart, and then you can go," Anthony commented. He looked that chart over and when he was satisfied that it was complete, he turned his attention back to the boys who were now fully clothed again.

"Martin, I just have a few sexual questions for Colin that you might not be interested in."

Martin looked at them, and Colin just smiled. "Dude, you can stay if you want. I'm not shy and I don't care if you know stuff about me."

"This new boyfriend that you have; how far have you gone with him?" Anthony asked, focusing his attention directly at Colin.

"We went to Disneyland once, and we've been on bike rides, so not far. Not like we've been on a week-long vacation or anything."

Anthony laughed. "I meant how far have you gone sexually? Oral, anal?"


"Blowjobs," Anthony said dumbing it down for him as he smiled.

"Oh. Yeah. Lots of those," he said swallowing nervously.

"Are you both active and passive?"

Again, Colin looked at Anthony.

"Have you given head as well as received it?"

"Oh. Yeah. We do both together."

"And anal sex?" He asked.

"I do it to him, but like I said he's to big for me to handle right now, but we're working on it."

"Do you have a gag reflex?"

"What's that mean?"

"When you fellate...suck, his penis and it goes to the back of your mouth do you feel like it makes you want to throw up, like you're gagging?"

"Oh. Sometimes. If we do it too fast, yeah. I mostly only take part of it though. Am I supposed to put it all in?"

"Once you more experience you should be able to. It just takes practice. Do you cover your teeth?"

"With what?"

"With your lips? Like this," Anthony explained as he demonstrated at the same time.

"Oh sure. I learned that from Mason when I first did blowjobs. He said you gotta be careful of teeth as no one likes their cock scraped or bitten."

"He'd be right about that. If you want other information or maybe learn more, I can give you my number and we can arrange to get together if you want. There's not a lot of time here as we always have lots of patients, but come over to my place if you want and I can help with anything you want to know," Anthony offered as he adjusted his own erection, which didn't go unnoticed by Colin.

"Cool thanks! Yeah, I'd like that. Mason taught me a lot when I was in Vancouver, but I don't think I learned everything."

"Great," Anthony grinned as he wrote his number down for Colin and handed it to him. "I'll leave your chart with the doctor and he'll send those permission forms off to your coach. Nice to meet both of you. You can leave when you're ready."

"Thanks Anthony. That was awesome. I'll be calling you for sure," Colin said eagerly.

"I look forward to it," Anthony replied as he got up and left with the boys right behind him.

Once they were clear of the doctor's office, Martin turned to Colin. "Holy shit! Holy shit! Fuck! Did that actually happen? Is it always like that?"

"You mean at the doctor's office?" Colin asked slightly confused.

"Yeah. I've never had anyone touch my dick before and it was like super embarrassing getting a finger in the ass in front of you."

Colin smirked. "Relax dude, he did it to me too. I'm the one that should be embarrassed as I got a boner. But shit like that doesn't bother me. If we don't throw wood a lot at our age, then we're either broken or chicks."

"I had no idea that doctor's checked stuff like that. I thought it was embarrassing when they checked my penis when I was a kid and my Mom was in the room. I'd have died if she'd seen me getting my ass probed. I was sure I was gonna fart."

"That's why we can't go to our kid doctor anymore. Adults check stuff like that," Colin said not knowing for certain, but wanting to sound wiser than his less sexual friend. "Maybe you should come with me to Anthony's and learn some stuff. Then you'll be ready for chick city! We just have to find one that'll go down on you."

"That's the truth. Can I ask you a question?"

"Yes. I'll blow you if you want," Colin teased.

"No. Not that."

" can blow me if you want to," Colin said as if he were giving in.

"No. Shut up, dude. Why didn't you tell me you were bisexual? That was a bit of a blindside. I'm kinda freakin' out."

"I just basically figured it out myself. I've tried sex with girls and now boys, but I think I like boys better because we know which buttons to push. At least that's how my friend Mason explains it."

"Do you think lots of guys learn like that? From each other and then move to girls later when we know more?"

"No idea, but I don't plan on moving back to girls anytime soon. Way too much drama before you get to have sex with them. Guys just do it and get on with our day. Can you keep that information about me and Dylan to yourself for a while? I kinda want to tell people on my own. Plus how would it sound that you learned the information while we were both naked together having our dicks felt up?"

"Oh, don't worry dude, I won't say anything...ever! You have girls around you all the time. I can't believe you'd give them up for a boy."

"The dick wants what the dick wants," Colin smirked.

"Isn't that the heart wants what the heart wants?" Martin asked giving Colin a bit of a frown.

"You do it your way, I'll do it mine," he chuckled. "But if you ever want to fool around, I'm happy to do stuff with you. You buds helping each other out," Colin offered as they unlocked their bikes.

"Pass. No offense, but I think I'll stick with girls."

"So basically you're sticking with your hand until you get up the nerve to actually TALK to a girl?" Colin teased.

"Pretty much."

They rode towards home in silence as Martin processed the days events, trying to get the Colin's offer out of his head. "I should head home and let my parents know that I've finished the physical. Catch up with you later?"

"Yeah, sure," Colin replied. "Umm, what are you going to tell them?" He asked unsure of how Martin was handling what just happened.

"That I had a physical and that I'm fine. Or did you WANT me to tell them that I got naked, felt up and probed next to my bisexual friend?"

"No. I think you should leave that part out," Colin said hoping that Martin was just being sarcastic and not freaking out.

"That's what I thought," Martin replied as they got to the part where they separated to head to their own homes. As soon as Colin got to his bedroom, he called Dylan to let him know he was back and see how his day was going.

"It blows man. There's nothing to do up here. My aunt is sick and my parents are acting like she's dying or something. I'm sitting around bored out of my mind. I wish you were here to hang out with. We finally get a day off school and I'm stuck here instead of hanging with you guys and going surfing or something."

"Yeah, I wish you were here to. Martin and I had our physicals today for the water polo team, but now I'm bored stupid. I miss you."

"Me too. How'd the physical go? They figure out your brain is missing?"

"No, but I got a boner while it happened. So embarrassing, especially in front of Martin. I don't think he was comfortable with that at all."

"That happened? You guys went in together?" He laughed. "Now I really wish I had been there. That would have been awesome. I'd have even volunteered to help."

"We had to go in together as they were running short of time. Oh, he knows we're boyfriends by the way. I had to tell them stuff about being sexual."

"Shit. And he heard that? Did you tell them everything? Did Martin get a boner too? How big is he?"

"No, I think he was way too nervous."

"So, he knows you're gay now? Did he freak out or is he cool with it?"

"I told them I was bisexual, and it took him by surprise, but I'm hoping he's cool. I think he needs time to process." Colin told him, leaving out any additional details.

"Cool. What's the plan for tomorrow? Are we gonna enter the school holding hands as boyfriends or what?"

"Probably or what," Colin replied. "I think we should tell our friends first before we announce it to the world."

"That makes sense. Do you think everyone will be okay with it?"

"I guess we'll find out."

Colin had Mark drive him over to Dylan's the next morning to pick him up so they could arrive at school together. The first person they encountered was Martin, who just gave a quick `morning' greeting and then stared at the two of them before saying he had to get his books out of his locker and raced off.

"That wasn't good," Dylan said quickly. "He doesn't seem happy that we're together."

"He'll be fine. He just takes him time to process things. Martin's like that. It took him a week to get used to a new bike when his parents told him he needed a `big boy bike' when he was 10. This could take at least that long. I figure just keep being us and he'll come around eventually."

They played it cool at school only spending more time with each other and sitting closer in the cafeteria than they had before. Otherwise it was a normal day. They had both tested the waters by asking a few questions throughout the day about what their friends thought of same sex relationships and were happy that the results were mostly positive.

"I have to go to practice today. First day for water polo," Colin told Dylan as they put their books in the locker. You can come with me if you want and watch. Lots of hot dudes in speedos!"

"I better pass on that one, or I'll be sitting there with a boner the whole time, trying not to whip it out to beat off, or worse, trying to get their speedos off."

Colin laughed. "Yeah, I'm hoping the cold water, and the fact I have to concentrate on learning the sport, will help keep me under control."

"And the showers afterward? I'd kill to see that," Dylan grinned.

"Dude, don't jinx me. It's gonna take all my focus not to throw wood as it is."

Colin ran off to the pool where the coach gathered them on the deck. "Welcome boys. We'll be training hard for the next three weeks and getting you up to speed. Today we'll get you suited up, go through the rules and see how you are in the water. When you signed up you identified your waist size so we could get you the right speedo. Behind you you'll find pigeon holes with your name, and in it you'll find a couple suits and a cap with your number. Go get changed, shower, and get back here in five. Let's go!"

Colin knew most of the 16 guys, and smiled at Martin as he grabbed his stuff. "What number you get?" He asked.

"14. You?" Martin replied.

"36." He said looking at the cap. Martin just nodded and they headed to the change room where Martin made a point of changing a good distance away from Colin. Everyone changed quickly and got back out to the coach.

"Everyone's suit fits? If not, see me after practice. Take a look down boys. If you see pubic hair, learn to shave above the speedo line. Most guys just shave everything. That's up to you, but I don't want to see hair peeking out after today or you'll be practicing naked." Colin hoped none of them would shave, but kept quiet as the guys looked down at themselves first and then at other guys. More than half needed a trim. Colin was happy that Carter had warned him about it ahead of time, so he'd tried on a speedo at home and made sure he was prepared. The coach ran them through an hour of deep-water drills and laps to check their swimming ability. Once they were done, he sent them to the showers, reminding those that needed suit changes to see him. Only one boy required a different speedo. The rest hit the showers. At first no one stripped, until one of the older boys peeled his suit down and threw it off to the side, causing a chain reaction as the rest followed along. Colin stood close to the exit so he could leave fast if the need arose, but he was beyond proud of himself as he stayed flaccid and kept his eyes focused above the waists of the guys. Some had begun talking about shaving, and agreed to get together to help those that didn't have trimmers or razors yet. Colin just got out of there as fast as he could ignoring everyone, including Martin, which wasn't difficult as Martin had ignored him the entire practice.

The following day when Dylan was over, Colin made him wait in the pool until he got into his water polo gear and ran out onto the deck. Dylan began howling with laughter and slapping the top of the water with his hand. "Dude! You look like Princess Leia with those things on the side of your head. And that's such a cute bow!" He said as Colin jumped in the pool to try and drown his boyfriend.

"Shut up," Colin said when they both surfaced. "This is what the team wears."

"The speedos are hot. I can almost see your whole package, but those hats have to go."

"They're caps and the only reason they have the side bulges is for ear protection. Check it out. There's holes in them so we can hear, and padding in case the ball hits us."

"You should all swim naked. You'd get a bigger audience. Or do something cool like divers. At least there's a chance those guys might have a wardrobe malfunction when they hit the water."

"You should show up tomorrow for practice. You might get your wish," Colin teased as he took his cap off.

"Why?" Dylan asked.

"Coach said if anyone shows up at the next practice with pubes showing above their speedo, they swim naked until they shave it."

"Think that'll actually happen?" He asked hopefully.

"I doubt it. No guy is gonna want to be singled out and spend the hour naked during practice."

"You should. We might find more gay boys that way."

Colin just rolled his eyes and the guys changed the subject, and swam around for a while with Colin trying not to touch the bottom of the pool so he could build some stamina for the team. Like he'd predicted, at the next practice all the guys had trimmed their pubes so they weren't showing. The coach began working them as two teams so they could get used to passing the ball, calling out for it and signalling, but the real talk of the day was in the shower when the guys compared who just trimmed and who shaved completely. It was the perfect opportunity to check everyone out, and Colin turned the shower colder so he didn't react to them. He was almost surprised to see that Martin was one of the ones that had completely removed his pubes, considering he had left some of his own. He walked over to him as they headed to the lockers.

"Great job of shaving. Did you do that yourself or go to one of the group things the guys arranged?"

"No, I did it."

"Cool. I only trim as I didn't want to cut anything off," Colin admitted.

"Yeah. Makes sense. I went slow. I should get changed."

"Dude. Are we okay? I mean you haven't really talked to me since we had our physical."

"I've just been busy. Lots of homework too, so I gotta jet buddy." He moved quickly to his locker, leaving Colin to stop and head for his own. It was pretty obvious that Martin had a problem with him.

Dylan and Colin got more comfortable being with each other as they worked on defining their relationship, mostly in private away from their friends. Sex became a regular daily occurrence and while it never took long, they both enjoyed it each time. They had just finished playing a video game and were on the bed with Dylan on his back, while Colin stood at the foot of it fucking him. It was another of the many positions they had been trying out. The bedroom door burst open and Austin rushed in.

"Dude! I got the part!...Oh, shit...sorry," he said stopping in his tracks staring momentarily before turning around.

Colin jumped back as they separated and Dylan's legs dropped to the floor. "Uhhh, it's not what it looks like," Colin stammered almost not knowing what to do.

Austin turned around slowly. "It looked like you were fucking."

"Oh, then it's exactly what it looks like," Colin said with a nervous grin as he sat on the bed to try and block Dylan's penis from Austin's view. "Can you maybe give us a few minutes?"

"Oh sure. Sorry," he said as he went and sat in the desk chair.

"I meant can you give us a few minutes to private?" Colin repeated with clarification.

"Oh. Right. Sorry. Ummm, if I sit here and be quiet, can I watch? I've never seen two guys have sex before."

"Have you even seen a guy and girl have sex before?" Colin challenged.


"That's what I thought," he chuckled. "Should we let him watch?"

"Only if he gets naked too," Dylan responded.

"What?" Austin asked slightly shocked.

"That's only fair. We're naked, so you should be too."

Austin paused for a moment before shrugging and removing his shirt. Then his pants, and hesitated before putting his hand over his crotch and sliding his underwear down. "Happy?"

Dylan nodded with a huge grin as Colin stood back up and put Dylan's legs on his shoulders and re-entered him.

"How long have you guys been doing that?" Austin asked.

"Ten minutes, but can't talk or it'll freak me out," Colin said as he looked over at his friend.

"Sorry, but I meant how long have you two been sexual, not how long have you been fucking today," he clarified. "Doesn't it hurt?"

"Dude! Be quiet or I'll show you what it feels like!" Colin barked at him with a little smile.

"Yes sir!" Austin smirked with his hand still over his crotch giving a half ass military salute with the other hand. Colin couldn't help but notice Austin hiding an erection.

"Move your hand so we can see your dick," Colin ordered.

Austin slowly removed his hand from his crotch.

"Nice one!" Colin grinned, having never seen Austin hard before, despite being naked around each other hundreds of times.

"Really?" Austin said looking down at himself.

"Come over here so we can see it better."

Austin wheeled the chair up, and Colin stared at him as he fucked Dylan. He felt his cock throb harder as he checked out his other friend.

"How big is it?"

"7, I think," Austin replied. Like all guys, he measured it regularly watching for it to get bigger.

"Stand up and show Dylan," he said continuing to bark orders at Austin, somehow feeling it made it less awkward having him watch. Austin got out of the chair to allow his erection to stand out proudly in front of him.

"I can't really see it," Dylan complained.

"Austin, get on the bed and shove it in his face. That'll stop him whining," Colin smirked.

He watched as his friend knelt on the bed getting his dick into the line of sight of his boyfriend. Dylan gave a huge smile and reached up to take hold of it. Austin backed up with a jump.

"Dude, you're not homophobic, are you?" Colin mocked as he stared at Austin.

"No. I'm just not used to someone grabbing my dick is all. I don't care," he said as he moved forward again. Dylan reached up and took a firm hold of Austin's erection.

"Cool!" Colin nodded as he continued to fuck Dylan. "Move closer and he'll suck it for you," Colin offered feeling a weird sense of power, but not really expecting Austin to actually do it. Dylan took the suggestion on himself and shuffled the top of his body towards Austin. No one said anything as Dylan wrapped his lips around Austin's cock and began sucking on the tip. Austin open his mouth slightly at the sensation, looking at Colin who gave him a thumbs up, actually stunned that his straight friend was now getting a blowjob. "Play with his balls too, baby. Give him the full treatment," Colin suggested to see just how far this might go.

Dylan didn't hesitate as he took more of Austin inside his mouth and pulled on the tight ball sac. Colin was trying not to blink in case he missed anything, but could already feel the excitement of it all the way to the tip of his own cock.

"Shit, that's so hot. Fuck, I'm gonna cum. I can't hold it. Unngghhhh!" he grunted as he shot his load inside the tight ass of his partner. Austin was almost paralyzed with intrigue as he focused on everything happening in front of him. Colin pulled out and made a point of showing Austin his wet erection.

"Do you guys do this a lot?" Austin asked as he tried to have a conversation.

"I told you not to talk," Colin grinned as he bossed Austin around having fun with it.

"Yes, sir!" Austin said giving him another half assed salute.

"Pretty good blowjob huh?" Colin asked as he stood behind Austin and used both hands to cup his friend's ass cheeks as if to hold him in place.

Austin nodded as he felt the heat of Colin's body behind him.

"Makes you super crazy horny doesn't it?"

"I'll say. A bit nervous though."

"It passes. Do you wanna fuck him?"

"No! What? I dunno. I've never done that before."

"First time for everything. You got to watch me, seems only fair, right?"

"Ummm, we can't say anything to anyone. I just got a new job and stuff and it would ruin my career."

"How would fucking someone in private ruin your career? I really wanna see what it looks like when he gets fucked." Colin grabbed Austin by the hand and pulled him away from Dylan, leading him off the bed to stand behind his boyfriend. Dylan eagerly lifted his legs and placed them on Austin's shoulders. Colin poured lube on Austin's wet dick and rubbed it in a little more thoroughly than necessary as he felt his friend's penis for the first time. He aimed it at Dylan's ass and watched as he pushed the two together. Both guys gasped at the same time as Dylan's ass accepted the larger cock with ease.

"Oh shit. Shit. This is insane," Austin exclaimed as he felt his cock enter the tight hole.

"But wicked fun right. Go faster. It's even better," Colin said watching closely.

