Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Nov 7, 2021


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

These stories follow a character from the main story of `The Society Boys'.

Have you always wondered what some of the characters get up to after they walk out of sight of Justin? These will be stand alone chapters, and as always completely fictional. The chapter where the character follows on from `The Society Boys' (SB) will be identified in each new story.

Please donate to Nifty if you are enjoying the use of their site for your titallating adventures! Best way for more tit is to keep the site running. Wonder if there's dickallating adventures anywhere?

(from SB chapter 164-166) Blake – Chapter 1

Hi! I have to be quiet as I'm hiding in the closet and I really have to pee. Plus I forgot my phone so it's kinda boring cause Kyle and Chance already had sex and now they're just talking like a couple of girls. I might as well tell you something about myself while I'm stuck here. I'm Blake Nicholas Worthington-Masters. I'm 13 and I have two Dads, Justin and Colin, and a whole shit load of brothers and uncles. I'm allowed to say shit cause my Dads are pretty young and we're all like men now, so I can do the same stuff they can. Well almost. I'm not allowed to have sex with anyone over 15, which is stupid cause I know more than most adults and my penis is bigger too. I'm not supposed to tell people about my penis, but I do. It's one of my awesome features. If you ask me, I should be allowed to do whatever I want. I drink coffee and I can swear and I'm allowed to be naked around the house...even at the beach, plus I have sex with my friends, so what's left to worry about? Parents suck sometimes. Justin and Colin say that it's to protect me, but HELLO, I can take care of myself. I do karate, I wrestle, I'm on the diving team and I'm a Scout where the motto is be prepared' and I'm even on a TV show called Blurred Lines'. I'm the star of the show...well not really, my Uncle J.P. is, but I'll be the star soon enough. You'd think with all those things going for me, I'd be trusted to have sex with adults. Geez. Fucking stupid rules. Oh, in case I didn't tell you my penis is 8 inches. Well, okay, it's 7¼, or more correctly 7" and five of those little lines on the ruler, so I just round it to 8.

What else? I used to have a different family, but I try not to think about it much as it makes me sad. My real family died when my house burned down. I lost my big sister Jennifer and my little brother John too. I miss them a lot, but I know they're in heaven making sure I'm alright. Whenever I learn new stuff, I say prayers just to John, to tell him about it but I have to make sure I address it only to him, like an email, or my first parents might hear and try to send me a message to stop or something. I figure it's my job as John's big brother to tell him what I learn. Justin assured me that they can't see stuff I do until I call them by name in my prayers, which is good cause that would kinda be creepy if they saw me naked having sexy times. I didn't have a family for a while, but then I came to live with Justin and Colin. I had no idea what to expect so I just kinda checked them out and watched before I really got involved. I mean if things didn't work out and I had to leave, it didn't make sense to put time into getting to know them and stuff. But I think it's going great now. I'm guessing my real Mom and Dad probably voted for these guys cause they knew I'd be looked after here. Plus guess what? I have a Lamborghini. Yeah, I know right! I can't legally drive it on the road or anything, but dudes it's a Lamborghini! Kyle has been teaching me how to drive it around the yard. We have this super ginormous house and it's now attached to another super big house, where my Uncles Jason and Alex live with my cousins James, Trevor and Travis. The twins are 3 and James is like 7 or something. He was a pain in the ass at first, but we're getting along kinda okay now. My best friend is Cory and he's my Uncle Jason's little brother too. Not like a real brother, just one of those kids that doesn't have a Dad. But everyone around here treats Cory like family anyway. Kyle, the guy whose closet I'm in, is my brother. Also not a real brother or anything, but he's kinda adopted me as his little brother, so I'm totally cool with that. Troy also lives with us and he's my Uncle too, but he's young like Kyle, so I call him my brother instead of Uncle. Justin and Jason are two of three identical triplets. The other one is J.P. Not sure what it stands for, but he's also got a boyfriend. They call themselves the Triple J's and sometimes if I'm not paying attention I get them mixed up `cause they really are identical. Are you confused yet? Don't worry about it. Sometimes I think everything revolves around my Dad Justin, so I'm not gonna focus on any of them.

God, I really have to pee bad and if Kyle and Chance don't stop chicking it up out there, I'm gonna have to try sneaking out before I have an accident. Oh, speaking of chicks, did I mention I have two girlfriends. Yup, and they're older. 15! Bree and Paris. My friends are so jealous, but I tell them what we do, so they don't feel left out. My other friend Conrad is pretty cool too and he's 15 as well. Justin doesn't like him `cause I kinda did stuff with him that I wasn't supposed to do, but we were making money off it, so I'm pretty sure he was just jealous that he never thought of it first, and took it out on Conrad. It was super weird though. I was having my lunch in the locker room while Conrad was putting his penis in my bum, when Justin came in and almost killed him. I thought they were supposed to stop adults getting into the schools, but nope, he got right past the lame front office and just yanked him right out my ass. Scared the crap out of Conrad, and it made me so mad since I didn't even get to finish my sandwich. I think Justin calmed down though as he said I could see Conrad again as long as I didn't do stuff for money. You'd think he'd want me to be independent. I don't need money, I have lots of it, plus my Dads are like trillionaires. We even have our own plane and so many cars I can't even tell you. Fuck this! I have to go to the bathroom, so I'm gonna be quiet for a moment as I try to get out of here.'

Blake pushed the closet door along its track slowly to give himself space to get out and he got down low and crawled along the floor. He was halfway to the door when he heard Kyle clearing his throat.

"Going somewhere?" Kyle asked as he and Chance looked over the edge of the bed as Blake looked up sheepishly.

"Umm, I was just getting a shirt from your closet when you and Chance came in, so I figured I'd just hide until you left. I didn't know you were gonna be all horny and stuff."

"Based on your track record, I'm guessing you snuck into the closet expecting to see us have sex."

"Who? Me?" He asked trying to sound innocent, but they all knew he wasn't.

"Yes, you!" Kyle laughed. "Dude, if you want to see us have sex just ask. Sometimes we're okay if you want to watch and learn things, other times we just want alone time. But ask okay?"

"Okay. Cool. You guys wanna have a three-way right now?"

Kyle laughed. "We said you could watch sometimes, not join in."

"Typical. I gotta go pee. Have fun being chicks and talking. I'm all guy, so I'm off on my date with Bree and Paris."

"Have fun buddy. Don't do anything we wouldn't do," Chance said chuckling at Blake. He liked the kid, and found him fascinating for a 13 year old. Blake turned and gave them both a dirty look.

"I'm going to go on a date with two girls and probably have sex with them. That's TWO things you wouldn't do, so not such good advice Chance," Blake said sarcastically as he ran out of the room and to the bathroom.

See, I told you they wouldn't let me have sex, but they're fine with me watching or even masturbating around them. Such a double standard if you ask me. I gotta get a shower and get ready for my date. I gotta use the bum washer too. I mean you never know when people will be looking at my butt. The bum washer is called a B-day. I think it's short for bum day, probably cause in the olden days they only washed their bums once a week, so they called it Bum day and then changed it to b-day, probably because of politically correct thing. My friends thought it was a water fountain when they first saw it, but it's not. You sit on it and let water fill your bum, then you sit on the toilet next to it and empty stuff out. You do that so you don't get poop on your penis, which would be super gross. I also learned you can do it when you get a stomach ache and are consti...consti...whatever that word is when you can't poop. The warm water makes you poop easier or something. The guys explained that to me, so I wash my bum every day. So every day is b-day in Blake land.'

Blake took off for his shower and dressed nicely for his date, or dates, if you prefer. He raced downstairs to where Justin and Colin were hanging out in the great room. "Can I borrow the car?" Blake asked knowing the answer, but never afraid to try his luck.

"Oh sure. At 13, we'll let you drive yourself on a date," Colin said sarcastically.

"Oh cool! I thought you guys would say no for sure," he beamed.

"It is a no. You really have to learn about sarcasm, Blake," Colin said correcting him.

"Yeah, figured. Can I call the car service? It doesn't look good if I show up on a date with my Dad driving. Kinda cock blocks me. I mean the girls might get nervous if I tried to do stuff in the car with one of you in there."

"Maybe you don't try to do stuff in the car with them," Justin recommended.

"Dad, I can't help it if they find me irresistible. I mean once we pick up Conrad, anything could happen. I'm always the center of the fun."

I know that sounds like I'm bragging, but I'm really not. I think they all like my long curly blonde hair, and most have said they love how green my eyes are, so I get lots of attention. Sometimes I get it from super old grandma types who say I'm just the cutest, but they're supposed to say that. The real test is from guys and girls who are just a little older than me and want sex and stuff. That's Bree, Paris and Conrad. We always have a group thing together. Well, not always, but sometimes. I like both boys and girls. Boys cause I know how our things work, and girls cause they have boobs and smell better. Girls don't give blowjobs as good as boys and they don't have penises to put in your bum, but they have regina's where I can put my penis and those are easier to get into than a boys' bum. Plus. girls are better at kissing. It's good to have both around for the different stuff. I like it when they undress me though. Not sure what will happen tonight since we're only going to a movie. We hardly ever get to do stuff at their place, and I have to plan it at my place when my Dad's and brothers aren't home, which isn't very often. We have a lot of people around my house. So, the only place we sometimes can do it is outside or in the car, if I get to use the big limo.'

"So? Can I call the car service to bring me to my date in a big car?"

"Take you to your date," Colin corrected.


Blake asked confused, having expected an answer to his question, not an English lesson.

"You used the wrong grammar."

"What? I'm not taking grandma on my date."

"Grammar. Not grandma, dingus. You would say take me on my date, not bring me on my date."

"Yeah, I don't want you on my date at all, so can I call for a car?"

`I never know what the hell they are talking about sometimes. I figure they want to go on my date to prevent me from doing stuff with Conrad, who I still don't think they really like. Or maybe they just want to see how good I am at sex with girls. Maybe they'd learn a thing or two because they're gay and don't do it with girls.'

"Yes, you can call for a car," Colin agreed.

"Yes!" Blake said balling his hand into a fist and thrusting it backwards as if he'd won the Super Bowl.

`I better call for the car before they change their mind. Plus I have to go grab some condoms from my room. I have tons of them, plus lots of lube. The stuff is just lying all over the house so I collect it. My Dad's explained that I have to use condoms if I put my penis in a girl otherwise you could get them pregnant, and I don't need a kid right now. I think you should wait until you're way older, like 16 or 17, before you have kids. I might not even have any until I'm like 20 or something. You gotta play the field for a while and having a kid would just tie you down. Not a kid like me though. I'm super independent.'

The service arrived and he told the driver where to go first, which was over to Conrad's. Once the older boy got in the car, he looked around the limo. "You got any booze in here?"

"No," Blake giggled. "I'm only 13. I barely get to have sex without going through the spinach imposition with my Dads." He gave the driver the next address as they headed to get the girls.

"Speaking of that, this should be an epic night. Hopefully the girls are horny and want to do it. I need some pussy," Conrad said bluntly. "The last time, the girls really got off seeing us make out together, so we do, then we can do it with them."

"Yeah, cool," Blake replied. "I've got lots of condoms and lube in case you didn't bring any."

"Sweet. Yeah, I haven't bought any so it's good you have some. That's what's cool about having two Dads, and a bunch of brothers and uncles. They have lots of that stuff around. Not like my place. I can't exactly go and ask my parents for condoms."

"Why not? Wouldn't they think you were being responsible and stuff? My Dads actually told me that I have to remember condoms if I'm gonna have sex with a girl. Can't get boys pregnant, so we don't need them, although sometimes it might be better so you don't have to wash the sperm out of your bum and stuff. You should let me put my penis in your bum tonight. The girls might like to see me use my big penis on you."

"Not my thing buddy. But maybe one day if you have booze and I'm drunk enough, who knows what could happen," he hinted as they both sat together as they approached Bree's place. Both girls were waiting, and liked the fact that Blake was this spoiled rich kid that seemed to be allowed to do whatever he wanted.

As they got in the car Both Bree and Paris gave the boys a kiss and sat on the long seat beside them. "Hey Richie Rich. Nice car," Paris remarked.

"Thanks. Had to use the car service as I didn't want my Dad driving me, and they won't let me take any of the cars, even though one of them is mine."

"Do you know how to drive?" Bree asked with a slight smirk.

"Sure. Do it all the time. Just can't go out on the main streets `cause I don't have a license or anything. Mainly I get to drive around our yard, or at the race track."

The four teens headed to the movie where it was a normal night of snacks, texting, instagramming, snapchat, and other social media, with a side of movie. At one point Conrad leaned over and whispered in Blake's ear `causing them both to giggle like little girls.

`Conrad always has the best ideas. He whispered in my ear how we should play a joke on the girls and I got to work on it. Not easy to do without attracting attention though, but I managed to do it and the next time Bree put her hand in the popcorn bucket, she found my hard penis in there. I totally sacred the shit out her as she punched me in the arm and complained that she couldn't eat the popcorn anymore. Conrad and I agreed that just meant more for the two of us then. He pulled the bucket off my cock, which let everyone see it. If it wasn't so busy, he should have gone down and licked the butter off my penis, but I had to quickly put it away as the three boys in the row next to us saw my dick too and laughed at our joke. It pretty tough to stuff your penis back in your pants when it's hard like that, but at least it smells super good now. Maybe girls like a popcorn flavoured penis.'

After the movie, the girls surprised the guys by saying they had to go home as they needed an early night. They asked to be dropped off, and after kissing the boys goodnight and groping them seductively, they ran inside the house.

"No fair," Blake complained. "I thought we were gonna get laid."

"Yeah, me too," Conrad agreed. "Chicks are such cock teases. One minute they want you to fuck them, the next they're running off to braid their hair. I don't really wanna go home with blue balls, can I fuck you?"

"Wanna come back to my place and we can do more stuff?"

"Nah, not as much fun without the girls. I'd kinda just like to bust a nut inside you, if you're okay with that? You could get me hard with a blowjob first if you want," he said as he pushed his pants to his ankles and waved his dick at Blake. It was more of an order than a suggestion. Blake liked Conrad, so he quickly got between his legs and began to suck him off. Conrad slid his hands into Blake's long curly hair and closed his eyes. One thing he'd say for Blake is that the kid knew how to suck a dick way better than any girl he'd ever been with, and with his long curly hair, it was easy to imagine that it was a girl going down on him. "Shit, I'm gonna cum!" he said after only a few seconds. Blake went to back off as he really wanted to have Conrad's penis in his bum, but Conrad was already to close to stop. He pulled Blake's head all the way down on his cock and held him there as he jettisoned a huge load down his friend's throat. When he released Blake's hair, the younger guy sat back and wiped his lips smiling.

"That was fun. Too bad we didn't get to play with the girls though. You still wanna fuck me?" Blake asked as Conrad dried his cock off. "Wanna give me a blowjob?"

"I would, but we're already at my place. Next time I get horny, I'll text you and we can get together. You're way better at giving head than the girls. Sometimes it's easier for boys to do it with each other than to wait for cock teasing chicks. Plus, your ass is way tighter than most vaginas."

Vagina's. I always call them Regina's. I gotta remember that.' "Yeah, just text me or come over even. We're boys so we're always horny. Kyle says that's why gay guys have more sex. Cause neither person says no, unlike girls who are teases sometimes."

"True. Thanks for the awesome night, buddy. Catch you soon." After he left Blake told the driver to take him home.

As he walked in the door, Colin looked at him and smiled. "Home already?"

"Yep. We just went to the movie," Blake replied.

I can't really tell my Dad the other details. Neither of them like Conrad and if I tell them I'd had sex with him in the car, they might get mad or something, so I just keep that stuff to myself. I called Cory to tell him about the popcorn trick, cause he'll want to try that next time we're out somewhere. Oh, I'm off to summer camp tomorrow too. Cory and me are going to this super cool camp where we get to do pretty much anything you can think of. We made a list of all the things we want to do so we don't miss anything. We're not doing stupid shit like making art projects and going on a nature hike to look for leaves, so we crossed that crap off. We have our own crap to focus on; things like the three day survival trip with a real survivor guy. Maybe even Bear Grylls. Then we can sign up for scuba diving, horseback riding, jet skiing, rifle shooting, archery, kayaking, and lots of other cool stuff. I'm hoping they have skydiving and bear hunting, but I didn't see it on the menu of stuff to do. We're signed up for a month, but we might stay for the second month too. Should be epic. Glad Cory is going or it wouldn't be as much fun without my best bud along. My Dads already warned me to keep my pecker in my pants all summer, but hey, if there are cute girls there, I can't say for sure that I'll be able to keep that promise. Even if there are some nice boys that I get a long with, I really don't have a preference. I keep being asked if I'm straight or gay, which is stupid. Sometimes I like a boy, sometimes I like a girl, sometimes I like both at the same time. I don't limit myself as I like having lots of friends, especially if they aren't shy about being naked. Makes it way cooler than being an old dude with tons of hang-ups. Adults are so weird. I'm already packed for camp and mostly I have new clothes in case I grow over the summer. I brought along my diving speedos too, just in case we go cliff jumping or diving. I'm fine naked, but Dad said maybe it wouldn't be appropriate at camp. Stupid, but whatever.'

Blake fell asleep dreaming of summer camp and all the activities he'd be getting up to. When he woke up, he had his normal morning boner and was about to masturbate like he did every morning, but then thought of something else. He wandered down the hall with his erection leading the way, entered Kyle's room and got in to bed with him and Chance. He rubbed up against the older boys until they woke up.

"Having fun, Blake?" Kyle asked quietly.

"Ooops, sorry. Didn't mean to wake you guys up. I just thought you'd like to spend some time with me before I go to summer camp. You won't get to see me for a couple months. By the time I get back I might be so different you won't even recognize me."

"That might be a good thing," Kyle joked. "You know you're leaking precum all over my leg right?"

"Am I?" Blake said trying to sound innocent. "Sorry." He reached under the covers and felt for Kyle's morning erection. "You're hard too, huh. Wanna masturbate together? It'll be our last chance before I get back." He giggled. "Last chance. He's your last Chance too," Blake said looking over at the half awake Chance lying half on top of Kyle.

"He's my first and last...and only Chance," Kyle said as he leaned down to kiss his boyfriend.

"Oh gross. Get a room," Blake said as Kyle moved Blake's hand off his dick at the same time.

"We have a room! You're in it," he reminded his younger `brother'.

"Yeah, but keep the mushy stuff until after we masturbate okay? Chance, you gonna do it with us? Are you hard too?" Without waiting he reached over and took hold of Chance's dick. "Thought so. I like your penis. It's almost like mine." Which was true. At 7½ inches, Chance was only ¼ inch bigger than Blake who was 5 years his junior. "Okay, move over so I can be in the middle," he said as he squirmed between the two older boys, who were barely awake. As soon as he'd pushed and wiggled himself into position, he reached over and took hold of both boys' dicks and began to jerk them off. They both just let him, and as they got hornier they each lifted up onto one elbow and kissed over top of Blake, who just groaned and slid down the bed to get out of the way. The boyfriends got closer and really drilled each other's faces with their tongues. Kyle reached down and basically took his cock away from Blake as he got into being with Chance. Blake slapped his hand and took the penis back. It was his to play with, but he turned the majority of his attention to Chance. He got lower and then placed his mouth over the hard cock and jerked himself off as he blew Chance and played with Kyle's penis. He figured they were way too busy with each other to even notice what he was doing. Which was true until Chance announced he was cumming and they both looked down to watch.

"Blake!" Kyle said when he saw the kid sucking his boyfriend. "Damn it. You'll get us all in serious shit. The rule is we can masturbate, and nothing else." Blake looked up and smiled with the cock in his mouth. He pulled it off for a second to answer.

"I am masturbating...see," he said as he showed his hand around his own cock moving furiously. "Plus, I'm masturbating Chance with my mouth. No one said it had to be with my hand," he said as he quickly went back down on the older guy and finished him off. As he felt Chance's morning load blast down his throat, he dumped his own morning load all over Kyle's bed and then came back up and lay between the two guys grinning. Kyle was about to say something just as there was a knock on the door and Justin entered looking for Blake. No one said anything, except Blake who claimed he was just saying goodbye to the guys. Justin told Blake to take his shower, have breakfast and get ready to head for camp.

`That was close. Dad would give me a lecture about not playing with older guys which is totally stupid. I'm gonna have a long shower and then get dressed in the clothes I want to wear to arrive at camp. It's all about the entrance, baby. My hair takes the most time as it's curly and long. I was going to get it cut, but you really shouldn't mess with perfection. Plus my hair is my trademark that gets me sexy stuff. After breakfast we have to go pick up Cory and his Mom, and my Uncle Jason is coming along too as Cory is his little brother. Don't ask. It's a really long story. But the short version...Cory doesn't have a Dad and Uncle Jason is a role model for him. I'm a way better role model though as he's only a year younger so I know stuff more relevant to being a teenager than older people.'

It was finally time for camp. Justin, Colin, Jason and Sheila, Cory's Mom, drove the boys to the summer camp, located only an hour out of town. It was called Moving Beach Wilderness Camp. They checked in at registration and were given their cabin assignment. "Blake and Cory. This is your cabin. Brett here is your head counsellor. I'll leave you with him and he can get you settled in," said the assistant director who showed the boys to their new home for the next month or two.

"Wow, this is some cabin," Colin said as he checked it out. It was made from real logs and was as impressive as any proper home. Inside there were 6 sets of bunk beds with foot lockers underneath. One for each of the 12 boys. There was a large table in the middle where the boys in the cabin could gather around if they wanted to, and a door to the toilets off to one end. There was also another door next to it that said `Counsellors' on it.

"Welcome guys. Like Carl said, I'm Brett your counsellor and we have two CIT's this year who will also be in here with us. Stone and Emery. They're just out showing a few of the other arrivals where the important things are."

"Like the girls cabin?" Blake asked with his eyes wide.

Brett laughed. "No, like the showers, mess hall, swimming pool, lake and activity areas."

"Mess hall? Cory asked. "There's a whole room where you can make a mess? That's my kinda room."

"No, the mess hall is where we go for meals. It's actually the dining room, but I like the military term...sounds cooler. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, the times of which will all be on your schedules. Meals are one of the times when the entire camp is together. The other is the evening campfire."

"Pick a bunk guys. You'll know if one is vacant if it has a lanyard hanging on it. Once you pick it, that bunk and lanyard are yours for the time you are with us. Just give it to me and I enter it into the computer as your personal identification. You can use it at the tuck shop and camp stores to buy what you want. Provided of course that you have money in your account."

"Do we have money in our account Dad?" Blake asked looking at Colin and Justin.

"We'll make sure you do," Colin assured him. "You too, Cory," he smiled. "Buy whatever you need, but remember to be responsible."

"Of course. You can trust me Dad," Blake grinned. "Do you guys sell speedboats and stuff?"

"So much for being responsible," Jason said in a low voice to Justin.

Brett just laughed. "No, but we have plenty of boats on the lake that you'll like. The camp shop has everything from clothes to rain gear, Frisbees, and other things you may have forgotten, as well as souvenirs. The tuck shop has a variety of junk food, but there is a limit to how much you can buy at once. We'll go through those rules once everyone has arrived. We don't want everyone to get sick on unhealthy food over the summer. Go ahead and pick a bunk boys.

Blake and Cory raced over to a set of bunks by a window and quickly grabbed a lanyard each. They had already agreed ahead of time that they would switch each week to keep it fair, but they both grabbed one from an upper bunk instead.

"I thought we were going to share a bunk," Blake complained.

"This will be more fun. The bunks are close together and we can see each other easier this way if we're both up top," Cory replied sensibly.

"Yeah, cool. Plus, the beds are big enough if we wanted to share or something," Blake suggested.

They dumped their stuff by the bunks and ran back to Brett, who pulled out his smartphone and entered the lanyard numbers into it. "There you go. You're in the system. Now your lanyard will give you access to the entire camp. As soon as the schedules have been finalized, it will load them into the computer, and anytime you need to know what activity is next, just find a monitor and swipe the card through it. It will give you your schedule and where you are supposed to be."

"Pretty high tech for a summer camp," Justin commented.

"Easier to keep track of everyone this way. Electronics, such as phones, computers and games are not permitted at camp, except for the ones used by the counsellors in case of emergencies. We are trying to keep the camp feel of the place without going totally old school."

"Nice. If you don't mind me saying, you don't look very old," Justin said as Colin squeezed his hand as a warning. He knew his partner well and figured he'd have Brett out in the woods bent over a tree before they left if he didn't stop him.

"I'm 20. Our C.I.T.'s are 16 and 17. All of us are certified in first aid and have gone through a lot of training to ensure the safety of the campers, so no need to worry."

"What's C.I.T. stand for?" Cory asked.

"Duh, dumbass. Camp Information Teacher," Blake said shaking his head as if Cory were stupid.

Brett laughed. "Close. Counsellor in Training." They're not full counsellors, they just help us with each cabin as 12 boys would be too much for me to look after by myself."

"Ha!" Cory laughed at Blake. "You didn't know either. Now who's the dumbass, dumbass?"

"I'm sure my definition was also correct. But since we don't have Google to find out, you'll just have to trust me on that." Just as the conversation was finishing up, an older boy returned with three younger guys with him.

"Just in time, Stone. This is Blake and Cory. They'll need the camp tour next. Guys, this is Stone."

Stone was very cute. 5'11" slender build with light brown hair and light grey eyes. Justin noticed immediately and Colin gripped his hand even tighter. He whispered in Justin's ear. "You need a valium?"

"Shut up!" he whispered back trying not to drool. Blake noticed his Dad's reaction to Stone and just shook his head as if he were being embarrassing.

"The other boys are Dylan, Martin and Scott," Brett said finishing the introductions. "Everyone in this cabin is 13 or just turned 14, so hopefully you'll all find you have something in common. Stone, would you take Cory and Blake to see the camp? Dads, you're welcome to join them if you wish." Stone said hi to everyone and led them out of the cabin and began his introductory spiel about the camp. It was obviously part of his training as he spouted off about the origins of the camp and how it was now one of the most popular destinations for summer camps as they offered the largest array of activities anywhere.

"At these prices, they better," Colin said to Justin quietly. He noticed that Justin didn't even appear to be listening. "Are you with us or has your mind gone somewhere else perhaps?"

Justin turned to look at Colin. "I'm listening. Just interested in what Stone has to say," he said quietly.

"Yeah, I'll bet. You know his face is about three feet up from where you're looking, right?"

"Focusing on the ground so I don't trip," he replied with a smirk.

"Again, ground is two feet down," Colin pointed out as he gave Justin a small shoulder bump. Stone noticed the interaction between the two Dads, as well as the fact that two of the guys were identical, and obviously twins. They continued down the trail to the first building.

"This is the shower house. Left side boys, right side girls. Use your lanyard against the reader and it'll let you in. Bit of security so campers don't accidentally stroll into the wrong room," he smiled as he tapped his lanyard to the door getting a green light to unlock it. They went in and it was a large open change room and showers in one.

"Does it have hot water?" Cory asked.

"Of course," Stone replied. "Only place with only cold water is the lake. Our pool is also heated and can be covered in case of rain." They left the shower room and followed the trail to the pool, and then the large dining hall which was an impressive building. It had massive floor to ceiling windows overlooking the lake with row after row of tables.

"Menus vary each day and there is always a choice of food so you aren't stuck with something you don't like," Stone explained.

"Do you have chicken fingers?" Blake asked.

"Definitely. And mac and cheese," he grinned. "There are also vegetarian dishes for those that want them. Do you have any allergies?"

"Just to hard work and rules, right Blake?" Justin teased.

"You know you're not funny right Dad? No, I'm not allergic to anything except parents," he said getting his own back on Justin.

From there they toured the lake, which had everything from speedboats to jet skiis, canoes, windsurfers, sailboats, and kayaks. The big attraction in the center of the camp was the giant snakes and ladders game board, where the kids were used as the pieces and the dice were 2 feet across. Other activities that the boys found interesting were Frisbee golf, rifle shooting, archery and horseback riding. There were also all the basic sport field from baseball to tennis, football, volleyball and anything else you could dream up. Even a skateboard park and BMX course for the bikes was available. If you could think of it, it was probably at camp. While they didn't get to see everything, it was enough to make the adults almost wish they were staying for camp themselves.

"Do you stay at camp the entire summer, Stone?" Justin asked as they walked back to the cabin.

"Yeah. We get one day off per week, but other than that, we're here the whole time 24/7. We all sleep in the cabin, but the counsellors have their own room so the boys can have some privacy. We're close enough if they need help though. Some of the younger ones, or first time campers, get homesick occasionally, so that's one thing we watch out for. The other is to make sure they don't get hurt. But boys can be boys, and if they do, we have a full medical facility on staff and the ability to get a helicopter here quickly to get to a hospital."

"Nice to know," Justin smiled. Stone smiled back.

"Cool. Can I have a ride in a helicopter?" Cory asked.

"Only if you get seriously injured, which would mean you miss camp," Stone replied, obviously having had that question before.

"We wouldn't want that. I have a whole summer planned without you guys around. You should come over and tell me more about being a counsellor when you have a day off," Justin said to Stone with a smile.

Blake just shook his head. "God Dad, keep it in your pants. He's my counsellor. Don't you have enough to do at home? Hint Hint. Time to go. Kids need to get on with camping here. Thanks for dropping us off. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out."

The other boys in the cabin laughed and Justin just ignored him. "Stop by and I'll tell you how to control Blake. Might let you borrow his leash and muzzle. Plus I'm sure you have a lot of stories to tell about past experiences at camp. I'd love to hear them."

"You have no idea," Stone grinned.

"Gross. Impressionable young mind here. Stop perving on my counsellor, Justin," Blake said as he pushed his Dads towards the door and outside to send them on their way. Cory gave his Mom and Jason a hug to thank him for bringing him to camp. Justin went to give Blake a hug, but his son stepped back and put out his hand to shake.

"Yeah, right!" Justin grinned as he grabbed Blake and pulled him in for the hug. "We're gonna miss you buddy," he said as he leaned down and kissed Blake's head.

"Oh my god Dad! You're gonna get me killed," he said frantically as he looked around to see who might have seen, and adjusted his hair in case it was messed up now. Colin gave Blake a one handed `man hug' as he told him to behave.

They said goodbye to the boys and headed back towards the car. "Was I that obvious with Stone?" Justin grinned as he looked at Colin.

"A blind man could have seen it. Don't forget Blake knows you all too well, as does everyone."

"Can't blame me. That guy was hot, plus he's totally gay."

"You think everyone is gay. Hardly a news flash."

"Ha! Ye of little faith. I'll have that guy with his legs over his head before the end of the summer. You watch."

"What happened to your vow of a sex free summer?" Colin reminded him.

"Okay, I'll have his legs over his head by fall then when he's unemployed and looking for a job."

"Not sure blowjob is in his list of employment," Colin said as they all went into the camp administration office to add money to Blake and Cory's accounts, before getting in the car and heading home. Sheila tried to pay for Cory, but the guys wouldn't hear of it as they loaded up the accounts.

`God. Parents. They can be so annoying sometimes. I'm at summer camp trying to be just a normal kid and then you get Justin almost licking my camp counsellor, and then trying to make me look like a wimpy kid by macking on me like he was in heat. I know that Stone is Justin's type, but come on, give a kid a break. Cory and I are finally free of the parental units and now it's our summer to rock this place. The first thing I did was dump all my clothes into my footlocker under the bed after Brett said we should unpack and get changed for the swimming tests. Great. I've been here less than an hour and we're already having tests. Waiter! Check please! Apparently they have to access our swimming abilities, or something like that. I should get the top level since I'm a super awesome swimmer. So is Cory, so we'll be fine. I pulled out the locker and flipped the lid open. It was slightly bigger than my suitcase, so I just threw the whole thing in. There. Unpacked. Cory didn't follow my lead as he turned his suitcase upside down and dumped all his stuff into the footlocker. Then he pushed his empty suitcase under the bed. I might do that later if that's easier to get to my clothes. More boys had arrived in our cabin so things were filling up fast, but the whole place was pretty big, so it wasn't like we would be cramped or anything. There are a few that seemed cool, like Sawyer, Brandon, and Dylan. There's even a set of twins Brenton and Shawn. They're black kids and seem really nice. We also have two Asian guys in our cabin Martin and Tristan. So far I hadn't seen any nerds or anything, so maybe they had their own cabin so that the jocks and stuff don't pick on them. But I haven't really gotten to know everyone really well yet, so who knows. I opened my suitcase and rummaged through the clothes to see what I should wear for the swimming test. I pulled out a couple of things and then undressed so I could change. I was about to put on my board shorts until I realized I should go and ask what type of test it was. I walked over to Brett to inquire.'

"Uh, Brett. What type of swimming test is it? Is it for speed or distance or diving or what?"

Brett looked at the naked boy in front of him and smiled. "Not shy, huh?"

"Nah. We're all boys here and I don't usually wear anything to swim at home, so I figured I better ask."

"It's just a test to see how well you can swim, so whatever you're comfortable with is fine. Half the boys wear board shorts and others wear speedos. It's whatever works."

"Nude is out huh?" Blake said, trying to be a smart ass.

"Yep. Nude is out. If it were an all boy camp, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem, but since it's a co-ed camp, clothes are required."

"Got it. If there are girls around keep the pecker in the pants," he grinned remembering what his Dads had told him.

"Yep. That'd be the rule."

Blake walked back to his bunk and told Cory they could wear whatever, so they both chose board shorts for now as that seemed like what the majority of the boys in his cabin were changing into.

"I'm Sawyer," said one boy as he came up and sat on the lower bed under Blake's and introduced himself. "Is this your first time at camp?"

"Yeah. I'm Blake and this is Cory."

"How old are you guys?"

"13. We're both 13," Cory said quickly. He was actually only 12, but in order for the boys to be in the same cabin for the summer, he had to lie and say he was 13. Fortunately, he had grown a lot in the past three months and was as tall as Blake.

"Cool. I just turned 14. This is my third year here, so if you need to know anything just ask. Looks like we're bunkmates," he said to Blake. "I like the bottom as it's easier to sneak out at night if we need to go on a raiding adventure or something."

"What's a raiding adventure?" Cory asked.

"You'll see. You can join us tonight if you want. We always have a first night adventure that's tons of fun. We get to know each other better and catch up with guys from last year. I'll wake you up if you want to join us."

"Yeah, we're in. We like extreme adventures. Nothing is to daring for us."

"Good to hear. I think we'll get along great."

Another boy was looking for his swim suit beside them.

"I'm Cory, and this is Blake," Cory said introducing himself.

"Martin," the Asian boy replied who seemed to be very shy and quiet, and not sure how to handle Blake and Cory who had just got naked and didn't seemed to care who saw them. "It's my first time at camp."

"Ours too," Cory said "but it's not our first time camping. We're both Boy Scouts so we know lots of outdoor stuff. Ready to go swimming?"

"Yeah, just gotta go change first. I'm not very good at swimming so I think they'll end up sticking me with the little kids or something."

"That's okay. We can help you get better at swimming," Blake said as turned to address Martin.

"Thanks. I should go change."

"Huh? Just change here. It's not like there are girls here to see your wiener."

"My parents are kinda strict about stuff like that. My Dad says the only person that should see you without clothes is a doctor."

"That's stupid. Haven't you seen your brothers naked or anything?"

"No, I'm an only child."

"What about a girlfriend? They'd see you naked."

"Dad says you have to wait until you're married to have sex and then it should be in the bedroom in the dark."

"Your parents sound weird. No offense," Blake said shaking his head. "Stick with us and by the end of the summer, I'll bet that no one in this cabin will wear clothes while we're inside."

"I dunno about that. My parents were pretty clear about it. They said some people will try to do stuff to you if you're naked, so you should always avoid temptation and do private things in private. What if you know...the stickup penis? My Mom said that if that happens in front of anyone, it's a total sin that'll send you to hell," he whispered.

"It's called a boner. If it happens you grab it, whack it, and get on with your day. We're boys. It'd be crazy if you didn't get them, and no one goes to hell for it. That's just a parent thing to scare you into being their little boy forever. My Dad's are the same. They won't let me have sex with older people as they say it's a bad thing. They're wrong too.' Blake answered as if it were the most normal thing ever. "Come on let's go to the pool."

As they waited for Martin to go change in the bathroom, Dylan approached them.

"Did I hear you say that you guys were Scouts?"

"Yep. Both of us," Cory replied.

"Me too. We should be pretty good at the whole camping thing together huh?"

"For sure!" Blake grinned "Maybe we'll form our own camp patrol and rule this place."

"Sounds like a wicked plan," Dylan said as he looked his two new friends over. "Swimming should be easy."

Martine returned and the boys ran outside with the others and waited with their counsellors to be taken to the pool.

"Okay boys let's hit the lake. Follow me," Brett said as he took off towards the water.

"Uh, the lake? Aren't we going to use the pool?" Martin asked. "It has warmer water."

"Nope. The test is in the lake. More room for everyone," Brett said.

"I really don't like really cold water," Martin said quietly to Blake.

"We have to go to in the lake dude, or we'll be ostrich sized," Blake said to Martin.

"What's that mean?"

"It means they'll think we're big nerds if we bury our head in the sand and don't want to do something," Blake explained.

"Sure. I knew that," Martin said nodding in agreement.

The camp mates chatted excitedly as they made their way to the water where lots of other kids had arrived and were already being assessed by their counsellors and the lifeguards. Sawyer was catching up with Brandon and Colby who were his buddies from past years at camp. As they got closer to the water, Sawyer stopped and pointed out the girls to his buddies. "Holy shit dude. Check out Willow. She grew some major boobs over the summer," he said excitedly.

