Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Oct 22, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

The question I never get asked is do you need to read the epic main story The Society Boys to understand this spin off series? The answer to that never asked question is no. These are stand alone chapters. Bring a friend over to read with you.

Oh, and since you have your friend over, check his pockets to see if he has cash to donate to Nifty. He won't even notice. The story is the type you don't need pants for.

Colin Chapter 34

Colin texted Carter as he arrived in the city of Vancouver. `almost there bro. on Oak at 70th'.

`in rush hour? C u in couple hours,' he texted back with a crazy smiley face.

`ha ha. Seriously?'

He continued to focus on the street signs that pointed towards downtown and he was beginning to think that his brother might be right. With no freeway system, every block had a stop light and insane traffic. He had turned onto Granville Street and felt like he was driving through some upscale neighbourhood with all the nice houses, but at one point, they all disappeared and he was in a retail area that began to feel like the beginning of the downtown. He arrived at the Granville street bridge and smiled when he saw the amazing Vancouver skyline. He knew from his past visits that he was only a few minutes from the apartment now. He made his way there and used the code Carter had given him to gain access to the underground parking area. He drove to the lowest level, which was their own private gated area. He parked and texted his brother that he was there.

`I'll be right down,' Carter replied. Moments later the elevator door opened and Colin's big brother appeared with a big smile on his face. "Welcome to your new home!" He grabbed his brother to give him a big hug.

"Hey Carter! I made it," he beamed, feeling like a little kid again around his older brother.

"How was the trip?"

"Awesome. Picked up a hitchhiker for a good part of it. It was nice to have the company."

"I'll bet it was a cute hitchhiker and you worked out a deal for him to pay for his ride," he chuckled as they opened the trunk of car to get his stuff out."

"You know I don't kiss and tell," Colin chuckled. "But yeah. I fucked that straight boy until he couldn't walk."

"Thought you don't kiss and tell," Carter said rolling his eyes.

"I don't. I never told you if we kissed or not. You do know that fucking isn't kissing right? Or do I need to give you the gay birds and bees lesson?"

"Shut up, ya little homo," Carter teased. "Is this all you brought with you?"

"What else should I have brought? We don't need furniture or anything, so basically it's clothes and some electronics. They use the same plugs as we do, so I figured my stuff would be just as good here as at home. Not like going to Europe where they all have weird shaped plugs and different volume of power."

"How do you know our plugs aren't the weird ones?" Carter asked as they hauled the suitcases up to the penthouse.

"Because we're American. Even the Canadians know ours are the right type. Others probably just haven't converted to the good type yet."

"Yeah, don't leave North America any time soon, buddy."

"Here we are. Home sweet home."

"Homo sweet homo!" Colin joked. "What? No welcome to Vancouver pride flag hanging in the living room? You're slipping bro."

"Since this is your place now, you can put all your stuff in the main bedroom."

"Dude. This is still your place. I can sleep in the spare room," Colin offered.

"As of now, this place is yours," he said handing him the keys. "I'm just going to be here long enough to get you settled with everything and then I'm off to correct that weird plug thing over there."

"Ha ha. You're about as funny as Dad when he tries to be cool. Guess you're getting to that age, huh? Three more years and you'll almost be a senior citizen."

"I'll be thirty, not sixty," he retorted.

"Same thing. Penis shrivels, crow's feet around the eyes, thinning hair. You're on the down slope at 30, Carter."

We'll see who shrivels and wrinkles first," Carter told him as they began to playfully wrestle, slowly unpacking Colin's things in the main bedroom.

"What's first on the agenda? Do we have an agenda?" Colin asked.

"We do. Tonight, I thought we'd go for a late dinner. Then you can get to bed early so we can head to the office in the morning, and I'll introduce you around to everyone. They know you're arriving, so I expect that they'll all be on their best behaviour."

"Any cute guys work for us?"

"Depends on your personal definition of cute, but I have a strict rule that I strongly recommend you follow. I absolutely never fraternize with the staff. Not even to go out for drinks after work, except during an official work event."

"Must get awful boring in the office all day," Colin replied. "Why can't you hang out with the staff?"

"You can be friendly at work and talk there, but by fraternizing, I mean getting involved personally."

"So, no sex in the office over the desk?"

"That would be the extreme version of no," Carter laughed. "I'm talking about not even dating the staff."

"Are you sure you're my brother. You do know that dating someone comes AFTER we've fucked, right? I'm guessing you have that rule so that if anything goes wrong between you and the employee they can't come back and sue you for sexual harassment?" He asked seriously.

"Exactly. I almost never reveal anything about my personal life. The only time it gets even a little more personal is when I hit the office gym. It's pretty hard not to be a little less professional when you're in the change rooms with someone. For me it's fine because I'm straight, but you are going to have to be careful."

"Because I'm gay? Isn't that sexist? Or discriminatory or something?"

"I'm not referring to that. Just be a little less...ummm...just be a little less you in the change room."

"Got it. Don't grab their junk and ask how big it is."

"For starters," he said shaking his head.

"Don't worry, I know how to behave professionally. What I'm hearing is that if I find some guy that works for us super hot, I should fire him first before I hit on him. That way, no sexual harassment suit."

"No, but that may fall under the wrongful dismissal category."

"So many rules. I say we hire all gay guys from now on, and every week we can have no pants Friday."

"Now you're into discrimination against straight guys and women."

"Maybe, but I wouldn't have a problem with black, Asian or indigenous gay guys," Colin beamed. "So there's that."

"Should make for an interesting argument in court. I might be here longer than planned," Carter said as he put his arm around Colin's neck and pulled him in for a hug. "You'll do fine if you just jerk off before work each morning."

"Like that was ever not an option. Do you know any people in the building at all?"

"A few. I don't spend a lot of time here so mostly I don't pay attention. If I'm not at work, I'm sleeping, or in some other city."

"Told you you were getting old. Let me guess you have afternoon naps in your office...alone."

"Sometimes I do," he admitted with a chuckle. You will too after a few long hard days. Wait...don't say anything. I'll rephrase. After a few difficult and stressful days."

"All I heard was long and hard," Colin giggled.

"I know. Trust me, I know. Anyway, this weekend, I thought you might be ready for some fun, so I figured we could go over to the Q Society mansion and unwind there."

"Fuck yeah. Now we're talking. Wait...hold on. Since we own that too, do I have to be professional there as well, because if I do, I'm going home."

"No," Carter laughed. "There you can be Colin Mcslutty all you want. Go until you pass out if you want."

"Now you're starting to sound like my big brother. I'll bet you know tons of the guys there, don't you?"

"I know a few. I'm sure you'll introduce yourself to everyone in no time at all."

"You know I will."

The boys headed to dinner at a nearby restaurant, and Colin was impressed by the fact they could just walk there. In L.A., he basically had to drive to everything.

Colin didn't argue when Carter suggested they get an early night as he was exhausted. "What time are we getting up tomorrow? I should set my alarm."

"We should be up by 6:30 in order to get ready, have breakfast and get over to the office."

Colin groaned. "6:30? How about we negotiate for 9, with the option of 10 if I'm still tired."

"Once you get into the role, you can go in anytime you want. I like to get there early so I see people at the start of their day. Makes it easier to know what's going on."

"How long does it take to get there?"

"Ten minutes. It's just a short walk from here," Carter replied.

"We're not taking the car?" Colin asked surprised.

"No. It'd take longer to get out of the parking lot, navigate traffic and park again, over just walking. I'll wake you up in the morning. `Night, bro."

"Good night, Carter."

Both headed to their own room and had a good solid sleep. Morning came early. Way to early for Colin if you were to ask him, as he was having the best dream. He gave his brother serious attitude when he woke him up.

"God, Carter. Was just about to do make it with twins while skydiving. Do you know how difficult that is to accomplish, and I was just in the perfect position to make it happen. Way to screw that up."

"It was a dream. You'll accomplish it tomorrow. Jump in your shower and get dressed. Wear a suit for your first day."

"A suit? Dude, I don't have any suits. Just my tux."

"Check the front closet. I picked up a few for you."

Colin crawled out of bed, adjusted himself, and looked down. "See! This is how early it is. I haven't even jerked off yet."

"Have a cold shower. You'll be fine," Carter said ignoring his kid brother's morning wood.

Colin walked like a zombie to the closet and opened it. There were half a dozen new suit in there, in various colours. "How'd you know my size?"

"You're a pretty average build for your age, and I know how tall you are," Carter replied. "There's shirts, shoes and ties for you as well. Just pick the ones you like."

"I'll have a shower first. Can't really think until I'm awake."

"Good idea. But don't take too long. We'll have breakfast before we head out."


Both of them headed to their own bathrooms to shower. By the time Colin exited, Carter was already done and dressed in his own suit.

"Do we have to wear a suit everyday?" Colin asked as he strolled over to the closet to decide what to wear, drying his hair with the towel as he went.

"No. Mostly we're just business casual, but I keep a suit at the office in case we have an unscheduled meeting that requires more formal dress."

"I guess I should leave one there too, huh?"

"I recommend you keep at least a couple changes of clothes there. Now how about you get dressed?"

"I'm working on it. This is a big day. I've got to set the right tone. Which colour is the power colour?"

"Black, blue, dark grey. Avoid brown, tan or green."

"Uhhh, duh. No one looks good in a green suit. Well, maybe leprechauns, but not a look for anyone else." He picked out the black suit with a royal blue shirt and matching tie. "Did you buy me underwear too, or am I good with my own," Colin asked somewhat sarcastically.

"Just get dressed," Carter said shaking his head.

"My own underwear it is then," Colin grinned as he took the clothes back to his room to get ready.

Once he returned having dressed, combed his hair, put on cologne and deodorant, Carter nodded and whistled. "Looking good, dude. You really clean up nice. I'm guessing you need some help with the tie?"

"Yeah. Thought I had it, but I don't wear them enough to have it figured out completely."

Carter took it from him and tied it around his own neck before handing it back. He helped Colin get it adjusted properly and stood back to look at him. "Lookin' pretty hot, bro."

"It looks good, but I hate dress shoes. I feel like I'm gonna slip and fall down. They don't exactly have any traction."

"You get used to them. Those are leather soles, but I recommend the rubber sole ones as they are more comfortable for a long day. You'll be fine in those for today though."

"What's for breakfast?"

"We'll grab McDonald's today, and later I'll show you a few good places to go for a variety each morning."

"I'm usually okay with cereal and maybe some toast. Is there a Starbucks nearby?"

"Basically on every corner. Either that or Tim Horton's. You'll learn how popular that is soon enough. Damn, I can't believe how grown-up you look, Colin. I sometimes still think of you as just a kid."

"It's cool. Sometimes I think of myself like that too. Then I look at myself naked in the mirror and go damn, girl. No kid has a body like that with a dick that big," Colin said as he gyrated sexily.

"And the kid returns," Carter chuckled as they headed out to breakfast. "Today, we'll get you re-introduced to everyone, and get them used to the idea that you'll be their new boss. You can sit in on the morning updates and then I'll walk you through some of the projects we have on the go."

"Sounds...ummmm...boring?" Colin said listening carefully to Carter.

"It sounds that way, but I think you'll find it interesting once you're the one making decisions and driving the bus."

"Nice. We have a bus! Now that sounds fun," he joked. "If we could get a tank, I'd get through traffic a lot faster though."

Carter just shook his head. "You do know that for you it's the short bus, right?"

"Meh. You gotta start somewhere," Colin said not giving in to his brother's teasing.

The arrived at the office and headed up to the Executive floor. "fifty forth floor", the elevator announced as it stopped.

"This is the architect's floor," Carter explained as man got on and said good morning to them. "I'll show you some of the things they're working on. You might like checking out the designs. I throw a lot of ideas at them, and one of our main focuses is finding a way to create self sustaining buildings. With Vancouver trying to become the greenest city in North America, it won't be long before a lot of things we're working on become law. We're trying to get ahead of the curve. Gets us faster approvals as they see us innovative, and once the building is done, the politicians get to brag about how well they're doing. It's a win win."

"Why not just do it like Dad? Throw a few million at a few of them and buy their loyalty. Seems to get Dad anything he needs when he's trying to curry favour."

They arrived at the 56th floor before Carter could answer. He said hi to the lady at reception, and introduced Colin. They moved from there to his office where his personal assistant was already at work.

"Good morning Jennine. You remember my brother Colin. His first day with the big boy pants on."

"Welcome back, Colin. We're looking forward to having you here," she smiled. "Andre was already down this morning with some papers for you to sign Carter. He said it's time sensitive as we have to get a bid in on the Burrard project by 11 this morning or miss out."

"I'll sign it right away. That property is key to our development for that area. Tell him it's ready for pick up. Anything else?"

"No. Usual morning ahead. I kept your calendar free of appointments for the next couple days as you requested. Enjoy your first day, Colin," she said as the guys headed into the large executive office

"Damn I love your office. Couches, a dining room table. Your own bathroom with a shower. Dude. This is the life. Do a lot of the management get an office like this, or it is some kind of big dick thing, like a power move?"

"First, no. Not all management has an office like this. Space is expensive, so we utilize it efficiently. Second, that's a board room table, not a dining room table, and last, yeah, it's kind of a power thing, but not for the employees. It so when we bring in new clients, they can see that we're successful and prosperous. I'd be fine with a smaller space, but sometimes you need to show who you are."

"Figured it was something like that, or an overcompensating thing. Like dudes with small dicks compensating by having expensive cars."

"Says the guy with half a dozen sports cars," Carter laughed.

"Yeah, but I'm not compensating for shit, dude. You know I'd whip it out and prove it."

"Colin. Remember the talk about keeping it professional?"

"Right. Probably includes not whipping it out at the office, right?"

"It DEFINITELY includes that. Now back to what we were talking about in the elevator," Carter said as he sat behind the desk to review the papers he was to sign. "You were asking why we didn't just pay someone when we needed a favour. It doesn't work as well up here. Most of the time at home, we donate to re-election funds. Here, corporations aren't allowed to donate at all, and the most one person can give in a year is something like 1200 bucks."

"Wow. So? Have all the employees donate the 1200 and just pay them back," Colin shrugged as if he'd solved it.

"Yeah," Carter smirked. "Can't do that either. They already thought of that and built it in as a law."

"Tough room. Must suck trying to be a lobbyist out here."

"Not as much of it as at home. It's much tougher to buy a politician's loyalty in Canada, that's why you have to find out what their causes are and move your pitch to that area of interest."

"Like?" Colin asked, beginning to wonder how Canada accomplished anything if you couldn't pay people to do what you wanted.

"Like several on the city council are all about this green energy. Having buildings that not only use no energy, but also return some to the grid for others to use. Others are into looking after animals and protecting the oceans. We pitched a building project on the coast line, which at first they rejected out right as we expected."

"Wait, you pitched something you knew they'd object to?"

"Of course. They come back with all the reasons why they wouldn't want it, so now we know what they do want. We redid the proposal and resubmitted the bid with a building that was not only energy efficient, but it had a footprint that would make it appealing to their vision. Once we pitched it to overcome their objections, it was enthusiastically approved. We got the project green lighted; they got their political win. Another one they are starting to worry about is climate change and how the oceans will rise. With Vancouver being at sea level, a good portion downtown could be underwater in less than a hundred years. Proposing a building project that could survive that would be readily welcomed. Here, check this out."

Carter pulled up a computer file that showed a project being worked on.

"Wow. That looks pretty futuristic," Colin said as he pulled up a chair to sit beside his brother.

"It is. New technology transparent solar panels replace all windows, and wind turbines on the upper floors will produce more than enough energy to run the building no matter what happens to the surrounding power grid. If the water levels were to rise significantly, you can see how the road is brought in off a higher elevation, with the main floor being the second floor. The lower part of the building is open air parking and parks."

"What's that? Looks like a moat." Colin asked pointing to the design around the building. "Please tell me it's filled with alligators and sharks."

"That would serve as a pond during normal operation and is incorporated into the landscape design, however, if a storm comes up and the sea levels rise or start to flood the lower elevations, we do this," Carter grinned as he pushed a button to start the simulation. The `moat' suddenly vanished and walls rose up from it to surround the building.

"Nice. Just needs turrets," Colin nodded.

"This is a storm barrier. It'll go up to the second floor to protect the building. With the entrance being higher, even if the lower levels flood, the building will still be 100% functional, making the old second floor, the new first floor."

"Will water really rise to the second floor? Isn't that like 20 feet. What about the elevator that goes down to the main level. Wouldn't that get fried?"

"Exactly what one of the questions was at the original pitch. See, I knew you had an eye for this. The elevator shaft would seal off at the lower floor and be reprogrammed. This is the type of design you want to show the planning department. Gives them a hardon."

"Please, like I'd need a building to be able to do that for them," Colin chuckled. "I'd just show up in person and boom, they're hard just looking at me."

Carter ignored him as they looked through a few more projects until it was time for the morning meeting, where everyone welcomed Colin to the company.

The rest of the day was all about meeting different employees in various departments, and by the end of the day Colin had a headache trying to remember where everything was and the names of everyone. He made the required inappropriate comment when Carter said they were going to the mail room, and was disappointed when he found several females there too.

"How was the first day?" Carter asked once they'd returned home.

"Exhausting. I'm not sure what our job is exactly, except to wander around and act important. Seems like everyone was just doing their own thing and we just watched."

"Everyone has a function, tied to other departments, and once they have something completed it comes back to me and the executive committee for approval. Then the next team takes over while the others get to work on something new. Our job is to make sure that whatever projects we get involved with meet our vision, and of course that they're going to make money."

"Of course. I read somewhere that some companies lose money on a project to take a loss for tax purposes. Do we do that?"

"Not on purpose. But occasionally you'll face some unforeseen challenge. It can help reduce taxes, but almost invariably, the loss is greater than the tax saving in the end. We prefer to donate to charities for the tax break. Accountants work out tax deductible expenses and things like that. You get to decide which charities you'll donate to. I have some favorites, but I'm sure you'll have your own."

"Yeah. I was thinking orphan gays for lonely elderly seniors is a good one. OGLES for short. Then there's the penile reconstruction foundation."

"Yeah. Maybe let the management team find appropriate charities that are more in keeping with the overall feel of the company. Like something to do with the cities green vision. That would get you more mileage when pitching projects and ideas."

"Party pooper," Colin laughed. "What are we doing tonight? Wanna go cruising for guys somewhere?"

"No. But if that's what you wanna do, go for it. Just don't be too late as we're out early again in the morning."

"God. This week is never gonna end."

"Monday's always suck buddy, but by the time you get through hump day, it starts to pick up again."

"Hump day is my favorite!" Colin smirked.

"Yeah. I'm not taking that bait."

The boys went out for dinner, and Colin ended up staying home with Carter to have a few beers and watch a movie.

The next day was back to the office to start the routine all over again. Colin took the opportunity to go around to a few departments by himself to see things for himself and try to get an understanding of how things got done. He enjoyed watching the architects design buildings and fit the designs into existing footprints. He also like watching them add renovation ideas to old buildings, and talked to them about their ideas. He could see that as one area he'd really be interested in. The other thing that caught his eye were some of the younger guys who appeared to be running all sorts of errands for the managers. At one point, an older guy handed him a large manilla envelope and told him to rush it to the mail room for overnight service.

"Overnight service," Colin almost giggled to himself as he ran to the mail room with it. "I've had more overnight servicing than all these guys combined." Once in the mail room, he walked up to the first guy he met. "I'm supposed to bring this here to go out on overnight service."

"Yeah, sure," the young blond guy said as he turned to look at Colin. "Just drop it in the slot over there that says priority mail. You must be new huh?"

"Yeah. Only my second day," Colin replied.

"Welcome. I'm Phoenix."

"Colin. I dunno if anyone's ever said anything before, but you have seriously killer eyes. They're like a piercing grey or something."

"Thanks. Yeah, I've received a few comments about them. Your eyes are pretty intense yourself. I love that color blue, and they go well with that shade of blond hair and your tan."


"Do you have time for me to show you around the mail room? Show you how the mail gets processed."

"Sure. I'd love to see how it all works," Colin replied eagerly.

"This is the main area. When mail comes in, we sort it by name into this pigeon hole wall. All the names are in alphabetical order to make it easier," Phoenix explained as he showed him the large structure with names on all the slots. "Then if we go around to the other side, the slots are all labelled with the floor the person works on. We get updated lists from time to time and just change the names and numbers as required. Then we deliver it to the floors. Occasionally we get urgent mail which we send up immediately. The outgoing mail is stamped and sent out twice a day. The priority mail, depending on urgency and location, is sent out by courier so that it gets there same day. Overnight just goes out with the Post office express."

"Seems pretty easy."

"It is. We keep all the mailing supplies down here too. From envelopes, boxes and tubes. Tape, labels, etc. Whatever someone needs to package, we do it here."

"Nice. Seems pretty important stuff."

"It can be. If a manager needs something to get somewhere at a specific time, it's our job to ensure it gets there. I once had one of the executives on the 56th send me to Toronto with a package. Gave me the company plane and everything. He said it couldn't leave my hands until it got to where it was going."

"That'd be cool."

"It was. I've never been on the 56th floor before. Made me feel kinda important. Normally mail for that floor is handle by the mail room manager. I guess maybe it has tons of classified stuff."

"Like stamped Top Secret, or "Above Top Secret." Colin grinned.

"Something like that, I suppose. I'll show you where we keep all our supplies."


Phoenix led Colin to the large storage area where there appeared to be every type of packaging you could imagine, all neatly arranged for easy access. From regular white envelopes to big ass boxes and brown wrapping paper.

"Shit. I don't even think Amazon has this much packaging," Colin grinned.

"I'm sure they have more," Phoenix laughed. "We keep smaller items in the storage room. We need to keep it out of sight or people would be down here all the time hoarding shit. We also supply all the stationary to departments. Like pens, post-it-notes, staples. Shit like that."

"Guess it's cheaper to buy in bulk, huh?"

"No idea, but I'm guessing it would," Phoenix said as he took Colin to the storage room to show him.

"Wow. Who knew people used this much crap," Colin said as he looked around.

"They do. So what do you think of the whole operation?"

"I like it. Seems very efficient."

"It is, most of the time anyway. You'll probably learn more once you've been here longer. Have you met many people so far?"

"I think so. It's hard to remember all their names at first."

"True. Think you'll remember my name?" Phoenix asked as he moved closer to Colin.

"Sure. I've talked to you more than pretty much anyone so far."

"Well if you want, we could get to know each other a lot better. I'm assuming I didn't misread the signals out there."


"The complimenting my eyes. Checking me out. Those signals. Am I right?" He asked as he moved his hand to grope Colin's crotch.

"Oh...THOSE signals. No, you didn't miss those. You're right," Colin nodded swallowing hard.

"Thought so. That feels like a pretty nice package, and I should know, being in the package business."

Colin laughed. "Does that line really work?"

"You tell me," Phoenix said as he lowered the zipper on Colin's dress pants and slipped his hand inside. "It feels like it's working. You well hung?"

"Well enough," he said staring at Phoenix as his heart rate increased.

"Would you like to fool around a bit? I'd really enjoy fucking you if you're into it," he said as he grabbed Colin by the wrist and lifted his hand to his own crotch.

"Wow. Straight for the fucking huh? Not into foreplay, I'm guessing," Colin said staring at Phoenix.

"I am, but we're both working so we don't exactly have a lot of time. This is what I like to call express service. I figure if you're horny, I'll fuck you as a warmup, and maybe we can get together after work for the rest," he suggested as he began to undo Colin's belt and pop the catch on his dress pants. "Looks like you're not objecting to the idea."

"I'm not. Are you sure we won't get caught?"

"We'll be okay if we're fast."

Phoenix undid his own pants next and pulled out his cock and balls, before returning Colin's hand to it.

"Damn! That's a thick cock," Colin exclaimed as he felt the package he'd been given. He almost laughed to himself at the irony. Here he was in the mail room, being offered express service.

"You like big cocks?"

"They're my favorite," Colin smirked as the guy leaned in to kiss him.

"Good. Me too. You like getting fucked?"

"Love it. You?"

"More of a top myself, but I'll bottom for the right guy," he said as he shoved his hand inside Colin's underwear to feel his firm erection, "and from the feel of this rod, I'd be willing to take it after I fuck you."

He pushed Colin's underwear down so he could really check it out. He whistled. "Wow. Nice. Very nice," he nodded as he turned Colin around and had him bend over the table and pushed his shirt up to run his hands over the smooth body. "Great ass too. I'll bet that has to be in the top five greatest asses I've ever seen."

"Thanks," Colin said looking back as he watched Phoenix lower his pants and underwear, and give his cock a few strokes.

"Think you can handle this?"

"Think you can handle my ass?" Colin replied smugly. "If you have lube, I can handle it."

"I have lube," Phoenix nodded as he bent over to get the small bottle out of his pocket. While he was bending, he took the opportunity to kiss Colin's ass and then open the cheeks so he could lick the length of it a couple times. Colin shuddered in anticipation.

"God, my brother would kill me if he knew I was down here doing this," Colin chuckled slightly.

"Who's your brother? Does he work here too?"

"Yeah. Carter."

"Carter?" Phoenix exclaimed, stopping suddenly. "Carter Worthington?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"He owns the company. Oh shit. You're his brother? You're Colin Worthington? The new CEO? Oh shit. I'm so gonna get fired," he said stepping back and reaching for his pants. Colin stood up and pulled up his own.

"What's happening right now? I know my brother's not gay, or as hot as me, but this is the first time I've seen just his name make someone repulsed at the idea of sex. Usually they see him naked before that happens," he joked.

"Sir, it wouldn't be right to have sex with you. You own the company. I thought you were an intern. Why were you delivering mail?"

"Some guy up on one of the floors handed me the envelope, and told me to bring it here. Figured it was important, so I rushed it down."

"Did he know who you were?"

"I'd not met him before. So probably not. I don't mind though. So you're really not gonna fuck me? I promise I'd love your cock and I'd be fine with a nice load inside my ass. I'm totally gay if that's a concern."

"No, it's just there's a rule about fraternizing at work, and it's absolutely forbidden for a manager to date a line level employee."

"Who the fuck makes rules like that?"

Phoenix laughed. "The 56th floor. Of which you're the boss.! Please don't fire me. I need this job. I honestly had no idea who you were. I seriously though you were a new cute intern."

"You thought I was cute?" Colin grinned widely. "I think you're pretty smokin' hot yourself."

"Thanks. Yeah, you're wicked cute. Why the fuck are all the good ones managers?"

"Isn't that saying `why are all the good ones married or gay?' I'm okay with at least half of that. Don't worry, I'd never fire you for being horny. If I were an asshole, I might fire you for promising me a fuck and then leaving me with blue balls, but I sure as hell wouldn't be pissed at you for hitting on me. It's the most interesting thing that's happened so far."

Phoenix just smiled as he finished refastening his clothes and tidied himself up. "I can say that this is definitely the most interesting thing to happen to me too."

"According to Carter, lots of people try to kiss your ass in this position. He failed to mention the guys that lick it and want to fuck it, but I actually prefer this...for the record. Do you do lots of guys in here?"

"Would you be okay if I didn't answer that, considering who you are and all?"

"Kinda wish I wasn't who I was now. I was looking forward to that big fat cock in me. My ass is gonna be mad at me all day now, and all I'll be thinking about is how many other guys are getting their packages worked on in here."

"Sorry, but if I got caught having sex with you, I'd instantly lose my job. Even if you didn't fire me, my immediate boss, or HR would."

"Damn rules. Maybe I'll go ask Carter to make me an intern and come right back."

"That'd be hot, but I won't hold my breath," Phoenix smiled as the left the storage room. "It was nice meeting you though, Colin."

"Would have been nicer if I'd kept my mouth shut for another five minutes," Colin replied. "I'll go see if there's more mail to be brought down. See you later, Phoenix."

He headed back up to his office and sat down at the desk, glaring at Carter.

"What?" His brother asked as he noticed Colin's look.

"You and your stupid fucking rules."

"What rules?"

"Uhhh...the don't fuck the managers rule. I met this really great guy around my age. Really hot. Nice big cock on him and he had me bent over ready to fuck, until he learned who I was related to. Then suddenly it was instant fear and limp dick syndrome. It's official bro. You're a boner killer. Congrats."

"Wait. You were going to let one of the employees fuck you?"

"Let him? No. He was totally into it as much as I was, until he learned YOU were my brother. Then suddenly it was over. No more big cock for me."

"Colin. Trust me. It's a good rule and one you should never break. It never ends well. If they're not expecting favours because you're fucking, then they think they're immune from discipline because they feel that have power now. And you can't even imagine what happens of you try to fire them somewhere down the road. It's a nightmare you don't want."

"But I DO want his cock. I mean I really want it. He basically had it at my ass, ready to go and then boom. He was freaking out."

"That's the best thing that could have happened. Did he initiate it, or did you?"

"We both kinda did. I think he picked up on my wicked awesomeness and gay vibe, and the next thing I knew we were in the storage room cocks out, ready to go."

"Don't need details, but he stopped as soon as he learned who you were?"


"Good. That at least shows he's smart. He could have taken advantage of the whole situation, and continued, and then tried for blackmail."

"Wow. You one of those conspiracy theories guys too? Maybe a flat earth type?" Colin grinned.

"No. Just a realist. Colin, bro, I know you're just 18 and you think with your dick more than your brain, but please promise me you'll keep your pecker in your pants at work."

"Hey, I can't help it if people drool over me. I'm just that sexy dude. I know you don't know what that feels like, being you and all, but it really can be a curse."

Carter rolled his eyes. " work...non-negotiable."

"Gonna make it hard to pee that way," Coin mumbled. "Question. What if I wanted to fool around with another executive or manager? Is that allowed?"

"Employees can date other employees, and managers can date other managers. But you and me, as owners, cannot, and must not, be in a relationship with anyone we employ."

"So, what I'm still hearing is fire the guy. Screw his brains out and rehire him. Got it."

"And the lawsuit would be instant. Again. pants...non-negotiable!"

Colin just shrugged. "What's on the schedule for later?"

"We're going over to a ground breaking."

"Can I at least drive the back hoe?"

"No. But I'll be happy to let you lie in the trench as we pour the concrete in."


"Try to behave yourself and I'll take you to a Q party tomorrow night, and introduce you around."

The following day, they had a late dinner, then got ready to go over to the Q mansion for the party. Colin was trying to be cool around his big brother, but was internally ready to meet as many hot boys as he could. "This is a naked party, but the room is reasonably dark, so even you should be able to get laid there," Carter said, insulting his kid brother.

They were barely inside the mansion before a guy ran up to Carter with enthusiasm.

"Hey Carter!" he said as the boys arrived. "Who's this cutie?"

"Quentin, this is my little brother, Colin. Colin, Quentin."

"Hi. Nice to meet you," Colin replied politely.

"Mmmhmmm," Quentin said looking Colin over thoroughly. "I'll be wanting to meet you properly once those clothes come off, honey. I can see the family resemblance. Hopefully I can taste the family resemblance too. I'll see you later, boys," he said as he almost floated away.

"You've had sex with him?" Colin asked staring at Carter.

"What happened to your don't kiss and tell rule?"

"Not applicable. I'm gonna fuck myself stupid in here tonight," Colin said grinning wildly.

"That's an overshare. Let's head downstairs and find a locker."

They made their way to the open change room and began to undress. Colin was barely out of his shirt before a completely naked guy sat down on the bench next to him and watched.

"Hi?" Colin said, looking at the guy staring at him.

"Hey. Are you new here?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just arrived in Vancouver," Colin admitted.

"From where?"

"Los Angeles."

"Sweet. Are you with him?" He asked looking at Carter who was now down to his underwear.

"Sort of," Colin said vaguely.

"Oh," the guy replied sounding disappointed, and stood back up.

Colin smiled. "He's my brother."

"Cool," he said perking up instantly. "I'm Ryan."

"Colin. How old are you?"

"17. You?"


"Nice. You wanna hang out for a bit and get to know each other?"

"Sure. I don't know anyone here so I'd love to hang," Colin said accepting the invitation as he took his shoes, socks and pants off in a hurry. "Dude, if it's not to creepy to say, you have a huge dick."

"Not creepy at all. Lots of guys like looking at it."

"It's not even hard and you're bigger than most guys when they are. How big is that thing?"

"Soft it's just over 6 inches. Hard, it's almost 9½," Ryan said proudly.

"Shit. I'll bet guys line up to have you fuck them."

"Yeah," he said quietly. "I wish they wouldn't though. I prefer being the bottom. What about you?"

"I'm versatile. Depends on the guy."

"Sweet. Wanna go get to know each other better?" Ryan asked as he stared while Colin removed his last piece of clothing.

"Lead the way," Colin said grinning.

"Looks like someone is off to a fast start. Have fun, bro," Carter smiled as he locked the locker.

"You too, Carter," Colin acknowledged as he followed Ryan away from the changing area.

"How big is your dick when it's hard?" Ryan asked as he reached over to hold Colin's hand.


"Nice!" The made their way to a small semi secluded area in the back of the room and sat down on a couch.

"So why are you in Vancouver? Just visiting?" Ryan asked as he shuffled against Colin and began to rub his leg gently.

"No. I moved here. Living with my brother for now," he replied not wanting to reveal too much to a total stranger. At least nothing personal like work and home details.

"Cool. He's cute, but you're way hotter."

"Thanks," Colin smiled. "Have you seen Carter here before?"

"Maybe once. I never got to do him though. Sometimes it gets super busy and I don't get around to meet everyone. What's your favorite thing to do? Sexually I mean," he asked looking into Colin's eyes and smiling seductively.

"I know it's gonna sound like a line, but I love meeting new guys and seeing what I need to do to make them cum really hard."

"I know what you mean. It's fun to turn someone on so much that they shoot off."

"What do you like to do?" Colin asked figuring it was only polite to ask.

"I have a few things I love, so it's hard to pick just one. Mostly I love getting fucked. Like really fucked. Balls slapping off my ass. Cock pounding my hole so fast you smell smoke kinda fucking. When the right size dick goes in and makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, you can cum without touching yourself. That is the best feeling in the world. I also love rimming. Both getting and giving."

"Yeah. I like that myself. So hot!" Colin agreed.

"Some of the best nights I have here is when get to be in the sling and guys are lined up to fuck me. Then someone sits on my face and makes me eat them out, or feeds me their cock. Others play with my dick and nipples. Your mind kinda does a `what the fuck' as every part of you is being used at the same time."

"Sounds hot. You said you prefer being the bottom, but don't a lot of guys want you to top them since you're so big?"

"Yeah. Most guys want my cock. I don't mind if someone drops onto it while I'm doing other stuff too, but I'm not a fan of just going in someone to fuck them. I find that a little bit of a turn off."