"Yes, sir!" Austin said giving him another half salute as he picked up speed.

"Yes, sir," Colin mimicked. "I like that. Like we're in the military. Drop and give me 20 soldier! 20 thrusts in his tight ass that is!"

Austin chuckled, as he again said "Yes sir" and rose to the challenge. He wrapped his hands around the front of Dylan's thighs to steady himself as he began pounding him faster. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck!" He exclaimed as he thrust in and out. "Do I just cum inside him when I'm ready?"

"Do it. He loves it!" Colin grinned as he got his face right down to watch. He put his hand on Austin's ass to feel each time the cheeks tightened as he thrust in and out. Colin moved onto his knees behind Austin so he could look between his legs and see his balls and shaft as he fucked Dylan. As soon as Colin reached up and took hold of the swinging nuts, Austin took a deep breath and let his orgasm flood Dylan's hole, crying out with a small grunting squeak as he did it.

"Oh shit. Dude, I can't believe I did that," he said as he pulled out. Colin quickly shuffled around to see the large dripping cock. "Ummm, do you have a towel or something?"

Colin jumped up and grabbed some tissues to hand to Austin. "Next time you should wait before you cum. I almost missed it."

"I couldn't hold it back. That was unreal. Not a word though, right?"

"Don't worry. What happens in my room stays in my room. Plus, you're not some big shot celebrity to us ya know. You're just Austin. Don't think if you become super famous that that's gonna change. We'll even let you keep fucking Dylan if you want."

"That's probably a one-time thing. You know, to get it off my bucket list."

"Ya hear that Dylan? You were on his bucket list."

"No, not Dylan. I meant trying sex with a guy. Now I can cross that off."

"Maybe...or maybe you can keep doing it until you get it right. You mustn't have been that good as Dylan is still hard. You never made HIM cum. Maybe next time I'll have to fuck you instead."

"Uh, no thanks. I only came over to tell you that I got the part in the TV show. I wasn't expecting this."

"That's what made it so hot. Not to mention you followed directions well. You'll definitely be a good actor," Colin said as a compliment.

"Thanks?" Austin smirked as he got dressed. "I'm gonna go down and play some basketball. You guys coming?"

"One of us will be in a couple minutes," Colin winked. "You go ahead. We'll be there in a few."

As soon as Austin left, Colin dropped to his knees and began sucking Dylan off as he talked. "That was so hot. If he'd kept going, I'm sure I'd have eaten his ass and tried to fuck him."

"I would have loved seeing that," Dylan replied as he ran his fingers through Colin's hair. "Is his cum dripping out of me?"

"Yeah. Wanna taste it?"

Dylan just nodded, so Colin wiped his finger in it and put it up to Dylan's mouth to let him suck on his finger. "Mmmm. Nice." Colin grinned and tried it himself. Tasted just like cum to him.

"Maybe he'll want to play around again later," Dylan said hopefully.

"I think my boyfriend is a slut." Colin said grinning as he went down on Dylan's shaft.

"Hello? Historical news department... Plus, look who's talking. Wasn't me that bossed him around to get him to have sex with us."

"I didn't boss him around. I encouraged him to work out his inner horny! He just did whatever I said because his brain wasn't in gear. I think all guys might be like that when they need to blow a load. Now grab my hair and hold on for some serious head!"

"Yes, sir!" Dylan grinned duplicating Austin's salute, as he put both hands on Colin's head and enjoyed the blowjob until he came. Colin swallowed it all before climbing on the bed so they could lie together.

"I don't even want to empty the cum out of my ass. It was so hot listening to you tell Austin what to do. I'm gonna be jerking off over that for months."

"Weirdo!" Colin joked. "Are you still drooling over Austin? Let it go already!" The dude is straight. Just `cause he has long hair, and liked putting his dick in your ass, doesn't make him gay you know."

"Doesn't mean he's not! And what do you mean still? It was like 5 minutes ago? Look on the bright side. At least we don't have to worry about telling him that we're together. I think he just figured it out."

They went for a shower and dressed before running down to join Austin playing basketball. "So what part did you get?" Colin asked.

"It's a TV show called Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide. My character is Zippy Brewster."

"Zippy? Who names their kid Zippy?" Dylan laughed.

"Hey, at least I got a speaking role as a regular. This is it man. All my lessons have finally paid off. I'm heading for the Oscars!"

"Isn't TV the Emmy's?" Colin asked frowning slightly.

"I'm heading for the Emmy's!" Austin corrected. "Okay, so that's my big news. Anyone else have anything to share?" He asked with a curious grin.

"No, I'm good. Dylan, you got anything?" Colin said with a dead pan look.

"Nope. Can't think of anything. I bought new shorts yesterday. California type so I fit in," he added trying to stay serious.

"Oh come on! Spill. I tell you everything. I see one of my friends fucking another guy and you don't think that's newsworthy? How long have you guys been having sex? Is it just for fun, or more serious?"

"We're boyfriends. We haven't told anyone yet until we got more comfortable with it. You know, to see how well we fit together."

"Looked like you fit together pretty well from what I saw. Uh, if I can ask? Do you do it the other way around too?"

"The other way around?" Colin asked.

"Yeah, does Dylan fuck you too. `Cause from what I saw he has a massive dick. He's gonna split you open like a piece of wood at a lumberjack convention."

"Graphic. No, I can't take him yet, so I'm the top for now."

"So you're real boyfriends? Like kissing, holding hands, sharing food? Shit like that? Or is it just sex?"

"Nope, real boyfriends. We're gonna come out to everyone, school, parents. The whole thing."

"Wow. Mad respect dude. I'm happy for you!" he said fist bumping them. "I guess I should get you something as a gift. Hmm, what do you get two guys to say congrats on becoming boyfriends?"

"Two other naked guys?" Dylan suggested. They all laughed. "So when do you start your new job?" Dylan asked changing the subject.

"In a couple weeks. They're still casting a few more people and then we shoot up in Santa Clarita. I'm actually freaking out. I mean I trained for this and I know what I'm doing, but I don't want to fuck it up or anything. This will be my first time in a role where I actually have dialog. I mean I have done stuff as an extra before. That's how I met his Dad's studio."

"You do acting too?" Dylan asked Colin.

"No, but sometimes I get sucked into being an extra, especially if I just hanging out at the studios. It's like those people you see in the background of shows that don't say anything, but are just there to fill in a crowd, or sit at a table moving their lips pretending to be talking."

"Cool. I should go and do that." Dylan grinned.

"You totally should, but I can't imagine you being in the background and staying quiet," Colin joked.

"Just give me something sparkly to play with and I'd be fine for hours."

"Or a role where you could lie on your back with your legs up!" Colin added.

"TMI guys!" Austin laughed as they decided to go out and do something for the rest of the day, with Austin telling everyone about his new role.

That night Colin couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned until he finally got up, threw on his underwear and headed into Carter's room. "Bro, you awake?"

"Yeah. What's up little man?" He said as he rolled over to see his brother approach and get into bed with him.

"Can I talk to you...about something serious?"

"Always. Are you in trouble?"

"No, nothing like that. I was curious about something. Like we're brothers and everything, right?"

"Right. Whew! Glad we cleared that up. Good talk dude!" Carter joked.

"Shut up! I mean do you like me?"

"That's a stupid question. Of course not. You're an annoying little shit who wakes me up in the middle of the night."

"Come on Carter, this is serious. Would there ever be a time when you didn't like me?"

"I'm not sure where you're going with this, but I love you. I'd do anything for you. Sometimes, you may do things that make me not like what you did. Like my Porsche, but I will ALWAYS love you no matter what."

"What if I were a serial killer rapist?" Colin tested.

"I'd still love you and visit you in prison as much as I could," He smiled.

"What if I were...ummmm...what if I were gay or something?"

"Could we maybe go back and revisit that serial killer rapist thing?" He joked, then seeing Colin's face change, he immediately continued. "Dude, if you decide you're gay, I couldn't be happier for you. As long as it's who you are and you can be yourself."

"I think I am. I thought maybe I was bisexual, you know since I tried it with a girl, but me and Dylan have been doing stuff, and we've decided to be boyfriends."

"DUDE! That's awesome. Congrats!" He said pulling his little brother against him and giving him a giant hug.

"Dude? Dude...I can't breathe," Colin muffled. "Pits...pits are in my mouth!"

"So, it's pretty serious between you two then?"

"Yeah. You're sure you're okay with it? I mean I know you have been with guys and stuff, but you said you were straight, so I didn't know."

"Colin, I like girls yes, but I don't mind playing around with guys too. I don't really see a label as something that defines me. I'd say I'm straight with gay curiosities."

"Cool. I'm gay with boy part curiosities," Colin said as he relaxed and smiled at his brother.

"Just for the record. I'm glad you put underwear on, before jumping into bed to tell me this, or it could have gotten extremely weird."

"As weird as me seeing you with a guy and girl in your bed?" Colin reminded him.


"I'm happy for you, Colin. As long as you're being yourself, I couldn't be prouder."

"So, that includes my serial killer rapist thing?" He said finally able to joke back to his brother.

"Even that." The boys fell asleep together as Colin finally relaxed.

The next day at school, the new boyfriends decided to test the water and start the process of coming out to others. The first two they chose were a couple of the girls who always flirted with Colin. He'd read that girls usually accepted it easier than boys, so they figured they'd start there. The girls giggled at the announcement and hung on Dylan like he was their new GBF, offering to give him a makeover. They would have dragged him off to the bathroom with them if Colin hadn't stopped them by saying they had others to tell before class. The girls took off saying they'd meet the guys at lunch.

"Girls really like gay guys don't they?" Colin said shaking his head.

"Wait until they invite you to their sleepovers, it's like you become one of their dolls. They want to know all about the boys they like and figure we have the inside scoop. Wait until they ask you if you've seen certain boys' penises, or how they love his dreamy eyes. Girl talk is so weird. "By the way have I told you how dreamy your eyes are and how nice your penis is?"

"Shut up fag!" Colin laughed as he pushed him.

"Mr. Worthington. We don't use that kind of language here," said one of the teachers as he passed by. "Hate speech has zero tolerance."

"Oh, it's okay Mr. Rutger, it's not hate speech. He's my boyfriend, so we're allowed to call each other fags."

"Not on campus you're not. Please find alternative words more appropriate."

"Yes sir," Colin said quickly as the teacher walked off. "Sorry shnooky bear. I guess you'll have to be my big queer instead of my fag, huh?"

"Or just your boyfriend, ya big homo," Dylan laughed.

"Looks who's calling who the big homo!" Brooks said as he came up behind them and slapped Dylan on the back and placed his arm around Colin's shoulder. "What's the agenda after school today? We hitting the surf, or would you prefer quading in the dunes again? Oh wait, sorry. Do gay guys go quading?" He said looking at Dylan.

"Surprisingly we can do anything straight guys can do. It's the 21st century after all," Dylan smirked.

"Everything except fuck chicks! Am I right, Oreo?" He asked putting his fist up for Colin to bump like they were straight bros with an inside secret from the gay guy.

"You got me there, Brooks. But we make up for it by having five times more sex than a straight boy, so it all balances out. Am I right dude?" Dylan mimicked as he held his own fist up for someone to bump. Colin paused and then hit it playfully.

"Probably not as much fun as vagina though. No offense," Brooks countered.

"You're right about that. It's twice the fun as guys know what we like and how our equipment works. But about this quading. I'm in," Dylan said changing the subject.

"Yeah, me too!" Colin agreed.

"Nice. I'll tell the driver to bring the quads and equipment with him and we can leave right after school. We should be back by dinner at around 8. You want to eat at my place?"

"Sounds cool," Colin remarked with Dylan just saying that he had to ask his parents first to be sure. Brooks left and Dylan looked at Colin.

"I really don't like him."

"He's a decent guy deep down. He grows on you."

"So does athlete's foot, but it doesn't make it nice," Dylan mumbled. "How come we didn't tell him we're boyfriends?"

"Brooks is a guy we're better telling in private. He tends to be more of a drama queen than any gay guy you'd meet. Best to keep his reactions in a place where we can control them." They both acted normal all day and hit the dunes after school with Brooks and Preston.

"What's the story with that guy?" Preston asked Colin. "He seems kinda gay."

"Dylan?" Colin clarified. "Oh, that's because he is gay. But dude, be careful you don't say anything. He's a bit of a loose canon. His Dad is in the military and the last guy that called him out for being a fag, he shot claiming self-defence. That's why they moved here from Texas. Plus, he has a real violent side if decides he likes you and you won't let him suck your dick. I've had to give it up several times, and he just told me that he thinks you're super cute. Just play it cool and don't attract attention to yourself. I'll try to keep his focus on me."

"Uhh, yeah. Sure. Great...ummm...thanks," Preston said as Colin tried not to break out laughing. "He sucks your dick?" He asked as he replayed the conversation in his head.

"Dude! Shhhh! He'll hear you. You wanna be next on his gaydar?"

"I thought that what how gay guys found other gays," Preston replied.

"No dude. It's how they choose who they have sex with next. Like Zombies find brains or Vampires find virgin blood. It's just how it is. I mean he gives incredible head, but I'm willing to take one for the team to keep him focused. Just be cool and treat him like one of the guys. Don't piss him off."

"Got it. Thanks," Preston said as he pulled his helmet back down and took off across the dune.

When they all stopped for some water a little while later, Preston stared at Dylan before taking off again.

"What was that look all about?" Dylan asked as he noticed the weird stare. Colin relayed what he'd told him. "Dude. He's gonna think I'm some psycho."

"Or he's gonna let you suck his dick. Either way, he won't be making gay jokes around you."

"That blows. I like gay jokes," Dylan grinned. "Like, why can't gays drive faster than 68 mph? Because at 69, they blow a rod', or what did the Moose say after leaving the gay bar? Man, I blew like fifty bucks in there!'" He giggled at his own jokes.

"You're weird," Colin said shaking his head and took off.

"Well, at least I didn't tell you the one about the cowboy, the police officer and the actor who walked into a gay bar... no punchline, just a fantasy!" he said as he raced after the guys on his quad.

After they were finished and the vehicles were loaded up on the trailer, Preston asked if he could be dropped off at home as he couldn't stay for dinner as he had a huge assignment due tomorrow that he hadn't started. Brooks asked if he were sure and told him he could stay for something to eat and then go.

"Yeah," Dylan remarked. "We all need showers to clean up and then maybe hang out in the pool for a bit afterward. Are we allowed to skinny dip here?"

"That would be a non-starter. My parents wouldn't be as accepting with that as Colin's," Brooks replied.

"Too bad, I love skinny dipping. I may have to borrow a pair of shorts then."

Preston looked at Dylan who licked his lips, trying to be seductive. He quickly turned away and Colin thumped Dylan on the leg as a playful warning. Dylan gave a knowing shrug and smile. "What? You started it."

"I should go. I really have to get this project done," Preston said suddenly. He left quickly not waiting to be talked out of it.

Once he left and the three guys had had something to eat, they hung out in Brooks' room. "Ummm, dude. We have something to tell you," Colin said feeling slightly nervous.

"Yes, I have been informed. Congratulations and all that," Brooks said as he fired up the video game system.

"You already know we're boyfriends?"

"What! No, I meant that you passed the physical for the water polo team. What? You two are boyfriends? When did that situation arise?"

"We made it official yesterday," Colin replied.

"Damn. I thought all those babes you were having intercourse with meant you were straight for sure."

"So, the sucking your dick didn't give it away?" Colin grinned.

"Ixnay on the uckingsay, Oreo. I thought that was just a phase. I guess a varied congratulations are in order then." As quickly as it was announced, it was forgotten and they played video games.

"What did Brooks mean by `all the babes you were fucking?'" Dylan asked as they rode home later.

"Oh, everyone thinks I've been having sex since I was 12 and that I've done all the girls in school. The girls like to pretend they've been with me and the guys just believe the rumors, so I really never found any reason to correct them. The only girl I've ever been with was the one in Vancouver, which is the same time I did a guy too. It was pretty obvious which was better."

"Oh, great, now the whole school is gonna think I stole you from the girls. The big fag from Texas corrupts the popular kid," Dylan said only half joking.

"Or more like I ran out of girls and have decided to try out guys now."

"So, I'm the first in your line of conquests?"

"Yep! My first boyfriend conquest!" Colin grinned as they kept joking.

"Oh, so now I'm a conquest? I'll bet I could get more guys in a single day than you could get girls."

"Probably. For two reasons. First, girls don't just jump into bed like guys, and second, you're so smokin' hot that even straight boys will want you." Colin stopped his bike and waited for Dylan to come up next to him. He leaned in and kissed him. "Wanna go back to my place and fool around?"

"Does the US Navy have the second largest air force in the world?" Dylan grinned.

"Uhhh... is that a yes?" Colin asked frowning.

"That's a yes!"

"Who has the first largest air force?" Colin asked out of curiosity.

"The US Air force, duh!" Dylan grinned as they took off again.

"Wait, so why does the US Navy have planes? Wouldn't they just be considered the air force riding on ships?"

"How would I know? That's just how it is."

They arrived at Colin's place, dropped their bikes on the driveways and raced to the bedroom. They had their clothes off almost before the door closed behind them. For the next hour, they were a tangle of arms and legs. Colin had Dylan on his back with legs on his shoulder and was gently fucking him as they kissed, then sat up slightly and stopped moving.

"What's up?" Dylan asked looking at his boyfriend. "Did you cum?"

"Not yet. Close though. I was just thinking how perfect this is. Our bodies are together like we're one person. I'm inside you, and kissing makes me feel amazing. You're awesome dude."

"I think you're awesome too. I love it when you cum in me. It's like I take part of you home with me each time," he replied as they kissed again and Colin resumed fucking. He announced when he was cumming, and waited until each throbbing pulse had subsided before he pulled out. Then he moved down to suck Dylan to his own climax. Once Colin had a mouth full of warm boy juice, Dylan grinned and pulled Colin back up so they could kiss again. They lay intertwined enjoying being close. Dylan looked into Colin's eyes.

