Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Sep 24, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

It's time for another stand alone chapter to the main adventuires The Society Boys.

Oh, since you're reading the intro, have you donated to Nifty? They love hosting but I think it's expensive, and we really don't want the stories to end. Intros, yes. Actual stories, no. On with the story...

Colin Chapter 31

He spent the next couple months preparing as much as he could for his move to Canada. He studied everything he could about the differences between the two countries and worked on his Canadian, eh! He even focused on learning metric as he was sure it would be a topic that would come up again, and he didn't want to appear stupid. Once he got into it and really put his mind to it, he found it wasn't that difficult to understand. Some measurement he liked. Like have a 19cm penis seemed huge, but that 20 degrees felt like he might freeze to death instead of being room temperature. He liked being 182cm tall, but hated being 68kg. Made him sound like a super tall extra skinny bean pole, even though in real measurements he was 5'10" and 150lbs..

His 18th birthday was a pretty quiet one compared to some of his others, but he was thrilled when he got the word from his Dad that more of his trust fund had been deposited to his account. While he knew roughly how much he was getting, to see 164 million on paper was a bit mind blowing. Up until know, he'd only had a few million to play with and had been careful how he spent anything to show his Dad and brother how responsible he was. Now he realized he could be a bit more aggressive with his money. Brooks was the first to call him on his birthday and congratulate him. Of course, he wanted to know about the inheritance, so was almost giddy when Colin showed him the transfer. He'd sent Colin a subscription to a gay porn site as a joke now that he was 18, and then sent an electric blanket from Amazon, explaining that it would keep him warm while he was up on the glaciers in Vancouver.

"They don't have glaciers," he said as they talked on Skype. "At least I don't think they do. I've never seen any when I've been up there, anyway."

"Sure they do, Oreo. Look at pictures of Alaska. It's all glaciers, moose and polar bears. I mean maybe not right in the city as I'm sure they have protection to keep those out, but once you get out of the city limits, it's probably way different. You ever go out into the country when you were there?"

"No, not really. Just in the city."

"See. That's because it's probably primitive and wild beyond the city limits. Just be careful buddy. I'd hate to see you sending selfies as you're chased across the tundra by Polar bears as you try to get back behind the city force fields."

"I think you're kidding, but now I'm gonna have to check," Colin replied.

"Buy a snowmobile while you're there. The have ones called ski-doos. They're like sea-doos, but for snow. I could get you one for Christmas if you want."

"I'll look into it. I saw lots of pictures of guys with snowmobiles in Canada, so it might be required, but I probably won't leave the city until I get used to the place for a while anyway. Not sure if you can park them in the garage."

"You probably have to store them at some snowmobile parking area, like we do with boats," Brooks reasoned. The boys talked more about Brooks' college and their plans for Christmas before finally hanging up.

Colin spent a fair bit of time with Hunter, especially now that all his childhood friends had moved to other cities, but even that had diminished a lot since Hunter had gotten a girlfriend. He figured it was probably a good thing as the goodbye in January wouldn't be as bad for either of them that way. He'd Skyped with his other friends plenty to find out how their new lives were going, and sometimes envied their stories while he was still waiting in limbo for his life to begin.

He was happy when most of his friends returned for the Christmas break, and it was like old times as they all hung out together. Not completely like old times as none of them were really into skinny dipping as much as they had been as kids. They had truly begun to throw off their childhood ways and move into their more adult roles.

Austin had been busy with a movie he'd been cast in, but managed to get back for a few weeks before Colin was set to move. He was still happy to let Colin boss him around and order him to have sex, which made both of them happy. Colin took plenty of pictures of Austin and told him that from now on he was his bitch and would do what he was told, or the pics would be leaked to the media if he didn't comply. They both knew he'd never do it, but it made their relationship much more exciting. Austin loved being used hard, and Colin enjoyed punishing him, as they both got turned on by it.

When he wasn't busy with friends or activities, he spent time at the club, meeting as many of the new members as he could. He enjoyed the initiations, but as he got older, he found that he was more interested in the chase of a new guy than the routine of just going over and fucking them, or letting them suck his cock. He slowly moved away from it to let the guys build their own club as he started thinking of all the things he should take with him to Vancouver.

Ethan recommended that Colin ship his cars up later, once he was settled, and perhaps only take the basics for now until he was sure he wanted to stay. Colin agreed that he wouldn't send all his cars as that would be a huge expense until he knew how import tax and insurance worked up in Canada. He was initially going to fly up and send his stuff separately, but decided on driving and loading up the car he was taking.

The Christmas break rapidly came to an end and when it was finally time to say goodbye to his friends, he knew that it might be quite sometime before he saw them again, so it was a bittersweet goodbye. He saw Brooks off to his private plane and promised they'd stay in touch always. It felt like he was sending him off to war, not sure if he'd ever see him again, but he knew he was being over dramatic. Until college began they'd spent almost every day of their lives together since birth, and now they were about to live in different countries. Brooks in New Jersey; Colin just below the Arctic circle with his electric blanket and pending snowmobile.

The night before the move, Colin had dinner with his Mom and Dad, who gave him advice on being careful, learning the local laws and customs before he did anything stupid. Above all, they told him that they'd miss him and that this was always his home so he could come back anytime he wanted. He packed everything he wanted for the trip into his car, and shipped the rest by transport. He couldn't sleep that night, tossing and turning as he thought about what lay ahead. He talked to Carter so they could arrange to meet when he got there and both brothers were excited to begin this chapter in Colin's life.

Sometime around 4 am, his laptop went off with an incoming call on Skype. He laughed when he saw that it was from Brooks.

"What's up?" He said answering it.

"Just figured you wouldn't be sleeping, so I thought I call and see if you're all prepared for the big move."

"I guess you know me, huh? Yeah, I haven't been able to sleep at all. I'll probably fall asleep on the highway and go flying off a massive cliff and my car will explode in a giant fire ball."

"Graphic. Just do what you always do to get to sleep," Brooks suggested.

"Who with? No one is around for that," Colin said giving a tired smile back to his friend.

Brooks shook his head and lifted up a closed fist, moving it up and down. "I was thinking more along the lines of how us straight boys do it. Jerk off and blow a load or two. That always helps me sleep."

"You must get lots of sleep then," Colin joked.

"Anyway, have a good trip up to Vancouver and be sure to let me know how it's going. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Which leaves out what?" Colin asked.

"Hey, are you gonna pick up hitchhikers along the way?"

"I hadn't planned on it. Do you think that's safe? You hear stories about lots going wrong."

"Well don't pick up shifty looking guys holding chainsaws or wearing slickers. And NEVER pick up guys who don't have a backpack with them. Watch for bushes near where someone is hitchhiking as others may be hiding back there."

"'re making it sound dangerous," Colin frowned.

"Nah. Pick some younger guy at a trucking establishment. I hear those are the best places."

"For someone who has a chauffeur, you know a lot about hitchhiking," Colin teased.

"I hear things. I'm not living in a bubble, Oreo. Plenty of guys around here catch rides with people they are unacquainted with."

"Yeah, it must be wicked dangerous hitchhiking around an ivy league college, being picked up in a Bentley," he said sarcastically.

"Dude, you have no idea. A guy in one of my classes has a three-year-old BMW. Talk about sketchy. I think he must be here on a scholarship."

"At least you're still the same Brooks!"

He beamed. "Thanks Oreo! That's why we're such good friends. Take care buddy and let me know how the trip is going. Now go nut one out so you can get some sleep."

"Sure Brooks. Will do. I'll be thinking of you," Colin said waving at the camera.


"I meant I'll be thinking of you stuck in your little college while I'm on my trip to a foreign country."

"Sure that's what you meant, Oreo. Maybe this will help," Brooks chuckled as he moved the camera down and whipped out his dick.

"Great, now when I do fall asleep, I'll be having nightmares. Thanks a lot, Brooks!" Colin said laughing.

"Anytime Oreo. Anytime."

They hung up and Colin went back to bed. He didn't take Brooks' advice, but the call had helped him get back to sleep. In the morning, it was another round of goodbyes to his parents, Mark and George, who all wished him a safe journey. They were still waving as he left the front gate and headed down to the Pacific Coast Highway. He'd debated going over to the I-5 for the straight shot to Canada, but decided on the more scenic route, figuring he might want to savour the moment for as long as possible. He passed a couple hitchhikers on the road and his mind immediately flashed back to what Brooks had told him. The first guy looked like he hadn't showered in a week, or had a haircut in 10 years. Colin pictured him in a slicker on dark rainy night, and kept on driving, in fact he was sure he might have accelerated past him. The next guy he saw looked pretty decent, but he was standing near bushes and kept looking back at them as he approached. He drove past that guy as well. He wasn't sure if the guy just needed to go take a leak or was actually hiding someone, but he wasn't about to take the chance. Last thing he'd need would be to return home after only a couple hours, having been robbed of everything, and admitting he failed at his first big trip away from home. He'd been on the road just over three hours when he stopped at Pismo Beach for lunch, and to watch the surfers. "Shit, I should have brought my surf board," he mumbled to himself as he sat on the rocks checking things out. He looked at the map on his phone and shook his head. "This is gonna take a fuck of a long time to get to Vancouver. I'm gonna need a bigger playlist. Oh well, 175 miles down, 1325 to go."

He headed to a restaurant overlooking the ocean, and had a huge bacon cheeseburger, fries and gravy for lunch. As he ate, he wondered why this kind of food always tasted better on road trips than it did at local restaurants. He paid the bill and went to use the bathroom so he could get in a few good miles before having to stop again. He almost went headlong into a wall as he tripped over a backpack lying on the floor just inside the door. A head leaned back from the urinal.

"Shit! Sorry, dude. I shoulda kept it out of the way. I just didn't wanna leave it outside in case someone took my shit," the guy said.

"No worries. I should have been paying attention for backpacks being used as road blocks," Colin joked as he composed himself and went to the next urinal. The guy beside him finished up, washed his hands, and left quickly. Colin made a point of checking the floor as he went to the sink to wash his own hands. He didn't need to trip again and look like a total idiot. As he left the restaurant, he saw the guy sitting on the sidewalk with his backpack on. "Nice try, but I see you this time," Colin joked as he walked around him.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I just try to keep all my stuff with me. It's all I got."

"No worries. Only the wall got hurt when my head slammed into it."

"Cool car," the guy said smiling.

"Thanks. My brother bought it for me as a birthday present."

"Nice brother."


"You live around here?" The guy asked.

Colin paused to really take a look at the guy. He looked around his age, and despite the road weary look, seemed pretty nice." No, I'm from L.A. Just on a road trip."

"Cool. Where you headed? Back home or north?"

"North. Going to Vancouver," Colin replied.

"That's a hell of a road trip. Are you just going there by yourself?"

"Are you the travel police?" Colin joked.

"No," the kid smiled revealing nice bright white teeth. "Just wondering."

"Yeah, I'm travelling solo this time."

"Would you want some company? I'm trying to get to Albany."

"New York? That's a hell of a hitchhike."

He laughed. "No Albany, Oregon. It's just before Portland."

"I didn't know there was another Albany. Cool. I'm taking my time going up the PCH, but I guess if you wanna travel with me for a bit, sure. Hop in."

"Wicked. Thanks! You're a life saver," the guy said jumping up to shake Colin's hand.

"Just chuck your stuff in the back seat."

They both loaded up and got back on the road.

"I'm Beckett. Friends call me Beck."

"Colin. Nice to meet you. So what's in Albany?"

"Albanites, or maybe they're called Albanians," he chuckled. "My sister actually. Told her I'd visit for a bit. Couldn't afford a bus ticket, so I figured I'd try hitching."

"How's it going so far?"

"Slower than I thought. Never hitched before. Last guy only took me like 50 miles and then said he was heading east. If you're ever hitchhiking, allow about three times long than you planned to get somewhere."

"How long were you waiting before I met you?"

"Only a couple hours. Some sketchy dude offered to give me a ride, but he made my Spidey senses tingle. He kinda had that serial killer vibe, so I told him I was just waiting for my Dad to pick me. Told him he was busy at some accident and couldn't leave because he was the Sheriff."

"Is he the Sheriff?

"Nah. I don't have a Dad. But sure made sketchy dude take off in a hurry," he said smiling. "How old are you?"

"18. You?"

"Same," Beckett said quickly. "How old did you think I was?"

"No idea. You look younger, but you sound older, so I figured we were close in age."

"You gay?" Beckett asked suddenly.


"Just curious. Getting to know each other and stuff. I saw that rainbow on your backpack back there. Figured it might be one of those gay ones."

"It is, and I am. Is that a concern for you?" Colin asked feeling his nerves pick up a bit and heard Brooks warning voice in his head again.

"No. I'm cool with it. I'm straight, but I'm open minded. What's it like being gay?"

"It just is what it is. I've always been gay, so to me it's pretty normal."

"Did you ever get bullied and stuff?"

"Not really. I suppose no more than any kid in school. Most of my friends were pretty cool and those that couldn't deal with it never hung around me anyway."

"Sweet. You always see those crazies with signs on TV chanting about how God hates you guys."

"I've seen that too. I figure God would be more pissed at them for cutting down the trees he made to write the hate posters."

"That's true. I hate protestors. I even made a sign to hold up in front of them when they do shit like that," he said trying to sound serious.

"So you protest protestors by protesting?"

"You don't?" He grinned.

"What type of music do you like?" Colin asked changing the subject.

"Most types. Just not old people music, and definitely no country."

"Shit. Well there goes the first two playlists. Old people jams and line dance shit. I suppose jazz and opera are out too?"

"You have those?"

"God no. I was just checking. Take a look and see what you like. You're the navigator, so you get to choose music for the first leg."

Beckett grabbed Colin's phone and scanned through the music, picking songs he liked as they travelled north. A couple hours in, Beckett had fallen asleep and Colin took the opportunity to look the guy over. He was actually pretty cute under the well-worn clothes. He didn't look like a street kid, but he obviously didn't have a lot of money. He imagined this is how Hunter might have ended up if his mother had lost the house a couple years ago. They stopped once to stretch their feet before continuing on.

"That's about all the driving I can do for one day," Colin announced as they pulled into a small town on the coast.

"Where is this?"

"Santa Rosa. That's another 300 miles done.

"Cool. Thanks for the ride Colin. That saved me a ton of time. How far is it to Albany?"

"600 miles roughly. I guess around 12 hours driving still, allowing for breaks. I'd keep going, but I've been on the road for like 10 hours today, almost 500 miles already. I need a hot tub and some sleep."

"That sounds pretty good. I should probably get some sleep too. I heard it's almost impossible to get a ride at night, but if I get started first thing tomorrow, I could make some good time if I get a ride right away. My buddy said the best place to sleep is under bridges as it protects you from the dew and stuff as opposed to sleeping out in the grass."

"I don't think either of those sound very comfortable or safe," Colin said having pulled over to check for a place to stay.

"Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. First night a trucker let me sleep in the back of his cab. That was pretty cool. Last night I slept under a railway bridge. That was a bit of a mistake as a train went over. It was so loud and shook the ground like we were having an earthquake. Sacred the poop out of me."

"Sounds messy," Colin chuckled lightly.

"Tonight, I think a bridge under a quiet road would be better."

"I'm still heading north tomorrow, so if you want, you can share a hotel room with me. Sleeping under a bridge doesn't sound fun at all," Colin offered.

"Thanks, but I couldn't afford that."

"It wouldn't cost anything. It's the same price for two people as it is for one. It'd be stupid for you to be outside when I could just get a room with two beds."

"It sounds better than a bridge, that's for sure, but I wouldn't want to ruin your road trip," Beckett said hesitantly.

"Wouldn't ruin my road trip at all. You're welcome to sleep outside, but it'd be more fun if you wanted to hang out longer. When are you supposed to be at your sisters?"

"Not really on a deadline, but the sooner the better so I don't run out of money."

"I figure we grab a room at the Marriott, get some dinner, hit the hot tub and crash out for the night. Gotta be better than a sleeping bag on concrete."

"Okay, but only if it doesn't cost you extra."

"It won't. Having a passenger in the car doesn't cost extra, and having a roommate at a hotel won't either. Anyway, travelling with someone always makes the time go by faster than being by yourself."

"Okay. If you're really sure, then I accept. Just one thing though. When we go to dinner, we should go someplace not expensive. I'm kind of on a budget."

"Maybe the hotel will have a two for one coupon for someplace," Colin smiled. "Another way it costs nothing."

They made their way to the Marriott and checked in. Colin almost asked for a room with a king bed, but decided that might be pushing it with someone he didn't know, so they ended up with two queen beds.

"Nice room," Beckett said as they entered and put their stuff down. "Before we do anything else, I should probably take a shower."

"Sure, go for it. Or you could stay like you are and jump in the hot tub with shampoo and bubble bath. It would be like a washing machine for you and your clothes."

"Do my clothes look that bad?" He asked looking at himself in the mirror.

"No. I was just joking," Colin said quickly realizing that his normal sense of humor might not be appropriate for this guy that he barely knew.

"I wonder if they do have a laundry facility. Might be a good opportunity to actually throw my clothes in to clean them."

"I'll check," Colin said as he grabbed the directory. "Yeah they have a coin laundry. You could throw your shit in there while we're at dinner and then dry them while we're in the hot tub."

"Cool. Sounds like a plan. Damn this is a nice room. I almost hate to sleep in the bed it looks so amazing."

"Kinda the point. If it looks inviting, you'll get a good sleep."

Beckett headed to the bathroom, and Colin almost laughed when he heard him. "Dude, they've got little mini soap and shampoo. Is it free to use?"

"Of course. Have you never stayed in a hotel before?"

"No. Never. I figured it probably was, but I thought I should ask before I used it. I won't be long," Beckett yelled back as the water started. Colin noticed that his travel partner left the bathroom door partially open. If this had been one of his regular friends, he wouldn't have hesitated to go in at all, but he figured that he might scare the crap out of Beckett if he went to use the toilet or sink.

He waited patiently for him to get done, and when he finally exited, a steam cloud billowed out first. A freshly scrubbed Beckett followed, with a towel around his waist.

"Wow," Colin said out loud before he caught himself.

"What? Is something wrong?" Beckett asked quickly as he spun to look at the mirror on the wall. "I forgot to take my brush with me. My hair is always a bit messy after a shower," he said shaking his head and letting it fly all over the place like a sheep dog getting out of a lake.

"Sorry. My mouth sometimes says things without checking with my brain first. I was just impressed by how toned you are. You work out?"

"Yeah, whenever I can. Most of this is from my high school wrestling team," he said looking down at himself.

"You should wear tighter shirts to show that body off more. Are your legs that toned as well?"

"Sure. I try to stay in shape," Beckett admitted.

"Well you're doing a great job. Would you let me see the rest of you?" Colin asked boldly.

"I'm not actually wearing anything under my towel," he replied.

"Even better," Colin said trying not to sound too obvious. "Sorry, I guess I'm being inappropriate considering we barely know each other."