"Good to know. So what if you and I were having sex. Say we were kissing and then it led to a blowjob and then we 69'd where you started eating my ass while I was sucking you off."

"Sounds hot so far," Ryan grinned as he moved his hand more firmly over Colin's leg.

"Then I swing around to fuck you. Your legs over my shoulders while we kiss and I stroke your dick."

"I'd probably cum sometime around there," Ryan chuckled. "But I'd do my best to hold on."

"If we were doing all that and I came inside you, would you be okay if I pulled out and then sat on your cock until you came in me? Would you be okay with that type of topping?"

"I'm not sure. Wanna try and see?" Ryan said as he moved his hand over Colin's crotch and began to gently stroke him.

"I think we should," Colin replied with a big smile as the boys moved their faces together and began to make out.

As Colin got to the part where they were 69ing, he realized just how big Ryan's dick really was. He couldn't get all of it in his mouth, despite every attempt. It wasn't just long, but had a thickness to it that made it feel even bigger. Colin was able to get inside Ryan's ass with ease, and it was pretty obvious that the boy had been well fucked in the past, as he knew how to move and tighten his ass for maximum pleasure. It took very little time for Colin to cum, and Ryan to be leaking pre-cum like a warm tropical stream.

"Are you still having fun?" Colin asked as he leaned up to look at Ryan.

"Definitely. Did you just cum?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I wanted it to go longer, but your ass is just to perfect."

"Thanks. I think you might just have been horny from your road trip. I find them boring if you drive a lot and don't have time to check out the places you visit."

"Yeah. That's probably true. You still okay if I try to ride you now?"

"Go for it. Just make sure we keep kissing though. You're really good at that."

Colin smiled as he scrambled forward, lubed Ryan up, and went to work on getting the long thick cock inside himself. It took a lot of effort to get started as the purple flared head seemed to be too big to go into the tiny entrance, but it eventually popped through. Colin jumped slightly at the sharp pain it caused, but calmed down quickly before Ryan noticed his discomfort. He was about two thirds of the way down on it when he figured he couldn't go any further and stopped. He leaned in to kiss Ryan. "God your cock feels even bigger than it looks," he said partially complaining.

"Yeah. That's about the point a lot of guys stop. Want the rest of it?"

"I'm trying. Believe me, I'm trying," Colin said wiggling his ass in case that might open him up more.

Ryan took hold of Colin's thighs and held them tight. "Kiss me," he said.

As Colin leaned forward to kiss, Ryan thrust his hips up and slammed the rest of his cock into Colin's ass. Colin jumped slightly before Ryan moved his hands to Colin's head and pulled them together for the kiss. He held his new friend all the way down on him as they tongue wrestled. As soon as they came up for air, Ryan gave a sheepish grin. "Sorry. Sometimes it's the only way to do it. You okay?"

"Yeah. That was a bit of a surprise, but you feel good in there," Colin admitted as he began to move up and down on the long thick pole. It took very little effort for Colin to become stimulated to the point that he was shooting his second load all over Ryan's chest. The younger guy ran his fingers through the puddle and quickly took some to his mouth, rapidly repeating the process several times before Colin slowed down.

"Did you cum?" Colin asked looking at Ryan.

"No, but it takes me a while. No offense to you as your ass feels incredible, but I don't usually cum when I'm the top."

"I understand," he nodded as he slowly let the big shaft slide out of him. His ass slammed shut as the large head finally exited. Colin was sure he heard a rush of air fill his ass once it was empty. "So how do I get you to cum? You still look horny."

"I can show you," he smirked. "Are you okay with group stuff, or are you more of a one-on-one guy?"

"I like groups," Colin admitted to him.

"Cool, because we attracted some attention," he said glancing over to where a couple guys were standing watching from a short distance. They were both hard and slowly stroking themselves. Ryan waved them over. "Wanna play with us?"

"Hell yeah," one guy said eagerly.

"You two are hot," the other replied. "Are you boyfriends?"

"No, just getting to know each other."

"Well, I'd like to know you," the first guy said as he dropped to his knees and quickly moved Colin down the couch so he could swallow his cock down to the base. The other guy knelt between Ryan's legs and wasted no time getting them up on his shoulders so he could enter him. The introduction took a good couple minutes before Ryan made a comment.

"I need someone to sit on my face," he said bluntly "and another to suck my cock while I'm being fucked."

"I'll sit on your face," the guy sucking Colin said and quickly jumped up to move over top of Ryan's head, spreading his cheeks and lowering himself onto the waiting tongue. Colin watched him get properly positioned before spinning off the couch to get to Ryan's erection. All three boys worked Ryan over, giving him attention from all sides.

"Oh god," Ryan mumbled from underneath the guy on his face. "I'm gonna cum!"

Colin braced himself for the flood of hot juice he was about to receive, and wasn't disappointed as wave after wave hit his tongue and was quickly swallowed. The guy fucking, suddenly grunted and made it pretty obvious he was now filling Ryan up with his own orgasm. He pulled out and slapped Ryan playfully on the belly.

"Thanks. Hopefully we'll go for round two later." He looked at Colin. "Wouldn't mind fucking you next time. You've got one hot little ass that I'm betting feels amazing with my big cock in it."

Colin just smiled as the guy took off. The one on Ryan's face also left, giving a much less wordy `thanks' as he followed the other guy.

"That's how you make me cum," Ryan grinned.

"That was pretty hot. We didn't even learn their names."

"Why would we? If I tried to learn the names of all the guys who had sex with me, I wouldn't have time to focus on the actual sex. You been in the sling yet?"

"No. I just got here when you came over."

"Let's go check it out. If you're ever horny, that's the place to be. Just lie there with your feet in the stirrups and you'll get fucked so many times you'll lose count. Not only that but guys will give you their cocks to suck and hands will be all over the rest of you."

"Sound like your kind of place," Colin laughed as the got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. It had wash stations that were like mini showers. You could hold the spray nozzle over your junk while standing on the tiled floor, and the had hand dryers to blow warm air on the wet bits. Once they were done, they headed over to an area with a sling and other devices, primarily used for bondage.

"This seems popular," Colin said to Ryan as they looked at everyone enjoying themselves, and others, in a non-stop parade of horny guys.

"It is! Isn't that your brother over there?" Ryan said pointing to Carter pounding the ass off some guy lying on the sling.

"Yeah," he replied as they went over holding hands.

"Hey Carter. Guess you found something to keep you busy. What's the girlfriend going to think?"

"She'll probably be happy that her pussy gets a break. Anyway, I don't see her here and boys gotta be boys, Colin. Looks like you're still getting along with your new friend."

"Yeah. We got to know each other, and now we're just checking out the rest of the place," Colin acknowledged, smiling at Ryan, who was watching Carter fuck the boy in the sling.

"You have a girlfriend?" Ryan asked. "Does that mean you're straight?"

"Mostly straight with the ability to enjoy others when needed."

"I love horny straight guys. Will you fuck me tonight? I wanna be able to say I did two brothers in one night. Maybe you guys could spit roast me. Do you fool around together?"

"All the time," Colin replied, as Carter answered with a strong no.

"Carter doesn't know we fool around together as he's usually asleep," Colin joked.

"I'll be locking my door from now on," Carter said pushing his little brother playfully on the arm.

"Who are you fucking?" Colin asked taking a look at the guy receiving Carter's cock from one end and another down his throat at the other end

"His name is Nicholai," Ryan answered before Carter could. "He's Russian. Only knows a little bit of English. Most of it relating to sex. He thinks Canadians are really friendly."

"That might be because he's getting a lot of attention," Colin laughed as the guy fucking Nicholai's throat moved off. Ryan quickly pulled Colin with him to take his position over Nicholai's head.

"Hey Nic!" Ryan grinned. "This is my friend, Colin. His big brother is the one fucking you."

Nicholai raised his hand to wave at them and then opened his mouth wide to wait for Ryan to put his cock in.

"The universal language of sex?" Colin laughed. "Open a hole and someone will fill it?"

"Exactly," Ryan nodded.

A guy around Colin's age came up beside him and watched as he stroked himself slowly. "Hey Ryan."

"Hey Curtis. This is my new friend, Colin. Colin, that's Curtis."

"Nice to meet you," Colin replied.

"Same. Haven't seen you here before."

"It's my first time," he replied not explaining the rest of his story.

"Nice. You gonna be here a while Ryan? Mind if I borrow Colin?"

"I'll be here. I'm hoping to switch places with Nic soon."

"Come on Colin. Let's go somewhere where I can check you out," he said as he led him to another part of the mansion with more couches. "You're really cute. Have you been fucked yet tonight?"

"Yeah. With Ryan."

"You fucked him, or he fucked you?"

"Both," Colin acknowledged.

"Nice. You took that monster cock of his. I'm impressed. Guess I'll fit inside you pretty easy then. How about you kneel on the couch and let me take a look at how wide he stretched you."

Colin knelt and was no sooner in position with his head on the back of the sofa and his ass hanging off the edge, than he felt Curtis' face bury itself into his crack and begin licking. He moved sightly to ensure he was giving the best access.

"Sweet ass," Curtis said as he paused for air and shoved his finger inside. "I'll bet you're one hot lay. I'm way to horny to waste time with foreplay," he announced, reaching into the top of his sock and pulling out a tube of lube, which he quickly fingered into Colin and got himself ready. He stood up and plunged into Colin with one swift fast motion. Colin grunted and braced himself against the forceful, and somewhat painful, entry. Curtis didn't wait as he took hold of Colin's hips and began fucking him.

Colin just tried to stay relaxed and enjoy the moment. He figured a guy this horny and aggressive wouldn't take long to blow his load. As he relaxed into it, he felt a second pair of hands rub his back and reach under to tweak his nipples and then fondle his cock and balls. Then he heard, "Oh yeah. Fuck me. Fuck me harder!"

He was sure that was Curtis' voice and curiously turned his head to look, considering it was Curtis doing the fucking at the moment. Another guy had joined in and was now fucking the guy fucking Colin. Someone else approached and knelt down to feel all sets of balls between their legs. Reaching forward to Colin's hard cock and then fondling all the way back to the third set impaling Curtis. Colin had his head turned to watch everything, but that didn't last long as another guy, in his early 20's sat on the back of the couch and leaned against the wall. He grabbed Colin's head and turned it to face him. Then he took a fistful of hair and lifted Colin's head up so he could push a cock into his mouth.

"Nice. All the way down on it and suck that cock, buddy," the guy encouraged. "Fuck him hard. I wanna feel it all the way to my balls," the guy said bluntly to Curtis. This multi-player action went on for a few minutes before the guy Colin was sucking made more demands.

"Put your finger in my ass and make me cum. I wanna see you gulping down my load, newbie."

Colin licked his finger and moved it to the guy's ass. He started slowly, but the guy he was sucking had other ideas. He took Colin's finger and shoved it deep into his hole, moaning as it went in.

"Yeah. Finger fuck my hole. I'm so close. Gonna spray that face with some nice hot protein. God yeah! All the way in. Work that cock with your tongue too!!"

It took very little time before he announced that he was about to cum. He grabbed Colin's head and pulled it down hard as he jettisoned his entire load into Colin's mouth, causing the teenager to cough and swallow as fast as he could to avoid drowning, or running out of air before the guy was done. As soon as he finished emptying his balls down Colin's throat, he pulled the finger out of his ass, wiped his wet cock in Colin's hair, stood up and left.

Curtis leaned in and whispered. "That was hot. Guess he liked you."

"Guess so," Colin replied feeling like he needed a big glass of water.

One by one the guys around them reached their own climax and left. Colin felt more than one splash of cum hitting his body from his back to his face and then heard Curtis moan in appreciation as the guy inside him unloaded. When it was just back to Colin and Curtis, it took very little time for Curtis to let himself reach his own orgasm and flood Colin's ass. He pulled out and watched his jizz run down Colin's leg.

"Nice. That was hot. If you're gonna come around here often, I think you're gonna be real popular. Nice meeting you Colin," he said as he turned and left. Colin stood up feeling sore in places he didn't know he had places, and it still felt like there was a hundred hands running over his body like ants. He headed to the back of the washroom to where there were real showers and set to work cleaning himself up. A blond guy, roughly Colin's age, or perhaps a year or two older, came up to shower next to him.

"Look like you had quite the session," he grinned as he looked at the mess Colin was in.

"Yeah. Group stuff gone wild," Colin nodded. "I'm Colin."

"Kirk. You done for the night or are you still going?"

"I'm still going. I just need a short break to get some water and a few snacks, but I'm still enjoying things so far."

"Good. I brought a friend tonight, Trey, and I think this is a little overwhelming for him. He's never really experienced `group stuff gone wild'. He's only ever had sex with me so far and he's not even sure if he's straight or gay."

"Are you gay?"

"We like to say we're undeclared right now. Keep our options open. You know how it is."

"Yeah. I've decided I'm gay, but I get leaving options open," Colin acknowledged.

"You have some cum on your back, would you like some help reaching it?" Kirk offered.

"Sure thanks. That's the worst spot to reach," he replied as Kirk moved behind him and began rubbing his back with the liquid soap provided. He almost said something when Kirk moved lower and began washing his ass for him, but he was enjoying it, so kept quiet.

"I guess lots of people tell you that you have one seriously hot bubble butt," he commented as he rubbed into the crack with a little more pressure.

"I've heard it a few times. I don't think it's all that hot," he replied.

"It's hot. You're just not seeing what I'm seeing standing here. Probably explains why you're covered in so much cum. Do you let guys fuck you?"

"Sure. I'm pretty versatile," Colin grinned as he turned to look at Kirk who was now fully hard. "Are you asking because you'd like to be next?"

"Only if you're okay with it. You said you were planning on taking a break."

"The break can wait," Colin smirked as he leaned forward and put his head against the wall and stuck his ass out. Kirk didn't waste the offer and quickly moved against Colin to insert himself gently into the hottest ass he'd ever seen. He savoured every inch of the penetration and asked Colin a couple of time if he was okay so far.

Kirk was barely inside when a darker skinned guy entered the showers. "There you are. Dude, I've been looking everywhere for you," he said coming up to the two guys.

"Thanks! I don't even know you, but if I'd known, I'd have found you," Colin replied jokingly.

"Colin. This is Trey. Trey, Colin. I just came to clean up and we got to talking."

"I've talked to people before," Trey replied sarcastically. "It doesn't usually involve putting your penis in them."

"You're just doing it wrong," Kirk laughed. "Plus, come on dude. This is one seriously hot ass. Even you have to admit that. I'm sure Colin would let you fuck him after I'm done."

"Can we just go please? This place is kinda freaking me out."

"Sure. Just let me finish. Maybe jerk off so Colin can see how big your dick is. Might make us both cum faster."

Trey moved closer, almost as a way to prevent others from seeing him. He grabbed his cock and began to play with it as Kirk kept fucking.

"You're still staying over tonight though, right?" Kirk asked his friend.

"Yeah. Of course. I'm just not used to this many people grabbing at me."

"Hot though, right?" Kirk grinned. "Wish it were like that even with girls. Dude, we'd get laid five times an hour. I'm getting pretty close, Colin. You want me to cum inside you, or would you prefer it somewhere else?"

"I'm fine with whatever you want," Colin replied.

"Cool. Then this should be hot. I always wanted to try something kinky. Trey, I wanna cum on your face."

Trey didn't say a word as he dropped to his knees. Kirk pulled out of Colin, turned and jerked himself off until he shot his load all over Trey. The white cum on the darker skin looked incredible and Colin couldn't help his cock twitching in excitement as he watched sperm dripping off Trey. Kirk leaned in and licked some of it up before turning to face Colin and kiss him, letting him taste his cum. He leaned down to lick Trey's face again, this time kissing his friend, and letting him share the taste.

Kirk let Trey stand up, and convinced Colin to lick some of the remaining cum off him, followed by more kissing. They all finished showering and parted company. Kirk gave Colin his number and said he hoped they could hang out again sometime. Trey seemed less enthusiastic about any of it.

Colin grabbed a water and some pretzels and stood at a nearby tall table. Carter came up and put his arm around his kid brother. "How's it going? You worn out already?"

"Not even close, bro. Just did a group thing with like five guys, then had a three-way in the shower. Just hydrating and fueling for a few more rounds. What about you? Finally giving up your ass to hot guys?"

"Not this ass, buddy. My cock on the other hand is a black hole destroyer."

"Not so much bro. I've seen it hard, remember. Now Ryan's cock...THAT is a black hole destroyer. I could barely walk after riding that."

"I don't know if I should be proud of you, or feel bad," Carter laughed.

"Proud. Definitely proud," Colin nodded. "Did he get you to fuck him after I left?"

"Yeah. Almost right after you left, he assumed his place on the swing and took every guy he could get. It takes a lot to get those big cock guys to cum, but when they do, it's pretty intense for everyone. I think lots of guys just like to test their limits and see if they can take him all the way."

"True. I sat all the way on it. Felt like it was half way up my chest."

"TMI, buddy. Some information you should keep to yourself," Carter said slapping his brother's bare ass cheek.

"Or at least to the five guys having sex with me at the same time," Colin said grinning cheekily. "You wanna tag team someone with me? The Worthington brothers deflowering tour."

"Colin, now that you're older, I have no problem having sex while you're in the room, or if it's an orgy situation, I'd even be okay sharing someone with you, but just so we're still clear. I do NOT want us having sex with each other. I want our brother relationship to be always the same and not changed by sex."

"I understand, and I can respect that. But I just have a theoretical situation to ask about. What if you were like super horny and in some sex thing and I was there. You got wicked stoned and needed my help to get home. I help you, but you're still horny when I put you in bed and undressed you. It'd be okay if I took care of your boner, right? That wouldn't affect nothing because you'd be passed out, and I'd be a good brother, not leaving you with blue balls."

"You're one weird little shit. You know that, right?"

"Yeah. But you love me anyway," Colin grinned as he leaned against Carter.

"I do, but touch my dick while I'm passed out, and I'm getting a meat cleaver for yours."

"Harsh, but point taken. Don't tell you that I helped you out."

"Point...Don't have sex with me...and yes...before you say anything, jerking off or blowing me IS sex."

"You're such a straight boy. Sex is only intercourse. Everyone knows that."

They were still hanging out talking when Ryan bounced up with another guy. "Hey! You get laid lots already, Colin?" He asked.

"Some yeah. You?"

"Non-stop. Just the way I like it. This is Lyle. We go to school together. He was telling me that he thought you were hot, so I figured I'd introduce you so you could fuck him. He's pretty much a bottom too."

"Must suck being friends if you're both bottoms. It'd be like a Lesbian sleepover," Colin joked.

"I top sometimes," Lyle said quietly.

"You're definitely hot," Colin told him as he looked Lyle over. "I'd love to fuck if you promise to fuck me as well."

"I can work with that," Lyle nodded.

"Looks like my work here is done," Ryan said with a broad grin. "Come on Carter. Let's go find some fresh bitches to play with."

"Have fun," Carter said to Colin and Lyle, as he left with Ryan.

"Who was that older guy? I've seen him here before but never talked to him," Lyle asked as he moved beside Colin.

"That's Carter. My big brother."

"Like a real big brother, or a sex roleplay one?"

"No, my real brother," Colin clarified. "Do you and Ryan come to a lot of these things?"

"Some, sure. Mostly Ryan though. He's pretty wild most of the time, and I get dragged along to lots of things he goes to."

"Does he always just pass you off to strangers?"

Lyle laughed. "He does, yeah. It's amazing how easily he finds guys, even at school. Then the next thing I know I'm watching them having sex before he pulls me into it. I think he uses his big dick to lure a lot of them."

"I can see that. It's a pretty impressive piece of meat."

"Can be embarrassing sometimes. Guys see his dick and then mine. I feel like a little kid next to him, even though I'm six months older."

"How big is yours?" Colin asked looking down a the still flaccid appendage.

"Not that big. Six and a half."

"Still a good size but up against his thick nine and a half, I could see that being an unwanted comparison. Hell, I'm seven and a half and I felt small next to him. But if you want to know the truth, I prefer guys around our size when I'm having sex."

"You do, why?"

"Best explanation someone ever told me is that it's like going to the supermarket when you're hungry. You grab tons of stuff. Much more than you can handle. You can't eat it all and feel stuffed and bloated. If you go when you aren't hungry you only get what you can handle and you eat slowly and enjoy it more."

"I think I get that. People see Ryan's cock and desperately want to try something that big, but after they try it, they realize it was too much for them," Lyle reasoned.

"Exactly. But with us, we could have sex for hours and hours, flipping back and forth, and our asses and mouths are getting enough to keep us happy, but not so much we're in pain. I'd way rather suck 6 inches than 9½."

"Same. But sometimes it's fun to enjoy a large treat for a couple minutes."

"Isn't that the truth. Now how about that fuck you wanted?" Colin asked. "I love making new friends and no better way to do that than with my cock up his ass."

They headed off to find a spot to get to know each other better, and stopped in a darkened corner where they quickly began kissing. That led to sucking each other off, then rimming, all while standing in a corner. Colin laughed at one point.

"What's so funny?" Lyle asked.

"Just that when I was a kid and got sent to the corner it was for a time out. If the corner had been like this, I'd have been there all the time."

"True. Me too," Lyle agreed as Colin spun him around to face the wall.

"You got lube?"

"In my sock."

Colin reached down and pulled out the bottle to finger some into his buddy and then get himself ready. He dropped the bottle and began the fuck. Lyle accepted him easily and they took their time fucking. Colin pulled Lyle's head back so they could kiss while he used his full length back and forth inside him. Lyle began masturbating as soon as the sensations of having his prostate stimulated increased. Colin smiled and reach around to take over for him. "Now that's a nice hard cock. Guess you like being fucked huh?"

"I love being fucked by your cock," Lyle smiled before leaning his head against the wall and sticking his ass out more. Colin knew from the pulsing of the erection that Lyle was pretty close, so he increased speed and began to fuck him much harder.

Lyle moaned and gyrated his hips in timing with each thrust. As the finale approached, Lyle began breathing heavier and Colin could feel the pre-cum leaking out of him. "You're close, huh?" Colin whispered in his ear. "Me too! Want me to cum in you or you wanna drop and suck it out?"

"Cum in me. That'd be hot," he said panting slightly.

"Tell me when you're gonna cum and I'll try to time it at the same time."

It was only seconds later when Lyle cried out that he was cumming. Colin looked around the best he could to watch as he kept fucking Lyle's ass and stroking his penis. Lyle erupted, splashing the wall in from of him. Colin grinned and increased speed leading to his own orgasm several seconds later.

"That was great!" Lyle gushed as he turned around so they could kiss again.

"You two look like you got along. That was a hot fuck," Ryan said as he bounced up next to them.

"You were watching?" Lyle asked.

"Of course. Gotta see my best bud getting laid by my newest friend. We should all hang out sometime. Let's exchange numbers. You got his cum in you?" Ryan asked bluntly.

"Yeah. So awesome. He's got a great cock."

"I know, right. Would you be into doing a three-way with us, Colin?" Ryan inquired.

"Right now?" Colin asked, not sure he could go again so soon.

"No. I mean when we all hang out."

"Uhhh...sure. I'd never turn down a three-way," he said with a big smile.

The boys exchanged numbers and said they catch up later. Colin returned to roam around the mansion and watched several guys going at it. He didn't know how a person could get through all of them in one night. Fortunately, his decision of who to pick next was cut short as Carter came up beside him and patted him on the ass. "We should get going, bro. We have an early start in the morning."

"Are you sure we can't stay just another five or six hours?" Colin said looking at Carter with a grin. "I'm just getting my second wind."

"Hey. No making wind in here! And by the looks of you, it's your second boner you're getting, not wind."

"Like that's only my second one. I've had at least a dozen so far. You really are getting old," Colin teased.

"You can come back here every night if you want, now that you live here, but you should be well rested for work tomorrow."

"Yeah, I guess so, huh. I'll make you a deal. I'll leave right now if you sleep in my room tonight."

"Not a chance. With you this horny, I'll need to tie you to the bed to get any sleep at all."

"I'll jerk off when we get home so I'm not horny," Colin counter offered.

"I'll sleep in your bed with the understanding that if just one finger even accidentally brushes against me, you'll end up sleeping on the couch wrapped in duct tape."

"Damn bro! You got kinky!" Colin giggled slightly as they headed for the lockers. Ryan and Lyle came up to say goodbye and that they'd call later.

"You could hang out with us too, Carter. I wouldn't object to your cock in me again," Ryan said licking his lips as he watched Carter getting dressed.

"You wouldn't object to any cock in you," Carter reasoned.

"He's not wrong," Lyle replied.

Ryan just shrugged as there really wasn't an argument for that. "Well, Colin has my number if you're ever horny and need to get laid. I can be there in 15 minutes."

"You don't even know where we live," Carter said with a smirk.

"Doesn't matter. I'd still get there in 15 minutes and be naked before the door closed behind me."

"I actually believe you would."

The guys hugged each other goodbye and Colin almost wanted to take his two new friends home with him, but he knew he needed sleep for work, and wouldn't get it if he had two guys in his bed.

As they headed home, Colin was just grinning non-stop. "That was a fun night. I think the `Q' mansion will be my new favorite place. Should I let them know that we own the organization?"

"I wouldn't. The more you stay anonymous, the more you'll attract people who like you for who you are, and not what they think you have."

"They never have to think what I have; I'll whip it out and show them."

"Whether they ask or not," Carter teased. They got home, showered and jumped into bed together. The boys talked for a while about Vancouver and work, and other assorted topics before finally drifting off to sleep. True to his word, Colin didn't try anything sexual with Carter, but he didn't live up to the entire deal and he cuddled up to him several times during the night. Carter didn't mind that at all, as he had had many nights wrapped around Colin when he was a kid. Protecting him from monsters, lightning storms and bad dreams. Colin felt safe with his big brother, even now that he was 18. He woke up as the little spoon with Carter's arms around him and didn't move as he enjoyed the feeling. He knew there wouldn't be a lot more of these times left once his brother left, and they both got on with their adult lives. He doubted Carter would sleep with him once he had a wife, so he wanted their time together to last as long as possible, but his bladder had other ideas, demanding that he get up and use the bathroom.

He inched out from under Carter's arm trying not to disturb him and ran off to the bathroom. He returned and slid back under the covers to try and resume his previous position.

"Damn. You're cold. Where did you go to pee? The Arctic," Carter complained as Colin pressed up against him.

"Sorry. I didn't want to get up, but nature called."

"I hear ya. I'll be right back." He left to do his own business before coming back to bed. Colin playfully moved his ass backward when he felt his brother snuggle up behind him.

"Did you shake and dry that thing. Like I'd want your pee all over my ass cheek."

"Yeah right. You're fine with someone cumming all over you, or tongue probing your ass, but one drop of pee is where you draw the line? I call bullshit."

Colin just chuckled. "I'm just trying the straight boy responses out. I'd even be fine if you shoved your hard cock in me, pissed a full load in there, then fucked me so hard you made pee bubble in my ass. Then you came and made a soup in my ass."

"When did you become so weird?" Carter asked.

"Let see. Probably when I was 13 and came to Vancouver my first time and was taught about sex. Some perv got me a guy and a girl to fuck on the same night. THAT'S probably what started it."

"Touché," Carter laughed. "Time to get up for real. You hit the shower and I'll set breakfast out. And before you respond in your typical fashion, NO, I'm not breakfast, and no I'm not showering with you."

"Such a prude," Colin chuckled as he got out of bed and wandered off to the bathroom for his shower. Carter pulled on some underwear and went to get breakfast laid out. Today was just a simple mix of cereal, coffee, toast and jam.

Colin strolled out with a towel around his shoulders and sat at the table.

"I'm guessing clothes won't be a thing when you're at home," Carter grinned.

"Probably not. Especially if I have guests over."

"Well maybe you could at least wear something while we're here together," Carter suggested.

"Can't handle the temptation seeing all this hotness, huh?"

"It's more like I don't want to feel sad seeing you like that," he replied, shaking his head.


"I just mean that it makes me sad knowing that you're all grown you and will now have to live with a dick that small for the rest of your life. If you wear clothes, I won't be reminded of it all the time. That's all I meant."

"Fuck you. I have a big dick, and you know it," he said defending himself.

"Good, buddy. Keep that attitude and belief despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. You're finally starting to sound like a Republican," he laughed as he headed to the bathroom.

Colin sat there for a few seconds and then yelled, "I DO SO HAVE A BIG DICK!" then put on his underwear. Once Carter returned, he smiled when he saw that Colin had put something on. He had bet that his brother would have simply ignored him. The boys ate and talked about work.

"We have a couple due diligence reports to review today. One is simply a piece of land we're interested in. The report will be about zoning, future plans for the area, local objections if any, and tax rates. The other is a building we're looking to buy and renovate. That report is more detailed as it'll cover the property inspection, and highlight deficiencies and concerns, as well as show the underlying condition of the building. It'll also cover information about current tenants. They're all renters so we don't have to worry about opposition from them about the renovation. The current owner holds all the leases. The report also has outstanding assets and liabilities associated with the property. You can help us go through them and see what we need to negotiate in the bid for these properties.

"When you buy the building to renovate, do we just kick out all the old tenants?"

"Usually, yes. We give them notice that we'll be renovating and give them at least three months to vacate. Some may be able to stay longer if they don't mind a little disruption and construction noise as we start on one floor and work through the building. Most will choose to leave though. That's the usual practice."

"Do they get to come back when the renos are done?" Colin asked trying to soak in as much information as he could.

"Normally, no, but I've found it's just good business to offer them the first opportunity to buy the place when we're done."

"Buy? I thought these were rented."

"They are currently, but once we renovate, we'll sell each unit off. That way, we only own the actually building, keeping it as an asset on our portfolio, while still making a profit by selling off the units."

"What if something happens to the building, and it needs repairs later on? Do we pay for that, or the owners of the units?"

"The owners pay a monthly strata fee, managed by our strata division. Then if the building needs anything, we cover the cost from those fees. If it's a big expense, we bill the owners based on how many square feet they own."

"Sound like the owners get screwed and we make all the money."

"It's just the way condos are set up. But yeah, we make good money off it, and still keep the building and property which are the most valuable part. The other good thing is that the strata division is allowed to charge a fee for their services which comes out of the monthly strata payments. We get all that money too, increasing the value of our company."

"Wow. No wonder you got so rich so fast. I only have like 170 million. I feel like a homeless person next to you."

"Yeah, must suck to be so poor," Carter teased. "Trust me bro. With your brains and foresight, I have a feeling you'll make even more money than me. Today will be your first test of that. When we look at the reports, speak up and ask questions about things that you see or aren't sure about."

"Won't your management team think I'm just some kid who doesn't know anything if I ask too many dumb questions?"

"No. That's why we do these meetings, so we have plenty of eyes on things. We encourage feedback. If it seems like a dumb question, it may not be. It's up to the writers of the report to answer all our questions to our satisfaction. Remember one thing, all the people you encounter will work for us, either directly or indirectly. I've fired more than one contractor or consultant for not having information that we ask for."

Colin gave a big grin. "Nice. I could be the big cheese and sit in a large chair behind a humongous desk and just look at them and go `You're Fired!' I'd just need orange hair and a fuck you attitude to do a really good job at it though."

"One thing I suggest is that you don't use reality TV idiots as your go to example of how to do business. Treat people fairly and kind and it'll come back around when you really need it. The asshole may win the short battles, but they rarely win the long game. Who would you rather award a contract to? The guy who's always been honest and upfront, or the asshat who tries to weasel out on a deal, doesn't pay contractors what they deserve, and is always in court defending their actions?"

"The good guy, of course. Have you ever been to court?"

"Sure. It's part of doing business. Usually it's just disagreements over some wording on a deal, or to negotiate rights to some part of the property. I've never been to court for unfair business practice or been sued for anything underhanded. There's enough of those type of business people. We don't need to join them. Pay your employees better than most and treat them like you'd wat to be treated, and you'll have loyalty when you need it most. You might make a little less profit on a single deal, but by being the guy everyone wants to do business with, you'll make it up on volume, and you'll get productivity out of your team who are eager to see us succeed. I give everyone a dividend at the end of the year based on how well we do. That way they all buy into seeing we do well."

"Wow. I always thought rich business guys just screwed the little guy and took all the money," Colin said listening carefully.

"A lot do. I don't, and I hope you won't either. Money can be a powerful tool to corrupt, but it can also be used to do a lot of good for a lot of people."

"Got it. Be the good guy. I mean we sometimes have to be the dick though, right? Like those tenants we would evict if we buy a building to renovate. They probably wouldn't think we're the good guy."

"True, but sometimes it is just business. It's not personal. How would you try to minimize that impact if you had the say in it?"

"I dunno. I guess like you said. Offer them the first opportunity to buy the suite they were in, or any suite, once it was finished."

"Exactly. What else might you do to appease them?"

"I guess we could offer a small discount or give them some perk that others wouldn't get, like an additional parking stall, or free wi-fi or something."

"Parking stall is a good idea as there's no hard cost to it. Wi-fi not so much as you'd pay that out every month and have to show it as a line expense. You want to avoid payments in perpetuity."


"Perpetuity. It means to pay forever."

"Oh. Yeah, I guess that would be bad, huh?"

"You could offer to add features to the unit they want, such as upgraded fixtures, counters, flooring etc. It's a one-time cost built into the overall renovation budget."

"Do you think anyone would take those deals?"

"Usually renters don't, but sometimes they are only renting until they find a place of their own. You get the odd one who will buy from you, so you might as well let them see you as a decent person."

For the next two weeks, Colin went to work with his brother during the week and explored Vancouver on the weekend. One thing Colin did learn about Vancouver very quickly is that it was easier to pickup up guys than it was to pickup groceries. Half the time he was actually on his way to get groceries, and came home with a boy before he'd gotten there. He told himself that he could never become a vegetarian as he liked meat too much, usually coming home with a nice piece.

Carter sat down with Colin one night after work as they had a beer. "I think it's time for me to head home, Colin. Let you fly solo for a bit. I think you got this."

"Are you sure? What if I fuck it up and we end up losing everything?" Colin asked nervously.

"We won't and you're a Worthington. You couldn't fuck it up if you tried. Bro, I've watched you grow up and become an incredible man. An incredible slutty horny man, but a good one nonetheless. Trust me, with the two of us together, we're going to take over the world."

"Is this the part where you give an evil laugh and pet a cat?" Colin joked. "Are you sure you need to leave? Couldn't you just stick around and be here in case I need to ask you stuff?"

"They have these new things called phones that you could use to call me," Carter teased. "It's time for you to take command, buddy. Just walk in there in the morning and take the reins."

Colin inhaled deeply before speaking. "I'll make you proud of me."

"I already am, Colin. Always have been."