"Do you really give Brooks blowjobs?"

"Yeah, I did when I learned how to do it. I wanted him to see what they were like. I'll stop now that you and I are together though."

"You don't have to. I'd love to blow him. What's his dick like? You should get him to trim his pubes though, it's like a hairy forest down there."

"The same as mine?" he asked sitting partially up. "If you want Brooks trimmed, you tell him. You'd want to blow him? I thought you didn't even like him?"

"I don't think he likes me, but giving him head might change his mind, don'tcha think?"

"Who knows. Brooks is strange like that. One minute you'll be sucking his dick, the next he's calling you a fag. Just depends what social circle he's been with that day."

"Yeah, I noticed he's kinda stuck up sometimes and other times he's just like us. But he does use fancier words than most guys our age."

"That's Brooks. Just gotta figure out what mood he's in so you know how to act. Don't worry I'll help you with it when I can."

"What mood is it when he lets you blow him. I think I'd like that one."

"When he comes over horny because some girl rejected him."

"Which is a lot I'm guessing?"

"More than he'll ever admit," Colin laughed as they went back to cuddling before heading for the shower to clean up.

"So, day one at school was a success," Dylan said after they got dressed. "So tomorrow do you wanna go in holding hands?"

"Nope!" Colin replied quickly trying not to grin.

"Okay. Too soon I guess huh?"

"No dumbass. Tomorrow is Saturday. No school!" He howled with laughter. "We should probably tell our friends first before the whole school. I mean it's only fair to people we already know, right?"


"Okay, we'll tell them tomorrow and see how it goes, and then Monday we can walk into school holding hands," Colin said trying to sound a lot more confident than he was feeling. Dylan was just as nervous, but holding it together as he really wanted a boyfriend like Colin and would follow his lead.

Chapter 5 Colin bounced down the stairs, his heart pounding with nervousness, but determined that today was the day. He joined the family at the table. "`Morning! Could you pass the Rice Krispies please?" He poured himself a bowl full and poured milk on them, listening as they began to snap crackle and pop, which he always found amusing. "Oh, by the way. I'm gay and I have a boyfriend. Oh, and I'm not a virgin anymore. Cool huh?" He blurted out as he took a spoonful of cereal.

Carter almost choked on his breakfast, and Ethan looked at his wife with raised eyebrows.

"And good morning to you too," Ethan said turning his attention to his son. "So that's big news before my morning coffee."

"What is?" Colin asked staring at his Dad trying to play it cool.

"That you're gay."

"Oh, that. I thought you meant the virgin thing. That's old news. Yeah, Dylan and me decided to be boyfriends. I mean we've been hanging out for a few weeks already so we made it official."

"Is it serious?" Ethan asked.

"He's kinda serious, but don't call him an `it', Dad. He's a human being just like us," Colin smirked.

"I meant is the relationship serious, smartass?"

"I dunno yet. It's still new. Dad, like they say. Sometimes you have to test drive a few cars to know all the features you want before you buy one."

Ethan glared at Carter.

"Hey, don't look at me. I didn't teach him that."

Colin quickly finished his breakfast and put his dishes in the dishwasher. "Gotta run. Me and Dylan are meeting all the guys to tell them the news." He raced out of the house. The rest of the family sat in silence for a minute before Carter broke out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Ethan asked sitting back in his chair.

"Colin. I wouldn't have dared have the balls to make an announcement like that. It was bad enough telling you I had a girlfriend when I was 15, and I sure as hell wasn't going to tell you when I had sex. I guess a lot has changed in eight years."

"Do you think he's really gay, or was that just him trying to shock us?" Ethan asked.

"No idea for real, but from the questions he's been asking me lately, I'd say that he'd been hinting at it for a while, even though he's dated girls too."

"Do you think he's had sex with them?"

"I couldn't say for sure," he lied. "But he did ask me about it and wanted information about condoms, so it's possible."

"Is this just a phase?" Margaret inquired.

"Would it matter?" Carter inquired carefully.

"No, not really. I guess I just wasn't ready for my little boy to grow up yet. I figured I had a few more years. Well if he is gay, I guess it'll be up to you to give me some grandkids."

"Okay, but I was only taking the girl I'm dating to the art gallery today. I could call and see if she wants to change our plans."

"Smart ass. I didn't mean today," she smiled, reaching out to tap him on the arm.

"I don't mind. We're happy to get to it, if you want to be a granny that bad."

"I can wait. And don't EVER call me granny," she said shaking her head with a smile. "Ethan, I think you should have the talk with him."

Carter laughed. "The talk? Is that the birds and the bees, or the birds and the birds or the bees and the bees? I never did understand which one was doing what to who. Trust me, if he's not a virgin anymore then you might be too late for the talk," he said knowing full well that his little brother wasn't a virgin with either boys or girls, but keeping that information to himself.

"Probably a good idea to talk to him anyway. I may have to research the same sex relationship dynamics before he gets back though."

"Oh, please let me listen in on this one. I may need to know the information too ya know. You never talked to me about gay sex," Carter teased.

"You don't need that talk. Unless there's something you haven't been telling us, especially with the stream of girls coming and going since you were a kid."

"Nope. I just really wanna see this. I still remember the talk you and I had. I think I was blushing more than you before you were done. Just remember for this talk...part A no longer goes into hole B. It goes in hole C. And when you take the car out for a ride there are now two joysticks instead of one, both of which leak a lot of oil before the rubber seal needs to be in place."

"Carter!" his mother said quickly.

"What? I'm just saying that he seriously needs to change up his metaphors if he's gonna talk to Colin," he laughed. He would have paid big money to hear his Dad fumble through this one.

Colin rode over to Dylan's place and they sat out in his back yard for a bit, covertly holding hands and sneaking kisses.

"So when should we tell your parents about us?"

"We should tell my parents in Never-ary, and only when my Dad isn't cleaning his guns."

"Dude. They already know you're gay, right? And you already texted them before to say you might have a boyfriend. The hardest parts are over. We just go in holding hands and they'll get the message."

"Yep, and then we'll be pinned to one of those paper target things and sent down range so he can empty a magazine in us, or use a bayonet and cut off our hands."

Colin laughed. "You're hilarious. Your parents seem super cool. I just told my parents at breakfast and I think they might still be sitting at the table frozen in place from shock."

"You told them?"

"Yep. I said `Morning. I'm gay and I have a boyfriend and I'm not a virgin anymore, and then came over here."

"Holy crap! Did you tell them I was your boyfriend?"


"What did they say?"

"Umm, not a lot. I think my Mom went into a coma. My brother almost choked on his breakfast, and my Dad asked if it was serious."

"What did you tell him?"

"I said it was, and then I left," he grinned.

"Oh shit! What if they say we can't be together?"

"They'd never do that. My parents are pretty open minded. That's why I just ripped the band-aid off like that. They'll spend the day thinking about it, and by the time I get home, it'll be like I've always been gay with a boyfriend. Plus my Dad owns an entertainment empire. He's used to gay people. I can just be his liaison."

"What's a liaison?"

"Someone who can help him talk to gay people and understand them."

"Oh," Dylan replied trying to figure out how that would work actually.

"We should get going. I told the guys we'd meet them at Vanderman's in an hour, and we're stopping to pick up Brooks first. I figure we go in holding hands and take it from there."

"Vanderman. That's Preston, right?"


"Dude, I'm super nervous. What if they do freak out and don't accept it?"

"They'll be fine. We've talked about gay guys before, and they already like you and know you're gay. They had to figure you'd get a boyfriend at some point. Plus like Carter says if someone doesn't like you for who you are, you move on and hang out with people that do."

"Texas is different. They have that stand your ground law. Shoot people that scare you. I like California better," he grinned as they got on their bikes to start their big day.

Colin walked in the main doors of Brooks' house without knocking and headed up to his room where they found him on the computer. "Dude! `Sup?" Colin said as he gave him a bro handshake.

"Just checking the swells. See where the place to be is. I've just purchased a new board that I'm going to try out."

"Won't help. You'll still suck," Colin teased.

"Says the face plant king of So-Cal!"

"That would be me!" Dylan added putting his hand up.

"You're the queen," Brooks laughed. "Are we heading for Vanderman's? I don't want to miss the surf."

"Yeah. We're gonna let the guys know we're boyfriends as well," Colin announced.

"This will make for an interesting morning," Brooks said rolling his eyes slightly. They arrived at Preston's just a few minutes late to ensure all their friends were already waiting.

"You ready?" Colin asked as they dumped their bikes on the lawn.

"Nope, but let's do it anyway," he said swallowing hard as Colin took his hand. Dylan was used to being the outgoing one, but this time he was so nervous he could feel his toes sweating. If Colin's friends didn't approve, he'd lose a shitload of new friends too.

"You'll be fine," Brooks assured them, almost dismissively.

The rang the doorbell and Preston opened it and let them in. At first, he didn't notice the two holding hands, but by the time they got to the kitchen everyone saw them together, and stopped talking. Austin just grinned and didn't say a word.

"Uh, this is new? You guys superglued together or are we being punk'd?" Treyvon asked. "I know Austin is now a celebrity and all, but isn't it a little early for Ashton Kutcher to pop out?"

"No, we're not punking you. Dylan and have decided to be boyfriends."

"Bullshit," Preston said quickly. "Dude I've known you since we were like kids. You're straight."

"I'm kinda still figuring it out, but I'm pretty sure I like boys, so we decided to make it official."

"Congratulations guys," Austin said pretending this was the first he'd heard about it. He stepped forward and fist bumped them.

"Yeah, congrats?" Grayson added with a slight question to his voice. "Umm, I guess you two look cute(?) together."

"Thanks," Dylan grinned slightly relieved.

"Vanderman, you okay with this?" Colin asked Preston.

"Sure, if that's what you want. Just surprised is all. I never figured you to be gay. No offense or anything."

"Non taken. Treyvon?"

"Yeah, dude, no worries brah. Just don't be trying to stick anything in me or anything. I guess we better all get girlfriends so that we don't look like your entourage."

"Get real bro!" Colin grinned. "You've always been my entourage! And never fear, we'd not be interested in sticking anything in you."

"`Cause I'm black?" he said quickly.

"Because you're straight. Way to play the back card, Trey," Colin said shaking his head.

"Dude, you know what they say. Once you go black, you never go back."

"Who says that?" Grayson asked.

"They. The them that is they!" Treyvon replied grinning.

"Why do they say that? I've always wondered," Brooks inquired.

"It's because we're better lovers than you. Not to mention we have massive dicks! Not those little cocktail wienies you white guys call penises."

"He's obviously never seen you naked, babe," Colin grinned looking at Dylan. Austin just looked down at the ground and grinned to himself, knowing the truth in that statement.

"Are we waiting for Patterman?" Treyvon asked.

"No, Martin texted and said he's sick today. We're all here."

"Great, let's go surfing, or do you two need to do your hair and makeup before we go?" Preston asked with a teasing smirk.

"Oh great! Homo jokes already," Colin replied "Well at least we shower and don't put our underwear on backwards and call it a `fresh pair'."

"Once. I did that once!" Preston said as the mood lightened.

"Yeah, but he also turned them inside out and wore them for two more days," Brooks added jokingly, and they got back to normal.

As they gathered their stuff and all headed out, Brooks came up to Dylan and put his arm around his shoulder, leading him out of earshot of the other guys. "So, are you two going down each other's rabbit holes?"


"Are you fornicating; having intercourse?" He rephrased.

Dylan just looked at him for a second without answering. Not because he didn't understand the question, but because he wasn't sure whether Colin would want him to reveal anything.

"You know..." Brooks added, making a circle with the fingers on one hand and pushing his pointer finger of the other hand through it. "Fucking."

"Ummm, yeah. Starting to do stuff."

"Well, I just want you to know he's my best friend. You hurt him and I'll be coming for you with everything in my repertoire."

"What's a repertoire? Is that like a fancy suitcase?" Dylan asked looking at Brooks almost comically.

"Just don't lead him on and hurt him, or you answer to me," he clarified.

"I'd never hurt Colin. Do you mean like with fucking, or in general?" He asked just to be sure.

"In general. You mess with his head; you lose yours in an unexpected accident. Got it?"

"Got it. But I'd never do anything to make Colin unhappy."

"See that it stays that way. He's a good guy, but don't tell him I said that. He'll get an ego. I'm guessing he told you that he's given me several blowjobs?"

", but you did when we told you we were boyfriends," Dylan replied not wanting to reveal things that Colin told him.

"Right. Well, I'm okay if you both want to enjoy my penis sometime. I have enough for both of you. But no homo shit. I'm not into that," he warned as he tapped Dylan on the chest with an open palm and let go of him to head back to the group. Colin had seen them talking and came up to Dylan.

"What was that all about?"

"Not much. Brooks was just doing his job as your best friend. Warning me not to hurt you, or he'd end me."

"I guess he hasn't seen how big your dick is. That's gonna hurt me for sure."

Dylan smiled. "He also said he'd let us both blow him if we wanted to as he has enough cock for both of us. But warned that he's not into any gay shit."

"What's his definition of gay shit?" Colin asked with a grin. Dylan just shrugged.

Austin came up to the guys. "Nicely done dudes. Best in a group so that if anyone freaked out, they'd look like homophobes to everyone else. Proud of you for coming out. Mega props!"

"Thanks Austin. It means a lot coming from you," Dylan replied with a giant smile. Colin nudged Dylan in the ribs. "What?"

"Reign it in. They'll be able to see your boner from space. He still jerks off thinking about you," Colin said looking at Austin.

Dylan blushed. "I do not!" He said trying to defend himself as they got on their bikes and headed to the beach.

"I love summer. So many hot chicks," Preston said as they grabbed something eat and hit the boardwalk. "Sorry. Didn't mean to leave you out. Also guys," he added.

"No, we're cool with hot chicks too," Dylan added. "Boobs are nice to look at too."

"Gay guys like boobs?" Preston asked.

"Dude. Everyone likes boobs," Grayson replied.

"Here's how I figure it," Dylan said going full gay for the conversation. "Straight boys look at hot chicks at the beach in bikinis. They drool over them and become as horny as fuck, causing their brains to lose cognitive function while they try to figure out how to pick up the girls. Meanwhile the girls are not interested in guys spewing testosterone and tripping over their tongues with cheesy pickup lines. In steps the gay guy, who joins the girl in laughing at the straight boy fumbling over himself. The straight boy figures the gay guy has some secret to getting a chick so he makes friends with him to get close to the girl," he said definitively.

"Sounds like a win for the gay guy. How would the straight guy get the girls in that scenario?" Treyvon asked.

"Uh...are you not keeping up?" Dylan grinned. "It's simple. Now the girl thinks that the straight boy might not be all that straight, so she gets jealous thinking that he's getting some action and doesn't need her. She makes the next move trying to convince, what she thinks is a gay guy, into trying sex with a girl. Next thing you know she's converted' the gay' guy into being straight."

"What does the gay guy get then? I'm confused."

"Uh...he gets a horny straight boy as a friend, who may want a handie or blowjob when the girl isn't as forthcoming as he'd like."

"Bullshit!" Austin laughed.

"If you say so, but I know at least three straight boys back home that enjoyed some blue balls relief!"

"What are you complaining about?" Colin asked Austin. "Once they find out you're an actor on a TV series, panties will be coming off faster than in a hurricane." Austin just shrugged.

"I do fine on my own. Who wouldn't want all of this?" Treyvon said standing up and showing off to his friends.

"Girls?" Brooks teased.

"Fuck you!"

The guys changed topics and went to grab ice cream. Colin and Dylan decided to share one and as they walked holding hands, they were pretty much lost in each other's world as they enjoyed being together, oblivious to almost everyone around them, until they all sat again further down the beach. The guys had been incredibly supportive of their relationship so far.

Colin returned home by dinner time, and they didn't discuss the bombshell announcement from breakfast, although Carter kept trying to stir it up.

"How was the beach? Surf any good?" He asked Colin as they ate dessert.

"It was alright. Nothing major. We got in a few good sets. Took a break after lunch though. We had a hot dog eating contest and we were way to stuffed to go back in the water. I'd have puked for sure."

"Not used to that many wieners at once?" He teased.

Ethan just stared at his eldest son almost as a warning. Carter ignored him.

"I won, but I was only able to do six. I'm surprised I'm even hungry right now. But we played volleyball, football and even a little soccer, so that kinda helped."

"Sounds like you played with a lot of balls, huh?"

"Yeah, there were lots of guys down there that we could join in with. Preston's a pretty good soccer player."

"Prefers kicking the balls as opposed to grabbing them with his hands?" Carter teased.

"I guess," Colin replied.

"Okay, enough Carter. Colin, I think we need to talk about the elephant in the room."

"Dad...if there's an elephant in the room we should probably run. Talking about it isn't gonna help much, unless you have a ton of tranquilizer darts, or a mouse," he giggled.

"Let's go to my study," Ethan suggested causing Colin's face to immediately change. The study was only used for serious things. He swallowed hard and followed his Dad into the private room and watched as the door clanged shut like a prison cell. It didn't really clang, but when your nerves had just shot up to 30, he began imagining the worst. He'd been so caught up having fun with the new experience, that he forgot that there might be some unwelcome real-world consequences.

"Have a seat, son," he said as they moved to the big leather chairs. The type you sit in near a fireplace to have cigars and a brandy.

"Am I in trouble? Are you guys gonna throw me out?" Colin asked trying to hold back tears that were just under the surface as his father stared at him.

"No. Throw you out? Never. Look, I just wanted to talk to you about your big announcement this morning."

"Which one?" Colin asked quietly, since he'd said three big things.

"How about we start at the beginning, and your announcement that you're gay."

"Ummm, I could stay straight, if you're mad at me," he said quickly trying to backpedal.

"Colin. Relax, son. You're not in trouble and I don't want you to be anyone but who you are. Look, growing up is all about figuring out who you are. Let me see if I can make it simpler. When you're a toddler, your parents pick out your clothes for you, and tell you what to eat, right?"