"It's all good. I'm not shy. It doesn't bother me if you wanna check me out." Beckett moved over towards his stuff on the bed and as he got there, he dropped his towel.

Colin almost heard his penis try to break out of his pants with excitement. "I was wrong. You shouldn't wear a tight shirt," Colin commented.

"I shouldn't? Is it that bad?" He asked looking at himself in the mirror.

"No, not at all. I meant you shouldn't wear a tight shirt because you shouldn't wear clothes. You are seriously hot."

"Thanks," he grinned. "It's weird hearing a guy say I'm hot. I don't have any gay friends. I mean I know some, they're just not friends," he clarified as he rummaged around in his backpack.

"You couldn't be friends with a gay guy?"

"Sure. I've just never really had the opportunity before."

"I guess I should take a quick shower and then we can go to dinner," Colin said before he did anything that might freak the guy out, like lick him from head to toe. He raced into the bathroom and had a cold shower, well colder than he'd normally have. He wrapped in his towel and returned to the bedroom to find Beckett still naked, sitting on the end of the bed still looking through his stuff.

"As much as I love seeing you naked, I was only kidding about not wearing any clothes. You'll probably need some to go to dinner, or we could order in if you'd prefer to stay like that," he suggested, almost hopefully.

"Sorry, I was just trying to decide what to wear. Most of my stuff is dirty right now, so I wasn't sure if we should wash it all first before we go out."

"Wear something of mine. I don't mind. That way we can throw all your stuff in the laundry and get everything clean."

"You don't mind?"

"Of course not. We're about the same size."

"Yeah. You're pretty toned too. I guess we both workout huh?" He said looking at Colin.

"Yeah, I hit the gym a few times. I guess we're similar in a way. Most of my toning was from high school sports too. I was in water polo," Colin explained as he removed the towel and tossed it on the bed, making sure he gave Beckett a good opportunity to check him out as well.

"I guess we should go get dinner now, huh?" Beckett said as Colin opened his suitcase.

"I think we probably should put clothes on first," Colin suggested. "Pick what you want from my stuff. I'm cool with you wearing my underwear too if you want."

"That must be a gay thing. No way my straight friends would offer that."

"I'm pretty sure they would if they were lending you their pants too," Colin laughed as the boys sorted stuff out to wear and got dressed.

Beckett grabbed his hair brush, toothbrush and paste out of his backpack and returned to the bathroom. He came back a couple minutes looking much more presentable. "There. Now I look better," he grinned as he checked himself again.

"I'll say. Not as good as naked, but dude, you clean up amazing. Where did you wanna go for dinner?"

"I'm fine with McDonald's. I saw one just as we were coming in."

"We can do better than that, "Colin replied. "Plus I had a burger for lunch. Do you like steak?"

"Sure. Who doesn't?"

"Vegetarians, Vegans, cows," Colin said with a smile.

"Definitely cows," Beckett nodded.

"I saw a place in the directory that's not far from here. My treat."

"You don't have to do that."

"I know, but again, what fun is it eating alone?" Colin grabbed the plastic laundry bags out of the dresser drawer and took them over to Beckett, who looked at them amused.

"Why do they write laundry across them?"

"Probably so you don't end up throwing them out with the trash in the other white bags."

"Makes sense," he nodded as he stuffed everything he had into the two bags, then ran to the bathroom to get the clothes he'd left there.

"Do I look okay to go out to dinner?"

Colin just nodded as he continued to stare. The friendly guy in the dirty clothes who had been travelling with him all day, was suddenly transformed into a hot stud that was giving him a serious woody. "Yeah, you look good."

"Good enough for a restaurant?" He asked still checking himself out to be sure.

"Good enough to eat...definitely," Colin replied.

Beckett gave a slight little laugh. "Is that another one of the things where your mouth doesn't check with your brain?"


"You said I was good enough to eat."

"Sorry. I meant you were good enough to eat out at a restaurant. Sorry. I'm not used to filtering my words around people. It's a bad habit."

"I don't mind. I kinda like it."

Before Colin could make a bigger fool of himself, they grabbed the laundry and took it down to throw in a couple machines, before heading over to the steak restaurant. After a couple concerns from Beckett about how expensive it was, and reassurance back from Colin not to worry about it; they each ordered what they wanted.

"Think my clothes will be okay in the machines? No one will steal them, will they?"

"Not a chance. We put them on heavy wash and the doors are locked until the cycle is over. Plus, it's a hotel, no one is gonna steal shit with cameras around."

"Cool. That's all the stuff I got so if someone took it, I don't think I'd get far naked."

"I've seen you naked, remember. I'm sure you'd get a lot farther than you think, Beck," Colin teased.

"Oh yeah? How far would I get then?" Beckett said giving back some of the humor he'd been receiving.

"All the way, buddy. All the way!"

"Can I ask you a personal question? And feel free to tell me if I cross a line at all."

"Sure. Of course."

"Other than the obvious thing about sex, how is being gay different from being straight?"

"Great question. I'd like to say there's no difference except for who we sleep with, but most of what I've noticed is we're more emotional and not afraid to compliment another guy."

"I kinda saw that back in the hotel room. If I'm changing around another straight guy, we don't really comment about how the other one looks."

"But do you look?"

"Sure. I mean I guess all guys look at some point. We'd just never say anything. But you said I was toned and hot."

"You are," Colin smiled. "So, now to put you on the spot. Did you look at me when I undressed?"

"See, this is the kind of stuff straight guys wouldn't talk about. Ever!" Beckett replied as he blushed slightly. "Yeah, I looked. It's kinda difficult not to."

"That's the truth, but then I'm gay, so a naked guy in front of me is probably harder to ignore than it might be for you."

"I know some of the rules about talking to a gay guy, but are there others?"

"Like what?" Colin said giving a little puzzled frown.

"Like, I know we can't call you the F' word or say queer or anything as it's like using the N' word when talking to a black person."

"True. You can't call me that unless you are one. There are exceptions of course. Like my friends could call me fag as a playful term as I know they don't mean it as derogatory. The same as I could call them breeders."

"What other differences are there?"

"I think we'd be more open about things. I equate it to how girls are with each other. They might talk about things they were wearing, cuddle during a movie together, or sleep in the same bed. They even hold hands with another girl in public and don't think anything of it. Straight boys rarely do any of that. They keep their emotions and expressive comments more closely guarded."

"Yeah. No way I'd hold hands with a guy in public."

"Would you curl up on the couch together to watch a movie or sleep in the same bed?"

"Curl up together? Never. I'd be okay sleeping in the same bed, but it'd probably be one of us under the covers and the other over top of them."

"You wouldn't sleep naked under the covers together?"

"Probably not. I mean I sleep naked at home, and I personally don't think I'd have problem with it, but I figure if I tried to do that around friends, it would freak them out. Guess gay guys don't have that problem huh?"

"Not usually. But then I sleep naked regardless. I figure if my friends don't like it, they can sleep on the floor. That's pretty much their problem, not mine."

"See! That's cool," he nodded, then lowered his voice. "Do you ever compare your junk to other guys?"

"Other gay guys or other straight guys?" Colin asked to be sure.

"Any. Either."

"I guess it's not a simple yes or no. If I'm in a locker room and see someone naked, yeah, I'll make a mental note of how mine looks compare to them, but I'd never comment out loud. If I'm around friends, I'd make comments, and if I'm around another gay guy, we'd probably get hard to see who is bigger, and check each other out a lot closer than two straight guys would."

"How did mine look?" He asked quietly.

"Oh dahlin', it was simply magnificent," Colin said in a female southern drawl. "It was like a mint julip during the morning dew."

Beckett frown with a small smile. "What the fuck does that mean?"

"Just me being me. It was fine. I mean do you really want details?"

"Probably not. At least not in here. I guess I'm just curious as to how I compare to other guys, and I figure you'd probably know better than me."

Colin leaned forward and wiggled his finger at Beckett to tell him to come closer, which he did. "How about I say this? If you were gay, we would already be having a second round of sex instead of being in here for dinner."

"Really? Do gay guys really hook up that fast?"

"That fast? I've been travelling with you all day. I've learned your name and personal things about you, and seen you naked. If you were gay, we would have hooked up when I tripped over your backpack in the bathroom. THEN I would have learned your name and offered you a ride."

"You think I'm good looking enough to have sex with? From your point of view, that is."

"From my point of view, that's a definite yes. I mean we'd have to trim the pubes and shave your balls first, but you're seriously doable."

"I noticed you didn't have pubes," Beckett remarked. "Is that natural or do you shave them? If I'm allowed to ask questions like that."

"You can talk about anything you want. That's the beauty of a gay friend. I shave. We did it for water polo as the suits are really small. Now, I just like keeping it that way."

"I thought about it, but haven't had the guts to take a razor to my junk. One day maybe. Any tips?"

"Yeah, count the number of balls before AND after you shave them," Colin joked. "If you're really thinking about it, I'd be happy to give you a few pointers later."

"Cool. I might take those tips. Guess I can't really ask my straight friends stuff like that. As a gay guy, do you ever use sex to get what you want?" Beckett said directly, as he stared at Colin.

"I'm not sure in what context you mean by that, but I suppose everyone acts sexy now and then to try to get something."

"Yeah, I suppose, but would you ever ask for sex in exchange for something?"

"Honestly? I guess I might, depending on what the situation was, and how badly I needed something. Not sure I could answer that in general though."

"Like if you were hitchhiking."

"Keep going..." Colin chuckled. "I'm listening. Just teasing."

"I know. But let's say if you were hitchhiking, and some guy picked you up and said he wanted to give you a blowjob to take you further, would you let him?"

"Ummm...I'm not sure how I'm supposed to answer that. If it were me hitchhiking, and the guy offering was cute, of course I'd do it. I'm gay. I'd bend over the hood of his car and offer myself up as lunch. But if I were straight, I dunno."

"What if a girl picked you up and said she wanted you. That would kinda be the same thing. Would you let a girl use you for some type of sex to get further in the car?"

"I'm not sure where you're going with this, but before we talk hypothetical situations, I want you to know, I'm enjoying having you as company for the trip. I wouldn't suggest sex as a way for you to keep travelling with me."

"I get that. I mean if you wanted sex you probably would have asked when you offered to let me share your room, and you almost definitely would have said or done something when I was naked in front of you."

"Did you do that deliberately as a test?"

"Not really. I'm not shy, so it was kinda my way of saying thank you for letting me stay with you and not having to sleep outside. I figured with you being gay and all, you might appreciate seeing me naked."

"Well consider me thanked, and I definitely appreciated it. Although it was a bitch driving over here with a boner from that thanks."

Beckett laughed. "So? Would you let a girl have sex with you if you were hitchhiking?"

"It's a tough question. I suppose if I'd been having trouble getting a ride, or I was running out of time to get to where I was going, I might be more desperate than if I were just taking my time. Were you thinking of using that method when you hitched?"

He looked down at his plate as if contemplating the answer. "I'm not sure. My friend told me that offering road head was a good way to maybe get someone to drive you a longer distance."

"Is this the same friend that suggested you sleep under bridges? You might need better friends," Colin smiled as their appetizers arrived.

"Probably, but does it work?"

"Only in the movies, I think," Colin replied. "Or do you have first hand experience?"

"No. No first hand experience, I was just curious. I guess the hitchhiker would have to give the blowjob though, huh? The driver probably couldn't go down on the passenger while he was driving."

Colin laughed. "Not if they wanted to stay on the road he couldn't. Sounds like you've been thinking about this a bit. I should learn more about what your friend told you, and consider hitchhiking."

"I don't know much about gay stuff, but I somehow doubt you'd have trouble getting laid, am I right?"

"I do okay. My best friend says I'm to slutty to function, but strangely never complains when I give him head," Colin said with a little grin.

"Is he another gay guy?"

"No. He's straight. We've been friends since birth, so we're really comfortable around each other. What about your friends?"

"The only time shit got real is if we got stoned or drunk."

"How real?"

"Nothing major. Like skinny dipping, whacking each other in the nuts. Did a dare one time where we all had to measure our boners."

"That's pretty tame stuff. No blowjobs?" Colin grinned amused.

"No. Nothing that intense. My friend...yeah, the one with all the advice...said if I ever got really desperate, I could always offer up my ass. Do you think he'd be right about that?"

"Again, you're asking the wrong guy. I'd totally offer my ass up, desperate or not. If it was with a cute guy, I'd offer anything up," Colin nodded as their entrees came out. "Just a bit of my own advice. If I were you, I'd check the sexuality of your friend. He seems to know a lot about how to get laid by a guy."

"Truth to that," Beckett nodded. "Hypothetically, if I were gay, would you want sex with me?"

"Hypothetically? No question about it, gay or not. Yes, absolutely."

They continued talking about other things as they ate. Once finished, they headed back to the hotel to swap Beckett's laundry from the washer over to the dryer, and went back to the room.

"Oh shit," Beckett said as soon as the door closed.


"We were gonna go to the hot tub. My shorts are in the laundry."

"No big deal. Just use a pair of mine," Colin offered.

"At the rate I'm using your clothes, you'll need to do laundry next."

"I can do it when I get to Vancouver. Grab a pair, and a t-shirt. They'll have towels in the pool area."

Beckett picked some of Colin's clothes and changed in front of him again. The boys hit the pool and hot tub for an hour, which they both agreed felt really nice after the long drive.

As they sat there soaking, Colin looked at Beckett, admiring his chest. "I was gonna go to Crescent City tomorrow which is another 300 miles, then just past Portland the day after. Looking at the map, if you still wanted to ride with me, I could cut across to Albany, and drop you off there."

"I couldn't ask you to do that. I'd be grateful for the ride, but you don't have to go out of your way."

"It's not out of my way. I'm taking the scenic route to Vancouver, so a few side roads are just part of the fun. The interstate is boring unless you're in a hurry, or get to sleep through it. It's up to you though."

"Thanks. I'd like that. It would sure save a lot of hassle, as long as you're sure you don't mind me going along with you."

"I don't mind at all. Plus, now I'm curious to know if road head is real or an urban legend," he joked. Beckett just laughed along with him.

After picking up the laundry from the dryer, Beckett jumped back into his own underwear and t-shirt, hanging Colin's shorts up to dry in the bathroom.

"Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes tonight, Colin. Sorry I couldn't wash the shorts for you."

"No worries. Wanna watch a movie?"

"Doesn't that cost?"

"Sure, but it's not expensive."

"Let me guess," Beckett grinned. "It's as cheap for two people to watch a movie in a hotel as it is for one."

"Of course. You pick." They each jumped on their own bed after using the bathroom to clean up and brush teeth. Less than halfway into the movie, Beckett glanced over at Colin. "Dude, I'm exhausted. I hope you're not offended if I fall asleep."

"Not at all. I'm almost ready to crash myself."

Beckett stood up, removed his clothes and got under the covers as Colin watched. He took his own clothes off, making sure Beck could see him if he wanted to look, and got under the covers before turning out the light. Both guys were out within minutes and slept soundly. In the morning, Colin awoke to a very familiar sound, opening his eyes to see Beckett masturbating under the covers. He smiled to himself and almost started on his own erection. "Good morning," Colin said quietly as he turned on his side.

Beckett froze instantly and looked over. "Oh hey. Good morning."

"You know it's pretty inconsiderate doing that," Colin said trying to keep a straight face.

"Sorry. I was trying to be quiet. I guess I just had such a good sleep I forgot where I was," he blushed.

"No, I just mean that it's inconsiderate to whack off under the covers with a gay guy in the room. You should throw the covers off and let me watch," he said with a big grin.

"That's another thing a straight guy would never say to another guy," Beckett said a little embarrassed at getting caught. He looked over at Colin, then tossed the covers off himself. "Like that?"

"Perfect," Colin nodded as his cock throbbed at the first sight of Beckett's erection.

"I wanted to say thanks for letting me crash here last night," Beckett remarked.

"No problem. I liked the company. Of course, if you really wanted to say thanks, you could come over here and let me see you up close."

Beckett sat up and swung his legs off the bed and stared at Colin for a moment, then stood and climbed in beside Colin and pulled the covers back over himself. "That better?"

"No. You have the covers over yourself again," Colin smirked.

Beckett pushed the covers down and grabbed hold of his dick. "This is both fun and weird at the same time. Never had a guy watch me jerk off before. Another new thing to add to my list."

"I'd say you're doing okay," Colin smiled as he watched Beckett slowly stroking himself. "You know that question you asked me last night about how you compared to other guys?"


"Well, I can now officially say that you're above average with very nice balls."

"Yeah? For real?"

"For real. The only bad thing is that you're a straight boy. If you'd been a gay guy climbing into my bed with a morning boner, I'd already have gone down on it."

Beckett smiled. "Thanks. I can officially say that is both the nicest, and strangest, thing I've ever had another guy say to me."

"Sorry. I told you I sometimes say things without thinking. Morning is the worst time, as we wake up insanely horny, and our brain is too busy operating the erection to care about what we say."

Beckett reached over to grab Colin's hand and slowly moved it around his cock.

"Are you sure?" Colin asked, more than happy to take hold of it.

"Yeah, I'm sure," he replied. He lay there watching before reaching over to pull the covers off Colin.

"You have a pretty big dick too," Beckett commented as he looked. "I heard they look bigger when the pubes are shaved. Is that true?"

"I think so. Seems to be the general opinion."

"Ummm...I'm not gay or anything, but could I feel it?"

Colin tried not to scream `hell yeah' and shove it down his throat as he took a deep breath to compose himself. "No objections from me."

Beckett reached over and gently wrapped his hand around Colin's erection.

"Just so you know, it's not required for you to reciprocate. I'm more than happy to jerk you off," Colin assured him.

"It's okay. Like I said, I'm trying to be more open about things. I figure this might be my only chance to check another guy out."

"Is this your first time holding another penis?"

"And having mine held by a guy," he nodded.


"And, it's okay actually. Your dick feels way different than holding my own. Like a warm rubber tube."

"Ah yes, my world-famous warm rubber tube," Colin joked.

The boys lay jerking each other off in silence, with very different styles. Colin was barely blinking as he watched Beckett closely, whereas Beckett was staring at the ceiling, enjoying the handjob, while trying not to concentrate on his hand around Colin's.

"You have a great cock," Colin commented after a few minutes. "It's insanely hard."

"Thanks. Yeah sometimes it gets so hard it hurts."

"I hear ya. Thank god they don't stay like that after we cum."

"Yeah, or we wouldn't be able to go out in public," Beckett laughed. They continued to jerk each other off until Beckett tensed up and emptied his balls all over himself. "Oh shit. Shit, sorry. I was gonna warn you. I got it all over your hand."

"No problem for me. I take it as a compliment, especially when the guy shoots a load as big as that."

"Really? I usually do it in the shower so I don't have to clean anything up. This is probably where having no pubes makes more sense," he said looking at the mess. Colin reached over to grab the tissues to hand to him. He watched as Beckett cleaned himself up.

"I guess I should help you finish now, huh?" Beckett asked looking at Colin once he was reasonably clean.