The next morning, Colin headed off to work by himself for the first time since arriving in Vancouver. Despite it being a routine day for everyone, Colin felt like it was the beginning of a whole new life, and the closer he got to the office building, the more nervous he was becoming. He stopped to grab a coffee from Starbucks. He hadn't yet committed to the whole Tim Horton's thing yet, except for the occasion donut. Starbucks was still his preferred coffee venue. He took the elevator to the executive floor and, after greeting their secretary, he scurried into his office and sat down, exhaling. He hadn't even realized he'd been holding his breath a little. The day was drama free, and only minor decisions needs to me made. He had lots of people stopping by to talk to him and get him to sign off on things, but mostly it was just to rubber stamp it. He figured if the C.O.O. and C.F.O.'s had signed off, then he had no problem doing it. Carter had told him to read over everything again before he signed, but that he could trust the two senior executives to be thorough, long before it got to him.

He basically ran home to let Carter know how it went, but before he entered the penthouse, he composed himself and casually strolled in as if it were just another day.

"How'd it go? Carter grinned as he welcomed his brother home. "Are we bankrupt yet?"

"That's not funny, Carter. The day went well. No one even question me being there by myself."

"Why would they? You're the boss. See I told you you were ready for this. Anything major that you had to deal with?"

"No, not really, just signed some shit and walked around everywhere to see what everyone was up to."

"You walked around the building?" Carter asked a little surprised.

"No. Just around our floor. Figured I already know all the executives, so saying hi would be a normal thing to do, right?"

"Of course. As I've shown you, we really try to avoid the hierarchy protocols of the old days. We're more casual. We all know our roles, so it's not like we have to flaunt our titles around each other. Makes for a better working environment."

"True, but I was thinking about that. Maybe I could be President of the company and then I could get everyone calling me Mr. President. That'd be cool."

Carter rolled his eyes. "I suppose that would be a step up from Mr. Tiny Brain."

"Shut up."

"I'm glad you had a good day. I'm thinking of leaving the day after tomorrow, but as I said you can reach me by phone 24/7 if you need anything at all."

"Are you sure Carter? I mean you can stay longer if you want. I love having you around."

"I know. I like it too, but I want to work on expanding our business in a few more countries. This is a great opportunity for both of us. I think without me looking over your shoulder, you'll do even better. Have fun with it and don't hesitate to take a few risks if you see an opportunity. Trust your instincts. Just do me one favour, think with this head, not that one," he said point to Colin's head and crotch respectively.

"Speaking of that and the no hitting on the staff thing. I thought about taking a half hour to work out, so I stopped by the gym on the 41st floor, but dude! We have some seriously hot guys working for us. I dunno if I could work out with them, and stay professional, once we hit the showers and change room."

Carter smiled. "I hear you. I found it strange to workout beside our employees too at first. I thought it might be weird for them to see me in workout clothes, sweaty and looking less than `executive'. But now I find that it helps make for a more relaxed work environment if everyone sees me as just a regular guy. If you're worried about not being able to stay professional around some that you find interesting, do what I did at first, join a nearby gym to work out at. It might actually be good to do that. You can make friends that aren't employees. I think it'd be good to have a wider circle of friends anyway. Most of the guys you've met since you've been here seem like they're the one night type."

"Nuh uh. I had several guys that have been multiple nighters," he reasoned with a smirk.

"Nothing wrong with that, but it might be nice to build a network of friends you aren't sleeping with."

"Wash your mouth out! What kind of friends would we be if we didn't offer to sleep with each other?"

"Normal friends," Carter laughed. "I have tons of friends and haven't slept with 95% of them."

"Sucks to be you. Must be a straight boy thing," Coin chuckled. "But you're probably right about the gym. Maybe I'll join some club or something too."

"Good idea. Networking is going to be a huge part of this business, and the more you get your name out there, the more you're first in mind when something comes up."

"That's how I do sex," he smirked, "first time something comes up, I'm in there."

"Tomorrow, we'll go out for dinner when you get home, and then the show is all yours little brother."

"Still freaks me out, Carter. You just leaving me all alone with your company. My whole life you've looked after me and made sure I grew up to be a good man."

"And yet you still turned out like this," Carter joked.

"I'm serious, Carter. Who knows what type of life I'd have had if you hadn't been there to help me grow up. I mean I sure wouldn't have had the confidence to move to another country and take over a whole business."

"I just provided advice when you needed it. You did all the hard work of growing up by yourself. I'm guessing if you weren't up here doing this, you'd have probably ended up working at the studio. I could see it now, you'd be building sex with celebrities into every contract you wrote."

"Wait! THAT was my other option? Sex with celebrities? And I chose stuck in an office all day with the rule of no sex. Boy, did I get sold the fake Rolex."

"Trust me, you'll be happier here. You'll be your own boss, set your own hours and rules. Plus, Vancouver is Hollywood north anyway. You wanna meet celebrities, do the networking I mentioned and you'll run into hundreds."

"I suppose that's true huh? Okay, but if I coulda had sex with Zac Efron or Taylor Lautner at the studio, I'm not gonna be happy."

"I'm sure you'll live. Just think when you're a billionaire and they're all wishing they were you. The possibilities," he said patting his brother on the shoulder.

"I'm thinking. I'm thinking. Better stand back bro. When I get to thinking like this, things go all Hulk down in my underwear."

"Again, TMI, Colin."

The following day Colin had another reasonably uneventful day, but was enjoying being involved in some of their projects. He liked suggesting things and having everyone discuss them, and it made him feel even better when they liked the suggestion.

At dinner that evening Carter warned him to be careful about ass kissers. "Those are the type that will agree with you to your face, and call you an idiot behind your back."

"So how do I weed those out?"

"When I've had my suspicions, I pull the few guys I trust into my confidence and let them know what I'm up to. Then I'll pitch some bat shit crazy idea and see who agrees and who disagrees."

"Would anyone actually disagree with you since you own the company?"

"The ones who know me best will. It takes the form of a discussion, leading to alternate ideas, that are invariably better. If I get an idea on something that I really do want to do, I talk to the senior executives first to get their input before I announce anything to the rest of the management team."

"Like a sounding board?"

"Exactly. Remember, as long as it's legal and you're meeting building codes, you can pretty much do anything you want. You're the boss, but rely on the experts we've hired to guide you. That's what they're there for."

"Got it. So what do I do with the ass kissers?"

"Call them to your office and call them out on it, in private. Let them know you don't tolerate that and you expect them to speak their mind, or go find another job where ass kissing is a requirement."

"Do lots of jobs look for ass kissers?"

"More than you'd know. A lot of ego-driven bosses will demand it to ensure they feel good about themselves, even to the detriment of their own business success. Don't be that guy...ever."

"Nah. I'm not really into having my ass kissed. Rimmed or fucked, sure, but kissed, meh. I can get that anytime."

"Just not in the office, right?"


"One more thing Colin. We're known for our reputation is for quality and high standards. When you arrange a new build, you can no doubt find ways to cut expenses by using inferior materials, but don't. If you make a building to last, then you may spend more to build it, but you'll spend far less having to maintain or fix it later."

"Got it. Less profit now, for more profit later," Colin nodded.

"Also if you're known for quality, you'll be the first company people call when they want something built."

"Makes sense."

That night, they talked late into the night and fell asleep beside each other in bed. In the morning, Colin wasn't particularly looking forward to the day as it was time to take Carter to the airport.

"I wanna go with you to the airport, Carter, but I shouldn't be late for work, should I?"

Carter laughed. "Colin. We own the company. It's not like you need a note from the doctor to miss work."

"I guess that's true huh?"

"Just make sure you always have your phone with you, and if anything comes up, they can reach you. I imagine one day, we'll get sophisticated enough to all work remotely from home. Tele-conference each other."

"Well, they better give me notice on that one. I'd hate to answer a video phone while I'm in the hot tub, or naked at the breakfast table."

"The good thing about that is you'd probably only ever do it once," Carter commented as they took the suitcases to the front door.

"Again, sounds like straight boy thinking to me. I'd probably do it every time!" Colin grinned.

They dragged everything downstairs to the waiting limousine and headed to the airport. The good thing about owning your own plane is that you never have to wait to board, or worry about whether your flight will leave without you.

"All right, little brother. This is it. The company is in your hands. Don't fuck it up," Carter said giving Colin a hug.

"That's your big advice? Don't fuck it up? I was expecting some earth-shattering emotionally charged speech with sappy theme music in the background, giving me the inspirational quote that I'll live my whole life by. This would be followed by tears as you slowly walked off towards the plane. You wipe your sleeve over your eyes as you realize your baby brother has become a man, capable of doing twice the job you've done to make an even greater success out of the business you started."

"Nope," he laughed as his brother theatrics. "I already know you'll take the company to new heights, Colin. That's why I'm leaving you in charge of it as we both start new chapters in our lives. So, yeah. Inspirationally, don't fuck it up!"

"And party on, dudes!" Colin added enthusiastically.

"Okay, Bill & Ted," Carter said shaking his head. Then he turned and raised his right hand. "Live long and prosper," he said as seriously as he could while making the Vulcan salute.

"Nice. Live long and prosper, Carter," Colin said returning the salute. "I knew you were a nerd too! Love you, bro."

"Love you too, Colin. Contact me anytime you want. 24/7, I'll be here for you."

"Thanks. Have a good flight."

He watched as his brother boarded his plane and headed back to California. He turned to head back to the limousine, when reality struck and he paused. He was now on his own, in charge of a company that his brother entrusted him with. Thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars depended on his every decision. "No pressure," he mumbled to himself as he took a deep breath and headed to the car.

He entered the office, prepared to explain why he was late, but no one asked. He wandered around the various departments saying good morning to everyone, each time waiting for someone to say something about him coming in later than normal, but no one seemed to even notice. He took a longer than usual lunch as he headed down the street to check out a few nearby gyms. He found one he liked and joined. His criteria wasn't so much the equipment they had, as much as it was how hot the guys were that were members.

Colin went almost every day for at least an hour, and quickly made friends with some of the people there. The first two were Marcus and Chelsea who had been dating for a couple of years. Marcus was Spanish and had moved to Canada when he was 15, so he and Colin had something vaguely in common to talk about. Marcus was more muscular than Colin, but complimented him on his toning, and gave him a few suggestions to help. He wasn't one of those muscle heads that believed everyone should have arms and chests big enough to stop artillery, he just believed in staying fit. Chelsea was just a fit, and they enjoyed working out together, quickly welcoming Colin into their routine. It wasn't long before they were hanging together outside the gym. On the one night Colin invited them to the gay nightclub, they jumped at the chance.

"Marcus loves dancing and a gay club is perfect for him," Chelsea said as she leaned against him supportively as they finished a set on the free weights.

"Why is it perfect for me?" Marcus asked, frowning slightly as he wiped sweat off his face.

"Let's see, you get to dance shirtless, and have hundreds of guys hitting on you, telling you how hot you look."

"Well, I'm secure enough to admit that," Marcus grinned. "I could do without all the feeling me up stuff though."

"That must suck," Colin laughed. "But I guess that's what stops them from wanting to actually date you, huh?"

"What?" Marcus asked, confused.

"Once they feel you have a small dick, they move on, am I right?" Colin said trying not to laugh.

"I guess you would know that from the change room," Chelsea laughed giving Colin a fist bump.

"Oh, that's great. Both of you ganging up on me. I don't see you with any guys, Colin," Marcus said in response.

"That's because you haven't been to the club yet. You may be hot, but I've got the skills to close the deal and get guys home after the bar closes."

"I could get guys home," Marcus said defending himself without thinking.

"Oh really?" Chelsea replied, trying to look displeased.

"I said I could. Not that I would. Big difference."

"That's what the guys say who can't close," Colin nodded. "It's okay dude. Not everyone has the `it' factor."

"Sounds like he's challenging you, baby."

"To what? Taking some guy home for sex? I think that's a challenge I'd be happy to lose."

"No wait. This could be fun. How about a challenge to see which of you gets the most guys to buy him a drink?"

"Isn't that leading them on?" Marcus asked looking at Colin for support.

"Kinda, but not really," Colin replied. "Guys will buy you a drink as a way to spend more time with you. They hope you'll take them home, but most understand if you don't. Some are fine just seeing your cock, and maybe blowing you in the bathroom."

Chelsea laughed. There you go baby, another win. You always want head whenever you can get it. Now here's a chance to get an adoring fan club where you receive free drinks AND blowjobs. Sounds like a world you were born for."

"Ha ha. Neither of you are really that funny. Fine. I accept the challenge to see who can get the most guys to buy drinks, but I draw the line at whipping my dick out to get any."

"Drinks or sex? Just so I'm clear," Colin said with a smile.

That night they all headed to Celebrities for a night out. As far as their bet went, Colin got off to a fast start, with a few guys buying him drinks. It was usually the older guys that did more of it, as they tried to hook up with the twinks. Marcus was a little nervous at first, but relaxed once they'd had a chance to down a couple drinks and hit the dance floor a few times. All three danced together, and occasionally Colin would drift off to grind up against some guy he found interesting.

"Where did you two go?" Marcus asked as Colin returned and sat down.

"Who? Me and that guy from the dance floor?"


"Just to the bathroom so he could blow me. Nothing major. Not like I'm taking him home or anything."

Chelsea laughed as Marcus just looked uneasy or shocked. "I'd say Colin is well ahead on your bet, baby. You may wanna rethink that whipping your dick out thing."

"Still not whipping anything out. Not that I'm shy or anything, I just don't want to embarrass all the other guys. You've both seen my dick. You know what I'm talking about."

"That was your dick? I thought you just had a zit," Colin joked. "Didn't wanna say anything while you were changing."

Chelsea laughed. "Damn it's fun having a gay friend."

"Jury's still out on that," Marcus commented. "Did you seriously let that guy blow you?"

"Of course. It's always hotter when you know others are watching too. If you were gay, you could go in the bathroom and get a dozen blowies before you came back."

"Gay guys have it made. I'd never find a dozen girls to blow me at once."

"Damn right you wouldn't," Chelsea said staring at him, trying to look mad, but coming across as amused. "Come on Colin let's go dance." She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor, leaving Marcus by himself.

"Hey," some guy around his age said as he came up to him.

"Hi," Marcus replied.

"You here by yourself?"

"No. With a couple friends. They're out dancing."

"You have a boyfriend?"

"No. Girlfriend," Marcus said quickly.

"Oh. Breeder, huh? That's okay. Breeders can be fun when they're drunk. Speaking of that, could I buy you a drink?"

"Not right now thanks," Marcus said as his nervousness returned.

"Maybe later then," the guy said, and turned to leave. Marcus exhaled and realized he'd just been hit on by his first gay guy.

When Chelsea and Colin returned to sit down, Chelsea looked at their table. "I expected to see a dozen drinks on the table by now. Guess gay guys aren't into you huh?"

"I had one guy come up to offer me a drink, but I turned him down. I think he wanted sex. Asked if I had a boyfriend."

Colin laughed. "He probably just wanted to know if it would be a two-way or a three-way later."

Marcus suddenly jumped a mile, almost losing bodily functions, as someone slapped him on the back. He turned to see who it was. "Dude! Jesus, you scared the shit out of me."

"Colin, these are friends of mine. Grant and Denise. What are you guys doing here?"

"Same as you. Looking to pick up some hot gay guys and go back for a gang bang," Grant joked as he got elbowed in the side by his girlfriend. "Nice to meet you Colin. Are you one of the gays they picked up?"

"One of the gays, huh?" Colin asked amused. "Oh sure. I saw Marcus' massive pole in the bathroom and just had to have him, dahling. I needed me some Latin flavour, but now that I've seen you, I might switch to dark meat. If the rumours of black guys are true, I might be going home with you instead."

"He's kidding," Chelsea said quickly. "We're all friends from the gym. You wanna join us? Do you mind, Colin?"

"Not at all. The more the merrier."

The two new arrivals joined them another round of drinks was ordered. "What brings you to Celebrities, Marcus? Haven't seen you here before," Grant asked.

"Colin said we should try it."

"And? What do you think?"

"It actually pretty good. Decent music and great vibes. Everyone seems a lot more chill than our regular night club. What about you? Do you come here a lot?"

"We've been a few times. A lot of the girls like it here as they don't have drunk guys hitting on them for sex. Usually, they're getting compliments from the gay guys about how fabulous they look, which in the end is good for me, as she goes home happy."

Chelsea laughed. "I hear you. I've had a few guys tell me that I look amazing already, and it didn't feel disingenuous, like it was just a line to pick me up."

Grant nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's something you have to watch for, Marcus. At a regular club, if some dude is hitting on your chick, he's probably gonna get a mouth full of knuckle. Here, it's a compliment to both of you. Even I have to admit that the majority of the guys are pretty good looking. You ever been tempted to try the other team?"

"Shh! Everyone quiet. I wanna hear this," Colin said holding up his hand in a `shut your mouth' gesture.

The girls laughed, with Chelsea adding, "Yes, I'd like to hear that too."

"No, I've never been tempted. I'm satisfied with Chelsea."

"Satisfied? You're satisfied with me? Well, what if I wanted you and Colin to hook up. It might get me so hot and wet that you'd get a night of sex you'd never forgot," she said seductively licking her lips.

"Are you serious?" Marcus asked looking at her confused.

"I guess you'd have to jump into bed with Colin to know for sure," she said as she rubbed her breasts.

Colin laughed and put his hand up again. "For the record...I'm okay with that. I happily volunteer to help you have amazing sex with your girlfriend, by offering myself up."

"What about me?" Denise asked. "I find it hot watching two guys go at it. I've almost worn out my vibrator seeing it."

"Seeing it? Like porn or in person?" Chelsea asked turning her attention to Denise.

"Maybe we should go dance, Chels," Denise said as she grabbed her friend by the hand to run off to the dance floor.

"Damn it. I wanted to know the answer," Colin said, giving a little pout. "How long have you two been together?"

"Couple years," Grant replied. "About the same length of time we've known Marcus and Chelsea."

"Cool. How'd you all become friends?"

"Met on a skiing weekend, and just hit it off. Been friends ever since. What about you? What's your story?"

"Well, I'm one of the gays available for home visits," he said grinning.

"Sorry about that. I was trying to tease Marcus since I've never seen him in a gay bar before."

"I convinced him to come with me. I get half price drinks if I bring a breeder with me on a weeknight."


"No. Actually, we have a bet going to see who can get the most guys to buy us drinks."

"Who's winning?" Grant asked.

"Me. By a lot!" Colin chuckled. "One guy did ask Marcus but I think he chickened out in case he felt obligated to go home with the guy afterward. I told him not to worry about that. I'd totally take any guys off his hands he didn't want."

"That would be ALL the guys. All of them," Marcus said quickly.

"I'd be in on that bet. Already had three guys buy me a drink. One bought me one right after he stared at my dick in the bathroom."

Colin laughed. "See, I told you if you whipped your dick out, you'd get more drinks. Okay, Grant. Truth time. Ever let any of the guys go down on you?"

"If I did, I wouldn't admit it, but I'm not homophobic or vanilla if that's what you're asking."

"Strange choice of flavours...vanilla. Wouldn't you be more chocolate?"

"I'm all chocolate, right down to the creamy filling," he replied. "Wanna buy me a drink and find out how creamy?"

"Waiter!!" Colin yelled. "A dozen shots right here, right now!!"

"That's how you get a gay boy to buy you a drink," Grant said slapping Marcus on the back.

"And if they do, then what?" Marcus asked.

"Depends on the night and the mood you're in. Sometimes the guys just like to get to know you and talk. Others may want to dance. A few get a little handsy and go for a grope or two, but you just have to politely tell them you're not into it."

"Some dude grabs me and he'll lose the use of his hands."

"Worst thing you could do in here, dude. It would get you a bad reputation, and you'd probably be banned. And hey, what the harm if some guy finds you hot? I find it flattering."

"You don't mind guys hitting on you?" Marcus asked, surprised.

"Not at all. I'm open minded."

"Oh yeah?" Colin grinned as he jumped his seat a couple inches closer to Grant. "How open minded exactly?"

"Pretty open," he smiled as he looked Colin up and down. "Buy me those dozen drinks, and this might be your lucky night," he said reaching for Colin's hand and pulling it onto his crotch for a feel and a squeeze. Colin didn't fight it and gave a good feel of the black guy's package. Once he let go, he looked around for a waiter.

"This is a different side of you," Marcus said as he watched the interaction.

"Well, we've only ever been to the straight bars and clubs. Some guys tries grabbing your junk there, and they pretty much forfeit body parts. Here, I find it's a bit of an ego boost."

"The bigger ego boost is when you let us go home and blow you," Colin added. "Just in case you were wondering."

"So now I know you like straight boys, what's the rest of your story? What do you do for a living?"

"I work in an office, doing real estate developing," he replied generically. He left out that he owned the company or ran an international gay sex society.

"Sound boring, but at least it's work. I've been stuck in some bullshit minimum wage job while I finish school to be an engineer."

"At least you're doing it. That's a good thing. I didn't even get to University," Colin said, making it sound like he had no other options.

"At least we all get to party together. What are you doing after the bar closes?"

"You, hopefully?" Colin asked raising his eyebrows a couple times.

"You'd have to get past Denise first. She's the gatekeeper. I was thinking you guys should come back to our place and we'll continue the party there. I told Aaron and Ella to meet us at the apartment at 2."

"They're a couple of our other friends. Those two have been joined at the hip since secondary school. They just got engaged and the way he's been banging her, I have a feeling they'll be pregnant before they ever get married," Marcus informed Colin. "I'm sure Chelsea would be into coming over. Colin?"

"I dunno. Three couples and me? Seems like I'd be the odd man out."

Nah, we don't look at it like that. If you wanna bring some guy with you, that's be fine too, but it's not like we're going back to the apartment to start an orgy. Just some drinks, music, and maybe a movie. If sex does start up, I'm sure you can join in with me and Denise if you don't want to feel left out."

"Seriously?" Both Colin and Marcus blurted out at the same time.

"Like I said. I'm open minded, but of course like everything I do, it would be up to Denise if she was into it or not."

"Damn. I think I'm gonna have to pass though. Now that you've put that thought in my head, I'm not going to be able to see past it if I did come over. You guys go ahead," he said wishing he could find a way to reach down and adjust himself without being too obvious.

"Are you sure? Just so you know, Aaron is the type who doesn't care who sees him having sex, and he's got a seriously taut little ass if you're into that sort of thing. You're totally welcome to hang out with us," Grant offered again.

"Then I'm sure I shouldn't come over. A small, smooth, tight ass would send me to crazy town if I saw it out having sex. Maybe we could all hang out again sometime, like when we're not drunk and horny."

"Hmmmm...not being drunk gives us a lot of options for time, but the not horny thing, would reduce it to Wednesdays between 3 and 4. What about you, Marcus?" Grant asked as he took a swig of his drink.

"I'm good most weekdays between 9 and 4. Once I'm home, the horny parameter is in play. After 8, the drunk thing kicks in too."

"Colin?" Grant asked.

"I could make Wednesdays between 3 and 4 work. I just need to whack off at 2:55 to get me through until 4."

"Sounds like we'll get along fine."

"Not if you don't put out, we won't," Colin teased.

"Oh? Is that why you and Marcus are friends now?" He said punching his friend lightly on the arm.

"No! Definitely not," Marcus said quickly to defend himself.

"You gotta learn to relax buddy. You're such a tight ass."

"Oh? How tight exactly?" Colin said letting his eyes go wide to stare at Marcus.

"Impenetrably tight and staying that way," Marcus said grinning as he tried to get over his nervousness at this kind of banter. The girls returned and sat down to their drinks.

"You boys getting along?" Denise asked.

"We are babe. I invited them over after the club closes."

"Totally. Aaron and Ella are meeting us there. You're coming right?"

"We'll be there, right Marcus?" Chelsea said not leaving much wiggle room for her boyfriend. "Colin, you're joining us too?"

"I'm gonna pass. I'll feel like the seventh wheel. Wouldn't want to stop you guys from breaking into couples just because I was there."

"That's stupid. You'd totally be welcome. Come on, let's go dance," she said pulling him off his chair. They moved to the dance floor where Chelsea leaned in against him to talk into his ear.

"Dude. Seriously. Join us. If we all do start to make out, I'm sure Denise would convince Grant to let you play with them. Gay guys like big cocks, don't you?"

"Sure. Who doesn't," Colin said, as they continued to yell back and forth into each others ears over the music.

"Then you'd appreciate Grant's. He's pretty well hung."

"And you know this how, exactly?" Colin grinned at her.

"We've hung out with them enough that you can't help but see each other at times. I've seen that huge cock after he and Denise have had some fun. Same as I'm sure Denise has seen Marcus'. Well, you've seen Marcus too though, right?"

"Just in the change room, and he wasn't exactly hard and waving it around," Colin said giving a disappointed look.

"Well, if you came over tonight and something did get started, I'm sure you'd get a chance to see all the guys. If not all three, then Grant for sure. All you gotta do to see that thing is ask him. He'd whip it out for you."

"You sure know how to tempt a guy, but I wouldn't want to make things awkward between all of you. Plus, I don't even know the other couple."

"Aaron and Ella? I'm sure they'd be fine with you there. Those two are so into each other, they barely notice anyone else anyway. You could probably stand naked in front of them with an erection and they wouldn't even see you."

"I'd be interested to see if that were true. Nah. I think until I get to know everyone better, it would be a mistake for me to join you tonight. Maybe another time."

"That's too bad, but I understand. "Too much testosterone in the room for you to resist."

Colin laughed. "Nah. You can never have too much testosterone. I just wouldn't want to embarrass you girls by giving your guys bigger orgasms than they're used to. Once they get one of my blowjobs, or fuck my ass, they may switch teams, and I'd never forgive myself for breaking any of you up."

Chelsea shook her head and looked directly at Colin. "At least no one can say you lack confidence."

Before the night ended, Colin had picked up two boys to take home with him, while Marcus and Chelsea headed home with Grant and Denise.

When Colin wasn't `entertaining' boys at home in the penthouse, he was at the office focused on building the business he'd been given, and trying to make Carter proud of him. He spent a lot of time Skyping with his brother when he needed advice, or had questions, but the more he called, the more Carter told him to trust his instincts. Their stocks were doing well and the investments were growing at a rapid pace. Having gained confidence from Carter, Colin was very good at dealing with banks and getting others to invest with him when he needed capital. Each time he made a decision, his team would scramble into action to get things done, but the final decision was always his. He liked the power and rush each time they accomplished something amazing. Then he'd talk to Carter about it, almost as a way of ensuring himself he was doing the right thing.

Chapter 35 After a year in Vancouver, Colin had settled into his role as co-owner of the Q' and CEO of Worthington Developments. He had a board in his office that showed each of his projects and where they were in the process. He figured he had to have something visual or he'd lose track of it all, even though his accountant and C.O.O. had most of the details at his fingertips if Colin needed them. He also had a map up that he had decided to put pins in. He got the idea from Google's put a pin in it' thing. White was things he thought might be interesting to look at for an upcoming projects. Yellow was for things about to start, awaiting the financing, getting zoning, or not completely ready to go yet, etc. Light green was for new builds underway, with dark green for renovations. Red was for things he owned that were completed, and black was for property he'd sold. He found that the more pins he had on the board, the more it excited him, so he spent a lot of time with his acquisition team trying to find good deals and projects that he could jump on and make bigger profits.

He'd made good friends with the three couples. Marcus and Chelsea. Grant and Denise, and Aaron and Ella. They hung out a lot and went a lot of places. While they never commented on it too much, they all realized that Colin was rich. The first time they'd been to the penthouse had given it away, despite Colin trying to assure them it was really his brother's place. His new friends also got used to him showing up with a new guy each time they went somewhere, and they all got along really well.

"So? What are we doing for the big event next weekend?" Aaron asked as they hung out in the penthouse hot tub. This was one thing that Colin found different about hanging out with straight couples. They all wore bathing suits. Any other friends he had over went naked, and ended up in his bedroom at some point.

"The big event?" Colin asked giving a confused frown.

"Your 19th birthday dude. The big one."

"Oh right. I forgot that's a thing here. At home, it's 21 that's the big one. Feels like I've been 19 for years now though, since I've been able to get into the club since I first moved here."

"Yeah. How did you do that?" Marcus inquired. "I've always been curious. We get carded each time and they run the I.D. through the scanner to make sure it's legit."

"Kinda obvious dude," Grant said throwing out his theory.

"Pretty boys like Colin are always let into the club underage. It's good for business to have some around. Gets the older guys into the club, and they're the ones with money buying all the drinks. You get a guy who looks like Colin in there, and the drinks start flowing. How many drinks do you buy yourself in a night, Colin?"

"One or two," he replied.

"And how many are bought for you?" Aaron asked curiously.

"A dozen or so."

"One of my friends who goes to the club regularly tells me it's kinda like a game for some guys. They try to time the drink they purchase just right so that they're the one that the guy chooses to go home with. Like theirs is the drink to break down the guy's resolve. Does that happen to you?" Grant inquired.

"Sure sometimes. You reach the point where you don't want anything else to drink and it's getting late, so you pick the nearest guy and go home with him. Mostly though, I pick the guy I want early on and make my own move."

"So, do you buy him drinks then, or how does that work?" Ella asked.

"It varies. It's usually older guys buying drinks, and I'm mostly into guys around my own age. I buy a lot of drinks for guys I think are hot, and others buy them for me. I'm kinda in the middle group. Guys buy me drinks to make an opportunity to talk to me, and I buy drinks to strike up a conversation with guys I like. Most of the ones I like go home with me, but sometimes you have to wait a couple hours before you actually get them home so you can get laid."

Marcus laughed. "Poor you. Having to wait a couple hours to get laid."

"I know, but most of the time it's okay because we're having fun drinking and dancing, and by the time we get home we're ready for bed."

"Damn gay guys have it easy," Grant said shaking his head. "I remember before I met Denise, I'd go to the bar and many times I'd go home without hooking up. Good thing I had my hands available for those nights. I'm guessing you rarely leave the bar without hooking up. You seem like the type that a lot of guys would go for."

"I do okay. Most of the time I go home with someone, but there's rare occasions when I'm not in the mood. I think there was one time in March where I went home alone. I think it was because I had the flu or something."

"Okay, enough about Colin's sex life. Let's talk about his party on the weekend," Marcus said changing the topic of conversation.

"I thought we WEREN'T talking about my sex life. Just for the record, any party we're gonna plan for my birthday better have sex in it. I'm looking at you dark chocolate with the creamy filling," Colin joked.

"Be careful Colin. I may not be a genie, but I might grant wishes anyway," Grant said moving over beside him and rubbed his hand over Colin's chest.

"Oh shit! It's a sausage fest," Marcus laughed as he hitched up out of the hot tub to inch away from the two guys.

"And we all wanna see your sausage," Grant teased as he waded over in front of Marcus and put his hands on his crotch.

"Not all of us do," Aaron said quickly.

"Shhhhh, Aaron. Let the man talk," Colin said as he reached into his shorts under the water to adjust his hardening dick. The girls laughed.

"I know what the three of you could get Colin for his birthday," Chelsea said, smiling. "Drop the shorts after we get you all hot and horny. Can you think of a better present for a gay guy?"

"Chels, babe, it's his 19th. The boys should give him something special," Denise said playfully. "Boys showing off erections is like a regular day in gay world. I say they offer up their bones for Colin enjoy. See how fast he can make them cum, as we listen to their bullshit about how no guy could make them have an orgasm, while they're pumping it down his throat."

"Before you even ask. No!" Ella said, quickly turning to look at Aaron. "I don't care who you show it off to, but it's usage is limited to me."

"No worries," Aaron replied. "Damn it. Sorry Colin. You were this close to getting some," he said as he stretched his arms wide apart, causing a round of laughter.

"Babe, you can totally give that big one to Colin for his birthday," Denise said to Grant. "Just two conditions. Make sure I get to see it, and take video, so I can see it again."

Chelsea threw her arm across her forehead and leaned back. "Ah just want mah man to be happy," she said using a southern drawl. "Even if it means he has to take a male lover. As long as he comes back to me, I don't care what whores he fucks."

"Wait! Am I the whore in this scenario?" Colin asked amused.

"And who said anything about fucking him?" Marcus clarified. "I'm still processing the idea of a guy blowing me, which for the record, Colin, is never going to happen. No offense."

"None taken. Some guys can't handle excellence. They have to stay with virgin mediocrity."

"That would make me the mediocre virgin, then?" Chelsea grinned as she sat up and lost the accent.

"Okay, now we've got one activity lined up for Colin's birthday, what else?"

"I've actually been thinking about that," Colin chimed in before they set up some lame idea that only straight people could come up with. "After I've enjoyed the presents from the guys that the girls offered up," he teased. "I think we should have dinner at a nice restaurant, followed by a party at Celebrities. Just make it a good night out. Doesn't need to be complicated, and no fucking balloons," he laughed. They all agreed to the idea, and Colin secretly figured if he got the guys drunk enough, maybe they'd follow through with their offer.

The night before his actual birthday, Colin invited Ryan and Lyle to sleep over. He figured he'd start his birthday with a bang...literally. He'd hooked up with them a few times since meeting them at the `Q' party he'd been to with Carter. They were just fuck buddies, but it was always enjoyable.

"We actually had plans with my roommate, but if you don't mind him joining in, we'd love to come over," Ryan said as he responded to the invitation.

"Is he cute?"

"Definitely. You wouldn't be disappointed having him in bed for a night, I promise."

"Then invite him along. A four-way is at least 25% more fun than a three-way. Normally people just bring wine over, but a hot boy trumps that shit for sure!"

They locked in the time and Colin made sure the cleaners did a thorough job of getting the place ready. He ordered pizza and stocked up with plenty of alcohol to get him through the entire weekend. After all, it was his 19th, which meant he was legal to drink. Not that it had stopped him from doing it earlier, but now he didn't need to watch for the liquor police to get him. If there was such a thing.

The buzzer went shortly after 8pm and Colin let the guys into the building and waited for them to arrive on the floor. He opened the front door and returned to the kitchen to look casual. The three guys entered, and Colin began to approach and then stopped.

"Hey!" Ryan said to him, bouncing over to give him a kiss. "This is my roommate Phoenix. Phoenix, this is Colin."

"You're his roommate?" Colin asked, in total surprise and shock.

"Oh shit. THIS is the Colin you've been talking about for a year?" Phoenix said, staring at Ryan. `How come you didn't tell me where he worked?"

"I don't know where he works. Just some office downtown. You guys know each other?"

"Uhhh...This is the guy I told you about from work, who I almost fucked in the storage room," Phoenix explained.

"The guy who owns your company? Are you sure? Colin's like our age," Lyle replied as he moved closer to the to the rest of the guys. "Hi Colin."

"Hey Lyle," he said leaning in to give him a kiss.

"Trust me. This is my boss. Like my mega boss. Colin Worthington. Like the Worthington in Worthington Enterprises."