Colin nodded.

"Then as you get a little older, you start to pick out your own clothes and decide which food you like and dislike. You decide which sports you prefer over others, and over time it forms your identity. Sometimes you stay with the same things, other times your tastes and interests change. You with me so far?"


"Well, now you're a teenager. Hormones are raging. Sex becomes a huge part of your interests and curiosities. Sometimes you'll find one thing fascinating, like maybe masturbation. But eventually you learn something else and you try that, and then other things, until you figure out who you are, right?"

"Right. Exactly," Colin said, relaxing slightly.

"So, Carter said you'd been asking him questions about sex. Was he able to answer them for you?"

"Sure. He knows lots."

"I think you have an advantage over a lot of boys with older siblings in the fact that Carter is nine years older than you. If there'd been only a couple of years difference, you and I might have had to spend a lot more time sorting out fact from fiction. Do you want to talk about this boyfriend?

"No, I'm good."

"Can I ask you a stupid question, and please forgive me, as I'm still new to some of this myself. Does Dylan...I'm assuming that's who your boyfriend is..."

Colin nodded.

"Is he gay and does HE know you're boyfriends?"

"Ummm, yeah! I mean we're dating, so I'm pretty sure he knows he's gay."

"Okay. Then I think we have to have the same rules for the two of you that we had with Carter until he turned 18."

"Rules? Like what?"

"Like no girls sleeping over and keeping the bedroom door open if a girl was in his room."

"I can do that. No girls sleeping over. Done deal!"

Ethan laughed. "Nice try. But in your case, it's going to have to be boys."

"Wait! What? That's not fair. My friends sleep over all the time. That's communism or against the sixth amendment or something!" He said getting agitated.

"Not so much communism as parenting."

"Okay, so I can have girls sleepover then?"

Ethan sent his brain into overdrive. "Have you had sex with girls?"

"Yes. It's not as easy as with boys, but yeah."

"Then I think until you figure out who you are for certain, we have to limit sleepovers for now."

"That's not fair Dad. Carter got to have boys sleep over."

"But Carter isn't gay, and he wasn't interested in having sex with them."

Colin almost spewed out what he knew about Carter, and the guys he did, but he kept himself composed as screwing up the bro code could open a flood gate of damage right now. "Ummm, still not fair, Dad. That means none of my friends could sleep over ever. I'm not having sex with all of them ya know."

"True, but I still think it wouldn't look right to have a boy in your bed when your current interests lie in boys."

"Okay. Fine I'll be straight then."

"I'm not sure that's how it works, son. Let me think on it. We should all sit down together and talk to your new boyfriend though."

"Are you gonna torture him?"

"Of course. We have a bright lights and a chair in the basement that we use for such events," he joked while trying to sound serious. "We're just interested in who is in your life, and a new relationship can be a big change. Are you having sex with him already?"

"Do I need a lawyer?" Colin asked suspiciously.

"No. It's just a question."

"I think I have to take the fifth Dad."

"Alright. Good use of invoking that right. Do you have any questions you want to ask regarding being gay, or having a sexual relationship with someone?"

"Ummmm...I was wondering who is supposed to pay when we go on dates?" He didn't really care about the answer, but he thought it sounded somewhat responsible, and that he should at least ask something to make his Dad feel like he was participating.

Ethan laughed. "Good question. If this was in my time. The man would pay, but since women's, it's still pretty much the same...the man pays."

"So which one is the man when it's two boys? Oh it the one with the biggest penis? Carter said something about a pissing contest. Should I use that?"

"No, pretty sure that's not the definition of a man...or of a pissing contest for that matter."

"Is it the one of us that's the hairiest, causing we're both pretty smooth right now. Except know...down there."

"No, don't think that's a measure you should use either. It's a good question. How about you give me a little time to think on it? Meanwhile, I suggest going Dutch for now. Meaning you split the bill, or each pay for your own part of the date."

"Sure. Okay."

"Any other questions?"

"Do we share who gets to be on the top when we have sex?"

Now Ethan found himself squirming in his chair. "Again, I'll have to get back to you on that. Do they teach same sex things in school?"

"Not really. They talk mostly about how a girl gets pregnant. How sperm and eggs get together. All the parts and stuff, but not how two boys are supposed to put their parts together. Did you know a boy has a magic spot in his bum that a girl doesn't have? They didn't teach that, but I learned it from someone."

"The prostate. Yes. That one I know about."

"Cool. Do you use it?"

"Wow, Carter wasn't kidding. This is way harder than when I talked to him about the birds and the bees. I'll be honest, Colin, I know very little about same gender sex. I may have to study up on it a bit. I think I'd have been more prepared if I'd had some advance warning."

"That's cool Dad. I can learn most of it from the internet. I'm just glad you're not gonna throw me out."

"Son, no matter what you did, we'd never throw you out. We love you unconditionally. We may not like some things you do, but it would never stop how we feel about you deep down."

"So, you don't like me having sex with a boy?"

"I think right now; both your Mom and I are still working on the fact that you're having sex at all. We figured we still had time before that happened, so boy or girl, I think it would be the same. I get it, and figured you'd been masturbating since you hit puberty or maybe even sooner. Your Mom still wants you to be her little boy. Sex is the whole next level for a parent to deal with."

"You'll be okay Dad," Colin said trying to sound comforting. "So, Dylan can still come over and hang out right?"

"Yes, just no sleepovers for now until we think about it a bit more. Oh, and one last thing. I think you should wear shorts when you go swimming with him too. No more skinny dipping."

"Oh, come ON! Even Carter and I skinny dip, Dad! And I've never worn shorts with Brooks or Martin my entire life!"

"Yeah, well you're not having sex with Carter or Brooks. Just humor me until I give it some thought. How about we talk again tomorrow?"

"Okay. Meanwhile I'll just go to my room, put on my Nun outfit and not have any friends."

"Good. That should make your Mother feel better," he grinned knowing Colin was kidding but feeling for him. "Would you send Carter in to see me."

"Yeah." He opened the door to the study. "CARTER!!!! DAD WANTS TO SEE YOU!!"

"I could have done that," Ethan mumbled under his breath.

Carter entered the study and closed the door behind him. "Yeah Dad?" He said sitting down.

"I need your advice since you're closer in generation to your brother than I am. I talked to Colin and he had some question that my answers may not have been completely right."

"Like which part goes into which hole and for how long?"

"No, like boys sleeping over or hanging out in his room, or skinny dipping in the pool. He even asked who paid on dates."

"Nice. The little dude brought out the heavy artillery and smoked you right out of the gate. What did you say?"

"I said he would have to have the same rules that you had, except with boys instead of girls. They couldn't sleep over and he had to leave his bedroom door open. Then he hit me with whether that meant girls could sleep over then."

"Told you I wanted to be a fly on the wall for this. And you said?"

"I told him no to any sleepovers and that he also couldn't go skinny dipping anymore."

"So, is he up in his room packing to move out?" Carter joked.

"No. I told him I'd get back to him tomorrow on it."

"And the who pays on date thing. How'd that go?"

"I told him how it is between boys and girls and how the man normally pays, but under his circumstance they probably would just share. Oh, I forgot. He also asked if they should change who gets to be on top when they have sex."

"Boom! He sank your battleship!" Carter howled snapping his fingers.

"I'll say. Any advice?"

"We could sell him. Get something different on Amazon and have it here with Prime in a couple days."

"If that was an option, you might not be here now!" Ethan laughed.

"If I can be blunt, Dad. We're dudes. It doesn't matter if he's gay, straight, bi or whatever. He's gonna have sex. If he can't do it here, he'll go somewhere else. In the trees, camping, hitting a public bathroom, under the school bleachers. It doesn't matter. If he's gay, it probably just means that sex is gonna be more frequent and a hell of a lot easier to get. He can check guys out in locker rooms or change rooms, so making him wear shorts when swimming isn't really gonna change much, except to make it a forbidden thing that he'll want that much more. I found that it's like eating chocolate. At first you can't get enough, but after a while, you slow down until you only want it occasionally. Right now he's a kid in a candy store and you're making him shoplift."

"When did you get so smart?"

"Thursday. Something about being bitten by a radioactive bug. It's your rules, but if I were in your shoes, and knowing how your rules affected me, I'd go the other way."

"What's that mean? How they affected you?"

"Did you really think that telling me I couldn't have girls in my room meant I didn't have sex when I was a teenager? It just made it that much hotter knowing it was such a big deal. Like when you can't drink until you're 21 or smoke pot. The more no's you get the more exciting it is to do it. If I were a Dad I'd try the whole reverse parenting on it."


"Bluntly. Give him permission to screw his brains out. I know it's a stereotype, but don't Dads get all like `that's my boy!' when his son gets laid for the first time, and it's only the girl's Dad that sits you under the interrogation lamp to ask what your intentions are with his daughter? Who's got the lamp with two gay guys?"

"Not sure that's sound logic, but I'm listening."

"So, let him have sleepovers and go skinny dipping. Make it no big deal. Don't forget, most of his friends are straight, so they're not gonna be looking for sex with Colin, or be even interested. It's only the gay or curious ones you have to think about, and he's gonna find a way to do them regardless. Why not embarrass the hell out of him? Offer him condoms in front of his boyfriend. Ask if they need more lube while you're out. Talk to them about the mechanics of gay sex in great detail and I promise he'll not want to rush off and do it as much, knowing that you're approving of it and giving him tips."

"Not sure your mother is gonna buy into that, but I can see some of your points."

"Better to have him here where you know what he's up to, as opposed to cruising bushes, parks and toilets looking for strangers because he can't get laid at home. As for who's on top, let them figure it out. A couple times having a cock shoved up your ass the wrong way without lube, and the gay sex is reduced to blowjobs and hand holding."

"Graphic, but acknowledged."

"As for dating. I figure whoever asks the other out, pays. If they're just hanging out as friends and not an official `date', they go Dutch."

"I think you missed your calling son. You should be a life coach, or therapist."

"I'll stick with real estate developing. Lot more money in that. Plus who'll take over the empire when you croak, Lord Vader?"

"Get out of here before I use the Force on you!" Ethan laughed.

"That's what Colin will need when he fucks his boyfriend dry."

"Is it too late to sell both of you on Ebay and start again?"

"Hey! I'm the good son, remember?"

"Jury's not back on that yet."

Ethan went to talk to his wife, and although she was resistant to the idea, gave in to try it, with only the caveat that the bedroom door remain at least half open if he was going to have his friends sleep over. The decision was relayed to Colin who gave his parents a huge hug and said he'd be responsible. He raced off to call his boyfriend and the last thing Ethan and Margaret heard him say was `and they're cool with us having sex when you sleepover.'

"So it begins," Margaret said to her husband. "Just remember, this is on you if it goes sideways."

"As Carter would say, at least if they go sideways, they don't have to decide who's on top."

"I asked for girls. I really did!" She said as he went to the kitchen.

Ethan laughed to himself. "Yeah, at least for girls I have guns as a deterrent."

The next time Dylan came over, Ethan decided to try Carter's advice and took both boys into his study. While Colin was a lot more at ease with it than Dylan, they were both still incredibly nervous.

"So Dylan, you're dating my son?"

"Yes sir," he replied respectfully after swallowing hard.

"You know I own multiple guns, right?"

"DAD!" Colin yelled. "Ignore him."

"So does my Dad, sir. He's in the military."

"And does he know the two of you are together?"

"Not yet sir. We haven't officially told my parents yet."

"Do they know you're gay?"

"Yeah, that part they do. They just don't know that Colin is my boyfriend yet."

"And do you plan on telling them?"

"Oh, yes sir. Definitely. I just have to make sure all the guns are locked up and I hide the ammo."

"Wise decision," Ethan said trying not to smirk. "What are your intentions with my son?"


"DAD! Knock it off. You're gonna freak him out. He's trying to do the whole straight dating scare thing. His intention is to screw my brains out, but he's too big for me right now," he said bluntly.

"Okay. Not called for. I'm just trying to get to know your significant other."

"Dad, Dylan. Dylan, Dad. The rest you can learn as we go. Come on Dad, this is creepy can we go please? We're supposed to be at Brooks' to go ATVing."

"Alright have fun. Nice to officially welcome you to the family, Dylan," Ethan said as he stood up to shake his hand. Dylan returned the handshake. As they headed out Ethan put two fingers up to his eyes before pointing them at Colin, who just rolled his own eyes and shook his head.

"I almost peed myself," Dylan said as they raced out of the house. "I thought you said he was cool with it?"

"He is. He's just trying to be a parent. Ignore him and just be yourself and he'll treat you just like a son. Maybe even better."

Monday morning Colin had Mark stop by Dylan's to pick him up before they got dropped off at school, and almost instantly several people ran up to them, mostly girls. "So is it true?" One girl asked.

"Yes, it's true!" Colin grinned. "I made the water polo team!"

"Oh, I meant is it true that you and Dylan are boyfriends?"

"Oh that? Yeah, that's true."

"Oh wow. Do you wanna be my GBF?" the girl asked.

"GBF?" Colin asked.

"Gay Best Friend!" she almost shrieked with delight.

"No, I already have a gay best friend. Dylan," he pointed out.

"No, it means a straight person gets you as their gay best friend. It's a thing!" she announced as the other girls agreed.

"Are you going to start a gay/straight alliance?" Another asked.

"Nope. I'm going to my locker to get my books for my first class."

"You should run for the first ever gay student body president," suggested another girl.

"If I ran for president, then I'd just run as Colin, not as gay Colin," he replied pushing past them. He almost absentmindedly grabbed Dylan's hand to pull him through the herd of excited girls. As soon as they entered the school, he looked at Dylan who was grinning from ear to ear. "What?" He asked almost feeling a little annoyed at having been accosted.

"We entered the school holding hands," Dylan said lifting his hand up to emphasize the point.

Colin sighed. "Well, I guess we were gonna do it anyway, so now it's done! I guess you tell one girl, you tell them all."

They arrived at their locker as an older boy approached. "I heard you two are boyfriends?"

Colin braced for a confrontation and could feel Dylan tense up beside him. He knew this would happen, he just wasn't ready for it yet. He swallowed hard and tried to stay calm as he looked at the guy.

"Yeah, just recently. We're kinda still figuring it out."

"Well done, bro!" He said as he brought his fist up. At first Colin jumped thinking they were gonna get hit, then when he realized it was for a bump, he tapped him back. "Monogamous or open?"

"Monogamous?" Colin said uncertainly at the same time Dylan replied open'. "Open," Colin said changing quickly as Dylan said monogamous'.

"You guys are hilarious, and super cute together by the way. You should come over to my party this weekend. It's gonna be off the chain. Clothes are optional. Daddy supplies all the liquor so no need to bring any. I'll text you the deets. Congrats, dudes." He gave each of them a bro hug and took off.

"Who was that?" Dylan asked.

"No idea. I think he's a senior maybe," Colin answered as he fumbled to open his locker, still uncertain of whether he was enjoying this attention or not. "Why would his Dad supply alcohol to a party for his son?"

"I'm more curious about how he's gonna text us if you don't know him." Dylan shrugged as he waited for Colin to get his books before they headed for his locker next. Colin saw Martin enter the hallway and was just about to say hi, when Martin saw both of them and quickly turned and headed the other way.

"What was that about?" Dylan asked.

"He's still processing. I guess word is spreading faster than we wanted and he's being steamrolled by it, maybe. He might be avoiding us so he's not identified as gay by association."

"Yeah, I had lots of `friends' like that in Texas. They figured being gay was contagious. I wish!"

"Oh, so that's how you got me? You gave me your gay virus?" Colin teased as they got to Dylan's locker.

"Uhhh, yeah. You're cute so I rubbed my gayness all over you and there's no cure. You're all mine forever now."

"Maybe it'll wash off in the shower," Colin joked.

"We could try. I'll scrub your back and your ass crack for you."

"Pretty sure that won't help. Plus, dude..." Colin lowered his voice. "You're making me insanely horny right now." He leaned in and kissed Dylan on the cheek. "Do you wanna go to the bathroom before class?"

"I'm good," Dylan replied.

"No...I mean do you want to go to the the stall?"

"Here? What if we get caught? I think there's too many people around," he said nervously as he looked around.

"Are you sure?" Colin said as he grabbed Dylan's hand and wrapped it around the outline of his erection.

"Oh shit! You're that horny?" Dylan said with a huge grin as he squeezed the boner before letting go.

"Dude! I'm ALWAYS this horny on a morning, so either we don't talk sex stuff all day, or you and I have to find a way to do it before school each day."

"I like the sound of that. We should build a club house or something."

"Nice. Our own fuck fort!" Colin beamed already trying to think of where they could build one.

"I actually have an idea, but I'll have to show you later. I don't think we should do anything in school though. If we got caught, we'd never live it down."

"Okay, but if I have to whip this out in class to beat off, it's gonna be all your fault," Colin teased.

Dylan leaned in to whisper to Colin. "I have the same problem right now too," He said showing Coin the bulge in the front of his pants.

"Fuck we gotta take care of them or we could have some serious medical problem if our balls explode," Colin said as he looked down. Then he snapped his fingers. I have an idea. Follow me. The two boys raced off to the second floor, getting told by one teacher to slow down in the hallway. Colin stopped and pointed. "There."

"That's the teacher's bathroom," Dylan said redundantly.

"Yeah, but once we lock the door, it's private. Not like the main bathrooms. Ya wanna?"

Dylan looked around. "Fuck it. Let's do it. You only live once."

"YOLO!" Colin grinned.


"You Only Live Once...the first letters. YOLO."

"Nah, that's not a thing. That's as bad as `fetch' in Mean Girls. Stop trying to make YOLO happen," Dylan said as he paraphrased the movie saying. They both giggled and quickly headed into the bathroom and locked the door. They had barely dropped their backpacks on the ground before clothes were flying everywhere and they were making out. Dylan sucked Colin. Colin sucked Dylan. They kissed and played with each others asses before they stood side by side jerking each other off until they shot their loads into the toilet. Once the clothes were back on and they'd checked their hair and the breathing had returned to normal, they looked at each other and kissed again. "That was hot. I felt like we were gonna get caught any second."