"Forget Willow dude. Kinsey's back and she looks hotter than ever," Colby said as he motioned to where she was on the dock. "I hope she's still into giving handjobs like last year. Too bad Noah's not here yet. He got at least three from her."

"Nice! I'd like some of that action," Brandon replied with a grin. Blake just nodded in agreement.

"What was Noah's signature move again?"

Sawyer laughed. "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. He used to go commando and `accidentally' let his dick fall out the side of his shorts when he was sitting down near girls. Said it made them want more if he teased them like that. Screw the handjobs, though. I'm going for a full on home run this year. My dick is way bigger and I'll bet she wants it now that she's had a whole year to think about it."

"Yeah, pretty obvious that it's bigger," Colby laughed as he moved his hand to flick Sawyer's crotch. "Maybe the speedo was a bad choice. Your dick is almost bursting out of it."

Blake and Cory laughed with the guys as Sawyer looked down and saw that his friend was right. The speedos were so tight and small that you could make out the entire length of his dick and even the fact that he was circumcised. He told his parents he needed a bigger swim suit, but they said it would last another summer. "Shit. I'll be right back. I gotta go change." He raced back to the cabin and swapped out the speedos for his board shorts, but his erection was still pretty obvious, so he put his speedos back on, with the board shorts over them. He checked the bulge and figured it was passable, so he ran back to join his friends and cabin mates. Brandon grabbed the top of Sawyer's shorts and pulled them down slightly.

"I was right. He kept his speedos on. Dude, you're even hornier than last year. This is gonna be a wild summer."

Blake was paying close attention to the interaction between the older boys. He was used to guys, living in a house full of them, but he was particularly interested in how straight boys interacted with each other, which at the moment didn't seem that much different from the gay ones, except they kept more clothes on and didn't have sex on the first meeting. Blake thought he'd test the water. "Hey guys. Which girl do you think is the cutest? Seems like there's a few."

Sawyer smiled and put his arm around Blake's shoulder. "As far as hotness goes, Willow and Ember are lookin' fine with their new boobs. If you want a girl that puts out, wants to see your dick and isn't afraid to touch it, then head for Kinsey...but after me. I'm going for her first. I think Jocelyn and Charlotte are your age and they're pretty hot. I'll introduce you. Who knows, my man, you might lose your virginity this summer."

"You mean you might lose yours," Blake said with a smile. "I prefer older girls. I have two girlfriends at home and they're both 15. I lost my virginity a year ago. All my virginities."

"All of them?" Sawyer asked with a slight smirk thinking Blake was just trying to be cool.

"Yep. There's lots of different types. Regular virginity, and then bum virginity, and if you do it with boys, that's two more virginities. So I think there's four all together. Maybe more, I'm not sure I know everything yet."

"You're only 13. I call bullshit. You probably just saw it on a movie or heard someone talking about it and are trying to look cool."

"No. I've really done lots of stuff. I could prove it if I had my phone. I'd just call them. My buddy is also 15 and we have orgies all the time."

"Yeah right," Brandon said as he listened in on the conversation. "You've been in an orgy?"

"Sure. A few of them actually. I've also seen tons of people having sex. We have a big family and no one is really shy or anything. My Dads say that sex is normal and you shouldn't be afraid of it."

"Your Dads? You have more than one?" Brandon asked curiously.

"Yeah. Justin and Colin. They're married to each other."

"Cool. My friend has two Moms. No big deal," Colby interjected as they all listened to Blake.

"So how come you got together with older girls?" Sawyer asked.

"It's a long story, but Conrad is my friend who's 15, and he's friends with Bree and Paris, and he showed them my dick, so they all wanted to hook up and teach me stuff. It just went from there. Once people know you have a big penis, they're all over you. They said they liked my hair and my eyes too."

Brandon laughed. "Guess you're never getting laid Colby."

"Fuck you. I grew over the summer too, ya know," he said defending his manhood.

"So now you almost have an outie dick instead of an innie?"

"Fuck you."

"So Blake, is this all true or just bullshit to be cool for the summer," Sawyer asked seriously as he stopped and looked him directly in the eyes.

"No, it's true. Older people know more and can teach me stuff. As for having a big dick...we live in the same cabin for the summer. I'm sure you'll see it, and you'll know I'm not lying. I'm a pretty horny kid, so it goes up a lot. I don't usually wear many clothes at home, especially when we're swimming. I'm still pissed that we can't go skinny dipping."

Sawyer laughed. "You're my type of guy, Blake. Good to have you in our cabin. This should be an epic summer."

"Let's go see how many bikini tops we can untie and see some boobs," Colby suggested.

"Yeah, although they may remember that trick from last year. I still think about when they lined up behind the diving platform last year and all showed us their boobs," Sawyer grinned. "We had to show our dicks and they laughed at how small yours was. What was it? About four inches."

"That was last year. I'm 6½ now so they won't be laughing once it goes into them."

"You wish!" Brandon laughed.

"It is 6½ wanna check it out homo?"

"No! I meant you wish they'd let you put it in them. The only action you're getting is with your hand."

"We'll see. Girls like bad boys and I'm going to be the baddest. I'll be getting laid more than all of you put together. Let's go get our reps started."

Before Blake could respond, Colby and the older guys ran over to the dock to hug and say hi to everyone they knew. He grinned as he saw Colby untie a few bikini tops as they hugged. He got punched a couple times and one girl actually pushed him into the water and called him an asshole. Blake adjusted his dick which had started to get hard with all the sex talk and activity around him.

"I think Sawyer likes you," Cory said noticing Blake adjusting himself.

"Did you see the size of the outline of his penis? Maybe he'll let us play with it and stuff," Blake grinned.

"I thought your Dads said to keep your pecker in your pants over the summer," Cory reminded him.

"Old folk rules. We're young. Our peckers are not supposed to be in our pants, especially when we're just learning how to use them. Check out the girls. They don't really seem that mad at having their tops untied. I'll bet we can probably get laid for sure," Blake grinned. "I wouldn't mind seeing that Willow girl's boobs either."

"Dude, you're still the horniest guy I know," Cory laughed as they ran to the rest of the guys from their cabin gathered on the dock. Blake grinned at the compliment and joined the group for the test.

Carl, the assistant camp director was in charge of the test. "Okay campers. This is a pretty easy test to assess your swimming ability. All you need to do is get in the water and swim as far as you can to the other side and back. How far you go determines the level you're at. The water is shallow enough that if you can't go any further, just stand up."

"Assess? I thought it was access," Blake said to Cory. "Huh. Who knew."

Carl continued. "It you can't swim at all, please go to the beach and a counsellor will give you a red band. But don't worry, we have plenty of swimming lessons here at camp so if you want to learn, or want to get better, there is a lot of opportunity for that. Once a counsellor determines that you have moved up a level, you can retake the test at any time."

"See Martin. Nothing to worry about," Cory said to his bunkmate.

Both Cory and Blake knew how to swim like fish as they were hardly ever out of the pool at home, but some of the boys in their cabin were only able to go half way across the water and got a yellow band. They were restricted to water that was only meters from the shallow end of the lake. The campers who could go all the way to the end and back got a green band which meant they could go anywhere in the roped off swimming area, but there was a buddy system in place anytime you went in the water.

"You also get different stamps for different abilities and challenges," Sawyer said after they all had their bands. "They punch a design in your wrist band to show what you've accomplished."

"Like what?" Cory asked as the group of first time campers listened.

"Like if we do relay races, or diving off the platform, or do survival training in the water. That's the one where you get in the lake at the end of the dock in all your clothes and have to get out of them down to your swimsuit. It's in case of an emergency if you fall in water without a lifejacket. The weight of clothes could drag you under, so you have to show you can get out of them easily. Then there is the night swim, but it's not completely dark as there are a few lights on, but it's just fun to do. They have a rescue swim where you have to go and get your buddy and drag him back to shore. Lots of fun stuff."

"Cool. I can do all that," Cooper said.

"I'll just be happy to get rid of the yellow band," Martin added as he showed his wrist.

"At least it's not red dude, so you can go swimming with us. Don't worry, we'll help you get green in no time," Cory told him as he put his arm around his shoulder. "We're the Cyclones. We'll all have green bands before the end of the summer."

Once the swim test was over everyone headed back to the cabin to change for dinner and their first meal together as a camp. "What do you wear to dinner?" Blake asked Sawyer as he got out of his wet swim suit and stood naked looking at his footlocker.

"Whatever you want. The only rules are that you need a shirt, pants, shoes and socks."

"Hmmm, so this outfit isn't going to work," Blake giggled as he spun around.

"That's not so much an outfit as it is a suit...your birthday suit," Sawyer laughed as he pulled off his own shorts and speedo. Blake had his first opportunity to see his bunkmate naked and he wasn't disappointed. Sawyer had a cut penis like his, and it was average size. At least average size for one that had been submersed in cold water for half an hour. Sawyer had a patch of pubic hair that he obviously didn't trim at all, but at 14 he was only just beginning to get any thickness to it. Blake tried not to be too obvious as he checked him out and quickly picked some clothes that he wanted to wear and changed into them. Martin had run back to the bathroom to change as he had before. Blake glanced over at the twins Brenton and Shawn as they changed and he smiled when he saw that their asses were as black as the rest of them. He wondered if they had black penises too, but figured it might not be appropriate to go over and ask since he didn't know them yet. As soon as everyone was assembled in the mess hall, the camp staff, who were on the stage, introduced themselves. Each cabin's counsellor was there, along with the camp nurse, directors, and activity coordinators. All the C.I.T.'s sat at the table with their cabin.

"Welcome to Moving Beach Wilderness Camp everyone. This summer you can enjoy any type of activity you want. From waterskiing, scuba diving, and horseback riding to overnight survival camps. Of course our famous evening activities and campfires, as well as the colour wars, are big highlights. Each of you, whether a first time camper, or seasoned veteran will get to know each other as you try the different things and we know from past summers that older and younger can learn from each other. Some simple rules. Boys may not go into girl cabins and girls may not go into boy cabins...or shower houses. The tuck shop allows you to spend five dollars a day in extra food. We'll make sure you have plenty to eat, but we want to keep you healthy so that you enjoy everything that camp has to offer. If you get sick, or don't feel well, or heaven forbid, get injured in any way no matter how small, tell your counsellors, C.I.T.'s or any staff member. A simple cut could get an infection and we'd rather you be treated than just ignore it. We know of all your food allergies and if you think there's anything your parents may have missed, please let us know. We don't allow electronic devices at camp except what the counsellors have to operate the schedules..."

The whole camp booed him at that announcement.

"...and we encourage every one of you to write home to your parents at least once a week. Seasoned campers have found that if you keep a journal of what you do each day, writing a letter is easy. That's a letter with a pen and paper...These!" he said as he held up a pen and paper. Some of the campers laughed. "Parents day will be in three weeks and we're sure they're all going to want to see what you've been up to. The camp shop is open every day from after breakfast until one hour after dinner, but is closed during meal times. Welcome and enjoy your summer!"

The whole place cheered and began banging on the tables. Blake and Cory tried to bang the loudest, just like everyone around them. There was a big round wheel at the front with the number of each table on it. The idea was that one counsellor spun it and the number that it landed on got to go first for food. Then each table in number sequence went next. So, if table 9 went, then each table went in turn up to 10, then it started at table 1 through to 8. The whole camp was yelling for their number to come up and it landed on three. Blake and his cabin were at table 7 so they didn't have long to wait before it was their turn. There was lots of food and the boys all ate until they were stuffed. Once they finished, it was free time before the evening activities.

"I'm just gonna hit the shower and wash off the lake crud. You want me to show you where it is Blake?" Sawyer asked randomly picking Blake from the group after they got back to the cabin. Blake was about to say he knew where it was, but thought better of it as this would be a chance to hopefully get closer to Sawyer.

"I'll be back in a bit, Cory," Blake said with a big grin. Cory just shook his head, rolled his eyes and agreed. He was busy making friends with Martin and the twins Brenton and Shawn, who were some of the other new kids in the cabin. Blake followed Sawyer to the shower house, and once they had used their key to enter, Blake hung up his towel, stripped off his clothes and headed for a shower.

"You really weren't kidding were you?" Sawyer said as Blake wasted no time getting under the water.

"Told you I had a big dick," Blake said looking down at his cold penis.

"No, I meant that you aren't shy. Most guys wear their shorts to shower, at least at first."

"That's stupid. Why would you shower with clothes on? They must be total dinguses...dingi?"

Sawyer laughed. "Say what you really mean, Blake. Don't hold back." He dropped his shorts, pulled on his dick to make it look bigger and took the shower next to Blake.

"Your dick looks pretty big too," Blake said checking him out. "I'm still working on building chest muscles and abs. I'd like mine to be more like yours."

"I can show you how. We have lots of activities around here that can help with that. Things like rock climbing, rappelling, kayaking, swimming. It won't take much. You have abs and you're not fat or anything," he said slapping Blake's stomach. You'll be buff in no time. The girls will be all over you by the end of summer."

"Girls are all over me now. Boys too. It's the hair and the penis," he grinned as he washed his hair. Fortunately the camp supplied shampoo in dispensers so they didn't have to worry about bringing it.

"You have some dirt on your back," Sawyer said as he dispensed some soap into his hand. "Turn around and I'll get it for you." Blake turned to face the wall and Sawyer got behind him and washed his back. By the time he was done Blake was sporting a major hardon. He turned back around as Sawyer went back to his shower.

"Damn, dude. You really do have a big one," Sawyer said.

"Told you. It kinda goes up and down all by itself sometimes," Blake explained, not embarrassed by it at all.

"I don't think I've met a guy like you before. You really don't care that you have an erection, do you?"

"Why would I? We all get them and they're totally normal. Plus, you rubbing my back felt good, so presto...boner."

"Since it's just you and me in here, would you tell me honestly? Have you really had lots of sex?"

"Yeah, I really have. My Dad's say I have had more than most adults."

"So what kinds of things have you done?"

"I think pretty much everything. I'm not sure of all the things you can do, but I've done lots that's for sure."

"Like have you gotten a blowjob?" Sawyer asked.

"I'll tell you all the things if you tell me what things you've done too, okay?"

"That's easy. So far all I've done is kiss one girl, had a handjob from Kinsey and jerked off with Colby and Noah last summer to see who could cum first. That's it dude, no big events or anything. This summer, I'm hoping Kinsey will let me go further with her."

"Wow, I thought you'd have done way more stuff. You seem really cool and you have a nice penis, so I figured you would have done lots of people."

"I'm only 14 dude. The opportunity just hasn't been there, yet. But this summer my goal is to lose my virginity. At least that's what I'm hoping. Okay, your turn. What all have you done?"

"Like I said pretty much everything. Blowjobs, fucking, kissing, swimming naked, stuff in groups with friends. Things like that. If I'm horny, there's always someone around to do something with."

"How do you meet girls like that? Would any of them want to hook up with me?"

"I could ask them if you come over after summer camp. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. I know lots of older girls too that might be interested. If I can't find any then my brothers could, or their friends. Of course, they'd probably want you first," Blake giggled.

"They're all gay?"

"I think so. They have boyfriends, but I've seen them with girls too."

"You mean you've seen them have sex with girls?"

"No, but they know lots."

"Ummm, have you had sex with a boy before?" He asked quietly.

"Sure. All the time. Boys know stuff that girls don't, so it's a good way to learn."

"You really are unique, Blake. I can't believe that you're younger than me and have a bigger dick."

"Yeah, that's what everyone says. I'm pretty much bigger than all my friends and stuff. Guess that's why I don't mind being naked. How big is yours? I'm like 7¼" inches and I'm circumcised."

Sawyer laughed. "Yeah I can see that. We both are."

"Lots of boys aren't though," Blake added as an observation, and to throw out facts he knew.

"I'm probably 6 inches. Hopefully it'll grow more though."

"My Dad says 6 inches is the average size for a penis, so girls will like it. You just have to show it off more."

Sawyer laughed again. "Sure. I'll just whip it out at dinner. Just don't show yours off at the same time, or I'll never get any action. Can I ask you one more question?"

"You just did," Blake grinned.

"I mean can I ask you one more question after this one?" Sawyer smiled at Blake's humour.

"Ask me whatever. I'm an open book!"

"What's it like getting a blowjob?"

"I dunno. Fun, I guess. Makes me sperm faster than just playing with it, but only if they know how to do it properly. Gotta watch teeth and stuff. Boys are better at it than girls. That's for sure. But I like fucking type stuff better. You gotta try it Sawyer. It's way funner than a blowjob."

"I'm hoping buddy. I'm hoping."

"Well if the girls won't let you, you can try it with me if you want. I don't mind. You don't seem like an asshole or anything, so I'd be okay if you wanted to do stuff together."

"Thanks. I'm gonna try with the girls for now though. I might need a blowjob by the end of the summer if I don't get some action with them though."

"Looks like you need one now," Blake laughed as he checked out Sawyer's dick that he was unconsciously stroking and had grown to full erection. "Can you suck your own dick?"

"No. Can you?"

"Yeah. Watch."

Blake lay on the shower floor and flung his legs over his head and braced them on the wall behind him and took his hard dick into his mouth and sucked more than half of it right down. He did it several times before stopping and standing back up. "See. Easy. You gotta practice though. It takes a lot of flexibility. I had to stop otherwise I'd sperm. Try it."

Sawyer just smirked at Blake and then shrugged his shoulders and lay on the floor to duplicate what Blake had done. He was about two inches away from being able to get his dick in his mouth. Blake cheered him on as he tried. Then he went behind Sawyer and put his hands on his ass to push him forward. He managed to push hard enough for Sawyer to at least get his tongue to touch the tip of his cock, before he complained that it was hurting his back. He put his legs down and stood up, accidentally hitting his erection against Blake.

"Oops, sorry," he apologized.

Blake just smiled. "No big deal. I've wrestled naked before too, so you get used to it. You almost did it dude. You just gotta practice a bit more. It's good to learn in case you don't have someone around to give you a blowjob. That's what I figure anyway. You have a nice penis though, so girls will probably be okay blowjobbing you." He reached over and took hold of it so he could feel the older boys' erection. Sawyer recoiled backward quickly.


"What? I was just checking to see how hard it was. If it can get harder, you might have been able to get it in your mouth."

"Trust me. This is as hard as it gets," Sawyer replied turning the water cooler to try and make his erection go down.

"Okay, well if you practice, you'll be able to do it. Do you masturbate?"

"Wow. No personal boundaries at all huh?" Sawyer smiled, actually enjoying how open the younger guy was.

"What? That's how you learn things. We share a bunk bed so if you do masturbate, then at least when I feel the bunk shaking, I'll know what you're doing and won't think it's an earthquake or anything. I do it a lot, so if we do it at the same time, we won't notice."

"You're strange Blake, but I think we'll be good friends," Sawyer replied as they finished showering and went to dry off. "You know, with that party trick of yours, you could probably win a lot of bets and get some serious coin."

"What party trick?" Blake asked a bit confused.

"Being able to blow yourself. Most guys can't do that, so bet them, and when they take you on, they have to pay up."

"Oh. I'm not allowed to take money for sex stuff anymore. My Dad almost killed my friend for that."


"My friend had his penis in my bum in the school locker room at lunch time when my Dad caught him and almost ripped his pecker off. I told him I liked it, but he was pissed. In fact he was so pissed, I never got to finish my lunch. But he got even madder when he found out that Conrad was letting other guys use my ass and we were getting money for it."

"Seriously? Guys paid to fuck you? Okay, now I call bullshit for real."

"No, seriously. We got $20 bucks for each guy, and I got to keep $10 of it. Conrad kept the other ten as a finder's fee."

"Didn't it hurt?"

"Maybe the first few times, but now I'm used to it and it even gives me a boner sometimes. Mainly I like girls though too. That's my favorite."

"Mine too buddy. Mine too. But around here, you can just make bets for stuff from the store. We don't get actual money, but you could make a bet for something you want like junk food, which they limit to buy, or some souvenir shit that you want. I'll bet you could clean up."

"You should have told me that before I showed you. I could have gotten a chocolate bar out of it," Blake grinned as they finished dressing. He kept a big grin on his face as he'd just made his first new friend. They talked about all the summer activities and what their favorites were as they headed back to the cabin where the rest of the boys were hanging out and getting to know each other before the evening activities began.

Cory came up to Blake and whispered to him. "Did you do it with him?"

Blake shook his head. "No, but we talked about stuff. I'll tell you later. What about you?"

"What about me what? I've been here the whole time talking to the guys. Some of the guys are cool. Like the twins Brenton & Shawn, as well as Dylan and Tristan. You should get to know them."

"It's the first day. Once we all get to know each other, I'm sure we'll have a bunch of new friends. You should get to know Sawyer too. He's super cool. I think I have a way to get us more junk food too. Is everyone staying the entire summer or just for a month, or what?"

"I dunno. We should try to find out though. Would be better if we get to know the guys that'll be here the whole time," Cory said thinking ahead.

"Agreed. Sawyer is here for the whole summer, so I'm gonna be friends with him. We've already talked about masturbating and stuff."

" our pants...remember," Cory said smiling at Blake, as Martin, who was sitting on his lower bunk next to the two boys snapped his head up and looked at them.

"You guys really do that? Like play with it and stuff?"

"Sure. My Dad says every guy masturbates and those that say they don't are lying. Plus you're supposed to do it. It's how you keep from getting sick."

"Really?" Martin said looking shocked. "My parents said if you touch your penis except to pee, it's a sin. I'm not even allowed to play video games as they say that's a bad thing too."

"No offense Martin, but your parents sound like prison wardens," Blake said in his usual blunt way. "If you don't get your sperm out of your penis, it sits in there and goes bad like old milk and stuff and it causes your balls to go soggy and later on they may have to amputate them if they get infected. I'm not letting that happen to me, so I masturbate at least once a day. Try it, you'll actually like it."

"I dunno. That doesn't sound right. Maybe I should ask someone first."

"It is. But go ahead ask anyone. I mean I don't care if you do it or not. I'm just saying I'm gonna do it a lot so I don't get sick," Blake said turning away from Martin to get back to his conversation with Cory. He found Martin annoying and a bit of a nerd, so he guessed the nerds didn't have their own cabin after all. He'd still try to be friends with him, but he wasn't completely sure they'd get along.

"Yeah, that whole keeping it your pants thing is Justin's rule." Blake said turning his attention back to Cory. "He just didn't want me focusing on having sex all summer instead of all the other activities. But I can do both. I'm gonna just be me. Which one of our counsellors do you think is the best looking?"

"I dunno. Maybe Emery cause he has blonde hair?"

"I like Stone. I'm gonna try and do it with him."

"Stone? The one Justin likes?"

"Yeah!" Blake said giving an evil grin. "I'm gonna steal him away from my Dad. Then when we get home, I'll tell him all about it and watch his face when he realizes I'm better at this stuff than he is."

"You're turning into your Dad, you know that right?" Cory laughed.

"Stone already told me the best way to get him to pay attention to me."


"I'll fake being homesick or scared or something and he'll try to comfort me and then presto, I'll be his buddy and we'll hang out together. The rest is easy," said Blake as he began plotting his summer adventures, but before he could think of all the things he wanted to do, Brett announced that they were all heading outside to play a game.

"This is called band-aid tag," Brett explained. "I'll select someone to be it. If you get tagged, you have to hold one hand over the place you got tagged. If you get tagged a second time, you hold your other hand over that spot. If you get tagged a third time you are frozen and have to stay in place. You can only be unfrozen if two of your team come over and hold their hand over the wounds at the same time for 5 seconds. Once you are unfrozen, you become `it'. Any questions? Oh, and boys, no tagging someone on the crotch."

No one said anything and the game began with Colby as the first `it'. The boys raced around wildly as Colby tagged one after another, each one looking funny as they ran with their hands over a body part. A couple were frozen, but each time the other guys tried to free them, Colby was all over it, and a couple of times pantsed some of the guys causing everyone to laugh. He managed to get a lot of guys frozen before Tristan was unfrozen and became it. The game went on until the counsellors figured the boys were good and worn out. Then it was time for the evening camp activity. They all headed to the main area and the assistant director said that each night they would do different activities leading up to the campfire. Tonight it was to be a giant game of musical chairs.

Everyone had a great time and cheered on members of their own cabin as the game wound down, leading to a girl winning from one of the older cabins. Sawyer and Colby, sitting next to Blake, commented on how they thought she was hot and wanted to get to know her.

"Want me to go and find out who she is?" Blake volunteered.

"No. I'll go get her when I'm ready. The trick is to hit on her best friend first and make her jealous. Then she'll put out faster to try and lure me away ," Colby said quickly, not wanting to look like he didn't know what he was doing. Blake just nodded and grinned when he saw Colby adjusting himself. The rest of the night they made s'more and had hot chocolate while the camp staff got everyone singing camp songs. By the time the boys got back to their cabin, they were pretty wound up on sugar, but ended up crashing out pretty fast due to the activities and fresh air all day. Sawyer told Blake that they'd wait until the counsellors went to bed before sneaking out to raid one of the girl's cabins.

"What do we raid?" Blake asked as Cory listened in.

"Whatever. Sometimes they leave their panties or bras, so we steal one of them. Last year we flew them on the camp flag pole and the girls had to get them back."

"Epic. We so gotta do that. Maybe tie a whole bunch of them together and make like a big streamer," Blake suggested. They waited until the counsellors had come back from their showers before sneaking out to head towards the girl cabins. They weren't disappointed when they managed to find several bikinis out on a line. They took them all and quickly raced to a flag pole where they tied them all together and raised them up. The boys high-fived each other on their accomplishments and ran back to their own cabin, keeping low and in the shadows to avoid being detected. Adrenaline was rushing through them and their hearts were pounding hard as they got into bed all whispering to each other excitedly, especially Colby who boasted of sniffing one of the bikini bottoms.

The next day began a full day of activities. Blake and Cory started with sailing in the morning and learned that it was tougher than it looked, but both were excited to do it again. The afternoon was archery and an obstacle course. They had gotten to know a lot of the other campers throughout the day and Blake had been popular with a lot of the girls who thought he was cute. Cory ended up meeting a lot of them too as they figured the best way to get to Blake was through his best friend, but a few of them found Cory pretty cute as well. They had been allowed their first visit to the camp stores, where the two boys learned that they each had a thousand dollars in their account.

`Parents can be such cheapskates. I mean a thousand bucks. How do you buy anything for that? If I need to buy a cute girl something, I'm gonna need way more. Cory thinks it's a lot of money, but only because he doesn't have that much. I share my money with him, but he still thinks a hundred bucks is a lot. My Dad says my money in the bank is now over two million dollars, so that seems like a good amount if I ever want to buy a car or something. I hope we don't run out of money over the summer. If we do, I guess that's an emergency and we'd be allowed to call home. This camp is wicked fun. I've already made new friends, been invited to a raiding adventure, seen my bunk mate with a boner, and done archery and sailing, and kicked ass on the obstacle course. At first I sucked at archery, but then I got the hang of it even if my finger did get a bit cut from the feathers. Sailing is way difficult. You gotta watch the head cracking pole. If you don't duck, it whacks you hard. Now I know why they call it a boom. It was funny when a guy in the other cabin got hit so hard it knocked him overboard. Such a dingus. Oh, dingus is like a dumbass in case you were wondering. Me and Cory were only allowed to buy 5 bucks worth of candy at the store today. That's the limit so you don't get cavities I think. Stupid rule. I eat tons of candy at home, so five bucks doesn't go far. They took our phones away so we had to buy waterproof watches, otherwise we have no idea what time it is. We got the waterproof ones so we can go swimming in them. I also bought a Swiss army knife. It's red and has it's own case. I wonder why the Swiss Army only gets knives though. If they had guns like AK-47's they could probably win more fights and stuff. Cory's still freaking out about how much money we have. He won't think that once we've spent it all and are desperatude. That means broke.'

"Are you kidding? A thousand dollars! We could buy the whole store, dude," Cory said excitedly. Both boys had a different opinion on what a lot of money entailed. Blake had his own personal fortune, but he wasn't allowed to have it until he was older. Money was just always there when he needed it. Cory didn't have any money, so when he got five dollars, he was selective about what he spent it on.

"Just spend it carefully until my Dad's come for parents day and give us more. We don't want to run out," Blake cautioned. Cory laughed at Blake knowing that a thousand dollars would probably be enough for the rest of his life.

The following evening after dinner, there was free time and the boys were all together in the cabin. "I have a game we can play," Cooper said as the boys sat around the large table in the middle of the room. The counsellors had gone to a meeting, leaving only Emery behind in case of any emergency. He was hanging out in the counsellors bedroom. "We each put something of value in the middle of the table. It can be a chocolate bar, candy, or other stuff from the camp shop that you think others would want. Then you wrap a hidden dare around it. When it's your turn, you pick the item you want and read the dare to yourself. If you want to do it, you read it out loud and do the dare. You get to keep the item you picked. If you don't want to do it, you put the item back and lose a turn. The winner is the one with the most stuff, and the loser is the one with the least stuff and has to do the bathroom cleaning for three days. Then we can pick another game.

"Do we have to do the dares in front of everyone?" Shawn asked.

"Mostly. Yes. Unless it's one where you have to go out and do something and come back with evidence."

All the boys agreed, some reluctantly, but didn't want to be left out. At least they had the option of putting the dare back if they couldn't do it, but stood the chance of having to clean the bathroom for three days. The guys all took a piece of paper and went back to their bunks to get something to dare with. The idea was the more valuable the item, the harder the dare would be to resist, and you had to keep your dare a secret from everyone until it was read out loud. Blake grabbed the Swiss Army knife he'd just bought and sat to think about his dare, and had to change it a few times as he kept hearing his Dad's voice in his head telling him it was inappropriate. He finally just told his head to shut up and came up with an awesome dare. Once all the boys were ready, they went back and tossed their items in the middle of the table with the dares wrapped around them, but hidden from view. Most guys had thrown in candy. Some had put in a souvenir item they had just bought, but no one had tossed in something as valuable as Blake. They each drew a number from a hat to see who would go first. Shawn, the first twin, was the winner. He went straight for the knife and read the dare to himself. He looked at Blake shocked and then put the dare and the knife back.

Brenton, the second twin, was next and having seen his brother put the knife dare back, he chose a large chocolate bar. He read the dare and smiled. Then read it out loud as he accepted it. "`Run to the girls cabin in your underwear, and run back naked.' Easy! With my dark skin I am pretty much invisible at night." He grinned and stripped to his colourful briefs and ran out the door. He came back a few minutes later carrying his underwear in front of him. The boys congratulated him.

Blake thought that was kind of a tame dare compared to his and hoped the other things weren't this childish. Scott was next and chose a new baseball cap of a hockey team that he'd always wanted. He read it over and thought about it until someone asked if he was going to do it. He almost put it back, but decided to go for it. "`Shave all your pubic hair off. Show before and after.' I don't have a razor or scissors. How do I do this?"

"I have a razor and shaving cream," Brandon offered helpfully with a smile. Of all the boys in the cabin, Brandon might be the only one actually shaving regularly. He went and got it for Scott.

"Can I shave in the bathroom?" He asked. "It may be a while as I have no idea how to do it."

"I can show you," Blake offered. "I do it for my diving team."


"You have to show us your pubes before you go," Dylan said as the other boys agreed. He lowered the front of his pants to show them that he had hair around his crotch. Then he disappeared into the bathroom with Blake who happily showed Scott how to shave the pubes off. He didn't try anything inappropriate with Scott except to take the razor and drop his own pants to show Scott how to do it, including how to pull his balls nice and tight. Then he sat back and watched Scott do it, pointing out where he missed pieces. He also noticed that Scott was uncut and had a foreskin that hung over the end of his penis a good distance, making it look bigger than it was. Cory was next to go for the dares, but they all waited until Scott & Blake returned. He was dressed again when he came back in the room he lowered his pants to the top of his penis to show everyone. Blake grinned as he watched the reactions of the other boys checking Scott out. He got redressed and sat down after giving Brandon his razor back.

"Don't worry. I washed it afterward," he said.

Cory thought of picking Blake's pocket knife, but he knew Blake all too well, and decided against it. He went with a large bag of Fuzzy Peaches, which were his favorite. He read it and curled his face up as he thought about it. It was gross, but he read it out loud making the dare his. "`Pick your nose and get a big booger and eat it. If you can't get a booger, then pick someone else's nose and eat it.'" The entire room groaned at the thought of it. Cory drove a finger in his nose and pulled out a booger that seemed to satisfy the group and ate it, eliciting even more groans of disgust from the room. He quickly grabbed a bottle of water to wash his mouth out. Martin went next. Read his dare and to no one's surprise, put it back. As they went around, a few boys picked Blake's knife, but put it back, which was making everyone really curious about how bad the dare really was.

Tristan's dare was to kiss one of the boys in the cabin on the mouth using tongue. The other's complained that that dare wasn't fair as whoever got kissed had to do the same dare and they hadn't picked it. "I suggest we get volunteers," Sawyer suggested as he looked around the room. Blake, Cory, Brenton, and Colby all volunteered.

"It's just a kiss. It's not like something gross. Can't be a badass is you won't do things that are out there," Colby said as he shrugged. Brenton nodded in agreement as his twin brother just nodded along with him.

"Okay, Tristan. Pick one of the guys to kiss," Cooper told him.

Tristan, who was the other Asian boy in the cabin, aside from Martin, glanced around, not sure he was looking forward to kissing any of them. "Okay, Colby," he said finally. The two boys stood in the open part of the room and Tristan planted his lips to Colby's and the boys kissed for the required 10 seconds with open mouths. Once they finished and wiped their mouths as if it were the worst thing ever, the guys cheered. Colby just bowed a few times to them all and sat down.

Blake got to go next and he chose a wicked looking wrist flashlight. He read the dare and laughed. "Super easy! `Stay naked while inside for 24 hours, and hug each counselor at least once.'"

"You don't get the flashlight until you complete the dare," Cooper told him.

"I'm usually always naked at home and hugging is easy. Maybe I'll hug all of you too!" he threatened as he dropped his boxer briefs and threw them across to his bunk area. Some of the boys blushed.

After the third round was over, there were still about six things unclaimed, which meant those were the tough dares. Some of them had been easy, like run around the cabin naked, lick the floor, or put someone's underwear on your head until it was your turn, but whatever was left was obviously the hard stuff. Some boys passed as their turn came up, but when it came to Dylan's turn again, he chose Blake's knife and read the dare, that so many others had read and put back. Many of them already knew what it said and as much as they may want the knife, they weren't prepared for a dare like that. Dylan looked around the room and then read it, causing some boys to actually gasp or look at him in shock.

"What? I'm gay. It's not a big deal," he said after he'd read the dare which said `give someone in the cabin a blowjob for 5 seconds.'

Cory looked at Blake who was smiling. He knew it would be over the top when it had come from Blake. He was thankful he hadn't chosen it. Even though they'd done lots of stuff together, he wasn't ready to do it in front of a room full of other boys who might make his summer unpleasant.

"You're gay? Since when?" Cooper asked as they'd been friends since they were 10.

"Since always. Just figured it out at Christmas though."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't think it mattered, plus I'm still figuring stuff out. You didn't tell me you were straight," he said bluntly.

"Uh...what? Okay, sure whatever," Cooper said not wanting to carry on the conversation with his best friend in front of everyone.

"I guess, like the kissing thing, I need a volunteer. Who wants a blowjob?" He asked. No one moved at first. Blake grinned and put his hand up.

"I do! Definitely!"

Sawyer smiled when he saw Blake volunteer. Somehow he knew he would. After all, he'd seen the guy suck his own dick and admit he'd had a lot of sex with both guys and girls.

"You're gonna do it out here? In front of everyone?" Brenton asked a little dubious.

"Sure. It's just a blowjob. Plus I'm already naked," Blake grinned. "It's not like we're in love or anything. God."

"I'm not sure I can watch this," Cooper said as he thought of his friend sucking someone's dick.

"I think that's fair," Sawyer said. "Blake and Dylan should go over to the bunks and if you want to watch you can sit on a bunk nearby, and if you don't, you can stay over here."

Half the boys raced to the bunks to see it, more out of curiosity than anything, and to see if they'd actually do it. Dylan stepped closer to Blake. "Have you had a blowjob before?" He asked quietly.

"Lots. You good at giving blowjobs?" He asked back.

"Dunno. I've never done it."

"Okay. Just watch the teeth. I need don't need you wrecking my wiener. I need it this summer for the ladies."

Blake and Dylan went between two of the bunks where half the boys had gathered. Blake quickly grabbed his penis and began to stroke it so he would be hard for the blowjob as he wanted to show everyone what he had.

"Whoa, look at how big his weiner is," one of the younger campers said. Some were quickly comparing it to their own and vowing silently to never to take their clothes off in public again. Dylan looked at Blake's dick and wondered if he'd just made a big (no pun intended) mistake. He dropped to his knees in front of the slightly younger guy. He was almost beginning to regret his decision to do the dare and was shaking with nerves pretty badly.

"Aren't you gonna get naked too?" Blake asked hopefully.