"Is that true?" Ryan asked.

"Well, I think that Worthington is my brother Carter, since he started the company, but yeah, I guess that's me."

"So what are we gonna do? You were super freaked out when you came home after that figuring you were gonna get fired for trying to fuck the boss' hot tight ass in a storage room."

"Yeah, I didn't say his hot tight ass."

"You said he had a sweet ass and that you were totally into him," Ryan clarified.

"I didn't say that. I did say that I was worried that you would fire me," Phoenix remarked, staring at Colin. "Thanks for not doing that, by the way."

"I told you I wouldn't and that I thought it was a stupid rule. I mean I agree why we have it, but doesn't change the fact that my horny side thinks it's stupid. I think after that introduction we should all have some drinks."

"Maybe I should go and leave you guys to your party," Phoenix said nervously.

"Or you could stay. Have some pizza and drinks. Take your clothes off and we could finish what we started," Colin suggested.

"But the rule about managers and staff hooking up?"

"We're not at work, and as far as I know you're just Ryan's roommate. How would I know where you work? We have thousands of employees all over the place."

"I'd testify to that. Now let's get to drinkin' and fuckin'," Ryan nodded as they all headed to the kitchen.

They each got a drink, and Colin raised his glass. "Here's to making a new friend. It's nice to meet you Phoenix. Your roommates have told me about you, so I'm glad you were able to make it. Here's to a fucking great night."

"With extra fucking!" Lyle added.

They clinked glasses and drank.

"And here's to the end of Phoenix bitching about an ass he never got to take," Ryan toasted.

"Ryan, why don't we start by killing this tension in the air," Lyle suggested as he put his drink down. "Let's strip these two and get them prepped to fuck?"

"Sounds hot to me. If anyone asks us to testify in court, we got you drunk and forced you to fuck each other," Ryan teased.

"Fine by me. Colin?" Phoenix asked.

"Fine by me too. Not that we'd ever end up in court. Unless you suck at fucking, then it might be to sue you for false advertising."

"Oh, he doesn't suck at it, at all!" Lyle said quickly. "He's fucked both of us plenty, and trust me, you won't be disappointed."

"Thanks, Lyle," Phoenix said fist bumping him.

Ryan and Lyle put the other two guys face to face as they stood behind them to begin removing their clothes. The sex tension in the air was obvious as both guys were hard by the time they'd been relieved of everything.

The two naked guys were pushed together by their friends, and that's all the encouragement they needed. They were quickly joined at the lips as they swapped tongues back and forth. Lyle dropped to his knees beside them and began fondling their balls.

"Like they need your help," Ryan commented as he watched. "They were boned up for each other before the clothes came off."

"A little extra stimulation never hurts. They're both about the same size, with Phoenix being just a little thicker," Lyle said as he gave a running commentary.

Ryan moved behind Lyle and pulled his shirt off over his head. He then ran his hands down Lyle's chest and pinched his nipples, before pulling him back. "Leave them alone to fuck will ya? We have all night for an orgy."

Lyle stood up and turned to look at Ryan. "You sure know how to kill the fun, Ryan," he said before leaning in to kiss him.

"The fun hasn't even begun yet, buddy," Ryan replied reaching around to grab his ass.

They moved a short distance away to watch the other two going at it. Phoenix was the first to drop to his knees to take Colin into his mouth and Lyle couldn't help but reach over and take hold of Ryan's crotch through his pants. Ryan took off his shirt and rubbed his hand over Lyle's chest as they continued to stare at the Phoenix and Colin.

"God, I could suck that all day," Phoenix remarked as he sat back on his ankles and stared at the erection in front of him as he stroked it.

"You'll have to settle for all night," Colin grinned. "My turn now."

He pulled Phoenix to his feet and dropped down to return the favour. The thick cock stretched his mouth, but he was determined to give his hot employee something to remember.

After a few minutes of sucking his cock and feeling his ass, he paused and stood up. "Shall we go to the bedroom?"

"Definitely," Phoenix nodded.

"Wait for us. We wanna watch," Lyle said as he jumped up, separating himself from Ryan.

"Just leave them alone until they finish," Ryan warned. "We all know what you're like. You see an available ass or cock and you're on it like a bug on fly paper."

"I have more control than that. I'm good just watching for now. Can I sit on your cock while we watch, though? I love 4d interactive porn."

"No. Keep your pants on until they've both fucked each other. Let's get them over any nerves about doing each other so we can all really enjoy the rest of the night. I mean it's not like you haven't been with all of us before. Let Colin and Phoenix have their first time without being interrupted."

"Okay, Mom!" Lyle teased as the followed the guys into the bedroom. They sat on the armchairs to watch the show.

The two guys started by 69ing together, which quickly led to rimming each others asses. From there it moved to fingering and lube. Colin was the first to swing around and lay on top of Phoenix as he pushed inside to fuck him. Phoenix moaned with each thrust, which only encouraged Colin to fuck harder.

"Wait until he really gets going," Lyle chuckled. "He's a screamer. That's why you need another cock around to shut him up before the neighbours call the police thinking someone is being murdered."

"Or just use a ball gag. I find that works just as well," Ryan added.

"How's that as much fun as shoving a cock down his throat?" Lyle inquired.

"Well, I know this is a hard concept for you, but sometimes people just have sex in pairs. One on one."

"Get out, ya say! Who the hell does that? Is that straight people? It's straight people isn't it? They sure are slow to catch up with the enlightened, aren't they?"

"And you'd be the enlightened?"

"Honey, I'm the leader of the enlightened."

"Oh, so it's a cult then?" Ryan joked.

"The best cult you've ever been part of," Lyle nodded as he popped the top button on his pant and shoved his hand inside to adjust himself and play with his erection.

Colin pulled out, not announcing whether he'd cum or not, but telling Phoenix that it was his turn now. They agreed on missionary and Phoenix got to work lubing them both up before he entered. The others watched intently as inch by inch Phoenix disappeared inside his partner.

"How's that thick cock feel in there, Colin?" Ryan asked.

Colin gave him a thumbs up. "Great!"

"Knew you'd like it. Never met anyone who didn't. Met a few who complained about it going in, but never any who didn't end up enjoying it."

"I enjoy it," Lyle confirmed.

"You'd enjoy a cactus up your ass if you could find one."

"Ow! No I wouldn't! Would I? Seems like it'd be a bit rough. I do like rough though, so there's that. I mean porcupine's fuck and that'd be like a cactus."

"Shut up. Obviously you have too much testosterone and cum in you. It's making you delirious."

"And whose fault is that? You won't let me play with anyone yet."

"Patience, boy. Patience. You'll be getting laid soon enough."

"Define soon enough. I've been waiting all day. You didn't even let me help you in the shower at your place when you were getting ready."

"That's because I was getting ready to come over here. If I'd let you shower with me, we'd still be in there."

Lyle gave a small chuckle. "That's probably true. Fair enough."

Phoenix had Colin's feet up on his shoulders and had him bent in half as he leaned down so they could kiss. He was fucking him hard and fast, which was causing Colin to leak pre-cum like a small river.

"I'm gonna cum," Phoenix announced, which almost immediately had the other two move closer so they could watch. They were both on their knees at the side of the bed as Phoenix pounded Colin. Lyle couldn't help himself as he reached over to fondle Phoenix's balls between his legs.

He grunted loudly and shook as he unloaded into his boss. This would make a great story for the watercooler, right before he got fired. Once he was done, he pulled out and the others looked to make sure he'd actually cum, before congratulating them.

After the `get to know you fuck', the guys returned to the main room to refresh their drinks. Colin and Phoenix hit the bathroom to clean up, while the other two made their way to the hot tub.

"Do the three of you have a lot of sex together, being roommates and all?" Colin asked as he slipped into the water with them.

"I'm not a roommate," Lyle clarified. "I just hang out there."

"We don't have a ton of sex together, maybe two or three times a week is all," Ryan replied.

"So who does what? If I remember, Ryan and Lyle are bottoms, while Phoenix is a top. Although he appears to be okay with bottoming too, which was a nice surprise. Does that mean these two just bend over and make you do all the work?" Colin asked Phoenix.

"Mostly," he laughed. "At least when it comes to the fucking. We share everything else. Occasionally Lyle will bone Ryan while I take Lyle. That's always fun."

"Tonight should be pretty hot," Lyle commented. I can already see Ryan and I 69ing while Phoenix and Colin are fucking us."

"You can see that, huh?" Colin said with a giant smile. "Can you also see when Phoenix and I double fuck you while Ryan has his 9 inches down your throat? Is that vision showing?"

"No. Ow! I can barely handle one cock the size of you guys. No way I could take two."

"Dude. Dude. Dude. It's good for you. Never heard `take two and call me in the morning?' This is what they meant."

Phoenix laughed. "Nice one. Double penetration is on my bucket list. Which one of you horny fags is ready to take us?"

"I would, but I think my phone is ringing. It's likely an emergency that I'll have to leave for," Ryan replied before taking a drink.

"Chicken shits. You ever meet guys that could take two cocks at once, Colin?" Phoenix asked.

"Not really. It's pretty tough when you're our age as our asses are still too tight. I think you gotta work up to that."

"Yeah. One day, I want to try it though. Plowing some guy at the same time some other dude is doing him as well. Fuck, that'd be hot."

"We could just get these two drunk enough to pass out and take them anyway," Colin suggested.

"That might work," Phoenix nodded.

"You know we can hear you, right?" Lyle said quickly.

"Sure, but you'll be passed out, you won't know if we did or not."

"I'll know. For one thing my ass hole will be the size of a grapefruit, and..."

"You'll have had the best orgasm of your life and missed it," Phoenix laughed as he fist bumped Colin.

The boys played a few kissing and licking games in the hot tub before ramping it up and moving into the living room, where they moved to blowjobs and rimming. When it came time to move to fucking, they headed into the bedroom and piled onto the bed. It started with Phoenix and Colin fucking the other two doggy style, before swapping their partner so they both could share equally. That was the beginning of several hours of mostly non-stop sex, with everyone seemingly forgetting if they were tops or bottoms and just did everything with each other. By the time they were done, they collapsed exhausted together on the bed and slept. TO Colin it seemed like they'd only been asleep a few minutes before he felt himself being positioned on his side as a cock entered him again. He turned his head to look back at Phoenix gently pushing inside.

"Shhh! We don't want to wake the others," he whispered as he leaned in to kiss Colin. He pulled him into a hug and began fucking. Colin couldn't help but reach back to grab Phoenix's ass to encourage him, which it did as he felt a hand wrap around his cock and stroke him. Both boys came, although with not much time to recharge, their loads were small. Colin managed to catch his so it wasn't all over the bed, and grabbed a tissue to wipe his hand dry.

Phoenix gave him a light slap on the ass. "Dude! Don't waste cum. Next time give it to me," he whispered.

"Sorry. I thought you'd be full already," he whispered back.

They drifted back to sleep with Phoenix still against Colin with his arm over him.

In the morning, they had another round before cleaning up together. Colin took the boys out to breakfast before dropping them at home. He'd dressed for the office, so headed there next. Apparently his birthday was no secret, as he received birthday wishes almost from the moment he stepped into the lobby. He received several presents delivered to his office from a variety of places. The executive staff even arranged a cake for him along with a small impromptu party.

Once he got home, he got ready for his night out. Several of his friends showed up at the apartment to begin their night with drinks before heading to Celebrities to party their brains out.

"Jesus. It's like you own the place the way everyone is coming up to wish you a happy birthday," Grant said after another guy had come up and given Colin a kiss and a `happy birthday'. "I'm sure you could get laid a hundred times tonight."

"Don't be rude, Grant," Colin said staring at him and taking a sip of his drink.

"Sorry. I didn't mean that you were a slut or anything. I just meant that the way the guys are looking at you and trying to spend time with you, it seems like you could have anyone you wanted."

"Oh, I didn't mean you were rude because that. I meant you were being rude by saying I could only get laid a hundred times. That's so mean. I could easily get laid ten times more than that."

Grant laughed. "Okay. I take it back. You are a slut."

"Thank you. That's better."

"Would you really let lots of guys have sex with you at once?" Denise asked.

"Would I? I'd be disappointed if it didn't happen. The bigger the group, the more exciting the night. Had a four-way last night and that didn't even register as a group in my mind."

"So just out of curiosity, would all the guys in here end up having sex with everyone else at some point?" Chelsea inquired.

"No, not all. But let's just say that what a guy looks like naked isn't as big a secret here as it would be at a straight club. If I want to know something about someone, it usually doesn't take long to find out about him by asking around. Of course, if you're only looking for a one night thing, you don't need to waste time asking others, just go up and talk to the guy directly."

"Is there anyone here that you wanted to hook up with that you haven't been able to yet?" Marcus asked.

"Why? You looking to get me something else for my birthday?" Colin joked.

"No. I was just curious. Or are you the type to get anyone he wants?"

"I dunno about anyone I want, but I do okay. If I approach a guy, I usually don't get turned down."

"We should test that," Grant suggested like any guy would when calling out their friend's ego. "We pick someone that you don't know, and you have to bring him back here for a drink with us."

"A drink? That's it? Dude. I could get a straight boy back here for that. If you're gonna challenge me, at least make it difficult."

"Alright, bring some guy you don't know back here and at some point either he puts his hand in your pants or you into his. Difficult enough?"

"Not really, but I accept. Don't blame me if I have to disappear right after that so I can go blow him in the corner somewhere."

"You wouldn't do that would you?" Marcus asked.

"Are you kidding? If we're going to the trouble of feeling each other up, I'm damn well gonna get some action out of it too. If he's cute, I'd be surprised if we don't fuck."

Chelsea laughed. If all guys are this horny, I may have to rethink letting you come to the gay club with me," she said to Marcus.

"I know I'm almost too hot for guys to resist, but trust me babe, I can resist them," Marcus said assuredly. "Right Grant?"

"Right about what? That you're sooo hot that guys would want you, or that you'd be able to resist. Not sure about either of those."

"Would you be tempted to go with a guy that was hitting on you?" Denise asked, looking at her boyfriend.

"I think I'd be flattered that he thought I was good looking and I don't mind when someone hits on me as long as they're not creepy stalkerish about it. Shit, I don't even care if they sneak a peek at my junk when I'm taking a leak. Let's `em know what they're missing."

"Dude. They're probably just shocked that straight black boys don't have bigger penises," Colin teased. "They might be hitting on you to see if the rumours are true."

"Well you all know that the rumours about the size of a black guys dick are true," he bragged.

"As much as we wish we didn't," Marcus said shaking his head.

"Okay Colin, back to you, birthday boy. Do you know that guy there? The one with the long brown hair? He looks like he might be good-looking enough for you," Grant said, pointing out a guy walking by at the edge of the dance floor.

"Nope, I don't know him. Be right back."

He jumped off his seat and made a bee-line straight for the guy who barely looked old enough to be in the club. "Hey!" Colin said as he walked up beside him.

"Hey!" the guy replied.

"Wanna dance?"


Colin took him by the hand and they moved into the middle of the dance floor for the rest for the rest of the song. Once it was over, he took him by the hand again and led him off the floor. "You here with anyone?"

"Just a couple friends. You?" The guy asked back, talking into Colin's ear so they could be heard over the music.

"Same. How about you join me for a drink?"

"I'd never turn down a drink," he replied as he let Colin take him back to the table where they joined the others. Colin grabbed the waiter and ordered another round of drinks.

"Hi I'm Grant. This is Marcus, Chelsea and Denise."

"Adam. Uh, I never got your name," he said looking at Colin.

"That's because we haven't had sex yet, but I'm Colin."

"Nice to meet you," he said politely as the drinks arrived.

"You too. How old are you?" Chelsea asked.

"19 Just turned 19 this week," he revealed.

"Nice. You and Colin have something in common. It's his 19th today."

"Happy birthday," he said raising his glass, which caused them all to do the same, and clink glasses.

"To you as well," Colin replied. "You're gay, I take it?"

"Yeah. You?"

"Of course. All the good ones are. No offense to the straight boys over there."

Marcus just gave him the finger and a smile.

Colin leaned in to Adam and talked into his ear so that the others wouldn't be able to overhear. "You're seriously cute. How big is your dick?"

"Is that all that matters?" He asked back.

"No of course not. It's important to know if you're a top, bottom, or versatile too," Colin grinned.

"Of course. I'm not sure what I am yet. Still pretty knew to all this," he replied.

Colin moved his lips against Adam's ear and began nibbling on it, as he placed a hand on his thigh. "Maybe we should find out tonight when you come home with me."

Adam took a deep breath as he responded to the touching that had begun, and almost stopped breathing entirely when Colin's hand moved off his thigh and brushed over his crotch on the way to the button on his jeans. He jumped slightly as Colin opened the button and slowly lowered the zipper.

Adam looked around nervously and put his hand on Colin's to stop him going further. Colin nibbled more of Adam's ear. "It's okay. Just relax. I'm just checking what your packin'. Feels about 6 inches. Are you cut or uncut?"

"Cut," he replied swallowing nervously as Colin pushed his hand into the underwear and down to the goods between his legs.

"Feels nice. Good and hard. I'm guessing you're interested?"

Adam nodded, tensed up with nerves, especially when Colin wrapped his hand around it and began gently stroking. "We shouldn't do this here," he said quietly between breaths.

"Why not. No better way to meet people than to let them know how sexy you are and that you're up for some fun. I wouldn't want you to cum though, so how about we save this for my place later? We'll give each other proper birthday presents in bed. I'd love to suck this and rim your sweet ass before we fuck. Sound good to you?"

Adam nodded and almost sighed in relief as Colin let go of him and pulled his hand out. He zipped up the pants, letting Adam refasten them. They returned their attention back to their friends and to their drinks.

"Do you guys actually know each other?" Marcus asked.

"No, we just met," Adam replied.

"Don't worry Marcus, we'll know each other by tomorrow morning after we've spent the night together, right Adam?"

"I guess so," Adam replied.

"Have you been here a lot?" Denise asked him.

"No. This is only my second time in the club. I came on my birthday last week."

Colin grinned. "That's perfect. I wanna cum on my birthday too, so it's good we met."

Adam appeared to blush at his comment. "Have you been here before?" He asked Colin.

"Sure. I've been here lots."

"How, if you're only 19 today?"

"Tip the doormen enough and they'll conveniently misread your I.D.," he smiled. "Plus we always bring the ladies along. That's just good for business."

"How are girls good for business in a gay club. Wouldn't hot guys be better?"

"They both are. Gay boys identify with the girls which gives them someone to talk to, and the girls feel safe since guys aren't hitting on them except to be friendly."

"Oh. Cool."

"Come on Adam, lets go dance," Denise said to him as she stood up. "Some boys don't like to dance."

"I like to dance," Grant said defensively, "just not with a bunch of sweaty shirtless guys trying to grab my ass."

"You wish they were tying to grab your ass," she laughed as she took Adam's hand and dragged him onto the dance floor.

"Dude, that was epic. I had no idea it was that easy to pick someone up in a gay bar," Grant said fist bumping Colin.

"Told you. It's rare that someone turns me down, but it does happen. Adam on the other hand isn't sure this is all real yet, and probably figures we're just playing with him."

"You were playing with him," Marcus said shaking his head. "I can't believe he just let you into his pants like that."

"Please, on a regular night, I'd have had my hands on him before we hit the dance floor, and most certainly before I learned his name. Wouldn't you like girls to be that easy?"

Chelsea just turned to stare at Marcus, who looked at her and then back at Colin. "Of course not. I'd want a girl to be romantic and get to know her first. Sex is just the next step in building a relationship, but it's not the important part."

"Good answer," Chelsea grinned as she took a sip of her drink.

"Someone's whipped," Grant laughed. "Fuck, I WISH girl would let you slip a finger into her pussy that fast. Guys would never need to masturbate again."

"That's gross, Grant," Chelsea said quickly.

"Oh, like you don't masturbate," he replied taunting her. "Girls probably do more of it than guys, only they're evil about it. They do it so they're not horny when they go out with you, leaving us with blue balls. Good thing Denise isn't like that."

Colin made sure that Adam knew he was going home with him after the bar closed, and they settled in to the rest of the evening together before that happened. Adam wasn't the last person Colin took home during the week, sometimes two or three at a time. He always enjoyed meeting new people. He was still celebrating his 19th birthday week and staggered home in the early hours of the morning; his first in a long time where he hadn't dragged at least one person back with him. He was in the elevator of his building as another guy rushed to join him.

"Are you in the penthouse, or are you just visiting?" The guy asked, having noticed which button Colin had pushed.

"No, I live there," Colin replied looking at the slightly taller guy. "Colin."

"Nathan. I'll bet the view is insane. I thought my view was good on 10, but the 28th floor must be wild."

"Come check it out if you're free," Colin offered.

"Seriously? You'd be okay with that?"

"We're basically neighbours, so why not?" Colin said politely as they rode up, stopping at Nathan's floor, but ignoring it.

"Glad it's stopped raining," Nathan commented, making small talk. "Although on your floor, you're probably above the clouds anyway," he joked.

"Sometimes it feels like I'm in the clouds, that's for sure," Colin agreed, barely able to focus he was so tired, and still very drunk.

"Not to be rude, but are you just coming home from partying? You look like you had a wild night."

"It was my 19th birthday this week, so it's been a bit crazy. I'm still a bit drunk...okay, a lot drunk, but nothing 30 hours of sleep won't cure."

"Cool. Well, happy birthday. I turned 19 six months ago, so I feel for ya, buddy," he smiled as they stepped off the elevator and headed into his penthouse apartment which took up the entire floor. "Shit! This place is massive! Do you rent this or own it?"

"Own it," Colin admitted, leaving out the part where he actually owned the entire building.

"Damn. What's a place like this run? I mean mine is 450 grand, and it's a shoebox. This must be a couple mil, easy."

"Something like that," Colin acknowledged, not wanting to give exact details. They made their way to the window.

"Wow, great view. I can see the entire city from here. You've got basically every angle covered. I can see English Bay, Mount Baker, the entire downtown, and I'm pretty sure that's Seattle," Nathan gushed.

"More like Burnaby, but close enough," Colin laughed, pretty used to the comments about the view.

"Makes my place feel like a prison cell. You've even got a hot tub in here?"

"Sure. Much more convenient than the one on the second floor. Plus, I can sit with a drink and look over the city, and not worry about needing a swim suit."

"Yeah, sometimes my friends and I will take a chance and do that downstairs when no one else is around," Nathan admitted as he continued to look around.

"Who's this?" He asked picking up a picture.

"My brother. Carter," he said going up beside him.

"Fuck, he's hot! I can see the family resemblance. These are your parents?" He asked pointing to another picture while continuing to hold onto Carter's.

"Yep. Hot huh? So you're..."

"Gay?" Nathan finished. "Yep. Rainbows and unicorns, baby. That's why I chose the West End. It's where all my peeps are. If I need a snack, I just run out, grab one and bring him home. You should come hang out with me and my buddy TJ. We're going over to Celebrities tomorrow night. That's a gay nightclub though, so if you're not into that, I figured I better warn you."

"I've been to Celebrities plenty," Colin replied.

Nathan looked him up and down and glanced around the apartment. "So, are" He asked uncertain.

"Gay enough to hope you're gonna give me a birthday fuck now that we've met," Colin replied almost seductively as he ran his eyes over the taller slender guy in front of him. Nathan returned the full body eye search.

"Bed or hot tub?" Nathan asked putting the picture down he was holding.

"Hot tub," Colin answered as they headed back to it. "Top or Bottom?"

"Versatile bottom. You?" Nathan asked as shirts came off.

"Versatile. Cock?"

"7 uncut. Yours?"

"7½ cut," he replied as they got to know each other, as only gay guys can. The pants and underwear came off and they took a split second to check each other out before jumping in the hot water and began kissing, each one reaching for the other's cock to introduce themselves. The next half hour consisted of body compliments, kissing, blow jobs and rimming, before Nathan had Colin kneel on the side of the hot tub, and gave him the birthday fuck he wanted. He pulled out before cumming, and spun Colin around quickly to have him lie on his back. He lifted Colin's legs onto his shoulders and re-entered him. "I'm gonna cum soon," Nathan warned. "You want it in your ass or down your throat?"

"In my ass. I don't think I could drink anything else tonight," Colin replied with a bit of a drunk smirk as he lay there being pounded.

"I'm gonna cum!" Nathan grunted loudly and pulled Colin tight against him as his cock throbbed and jettisoned his load into the birthday boy. Nathan jumped back, quickly popping out as soon as he was done. "It's a bit sensitive after I cum," he admitted.

"I've heard that about uncut guys," Colin remarked as he sat up and slid back into the water, where they sat talking for a few minutes while they recovered.

"We're heading out at 11 tomorrow night, if you want to go with us," Nathan offered as he prepared to leave. "TJ will love to meet you, I'm sure. He's got a wicked British accent that'll drive you crazy, and a big cock like ours."

"British huh? So he's uncut like you as well?"

"Strangely, no. He's cut. Backward right? I'm Canadian and uncut. He's British and cut. And you're...?"

"Canadian American and horny!" Colin laughed.

"I got that. Nice to have met you. Here's to becoming friends," Nathan said as he got out, dried off and dressed. He assisted Colin in also drying off. They hugged, and Colin walked him to the elevator, not bothering to get dressed as he did. He returned to the penthouse and took a shower before dropping off for an extended sleep to recover, and prepare for another night out. Just before 11, he made his way down to Nathan's and knocked on the door. He was greeted with a big smile and a kiss before being ushered inside. "Colin, this is TJ. TJ, this is the guy I was telling you about that I met today, Colin."

"Hi! Wow, you're cute. No wonder Nathan kept you all to himself, girl," TJ said with a massive grin as he approached.

"I met TJ almost the same way I met you," Nathan began explaining.

"No, you didn't, bitch! He caught me blowing my brother's straight best friend in the change room downstairs. Scared the poor little hetero to death."

"I meant that I met you in the building, since you live here."

"Oh that! Puhleez. You wanted me from the second you saw me," TJ said spinning around. "I saw you eye fucking me across the lobby."

"I love your accent," Colin remarked. "British?"

"London, baby. I've found it makes most of the boys wet. Fastest way to get them out of their panties. Speaking of which, I hear you put out pretty quickly too, huh? Will we be getting your panties off later?"

"Shut up TJ. Try to reign it in just a bit. We've got all night," Nathan said lightly scolding him. "Ignore him Colin, he's lit up like Times Square at New Years. Give the boy a couple `E' and he'll hump the electrical outlets. You want one before we go?"

"No thanks. I gave up electrical outlets at 13," he replied trying to keep a straight face.

TJ giggled.

"I meant an `E'," Nathan clarified, holding up a pill.

"Sure, I'm up for that," Colin replied taking the pill and Nathan's water to wash it down.

"Really?" TJ sang as he came up to Colin and grabbed his crotch. "Just how UP for it are you?"

Colin didn't flinch and just stared at TJ, giving him a slight smirk. "Baby, when I'm up for you, you'll know, but for the record, my panties will definitely be coming off for you later. I don't usually go for the foreign food before I've had a couple cocktails."

"Burn!" Nathan laughed. "I knew you two would get along."

"Should we just stay here and fuck, or are we still going to the club?" TJ asked as he grabbed a nearby bottle of water.

"That depends?" Nathan grinned as he lifted Colin's shirt to expose his abs. TJ almost choked. "How hard does this get you?"

"I was hard at hello. That's insane! 8 pack abs. I'm in love. Please promise me we're fucking later, even if you find someone hotter," TJ gushed literally drooling as water ran out of his mouth.

"You can count on it. Just how many times depends on how good you are," Colin replied as he tucked his shirt back in.

"I'm good. Believe me I'm good!" TJ remarked as he adjusted his crotch.

"He's okay. I've had better," Nathan said in a playful insult.

"Bitch, please. You've never had better. I'd whip it out right now, but the two of you would be all over my shit and we'd never get to the bar, that's how good I am. Unless you want a taste right now, Colin honey?"

"I'd ask if you two wanted a room, but that'd be a dumb question," Nathan said shaking his head. "Let's go before the line up gets too long."

"Don't worry about that," Colin assured him. "I don't wait in lines."

"Oh? Mr. Penthouse doesn't wait? Offering to blow the bouncer doesn't work. Trust me, I've tried," TJ revealed as they headed out to the elevator.

Colin didn't reply as they walked the few blocks to the club. TJ groaned when he saw the line was longer than he'd expected. "I hope you're right about that not waiting in lines, or we're gonna be out here for hours," he said sounding much less gay than he was back in the apartment. Colin ignored him as they walked past the line of people and directly up to the doorman.

"Evening Mr. Worthington. How many?"

"Three tonight. Thanks," he replied as the rope was released and they were let in.

"Damn girl! You're a keeper."

"Because I can get you into the club, or because you like my abs?" Colin smirked as they were also waved past the entry window and any cover charge. TJ looked at Nathan who just shrugged.

"Umm, and that! You saved us like two hours in line and ten bucks in cover," TJ said looking back to make sure no one was chasing them.

"You can buy me a drink," Colin said trying not to seem important.

"I'll buy you a drink and give you a lap dance!" TJ offered as he quickly removed his shirt to show off his body. His cruising had begun as they made their way to the bar.

"What's the tattoo?" Colin asked checking out the one on his right shoulder.

"English football club."

"The English play football?" Colin asked slightly surprised.

"He means soccer," Nathan explained. "They change names of shit over there."

"Says the North American who thinks foot' ball is played by throwing' a ball to each other," TJ retorted flamboyantly.

"Don't get him started," Nathan warned as they got their drinks. Colin allowed TJ to buy the first round before making their way to a table. The three had barely sat down when a guy and a girl came up and said hi to Colin. He introduced everyone. "Marcus, Chelsea. This is Nathan and TJ."

"Nice to meet you. Hey, we're heading over to the island on Tuesday, you coming? We'll take the float plane to the Queen Charlotte's and do some trail riding into the back country for a couple days," Marcus announced.

"Sounds like fun. I'm there," Colin agreed.

"Isn't it called Haida Gwaii now?" Nathan asked trying to join in.

"Probably, but I'll never remember that. It's the Queen Charlotte's as far as I'm concerned. You guys wanna join us?"

"Horses in the back country? Girl, do I LOOK like Indiana Jones?" TJ replied.

"I dunno. How are you with a whip?" Nathan grinned. "I like to see you riding a horse through the woods."

"The only thing I'm riding through the woods that big is the guy over there on the dance floor. Although I am a fan of him whipping me if I don't behave. Excuse me. Momma's got get her dose of Daddy!" He jumped up, taking a very gay sip of his cocktail and pranced over to introduce himself.

"He seems...outgoing," Marcus smiled.

"He's on E, so if you want to get laid, just touch him and blow in his ear. He'll be down on his knees before you take your next breath," Nathan grinned.

"Thanks for the warning, but I'm still straight. Appreciate the offer though. Text me tomorrow Colin, and I'll send you the itinerary."

"Deal. Later man!" He said as they gave each other a bro handshake and one-armed hug. Chelsea just leaned in for a double cheek kiss. "Boobs look awesome today, Chelsea. New bra?"

"Yeah! Thanks for noticing Colin," she beamed. "See! That's how you compliment a woman, Marcus," she said slapping him on the arm.

"What? I told you your boobs were great."

"While you had your face between them."

"It still counts," he grinned as he fist bumped Colin and they took off.

TJ returned to them moments later holding up his pinky finger. "`Roid queen. All muscle no power tool!"

"What's the matter girl, not finding the cock of your dreams tonight?" Nathan teased.

"It's early. Lots of chicken in the farmyard. I'll find the Rooster soon! How big was your cock again?" He asked looking at Colin.

"Guess you'll know once I've shoved it up your ass," Colin smirked.

"Nathan already told me. Seven and a half isn't bad as a starter size, so I'll be holding you to that fuck later."

"You think so huh? I dunno TJ, I'd totally be into drilling your pussy, but I hate an echo while I'm fucking."

"What the hell does that mean, bitch?" He said trying to sound incensed as he sat down grinning. Nathan just laughed.

"He's trying to say you have a big cavernous ass!" Nathan clarified laughing

"Well, I never!"

"I'd say you always," Colin added.

TJ just rolled his eyes. "I like you. You're just bitchy enough to be interesting."

"Ditto," Colin agreed as they clinked classes.

They spent the night drinking and dancing, with Colin introducing as many of his current friends to his new friends, as they did to him. By the time the nightclub closed, each of them had found someone to drag home, and the six guys ended up at Colin's penthouse getting to know each other the way nature intended. Naked with lube. By the time morning rolled around, Colin found himself in bed with TJ and Nathan cuddled up facing each other. He inched over, lubed his cock and slid it into TJ for another fuck. TJ began moaning and moving around on the cock inside him. Nathan looked up and gave a light smile.

"Hello...hellooo...helloooo," he said softly, trying to imitate an echo.

"Shut up bitch! Colin likes my pussy don't you?"

"Yeah. Love it...for a starter hole," he teased, pulling TJ's head back and slamming his tongue down his throat. Nathan leapt over the two and moved in behind Colin so he could join in the fuck. With Colin sandwiched between his two new friends it didn't take long for him to cum and pull out. Nathan removed himself from Colin as TJ turned and leaned over to suck him to completion. The guys lay there for a few minutes before TJ bounced off the bed to get some water. He strolled out to the main room and saw clothes everywhere. After getting his water, and the other two joined him, they wandered into the second bedroom where the other three guys were. TJ scrambled up onto the bed and took hold of the first available cock and sat down on it.

"Mmmm...overnight glamping...I love the smell of wood in the morning," he said in his British accent as he rode the guy to wake him up. It took all of 10 seconds for all three guys to be awake and ravage TJ, as Nathan and Colin had their arms around each other, watching. He really is a slut, isn't he?" Colin asked. TJ just raised his hand backwards and flipped him off, but otherwise ignoring the comment.

"He's fun to wake up to though. I gave him a key to my place, and it's like the best alarm clock you could ever have."

"Does it have a snooze button?"

"Once you cum in him, it does!" Nathan laughed.

"I dunno. You should try whacking it on the head, and see if he shuts up for five minutes. I'm not talking about the big head," Colin suggested.

"I can hear you two bitchy fags, ya know! I'm in the room!" TJ said bouncing harder on the cock he'd selected as the rest of his body was being licked and sucked.

Nathan and Colin left the four guys to play and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. "Is TJ your boyfriend?" Colin asked.

"TJ? Hell no. We're just friends who fuck. That dude is not boyfriend material at all, but he's a great guy to party with, and sex with him is always hot."

Colin couldn't disagree with that now that he'd had him, and he was sure he'd be having plenty more in time to come.

Tuesday morning, Colin met his friends at the float plane and handed his backpack to the pilot. "Hey Aaron, Ella. Haven't seen you in a while. What you been up to?"