"I know, right," Colin agreed. "So `fetch'.

"Shut up weirdo!" Dylan said pushing Colin on the arm. He opened the door and peaked out slowly. "We're clear," he said looking back. They grabbed their backpacks and left the bathroom, almost out before they heard a loud voice behind them.

"Gentlemen! That is the teacher's bathroom. What are you doing in there?" They turned and saw the vice principal looming over them. He was about 6 foot two and towered over all the kids. He was an imposing figure.

Colin was quick with a response as Dylan froze. "Sorry sir. Dylan wasn't feeling well and we thought it would be better to use the teacher's bathroom instead of him hurling all over the floor in the hallway. We couldn't make it to the boy's bathroom, sir."

"Good thinking. You should go to the nurse's office. Maybe have your parents come pick you up."

"I'm okay now, sir. I just ate too fast this morning and then ran to school. It's happened before. I have a weak stomach sometimes."

"Okay, well just try to avoid the teacher's bathroom from now on. I'll send the janitor into clean up. If you need to go home, just see the nurse. The bell's about to go, so if you're okay make your way to class."

"Yes sir," they said in unison and walked away quickly. Once they were out of earshot, Dylan let out a huge breath of air.

"Wow! I thought we were done for. Dude, that was fast thinking."

"Gotta protect my boy!" Colin said as they gave each other a fast hug before heading their own separate ways to class. Both of them spent half the first period thinking about what they'd just done and couldn't concentrate. By the time they saw each other again at lunch they were as giddy as a couple of girls again. They knew what giddy girls looked like as they were once again surrounded by them and their million questions. They wanted to know everything about the relationship, and while both guys would rather have been hanging out with the other guys, Colin knew it was good for his rep to have so many girls hanging around him. He was used to it, but this time it felt different. They weren't hitting on him, it was more like they wanted to give him relationship and fashion advice. It was so gross, he almost felt like he'd need the teacher's bathroom for his own weak stomach. They managed to excuse themselves and go outside for a while so they could sit under a tree to get some air.

"Wow, girls can talk. No wonder straight boys never get laid," Dylan grinned as the two guys covertly held hands as they sat side by side. Then a large guy blocked their sun and they looked up.

"So you two are fags?" the guy asked. He was a football player and had a couple of his teammates with him. Colin felt Dylan squeeze his hand nervously.

"We're exploring alternative options," Colin replied looking up at him, slowly letting go of Dylan's hand. "Good game on Friday by the way. You guys kicked ass!"

"Thanks, but back to you two queers. This is a family school. We don't want your kind around here infecting everyone. The girls are already starting to talk about it, and that shit needs to stop now. Go take your sick shit somewhere else or we'll be back to fuck you up."

Colin slid slowly up the tree as he stood up in case he needed to defend himself. Dylan stayed where he was having learned from his previous school. "Relax Tyson. We're not doing anything in school. As for being gay. It's the 21st century. Guys experiment."

Tyson stepped forward forcing Colin hard against the tree. "Worthington, I don't give a shit how rich your family is, if I see you two doing anything queer, you won't live to the end of the day. You better stay the fuck away from me."

"You should care. With just a snap of my finger..." he said boldly as he gave the gayest side snap he could. "Your new football gear would disappear along with that new scoreboard. It's not called Worthington field for nothing."

"Are you threatening me, you little faggot?"

"Nope. Just stating a fact. I can appreciate that there are narrow minded Neanderthals in our school, like you and your gang of three, but there are hundreds of others that support us. So how about we stay in our part of the school and you stay in yours? You don't bother us, and I don't have your field torn out."

"I'd rather play in a parking lot full of broken glass than have to see you fags making out in front of me, or trying to see my junk."

"First, we'd never make out in front of you, and seeing YOUR junk wouldn't be possible."

"Why's that?" Tyson asked like a dumb jock.

"Well, first, you'd have to actually whip it out in front of me, which would mean you wanted me to look, and second. Well, only your team knows about that, but I don't carry a magnifying glass around with me."

"You're fucking dead Worthington!" He said as he lifted his fist to hit him.

"What's going on here?" Said an approaching teacher.

"Nothing. Just talking football, Miss Embers." Tyson said quickly relaxing his stance.

"Is that right, Colin?"

"Of course. He was just showing me why they use so many pads to make themselves look bigger. Most football players look bigger on the field to intimidate their opponent. It's kinda of an optical illusion thing."

"Well, maybe it's time to move along," she suggested as she began to head off.

"We're not done here faggot," Tyson snarled at Colin as he turned and punched his team mates before wandering off flipping Colin and Dylan a finger.

"Dude, I thought he was gonna kill you," Dylan said as Colin sat back down.

"Me too, but we gotta stand up to pricks like that or they win. I don't care if we were straight, bi or gay, assholes like that can't be allowed to roam free without a keeper. Don't worry. If he'd gone to actually hit me, I know a few tricks. First you drop down and let him hit the tree and once you're down there, nail him in the nuts. They crumple like an empty donut bag. Plus he's gay."

"No he's not. He's an asshole."

"Nah, you heard him. He wanted to fuck us up. That seems pretty gay to me," Colin laughed. "But with a guy like that, it'd be like being finger banged by a pinky."

Dylan laughed. "Shit, we're gonna die here aren't we? Oh well, at least I'll die with you by my side."

"Nah, personally, I'd be extremely surprised if he and his cavemen weren't apologizing to us by the end of the week."

"How do you figure that?" Dylan asked looking at Colin.

"Let's see. The girls all love hanging with us, and I happen to already be good friends with his girlfriend. How do you get a guy to do what you want? Withhold sex. I tell her, she tells him to leave us alone or she doesn't put out. Bing, bang boom, we're golden."

"Bing bang boom? Dude. You watch too many movies."

"Says the `don't make fetch happen' guy. But if he still wants to be an asshole. I'll send Carter in to talk to the coach and threaten to cut off their funding if the Neanderthals don't leave us alone. I'm not worried."

"I hope that works. I'm still shaking. It was like being in Texas all over again, except there the majority would have sided with the homophobes. At least here most seem cool."

"Welcome to Southern California bro."

The principal found Colin and Dylan by their locker the next day and asked to see them, getting the usual ooh's and ahhh's from their friends and teases that they were in trouble now.

"Boys," he began as they sat down in his office "it has come to my attention that you two are in a relationship together."

"Yes sir," Colin said confidently, stiffening to prepare to defend himself.

"First, congratulations. I hope everything goes well for you."

"Thank you!" Dylan beamed as he sat there listening

"I wanted to call both of you in here for a couple reasons. The first is to let you know that we support your relationship and that if you have any problems or issues with anyone bullying or making it difficult for you, all teachers are here to help. That's important for you to know as we have zero tolerance for bullying of any kind here on campus."

"Awesome. Thank you, sir," Colin said relaxing slightly.

"The other is to remind you of the rules regarding PDA, or public displays of affection. We allow hand holding or even a quick kiss, but to go further than that is to be avoided while at school. I am aware that in a same sex relationship you have more opportunities to have interactions with each other than in a heterosexual relationship. I just ask you to be aware of that and not give in to hormonal temptations."

"Understood sir. Anything else?" Colin asked.

"No. I just wanted to give you the heads up and ensure you that we're here for support if you need it."

He let them go, and after they got out of the office, Colin looked at Dylan. "Do you think he means that we can't fuck in the showers after gym class?"

"Nah. He said public displays, right? The locker room is private," Dylan grinned knowing that they were just kidding with each other. "I think he means no blowjobs in the hallway and stuff like that."

"Yeah, that makes more sense," Colin nodded as they held hands on the way back to the locker.

"What did the principal want?" Brooks asked.

"Oh, just to let us know that we're probably gonna be the homecoming queens this year as we're so fabulous!" Dylan replied

"Yeah, right...wait. Seriously?" Brooks said looking at both of them.

"No, Balterhouse. Fuck you're gullible. He just said that he knew about our relationship and if we encountered bullying to report it so they could take care of it."

"Yeah, and not to have sex in the hallways," Dylan added.

"Don't have any presentiment. If anyone has a propensity to give you shit, we've got your backs. They mess with you, they mess with all of us."

"Thanks dude," Colin said as they fist bumped.

"So does EVERYONE know we're gay now?" Dylan asked. "God if the principal knows it must be on the internet or something."

"Yeh, they put all gay guys up as soon as they come out so the government can keep track of us and make sure there's not too many in one place to affect voting," Colin joked.


God, you're both gullible. Probably Miss Embers said something yesterday when she saw the football players came at us."

"Yeah. That makes more sense."

The rest of the next day was uneventful, but the next morning as they were walking into school, Tyson slammed into Dylan bashing him into the wall. He went down hard. Colin dropped to see if he was okay. "Fuck you Tyson!" He screamed at him. "If you wanna pick on someone, pick on me. I'll make sure that everything you are and everything you want to be are ripped from you instantly, you homophobic prick!" He screamed as he saw a little blood from Dylan's head from where he'd hit the rough bricks.

"Suck my dick, you little faggot. Oh wait, you'd probably like that wouldn't you? I tripped coming in, sorry!" he said sarcastically. My friends will back me up, right guys?"

"Yeah, he tripped over the uneven sidewalk," one of the football players said supporting their quarterback.

"Bullshit!" Colin said jumping up. "Say goodbye to your fucking football outfits. I bought them, so they're gone. Let's see you win games dressed in your girlfriend's panties!" He threatened, shaking so hard he felt like he was gonna throw up. Tyson stepped up to him so they were face to face and anyone looking from a distance might have thought they were getting ready to kiss, or fight. Fight, would probably be their first guess considering the stance of both boys. Tyson was considerably larger than Colin and it would have been no contest. Several girls came running out and pulled the football players away to calm things down.

"He didn't mean anything, Colin," one girl said. "We're sorry."

Colin went back down to Dylan who was holding his head and looking at his hand to see the blood. Colin helped him up and took him to the nurse office who checked him over carefully. She said it wasn't serious, but that she'd like him to stay through the first period to make sure he hadn't gotten a slight concussion. Colin immediately sat on the bed with him and said he'd stay too.

"You go to class Mr. Worthington. I want to talk to Mr. Rogers by himself for a minute."

"Text me as soon as you're free. I'm gonna call my brother and sort this shit out!" Colin said almost spitting venom.

"Colin...babe. Just let it go," Dylan said almost looking like he was gonna break into tears. "If you escalate thing, they'll just get way worse."

"Not if he's in jail for a hate crime assault," Colin said firmly. "Text me as soon as you're free."

He left the nurse's office after he'd given him a hug and stomped to the football coach's office. They had several coaches for the school, and the football one was a large man with a typical jock mentality. When Colin explained what had happened, he got the reply that boys will be boys. He suggested that Colin and Dylan would be welcome to come in and use the gym equipment to help them get some muscles on them if it would help.

"You're missing the point coach. Either you take some action, or I'm calling the police and pressing charges against your quarterback. Then I'm calling my Dad and telling him how the football team is treating me and my boyfriend. How long do you think your funding will last if that happens?"

"Are you threatening me, son?"

"Stating facts, coach. No way my father will support a homophobic sports team, especially when he hears that Dylan got assaulted."

"Let me look into it," the coach said quickly. "This is the first I heard of something happening."

"Maybe check with Miss Embers too. She saw them threatening us yesterday."

`Colin Worthington to the office, please. Colin Worthington to the office.' Came the announcement over the intercom.

"Looks like shit is about to hit the fan, coach!" Colin said sneering as he turned to leave.

He arrived at the office to find his friends waiting outside the main door.

"We heard." Brooks said. "Is Dylan alright?"

"Yeah, just some scrapes. Nothing serious. They're just keeping him for observation."

"We're here dude," Grayson remarked as they stood like a defense shield.

Colin entered the office and was immediately taken to the principal and asked for his version of the story, which he was told matched what others had relayed to him.

"Looks like we're off to a rocky start with your relationship, but I was serious about our zero tolerance policy. We'll be suspending Tyson and his friends immediately. If you wish to press charges, that's your prerogative, but we normally deal with these things in house."

Sir, I just want to make sure Dylan is okay. It'll be up to him."

"I've spoken to Mr. Rogers and he assures me he's okay. He asked that we let it go, but legally I can't do that."

"I could have my Dad buy an electric chair for you if you want to keep this in house," Colin said trying to be blunt.

The principal smiled. "I'm sure that would just piss Tyson off more. Thick skinned guys like that might enjoy the chair," he said trying to lighten the situation. "Let me ask you this, Colin. If it were you that he'd hit, and not your boyfriend, how would you react?"

"I'd be pissed, but I'd probably just wanna fight back."

"And he'd likely kill you being twice your size and strength."

"I'm not a wimp, sir," Colin replied quickly.

"No one said you were. In fact, coming out at your age is incredibly brave for both of you. I see you have good friends around you, which is a huge bonus. In my day, this would be a perfect setting for a good old fashioned rumble. Today, we do things a bit different."

"So, lobotomies for all football players?" Colin smirked.

"Not sure making them dumber will be the answer," the principal said quietly, causing Colin almost to giggle. "How about I come up with something and get back to you at noon? Give me until then to decide Tyson and his friend's fate."

"I can do that, sir. Thank you for keeping your word and stepping in so fast."

"That's my job." They shook hands and Colin left to rejoin his friends.

"What happened?" Preston asked quickly.

"He got the whole story from everyone and I think Tyson will be in big shit. I offered to buy them all lobotomies or the electric chair, but he basically said pissing them off and making them dumber wouldn't help."

The guys laughed and headed to the lockers for the first class where Colin couldn't concentrate at all. He kept his phone on vibrate in case Dylan texted, but he didn't get anything, leading him to believe the worst as he ran from class to the nurse's office the second the bell rang.

"Is he alright?" Colin panted as he screeched to a halt at the desk.

"He's fine. I was just getting ready to release him to class," the nurse replied with a smile. "Just a few small scratches and some cleaning of the wound. No concussion."

"Oh whew! When I didn't get a text, I thought he was dead or something," Colin said quickly, letting out a huge breath of air.

"Drama queen," Dylan said as he came out from the back

"Thank god!" Colin said hugging him tight. "Are you okay?"

"Dude. I've gotten hurt worse from skateboarding or surfing. I'm fine. I was just a bit shaken by the surprise, that's all."

"Good. Okay, I've talked to coach and the principal and after school we'll order the lethal injection, lobotomies and the electric chair for those assholes."

Dylan laughed. "I thought I was the raging homo. Dial it back thirty notches. I already talked to the principal and I'm not pressing charges. Plus, Tyson's girlfriend was already here and I told her what you said about withholding sex. She's on board. She said that'll be the worst punishment he can get."

"Told ya." Colin walked with Dylan back to the lockers where several people were hanging out as they supported him as if he were a charity telethon. At noon they went to the principal's office where Tyson and his two friends were waiting, causing the tension level to increase ten-fold as they entered.

"Talk!" The principal said to the football players.

"We're sorry Dylan. It was a stupid thing to do and we apologize for slamming you into the wall."

"AND?" the principal barked.

"And for calling you the f-word," Tyson said as looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there right now.

"I've suspended Tyson for three days and three games. He also understands that Dylan has generously decided not to press charges for a hate crime assault, which would immediately end his football career and his time in this school. Isn't that right?"

"Yes sir. Thank you for not calling the police," he said sounding almost genuine.

"As for the other two, as they didn't actively participate in the assault, they've been suspended for three days for not stopping the situation when they knew what was happening. Will those punishments be satisfactory, Mr. Rogers?"

"Yes sir. I accept Tyson's apology."

"Good, now shake hands and let's put this behind us. One wrong word, one sideways glare and you're out of this school. Is THAT understood?" He barked at the players.

"Yes, sir," they said quietly as they shook hands with Colin and Dylan before being dismissed.

"Boy, you let me know if anything else happens and I'll take action. I'm sorry Dylan. This isn't the reputation we've built here."

"I know sir. It's a thousand times better than my old school. I went through stuff like this almost everyday and no one did much to help."

"I'm sorry that that happened to you. I pride myself on our inclusion record here. We'll be reminding teachers about it later today."

"You might want to remind the coach as well," Colin offered. "The boys being boys defense doesn't make me feel better."

"Understood. If you need anything else, let me know. Now go have some lunch."

The boys ran off to the cafeteria where word was already spreading about Tyson and his `henchmen'. The football team were following the rule of not giving Colin and Dylan sideways glares, and instead were giving them full on glaring dagger eyes.

"Shit, good thing I didn't order that electric chair," Colin said noticing them as he sat down with his friends.

They all braced for some sort of retaliation, but after a few days, even when Tyson had returned, and nothing happened they all relaxed again. Dylan and Colin came out to more and more people and made their relationship more obvious. Most just ignored it, like they did with the straight couples, others congratulated them and a few stared from a distance. Dylan told Colin that those were the ones that wanted to get with them and didn't know how to approach. Martin was still being evasive and wasn't returning Colin's calls or texts.

It was after one call as Colin was going through his phone that he saw Anthony's number and decided to text him to say hi.

`Hi, it's Colin. We met at the doctor's office.' He texted.

`hey. Howz it goin?'

`good. just sayin hi.'

hi' Anthony texted back with a smile emoticon. howz ur frend u came in with?'

`I think he was freaked out learning im bi. Hasn't talked 2 me since.'

`soree 2 heer. Give him time. Wat r u up 2?'


`wanna hang?'


Anthony texted Colin his address and he quickly jumped on his bike and made his way over. When he arrived, Anthony entered the door wearing only his tight fitting boxers.

"Hey!" Colin said greeting him, try not to stare at his body as he followed Anthony into the living room of the apartment where he immediately saw another guy about Anthony's age on the couch playing a video game, also in his underwear.

"Yeah. Colin this is Travers, my roommate. Travers, this is Colin. We met at his physical."