"I'm good. Trust me, that was lots of fun. Not as good as road head you understand...but a close second."

Beckett laughed. "You wanna go shower first?"

"No, you go ahead."

He watched as Beckett got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. He couldn't help but stare at the guys perfectly round ass. Beckett returned from the shower still naked, except for the towel he was using to dry his hair. Colin got out of bed and resisted the urge to grab Beckett's package as he walked by. He took his own shower, enjoying the warm water to wake up properly, desperately trying not to think of Beckett naked in the other room.

"We can pack up, check out and then go for breakfast," Colin suggested once he returned and got dressed.

"Sounds good to me. I still wanna thank you for letting me ride with you," Beckett said politely as he neatly put his freshly washed clothes into his backpack.

"You don't need to thank me. I'm having fun hanging out with you. Anyway, I think you already thanked me this morning. But if you're thinking of getting me anything else, I like blowjobs."

Beckett blushed as Colin laughed. They got back on the road after breakfast at McDonald's. Beckett insisted on paying, despite Colin's objections.

"Today's stop is Crescent City. About 7 hours using the PCH or 6 hours on the 101."

"I like the coast," Beckett admitted.

"PCH it is. Hey, do you have a driver's license? You could drive part of the way if you wanted to."

"Really? You'd let me?"

"Sure. I like driving but it's nice to take a break now and then. I'd need to see your license though to make sure you have one. I'd hate to get busted somewhere, and have us both thrown in jail where there's a whole bunch of horny guys just waiting for fresh meat to chow down on. On second thought, let's speed and run red lights!"

"Or drive the speed limit and stop at lights," Beckett smiled as he turned around and rummaged through his pack for his wallet. He handed the driver's license over to Colin. "Shitty picture. I know."

"All driver's license pictures look like shit. I think they do that to look like mug shots if you are ever put on a wanted poster."

Beckett laughed. "I wondered why those pictures for fugitives looked like that. God, I'd hate this to be my most wanted picture." He took his license back and put it away.

They drove a few hours, stopping a few times to check things out as they weren't in a huge rush. They decided to do lunch in Fort Bragg. "I thought there would be more military people here. Isn't Fort Bragg a huge military base?" Colin said out loud.

"I think that's the one in North Carolina. It's one of the biggest military bases anywhere. I'm guessing they're both named after the same guy. General Braxton Bragg," Beckett said confidently.

"You know a lot about military stuff?"

"A bit. Sure. I was thinking of becoming a Navy seal."

"Cool. Those guys are wicked bad asses."

"That's me. Wicked bad ass!"

"I always wondered if teenage seals are called baby seals. I'm a naval man myself, actually," Colin said with a straight face.

"You are?" Beckett asked, looking instantly surprised.

"Sure. Love the belly button. It's sitting there just above the cock, jealous that it doesn't get the attention the warm trouser snake does. I believe in equal opportunities."

"Naval man...funny. You realize I'll never get that image out of my head now. Every time I hear naval man, I'm either going to be creeped out or stick my finger in my belly button," he chuckled as they pulled into a restaurant for lunch. They took some time to explore the town and visit the beach before jumping back in the car. This time with Beckett at the wheel.

"Damn, this car is hot. The pickup is insane."

"I like it. I got it a couple years ago for my birthday. My brother says I should trade it in for a new one, but I like it, so I'm not in a hurry to get rid of it. I'm not like him. He buys a new car every year."

"Wow. If I had the money, I'd totally buy this from you. It's like my dream car."

"Mine too," Colin said. At least it was when he got it. Now with the other cars he had, he was looking to build a cool collection one day.

3 hours later, Beckett yelled "Eureka!"

Colin had fallen asleep for a small nap and woke up suddenly. "What?"

"Nothing. That's the name of the town. Eureka," he laughed. "Wonder how many people run around this place yelling, `Eureka! I found it.'"

"Probably a lot. Especially tourists. What's in this town?" He said looking it up in his travel book. "Hmmm...not a lot. Do you surf?"

"I've tried it. Not really good though. You?"

"Yeah. I've spent a lot of time in the water," Colin admitted. "If you wanna take a break, we could rent some boards and go out for a bit."

"I would, but again, limited budget. I could get some sun if you wanted to surf though," he offered.

"We could go to up the road a bit to College Cove beach. It's a nude beach. You could get lots of sun there," Colin smiled.

"A nude beach? That would be embarrassing. If you thought I lost dick control this morning around another dude, imagine how bad it would be if there were naked girls everywhere."

"Dig a hole and lie face down," Colin joked.

"Sure, and end up with a burnt ass, or worse, a burnt dick. No way I'd be letting you jerk me off again if my dick was sunburned."

"True. Wait! I get to play with it again?" Colin grinned.

"Well, if we end up spending the night together again, it's inevitable that we'll wake up with boners."

"Well make sure you spf5000 your junk then," Colin laughed. "Damn. Now all I'm going to think about all day is waking up tomorrow morning."

"You'll live. It's a bit cold for nude suntanning anyway," Beckett reasoned.

"True. So come surfing with me. I don't mind renting you a board and suit. I hate surfing alone," he lied.

"Fine, but I don't want you to think you have to keep paying for me to do stuff. Maybe I could get your address and send you money when I get some."

"Don't worry about that. I like to share what I have with friends, and you're becoming a friend."

"Thanks. No laughing at my shitty surfing ability though."

"Deal." They hit a rental shop and got a wet suit and board and spend a couple hours in the water.

"That was a lot of fun," Beckett admitted. "Thanks for letting me join you."

"You weren't as bad as you said," Colin complimented.

"Nowhere near as good as you though."

"Meh, I've been doing it since I learned to walk. In fact, I probably took my first steps while on a surf board. I basically lived at the beach growing up. It's not about how good you are, it's about how much fun you have at it."

"I like that. I'll have to use that from now on. It'll help explain why I'm shitty at most things, but still smiling."

They jumped back in the car, swapping drivers again, and got back on the road. Just short of two hours later, they pulled into Crescent city and quickly found a nice-looking hotel advertising a pool. "I'll go see if they have rooms," Colin said.

He returned moments later and got back in the car.


"They only have a couple rooms left, but none with two double beds. Just king size. We can keep looking."

"I'm fine sleeping in the same bed, if you are. Aren't king size beds like super massive anyway?"

"They are pretty big. I don't want you to feel like I'm trying to sleep with you though. I'm sure they have other hotels in town with a pool and hot tub and two beds," Colin offered.

"I'd be cool here," he reasoned.

He ran back inside and booked a Harborview room with a king bed. They parked and hauled their stuff inside. Beckett was the most vocal about the room, noticing the bed first. To Colin, it wasn't that great a hotel, but it seemed reasonable enough.

"Oh, hey, we can even sleep in a bit tomorrow if we want because breakfast is included," Colin told Beckett, who was laying widthways on the bed commenting on how huge it was.

"Sweet. Saving even more money. How far is it to Albany from here?"

If we stay on the 101 about another 6 hours, like 300 miles. If we shoot up the I-5, we could be there in 4½."

"I'm fine with the coast route if you still want me travelling with you, that is."

"I do. I already feel like we've been friends for longer than couple days."

"It's probably because we've jerked off together," Beckett smirked. Like you do, they checked out the entire room, with Beckett once again pointing out the mini soap and shampoo. "Do they bitch if you take them? I took the shampoo and conditioner from the last hotel."

"Nah. They expect you to take them. It's free advertising. They just don't like you swiping the towels and TV."

Beckett laughed. "Really? Those aren't free? I guess I should give the TV back from that last hotel then, huh?"

"Probably. I dunno about you, but I'm in the mood for a nap," Colin said as he kicked off his shoes and lay on the bed. Beckett flopped down beside him. Within minutes both boys had fallen asleep, lying sideways across it instead of lengthways. That's how you know it's a nap and not bedtime.

An hour later, they awoke feeling refreshed. Beckett got off the bed and wandered to the window. Colin sat up to watch him.

"You wanna do something?" Colin asked.


"Like go check out the town? See what's out there?"

"Oh...sure. Yeah. Good idea. Maybe we can find a place for dinner later," he said turning around to face Colin.

"Thanks for not saying anything earlier," he said quieter.

"Earlier? About what?" Colin asked.

"When I showed you my license, and you saw that I'd lied to you."

Colin smiled. "Like I care that you won't be 18 for a couple months. Big deal. I just turned 18, so we're like four months apart. Just promise me that you're not a fugitive on the run, because if I take you over the state line it's a federal offense."

"No," he grinned. "Everything else is true. I mean I'm almost 18, and I am going to see my sister. You can even come in and meet her if you wanted. If you're worried though, I could get out at the state line, walk across and you could pick me up on the other side. Technically, you wouldn't have transported me across that way."

"Shut up," Colin laughed. "But if you are a fugitive, we should request the same cell in Leavenworth."

"Deal, but in two months when I turn 18. Right now, I'm still a juvenile."

"Nah, I'll insist they try you as an adult and demand that you be my prison wife."

"I don't even wanna know what that means. But if you told them that, you'd probably end up in solitary, and I'd be tossed in with guys named Ox, Shredder, or Ass Ripper," Beckett chuckled shaking his head. "Do you like golfing?"

"Let's say I tolerate golf. Basically, I learned how to do it so I can have something to fall back on when I'm too old to surf," Colin joked. "Why? Do you?"

"I know how. Again, I'm shitty at it, but I like playing. Just that they have Pebble Beach here. I've heard of that. It's a famous golf place."

"That's here? I always thought that was down by Monterey. Huh. Who knew? I guess you learn something everyday."

"Maybe it is. I guess they could have more than one Pebble Beach. Like there's more than one Albany. I read somewhere that there's a Springfield in every state. Like the one the Simpson's live in. That's why they chose it," Beckett explained.

"Is that true? Wow, I had no idea. See, I'm becoming my own Wikipedia."

They headed out to explore the town, returning to the hotel to change for dinner. Beckett once again tried to suggest they go some place cheap so he could pay his own way, but Colin said he would take care of it, insisting that they should have a good meal while on a road trip. They picked a seafood restaurant instead of a burger place, once Colin confirmed that Beckett wasn't allergic to anything. The place looked like a shithole from the outside, but it was packed inside and had great food. They ordered several of the recommended dishes, but Beckett wasn't quite as adventurous as Colin, although they both tried something new, figuring it was part of the road trip experience.

"Do you bowl?" Colin asked as they finished up dinner.

"Bowl? Not really. Great. Is this another thing I should add to my `I'm shitty at list?'" He smirked. "Let me guess, you're a professional. Just off your world tour?"

"Not at all. That doesn't start for another few months. Just finished the state tour," Colin joked. "No, I suck at bowling. We should go do that for an hour before we go back to the hotel and hit the pool."

"Well, they do say you should wait an hour after eating. I mean last night we coulda drowned going straight to the hot tub."

" were with a gay guy. You were totally safe last night."


"We never go `straight' to anywhere," he laughed. "Bowling it is. How can any activity that requires you to wrap your hands around big smooth balls be a bad thing?"

"You realize that for my entire life now, I'll hear that line when someone suggests bowling? I may never want to go again."

"Sweet. More balls for me. I'm giving you lots of lines to remember me by, huh?"

Beckett rolled his eyes, smiling. They headed to the Tsunami lanes.

"God, I hate bowling shoes," Colin said as he slipped his feet into the pair he'd been given. They always feel gross and I start imagining the ten thousand feet that have been in them before. Makes me feel as weird as sharing used underwear."

"You'd share used underwear?"

As long as you just spray them out like they do these shoes, then you're good to go," Colin said, laughing so hard he almost couldn't tie up the laces.

"No offense, Colin, but remind me not to borrow any of your underwear again. This might have been good to know last night. I'd have gone commando."

"If you're gonna share underwear, it's best if you both just jump into the same pair together. Reduces the creepy factor."

"Reduces it? I'd say that'd send it up past `critical' creepy," Beckett said shaking his head.

They bowled a couple games, with both of them truly sucking at it, but having fun regardless.

"I guess you're not a pro bowler," Beckett said once they finished and checked their scores.

"Told ya."

They headed back to the hotel to go swimming. Colin suggested that Beckett just use the same shorts he wore last night. "Don't worry, I sprayed them out."

"Funny. Now I'm using my own for sure," he laughed as Colin chucked the shorts at him. They changed and hit the pool and hot tub until closing. Once back in the room, they each grabbed a quick shower separately to get ready for bed. Beckett had gone first, and when he exited the bathroom, he was completely naked.

"Someone's getting more comfortable," Colin laughed as he got off the bed while Beckett slipped under the covers.

"I guess you're a bad influence on me. I'm guessing you'd be cool if I slept naked?"

"I'd be cool with it, as long as you realize I will be as well," Colin replied as he took his turn getting ready. He strolled out in a towel, dropping it just before he got into bed.

"Another first for Beckett," Beckett grinned.

"What is?" Colin asked as they turned the TV on to search for a movie.

"Sleeping naked in the same bed with a guy."

"Sleeping naked in the same bed with a GAY guy!" Colin corrected with a smile. "That's almost one for the resume."

"Sure. I'll put it under hobbies."

"Or education...depending on the whole morning boner thing," Colin teased as they settled down to watch the action movie they'd selected.

"In a way it almost sucks that my road trip ends tomorrow. I've kinda been having fun," Beckett remarked as they made casual conversation.

"Me too, and I still have 500 miles to go after that."

"Maybe you'll find another cool hitchhiker."

"Another one? When was the first one?" Colin said trying to insult him.

"Me! I'm the cool hitchhiker," Beckett said pointing to himself. "I mean we are in bed together. That should earn me a few cool points."

"Well, you did get a few cool points, but you lost most of them again at bowling."

"You were bowling too, so you lost the same amount of points, by that reasoning."

"True. Okay, you're still a couple points up on the cool scale."

Beckett turned on his side to look at Colin. "What makes a guy actually cool to you? I mean do gay guys have different requirements than straight boys?"

"No, I'd say we're about the same," Colin replied turning on his side to face Beckett as well. "Cool is being easy to get along with. Positive personality. Nice to people. Comfortable being naked. Happy to help out a horny buddy when needed. Good at kissing and deep throating cock. And the coolest is one that'll give up his ass when his friends need it."

"You had me on the first half of that, but I think we have different requirements for cool."

"Like I said, you have a few cool points, not ALL the cool points."

"I was thinking about the advice my friend gave me. Would I earn more cool points if I gave road head?"

"That depends on whether you caused the driver to crash or not. Road head without crashing, cool. Road head and crashing. Not cool."

"What about road head not in the car?"

"Then that's probably just called a blowjob. Yeah, it would earn points for sure."

Beckett let his hand slip a bit and allowed it to touch the side of Colin's cock. "Sorry, didn't realize we were that close to each other," he said not making any attempt to move his hand.

"No worries. You get used to physical contact when you do water polo. I mean we're only in speedos, so skin to skin isn't a big deal. I guess you'd experience that too while wrestling."

"I'll say. It's a good thing we don't wrestle naked or we might not use a lot of the holds we do now. There have been plenty of times I've grabbed some guys ass to flip him over, or been crotch to crotch. You don't think anything of it during the match, but you sure would if you weren't wearing anything."

"I wonder if the Greek wrestlers noticed that," Colin grinned. "They used to do tons of sports naked. I wish I were Greek, and that was still a thing. I'd go to a lot more sporting events."

"From what I read you wouldn't even have needed to go back to ancient Greece for stuff like that. I was reading that boys in like the 50's and 60's used to have to swim naked in pools, even with girls around."


"I think it had something to do with the material of bathing suits. The lint or something would clog filters, so the boys weren't allowed to wear clothes," Beckett explained.

"What about the girls?"

"I guess they must have had different types of suits as they were allowed to keep them on."

"Now I want a time machine to go back to check it out. Personally, I think if boys were made to do sports naked, guys would be a lot more fit. They wouldn't want to show off a flabby body, so they'd work harder at it."

"Never thought of it, but that's probably true," Beckett agreed. He held his breath for a few seconds as he felt Colin's hand moved over and gently take hold of his penis. He tried not to react, except to move his hand to get a hold of Colin's dick. They both looked at each other as if trying to read the other's mind. Beckett swallowed hard as Colin slowly began to stroke him. "Are we doing what I think we're doing?"

"I hope so. At least if you're okay with it, we will. Of course, that also depends on what you think we're doing?" Colin said as he moved a little closer.

"I'm not sure, exactly. Sometimes you hear guys saying things like `if I could suck my own dick, I'd never leave home.' Which kinda sounds gay to me, but on the same hand wicked hot. If I was okay sucking my own dick, then would it really be that much different sucking someone else's? Does that make sense?"

"I'm sure it makes sense somewhere in there. Try sucking your thumb and then someone else's. Might provide a base of reference. It'd certainly be easier sucking someone else's dick instead of your own. Believe me, I've tried," Colin chuckled.

"I just keep thinking about what my friend said about hitchhiking. What if I got in a car with someone and he said he could take me to my destination, but only if I was willing to put out. Would I do it or not? Right now, probably not because I have no idea how to do it. Maybe if I knew what it was like, I'd be more willing to do it."

Colin frowned slightly. "I'm confused. Are you saying you'd like to learn?"

Beckett shrugged. "I'm not a hundred percent sure. Wanna try the thumb sucking thing you suggested?"

Colin laughed. "It's like that joke where you can pick your friend's, and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose."

"Why? Why put that thought in my head right after I suggest we try sucking thumbs?" Becket said shaking his head.

Colin reached over and took Beckett's free hand and pulled it towards himself, where he opened his mouth and wrapped his lips around the guy's thumb. He then began to give it the best thumbjob he could, if that's what you call sucking someone's thumb. He almost immediately felt Beckett's cock throb in his other hand as he reacted to the sudden increase in activity between them. Colin smiled to himself and used his tongue and suction to really work the boy's digit.

He stopped and pulled the thumb out of his mouth, giving the side of it a quick lick all over before letting go. Beckett wiped his hand on the bed sheets. "So? How was that? You just got some thumb from a gay guy."

"Some thumb? Is that what they call it?"

"No. I just figured it needed a name, since it made you leak precum like you're a fountain."

"I think that's because your hand is still on my dick," he reasoned. "I guess I should reciprocate now huh? See if sucking your thumb is like sucking my own?"

"Trust me it's not," Colin smirked as he let Beckett take his hand and offered up his thumb.

"If I were writing my memoires, this would make one hell of a chapter."

"Make me a famous movie star that's still in the closet. Your readers would like that enhancement in the chapter. Oh, and give me nine thick inches. It'll play better for when you describe how it felt going up inside you."

"Seriously? Dude, you're the worst at putting someone at ease when they're trying something new."

"Sorry. My thumb awaits your test run," he said wiggling it in front of Beckett's face.

The straight boy rolled his eyes and pulled Colin's thumb into his mouth and began to suck on it. He didn't use tongue like Colin had. He just sucked it back and forth for a minute before removing it.

"And?" Colin asked as he wiped his thumb dry.