"You know. This and that. The big announcement is that we're pregnant."

"Congrats! That's a good thing, right?"

"Yep, we've been trying for a year now," Aaron revealed.

"So, which one of you is pregnant?" Marcus teased. "I thought I was pregnant once, but turned out it was just gas."

"That'd be me, but I'm only 6 weeks so I'm still good to take the trip," Ella replied with a big smile.

Chelsea went up and hugged her friend and rubbed her stomach. Apparently the required acknowledgement when your friend says she's `with child'.

Colin turned his attention to his other friend. "Where's Denise?" He asked Grant looking around.

"She's not really the outback type. Her idea of roughing it is a two for one shoe sale at the mall where she fights off other women."

"I guess that makes you my date for the trip," Colin joked.

"Guess so, but just so you know I only put out if you have big boobs," Grant said slapping him on the back.

"I can work with that."

They loaded up the plane and took off for the trip up to Haida Gwaii. It didn't take long to arrive, and as they hit the water and coasted up to the dock, a man was waiting for them and tied off the plane. He had their horses stocked and ready to go, with the map of the trail. Marcus and Chelsea were avid outdoors people so they led the group towards their destination, which took most of the day. They stopped a few times to enjoy their surroundings, make lunch, and water the horses, before arriving at the cabin they had rented for a couple days. It was right on the edge of a small lake and completely inaccessible except by horseback.

"No cell signal out here," Grant smiled. "Denise would have been going crazy by now. She can't stay off her phone for more than five minutes, and don't even get me started on how she is when the power goes out."

"I love this," Marcus replied as he looked around. "I could live out here. Winters might suck a bit, but it's not like we're in the arctic."

They entered the cabin and took a look around. It was basically a large open space with a slightly partitioned area where the three double beds were located.

"Looks like you and me are bunking together," Grant said looking at Colin.

"Fine by me, but if you snore, I'm kneeing you in the nuts."

"I don't snore, but I am a cuddler," Grant teased.

"Fine by me, as long as you know I'm a farter."

"Then we'll get along great. No better way to stay warm than cuddling and farting. The way it was meant to be," Grant joked as they threw their backpacks on the bed.

"First thing we'll need is a fire for the stove so we can make dinner, and we have fuel for the lanterns that we should prep before dark," Marcus told the group.

"Grant and I can chop some wood," Colin offered. "Anything with wood, I'm pretty good at."

They all laughed and got on with their tasks. Aaron and Ella unloaded the horses, while Grant and Colin went to the covered wood pile to begin chopping what they'd need. Marcus and Chelsea got to work on gathering water and preparing the fire for dinner. Anything they needed keeping cold, Marcus put into a net bag, threw a line over a tree branch hanging out over the lake, and lowered it into the water, explaining that the water was cold enough to chill everything including the beer and wine they'd brought.

After dinner, they drank, talked and had some alcohol before retiring for the evening. Almost as soon as they got into bed the other two couples began making out, with the crackling of the fire masking some of the sounds. Grant nudged Colin and they looked over at Marcus and Chelsea who were boldly visible as they made love. Aaron and Ella were under the covers, but just as active.

"This is where I miss Denise," Grant said quietly from behind Colin as they watched their friends having sex.

"I can tell," Colin grinned as he turned his head to look back at Grant. "You get that thing any closer and we'll be making out."

"What? You've never been with a black guy before?" Grant joked as they continued to talk in low voices.

"I think the bigger question is have you ever been with a gay guy before?" Colin smirked as he looked back towards the two couples.

"Nope. Straight boys don't usually swing that way."

"Well, if you don't want that happening in about the next two minutes, I suggest you swing that thing away from my ass, or you'll be finding out what all the hype is about," Colin said as he reached back and took hold of Grant's erection just millimeters from his ass cheek. "Wow!"

"It's not just a stereotype dude," Grant whispered as he let Colin feel him up.

"That's true. I thought it'd be way bigger," Colin said trying to insult his friend. He'd seen Grant naked plenty since they'd become friends, and knew he was uncut, but he'd never been in a situation where the guy was hard, and it felt impressive. Not just length, but thickness as well. He let go after just a few seconds as Grant moved back slightly. After feeling it, Grant wasn't the only one with an erection now. Despite not being able to clearly see the other two guys as they made out with their girls, he figured all four guys were in the same state of arousal, which was probably sending out billions of pheromones and driving him crazy. If this had been all gay guys, they would have been in one bed having a gang bang, but instead he had to be satisfied to watch Marcus' ass moving up and down as he fucked Chelsea, and imagine what Aaron looked like on top of Ella. He could use a gay guy right about now. He took hold of his erection and began jerking off slowly noting that the bed was moving slightly more than his contribution was making. He turned slightly and looked back at Grant and whispered, "Are you jerking off?"

"Sorry. I'm just used to having Denise in bed with me."

Colin turned onto his back, rolling slightly to face Grant and lowered his voice even further. "I hear ya. In situations like this when I'm horny, someone is usually just a quick call away. I don't have boobs, but I have do have a nice tight hole if you need it."

Grant laughed. "Don't tempt me dude, especially since we're here for two nights. I guess sleeping naked wasn't such a good idea, huh?"

"I couldn't sleep with clothes on, no matter who I was sleeping with," Colin admitted.

"Me neither."

"It doesn't help that the four of them are screwing like rabbits right in front of us," he said continuing to whisper, thankful for the crackling of the fire to mask some of their conversation.

"Maybe tomorrow we could swap around," Grant joked.

"Doesn't really help me though, does it?" Colin pointed out as he reached over and cupped Grant's balls. Grant stopped moving and stared at Colin.

"Question. A blowjob's not gay, right?" Grant inquired as they continued to whisper back and forth.

"Not unless you're the one giving it," Colin replied with a bit of a smirk. "Why, you need one?"

"Desperately. I'm confident enough in my sexuality to be cool if you wanted to do it. But we'd have to be quiet. Last thing we need is those four holding that over us for years to come."

"Is this just a test, or do you really want a blowjob?"

"I need. No tricks, I promise. Figure what's the point in having a gay friend if you can't share some benefits?"

"No argument from me. I have lube if you want to really need to try something new this trip, and as much as you miss Denise, that's how much I miss a nice big cock up my ass right now."

"Seriously, don't tempt me. We haven't even been gone 12 hours and I'm getting blue balls."

"Well close your eyes and let's take care of that. Listening to those four isn't going to help us get to sleep anytime soon if we don't bust one out."

"You're hard too?"

"Dude, I'm always hard," Colin said as he slipped under the covers to give Grant the blowjob he wanted. It didn't last long. Grant muffled his moans as he climaxed deep to the back of Colin's throat. Once it was over, Colin lay back on the pillow and jerked himself to completion. He didn't look over at Grant, but he hoped he was watching.

Once it was over, and they'd both cleaned up and returned to a post orgasmic state, Grant whispered to Colin. "Happy birthday."


"For your 19th birthday, Denise said I could offer you my cock for a blowjob. So, happy birthday."

"Thanks. Best present ever."

They rolled away from each other and fell asleep, trying to block the sex going on beside them in the other two beds. In the morning, they were woken up by Marcus putting wood on the fire to warm things up before he returned to bed. He was also naked, and with Colin's raging morning wood, it wouldn't have taken much to send him over the edge. During the night, Grant had definitely snuggled up to him a couple of times, but nothing else had happened, much to his disappointment. He half hoped the straight boy might push his beautiful oversized black cock into his ass thinking he was his girlfriend back home, but no such luck.

Aaron was the next to get up and strolled outside to take a piss in the outhouse. He was also naked, which seemed to be more a guy thing, as the girls got out of bed in panties. Ella was wearing one of Aaron's t-shirts, while Chelsea was fine going topless.

When Grant woke up, Colin looked over at him and acknowledged the morning. "How're the blue balls now?"

"Back to full fluorescent blue, dude. You have no idea how close you came to being fucked as I dreamt of my girlfriend last night."

"Yes I do. You poked it at me a few times during the night. YOU have no idea how close you came to me lubing you up and backing onto it. One of the many other advantages of having a gay friend to help out a buddy in need," Colin grinned as they got out of bed and rounded up clothes, before helping to make breakfast with the group as the day began. They did a morning hike where they saw plenty of wildlife including a large moose off in the distance, and almost walked right into a brown bear at the edge of the water. They watched it grab a fish with ease, but kept their distance in case they were seen as a possible dessert. After lunch, they took the horses for a ride up one of the trails so they could look out over the water and take some nice pictures before returning to the cabin. The boys had what seemed like an impromptu wood chopping contest, which was more about showing off to the girls than anything. Grant easily beat the other three, and Colin was prepared to offer him a prize for it, but he might have to wait until they were alone to give it to him. They ate and drank a lot, having had a really enjoyable day.

The way Grant had had his hand down his pants several times throughout the day, Colin made a point of slipping the small bottle of lube under his pillow in case someone asked for more than a blowjob tonight. As it had been the previous night the two couples made out with each other while Colin and Grant talked quietly, both having trouble ignoring the sex going on around them, but eventually falling asleep, much to Colin's disappointment. At some point during the night, Colin woke up to Grant shaking the bed having spooned in behind him. "Horny?" Colin whispered.

"Shit! Sorry," Grant whispered, stopping instantly and moving away. Colin reached his hand back and pulled Grant back towards him.

"Don't apologize for being horny," he whispered back as quietly as he could. "Why don't you just do it? One time thing to see what it's like," he suggested, inching back so that Grant's cock was touching his ass.

"I dunno dude."

"What's the difference really? A hole's a hole," Colin said continuing to wiggle slightly to tease his friend's erection.

"Can you be quiet if I do it? Denise makes so much noise we have to make sure the neighbours four floors away are out," he joked.

"I won't even breathe heavy," Colin replied feeling his dick throb at the thrilling idea of getting fucked with their other friends so close by.

He reached under the pillow and handed the bottle to his straight buddy.

"What's that?" Grant whispered, almost silently, as he took the bottle.

"Lube. You're gonna need that to get something that big in me."

"I dunno dude. This might be too weird," he whispered trying to look over Colin to the other beds. Everyone was sound asleep.

"Yet you're humping me like your trying push a nail through concrete." He took the bottle back, opened it and pushed some into his ass before coating Grant's cock and aiming it at his hole. "Your choice. Tightest hole you'll ever try."

"Shit. I have to admit, I've thought about trying it a few times. Just to see what it's like, but now may not be the right time."

"Are you kidding? It's the perfect time," Colin whispered. "We're naked, horny, and in bed together. When else could it be more perfect?"

"When there's not two other couples around?" He reasoned. "I'm not sure I can."

"And yet you're not trying to stop it," Colin said playfully, as he reached his hand back and pointed the tip of Grant's cock between his ass cheeks, and up to his hole. He let go and just inched back a little to let Grant feel the pressure of the entrance against his full-strength erection. They both paused, breathing quietly. Grant trying to process what he was doing; Colin in anticipation of what he hoped was about to happen. When Colin felt Grant begin to move slowly, rubbing his penis against him, he inched back and relaxed his ass in one sudden movement, causing the tip to penetrate him. Grant froze instantly.

Then he moved his head closer to Colin. "Don't make a sound, okay? We can't wake the others up or I'll freak out."

Colin nodded and waited for Grant to process how to proceed. He smiled to himself when he felt Grant's resolve weaken. He knew from experience that once a straight boy gets his dick in something...anything, they keep going until they finish, and realize what they're doing. Colin took a deep breath and moved his ass out slightly to allow a better angle for penetration. Grant's natural instinct took over, and Colin almost sighed when he felt a hand on his hip. He knew they were now well beyond the point of no return. He turned his head into the pillow to silence any squeak he might accidentally make as the massive cock speared into him. He made a note to someday in the future give Grant lessons on the difference between fucking an ass and a pussy to get the most out of it, but tonight it took less than two minutes for Grant to unload in Colin and pull out, before returning to his side of the bed.

"You're done?" Colin whispered turning to look at him with a smirk. "Good thing there isn't cell service. I wouldn't even have had time to text everyone that it was happening before it was over."

"I guess I was overly horny. Thanks," he whispered. "Just between us, right?"

"Of course. That's what friends are for. Let me know if I can be of service again."

The boys fell asleep and just before dawn, Colin felt Grant's erection back at his hole. At first, he thought it was just that they were lying against each other, but he quickly determined that Grant was actually awake as he rubbed his cock up and down Colin's ass as if debating whether to fuck him again or not. Colin waited a while, pretending to still be asleep as Grant's dick got wetter and wetter from precum as he worked the head up and down the crack. Colin slowly reached for the lube under his pillow and handed it back to Grant without saying anything. He took it and there was a pause. Colin almost fell back asleep thinking he'd probably sufficiently scared his friend off, but just as he was drifting off, he felt the tip of the big erection back at his ass. This time pushing more firmly. Colin inched back again and relaxed to allowed entry. Grant grabbed Colin's hip firmly, just as he had the first time, and inserted himself fully as they remained on their sides. Colin took hold of his own cock to begin jerking off, but he barely got started before he felt Grant's weight shift to roll him onto his stomach. Grant moved fully on top of Colin, kicked his legs open and began to really fuck him. Both guys were trying to be quiet, but the way Grant was slamming him into the bed, some noise was inevitable. This time it lasted considerably longer; so long that Colin shot his load a good five minutes before Grant pulled out, having emptied his morning load into his friend. They both went back to sleep until they heard the others get up.

Colin awoke and felt his ass. It was still wet from the earlier fuck and he smiled to himself as he looked over at Grant, who was already awake and turned his head to look at his friend, grinning at him.

"Shhhh," Grant said quietly as he moved closer. "Just so you know, and I'll deny everything, you're one hot fuck. Denise is definitely getting some back door action after this."

"Or...and work with me could just keep doing my back door when you need additional fun. Just between you and me, or course."

"It better be, Worthington. Because if just one word gets out about this, I'll be pissed, and you wouldn't like me when I'm pissed."

Colin smiled. "Oh, and for the record, and I'll deny it as well, your cock felt amazing. You can pound the hell out of me like that any time you want."

"I think I'll probably be into doing that again sometime. For now, we're done talking about this. Last night stays between us forever. Got it?"

"Oh, I got it alright. Twice!" Colin said giving and even bigger grin as he partially stuck his tongue out.

"Shut up!" Grant said giving a small smile as he got out of bed. Colin watched him get dressed and wondered when he'd be getting stuffed by that cock again. Nothing more was said between the two guys about the sex they'd had, but they both felt that their friendship had a new bond to it. Colin figured if Grant was like other straight boys, he would drop by in the future with some excuse to spend the night. Grant figured if Colin was like other gay guys he'd heard about, he could get some regular action when his girlfriend wasn't in the mood. A win win for both of them, although they never actually voiced those thoughts to each other.

The group decided to take an au naturel dip in the ice-cold water below the cabin, which didn't last long and reduced the guys' manhood to almost boyhood status.

"You know back home, a trip like this would have had us hunting something to take back as a trophy," Colin said as they made breakfast.

"It'd be the same up here for a lot of these trips too," Marcus agreed, "but we prefer to shoot wildlife with a camera, not a gun. Are you a hunter, Colin?"

"Not really. I went out a few times with my friend's Dad, but it wasn't something I enjoyed. I understand why guys hunt, and as long as they use everything they kill, I guess I'm okay with it. I just hate those assholes that hunt for sport or for a trophy. That shit really pisses me off."

"I agree," Ella said. "Wonder how they'd like it if someone hung their head on the wall."

"Now that would be creepy," Aaron said. "Imagine going into someone's house and seeing a wall full of human heads mounted on plaques. To me it's almost as disgusting as hanging an animal's head on the wall, or stuffing something as a trophy."

Colin almost choked.

"You okay?" Chelsea asked.

"I was just thinking of all the things I'd stuffed as a trophy," he joked. "Or the trophies I'd been stuffed by."

They laughed. "That's really gross, Colin," Aaron told him.

"You wouldn't say that if you were the one giving or receiving the stuffing."

"And on that note, we should get packed up and out of here before this becomes some Lord of the Flies thing," Marcus added. They cleaned up from breakfast and packed up their gear to secure it onto the horses before taking a secondary trail back to where they'd begun. The plane was waiting when they arrived, and it took no time at all before they were landing back in the Vancouver harbour.

"Great trip guys. We'll have to do that again soon," Grant said as they unloaded everything. "Maybe I'll even convince Denise to go with us."

"That'll be the day," Marcus laughed, with Chelsea agreeing that it was likely never going to happen.

"I'd totally go again. I actually enjoy the outdoors. Makes me almost wish I'd been a boy scout," Grant commented.

"I was a boy scout," Aaron revealed. "You might have enjoyed it. I made some really close friends out of it."

"How close?" Marcus teased.

"Not as close as I'm sure Colin would have made," Aaron suggested.

"Hey! I wouldn't have been bad as a boy scout. I like camping and I think I'd have had lots of fun. Plus I'd have been the first one to handle the wood in the morning...for the fire."

"I'm sure. Skinny dipping and tent dares would have been your favorite merit badges," Aaron teased.

"You guys went skinny dipping in Scouts?" Colin asked.

"Sure. All the time. It was just us boys, so no big deal."

"Damn. I used to skinny dip all the time in my pool at home, but I never got a merit badge for it. Only one I ever got was a cock sucking badge."

"I'm sure," Grant laughed. "No one would have been safe."

"Shut up!" He laughed, knowing Grant was probably correct.

They all headed off home and Colin hit the shower to scrub himself clean. He liked the outdoors, but he enjoyed getting home and feeling clean again. He had something to eat and went to bed early for a restful sleep. In the morning, he stopped by Nathan's place to grab him for their swimming workout. He was surprised to see a much younger boy with him, dressed in Speedos with a towel around his neck, while Nathan was in his board shorts and a t-shirt.

"Colin, this is Dexter. Dexter, this is my friend Colin. He lives in the penthouse. Dexter lives in the building on the fourth floor," he said introducing them.

"Hi!" Dexter sad politely.

"Hey!" Colin acknowledged. "So how do you two know each other?"

"I've known him a couple years. He's been in the pool a few times when I've been down there, so we've hung out. Doesn't hurt that he's cute too."

Dexter looked up at Nathan and gave him a giant grin.

"Check this out," Nathan said as he grabbed the front of Dexter's swim suit and pulled it down, reaching in with his other hand to pull out the boy's cock and balls.

"Holy shit!" Colin exclaimed as the waistband was tucked under the boy's package.

"I know, right. Almost seven inches on him already. Nicely circumcised, and so firm you can hardly push on it when he's fully hard."

"Jesus. How old are you?" Colin asked, as the boy made no attempt to cover up as the older boys checked him out.

"Almost 16. In twenty-six months," he said proudly. Colin had to do the math to realize the boy was 13.

"And take a look at this," Nathan remarked as he spun Dexter around and dropped the back of his trunks. "Have you ever seen a butt that perfect before? Take a feel. Like two solid rubber balls," he said as he squeezed one of the globes. Colin couldn't help himself and felt the other one.

"Wow, nice. Dude. You're gonna be popular when you're older," Colin told him.

"I'm already popular. I have tons of friends," he grinned making no attempt to cover up until Nathan told him to so they could head for the pool. Dexter went ahead of them to get the elevator, as Colin talked quietly to Nathan.

"Definitely cute. Are you fucking him?"

"Not yet. Soon though," he smiled as they caught up to Dexter at the elevator. "I've already given him a few pointers on how to use that big dick of his," Nathan said louder so that his young friend could hear.

"Yeah. I know how to masturbate now," Dexter revealed, unashamed to say it loudly.

"And in two months, I'm gonna teach him a few more things," Nathan said as the boys fist bumped.

"Nathan said I get to sleep over on my birthday and he's gonna teach me sex. I already have a list of things I wanna learn. Like kissing."

"Short list," Colin chuckled.

"Maybe to start, but I'm going to eat his ass until my tongue blisters, then I'm gonna ride that thing until we both pass out," Nathan grinned.

"Sound like quite the sleepover."

"Can we swim naked again today?" Dexter asked as he put his hand in the front of his trunks to adjust his package as the elevator arrived.

"As long as there's no one else in there, sure. You know the rules."

"Yeah. Keep my swim suit close in case someone comes in. Colin, are you gonna swim naked?"

"While we're alone I can," Colin replied, amused with the boy as he reminded him of what he was like at 13.

"Cool. Can I see your penis?"

"I'm sure you'll see it when we're swimming."

"Will you get a boner and show it to me like Nathan does?"

"Nathan shows you his boner, huh?" Colin grinned as they finished the short ride to the pool level.

"All the time. That's how he taught me to masturbate. Then on my birthday, he said he'll teach me how to be a man. I already know that means fucking."

"Sounds like a wicked birthday."

"Oh, it will be. We can't do it right now because I'm not old enough, but in two months I am. I can't even wait." As he spoke about it, his penis began to enlarge with excitement and he had to adjust it again, leading to the tip poking out of the top of the small swimwear.

"Dude, put it away until we make sure there's no one else around."

"There's not," he said confidently.

"How do you know?" Colin asked.

"The water isn't moving," he said as he pointed at the door where you could see part of the pool. They entered through the change rooms, which were deserted, and onto the pool deck. Dexter was right. They were alone.

"Do you like boys or girls?" Colin asked interested.

"I like all people," Dexter said looking at Colin as if it seemed like a dumb question.

"I think we should get you in the cold water before that thing is too big to get back into your swim suit," Nathan said reaching over to grope Dexter's extended bulge. Dexter just stood there and let him do whatever he wanted. It was pretty obvious he was comfortable around his older friend.

"You might need a bigger pair of shorts," Colin said amused.

"Nah. Nathan said it's good to show off what I've got as other guys would be jealous. Right Nathan?" He said looking at his older friend.

"Right. Jealousy will definitely be part of it." They made their way to the pool with Dexter holding the towel around his neck, somewhat hiding the large bulge in his trunks. Dexter quickly threw his towel on the chair, dropped his Speedos on the edge of the deck and dove into the water.

"Sounds like he really likes you. If you haven't fucked him yet, are you doing other things together?" Colin asked curiously.

"Just taught him about masturbating and we've jerked each other off. Of course we measured that thing, but dude, in two months, that boy is mine. He turns 14. We're 19. Totally legal. You should join us. It's pretty obvious he likes you too."

"I get the impression he likes anyone who takes interest in him." Colin noted as they jumped in the pool.

"Hey no fair! You have to be naked," Dexter complained as he swam up to Nathan to try and remove his shorts.

"Do you guys do sex together?" Dexter asked after he saw their swim suits hit the deck.

"Of course, we're friends," Nathan said matter-of-factly.

"Yeah, once you show me everything, I'm gonna teach my friend. He's like five months younger than me, so he's just a kid, but he doesn't have anyone to show him stuff. I wanna learn everything so I can put my penis in Landon's butt."

"Yeah, we'll see how it goes," Nathan grinned as Dexter swam off to do a lap.

Colin just rolled his eyes. "Should I set a date for the wedding?"

"Don't joke. He's a good kid and believe me, that ass alone would be enough to keep me happy. I could eat that for days, and I'm sucking that cock for hours once I get started."

The guys swam around for the next hour, fortunate to not have anyone else arrive and force them back into their swim suits. They took them when they moved into the hot tub, where Dexter checked Colin out closely and felt each ab, one by one. When he grabbed Colin's penis, his hand was gently removed. At one point, Dexter stood up to show them that he had a boner. With his small frame, it almost looked like a third leg. Nathan took hold of it with both hands and played with it for a few seconds before pulling Dexter back down under water. "It takes everything I have not to ride that thing every time I see it," Nathan admitted.

Dexter just giggled. "Nathan really like my penis."

"I can tell. I've seen a few myself growing up and I can tell you that you do have a nice one. Your friends will be jealous for sure."

Dexter grinned wildly at the compliment and swung around to sit on Nathan's lap facing him. His hands disappeared under water. "I learned this trick by myself. I can hold both our penises in my hands and play with them at the same time," he announced.

"Good trick. Don't play with them too much, or they throw up," Colin advised.

"You mean they cum sperm, right?" Dexter clarified with a big grin.

"Right," Colin nodded.

"Can I play with yours?" He asked.

"After your birthday."

Dexter turned his attention back to Nathan. He leaned forward and pressed their bodies together and put his head on Nathan's shoulder. It was pretty obvious that he was furiously masturbating under the water. Nathan put his arms around Dexter pulling him into a hug, and ran one hand down to grab his ass.

"Mmmghhhh!" he half purred, half grunted.

"Did you just cum?" Nathan asked. Dexter looked up with a smile and nodded. "Nice job!"

Dexter lay against Nathan for a few minutes nuzzling into him, almost half asleep, before he suddenly moved and got out of the hot tub and dove into the pool.

"You might as well be having sex already. That boy is totally infatuated with you."

"I want his first time to be special."

"You know he's probably gonna fall really hard for you the first time you two do it for real, right? Once you fuck him, you may never get rid of him."

"I'm fine with that," Nathan replied with a smile as he glanced over at the younger boy. "But I do know that it's gonna be one amazing fuck. His first lesson will be to fuck me though."

"If you're free tonight, drop by and I can check out your lesson plans," Colin suggested with his tongue out slightly.

"I'll be there, professor!"

"Has TJ met Dexter yet?"

"A couple times, but I made sure it wasn't when Dexter was wearing only a speedo, or TJ wouldn't have been able to control himself. He's already said that he thinks Dexter might be gay and he'd be willing to find out. I warned him to keep his hands off. I think he got the least for now."

"What happens after Dexter turns 14?" Colin asked curiously.

"I guess we find out. I mean right now he's just a horny kid learning about his penis and sex. For all I know he's straight, and just enjoying learning guy things from someone older."

"But that won't stop you from fucking him," Colin grinned.

"Not at all. Even if I only get to do it once, we are absolutely fucking on his birthday," Nathan grinned as he looked over to Dexter in the pool. They got out of the hot tub and joined him, and with Dexter having cum, the sex talk was now behind them.

Colin spent a lot of time at the office working hard to build his business, partially to let the employees know he could do it, but mostly to make Carter proud of him. Each time he scored a big deal, or finalized something, he made sure to let Carter know and get his opinion. He was enjoying the business world, but was thankful he had older guys around, like the C.O.O. and C.F.O. to help with the complicated things. There were several incidents were people he dealt with didn't take him seriously because of his age, but once they learned who he was and how much he was worth, things got easier. As he got his name out there more, he found himself being invited to a lot of things and was glad to have Jennine as his gatekeeper and keep his appointments straight. She was amazing at turning people away that Colin didn't need to see personally.

A couple months later, Colin answered the door and looked at Nathan. "Jesus, you look like shit. Rough night?"

"Long morning," he smiled. It's Dexter's birthday. The kid showed up at 5am, eager to spend his day with me. He was in my bed almost before I got the door closed. We've been at it non-stop. He just left."

Colin looked at the clock. "Seven hours? Nice. I'm guessing he enjoyed it?"

"Probably as much as you or I did our first time," Nathan acknowledged as Colin got him some water and they sat down. "The kid's a natural. He needs some work on his skills, but he's eager, I'll give him that."

"Sounds like my first time."

"Mine too. Once I realized that playing with my penis was maybe the best toy in the entire world, I couldn't stop. Still can't. I think I might be in love with him."

"Or maybe you're still horny," Colin suggested patting Nathan on the back.

"No, I'm definitely not horny. I doubt I'll be getting hard again for at least a week."

"Yeah right. I'll bet if I took your clothes off and bent you over the counter, you'd wouldn't refuse a fuck."

"Probably not. But just to keep you happy as a friend, not because I was horny."

Colin just laughed. "Sure. Go with that. Was that what you got him for his birthday, or did you actually buy him a present?"

"Like he'd even want anything else. I bought him a silver bracelet just so he had something other than sex for his birthday."

"I know you're dying to tell me. What was it like teaching him?"

"Awesome. If you didn't know he was a virgin, you'd have thought he'd been doing it for years. He took to it like Yoda to the force."

"And what was he the best at?"

"Kissing. By far, kissing. He almost made me cum a few times just from that."

"Nice. Did you get to do what you wanted? Which if I remember was eat his ass until your tongue got blisters and then ride his cock."

"I'll say. He thought being rimmed was the best thing in the whole world. At least it was until he got to fuck me. Then that was the best thing," Nathan laughed. "I wonder what he'll say when I fuck him next time."

"You didn't? I'm surprised."

"I didn't want to do everything on his first time, but the way he took to rimming, he's gonna be a power bottom. I wanted to let him think about this first sex before I open him up and take his ass."

"Told you he was infatuated with you, didn't I? I'll bet he shows up tonight with an overnight bag and a boner to last until morning."

"How'd you know that?" Nathan laughed. "He already planned to stay over once he's done with his family thing and his party."

"Someone's not getting any sleep," Colin laughed.

"I'll take a nap before he arrives. Oh, Dexter did tell me to say hi, and wanted me to ask you if you'd want to go swimming again sometime."

"Sure. Someday."

"He said to remind you that you promised you'd let him play with your penis after his birthday."

"He remembers that?"

"That boy remembers everything. He's like a walking Wikipedia."

"I guess I should go buy him a gift or something. Maybe an industrial size bottle of lube or a butt plug for those off days."

"I know you're joking, but I was thinking of going and getting him stuff he might be too embarrassed to buy himself, like condoms and lube. I mean he may have started sex with me, but at that age, once you get going, you stick it anything. I figure I better show him how to use a condom so he's not a Dad before he's 15."

"Good thinking. Maybe I'll just get him cash. At 14, it's always a useful gift."

"You probably wouldn't need to get him anything. Just let him play with your dick. He'll be happy with that."

"True. I know what I was like that at his age. "I'll make it seem like a present though and let him unwrap it." I'm actually just curious to see how he reacts at being fucked for the first time. It's always different in your mind than reality."

"Isn't that the truth. First time I got my ass plowed, I thought I was gonna die from the pain. The guy wasn't exactly gentle. I don't want Dexter's first anal experience to be like that. I want him to enjoy it, and only go as far as he can handle."

"Or 7 inches, whichever comes first," Colin chuckled. "I'll offer to add the extra half inch if he needs it."

"Shit. I think I'd be more excited about screwing him with you watching, than he'll be at the idea of having sex with us. At least it'd be a birthday he never forgets."

"Isn't that the truth. My first time wasn't even on my birthday and I remember it like it was yesterday. He'll be dreaming of this day when he's 40."

The guys headed out to have lunch and buy some things for Dexter. Nathan left to go have a nap, as he said he was exhausted and had a feeling he might be up late. Colin agreed and wished him good luck.

Just after 11pm, Colin heard someone knocking on his door. He wondered who would be calling at this hour, and ran to find out. He opened it to find a grinning Dexter standing beside Nathan. Dexter looked like he was packed to go on vacation.

"Hey Colin. Dexter wanted to come down and say hi," Nathan remarked.

"Happy birthday, Dexter," Colin said as the kid pushed past and entered the penthouse. "Come in," he smirked. "How's the birthday going so far?"

"Excellent. Best day ever. I had a party at my place, but my friends weren't in a hurry to leave. I finally had to tell them to fuck off as I was going out to get laid. I don't think they believed me as they wanted to know who she was," Dexter explained. "They probably would have stayed all night and that would have sucked big time."

"That depends on the type for friends you have. If you could have sucked them all `big time' it might have been more fun than anything else."

"Nah. Not those kinda friends. At least most of them. My best friend Landon is pretty horny, I'm gonna have sex with him once I learn more stuff."

"Does he know that?" Colin asked smiling at how excited Dexter was.

"No. But once I suck his dick, I know he'll want more."

"What sort of things have you learned so far?" Colin asked as they made their way to the couch. "Last I heard you had just been masturbating."

"Nathan let me come over this morning and we had tons of sex lessons. He promised he's gonna fuck me tonight! That'll be epic."

"Don't be in too big a rush, buddy."

"I've waited 14 years. I'm pretty patient. Wow, Colin! Your apartment is huge. It's way cooler than my place," he said jumping up to go look out the windows.

"Thanks," Colin replied. "You guys want something to drink?"

"Sure. A martini. Shaken not stirred," Dexter said with a big smile.

"One coke coming up," Colin said as he went to the kitchen, then laughed to himself as he shook the can vigorously.

Dexter continued to look around as he kept talking. "I couldn't even sleep last night, because Nathan was gonna let me go over to his place for sex."

Nathan just smiled as he watched his enthusiastic young friend. "I let you come over? You mean you showed up at 5am with a boner and pushed your way into my place before my eyes were open."

"Like I let me come over," Dexter said with a cute smile that showed off his dimples. "I wanted to make my birthday last as long as it could."

"Then I'm surprised you didn't show up at midnight," Colin laughed.

"I was gonna, but I fell asleep. I didn't wake up until 5, but then I got to play naked all day."

"Didn't your parents miss you?"

"Nah. They leave early for work and never usually wake me up before they go."

"You play naked huh? What type of things did you play? Naked Twister, or naked Monopoly?"

Dexter looked at Nathan. "Am I allowed to tell him?"

"Sure. That's why we waited until you were 14, so that it was legal. It's up to you who you tell."

"Cool. So we finally got to do it! I mean like everything. Nathan taught me to kiss and give blowjobs and how to fuck and everything. He even licked my ass, which was like the best thing ever in my whole life."

"Really? Having your ass licked was better than fucking?"

"Well, no, but it was like better than everything else up to that. He promised that he'd show me everything else tonight."

"Everything else? What else is there?" Colin asked trying to sound naively innocent as Nathan just grinned. "Sound like you did it all this morning."

"Not everything. Nathan didn't fuck me yet. He said I should wait until later to learn that. So that's why I came over tonight."

"That's your definition of later?" Colin laughed. "Maybe he meant later as in after you've had sex a few times and screwed a few other people first?"

"No way. I wanna do everything so I can tell everyone I lost my virginity on my birthday," he reasoned as he walked back over to Colin, who handed him the Coke. Dexter put it on the counter as he kept staring at Colin. "Ummm, so you said when I turn 14, I could play with your penis and see it hard. I'm 14!"

"I guess I did say that didn't I? One day I'll learn to keep my mouth shut," Colin replied trying to sound like he wasn't on board with the idea, but his smile giving him away.

Dexter gave a big grin. "Can we use your hot tub?" He asked taking off his shirt before he got an answer. "Can people see in your apartment if you get naked?"

"No, I'm too high up for people to look in here," he replied as Dexter dropped his pants and kicked them away before pulling off his underwear to stand naked in front of the older boys.

"What have you been teaching this kid?" Colin laughed, looking Nathan over.

"Trust me, he was taking his clothes off around people long before he met me. That's on him, not me."

"How about I give you these first?" Colin said handing over a couple presents. "Happy birthday."