"Hey, sup!" Travers said with a slight nod and grunt towards Colin without taking his concentration from the game.

"Don't mind him, he talks way too much. Can't get him to shut up. Have a seat," he said pointing to the other side of the couch. Colin sat down and looked around. It was a typical bachelor apartment that looked like two guys lived there. Nothing fancy, but not a shithole either. It was reasonably clean for two guys. Colin figured this is what his room would look like if they didn't have staff to clean up after him.

"Sorry my place is a little warm. The air conditioner isn't working properly. Feel free to get more comfortable if you want," Anthony suggested.

"Cool, thanks. Does the couch recline?" He asked looking over the side for the lever, figuring that would be a lot more comfortable.

"No, sorry. But how about I help you out of that shirt. You'll roast in here if you don't." Before Colin could respond Anthony had stepped in front of him and lifted the shirt off over his head. "Better. You want something to drink?"

"Sure. You got a Coke?"

"I'll check. You can take the shorts off too if you want. We're pretty casual around here in case you haven't noticed. Boxers are about the most we wear," he commented as he headed to the kitchen. Colin removed his shorts, leaving him in his underwear as well.

Travers glanced over quickly before turning back to his game. "Nice body," he said turning back to his game as fast as he'd glanced.

"Thanks. too," Colin replied feeling a little nervous around him.

Anthony returned with a few drinks. "Sorry, no Coke. Wanna beer?"

"Um, sure, but I'm not old enough to drink."

"Neither are we. What's that got to do with it? Age is only a number man. We believe in doing whatever doesn't kill you."

"Seems like a good rule," Colin agreed as he took a sip of the beer and was about to say something about how bad it tasted, but when he saw the other two take sips, he kept quiet. He really would have preferred a Coke. The two guys talked for a bit as they watched Travers on his game. It started with innocent talk like sports and school, then moved on to talk about Martin and his change in attitude since the physical. Anthony reiterated that Martin probably just need time to get used to it and that Colin should just be patient, offer to do normal things with him like they'd always done. Colin listened to the older boys' advice and said he'd try.

"How's things with that new boyfriend?"

"Going good so far. We came out in school and mostly it's been okay. Girls love us, guys are cautious. But no real problems." He left out the part with the football players.

"Nice. Good for you. Have you been able to bottom for him yet?"


"Yeah. Have you been able to let know...fuck you yet?" Anthony asked remembering the conversation from the physical.

Colin gave a small smile, feeling a little nervous talking this openly, especially in front of the roommate. "Not yet. Mostly I do it to him, or we just do blowjobs and kissing."

"How's that going?"

"Good. I still have trouble getting all the way down on him as he's pretty big, but I think I'm getting better."

"Practice makes perfect."

"Actually my Dad says that saying is wrong. He says only perfect practice makes perfect. If you practice wrong things all the time, you only learn to perfect the shittiest version of it."

"That actually makes sense. So, having you been doing perfect practices?"

"I dunno. Probably. We make each other cum, so I guess we're doing something right."

"Do you want to learn how to properly fellate someone?"

"You mean with a knife? Like they're a fish?"

"That's fillet," he laughed. "No. Fellatio is the proper term for a blowjob," Anthony explained.

"Oh, that makes more sense. Fellatio. That's a stupid name. BJ is better. Sure. What do I need to know?"

"Well, let's see. Relaxing the throat, using tongue and getting proper suction. Working the head and balls. Covering your teeth. It's a science dude."

"Sounds complicated. I figured you just put the dick in your mouth and suck until it was over."

"That's how chicks and straight boys do it. Gay guys make it an art form."

Colin laughed. "I don't think straight boys suck dick."

"They do if you get them drunk enough," Anthony grinned as he raised his bottle to clink with Colin.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" Colin asked as he took another sip.

"Would I need to?"

"No, probably not."

"So, you wanna try sucking some cock?"

"Right now?"

"Why not? I'll give you a few pointers and then we can move on to other things if you're curious."

"Uhhh sure, okay. I guess."

"Travers, take your underwear off dude. I'm gonna teach him how to suck a dick."

"Use your own dick," Travers replied bluntly, almost ignoring him.

"Yours is bigger and he needs practice deep throating," Anthony said as he slid off his chair and went across to Travers on his knees. He grabbed the waistband of his roommate's underwear and yanked them down. Travers leaned left and right to allow them to be removed, looking past Anthony to his game. Anthony pushed Traver's legs apart giving Colin his first view of the roommate's big penis that was shaved completely smooth. "So come down here and take a look at it. Trust me as long as you don't block his view of the video, you can pretty much do whatever you want to him. Half the time he rests the controller on my back while he fucks me."

"Are you two boyfriends?"

"Nah. Just friends. Travers is straight, but we've known each other since we were in elementary, so we're pretty comfortable around each other."

"Straight? How can he be straight if you have sex together?"

"Because it's just sex. He dates girls. I date guys, but when we're horny, we hook up."

"So ummm...errrr...uhhh..." Colin stammered.

"Dude, ask anything. It's no big deal, we're all guys here."

"I was just kinda curious that's all. One of my friends is straight and he lets me give him blowjobs, but nothing else. He said if he did other stuff it would just be gay. How much stuff do you guys do together? If it's okay to ask?"

"Never be afraid to ask. That's how you learn things. If the person doesn't want you to know, they don't answer. But we do everything together. We've shared girls and guys, so whatever we're in the mood for, we do. Sometimes Travers needs a dick in him so I give him a good hard fuck until he cums, other times he fucks me. It's just sex. Nothing to get hung up over, or to make complicated."

"So how does that differ from being gay?" Colin asked as he watched Anthony slowly stroke Travers' cock in front of him.

"Because he dates girls and I date guys. It's not like we're dating each other. I love the guy, but I'm not in love with him. And he's the same with me. Nice one huh? 7 and a half inches of prime straight boy cock. Think you can handle that?"

"You mean like for a blowjob or fucking?"

"How about you start with blowjobs and if you do well there maybe we can move to fucking later. God knows I'd love to slide into that cute ass of yours."

Colin blushed as Anthony held Travers cock in an upright position and gave him some instructions on how to go down on him. Travers just moved his hands up to give the guys some room, but otherwise ignored them. Anthony told Colin to be on his knees and steady himself by holding Travers' thighs. With each movement Anthony told Colin what to do and how to get more of the big cock down his throat. He almost expected streamers and balloons to drop from the sky when he finally got the entire shaft down his throat. He sat back with eyes watering and looked at Anthony.

"I did it, didn't I?"

"Oh yeah! Well done buddy. Now the trick is to keep doing it. You time the swallow with the breathing and use the tongue and suction on the upward slide. Like this." He moved beside Colin and let him watch up close as he sucked Travers cock, going all the way down on him for each stroke. He stopped and pointed the hard erection at Colin, telling him to give it another try. Colin dropped his mouth back over the straight gamer and worked on his newly acquired skill. Anthony went behind Colin and lowered the back of his underwear, sliding his hand in and cupping the tight balls between his legs. Colin moaned as he felt the hands working him. "Nice one. Hum while you suck him and the vibrations will make it feel that much better," he said humming to prove his point. Colin duplicated it and when he felt Travers dick throb slightly he grinned to himself and hummed harder. Anthony pulled Colin's underwear all the way off and spread his legs before spinning around and going underneath to suck him. Colin jumped and tried to remain focused on Travers and the blowjob he was giving. When he felt Anthony's thumb rubbing up and down his ass, he stopped for a second as he shuddered at the sensation. He only had a few seconds to process it before he felt the thumb leave, only to return wet a few seconds later and enter his ass. He cried out slightly, but it sounded more like humming with the big cock in his mouth.

Anthony sucked Colin while he worked his hole and played with the back of his balls. He was actually amazed that the younger guy hadn't shot off yet. In fact it was Travers who was first to stop things. "I'm gonna cum dude," Travers said as he pushed Colin off his cock quickly. Anthony scrambled out from underneath the younger guy and looked at them.

"You gonna let him suck a load out of you?" Anthony asked.

"Later," is all he said in reply.

"Fuckin' nice dude! You got some skills," Anthony commented. "Plus, that hole is sweet as hell. He turned to Travers. "Dude, we're gonna go to my room so I can teach him how to take a dick. He got a thumbs up.

Anthony took Colin to his bedroom and they climbed onto the bed. Anthony stripped his shorts off so they were both naked. They moved together and began kissing with Anthony giving a few pointers as they went. Colin was mesmerised by the older guy and listening carefully to each suggestion. When they moved to a 69 position to suck each other, Anthony told him to copy what he was doing. He did exactly that and both guys were hard for the next thirty minutes as they played with each other, stopping multiple times as they came close to climaxing. During one stop, Anthony had grabbed the lube and showed Colin how to use it. Even though he already knew that part, he pretended like didn't. They played with each others asses while they continued to 69. When Colin felt Anthony's thumb re-enter him, he did the same thing in return. They both were beginning to sweat from the activity and eventually stopped for a drink of water.

"Have you been fucked before?" Anthony asked.

"A couple times," Colin said trying to make himself sound experienced.

"How'd it go?"

"It was okay. It hurt, but I was able to do it until he came. The biggest wasn't as big as Travers though. Probably about your size."

"So, I'm small?" Anthony joked.

"No, not at all. You're bigger than me that's for sure. Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you or anything."

"I'm just busting your balls, Colin. I'm almost 7 inches, Travers is 7½ and if your boyfriend is 8, hopefully you'll get him over here one day so I can try him out."

"Oh, I'm sure he'd like that. He's pretty horny all the time. Like me."

"That's good to hear. How about you get on your hands and knees and I'll rim your ass for a while. I really wanna fuck you."

"Sure," Colin said as he quickly bounced onto his hands and knees.

He rimmed a squirming Colin for the next ten minutes, enjoying how the younger boy reacted to each stimulation. He held the firm cock and balls between his legs and used them to pull Colin back when needed. He finally sat up and ran his own erection up and down Colin's ass crack after he'd made sure he'd fingered plenty of lube into him, and found precum leaking out of the boy like he was a bathtub faucet.

"I need to fuck you. Are you ready?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah. I think so," Colin replied excitedly nervous to receive only the second fuck of his life.

"Just relax your ass and I'll go slow until we know what you can handle." Colin mumbled an uh-hum as he felt Anthony's cock rub against his ass. His first reaction was to tense up, but he was trying hard to stay calm as he felt the pressure increase. He moved one of his hands back to Anthony's thigh as a caution to slow down. Anthony eased up a little before continuing. "Just breathe. This is the hardest part...getting in. After that it gets better." He pushed firmly until Colin's ass gave way to receive the mushroom head. Colin jumped and gripped Anthony's thigh firmly. "I'm in. Just breathe and relax. I'll give you a second before we continue. You okay?"

Colin nodded and it took all his concentration to not clamp his ass shut. Anthony slowly move forward, rubbing his new friend's back and ass as he went. Colin was breathing heavily hoping the pain would subside, but determined to prove he could do it. He was just about to complain that he couldn't handle anymore when Anthony announced he was all the way in.

"How's it feel?" He asked.

"Full," Colin replied quickly. "But I'm okay. I don't think I could handle more though."

"You just need to get used to it. Do it a few times and you'll get the extra inch from your boyfriend without any trouble," Anthony encouraged as he pulled back to begin to fuck him. "You really do have a tight hole, it's incredible. If your boyfriend is patient, he can probably just use part of his dick at first until you can handle him. How thick is he?"

"He's not thick... he's pretty smart actually. He'd probably go slow if I asked him too," Colin replied.

Anthony laughed. "That's hilarious. I have to remember that. I meant how fat is his cock, not how stupid is he. Is he like mine? Thinner or thicker?"

"Oh, thicker. Even thicker than Travers. I think that's why I'd have trouble with him."

"You'll get there. The ass can handle a hell of a lot with patience."

Colin just listened and planted the advice in his head for future use.

"Does it feel better now?"

"Yeah. It's good."

"Great. I'm gonna fuck you harder now. Really drill your pussy so you know you've been fucked properly."

Colin just remained silent as he felt Anthony pick up speed, and slam as far into him as he could, their bodies slapping together making it sound like he was being spanked. As he got fucked harder, the pain subsided turning to pleasure. He moaned and put his head on the pillow.

"Yeah, that's it. Take my pole. Open up that pussy."

Colin nodded and mumbled an `uh hum' again. He could feel each thrust sending waves of electricity through his entire body; each move feeling like it was attached directly to his dick.

"Shit, I could pound you for hours. You're amazing," he said complimenting him. Colin grinned and kept focused breathing and relaxing so that he wouldn't disappoint the older boy.

"Hell yeah. Pound that little ass. Fuckin' sweet," Colin heard from behind them as Travers entered the room.

"You wanna fuck him now?" Anthony asked.

"In a minute. I need sucking off first. Need to be completely hard to use him properly," Travers said as he got onto the bed and positioned himself in front of Colin.

Colin didn't need to be told what to do as he swallowed the straight boy's dick for the second time.

"Nice. Your first spit roast," Anthony said as he kept fucking.

"Blow your load and lube him up for me. Be a nice change to fuck a tight one."

"Fuck you!" Anthony grinned as he watched Colin suck off his roommate.

"Later," Travers replied.

"Colin, arch your back down slightly. It'll make the fuck better. Swallow that straight cock, buddy. Get him good and hard so he can pound your pussy next. Fuck his face, Travers," Anthony said getting hornier by the second. He put a hand on Colin's shoulder and began to really nail him with long deep strokes. He watched as Travers held Colin's head in place and deep throated him.

"God yeah. Fuck his face. Let's spit roast this hungry pig!" Anthony cried out as he could feel his climax rapidly approaching. He dug his fingers into Colin's ass and slammed him deep. "God, I'm gonna cum," Anthony exclaimed ending any pretenses of fucking him for whole day.

"Yeah! Fill that tight pussy for me," Travers said encouragingly.

Anthony cried out as he slammed against Colin pushing him fast against Travers, almost choking him on Travers cock at the opposite end. "Oh fuck yeah! Take that breeding. Fuck!" he grunted as he held on and pumped wave after wave into him. "Now that was an education that all guys should get!" Anthony almost growled as he pulled out of Colin. Travers, just as quickly pulled his cock from Colin's mouth, as the boy wiped the spit from his lips. The two guys quickly changed positions with Anthony holding Colin in place as he watched his roommate lube his cock for penetration.

"Just keep relaxed. He's gonna feel bigger, but hopefully you'll enjoy it just as much." Travers entered Colin a lot quicker than Anthony had, causing Colin to jump slightly, rushing to grip Travers thigh. The straight boy removed the hand quickly and pushed himself the rest of the way in. Colin cried out as he felt the full length of the bigger dick ram his hole.

"You okay?" Anthony asked Colin. "Dude, take it easy. He's new at this."

"Pussy is pussy, man. He'll handle it. Stop being such a drama queen," Travers said as he began to fuck Colin. "You're fine aren't you?" Colin nodded. "See, he just needs a real man to teach him."

Anthony turned and scrambled underneath Colin to suck his cock and play with his balls figuring it might help a little. He used his other hand to lift his cock up for Colin to suck. Colin was a lot more hesitant with that idea than he was about the hard fuck he was receiving. That cock had just been up his ass. He wiped it with one of his hands and then went down on it. He wasn't a big fan of the taste, although to be fair it was more of a lube taste than what he thought it might be like. He let himself get fucked and sucked before all of a sudden it was as if someone had thrown a switch, and everyone came. Travers blasted into Colin. Colin shot into Anthony and Anthony dripped a second load into Colin's mouth. By the time it was over, they were all panting heavily. Travers pulled out and slapped Colin on the ass.

"Sweet ass kid. Not bad at all. Come around anytime! You'd be nice change." He slid off the bed and left the room. Colin rolled off Anthony and lay there as his new friend spun around so they could look at each other.

"Don't mind him. He's a straight boy. Once they cum, they go. You'll learn that in life. They're not about talking or romance. It's about getting laid."

"He definitely doesn't seem to talk much at all," Colin said in agreement.

"Yeah. He does, but mainly when he's talking sports or gaming. How was it? You handled both of us. You okay?"

"My ass I still tingling like I'm still being fucked, but other than that I think I liked it."

"Well you shot a massive load down my throat so I'd say you definitely liked it. You think you're ready to try your boyfriend now?"

"Maybe. At least I'm getting more experience."

Anthony laughed. "Let's get cleaned up. They headed to the shower, where Colin found himself face to face under the water. Anthony told him to wrap his arms around his neck and hold on. He lifted Colin's legs and held his ass as he pressed him against the wall and re-entered him. Colin held on tight as they kissed and fucked. He grinned the entire time. Once they were done and dried themselves off, they headed back to the living room where Travers was sprawled out on the couch, still naked, and still playing video games.

"You go at it again?" he asked without really looking at them.

"If we did, that'll good news for you as I won't be horny tonight, so I won't be trying to drill that boney ass of yours."

"Your loss," Travers said as he adjusted his package. Colin just stared at him wondering how a straight boy could be into sex with a guy as easily as Travers. He would have to talk to Carter about it when he got a chance.

Colin thanked Anthony and said he should be going as he got dressed. "That was awesome fun. Thanks Anthony. Thanks Travers."

Travers just waved a half salute as Anthony saw him to the door. "Anytime buddy. You did well and you're so cute. I'm almost jealous of your boyfriend. If you want to learn anything else, or just practice more, you know how to reach me."

"Awesome, thanks." They kissed goodbye and Colin left with a partial erection thinking about everything. He was excited to rush home and let Dylan try fucking him. He woke up three times during the night with a painful erection that wouldn't go down until he jerked off. He found himself still raging horny in the morning when he woke up and even a cold shower didn't help. He rode his bike to Dylan's to pick him up early for school, and when his boyfriend opened the door with a smile, he almost lost it.

"Are your parents still home?" He asked as he entered.

"No, they both left already. I'm just finishing breakfast."

"Screw that. You are breakfast. Let's fuck!"