"Yeah. Different than my own for sure."

"What were you thinking when you were doing it?"

"I was thinking, `holy shit! I'm sucking some guy's thumb while naked in bed together. I should be stoned or drunk for this.' But I didn't hate it. So that's good, right?"

"Definitely better than hating it so much you almost throw up," Colin nodded. "How about I bluntly suggest that we play around until you've reached your comfort level."

"So how far would we go?" Beckett asked, unsure.

"As far as you want," Colin answered, as he wrapped his fingers around the base of Beckett's balls to take a firmer hold of his package. "Start slow with making out first. Then I'll give you your first blowjob from a guy. If you still want to satisfy your curiosity about whether you could give road head or not after that, give it a try. If you haven't freaked out by that point, we'll keep going."

Beckett felt his mouth go dry and his heart rate increase. "Are you gonna want to fuck me?"

Colin smiled. "Here's a hint for any gay friends you may have in the future. Assume they always want to fuck and it'll be a safe bet. If you find yourself horny and in need of something, don't feel shy to ask. Worst they'd say is no thanks, but looking at you, I'd say they'd have you naked before you finished the question."

Beckett felt his breathing increase as his nerves jumped up a notch. "If I were with a girl I just met and I asked if she'd let me fuck her, I'd probably get slapped by the majority of them. Would that be the same with a gay guy?"

"Probably the reverse percentage. If 90% of girls would slap you, 90% of gay guy would say yes. You may need to find out if they were tops or bottoms so you know which way the fuck would be going."

"I've heard that before. Top is where you're doing the fucking, and a bottom is the person getting fucked. Oh, and it also doesn't have anything to do with who is actually on top or not, right?"

"Exactly. Someone's been paying attention. Must be all that porn you're watching."

"That's why I watch it, so I learn all the terminology and techniques," he said smiling sheepishly as they continued to lie beside each other gently stroking the others penis. "Ummm, Colin. Would you answer honestly if I asked you a question?"

"Always. I'm not known for holding back, or lying."

"Are you thinking about what it would be like to have sex with me?"

Colin just stared into his eyes. "That's rhetorical, right? We're in bed naked, holding each other's dicks. I'd say it's safe to assume I'm thinking of sex with you. The only question is, are you thinking it? I'm gay, so this is like a normal day at the beach for me."

"You do this at the beach?" Beckett joked nervously. "I'm thinking that you're probably thinking about having sex with me and getting excited about the possibility. Which is making me nervous, but also really curious about trying it to see what it's really like. I mean I may not get another opportunity to go this far out of my comfort zone with someone else."

"I can see you're nervous. You're sort of running sentences together and rambling."

"Sorry. I do that."

"No worries. How about this? You let me take the lead. Close your eyes and imagine it's the person of your fantasies playing with you. If it gets too much to deal with, just say stop and we'll stop. If you can't talk because your mouth is full, just tap out," Colin grinned. "Put those wrestling moves to good use."

"Why would my mouth be fu...oh, never mind...I just figured that out. With penis, right?"

"And they say straight boys are stupid. Close your eyes."

"Oh. we're starting now?"

"It's not a 5k run. There's no starting pistol, and the first one to cum isn't declared the winner. Prepare to be amazed."

Beckett closed his eyes and waited. Colin instantly moved in to press his lips against Beckett's, taking him immeditely by surprise. Colin moved a hand to Beckett's head and began playing with his soft hair, while at the same time pushing his tongue into the boy's mouth.

Beckett accepted the tongue, and did his best to kiss back as Colin made out with him. For each action Colin did, Beckett slowly followed his lead.

"Let's slide down the bed so we're lying flatter," Colin suggested. The repositioned and Colin quickly resumed the kissing, only this time allowing his hand to roam over Beckett's chest, exploring his pecs, nipples and abs. He found Beckett reacting to all of it. From inhaling when his tits were pulled on, to tightening his stomach when a hand roamed over each ab. When Colin moved from the French kiss to nibble Beckett's ear lobe, Beckett did the same thing.

Colin paused and eased back from Beckett a little to let the boy relax a bit, as he could feel how tense his body felt. "How was that?"

"Actually, not as awful as I though it'd be. I've kissed girls before, but that was really different. I know this'll sound stupid, but it was more assertive. Not sure how to explain it."

"More manly. Like the difference between wrestling a girl or a guy?"

"Exactly. Yeah! That," Beckett nodded as he allowed Colin to wrap a leg over his as they got closer together.

"You okay to continue?"

Beckett nodded before he spoke. "Definitely okay."

Colin leaned his head down to Beckett's chest and began to suck on his nipples. Beckett watched and inhaled deeply a few times as Colin worked his tits. He'd never experienced how sensitive they were before and it sent an immediate sign to his penis, which only encouraged Colin further. "God. My straight friends would never do this," Beckett said with a bit of a grin.

"Good thing. I don't need the competition," Colin chuckled as he moved down the bed and kissed the pubic hair around Beckett's cock, while allowing some of his warm breath to flow over the erection he was holding. He slowly leaned in and licked along the side of the shaft, getting an instant reaction from his new friend. Beckett held completely still as if he were about to be given the flu shot.

"Are you ready?" Colin asked looking up at Beckett, who nodded, staring down at what was happening. "You're sure?"

"I think so. Guess we'll find out in a second," he nodded again as he decided to pull a pillow over his head. Colin almost laughed as that's exactly how Brooks used to do it. If you can't see a guy giving you head, then it's not a guy giving you head. It's just head. Colin pulled Beckett's legs apart and moved between them before leaning down to lick the full length of the stiff cock he was holding. He smiled to himself as he saw the balls react to the stimulation. When the cock throbbed, he knew the boy was eagerly anticipating the next step. Not wanting to miss the opportunity, he went down on him, quickly sucking the entire 7 inches into his mouth and cupping the balls that were churning away in excitement. He worked the cock with full length strokes of his mouth and tongue, in the hopes that Beckett may beg for more before their journey came to an end tomorrow.

"Oh shit!" Beckett exclaimed moving the pillow slightly off his face.

Colin stopped. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I've never felt anything like that before. I'm so close, but I don't wanna cum yet."

Colin just smiled and moved up to lie beside Beckett, taking the pillow off his face and using it to lie his head on. He kept hold of Beckett's penis to keep him gently stimulated, while at the same time ensuring their bodies were right up against each other. "I'm guessing it wasn't that bad."

"I can see why guys say that if they could suck their own dick, they'd never leave the house."

"I'll give you a hint. Sucking your own dick is nowhere near as good as having someone suck it for you," Colin revealed.


"Sure. It's like jerking off. Which was better? Jerking yourself off or having someone do it for you?"

"Someone else, for sure."

"Exactly. That's because your brain has no idea what's going to happen next, so it can't keep up. When you do yourself, the brain is directing all the action."

"What happens now? Am I supposed to do you?"

"There's no real rules to sex. Just do what feels good," Colin explained. "If you want to go check out my dick up close, go for it."

"I've never been really close to one other than my own and it's still a good distance away from my eyes."

Colin laughed. "Well, I'm not going to object if you go have a look and play with it." He offered as he rolled onto his back. Beckett turned sideways to look at Colin, before slowly moved his hand to Colin's chest to feel it. He moved his head over, and stuck his tongue out to touch the nipple. He found it wasn't that bad, so sucked on it more, before trying the other one.

"I like boobs, but yours are seriously small. Nice nips though," he joked as he tried to relieve his own nervousness.

"They may be small, but they're perky!" Colin joked back.

Once Beckett was satisfied with that, he shuffled down the bed to take hold of Colin's dick and explored it visually first. He took his time before leaning in and touching the side of it gently with his tongue.

"Doesn't really taste like I thought it would," he commented out loud.

"What did you think it would taste like?" Colin asked as he watched.

"I dunno. Like dick flavor? It just tastes like skin."

"Maybe it's because you're only licking the edge and haven't go to the rich creamy filling," Colin joked as he laughed at his own humor.

"You won't cum in my mouth, will you?"

"Not if you're only licking the side of my shaft I won't," Colin teased. "The best blowjob is where you just keep going until the guys actually does cum. You always have the option at that point of spitting it out or swallowing it."

"Gross. What do you do?"

"You'll find out once I get you to cum," Colin teased with a big smile. He lay back to let Beckett continue exploring, which he did in detail.

He felt Colin's balls and played with them a bit before leaning in to lick them first. He popped one in his mouth to suck on it for a second, and then returned his curiosity to Colin's penis, licking the shaft several more times before attempting to move to the mushroom head. When he finally put the head in his mouth, he noted how different it felt than just licking the edge. It sort of had a rubbery spongey feel to it, like what he imagined octopus would be like. He ran his tongue around it while continuing to hold Colin's balls. As he took more of it into his mouth, he felt as if he might puke and pulled back, realizing his eyes were watering. He paused and took a deep breath. "Are you supposed to go all the way down on it?" Beckett asked.

"After you've had practice you might be able to. Most first timers have a gag reflex that prevents them from getting too far down right away. It takes throat control to get used to it."

"Yeah. I felt like I was choking."

"It takes a while to get a good technique. Not something most straight boys need to learn. I've explained to gay guys that once the cock gets to the back of your mouth; you inhale deeply and then swallow. As you do, you push the cock down your throat. Pause and then pull back. That gets you conditioned for deep throating. It takes several times to get used to it. So? What do you think of giving head?"

"I prefer getting it, if I'm being honest."

"Said every straight guy ever," Colin grinned. "What would you like to do now?"

"I guess we could keep going until we both cum? Then I think we'd probably sleep better."

"Agreed, but how about we 69? Suck each other at the same time. Lie on our sides and it'll be easier."

The boys got into the new position and Colin wasted no time swallowing Beckett's cock right down to the pubes. Beckett was a little slower, but did take half of Colin's penis, licking the head and fondling the balls. When Colin pulled Beckett's legs back and licked along his ass crack, Beckett jumped at the new sensation. He almost forgot that he was supposed to be participating as well. Once Colin resumed the blowjob, he relaxed and returned his focus to Colin's erection in front of him.

"I'm getting close, Colin," he warned as he could feel himself rapidly reaching his climax.

Colin paused so he could reply. "Cool. Get ready for the orgasm of your life!" Colin licked his finger and rubbed it around Beckett's tight entrance, while at the same time going back down on him. When he felt Beckett responding, he gently inserted his finger into the virgin ass and increased the speed of the blowjob. Colin smiled to himself when he felt the ass muscles tighten around his finger, so he pushed further in to find the prostate, and finger fucked him while deep throating the hard cock.

"Oh shit!" Beckett exclaimed barely in time before he shot his load down Colin's throat. He pumped wave after wave of hot juice and Colin swallowed as fast as he could, the whole time rapidly fingering his hole and playing with Beckett's balls. As soon as he felt the pumping stop, he licked the head of Beckett's penis and sucked as much out of him as he could. He removed his finger gently while keeping the cock in his mouth.

Beckett jumped. "Sorry. It gets super sensitive after I cum," he remarked. "Do you want me to help you finish?"

"No. I'm good for now. I know once a straight boy cums, he's usually done," Colin replied. "Thanks for letting me play with you, though. Hope you enjoyed it."

"Surprisingly, I did. Did you swallow my cum when I shot off?"

"Yes," Colin nodded with a small smile.

"Wasn't it gross?"

"Not at all. I guess it's an acquired taste, but I love it, especially from young guys like ourselves. Of course, I love dumping my load inside some guys ass too. That's always an amazing feeling. I kinda wish you were gay right now, as I'd wanna fuck until we were too exhausted to get hard again."

"If you were a girl, I'd already be taking you up on that offer," Beckett laughed.

"Dude, I have a way tighter hole than any chick's pussy. I know that from the online reviews I get."

"What online reviews?"

"I was joking. But trust me, I've never had an unsatisfied customer."

"Ego much?" he joked.

"No, but I am expecting a five-star review once I drop you off in Albany. Just so you know," Colin joked as he turned out the lights to go to sleep. "Just so I have advance permission, are you cool if I wake you up with another blowjob in the morning?" Colin asked. "I hate to see a boner go to waste."

"Uhhh...sure. I'd be fine with that," Beckett said quietly.

"Cool. Then expect that as soon as we're awake, and just in case you get horny or curious in the middle of the night, you have permission to blow me or even fuck me if you want. I wouldn't get upset or anything."

"I don't think I'd do that, but good to know," Beckett replied. "I might end up sleeping against you as I move around a bit."

"No worries. I'd hold you so you can't move."

"God, this is gonna be a long night," Beckett laughed. "Good night, Colin."

"Night, Beckett," Colin smiled to himself as they moved to fall asleep.

Chapter 32 As promised, Colin gave Beckett a wake-up blowjob in the morning and accepted a second load from him.

Beckett did nothing but lie there and watch. "I should get one of these for my room at home. Way better than just my alarm clock."

"What is?"

"A blowjob buddy," Beckett laughed. "You gonna cum?"

"How about if I jerk off while you lie against me? Maybe hold my balls and lick my nipples to help."

"Sure." Beckett wiggled against Colin, cupped his balls and watched as Colin jerked off.

"Oh yeah! This isn't gonna take long," Colin moaned. "Suck my tits."

He used his free hand to push Beckett's head down to his nipple and hold him there as he worked himself into a frenzy for the next couple minutes.

"I'm gonna bust soon, buddy. Shove your tongue down my throat and make me cum hard," Colin said panting hard as he grabbed Beckett's hair and pulled him up so their faces could mash together. He opened his mouth as soon as he felt Beckett's tongue, he sucked it into his mouth and began working it with his own. He cried out, and blasted his pent up load all over himself. Several jets of hot boy lava flowed out of him flooding his chest and stomach. Beckett moved his eyes to watch and was surprised to see how much was pumping from his gay friend. As soon as Colin was done, he pushed Beckett back slightly so they could separate.

"God, I love a morning jerk off session," Colin panted. "Thanks for the assist."

"Uhh, sure. Damn you sure came a ton."

"Guess I needed it," He said looking at the mess all over himself. He used the bed sheets to wipe it up and suggested it was time to get up and on the road. They shared the bathroom again to pee, shower and brush their teeth before getting dressed. They loaded their stuff into the car and headed for breakfast, both eating like they had been starved for days.

The boys continued their road trip towards Albany, sticking to the coast as far as Newport before cutting across. They'd stopped several times to do various things from sightseeing to eating. What would have been a 6 hour drive if they'd gone non-stop, turned in to be closer to 10 hours.

"We're approaching Albany," Colin said pointing to the sign.

"Sweet. Thanks for giving me a ride the whole way. That sure made the trip a lot faster and much more fun than sitting by the side of the road for hours at a time waiting for a ride."

"I had fun too. It's nice to have company for a long road trip. We'll have to stay in touch," Colin nodded, almost sad to lose his travel buddy.

"For sure!" Beckett nodded.

"Where does your sister live, so I know what exit to take?" Colin asked.

"Oh, you can just drop me anywhere. I probably won't go over there until the morning. It's kinda late to show up right now."

"Shit, sorry. I guess we shouldn't have made so many pit stops," Colin apologized.

"It's all good. Like I said before, I'm not in a hurry and I loved checking things out on the trip. Made it less boring. I'm way ahead of schedule as it is, thanks to you."

"Well, I'm not going any further tonight anyway, so we might as well get another hotel room together," Colin said as he felt his heart rate increase slightly at the idea.

"I don't want to overstay my welcome. I don't mind sleeping outside."

"You're not overstaying your welcome, and I'd mind if you slept outside. I've enjoyed spending time with you."

"Okay, you twisted my arm," Beckett grinned.

"Nice! We should get something to eat first. I think I might be too tired to go out and do much else, maybe we can just watch a movie in the hotel room."

"Cool," Beckett agreed as they went in search of a hotel and a restaurant. They found both reasonably close together, and went to the hotel first. Colin went to see if they had vacancy and returned a short while later and got in the car.

"So? They have a room?" Beckett asked trying to read his expression.

"Yep. We're all checked in. You wanna go check it out first or grab something to eat?"

"We should go eat, then we won't need to go out after we hit the room."

"That's what I figured," Colin nodded as they headed for a restaurant. They avoided the fast food and ended up at a nearby barbeque place.

"I'm either going to go into a food coma, or be awake all night from being too full," Beckett complained as they ate piles of food that seemed to never end. By the time dessert was place in front of them, both guys agreed that they would either need to loosen the top two buttons on their pants, or go for a 10k run as soon as they were done.

They returned to the hotel and grabbed their stuff out of the car before making their way to the room, neither of them moving very fast.

"Just leave me here!" Colin said as he stopped to give a loud belch. "Save yourself!"

"Come on ya big drama queen," Beckett laughed and then paused. "Shit. I'm sorry. That wasn't offensive was it? I'm not sure what the rules are around a gay guy."

"Now who's being the drama queen. It's not offensive. You're fine. Plus, I don't mind playful banter. It's when the hate speech is real that I get offended."

"That makes sense," Beckett nodded.

They arrived at the room and immediately upon entering Beckett stopped and looked around. "Holy shit. This place is huge. It's like an entire house."

"They didn't have a lot of vacant rooms, so it was either this, or one of their basic ones. I figured nicer was better."

"Did the other one have two beds or one?" Beckett asked, noting that his one only had the one king bed.

"Shit, I guess I should have asked if you were okay with the one bed again tonight. Sorry, I could have it changed it you want?"

"No, I was just curious, that's all. I'm fine with the huge bed."

The guys explored the room and then took separate showers to clean up before deciding on a movie to watch. They each wore just their underwear as they lay face down on the bed.

"What was your first sexual experience?" Colin asked as they looked for a movie.

"I think I was about 10 or 11."

"You had sex at 10?"

"No. Just an experience. My friend was sleeping over and we were spying on the girl next door from my bedroom window. I'd seen her before so I told my friend about it. We both got low and spied on her as she undressed."

"So at 10 years old, you were a peeping Tom. Nice! What did you get to see?"

"Everything. She always got naked and walked around for a bit. I'd seen her before and always thought it was funny, but this time my friend was over. We were only in our underwear and he took out his penis to show me how excited he was from what we were doing. I'd never seen another stiff penis before so I couldn't help but check it out. Then he began to play with it, and I remember whispering to ask what he was doing. He said his big brother taught him that's what you were supposed to do when your dick got stiff. He said if I tried it, I'd like it."

"In my world, I'd have reached over and tried it," Colin laughed as he moved his hand onto Beckett's back to rub it gently.

"He showed me how you were supposed to do it, and we played with ourselves as we watched the girl. Once she got dressed and disappeared from the window, we ended up watching each other. I asked how long we were supposed to play with our wieners. He explained that you just kept going until it felt really good and sped up to show me. I copied him and eventually we both had dry orgasms. After that I played with my dick like 50 times a day. The first time I shot a load, I almost scared myself to death as I thought I'd made it throw up. I stopped for a few days, but inevitably started up again. When it squirted again, I had to ask my friend what was wrong. I was dreading having to tell my parents and then maybe go to a doctor."