"No, I don't think that's part of the dare," Dylan replied with his voice almost cracking as he tried to overcome his nerves. He took hold of Blake's large penis and stared at it for a few seconds before moving his mouth to it. As soon as his lips touched the tips, half the boys groaned, some said `ewww', while others just stared in disbelief at seeing their first live blowjob. Dylan closed his eyes and put his mouth fully around it, barely getting any of the penis in his mouth. After five seconds, he stopped and sat back smiling as if he'd just conquered his greatest fear. A few of the boys were holding their hands over their crotches to avoid getting erections, or to avoid the ones they had from being seen. Blake hoped that Dylan would have gone all the way down on him and done a better job, but he knew that a first blowjob in front of a group wasn't going to be great. The count to 5 seconds went way too fast in Blake's mind, and seemed like 5 minutes in Dylan's. As he sat there staring at Blake's penis that had just been in his mouth Emery came out of his bedroom to tell the boys it was time to get ready for bed. Everyone scrambled away from what was happening and Blake quickly sat down on the lower bunk pulling a sheet slightly over himself.

"What're you guys up to?" Emery asked as it was obvious from the way the boys scattered that something was going on, but fortunately for Blake and Dylan, they had been hidden from his immediate line of sight.

"Nothing. Just playing games. Getting to know each other. Regular boy stuff," Sawyer told him.

"Okay. 15 minutes to lights out guys," he said as the boys headed for either the bathroom or their bunks. The dares left unfinished were given back to the guys that had put them there and the game was officially over. Dylan and Blake were still sitting side by side on the lower bunk as Sawyer sat down beside them. "Dude, you really are as crazy as you said you were. Can't believe you did that dare, but you got balls dude."

"And a Swiss Army knife," Dylan reminded him with a big smile.

"Good reward for it. Ummm, you guys are on my bunk. I gotta get ready for bed."

"Right, sorry." Dylan said as he got up and headed for his own bed.

"Like I said. A blowjob is better than doing it by hand," Blake grinned as he grabbed his toothbrush and towel and headed to the bathroom with Cory. His penis having basically returned to its flaccid state. Most of the boys were done in the bathroom, and by the time Blake and Cory had finished brushing their teeth, they were alone. No one was saying anything to Blake about the dare they'd just seen and were doing their best to avoid looking at him since he was naked.

"Looks like you're really not keeping the pecker in your pants," Cory chuckled, being used to Blake's antics at home. "I think you freaked them all out. Even Dylan...and he's gay."

Blake just laughed. "Someone's got to be the life of the party. Might as well be me. Now that they know I'm not shy, I'll bet every girl in camp will want me."

Cory was about to answer, but the bathroom door opened and Dylan walked in, wearing just his underwear. He went over to the urinal to take a pee. Blake watched him in the mirror. Cory rolled his eyes and left the bathroom to head for bed. Blake put his towel and toothbrush down and walked over to the urinal next to Dylan. He made a point of not stepping up as close as he normally would.

"That was fun. Thanks," he said looking over at the older boy taking a pee.

"Uhh, yeah. Not really how I thought my first time would go."

"Yeah, I guess not huh. Don't worry if you do it lots, it gets funner," Blake grinned. "So you're really gay? My Dads are too, so I know all about it. Can I see your penis?"

Dylan looked back at the bathroom door and then stepped back slightly and turned to show Blake his dick.

"Cool. Do you pull the skin back to pee?" He asked noting that Dylan was uncut.

"Sometimes, but if I do it too much, I usually get a boner and then it's hard to get the skin back, and if I put it away like that it rubs on my underwear and makes it worse." Blake reached over to feel Dylan's dick and the older boy turned back to face the urinal quickly. "We shouldn't do anything in here in case someone comes in."

"Dude, they already saw you sucking my dick. If they know we're in here together, they're either going to avoid coming in in case they see more, or if they do come in, it'll be because they WANT to see us doing more."

"It's so weird that you're younger than me, yet you seem like you know lots more stuff, and you're not shy or anything."

"Meh. I live with two Dads who are very open about everything, and I have two brothers, and lots of Uncles, so you learn tons of guy shit. You wanna learn how to give a better blowjob and finish what we were doing out there?"

"Finish? I thought we did. I did the whole 5 seconds," he said as Blake let go of his dick, which was now hard.

"Yeah, but that was just for the dare. You're supposed to give blowjobs until the other person sperms."

"You mean while they're getting blown?" Dylan asked. "So it gets in your mouth?"

"Sure. My Dad says you shouldn't waste it as it has lots of protein, but if you don't like the taste, you can always spit it out instead of swallowing it. So how do you know you're gay if you've never been with a boy before?"

"I just know. I like seeing boys naked and I have a crush on this guy at school, but I think he's straight."

"Cool. So you wanna learn how to do blowjobs properly?" Blake said trying to encourage the older guy. Dylan swallowed nervously.

"I don't we should right now. But maybe later okay? It was fun and I kinda want to do it some more, but not right now."

"Too bad. I'd give you a blowjob too if you wanted. How big is your penis?"

"Not anywhere near as big as yours. About 6 inches. I can't believe you're younger and have a bigger one than me. I had no idea I'd find another gay guy at camp. This could be a fun summer."

"I'm not gay," Blake clarified. "I'm just a normal horny kid trying things out and I don't put labels on things. Kyle says that's the best way to be."

"Who's Kyle?"

"My big brother. He taught me lots of stuff and said I should just be me. So I'm me... Blake Nicholas Worthington-Masters."

"Nice to meet you Blake Nicholas Worthington-Masters. I'm Dylan Fisher. Friends call me Fish."

"Nice to meet you, Fish. Next time I get horny we can do stuff. As long as I don't get a girlfriend in the meantime," Blake grinned as he went to grab his stuff off the counter.

"You should go first in case they get the wrong idea if we leave together."

"I think they already have the wrong idea. They all saw you blow me," Blake giggled. "Plus you told everyone you're gay. Not sure there's more ideas they could have." He left the bathroom and as he got back to his bunk putting his stuff away, Sawyer whispered to him. "Did you guys hook up again?"

Blake grinned and shook his head no. "We probably will though. It's a long summer to go without sex stuff."

Sawyer whispered even quieter. "You may want to cover up your boner when you come out of the bathroom. It's pretty obvious, and you're not exactly small in the dick area."

Blake looked down and grinned. "Thanks. I keep forgetting about that. I'll probably have to take care of it before I sleep, so don't think it's an earthquake or nothing."

Sawyer smiled as Blake climbed up into his bunk. Cory looked over and grinned as he watched Blake slide under the covers. Then Blake lifted the side of the sheets and held his cock up for his friend to see. They both chuckled. Emery came back into the room and Blake dropped the sheet quickly.

"Good night guys. For the sake of your other cabin mates, stay quiet and get some sleep." He turned off the lights and plunged to room into darkness, except for the small wall light by the bathroom so boys wouldn't get lost in the middle of the night if they had to pee.

`I'm not gonna masturbate tonight, although I should. Found out my new friend Dylan is gay and a pretty fun guy, but he really doesn't know much about how to give a blowjob. I'll teach him and then whenever I get a boner I know who to give it to. He's probably gonna wanna do even more stuff with me this summer, and I'd be okay with that, but I really just wanna make friends and maybe have a summer girlfriend or whatever. I can see naked boys anytime I want just by going to the showers. You have to work on girls, so that's my project. Sawyer knows a few so I'm gonna get him to introduce me to some that I like. If I had to pick the boys I like. It think it would be Sawyer, Stone and of course Fish. That's Dylan's nickname. Martin is actually okay even though he's super shy and stuff, but I'm gonna make him my summer project to get him out of his shell. He's almost the exact opposite of me. Cory will always be my bestest best friend, and the two of us will make tons of friends this summer, maybe even ones that can come over once camp is done and make my squad bigger. Okay, I have to go to sleep as I'm super tired already. Tomorrow I have to finish my dare so I get the cool wrist flashlight. Oh and in case you are wondering, yes black boys have black penises too. Found that out tonight during the dares. Now I'm woke on that whole issue. Wicked cool.'

With the lights out, most of the boys drifted off to sleep. Blake grinned to himself when he felt the bunk bed shaking, so he looked over the side and could see Sawyer playing with himself under the covers. He figured as much and lay back to go to sleep. In the morning, he awoke with the hardest morning boner he'd ever had. Well, ever had since yesterday. He woke up with them every day. He climbed down out of bed and grabbed his towel to head to the bathroom. Sawyer was awake already.

"Dude, I'm not sure I'm gonna want that thing so close to my face every morning. You should put shorts on before you climb down," Sawyer said half grinning and half serious.

"Jealous?" Blake smiled as he reached for Sawyer's covers and pulled them back to reveal that Sawyer also had morning wood. "You got one too."

"Yeah, but I'm not climbing down off the top bunk. How would you like it, if I waved this so close to your face?"

"Wouldn't bother me at all. I could slap it away or bite it if it got too close," Blake laughed. "You going to shower?"

"Yeah, but I gotta take a wicked piss first."

He pulled his underwear on as he lay on his bunk and Blake threw his towel over his shoulder and walked to the bathroom. Many of the boys were starting to get up and many were doing their best to hold towels over their crotches as they raced for the bathroom to pee. Those that looked couldn't help but notice that Blake was naked with an erection. Blake being Blake, he hung his towel on it as he walked to the bathroom, causing some of the boys to laugh, which eased their discomfort at having their own erections.

"Aren't you shy about having a boner?" Tristan asked as Blake stood at the urinal beside him.

"Nah. It's a normal thing and we all get them. I always clap back at the guys who try to tease me about it. They probably only point it out because theirs is tiny and I'm not exactly embarrassed at having a big penis. I usually walk around without clothes at home anyway."

"Better keep it away from Dylan. I think he likes you after last night."

"Cool. He's a nice guy," Blake said completely missing the underlying meaning from Tristan.

Once he took his piss, his erection went back to normal and he followed Sawyer back out to their bunks. Cory jumped down in his underwear, said good morning, and raced for the bathroom, only to return a few minutes later.

"You coming to the shower?" Blake asked his best friend.

"Sure. What activities are we doing today?"

"Horseback Riding and Scuba diving this morning, and then Waterskiing this afternoon," Blake replied.


The three boys grabbed their towels and wrapped them around their waist. Both Sawyer and Cory had underwear on, but Blake stayed naked under his towel. He didn't see the point of putting clothes on, only to remove them in two minutes. As they went to head out, Dylan and Cooper joined them. The five boys headed to the shower and Sawyer stopped when he saw three girls coming towards the shower house.

"Hi Kinsey!" He said loudly and waving. She came over with the other two girls. "You going for a shower too?"

"Nope, just wandering around in the woods in my towel," she smiled sarcastically, causing the other girls to giggle.

Sawyer blushed. "Yeah, sorry. Stupid question."

"So who are your new friends?" she asked looking at the other guys.

"Oh, this is Blake, Cory, Dylan and Cooper."

"Hi guys. I'm Kinsey. This is Jocelyn and Willow," she said introducing the others. "You have really cute hair," Kinsey said to Blake complimenting him.

"Thanks. It's my trademark. I'm famous for it. Well that and..." Sawyer clamped his hand over Blake's mouth to prevent him from saying anything else. Blake just stood there and turned his eyes to look at Sawyer.

"We should get going so we can get to breakfast early," Sawyer said quickly. Blake reached up and pulled Sawyer's hand away.

"I was going to say my green eyes," Blake smirked. "I think that's why I got to be on TV. Sawyer's just jumpy cause he thought I was going to say big penis', but people can't see that right away, so it's my hair and eyes that get noticed most."

"Yeah, I'd agree," Kinsey said looking down at Blake's towel. "See you around boys."

The girls headed for the shower room and the boys just watched them walk away before heading to their own shower.

"What I wouldn't give for 10 minutes in that room," Cooper said almost in a trance like state. "Just think of all those naked girls in there."

"We better not. We have to shower, and thinking of naked girls wouldn't be good for us," Sawyer warned. The five boys headed into their side of the shower room, where it was already pretty busy. Half the boys showering were in swim suits or underwear, while those that weren't were in the back corner facing away from the rest of the group. There wasn't a vacant shower stall, so they had to wait.

Blake leaned forward and looked at Sawyer. "How come they're showering in clothes? That's kinda stupid isn't it?"

"First time campers are usually shy at first. The little kids are more open, but once your balls drop, you're back to being shy again. When the counsellors are in here, they're usually naked as older guys are more comfortable with it I guess. My Dad says we're at that `awkward stage.'"

"My Dads says we're at a horny stage where everything gives us a boner and we can't control it yet. I didn't bring a swim suit," Blake commented. "Am I okay to shower without clothes?"

"Of course. We should all shower without clothes and show them that our cabin isn't afraid of anything," Sawyer said almost as a challenge.

"Cool," Cory replied. "I wasn't going to wear my underwear anyway, or I'd have to carry it back wet and then dry it off."

Sawyer looked at Dylan and Cooper? "You guys in?"

Cooper looked at Dylan and you could see the uneasy tension between the two of them since last night's coming out announcement.

"Dude, I've seen you naked hundreds of times," Dylan said to his friend quietly.

"Yeah, but you weren't gay then. Now that you are, it's gonna feel weird with you checking me out and shit."

Dylan laughed. "It never bothered you before, and we never did anything together. Plus I've always been gay. I just never said it before. What's the difference now?"

"None I guess," Cooper replied. "It's just gonna feel different is all."

"Well it shouldn't. We're still friends. Now I'm just cooler than you and more trendy, and I'll be getting laid ten times more than you."

"You wish," Cooper said reverting back to their male bonding banter. Sawyer stood up, dropped his towel and removed his underwear before sitting back on the bench. Blake pulled off his towel and sat down beside Sawyer. The other three did the same thing to sit there waiting. Cooper kept his hand over his lap to hide his junk as he'd never really sat around naked with other guys before. He'd changed in locker rooms and stuff, but never just hung out without clothes.

Two shower stalls opened up and the guys looked at each other to see who would go first.

"We should just share," Cory suggested. "Otherwise it's gonna be a while." Blake and Cory headed for the one shower and Sawyer shrugged and followed, leaving only Cooper and Dylan on the bench.

"Come on dude. I don't want to miss breakfast. I'm starving," Dylan said as he got up and joined Sawyer at his shower. Cooper followed along slowly and the three of them were together under the one shower head as they took turns. The other boys in the showers ranged in age from 10 to 15 and noticed quickly that these new arrivals were sharing showers while naked.

Blake checked a few of the boys out and saw that a few were looking back at all of them. In his usual manner, he just decided to start the conversation. "Hi. I'm Blake. How come you guys shower with clothes on? I don't think I ever met anyone who wore stuff to a shower before. Is that like a religious thing, or family thing or something?"

"No. Just `cause we're showering in a big room together," one boy answered. "I'm Kris."

"Nice to meet you. At least your shorts get cleaned. Personally, I'd rather have all my other things clean," Blake said as he soaped up his crotch and ass in plain sight of the older boy. Kris shot a glance at what Blake was doing and then quickly returned his attention back to the shower. Scott, Martin and Colby arrived and were able to get a shower quickly as two more became available. Martin and Scott both wore their underwear to shower in, while Colby wore nothing. Sawyer moved over to join his friend Colby so now there were only two per shower.

Sawyer looked at the others. "You should lose the underwear guys. Our cabin is gonna be the outgoing bold ones. We stand together on the things we do. That's what'll make us a better team when we do events and stuff.

"Cool," Scott said as he peeled down his wet underwear leaving him naked next to Martin.

"I dunno," Martin said nervously. "My Mom made it clear I wasn't supposed to get naked around other people."

"I think she probably meant girls, or like running naked through the woods and stuff. She probably didn't mean in the shower," Sawyer said. "Do you shower in your underwear at home?"

"No," he said looking at the older guy.

"Then your Mom probably didn't mean for you to do it here. She was probably just worried about you getting involved with girls and stuff. It's okay. If we do that, you can just stay behind if you're shy, but we should all shower properly. Out here in the woods you never know what bugs are crawling all over you and I personally wouldn't want them camping in my underwear," Sawyer told him.

Martin looked down at his wet underwear and thought about what Sawyer had said. On one hand he didn't want to disobey his parents, but on the other hand he didn't want bugs in his pants. He slowly lowered them as he held his hand over his crotch. He dropped them on the tiled floor next to Scott's.

"There, doesn't that feel better?" Sawyer asked. "Now you can make sure no bugs are trying to crawl up your bum, or worse, into your penis." He hit the soap dispenser on the wall and washed his private parts thoroughly as if to prove a point. Martin turned to face the shower wall and tried to shower as quickly as possible to minimize his exposure to the other boys.

Some of the other guys had heard Sawyer and removed their shorts to check their crotches. Dylan looked over at Kris as he got naked and smiled. He saw that he had the beginnings of an erection and, unlike himself, was circumcised. Kris looked over at Dylan and smiled back. "Hey! I'm Kris," he said introducing himself.

"Dylan. And this is Cooper, my best friend," he replied introducing his shower buddy. Cooper didn't say anything as he was still a little nervous standing naked next to his friend that he'd just found out was gay. Dylan could feel the tension and hoped that Cooper would get over it quickly. "Mind if I borrow some of your shampoo. I think my dispenser is broken, or out, or something," Dylan asked as he moved over to Kris, who moved aside slightly to share his shower. Cooper checked the shampoo dispenser on the wall, and it seemed to work fine, but he didn't say anything.

"So what cabin are you in?" Dylan asked.

"Dragonriders. You?"


"Nice. You 13 or 14?" Kris inquired as the boys got to know each other.

"14. How about you?"

"Yeah. 14 too."

"It's nice to meet you. Maybe we can be friends this summer. Except during the colour wars of course, when you'll be the enemy," Dylan smiled.

"Colour wars?"

"Yeah. It's a competition between cabins. Happens every year for a week. Tons of events like a mini Olympics, and the winning cabin gets the trophy," Dylan explained.

"Oh, cool. So you've been to camp before?"

"Yeah. This is my third year. Cooper too. You?"

"No. First time. Parents decided to go on some couples trip on a ship somewhere, but I didn't want to go. No way I want to be stuck on a ship with a bunch of old people for a month, especially my parents."

"I hear ya. Way better here."

As the guys got to know each other, Blake was checking everyone else out, mainly to compare himself to, as boys do in the showers. Sawyer looked at Scott. "You did a pretty decent job of shaving your pubes for the dare," he said complimenting him.

"I was a little nervous shaving the balls though. My brother said balls are the worst cause of all the loose skin. He said he's cut himself before so I was a little more cautious."

"Makes sense. How old is your brother?"

"16. He's a jerk though. You got any brothers or sisters?"

Yeah, one sister. Younger. Annoying as hell. Always barging in on me and wanting me to play with her dolls. That's why I like summer camp. I can get away from her."

"How much younger?"

"She's 8."

"I'd rather have a younger sister than an older brother. Trade you."

"Yeah. If only. I'd be way happier with an older brother," Sawyer claimed. "Dude, not to sound inappropriate or anything, but you have a lot of foreskin."

"Really? I just thought it was the normal amount."

"I'm not sure, `cause I'm circumcised, but I think it's more than most uncut guys. Dylan!" he yelled to his cabin mate. "Does Scott have more foreskin than most uncut guys?" Dylan wandered over to where they were showering, and because he was curious, Kris followed along.

"Yeah, a little more I think. Mine doesn't hang that far." They all looked at Dylan's penis as he took hold of it and pulled the skin back to show that it just covered the head and slid back easily to expose the head. "Some guys have less foreskin and the head of their penis peeks out, so it's probably just the way guys are. Do you pull it back to wash under it?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah. My Dad showed me how to do that when I was a kid. He said you had to, especially when you got older and stuff," Scott admitted.

"Does it pull back easily with all that skin?"

Scott grabbed his dick and pulled the foreskin right back to expose the head of his dick too. "Yep, pretty easily I guess."

"I used to be uncircumcised," Sawyer admitted, and before he could continue, Kris laughed.

"Duh. We all did, dummy."

"I meant I used to be uncircumcised until I was about 12, and then they found that my skin was too tight and wouldn't pull back, so I had to go and have it cut off. I think I like it better now."

"Was it weird to see it different like that?" Kris asked as they continued to talk about penises and while doing so, seemed to focus their attention on the other guy's dicks. Blake and Cory had joined the conversation as well now.

"At first, yeah, but I got used to it."

"I think it's funny how penises are all different sizes. Not only when they're soft, but hard too. Some guys with small dicks when they're soft are big when they're hard, and others are big when they're soft and not any bigger when they're hard," Blake said with Cory nodding.

"And big when they're soft and bigger when they're hard," Kris added with a smile. "You see a lot of hard penises, Blake?"

"You have no idea," he said shaking his head as if he couldn't believe it either.

Kris laughed. "You're hilarious Blake."

"It's the hair and the eyes," Blake said with a grin. "Also doesn't hurt that I have the biggest dick too."

"Now you're dreaming," Kris said. "How old are you?"


"Well, you're not bigger than we are," Kris replied looking around at the older boys.

Before Blake could answer, Dylan spoke up. "Yeah, actually he is." Sawyer nodded in agreement.

"You guys have seen it hard?" Kris asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. We played dares last night in the cabin. We saw it then."

While all the boys talked around the two shower heads, the others had long since left, dried off and headed back to the cabin to dress for breakfast.

"So how big is it?" Kris asked like every boy does once their manhood is challenged.

"7¼ inches last time I checked," Blake replied.

"That seems a little hard to believe."

"It's true," Sawyer replied.

"Mine's 7 and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be bigger than you."

"Wanna compare? We could both get boners and measure," Blake offered.

"Probably not a good idea right now. We have to get to breakfast," Kris said backing down. Then after a short pause. "We could meet later, say just after lunch back here and find out."

"Make a bet," Dylan said.

"Like what?" Kris asked.

Blake grinned and looked at the older guy. "If I'm bigger, you go on a sexy date with Dylan and kiss him in public. If you're bigger, name it."

"Okay. If I'm bigger, you give me a handjob and your candy for a week."

"Way easy," Blake said slightly hoping that Kris would be bigger now.

"When you say sexy date, what do you mean exactly?" Kris asked looking at Dylan and checking out his crotch one last time.

"We'll figure it out by lunch," Blake replied. The boys finished their showers, dried and headed back to their cabins.

"You know who's got a massive penis is Stone," Sawyer offered up as they walked towards their cabin.

"How do you know?" Blake asked just wrapped in his towel.

"Accidentally walked in on him last year when he was playing with it. He had to use two hands to do it."

"Whoa. That must be big."

"Yep, even though I'm not into guys, it was hard not to look at it. If my dick gets that big, I'll be able to do every chick in camp.

"Yeah. That's why chicks can't wait to get me naked," Blake grinned as he dropped his towel as soon as they entered the cabin. His dare was to be naked all day while inside and he intended to win the flashlight. He grabbed his toothbrush and hairbrush and strolled towards the bathroom. Emery strolled out of the counsellors bedroom in just his underwear and told the guys to get ready for breakfast. Blake looked over and smiled as he turned to acknowledge the CIT. He walked over to him.

"Morning Emery!" Blake said as he gave him a nice hug pressing up hard against him. Emery looked down at the young camper and put one hand carefully on his back, making sure not to make it look like anything more than it was.

"Morning Blake. You may want to put some clothes on. Not sure everyone is used to a guy running around naked."

"They'll get used to it. By the end of the summer no one is gonna want to wear clothes. We've already agreed to be the most outgoing cabin anywhere in camp."

"That's good for colour wars, but you should still wear clothes," he suggested.

"Nah. Clothes are for wimps. I'm not shy. My Dad says that only guys with tiny penises hide them, or buy fancy cars to compensate." He chuckled and headed into the bathroom. Emery just shook his head and began doing his rounds of the cabin to make sure the guys were up and getting ready. Stone joined him and checked the schedules to make sure everyone knew where they had to be for their morning activity. Blake exited the bathroom with both his hair and teeth properly brushed for the day. He smiled and strolled over to Stone. "Hey Stone. What's on my schedule for the day?" He asked already knowing but figured it was an easy way to talk to his counsellor.

"9am you're Horseback riding and 10:30, scuba diving."

"Sick! Thanks," Blake said enthusiastically and gave Stone a hug. Some of the other boys laughed as he did it. Only one more guy to hug in the nude and Blake had accomplished the hardest part of the task. All he had to do now was stay naked until bedtime while in the cabin. Stone did the same as Emery and put one hand on Blake's back while trying to keep back as far as possible, which with Blake isn't really possible as he used his full body for the hug.

"Go get dressed Blake. Breakfast is in 10 minutes." Blake spun around and gave his cabin mates a big grin before bouncing over to his bunk.

Martin leaned over and whispered. "I can't believe you did that. My parents would freak out if I hugged them naked."

"Sounds like your parents would freak out if they knew you touched your dick to pee, Martin. Is that like an Asian thing that you don't get naked?"

"No. Just a parent thing, I think," Martin replied.

"You gotta learn to relax buddy. What's the worst that could happen if you got naked and had some fun? Other boys see you with a boner. Big whoop. Every guy in here gets them."

"Yeah, but I'd go to hell for causing a sin about thinking impure thoughts. My parents said so."

"Whatever dude. It's your life. Aren't you allowed to make mistakes and then ask for forgiveness and it has to be forgiven or something? Aren't those the church rules?" Blake said trying to remember what he'd heard about God.

"Yeah but..."

"But what? My Dads don't believe in religion, but Colin says that as long as you ask for forgiveness before you die, then you go to heaven. So be a badass, ask for forgiveness just before you die and you get the best of both worlds. Justin, that's my other Dad, said if there is a heaven and it's full of people that don't like sex and have sticks up their asses the whole time, he'd rather go to hell, where they party 24/7."

"So you don't believe in God?" Martin asked.

"Sure. He's looking after my real Mom and Dad and my brother and sister. I'm like my Dad Colin though. I don't believe in religion, just God."

"So would you want to go to heaven or hell?"

"Probably to heaven. Not sure yet. I'm too young to decide things like that though. Kids always go to heaven. I think it's a rule until you're an adult, `cause kids make lots of mistakes as we learn about things. But I think if you go to heaven and you have friends that went to hell, you're probably allowed to visit and stuff, but I don't think people that go to hell are allowed to visit heaven. Just makes more sense."

"Yeah. That's what I figured," Martin said as he headed off to the bathroom.

Cory just grinned at his best friend. He knew him all too well. "Are you trying to get him out of his clothes?"

"Nah. Already saw him in the shower. Just trying to get him to not be such a nerd. Trust me, he'll be cool once summer is over. I'll Blakeify him."

"Poor guy," Cory said shaking his head jokingly.

Blake turned to sit next to Sawyer on his bed. "So what activities are you doing this morning?"

"Rock climbing and then rappelling. It takes all morning, then this afternoon I'm doing soccer and tennis. Do you know how to play tennis?"

"Sure. I have a tennis court at my house. I can whack balls like a pro."

Sawyer looked at the naked guy next to him. "I'm sure you can," he laughed. "You should get dressed now though as we're about to head for breakfast. I don't think they'll let you go there naked."

"Yeah, probably not. Wouldn't want someone to stab the wrong sausage with their fork," he joked as he grabbed his clothes from his footlocker. Sawyer just shook his head. Blake was unlike anyone he'd ever met before.

On the walk over to the mess hall, Blake ran up next to Dylan. "Hey Fish! So after lights out tonight you wanna sleep with me in my bunk?"

"What?" Dylan asked surprised by the bluntness of the question.

"What what? I figure after your sexy date with Kris you'll maybe not want to be alone for the night."

"What do you do on a sexy date?"

"Everything. My Dad says that all boys are horny and once you make their boners squirt they'll be your friends forever. Some just like it more than others and will do you back more than once, and those are the gay ones."

"Is that something gay guys are supposed to do on the first date?"

"Justin says you should fuck the guy almost before you learn his name. He says what's the point in getting to know someone if they suck in bed. He said it would be stupid if you spent time together and then learned that you were both tops or bottoms and weren't compatible. But I'm not sure straight boys do that, so just play naked with him or something and see what happens."

"What's that mean? Tops or bottoms?"

"Are you sure you're gay? A top is the guy who puts the penis in the other guy. The bottom is the guy who gets the penis. Like with girls and boys. The boy is the top and the girl is the bottom."

"So if I take it in the bum, I'm the girl?"

"I'm not sure, maybe. I can do both, so Justin says I'm reversible. But after your date, you can sleep in my bunk and tell me how it went and we can practice stuff. I mean if I don't get some chick of my own for a date tonight that is. I'm pretty popular, so I'll probably be getting with lots of girls. But you can always sleep with me if you want since we can't have girls in the cabin at night."

"Not sure I'll be ready for that, but maybe we can hang out together and I can learn more from you for sure."

"Don't worry. I'm a good teacher. Once you put your penis in my bum, you'll understand." Blake turned and headed back over to Cory who was talking to Martin.

"Fish is so gonna get laid today."

"How?" Cory asked.

"First he's gonna win that bet with Kris, and then when he goes on their date, I'm sure it'll lead to some sexy stuff. If not, I told him he could sleep in my bunk and we'd practice."

"Isn't Kris straight?" Cory asked.

"How can he be totally straight if he's going on a date with a boy? Duh!"

"You're going to do it with a boy?" Martin asked in shock.

"Only if he wants to. I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. Sex is just sex," Blake explained casually.

"Whoa. Sex is for after you're married."

"More bad parent advice huh? I'm surprised your parents were able to have you if they are that hung up about it," Blake said trying not to say what he really thought of Martin's uptight parents. "What's your most favorite thing in the world?"

"Black cherry ice cream," Martin replied with a big smile.

"Well sex is like a gallon of that ice cream with whipped cream and sprinkles on it. Once you try it, you want more and more until you explode."

Cory giggled thinking of the explosion that Blake was talking about.

"I dunno. It sounds like it hurts when you have sex. I've kinda heard that people moan and stuff."

"Yeah. Moan cause it feels so good like when you taste ice cream," Blake made moaning sounds like he was trying really good ice cream. "Oh well, you'll never know `cause you're too scared of your parents to try anything, but trust me, once you eventually get sex, you'll want to do it all the time, right Cory?"

"Definitely. It's the most fun thing ever," he agreed.

"You've done it too?" Martin asked Cory in disbelief.

"Sure. Mainly just with Blake, `cause boys experiment. That's how we learn stuff."

My Dad says that most Asian boys have smaller penises than white boys and I think I know why. It's cause they're not allowed to play with them. I mean I play with mine all the time and I think over the years, it gets bigger as you pull on it more. Then when I have a kid, he gets a big penis and he plays with it and it gets even bigger and so on. I was thinking that since China is way older than Canada, that we were all Asian at one point. Maybe even Adam and Eve were Asian. Then after Adam ate the apple and couldn't have sex with Eve, he had to play with his penis and eventually we all drifted apart. We had bigger wieners and were called `cock Asians', and the others were just called Asians. We were banished to another continent where it was colder so we didn't get tans, so we ended up white with bigger penises. They don't teach that in school as it's probably sensitive type stuff, but I got it figured out. I'm pretty smart like that. We totally had fun on the activities today. Met a whole bunch of new kids and I got the best horse in the whole camp. His name is Midnight. He was easy to steer and even ran when I told him too. My ass is kinda sore though. They should put padding on the saddles. I was going down when my horse was going up and sometimes I almost flew off the seat altogether, but it was wicked fun. I even gave my horse an apple and took him to the stream to drink when we stopped for snack. Oh by the way, you CAN lead a horse to water and make him drink. Mine did. My most favorite part of the day was scuba diving though. They had to give us smaller tanks than the adults as they said they probably would weigh too much. We had to practice putting our faces in the water with the breather thing on first to get used to it. Today we didn't really go in any deep water as we had to learn about the air in the tanks and how to breathe and get used to the flippers. You can make some serious splashes with the flippers. I soaked Cory, Shawn & Brenton. The instructor kept telling us to pay attention so we didn't miss anything. I can't wait to do both activities again. I hope they let us go into super deep water and look for treasure on sunken ships and stuff, or see sharks. They should let horses scuba dive and then I could ride him underwater. That'd be epic cool. I'm gonna ask Dad for a horse or scuba stuff when I get home. Now we have to go for lunch and then I'm measuring my penis against Kris'. I kinda hope he's bigger so I can play with him. He might even let me do more stuff than just a handjob, but chances are I'm gonna be bigger. I usually am when I check out other boys around my age. So Dylan will get his sexy date with Kris and I'll just be left with a boner. Maybe I'll get a girlfriend this afternoon though. The way they were all looking at me today, I figure it'll be really tough to pick just one. Might have to disappoint a dozen or more. You never know who you're gonna meet at the activities, and some of the girls look really cute in their short shorts and bikinis and stuff, although they sure giggle a lot, and they also squeal loud when they get scared. Boys don't do that. We just go all ninja and karate chop things. Someone has to protect the girls ya know.'

The camp had lunch together and immediately afterward, the boys kept their meeting in the shower room for the bet. Dylan, Sawyer and Cory joined Blake, Kris and another boy in the changeroom.

"This is Asher," Kris said introducing the new guy. He's gonna help judge too."

"Cool." Blake said. "So are we gonna get naked in the shower or what?"

"We don't need to. We can just compare right here," Kris replied. "No one usually comes for a shower at lunch so it'll be pretty safe. How do we do this?"

"Uh, get your penis out. Get it hard and we measure. Then you go on a sexy date with Dylan."

Asher laughed. "That's the bet? You have to compare your dick to this kid? So what happens if you win Kris?"

"He jerks me off and gives me his candy for a week," Kris replied. "He may have a big dick, but I bet he doesn't have big enough balls to follow through with it."

"You'd be wrong there," Sawyer laughed. "Blake definitely has the balls." Blake just smiled as he wasn't worried about winning or losing, because either way he figured he'd be winning.

"So did someone bring a tape measure or something?" Kris asked before they got started.

"No. We just put them together and see whose is longer," Blake replied as he unfastened his shorts and dropped them to his ankles, along with his underwear. He grabbed his dick and began pulling on it.

"Oh, we've started?" Kris said a little surprised by Blake's quick actions. He unfastened his pants and just pulled his dick out.

"Can't really see all of it," Blake complained. You should push your pants all the way down."

Kris just looked around at the guys watching and slowly lowered his pants. Some of the guys like Asher and Sawyer looked away so they weren't staring at the two boys with their dicks out, although they did glance over to see how things were progressing. Blake was hard first and showed it off to the room. "See, told you I was big."

"Kris is gonna be bigger, Right Kris?" Asher commented as the watched him work on getting fully hard.

"Not with all of you staring at me I'm not. Someone should have brought a girl along."

The guys laughed and it helped put Kris at ease. Eventually he got fully hard and Blake stepped up in front of him. They put their penises side by side with Kris trying to make it look like he was hating the idea, but secretly finding it interesting to touch his to another one. The decision was unanimous. Blake was bigger by about half an inch and his cabin cheered for him.

"Looks like Dylan is going on a sexy date with Kris," Blake grinned.

"What exactly does that mean?" Kris asked as his buddy laughed and teased him about losing to a smaller kid.

"Shut up Ash. As if your dick is bigger." Asher shut up pretty fast, as did everyone else. They all knew how big they were and weren't about to challenge what they could see right in front of them.

"How about you hang out together for an hour and you have to hold hands at least once and kiss in public...on the lips," Blake suggested. "But you could do more if you want."

"Uh, I'm not kissing another boy," Kris said almost defiantly. "I don't wanna do that."

"Okay. Dylan gets to blowjob you before the date ends."

"That's way worse," Kris complained. "Okay, I'll kiss, but no tongue." Dylan smiled and they agreed to meet up at the lake after dinner when they had free time. Dylan sat down as Kris and Asher left with their tails between their to speak. Sawyer, Cory and Blake congratulated Dylan.

"I think it's Blake that should be congratulated," Dylan said. "It was his penis that won."

Sawyer laughed. "Yeah. Blake should go on the date."

"I kinda wanted to lose though. I could have jerked him off," Blake complained.

"Dude, you're still weird. We gotta get back to camp."

"I'm gonna stay here for a second," Dylan remarked.

"Yeah. Me too," Blake agreed. "We gotta plan his date."

"Whatever. You coming, Cory?" Sawyer asked.

The two boys left together as Blake sat beside Dylan with his pants still around his ankles. He decided remove them completely so he was more comfortable. "So what you gonna do on your date?"

"Not sure. What do you think I should do?" He said wondering why Blake wasn't getting dressed, and was playing with his penis instead.

"Well, you're meeting at the lake, so go swimming. That way he'll be in just his shorts and you can hold his hand underwater and stuff."

"Yeah. That's cool. But what if I get a boner? He's kinda cute."

"So? You get a boner. Show it to him. You've already seen his. But you might not want to launch right into grabbing for it. You gotta make him horny first."

"Not sure any of that's a good idea. I have a boner now from watching you guys, so I think the cold water is a good plan."

Blake giggled. "You have a boner?"

"Duh!" Dylan replied as he looked at his crotch.

"Come on. Show me," he said as he quickly removed his shirt so he was completely naked. Dylan looked at Blake and remembered the last time they had been naked together, which made him only harder.

He slowly undid his pants and pulled out his erection. Blake just smiled as he looked at it. "You gotta get naked, and if you want we can give each other blowjobs at the same time."

"Huh? How?"

"It's called 69ing."


"You lie one way and I lie the other and we suck on each other's penises at the same time," Blake explained.

"Why do they call it 69ing?"

"How do I know. They just do. Maybe that's how many times it took someone giving blowjobs before they figured it out."

"Makes sense." Dylan quickly took off his clothes and lay on the ground on his back. Blake giggled and told him he had to lie on his side as he got into the 69 position next to him.

"Just do what I do so you know how to blowjob someone," Blake said as he took hold of Dylan's penis and began to suck on it. Dylan copied him suck for suck. They were so into what they were doing that they failed to hear the shower house door open.

"Uh hum," said an older voice above them. Blake looked up as Dylan jumped away in a panic and scrambled for his clothes.