"For me? Thanks!" He beamed as he sat down between the guys and ripped the first one open. It was the bottle of lube. He carefully looked it over. "That's a pretty big bottle of it," he grinned. "I'll never use all that."

"You're 14. Yes, you will," Nathan replied. "But remember what I told you. You don't need tons. Just enough to make both things slippery. You're not taking a bath in it, and it's not like a porn when you rub it all over the ass cheeks."

Dexter laughed. "Yeah. Nathan showed me some porn where they did that before they fucked. He said it's dumb as you only need some on the penis and in the butt hole. Thanks Colin!" He said leaning over to give him a kiss.

"You're welcome. You still have a couple of other presents though. You could save the kiss until the end."

"I'd rather give one kiss per present. I like kissing. Nathan showed me how to use tongue too."

"I'm sure he did," Colin chuckled as Dexter ripped open the second package which was a box of 50 condoms.

"Holy shit! Cool!" He said looking at the box. "There's like different types. This'll last me like a whole month!"

"Yeah, I thought you might like to try out different ones so you know what you liked best," Colin told him. "For when you start boning all those girls at school. Last thing you want is to be a Dad before you finish junior high."

"Sweet. I don't have to wear them when we're doing it do I?" He asked looking at Nathan.

"No. Not unless you're worried about getting me pregnant."

Dexter just laughed. "No. Would you show me how to put one on properly though? Just so I know for sure. They kinda show us in school, but we don't use a real penis. My friend says it's harder to do it on yourself than a banana."

"He's right. Sure. I'll be happy to show you," Nathan agreed.

Dexter gave Colin another kiss before settling down to open the last present. He pulled out the gift card and stared at it. "Wow! My own Visa? I've got gift cards before, but usually for games or to go to the movies. Can I use this anywhere?"

"Anywhere you want to be...or so they say in the ads," Colin nodded. "I figure if you're going on a date, or you need to buy something cooler for yourself than we might you."

"This is wicked awesome! Thanks Colin," he said staring at it. "Ummm, is it really $500?"

"It really is. I know how expensive shit is. I mean just going to a movie could cost 50 bucks for two of you. Buying new shoes is easily over a hundred. It won't go far, but it should at least let you get some stuff you want."

"Wow! Most I ever got on a gift card was like 50 bucks. Thanks a lot Colin. I can take you guys out to dinner with it one day if you want."

"How about you use it on yourself, and if we go out to dinner, we'll take care of it."

Dexter stood up and moved in front of Colin, before straddling his lap to sit on it and give him a proper kiss. He went so long Colin wondered if one of them might run out of air before he stopped. When he finally sat back grinning, Colin stared at him. "I'm guessing that was one of those things you learned this morning?"

"Yep. Was it okay?"

"I'd say it was almost perfect. Looks like I may have to have Nathan give me a few lessons."

"Did it give you a boner? It gives me one."

"I can see that," he remarked looking down at the boy's erection, almost wet from excitement. "But as teenagers, a strong wind gives us boners. A kiss like that from a naked boy DEFINITELY gave me a boner though."

Dexter gave a big grin. "Cool. Do I get to see it now? You promised."

"Could we stop you, even if we said no?" Nathan asked.

"Nope!" Dexter replied.

"Then I guess you have one last present to unwrap," Nathan said to him. "I'm sure Colin won't mind if you take his clothes off."

"Oh, we're starting now?" Colin smiled as Dexter began pulling his shirt up. He let him pull if off so they were shirtless and sitting face to face. Nathan removed his own shirt so he wasn't left out.

Dexter scrambled off Colin's lap and quickly unfastened his pants, almost struggling to get them down in his excitement to see Colin's erection. Once he had it out and had thrown Colin's clothes aside, he leaned in to take a closer look and wrap his hands around it. "Wow. That's nice. I think I'm gonna enjoy playing with boy's penises."

"How about we hit the hot tub for a bit first?" Colin suggested. "If you make me cum it'll be over too soon."

"Cool! Thanks again for all the presents, Colin. I didn't expect anything. I just thought it'd be awesome to hang out with you guys."

"Anything except to see Colin naked," Nathan reminded him.

"Yeah, but he promised me that I could see it when I was 14."

"I was thinking that maybe after we've all hung out in the hot tub for a bit, and you've gotten to play with Colin. Maybe you should show him what you learned this morning. The three of us could fool around in bed together?" Nathan suggested.

"Like have a three-way?" Dexter asked as his eyes went wide. "Fuck yeah! I mean sure...if that's cool with you guys."

"It's cool with us. I'm sure Colin would enjoy your cock in him."

"You're offering my ass up?" Colin laughed.

"Like you'd complain."

"How about this Dexter? You and I take turns shredding Nathan's ass since he's so willing to offer others up for sex."

"Yeah! Ummm...I could offer my ass up too."

"Have you been fucked already?" Colin asked faking ignorance again.

"No, but Nathan promised he'd fuck me later and it's later now, so I kinda wanna do that before my birthday ends. I think it would be the best birthday present ever if Nathan fucked me while you watched. That way I have a witness if anyone calls me a liar when I say I've done it."

"Or you could just have sex with them to prove you know how to do it," Nathan reasoned.

"Landon will be the first one I'd tell, and he'll be the first to call me a liar." He grinned and looked at the guys. "That's when I'll offer to show him what I know. Do you think when he turns 14, he could come over and learn more sex from you guys?"

"I think we'd have to meet him first and see if he's okay with it. You'll know that as soon as you offer to show him something."

"He'll be fine. We've already seen each other's boners in the shower and he's pretty horny all the time, just like me. But tonight I wanna get fucked before my birthday is over, and that's in 42 minutes."

"Sex doesn't end on your birthday," Nathan laughed. "You can always save stuff for another day, and like the rest of your life."

"Dude! I waited 14 years. Tonight's the night it all starts. Someone is gonna fuck me or you better have bananas in the fridge. I have condoms now and I'm not afraid to use them!" The guys laughed as they moved into the hot tub.

Once they'd submerged themselves, Dexter looked at both guys. "So what position are we gonna do first when you fuck me, Nathan?"

"First?" Colin laughed. "Eager much. Trust me dude, you'll probably get the tip of a penis in you, realize how much it hurts and not want anal again until you're 16."

"Is that what you did?" Dexter asked.

"No, but lots of guys don't enjoy their first time."

"What about you, Nathan, did you like it?"

"My first time was terrible, but then I wasn't really ready for it. A guy with a big cock just plowed my ass so he could get off. It was the worst pain I ever felt."

"But now you like it, right?" Dexter asked listening to both guys carefully.

"Now, I love it. If you want to see how it's done, you could watch Colin and I fuck so you understand everything," he offered with Colin giving him a raised eyebrow to looked amused at the idea of being offered up.

"Nah. We don't have that much time. It'll be midnight soon and I want you to go in me before that. I don't care if it hurts, I wanna be able to say I did it on my birthday. Please, Nathan. Please!!! Even if I don't like it at first, I really want it to happen tonight."

"Remember what I told you this morning when you fucked me?"

"Ummm...that you make weird fuck faces."

Colin snorted a laugh. "He's not wrong."

"Shut up. I meant more about going slow and remembering to relax your ass when something goes in. I've done it a few times so I know what I'm doing, but the first time, your instinct is to clamp your ass shut and forget to breathe."

"Okay. I can remember to do that. And use lube right? You said that's important as a guy's butt isn't slippery like a vagina."

Very important. You may have to go in a bit, then pull back, use more lube and go again. It sometimes takes several slow attempts to get in before you can accept a proper fuck," Nathan said as he tried to explain it.

"Okay, I got it," he said standing up showing he was fully hard. Nathan reached over to take hold of it and pull him closer.

"Maybe you'd just like a blowjob?" Nathan inquired as he leaned in and sucked the boy's 7 inches down to the base. Dexter inhaled and froze as he got sucked off.

"Whooo!! I like that, but can we do that later, after you fuck me?"

Colin laughed. "Talk about a one-track mind. Most guys build up to fucking during sex."

"I built up to it," Dexter replied quickly. "I spend all morning learning the other stuff. Now I'm totally ready."

"Alright. I'll fuck you, but if it hurts, I don't want you to just do it to get it over with. We can always take our time and work up to it on other days. I'm sure this isn't the only time you'll want to come over for sex."

"No way! I'm gonna come over every day before and after school," he said excitedly.

Colin laughed. "I guess you won't need to worry about getting laid anymore, Nathan."

"Do you get laid a lot, Colin?" Dexter asked as he watched Nathan sucking his cock and playing with his balls.

"A couple times," Colin replied with a small grin.

"A day?"

"Sure. Let's go with that," he said as Nathan just smiled while keeping his mouth around the 14-year-old's hard cock. He sat up a couple moments later to show off the erection standing up proudly at a 45-degree angle.

"I have an idea," Nathan said. "Dex, why don't you bend over and show Colin your new blowjob skills while I eat your ass."

"Then you'll fuck me?"

"Then we'll give it a try to see what you can handle."

"Okay. Done!" He said enthusiastically. "Colin, you should sit on the side of the hot tub though, or I might drown if I try to give you a blowjob under water."

"That seems like good advice," Colin nodded as he lifted out of the water and sat on the side of the tub spreading his legs. Dexter got between them and took hold of Colin's penis before bending over to start licking it. "I like a guy who knows what he wants," Colin smirked looking at Nathan.

"Couldn't get him off my cock this morning. I think he almost sucked a couple layers of skin off it. Just remember to watch the teeth, Dexter. You don't want Colin to punch you in the head for hurting his dick, do you?"

"No. I remember. You said use lots of sucking and to make sure my tongue goes all over it."

"Professor Nathan. Head of sex education at porn university," Colin joked.

"Uhhh...Dean of the university," Nathan bragged.

"Well, you know what they say. Those who can, do. Those who can't...teach," he joked. Nathan gave him a finger before kneeling down behind Dexter to pull his ass cheeks apart. He leaned in and began rimming the boy, who gasped and grinned with excitement as he began his first three-way.

Nathan rimmed him for a couple minutes, while at the same time slowly stroking the boy's rock-hard erection. He was debating whether or not to just make the boy cum, so he'd calm down from the idea of being fucked, but Dexter had other ideas when he looked at the clock and stopped sucking Colin to be able to speak.

"Dude. It's quarter to 12. You gotta fuck me, or I'll miss it," he pleaded.

"I'm working on it," Nathan said as he reached for the bottle of lube that Dexter had placed beside the hot tub. He opened it and put some on his finger to gently push it into the boy's ass. He could feel Dexter quickly clamp down as soon as the tip of the finger penetrated him.

Dexter lay his head on Colin's lap to concentrate on what was about to happen. Colin simply stroked his back as he watched him being prepared. It brought back a lot of memories about his first time.

"Relax, buddy, or you'll never get my cock in there," Nathan told him as he rubbed an ass cheek with his free hand. He pulled out and fingered more lube in.

"It's 10 to 12, Nathan. Please do it now!" Dexter begged.

"Eager little thing, aren't you?" Colin grinned.

Dexter looked up almost with a pleading look in his eyes. "I just want it so bad."

"You may not be saying that in a few seconds. Trust me. The fantasy of being fucked is a whole lot different than the actual fuck."

Nathan stood up and poured lube all over his cock thoroughly coating it before he stepped up behind Dexter and ran the tip of it up and down his crack. Dexter inhaled deeply, almost as a sigh while he `patiently' waited for his cherry to be taken. He grabbed hold of Colin's cock and slipped it back into his mouth, almost as a pacifier while he focused on trying to relax, and do what he'd been told to prepare for the first penetration. Colin kept rubbing Dexter's back and ran his fingers through to boy's hair, almost giving him a head massage.

Nathan placed the tip of his penis at the entrance to Dexter's tiny hole and put a hand on his lower back. "Okay, buddy. If you're sure you want this, take a deep breath push your ass out like you're trying to fart and just stay relaxed. The first bit will really hurt while I get into you but then it should get way better," Nathan said supportively. Dexter just nodded and mumbled an `ok'.

Nathan pushed in and Dexter instantly tensed up and tried to move forward. "Relax and look at me," Colin told him quietly.

Dexter pulled Colin's cock out of his mouth but kept his hand clamped around it as he looked up and watched Colin take deep breaths that he could copy. As Nathan pushed, Dexter's eyes went wide, with almost a scared look as he felt himself being entered.

"It's like having a baby in reverse," Colin joked. "One good push and it's a boy!"

Dexter laughed slightly causing his ass to open and the head of Nathan's penis to enter quickly. He jumped and cried out.

"That's it. I'm in Dex. Just relax buddy and let your ass get used to it," Nathan said rubbing his back gently.

Dexter just nodded and looked at Colin as he held onto his dick as if he were falling off a cliff and would die if he let go.

"Does it hurt?" Colin asked quietly.

Dexter nodded with the appearance of tears in his eyes. "A lot."

"I think it's too much for him," Colin said to Nathan. "Maybe you should take it out."

"NO! I have to do this. Please keep going." He looked over at the clock. "It's five to 12. Did I do it?"

"Technically, yes. You've had your cherry popped, but if you can handle it, I'll go deeper and see if I can cum before midnight."

Dexter nodded.

"Colin rub his back, or maybe you two can kiss while I go in," Nathan suggested as he poured lube onto the top of his shaft in preparation for the journey into the virgin.

Dexter pushed up a bit as Colin leaned in to meet him and lock lips. Nathan reached around to take hold of Dexter's erection as he moved forward to push inside. The 14-year-old inhaled deeply, but tried to focus on kissing Colin, and not the fact he was being opened up for the first time.

That's it. I'm all the way in," Nathan said suddenly, causing Dexter and Colin to break their kiss. "You okay?"

Dexter just nodded and dropped his head down to take Colin's cock back into his mouth. Nathan let go of Dexter's cock and began to really fuck him. Colin just smiled. "Jesus. From virgin to a spit roasting in one day. By the end of the week, he'll be on tour doing porn."

Dexter quickly looked up as if he were about to say something.

"No. You can't!!" Colin laughed. Nathan began to fuck harder as he glanced over at the clock with only a couple minutes to go before midnight. He grabbed Dexter's hips and moved faster.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! I'm gonna cum buddy. I'm gonna CUM!!!" he grunted shooting his load inside the boy as he leaned in to reach around and take hold of Dexter's cock again and jerk him off furiously. The boy cried out and blasted his entire offering into the hot tub as Nathan slowly pulled out of his ass. By the time they'd separated, Dexter, had taken his mouth off the cock he'd been sucking, and was panting hard. He looked up at Colin. He had tears running down his face.

"Oh shit. Did you get hurt?" Colin asked concerned as Dexter stood up and turned around to look at Nathan, who was just as scared at seeing Dexter crying.

All the boy did was shake his head and leaned in to hug Nathan tight. "Thank you. That was the best birthday I could have ever wanted," he gushed as he just kept hold of him. Colin couldn't help but look at the boy who now had cum pouring down his leg. Since he was the only one who hadn't cum, he almost wanted to stand up and shove himself into the newly opened hole, but he just let the guys enjoy their moment. When they finally did release the hug, both guys slipped into the water to relax. Colin moved in beside Nathan. Dexter jumped out of the hot tub to run to the kitchen and grab the coke he'd left there, before running back and jumping in the water next to the other guys. He went to pop the top on it. Colin looked at the can and then back at the kitchen, realizing what Dexter had in his hand.

"NOOO!!" he yelled just as Dexter flipped the tab open. Coke exploded out of the top of the can soaking all three boys thoroughly. It took a couple of surprised seconds for everyone to realize what happened, then they began to laugh uncontrollably.

"Well, you did say you wanted shaken not stirred," Colin reminded him as they sat there with coke running off their upper bodies. They cleaned up by dunking under the water and Dexter taking a sip of what was left of the Coke.

"I guess it's not your birthday anymore," Nathan remarked as the three of them looked at the clock, now showing two minutes past midnight. "So, what happens on the day after your birthday?"

"I think I we should go to bed. I need sleep," Dexter admitted. "It was such a perfect day; I want to dream about it for the rest of my life."

"You may actually. I still dream about the first time I had sex when I was 13," Colin admitted. "You'll probably never forget your first time."

"He's right, Dex. I remember the first time I ever played with another boy's penis. I was five and I still remember it. It wasn't like sex or anything, but it was the first time I got to touch one, and I never forgot it. Of course, I remember the first fuck too, but that's because it hurt so much. I hope you were okay."

"It hurt a lot at first, but I knew I wanted it. After you got all the way in, it felt better. My ass feels like it's got a heartbeat right now as I can feel it beating."

"That's the senses remembering your first penetration. It'll calm down in a minute."

"Will you wanna fuck me more, now that we've done it?" Dexter asked wide eyed and eager.

"Would you even let me say no?"

"No," Dexter grinned. "Are we all gonna sleep in your bed, Colin?"

"You two are staying over?" He asked looking at them.

"Sure. I told my parents I was staying at Nathan's tonight, but I don't think they'd mind if I stayed here."

"You don't think your parents would mind if you slept in a bed with two older guys that you just had sex with?" Colin inquired humorously.

"Well, they might mind the sex thing, but it's not like I'm gonna tell them that. I just meant they know I'm old enough that they're cool with me sleeping over at friends."

"Will you actually sleep?" Nathan asked. "I mean you didn't get much last night, or this morning when you showed up."

"Sure. For a bit anyway. I'm really tired, but in the morning, we could all do the sex again."

"You've created a monster. I swear," Colin laughed. "How about we clean up and then sleep? See how you feel in the morning."

"Oh, I'll be horny. I'm always horny in the morning. Ever since I hit puberty, my penis has been hard when I get up. Now that I'm old enough, I'm gonna need some place to put it other than just in my hand."

"You better remember to pack a dozen condoms with you in your backpack when you head off to school if you're that horny. Girls everywhere will be dropping their panties for you," Nathan laughed.

"I'm good with guys for now. My friend said guys are way hornier than girls. That's why I'm gonna give him a blowjob. I have a total plan worked out."

"Of that, I have no doubt. I'm betting you even planned this entire birthday too, didn't you?" Colin asked.

"I had to, so I could make sure I got to do everything."

The boys got out of the hot tub, dried off and hit the shower to clean up before heading for the bedroom.

"Did you bring your Spongebob pyjamas?" Nathan teased.

"I don't wear pyjamas. I'm not a kid anymore," Dexter grinned as he stood wrapped in the oversize towel.

"Oh yeah? Then what are these?" Nathan laughed having picked up Dexter's Spongebob boxers off the floor when they'd walked past them.

"Those aren't pyjamas. They're my boxers. That's what I wear to bed...not pyjamas!!"

"Oh, are your Dora the Explorer panties in the wash?" Nathan teased waving them around. Dexter jumped for them as Nathan reached to pull his towel off.

"Ha ha! Very funny. My friends used to try that all the time, but once they saw I didn't mind walking around naked; they don't do it anymore."

"Yeah, takes the fun out of it if it doesn't bother you," Colin agreed. "Best way to end practical jokes is to make them even more embarrassed."

"Do you guys sleep in boxers, too?" Dexter asked looking at them.

"I sleep naked," Colin admitted.

"Me too," Nathan agreed.

"Cool. I think I should too, now that I'm 14. Sleepovers are gonna be way more fun!"

"You might want to double check with your straight friends before you climb into their beds naked," Colin laughed.

"Or they could follow my lead when getting into my bed," he reasoned. "We jerk off lots, so that'll just make it way easier."

"Seems logical to me," Nathan nodded as he got into Colin's bed after dropping his own towel. Dexter quickly scrambled over him.

"I'm in the middle," he said quickly in case there might be some discussion about it.

Colin went around the other side and got in. All three boys fell asleep very quickly, with Dexter out for the duration. In the morning, Colin woke up to his dick being sucked and he looked over to see Nathan lying where he'd fallen asleep. That only left one person who could be entertaining himself. Colin lifted up the covers to peek under.

Dexter stopped what he was doing and looked up. "You had a boner, so I thought I'd help you," he said unnecessarily explaining himself.

"And what about you? Don't you have one as well?" Colin said with a big smile.

Dexter stopped to show him. "I had one all night."

"Turn around and we can take care of each other at the same time," he said quietly. Dexter spun around so that they were in a 69 position and went to work on each other. Colin noticed movement and looked over to Nathan who was now awake watching them with a grin. He moved closer and began eating Dexter's ass before shoving his own crotch nearer. Dexter didn't miss the opportunity to now have two cocks to choose from and happily played with both of them.

"I'm gonna cum," Dexter warned as he enjoyed the morning wake up sex. Nathan shoved his tongue further into the tight hole, and Colin sucked him harder. The post birthday boy shot his load without additional warning and kept right on going until he'd gotten the other two boys to cum as well.

"I like waking up like this," he said wiping his lips as he turned around. "What do we do next?"

"Breakfast?" Colin suggested.

"No. I meant in bed stuff. Don't we get to fuck when we wake up? It's your turn to do me next," Dexter announced, looking at Colin.

"Dude. I just came. I sorta need some recharge time."

"Cool. How long does that normally take?"

Colin looked down at Dexter's crotch to see that he was still fully hard. "Apparently longer than it takes you. How about you fuck me, and I'll rest and recharge while you do it?"

"Awesome!" He said excitedly. Colin rolled onto his stomach and closed his eyes as Dexter bounced into position. Nathan helped him with the lube, and moments later Dexter was lying on top of Colin pushing his erection into his new friend. His ass moved up and down as he fucked, and Nathan just lay beside them staring at Colin, grinning. Colin rolled his eyes.

"See what you've done? Now he'll want sex ten times a day. Hope your ass is durable," Colin chastised.

"I'm sure I could find plenty of places for him to stick it if my ass ever does wear out," Nathan laughed as he rubbed Dexter's back and ass, while he lay on top of Colin enjoying himself. The boy lasted only a couple minutes before he grunted and them collapsed hard onto Colin's back.

"Whew! I just came again. I think I did tons that time. Do you want me to do you next, Nathan?" He asked looking over.

"Or you could just pull out and go back to sleep for a bit, or we could actually have breakfast," Nathan suggested.

"Nah. I slept enough. I wanna play. What do you guys usually do in the morning when you wake up?"

"Usually? We take the boy that we have in bed and we throw him on his back, fling his legs up over our shoulders and fuck the hell out of him repeatedly until he can't take it anymore and wants to sleep again," Colin said as Dexter continued to lie on him. "Are you still hard?"

"Yeah. I think my penis likes it in your bum."

"Normally when you cum, you pull out and sex is over for a bit," Colin advised.


"Usually when a guy cums, the feeling of being horny subsides and they need a short break before they are horny again."

"Oh. I'm kinda still horny though. Want me to get out of you and lie on my back so you guys can fuck me?"

"It's up to you. If you want to keep doing what you're doing, maybe Nathan could join in and play with you while you keep fucking."

"Okay. Cool. I can do that," he said eagerly as he began to move his hips again. Nathan just smiled and ran his finger down Dexter's ass crack, feeling the boy's pucker tighten as he touched it. He moved behind the younger boy and began to lick the length of his crack, causing Dexter to gasp and stop his movement to enjoy the rimming.

"Keep fucking," Nathan reminded him. "This way you are being stimulated from both sides. Makes it even hotter."

Dexter nodded and resumed fucking Colin while trying to concentrate on everything that was taking place. He felt Nathan's finger begin to enter him, and by instinct, tightened up, until he was reminded to relax. It only took a couple minutes of finger probing for Dexter to really get into the feeling, and he started to fuck faster. The impending orgasm was building, and he almost complained verbally when Nathan's finger left his ass. He felt so empty without something in there. He didn't have to wait long before he felt something larger at his entrance. He turned his head to see Nathan kneeling behind him with his erection poised for entrance. Dexter just smiled and lay his head on Colin's back to await his next fuck.

Nathan entered slowly and found incredible resistance as he tried to get through the outer ring. "Remember to relax so I can actually get in, buddy. This is always the worst part. The initial penetration is the toughest but once you get the hang of opening up, you'll love being fucked."

"I already love it. Even if it does hurt a lot at first. I think it's really cool that we get to do it together," Dexter gushed as he tried to relax properly. He jumped slightly as his ass opened up and sucked the mushroom head inside his tight hole. Nathan paused to let him adjust to the stuffing he was getting. As he felt Dexter relax, he continued the forward motion until all three boys were fully connected.

"Okay, Dex, now that you're the meat in this fuck sandwich, Colin and I stay still while you move your ass back and forth. As you enter Colin, my dick pulls back in you, and when you push your ass up, it forces me inside you, and your dick eases back in Colin."

Dexter tried a couple of thrust and then excitedly picked up speed. "This is way more fun than just doing it with one person. "We gotta do this all the time," he said as he began moving even faster between the two older boys. "Oh wow. I think I'm gonna cum again," he panted.

"Just fuck the hell out of us," Nathan commanded to his young protégé.

Dexter grunted and held on as he had another powerful orgasm and collapsed onto Colin again. Nathan took over and began banging the hell out of Dexter's ass, bouncing the two boys beneath him hard into the bed. He announced the arrival of his orgasm, flooding Dexter's hole and pulling out just before the final jet to ensure he got some all over the outside of the boy.

Nathan rolled off, and lay on his back beside Colin, then leaned over to kiss him. "Good morning," he grinned.

Colin rolled his eyes and smiled. "Good morning. This was a fun way to wake up. You can probably pull out of me now, Dexter. I think that's enough for now."

"I can keep going," Dexter offered.

"Maybe, but my ass needs a break. You have a pretty decent size dick and you have to keep that in mind when you fuck. It can last a lot longer than a guy's ass. Make sure you check to see how they're doing."

"Cool. Okay," he said as he pulled out slowly like Nathan had instructed. He bounced over Nathan to lie beside him, partially on his side so he could look at him and run his hands over Nathan's body.

"Ummm, can we stay here all day, and not put clothes on?" Dexter asked. "I think that'd be fun, plus Colin still hasn't gotten to fuck me, and I wanna see how you guys do it with each other so I can maybe learn more stuff."

"We should take a shower to get cleaned up and then get dressed to go out to breakfast. After that I'm sure we could find something the three of us could do together."

"Cool. When more than two people are having sex, who normally goes first?" Dexter asked as he moved his hand to gently play with Nathan's now limp penis. He enjoyed pulling the foreskin back and forth to watch the head appear and disappear.

"Well normally when it's all guys...we go in order of dick size, smallest to largest, so that the boy opens up better," Colin said trying to be a smart ass. "But since Nathan already fucked you yesterday, then in a case like that, we go with the person who has fucked you the least. So that would be me."

Nathan laughed. "I didn't realize there were so many rules," he teased.

"Me neither!" Dexter grinned. "See, this is why I like hanging out with older guys, `cause they teach you tons of stuff that guys my age don't know. Okay, I'm ready again whenever you are."

"He's ready whenever you are," Nathan parroted with a smile as he turned to face Dexter and began kissing him. Colin watched for a couple minutes and found himself unable to resist reaching over to feel Dexter's firm smooth ass. He slipped a finger into the hole and almost immediately knew he wanted to fuck the boy, but maybe later when he'd recovered and could really enjoy it. He pulled his finger out and slapped Dexter's ass.

"Come on. Let's get cleaned up and go for breakfast. Plenty of day ahead so we should pace ourselves if we're planning on more of this."

The guys stumbled out of bed and all headed into the bathroom together. Nathan and Dexter took their morning piss together as Colin started the shower. He let them get in first and he used the toilet next. Fortunately, it was a big shower and all three had plenty of space. Dexter hadn't stopped smiling since he woke up.

"Never had a shower with three people before. I think it's one of my new favorite things," he gushed as Nathan washed his back for him.

"You're not kidding about that erection, huh?" Colin smiled, looking down at the boy. "Never goes down, does it?"

"Not for at least the past year," he said checking himself out. "I barely even notice anymore. It's just always ready when I need to play with it. It's a bit annoying in the locker room when I change. Sometimes I have to really work at making it go down so the guys won't notice."

"Let them check you out. Maybe you'll give a few others boners too when they see it. Might end up with you having other guys to actually play with."

Dexter laughed. "Nah. You gotta be careful at school with stuff like that. Guys can be pretty mean if they start to tease you about an erection. One guy got one in the showers once, and ever since he get's called Boner."

I remember those days," Nathan admitted. "Kids at school suck. As if they don't all get them too."

"True, but the rules is if you don't get caught with something, it never happened. Boners included," Dexter said as he grabbed the soap and reached out to lather Colin's cock up with it. "I think I'm not the only one who gets boners all the time," he laughed as Colin responded to the attention. "Is it easy to fuck in a shower?"

"Fuck yes. Give a blowjob, no," Nathan smirked. "You almost drown if you're under the spray when you do it. The blowjob, not the fuck," he clarified.

"Ummm, would you show me how to do it while we're in here, Colin?" Dexter asked, trying to sound innocent.

Nathan laughed. "Damn, dude. You've only been getting laid for a few hours and you're already a player. You're gonna wear that ass out before you even get used to using it."

"You can wear them out?" He asked looking concerned.

"Sure. After about ten thousand fucks, they're too loose to be enjoyable, but just give it time to recover between fucks and you'll be fine."

"How long should that be?" He asked looking for all the knowledge he could get from the two older guys.

"30 minutes," Nathan said as Colin replied "Two days."

They laughed as Dexter just stood grinning at them while he continued to soap Colin's package up.

"I think he might be clean there by now," Nathan suggested.

"But now he's horny. I think you should fuck me, Colin," Dexter said almost panting again with excitement.

"How about we have some food first, get some energy," Colin offered.

He reluctantly agreed as they got out to dry off and dress. They had breakfast at the nearby Denny's where Dexter ate so much food, it was like he was eating for all three.

"Damn dude. When's the last time you ate?" Colin laughed.

"Yesterday, at my party," Dexter mumbled back with a face full of food. "You said we needed to eat something so we'd have energy to fuck. I wanna make sure I have lot of energy."

Nathan quickly looked around and lowered his voice. "Dex, quieten down on the fucking. Not everyone would be cool with it."

He shrugged. "That's their loss. I'm gettin' boned and I'm proud of it."

"Fair enough, but maybe keep that to just your friends for now."

Dexter gave a thumbs up as more food was shoveled in. They had barely got the check paid, before Dexter was sliding out of the booth, grabbing Nathan's hand as he went. He was grinning so hard that it was difficult to ignore his enthusiasm. He held his hand the entire way back to the building, oblivious to anyone who was looking at him.

"Dude, you might wanna let my hand go before we get to the building. In case anyone you know sees you. Like your parents perhaps," Nathan suggested.

"Oh yeah. I guess that would be an epic fail if they caught us holding hands. Probably not as epic as if they caught you with your dick in my ass, huh?"

"That would be a catastrophic fail," Nathan agreed as all three returned to the building and rode back up to the penthouse. The door was barely closed before Dexter was out of his clothes, dragging the guys back to the bedroom.

"Okay, I have food in me and lots of energy. I'm ready for Colin's cock in my ass. Then you can go again, Nathan. Then maybe I can do both of you. Oh, and can we do like 69 stuff and maybe more rimming?"

"I told you you created a monster. I just had no idea it was offspring of the Energizer bunny," Colin laughed as he let Dexter basically undress him.

Nathan was next to lose his clothes and the boys got on the bed to make out. Dexter was not in a mood to be patient and was opening the lube, even while Nathan was kissing him. He put some on his ass and then felt around for Colin's cock and coated it as well.

"Okay, I'm ready," he panted between kisses.

"Remember to breathe and relax," Nathan warned as he continued to kiss Dexter and fondle his cock and balls. "Colin is a bit bigger than me, so it might hurt more going in, but after that it should be good."

Dexter just nodded as Colin began his entry as they all lay on their sides. He could feel the smaller guy tense up as the tip of his mushroom head began to apply pressure to the resistant entrance. Nathan was doing his best to keep Dexter calm as well as watch Colin spear the boy. Once the head popped in past the sphincter, Dexter jumped and gasped.

"You okay?" Colin asked watching the boy's face.

"I'm okay. That part just hurts a lot, but don't stop, okay?"

"Okay," Colin grinned as he felt the tight, still virgin like hole grip his cock firmly. He added more lube and began to push further in. Dexter held on and you could see by the size of his eyes how he was feeling.

"How's it feel?" Nathan asked.

"Big. It's like way in there."

"This position always feels like it goes in more," Nathan told him. "Wait until he moves over top of you and your prostate starts to tingle. You might cum so hard you pass out," he said reassuring him.

"You can cum that hard?" Dexter asked as he watched the two older boys using him.

"I dunno about passing out from it, but you might cum so hard you see stars," Colin clarified as he pushed the rest of his cock into Dexter's tiny ass.

"! That feels like you're all the way in my stomach," Dexter announced.

"Do you still want me to fuck you?" Colin asked staring at him.

"Yes, please. I want to really do it like you see in porn."

"You heard the boy, Colin. Fuck him!" Nathan grinned as he moved slightly to let Colin lean in and get a better position. As Nathan lowered his head to kiss Dexter, Colin began to really fuck him hard. Nathan moved out of the way and went behind Colin to play with his ass and balls between his legs.

"Yeah! Pound his tiny pussy, Colin!" Nathan encouraged finding that he was as hard as other two and stroking his cock wildly as he watched. Colin nailed him on the his side for a couple minutes before rolling Dexter face down and lying on top of him, which next led to pulling the boy onto his hands and knees for a doggy style fuck. That gave Nathan the opportunity to scramble underneath in a 69 position. Dexter didn't miss the chance to grab Nathan's cock and take it into his mouth as he got sucked and fucked simultaneously. He cried out in ecstasy as he shot his load into Nathan's waiting mouth. Colin felt the boy's ass contract with the climax and shot a small load into him. Once the climax had ended, he slowly and carefully pulled out. Nathan scrambled out from under Dexter and bounced around to have a look at the freshly fucked hole. "I hope your parents don't check your ass after your shower, or they're gonna know how hard you've been fucked."

"My parents don't see me naked anymore. Not since I was like 12 and my balls dropped."

"Good to know. I guess it's my turn now. Lie on your back so I can look at your face when I fuck you."

"Checking to see if I make fuck faces too, huh?" He chuckled.

Dexter flipped over and flung his legs in the air, as he waited for Nathan to get into position before he lowered them to his older friend's shoulders. He watched himself get lube up again and took deep breaths to work on relaxing, almost hyperventilating as a result. Nathan moved to enter slowly, but Dexter reached up to grab his ass and pull him inside quicker than before. Dexter stared at Nathan non-stop as he was being penetrated and never once lost his erection, despite having just cum. Nathan watched Dexter carefully to gauge the boy's reactions, and ended up drilling him hard and fast, no longer worried about anything but getting himself off. He fucked furiously until he shuddered with a powerful orgasm, adding his own cum to that of Colin's.