"What? We don't have time," Dylan said surprised, but becoming more surprised as Colin grabbed his shirt and pulled it off before going for the buttons on his shorts. "Dude!"

"Dude, what dude?" Colin grinned as he yanked off his own clothes. "You wanna do it in the kitchen, on the stairs or in your bedroom?"

"Uh, bedroom, but I've got a test first period. We can't be late."

"Then stop complaining and let's go!" The two boys turned to race up the stairs and halfway up Colin tackled Dylan dropping him to his knees. He quickly got behind him, spread his legs and began licking his ass and playing with his package.

"Dude, what the hell kind of dream did you have last night?" Dylan said turning to look at his sex crazed boyfriend.

"A hell of a sexy one!" He knelt up and pushed his throbbing hard cock against Dylan's ass.

"Dude! It's never gonna go in without lube," he warned as he scrambled up the stairs away from Colin, who raced after him. They barely got into the bedroom before Colin gave a flying tackle to drop Dylan onto the bed. They wrestled for dominance for a couple minutes before stopping to kiss and jerk each other off. Colin was panting like he'd run a marathon. When he slowed down for a minute he looked into Dylan's eyes, which were darting all over looking at Colin as if trying to figure out who he was.

"Fuck me!" Colin said turning over and getting on his hands and knees.


"Fuck me. Shove your big dick in my tight hole and fuck me. I need it baby."

Dylan reached for the lotion in his beside table and opened it. "Who are you?" He grinned as he coated his cock and gently fingered some into Colin's ass for the first time. "Are you sure about this?"

"God, stop talking and fuck me. I need you!" Colin barked almost forcefully. Dylan shrugged and aimed his erection at Colin's hole. Colin tried to calm down enough to relax and breathe so he could take it. He knew Dylan was larger than Mason or Anthony, but he didn't care right now. He had become so horny that his hormones had taken over every part of him. He put his head down and bit the pillow as Dylan began to enter him. He almost told him to stop as the pain was more than he'd expected, shocking him back to reality, but just as he turned to say something, Dylan's cock penetrated his sphincter causing him to jump. He put his hand back to hold Dylan in place for a few seconds until he got used to it, and then let go.

"You okay?" Dylan asked.

Colin nodded. "Just fuck me. Go slow until you're all the way in and then fuck the shit out of me."

Dylan grinned at how vocal Colin was today. "Ummm...can we maybe fuck something else out of you instead of shit? Considering where my cock is?" He joked as he slowly pushed inside. Colin tried to push out and breathe heavier, as the giant telephone pole stretched his ass beyond anything he'd experienced before. Colin bit the pillow and felt precum leaking from his dick as he was being invaded.

"God, I can't believe it! This is the first time I ever got all the way in someone," Dylan exclaimed as he felt his balls touch up against Colin's ass. "How's it feel?"

"Big. Really god damn big. Please cum quickly. I don't think my ass can handle much of this for long." Dylan didn't need to be told twice and began fucking Colin for the first time. He thrust several times until he heard Colin cry out.

"Shit, you okay?"

"Mmmhmmm!" Colin moaned. "I just came. Sorry, I couldn't hold it." Dylan looked around underneath Colin to see a large puddle of cum on his bed. He grinned and fucked him harder.

"Guess I'm doing laundry before my parents get home tonight," he said continuing to enjoy his boyfriend. Colin was squirming in pain as his brain function returned to normal. Dylan thrust deep and held on as his orgasm flooded Colin's ass. He felt every pulse of his cock and balls as they drained. As soon as he was done, he pulled out causing Colin to yelp slightly and reach around to grab his ass.

"Sorry," Dylan said when he saw that he'd hurt Colin. "How was it?"

"OW! Insane. Dude, you made me cum without touching myself. How was it for you?"

"The best ever. I thought you were perfect before, but now you're extra super perfect. Thanks for letting me do that!"

"So, on a scale of 1 to 10?" Colin asked as they lay together getting their breathing back under control.

"104, maybe 105!"

"Nice. Let's clean up and go!" Colin said as he swung his legs off the bed and sat up.

"Fuck school!" Dylan laughed as he reached for Colin and pulled him back down beside him. "Let's stay here and do this all day. What could be more educational? Will I need stupid math equations or sex for the rest of my life? I think sex!"

"Come on, let's go. Last thing we want is the school calling your parents and they come home to find you and me in bed together. Remember the whole waterboarding thing you were telling me about, and men with assault rifles."

"Good point." The boys ran to the shower to clean up before getting dressed and sprinting to school.

"How come you were so crazy this morning?" Dylan asked while they were at their lockers.

"I wanted to surprise you and be spontaneous."

"Well it worked. I was surprised!" He leaned in to whisper in Colin's ear. "Thanks for letting me fuck you. I'll never forget that for my entire life, even if you never let me again."

"Oh, we'll do it again. I think I just need more practice so it doesn't hurt as much."

"It hurt? Oh shit, I'm sorry!" Dylan said apologizing and feeling horrible. He'd enjoyed it so much he never thought how Colin was.

"What hurt?" Martin asked as he strolled up to the two of them.

"Oh hey Martin. I missed you hanging out with us," Colin said happy to have his friend talking to him again.

"Just figuring some shit out. What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing," Colin replied. "We were just wrestling and he gave me a charlie horse by accident. Hurt like a bitch," he lied.

"Been there. Feel for ya dude? What are you doing Friday night? Wondered if you wanted to hang out?"

"I can't," Dylan replied, not even sure if Martin was talking to him or not. "There's this thing on the base that my parents said I have to go to."

"Ummm, I'm free," Colin said happy that his friend was back to normal.

"You wanna sleepover and maybe we can all hangout on Saturday if you want. Brooks said he's free all day."

"Sound like a plan," Colin agreed with Dylan nodding. "We can go down to the studio. They need extras for some shoot on the lot."

"Great, I'll text you later," he said as he took off.

"I thought he wasn't talking to you," Dylan said confused.

"He wasn't. This is the first time since our physical that he's come anywhere near me."

"Must be a blue moon or some weird shit like that. First you come over like a crazy person to get fucked and now Martin's talking to you again. What's next?

"A three-way with a chick?" Colin smirked only half in jest.

"That wouldn't be a full moon as much as an apocalyptic event," Dylan laughed. "Then I'd know shit was screwed up if we did that."

"Yeah, true right! Are we really going to your studio on Saturday?"

"Yeah. If you want to that is. It's boring most of the time, but it can be fun once in a while."

"Are there gonna be any big stars there?"

"Who knows. It's possible. All I know is that they need extras and I thought you'd like to see it."

"For sure. Who's the biggest star you've met so far?"

"I dunno. Zac Efron or Ryan Gosling. I've met tons so I dunno who'd be the biggest."

"Wicked. I hope we meet someone hot!"

Colin laughed. "It's not like you're gonna get to go down on them dude."

"Why not? I got to go down on Austin," he said licking his lips.

"Uh, only because we're friends and he was watching us fuck which probably got him horny. On set, you basically stand around bored for hours doing the same thing over and over again. At least you can make some money doing it."

"Really? How much?"

"Depends on what we do, but if we're part of a big background, we could get 60 bucks. If they use you in a scene where you're more visible and have to actually do some acting, then you could get more. Sometimes up to a couple hundred."

"I'm in. I could use 60 bucks," he said more excited to go on set and possibly see celebrities than get money, but both together would just be icing on the cake.

The rest of the day was uneventful and Brooks came over to hang out with Colin for a bit after school. They played basketball, went swimming and talked about their classes. Brooks invited Colin to go pheasant hunting at the end of the month with him and his Dad. He'd been duck hunting with them before and found it okay, except for the killing the bird part. He liked shooting the gun and watching the dog chase the bird and bring it back, but he hated seeing the dead animal. He agreed to go anyway.

"Were going to use the duck blind this time. It's a pretty open area so we hide and wait until the pheasants show up. Makes it easier."

"So, we're hunting blind peasants? Seems a little unsporting. What if we just give them money for eye surgery and food instead?" Colin joked.

"You know you're not funny right?"

"I've heard that, but I don't agree. I'm pretty funny."

"Yeah, but that's not something you brag about when it refers to your appearance," Brooks joked.

"Says the guy with tiny penis," Colin rebutted.

"Nice try, butt munch. I already know you like it, you've sucked it enough."

"Meh, it's alright as an appetizer. I prefer big ones."

"Yeah, like you've had something more grandiose than this," he said grabbing his crotch.

"Dude, I've had bigger toothpicks than that," Colin joked.

"You know you're just insulting yourself too, right? We both know we're exactly the same size. Our penises could be twins."

"I didn't know you checked me out that closely. Are you in wuv with me?" Colin joked as he teased his best friend.

"Fuck you Worthington?"

"Here or on my bedroom?" he said batting his eyelashes.

"Shut up perv. Like who would have larger penises than us? We're hung like horses," Brooks bragged.

"Uh, more like miniature ponies. We're 6½ inches."

"Yeah? And the average appendage is 5, according to Google, so we're way above average. That probably applies to poor people. We have money and breeding, so nothing about us is average. Where would you see bigger than ours?"

"Uh, Dylan for one! My friend Mason in Canada. Travers, Anthony. Pretty much anyone older than us."

"More excrement! First, I think you made those last two up since I've never heard of them before and your imaginary sex teacher in Canada doesn't count. And Dylan? Super bullshit. He's like two inches shorter than us. No way he has a bigger penis. If anyone would it'd be Martin since he's taller than we are."

"Nah, Martin's is smaller."

"Like you've seen it hard," Brooks said shaking his head. "You're such a total fabricator of the truth, Worthington."

"Fabricator of the truth? How is it you go to school with all of us and can't say bullshitter? Seriously though, I'd never lie to you, even about stupid shit like this. Martin is smaller than we are, and Dylan is 8 inches and thicker. Biggest one I've ever seen."

"There's no way dude. If he has such a big penis how do you make use of it? You can barely blow me and do a good job. Does he anally penetrate you with that thing?"

"You're allowed to say `fuck you', ya know, but I'm not telling you that. I know you love getting head from me since you basically whip it out each time I see you, and cum bucket loads every time."

"Only because I think of chicks while you're doing it, otherwise you'd never bring me to ejaculation. You're not a bad substitute though when I'm not getting laid."

"So all the time?"

"Fuck you!" Brooks grinned.

Colin nodded with a smile. "Like I said. Here or in my bedroom?"

"You'd like that wouldn't you? My big penis inside your buttocks, ripping you a new one."

"I'd barely even notice it. I'd probably fall asleep from boredom," Colin mocked as they continued their banter while playing basketball.

"You're that loose huh? Speaking of ripping a new one. Dude, I'm gonna be shredding some serious pussy this weekend. That chick Leah that I told you about. We're going out on Friday night. Should have her panties off and her legs spread by midnight."

"Does SHE know this, or is this another Balterhouse fantasy date?"

"No, she knows. I told her I was going to give her a night to remember."

"That could mean she's expecting a limo, flowers and a fancy dinner."

"I can do that, but then she puts out. Throw enough Balterhouse at them and they always cave. Win, win."

"Should I leave the front door open for you when you show up with blue balls?"

"Fuck you!"

Colin just shook his head. Brooks kept offering and not following through. It seemed rude.

Chapter 6 Friday night Martin and Colin went to a movie, played pool and ate pizza at the bowling alley before ending at Martin's house to settle into a few hours of video games. At Colin's house, most of his friends crashed on his bed as it was so big, but he always had to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag at Martin's, even though he had a double bed.

After they settled down to sleep and lights were out, Martin moved to the edge to look down at Colin. "So, are you really only gay now, or are you gonna date girls again?" He asked bluntly.

"I dunno. I like having tons more options being bi, but I like Dylan right now so who knows. I might go back to girls."

"It's kinda weird seeing you two together. Makes me a bit uncomfortable," he admitted.

"You don't like seeing boys together? So, are you like homophobic?" Colin asked staring back at his friend in the room lit only by the outside street lamp coming through the window.

"No, it's like you and I have been friends forever and do tons of shit with each other, and then this new guy comes around and moves in to almost take you away. You're having sleepovers with him and hanging out more. It just feels like I'm being pushed aside."

"Never! That's the cool thing about a guy as a boyfriend. We can all do all the same shit that guys do as friends and not worry about dragging some chick along. The only difference is that when we have sleepovers we also have sex."

"TMI dude."

"Fair enough. But just think how much we'd not get to see each other if we had girlfriends instead. We'd have to do girl things half the time like going to the mall to buy shoes, or wait while she tried on 500 dresses and got insulted if you said they didn't look good on her. Guys don't give a shit about that when we're together. We can surf, play basketball, hit the trails on the dirt bikes. Shit girls won't do with complaining. I thought you liked Dylan."

"I do, but now when I look at him I only see you and him having sex together. It's so weird. I mean it was bad enough in the doctors office, now I imagine you and him like that."

"Dude, we've seen each other naked all the time. It's never bothered you before. And you think about me and him naked together? Hot!"

"Shut up perv! That's not what I meant. I just meant I never knew you liked guys."

"Really? That's cool. I was just impressed that we were that comfortable around each other that we didn't get nervous when it happened."

"Dude, I was freaking out. Especially when my shorts were pulled and my dick was groped and a finger went in my ass. I was pretty sure I was gonna die right there."

Colin laughed slightly. "I actually thought it was great. I hoped he was gonna give us a handjob to make us cum for a sperm sample or something. A handjob is like 100 times better than jerking yourself off, am I right?"

Martin shrugged in the darkened room. "I dunno. Never done either."

"Either what? You've never had a handjob?"

"No, I've never done anything. I figure I should wait until I get a real girlfriend and we're ready for sex. We're only 14 so it's not like we need to rush it."

"I suppose, but we're in our prime between now and 18. We're supposed to be getting laid. It's part of the fun of being a guy. I guess you'll have to stick with your own hand for now, huh?"

"Never done that either," Martin admitted.

"What? You've never beat off? Bullshit. Carter says there are two types of guys. Those who jerk off and those who lie about it. Shit, he taught me at 11; as soon as I could cum."

"Then he's wrong. I've never jerked off once."

Colin sat up in his sleeping bag. "Dude, you know that's not healthy right? You know how girls get their periods once a month?"


"Guys kinda have the same requirement to get rid of sperm. You gotta do it a least once a month or you could get sick."

"That's not true," Martin replied sitting up slightly in his own bed as their talk became more serious.

"I swear to god!" Colin said with his eyes wide open. "Okay, since we're talking honestly and it's kinda easy in the dark, let me ask you this. Do you have wet dreams?"

"Wet dreams?"

"Yeah, like sexy dreams about girls and you wake up with a wet spot in the bed that dries all crusty?"

Martin blushed in the dark and answered quietly. "Uhh, yeah. Sometimes. That's why I wear underwear under my pyjamas now just in case it happens. I'd die if my Mom saw that."

"Exactly! That's what happens when you don't masturbate. It's the guys equivalent of a period. Shit I do it at least once a day. More if I have time."

"Shut up. No you don't."

"I swear. Of course, now that me and Dylan are together we help each other out, so it's a lot more fun, but it's still the same result. Since I started doing it, I've never had a real wet dream. Although to be fair, now that I'm having sex, I kinda wake up in the middle of the night mega horny and have to rub one out way more than I ever did before. You'll be the same when you start doing it all the time."

"That still doesn't sound right," Martin replied.

"I'll prove it. Grab your computer and type in something like how often do guys need to masturbate." Martin opened his laptop and lay it on the bed so they could both see it. Colin pointed to a site and they both read that a study showed that guys who masturbated 21 times a month or more had a lower risk of getting prostate cancer. Another site that quizzed guys showed most said about once a day with some teenagers admitting they did it up to five times a day.

"Holy shit. 21 times a month. That's like almost every day," Martin said as he read the article.

"That's probably older guys to prevent cancer. I'm closer to two or three times a day, but only because it feels so insanely awesome. It's like being addicted to crack."

"How would you know? You ever been addicted to crack?" Martin joked.

"No, but I'm guessing it's the same thing. You can't stop once you start. Dude, you've seriously gotta try it. I promise it'll change your life. You could even sleep naked without worrying about making a mess on your sheets. Plus, I've been meaning to tell you. Guys our age don't wear pyjamas to bed."

"What do they wear?"

"Underwear and t-shirt at the most. My brother sleeps naked and says most guys do; I wear my underwear on sleepovers, but otherwise I'm naked too."

"I'd never go naked. I move around a lot when I'm sleeping and throw the covers off a lot. If my Mom came in and saw me I'd be traumatized for life."

Colin laughed. "I can see that if it were your Mom, but I'm sure she wouldn't care. It would almost guarantee she never barges in on you again. Dude, why would you be embarrassed about someone seeing your body? Shit we shower and change in locker rooms. It's hardly a big deal. We all have dicks and asses. That's another good thing about masturbating. It won't go up as fast in the shower by accident."


"Of course. Once you learn to control it, by showing it who's the boss, you can forget about those boners that show up when you don't need them. You gotta learn to masturbate dude. Like you said, we're 14."

"I'm still not sure that I should be doing it," he said reluctantly as they searched more sites. Many said it wasn't required, but the majority proved that guys were doing it regularly.

"Can I suggest something?" Colin asked. "I mean we've been friend since we were little kids and we've never been nervous about being naked around each other, so why should we let thing change things just because we're going through puberty at the same time. Do you trust me?"

"Ummm, normally, yeah, but if you're gonna do something like suggest we have sex together, then no, definitely not."

"God no, dude! I was gonna say we should put some porn on and jerk off. You could try it and see how you like it."

"Jerk off together?" Martin said becoming nervous again.

"Not like do each other. I mean lie side by side and jerk off until we cum. We'll sure sleep better afterward."

"I dunno. I've never done it so I'm not sure I'd know how."

"Dude, it's easier than riding a bike. If you want, you can watch me to get the idea and then copy me. I promise it'll be just between us. The same as the physical, right. We aren't telling others what happened there. Plus, what's the big deal, we've seen each other cocks already."

"But you're gay, so are you gonna want to try and have sex with me?"