"I wondered where you two had gone," Stone said looking at the naked boys.

"Now you know," Blake replied as he stood up. "Way to win the award, Stone."

"The award?"

"Yeah. For newcomer at the bad timing awards. I was just about to cum and you cock blocked us."

"Good thing it was me and not someone else. You two could have been in a lot of trouble. If one of the other boys came in, you could teased about it all summer. Get dressed and come back to the cabin to get ready for the afternoon."

"Or you could get undressed and help us finish what we started," Blake said boldly licking his lips trying to embarrass his counsellor. "No one teases guys with big dicks, just so you know." Dylan was already dressed and his erection long gone in fear at being caught. Stone swallowed hard as he realized that Blake wasn't the least bit scared and was now hitting on him.

"Just get dressed, Blake and try not to get thrown out of camp for inappropriate behaviour."

"Since when is a blowjob inappropriate," he said shaking his head as he grabbed his shirt. "It's not like we were fucking on the dining room tables. THAT would be inappropriate, especially if no one else wanted to join in." He finished dressing and Stone took the two boys back to the cabin.

Blake leaned in to whisper to Dylan. "I have such blue balls right now. We gotta finish later."

"I'm still right here, Blake. I can hear you, ya know," Stone whispered to the two boys. Dylan just blushed and Blake gave Stone a wicked grin.

"Jealous much? Not like you can't `accidentally' catch us again. Say tomorrow at 12:30 in the showers...hint, hint," Bake grinned using air quotes. Now it was Stone's turn to blush. He liked Blake as it reminded him of himself a few years ago, although there's no way he would have been having sex like this. But now he was 16 and a lot more mature, even if he was still mostly in the closet. Blake on the other hand was 13 and definitely advanced for his age when it came to all things sexual. Stone had no idea that Blake was already concocting a plan to get with him before he visited Justin. Bake figured it would be fun to watch his Dad's face when he learned he'd gotten him first.

There was always an hour after lunch of free time before the afternoon activities began and Dylan had been nervously preparing himself for his date with Kris almost to worked up to eat very much. When several of the other boys wanted to go swimming as well, what started out as a date was turning into just a bunch of guys going swimming. Stone and Emery volunteered to supervise as the campers couldn't go down to the lake without a counsellor present.

They all got down to the water to find that Kris and Asher also had half their cabin with them. The date ended up being anything but sexy. Blake made sure the guys held hands a few times, and supervised the kiss. Mostly it was missed by everyone except those that actually knew what was going on. It didn't take long before the older boys began playing rougher trying to pants their friends. More than one guy lost his shorts as the others played keep away with them, eventually flinging them on shore to make the guy go fetch them. Once girls showed up, the counsellors stopped the nude play completely, much to the disappointment of the guys.

Sawyer swam over to Kinsey. "Hey!"

"Hey," she replied back.

"So how is it over at the girls cabin this year?"

"Same as last year. Full of girls. Just a year older."

"Yeah. Same with us. Except with boys, I mean."

She laughed. "Figured. You've gotten more muscles since last year."

"Yeah, been hitting the gym," he said flexing his bicep.

"It shows. So my little sister Sadie is here this year. She just turned 13 and what a pain to have a kid sister around."

"Well at least she's not 8 like my little sister."

"Might be better if she was. She likes that blonde kid in your cabin and won't stop pestering me to find out his name so she can meet him."

"Which blonde kid?"

"That one you introduced me to before. He has long curly hair. Green eyes. Kinda cute for his age. Seems outgoing and stuff."

"Oh, Blake. He's actually my bunkmate if it's the guy you're talking about. He's pretty out there for a 13 year old."

"Out there how?"

"Just he says what he thinks and doesn't seem to care about consequences. He's also not shy about showing off. If you're trying to hook your sister up with a nice boy, Blake's not the one I'd choose. Pick Martin. He isn't interested in sex until after he's married."

"Well he sounds boring!" she laughed "but probably perfect for my sister. Why don't you introduce ME to Blake instead?"

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"Funny? Why funny?"

"Cause I thought we had a good time last summer and I hoped we could do more stuff this year."

"Like you want another h.j. and stuff?" She asked bluntly.

"I thought maybe `cause we're older we could maybe do more than that?"

"You mean sex? I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet. But if you introduce some of the girls to your friend Blake maybe I can give you another handjob and let you play with my boobs. Maybe more, who knows," She grinned seductively

"Seriously?" Sawyer replied his voice almost cracking with excitement as it went up three levels.

"Sure. It's a long summer, and maybe I'll be ready for more than what we did last year, but us girls talk, so I know who has already had sex, and which girls are interested in which boys. Maybe one of them likes you and wants to play already," she suggested continuing to sound seductive. Sawyer was already hard despite the cold water.

"Serious? Does one of them like me? Which one?" He asked trying not to sound desperate, but coming off as sounding desperate as he looked around.

"Introduce me to Blake and I'll give you a hint. Want to feel my pussy to find out what you might get this summer if it goes well?" She said as she grabbed his hand underwater and rubbed it at the side of her bikini.

Sawyer thought he might black out and then drown if she actually put his hand inside. He also found that he'd suddenly lost all use of his mouth and couldn't speak. He just nodded. She laughed.

"I'm sure you would. See Sawyer. I have grown up a little since last year. The girls are over by the dock if you want to come over and meet some of them. Just bring your friends." She turned and swam away towards the group of girls.

"Shit. Shit. Holy shit." Sawyer said as he spun his head around desperately looking for Blake, Colby and any of the other guys he thought he could drag along. He saw Blake hanging out close to Dylan and swam over. "Dude. Dude. I need you to come with me right now. Forget the guys and get ready to meet some girls."

"Which girls?" Blake asked looking around for them.

"Not sure. All of them I think. They asked about you `cause they think your cute or something."

"Duh. Told you. Girls like the hair and my eyes and get all weird."

"Well, you gotta come with me and meet them. Kinsey said she'd give me another handjob and let me play with her boobs."

"Sweet. Can I play with them too?"

"Probably not. She's my age, so she might not be into you. Plus I hooked up with her last summer, so I'm hoping we'll go further this year."

"Didn't she give Colby a handjob too?" Blake asked remembering what he'd heard.

"Yeah, but we were 13 last year, so we were all just learning stuff. Now we know a lot more."

"Who else did she do it with?" Blake asked innocently.

"No one. At least no one I know of."

"Seems like if she did it with you, she probably did it with other boys. Maybe she'd give me a hand blowjob too."

"Dude. Seriously, do me a solid and just come meet the girls and if she wants to do stuff with you, just decline and let me work on her. I'll owe you big time."

"Sure. Whatever."

"Nice. Just let me grab Colby and Brandon. The girls are in heat or something and want to meet the rest of the boys. Maybe they're having their periods or something. It's probably that time of the month and they're super horny."

"Girls are weird. Why would they only get horny one time a month? Boys are horny all the time," Blake said shaking his head as if disappointed in girls.

"Maybe that's how it works to stop us having sex 24/7. Girls are horny when we're not and vice versa. Then one day when both of us are horny at the same time, that's when sex happens. Like right now dude. Like right now. Come on, before they change their minds."

Sawyer and Blake swam over to Brandon and Colby who were just as excited as Sawyer to get with the girls. Then the four boys swam over to the side of the dock where the girls were hanging out.

"Hi. I remember some of you from last year. I'm Sawyer in case you forgot and this is Colby, Brandon and the newbie is Blake."

"Hey Sawyer," Kinsey said almost sounding like she was flirting, then looked at the other boys. "I'm Kinsey. This is Willow, Ember, Jocelyn, Charlotte and my sister Sadie and her friend Makena."

"Hi," Blake said with a big smile. "Have you all been here before?"

"Sadie and Makena are here for the first time. The rest of us have been here previous years."

"Cool. It's my first time too. I had to leave my girlfriends and boyfriend at home, so it's good to meet new people for the summer."

"Where's Noah this year?" Kinsey said to Sawyer.

"He's on a trip somewhere. Said he wouldn't be here until next month."

"That's kinda a good thing. He was a bit of an asshole, but it was still a fun summer last year. Hopefully we can have just as much fun this year."

"Maybe have even more fun!" Sawyer grinned.

"Maybe. You look like you've gotten bigger too," she added.

Sawyer looked down. "You can see that from there?"

"I meant taller, more muscular," she clarified shaking her head. "Boys."

We like your hair, Blake," Kinsey said coming closer to him.

"Thanks. It's better when its dry though. It's way lighter and curlier, although I can straighten it if I have to."

"No we like the curly look. Sadie and Makena have a crush on you," she said throwing her sister onto the fire in the first volley."

"Shut up Kins. We just said you looked cuter in person than on TV," Sadie said quickly.

"You've seen me on TV?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, we love your show `Blurred Lines', but they should give you a bigger part. The guy that plays the triplets is kinda taking most of the roles, even though he's super cute too, for an older boy."

"Gross. That's my Uncle J.P. who does most of that," he said nodding. "I'll probably get more stuff to do next season. I'm supposed to be a bad ass."

"Are you a bad ass in real life too?"

"I don't think so. I'm just me. Some say I'm too mature for my age. Others say I have no filter and it comes across as rude and stuff, but I don't care, I just do what I like doing."

"Did you say you had girlfriends and a boyfriend?" Kinsey asked. "Like do you mean friends who are girls and boys or real girlfriends and boyfriends, like dating type."

"Yeah. That one. We have sex and hang out together. They all older though. 15 mostly. My Dad's won't let me go on dates with anyone older."

"You have two Dad's?" Macena asked.

"Yep. Two too many if you ask me. I'm gonna try to be an emaciated minor soon. That means I get to do my own stuff without parents like an adult. Probably can drive too."

"Cool. Sounds like you have quite the life," Willow said with a little disbelief in her tone, as if Blake were lying to try and be cool. "Don't you mean emancipated?"

"Sure, whatever. Can't complain," Blake replied. "Oh, and I agree with the guys, I like your boobs too," he said to Willow, causing the other boys to blush a bit and look away from where they were staring. Kinsey laughed.

"Did you say it was only your uncle that was in the TV show playing the triplets?" Sadie asked. "I thought there were really three different people. I've seen pictures of the three of them together. Was that real or photoshopped?"

"No, it's real, but complicated," Blake explained "My Uncle J.P. is the actor and does all the roles, but my Dad Justin and Uncle Jason are all identical triplets, but don't do the show. At least not yet. They're probably going to be in some episodes in the fall when they interact together."

"So you must meet lots of famous people, huh?"

"A few. Lots of celebrities come over to the house, but I'm not like super famous or anything. My Dad's don't want me getting a big head so they keep me pretty limited."

Sawyer laughed. "This is you without a big head? God, I'd hate to see what you'd be like if they let you run wild. In the first week, you've done more wild things than I did all summer last year."

"Like what?" Kinsey asked grinning.

"Can't say," Sawyer replied.

"It's the bro code," Blake explained. "But he means that I don't have a problem getting naked and stuff like that. I live with a house full of guys and you just get used to it. I don't think some of the guys in my cabin are used to it though as they don't have brothers and uncles."

"I thought all boys ran around naked with each other, especially in locker rooms and stuff," Ember said.

"Older guys do, but not guys our age usually. Some haven't gotten their adult size penises or muscles yet, so they're a bit shy until they get them."

"So you have an adult one?"

"Yeah, that's why I mostly have older people as friends."

"So if you have boyfriends and girlfriends are you gay or straight?"

"Labels are for old people so they can figure out who they are. I'm just Blake. I like whatever I like when I like it."

"God. He's such a bullshitter," Willow said finally unable to handle any more of it.

"Huh?" Blake said looking at her.

"Seriously? You expect us to believe all that bragging? You have older friends that you have sex with both male and female. Your Dads are gay triplets, and you're on a TV show and have famous people drop over at your house just because they do; and you run around naked all the time bragging about having an adult penis. What a load of shit!"

"Uh, I don't lie. I'm sorry if you don't believe me, but I'm really not trying to brag. I can prove all of it, but I don't think I need to." Blake was unused to people not believing him as the world he lived in afforded him the opportunity to just be himself without question. He didn't normally have to prove anything, so he was a bit taken aback until Sawyer came partially to his rescue.

"Dude, be cool. You already heard from Kinsey's sister that she saw him on TV with his uncle, and believe me, I live in the same cabin as the guy. I've seen him naked more than I've seen him with clothes. Trust me, the guy isn't shitting about anything, and I mean anything."

"Okay prove just one thing that you've said," she challenged.

"Like what?" Blake asked confused.

"I dunno. Anything."

Sawyer whispered in his ear and Blake just smiled and looked at him. "Uh, dude. Cold water. Won't exactly prove anything."

"What won't prove anything," Kinsey asked.

"He said I should just show you my penis and that would be proof enough, but it's in cold water. Penises don't like cold water."

"I could help warm it up, if it'll help prove anything," she said as she moved closer and cupped the front of his shorts. Blake swallowed hard and his eyes shot to Sawyer who was giving him a warning look.

"Uh, I can't."

"See, bullshitter to the max," Willow said shaking her head. "Good thing he's not the only boy in camp."

"No, that's not what I meant. It's just that Sawyer likes Kinsey and said he wants to have sex with her first, so I'm not allowed to."

"DUDE!" Sawyer exclaimed. "Holy shit. Bro Code. I didn't say that. I didn't."

"Sorry. I just don't know how to prove anything except that I'm me. If I had my phone, I could call some famous people and let you talk to them. We know guys like One Direction, the Sprouse twins, Troye, `Marvin', and Lucas, and other guys that have been guests on the show. They stay over at the house and go swimming with us and everything."

"Relax Blake before you pop a vein. Everyone believes you except Willow. She has trust issues. But how about this. Sawyer wants to get with me, as you said, and that I believe," she said smiling at Sawyer who thought drowning right now might be a nice distraction. "How about you give Sawyer a French kiss and show us what you know, and we'll show you our boobs."

Blake and Sawyer both stopped and looked at each other. Sawyer just froze in place and Blake had a big stupid grin on his face. "Nah, no deal," he said before Sawyer could compose himself again.

"Dude, wait. What? I'll do it. I don't mind kissing a boy. No big deal. It's the 21st century after all."

"Nah. They're calling me a liar, so the deal is that I'll French kiss Sawyer, and then you not only show us your boobs, but let us touch them as well.

Kinsey looked at Willow and before she could respond, Kinsey answered. "Deal. But when you touch our boobs, we get to feel your dicks through your shorts."

They agreed, and the boys went first. Blake moved closer to Sawyer who back off slightly out of instinct. Blake paused and waited for Sawyer to get ready. Then the boys locked lips to the shock of the other two boys.

"Holy shit! They're actually kissing," Colby said out loud. Blake ignored him and pushed his tongue into Sawyer's mouth and gave him the best kiss he knew how. Sawyer wasn't as good as some boys he'd kissed, so he had to do most of the work. By the time they stopped, Blake had a full erection and was thankful for the cold water. Sawyer felt the kiss must have gone on for twenty minutes, when in fact it was probably less than a minute.

"Okay, your turn," Blake said as both boys wiped their mouths and turned their attention on the girls. Kinsey untied the top of her bikini and let if fall forward to expose her boobs, which were still partially hidden under the top of the water. Willow decided to just lift her top up to expose her breasts. The boys moved closer and it seemed with each step they took, the harder their hearts were beating. Sawyer stepped up in front of Kinsey and took hold of her naked boobs under the water and felt them. He almost jumped a mile out of the water when he felt her grab his package. Blake did the same thing to Willow, who seemed a lot less enthusiastic about it, but when she felt Blake through his shorts, she let go almost as fast as she had grabbed it.

"Holy crap. You've got a boner," she exclaimed.

"Duh! I just kissed someone, and I'm holding onto boobs and being groped. I'm a boy, what did you think was going to happen?" Kinsey looked over at the pair and quickly reached for Blake's package through his shorts.

"Damn. You're pretty big, huh?"

"Told you," Blake said as he reached over to feel Kinsey's boobs, which he figured was only fair since he was being felt up by her. Once they were done, they separated.

"Not sure what that proved," Willow said.

"Proves, I'm not a liar about being shy," Blake replied confidently. "Maybe if you want to go further, I could prove that I know tons about sex."

"Uh, no. I'm good. We should get going," she said. The girls said goodbye and swam off. Colby and Brandon quickly joined Blake and Sawyer.

"Holy shit! Holy shit dude. You got to feel her boobs. What were they like?" Brandon asked Sawyer.

"Firm. Nicer than doing it over the shirt. Shit, I'm gonna have such a wicked dream tonight."

"Just beat off first," Blake advised. "That way you don't end up having a wet dream."

"I can't believe you two kissed," Colby said turning his attention to the other side of the dares. "I thought I was a badass. You're way out there!"

"It's just kissing," Blake said nonchalantly. "I know you guys are older, but I really do know about this stuff. All you have to do is show the girls we're not scared of doing anything, no matter what it is and then they totally get into it. Kyle said sometimes if you really want someone, you have to pretend you're not interested and hit on their friends or something to make them jealous. Then they trip over themselves to get to you. That's how he's gotten a few of his boyfriends. If all you want to do is get a handjob or feel their boobs, then you probably don't have to do many daring things, but it you want to have real sex stuff, you have to show them you're not interested in it and maybe do other crazy things.

"Like kissing another boy?" Colby asked.

"That's tame shit compared to what I've had to do to get a girl," Blake said shaking his head.

"Like what kinds of things?" Brandon inquired as he moved closer to Blake.

"Anything. Everything. Depends on the girl. But kissing a boy isn't even a thing in my book. Wait until the girls get super kinky and test your limits, then you can really ask them for what you want."

"Like?" Colby said curiously.

"Like anything. Use your imagination. Guys like seeing two girls make out, right?"

They all nodded as Colby and Sawyer high fived.

"Only makes sense girls get turned on seeing two guys make out too right?"

"Gross," Colby said looking at Blake.

"Maybe. But the reward is equal to what you put out to get it. We kissed each other and got to feel their boobs and they felt us up. Think about it." Cory swam up as they were talking.

"What're you guys doing?" he asked having seen Blake with the girls.

"Just getting to know some girls," Blake replied. "Cory's like my brother, so we've done some crazy shit to get girls." Blake was about to say something but noticed Charlotte returning.

"Hi Cory. Wanna go hang out again?"

"Sure. That'd be fun."

Charlotte smiled and swam off with Cory after Blake punched his buddy in the arm and gave him a thumbs up. Cory just grinned and stuck his tongue out.

"Are you kidding me? Cory is hooking up with Charlotte already? How does a quiet guy like that get a chick before we do?" Colby asked shaking his head.

"Like I said. He may be quiet, but neither of us are exactly shy. Plus there's nothing we don't know about each other or share. If he gets laid, he'll tell, or if he needs my help, he'll ask."

"Like what kinda help?" Brandon asked.

"Whatever he needs to seal the deal. Last time we had girls over and tried to get sex, they said they'd only do it if me and Cory did stuff first."

"You had sex with a boy?"

"Sure. It's no big deal. It's just sex dude. Not like they ask us to cut off an arm or something. Plus boys know how to do it better than girls anyway. Like with the girls that just left, I'm guessing we'll all get laid once they go back and talk about our feeling our penises."

"I thought girls weren't as horny as boys," Brandon commented.

"They're not normally, but these girls are. At least they were last year, so hopefully Blake is right. They'll want more this year. Maybe it's the fresh air," Sawyer said excitedly. " I know I'd probably do a few dares to get to fuck one of them...or more. The guys swam back over to the rest of the group.

"How's the date going?" Blake asked Dylan.

"Not as much fun as I thought," he replied. "He's super nervous, especially when any of his friends get close. I got to feel his penis though. He had a boner, so he might not be completely straight."

"Or he's checking out the girls in bikinis and you just happen to be the recipient of that excitement," Blake said popping his bubble. "It's good practice for the real thing though."

Cory came running up to Blake excitedly as they were drying off. "Charlotte kissed me!"

"Way to go Cory ma' man!" Blake said fist bumping his best friend. "Are you going to see her again?"

"Def! I think she's into me."

"Might get you some wilderness pussy!"

"Shut up. She's not a slut like you," he teased.

"That's too bad. If you need condoms just let me know. We should practice some sex before you go out with her again."

"Yeah. Good idea." Cory agreed ad they headed to the cabin to change for the start of the afternoon activities. This entailed waterskiing for both Cory and Blake, along with six other campers, including 4 girls. The guys let the girls go first. One person in the boat had to be the spotter each time so that if someone fell they could let the drive know to go back for them. It took most of them at least a couple tries to get up onto the skis, but once they got going, it was pretty easy, at least until the boat turned and they had to cross the wake. Most of the first time skiers lost their balance when hitting the rougher water. By the end of the afternoon, they were all pretty excited and couldn't wait to try again so they could get better. Blake saw some of the other campers skiing with just one ski and was determined to learn how to do that.

"Hey, Rhys," Blake said to the instructor. "When you ski on snow with a snowboard, it's called snowboarding. So is one ski on water waterboarding?"

Rhys laughed. "No. Waterboarding is what we do to bad campers. One ski is still called waterskiing, or sometimes slalom skiing. Maybe wakeboarding as well. Lots of different types of skiing though. You can try knee boarding or tubing later this summer if you want too. I've gotta remember that. Waterboarding...that's funny dude."

Blake got along well with everyone, but so far was disappointed at himself for not getting a girlfriend, even though the girls in his waterskiing activity were really cute. He figured if they'd let him waterski without clothes, it would be a done deal already. He got along well with a girl named Ava, but she seemed more into the 15 year old boy, Ethan. When they got back to shore they all hung out in the water for a bit after the skiing and lifejackets were put away.

After dinner they had the evening game and campfire before heading off to bed. In the middle of the night, Blake woke up with his morning boner having arrived early. He tried to get back to sleep, but all he could think of was kissing Sawyer and playing with the girls boobs back at the lake. He quietly got down out of bed and headed for the bathroom with the intention of just jerking off so he could get back to sleep, but as he passed Dylan's bed, he stopped when he saw his new friend lying on his back on the bottom bunk with the covers mostly off. He was just in his underwear which made him look pretty sexy. Blake went over and knelt down beside the bed and reached to feel Dylan's crotch. It didn't take much for Dylan to get hard, which ended up waking him up.

He looked at Blake and whispered. "What are you doing?"

"You were hard and making groaning noises," he lied. "So I tried to help you out so you wouldn't wake up everyone else. Come to the bathroom with me."

"Okay," he said groggily and rolled quietly out of bed to follow a naked Blake .

"So were you thinking about your date?" Blake whispered once they were in the bathroom together.

"I guess. It would have been fun to do more things though. What about you? You kinda look excited about something too," he smirked as he looked at Blake's boner.

"Yeah. I had fun at the lake with the guys and we got to see the girls boobs and feel them. Wanna fool around?"

"Like that 69 thing again?" Dylan asked kind of hoping the answer would be a big yes.

"How about we do more? You're gay and I'm always horny, so you could fuck me if you want."

"I've never done that. I'm not sure I'd know how to do it exactly."

"Dude, it's easy. I'll show you. Wanna?"

"Not right now. I think I want that to be a special thing. With a boyfriend and stuff. Can we just do that 69 thing again?" The boys lay one the floor in opposite directions and gave each other quick blowjobs, with Blake sneaking in a quick rimming of Dylan as well. It took neither of them long to finish and they headed back to bed. Cory had seen Blake head into the bathroom with Dylan and looked up as Blake came back.

"You fool around with him," he whispered.

"Just blowjobs `cause we were both horny. That's all," he said as he climbed back into bed. Cory got down from his bunk and climbed in beside Blake who moved over to make room for his best friend. The boys fell back to sleep spooning with each other with Blake as the big spoon. In the morning, they awoke to boys talking.

"How come you guys slept together?" Sawyer asked as he stood up to see them together.

"`Cause we're best friend. We usually sleep together at home, but of course my bed is bigger than this one."

"Are you like boyfriends?"

"Nope. Just best friends." Blake replied quickly. "Plus it's nice sleeping next to someone."

He lifted up the covers. "You sleep naked together?"

"Sure. Wearing clothes to bed is super dumb. You just gotta watch out for the morning boners poking you in the back. I already took care of my boner last night as I had to get up and pee. Cory still has his though," Bake grinned as he pushed the covers down to show Sawyer, who quickly looked away, as Cory yanked the blankets back over them.

"Nothing bothers you does it, Blake?"

"Not stuff like this. That would just be dumb to be freaked out about naked people. What's for breakfast today?"

"Waffles and bacon."

"Sweet! My favorite. I'm going to make sure I get extra bacon. He sat up and swung his legs over the side before jumping down and rushing to the bathroom. In a very short period of time the guys had gotten used to Blake running around naked, and while most wouldn't do it themselves, they were secretly jealous that Blake was so open and didn't care. Two other boys, other than Cory, were starting to be more comfortable naked for longer periods of time and followed Blake's lead. One was Dylan who figured it might be a good way to get closer to Blake, and the other, who was a bit of a surprise was Tristan, the religious Asian boy.

We got to do lots of stuff over the next couple of weeks and did tons of activities. Me and Cory are having a super fun time with all our activities, and I'm getting pretty good at waterskiing. My instructor, Rhys said I shouldn't call skiing on one ski waterboarding as adults may get the wrong idea. But it's funny, right? When my Dad asks what I've been doing I could tell him we were learning to waterboard and not drown. Then once he calms down and I tell him what it really is, he'll find it v funny. One of the older boys, Brody, he's 15 I think, is really good at waterskiing. He can do jumps and stuff and talks with me a lot while we're in the boat together while others are skiing. I love scuba diving too and my horse knows me now as he runs over to see me when I show up. I'm not good at rock climbing yet, but I like the part where you jump off the top of the hill on a rope to get to the bottom. It's called repelling. Probably because each time you bounce against the rock you're pushed back out so you can jump further. So you're repelled off the wall like a rubber ball. I'm like an expert kayaker too. Well, I'm an expert at falling out of it, but I've almost got the hang of it. First time I went over and was upside down, the instructor had to come get me out. Good thing I can hold my breath a long time. Now I know how to do the whole barrel roll to get upright again, but sometimes I overdo it and go right back upside down again. Know I know what clothes feel like in a washing machine. In our spare time we play baseball and soccer. I'm not much good at football, mainly cause the older boys play all the time and I think they'd just crush me. One guy said I should join as I'd be a good tight end, and then they all laughed and high fived, so I think they were kidding, but without my phone to look it up I can't be sure. I mean they already treat me like a mascot when were in the showers, but unlike some of the younger guys, they sure don't make fun of my balls not having dropped, since I'm bigger than most of them in that department. Me and Cory made tons of new friends and I think everyone believes me now about my life and stuff. Especially the girls. They keep coming over all the time to see if I want to hang out. Some of them even asked for an autograph. Hopefully next season I get more screen time on my show and I'll be even more famous. Maybe even Justin Bieber famous and can apply to be like the new Spiderman or something. I'd be an awesome superhero. I think Sawyer is making progress with Kinsey as they are together a lot. He won't tell me if they have done it yet, but if he doesn't man up soon, I might just go and ask her myself. Maybe she'll let me do it with her. She can put it on her Instagram that she slept with a future superhero. Cory's been sneaking off to spend time with Charlotte a lot so I'm hoping they become boyfriend and girlfriend. I hope he tells me when he does it with her, cause we don't have secrets from each other. It's sure making him horny though as he's slept in my bed a few times since he's been seeing her. He keeps wanting to practice kissing and he fucked me a couple time to build up staminella, so he'll last longer. I thought it was tough to have privacy for sex at home, but you should try and do in in a cabin with 12 boys. Sometimes I hear them masturbating, but so far I haven't helped anyone with that. Well, except Dylan and Cory. Sadie keeps chasing me around, which is a bit annoying as she acts like a typical girl. Personally I like older girls who are more mature. Guess what though? Tristan surprised all of when he announced he got laid with Jenna. Turns out he didn't go all the way and put his penis in her though. They just played naked with each other until he spermed all over her, but it's more than the rest of us have done with a girl, so he's in the lead right now. Cooper says it's always the religious boys that go bad first. Probably all that pent up horniness. How did he get a girl before me? Something's not right here. Oh, and Dylan found a boy that he likes who likes him back and wants to make out with him. He came to me for advice about what to do so I tried to help him out. I showed him how to kiss which is all he wanted to know for now, although we've already done blowjobs, so he should have everything he needs. I offered to let him have bum sex with me, but wants to save that for Holden once they get to know each other better. That's the name of his new boyfriend. I almost got to play with Jocelyn one night but her counsellor caught us kissing and said we needed to break it up. I think her counsellor is a bit jealous as I'm sure she wants me too. Not my type though. She's mean. We go on our three day survival trip tomorrow, but it's not Bear Grylls who is teaching it. Hopefully it's someone just as good. I don't think I can eat a squirrel or raw moose or raccoon, but I'm okay with berries, maybe even ants...not sure til I have to try it. I'd have to be pretty hungry to eat ants though. Then at the end of the week it's parent's day. That should be fun as I'm going to show my Dads how much more mature I've gotten and they'll meet all my new friends. Even Martin is getting the hang of it. He doesn't shower with his clothes anymore and he's fine at changing around us too. His penis is just average and uncircumcised, in case you were wondering. He still thinks sex is for after you get married, but that's his problem. He doesn't know what he's missing. One morning he bent over in front of me to change and I was going to poke my finger at his bum hole, but Cory slapped it away before I got there and Martin stood up to see what we were doing, so I didn't get to tease him at all. We played this really cool game the other night like we play at Scouts. It's capture the flag, except with 4 teams instead of 2. We had one cabin of boys and one of girls on each team and we all had different colours. I got captured like three times, but got busted out each time. We didn't win, but I almost captured the flag for my team. Shit, I gotta go Stone is leaving and I know he's heading for the shower!'

Blake was always planning how to get the things that he wanted and it was no different with Stone. His opportunity came when he saw Stone leave the cabin with his towel after lights out and the other guys were supposed to be asleep. Blake grabbed his washbag and towel and followed him at a distance. He waited a minute until his counsellor was inside the shower house and then went in. Stone was still undressing as Blake entered.

"Hi Blake," Stone said as he turned to see who was coming in. "It's after lights out, you should be in bed, buddy."

"Yeah, I know, but I can't sleep and needed a shower. I figured it would be quiet at this time of night."

"Why didn't you shower during the day?" He asked.

"Ummm," he said looking down and acting all shy. "It was kinda too busy with lots of boys in here all the time. I kinda didn't want to get a shower with them," he lied trying to sound nervous.

"Shy about showering in front of the guys? That doesn't seem like you, Blake. You run around the cabin naked more than all the boys put together. I don't believe that you wouldn't shower with them."

"No, it's not that. I just...well, the water kind of makes me...well when it's warm water, things kinda happen. If you know what I mean. I didn't want it to happen in front of other boys. Is there something wrong with me?" He said trying to sound a bit pathetic.

Stone smiled as Blake took off his shirt and pants. "No, nothing wrong at all. Pretty normal. I'm assuming you mean an erection?"

Blake tried to blush and looked down.

"Let me guess. At home you masturbate in the shower don't you? So now when you shower your body thinks it's play time. Difficult to do when there's a lot of others in the shower with you?"

"Yeah, I think so. I figured I'd come in late, when everyone had gone to bed. I can go back to the cabin if you don't want me here."

"No, you're fine. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen a guy in the shower with an erection, but you can't make it a habit of coming in here after lights out. We could both get in trouble. Have you been doing it a lot?"

"Sometimes. If I haven't had a chance know...masturbate in the bathroom during the day. If I do that, then I can usually control things when I'm in the shower if I'm fast."

"Okay, well be fast then before anyone misses you."

Blake grinned and took off the rest of his clothes and followed Stone into the showers. He decided to take the one right next to his counsellor. Stone did have a very large penis hanging between his legs and Blake immediately thought of what Sawyer had said about Stone doing it with two hands, which almost caused him to get an erection before even turning on the water. He stood facing the wall, but at such an angle that he could see Stone from the corner of his eyes. The older boy shampooed his hair and didn't hesitate to rub it on his body, including around his crotch, which caused it to inflate a little. Blake quickly took hold of his own dick and rubbed it to get it activated. Then he stood there and let the warm water do the rest. In no time he was fully erect and enjoying the shower. Stone washed the shampoo out and opened his eyes to see Blake's condition next to him. He grinned to himself.

"You weren't kidding. It does get hard fast doesn't it?"

Blake looked down quickly and then tried to hide it as if he were embarrassed.

"Relax and enjoy the shower Blake. It's just you and me in here. The more you get used to it, the easier it will be to get it under control around others. When I was your age, I couldn't even change in a change room without getting a boner. Every time I saw another boy naked, my dick would go up, so I know what you're going through, but I learned to control it."


"Same as you're doing. Practicing, then being naked around a friend, then eventually around others. Now I can do it with no problem."

"Cool. It's just embarrassing sometimes. I mean when it goes up around the other boys I try to ignore it, but then it starts to hurt until I make it go soft again and it's not easy to do that around other boys."

"Well, not to sound inappropriate, but you have a pretty big penis and you'd probably be embarrassing them, not yourself.

"Really?" Blake said trying to sound naïve and excited. "My penis is big? That's good right?"

"Definitely. It's really large for your age. No one ever complains when you have a large one. Plus you getting bragging rights."

"I can brag about that?" He said trying to sound like an unsure 13 year old but he was already aware of more than most would ever know. "Cool. Yours looks bigger than mine, so do you think mine will keep growing? How big do they normally get?" He already knew the answer to that since if he wanted to know something at home, he just asked and it was answered without hesitation.

"I don't know the answer to either question, but I think the size you are now is probably average size for an adult. I'm bigger than most guys, so I've been told."

"Do you ever measure it?" Blake asked. "Mine is 7¼ inches."

"Looks it," Stone said taking another quick look at the boy next to him. "Mine is 9½."

"Wow, I hope mine gets like that. Do you have to do anything to make them grow?"

"Nope. Nature gives you what you're meant to have."

"Can I see it when it's fully big?" Blake asked directly.

"Not sure that's a good idea," Stone chuckled as he checked Blake out. The boy was indeed very cute and he could easily see being attracted to him if he were older. It was taking all his energy not to get erect in front of him as it was.

"Why? I have one and it's normal right? Plus I've never seen a big one up close before when it's hard. I'm just curious and stuff," he almost begged, as he gently stroked his own penis knowing that Stone was having a difficult time not looking at it. He'd learned a lot living in a house full of gay guys. He knew what buttons to push to get what he wanted. Stone reacted to seeing Blake gently stroking himself as he showered, and inevitably lost the control over his own dick. He got some soap and pretended to be washing his penis and balls, but at the touch he quickly inflated despite his best effort not to.

"Wow! That really is big!" Blake exclaimed. "I'll bet it's heavy when you play with it too isn't it?" he said as he reached over to feel Stone's erection. Stone moved back slightly.

"We can't do that. I'd get fired if I played with one of the campers," Stone advised him.

"Not if no one sees, you won't. Plus how am I going to know if I'm doing it right if I can't learn from someone? Your balls are big too. My Dad says that when balls are big like that it's because they're full of cum from not masturbating. Do you masturbate a lot?"

"Enough. Maybe once a day."

"Yeah. Sounds about right," Blake said nodding. "You shave too huh? I do it for diving. Are you a diver or swimmer too?"

"No, I just prefer it trimmed like this. Makes it look better, especially since we spend a lot of time in swim shorts around camp."

"That's what I thought. My Dads and brothers shave themselves smooth. I used to do it, but other boys made fun of me saying that my balls hadn't dropped yet, so now I leave a little bit so they can see that I'm a man."

Stone laughed. "With the size of your dick, I don't think you have to worry about anyone thinking your balls haven't dropped."

"Cool. Have you ever had sex?" Blake asked bluntly.

It was Stone's turn to blush. "Sure. All the time."

"Cool. My Dad really liked you. I think he figured you were gay, but then he thinks everyone is gay."

"Well, he's not wrong. I am, but I don't run around telling everyone. That's not what defines me. It's just part of me. The part that knows who he likes to have sex with. So which Dad of yours liked me? Was it Justin? I figured he was kinda of staring at me a lot. Is that why he invited me over to talk about being a counsellor?"

"Yeah. I'm surprised he wasn't drooling. He's such a tool sometimes and totally embarrassing. But I have good Dads most of the time, but don't tell them I said that or it'll take away all my power. I hope that one day my dick gets to be as big as his and that I get abs like Colin's."

"I dunno buddy, you have a pretty good start now. I think you'll just be fine. Your Dads were pretty hot though. They hardly look old enough to have a kid your age though."

"Gross! Don't tell me you like them too. I was adopted. Colin is older than Justin. He's like 26 or something. Justin is 22, so in a way it's like having big brothers instead of Dads."

"So if your Dads are married, how come he was hitting on me?"

"Oh, they fool around with other guys all the time. They said that there's a difference between love and sex. They said they couldn't love another person imtametly..."

"Intimately," Stone correct with a grin.

"Yeah, that. But you could have lots of sex with different people."

"So have you seen your Dads with boners before?"

"Again...Gross," he said trying to sound like it was the worst thing ever, but in fact liked it when everyone was naked at home. "but yeah, unfortunately. We don't usually wear many clothes so I see things all the time."

"Is he bigger than me?" Stone asked curiously.

"Dunno, maybe about the same size. I don't exactly go up and ask to measure it. He's my Dad, dude." Blake knew that Justin was 8½ inches, but he had a plan, and he was sticking to the script in his head. "I've played around with a boy before. It was kind fun. Since we both had penises, we knew what to do with them."