"Wow. That was fun. Dude, you got a seriously great ass for fucking," Nathan panted as he slowly pulled out and let Dexter put his legs down. "I could do that all day."

"Is that what we're gonna do all day today?" Dexter grinned. "I don't mind. I could stay in bed with you guys and have sex when we get horny again. What do we do next?"

"Then we're gonna sell you on eBay as a sex slut," Nathan joked.

"Wicked! How much would you get for me?"

"I dunno. What do you think we could get Colin? 5 bucks a fuck?"

"Easily ten," Colin laughed as they joked with him.

"I could make a hundred bucks a day!" Dexter said eagerly.

"Why do I not doubt that?" Nathan said as they continued to play around in bed for another couple hours, finally having to convince Dexter that he should go home before his parents sent out an amber alert. He reluctantly agreed, but said he'd be back later.

After he'd left, Colin flopped onto the couch next to Nathan. "Jesus, I feel old next to him."

"Well at least we don't have far to go if we're ever horny and need to get laid," Nathan smiled. "Told you I'd take that boy for a ride. Would it be weird for me to be in love with a 14-year-old?"

"Not really. We're 19, so in five years he's 19 and we're 24. The age gap doesn't seem as weird then."

"True. Do you think he's actually gonna be gay?"

"I think he's a horny teenager. You should throw him inside a girl to find out what he really prefers."

"I would, but if he chose her over me, I think I'd be devasted, or at the very least, extremely jealous."

"Awww...Don't worry, buddy. This is Vancouver. There are plenty of horny gay boys for you to bone until you find the right one to settle down with. How long do you think it'll take before Dexter's back knocking at your door again?"

"I figure he'll be waiting outside my door now," Nathan laughed. "Do you ever remember our cocks staying hard that long?"

"," Colin laughed. "Maybe by the time we're 24, we'll only be able to go once or twice a day, but for now, let's fuck until we pass out."

"So you topping or bottoming?"

"Topping. In the hot tub!"

The boys rushed to the water and began again.

Colin spent the next couple of weeks focusing on new projects at work and really throwing himself in to building the business. He still sought Carter's approval to be proud of him and prove that he was worthy of being the guy in charge of everything. He was still nervous each time he had to spend big money to buy buildings or property, but he wanted to be able to surprise his brother with big successes at some point.

He finally decided to take a day for himself and went to an initiation party for new recruits to the `Q' Society. He had been assured by the club president that not only would it be fun, but that he'd probably enjoy getting to meet a lot of the new boys that were joining.

Chapter 36 "Who's the popular guy surrounded by the crowd of guys, being basically ravaged over there?" Colin asked Jake as they stood together having a drink.

"That's Jason Masters. He's our youngest recruit ever. Boy is one horny dude. He's 14, but you'd think he was 20 by the way he interacts with everyone. You should go meet him later. I'm sure you two would get along."

"Looks like he gets along with everyone already," Colin laughed. "14. Damn. I remember that age. I had my first boyfriend, and we were screwing anything that we could get our hands on. I thought our minimum age to join was 16."

"It is, but Jason walked into the middle of one of our events when we were outside with the pledges, and by the time we realized that he wasn't supposed to be there, the task was over. He took to it better than half the guys in that pledge group. Funny thing is though that when I talked to him afterward, he said he'd never had sex before. He just watched from the woods and saw what everyone was doing and figured it looked fun, so he joined in. The way he took to it, I thought he'd been doing it for years. The boy's got some mad skills." Jake leaned in to whisper in Colin's ear. "I heard he even has an identical twin. I'd love to know just how identical."

"Jesus, that's the last thing we'd need. Two guys that popular. How is it fair that a guy that young is not only hot and insanely well hung, but has a twin? There'd be no one left for us to play with. They'd all be trying to get with the twins."

"Isn't that the truth. We'd end up with the leftovers."

They both laughed and watched the crowd around Jason getting bigger. "That boy won't be able to walk home by the time they're done with him," Colin commented. "I can't even see him through that crowd, but he must be good."

"The best. Trust me, if you get the chance go drain your balls into him."

"I'm a little more environmental than that. I try not to add to flooded areas," Colin joked. Jake nodded and gave him a fist bump. "But I suppose once he's dried out, he'd be fun for a night."

Colin bumped into Jason getting something to eat later on and introduced himself.

"Hi! Yeah, I've seen you around tonight. You're really hot!" Jason grinned as he got some food and drink.

"So are you. That's a decent cock on you. I'm sure all the guys are trying to wear that out."

"That and my ass," Jason laughed. "This is probably the greatest party I've ever been too."

"You go to a lot of orgy parties, do you?"

"No, this is my first one, but I think it's my new favorite thing in the whole world. I could do this every weekend."

"Shhhh!" Colin said looking around with a grin. "If they hear you, they will have one every weekend just to get you to show up."

"Sweet. I love your abs and how defined your Adonis belt is. I'm still working on mine."

"Adonis belt?" Colin said frowning slightly.

"This `V' the goes to your crotch," he explained reaching over to touch the line. Do you get lots of sex too?" He asked trying to sound friendly.

"Not as much as you from what I've seen. I'm almost jealous."

"YOU are jealous of me? Jason smiled. "I doubt that. You're probably the hottest guy here."

"Thanks, but that crown belongs to you at the moment," Colin replied. "How many guys have fucked you already?"

"I dunno. A lot. I had to take a break as my ass is a bit sore. Plus, I don't think there's room for anymore cum right now."

Colin laughed. "Go drain it out and give yourself a bit of a rinse."

"Probably a good idea. I went to use the shower in the bathroom, but there were three guys fucking in there, so I never got near it."

"I'll get them out and stand guard for you."

"Or you could help me shower if you want. I wouldn't mind if you wanted to play around," Jason said quickly.

"Damn. If you weren't having so much fun, I'd say screw the party and take you home with me."

"Tonight, I might end up falling asleep. I'm pretty exhausted.

"If you're free tomorrow, maybe we could go out to dinner and then hang out afterward," Colin suggested

"I'm free. So it'd be like a date?"

"If you'd like it to be a date, then it will be."

Jason grinned wide. "Do you put out on the first date?"

"I usually make sure the guy puts out BEFORE the first date so I know if I'd like to spend more time with him. With what I'm seeing here tonight, I'd say it's safe to say that you'd have no problem if I took you to bed on the first date."

"I have no problem with it at all. I'd actually be disappointed if we didn't end up there. Guys really are gonna be jealous that I got to date someone like you," Jason grinned as he looked Colin over again.

"I think you might still just be horny. I'll give you my number to call me when you're recovered and we can plan something."

"Ummm, I know this is gonna seem stupid considering where we are and stuff, but I've never been on a date with a guy before. Is it the same as dating a girl?"

"Exactly the same, well...except you don't have to worry about whether you're going to get laid. You are."

"That's always the worst part when you're out with a girl. You never know if that's gonna happen or not. Who pays when two guys go out?"

"The rule I like to use is whoever asks the other out, pays. I asked you out, so I'll pay."

"Okay. Cool."

The boys exchanged numbers and it wasn't much longer before the party wrapped up and everyone headed home for a well-deserved night of sleep. The next afternoon, Colin received a call from Jason about their date and to ask if they were still on for it. You could almost hear the excitement in both their voices as they arranged where to meet, starting with dinner. Colin picked Jason up and drove over to an upscale restaurant on the waterfront.

"I've never been to this restaurant before," Jason remarked as they reviewed the menu. "It's nice. I like that you can see all of English Bay from here."

"It's one of my favorite spots, Colin admitted. "Afterward we can go for a walk along the seawall if you want."

"Sure. I'd like that too." He leaned in closer and lowered his voice. "When do we do sex stuff?"

"We can do it right here on the table if you want, but we'd probably get thrown out."

Jason chuckled. "Probably."

"Once we've let our dinner digest, I'll take you back to my place if you're comfortable with that, and we can have some fun."

"Check please!" Jason said looking around.

"We have to eat first before we get a check," Colin told him, loving how excited Jason was.

They took their time over dinner getting to know each other, and Colin found it fascinating to learn about how twins interacted and worked together. He somehow thought they'd have the exact same friends or be exactly the same in likes and dislikes, but Jason shot all that down quickly. He agreed that they shared a lot of friends and were even in a couple classes together, but still remained separate. Movies showed twins as sticking side by side a lot of the time, or being referred to as the `twins'. He got the impression from Jason, that he and Justin weren't like that, but were always there for each other no matter what, and shared a lot more than most brothers. He almost wished he had a twin by the time they finished talking.

"I have to ask, and I apologize in advance as I know you've probably been asked a thousand times..."

"You want to know if I'd ever have sex with my brother, right? The fantasy of every gay guy ever!" Jason smirked.

"That common a question huh?"

"About as common as when Justin and I are together and someone says `twins, huh?' I mean dumb, right? We're standing together, obviously identical. So either I have the world's weirdest mirror with me, or he's a twin. Duh! Sometimes I wish I had good replies for them."

"You should work on it. When someone asks, looked around as if you're the only one there and go Twins? Where?" They point to your brother, so you lean in and say, you see someone else here with us?'"

Jason laughed. "Fuck! I love it. Make them go insane. I'll have to teach Justin that one. The only one Justin came up with once is he said, `no, we just brushed our hair the same way today.'

"That's cool too. I'm sure you could come up with dozens. But back to the original question," Colin smirked.

"I haven't done anything with him, but I guess if we were in a group thing, I dunno. It would be weird, that's for sure. He's my brother, but at the same time it's like the ultimate narcissistic fantasy. It'd be like doing myself, and my hand has never complained when I do myself, so maybe Justin wouldn't either," he grinned. "If it helps your fantasy, I've slept in the same bed with him a lot when we grew up, but nothing sexual of course. I mean we were womb mates, so being naked together is pretty normal, even if we have boners."

"Then that's our goal. First, we get your brother to become sexual, then you and I take him to bed."

Jason gave a playful frown. "So THAT's why you want to hang out with get my brother into bed with us too, huh?"

"Nope. I want to hang out with you, because from what I've seen so far, you're a pretty cool guy. Way more mature than your years. I'll admit that watching you have sex yesterday made me so horny I couldn't sleep last night. I love a nice big dick on a guy." He leaned in and lowered his voice. "I can't wait to get you home and out of your clothes."

"Me neither," Jason admitted. "I've had a boner since you picked me up."

"When did you first figure out you were gay?" Colin asked.

"I'm not sure I have. I mean I have a girlfriend at school, but we've never had sex yet, but I like being around her. She's cute and smells good and she's popular, so that makes me popular too, I guess. I think right now I just like trying new things, and sex with guys is the most fun I've ever had in my life so far, so I might be multi-sexual."

"Multi-sexual, huh?" Colin smirked. "Not bisexual?"

"Nah. Multi. You can never be sure if it's a guy or a girl you're dating nowadays, and I don't think you're allowed to ask, so I'd just go with people I like. Right now, I really like you...a lot!"

"And I like you twice as much," Colin nodded as he adjusted his crotch under the table, not letting on just how much he really liked Jason. They finished dinner and headed to the beach to walk along the seawall. At one point, point Colin reached over and took hold of Jason's hand and could feel his younger friend tense up slightly. "Sorry. I guess I should have asked," he said quickly letting go.

"No, I like it. I've just never held hands with a guy in public before. It's like everyone is looking at us."

"I remember the first time I held hands on a walk. I felt the same, but if you focus on people, you'll realize that very few are looking, or even noticing. This is the West End after all, in the middle of the gay village. We stare at straight couples holding hands. It's kinda like watching monkeys in the zoo."

Jason smiled and reached over to take Colin's hand back. They walked for a distance before returning back to the car. Once they were in and the doors closed, Jason looked at Colin with a smile. "I'm really enjoying our date."

"Me too. Now if we were straight, I'd take you home and hope for a kiss on the front steps."

"But we're not, so we're gonna go back to your place and fuck, right? My dick has been so hard it's almost hurting. See," he said licking his lips as he pressed his hands against his jeans to show Colin the outline of it.

"I dunno. I don't usually fuck a guy until we've at least kissed."

Jason leaned in and kissed Colin. "Now can we fuck?"

"Now, I have a boner," Colin laughed. Jason reached over to grab his crotch and felt the warmth.

"How fast does this car go?" Jason remarked as he fastened his seat belt.

"Not fast enough!" Colin replied as they raced back to the penthouse. As they parked in the underground garage, Jason removed his seatbelt and almost flung himself across the seat of the car and began kissing Colin.

"Slow down. You don't want me to strip you right here in the parking lot, do you?"

"God yeah! Let `em all watch."

Colin couldn't help but laugh. "Wait. A short while ago you were nervous holding hands, now you want boning in a parking garage with an audience. I guess someone got wicked horny all of a sudden."

"Sorry. I just can't wait. I hope we can go for hours."

"What time do you have to be home?" Colin asked.

"I don't have anywhere to be until school in the morning, so can I spend the night?"

Colin laughed. "I don't think we should commit to that yet. Maybe one of us will be bad in bed."

"Are you?" Jason frowned slightly. "Bad in bed?"

"I wasn't thinking me. I was thinking about our age and experience level."

"Oh, that's how it is huh?" Jason asked playfully. "I'm 14 so you automatically think bad in bed because I'm not experienced. I think the 50 guys yesterday would disagree with you."

"Probably," Colin laughed again. "You're welcome to spend the night if you want. I'd be an idiot not to want you to stay as long as possible." They left the car and held hands to the elevator for the ride up to the penthouse.

"Hell yeah! Let me just call my brother to cover for me. We do that a lot when the other needs to do something, especially at school if we have a test that one of us might be better at than the other one. Teachers never catch on. Even our friends never really figure it out. I've tricked Justin's best friend a few times and even showered with him once."

"How'd that go?"

"I think I surprised him. I guess Justin doesn't do that, but Alex seemed to enjoy it. He got hard."

"Did you do him?"

"No. I figured that could cause problems. He thought I was Justin, so if I'd blown him or anything he would expect Justin to do it again, and then the cat would be out of the bag when they figured out it was actually me who did it."

"But you wanted to?"

"Of course. Alex is wicked hot, and I have a feeling he may be gay too, but maybe that's just my penis talking. I try to hang out with him when I can so I can find out. Biggest indication was the shower and his boner. And trust me, it's a nice boner," he smiled. "Oh well, maybe I'll find a way to trick him again."

"Do you and your brother dress the same every day?" Colin asked wondering if that really was a thing twins did.

"No. That's how our friends figure out who is who. They note what we're wearing, but when we switch to be each other, we switch clothes too. So easy."

"Damn! I could see that being useful in tons of situations. Wait until you end up with two dates at once and need him to fill in for you on that."

"Back to wanting my brother, huh?" Jason said sitting back in his seat with a fake pout.

"Just saying if he turned out to be gay, you could really have a lot of fun switching back and forth."

"I never thought of that. I can imagine me hiding while I watch my brother do some guy, and then he goes to the bathroom and I take his place, like were tag teaming. We'd wear the guy out, and he'd think we were legends in bed."

"I'd be up for being tricked..." Colin laughed. "But only after I've worn you out myself."

"Nice save. The only thing we've ever done is the school switch thing so far. Oh, and we talked about things like robbing a bank since our DNA is identical. They'd never be able to prosecute as they couldn't prove beyond a reasonable doubt which one of us it was."

"Really? You guys are that identical? Right down to fingerprints?"

"Not fingerprints. Those are different, but our DNA is identical. Could be handy if one of us gets a girl pregnant and she tries to sue for child support."

"Gonna get a lot of girls pregnant, are you?" Colin laughed. "You wanna try and get me pregnant tonight?"

"You know it. Get you pregnant I mean, not the girl thing. But if Justin got some girl pregnant, we could say she'd been with both of us and therefore couldn't prove it. "Oh, and I'm smarter than Justin. That's another way you can prove which is which. Just don't ask him about that as he might deny it. He thinks he's smarter."

"I'm sure," Colin laughed. "I'm guessing you're more sexual too?"

"Yeah, as far as I know he's a virgin, but he could just as easily be screwing half the girls at school. He thinks I'm a virgin as well. If he only knew."

"Wait! You're not a virgin?" Colin teased.

"Fuck me and find out!" Jason challenged as they arrived at the penthouse floor and left the elevator. "First time I tried it though, I knew it was for me."

"I heard that the first time was when you joined a bunch of pledges. Is that true?"

"Yeah, I was exploring and I came across like a dozen guys all doing it in the woods. Looked like they were having party games, I hid and watched for a while. Some guy in a mask was telling them what to do, so I got wicked hard and wanted to play. I waited for them to take a break, and took off all my clothes to sneak in with them. I was scared shitless, but as soon as the first guy hooked up with me, I just went for it, and did what the leader was telling us to do."

"Did you get fucked that time as well?"

"A few times. It hurt so bad I could barely walk home, but I didn't want to complain as none of the older guys were, so I thought it was just something you got used to. I read up about it when I got home, and now it's way more fun."

"Now you're being gang banged at parties and spending the night with a stranger."

"Can't meet people if you don't put yourself out there."

"Didn't you learn about stranger danger?"

"What danger? They might play with my private areas?" he laughed. "My private areas went out on an IPO months ago. They're now publicly traded."

"Did you know you'd like sex with guys before you joined with the ones you saw in the woods?"

"No, but they looked like they were having fun, and everyone just seemed cool with each other, so I figured I'd give it a try."

They entered the penthouse and Jason looked around quickly. "Wow, nice place and that's a wicked view. I like the hot tub in the window. I think that would be my favorite place to sit and look at the city."

"It's mine too."

"You probably don't even need a swimsuit in there since it's in your own apartment, huh?"

"Never used one. Is that your way of suggesting we get naked?" Colin smiled.

"Yes, please! If I get any hornier, I'm gonna shoot off in my pants and I'll have to wait 15 minutes before we can go again."

"A whole 15 minutes huh?" Colin laughed.

"I can probably be ready in 10 minutes after I cum because you're pretty hot. I just say 15 in case I need a little extra time to recharge. Let me just call Justin to make sure he covers for me, so we don't have to stop once we get going."

Jason made his call to his brother as he wandered around the apartment, trying to get to know Colin better. "Thanks Justin. I'll see you at school. Bring me a change of clothes too huh?" He hung up and turned to Colin. "All good. You just have to make sure I get to school on time."

"So one last question about your brother, and then I won't bring him up again. Is he straight or gay?"

"As far as I know Justin is non-sexual, which means he's probably straight. I mean his best friend, Alex, is super cute, and they've slept in the same bed, and seen each other naked lots, but nothing sexual happens. Like I said earlier, I've pretended to be Justin a couple times to see Alex naked, but that's as far as I've gotten. One day, I'm gonna figure out a way to screw him stupid."

"Would you like something to drink?"

"I'm not really into alcohol yet, so maybe a root beer if you have it. Alcohol makes me way hornier and I crash out pretty hard afterward. I don't want to be late for school tomorrow as they end up phoning home and that's hard to explain."

"Can't Justin cover for you on that?"

"He'd get punished, so it's not fair, and we can't try the old `it wasn't me' thing on our folks. They learned that when we were little. If neither of us admits to something, they punish both of us equally. They said honesty or unity. We had to decide."

Colin chuckled as he got them both root beer. "Smart parents."

"They are. Yeah. We never try to fool them now, so that's why I need to be at school on time."

"Have you ever smoked pot?"

"Not yet. I'm not really into that or alcohol. I prefer just being me. I think I have more fun if I can remember everything afterward. Maybe when I'm older, or can't get a boner anymore. How old are you when you can't get it up anymore?" He inquired.

"I dunno. I'm only 19, so maybe by 35 or 40. My big brother says sex usually stops after you've been married a couple years."

"Then, I'm not ever getting married," Jason grinned.

"Maybe it just depends on how much you use it. Maybe your dick has a limited amount of times it can go up," Colin reasoned. "In which case, you'll probably be done before you're 18."

"Shit! I guess you're not getting laid tonight then," Jason teased as he cracked the pop open.

"I was just joking. I think you can get hard most of your life. When you get older it's just not as frequent or doesn't get as hard. I do know that guys are in their prime before 25 and girls are in their prime after 30."

"Cougars with young guys is a thing, so that makes sense. What are old guys with young girls called?"

"Perverts," Colin laughed. "Older guys with young guys are Daddies."

"Okay, Daddy!"

"Shut up! I mean older guys like over 30. Come here, Colin said grinning as he pulled Jason up against him for a hug. "How are your kissing skills?"

"Never had a single complaint," he smiled confidently, before they locked lips and got into their first real passionate kiss. It went on for at least a couple minutes, which when you're horny feels like hours.

"WOW!! Now that's a kiss," Jason exclaimed when they finally broke apart. "Another few seconds of that and I'd have cum. Holy fuck! Are all kisses like that?"

"Proper ones are. I could be totally happy kissing for hours."

"Me too, if it's like that. For sure!"

Colin reached for the bottom of Jason's shirt and pulled it off over his head, allowing Jason to tidy his hair before continuing. "You have such an incredible body. Do you workout a lot?"

"Not at a gym or anything. I'm pretty active, so that helps keep me toned. I don't want to be a pumped up muscle head. I like my look."

"Me too. Definitely."

"My turn," Jason smiled as he pulled Colin's shirt off, and ran his hands over his chest and abs. "Oh my god. Your body is even better up close and with more light like this. I hope you won't be upset if I end up cumming super fast once we start sex. I'm almost there now."

"I'll try to keep you from going off too soon, but as long as you can recharge, I don't care how fast, or how many times you nut off. Shows you're enjoying yourself," Colin assured him as he unfastened Jason's top button on his pants, and slowly lowered the zipper to expose his colorful underwear. He slowly lowered Jason's pants down his legs as if unwrapping a present, allowing himself to memorize each inch of skin as it came into view. By the time he had the pants down to Jason ankles, he was almost ready to cum himself. He grinned to himself when he saw the damp spot on the front of the underwear, and the large bulge begging to be let free.

"You know once we start, we may not come up for air until we're forced to stop so you can get to school."

"I hope so!" Jason said, giving a big, wide, toothy smile. "He quickly dropped to his knees and copied what Colin had done, and relieved him of his pants. When he reached up to feel Colin's package and move his face closer, Colin grabbed Jason by the arm and pulled him to his feet.

"We'll get there. I want this to be special," Colin said as he pulled him tight against him, so they could feel the heat of each other's bare skin.

"It already is special," Jason managed to get in before they kissed again. Colin maneuvered them over to the couch and pulled Jason on top of him where they worked their bodies against each other, feeling each other's excitement, especially the two hard bulges fighting for space.

As they kissed, Colin ran his hands over Jason's back before slowly sliding it into the back of his underwear to feel his rock solid ass cheeks. The more he worked the glutes, the more he inched the underwear down until the entire ass was exposed.

Jason took a short break for air, and looked Colin directly in the eyes, drinking in all his features. "Want me to take them off?"

"We'll get there. Undressing each other is half the fun."

"Half? I think that's a bit generous. Maybe a tenth the fun," Jason grinned before going back in for more kissing. He loved how Colin's tongue pushed into his mouth, and how his own tongue was sucked into Colin's mouth and worked on. He'd never had kissing like this ever, and he was torn between never wanting to end and wanting it to stop so they could get to the rest of the sex.

Colin moved his hand around Jason's hip and pushed underneath to feel the hard cock for the first time. Jason gasped and eased himself up a bit to allow better access. He also pushed his shorts down a little so he could free it from the confines of the material. Colin wrapped his hand firmly around the erection and gave it a squeeze. "That is one amazing cock!"

"Thanks. I get that a lot. I think gay guys like big ones. Especially if they enjoyed being fucked," he replied. "Do you prefer being a top or bottom?"

"I prefer whatever. Depends on what mood I'm in."

"What mood are you in tonight?" Jason asked grinning as he squirmed on the hand playing with him.

"I'm in the mood to screw constantly until we pass out."

"Nice. So, you'll let me fuck you?"

"Let you? I'd be super disappointed if you didn't," Colin smiled. "Let's switch places. You lie on your back and I'll lay on top of you."

"Nice," Justin grinned as they rearranged themselves. Jason lay back, his cock sticking straight up out of his underwear like a flag pole.

"I don't think you need these anymore," Colin said as he reached for the sides of the shorts and pulled them down and off his legs. He tossed them aside and stared lustfully at the boy in front of him.

"You are seriously beautiful," he gushed as he ran his hands slowly over Jason's body, getting a little giggle when he touched his sides.

"Ticklish, are you?" Colin smirked.

"Ticklish, I am," Jason replied in a Yoda voice. Colin just laughed.

"Good to know."

"Oh, you think so, huh? Just so you're aware; if you tickle me too much I'll pee."

"Kinky. That might be fun if I tie you up and tickle the pee out of you."

"Might not be fun for the person who has to clean up the mess," Jason reasoned as he watched Colin lower his mouth down to kiss each nipple and begin to explore his body with his tongue.

"Oh, fuck that feels awesome. You're driving me crazy," Jason said as he ran his hands through Colin's hair.

I could stop and grab a board game," Colin teased.

"Don't you dare!"

Colin reached for Jason's balls and gently cupped them to explore each one as he continues kissing down the boy's body. When he got to the crotch, he kissed the shave patch of pubes before kissing the entire shaft repeatedly, finishing with the shiny, pink, mushroom head. Jason gasped as the tongue licked across the glans.

"You ready?" Colin said glancing up at him.

"I was ready when I woke up this morning," he replied eagerly.

Colin opened his mouth and slowly went down on the eight-and-a-half-inch pole, deliberately exploring each inch of it along the way. He took it all and buried his face into the small shave area of pubes and held it there for a few seconds before coming back up with extra suction.

"Oh my god! Holy shit. You deep throated it. Not lots of guys can do that, and most of my friends complain that girls usually only put the head in, and don't go much farther."

"That's the beauty of being with a guy. We know how to work the pole."

Jason laughed. "So do strippers. Doesn't make them good at head."

"I'd give you a proper blowjob right now, but I don't want you cumming to fast, so how about a sampler of what's to come."

"Great choice of words. `Of what's to come.' Like I'm gonna cum."

"THIS is what a real blowjob feels like," Colin grinned as he went back down on Jason, and kept going. Adding suction on the up movement, and tongue on the down stroke. Jason tensed up quickly and grabbed the side of the seat cushion.

Colin stopped as suddenly as he started. "That is a blowjob sampler."

"Oh my god! That was incredible. A few more seconds of that and I'd have lost it. Shit, anytime you wanna do that, just pull my cock out and go for it."

"Just anywhere? Whip out your cock and suck it?" Colin smirked. "Like at your locker in school?"

"Probably not, but I'm guessing if you shoved your hand down my pants first, I'd probably be too horny to even stop you, or want to stop you."

"So, what I'm hearing is that you'd be okay with a blowjob at your locker between classes," Colin said as he stroked the amazing cock and played with the tight ball sack.

"We only have five minutes between classes, so that wouldn't work anyway," Jason replied, not refusing the idea at all.

"So? That would still give you four minutes to get to class."

"Ouch! Are you saying I'd cum from a blowjob in just one minute?"

Colin laughed. "Of course not. Don't be silly. 30 seconds of that would be to get your cock out and get it into my mouth."

"Even my totally straight friends would be jealous that I got a blowjob from a guy like you."

"I share. They wouldn't need to be jealous, just line them up. I'd totally thank you, by allowing them to see us fuck like animals against the lockers."

"Stop! I'm going to have that vision in my head for weeks now. Every time I go to my locker, I'm going to get hard thinking about it. People will wonder what's wrong with me."

Colin laughed and moved up to stare into Jason's eyes. "Just tell them it wasn't you. It must have been your brother."

Jason chuckled. "Fuck, he'd kill me, then never speak to me again."

"You realize if he killed you, he wouldn't need to speak to you, right?"

"Can we switch places now, so that I can get you naked?"


They changed spots and Jason wasted no time or pretense in getting to what he really wanted. He pulled Colin's underwear off swiftly and used both hands quickly around Colin's junk. One around the balls and the other on the shaft. "That is so nice," he said lowering his head to inspect it closer. "I can't wait for you to fuck me with it. That's going to feel amazing."

"We'll get to it, but there's a lot to do before we get that far."

"I dunno if I can wait that long. My ass is so desperate for it right now, that my ass is almost itchy, and it needs scratching."

Colin laughed. That is more likely from having 40 cocks pound your hole last night. From what I saw you weren't alone for very long."

"That's true. When one guy pulled out, another went in. I was also sucking just as many cocks, and having my dick sucked at the same time."

"You know if you were a girl, you'd be a slut, right?"

"Since I'm a guy, what am I?" He asked as he leaned in to lick Colin's hard shaft.

"A stud? Horny? A normal teenage boy?" Colin chuckled as he watched Jason go down on him. The boy had some skills, but he could get better. Colin figured it wouldn't take long before the guy could deep throat anything, and he'd be happy to be his teacher.

"I love your abs. That's what I'm going for eventually," Jason said as soon as he stopped sucking the cock in front of him and began to explore the rest of Colin's body.

"I'd say you're almost there. You're pretty toned," Colin said complimenting him as he ran his hand over them.

"Yeah, I keep telling Justin we have to work out more, but he's a little less active than I am."

"Well sex does burn off a ton of calories if you do it right...and tonight we'll burn off several thousand!"


"What are you, about eight, eight and a half?"

"Dude!! I'm 14. Almost 15," he said sounding shocked. "Eight-year-olds haven't started puberty even."

"I meant your cock. Eight or eight-and-a-half inches," Coin laughed.

"I knew that. Yeah. Eight-and-a-half. You know your cock sizes, huh?"

"I had a boyfriend with one that big a few years ago."

"What happened to him?"

"He moved."

"That probably sucked."

"It did. Yep. Took me a long time to recover, but I think I've moved on now. It'll be nice to feel a big dick back inside me again though. Shall we go hit the hot tub?"

"NOW? We just got started," Jason said, complaining.

"Trust me. You'll like it in there," Colin said as he sat up. Jason moved back and watched Colin stand up. He held his hand as he stood up and followed him over to the hot tub. Then he quickly ran back to the couch and grabbed the lube, before running back.

"We're gonna need this," Jason grinned as he put the bottle on the edge of the jacuzzi. "This is so wicked. I feel like the entire city can see us here together in the window. Like we're on this giant stage for the world to see," he gushed as they lowered themselves into the water.

"Then I hope we charged a lot because this will be a show they never forget," Colin said as he pulled Jason in for another kiss with one hand, while fondling his junk with the other. Jason copied him and put a hand on Colin's head to embrace tighter, while grabbing his cock underwater.

"I've never been this horny in my entire life," Jason panted when they took a break for air. "Can I sit on it. I think I need fucking hard."

"Patience. We'll get there," Colin grinned as he loved watching Jason so desperate. Normally he'd have fucked him long before now, but he was having fun teasing the boy and getting him worked into a frenzy.

"How about you turn around and kneel on the seat and let me take a look at that sweet ass?"

Jason didn't hesitate to spin around and stick his ass up out of the water. He'd happily let Colin do whatever he wanted. Colin moved between his legs and quickly dropped his face into the upturned crack. He held Jason's ass firmly as he drove his tongue as deep as he could into the sweet tasting pink hole. Jason moaned in enjoyment as he lay with his head on the side of the hot tub. He knew from past experience that he loved being rimmed more than almost anything else.

"Mmmmm! God that feels good. My ass loves getting tongued," Jason said as he pushed back slightly to try and get more.

"That's good because my tongue loves your ass," Colin said as he backed up a little and pushed his index finger inside. It went in easily, but still felt nice and tight. He moved his tongue back into place again and rimmed him while sharing the hole with his finger. After a few minutes of that and feel how hard and wet Jason was, he pulled back and removed his finger.

Colin stood up and ran his own erection up and down Jason's crack, which only got more moans and words of horny encouragement.

"Patience. You're getting fucked, don't worry about that, but we don't want to move too fast. I'd like you to last a while before I give you a mind blowing orgasm."

"If it helps, I can cum several times in a row," Jason told him with a slight pant to his breathing.

"And we'll be testing that throughout the night," Colin said as he rubbed his lower back. He reached over to grab the lube and fingered some into Jason's hole before coating his penis and rubbed the slick knob over the winking entrance, desperate for another visitor.

Colin placed on hand on the small of Jason's back to hold him in place, while he aimed his cock with the other and began to enter. Jason took a deep breath and went to push back.

"Just stay still and I'll enter you slowly. I know you're used to getting fucked, but let's make this something you never forget."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll never forget this at all," Jason replied quickly, jumping only slightly as the head of Colin's penis pushed past his sphincter and entered him.

"Whoooo, that's a nice ass!" Colin complimented as he paused to allow Jason to adjust. "How's it feel in there?"

"Awesome. Like it was meant to be in my ass. I almost couldn't wait for it," he said looking back and grinning.

"I could tell. But this isn't just a fast bang and exit. We're gonna take our time. This is what I like to call a fuck sampler."

"What's that?" Jason asked.

"It's where we go slow and easy so that you sample my cock, and it samples your ass, so that later when you're ready for the real pounding, you'll be begging me to go harder and faster."

"Oh, I'm ready for that now. I can take a fuck if that's what you're worried about."

"I'm not worried, because in my world, `ready or not here I cum' is my motto," Colin said as held Jason's hips and pushed slowly and gently inside, centimeter by centimeter. (2.54 cm to an inch for those needing conversion.)

It didn't take long before Colin was all the way in, and gave Jason a short firm pull to let him know that he was fully buried in him.

"God, that feels amazing," Jason gushed as knelt up and leaned against Colin, putting a hand around his head to pull him in so they could kiss. "Forget this sampler shit, fuck me! Pound me like you want it."

"Oh, I do want it, and you're gonna get it, but there's no rush. Maybe I give you a few more samplers first. Like some kissing action," he said as he kissed him the best he could in this position. "A few testing for firmness handjobs," he added as he grabbed the overly hard erection and stroked it. "And of course, the deep pounding of your hole until I flood it several times with the white river of love."

Jason giggled. "White river of love? Really?"

"Dude, I can't just say I'm gonna cum in you every time. Where's the romance in that?"

"You can romance the crap out of me as long as you're fucking me hard. Enough sampler stuff though. When do we get the full-size portion?" Jason asked looking back at Colin.

"When it's time. Trust me, once we start fucking, we won't be stopping anytime soon."


Colin slowly fucked Jason, with no effort to go fast enough to make either of them cum, but with just enough speed and depth to keep them both horny. Jason had returned to his resting spot on the side of the hot tub, letting Colin hold his hips as he fucked. There was the occasional rubbing of his back and a finger pushed around into his mouth for him to suck on, followed by a few strokes of his penis to bring him close enough to the edge to keep him insanely horny. After a good 15 minutes of this, Colin pulled out and Jason instantly complained.