"God could you imagine?" Colin remarked as he gently explored Beckett's back. "At that age, your parents are usually in the room with you at doctor appointments. Nightmare city."

"No shit. My friend said he didn't know but we asked his big brother. He tried to explain it, but did a pretty shitty job, until he suggested he'd show us what happens when you get older. He let us watch him masturbate, and it was my first time seeing a teenager's penis. I'll always remember thinking how huge it looked, especially since his hair around it and mine didn't. He told us to watch closely when he came and I was kinda shocked at seeing it happen since he made way more than me."

"That must have been a relief to know you weren't broken," Colin said.

"I'll say. Never felt such a relief about anything. I had almost been having panic attacks about telling my parents about it. I went home after that and happily kept jerking off, excited to see stuff squirt out every time. Once I had all the facts, it was pretty easy after that."

"After learning to masturbate what was the next big sex thing you did?"

"I think that actually kept me entertained for a couple years after that. I mean suddenly girls in our school that had been annoying, seemed a lot more interesting. They started getting boobs and it seemed like that's all us guys talked about."

"When did you get you first girlfriend?"

"Maybe just as I turned 13. We never did anything together though. She was the first one I kissed, but it seemed gross at the time even though it was barely a kiss. It did give me bragging rights for a while, until one guy explained to us about French kissing. My next girlfriend was into that and she even let me feel her boobs. She went so far as to let me feel them under her shirt, but over the bra."

"My boy is a playa!" Colin chuckled.

"I'll say. I asked her if I could see them without the bra and she said she would if I showed my penis. I was pretty excited and scared at the idea. Up until then only other boys had seen me naked. I figured if she laughed at it, or talked to her friends about it, I'd have to move out of state."

"But I'll bet the first thing you did when you got home was tell all your friends about her boobs?" Colin laughed.

"Duh. First one to the next plate had bragging rights until the next inning. It's a boy thing."

"Don't worry. I know boy things. I've played with enough of them."

"When did you first have sex?" Beckett asked.

"When I was 13. My brother, who is nine years older, took me on a trip. To Vancouver actually, and he got me laid by both a girl and a guy so I could try them both right away."

"At the same time?"

"No. He brought a guy friend of his over to show me what I needed to learn to be with a girl. He taught me to kiss and fuck and about getting blowjobs. Then, once he left, my brother and I had a double date with the girls he brought over. That's how I got laid the first time."

"Wow. Cool brother."

"I'll say. I still remember walking in on him in his room that weekend and finding him in bed with a girl and a guy at the same time. He was so pissed at me for barging in, but I was pissed that he wouldn't let me join in."

"Is your brother gay too?"

"No. He's straight, but back then I think he was more bisexual as he fooled around with some of his guy friends. He said you gotta try things to know what you like. Pretty much what you said earlier."

"Yeah. I guess you tried both and like boys better, huh?"

"Way better. I don't even think about sex with girls now. I'd rather spend an entire weekend naked with a cute boy than seeing just a flash of a pussy."

"That first guy you were with must have been one hell of a teacher," Beckett joked.

"He was. The next time I went back up with my brother, I got to hang out with the guy again and that was the first time I got fucked. Loved it so much that I instantly knew I was gay. If I'd lived up there at that time, I probably would have fallen pretty hard for him. I was only 14 and he was like 19 or 20, but I couldn't stop thinking about him."

"Yeah, I guess I was like that with the first girl I got to fuck. They say that you never forget your first time. I know I haven't. We were like mid 14 and were just fooling around on her bed in between doing homework and stuff. One thing led to another and before I knew it, I was inside her. In my head it played out like a car crash."

"A car crash?" Colin asked confused.

"Yeah. While it's happening, everything seems to take an extremely long time in slow motion, but then when it's over, it's only actually been seconds."

"I hear you on that."

"We did it a few times after that. Never as much as I wanted, but enough that I could happily brag I was having regular sex. Intermixed with my shower jerk off sessions, I felt pretty proud of myself."

"Nice. Do you think you remember the first time you do each new sex thing with someone, or just the first time you actually fuck?" Colin asked, while he continued to rub Beckett's back, this time a little more firmly. Since he wasn't getting any resistance, he figured there was no need to stop, and moved his hand around more, including to his lower back.

"I think you remember each new thing. I mean I remember the first boobs I saw. The first kiss, the first pussy I touched. Things like that. I don't remember much else about the actual girl, but I do remember those."

"You remember your first blowjob?"

"Sure. Same girl I fucked. The day after we did it, she tried blowing me. It was terrible. I guess the only thing I was thinking about was getting my dick back inside her. The best blowjob I ever had..."

"Please say me. Please say me," Colin said crossing his fingers and laughing.

"Was definitely you."

"YES! I'm immortalized."

They picked the movie they wanted and talked about other things for a bit as they lay relaxing on the bed. Colin turned to Beckett a short while later and looked at his new friend. He had reached the point where his brain had transferred control of reasoning to his crotch. "Hey, have you ever had a massage?" Colin asked.

Beckett turned to look at him. "Not a professional one. Just like one where you get your shoulders rubbed."

"How would you like one?"

Beckett gave him a thin smile. "Is this like one of those gay ones with a happy ending?"

"Is that the definition of a gay massage? What if it were a girl doing it? That would still be a happy ending."

"Yeah, but if it's a guy giving one, then it's more gay," Beckett reasoned.

"You're saying you don't want a massage?" Colin asked, confused.

"I'd be fine with a massage. I was just curious."

"Sweet. I'll use oil to make it feel better."

"Oil, like cooking oil?"

Colin laughed. No! I know I'm fine with eating your ass, but it's not like I'm preparing you for the frying pan. It's baby oil. Not that stinky shit, this stuff doesn't smell. It's just oil to help the skin." He jumped off the bed and grabbed the bottle from his backpack, and a towel from the bathroom. He made Beckett get up so he could put the towel underneath him before starting.

Colin began slowly with the shoulders and arms, massaging them thoroughly to get Beckett relaxed. From there he moved to his back and legs, taking his time. They both laughed when Colin grabbed his toes and massaged them, causing Beckett to squeal. "Guess I know how to torture you if I need to," Colin chuckled as he let the feet go. He moved his hands up Beckett's legs and pushed under the bottom of the shorts to massage his ass. "Let's get these off," Colin remarked as he grabbed the waistband to pull the underwear down. Beckett hitched up slightly to allow the briefs to be removed. One Colin freed them, he spread Beckett's legs open and sat between them. He poured more oil on the cheeks and began to massage them. He made sure to pull the cheeks apart so he could see the virgin entrance waiting for him. He almost moaned out loud as he licked his lips and held himself back from diving face first into it. He moved his focus from the ass to the rest of the body and rubbed him from head to toes a couple more times before stopping. "Okay now the front. Turn over."

Beckett slowly turned over with a hand over his crotch. As he lay back staring at the ceiling, he apologized. "Sorry. It kinda has a mind of its own. Guess the massage felt good."

"Don't apologize," Colin said as he gently lifted Beckett's hand off his erection. "It's a compliment. Means I'm doing it correctly. Anyway, you've got a great cock. You should never hide it."

He began my massaging Beckett's shoulders, chest and arms, making sure he did a thorough job of it, including working the nipples until they responded. Colin worked down Beckett's body, ignoring the crotch for the moment as he did each leg in turn. He worked the thighs, calves and toes before sliding his hands up each leg and rubbed his thumbs under Beckett's balls and pressed in gently. As he worked the hips and crotch, he slowly moved his hands over the ball sac and began to knead them. He smiled as Beckett's penis jumped a few times as it acknowledged the massage he was getting. Colin gently pulled the penis forward so it was in an upright position, and instead of massaging it and getting it all covered in oil, he lowered his mouth over the tip and began to suck on him as he continued to massage the hips and balls.

Beckett inhaled deeply as soon as Colin took the erection into his mouth, and lay staring at the ceiling as he enjoyed the sensation. After a few minutes of being given a slow gently blowjob, Colin paused and looked at Beckett, who had a dreamy look on his face as if he were currently out of his body on vacation. "That is such a nice cock, I could suck on it for hours," Colin said quietly as he stroked it to keep Beckett as hard as possible. You still enjoying the massage?"

"It's great. If they're always like this, I might have to go for one every day."

Colin slipped his underwear off and straddled Beckett's hips, placing their cocks together and stroking them in one hand. He poured oil over them and worked his hips to ensure they were both feeling the stimulation.

"Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum soon," Beckett said as he began to thrust his hips slowly to push his cock up into Colin's hand more.

"Not yet. I want you to really experience a mind-blowing orgasm. I'm going to get you to turn over," Colin replied as he got off Beckett and grabbed a pillow. "Hitch up and I'll put this underneath you so that your ass is up in the air a bit."

Beckett didn't question it as he allowed Colin to place the pillow underneath him and let his legs be spread open.

Colin worked his hands over Beckett's ass as he knelt between the legs. His fingers rubbed deep into the crack and worked around the hole to tease Beckett a little before he lowered his face and began to rim him. Beckett involuntarily moaned as the tongue touched him. Colin began in earnest. First, by licking the full length of the crack and then poking the tip of his tongue at the rosebud, and enjoying how it puckered each time he touched it. The more he probed the entrance with his tongue, the more Beckett began to squirm around from the pleasure of it. Colin poured oil on Beckett's ass and used his fingers to rub it around. He slowly teased the hole, applying more and more pressure with each touch until his finger slipped in to the first knuckle. Beckett stopped moving instantly. Colin pulled the finger out and added more oil before reinserting it. This time going to the second knuckle and gently moving in and out. He bent his finger slightly and went for the prostate, which caused Beckett to jump slightly.

"Yeah. That's the spot," Colin said quietly as he rubbed it deep inside Beckett's ass. "I'm not ready for you to cum just yet, so we don't want to play with your prostate too much." He gently pulled his finger out and added a bit more oil to the slightly opened hole. Beckett felt the cold liquid and had to admit to himself that it felt good.

Colin moved to straddle Beckett's upper thighs and placed his forearm on the lower back. He used his weight to work the forearm up the back towards Beckett's head. He massaged him firmly for a couple of strokes, all the while gently moving his hard cock up and down Beckett's ass crack. He lay down on top of him and used his chest to massage Beckett's back, while one hand rubbed his head. Colin inched his ass up so that he could position the tip of his penis directly against Beckett's tight lubed hole. He applied a bit of pressure as he continued to work his upper body all over Beckett's.

"You're gonna fuck me, aren't you?" Beckett said quietly as he lay there enjoying the massage so far.


"Oh god," Beckett said inhaling deeply. "I guess I kinda figured you might wanna. Is it going to hurt?"

"It's your first time, so yeah, it probably will. Sorry. I'll go slow so that the massage still feels amazing, but once I'm in, I'm gonna keep going until I cum in you. Best advice I ever got is just to stay relaxed, breathe deep and push your ass out gently as you feel me enter. Don't tense up because that just hurts way more."

"God, now I'm tense just thinking about trying to relax and not be tense," he said somewhat jokingly. He took some deep breaths and lay his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. He felt Colin's body sliding up and down on him and enjoyed the feel of the kisses he was getting on his neck. All of it was helping to distract from the fact that the tip of Colin's penis was gently pushing at his outer ring, looking to penetrate into the tight tunnel ahead.

Colin applied more pressure to Beckett's ass, feeling the resistance increase with each gentle push. He wiggled his hips gently to begin the insertion. He heard Beckett inhale sharply. "You okay?"

"I think so. Just freaking out a little. It feels like I have to poop but there's a cork in my ass."

Colin laughed. "Nice analogy. Should I stop?"

"No. I'm okay. I trust you."

Colin laughed. "I love the definition of trust. I have a hitchhiker naked in my hotel room with my dick about to enter his ass and take his cherry. Isn't this the scenario your parents warn you about?"

"No. They always said to never talk to strangers or take candy from them. We've hung out for a couple days now, so you're no longer a stranger, and I haven't seen any candy. I mean, none. Not even a jelly bean."

"I only give candy afterward. No point in wasting good candy on someone who won't put out."

"Okay, but I'm expecting at least two pounds of jelly beans for this," Beckett said trying to take his focus off the large cock trying to open him up. Colin pushed the tip through the sphincter when he felt the ass relax a bit. Beckett yelped as he was speared.

"Sorry. That's the worst part. It gets easier now," Colin explained.

"Whooo...okay. Damn that feels huge in there."

"Awww, thanks! You know the way to make me hornier."

Colin slowly entered him, all the while talking and rubbing his back. Once he was fully seated inside Beckett, he relaxed the rest of his weight onto him. "That's it. I'm all the way in, buddy. How's it feel?"

"Like I have a tree shoved up my ass," he replied.

"But like a tree with the bark removed, right? Nice and smooth. Does it hurt?"

"Yeah," he admitted.

"Don't worry, after an hour of my dick in you, you kinda go numb and then you feel nothing but pleasure that you'll crave constantly once I've cum and pulled out."

"An hour? You're gonna fuck me for an hour?" Beckett said turning his head slightly to the side to glance back at Colin lying on top of him.

"Of course not. Don't be stupid. The first hour is just to let your ass go numb. The real fucking begins right after that. Usually the first fuck doesn't take as long as a regular fuck, so we'll be done easily within a couple hours," he said trying not to grin.

"Are you sure you're not confusing hours with minutes? When I fucked my first girl, it didn't even take minutes. It took seconds."

"Yeah, but that's a straight fuck. Straight boys have no idea how to do it properly. Why would you only want a few seconds of sex when you could go for six or seven hours and only stop for a short nap before going again?"

"I guess. But two hours? I dunno if I could last that long."

"It's okay. I can. If you get bored of just lying there, it's fine if you want to nap or read a book while I fuck you."

"I don't think I could sleep while you're doing it. Wait...can you sleep while you're being fucked?"

"Sure. I mean it's more efficient that way. I've been woken up plenty when a cock slides into me, but once he gets going and I'm enjoying it, I drift off back to sleep and let him keep going. Makes for amazing dreams. Also lets me reserve my energy for when it's my turn."

"I had no idea. I usually fall asleep after I cum, but not during sex."

Colin couldn't hold back any longer and laughed. "Dude, I'm just kidding. No way I could sleep while being fucked. It makes me way crazy horny." He moved faster inside Beckett and could feel the guy tense up slightly at certain harder thrusts. It didn't take long before Colin forgot that the guy underneath him was an anal virgin, and quickly let his body take over to enjoy the feeling of the tight ass he was drilling. He leaned in to kiss Beckett's neck and cheek as he picked up speed. "Fuck I love your ass. Incredibly tight! Amazing, buddy!"

He hammered away at him, finally having to move into a push-up position to get better thrust. Beckett was bouncing hard on the bed as he was being slammed into Colin. When Colin slowed down and rested on top of Beckett, he leaned in to whisper in his ear. "You're one hot lay. I think we need to cum now though. Are you ready for the finale?"

"Yeah. My ass is feeling a bit sore."

"It's tingling from the sensation. It just feels sore. I'm going to get you to kneel up so I can really show you what a fuck is supposed to feel like. When you cum, you're gonna cum hard. That's just part of having your prostate stimulated."

Colin kept his cock inside Beckett as he helped him get up onto all fours and prepared to fuck him doggy style, which he made a point of noting. "Just remember one very important thing in this position."

"Which is?" Beckett asked as he concentrated on breathing as he felt every little movement of the thick cock inside him.

"If you fuck a girl in this position you won't end up with a baby."

"Because it's up the ass, right? You can only get her pregnant if you cum in her vagina."

"Our school tax dollars at work," Colin joked. "No dummy. It's doggy style. If you cum in her in this position, she'd have puppies. Get it? Doggy style."

"That's not funny. Now all I'm gonna think of when I get to do a girl in the ass is that she might have puppies. I'm gonna need therapy."

"That's why it's important to only fuck a girl in the vagina and with a condom. If you want good sex, grab a guy and go at it," Colin reasoned as he grabbed both of Beckett's hips and began to fuck him as deep as he could with each thrust. He finally used one hand to reach around and take hold of Beckett's penis, which wasn't fully hard. Not unusual from a boy getting his first fuck. The concentration factor was usually extreme, and no attention was paid to the erection at this point. Colin began to stroke Beckett while he fucked him, and it didn't take much to have him respond and become fully erect again. When he felt the tip get wet from pre-cum, he knew Beckett was ready for the finale.

"Take hold of your cock and jerk off while I fuck you," Colin told him. "Let me know when you think you're getting close so we can both cum at the same time."

Beckett nodded and took hold of his dick as soon as Colin let go of it. He felt both hands grab his hips and the fucking increased in speed and depth and he was pounded hard. With each deep thrust Beckett experienced what felt like a small electric shock and mild pain, which somehow turned to pleasure as soon as the cock began to move out of him. After only half a dozen of these powerfully thrusts, he knew he wouldn't last much longer.

"I'm gonna cum," he managed to blurt out as he jerked himself off faster.

"Nice. Hold on. Here comes the finale!" Colin grinned as he slammed Beckett as fast as he could while talking as dirty as he could. "Yeah, shoot that load baby. Show me how much you love taking my cock in your tight little pussy. Damn you're a sweet little ride."

"Oh god! I'm cumming," Beckett announced. Colin slammed deep into him several times as Beckett cried out and shot his load all over the towel on the bed. Colin felt the virgin ass tighten up as the climax took place. He forcefully shoved his own cock into him as far as he could and let his own climax flood Beckett's tunnel. He counted at least five powerful jets pump from him and he could only imagine how full the boy's sweet hole would be.

"Holy fuck! That was insane. Dude, you have a wicked hot ass. I could fuck that for days," Colin gushed as he slowly pulled out, being gentle as the tip came close to the outer ring. Once he was out, he lay beside Beckett, and pulled the used towel out from under him, checking the amount of jizz that was pooled up on it. Both guys were panting hard as Beckett lay down. "So? Do you like massages?"

"Whooo," he said letting out a large breath of air. "I might be too tired to know, but that was pretty intense. Not sure I liked being fucked at first, but when I was just about to cum it was the most amazing feeling ever. Then once I came, I really wanted it to be over as my ass was starting to hurt."

"Fair enough. Usually the first fuck is the toughest as it's a new experience. Don't worry, I figure by morning after you've had four or fives fucks, you'll be the one jumping on me instead of just lying there."

"Four or five? I won't be able to walk."

"You will. You may just walk funny. Seriously though. Thanks for letting me do that. At least now you know what you can and can't do. I guess road head won't seem as scary anymore."

"Oh it'll still be scary, but at least I'll know I won't freak out if it's required."

Colin smiled. "You'll be able to cross this off your bucket list now. 12 hours of non-stop sex with a really hot guy. Check!"

"Hmmm...don't think that was on my bucket list. And are we bringing someone else in?"


"You said 12 hours of non-stop sex with a `really hot guy'. Are you just like the warmup act?"