"Wow, you really are an enigma, Blake."

"No. I'm mostly Canadian," he said pushing his face under the water.

Stone laughed. "No, I mean here you are sneaking out at night to have a shower because you don't want to get an erection in front of the other boys, but you have no trouble walking around naked in the cabin or at home. You've fooled around with a boy and you seem to know a lot about adult things. How can you be embarrassed at getting a boner?"

"Oh, I'm not embarrassed about that. I just find that when I get hard, I have to masturbate and if you do it in front of most guys my age, they kinda act funny and call you names and stuff. Older boys don't do that, usually. I figured it'd be easier at camp to just come in here where I can have some alone time."

"Sorry for ruining your alone time," Stone said as he looked at the younger boy, now stroking his cock faster than before. "Are you planning on finishing your jerk while we're here?"

"Oh shit. Sorry. I kinda forgot I was doing it. Please don't say anything okay. I'll come shower another time when you're not here. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"I'm not uncomfortable at all Blake. Just wondered if you were going to finish. I wouldn't mind seeing how much cum you can make at your age."

"Lots. My brother says I'm the horniest kid he knows."

"How old is your brother?"

"Kyle is 19 and Troy is 18. They both have boyfriends too."

"Oh. So everyone in your house is gay?"

"Not everyone. I'm not. I'm just Blake the ameba."

"Enigma," Stone corrected with a smile.

"Right. But don't worry, they all fool around with other guys too. No one believes in sex with just one person. You should see some of the parties they have. You want me to get them to invite you over so you can have sex in a group like that?"

Stone blushed again. "I don't think I'd be good at a party like that. I kinda want to learn how to have a boyfriend first before I get into other stuff. You really do just say what you're thinking don't you?

"Of course. How else do you learn stuff? Do you ever eat your own cum?" Blake asked out of the blue.

"Uh, not usually, but I've tried it. Have you?"

"Sure. Sometimes I get on my back and put my legs over my head and put my penis in my mouth until I sperm. Saves cleaning up afterward. Kyle, that's my brother, says not many guys can suck their own dicks, so I'm pretty lucky. Can you?"

"Yeah. I'm big enough so I can reach it when I'm in a super horny mood."

"Can I see you do it?"

"That wouldn't be appropriate, Blake. Even with this, if someone walked in, I'd be in a lot of trouble, probably even enough to get me fired."

"Why? We're just showering and talking."

"With erections. It could be taken the wrong way."

"That's stupid. It's not like we're doing anything. Plus erections are a normal part of being a boy. Same as sex. Just do it with whoever makes your penis hard. That's what my brother Kyle says, and you make my penis hard, see!"

"Wow. Didn't see that one coming."

"I didn't cum," Blake said looking down at his penis.

"No, I meant I didn't see you as that advanced at sex. Normally boys your age are only just beginning to figure things out."

"Yeah, I'm a fast learner. So you really like my Dad huh?"

"Yeah. He's got the same eyes as you. Plus he's a twin. I've always fantasized about doing a twin."

"He's actually a triplet. My Uncle J.P. is identical as well."

"Shut up! Really? Three? Are they all identical?"

"Completely. Even I get them mixed up sometimes."

"Damn. Do they ever fool around together?"

"Again, super gross, but sure all the time. Want me to see if I can set you up with them?"

"Shit. Seriously? You'd do that?" Stone said as he jerked his dick faster.

"Thought you didn't want group stuff until after you got a boyfriend" Blake teased with a big smile, but continued "I can definitely get you guys together, but it'll cost you," he grinned having reached the climax of his plan.

"Cost me? You mean they charge?"

"No. I mean if you want my Dad and uncles, you have to do something for me too."

"Like what?"

"Like sex. I want to play with you. There's three of them, so maybe we could do three things together. One thing for each triplet."

"Anything specifically?"

"Yeah, like sex stuff. Three different things. One of them has to be fucking."

"I couldn't do that. First I doubt you could handle how big I am, and second if I got caught, I'd not only be totally fired, I'd probably be arrested."

"No you won't. I had lots of sex with older guys and nothing happened," Blake said slipping up and revealing that he wasn't as innocent as he'd first claimed.

"Lots of sex? I thought you just masturbated with other boys. Plus you said earlier that you've never seen an erection up close before."

"Yeah. Kinda lied about that a bit, but I've never seen an erection as big as yours up close before. I've had lots of sex. One of my best friends is 15 and I've had tons of sex with him. Another friend has an older brother and he bums both of us when I go over and wrestle. It's so much fun that I can't wait to go over there again."

"Ever had a dick as big as mine?"

"No, but close," Blake replied honestly.

"So why did you really come in here for a shower? Was it to jerk off?"

"Partly," Blake admitted. "But mainly because one of the guys said your penis was so big you had to use two hands to masturbate and I wanted to see it. Plus if my Dad figured you were gay, you probably were. He's not usually wrong about that."

"Like I said Blake; you're an enigma."

"Yeah. I don't know what that is, but I'm probably a good one of it."

"That you are."

"So? You wanna fool around with my Dad and his brothers, or what?" Blake said as he reached over and took hold of Stone's penis and felt his large firm balls.

Stone gasped. "Shit. Shit. This is gonna get me in so much trouble."

"No it won't. I'll never say anything to anyone. Why would I? It would stop me having sex, so that would just be stupid, right?" As he finished his sentence, he moved forward and placed his penis beside Stone's to compare it. Next to his counsellor, his looked small, but only because Stone was so much bigger than most.

"I like your penis. It's how big I hope mine gets," Blake said casually. Then he hugged Stone and wiggled his hips slightly to rub their penises together. Stone put an arm around Blake, who took it as a sign to melt into the older boy. He had a grin on his face that Stone couldn't see. He'd done what he set out to do and was now going to see how far he could get on the first try. Blake knew he was cute, and it usually got him what he wanted. Girls seemed to always be drawn to him as he'd recently proved, but so were gay boys. He'd been stopped from having sex with a lot of guys because his Dad's said they were too old and he wasn't old enough. Now he had a whole summer without parents to do what he really wanted. He put his hand on Stone's bum and felt how firm it was. He could feel his dick twitch at being this close to someone he found attractive.

Stone pushed Blake back slightly. "We really shouldn't be doing this, Blake."

"But you like it right? So it's not wrong if you like it. How about we keep going and doing stuff until we cum?"

Stone didn't answer as he thought about the consequences, but Blake took it to mean he had permission to continue. A no was a maybe, meaning he had to work harder at it, but silence was a yes. He dropped to his knees in front of his counsellor and took hold of his cock and balls and finally got a good close look at it.

"That's really nice," Blake said as he leaned forward and sucked Stone's dick into his mouth. It was bigger than any cock he'd ever had before and he could feel it stretching out his mouth, but he was determined to show the older boy how good he was, so that he'd come back for more. He also wanted to do a better job than his Dad might do so that he couldn't take Stone away from him.

"Oh Jesus, Blake. This is so wrong," Stone said without trying to stop the younger guy. Horny beats common sense almost every time. Blake looked up and grinned as he tried to deep throat the large penis. He could only get three quarters of it in his mouth before he couldn't go any further, but then began to give Stone the best blowjob he knew how to give. Stone gave in and put his hands on Blake's shoulders to steady himself. He hated to admit it, but Blake gave one of the best blowjobs he'd had in a very long time. Then just as he thought he might not be able to hold back from cumming, Blake stopped and stood up and ran out of the shower area.

Shit,' Stone thought to himself. I let it go too far and now he's all freaked out.' But he was premature with his thinking. Blake returned quickly with a small bottle that he'd gotten from his bag of wash stuff.

"Here. You have to use this. It's lube."

"Yeah, I can see that," Stone grinned. "You carry lube with you?"

"Sure. I have lots of it. I find it all over our house, so I collect it. My Dads keep it handy in case they get horny. My brothers said you gotta be a good Boy Scout and be prepared all the time, and since I'm an actual Boy Scout, I always have some. You put some in my butt and then on your penis so you can go inside easier."

"You want me to fuck you?" Stone asked shocked. "I don't think you'd be able to handle me and if I ripped your ass, people would know what you've been doing and I'd be going to jail."

"I can handle it. If you want, you can give me a blowjob and try putting a finger in my bum to see how good it feels. My friends say I have the nicest bum anywhere."

"Your friends say that huh? Wish I had friends like that. How about I give you a blowjob until you cum and then maybe you won't be as horny and we can call it a night?"

Blake laughed. "Okay, but I'll still be just as horny. You need to cum too and once you put it inside me, I'm sure you'll see how much fun it is."

Against his better judgement, Stone dropped to his knees and positioned Blake slightly sideways, so he could keep his eye on the change room and listen in case anyone came in. It would give them time to separate if needed. He sucked Blake's dick and felt between his legs to the smooth ass. He had to admit he was enjoying it way more than he should, and when Blake reached behind himself to lube up his hole, and pull Stone's finger to his ass, he let himself be guided inside. Blake's ass was hot and velvety smooth as he felt around in it. Blake moaned and wiggled himself further onto the older boys' finger. Stone was so hard that his penis was hurting and he wondered how much longer he could last. Blake was on a mission, so he took a second finger of the older boy and pushed it into himself. That's all it took before he blasted his load into Stone's mouth, taking the older boy a little by surprise.

"So are you gonna fuck me?" Blake asked as he looked down at his counsellor with a mouth full of cum.

Stone stopped and separated from Blake's erection. "Not tonight. I've done it with older boys who said I was too big for them. If I hurt you, I'd never forgive myself."

Blake giggled. "You won't hurt me. Stand up and I'll show you."

"No, we can't Blake. Not right now. I think a blowjob is enough for you to handle right now. Shit, please don't say anything to anyone, Blake. I really like this job."

Blake turned around and grinned. "Are you kidding me? That was AWESOME. I loved it. We gotta do this every night. Plus I wanna show you just how much I know. We can be secret camp boyfriends."

"That's definitely not a good idea. We can't do this all the time. We shouldn't have done it this time," Stone said as he washed himself off in the shower trying to make his own dick go down. He knew he'd be masturbating nonstop thinking about Blake and it scared him a little as he really liked the younger guy. He liked him a lot, and if teenage hormones took over, there would be no stopping either of them.

"But it was fun, right? And if something is fun, we should do it again. Please, Stone. I really liked it and you already said that most guys can't take your penis and I know I can, so aren't I the perfect boy for you?" He said using the charm he knew he had as he batted his big green eyes and rubbed Stone's smooth ass gently.

Stone grinned at Blake's enthusiasm and deep inside he admitted that Blake, even at 13, was better than almost anyone else he'd ever been with. "When do you turn 14?"

"Not until next April, but then we can do it in front of anyone and tell everyone as I'll be old enough," he grinned. "Maybe if you're coming over to play with the other guys at my house, we can do stuff then too."

"You'll really hook me up with your Dad and his brothers?"

"Sure. I'll ask them on the weekend when they visit. My Uncles are currently on vacation this month, but next month, maybe they can all come for parent's day and I can watch you have sex with them in here."

"Not likely," Stone chuckled. "I'm sure your Dad and Uncles wouldn't approve of that."

Probably not, Blake thought to himself, but it wouldn't be the first time he'd seen it. He was good at being the super spy and not getting caught, plus he could figure out a way to bribe his Dad to let him watch, maybe even least he hoped he could. He knew his Dads were pretty strict on the whole age thing until he turned 14 when the law changed, and then he could do up to 19 year olds. He was counting down the days. They finished showering and wrapped themselves in a towel before heading back to the cabin. Stone told Blake to go in first and he'd follow in a few minutes.

"So can we do it again, please?" Blake asked as begged Stone.

"It's too dangerous in the showers. If someone came in while we were doing that, all hell would break loose. I'd go to jail, you'd be kicked out of camp and probably have to testify against me. It's just too much to risk."

"I'd never say anything to anyone. No way the po-po would break me even if they used torture. They'd actually have to catch you doing it for you to be in trouble. We can find a better spot then. Like in the woods or something. I like being on my back when someone puts their penis in me so I can watch and masturbate at the same time. Sometimes they can even lean down and we can kiss. We could do that. I'll find a place, but you gotta promise we can do stuff, okay? I'll prove I'm the best at it. I'll bet I'm even better than my Dads. `Night Stone!" Blake said not giving his counsellor a chance to respond as he ran back to the camp all excited and eager to tell Cory of his big adventure. He knew Cory would keep his secret as they trusted each other with everything. He went quietly back into the cabin, dropped his towel and climbed into bed. Sawyer, who was on the bottom bunk, heard his bunkmate return, and had a front row view of Blake's dick as it climbed up the ladder. As Blake settled in, Stone walked in quietly, also in a towel and Sawyer saw him as well. He immediately figured that the two of them had gone for a shower, but thought nothing more of it as he fell back to sleep. He wasn't the only one that saw the two guys come back almost at the same time.

Morning arrived early and the boys that had signed up for the survival trip were excitedly packing what they had been told they could bring which was a change of clothes, a sleeping bag and water. After breakfast, 12 boys met to go on the trip, along with a couple of the counsellors for supervision, one of them being Stone which pleased Blake a lot. "Boys, my name is Colonel Knox and I'll be your guide for the next three days. You can just call me Knox. We'll be living off the land and working together as a team to get through the challenges ahead. We don't come back if it starts to rain, we build a shelter. We don't come back if someone gets injured, we give them first aid and move on. If someone dies because they're not strong enough, we bury them; say a few nice words and move on. Just kidding about the dying part. Never lost a man on my watch yet. We're on our own out there men, so if you need your Mommies to wipe your noses or your asses, I suggest you stay here in camp where the food is cooked for you, and someone tucks you in at night with your teddy bears. The rest of us will be out there in the wild. Anyone who wants to leave, do so now."

No one left and Knox smiled at them. He'd done this hundreds of times with plenty of boys and girls, and only a few failed to make it through. Of course, there were plenty of safeguards in the program in case of real emergencies, but the campers never knew that unless it was needed, which it rarely was. "In front of you is a tarp, under which are many items. As a team, pick six of the items you find to take with us, but only six. You have ten minutes to choose what you need. Counsellors may not help as you have done this before and are only here as support." The boys pulled back the tarp to find a lot of things from a large shovel to a chocolate bar to a five gallon jug of water, as well as flint and steel, fishing wire with hooks, and some small tablets with `halazone' written on the bottle. There was also a large rope, a hammer, a large knife, a bag of rice, a large bag of potato chips, a roll of toilet paper, a whistle and large blanket.

The boys looked the items over and began discussing what was needed. Everyone had a different opinion, but eventually a strategy was devised to eliminate what they all agreed they didn't need. The biggest argument came over the water which half the boys thought they needed, while the other half said they didn't. Cory stepped forward and picked up the halazone tablets. "These will purify water when we find a stream, so we don't need to carry a huge heavy thing of water. I'm in Scouts and they taught us that."

"Yeah. I've heard that too," one of the other boys said. "But we don't need the tablets if we have fire and can boil the water."

After almost the full ten minutes, they had chosen the flint and steel, the knife, rope, bag of rice, fishing wire and hooks, and were arguing over the blanket or shovel when one of the twins in Blake's cabin, 13 year old Brenton, stepped forward and put the tarp in the pile.

"What? He didn't say we couldn't take the tarp did he?"

Everyone looked at Knox for confirmation, but he said nothing until the ten minute mark. "Okay, are these the items you wish to take with you?"

The boys all agreed that the six items were what they wanted, so he told them to grab them and they'd head for the trail. Before they left the camp, he made sure that each boy had a full bottle of water, sleeping bag, appropriate clothes and hiking boots for the trip. The first day they walked 4 kilometers before stopping for a break so that Knox could show them some good edible berries and plants. He pulled one plant out of the ground that he called a Yellow Glacier Lily and told the boys they could eat the bulb of it raw.

"But be careful boys, eat too many of these and you'll be bringing them back up as fast as they went down. There's a bit of a burning feel when you eat them, but they are okay to eat raw, or cooked. Who wants to try one? Both Shawn and Brandon put up their hands and moved over to Knox to take a bite out of it. Their faces showed the taste quick enough, which was enough to discourage the other boys from trying it. All of them tried the blackberries and raspberries though. After a few more stops along the trail to point out various weathered rocks, moss and growth patterns on trees, they continued on for several more kilometers, until they reached a clearing by a small lake with a stream running into it.

"Okay, we make camp here boys. Why would we pick this spot over others?" Colby put up his hand. "You don't need to put up your hand. We're not in school. Just say what you think. There are no wrong answers out here, just lack of actions."

"Cause our feet hurt" He said trying to be a smart ass.

"No, but if your feet hurt, the best cure for that is a nice foot massage and a cup of tea before someone brings you your dinner," Knox said trying to sound tougher than he really was. Fortunately, everyone in the group caught on to the sarcasm of the comment, even Blake, who normally let sarcasm sail so far over his head he was oblivious to it.

"It's flat compared to the hills we just walked," Prescott replied. At 15 he was one of the older campers, but it was his first visit to a setting like this. Normally his parents sent him to tennis camp, but after he injured his wrist last season, he decided to do something else this year.

"Good. Any other reasons?"

"It's near water?," Royce replied.

" Right. Anything else?"

"The trees will give us nice protection from the west winds and keep us warmer at night," Asher replied. Blake recognized Asher from when Kris and Dylan went on their `date'.

"Good. Yes, if we had chosen a camp on the other side, the winds would hit us all night and it would be much tougher to stay warm. That's an important decision when setting up camp and trying to maximize your environment. Good catch. What's your name?"

"Asher." He replied.

"How did you determine that?"

"Like you said a few kilometers back. Just looking at the trees. These all have less branches on the west side and are leaning slightly in one direction, which points the way the wind normally blows."

"Exactly. So we'll make camp here."

Knox explained how they were going to make the shelter and fire and each boy ran off to their assigned tasks. Most were assigned to getting wood and branches for the shelter, while others had to go around getting the proper materials to start and maintain a fire. One boy was sent to get water in a collapsible water container that Knox had brought along. He showed them how to do begin the construction of the lean-to shelter by interlocking the branches, explaining that if you find yourself stuck out in the wild, you may not have rope to help you. He almost bent branches around themselves using forked pieces to help lock one to the other. The boy watched in fascination before being allowed to try. The main branch was supported between two trees to give it strength as all others were attached to it before adding pine branches in layers to keep out the wind and the majority of rain if it happened. Once it was constructed and the boys stood back to admire their handiwork, everyone was impressed.

"I've seen Survivor where they don't do as good a job as this," Colby observed.

"True. You boys did really well. You brought the tarp along but never used it. What else might you have chosen instead, now that you know you can build a shelter without it?"

"The whistle?" Prescott answered with a bit of uncertainty.

"That would be a good choice. It will allow you to make a lot of noise with very little effort when compared to yelling. The fire will help signal anyone from the air if you use damp branches to create smoke, and the whistle will help any ground searchers to find you if you're ever in that situation. Since you have the tarp along anyway, we will use it tonight to place on the ground. It will give you nice protection from dampness and keep you warmer. Once we get the fire going, I'll show you a few other tricks to keeping warm. Where should we build the fire? Any ideas?"

Some boys guessed near the trees to act as shelter again, others suggested in front of the shelter to help keep it warmer. "Umm, Colonel Knox?" Cory asked. "Is the fire to keep us warm or a signal fire?"

"Great question, Cory. Why would that matter?" He asked figuring Cory knew the answer already.

"Well if it was to keep us warm, I would build a smaller fire close to the shelter but not close enough to let sparks hit it, and if it were a signal fire I would build it nearer to the water, and more in the opening, so I could make it bigger and maybe use the water to wet some branches to create smoke."

"Perfect. Yes, exactly," Knox agreed. "A small fire will provide enough heat to provide a little warmth near your shelter without being dangerous. It could also be used for cooking. While a larger fire down by the water can be used for signalling."

He proceeded to show the boys how to light the dry moss that he called `goat's beard' and then slide that under a pile of small sticks called kindling which then could have larger sticks placed on top, but before he allowed it to grow, he quickly put it out and asked the boys to try. A few gave it a shot and were successful at lighting the moss.

"Excellent. Now how many of you travel with a flint and steel everywhere you go?" No-one raised their hand. "Interesting. So here we are stranded in the wilderness and lucky us, it's the one day someone just happened to have a flint and steel with them." He put it in his pocket. "So now how do we start a fire?"

"A lighter," Prescott smiled. "I usually have one of those."

"Of course if you have one, then we use it. Do you have it now?"


"So back to the question. How would we start a fire now?"

"Sparks from two rocks" Andre suggested,

"Also good, but to find two rocks that will spark isn't easy. One rock needs to harder than the other and you must make sure to strike the spark right at the material you are trying to light. Remember, the fuzzier and more flammable the material, the faster it will light. Any other methods?

"Rub two sticks together like you see on TV. They rub a stick down a board until they get smoke." Royce suggested.

"Yes. That works as well. Takes a very long time, but if you're patient it does work. Any other ideas?"

The boys looked around at each other and no-one gave other suggestions.

"Does anyone wear glasses?"

"Mason put his hand up."

"Do you have them with you?" Knox asked.

Mason dug into his pack and pulled them out.

"Perfect, so on a sunny day you can use glasses like a magnifying glass to create a pinpoint of light, which in turn heats up your tinder and you'll get your fire. It's sunny enough today to show you. Obviously this won't work if it's overcast." He showed the boys how to do it and they were all impressed when a fire began from the beam of light. Next he showed them how to make a bow drill using a rock, wood and a shoe lace, once again impressing them when the fire began.

"So as you can see there are many methods to lighting a fire. If we were stuck in the middle of winter where fire might be the only thing you between you and hypothermia, you can start a fire using ice."

"Ice? Like ice ice?" Asher asked sounding like he didn't believe him.

"Yes. You find a clear piece of ice and carve it into a shape like your lens and use it just the same as your glasses. It takes a bit or work, but it's the same principle. When the light passes through your lens shaped ice, it'll create the heat needed to start your fire. Here's a fun one," Knox grinned. "You can also use a balloon with water in it. Same principle again. Fill the balloon to make a nice round shape and once again let the light shine through."

"Ummm, Knox?" Not a lot of us carry balloons around."

"That's what makes it the fun part. What DO you carry around with you that may act like a balloon?" He said grinning at the teenagers.

They looked at each other and Blake was the first to answer. "Condoms" he said almost cheering.

"Exactly. What teenage boy doesn't have a condom in his wallet in the hopes that one day he'll need it. Well, that day would be right now. Stuck in the wilderness, and afterward, you can also use it to carry water."

"Then when you're rescued, you can use it to thank the lady rescuer properly," Royce added causing the boys to laugh.

"See, one of the most useful tools out there," Knox grinned. "Now if your parents ask why you have (or need) one, you can explain it much easier, without having to be embarrassed.

Blake looked at Cory. "Why would a condom be embarrassing?" Cory just shrugged.

"One last cool idea. How many of you might take along a pop can with you on a trip?"

Almost all the boys raised their hands.

"You can polish the bottom of the silver pop can with toothpaste and it'll provide enough reflection to also start a fire. So as you can see lots of ways to start a fire. None of which you should try at home without a parent," he cautioned.

He set the boys to lighting a fire using whatever method they wished. It took a while, but eventually they got one going using Mason's glasses, then Knox had them do it again using the bow drill and a shoe lace. That took a bit longer, but the boys erupted with excitement when they finally made it happen. Once the fire was going, Knox taught the boys how to collect water and boil it in a plastic bag, proving that it could be done and not melt the bag. He also showed how to create a ground still and find water when a stream wasn't readily available, as well as how to purify it by straining it through rocks, sand and cloth. He had the boys attention throughout. No more so than when he showed them how to catch a fish with his bare hands at the edge of the lake. Of course none of them could do it as they were all too noisy and impatient to stand still long enough to make the fish come anywhere near them. They did manage to catch fish using the fishing line and hook however.

"One of the best ways to stay warm is to keep together and use body heat. Now it won't get really cold tonight, but it'll feel cold compared to the daytime when the sun is up. In the winter, this small thing can make the difference between life and death. Today, you'll survive if you're just lying out on the ground by yourself, but I'm going to show you the difference. Pick a partner."

The boys quickly grabbed their friend, and the partners were formed. "Okay. Now lie on the ground apart and feel the coolness of the earth. Then move together to use body heat. For maximum effect, the best method is if you both face the same direction and curl up slightly against each other.

"So, spooning?" Royce asked with a smile. "I'm the big spoon then."

"Yes, it can also be called spooning," Knox replied trying not to smile. Summer survival was the easiest of the courses he taught, and he usually got more remarks when he taught winter hypothermia and had the boys get into sleeping bags with only their underwear on to show how body heat really could make a difference. This was more of a just for your information' type session as none of them would be really uncomfortable during the summer night ahead. Each pair tried it and then switched spooning' directions when told. Stone and the counsellor from the other cabin, Dexter, were trying it along with the other campers. Blake and Cory were used to spooning with each other at night, so this was nothing new to either of them. Once they stopped and stood back up, Blake grinned as he looked over at Stone and saw that his spooning activity had increased the bulge in the front of his pants. As they headed to the edge of the lake for the next lesson, he ran up to his counsellor. "Like spooning huh?" he said as he reached over and grabbed Stone's crotch. His hand was quickly removed and Stone just glared at him.

"Not appropriate Blake," he warned.

"Okay, but I'm guessing you liked Dexter huh?"

"Dude, you know how it is. Any little thing gets it excited."

"He has a little thing?" Blake teased with a grin.

"Blake...shut up!" Stone said pushing the young flirt away with a smile. Somehow he knew Blake was dangerous, but he just couldn't resist the charm of the kid. He had a special personality that he was drawn to, and from what he could see, many others were as well. Blake had girls all over him and many of the boys looked to him as a bit of a leader.

Going on the survival camp was the absolute most funnest part of camp so far...even if I did get hurt, but hey I'm a kid so shit happens. More about that later. My favoritest part was when we learned to cross a big creek. Knox, our survival guy, told us that you wanted to avoid getting our clothes wet as you want to stay as dry as possible, so we all had to get naked, which was way fun. Knox is super hairy. Not like my Dads at all. He looks like a carpet. I'm guessing he needs that hair to stay warm in the wilderness. He went across the stream first, which was up to his waist at one point, which meant it was almost up to my chest. He took the rope with him and tied it to a tree at the far side and then came back to tie the rope to a tree on our side. We put our clothes in our backpacks and clipped them to the rope. When we went across we just took our backpacks with us by sliding them along the rope and when we got to the other side everything was still dry. Cool, huh? Because it was warm, we dried off in the sun cause we didn't have towels with us or anything. Some boys were shy and had their packs in front of them as they dried off, but I'm not shy, so I checked out the area while I dried off. Stone almost got a boner when he saw Dexter, our other counsellor, but he managed to keep it down...too bad as I coulda hung my pack on it. Hehe. Plus everyone would have seen how big it was and I might have competition for him. We learned a ton of things so now if I ever get stranded in the wilderness I can survive. We didn't learn how to wrestle a bear, which I thought might have come in handy, but maybe that's taught on a different trip. I already knew some stuff from Scouts, but others didn't know much. I liked our lean-to shelter that we built. It was big enough for all of us to sleep under, but we had to be super close to use body heat and stuff. I was sandwiched between Cory and Stone, which was super cool. I think my penis had a boner all night. We went fishing and caught like two fish. Knox just grabbed one right out of the water and threw it on the shore. Wicked cool. Then he showed us how to take their guts out. Super gross, but you gotta do it if you don't want to starve to death. I think he had some secret fish hiding somewhere cause we had lots to eat when we cooked them up. I learned about all types of plants you can eat and which ones you can't or they might kill you. He even pointed out types of mushrooms. Some were poisonous, some were eatable, others were hallucionistic. That means they'd make you act weird. It'd be hard to tell with some of the guys, cause they already act weird. We even did some rock climbing and cooked food on a hot rock and things like that. It was super fun, but I liked the part where we had free time and got to go skinny dipping in the lake. It was super cold water and I think even my goose bumps had goose bumps. We didn't have towels or stuff, but we dried pretty quickly in the sun. Just boys being boys. You aren't allowed to do this when girls are around, so I like that it was all boys at our survival camp. When it was time to head back, we did this thing where we had to try and track someone. We broke into 3 teams of 4, and two people would go first and mark a trail with rocks, branches and stuff for the other two to follow to find you, like they were a rescue party. Cory and I found Brenton and Colby pretty easy by following their trail. They had rock arrows and everything to make it super simple. When it was Cory and me making the trail, we did pretty good too, and Cory pretended to be dead when Brenton and Colby found us, but they didn't give him mouth to mouth restitution or anything. I'd would totally have done it to them if they needed it. This is when it kinda went bad. I thought it would be fun to hide in a tree and spy on the other guys when they approached, and scare them. Stone was in the lead so I waited until they saw Cory and ran up to him, and then I went to jump out of the tree, but my foot got caught, and I fell and landed on a rock where I almost busted my ribs. Took the wind right out of me and I lay there not really able to move. I heard one guy say I was dead, but I don't think so. One said I cried, but I think he's a drama queen. (That's someone who over exaggerates stuff to have all the attention.) Stone looked at me by pulling up my shirt and immediately called for help when he saw some blood. God, it's not like I was spurting stuff like a water fountain, but that would have been super cool to see. It hurt like a bitch to breathe and it felt like there was an elephant standing on my chest whenever I tried to inhale. Knox used my injury as a lesson to teach the guys how to make a stretcher out of branches and some of the other stuff we had like long sleeve shirts and jackets. You put the sleeves inside and slide poles through them and presto, you have a stretcher. They had to carry me back to camp. How embarrassing, but it was kind of a fun ride. When we got back I had to go to the camp first aid place, and when they touched my ribs I think I may have screamed a bit, so they said they might be broken. I was taken to the hospital in town where I got an X-ray. Cory wanted to go with me, but they said he had to stay in camp. I think he was hoping for a ride in a helicopter, but I just went by car instead, so he didn't miss much. Good news is that I'm gonna live. Bad news is they said my ribs are badly bruised and that they recommend I go home instead of back to camp. No way dude! That would suck. I still have stuff to do. I am working on lots of things and can't go home now. Plus a bruise is super cool. All the girls will want to see it, so there's that, and they'll want to kiss me to make it feel better, and Stone will be concerned so I can totally use that to get close to him. Plus everyone digs scars. Doctor said I won't actually get a permanent scar, but he taped up my ribs for now. I think this is what they call a war injury. They said I should call my Dad to come get me. I have another plan.'

"Hi Dad. It's Blake...your son." "Hi son Blake. It's Dad, Justin," came the chuckled reply at the other end. Blake just rolled his eyes. "Ha Ha, very funny." "How's camp going?" "Well that's why I'm calling. You have to tell them I can stay. They want to send me home. But me and Cory don't want me to go. Neither do the other kids. So can you talk to them and make them let me stay." "Why would they want to send you home?" "Oh, cause I bruised a couple of ribs and they think I should come home to get better." "How did you do that?" "I fell out of a tree. No biggie." "Ummm, why were you in a tree?" "No reason. Just boy stuff. You wouldn't know about things like that Dad." "I wouldn't?" "No. Your old and stuff, but us kids like to climb things." "Well how bad is it? Do you need to come home?" "No. That's why I'm calling, duh! It's not like I broke anything. My ribs are only sore and I have this really cool bruise on my chest. They took to get an x-ray to make sure I didn't have internal bleeding or anything, but I don't. All my blood is exactly where it's supposed to be, and I didn't even land on any squirrels so I'm not a murderer or anything. So you gotta talk to them Dad. There's nothing wrong with me, and all my friends are here and I'd just end up being home alone and pestering you for the rest of the summer if you make me come home. So that's good incentive huh? I'd be a total cock blocker for the entire summer if I were home." "Okay, let me talk to someone," Justin said causing Blake to break into a big smile. "Cool...Here's my Dad, Justin," he said handing the phone to the doctor. "Mr. Masters. It's Doctor Rudy." "How is he?" "A tough kid that's for sure. My recommendation is that he take it easy and stay out of trees for a few weeks." "Do you think it's serious enough to keep him away from camp?" "He really needs to rest and take it easy. I recommend he go home as he's going to be in some pain, especially if he does anything physical." "No!" Blake yelled in the background. "I'll take it easy. I promise." "Doctor, if he stays can he get limited activities that will allow him to heal?" "I could recommend it to the camp director. Things like horseback riding and waterskiing might be out for a bit. He needs to avoid bumping or jarring his ribs as it'll be painful." "I can handle a bit of stupid pain," Blake said loud enough hopefully for his Dad to hear. The doctor laughed. "Yes, I suppose you can. I recommend he go home to relax, but it certainly isn't serious enough to prevent him from staying, as long as he's careful." "Great thanks doc. I'm pretty sure he'd never forgive me if I made him come home. May I speak to him again please." "Hi Dad. So am I staying?" "Only if you promise to take it easy and let those rib heal properly. No climbing trees or anything that'll cause pain." "Is sex still okay?" "Blake..." "It's okay. We have that patient doctor confidence thing so he can't say anything to anyone. I met a super cute girl and I like two boys. One is my age and the other is older. We're gonna have a party together later, so that's why I wanted to know if sex is okay." "How about you concentrate on just being a kid at summer camp. Leave sex for when you're older." "Yep. I get that. But is that a yes or a no?" "If they're planning on bouncing on your chest I would say no. If it's just show and tell, then I doubt I can stop you." "Okay. Thanks Dad." "We'll see you in a week. Colin and I miss you around here. I love you buddy." "Ditto." "Give Cory our love too." "Gross Dad. I'll just tell him you said hi. See ya and thanks." Blake hung up quickly in case his Dad had a change of mind at the last minute. He turned to the doctor. "Okay fix me up Doc. I'm ready to go back to camp."

"I can give you something to help with the pain and the tape around the ribs should help, but if it feels worse or you can't handle the pain, then you'll have to go home to rest. It's going to be very uncomfortable, and you may find when you breathe heavily it hurts as the lungs push your ribs out. I'll check on you in a week to see how you're doing."

"Cool. You can come out to camp and I can show you around if you want."

"Sounds like it's a good camp, but I'll get them to bring you back here so I can check you out properly."

"Umm, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, anything. What's on your mind?"

"Will I still be able to you stuff?"

"What kind of stuff?"

"You know...boy stuff. Masturbate and stuff like that."

The doctor grinned. "It's not your hand that's broken just bruised ribs. It might be uncomfortable if you breathe heavily, but it you take it easy with whatever activity you're doing you'll be alright. I just recommend no wrestling where your ribs could get bumped."

"Okay. Whew! That's a relief. I'd go crazy if I couldn't masturbate. My Dad told me that if you do it regularly it prevents wet dreams and primate cancer."

"I think he meant prostate cancer. There's some truth to that, but you don't need to do it every hour."

"I don't. I only do it in the morning when I wake up and it's got a boner...uh, I mean when it's hard, and at night so I can get to sleep, and sometimes during the day if I get bored."

"Well, you sound like a typical teenager. It was nice to meet you Blake. Take care out there and call me if you need anything." The Doctor walked Blake back to the waiting room where one of the camp nurses was and explained Blake's condition to her. They went back to camp and all the kids rushed to meet him to see what was going on. He showed them his taped ribs and the bruise that was forming. Most thought it was cool.

For the next few days, Blake found it difficult to do most of the camp activities as they involved a lot of movement and it really did hurt to be that active. He found swimming seemed to help a little, so he spent a lot of time in the water. He also found that the pain had taken away a bit of his sexual interest, but it didn't stop him from taking showers and checking out the other boys, who in turn commented on his bruise once he removed the bandage. He had also managed to get a lot of the boys in the cabin to walk around naked more than before, so much so, that the counsellors had to keep reminding them to put something on half the time. Sometimes Brett thought that if he let them, they'd wander around outside naked.

The weekend arrived and it was finally parent's day. Cory and Blake watched for Justin, Colin and Sheila to arrive, and once they saw the car, they ran to greet them. Four adults got out and Cory's face lit up. He raced to hug his Mom and then saw his big brother as well. "Jason!" He said beaming as he ran over to give him a hug as he got out of the back seat.

"Wrong one dumbass," Blake said shaking his head. "Uncle Jason is the other one."

"How come you were in the front seat?" Cory asked confused as he would have expected Justin to be in the front with Colin.

"What? Am I not allowed in the front seat. I am old enough you know," Jason replied as Cory switched brothers and hugged the right one. Blake gave his parents a hug too, but tried not to make as big a deal about it as Cory.

"Nice haircut, Dad. What happened? You lose a bet?" He said noticing that his Dad now had short hair instead of the long hair he was used to.

"I thought you were on vacation," Cory said to his big brother.

"I am, but you don't think I'd miss my little brother's camp day did you? Kyle and Chance came out to Newfoundland to meet us, so I took the plane home to be here."

"Sweet. We got so much to show you. Come on Mom. You never got to see the camp when we got here."

"True. Sometimes having to work really sucks," she grinned as Cory took her by the hand.

Blake stopped the adults. "Some rules first though, okay. You guys gotta be frosty okay?"

"Frosty?" Sheila asked.

"Yeah, it's like cool, but only cooler."

"Okay, got it."

"And Justin, you remember my counsellor Stone? The one you were drooling over."

"I wasn't drooling over him, Blake. I just thought he seemed nice, and yes I remember him."

"Thought so." He lowered his voice and pulled Justin closer "Well, if you don't embarrass me while you're here I'll let you see his big penis before you leave. Deal?"