"Don't stop. I love that. I almost came a dozen times," Jason said as he knelt back up and turned his torso to look at Colin.

"Don't worry, you'll get to cum soon enough. I'm trying to build up your excitement so that when you shoot, it hits the roof and we have to send out a tsunami alert."

"That'd be a lot of cum!" Jason chuckled. "God, you felt nice in my ass. Sometimes it hurts when the guy just slams in there and fucks hard until he shoots. I think I like your sampler method better."

"And we're just getting started. How would you like to move to the bedroom where we can get to know each other a lot better?"

"I'd love that a lot," Jason said enthusiastically as he wrapped his arms around Colin and gave him a kiss.

"Then let's go to the bedroom."

"Hell yeah!" Jason said as the got out of the hot tub and dried off. Jason was still hard and eager to get at it. Colin was just as eager, but trying to show some maturity in front of the younger guy.

They literally jumped onto the bed, grabbed each other and fell flat beside each other. They started with wild passionate kissing, rolling from side to side as they changed positions and angles. Legs were intertwined, with their penises resuming their fight for space supremacy. Both boys were already leaking pre-cum and when Colin wiped the tip of Jason's with his finger and then fed it to him, Jason grinned and did the same thing back. From there, they 69'd with each other, which led to rimming asses, and fingering.

"You just get fucked, or do you like to fuck as well?" Colin asked when he had a chance to come up for air.

"I'm versatile. I love getting fucked, especially the way you do it, but it also feels amazing when I get to push my penis all the way inside someone. That is one incredible feeling. So much better than just jerking off."

"Good to hear, because I definitely want that big cock pounding my hole at least a couple times tonight."

"I can do that," Jason nodded.

"Good. Then why don't we do that now? I want you to fuck me until you cum, then we'll kiss again until you're recharged, and then it's my turn."

"Hell yeah!" He exclaimed. "Just so you know though, I'm pretty horny, so I probably won't last very long when I start fucking."

"That's no problem as long as you can recharge."

"I can recharge, but even if I don't get fully horny right away, it's okay if you want to fuck me until I'm ready again. I can handle that no problem. It's getting a blowjob right after I cum that I can't do. Just so you know."

"Not many guys can," Colin assured him. "Your penis becomes sensitive and needs a moment for the nerve endings to calm down."

"Cool. So what position do you wanna do it in?"

"Missionary. I want to watch as you enter me and start fucking. Then I want to be able to kiss you and hold your ass while you pound away."

"You may have to do all that at once, because I dunno if I'd last long enough for you to do all that on the first round."

"Noted," Colin smiled as he lay on his back, reached for the lube in his night stand and handed it to Jason. "I'm assuming you know how to use this?"

"Of course. I learned that from one of the guys. He said if the guy isn't used to being fucked, you need more lube than a guy who's done it a lot."

"I think there's some truth to that. I usually use only a little at first, then if it's tough going, I back out and add some more and keep doing that until I'm fully in. Based on your explanation, you probably won't need lube at all," Colin teased.

"Well that's mean," he smiled as he opened Colin's legs so he could kneel between them. "But I don't need a lot of lube as I am used to being fucked."

The boys got to it and Colin watch Jason's facial expressions as he began. There was the concentrated look as the lube was being added to the parts that would be connecting. The working it out phase as he lifted Colin's legs up onto his shoulder, and the focus intently look as he held his cock firmly to aim it at the entrance, not wanting to mess up. Then there was the excited look of oh my god, I'm about to fuck', just as the head of his penis pushed firmly against the tight sphincter and began to enter. The gasp of acceptance was next once the hole opened and sucked the head of the invading penis inside. The final look was one of hold on and don't cum panic as his tongue was out and off to the side of his mouth. Colin smiled as he watched the facial show and grabbed Jason's ass to pull him the remaining couple inches in.

"Fuck I love a cock this size. Jason, buddy, you can fuck me anytime with this thing," Colin gushed as he encouraged Jason to begin fucking him.

"Thanks. I like your cock in me too, so I guess we're gonna do a lot of this huh?"

"If we survive the night, I think we probably will," Colin grinned as he reached up and pulled Jason's head down so they could kiss, essentially folding himself in half. "Fuck me. Show me what you got!"

Jason moved his ass up and down to ensure he was using the full length of his eight-and-a-half inches, and his speed seemed to increase exponentially with each thrust.

"Oh god! I'm cumming!!" Jason announced suddenly. Colin pulled Jason's face back to his, shoved his tongue as deep into the boy's mouth as he could and dug his fingers into the firm ass while tightening his own ass to match Jason's thrusts. With a loud grunt and a body shudder that seemed to start at his toes and work up to the hair on his head, Jason exploded into Colin. Wave after wave of the large supply of accumulated sperm fired into Colin's ass, leaving Jason to almost collapse hard onto Colin.

"Holy shit! Now that was an orgasm," Jason panted after he'd regained control of his body, having left himself deep inside Colin. "Sorry. I told you I wouldn't last long. I really wanted to pull out and spray it so you could see."

"Don't worry, this isn't a porn when we need the money shot. Just knowing that I made you cum that hard is enough. I'm sure I'll have plenty of other opportunities to see you nut."

Jason slowly pulled out and let Colin stretch out again. He reached for some tissues to wipe his wet dick, and ran it up Colin's ass to get the lube and cum off.

"I don't think a tissue is gonna absorb all that cum," Colin joked. "You might need to shove a tampon up there."

"You have any?" Jason asked looking around.

"I was joking, but it might not be a bad idea for cruising nights where you can't drain the cum out right away. Sucks when you feel it dripping down your leg and you can't take care of it."

"Oh my god. Now there's a visual," Jason laughed as they lay side by side. "A guy running around with that stupid little string hanging out of his ass. Guess it would be easy to tell who the bottoms were after that, huh?"

"I think we should invent that. Cum absorbing butt sponges."

"Cumpons!" Jason giggled.

"You're still hard, huh? Most guys go down pretty fast after they cum," Colin noted.

"They do? I stay hard for hours. I mean being here with you right now feels so good that I probably will stay hard until I get to school. That's usually a boner killer."

Colin pulled him in tight as they resumed kissing for several minutes. "You ready for your fuck now?" Colin asked after they'd had enough tongue wrestling.

"You know it. I've been waiting for this since I saw you at the party. Not a sampler fuck though. The real thing right?"

"The real thing," Colin assured him.

"Good. Oh, and even if I cum, don't stop, okay. I might shoot off, but it's only my dick that'd be sensitive, not my ass. Will you cum in me?"

"Would you like me to?"

"Yes. That'll totally bond us as friend if we have each other's sperm in us."

Colin wasted no time getting Jason onto his back with his legs pushed back. He made Jason hold them in place as he lubed him up and prepared for entry. He didn't go as slow as he had in the hot tub as he wanted Jason to feel the difference, but he also didn't just slam the entire length in and go at him like a battering ram. It was a control steady entry until they were completely connected. "Ready?"

Jason just nodded as he stared without blinking. Colin grabbed one of Jason's legs and put it up on his shoulder, then slowly grabbed the other and brought the big toe to his mouth and began to suck on it. Jason let out a squeal and loud giggle.

"Holy shit. I'm getting a toe job! Fuck that tickles!"

"I love a boy who is ticklish. Make for some wild rides. Think that tickles, then you're gonna love this," Colin grinned as he licked along the rest of the toes, stopping to suck on the little one, moving from one toe to the other before returning to the big toe."

Jason was almost out of breath from giggling so loud. "Please stop!"

"You want me to take my cock out?" Colin asked with a smirk as he put the leg on his shoulder and leaned forward pushing deeper into the upturned ass.

"No, I mean stop sucking my toes. I can't concentrate."

"That's the point. You'd prefer I just fuck you, huh?"

"Yes. Duh!" he said sticking his tongue out playfully. Colin dropped his face to Jason's and sucked the tongue into his own mouth before he began fucking him. He used full strokes and hammered him hard on the down thrust. Jason moaned with each penetration, causing Colin to go faster and faster. He had a lot of control, so he knew he could last a while, and he intended to make sure Jason knew he'd been well and truly fucked. He let one of Jason's legs down and held the thigh of the other so he could get a good hard thrust going. He kept Jason on his back, but moved the legs to various positions to let him experience variety to the fuck. He kept hammering him hard and fast until they had both worked up a good sweat.

"You haven't cum yet?" Jason asked as he stared into Colin's eyes and watched his face.

"Nope. You want me to? Are you getting tired? Is your ass sore?"

"My ass is fine. I'm definitely not tired. I'm so energized I feel like I'm plugged directly into a power station. I want you to cum in me so bad I can taste it."

"So you want to taste me huh?" Colin grinned.

"Yes. Absolutely, but for right now, I want you to send everything into me. I need it so bad!! When we do more blowjobs, maybe you can cum in my mouth then?"

"Deal. Do you like the taste of cum?"

"Not really. I guess you have to get used to it, huh? At least that's what some guys have said."

"You do. I prefer cum when it's shot straight down my throat. I'm not a fan of licking it up off someone, or when it's gone cold."

"Hey yeah! I'm kinda like that too. I don't mind if a guy jets it into my mouth while I'm blowing him, as long as I have water to wash the taste away, but if they cum all over you and rub their fingers in it to feed it to you, I'm not as fond of that," Jason admitted as Colin continued to fuck with passion and depth.

What about if the guy cums on you, leans it to suck it up with his mouth and then kisses you to share it?"

Jason paused for a second as he imagined it. "Never done that, but it sound both gross and hot at the same time. Would you maybe wanna try that sometime tonight?"

"I think I can be persuaded. How about I finish this fuck first? You ready for some real ass slamming?"

"Go for it!" Jason beamed as Colin pulled both his legs back onto his shoulder. He stretched his legs out behind him as if he were about to do push ups and then began hammering Jason with his full weight, using the bounce of the mattress to get better thrusts. "Holy shit!! Oh my god!! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!!"

Colin almost laughed as Jason began to reach his own climax. If he fucked to boy any harder, he'd snap bones and go right through him. Jason was lost in the moment and grabbed his cock to begin furiously jerking off. He cried out as a second smaller load shot out of his cock and splashed onto his stomach. Colin saw it happen which was enough to push him over the edge.

"Hnnngggghhhh!!!" He grunted loudly as he dropped hie entire weight onto Jason's ass and let his throbbing cock fire out load upon load into the tight ass he was enjoying. Jason smile went from big to gigantic as he accepted the offering from his new friend. "Whooo! Now that was a cum shot," Colin bragged as he let Jason's legs down and slowly sat back, leaving his cock inside Jason for a moment, before beginning to gently extract it.

Once he was out, he lowered his head to lick the cum off Jason's stomach. He hated cold cum, but he wanted to give Jason the full experience. He sucked as much up as he could and moved up to stare directly into Jason's eyes. He almost coughed and lost it when Jason suddenly opened his mouth wide, expecting the cum to be dropped into it. Colin lowered his head and pushed the lower jaw closed so they could kiss. As soon as the tongues touched, Colin let the cum flow out of his mouth and intermix between them. Jason gave a loud moan and let his tongue more actively explore Colin's mouth. When they took a break for air, Jason's eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Holy fuck! I take it back. That's my new favorite way to take cum. I could taste you and the cum at the same time. I just ate my own cum, didn't I?"

"You did. Ever tasted your own cum before?"

"No, never. I mean I've run my fingers through it and looked at it up close, and smelt it and stuff, but never ate it. I've thought about it, but then I remembered other cum that I'd tried, so I chickened out."

"Pretty normal. I've swallowed tons of cum, and only tried mine in a sex setting, never after I've jerked off."

"Probably because once we cum, we're not horny and think it's gross. I even do that with porn once I cum. I turn it off fast. What are we gonna do now?"

"We stay in bed and keep making out," Colin said as lay beside him rubbing his chest.

"Nice. Are we gonna do more fucking, or are you done?" He asked looking at Colin's face to watch for the reaction.

"I'm not done, unless you are," he replied.

"Never. I could go all night if you want to. Can I still fuck you if I wanted to?"

"We can do anything and everything you want."

"Okay, but I'd like to try different positions. Like I like the one where I'm kneeling on the bed and you're standing at the side. You lift my ass up to eat it, before dropping my knees back on the bed and then fucking me like you're possessed."

"Are you sure you're only 14? Some of this shit, guys my age don't even know."

Jason laughed. "I watch porn, so I know some moves. I'm cool if you want to get wild too. Oh, and if I fall asleep, you have my permission to fuck me or suck my dick. No need to wake me up to ask."

"Good to know, but I had no intention of asking. I was simply going to use you if I got horny. Looks like you're still not done, huh? I guess that thing really never does go down."

"Never. If I'm thinking sex or have someone naked around me, I'm hard no matter how many times I cum."

"We may have to test that out," Colin said as they resumed kissing. They continued to have sex, almost constantly until the early hours of the morning. Sometimes falling asleep in each other's arms, only to be woken up with a blowjob or being prepped for another fuck. In total they only slept a total of three hours and both looked exhausted. By the time morning came around, Jason rolled over on top of Colin and looked into his eyes, as Colin lifted his legs around Jason's waist.

"Good morning," he said to his young visitor.

"`Morning," Jason smiled as he leaned down to kiss him, aiming his morning erection at Colin's entrance. Colin quickly reached for the lube and guided him inside.

"God, I love that cock," Colin moaned. "I don't think I'd ever get tired of it, and who taught you to kiss like that?"

"Oh that? My Mom," he said with a straight face. "Joking. I dunno I just learned it from kissing people. Realized I liked it and just kept doing it."

"We should hurry or you'll be late for school. You'll probably need a back story as to why your lips are all red and puffy."

"Are they? Shit. What should I say? Does it look like I've been kissing?"

"Yeah, but just say you were getting laid all night. No one needs to know any different."

"And my girlfriend? What exactly do I tell her?"

"That you rented a hooker to practice so you were better for her?" Colin joked.

"At least I wouldn't have to worry about a girlfriend after that," Jason said shaking his head as he kept fucking Colin slowly, using the full length of his morning boner. "But seriously, what could I tell her?"

"We'll give you some ice for the lips and then some Chapstick. Maybe that'll help. Just be vague with her. Say it was probably something you ate like berries and wipe your lips as if they have food on them."

"Guess it's worth a try."

"Get your brother to cover for you. Say they're his lips not yours."

"I think she might see through that excuse. Although it is fun tricking his friends when they come over. I walk out naked around them more than he does, so they probably think he's a nudist by now. I even got Alex doing it more, which has Justin doing it more too. It's like a fucked up peer pressure experiment. If they ever figure it out, I'm dead."

"I love it though. Wait until you ramp it up and sleep with some of them. Justin is gonna wonder what got into all his friends when they start hitting on him."

"I'll tell you what got into them. This monster!" He said slamming his cock deep into Colin. "For now, though, I've got a girlfriend. She told her friends that we made out, so they spread that around, and I think lots of girls wanna date me, mainly because I'm a twin and, like you, they figure they might be able to hook up with both me and Justin."

"I can't believe you're still hard after a whole night of sex. That's a skill you should feature when you're marketing yourself. I don't think I've seen it soft. Seriously, does it ever go down?

Jason shrugged. "I dunno. Never had it go down during anything yet, so maybe that's what we could try to find out. I really don't wanna go. This is maybe the most fun I've ever had in my entire life."

"Oh god, are you one of those?"

"One of those what?" Jason asked looking confused.

"One of those that says `in my life' at the end of sentences. It's so redundant."

"I don't get it."

"You said it's the most fun you've ever had. That's the end of the sentence. Adding `in my life' doesn't make sense. What other life would you have had the most fun in? If it's the most fun you've ever had, that pretty much covers your entire life."

"Wow, you really think about shit like that? You and Justin would get along great. He's like that too. I love waking up like this. I wish I didn't have to go to school. I could stay in bed with you all day."

He used the full length of his cock to continue to fuck Colin, but finally gave in to the feelings as the inevitable climax boiled up inside him. He fired his morning load, which considering the night they'd just had, wasn't much, but enough for the orgasmic feeling that goes with the release. He collapsed on Colin, wrapping his arms around him as he got his breathing back under control. Then he slowly slid down Colin's body and took his cock into his mouth to suck him off. Colin put his hands in Justin's beautiful blond hair and helped him work up and down his shaft, which like all teens, didn't take much work before he was shooting his morning load into the hot boy's mouth. They reluctantly rolled out of bed and had a quick shower, followed by getting dressed and breakfast.

"Can I come over after school for more sex? I could take the bus so you wouldn't have to pick me up or anything," Jason asked as he stared at Colin like a love sick puppy.

"You should pace yourself. I'm sure your friends would want to see you and you should put in an appearance around your parents."

"Please!!!" he begged. "I'm not going to be able to stop thinking about you all day. I'll be super horny so you know that means we'd have more good sex, right?"

"I think you're an awesome guy, Jason, but you shouldn't let yourself fall so hard for someone so fast. Play around for a bit. Get lots of experiences before you settle down with a boyfriend or a girlfriend. Maybe the next step is to see if your girlfriend would like to ramp things up between you. Who knows, maybe you'd like sex with a girl more than a guy."

"If I liked it anymore than I already do, I'd probably cum before I got my shirt off," he grinned, then let his smile disappear. "Did I do something wrong last night? Is that why you don't wanna see me again?"

"Not at all. You were amazing. In fact, you were incredible. I definitely want to hook up with you again, and I hope we can be really good friends, but I've learned that if you screw someone too often, you get tired of them quicker. It's more fun if we space our fun to build the anticipation."

"Oh, I get it. Like that married thing huh? If you can get sex every day from the same person, it's not as fun."

"Exactly. Trust me, I'd love to keep you here for a week and screw your brains out 24/7, but I'd hate the idea of us getting bored of each other."

"I'd never get bored of you, Colin. Never. Even if I were 25 and you were like 30 and your balls were all droopy and wrinkly because you were old, I'd still find you hot."

"Thanks? I think," he grinned. "Let's get you to school before I wanna rip those clothes off again. Maybe you can come back after school if you bring your brother and his friend that you said you want to screw senseless."

"Alex," he clarified.

"Bring your brother and Alex and I'll convince them to gang bang you, while I prepare their asses to have their cherries taken."

"I might be able to convince Alex, but no way I'd bring Justin. It'd be even difficult to get Alex over without involving Justin, since he's his friend, and not really mine."

"Too bad. That would have been a few wicked hot hours of non-stop naked fun," Colin shrugged. "Let me know."

Colin dropped Jason off at school and saw what could only have been his brother, Justin, run up to him and hand over a backpack, then stare over at the car. You could almost hear him quizzing his brother as to who the guy was. Colin drove off quickly before his erection took over his whole brain at the thought of doing two identical twins. He moved the idea to the top of his bucket list.

Jason texted Colin a few times during the day to check in but didn't pester Colin to come back over. Later that night, he admitted that he didn't think he'd be able to get Justin and Alex to come over and participate. When he asked if that meant Colin didn't want to see him again, he was assured it was just a fantasy and that he still couldn't wait until they hooked up again.

Jason was back early Saturday morning and had his clothes off almost before the door closed behind him. After they'd made out for a few hours, they got back into their underwear, for no other reason than they found it fun to pull them off when they got horny again.

A knock on the door sent Colin to answer it, finding a grinning Dexter standing there. He pushed past Colin and entered the apartment. "Thought I'd stop by to see you. Nathan is out with TJ so I probably won't get laid until later. They said I could sleep over with them."

"Sure, come in," Colin said almost sarcastically as he closed the door.

Dexter paused as soon as he saw another guy sitting shirtless on the couch. He quickly went around to check to see if he was naked or not. "Who's he?" Dexter asked Colin, feeling jealous.

"Jason. Dexter."

"Hey," Jason smiled.

"Is he almost naked because you guys are having sex?" Dexter asked bluntly. "Do you like him better than me?"

"Way to throw out the tough questions, Dex. We can all like more than one person equally. Dexter lives in the building and comes over a few times to hang out," Colin explained. "And Jason is a friend who comes over to enjoy time with me as well. You two could become good friends. You're both 14 and hornier than rabbits in heat. If I put you together in bed, I could see it never ending. I'd have to live in the other bedroom."

"So you are having sex with him?"

"Exactly the same way that you're having sex with Nathan and TJ. It's fun to play with lots of different people. Learn some new styles and techniques. Check out hot bodies and suck some new dick. I'm guessing since Nathan and TJ aren't home, you came over to get some of your own action?"

"No," he said almost defensively. "Well...maybe, but if you're busy already, I guess I could leave," he pouted.

"Or take those clothes off and grab the lube. Then brace yourself babe, because Jason has eight and a half inches between his legs and he knows how to use it. You've never had anything that big in you before, so I think today could be a lot of fun for you."

"I'd rather just have sex with you," Dexter said bluntly.

"You say that now, but I'm guessing once we all start to play, you'll change your mind. Jason, take those shorts off and let Dexter see what you're offering."

"Am I offering?" Jason asked trying to look as innocent as possible.

"You're being offered. It's basically the same thing."

Colin stood behind Dexter and put his arms around him, rubbing his chest. He leaned in to whisper in his ear. "You ever had eight-and-a-half inches in you before?"

"No," Dexter replied as Colin moved his hand under the boy's shirt and pushed it up over his head. He raised his hands so it could be removed and tossed aside.

"That's my boy," Colin encouraged as he moved to nibble on Dexter's ear while running his hand over the exposed nipples. "I wanna watch you get fucked, baby," he said seductively. "Jason, let's get this boy excited. Come over here and stand in front of him."

Jason stood up and moved to Dexter.

"There, now you can check each other out better. Dex, put your hand on Jason's hips and push his underwear down. Might as well see what you're going to be enjoying."

Dexter looked back at Colin, who smiled and reached for one of his young friend's hands. He lifted it up to Jason's waist to get him started. Dexter moved his other hand up as well and paused. Colin reached around and unfastened the top button on Dexter's pants, and then slowly lowered the zipper. Once he had the pants loosened, he slipped his hand inside to cup the boy's package over his underwear. Dexter inhaled deeply as he felt a warmth rush over his entire body. Colin leaned in again to whisper in his ear. "Push his underwear down."

Dexter didn't hesitate this time and put his hands inside the band of Jason's underwear and pushed them down his hips until he had exposed him. Jason fluffed up his half hard cock and let the underwear fall to his ankles before he kicked them off.

"He's pretty hot, isn't he, Dexter?" Colin said as he leaned his head on the boy's shoulder to look over at Jason.

"Yeah. Not as hot as you though," Dexter replied quickly.

"Thanks, but you might not be saying that after Jason is deep up inside you. He definitely knows how to use that big cock. Wanna know another secret about Jason?"


"He's a twin, so there's two like this. If you play your cards right, maybe we can convince him to get his brother to fuck you as well."

"Ummm...Justin's not really sexual. We've never done anything together, so that probably won't happen," Jason said quickly.

"You wanna fuck the boy or not?" Colin laughed. "You should tell him things like that once your balls deep in him, and he's already too horny to wanna stop."

"Oh, right. Yeah, I have a twin brother. See him naked all the time. So hot," Jason said without emotion.

"Don't be an actor. The believability in that really sucked. Looks like that cock of yours needs some incentive to get hard. Dexter is probably dying to see that pole at full extension. How about you drop to your knees and get his pants down. Dexter's packing a pretty impressive piece of meat himself and he's already excited to show it off."

"That's because you're holding it through my underwear," Dexter replied as they watched Jason drop to his knees.

Jason didn't waste time as he pulled Dexter's pants down to his ankles. Colin was still cupping the bulge of the younger boy, but Jason quickly moved his hand out the way and yanked Dexter's underwear down to get him completely naked.

"Nice. Wouldn't mind having you fuck me with that if you don't think you could handle mine," Jason offered.

"I can handle yours. I'm not a little kid," Dexter snapped.

"I know. We're both the same age. Didn't mean to insult you at all. I just like the look of your cock and those balls are pretty nice too."

"So don't just look at them, take a feel," Colin encouraged. Dexter's the whole package. He may love being fucked, but he's pretty versatile. We've had some pretty good sessions here with Nathan and myself, haven't we Dexter?"

"Yeah. I've known Colin and Nathan longer than anyone," Dexter replied looking down at Jason, almost daring him to respond.

"Cool. I'll be it's hot watching you guys' fuck. Maybe the four of us could get together sometime."

"Or the five of us, if you invite TJ. I'm sure he'd like to be included," Colin suggested.

"Would be too crowded with that many people," Dexter said as he stood leaning against Colin while Jason fondled him. Despite seeming uninterested, he responded to the touching and began to leak a little. Jason leaned in to lick the tip and Dexter jumped.

"He's just making sure you don't drip on the floor," Colin chuckled as he continued to hug Dexter in place.

"But I think he liked it. Take a look. Just seeing you naked has him fully hard now. Jason, stand up and let him see that monster."

Jason stood and Dexter stared at him. Colin lifted the boys' hand to wrap it around Jason's cock and assisted him in stroking it.

"What do you think? Would you enjoy that in you?"

Dexter just shrugged as he kept staring at it.

Colin grinned to himself at how relatively quiet Dexter was compared to the boy who normally came over all energetic, excited and most of all, horny. "Why don't you take a closer look? Get on your knees."

Dexter knelt down and Colin followed him, taking the opportunity to pull the boy's pants the rest of the way off and easing his legs apart. He ran his hand up and down Dexter's ass, making sure to tap the winking starfish as he went. He knew how sensitive Dexter's ass was and with a little stimulation, he had no doubt they'd all be fucking like crazy people in a few minutes.

"Dexter, you're not normally this shy. How about opening your mouth and take a taste of that nice cock? Maybe that'll help." As he said it, he gently reached around to rub Dexter's jaw and pull the mouth open. He pushed him forward and let Jason lift his cock into position. He guided the two of them together like they were docking at a spaceport. "Jason, hold his head and enjoy that mouth. Damn, you two are hot together," he said as he wiggled out of his own shorts and reached for the lube on the end table. He quickly fingered some into Dexter's ass and probed around in him. It had the desired affect as Dexter moaned and lifted his ass up higher for more attention. Colin smiled as he lubed himself up and replaced the finger with the tip of his cock. "I was just gonna let Jason fuck you, but this is way to hot. I'll open you up first so you'll enjoy Jason more."

He pushed inside as he held Dexter by the hips, and watched Jason sliding his own cock back and forth in Dexter's mouth. Jason just looked at Colin and smiled. "He's pretty good."

"I told you you two would get along. By the time you breed each other, I won't be able to separate you. You'll forget about the rest of us and be joined at the crotch. I'm not gonna last long in here, but I don't wanna cum yet. How are you doing, Dexter? Loving that cock?"

They got a small mumble from Dexter that he couldn't make out, so Colin reached around to take hold of Dexter's erection, with his slightly lubed hand, and began to jerk him off. Dexter suddenly squeaked and had a powerful orgasm all over the floor. He quickly pulled back off Jason and reached around to pull Colin out of his ass. He shot to his feet.

"I gotta go. I should see if Nathan is home yet," he said sounding almost panicked. He turned and ran off towards the door and left.

Jason looked at Colin somewhat surprised at the speed thing changed. "Did he just leave without his clothes?"

"Yep," Colin replied as the door opened and Dexter ran back in.

"Forgot my clothes," he said redundantly as he gathered them up, and ran out again.

"What was that about?" Jason asked as he sat down on the couch, his erection still at full strength.

"I have no idea. He normally cums several times and still begs for more. That's a first."

"I think he's pissed that I'm here. He's probably in love with you."

"Dexter? No. If anything, he's in love with Nathan and probably just freaked out that he enjoyed playing with you so much. Probably feels guilty."

"I don't see that. If he wanted me that bad, I'd be balls deep in him right now. Speaking of which," he said using both hands to point to his penis. "You started this, how about tossing me that lube and bending over so I can finish it?"

"Getting bossy now, huh? Don't think you're leaving here as fast as Dexter once you cum. I intend to fuck you up against the window. Let the whole world watch me breed you."

"The whole world, as long as they owned binoculars," Jason reasoned as Colin knelt down in front of him. Jason slid off the couch and entered Colin for the start of their flip flop fuck. An hour later, they were in the hot tub relaxing together when the front door opened and Dexter walked back in.

"Sorry I left so soon. Hope you're not mad at me Colin."

"Of course not. Sometimes you can get overwhelmed by sex and need to regroup. No worries. You okay?"

"Yep. Just got totally stuffed by Nathan and TJ, like all good. Okay, well I just wanted to say that before I went home. I'll text before I come over next time, in case you're with someone else," he said almost sounding judgmental, and before Colin could reply, Dexter had turned and was off out the door.

"He's a strange kid," Jason commented as he snuggled up against Colin.

"I think he's still processing the whole gay sex thing. I still have my doubts as to whether he's actually gay, or just a horny 14-year-old who found a better way to get his rocks off."

"What about me? Am I just a horny 14-year-old looking to get his rocks off?"

"Definitely, but a horny GAY 14-year-old looking to get his rocks off."

"We really gotta stop saying rocks off. Sounds stupid. I think I'm a horny teen that needs to fuck!"

"Agreed. Good thing is...I can totally help with that."

"Just for the record, if I'd have fucked that guy, there's no way he would have run out of here. I would have totally destroyed his ass to the point where he couldn't even walk."

"Bragging much?" Colin laughed. "Now carry me to the bed so I can fuck you again. I can barely move."

Jason laughed, and they headed back to the bedroom before Colin finally took him home.

The next day, Nathan showed up at Colin's. "What the hell did you do to break our boy, yesterday?" He asked sitting down, grinning.

"Our boy? I'm guessing you mean Dexter?"

"Who else?" He nodded. "Little dude arrived at my place shirtless, carrying all his clothes except for his pants, which he'd put on commando. He basically demanded that TJ and I fuck his brains out."

"And you said no?"

"Get real. That boy is too hot not to fuck, no matter what mood he's in. Once we finished, he said `That'll show Colin and his little slut.' Who's the little slut?"

"This is the part where I normally would point at you, but he met Jason. Another 14-year-old I've been seeing."

"Oh. That explains it. Dexter was super pissed. He even said that his cock wasn't that nice. That it tasted like skank whore dick. Whatever that is. How far did you guys go together?"

"Not far. Jason gave him a blowjob. Dexter returned the favour as I fucked him. When I reached around to jerk him off, he came almost instantly, then suddenly got up and bolted out of here...twice. The first time he left so fast he forgot his clothes."

"I'd love to meet Jason one day, because the way Dexter describes him, he could be Frankenstein's monster's uglier inbred cousin."

"That's pretty descriptive."

"I'm softening Dexter's opinion. He said he almost choked and puked while you made him suck the `most disgusting cock on the planet.' He also said that gay guys are all slutty whores, and he never wants sex with them again."

"Was this before or after you both fucked him?" Colin smirked.

"During. He was basically pausing the blowjob he was giving TJ to turn to talk to me while I fucked him. He even kept ranting as we kissed and cuddled afterward. What the hell actually happened?"

"Nothing. Like I said he came over, seemed surprised to see Jason, but I undressed him and we fooled around together. I thought it was going fine until he came and then bolted. He even burst in later while Jason and I were in the hot tub to tell me he'd been with you and TJ and sort of apologized. Said he'd text me before he comes over next time, and left again."

"Best I can figure is, he was horny and came over to see me, but I was out, so he turned to you and you weren't there for him exclusively. I think he's jealous that we are doing other people."

"I can see that. You were his first, and I was there when he lost his anal virginity, so I'm guessing we have a special bond that he doesn't want to see shared."

"Any thoughts on how to handle it?" Nathan asked.

"Either we ignore it, or we get him involved in a few orgies so he understands that sharing is caring," Colin said smiling.

"I'd be okay with that. Invite him to a party and let him see how an orgy develops. I'm sure he won't be objecting to a dozen guys drooling over him, and filling all his holes."

"Probably not, but will he be pissed when a dozen guys are drooling all over you and me too?"

"One way to find out," Nathan chuckled. "Now about this Jason guy. When am I fucking him?"

"Pick a day and I'll set it up, but you might want him to fuck you instead. The boy is packing eight and half between his legs."

"Shit! I'm definitely into that. I'll invite TJ as well. He'll cream himself from just seeing something like that. Jason won't even need to fuck him. What about inviting Dexter as well?" Nathan grinned wickedly. "We could get both of them totally drunk and put them in bed together. When they wake up naked with each other, maybe they'll think they hooked up and go at it again."

"Sure, because it's a good idea to get two 14-year-olds shit faced so they'll fuck."

"We'd douche them before they got that far...god, we're not monsters," Nathan said playfully.

"What?" Colin asked not catching on at first. Then it hit him. "Gross. No, that's not what I meant. Gross! Now I'm not gonna unsee that. Way to kill the boner dude."

Nathan reached out to grope Colin. "Seems fine to me."

"The metaphorical boner. The real one is still fine thanks."

"I should get going. I have a date tonight," Nathan announced.

"A date date? Like dinner, candles, holding hands, looking into each other's eye longingly while your dicks harden inside your pants in anticipation of the rest of the night?"

"Yeah. Believe it or not. This is a real one. I met him at work and we just kinda got along so agreed to go out and see where it goes."

"What type of a gay guy is that?" Colin laughed. "Wouldn't you normally drag him into the bathroom, screw his brains out and THEN go to dinner?"

"Of course, but I don't think he knows if he's gay or not, so he's sticking to the straight norms for now. Hey, I gotta eat, right?"

"Have fun. Take pictures," Colin joked.

"Duh!" He said as he headed out.

Colin got together with Jason plenty of times over the next several months, but not as much as he'd have liked as he was getting much busier with his job. He found that being in charge of stuff meant you really had to focus a lot, but the more projects they got involved with, and the more money he made, the more he enjoyed it. Sex was taking a back seat to work, and he seemed to have earned the respect of the people who worked for him. He still found it tough to be 19, and bossing around people much older than he was, but they all accepted that he was in charge. When he wasn't sure of things, he talked privately with the C.O.O. and C.F.O. to get their input and advice, and of course he regularly called Carter to make sure he thought it was the right move. Usually, Carter supported his decisions and encouraged him to try and succeed or fail on his own as much as possible. Colin found that even when he went over to the Q' headquarters to check on things, he was more focused on the business than running downstairs to join the guys for sex. On one weekend, he was lying in bed with Jake from the Q', thinking how different his life was now. When he was a kid, he'd been having sex almost 10 times a week, and now here he was cuddled up with an older guy, having only gotten laid four times that week. He wondered at one point if he'd be down to once a week if this kept up. He quickly pulled Jake on top of him so they could go again, and bring his average back up slightly. At least doing it five times would mean that he was only down to 50% of his peak.

End of Chapter.

Be sure to check out the main story at It the longest short story EVER.

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