"Damn! You actually might just be bitchy enough to be a real fag," Colin nodded as he grinned. The boys returned to watching their movie for a bit, remaining naked and lying side by side. Once it was over, Colin rubbed Beckett's back and patted his ass. "Come on, let's go have a shower and get cleaned up before bed. Unless you want round two."

"A shower sounds good," he replied. The boys got off the bed and headed to the bathroom. "I'm guessing we're showering together?"

"More points for the straight boy! You guessed right."

"Thought so," he nodded as they got the shower started and climbed in together. Colin began by washing the oil off Beckett's back and then rubbed into his ass crack. He pulled Beckett's cheeks apart and gently inserted a finger into his hole.

"I'm just helping you get the cum out. You don't want that dripping out all over the bed all night, do you?" Colin said as he pushed all the way in, while simultaneously bending Beckett over against the wall. Before waiting for an answer, he reached around to take hold of Beckett's cock and balls to rub them while he fingered the hole. Like any horny teen, they both got hard from the interaction. Colin used the lotion and rubbed it deep into Beckett's ass and then coated his own cock before sliding it up and down the crack.

Beckett looked back at Colin. "Are you horny again?"

"What do you mean again? I got horny at 13 and it hasn't stopped yet. You look pretty horny yourself," Colin grinned as he squeezed Beckett's erection.

"Well, that might just be because you're holding my dick. I'm still not used to that."

"Trust me, even when you are used to it, it still gets hard fast," Colin said as he stroked him with one hand and positioned the tip of his cock at Beckett's starfish. "Deep breath buddy."

As soon as he felt Beckett inhale, he shoved himself inside with a single thrust. Beckett moved up on his toes as he was penetrated, but was quickly pulled back down by Colin, who quickly thrust himself as deep as he could.

"Mmmmm...much easier that time, but your ass is still tight," Colin remarked as he began to fuck him. As soon as he let go of the erection, Beckett took over and began to jerk himself off as he was being fucked. Colin took that to mean he was into it, but Beckett just figured that it would make it end sooner if they both came fast. "God you've got a great ass. So fuckin' tight. Oh yeah baby. Oh fuck yeah. Shit, I wanna make this last all night, but I'm gonna cum again. You close?"

"Yeah. Really close," Beckett admitted as he braced himself against the shower wall while being hammered for a second time. Colin cried out as he achieved another orgasm. With each pump he felt from his cock, he thrust into Beckett to give himself a more intense feeling. Beckett couldn't help but cum as well and shot a small load of cum into the water cascading from above. Colin pulled out and dropped to his knees, spinning Beckett around so he could suck any remaining juice out of the deflating penis.

"Whooooo, it's pretty sensitive after I cum," Beckett announced as he pulled back slightly. Colin stood up and leaned in to kiss him.

"That was hot. I mean hot for a straight boy," he grinned. "You should pull your ass cheeks apart and push the cum out of yourself while we're in here. It'll feel more comfortable if you're empty."

Beckett did as he was told while Colin washed himself. They finished up in the shower and headed back to the bed. This time getting under the covers and turning out the light so they could sleep. "I will say one thing," Beckett commented as they lay there in the dark. "All that travelling and the sex sure made me tired. I'm exhausted.

"Me too. But I dunno why you'd be that tired. You just lay there while you got fucked. I had to do all the work," Colin teased.

"I think it's the cumming that makes you tired," Beckett reasoned. "It's gonna take me days to recharge."

"Nah, after a couple hours of sleep you'll be ready to go again. I'm willing to bet you have one insane dream tonight."

"Probably. My ass is still throbbing. It's as if it has its own heartbeat."

Colin laughed. "It's just letting you know it wants more, and not to forget about it."

"I dunno about that. But I really gotta sleep."

"I hear ya. If you do wake up hard and horny, just grab the lube off the night table there. Feel free to roll on top of me and slip inside. I promise I won't stop you, and we'll both enjoy it."

"Uhhh. Thanks? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't do that though, just so you're not disappointed if I don't."

"No worries. You okay if I blow you while you sleep? Just in case I wake up first."

"Ummm...if it's just a blowjob I think that'd be okay, but don't fuck me while I'm sleeping. I think if I woke up to that I'd freak out really badly."

"Don't worry. I want you wide awake so you enjoy it. Last thing I'd want is for you to be freaked out. I have a special fuck planned before we have to say goodbye."

"In the shower again?"

"I was thinking you might enjoy getting it over the hood of the car."

"I don't think I would," Beckett replied.

"Good night, Beck."

"Night, Colin."

Both boys slept soundly all night. Colin woke up once and debated going down on Beckett, but decided to save the fun for later. Once morning arrived, Colin opened his eyes to find Beckett already awake and staring at him.

"Good morning. Were you watching me sleep?" Colin grinned, not commenting on the fact that the covers were halfway down, fully exposing him to his new friend.

"No. Well kinda. I've never really checked out a guy before. Especially when they're sleeping. If I got caught doing that with friends, it'd be all over school that I was a creeper."

"I hear ya, but with me you're welcome to look all you want. It's flattering."

"It's strange watching a penis. They move by themselves and you went hard like twice and the balls moved like they were alive."

"How long have you been awake?" Colin asked as he pushed the covers the rest of the way off Beckett so he could see him as well.

"About half an hour. I took a pee and was gonna stay up but I figured you might be upset if I wasn't in bed when you woke up."

"I wouldn't have been upset. At least I don't think I would. If you'd left, I would have figured I went to far last night."

"No. I'm okay with what we did. I've kinda got this philosophy that life should be all about new experiences. This hitchhiking was one of those things, and meeting you was another. I actually dreamt about what we did last night."

"Was it a dream or a nightmare?" Colin teased.

"It was a strange dream. I was in an orgy with a dozen girls having a great time. I was getting laid everyway possible and had more boobs and pussy than I could handle. Then you showed up with a tree between your legs and asked how I liked your wood. You bent me over and shoved it inside me, and before I knew it all the girls had vanished and turned into boys."

"Ahhh, so it started out as a nightmare and morphed into a dream. Nice!" Colin joked. "Hopefully you got to cum several times."

"I'm not sure, but it was pretty realistic. You didn't fuck me in the middle of the night, did you?"

Colin laughed. "No, but now I kinda wish I had. I'm jealous of all the other guys now." He reached over and took hold of Beckett's cock and began to stroke it. "After such a wild party, do you have anything left?"

He laughed. "Probably. I didn't have a wet dream or anything. I checked when I woke up just in case."

"Well, this erection seems pretty hard, so I'm guessing you're fully charged."

"It's been like that most of the night. I had to sleep on my side most of the time. Every time I turned face down, I wanted to hump the bed," he admitted.

"I know something you could hump if you're that horny," Colin smirked as he used a finger to tickle Beckett's balls while he slowly stroked his cock.

"I'm guessing that would be you?" He asked.

Colin just gave him a big smile.

"I'm not sure if I'd totally be into it, but I'd be willing to try it. At least I'd know the difference between a pussy and an ass this way."

"True. But are you ready for the mind fuck if you prefer a nice tight ass over a pussy?"

"I can't see that happening. I'll always prefer pussy," he said assuredly. "How do you want to do it?"

"The usual way. Your penis in my ass," Colin smirked. "I'll make it easy for you. I'll lie face down and you just lie on top of me. I'll help you get in and you take it from there."

"Okay, but if I don't stay hard, don't be pissed, okay? It's just you're not a chick. Hope that makes sense."

"Totally, but from past experiences, I'd say you'll probably enjoy it."

Before they switched positions, Colin grabbed the lube and fingered some into himself, then coated Beckett's penis thoroughly. He turned and lay face down, spreading his legs to wait for Beckett to move on top of him. He reached back and aimed the hard penis at his ass and guided the straight boy inside. Beckett lay down fully on top of Colin and allowed himself to be pushed all the way in.

"Now just fuck me like it's prom night, and you've downed a dozen Viagra," Colin joked. "How's it feel?"

"Ummm...actually? Really good. Way tighter than a pussy."

"That's good," he grinned as he felt Beckett begin to move in and out. It started slow, but in just a few short seconds, Beckett picked up speed and his breathing increased.

"I think I'm gonna cum soon. Sorry, but I can't help it," he announced as he moved faster and then cried out a little as he shot his load inside Colin's ass. He stopped moving and just lay breathing heavily, his penis still buried deep. "Whoooo... That was interesting."

"And obviously you didn't hate it," Colin commented as he allowed Beckett to pull out of him and roll to the side.

"No, I just closed my eyes and pretended you were a hot girl with an insanely small pussy. I'm surprised I lasted as long as I did."

"Dude, you barely went 30 seconds," Colin laughed.

"I know! That actually might be my longest record yet," he bragged.

Colin laughed hard. "Dude. Please tell me that straight boys don't brag about how fast they did it."

"Nah. We just brag about getting laid and how we shredded pussy. Sometime about how she begged for it harder."

"That I can see. Okay, my turn. Let me show you how a real fuck goes."

"I dunno, dude. I'm kinda spent right now. I might not have the energy."

"That's okay. You don't really need any energy to lie there and take a good dicking. How about we just make out until you get horny again?"

"Make out? Like kissing?"

"I'd love to show you what real sex is like before we say goodbye. I know you want to get to your sisters, but I'd love to give you something to remember me by."

"I think you gave me that yesterday. Twice. Haven't we been having real sex?"

"Nah. We've just been helping each other get off, like buds do for each other," Colin told him as they lay facing each other.

"You have WAY different buds than I do. Mine would never suggest fucking as a way to just get off, or even blowjobs for that matter."

"Sounds like you need better friends," Colin teased. "How about you close your eyes and you let me show you what it's really like to have sex with a boy. And I'm talking full, do it all, type of sex."

"Not sure what that means, but I'm guessing you'll wanna fuck me again huh?"

"Definitely. But you'll also do me. We'll switch back and forth with who is in control and do whatever it takes to really enjoy it. You forget I'm a guy and I'll forget you like girls. It's just two people going at it."

"Like apes in the wild," Beckett laughed. "Damn. I've never met anyone like you in my life, but I gotta admit it's better than hanging out with someone that's boring."

"And I'm glad you're so easy to get along with and willing to try new things. Now are we gonna keep talking or use our lips for something better?"

Before Beckett could answer, Colin pressed their lips together and the make out session was underway. Beckett closed his eyes as he let Colin's tongue explore his mouth and when they pressed against each other so that their penises were rubbing back and forth against each other, they both began to leak precum, almost simultaneously. When they finally came up for air, Beckett wiped his lips and stared at Colin.

"How long does sex with two guys normally take?" He asked curiously.

"Depends. If you're just looking to get off, then not long. Maybe 15 minutes for both of you to cum. If you're really into each other, maybe a couple hours."

"Hours? Damn. I was really into my last girlfriend...and I do mean really `into' her, and the whole thing from kissing to cumming only lasted like 15 minutes total."

"Did you make her orgasm as well?" Colin asked as he rubbed Beckett's chest and gently played with his nipples.

"No way to know, but she said she liked it, so I guess that's good enough. How long do you think sex is supposed to last between a guy and a girl?"

"I don't think there's rules to it. Maybe the first round only lasts 15 minutes, but then you relax, hang out and when round two hits, it might last half an hour or an hour. Depends on how horny you are, I guess. But whatever you do, you should stay naked, even after you both cum. It'll make it seem like the sex is ongoing even if all you're doing is lying together talking."

Colin rolled Beckett onto his back and kissed down his body until he was at his erection. He slipped it into his mouth and glanced up at his straight friend who was watching. Colin smiled to himself and proceeded to ramp up the blowjob to show Beckett how much better it could be with a guy. He used a lot of tongue and suction, while simultaneously playing with the balls. He could feel Beckett's hormones kick into high gear as he began to move and squirm around on the bed as his dick was being sucked. Colin paused just before he thought Beckett was about to unload and licked back up his body until they were back kissing again. After a couple minutes of hot and sweaty action fused together, Colin rolled off and let them take a break.

"Shit. I was so close just then. Is it gay if I admit that you are actually way better at sucking a dick than any girls I've been with?"

"Nope not gay at all. Just a fact. Guys know how to suck dick better than girls."

"I never understood that. I've heard people say it before, but how does that make sense?"


"Well, I'm a guy, but I have no idea how to suck a dick and I sure wouldn't be better at it than a girl. That's their whole job when two people have sex. They suck the cocks, and the guy eats the pussy. So how would a guy know how to suck one? It's not like we can suck our own."

"Speak for yourself," Colin chuckled slightly. "I think it means that a guy knows what feels good when getting his dick sucked, so it sort of makes sense that he'd know what to do to make another guy feel good. The same as girls would know how to play with another vagina better than a guy would."

"Oh. Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Still don't think a straight guy would know how to suck better."

Colin smiled at him. "Want me to show you how you learn that skill?"

"It'd be like learning Chinese," Beckett reasoned.

"I don't get that."

"You could learn Chinese and get the hang of it, but if you don't use it in a while, you'd soon forget. To really learn Chinese, you'd almost have to immerse yourself in it full time so you'd never forget when you really needed it."

"I know what you're saying and it makes total sense, but what I'm hearing is that you want to immerse yourself full time in sucking dick. I'll show you a trick I learned when I first starting giving head. It's kinda like follow the leader. We 69 and you copy what I do to you." As he said it he spun around into position, making sure his cock was directly in line with Beckett's mouth before he began. It started with fondling the entire package, followed by licking everything lickable. Colin went slowly so that his protégé had a chance to copy and follow along. Then it was time to slurp the head of the penis into his mouth and work his tongue all around it, exploring and enjoying the taste and feel. Colin made sure to use plenty of tongue and direct Beckett on the right amount of suction to apply, before he headed down the shaft to complete the blowjob. It took a little patience to teach Beckett how to get past the gag reflex, but he eventually got better at it. not perfect, just better. When Colin ramped it up and went balls deep on Beckett and held him in fully down his throat for several seconds, Beckett found a limit he couldn't get past. He just kept sucking as deep as he could while enjoying his penis being deep throated.

By the time they stopped, Becket had both a sore jaw and a sore throat. They took a break and got some water, allowing themselves to cool down.

"So? Did you learn anything?" Colin asked.

"Yeah. That you really know how to suck a dick."

"You actually did pretty good yourself. Always remember to watch the teeth and be sure to breath before you go all the way down on it. It'll give you enough air to keep it deeper for longer."

"Why do I feel like I should be writing all this down?" Beckett joked as they returned to the bed and sat up against the headboard.

"Imagine someone getting hold of those notes," Colin laughed. "How to suck a cock 101."

"I don't feel like writing it down anymore," Beckett said putting his glass on the night table. "Are we going to head for breakfast?"

"Of course, but not until we're finished. This is only a water break."

"We should have just made out in the shower again. That didn't take anywhere near this long," Beckett said, almost complaining.

"Don't worry. We'll be doing it in the shower too. You want the full experience, don't you?"

"Do I?" Beckett asked as Colin slid back down the bed to prepare to start up again. Beckett slid down with him.

"You do," Colin grinned as he rolled Beckett onto his stomach and immediately went for his ass. He pulled the cheeks wide apart and buried his face in between them to begin probing the tiny hole.

Beckett moaned and found himself thrusting his hips up to give Colin better access. "I have no idea why that feels so good, but I had no idea that my ass was so sensitive," he admitted.

Colin paused to answer him. "Most straight guys have no idea until they try it. Then once the prostate is stimulated, they realize that their ass is almost as much fun as their penis."

"If I'm being honest, I like the rimming thing, but not a big fan of the cock up my ass. It hurts too much."

"That's only because you're not used to it. Your first reaction is to tense up, which makes it hurt. Once you learn to relax and breathe through it, you'll find it to be incredible."

"I dunno if I'd do it that much. It's kind of interesting to learn, but I doubt I'd be bending over to take tons of dick. I'd rather have tons of pussy."

"You never know what you might get into later on. You may have a bunch of new friends that are all into just doing whatever and if sex happens, at least you know what to expect. Don't worry, I'm going to give you a couple more fucks this morning which should help you get better at it. Turn over."

Beckett rolled onto his back, allowing Colin to lie on top of him so they could kiss again. "I think you like kissing," Beckett reasoned with a smirk as he wiped his lips again.

"I do...a lot. But now it's time to really show you why this is the best sex ever."

Colin reached for the lube and quickly fingered some into Beckett. As his finger slipped between the legs and into his hole, he felt Beckett immediately tighten his ass. He reminded him to relax as he pulled out. He applied more lube, this time inserting two fingers. He made sure to compensate for the initial discomfort by holding Beckett's hard pole with his free hand. Once he saw Beckett calm down, he withdrew his fingers and lubed up his own hard cock. He gently lifted Beckett's legs onto his shoulders and moved forward into position. "You ready?"

"As ready as you can get when some guy is about to impale you with a tree," he said staring at Colin.

"Nice. That's my Roman name. Colin the Impaler," he chuckled.

"Suits you," Beckett said, almost sarcastically. He quickly focused as he felt the tip of Colin's penis touch his hole. He did his best to relax, and breathed heavily as if his life depended on it. As Colin began to enter, Beckett just stared, watching Colin's facial expressions closely. He felt the cock open his ring, and felt his ass almost pull it inside. He kept breathing, lying perfectly still until Colin was fully seated inside him.

"How's that feel?" Colin asked once he stopped moving.

"Deep. I think it might be deeper than yesterday."

"It could be. This position allows for the best hard fuck. It hits your prostate at the right angle while allowing for deeper penetration," he said as he leaned forward so that his face was right above Beckett's. With the legs on his shoulders, his straight boy was pretty much folded in half. "If some guy ever asks you to fuck him, prove that a straight boy knows what he's doing, and give it to him in this position. He'll be amazed. Hell for that matter, give it to a girl like this and she'll be back for more every day. Just use her pussy instead of her ass. Or use her ass if she's into that."

"Sure, I'll just line up a dozen different people and go down the line," he said shaking his head. "We must live in two different worlds. I can't even imagine some guy asking to have sex with me, never mind having him suggest I fuck him."

"Really? Can't imagine it at all?" Colin grinned as he began to fuck.

"Well, I mean I can imagine it with you, but not some rando that just says hey, wanna fuck?"

Colin leaned in to kiss Beckett as he began to fuck him harder and faster. He showed him what it was like to truly get fucked by a guy. He pounded his ass for a good ten minutes, each of them becoming hotter and sweatier as it continued. Colin moved from kissing Beckett on the lips to kissing his neck and licking his nipples, before going back to shoving his tongue down his throat again. Both of them were finding it harder and harder to breath and fuck at the same time, and took frequent kissing breaks to get proper air. Colin dropped most of his weight onto Beckett, reached underneath to take hold of the boy's erection while continuing to fuck him.