Justin laughed. "You'll let me, huh? So you just tell him to whip it out in front of me and he will?"

"Dad. Dad. Dad. I'm your son, remember. I have the Masters charm. So do we have a deal?"

"Nah, I'd rather embarrass you, pumpkin!" Justin chuckled ruffling Blake's curly hair.

"Dude, the hair!" Blake complained as he moved away. "Just for that, no Stone for you."

"Sounds like a challenge. So how are the ribs?" Justin asked changing the subject.

"Still really sore, but I'm coping. Wanna see my bruise?"

"It's really cool," Cory remarked enthusiastically as Blake lifted up his shirt to show everyone.

"That looks terrible," Colin remarked as he looked at Blake's bruise. "Are you sure you're okay to stay at camp?"

"Looks worse than it feels. Plus I'm not a little kid ya know. I can handle a couple of bruises. No need to worry. I can deal."

"Aren't you supposed to be wearing a bandage around your chest to help it heal?" Justin asked.

"I do, but I thought I'd leave it off `cause I knew you'd want to see. You guys gonna come check out our bunks? Me and Cory have ones side by side on the top. Sawyer is in my bunk and Cory has Martin."

The two boys led the adults to the cabin where they met up with other parents who were being shown around by their boys. Blake pointed out the obvious things like his bed, footlocker, the table and the bathroom. As he was playing tour guide, Stone arrived to the cabin.

"Hi, I'm Stone. Blake and Cory's counsellor," he said introducing himself again. "You're Cory's Mom?" He said acknowledging her.

"Sheila," she said introducing herself. "Has he been behaving himself?"

"MOM!!" Cory said shaking his head.

"Of course," Stone replied with a cute smile that won over most parents. "And I remember Blake's Dads. He talks about you all the time."

"No I don't! I don't at all!" Blake said quickly giving Stone the evil look while spinning to confront his Dads. "All I say is how good it is to be at camp and have some free time away from you is all."

"Nice to see you again Stone," Colin said with a grin. "I won't even ask if Blake's behaving himself. I just hope he's not taking up more of your time than everyone else." "Of course. Except for the whole falling out of the tree thing, it's been a normal summer," Stone replied casually.

"Blake, normal? Somehow I doubt that? No incidents that you need to tell us about at all?"

Stone blushed and swallowed hard. "Nope. Just boys being boys all summer. If it wasn't for the bruised ribs I'm sure he'd be doing a lot more things, but for now, he's pretty tame."

"Maybe we should leave him here year round," Justin replied with a smirk. "Looks like everyone has been getting a little sun too. You all look so much more tanned. Looks good on you."

"Frosty!" Blake warned with a scowl.

They all left the cabin and went for a walk around the camp as the boys explained the various activity areas and talked about the types of meals they got and how their schedules were. A meal had been laid on for the parents and a talent show would be on later for the kids to show off some of the things they had been doing. Blake had found a piano and once they heard him play, he had been asked to perform with a number of the acts.

"That's the shower house," Cory said as they went past. "Blake spends more time in there than in our cabin. He's probably the cleanest camper here."

"I'll bet," Justin grinned looking at his son. The cleanest on the outside with the dirtiest mind on the inside, he thought to himself. "Do the counsellors shower there too?"

"Keep it in your pants, Dad" Blake warned. "They normally shower after us kids have gone to bed, and NO, you can't come back tonight to find out." He lowered his voice "Stone is mine and you can't have him. Promise?"

Justin lowered his voice and bent down slightly to get closer to Blake's ear. "He's too old for you. 16 remember? 15 is your upper limit."

"Yeah, but I'm in my 14th year, and out here in the woods the rules are different, Dad. When you're in your 14th year, you're technically 14. Plus, I've matured a lot, so I should be allowed to hang out with older boys now."

"Same country. Same rules, Blake. You're still legally 13 until next April."

"Well you know what they say Dad, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to see it, does it make a noise?"


"Same rule. If sex happens in the forest and no one is around to see it, did sex really happen?"

Justin just looked at him to see if he could read between the lines. " Yes! The answer is yes. Definitely yes." They got back to the cabin, where Blake and Cory needed to change for the parent's show. Blake took off his shirt and Justin winced at the visible bruise. Blake was right, it definitely looked bad. "I think you should put the bandage back on for a bit, Blake."

"Yeah, I was gonna. Can you help me? Stone normally helps but he's kinda busy right now," he said looking over at his counsellor who was talking with other parents. Justin and Colin helped tape up Blake and he pulled on a clean shirt. He was about to change his pants when Stone ran over to interrupt them.

"Blake. Umm, you might want to change in the bathroom. There are Mom's here."

"Oh, yeah, sorry forgot." He was used to being naked, even around Cory's Mom as he was over at their house almost as much as his own. He and Cory ran to the bathroom to change.

"He's not shy. That's for sure," Stone commented.

"Nope. That he's not," Colin agreed.

"Cory used to be," Jason remarked "but I think Blake is rubbing off on him."

"Isn't that the truth," Sheila laughed. "Never seen two boys more like brothers than those two."

"Cory's an introvert compared to Blake," Stone laughed. "Blake just does or says whatever's on his mind without worrying about consequences. I think he's rubbing off on the other campers too. They seem to follow his lead."

"Do we need to speak to him? Is he causing you any trouble?" Colin asked sensing that there may be need for concern.

"Nope. He's actually good for the other boys. He shows them that they can just be themselves, be outgoing and try new things. We're here to help keep things from getting too wild."

"Wild is Blake's middle name," Jason joked.

The boys returned and they all headed over to the main gathering place where the stage was and the kids all did something for their parents. Some did a play, others sang in groups and a few just showed off some of their individual skills. Blake was the pianist for at least four of the acts and got quite a few compliments from parents afterward, which make him grin like he'd just been named Time's Man of the Year. As the day wound down, Justin made his way over to talk to Stone.

"So camp is still going well...Even with Blake and Cory in your cabin?"

"Yeah, it's great. Blake is awesome. Never fears anything and always goes for what he wants."

"Yeah. That he does. Just be firm with him and you'll be able to control him. So when is your next day off?"

"I get a couple of days off after Colour Wars which starts next Monday and goes until Friday. Saturday is when the campers change over, so the Sunday and Monday after that I'm off."

"Well if you're not busy, you can come over to the house and tell me all about your some of your camp experiences. You can even go swimming if you want. Hit the waterslide."

"Seriously? I'd love that. You seem pretty cool. Umm can I say something?"

"Sure. Anything. We're all pretty open minded. That's probably where Blake gets it from."

"Obviously you and Colin are both gay, right?"

"What? You think my husband is gay? Rude!"

He laughed. "Ummm, I was wondering if maybe, like...would you be able to...Ummm, what I mean is can you maybe give me some pointers on getting a real boyfriend and tips on other stuff. Blake says you know a lot about it...and I can't really ask my own parents. They wouldn't have a clue."

"Sure. Guess I'll have to work on Blake's filters just a bit. He shouldn't be talking about private things like that," he grinned.

"Nah. I like him. He's totally a cool kid."

"More like a frosty kid," Justin joked. "He's not been pestering you for sex has he? He's pretty taken with you and if I know Blake he'll ramp up the pressure to see when you'll give in."

Stone looked away and tried not to look guilty. If he had been strapped to a lie detector machine, the thing would have gone off the charts right now. "He talks about it, but you get used to things like that with a cabin full of teenagers who try to talk big for their friends. Most don't have a clue, but they talk as if they've had a dozen girlfriends. Blake is pretty much the same, so I can handle it."

Justin just smiled. "Well if he gets to be too much for you, just let me know and I'll speak with him. He can get a bit carried away sometimes."

"Sure. Thanks." Stone said wondering about the definition of `sometimes'. Blake was 24/7.

Justin gave Stone his number and address, and they planned to meet up when Stone had his days off just as Blake came up to see what they were doing.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing. Just telling Stone to be sure to call us if you were having trouble dealing with your ribs."

"Not gonna happen, Dad. It's all good. I know what you're really doing, and that's not being frosty. It's being creepy. Isn't it time for you guys to go?" Blake said trying to act stern.

"So why have you been staring at me all day?" Justin asked his son after noticing he'd been staring at him all day." You miss me that much huh?"

"Gross, no! Just trying to decide if I like the new hair cut or not."


"And I think it makes you look more like a parent. More mature and stuff, but I'm not sure it suits you. I think the longer hair made you more fun, like a surfer or something. I probably need more time to decide though."

"Good to know. Thanks. Wanna kiss me goodbye?"

"Are you nuts? That could get me killed. You can hug me though as long as it's not a mushy hug or anything."

Colin and Justin grinned at each other and decided to sandwich him between them until he squirmed out from the crushing hug.

"So not frosty Dads!"

Sheila kissed Cory, and Jason gave him a big hug that was returned 10 fold.

"Time to go. Nice seeing you again Stone," Justin said as Blake pushed him on his way. He couldn't get the four adults out of there fast enough. He and Cory watched as they drove off.

"That was close dude. I caught Justin trying to hit on Stone. If I hadn't jumped in, I'm sure they'd be doing it right now."

Cory just laughed. "You think everyone wants to do it with your Dad."

"Oher way around, buddy. My Dad wants to do it with everyone. He's such a perv."

"Like father, like son," Cory joked. "Wanna sleep in my bunk tonight or are your ribs too sore still?"

"Yeah, a bit. Another few days okay?"

"That's cool."

"Guess what? They're gonna let me drive the waterskiing boat tomorrow. Sweet huh?"

"Yeah. Sucks you can't go waterskiing though, but you gotta get healed as we kinda need you for the colour wars."

"A couple days and I'll be better. We still have lots more time," Blake said before the headed off to find their counsellor. They caught up with him near the flag poles. "So what were you and my Dad really talking about? It wasn't really about me, was it?"

"A little bit. He just invited me to go over to your house on my days off to talk about camp and go swimming and stuff. I like your Dad he's pretty cool, and he looks like an older version of you."

"NO! Don't go, okay? He just wants sex with you and you're mine. Please promise me that you won't go."

"Blake, it's cool. He'll be able to give me some tips on how to find a boyfriend. He's older and married, so he must know how to get a boyfriend. But he really wants sex with me? Did he say something?"

"No, but he screws everything that moves. I'll be your boyfriend. I'll even give up girls for now if you want."

Stone laughed. "Blake, you're an amazing guy, but you're too young for me. I like guys my own age, but trust me, when you're older, you'll be able to have anyone you want. Guys or girls."

Don't you think that's hilarious? Stone thinks that I'm too young for him. I already started working my Blake super charm on him, but being a kid totally sucks sometimes. No one wants you because they think you're too young, but how do you learn stuff if not from older people? I know more than any other kids my age. I told him that and he says he still likes me and that when I turn 14 he'd be happy to be my boyfriend. Cory said that he was probably just being polite, but if I make him spit swear, he can't go back on that cause a spit swear is a spit swear, am I right? And you can't go back on those ever. I already have a plan to keep Stone away from Justin. I told Cory that I was going to tell Stone that I'd overheard Colin saying that if Justin kept fooling around with other guys that they'd get a divorce and I'd be sent back to the group home. Of course that wouldn't really happen as I'm their kid now and they're stuck with me. No way to sell me. Not even on Ebay or Craigslist. But Stone doesn't know that. That's just part one. I haven't quite figured out part two yet which would get him to give in and actually put his super big penis in me. He said no one can take it, so I kinda think I should try it and see if I can be the first. Sometimes a plan takes way longer than you'd like, but I'll get there. Meanwhile I've got tons of other activities to keep me busy. Camp is like the most wicked place ever, but they should have bigger beds. Just saying... Everyone seems super concerned that I'm not doing enough to help heal my ribs. God, wrap me in bubble wrap and put me in a box why dontcha? They keep preventing me from doing tons of stuff and remind me to take it easy and just enjoy camp. Now that's one of those stupid ox things to say... it's an ox moron right? How can I take it easy AND enjoy camp? They said it would take a few weeks to heal, but I'll be fine in a couple days. I'm like the Flash at healing! I'm not made of glass ya know. Surprised they didn't send someone over to help me jerk off. Wait! I feel weak and in tons of pain...send help. Hehe. Okay, not really, but since they want me to relax I could just lie back and enjoy a nice handjob. I'll get back to full activity by the end of the week, even if it means I have to endure a little pain, which I can totally handle by the way. None of this sissy girl stuff for me. Do you think at 13 I should be cute or ruggedly handsome? Maybe I'm ruggedly cute since I'm not a little kid anymore, and not an adult yet. Yeah that one...ruggedly cute! I'm off to play snakes and ladders. Hope they have real snakes. That would be extra lit!'

There were about a dozen campers playing the giant snakes and ladders game and they had worked it out so that someone could join at any time. If you got to the end, you scored a point instead of just one person winning and then everyone having start over again. It was good exercise as you had to run up the game board when you hit a ladder, or down when you hit a snake and it was so big that it kept everyone very active. Jet skiing was usually done in tandem as a lot of campers wanted to participate. Most of them started out slowly, but by the end of camp, they were all acting like they'd been doing it their whole lives. Cory had been getting good at Frisbee golf while Blake was perfecting Archery.

"I think we should have horse racing and teach them to jump too," Blake told the instructor as they saddled up Midnight for him to ride one afternoon.

"You're definitely getting much better at riding," Jordan said "but not all kids take to it so easily so we are careful about how aggressive we let the horses get. We wouldn't one that's used to jumping be with a new rider. That would cause a lot of accidents."

"You know what they say Jordan. If you fall off a horse, get right back on!" Blake laughed as he fed Midnight a carrot.

"Yep, but we don't want kids being scared of horses. You're good enough to do a slight gallop with Midnight, but don't go so fast you can't control him. Plus I still think it's a good idea to take it a bit easy and not jar those ribs."

"Oh god! Not you too!" Blake said disappointed that each time he wanted to do something he was reminded about this ribs. "I'm almost completely better see!" He lifted up his shirt to show that the bruising was a lot better than it had been and even poked himself in the ribs to prove it.

Jordan smiled. "Okay, how about you lead the trail ride today? Maybe tomorrow you could try something tougher and ride bareback."

"Um, you mean with clothes or without a condom?"

"What? No. Bareback means riding without a saddle."

"Oh. That makes more sense, but I could ride without clothes easy enough."

"So you're Lady Godiva now?"


"Lady Godiva. A long long time ago..."

"In a galaxy far far away?" Blake added giggling.

Jordan laughed. "Godiva rode her horse naked through the streets in protest."

"In protest of clothes?"

"No idea, but that's the legend, and before you ask, no you can't ride naked through the camp."

"Too bad. Sounds like fun. So if I ride naked without a condom on a horse without a saddle what do they call that?" Blake said sticking his tongue out to the side playfully.

"Uh, let's see. A bare barebacking bareback ride?" They both laughed and took Midnight to join the other horses.

"But seriously Blake. No riding naked. They could close the whole horse program down and I'd get fired if you did. You don't want that do you?"

"No. I promise I'll keep my clothes on," Blake assured him, although he was already trying to figure out a way to try it one day.

After a lengthy trail ride that Blake led, the horses were taken back to the stables and the saddles removed before the campers were allowed to help feed them. That evening after lights out, Blake watched for Stone to leave for his evening shower. He jumped out of his bunk, grabbed his stuff and ran to catch up before Stone got to the shower house. He bounced up to him. "Hi!"

Stone looked around quickly. "You should be in bed. If someone sees us going in to shower together after campers are supposed to be asleep, it's gonna look suspicious."

"Why? We're not doing anything except showering. No different than if we were at a public pool or anything. Plus if you think about it, I'm actually in my 14th year, right? And 14 year olds can have sex with 17 year olds and you're in your 17th year, so it works out."

"Pretty sure that's not how it works, Blake."

"Trust me, it would totally be cool. We both like it, so what's the big freeze about? You're goin' over to my Dad's and I know he's gonna wanna have sex with you so I figured I could give you some tips, so you'll be the GOAT at it."

"YOU want to give me tips about how to have sex with your Dad? I thought you didn't want me doing it with him at all."

"Well, I don't really, but I know Justin. He's gonna convince you. He convinces everybody. Even guys who aren't gay. But something you should know..." This is where Blake decided quickly how to put his plan in play. " Dad kinda decides on his friends based on how good they are at sex. So if you suck at it, he may not invite you over again, which would be bad for me, cause then I'd never see you again after camp and we'd never become boyfriends like we spit swore. So I figure I'd help you and then Justin will invite you back more often."

"That doesn't sound like it makes sense. If Justin is having sex with me, won't you be jealous, since you seem to like me."

"Yeah, of course. But I know my Dad. He gets bored easily, so you'll want to keep him interested by how much you know. Then by the time he gets bored I'll be old enough, and you can be my boyfriend. You'll have lots more experience and can show me things. Then if Justin wants you back, he can't have you, and that'll make him extra nuts. And since I'm his kid, that's my drive him crazy."

"You definitely have a unique mind," Stone replied shaking his head. "Your whole plan is to have sex with me to show me things to keep your Dad interested in sex with me long enough for you to turn 14, and then teach YOU things?"

"Yep. Good huh? I'm ruggedly cute too, it's my new thing...which makes me the total package. It's so lit that I think it'll work! I found a good spot for us to go where I can give you some tips. Follow me," he said as he reached for Stone's hand and pulled him along into the woods nearby before he could object. Every fiber in Stone's body knew it was wrong to give in to Blake, but his curiosity and raging teenage hormones were taking his brain along for the ride.

After a short walk into the woods, they came upon an activity area with a few picnic tables and a small wall around the back side making it very secluded. Blake threw his towel and wash bag on the table in front of them. "See, the perfect place. No one will come here at night and if they did, we could hide behind that wall and ka-bang we're invisible. It can be our secret spot." He didn't wait for his counsellor to answer before he continued. "Okay, tip number one. When you go over to my Dad's you're gonna have to be naked. Kind of a rule around our house as we don't wear swim suits or nothing when we swim. So you can't be shy," Blake said as he quickly removed his shirt and shorts to stand naked in front of the older boy. Stone looked around nervously. "Well? You gonna get naked dude? If you can't do it here with just me when we've already seen each other and stuff, you'll never be able to do it around my Dad."

"You really like being naked don't you? We really shouldn't be doing this, Blake."

"Yeah. Yeah. That's what they all say until you get started and the hormodes to kick in."

"Hormones," Stone corrected.

"Huh? I'm pretty sure it's hormodes. You know you get in the sex mode. Why do you think they call it that? See I already know more stuff than you. Come on, get naked. That's the easy part."

Stone shrugged and removed his clothes, which made Blake even more excited as the older guy was going along.

"Cool. So my Dad is he has a big penis like you, but I think you're a little bigger. You said you've tried putting it in other boys right?"

"Yeah, but they all complained that I'm too big, so I've never actually done it all the way before."

"Well with my Dad you'd definitely get to do that, but he'll want to do it to you first. That's kinda his thing," Blake said confidently without actually knowing what his Dad's thing really was.

"I dunno about that. I don't think I'd enjoy having a penis in me. I tried stuff in there before and it hurt, so I'm pretty sure it's not for me."

"Yeah, that's what I used to think too, but once you know how, it's pretty fun. I can even sperm without touching my penis sometimes when I get my bum played with."

"Seriously? That happens?"

"I think there's a magic spot in there that makes it happen, but you gotta know what you're doing to find it. I think girls have one too, but it's in a different place. That's why girls are so hard to have sex with. My brother Kyle said you have to use lots of lube and be super relaxed to get a penis in you. He also said it's best if you poop before you do it so that there's space for the penis to go in. I have a bum washer in my bathroom so I'm always clean and stuff."

"I'm not even gonna ask," Stone smirked.

"We have them in all the bathrooms. It's called a b-day. Stands for bum day," he said confidently explaining it incorrectly. "You also gotta know to suck a penis, but you did okay with that, so I don't think you need any tips in that area, but it's always good to have lots of practice. Just gotta impress my Dad by taking his whole thing in your mouth and don't use teeth. Us guys don't like that."

"Yeah, that one I know dude."

"Yeah kinda figured. Oh, and you gotta know how to kiss too. Kissing is what turns on your horny stuff the most."

"It does?"

"Yeah. My brothers said kissing is like an apple Cadillac. Like oysters, I think."

"Apple Cadillac? You mean aphrodisiac?" Stone grinned. He liked how Blake got most of the important words wrong, but mostly seemed to know what he was talking about.

"Yeah. When you kiss with tongues and stuff it kinda gets your whole body tingling and turns everything on."

"I didn't know that. Kissing is okay I guess. Not lots of guys like it. Do you?"

"Sure, I love it. I kiss lots of people. Sometimes you're not supposed to use your tongue though, like if you're kissing a stranger, or your Mom."

"Gross. Uh, you kiss lots of strangers?"

"Nah. Not allowed to talk to strangers, so I always introduce myself first and find out their name. Then we're not strangers."

Stone tried not to laugh. Great interpretation of a `stranger'. Of course, he'd expect nothing less of Blake, whom he found challenged every rule he was given. Blake leaned against the edge of the picnic table pulling Stone towards him, and moved his face closer to the older boy. Stone moved back slightly. "What're you doing?"

"Nothing. Just gonna check how well you kiss. If you suck at it, I'll have to give you some pointers to impress my Dad. Worst thing you can do is not even get to first base."

"Oh," Stone said as he allowed Blake to pull his head forward until their lips touched. Blake pushed his tongue into the older boys mouth and really began kissing him with every skill he had. Blake held Stone's head firmly in place and pressed tight as they kissed. After a minute, he let them both come up for air and smiled as he looked at Stone's penis.

"See! It turns on your horny stuff. You have a boner...Just like me," he exclaimed as the boys looked at each other.

"Shit. That really does work. Dude are you sure you're only 13? You are one amazing kisser," Stone said slightly overwhelmed at how good it felt.

Blake gave a big grin. His plan had worked. Stone was his for the night. "Thanks. We should kiss more, and while we do it we play with each other's penises until they start leaking. That's how you know you're ready for second base which I think is blowjobs. So you do me and then I'll do you. Then we do fucking practicing. That's third base."

"Isn't fucking a home run?"

"No. A home run is when you cum in my bum." Blake laughed. "Hey that rhymes. Cum in my bum."

They kissed again and each took hold of the other's penis and began to play with them. As horny as both boys were, it didn't take long for the tips to become wet with excitement. Blake slowly lowered himself down to kiss Stone's nipples, not once letting go of the older boys large penis. He lowered himself further dropping to his knees and licking Stone's body the entire way. Blake didn't hesitate as he took his counsellor's penis into his mouth, figuring that if he gave Stone time to think, he might try and stop him. The older boy had planned to say something, but his brain had shut down all reasoning completely. Instead he steadied himself by putting his hand on Blake's head and ran his fingers through his hair. It was so soft and curly that he got into it almost to the point where he came, but Blake was paying attention and stopped before Stone unloaded.

"Wanna do me now?" Blake asked. "No wait! I got a better idea. Turn around and put your hands on the table."

"Why? Are you gonna fuck me? I'm not sure I'm ready to do that," Stone said nervously. He started out nervous about being with Blake and now he was nervous that the younger boy was being the dominating one intending to fuck him.

"We have lots of other stuff to do first, but we gotta fuck dude. That's what my Dad is gonna do to you so you gotta know how. But I gotta show you something first. Turn around."

Stone did as he was told, almost as if he were a puppet. Blake, the puppet master, made him spread his legs and bend over further. He jumped as Blake's tongue licked along the length of his ass crack and poked at the wrinkled skin around his hole.

"Holy shit! Where did you learn to do that?"

"I'm Ninja Blake! You pick up a few things watching around my house," Blake said as he stopped for a second. "It's called rimming. I thought it really tickled the first time someone did it to me, but now I like it a lot. Makes me cum super fast if I masturbate at the same time," he said as he reached between Stone's legs and began to jerk him off. After only a few seconds Stone had to take Blake's hand off his penis or he'd have reached a climax way too soon. Blake stopped probing his counsellor's hole. "See told you. That's how you get someone relaxed and ready for third base. Once you do lots of rimming, then you rub lube on your finger and push it inside, and then you can put your penis in. See. That's how you do it properly."

"Wow. I guess I really underestimated you Blake. I had no idea that you really knew this much. Want me to try it with you?"

"Sure. But after you rim me, you gotta fuck me okay. Please!"

"You won't be able to handle me, Blake. Even some older guys or guys my own age can't deal. Your ass is gonna be a lot smaller."

"If it hurts too much, I'll just tell you, but I'm pretty sure I can handle it," Blake said as he switched places and leaned with his back against the table. He watched with a giant grin on his face as Stone dropped to his knees and gave him a blow job. He couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear as he watched his dick being sucked by the older boy he'd been fascinated with since he arrived at camp. He knew he could have easily cum but he stopped Stone before he lost control. He turned around and bent over to give Stone access to him bum.

Stone placed his hands on Blake's smooth tight bum gingerly touching his tongue to it and licked cautiously to try it. Blake moaned appreciatively to let the older boy know he was definitely getting it right and that he was enjoying it. "Damn, that actually tastes amazing," Stone said commenting on his first rimming.

"Try putting your tongue right in my bum," Blake instructed as he pushed out further and placed one foot on the seat of the picnic table to give Stone the best access possible. Most guys his age didn't like to do rimming so any chance he got to have someone do it, he made the most of it.

Stone quickly realized that rimming was far more awesome than he imagined, so he put the tip of his tongue deeper into Blake's pucker. Blake reached back and pulled Stone's head further into his ass like he was a pro porn star. But unlike a porn star, he didn't make loud groaning noises that would wake up the whole camp, just quiet appreciative ones to encourage his counsellor even more. As Stone worked his hole, Blake's penis was so hard it was hurting. He was having the best night of his life and he still hadn't got to his planned finale. He reached into his wash bag and found the bottle of lube so that he could hand it down to Stone.

"You really are persistent aren't you?" His counsellor said as he took the bottle from him.

"At my age, you kinda have to be, or people don't take you seriously," Blake replied.

"Somehow I doubt that. Something tells me you always get what you want."

"Not always. My Dads are pretty strict about some things. Like they wouldn't let me have a pet tiger or a bear, and I'm not allowed to take alcohol out of the house when I go to parties, so I don't always get what I want. Don't forget you gotta put some lube on your finger when you put it my bum. Just like you did in the showers before. You should do two fingers after that before you put your penis in. Make sure you tell me when you're gonna do it, `cause I have to relax and stuff."

"You seem pretty relaxed to me. It's me who's nervous. We get caught and I'm going to jail until I'm 80."

"We won't get caught. I'd never say anything, so they couldn't prove nothin'. Plus it would get pretty boring if it were just me and Cory fooling around together all summer. I mean I may be off the market soon if I can get a girlfriend, so you should do it with me while I'm a free man."

Stone laughed. Blake was just so blunt and out there, and yet he had no doubt that this kid could get all the girls in camp and probably most of the boys too if he wanted. "So what girls are you interested in?"

"Oh lots of them. I haven't decided yet."

"So you and Cory fool around too?"

"Sure! He's my best friend. We do everything together. You can join in with us if you want, but you can't put your penis in him `cause he's not as experienced."

Stone didn't reply as his mind quickly pictured Blake and Cory doing it and for some reason it made him even hornier. He pushed a lubed finger into Blake's tight smooth ass, with every part of his brain saying it was wrong, but no part of his brain sending a stop message to his finger. After getting two fingers into Blake, he coated his dick and stood up looking at the cute little bum in front of him that was making him almost irrationally horny. "You sure you're ready?"

"I'm always ready. Just go slow," Blake admitted with a smile as he leaned forward further putting his chest on top of the picnic table and began to breathe a little harder to relax. He raised his bum up a bit and practiced what he'd been taught about pushing out slowly. "Oh, don't sperm yet though. Cause I wanna do you too and if you cum, then you might not be in the mood anymore. I can do you and then you can finish by doing me a second time."

"Uh, sure," Stone said as he was finding it hard to breathe with his penis running up and down Blake's ass crack. He had wanted to do this with someone for a long time, but each guy he'd tried stopped him before he barely got the head of his penis in. He expected Blake would do the same thing, but at the moment he was way to into the moment to care. Stone pressed the tip of his dick gently against Blake's entrance and began to push in slowly. Blake just kept breathing and tried not to say anything that would scare the older boy off. The pain increased as Stone began to penetrate him and he hoped it wouldn't become so intense that he couldn't handle it. He'd been with lots of guys before, but Stone was way bigger than any of them. His mission was to do his counsellor before his Dad did and prove he wasn't some little kid. As Stone's big mushroom head popped in past the sphincter, Blake bit his lip as his ass clamped around it and the pain intensified. Stone stopped. "You okay? Should I take it out?"

"Just getting used to you. It takes a second for it to stop hurting, but then it feels better. Keep going, just slow." He winced slightly to himself as the long penis slowly snaked its way inside. He reached back to feel how far Stone was in and when he realized it was only about halfway, he wondered if he actually could take it all, but he was determined, and took extra deep breaths. He figured Stone's cock must be almost to his stomach by now.

"You still okay?" Stone asked when he felt Blake's hand reach back to touch his penis.

"Sure. Just seeing how much was in me. It's super big. That's for sure."

"Want me to stop?"

"No. I'm okay. Keep going," he said trying to keep the pain out of his voice as he took several more deep breaths and tried to relax his ass even more. Stone continued the rest of the way inside and Blake was now desperately trying to handle it, with pain that hurt more than his ribs had, but he was on a mission and a little pain wasn't going to stop him. He almost chuckled to himself when he realized that his ribs didn't seem to hurt as much anymore. It was true what they said; if you wanted to stop your finger hurting, have someone stomp on your toes. Or in this case, shove a log size penis up your poop hole. He almost breathed a sigh of relief when Stone excitedly announced that he was all the way inside. "See! I told you I could handle it," Blake said as he tried to remain relaxed. "You can use one hand to grab my hair and the other on my shoulder when you do it. That way you look more experienced. You're supposed to use the whole length of your penis too, but be careful not to pull out or my bum slams shut and that might hurt a lot."

Stone nodded, although Blake couldn't see it. He felt Stone's fingers slide into his hair and take a firm hold as the other hand rested on his shoulder. He almost melted at their touch as he had gotten the boy he wanted, and was having real sex with him. He wished his Dad's could see so that they would stop treating him like a little kid and let him join in with adult stuff. This was the best day ever.

As Stone fucked Blake, he got faster and faster before he leaned down and kissed Blake on the side of his head nibbling at his ear. He turned Blake's head slightly and kissed him the best he could, before putting both his hands on Blake's shoulders and fucked him harder, watching closely as his penis shot in and out of the small ass in front of him. "Oh shit! Your ass is so tight. This is the most amazing feeling ever! I think I love you," he blurted out in a moment of raging lust as he fucked someone properly for the first time. Blake had the biggest smile on his face and he could feel his dick leaking precum like a tap and throbbing each time Stone fully entered him. Stone fucked Blake several more times, stopping suddenly deep inside. "God, this is incredible. I'm wanna cum in you so bad."

"Don't do it yet! Take it out, but go slow and then I'll do you. Then you can do me again."

Stone nodded again and pulled out slowly, going even slower as he felt the pressure of the sphincter grab his penis at the final exit point. As he left Blake's ass, he was still as hard as when he entered. Blake on the other hand, had been concentrating on the pain and his dick had half deflated, but he didn't care. He spun around and wrapped his arms around Stone giving him a huge hug and kiss.

"That was the best ever. See I told you I could handle it! And now you love me!" He said wrapping himself tightly around the older boy.

"I meant I loved your ass!" Stone clarified to regain some control hugging Blake back.

"Yeah, right! You love me because I'm cute and adorable and have a great bum that can take your penis."

"And are modest and humble..." Stone added with a grin. "I can't believe it. You're the only guy that has ever been able to do that and it was everything I thought it would be...and more. I just wish you were older so we could do it all the time."

"We CAN do it all the time now that we have our secret spot," Blake exclaimed as he got on his tiptoes and kissed Stone again until his penis became fully erect again. "My turn now, right?"

"Guess so. That was the deal." He got into position and Blake got on his knees to rim Stone again before putting lube inside him. Each time a finger entered Stone's smooth ass, he clamped down, causing Blake to remind him to relax. Once he could do it without Stone almost breaking his finger off, he used two fingers and kept going until Stone had the hang of it. He smiled to himself and coated his penis. He liked fucking more than being fucked, and the fact that Stone had never had a penis in his bum excited Blake for some reason. He knew when Stone went to visit his Dad to have sex, it gave him a thrill to know that he had secretly gotten Stone first. One day he might tell his Dad w hat happened here tonight, but not anytime when he might get grounded. He stood up and began to probe Stone's entrance with his penis. He instructed the older boy what to do so he could get inside, and it took several attempts and a lot more lube before he penetrated the outer ring.

"Stop. Stop. It hurts too much. I think you're too big. I'm not sure I can do this," Stone said reaching back to try and stop Blake from going further.

"You gotta wait a few seconds at first. Then it feels better," Blake instructed as he waited inside Stone. "Just keep breathing to keep your bum relaxed and push out." Stone nodded again and did as he was told. When Blake felt him relax a little, he moved forward really slowly to see if Stone would say anything. It took a long time to get three quarters of the way inside, but once he was in far enough, Blake began to move back and forth, reaching under Stone to take hold of his penis. He felt the older boy jump at his touch and gasp slightly. "See, feels pretty good now huh?"

"Yeah. Still hurts though."

"You get used to it the more you do it," Blake said as he got a little faster and stroked the big penis in his hand. Blake looked down at his cock inside the older boy and wished he could show Cory. He took one big thrust and watched the entire length of his dick enter his counsellor. He felt Stone jump and stop breathing as he got all the way in. He let go of his penis as he didn't want Stone to cum yet. He put both hands on Stone's hips and began to fuck him faster, and as deep as he could, so that their bodies were slapping together loudly. Stone wasn't moving except for his heavy breathing and was still trying to figure out if being fucked hurt or was intense fun. He was having waves of both wash over him with each thrust.

"I'm almost ready. I wanna cum! Wanna feel my sperm in your bum?"

"God yeah. Do it Blake," Stone panted. Partly out of lust, and partly because he wanted the big cock out of his ass as it was slightly uncomfortable and made him feel like he had to poop. The younger boy grinned and let himself climax with a grunt deep inside the boy of his desire. He wanted to cheer and jump around with excitement, but remained as calm as a 13 year older fucking a 16 year old can. He pulled out slowly and bent over to look at Stone's bum. He watched in fascination as his cum begin to drip out.

"Cool! We did it! You gotta go back inside me so we are officially cum brothers."

"Cum brothers?," Stone asked as he turned around holding his sore ass and rubbing it slightly hoping that the hole would close up so things wouldn't keep running down his leg.

"Yeah. Like blood brother, but with cum. I put sperm in you and you put sperm in me and its like we have shared DNA, like brothers. I wanna watch you this time. You can even use my cum dripping out of you as lube. Kyle says it's natures lube," Blake said as he lay on the table and brought his knees up. Stone didn't need coaxing this time as he grabbed the bottle and lubed up both Blake and himself again. Blake lifted his legs onto Stone's shoulders as he watched the older boy aim his penis at his ass. Stone could now see the concentration and determination on Blake's face, but this time he could also see how much pain it was causing and he stopped.

"I'm too big for you, aren't I?" Stone asked as he looked at the frown on Blake's face.

"No. Just big and I have to concentrate. Please keep going. When we're in this position you can go in farther and you can hold my penis and kiss me too. We can do lots more stuff like this. You'll love me even more once you cum in me."

He reached forward and put his hands on Stone's bum to pull him inside. Stone didn't need to be asked twice as he penetrated his young friend. He wished he had three more sets of eyes so he could watch everything. From his penis entering a boy's thigh ass, to Blake's firm round balls and nice circumcised cock, to his flat stomach and cute nipples, to the adorable face and tongue that was partially sticking out, to the super awesome curly hair. He had no ide what to look at the most. Once he was all the way in, Blake took one of Stone's hands and placed it around his penis and told him to stroke it while he fucked. Stone just grinned at how much knowledge Blake had for someone three years younger than himself. They fucked hard for only a couple of minutes before Stone realized he wasn't going to last much longer. "Oh god! Fuck I'm gonna cum. I really do love you Blake. This is insane. Fuck, I can't hold it any more. Can I cum?" He panted loudly as he got lost in the pure lust of fucking someone. Blake nodded with a giant smile and watched as Stone's face recorded the moment of climax. He would always remember the look as the wrinkles on Stone's forehead intensified, his mouth opened for that bit of extra air, and the shake that went with climaxing as he jettisoned everything he had in his big balls. Blake couldn't actually feel the cum splash inside him, but just knowing that it had happened made him all giddy inside. Stone slowly pulled out and Blake grabbed him by the arm and pulled him forward so they could kiss. He wrapped his legs around Stone's back to hold him in place and pushed his tongue into Stone's mouth making it hard for the older boy to breath fast enough after such a workout. As they came down for their euphoric connection and both relaxed wrapped around each other, they heard a noise in the woods beside them.

"What was that?" Stone asked.

"Probably a raccoon. Maybe they were watching us like a raccoon family porn movie or something," Blake giggled as the two boys stayed entwined. They both jumped a mile when they heard a voice.

"Nope, it's a Brandon. Not a raccoon. So that's what you two have been doing," Brandon said as he popped out from behind a tree and startled both guys. Stone pulled away from Blake so fast that he almost fell over backwards as he scrambled to find his clothes.

"It's not what it looks like Brandon. I was just helping Blake with a problem."