"Technically bisexual, and that's not how it works. We've been friends like for years. Don't you think if I wanted sex with you, we'd have tried that already? Not really how it works, even if I was totally gay."

"So, you wouldn't have sex with me? How come?"

"I'm confused. Do you want sex with me or not?" Colin said looking at his friend.

"No! I was just asking why you wouldn't want to if you're gay. Aren't you attracted to boys?"

"Yes, but not EVERY boy. Like I said we've been friends forever, so I don't see you like that. I see you as someone I can talk to about anything, including sex, but it doesn't mean I suddenly start to drool over seeing you naked just because I like boys. It's not like a light switch that all of a sudden turns me into a raging perv."

"But what about you and Dylan. You're all over him."

"Uh, duh! Because we met with the purpose of having that type of relationship. You, me and Brooks, we were friends first, so it's not like that. Can you see the difference?"

"I guess," Martin said not completely convinced.

"The way it would work is if you asked me what it was like to get a blowjob, or wanted to know what it was like to fuck and asked if I could teach you. But it would be friends helping each other out. It's not like I'd suddenly see you naked and go all suddenly stupid and be all over you."

"Oh, okay. I'll try and figure that out."

"Not much to figure out. We're still exactly the same as we were except now you know that new boys I meet might interest me beyond being friends. Now back to our regular non-sexual friend thing. Wanna learn to jerk off?"

"I dunno, but it does look like I'm supposed to know how according to these websites. If we do it, the lights stay off and no touching each other."

"Deal. I mean Carter showed me and since you don't have a big brother, as your best friend, I think I'm suppose to pay it forward. Then you hand the information down to your kid brother when he gets older. That's how guys learn."

"I suppose that makes sense. Do we have to get naked?"

"You could stay in your pyjamas, but it'll mean you have clothes to wash when you're done. Naked, we just use tissues, wipe it up and flush the evidence. No sheets or laundry!"

"That'd be nice. I spend way too much time doing my sheets," Martin replied. Colin decided to keep quiet about blowjobs and how they would eliminate even the need for tissues.

"Okay move over and let's find some good porn."

"Oh, you wanna do it now?"

"Of course, then we can get some sleep."

Martin quickly scrambled to the far edge of the bed as Colin climbed up beside him. They put the laptop between them as Colin found a video for them to watch. At 14, even a gay guy will watch straight porn as long as he can see sex. As soon as he started it, he yanked his underwear off and threw them on the floor. Martin just looked at the laptop trying not to focus on the fact that his friend was now naked beside him and holding onto his dick already.

"Oh wait. Do you have tissues in here?" Colin asked.

Uhh, no. In the bathroom though."

"Okay, get naked and I'll grab them. We'll need them at the end so we don't have cum running all over the place. He jumped off the bed and went for the door.

"DUDE!" Martin said almost a little too loud.

Colin spun around. "What?"

"Clothes? You can't go running down the hall naked."

"Parents would freak, huh?" He laughed as he ran back and put his underwear on before racing out of the bedroom. He returned seconds later with the tissues and tossed them to a now shirtless Martin. "Oh, by the way, I think I scared your brother. He was taking a leak but hadn't closed the door."

"Yeah, he does that. He probably won't have even noticed you. He kinda sleep pees. At least he hits the toilet which is better than he does during the day most of the time."

"Thought he seemed a bit calm for being busted in on," Colin laughed as he dropped his shorts and jumped back on the bed beside Martin. "Come on, let's rub one out. Get your pyjamas off."

Martin slowly slid his pyjama pants down to reveal his tight boxer briefs. Colin just glanced over to see if his friend was horny yet, before going back to watch the porn. "Just watch me if you need to know how to start," he offered, and from the corner of his eye could see Martin shoot him a quick look. After a couple minutes of the video, Colin was fully erect and noticed Martin had moved his hands inside his shorts.

"Good start, bro, but you should take them off. Precum can be as messy as real cum."

"Okay, but don't look alright? This is weird enough right now."

Colin didn't say anything as his friend covered his crotch and slowly lowered his underwear leaving them both naked together. He smiled to himself and pretended to focus on the laptop while using his peripheral vision to watch his friend slowly copy his moves. Colin started with his legs open so Martin could see more and once he was fully hard and the feelings began to take over, he crossed his legs, turning slightly sideways to give him a different view. The whole time he kept quiet as he waited for Martin to get into it. He moved his second hand to play with his balls and move them around, even adding some light hip thrusts and light noises for effect. As Martin copied each move his friend was making, Colin was getting hornier by the second.

"Howz it feeling?" He asked finally as he turned to look at Martin.

"It's okay," he replied.

"Make sure you have a firm grip and go faster when it feels right. The faster you go, the better you'll like it," he instructed as he picked up his own speed. Martin copied him and Colin was becoming increasingly turned on knowing he was actually being watched. About two minutes later, Martin stopped and gasped.

"What?" Colin asked slowing down to look at him.

"I almost peed," Martin replied.

Colin grinned. "Dude, that's how it feels. Keep going and trust me okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. It's the best part."

Martin resumed his masturbation and Colin watched more closely with no pretense of not openly checking his friend out. Martin slowed down again and repeated his concern that he was sure he was gonna pee.

"Trust me. You're about to cum. Keep going and don't stop until your cock stops throbbing," he said as he boldly reached over and wrapped his left hand around Martin's hand and forced him to jerk off quickly. Martin didn't have time to respond to the action before he was blasting his load.

Colin let go instantly. "Yeah! Dude!! Keep going!! Don't stop, man!" He said as he grinned widely. He increased his own speed and pushed on his balls to blow his own load. Once both guys were done, Colin looked over at Martin who was panting furiously and covered in cum. "Dude, that was a massive load. You shot that shit over your head. It's everywhere! Good thing I'm not sleeping up here tonight."

"Fuck! Holy shit. That was unreal. Is that how it always is?"

"Pretty much." They each took a handful of tissues and cleaned up with Colin explaining how to squeeze the dick to get the last drops out. Once they were done, Martin scrambled back into his underwear and got under the covers. Colin took the used tissues to the bathroom to get rid of them after getting his own underwear back on. He returned and the guys fell asleep without talking about what they'd just done. In the morning Colin awoke to the squeak of Martin's bed and slowly raised his head to see what was happening. He almost laughed out loud when he saw the covers moving up and down. "Told you it was addictive," he said quietly.

"Shit!" Martin said stopping instantly and slamming his other hand over the covers to hold them down.

"Relax! I always wake up with a boner. Morning wanks are the best one of the day. Let me see!" He said grabbing for the covers.

"Fuck off dude!"

"You fuck off. I taught you how to do it. No need to be shy about it now," Colin said as he firmly yanked the covers off his friend tossing them onto the floor at the bottom of the bed. He climbed in beside his friend, removing his own shorts. He lay there jerking off watching Martin. "Come on dude, or I'll do it for you," he threatened as Martin kept his crotch covered.

"Okay, chill homo!" Martin replied as he slowly revealed his morning wood to his friend and they jerked off in silence next to each other until their end result, which was significantly smaller than the explosion before bed. Martin once again went back to instantly shy as soon as he was done and cleaned up. "I gotta get a shower," he said as he pulled on his pyjama pants and rushed out of the room.

Colin almost high fived himself at his accomplishment. At least he had his friend back again, and on top of that had educated him on something he'd use forever. He gathered up the tissues and wandered to the bathroom in just his underwear. The door was locked so he returned to Martin's room to get a coat hanger. He'd learned this trick when Carter used to lock his door when they were younger. He popped the lock and walked in to drop the used tissues in the toilet before taking a pee. Martin looked around the curtain as he heard him.

"DUDE! I locked the door. I'm in the shower."

"I know. So rude. I had to take a piss. No worries though, I used a coat hanger," he said turning his head to look back at his friend. Martin went back behind the curtain and Colin had no sooner shaken his dick and put it away when the bathroom door opened and Martin's 10 year old little brother, Adam, entered.

"I have to pee," he said making a bee line for the toilet and pulling his penis out with no hesitation. Colin grinned and wondered if Adam would become as shy as Martin once puberty hit.

"Holy shit! Will you assholes get out of here. I'm taking a shower."

"Chill out bro. I gotta pee. You know what Mom said. You're not allowed to hog the bathroom."

"I'm not hogging it. I just got in here," he replied from behind the curtain. Adam lifted the hand not holding his penis and gave his brother an unseen finger. Colin grinned at the kid's antics. As soon as Adam finished he looked back at the shower and gave an evil grin as he flushed the toilet.

"Shit!" Martin yelled. "Asshole!"

"That's what you get for being a douchebag," Adam replied as he washed his hands and looked at Colin. "Are you gonna use the shower next?"

"No, I'll shower at home later. Plus, I saw how you torture your brother, I'll pass on the whole scalding while showering thing."

Adam walked up to the bathtub and pulled the curtain back to stick his head in. "Colin should be my brother," he announced bluntly.

"Fuck off, dude!" Martin yelled as he pushed his little brother back from the tub sending him almost into Colin. "Can I get some privacy please?"

Colin smiled and left with Adam following him back to Martin's room. He stopped at the entrance to the bedroom. "It stinks in here," he complained.

"Good point. We should probably open a window, huh?"

"Or use some Febreze," Adam suggested as he went and sat on the edge of Martin's bed.

"Are you supposed to be in here?" Colin asked.

"Sure, as long as Martin doesn't catch me it's fine," he said matter-of-factly. He picked up the box of tissues beside the bed. "That's where those are. He's gonna be in trouble for taking them. They're supposed to stay in the bathroom."

"He just borrowed them for a minute. No need to rat him out. He needed to clean up a mess."

"Teenagers?" Adam said shaking his head. "What kinda mess? Were you guys masturbating? Is that what the smell is?"

"You know about that?"

"Sure. I do it all the time. You rub up against stuff when your penis gets a stiffie. Then you get that funny feeling down there that says you can stop. Everyone knows that stuff," he said like an expert.

Colin almost laughed and told him that not everyone knew about it. "It's just between us guys though. Keep it to yourself and don't bring it up to your brother. He might not appreciate that type of conversation," Colin warned.

"Yeah, he's a prune."

"I think you mean prude."

"Yeah, he always wants privacy now, and gets pissed off when I see him naked."

"It happens. You just need to respect limits. You don't seem shy."

"Nah. All boys have penises."

"What about girls? Are you shy in front of them?"

"Girls are stupid," he said without hesitation.

"For now. You'll probably change your mind when you're older."

"I doubt it," he said as he stood up. "I gotta go or I'm gonna get into trouble for being in here if Martin comes back. Later Colin." He took off and Colin dressed as he waited. Martin returned and quickly changed from his pyjamas to shorts and t-shirt. Colin told him that he'd opened the window to air the place out, and reminded him to do that and use air freshener after he jerked off so it wouldn't be as obvious. Martin just mumbled a thanks. The boys raced down for breakfast before heading out to pick Dylan up at his house.

His Mom answered the door. "Hi boys. I think Dylan's still asleep. Feel free to go wake him up if you want." They headed up to his bedroom and walked in to find him in bed.

"We should dip his hand in warm water," Martin suggested in a whisper.

"Not if you want to live," Dylan said turning his head to look at them with a smile.

"You're awake! Come on dude. We gotta get goin'."

"You shoulda texted, I'd have been waiting. Give me five minutes to take a piss and grab my shit," he said as he threw the covers back and got out of bed. Colin grinned when he saw he boyfriend with a morning boner, but Martin quickly turned around as soon as he saw he was naked. Dylan raced out of his room, returning a couple minutes later back under control.

"Did you jerk off?" Colin asked.

"No. No need to do that when I have you. It was just a pee hardon," he replied as he got into his shorts and t-shirt. The three guys headed downstairs and were about to run out the door.

"You want some breakfast?" Dylan's mom asked.

"No time Mom. Gotta get to the studio. Gonna be a big celeb ya know! Later, brah."

"You're sounding like a Californian already," she chuckled. "Well at least take a banana. You need something. You too boys." They thanked as they all grabbed a banana and rushed out to the bikes.

Dylan looked at Martin. "Is that a banana in your pocket or are you still thinking of me naked?"

"No, it's a banana," Martin replied bluntly. "Seeing you naked would definitely not get me hard."

"Too bad," Dylan teased as he looked down at his own shorts. "Guess which one is the banana and which one isn't," he teased. Martin blushed as they rode over to Colin's place to meet the other guys so that Mark could drive them to the studio. Brooks, Grayson and Austin were waiting for them, and they jumped in the car for the ride down to the main studio lot. Colin presented his I.D. to security and signed everyone in as they made their way over to the back lot where they were scheduled to be extras. The other guys had been with Colin a few times, but Dylan's head was all over the place trying to spot celebrities.

It was a crime scene set-up for a low budget film and the actors weren't major celebrities, which disappointed Dylan as he'd secretly hoped to see Zac Efron from High School Musical or Tom Welling of Smallville, but they all had a reasonably good time watching how a movie was made. Colin was bored as he'd done a lot of this in the past, but he found it more interesting than normal as he watched his boyfriend's excitement at seeing it for the first time. Austin had signed in to the shoot with a fake name as he was a union actor now and his agent hadn't approved him to be there, but he wanted to hang with his friends. They wrapped early and got paid $64 for the day. Dylan was hoping they'd get to look around the studio, but the others decided to do something more active and called Mark for a ride. They headed to the beach and upon arrival Mark opened the back of the SUV.

"Thought you might end up at the beach, so I threw some things in for you," he smiled as the boys each grabbed a surfboard.

Colin threw Dylan one of his surf shirts. The boys changed and hit the water for an afternoon of surfing. Dylan still wasn't anywhere near as good as his friends, but he'd gotten not bad at staying up longer each time. It didn't bother him that he crashed more than he surfed. By the time they were done, they all agreed they were starving. Colin pulled a bag of Oreos out of his backpack and shared them around as they decided where to go.

When the other guys were up ahead on the boardwalk making their way to lunch, Brooks came up to Colin, giving him a light punch in the stomach. "I knew you were full of bullshit about Dylan."


"About his penis. You said he was bigger than us. He's not."

Colin laughed. "You checked him out while we were changing?"

"Just to prove you were full of it," Brooks said quickly. "Same size as all of us."

"You do know that's not the soft size that matters right? Want me to get him hard so you can see all of it?"

"Pass. Just saying. I know it's an absolute fallacy."

"Trust me, it's not." Brooks didn't reply as they caught up to their friends. Colin grabbed Dylan's hand as they walked towards the Burger Barn together.

"Do you guys have to do that?" Martin asked.

"Do what?" Colin asked. "Hold hands? We are boyfriends, remember."

"Yeah, but we're in public, dude."

"Holy shit! Are you homophobic?" Austin asked staring at Martin.

"No, I just think when we're all hanging out in a group we shouldn't be pairing off and stuff. Right Grayson?" He said looking for someone to agree with him.

"I think it's fine. As long as they don't start fucking in public."

"I just think they should keep that in private," Martin repeated.

"Oh my god! You are homophobic," Austin exclaimed. "Dude, it's the 21st century. No one our age gives a shit about two guys together. Only old people and politicians get cray about that."

"I'm not homophobic. It's cool that they're boyfriends," he said unconvincingly to everyone.

"Fine prove it. I dare you to hold my hand until we get to the Burger Barn," Austin challenged.

"No way. I'm not gay," he said quickly.

"Neither am I, but I also don't think it matters. Two guys should be able to hold hands if they want. Girls do it all the time, why can't guys? Men's lib!"

"That's not a thing," Martin replied.

"It should be. Brooks? Wanna hold my hand?"

"No! Go hold hands with those two."

Austin laughed as he took hold of Grayson's hand. "Your loss. I'm a great hand holder. I'm a better kisser though."

"That's definitely not happening," Grayson remarked feeling a little nervous holding a boy's hand, but desperate to show he was fine with it.

"I think you should prove that," Dylan challenged as he stared at Austin.

Austin grinned and jumped in front of Dylan stopping all of them. He put his hands on either side of Dylan's cheek and leaned in to give him a full kiss on the lips. He even made sure to use tongue. When they broke apart, no one said anything for a few seconds, until Dylan broke the silence. He let go of Colin's hand and took Austin's. "Sorry Colin. You've been replaced," he teased.

"Bullshit. No way he's better than me," Colin said as he took Dylan away from Austin and leaned in to give his boyfriend a proper kiss. He raised his eyebrows at Dylan once he was done.

"Ummmmm, hmmmm...I dunno dude. He was pretty good."

Austin smirked as the five guys stood there in the awkward kiss off. "Come on then? Prove it?" Colin challenged Austin, who shrugged and moved in for his second kiss. This time with Colin. He put his hand on the back of his head and pulled him on for a 15 second kiss which got the other guys making comments. When he finally pushed Colin away, he stepped back and went `boom!'

"Holy shit! Worthington has an erection," Brooks pointed out loudly to the group. Colin quickly adjusted himself to hide it better.

"It's that banana from this morning," Colin replied with everyone knowing it wasn't.

"Told you I was good," Austin said. "You have to learn to do things out of your comfort zone if you want to a great actor," he explained as he turned to head back down the boardwalk with Martin and Brooks. Dylan just stared at Colin.

"Sorry. It didn't mean anything," Colin apologized to Dylan as they held hands again, following along behind their friends.

"It's cool. I had a semi when he kissed me. I'd have gone full chubby if he'd kissed me that long. You're not gonna fall in love with him or anything are you?"

"Nah. What would be the benefit in that considering he's straight. It's pretty cool that he's that open though. Probably needs to be if he's gonna be a good actor."

"Probably. I hear lots of them have to do stuff on screen that they wouldn't normally do in real life."


They arrived at the Burger Barn and shovelled food into themselves, like all teenage boys, before Mark drove them all back home.

End of chapter. What would gay boys and their straight friends get up to? Keep reading to find out as Colin continues to grow up on his way to becoming a `Society Boy'. Comments and suggestions welcome at Follow on Twitter for update announcements @outinwest. Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 7

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