"Cum for me baby. I wanna feel it splash all over us. It'll make me cum so hard you'll hear the roar like an ocean wave inside you. Oh god you have an incredible ass. It's wrapped around my dick perfectly. Make me cum baby! Make me cum!" he cried out as he slammed their faces together and buried his tongue as deep into Beckett as he could go. Colin knew he wasn't going to last much longer, and he wanted Beckett to cum first so he could feel his ass clenching around his penis as he climaxed. He stroked him harder while continuing to thrust his hips up and down inside the boy. Beckett suddenly broke their kiss, gave a loud moan and inhaled deeply as his cock exploded all over himself. Considering he'd already cum once this morning, he was surprised that he'd given another big load. Colin smiled to himself as he felt the ass pulsate with each throb of the climax. He hammered him faster and announced his own load. He made a point of thrusting and shaking so that Beckett would know the exact moment he was being bred.

As Colin unloaded in him, he cried out. "Oh fuck yeah! That's what I needed. Take my load baby. Take my hot juicy load!" As soon as he was done, he slowly pulled out, making sure Beckett could see how wet his cock was from the orgasm. Then, without warning, he slammed it back in fast and hard and dropped his face back to Beckett's to kiss him, despite both of them breathing so heavy. He thrust into him four or five times before pulling out rapidly. He sat back, grabbed Beckett by the back of the knees and pushed his ass in to the air before burying his face in the lube and cum filled hole. He licked it for several seconds, tasting his own cum before dropping Beckett's legs and lying on top of him. As he moved his face towards Beckett's again, Beckett quickly turned his head away, not wanting anything to do with it, now that there was cum all over Colin's face.

Colin grabbed Beckett's head and turned it to face him as he drove his tongue into him. That kiss didn't last long and as soon as the boy's separated, Beckett wiped his face and went for the glass of water to get rid of the taste.

"Wait until someone cums down your throat. Then you'll really experience what it tastes like."

"I dunno if I'd let someone do that," Beckett replied.

"If you're giving road head, you may not have much of a choice. Also, there are some seriously horny boys out there who won't even warn you. They just grab your head and hold you there until they pump a load into you."

"I don't think I'd like that."

"You might not. I know I didn't the first time. Mainly because I hadn't taken a deep breath first and was scared I might run out of air before he finished. But just swallow and it's over pretty fast. Most guys won't like it if you cough it all over them as you try to spit it out."

"I might have to rethink road head. I should just get a job and buy my own car," he said with a bit of a grin.

"Then you could demand your own blowjob from any hitchhiker you pick up."

"Sounds better," he nodded. "Ummm...not to sound like a chick or anything, but now that we've cum, are we done with the real sex thing?"

"Mostly. We just need a shower. Then we can pack up, go to breakfast and get you to your sisters. I'm actually going to miss you. You've been a great road trip buddy."

"You too. Mostly..." Beckett said grinning.

"Mostly? Where did I lose points? It was the bowling, wasn't it? Or the mini golf? I'll bet it was the mini golf. Those fucking gay clowns with their mouths open waiting for balls. So creepy."

"I love how you see things. I'm never gonna forget some of it. Like now when I go mini golfing...the clown will always be gay waiting for balls."

"Word of advice. Don't try to shove your penis in there instead of the balls. Trust me, that just gets you thrown off the course."

"You didn't do that, did you?"

"Hey, I never kiss and tell. Speaking of that, we should get the videos of us fucking up on social media so my friends can see how my trip is going."

"What video?" Beckett asked looking around quickly in a bit of a panic. "You didn't tape us, did you?"

"I wish I had," Colin grinned. "I'd love to be able to remember you whenever I'm horny."

"Now THAT would be creepier than a clown at mini-golf."

"What would? Me looking at how hot you are naked?"

"No. You stopping every hour to look at our video. You said you'd look at it whenever you got horny," he chuckled.

"Nice. Now I REALLY wish I'd made one or two. I'm hungry, let's shower and go eat," he suggested as he slid off the bed. Beckett followed and the boys sorted out some clothes to wear.

"Should I bring the lube to the shower?" Beckett asked, surprising Colin a bit.

"Is that a hint that you wanna fuck again?"

"No. I just thought if something happened, it'd be better if the lube was there."

Colin stepped in front of him and grabbed his penis. "Is someone horny again?" he teased.

"No! I was just thinking ahead."

"Really? Not horny at all? Then why is your dick getting hard?"

"Because you're playing with it. It does that even when no one is touching it."

Colin inched him back over towards the bed and stopped when he'd backed up against it. He stared into Beckett's eyes as he kept gently stroking the penis that had now grown to almost full size again. "I want you to fuck me again," he whispered before leaning in to kiss him on the neck. He felt Beckett's penis throb at the suggestion. "Give it to me one last time. Show me how you fuck a tight pussy like a man."

He sat on the bed, quickly pulling Beckett up against him so that he could lift the penis into his mouth. He grabbed him by the ass cheeks and drove his head down onto the hardened cock. He ran a finger down Beckett's ass crack, feeling how wet it still was. He took the lube from Beck's hand and used it to coat the boy's erection. Colin lay back and put his feet on the edge of the bed, and fingered lube into his own ass. He put his feet up onto Beckett's shoulders and shuffled his ass over the edge of the bed. He thrust his hip up so that he was more in line with the penis he was craving. Beckett just stood there allowing Colin to do what he wanted, but almost fell forward once his penis slipped in past Colin's outer ring.

"Grab my thighs and pull me against you. Then fuck me hard. This is a good position for a starting fuck with either a girl or a boy. Once you get going, you can push them across the bed, kneel on it, and then lean it to continue the fuck if you plan on going a while. Basically, it'd be the same position I just fucked you in. But it's fun to just stay standing too. You could make your partner flip over onto their hands and knees if you wanted a change."

"You sure know a lot about sex," Beckett said as he took hold of Colin's thighs and began to fuck him.

"Practice buddy. Lots and lots of practice. I learned from a lot of older guys who were happy to teach me stuff."

"I'm sure. I mean I'm not gay. Not at all, but even I have to admit you're a good-looking guy, and sex with you is actually way more fun than I thought it would be with a guy."

You just need the right guy. Having sex with another straight boy would be the worst for you, but get a gay guy that you actually like being around, and the sex will be incredible. Like having sex with me," Colin grinned. "Now concentrate and fuck me! Make me cum hands free."

Hands free lasted about ten seconds before Colin grabbed his cock and started whacking it hard and fast, while crying out to Beckett to fuck him harder. "Pinch my nipples. Play with my balls! Slam your cock in my pussy! Fuck me!!" he ordered as he got wilder and hornier. Beckett didn't last and announced he was cumming. Colin allowed himself to orgasm at the same time, and they could both feel each other reacting to the other one. Once they had come down from their orgasms, Beckett pulled out and let Colin lower his legs and sit up.

"Damn, you get demanding when you get fucked," Beckett laughed. "If I had a girl that noisy, I'd duct tape her mouth and put a pillow over her head."

"Kinky. Wanna try that? Maybe tie me up and rip my clothes off too?"

Beckett rolled his eyes. "I guess one good thing came out of meeting you."

"We both came out of meeting me," Colin joked.

"Ha ha. I mean I guess I learned to be more accepting of gay guys."

"Glad to help. Should we go take a shower. You can do more accepting of gay guys in there," Colin smirked as he got off the bed and waited for Beckett to get up.


"You can accept my cock into one of your available holes."

"I think I'm done for now. I guess straight guys aren't as used to having as much sex as gay guys huh?"

"Probably not. But if you get hard in the shower, we're going again," Colin told him.

"Thanks for the warning," Beckett smiled as the boys headed to the bathroom to clean up. As soon as they got into the shower, Colin began to wash Beckett's back and ass for him. "I will say this about hanging out with you," Beckett commented. "it's not boring."

"And you're not a stuck up homophobic straight boy," Colin replied as he leaned in to kiss Beckett on the back. "If I'm being totally honest, I almost wish you were gay. I'd offer to take you to Vancouver with me where we'd have sex ten times a day. Just doing it wherever we got horny, not worried about who might see us or join in. Just two gay guys in love, joined at the penis forever."



"You might wanna take you finger out of my ass. It's a bit sore."

"Sorry," he replied quickly snapping back to reality as he removed his finger from the slippery hole.

"It's probably a good thing I'm not gay. We'd never get anything else done. I mean I'm straight and we can't go five minutes without doing something sexual. Wouldn't it be way worse if we were both gay?"

"Or way better," he said as the changed places. Beckett was nice enough to return the favor of washing Colin's back, but stopped short of slipping his finger up his ass. Not really a straight boy move. Once they were clean, they stepped out of the shower, each grabbing a large fluffy towel.

"Where are you going to end up tonight?" Beckett asked as they dried off.

"Probably Seattle. It's just over a four-hour drive. I figure I stay there tonight and get an early start for Canada in the morning. It'll give me time to sort shit out when I get to Vancouver."

"Are you staying with friends until you find a place?" Beckett inquired.

"No. My brother has an apartment that he's giving me, so it's all set up."

"That's handy. What are you gonna do after you get settled?"

"Probably go find some Canadian hitchhikers," he joked. "I'll see if they have sex any differently than Americans. They probably have some weird metric way to do it."

"How would they have sex in metric?" Beckett frowned.

"I dunno. But somehow I think the Canadians would find a way. Once they get a taste of my cock in their asses, they won't be thinking metric, they'll just be chanting USA! USA!"

Beckett laughed. "I'd like to see that actually."

They dressed, packed and headed off to breakfast before Colin drove Beckett to his sister's house. Colin made one quick stop to fill up the car. When he returned he tossed Beckett a bag.

"What's this?" He asked opening it and looking inside. He began laughing as he pulled out the contents. "Jelly beans! Now that's funny."

"Hey I'm not a stranger anymore, so it's alright to accept candy from me."

"Do I have to put out again, or is this for already putting out?"

"I'll get back to you on that. Maybe on the next road trip," he grinned as they resumed their trip.

"You wanna come in and meet my sister?" Beckett asked as they pulled up to the house.

"I probably should just get going. Make sure you stay in touch though okay?"

"I will. You too," Beckett smiled. "It's been awesome meeting you, and thanks again for the ride and letting me stay with you."

"The pleasure was all mine," Colin grinned as he helped Beckett get his stuff out of the trunk of the car. Colin snapped his finger and looked at Beckett. "You never did get to give that road head you were talking about when we first met. Maybe we should go to some railway bridge and get it over with."

"You can't seriously be horny again? I think I'm gonna be good for a week after all that," Beckett grinned.

"Oh well, I guess it something we can save for next time."

The boys hugged, with Colin resisting the urge to give Beckett a kiss. He watched as his newest friend headed to the door. He waited until the sister answered, and then waved goodbye to them.

Chapter 33 As he drove off, he felt a little sad, but still more excited about the adventure ahead. He thought about returning to the slower coastal route for the trip north, but then opted for the faster interstate. He merged up onto the I-5 and increased his speed to just above the limit, locked the cruise control and sat back for the drive to Seattle. He went straight through without stopping, and since it was the freeway, there were no hitchhikers offering road side services along the way.

He decided to pick a nice hotel for his last night in the U.S., so he made his way over to the Four Seasons. When he went up to the counter, the clerk looked at him as if he were some homeless person coming in for a heroine fix, but to his credit he remained professional, despite his obvious underlying tone.

"Do you have any rooms available?" Colin asked as he approached.

"Yes, sir. We do have vacancy tonight. Is it just for yourself?"

"Yep. Just least for now. You're cool if I end up having an overnight guest though, right?"

"Single or double occupancy rates remain the same. Additional persons are at $100 per person up to the occupancy limit of the suite. We still have the Presidential suite available. The price on that is $5,400 per night.

"That's a little insane for a hotel room. What else do you have? I'm only passing through for one night."

"Perhaps the Best Western would be more in line with your budget, sir," the man said as pleasantly snarky as he could.

"Or perhaps you could take the stick out of your ass, and let me know what other rooms you have," Colin said without blinking.

"We have our basic room overlooking the city for $695 per night, or a deluxe room overlooking the bay for $1,050 per night. If you'd prefer a suite, we still have one of our deluxe corner suites with a view of the bay at $2,250 per night."

"Yeah, I'd like the suite, so I'll take the one looking at the bay," he said reaching for his wallet.

"I'll just need a piece of identification and a credit card, sir," he said showing his obvious distrust of the young guy in front of him. Colin handed over his driver's license and credit card, making sure he used the black card. The clerk looked it over thoroughly and then ran it through their system after he'd registered Colin. He almost looked surprised when the card cleared. He handed the room key over and told him where the elevators were located.

Colin was always prepared to stand up for himself, and could feel the hair on the back of his neck stiffen when the front desk guy started giving him attitude. He loved a good fight, but he just wasn't in the mood for it. His mind thought of how Brooks might have handled it, and they would either be looking for another hotel after being thrown out, or getting a complimentary night in the presidential suite. There was usually no happy medium. Once he was in the room and looked around, he had second thoughts and figured he wanted some fun, so he returned to the front desk.

"That room's a bit basic. Is that presidential suite still available? I'll take that."

"You do remember that it's $5,400 per night, plus taxes."

"And you remember that stick, right? I'll take the suite thanks," and handed his card back over for another authorization. He swapped the keys and headed to the suite.

Once he opened the door, he smiled to himself. "This is more like it," he said to himself as he looked around. The place was massive and way more than he needed. It had a dining room, living room and lounge area, with a spectacular view of the bay. He threw his luggage on the stand and flopped onto the bed, once he found it. He could easily take a nap, but figured he'd see what Seattle had to offer first, so he grabbed his laptop and went straight to Manhunt to see if there were any horny guys in the neighborhood. He found a few, but really only one guy he talked to seemed like his exact type, so he invited him over, hoping he wasn't being lied to. The worst thing he'd want is for some balding 50-year-old bear to show up, instead of a 20-year-old blond hottie. He jumped in the shower to freshen up and put clean clothes on before the guy arrived. His heart rate jumped slightly when he heard a knock on the door. The moment of truth. A big bear or cute twink.

He opened the door to a smiling excited face on a young guy. Colin almost let out an audible sigh of relief. "Hi! I'm Julian," he said entering and walking past Colin. "Wow, you're really hot!"

"Thanks, you're pretty cute too. You look younger than your picture," Colin said as he closed the door.

"Yeh, I get that lot. I think it's because I've let my hair grow longer. That always makes me look younger," he replied as he kicked his shoes off, then pulled his shirt over his head. As he went for the button on his pants, Colin interjected.

"Hold on there, Magic Mike. How about we get to know each other for a little bit before we get naked." Colin couldn't believe he'd just said that, considering he'd normally be the one kicking off his clothes before the introductions had begun.

"Sure," Julian said looking around. "This is a wicked room."

"Yeah. Not too bad. Figured I needed a nice comfy bed so I could get a good sleep."

"Where you from?" Julian asked.


"Yeah, thought so. You kinda have that surfer dude look. I'm more into dirt bikes."

"That's a good sport," Colin nodded as he watched the guy exploring things. Julian looked more like a surfer than Colin, as he had long blond shoulder length hair and a nice lean, toned, body. The only thing missing was the California tan.

"Yeah. Doesn't hurt that lots of the guys walk around shirtless in their leather pants. So hot!"

Colin laughed. "Is that why you do the sport? For the shirtless guys, or the hot leather pants?"

"No. I do it because I like it. I think I'd like surfing for the shirtless guys though. You gonna take yours off?"

"You're a get down to business guy, huh?" Colin joked as he pulled his shirt off.

"You know it! I figured you'd be even hotter without the shirt. How big is your dick again?"

"Seven and a half. You?"

"Almost seven, well like 6 and a half, but I know how to use it," he smiled. "You said on your profile that you were versatile?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Mostly I like getting fucked really hard. Do you like doing kinky stuff?"

"Like picking up a random guy online and inviting him to my hotel room?" Colin joked as the guys sat on the edge of the bed.

"And other stuff," he said with a big smile.

"I can get kinky, sure. Have you been fucked a lot?"

"Oh sure. All the time. Can't get enough," he said partially licking his lips. "Like I think it'd be super hot if you'd slam me against the window and fuck me so that everyone could see."

"Not sure they'd see much since we're up so high."

"Yeah, but the thrill that they might would make it fire."

Colin sat beside him on the bed and took a closer look at the guy. "How old are you?"

"19," the guy replied, looking at Colin's chest.

"Your profile said 21," Colin reminded him.

"Oh right. Then that. I'm 21," he nodded.

"Why do I think you're lying about both ages?" Colin smirked as he reached up and rubbed the side of the guy's face. "You don't even feel like you shave. Come on, how old are you, really?"

"18," the guy said giving a bit of a smile. "I just say 21 so I can drink when I go over to someone's house."

"I have a feeling they wouldn't say no to letting you drink, even if you weren't of age. I don't think it matters except in bars."

"Yeah, probably. Sometimes I think guys wouldn't invite me over if I was younger. You wanna get naked and do it?"

"You seem in a hurry. Do you have somewhere else to be?"

"No. I'm just horny and ready to have some gay fun."

"Gay fun, huh?" Colin smiled. "I'll make you a deal. I'll fuck you as long as you want, if you do one thing."

"Sure. I can stay all night if you want. I can go a pretty long time. I really like sex," Julian said as he began to unfasten his pants.

"Me too. It's my favorite hobby."

"What's the deal then?"

"Tell me the truth about how old you are. I have a feeling you're still younger."

"I'll tell you if you're not a cop," he said wiggling his ass and grabbing his crotch almost impatiently.

Colin gave a small laugh. "I'm not a cop."

"You have to tell me if you are, or it's entrapment," he said.

"That's actually not true, but it wouldn't really be illegal to have sex with you in Washington as long as you're at least 16. Good thing we're not in California or Oregon, because you have to be 18 there. The only way it's illegal is if money changes hands for sex, or if you were under 16."

"Would you prove you're not a cop by grabbing my cock?" He smiled as he fluffed up his package.

"That's just your way of having me grab your junk, isn't it?" Colin smirked as he reached over to grope the guy.

"You have to do it inside my underwear," Julian added as he pulled the front of them down slightly.

"You mean like this?" Colin asked as he shoved his whole hand inside and cupped Julian's hard cock and balls, then leaned over and kissed him, pushing him onto his back. He shoved his tongue deep into Julian's mouth and rolled up against him for a few minutes. "Does that prove it?" He said freeing himself from the guy and sitting up.

"I'll say. Dude, you're a really good kisser. I almost came."

"Thanks. I could feel how wet you were getting. Your turn."

"I'm 16."

"That seems more realistic," Colin said as he slid off the bed and got on his knees between Julian's legs and pulled his pants off, leaving him in just his underwear.

Julian had a big smile on his face as he watched. "I love being totally naked around other boys and seeing which ones check me out. I also love sucking cock. I could do that for hours, and sometimes I have done it for so long I end up with sore lips."

"If you're really doing it right, you'd end up with a sore throat," Colin teased as he pressed his face into the guy's crotch feeling the warmth of the tube just beneath the surface. He fondled Julian's balls and the boy inhaled at the first touch. "You seem pretty experienced for 16."

"Yeah. I've known I was gay since I was a little kid, so I never hid it and I've fooled around with tons of guys."