"Dude, I'm 14. I'm not an idiot. I've been seeing you guys coming back from the showers together or sneaking out, so I followed you here and saw everything. It's exactly what it looks like."

"It's cool Brandon. I asked him to. He is going to visit my Dad and I was just giving him some pointers."

"Yeah, I heard that, but I also know counsellors aren't allowed to fuck campers. I'm sure you'd both be in deep shit for that."

"God. Please don't tell anyone, Brandon. Please. I won't do it again. We both just got horny and needed to take care of it."

"What's in it for me if I keep quiet?"

"What do you want?" Stone asked.

"Not sure yet, but I might eventually want a blowjob to see what it's like, but for now you can both become my personal assistants all summer and do whatever I want, starting with giving me your allotment of candy at least once each week."

"Sure, just keep it a secret, okay Brandon. You can have my candy and stuff, and anytime you want a blowjob, just ask. No need to be a douche or anything," Blake said calmly not realizing how serious this really was. Stone on the other hand was freaking out.

"Please don't say anything Brandon, not to anyone. It's one thing for you and Blake to fool around, but I could be kicked out of camp."

"Yeah, at least. Don't worry, if you agree to do whatever I say, then I'll forget about what I saw here."

"Deal," Blake grinned. To him, this was an awesome deal. He liked Brandon and the concept of blackmail was lost on him. All he heard was that Brandon wanted a blowjob. Stone on the other hand was already considering quitting camp and changing his name before moving out of the city, maybe to become the ice polisher in Superman's fortress of solitude, but for now he reluctantly agreed. Stone had quickly gotten his clothes back on, while Blake remained naked hoping something else was going to happen.

"So do you want a blowjob now?" Blake asked hopefully.

"No, but I'll let know you if I do. I sometimes wake up with a boner and I heard that's the best time to get a blowjob."


"We should go back to the cabin before they miss us, guys. I need a shower and then we can get some sleep," Stone said trying to re-assume authority over the campers.

"I need a shower too," Blake announced. "After all I have lube AND cum in my bum." He giggled again at the rhyme. Blake dressed and the three boys headed back towards the main camp before Stone & Blake split off, headed for the shower. Once inside, Stone began freaking out.

"I knew we shouldn't have done anything. I'm gonna get busted for sure. It's over dude. My whole life is ruined."

"Brandon won't say anything. He's woke. Once I give him a blowjobhe'll forget about everything else. Be a fridge light okay?"

"A fridge light?"

"Yeah. Strong, frosty and lit! Cool huh? I just made that up. It's gonna be my new saying."

"Sure. Whatever. This is all easy for you to say. Nothing will happen to you."

"It better," Blake chuckled as they hit the showers. "Brandon is my friend so if I play my cards right and he likes blowjobs, maybe he'll fuck me too. Don't worry, I won't replace you with him though. I like you way better."

Stone smiled. "I should maybe leave camp at the end of the month so that we don't have any problems. I'd hate either of us to get into trouble, especially me. I don't feel like going to jail until I'm a hundred."

Blake frowned. "No, please don't do that. If he tried to say you and I had sex, I'll just say it never happened and he wouldn't be able to prove it. I'll say he hit on me and when I turned him down, he planned revenge. Plus you love me so you can't leave now! Can you wash my back? I think I probably have dirt on it from the table. " Stone didn't even try and argue as he washed him, and wished he'd never blurted out that he loved Blake, even if somewhere deep inside, he probably did. He was impressed with Blake's ability to go from planning revenge to normal conversation. When Blake got another erection and turned to suck on Stone's nipples and cup his balls, the older boy quickly moved back and left the shower area in case they started up again. He was still freaking out about getting caught, but didn't trust himself not to give into Blake's advances. The kid had some magnetic pull that seemed to draw everyone in around him.

They hastily made their way back to the cabin where Stone made Blake go in first to make sure everything was okay. As Blake got back to his bunk and dropped his towel to climb into bed, Sawyer touched his leg. "Blake," he whispered.

Blake looked down and smiled. "Hey!"

"Where did you go?"

"Just showering."

"That was a long shower."

"More hot water at this time of night and I like long showers," he said quickly as he crawled into bed, looking over at Cory who was already asleep. He wanted to tell him everything that had just happened as he knew he could trust his best friend not to say anything, but then figured he better not in just in case.

In the morning while in the bathroom, Brandon came up next to Blake as he was brushing his teeth. "It's gonna be fun to have you guys as my personal assistants."

"Just don't freak Stone out okay? I like him and he's thinking of leaving camp. I'll do anything as your assistant and give you as many blowjobs as you want, or anything else."

"Don't worry, I won't freak him out. I like Stone. I won't tell anyone as long as you guys do what I say," he said with a hint of evil.

"Cool. I'm good with it. Whatever you need, just ask."

This was like the most epic day in the history of epic days. I got Stone to have real sex with me and he even said he loved me. My bum still feels like Stone is inside cause he's so big that I almost had to stop him as it hurt like a ton, but I did it. But now that we did it, I'm pretty sure he'll never want to be with anyone else. Who else is as awesome and ruggedly cute as me? No-one that's who!! Then Brandon caught us and I almost peed myself. Mainly cause at first I thought he was some wild animal that was going to attack us. Brandon can be part of my squad now, especially if he actually lets me give him a blowjob. Stone can join the squad after camp when he's no longer in charge of campers and stuff. Older boys are so much more better than kids my own age. They know way more stuff about things, but I kinda know more about sex, so I think we're a perfect match. Once they stop freaking out about my age, I can really go nuts. Hehe, get it...go nuts! How come they don't say go boobs'? Maybe it's a gay thing. Probably my Dad invented it. I'm gonna have to eat lots to have energy to be Brandon's personal assistant. Hope I get to do some fun stuff, not just like fold his clothes or something. Maybe help wash him in the shower, or undress him for bed. Plus I gotta be ready in case he wants a blowjob. One someone is woke to them, they can't get enough, so he'll probably make me his personal bj assistant. Today we got lots of other stuff to do too. This whole camp is lit. Me and Cory are going kayaking and then rifle shooting. That's always handy in case you need to hunt big game animals and stuff. You can jump in a kayak, track them into the wilderness and hunt them. Then you start a fire with a condom filled with water, cook the moose you bagged and become a man. So basically after today, I'll be only one dead moose from being a man! I'm also getting pretty good at volleyball when we have free time. It's not my favorite sport, but you gotta try new stuff to know what you like. I might do soccer today though, as my ribs are feeling better and I think I might be able to run. If not then I can always go join the little kids and eat their macaroni before they glue it to paper. What a waste of macaroni. Stupid kids. I probably won't do that though. I might help the counsellors at the lake with the kids that can't swim so good. Usually it's the little kids so it'll be good practice for Travis and Trevor when they get older. Although they actually swim better at 3 years old than Martin and he's 13. See what happens when you have restrictable parents! One of the activities I might get to do next month is cooking. I think you learn how to do stuff in the kitchen and then more importantly, you get to eat it afterwards. That'd be the best part.'

Stone he did everything he could to avoid both boys as much as possible over the next couple days, but his job as a counsellor for the cabin meant he couldn't get away from them entirely. Brandon had Blake doing all sorts of tasks from making his bed to running to get him more food at meal time, to getting him water when he was thirsty, and other assorted boring chores, and didn't seem to be interested in sex at all. Blake tried to get Brandon to let him wash him in the shower as a chore, but because there were other boys there, Brandon turned him down. Late one night when Blake felt a rolled up sock hit him, he looked over to where it had come from and saw Brandon waving him over. He grinned as Brandon flipped the covers back to show he had an erection in his boxers before hiding it again. Blake almost leapt off the upper bunk to get to him quicker.

"Finally!" Blake whispered as he felt himself getting an erection. "Couldn't wait to see how good I am huh?"

"No. Was just thinking of the girls in their bikini's today and how their boobs looked, and it made me horny," he whispered back. "I think Caitlin likes me and might let me go all the way with her this summer."

"Cool. You could totally go for it," Blake whispered as he knelt beside Brandon's bed and reached under the covers to take hold of his friend's penis inside his underwear.

"I hope so. Kinda nervous though. Not sure what to expect. So far all she's let me do is feel her boobs over her bikini, but I can tell she wants more as she's super flirty."

"It's easy. You should probably kiss her and get her to take her boobs out so you can play with them first. Girls like the mushy stuff. Oh, and don't forget that you have to use a condom with a girl otherwise they can get pregnant. Not like boys."

"Shit. I don't have any," he said quietly.

"No worries. I got some. I can give you one. Wanna practice by fucking me?"

Brandon just shook his head. "No dude. I'm straight and I only wanna do a girl, but I'm okay trying a blowjob. I can close my eyes and imagine it's Caitlin."

"You'll be sorry. I'm way better than any girl at blowjobs." Blake remarked as he took the hint and quietly ducked his head under the covers to give his bunkmate what could only be described as the world's fastest blowjob. It almost took longer for Brandon to get his underwear down than the 15 second blowjob to make him cum. Blake shot out from under the covers and whispered. "Dude, you gotta last longer than that with a girl. They'll tell all their friends and you'll never get laid again," he advised as he wiped his mouth.

"How do I do that?" He whispered back.

"My Dad says that if you masturbate just before you go on your date, you'll won't be as horny and you can hold out better."

"Yeah. That makes sense. I'll do that. Thanks."

"No Prob," Blake said quietly as he sat back on his ankles. "Just throw more socks and I'll come over and help again." He stood up and strolled back to his bed. As he went to fall asleep he looked over at Cory who was grinning a him. He grinned back and waved his best friend over. Cory climbed down from his own bunk and climbed in beside Blake. He took off his underwear and they cuddled up together to sleep as they had done so many times in the past. When Blake felt Cory get a boner, he reached back and put it against his bum and backed onto him, so they could both enjoy the feeling, neither boy really actually fucking.

After another full day of activities, Sawyer returned to the cabin looking excited but also frustrated. "Did you go on your date with Kinsey?" Blake asked looking for all the details. "Did you get to do stuff with her?"

"We kinda played a bit of show and tell in the lake behind the dock. We kissed too, but she wouldn't let me get to home base."

"Seriously? I thought she was gonna let you. So what did you end up doing?"

"She let me touch her boobs and showed me her pussy, and she held my dick. I asked her for a blowjob, but she said not right now. I tried to suggest we go lie on the towels and do more, but she didn't want to. Girls suck. She's such a tease. She said she wasn't ready yet."

"Yeah, girls can be like that. That's why I like boys too. When girls won't play, boys always do. Want to do me?"

"No. I'm just gonna go to sleep. Maybe I'll do her friend Willow and make her jealous."

"Good luck," Blake grinned as he climbed into bed.

Blake was having no trouble getting boys to have sex with him, but girls were proving to be more of a challenge not only for him, but for all the boys. He'd played with Dylan a few times but when he tried to fuck him, Dylan was to nervous and tense to be able to take Blake's penis into him, and kept saying he should wait until he'd done it with his boyfriend. Sawyer allowed Blake to blow him a few times, but stopped short of fucking as he said it wasn't his thing. It was a couple nights later, just after dark, when Stone walked up to Blake and whispered in his ear. "Are you free right now?"

"Sure," Blake said excitedly.

"Grab your shower stuff and meet me in our secret spot, okay?"

Blake couldn't get there fast enough and was pretty sure he'd set some sort of land speed record. He lay his towel on the picnic table and quickly got out of his clothes. By the time Stone arrived, he'd alread lubed up his ass and had a raging boner waiting for his counsellor. Stone laughed and shook his head.

"All I've been able to think about is when we fucked. Can I do it again?"

"Aren't you still freaked out about Brandon?"

"Yeah, a bit, but I guess since we've already done it once, it doesn't really matter if we do it more, does it?"

"Extra Gucci!" Blake exclaimed. "And you can say you love me again when you cum if you want. I kinda like that."

Stone removed his clothes and suggested they lie on the towel on the ground. He wasted no time opening Blake up so he could fuck him, figuring if they went a bit faster this time, hopefully no one would notice they were gone. It took several attempts to get into the small tight ass, but after rimming, fingering and plenty of lube, he made it in and watched Blake's face as he fucked him. They made a point of kissing each other as they fucked and Blake wiggled on Stone's large cock a few times to get a better position as the older boy worked him hard. It didn't take long for Stone to announce he was cumming and Blake waited for the declaration of love that never came. Once Stone was finished he pulled out and took hold of Blake's cock so he could lean down and give him an amazing blowjob until he was relieved of his pent up boy juice. Once they were both done, they lay side by side and Blake stared intently at Stone as they cuddled face to face. Stone grinned as he watched Blake staring at him.

"Yes, I love you! You have the most amazing ass in camp and I think about fucking you each time I see it."

Blake gave a small giggle as he leaned forward to kiss Stone and take hold of his penis again. Once he felt it harden again, he lubed it up and straddled the older boy, sitting firmly down on the pole. He wiggled the last inch deep inside himself and then began to bounce on it as he stroked his own cock, turned on by the fact that Stone was holding him by his thighs and watching him jerk off. It took very little time for either boy to cum again, which left a small puddle on Stone's stomach. Blake pulled himself off Stone then lay on him so they could kiss more, rubbing their stomach's together to smear the cum between them.

"Fuck you're so hot. I wish you were my age and we'd tell the world we were boyfriends."

"We're secret boyfriends with our own spot to play in that no one knows about."

"Except Brandon, who'll tell everyone and they haul me off to jail with some big guys named Slasher and Ripsaw," Stone replied trying to force a joke.

"Cool names. I could be the Blakinator, like Terminator except with my name. Get it? If they tried to take you away, I'd tell them I did someone too and get them to take me with you and we'd be roommates in the big house. Then we could have 50 years to fool around together. That's the only bad thing about being 13...I mean being in my 14th year. You can be arrested for stuff. When I was 11 they couldn't charge me with nothing so I coulda had sex with lots of people back then and not gotten into trouble."


"They cant charge kids under 12 with anything. It's against the young criminals act in Canada."

"You mean the young offenders act?" Stone clarified with a smile. "Is that true? I've heard of 6 year olds being arrested and handcuffed."

"That's in the States. They arrest anyone so they can keep their jails full. My Dad Colin says it's like a business down there to put people in jail. They make more money if they have more people locked up, so when they run out of adults, they fill the rest of the jails up with kids. Probably `cause they're easier to catch; and because they're smaller, you can put more in a cell. In Canada, the government runs jails, so they don't want lots of people in there as it cost money in taxes. That's why they don't arrest kids under 12, and even if they get kids, they let them go faster, so we wouldn't get like eighty years for sex, we'd only get a few months."

"I'm not sure all that sounds right. Plus at my age, they can try me as an adult and throw away the key."

Blake laughed. "They have spare keys...duh! But if you ever went to jail for anything, I'd visit you all the time for congenial visits and stuff and they have to let you. It's in the charter of rights and freedoms."

Stone howled with laughter as they crossed the camp towards the cabin. "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't give conjugal visits with the guy you were charged with having sex with in the first place. Plus I think you have to be married to get those kinds of visits."

"Oh. I'd marry you, but I think my Dad might freak out about it. I think he'd say I had to wait until I was older. He has all these rules for different ages and stuff. Like sex with much older guys has to wait until I'm 16. Can't drive until I'm 16. Not allowed to drink outside the house until I'm 19. Have to wait until my 14th birthday before I can have sex with guys up to 19. Not allowed to have a pet tiger or a lion until I move out. I even tried to convince him to put an alligator in our old pool, but he said no. Probably another age thing too. Stuff like that. So he probably has age rules about getting married too. I could ask him if you want."

"No. I'm not planning on getting married," Stone said quickly. But I think most of those age things are laws, not yours Dad's rules. I'm pretty sure you have to be at least 16 to marry."

"See more rules. But I already got one rule figured out. When I turn 14, my Dad is gonna take me to Alberta to get my learner's permit so I can drive. Then when I turn 16, I can get a full license instead of waiting until I'm 17 in B.C."

"Nice. I just got my learner's," Stone told him. They cleaned each other up and ran for a quick shower before getting back to the cabin. Most of the boys had gone to bed and no one had any idea of what they'd been up to. Brandon noticed them coming back, but didn't say anything about it. He was actually enjoying having Blake as his personal assistant, even if Stone wasn't really participating at all. The next morning when most of the cabin went for a shower, Blake went along with them as well. He was talking to Dylan and Sawyer about usual.

"I have a boyfriend already," Dylan said. "I'm happy with him, so I don't need a blowjob or anything."

"Oh right! I heard you complaining the other day that he won't do anything but kiss. I thought all gay guys jumped into bed together so they know if they like each other," Sawyer said challenging him.

"Holden's just not comfortable doing anything at camp as he said we don't have any privacy. But he did invite me to meet his parents and go with them to their cabin next month."

"You're not staying?" Blake asked surprised.

"No. My parent's agreed that I could go with Holden after they met him and his parents at parent's day. I didn't tell them he's my boyfriend or anything."

"How is Cooper taking it?"

"He hasn't been talking to me too much. I think he figures everyone will think he's gay too if he's friends with me. Totally sucks, but I've made lots of new friends and now I have a boyfriend, so if Coop changes his mind, he knows how to reach me."

"You should stay here with us. You'd probably have way more fun. Blake here probably gets laid more than half the camp combined, so I'm sure he'd do whatever a boyfriend would do," Sawyer commented.

"I'm an enigma," Blake said matter-of-factly.

"What's that mean?" Dylan asked.

"It means he's unusual or unique," Sawyer clarified, not quite getting the meaning correct as they entered the showers to find Brandon and Brody in there.

"Time to go. The fags probably need space to do it," Brandon said as he turned off his shower and went to the change room as the three guys entered the shower area.

`Brandon is funny. He insults gay guys and even thinks I'm gay when he does it, but he's the one that wants blowjobs. My Dad says straight boys that insult gay guys like that are usually insincere about themselves, and are probably closet gays. I wonder why gays like closets so much? Maybe it's that fashion sense thing, in which case why would they come out of them? They should just make bigger ones.'

"Hey Blake," Brody acknowledged. "See you at waterskiing later?"

"Yep. I kinda wanna try waterboarding today...with one ski. I think I can do it."

"Good luck. It's fun, that's for sure." He turned off his shower and headed to get dressed.

"Who is that?" Dylan asked Blake quietly.

"Brody. He's in the Imperators cabin. Plus he's in my waterskiing activity. He's pretty good."

"He was totally checking you out."

"Nah. He's probably just looking at my penis. Lots of guys do that. It's pretty normal." Blake said nonchalantly as he soaped up his hair and rubbed his crotch causing himself to get hard. Dylan and Sawyer both noticed, which had the reaction of getting them hard as well. They heard the door lock click meaning that someone was entering. Dylan and Sawyer quickly turned to face the wall, but Blake just looked over to see two 11 year olds from the Eagle cabin arriving for a shower. The younger boys took very little time to undress and walk into the shower area.

"How come you guys have boners?" One kid asked bluntly as he stared at the older guys.

"Warm water," Blake said quickly. "It does that to a guy once your balls drop. You'll see." He looked at their little pre-pubescent dicks and wondered if his had been that small when he was younger. He couldn't really remember that far back.

"Yeah! Mine does that sometimes," the other young boy said. "I think they fill up with pee `cause when I go to the bathroom it goes away. Does yours go away if you pee too?"

"Sure. Especially in the morning when I wake up with one," Blake replied.

"Yeah!" the kid said nodding his head.

"We should go," Sawyer said quickly before Blake got ideas about giving 11 year olds lessons in boners and how to get rid of them. He turned off his shower, followed by the other two and headed for the change area. "Those kids are gonna run and tell everyone we had boners in the shower."

"So? Bet if we go back in 10 minutes, they will as well. Boys get boners. My brother said that if you let others embarrass you about them, they'll keep doing it, but if you own it, they can't tease you about it.

The camp was called to the main meeting area right after breakfast. Flags of all the cabin had been placed on the near the bottom of individual poles to signify the beginning of Colour Wars. As each cabin won something, their flag would be raised up the corresponding notches on the pole. You got moved up three notches for first place, two for second place and one for third place. After the week was over, the cabin who had the most points would have their flag flying the highest. The cabins were arranged by age and gender to make it fair, so they combined the youngest cabins with the oldest cabins of the opposite sex. So 15 year old boys were paired with the 10 year old girls and vice versa, while the 14 year old boys were combined with the 11 year old girls. Blake and Cory's 13 year old Cyclones' got paired up with the Burning Embers' who were the 12 year old girls.

The colour wars went on for five days and were a competition out of all the activities around camp that they had been doing for the past three weeks. Each team picked their best male and female to compete in each event. Some activities like relay races, egg & spoon races, water balloon fight and scavenger hunt were for the whole team where everyone could compete. The lead cabins kept changing throughout the day as each event concluded, and at one point the Cyclones'/'Burning Embers' were in the lead until the Imperators'/Jasmine' won the kayak race and shot ahead. Then they were overthrown by the Wolf'/'Phoenix' cabins. Each night there was a different activity to keep the campers busy, from dances and skits to a candy hunt in the dark. It was at the candy hunt where Blake got a surprise. He had been doing a great job of finding candy and the pockets in his shorts and hoodie were almost full. He had gone hunting at the edge of the woods figuring the counsellors would have hidden lots around the trees and hadn't been wrong. He was picking up more candy when Sadie scared the crap out of him. She stepped out from behind a tree.

"Finding much?"

"Jesus, are you trying to give me a heart attack. I could have killed you thinking you were a bear," Blake said as he jumped back, his heart racing wildly from the shock.

"Do I look like a bear?"

"No. But I'm a lethal weapon, so I might have killed you first and asked questions later. Good thing I had my hands full," he said as he put the candy he had in his pockets. No need to let the `enemy' see how much he was collecting. After all, the camp with the most weight in candy won and got to keep it. The others had to give up their loot. Sadie took Blake by the hand and pulled him deeper into the woods before she stopped and turned around. "Do you like me, Blake?"

"Yeah, sure. Why wouldn't I?" he said looking at her.

"I mean do you like me like me?"

"Yeah. You're very pretty and stuff."

"You know a lot of girls want to hang out with you, right?"

"Oh sure. I get that a lot. Boys too. I guess I have that kind of personality."

"Are you here next month too?"

"Yeah. Me and Cory decided to stay for the whole summer. Are you?"

"Yeah. My sister isn't but I'm gonna. That's why I wanted to talk to you. Maybe we could be special friends while we're here together?"

"Umm, sure I guess. What kind of special friends?"

"The best kind. I've had special friends before, but none like you though. They were all immature and didn't really know much. I liked it back at the lake when you weren't shy without clothes."

"You saw that huh?"

"Only a little. I think you're super cute and I always wait to see you on your TV show. I can't even believe you're here in person. If we're gonna be special friends we should maybe kiss or something. My sister says that all boys talk about is sex. Is that really true?"

"Probably. All my friends talk about it so I think that might be right."

"Would you wanna do that with me?"

"You mean sex? Have you done stuff before?"

She looked around as if the trees might have ears and moved closer to Blake. " I know some stuff that I learned from my sister's boyfriend."

"Whoa. Was your sister there too?"

"No. She still thinks I'm her innocent little sister that she needs to protect."

"Did you go all the way with him?"

"Maybe. Do you really want to know all the details, or do you just want to know that I'd want to be with you?"

"Both," he grinned.

"I'll tell you next time. You saw my sister's boobs. Wanna see mine?"

"Sure. I like boobs."

Sadie quickly unfastened a couple of buttons on the top of her dress and exposed her boobs to him. They weren't as big as her sister's, but they weren't tiny.

"They're nice. So what do we need to do to become special friends?"

"We should get to know each other first, then maybe fool around a bit. But if we did, I'd tell everyone so that the other girls would know you're mine and stay away.

"Wait. The other girls would stay away from me? That doesn't sound fun. Could you just tell them that we're together, but not monotonous?"

"You mean monogamous?"

"Same diff," he shrugged. "My Dads say that you should try lots of new things while you're young so you know what you like, and I'm pretty sure that goes for girls too."

"Oh. I'd probably be super jealous if I had to share you with other people. Can I see you naked? I like seeing a boy's penis and everyone says yours is nice."

Blake could already feel the sexual tension in the air and he'd gotten an erection as soon as she offered to show her boobs. He nodded. "Okay." He also wondered who was talking about his penis.

She showed her boobs again and smiled seductively. "You gonna take your clothes off? Maybe we can make out for a bit."

Blake just swallowed hard and quickly unzipped his hoodie and dropped it onto the ground and then removed his shirt. He looked at Sadie who was grinning as she watched him. "Oooo, you're so cute. You look even better in person than on TV." He just blushed slightly. "Can I see the rest of you?" He didn't even hesitate as he removed his pants and underwear, leaving him in only his socks and shoes. His erection gave away his excitement at the unfolding events. "Your thing is even bigger than my sister's boyfriend or any of his friends," she said sweetly as she moved closer to him.

He nodded and swallowed. He didn't get nervous around girls or naked people, but she was being so sexy, he wondered if he'd last very long. "How did you see all their penises?"

"At a party." She said dropping to her knees in front of him as he watched. "Close your eyes Blake. It'll be more fun this way...and no peeking." He did as he was told and was pretty sure he was about to get a blowjob any second, but when nothing happened, he opened his eyes to see her standing up with all his clothes in her hands. "Sorry Blake. I'm too nervous right now. Maybe tomorrow." She raced off back to camp.

"Wait! Those are my clothes!" he yelled as she took off with everything. He looked around and then groaned. "And my candy! Fuck! She tricked me." He looked down at himself. "Stupid penis. Why can't you get your own brain and leave mine alone," he said remembering what his Dad had told him about your brain shutting down when your penis took over. He looked around some of the nearby trees and found a little more candy before stomping back towards his cabin in the nude, totally pissed off at being fooled by a girl. As he approached, there were plenty of campers running around, many of whom stopped to laugh at him as he walked across the field. Blake couldn't have cared less. He was so used to being naked that he was as comfortable as with clothes. If they had a problem with him, that was their problem not his. His counsellor Emery saw him and raced from their cabin with a towel. He wrapped it around Blake and led him back to their cabin.

"Why are you walking naked?" Emery asked.

"I was a girl," Blake spat as they entered the cabin where a couple of boys were dumping off their candy. "She pretended to want sex with me and then ran off with my clothes...and all my candy. This means war!"

"We're at war!" Emery laughed. "Colour war."

"Yeah well, this means real war. We're gonna destroy them. Take all their dolls hostage. Cut up all their clothes. Burn their cabin to the ground and stake them all naked to poles. Then we'll start to get mean! And if she wants sex after this she can forget it...I'll have sex with everyone in her cabin EXCEPT her. She'll rude the day."

"I think that's rue the day," Emery grinned at Blake's outburst.

"What the hell is rue? I think it's rude. I mean it's rude to get to get a boy excited like that and then take off." Blake said as he handed the towel back to Emery and walked to the bathroom to take a piss. He was thinking that if he had a small grenade, he'd blow their candy stash to the moon, but since he didn't, he'd have to get revenge some other way. Dylan was at the urinal and smiled as he saw Blake come up next to him.

"I heard. What are you going to do?"

"We should gather a leech mob, break into their cabin and steal all their candy so we can win this thing. Then I'm gonna hit on her sister, steal her friends away right in front of her. She'll be the camp nun by the time I get finished with her. Cause that's what she'll get... nun'! So uncool to give a boy a boner and then run away."

"Girls! That's why I'm glad I'm gay. At least boys don't play games like that. What's a leech mob?"

"A gang of guys that go out and get the bad guys, or in this case a sneaky dumb chick."

"Why do they call it a leech mob?"

"Probably `cause they stick to their goal of getting the bad a leech sticks to your body and sucks your blood."

"I thought those were vampires?" Dylan said as they talked.

"Vampires, chicks...same thing. Both a bunch of blood sucking bitches. "Guys rule and girls need to be waterboarded."

Dylan laughed. "You're a tough guy to figure out Blake. One minute you're into girls, the next it's boys, then boys suck and girls don't."

"Hey life changes all the time. I just live in the moment. My Dad says I'd be a good politician as I can talk out of both sides of my mouth at the same time...whatever that means. I know for a fact that I use my whole mouth to talk. I should take the bitch out into the middle of the lake, tie concrete weights to her leg and throw her overboard!"

"Wow, you are pissed," Dylan said looking at Blake as he peed.

"Yeah, and we gotta win this war and teach these chicks that no one fucks with Blake."

Dylan giggled. "I thought everyone got to fuck Blake."

"Shut up!" Blake smirked as he saw Dylan stroking his penis as they talked.

"Put that away dude, we don't have time right now. We have a cabin to burn to the ground and a candy stash to recover. Come on, I gotta get dressed and we gotta go win this thing," Blake said as he washed his hands before the two boys headed back into the cabin. They grabbed a couple more guys, and then like men possessed, they raced around looking for candy at high speed. When the night was over and the candy had been weighed, the winning cabins were the 10 year old boys and 15 year old girls. Blake's cabin of 13 year old boys and the 12 year old girls was second.

"Damn it!" Blake said as he watched their stash be taken away by the candy police. "If that dumb chick hadn't robbed me, we probably would have won. No way she gets any of this now," he complained as he grabbed his crotch. Sawyer and Cooper just laughed.

"Dude, she probably saw you naked and ran off in terror," Cooper joked. "I know I have nightmares."

"You're just jealous," Blake grinned. "Don't worry Cooper, I'll toss you a couple girls that I'm done with."

"Oh, burn!" Sawyer laughed slapping his leg.

"I can get my own girls thanks," Cooper replied. "Plus there'll be a lot of new ones next week."

"Yeah, maybe you can have Sadie, the clothes stealing cock tease. We should steal all her clothes, tie her down and let the sun burn her to a crisp. She should be easier to attack next month since her sister won't be here to watch out for her," Blake announced.

"WHAT? Kinsey's leaving? Why?" Sawyer said in shock.

"I dunno. Just what I heard. She and Willow are leaving."

"Shit! That's sucks dude. Now I have to start all over with someone else. God I don't understand chicks. One minute she's grabbing my dick and getting me hard, the next she says she's not ready, then she's playing with my dick again and now she's leaving. Are all girls bi-polar or something?"

"Nah, not bi-polar," Cooper said. "They just use sex to control us. We'd do anything if we thought we were getting laid. Look at Blake here. Dude let a girl take his clothes and his candy because he thought he was getting some action, and from all the stories, he gets laid more than any of us."

"Fuck, I gotta got find Kinsey and convince her to stay," Sawyer said as he took off running.

"Dude's got it bad, Blakey boy," Cooper said as he put his arm around Blake's shoulder in a bro moment. "Dude's got it bad."

Blake nodded. "Yep. He's gonna whack himself stupid tonight."

Cooper howled with laughter. "Too bad we don't have our phones to record it. Bet he calls out her name a dozen times in his sleep tonight."

They headed back to the cabin, tired and candyless. It wasn't long before Sawyer returned.

"Damn it!" Sawyer said as he stomped back into the cabin upset.

"What?" Blake asked looking over the edge of his bunk.

"I talked to her about leaving and she said she likes me and has fun making out, but she's leaving because things were getting too intense here with the boys. With the BOYS! Meaning that I wasn't the only one. Fuckin' chicks. I'm gonna be stuck with blue balls all night."

"I can help if you want," Blake offered as he jumped off his bunk to stand in front of Sawyer.

"Thanks, but I was totally hoping to lose my virginity this summer, and now I have to start all over again. I should never have wasted my time with her. Such a cock tease. Dude, all us boys should form a pact for the rest of the summer, that we'll stick together and ignore the girls. If they want some they'll have to go all lesbian on each other, because we'll ignore them."

"I got an idea. Come with me," Blake said as turned to leave the cabin. Sawyer followed him out to the secret spot in the woods.

"What are we doing out here?" Sawyer asked curiously.

"We're friends right? And friends help friends. You have blue balls and I can help you with that. Take off your clothes and lie on the picnic table on your back, then you'll be able to think straight and figure out which girl to go get next. No need to shut down all girls. Just find ones that put out, and make the others jealous."

Blake quickly took off his clothes and stood facing Sawyer. "I'm already naked, so you might as well."

"You're one weird dude, Blake," Sawyer said he stood looking at his bunk mate. "So what? You're gonna blow me or something?"

"I'm an enigma thing, so it's a surprise. I'm gonna show you something fun. Come on. We gotta hurry before anyone misses us," he said as he reached for the front of Sawyer's pants and unbuttoned them and lowered the zipper. When Sawyer didn't move, or try to stop him, Blake took that as the signal to continue and rapidly worked to strip Sawyer completely. He grinned when he saw that Sawyer had an erection already, and told him to get on the picnic table. As he got into position, Blake reached for the lube in his pants.

"Do you always have that with you?" Sawyer asked looking at the lube.

"Sure. I'm a Boy Scout. Be Prepared, remember!" He opened it and poured some on Sawyer's penis. It doesn't take much for 14 year old to get sexually excited, and lying naked on a picnic table in the woods thinking of a girl, will most certainly fit the criteria.

"Just close your eyes and pretend I'm Kinsey."

"Okay, but you gotta shut up or I'm gonna know you're not a girl and my dick will go soft."

"No it won't. This is gonna be epic, I can promise. Everyone says I'm way better than any girl."

Blake watched as Sawyer closed his eyes then he quickly climbed on the picnic table and straddled him. The first thing he did was to rub Sawyer's nipples as he wiggled his bum crack along the length of Sawyer's erection.

Sawyer kept his eyes tightly closed and wondered when Blake would get to the blowjob. "What are you doing?" he asked after a minute of being sat on.

"Thought you didn't want me to talk," Blake joked. "Simulating girl sex so you know what to expect, and it'll also get rid of your blue balls. Plus you can lose your virginity too."

"Not sure that blowing my load means I'm not a virgin, even if I didn't do it to myself."

"No, think of Kinsey and imagine what it would be like to have a home run with her," Blake said as he sat up and reached behind him to take hold of Sawyer's erection. He poured a little more lube on it, causing Sawyer to gasp slightly. Then he aimed the tip against his bum and lowered himself onto it.

"What are you doing?" Sawyer asked as he continued to keep his eyes closed.

He giggled a bit. "You'll see!" He dropped with full force onto Sawyer's cock, slamming the entire length into his ass. Sawyer gasped loudly in surprise, clamping his hands around the edge of the picnic table as Blake put his own hands on Sawyer's chest and rode him like a mechanical bull. He didn't allow Sawyer to think about what was happening as he bounced on his friend's cock fast and deep. Sawyer lost control almost instantaneously and thrust upward as he spasmed violently and shot several waves of hot jizz deep into Blake's ass.

"Oh fuck! Jesus! Damn. That was intense. Get off me!" Sawyer said as every emotion in him rushed through his body at once.

"Are you done already?" Blake asked as he watched Sawyer's reaction. He sat up onto his knees allowing Sawyer's cock to pop out of his ass like a cork. He put his fingers in his bum to feel his friend's cum in it and smiled to himself. At the rate he was going, none of the boys were leaving summer camp a virgin. He just wished girls were this easy as he liked them better than boys, but since boys were more available he didn't mind playing with them.

"Damn Blake. I thought you were just gonna jerk me off or give me a blowjob. Please don't tell anyone okay?"

"No problem. I can keep a secret," he said as he got off the picnic table allowing his friend to sit up and get dressed. Another secret to add to the vault. "Now don't you feel better? That's the difference with guys. We just do it and move on to other stuff. Not like chicks who wanna get all mushy afterward."

"It would have been better if you were a girl though. Please promise that you won't say anything to anyone."

"I promise. Scout's honour," he said making the proper three finger salute. "I mean you're not the only guy I've done at camp whose secret I'm keeping ya know."

"Like who?" Sawyer asked as he got dressed.

"Nice try. If they want to tell you they can, but they won't. Plus how dumb do you think I am? If anyone found out I couldn't keep a secret, they'd never come looking for me when they were horny." He changed the subject. "Since Kinsey is leaving, you should do Jocelyn. I know she likes you."

"How do you know that?"

"I hear things, plus she told me she thought you were cute. But you should hurry before she decides she wants me instead. I'm in demand ya know."

"How do you get some many girls to pay attention to you? I have to run after them, but they seem to find you even when you're not trying. Plus half of them seem to want to see you naked. Most of the girls I know don't want to know stuff like that."

"You gotta act like you're not interested. But I think some of it is `cause I'm on TV and they can brag to friends that they saw me without clothes. Like when Justin Bieber got naked on the internet, he almost broke it. If I got naked on there, it'd probably break too."


"My brothers said everyone is the same. Act like you wouldn't have sex with them for whatever reason and they'll wonder why you don't want them and they'll come after you. Troy says it works best for gay guys on straight boys as they get all pissed that a fag would reject them; but he says it works on girls too, especially if you tell them you haven't decided if you like boys or girls yet. Troy says lots of them will try to prove that girls are better than boys."

"Is that how you do it?"

"Sometimes. I tell them I'm confused over who I liked better. Then it's usually pretty easy."

"So which do you prefer?"

"Both. Guys are easier, but girls are prettier."

"So does sex with a girl feel the same as what we just did?"

"Mostly. But girls smell better, plus you have to do four plays before they really wanna do stuff with you. With boys you can just get on with it."

"What's that mean... four plays."

"Oh, they want you to do things to them before you can have the real sex. I think now 1 is kissing, 2 is hugging and feeling each other over clothes, 3 is getting naked and touching each other, and 4 is like kissing naked parts and getting a blow job. I'm pretty sure most of these saying come from the olden days. Like you probably had to take a girl to four plays at the theatre (that's before they had movies) and each time you went, you did more stuff before she would be comfortable enough to have sex with you. I guess the name stuck even though we don't have to take them to the theatre."

"That's good `cause I couldn't afford to do that. Sure glad sex is easier now, although it still feels tough at times. Which girls do you really like at camp?"

"I dunno. I like Jocelyn, but Hannah or Mariah are cute too. I told each of them I wasn't sure if I liked girls or boys yet, and they all said by the end of the summer I'd like girls for sure. So that sounds like I'm gonna get laid. If you like Jocelyn though, I won't do anything with her so you can have her."

"Dude, can I use that line about being confused?"

Blake shrugged. "If you want to. We could go get them together if you want, like a double date. I can make up a story and tell them we're curious about girls over boys. That's how I got Cory together with Charlotte.

"Wait, Cory got laid? Dude, has everyone had sex with a chick but me?"

"Cory's working on it. I doubt you're the only one that hasn't gotten a girl. Martin hasn't," he giggled. "You just gotta pick the right girls. Once you get them going, they tell their friends about you, and if you were good, you gotta bash them off with fly swatters. If you suck, they laugh at you and you might as well become a nun."

"Monk," Sawyer corrected. "Nuns are chicks."

"Sure. That."

"That's so awesome. But how do you know if you're gonna be any good at sex?"

"You practice, duh. That's what Colin taught me."

"Who's Colin?"

"One of my Dads."

Sweet! Wait...why didn't you tell me all this before you sat on my penis?"

"Uh, `cause then you wouldn't have. Plus I wanted it to be a surprise. The best sex is spontaneous. Geez Sawyer, you may be older, but you sure are stupid sometimes. You're my friend and I always have sex with my friends."

"All of them?"

"Of course. Buds help each other out. That's what friends do. I helped you out tonight so you could sleep and wouldn't have blue balls and be pissed off."

"I couldn't imagine having sex with my friends."

Blake grinned. "Sure you can. You just did it with me, and we're friends right?"

"Let's change the subject. When do you think we could get girls to go out with us?"

"I'll ask them if they'd be interested and see what they say."

"Sweet. Must be great to have older brothers to learn from."

"Yeah, they're pretty cool most of the time, but sometimes they can be a pain, especially when they just treat me like a kid."

They rushed back to the cabin with Sawyer again making Blake promise not to say anything to anyone about what they'd just done. He smiled and nodded. He had so many secrets he was beginning to feel like Area 51. The next morning at breakfast as he was in line getting his food, an older boy walked up next to him.

"You're Blake, right?" Said the boy with curly light blonde hair almost identical to Blake's.

"Yeah," Blake said instantly excited that an older boy knew who he was.

"We've heard about you and wanted to meet you."

"Well it's not true...if it's a bad thing, and completely true if it's a good thing."

"I'm Declan. I'm in the Imperators' cabin."

"Cool. I'm in the Cyclones."

"Yeah, we know. We've heard all about you from our counsellor, and I think you already know Brody from our cabin. You sound like the leader of your group."

"Nah, not really. The guys just usually look to see what crazy thing I'll do next."

"That's why we wanted to talk to you. Come to our cabin right after breakfast. Nice hair by the way."

"You too," Blake grinned. It made him even more determined to keep his hair long from now on. He ate quickly, and as soon as he saw Declan leaving the dining hall, he ran after him. He paused a minute, making sure not to look to eager, then knocked at their cabin door. Declan opened it and welcomed him in.

"Hey Blake! This is Jasper and you already know Brody," he said introducing two of the other boys.

"Yeah, we are in waterskiing together," he smiled as he also said hi to Jasper. He knew that they had all to be 15 to be in this cabin so he was feeling pretty stoked that they knew who he was. "Guys, this is Blake from the Cyclones. So dude we heard you're a pretty wild guy and like to get naked a lot."

Suddenly Blake didn't feel as confident around all these older boys and wondered if he'd just walked into a trap. "Uhhh...just when I shower and stuff, like most of the guys. Maybe at home too so I can get a tan without lines," he said swallowing hard and trying to downplay how much he preferred being naked to being clothed.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to scare you. We think that's cool. That's why we invited you here," Declan said trying to ease Blake's nerves as he could see the younger boy tensing up. "We do lots of dares all summer, most end up with us naked, and on the last night of the first month, we do a streaking run around camp. So thought maybe you'd like to join in with us."

"Cool. Sure. So you wanna dare me to do stuff?" He asked breathing a sigh of relief.

"We were thinking that you might like to join us for the streaking. Maybe bring any of your friends that would want to join in as well."

"Sure. That'd be Gucci! Uh, what's a streaking run?"

Declan grinned. "We run naked through the entire camp late at night. We're putting the plans together tonight during the free time after dinner. Join us if you're interested."

"Should I bring anyone else along?"

"Not right now. We just bring the leader of each of the older boy cabins and they spread the word to their guys about what we're planning. Then on Saturday night we all meet at the designated spot and go nuts."

Blake laughed. "Go nuts! No pun intended right?"

"Right! Keep it a secret except from those you can trust so we can keep the tradition each year. See you tonight then?"

"You can bet on it," Blake said grinning wildly at having been invited to an older boy activity, and that they actually knew who he was. He almost couldn't contain himself all day and Cory kept asking him what he was so excited about.

"I'll tell you later," he replied almost bursting at the seams to tell his best friend.

Stone pulled Blake aside just after lunch. "I heard you got invited to the Imperators streaking event."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Blake said rolling his eyes upward. "What's an Imperator? Streaking? Who's Blake? I'm just a sweet innocent 13 year old camper."

"Well we KNOW that's not true, so nice try. If I didn't already know about the annual run, I'd think it was something YOU had planned. The counsellors know about it as most of us did it when we were campers. That's why all the counsellors have a meeting on the last night. We make it our goodbye party and time it so that the guys can have their run."

"Do girls join in?" Blake asked with a smile.

"No. It's a boy tradition, but a lot of times the girls find out and watch from their cabins. Just make sure you're careful Blake. One year, the whole group ran right past the director and assistant director who ended up calling some of the parents. Lots of shit that year. So now the counsellors keep the directors busy when we know the guys are going streaking. You know the Imperators are where you'll end up when you're 15 right?"


"`Cause you're a natural leader. All the other cabins get to choose their names each year, but the Imperators keep their name as a tradition as they train to be C.I.T.'s and counsellors. They have a whole journal of dares that they've done since the beginning of time. Each year they bring out the book and add the dares for that summer. Most of them involve the guys doing something pretty wild and trying to beat the previous years."

"Are you in it?" Blake asked blinking his big green eyes at Stone.

"Oh yeah. So were almost all the counsellors."

"What did you do?"

"Strangely, nothing even remotely as wild as what I've already done with you this summer," he replied with a huge grin. "That's why you'll end up as an Imperator. Probably as their leader."

"Epic. I'll let you know what the plans are for the run after their meeting tonight," Blake said helpfully. Stone grinned and wondered just how crazy the run might get with Blake participating. That evening Blake almost couldn't eat his dinner fast enough before racing over to the Imperators cabin.

Declan was outside and saw him run over. "Hi Blake! Guys, you remember Blake from the Cyclones. Blake, you already know Jasper and Brody. These other guys are Jarvis, Ethan, and Richard," he said introducing the guys closest to him. We're just waiting for Asher from the Dragonriders and Casey from the Skyhawks."

"Yeah, I know them both. Asher was on my overnight survival trip and Casey is in my Archery and Scuba activities."

It was only a couple of minutes before the final two guys arrived and they all went inside. "Okay guys, meeting time," Declan said to the 10 Imperators and 3 visitors that were there. "First things first. As with all our meetings, we wear only our underwear, and if you want to talk you have to remove them and put them on your head," he announced pulling off his shorts, followed by his underwear which he put on his head, to stand comfortably naked in the middle of the cabin. He looked at the visitors. "Stops people from talking unnecessarily," he explained. The rest of the boys followed his lead and stripped to their underwear. Blake didn't hesitate to join in and stood beside Declan confidently. Casey and Asher were a little more modest with their hands partially over their crotches, quickly sitting down at the table as soon as they had removed the required clothing. "Those that haven't met yet, this is Blake, Asher and Casey."

The cabin applauded and Blake felt like he'd just won something. He always liked the attention of older people and tonight it was as if he were getting a lifetime achievement award for it.

"So for those of you that don't already know, our streaking run is done on the last night of the first month of camp, which is tomorrow. We only have three rules. The first is that you have to be at least 13, because it's a teenager thing, so Casey the 12 year olds in your cabin can't attend until next year. The second is that you gotta be able to keep a secret so we can pass this event on each year and not get busted, and third you must be naked. Are you all okay with that?" The three boys nodded.

"In our cabin it makes our counsellors uncomfortable when we run around naked, so I try to get everyone to do it a lot," Blake grinned.

"So all the things we've heard about you are true then?" Brody asked with a smirk having seen Blake naked a few times while showering or changing after waterskiing. He had short dark brown hair, spiked up at the front, and like most of the boys after a couple months of camp, had gotten a nice tan.

"Not sure what you heard, but some of them probably are. Mostly I'm a shit disturber. It's my goal in life to be a professional one," Blake said trying to be cool around the older boys as they entered the cabin together.

"The tradition for the run is that it is organized by the Imperators every year, and we keep it a secret from other campers until the last minute to avoid anyone stopping us. The reason we invite younger guys from other cabins is so that when you return in future years, you can take over and keep the tradition alive. Many of the counsellors know what is going on as they were previous campers, but they can't officially agree to let us do it. Guys from the other cabins, you should only invite friends that you can trust. Don't tell everyone as some might narc." Declan continued.

"What time do you do it?" 14 year old Asher asked after putting his underwear on his head.

"10pm. That's when it's dark enough and the counsellors are at their meeting expecting us to be asleep."

"Do we really have to be completely naked?" Casey asked.

"Sorry, we can't hear you talk while wearing underwear," Declan grinned. Casey inched forward on the bench, removed his underwear and put them on his head, keeping himself pressed against the side of the table as he asked his question again. He quickly put his underwear back on.

"Except for shoes which are optional," otherwise it's just jogging," Brody chuckled as the other guys laughed with him. Jarvis gave him a high five. Casey looked like he was going to be sick and Blake made a note to go talk to him after they were done.

"So at a couple minutes before 10, we'll all meet at the old boat shed and leave our clothes there. We have to run to every building and touch it for it to count, and we need to be quiet or the girls night hear us. One of the tricks is to do it without getting caught by anyone."

Blake noticed that the Imperators that talked just left their underwear on their laps instead of putting them back on. They planned the route so that everyone knew which way they were going and that concluded their big planning session. "Okay, you guys from the other cabins, remember, don't tell anyone under 13 and make sure that those you invite are okay running naked." The meeting broke up and Blake followed Casey out of the cabin and stopped him to talk.

"Sounds like wicked fun, huh?"

"Uh, sure. I dunno how many guys in my cabin would do that though. Most of them shower in their underwear. What about your cabin?"

Blake laughed. "Nah, my cabin will all participate. Even the guys who were shy when we first got here. I'm sure they'll all do it."

"What if something happens when we run?"

"Like what?" Blake asked. "Like falling and landing on your dick?"

"Yeah, that too. Never thought of that actually. What happens if someone know... a boner or something?"

"So what? We're boys, it's dark and you can always hold your hand over it if you think it would embarrass you. Personally, I plan on getting a boner on purpose. Might as well make the guys jealous."

He jumped a mile as Declan came up behind them and put his arm on Blakes shoulder. "And just how big is this boner you're gonna make us jealous with?"

"Wouldn't you like to know," Blake grinned.

"You going swimming?" He asked noticing Declan's towel around his shoulders.

"Nope, grabbing a shower before evening activities. Our cabin usually goes right after dinner as its not busy then. You were pretty quiet in there Blake. I heard you were outgoing."

"Oh, I am! I just didn't want to take off my underwear and embarrass everyone, considering you guys are all older. So I just kept quiet."

Declan laughed. "Yeah, we're gonna get along great Blake. We may have to initiate you as an honorary Imperator before the end of the summer. Catch you later guys!" He said as he headed off towards the showers.

"Uh, see ya later too, Casey," Blake said as he sprinted towards his cabin. He quickly grabbed his towel and raced back out the door, before stopping and running back inside to grab his lube...just in case. He ran as fast as he could for the shower house, pausing for a few short seconds outside to catch his breath before strolling in. He could hear guys in there already and wondered if maybe he was being too obvious by showing up so soon after Declan told him about when they all showered. He quickly changed his mind and turned around figuring he'd see them all naked tomorrow and of course for the rest of the summer if he wanted.

"Hey, where did you run off too so fast?" Cory said as he caught up with his best friend.

"Sorry, I was gonna take a fast shower before we hung out tonight, but they're all in use," he said as he began to walk back to the cabin.

"So how did your meeting go? What's the big plan?"

Blake filled Cory in on tomorrow nights activity and got his opinion on who they could trust to ask. They both agreed that everyone in the cabin were possibilities, even Martin, who had changed a lot in a month. Blake wasn't sure about Brandon, considering what else was going on between them, but then figured it wouldn't make things worse. They told all the guys once they were all in the cabin getting ready for the nightly campfire.

"So we have to run around the whole camp naked?" Cooper asked not sure he understood the whole point behind it.

"Yep, and if we get a big enough group we'll go down as the biggest run in camp history," Blake repeated.

"What if we get caught?" Tristan asked.

"Then we all go to jail for 10 years for indecent exposure," Sawyer joked. "Nothing dude. It's not like we're going to commit a major felony, it's just a prank. We're not even doing anything illegal."

"Yes, we are. Running around naked is illegal," Tristan said looking at Sawyer as if he were crazy.

"No, it's not actually. The worst they might do is call our parents, but even that would be unlikely as it's the last day of camp and we're not hurting anyone or damaging anything. Is everyone in?"

The guys looked at each other and one by one agreed they were in. Some more reluctantly than others but not wanting to be left out in case they were called chickens. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing...sometimes. The final events of colour wars was the next day and began with the tug-o-war. Because of the make-up of each group, the team members were decided by weight and had to have half girls and half boys on the team. At the weigh-in Blake looked at his team before he was about to step up in front of Stone who was in charge of it. "Wrestlers weigh-in naked," he declared as he went for the front of his shorts.

"We don't need to be that precise," Stone warned with a grin, knowing full well that Blake would have no problem stepping up naked in front of the entire camp. Blake just shrugged and stepped up to be weighed. Once each team was decided, they fought against each other in rotation until two team were remaining. The Cyclones/Burning Embers were up against the Imperators/Jasmine.

"We got this guys!" Sawyer yelled. "Just a bunch of wimps that couldn't pull a marshmallow out of a bag."

"Nice trash talking Sawyer," Dylan said as they all got into position. "You're going down Imperators! Good thing you have the girls to help you or you'd have been out in the first round!"

"Isn't it past your nap time," Wyatt yelled back from the other side. "Did you need to go change your Huggies before we start?" He high fived with Brody as they gave the younger team a couple more shots. The Cylcone/Burning Embers won in the end, and Blake walked to his older friends and gave them a gun show.

"That's what happens when you mess with the Blakenator!" He grinned. Brody ran up to him and tried to yank his shorts down as he tormented them, but Blake ran away shrieking like a little girl.

The next competition was a combination relay skill race and all teams competed together. The only rule was that there had to be one girl and one boy on each leg of the relay. The first two people from each team had to run up to their designated tub and bob for an apple that they had to secure in their mouths without using hands. From there they ran to two more team members who had to take the apple from them with their mouth and race it to a large spiral tube up a small ladder, where they had to drop it and have it roll to the bottom, sending up a flag. Once both flags were up, the next two team members, who had an egg on a spoon, raced through a small obstacle course of tires they had to step in, followed by a rope `minefield' where they had to step over each rope to get to the end. The egg and spoon was handed to the next two who had to put the spoon in their mouths and walked as quickly as possible to the next station. They had to transfer the egg onto a small dish shaped platform to activate the next flags. The next activity station was to lob a water balloon over a high plywood wall to be caught by either team member on the other side of the wall who couldn't see it coming. It had to be caught intact for it to count. Once they were successful, they had to wait until the second person had caught one as well. This resulted in many many broken balloons and a lot of soaked campers. The final station, once both balloon were caught, was the long distance run to the finish line.

It was still a close call for to determine an overall colur war champion, so depending on who got first, second and third, it was still anyone's to win. The Imperators had the best chance as they would win even if they placed second, but with the smallest girls on their team, it would come down to a strategic placement of the runners. They opted to put the girls cabin in the first half of the final long distance run with the guys pulling up the last legs. At least if they fell behind, they would know how much extra effort to put in to beat the others.

"Good luck guys," Declan said as he came over to see Blake and his team.

"Same to you, Declan," Blake smiled. "even though you'll probably lose and will be our slaves for the rest of the summer."

"Not sure that's a thing for the team that doesn't win," Declan laughed.

"It should be. You're gonna get another beat down," Blake challenged as he growled at the older boy in fun.

"I can't believe that Declan Hunter knows who you are. His parents are some of the richest people at camp. They have like 8 cars and a butler," Colby said as he came over to Blake.

"Yet he's still at camp with all of us," Blake grinned. He hadn't really told his cabin how rich his Dads were as he was trying to be independent, but he quickly compared Colby's comments to his own life where they owned over 20 cars, some worth more than $3 million each. He'd listened to lots of stories about how much money the other kids parents had and what sorts of work they did, but neither him or Cory had chosen to volunteer much about their parents. Blake had let it slip out that Justin owned a Domino's pizza store, which had all the guys asking if he got free pizza and would he hook them up. He didn't want to be the rich kid, he wanted to be the cute naked TV star, which he thought was way more fun.

All the campers raced their asses off with lots of yelling, laughing and excitement from the other campers. The Imperators strategy paid off in the end as they took first place and the title of Colour War champion. There was a big barbeque party afterward with food, music and games that lasted most of the day giving the campers a chance to say some goodbye's to friends that were leaving tomorrow.

Blake was with Cory, Shawn, Brenton, and Tristan when he saw Declan waving at him to come over. "Be right back guys." He told them as he headed for the older boy.

"How'd that beat down go?" Declan laughed. "Good job though. I seriously thought you guys might beat us."

"Next year!"

After dinner, the guys were getting ready for the final campfire where awards were going to be handed out for the first month's activities, when Dylan approached Blake just outside their cabin. "Dude, I dunno if I can go on the streaking thing tonight." He said concerned.

"Why not? It's gonna be epic fun. Plus you get to see every guy naked."

"That's just the problem. Holden will be there and he'll be naked too."

"Uh, so? Isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Well, we haven't exactly seen each other without clothes yet. What if I get a boner when I see other boys naked. He'll think I don't just like him, or what if he doesn't like what he sees when I'm naked?"

"Then he'd be a total dingus. Dude, you're overthinking it. Plus how can you not have seen him naked? What about in the shower?"

"We haven't showered together. We kinda made a promise we'd wait until we were alone to do stuff."

Blake laughed. "What's the point of being gay if you can't check other boys out in the shower? You're gonna go away with him and his parents for a whole month and you don't even know what he looks like naked? My brother Kyle said that if you're gonna hook up with a guy, you have to check out his dick first, find out his name after sex, and THEN see if you have anything else in common. I think it's a gay law or something. He said only straight people are stupid enough to waste time and money on dating only to find out they suck in bed. What if you don't like his penis? Did you ask him how big he was?"

"No. We haven't talked about stuff like that at all."

"What about stuff like who likes to do what?"


"Okay, like you already know you like fucking. But what if Holden is the same and neither of you like a boner in your bum? What are you gonna do together for the rest of the summer? You gotta know this stuff dude."

"He's never had sex before, and I hadn't either until you and me did it. I figure we'll learn as we go."

"Awkward!" Blake grinned. "I can already see it. You both get into bed the first night at the cabin and find you don't actually like each other. Then you have a whole month trying to avoid sex and just being friends. Dude! Dude! Dude!" Blake said as he shook his head and put his arm around Dylan. "I'm not even gay and I've had sex with you. You should find out more about him. At least give each other blowjobs before you're stuck in the wilderness alone. I mean if it's bad, you could change your mind and stay here. You're definitely going on the run tonight, and afterward take him into the bushes and get naked together. You gotta, before your stuck with him all summer."

"Uh, I guess, but I don't think having a boyfriend should be all about sex. We could still be friends even if the sex thing doesn't work," Dylan replied looking at Blake, ideally for confirmation.

"I'm really gonna have to introduce you to my brothers so they can teach you all their gay knowledge. I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be about sex until you make each other cum, and then you fill in all the other times with non-sex stuff. We're teenagers, that's pretty much all we think about. Make sure you get naked right beside Holden tonight and show him your penis and get to see his. If you get a boner and he sees it and doesn't get one back, you probably shouldn't go away with him and his whole family. Plus, we'll get to see all the other boys without clothes too. I'll bet I can point out at least 5 gay guys."

"How?" Dylan asked suspiciously.

"My Dad's are both gay, so they gave me that gaydar thing. It's kinda in my DNA."

"I'm really nervous about seeing Holden naked. I like him so much and he's my first boyfriend, so if it goes wrong it'll suck."

"If you suck, then it's going right!" Blake chuckled. "If you both suck, it's going great and if one of you gets a dick up his bum, it's going Gucci! Invite me along if you guys need help. I'm sure I can get the two of you fucking."

"Damn, I wish I were like you Blake. You just do whatever you want."

"Everyone wants to be me dude. Now don't be a dingus. You're going on the run, with or without a boner."

"Dude, you gotta promise not to say anything to him about stuff we did together. Please, promise."

Blake grinned. "I promise. I know how to keep secrets. Just make sure you tell what you guys end up doing. Oh and tell me how big his dick is. I gotta go take a shower so I'm ready for tonight. Plus I should shave my balls."

"Should I shave mine too?"

"I would. It makes a good first impression for the boyfriend."

Dylan just grinned as the boys headed inside. Blake grabbed his wash bag that had everything he needed. He'd had to go around the house gathering stuff from his brothers before leaving for camp. He just hoped they wouldn't miss the stuff he'd borrowed; from Kyle's old trimmer to shaving cream and razors.

"Are you going for a shower?" Cory asked as he saw Blake and Dylan grabbing their stuff.

"Yep. Just getting ready for tonight," Blake replied.

"Cool. I'll go too."

The three boys headed for the showers and found a couple of the 10 year olds in the shower. They joined them and showered before Blake got out the trimmer and razor.

"You guys gonna shave?" asked one of the young boys.

"Yep. Gotta look good for the girls," Blake grinned.

"You're not old enough to shave," the other boy said coming right over to Blake and looking up at his face.

"I am. But it's not my face I'm shaving. It's my balls. Girls don't like hairy dicks. You guys don't have that problem yet," he said looking down at the pre-pubescent boys. They both looked down at their own penises.

"I do too, but already shaved it off," the first boy said boldly.

"More like plucked out the one hair with a tweezer," Cory laughed. They turned to ignore the kids and watched as Blake used the trimmer on his balls and above his crotch before passing it to Cory, who did the same thing. Dylan was watching closely as he'd never shaved anything before. Cory finished and passed the trimmer to Dylan who nervously turned it on and copied the movements his friends had made. He jumped a mile as the trimmer touched his skin beside his balls.

"Just remember to pull the skin tight," Blake said as he used shaving cream and the razor to make his balls totally smooth. The first few times he'd done this he'd cut himself and wondered if maybe he'd severed an artery, but now he could do it in just a few strokes. He glanced over at the young boys who were watching with fascination. Cory lathered his balls and took the razor from Blake. He didn't shave off all the hair above his crotch as both boys had already agreed before coming to camp that they would keep some short pubes so that they looked older, which Cory needed as he was a year younger than Blake anyway, and pretending to be 13.

"Looks better already, dude." Blake said complimenting Dylan as he used the trimmer.

"Uh, thanks. I'm just going slow as I don't want to cut myself."

"Yeah. Good advice. My first time I think I cut myself three times. Had so much blood it looked like a horror movie. Troy had to show me how to do it without cutting myself."

"Troy's your other brother, right?"

"Right. He's 18. Kyle is 19. They're getting pretty old now, but they're still super cool big brothers."

"Is that enough?" Dylan asked Blake as he handed him the trimmer back.

Blake took hold of Dylan's penis and moved it up to have a closer look at his balls. "Yeah, that's not bad for your first time. Now you just gotta shave them smooth. We leave some hair on our crotches so we don't look like little kids. No offense dudes," he said looking over at the smaller boys who were still watching with peaked interest at what the older boys were doing. "But you can trim it shorter."

The kids both looked away quickly and pushed their faces under the shower. Blake used the shaving cream and lathered up Dylan's balls thoroughly. Dylan leaned in closer to Blake and whispered silently. "You gotta stop playing with them, or I'm gonna get a boner."

"And what's the problem with that?" Blake grinned as he groped him more firmly.

Dylan shot a glance at the two boys next to them. Blake whispered back to Dylan. "My Dad would call this a teachable moment." Cory handed Dylan the razor and rinsed himself clean.

"Just keep the balls pulled really tight and go slow. I find it easier to swipe the razor downward," Blake advised as he showed his on his own balls how tight to pull them. Dylan watched and nodded. He carefully put the razor to his balls and made the first swipe. He could feel the blades cutting the hair away and he quickly checked to make sure that was all that was cut. He did it a few times, being very slow and careful. Once he thought he was done, he asked Blake if it looked okay. Blake got down on his knees and took a closer look. "You missed some underneath. Give me the razor and I can get them for you." He took it from Dylan and swiped the missed parts and he pulled on the balls and made a point of placing his hand partially over Dylan's penis, which caused both of them to become almost fully erect. Once he was done, Dylan rinsed off and the boys showed each other their crotches.

"Perfect. Now we're ready for tonight," Blake said quickly. He turned to look at the younger boys who were now standing with their hands over their crotches. "You guys should probably go now. We have to do adult stuff before we finish showering. Nice boners. Remember, the more you play with them, the bigger your dick will be once your balls finally drop."

"Really?" asked the one boy as he kept his hand over his crotch.

"Of course. Mine was the same size as you guys when I was 10. You pull on it, or beat off as we call it, and when you hit puberty, your body knows that you use it a lot, so it makes it bigger. Like when you exercise and lift weights, you get bigger muscles, right? Penises are the same. Work it and they get bigger. Fact of puberty dude."

"My Mom says you shouldn't touch your penis except to pee."

"Yeah, Mom's say that because they want us to be their little boys forever and not grow up. They don't want to think of us having big penises and doing sex with girls. It's their jobs to try and protect us."

"Totally makes sense," the other boy said to his friend. "My brother plays with his thing all the time and it's like ginormous. Most of the time he makes me leave our room when he needs to be alone, but I've seen him do it. Are you guys gonna do it?"

"Can't tell you `cause it's a teenager thing," Blake the educator taught them. "But you have to do it a lot after you hit puberty or your balls get too big and weigh to much."

"How much do you have to do it?" the one boy asked as his eyes went wide at the new information that somehow they just don't teach in school.

"Usually once a day is enough, but you'll probably want to do it a lot more as it's fun too. Sometimes it's okay to go for two days, but you shouldn't go much longer than that. You do it a lot more while we're in our prime, which is like while we're teenagers. Then when you get super old, like around 30, you don't need to do it anymore."

"How come?"

"Dunno. I think it's `cause you're to old for sex then and you've used up all the sperm. Not sure though. You guys should leave so we can finish our shower."

"Can we watch, please," begged the one kid.

Blake shrugged. "No, we'd get into trouble if we showed you teenager stuff, sorry. Just go play with each other's things to practice, or get your brother to teach you. That's what big brothers are for. Then you can do it all the time. Trust me it's fun and you need to learn now before you hit puberty."

The boys complained about not getting to stay, but thanked Blake for the information as they went to get dressed. Once they were out of the shower room, Blake grinned to himself and looked at Dylan. "I guess we should finish and get back to the cabin," he said as he reached over for Dylan's cock and began to stroke it. Dylan jumped slightly. Cory reached for Blake and Dylan shrugged and reached for Cory. With the circle jerk complete, it didn't take long for the guys to cum. Dylan went first, followed by Cory, and then Blake.

As they rinsed off and went to dry off, Cory just looked at Blake and shook his head. "You know you just made two ten year olds into mini versions of you."

Blake put the back of his pinky finger up to the side of his mouth and stared at his friend with a bit of a grin. "Mini Me, if I ever lost you I don't know what I would do. I'd probably move on and get another clone but there would be a 15 minute period there where I would just be inconsolable."

"What?" Cory said looking at him like he was insane.

"It's from a super old movie. Dr. Evil."

"Never heard of it," Cory said.

"No, the movie is Austin Powers and the villain is Dr. Evil. He's a crazy bald dude trying to take over the world. "Mini Me? Mini Me? For God's sake would someone put a fricken bell on him or something. Are those fricken' sharks with fricken' laser beams attached to their fricken' heads?"

"Sounds dumb."

"Sh!" Blake said pinching his fingers out towards Cory like Dr. Evil.


"Shhh!" Blake said again grinning as he did the finger thing again.

"Dude. I don't.."

"Sh!" Blake giggled as he did it again. "I've got a whole bag of shhh, with your name on it. Why must I be surrounded by frickin' idiots?"

"Rude!" Cory said shaking his head.

"No dude, that's part of the movie. You gotta watch it when we get home. We have all sorts of cool old movies from the last century, like the original Jurassic Park' and I Know What You Did Last Summer'."

"I can't remember last summer, but I know what I did this summer," Cory laughed. "And in a couple hours, we'll have done even more!"

"No, that's another movie. Dude, don't you watch old movies at all?"

"No. Just mostly ones with you when I come over. We don't have a big movie theatre in my house."

"God, there's some good lines. You know Star Wars ones right? `Luke, I am your father!'"

"Yeah, duh. These are not the droids you are looking for."

"God gave man brains larger than dogs so they wouldn't hump women at cocktail parties," Dylan said as he stopped walking.

"What?" Blake and Cory said simultaneously as they stopped with him.

"It's also from an old movie. Don't know which one. I just heard my friend's older brother quote it."

"Dylan, `I know we've only known each other for four weeks and three days, but to me, it seems like nine weeks and five days. The first day seemed like a week, and the second day seemed like five days...and the third day seemed like a week again...and the fourth day seemed like eight days. But the fifth day, you went to see your mother and that seemed just like a day, but then you came back, and later on the sixth day, in the evening, when we saw each other, that started seeming like two days. So in the evening it seemed like two days spilling over into the next day and that started seeming like four days, so at the end of the sixth day on into the seventh day, it seemed like a total of five days. And the sixth day seemed like a week and a half. I have it written down, but I... I can show it to you tomorrow if you want to see it.'"

"What the fuck was that?" Dylan asked looking at Blake totally confused.

"It's another quote." Blake grinned. "I think it's a Steve Martin movie."

"Who's Steve Martin?" Dylan asked "and how can you remember so much? I can barely remember a whole sentence."

"I have to remember lines for my TV show. They give you lots to say and you have to repeat it line for line or they make you do it over again, so I just practice movie lines at home, and now I can do it pretty easily."

"That's cool. Okay, let's see if I can remember more," Dylan said as they continued walking towards the cabin. "Did you all take stupid pills this morning?"

"What's that from?" Cory asked.

"Toy Story?" Dylan grinned as he was proud of himself for remembering one.

"I told you kids to stay out of my butt," Blake said snapping his fingers. "Mr. Potato head. Also in Toy Story," he clarified.

"Somehow, that's not a line I'd imagine you ever saying," Cory laughed, with Dylan fist bumping him as they exploded the bump together.

"Ned, I would love to stand here talking to you, but I'm not going to," Blake said without explanation until he saw Dylan frowning at him. "Groundhog Day." He looked at Cory and grinned. "Let me ask you something, and I'm not trying to be funny here. Are you sure he's not a midget with a learning disability?"

"Who?" Cory asked.

"No silly. We're doing movie quotes," Blake chuckled. "Don't you guys really not know any movies? How about this one? Whatever they did to me made me totally indestructible, and completely unfuckable."

"Oh wait, I know that one!" Dylan said excitedly. "Don't tell me...Deadpool!"

"I remember that like it was yesterday. Of course I don't really remember yesterday all that well."

"Finding Dory!" Cory said snapping his fingers excitedly. "You know you're crazy right Blake?"

"What's that one from?" Blake chuckled as he stopped and looked at Cory with his most serious look. "Face it, you're a neo-maxi-zoom-dweebie." He walked away with the grin still on his face, then turned to face them again, trying to go back to serious. "We think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms. In the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain...and an athlete...and a basket case...a princess...and a criminal... Does that answer your question?"

"Yep. It proves that they should up your medication, or if you're not on any, they should give you as much as they can find. Drop it in by B-52. You keep coming up with this crazy shit they'll lock you up and it'll ruin our vacation," Cory joked as he knew Blake was just fooling around, but Dylan had begun to lose the plot of the entire interaction.

"This is no longer a vacation. It's a quest. A quest for fun. I'm gonna have fun and you're gonna have fun. We're all gonna have so much fuckin' fun we'll need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles. You'll be whistling zippity-do-da out of your assholes...Holy shit!" Blake said standing on the first step to their cabin giving his friends a deadpan look as Martin came out of the cabin, raised his eyebrows, turned around and walked back in.

Cory doubled over with laughter. Blake just smiled with no idea what had just happened behind him, causing both Dylan and Cory to laugh even harder. He just thought he had finally gotten to them with his movie quotes. He shrugged and laughed along with them as he thought of another appropriate, putting his arm around Dylan's shoulder. "I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy. Come on, Squishy. Come on, little Squishy."

Dylan hit Blake lightly and wiggled out from under his arm.

"Ow! Bad Squishy. Bad Squishy!" They continued to howl with laughter.

Cory grinned and jumped in front of them. "If I'm not back in five minutes...wait longer."

"That's from?" Blake asked.

"Ace Ventura!"

"Right. Yeah!"

"Yippee Ki-yay mother fucker!" Blake said as he went into the cabin. Martin watched Blake closely as he walked over to his bunk, dropped his towel and washbag, with Cory and Dylan running in behind him.

"You okay?" Martin asked looking at him with slight concern.

"Sure, why?"

"You seemed upset or something. You guys fighting over the run tonight?"

"Nope. We can handle it. `The plan is simple. I fly to the moon. I shrink the moon. I grab the moon. I sit on the toilet...what?'"


"God, seriously? Nobody watches movies? That was from Despicable Me. Okay, I'm done with movie quotes. Time to get ready for the run."

"I decided to go, but we gotta keep it a secret from my parents," Martin said to them. "All the stuff I did this summer would get me grounded for the rest of my life."

"But you had fun, right?"

"Sure. I kinda wish I could stay next month too."

"So just tell your parents you want to stay," Blake said shrugging as he couldn't imagine it being that difficult.

"There's no way they'd let me. I had to promise lots of stuff just to get them to let me come this month. I have to study when I get home."

"Study what?"

"For school. My parents don't agree with having two months off in the summer. They say it stops you learning."

"That's dumb. Look how much you learned at camp. You got to ride horses, waterski, do archery, you can swim better, you aren't shy anymore and maybe you can even learn a couple more things tonight if you're finally daring enough."

"Like what? The naked running thing."

"For one, but that's not really a learning thing. It's just a fun thing. But if you join us afterward, you can get a boner around other boys and maybe even learn how to masturbate. That's something you need to know as a boy."

Martin chuckled a little. "Sure Blake. I'll ask my parents if I can stay another month because I haven't learned how to masturbate yet. Wanna see how fast I get home schooled?"

"Just tell your Dad. He'd be cool with it. Tell him you met this girl and are trying to go on a date with her. Leave out the other stuff if they'd freak out. Dads are cool about boys dating."

"Not my Dad. He's worse than my Mom. He says `An education is the foundation for the rest of your life. You have plenty of time for tomfoolery later.'"

"Who's Tom Foolery?" Cory asked.

"It's not a who. It's a thing. I'm pretty sure it means goofing off or something."

"Weird. Never heard of it. Have you heard of it Blake?"

"Oh sure. Tom Foolery was someone in the olden days," he said confidently. Both guys shrugged, believing that if Blake had heard of it, then it must be a thing. Blake on the other hand made a note to find out what it was for real.

Before their naked run, there was the campfire to end the first session of camp. They handed out awards for the colour wars as well as some medals for various achievements. Blake got one for most outgoing and horseback riding, while Cory got one for expertise in .22 shooting. There were also silly ones for things like most colorful socks, curliest hair; which Blake and Declan lost to a girl; greatest dive off the dock, funniest snot moment, and other things that the campers didn't know existed. The idea was to try and give as many campers as possible an award for something.

"That could be your new job when you're older. Sniper!" Blake said whispering to Cory when he got his award.

"Or hitman," Cory added. They fist bumped as the rest of the medals were given out. The final campfire saw a lot of emotional campers knowing that they would be saying goodbye to some of their friends. Sawyer stuck pretty close to Kinsey who was sticking close to her sister and all her friends. By the time the campfire came to an end there were enough tears around to extinguish it completely. Declan came quietly up to Blake and put his arm around his shoulder.

"See you at 10?"

"Count on it."

"How many from your cabin are coming?"

"All of them. 12," he replied confidently.

"Nice. This is gonna be the best year yet. See you at the boat shed."

End of Chapter One.

Camp continues in chapter two as Blake, Cory and his squad get ready for the Imperators annual run. Brody and Blake become hiking buddies and campers stay up to see Midnight...(the horse)!

Next: Chapter 4

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