"Nice." Colin licked up the guy's shaft and tickled the tip of his erection as he worked his own pants off, leaving himself in just his boxer briefs. As soon as he saw precum leak from the guy, he lifted the cock upright and licked it up. "Mmmmm, nice and sweet. Perfect."

He crawled up on the bed over top of Julian until his crotch was right in front of the boy's face. He grabbed Julian's hair and pulled him against his package. Julian wasted no time opening his mouth and wrapped it around the outline of Colin's cloth covered cock. He sucked it for a bit before moving his hand to pull the shorts down, letting it free. Colin let him take it and was trying not to chuckle at how enthusiastic the guy was to get all the way down on him. He gagged and coughed several times as he shoved it all in.

"Take your time buddy. It's not going anywhere. How about we lie down and you can finish stripping me. Then we can make out for a while before we get to the good stuff."

"Like fucking, right? I can't wait," Julian said enthusiastically as he pulled Colin's underwear off and they lay down together. They started kissing and rolling around on the bed as if they'd been lovers for weeks. Colin moved on top of Julian and pressed their crotches together. He could feel the enthusiasm of the younger guy throbbing beneath him.

"Someone's excited," Colin teased.

"I'm so horny that I hope I can last long enough. You have such a wicked hot body," he said staring at Colin looking down at him. "You have awesome pecs and eight-pack abs. I'm still working on mine, but yours are so amazing. Plus, I love your eyes and your hair and your nose."

"My nose?" Colin grinned.

"Yeah, it's so cute. Then your ass is so round and perfect, and best of all is your cock. It's the greatest one I've ever seen.""

"You really are horny, aren't you?"

"I'll say."

Colin rolled both of them over to switch positions. Julian was now on top Colin as they hugged together. "Here's your chance to check out my body. Show me those cock sucking skills some more."

Julian gave him a smile so big it took over his entire face, and wasted no time moving down Colin's body to begin playing with his nipples. He felt the pecs and rubbed the tits to get them nice and firm before leaning in to take each one in his mouth. Once he had satisfied his exploration of the tits, he kissed down Colin's chest, pausing briefly to play with his belly button. Then he shuffled down and got on his knees between Colin's legs and went to work on him. He explored and sucked every inch of Colin's penis and played with the balls as if they were in a marble competition. Colin ran his hands through Julian's hair and down his back to give the boy encouragement, which seemed to be appreciated as he heard moaning while being sucked.

When he did come up for air, Julian wiped his mouth and looked at Colin as he lay back on top of him, staring at his face again. "I love that cock! It's so tasty, and I love your balls too. Don't cum though. I want you to keep it all for my ass when you fuck me."

"That sounds like a hot plan! Why don't you flip around so we can 69 for a bit?"

"Cool. Just be careful not to suck me too hard, or I'll cum really fast and I kinda want to last a while."

"Noted," Colin said as they lay side by side to enjoy each other. After several minutes of sucking Julian's cock and balls. Colin lifted the guy's leg up and wrapped it around him so he could get to his ass. He licked the full length of the crack before tonguing the hole. Julian gasped and stopped what he was doing to watch.

"Holy shit! That feels wicked crazy good," he exclaimed.

"Never been rimmed before?" Colin asked as he licked the hole again.

"Oh sure. I mean I do it all the time, but you're doing it really great. Makes me even more horny."

"Good. I like you horny," Colin nodded as he buried his face back in the boy's ass and resumed tonguing into the tight pucker. Julian squirmed around so much that Colin was having trouble holding him down. He stopped playing with his ass and returned to his cock that was now pouring precum like a waterfall. After another few minutes, he spun around so they could lie face to face and intertwine their bodies together.

"You're a pretty good cocksucker," Colin said complimenting him.

"Thanks. I've had tons of practice."

"A slut huh?"

Julian gave a little giggle. "No. Just a horny teen that loves sucking dick. Guys tease me about it at school, but they shut up pretty fast once I suck a load out of them."

"You just offer to suck them off?"

"Yeah, I usually dare them, and you know how guys are, we don't turn down a dare. Once they experience a great blowjob, it's pretty easy to get them to do it again. Most of them have the rule that I can't tell anyone that we did it. If they only knew that half their friends were doing it too," he smirked. "When I'm not at school and need dick fast, I found this cool place to go where I can suck all the cocks I want."

"Yeah? Sounds hot. I love fast food," Colin said licking his lips. "Where is this place?"

"It's a park near my school. There's this public bathroom where there's a hole in the wall between the stalls. I sit there and wait for someone to go in the other stall and it usually doesn't take long before they stick their dick through and I get to suck it until they cum."

"Almost like your own personal gloryhole. Do you ever stick your dick through and get it sucked?"

"Sometimes. I check out the guy first though. There's a smaller hole in the wall that I can peek through and see what the guy looks like. I don't think they know it's there as most of them are trying to see me through the big hole."

"Do you have your dick out while you're sucking them off?"

"Most of the time!" He beamed, almost proudly.

"Have there been any really hot guys that you've done in there?"

"I'll say. The best one was one of the guys in my school. He's like this total jock on the basketball team and he shoved his dick through the hole. My brain almost had to double check to make sure it was actually him. He has like this massive long thick cock. I had trouble taking most of it at first, but I still made him cum. Then he put his finger through the hole which meant he wanted my dick. I let him suck me off and he swallowed my load. I think I jerked off a dozen times when I got home thinking about him."

"And he had no idea it was you?" Colin smiled thinking about some of the guys at his school he would have loved to do that with.

"No clue. I actually did him two different times."

"Next time you should turn around and shove your ass against the hole. Let him fuck you."

"God, that'd be so hot. Does it work well like that?"

"Guess you'll have to find out when you try it. Are you out to people?"

"Yeah. Totally. I told my parents first, when I was about 11, and they were cool with it. The only rule they changed is when I have boys sleepover, we can't close my bedroom door. One of us also has to sleep on the floor. I guess that's fair. I think they'd have the same rule if I'd have been straight and had girls over. My Mom usually asks if guys I bring home are just friends or potential boyfriends. She's super embarrassing sometimes, as she'll point out guys she thinks are my type. Like she knows what my type is."

"And exactly what is your type?" Colin asked with a mischievous smile as he pulled on the waistband of Julian's underwear and gently removed them, exposing the erection that had grown to full size.

"You. You're my type. A slightly older, really toned hot guy who loves sex as much as I do."

"Then I think we'll get along because you're my type. Younger, blond, with a nice firm cock at the ready, and a small tight ass always waiting to be boned."

"That's me!" Julian almost cheered

"Do your parents know you're having sex?"

"I don't tell them, but I'm sure they know. My Dad had the sex talk with me, and told me to be careful and stay safe. He said I could ask him anything if I had questions, but I have a feeling he's hoping I won't."

"Stay safe huh? How does meeting a random stranger online and going to his hotel room to get fucked play into that?"

"Seems safe," he said looking around. "Sure safer than sucking dozens of cocks in a public bathroom."

"Fair enough. You ever do more than blowjobs with the guys in your school?"

"Not really. My best friend Nolan and me tried some other stuff, but we weren't that good at it. I took Nolan with me to the park bathroom a couple times."

"Is he gay?" Colin inquired.

"No. He's straight. I think he just goes along to support me, and show he's a cool friend. He sat on the edge of the toilet and watched me suck a few dicks before he watched me put mine through the hole. The best part was where I convinced him to try putting his cock in the hole. It sure freaked him out when the guy on the other side started sucking him off. I went down on my knees to watch, but I couldn't see much."

"That's actually pretty hot. I'd have loved to see that."

"Yeah, it was great. I even pushed his balls through the hole. I could only do them one at a time and we almost got him stuck in the hole. But I had fun licking his ass while he got head. He didn't last long though, and once he came, he kinda panicked, and we had to get out of there. He said it was too freaky for him and he never wanted to go back, but he did."

"Guess he didn't hate it as much as he said. He's probably going back three times a day when you're not there," Colin teased.

"Nah. I think if he wanted to get blown, he'd just ask me. He knows I'd help out."

"It would really hot to watch you fully naked pressed up against a wall getting your cock and balls slurped on. I'd be behind you, rubbing my cock up and down your ass, until I slipped it in and fucked you hard up against the partition, while you blasted your nut sauce down the guy's throat."

Julian grinned. "Fuck! Now I wanna do that! Maybe next time I go, I should leave my stall door unlocked and let guys do me from both sides."

"We should stop talking about that or I'm going to cum just thinking about it," Colin grinned as he rolled Julian onto his back and moved to lie on top of him. "I'm thinking maybe I should fuck you now, what do you say to that?"

"I say...Yes!! You should do that!! Pound my little ass!" He grinned excitedly.

"You mean pound your little boy pussy..." Colin corrected.

"Yeah, my boy pussy," Julian chuckled. "Oh god. I need it so bad. I want to get a nice hard fuck. You're so hot that I think I'll remember this forever."

"Or at least until the next guy you hook up with," Colin laughed as he grabbed a pillow and shoved it under Julian's butt to raise him up. "Do you have a favorite position?"

"No, I like them all," he replied noncommittally. "Do you have a favorite?"

"I like different positions as well, but for a first fuck, I like to be able to see the face as the guy takes my cock."

"Yeah...I like that too," Julian nodded. "Is that how we're gonna do it?"

"Definitely. I'll put your legs on my shoulders and fold you in half before I slide my cock in nice and deep and let you listen to my balls slapping up against your ass."

"Hot! You might need to go slow at first. It takes me a bit to get used to being entered. After that I totally want to be pounded hard, and in as many positions as we can invent," he grinned.

Colin smiled at Julian as he watched the guy's eyes, eager with lust and scanning his entire face as they talked. It was like the kid was a puppy waiting for a bone. Different type of bone...

Colin moved to grab the lube he'd put on the night stand. He poured some on his fingers and quickly rubbed it on Julian's hole before moving to push a finger inside.

"What's that?" Julian asked as he felt the cold liquid hit his ass.

"Just lube," Colin replied showing him the bottle.

"Oh right. Yeah, I knew that. Just making sure," he nodded. He was intently focused as he felt Colin's finger begin to push into him.

"You need to relax your ass or I'll never get in," Colin smiled as he struggled to even push his finger past the boy's outer ring.

"Right sorry. I just get excited and forget." He did his best to relax his ass and let the finger in. He tried not to jump when it penetrated him, but his penis twitched from the sensation.

"Okay, now some lube for my dick and we're ready to open you up for your first fuck of the night. Quick question. When you cum are you one of those that's done and need to go home, or do you relax and hang out until you're horny again?"

"Oh, I stick around. I could go fifty times if I had to."

"Fifty, huh? I wish I could go fifty times in a row," Colin smiled as he lifted Julian's legs up onto his shoulders and leaned forward until the tip of his hard cock was against Julian's little entrance. "You ready?"

Julian nodded a couple times and, without blinking, stared as Colin moved forward, applying pressure to his hole. His face contorted as the pain increased and Colin noticed the grimace right away.

"Make sure you breathe and stay relaxed. That might be why you have trouble being entered. That's always the worst part."

Julian nodded again as he took a deep breath and let his ass go as much as he could. Colin pushed harder and punched through the outer ring, causing Julian to jump and cry out. He bit his lip allowing the rest of his face to show the true level of pain he was experiencing. He grabbed the bed sheets to hold on.

"You okay? That's the hardest part when fucking a really tight ass, but I'm in."

"Owww! I guess I'm not used to someone as big as you," he said trying to relax more and breathe deeper.

"I'll put more lube on my dick before I go in more. It'll make it feel better."

"Okay," Julian panted as he tried to focus on the hot guy above him, and not the pain of being speared. Colin poured additional lube on himself, pulled back just a bit and then inched forward. "I think it's feeling better," Julian admitted.

"Good. It doesn't usually take long for your ass to accept the entry," Colin told him. "You're so tight I might end up cumming before you do. I just hope you don't have anywhere to be for the next few hours, as I might not want to give this ass back."

"I can stay all night. I don't have to be anywhere at all."

"Good! Now that my dick is buried in your ass, and you know I don't have a problem fucking you...truth time. How old are you for real?"

"You don't believe I'm 16?" He said frowning slightly as he stared at Colin and wiggled his ass slightly.

"Let's say I'm suspicious," Colin grinned as he pushed in a little farther. "Come on. Truth, and I'll keep fucking you."

"Please don't stop. I really want to have sex."

"And I'll give you all you can handle, but only if I know who I'm really fucking."

"How come you don't believe me?" Julian asked staring at Colin with almost lust in his eyes, mixed with a bit of fear.

"I've been with enough guys to judge reactions. I'm guessing you've not been fucked as much as you're claiming, and some of the way you talk isn't that of someone older."

"You promise you won't stop?" He asked almost begging.

"I promise," Colin nodded as he leaned forward and kissed Julian slowly.

"14. I'm 14," he said quietly as his hands moved up to grip Colin's ass, almost as a way to ensure he didn't pull out.

"Now THAT I believe," Colin nodded with a smile as he pushed further inside the teenager. "First time I got fucked I was 13, and the guy was 18. Best day of my life."

"So you know how unfair it is when we get told we can't have sex, right?"

"Right. It's your body. Once you learn your pecker isn't just for peeing, you should be allowed to use it."

"God, I'd have been having sex at eight if that were the case," Julian chuckled.

Colin pushed in a bit more and smiled as he saw Julian struggle to take him. Nothing was hotter than that look. "How's it feel?"

"Like I'm stuffed full. It's good though. There's not as much pain as when you started."

"Hopefully in a few minutes you'll be screaming at me to fuck you harder. Now time for more truth. How many times have you really been fucked?"

"Ummm...Officially, this is my first time. Me and my friend tried but we couldn't really figure it out without it hurting way too much. I realized later that I probably should have used something more than spit to make it go in."

"Is this the same friend that you took to the bathroom hole?"

"Yeah. Nolan. Once I told him I was gay, he said he was cool with it and that he'd totally be there for me. We started doing some sex stuff together when he asked me if I jerked off at all, which led to him asking about blowjobs and if I'd done it with guys already. One thing led to another and if I learned something new, I showed him and he showed me anything he learned. I learned more than he did though."

"Friends like that are good to have. It makes you feel a lot less stupid if the two of you can experiment with something you are curious about. So now that you know how to fuck, are you going to ask him to try again?"

"Hells yeah! His dick isn't as big as ours, but I'm sure he'll have fun once he sees how easy it is to fuck."

"Do guys at school know you're gay too?"

"Yeah. Most are cool with it. It doesn't really come up a lot as it's not like I'm dating them all or anything. Why should they care who I sleep with? Some obnoxious types, like jocks showing off to their other asshat team mates, call me names trying to piss me off. Mostly it's just stupid shit. Like calling me a cocksucker and suggesting I couldn't handle something their size, or maybe I'd like it if they slammed me against the locker and fucked my little ass. For the record, I'd totally love that. Trouble is they're all talk and no action. At least that's what the girls say about them."

Colin laughed. "God, isn't that the truth! They think they're insulting us by suggesting we suck their dicks. If the guys at my school ever had the balls to whip it out, I'd have needed knee pads to get through school."

"I know right. I've sometimes answered them and said I'd love to suck their dicks. That usually gets them laughing at me until they see me standing there with a look on my face that wonders why it's so funny. They usually tell me to fuck off at that point and leave, mumbling about me being a fucking queer. I still don't see how that's insulting. It's not like I'm a breeder who can't get laid. I'm happy to yield that title to them."

They carried on the conversation as Colin continued to gently fucked Julian.

"I'm working on letting guys know I'd totally be into real sex if they needed it," Julian grinned. "That's kinda why I needed to do this so I could get better."

"By the time I'm finished with you you'll be able to set up a `fuck me stand' in the lobby of the school."

"That would rock, but I think the cheerleaders have that booth already. School doesn't really allow two clubs offering the same thing, even if mine could do it better."

"You're a pretty witty kid. I like that. Keep that attitude and you'll go far."

"That's what my Mom says. I don't think she figured it would bring me here to be de-virginized."

"Well now you have something to talk about over Mother/daughter lunches at the mall cruising boys."

"Think I should tell her I'm no longer a virgin?"

"Mmmm...probably not. Mothers like to think of their sons as sweet and innocent. It might shatter her illusion. If you were straight, telling your Dad that you got laid would get you a `that's my boy!' reply. Not sure how he'd respond knowing his son took it up the ass and loved it."

"What I'm hearing is don't say shit to my parents. Just tell Nolan, and show him what I learned?"

"Exactly. And pick up the basketball player and take him home. He's gay and would probably date you. If not out in the open then definitely in secret. Depending on what you want."

"I want a boyfriend that's open and out so people can see us together."

"Yeah. That's always the best," Colin agreed.

"But I'm not saying I wouldn't want to secretly take some jock home and let him pound the hell out of me. If they're putting out, I'm taking in!"

"You got game buddy. Is your ass ready for the finale? This is where we stop talking and I pound the hell out of you until I see you have the most amazing orgasm of your life."

"God yeah. Let's go. Fuck me harder!!" Julian grinned as he inched his ass up a bit to get ready. His cock responded by jumping and twitching each time Colin's penis rubbed his prostate. "Ummm...will you cum in me?" He asked staring into Colin's eyes.

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes. More than anything."

"Then I'll fill you up so much that you feel like a milk container when you walk. You ever fuck anyone before?"

"Not yet. Wanted to get fucked first. Then I'll learn top stuff."

"Well you're gonna fuck me before you go home. It wouldn't be fair if you were the only one getting a dick up the ass."

"Guess not, huh? So, can I spend the night?"

"Won't your parents miss you?"

"No. I said I was staying over at Nolan's, so they won't question it. If they need me, I have my cell phone."

"Then I guess you can spend the night. It'll depend on how you'll feel once you shoot your load."

"I'll still feel the same. I'm usually still horny once I'm done. You're super hot and I can't believe you wanted to hook up with me."

"You mean hook up with 21-year-old you with shorter hair?"

"Oh right. I kinda photoshopped the picture a bit so I looked a little different."

"It worked, but just for the record, you're way hotter in person."

Julian grinned. "Thanks. You too." He grabbed Colin's ass while he was being fucked and couldn't stop staring at Colin above him.

"I'm gonna cum, buddy. You ready?"

"Yeah. Does it burn or anything?"

"Burn? No. This isn't a porn novel buddy where you feel the steaming hot jizz flood your tight boy pussy. You won't even feel it until it starts running out of your ass once I pull out."

"Oh. I wondered about that," he nodded.

Colin fucked harder before leaning down to shove his tongue down Julian's throat. He grunted and shot his `steaming hot jizz into Julian's tight boy pussy'. He held on as his cock throbbed and jettisoned wave after wave into the 14-year-old. Julian just stared at Colin with a big grin on his face.

"Did you cum?" he asked.

"I did. Your hole is now full of my swimmers."

"Nice! I guess I'm really not a virgin anymore huh?"

"Nope. You're no longer a virgin," Colin agreed as he slowly pulled out and rolled off to the side. Julian reached his hand around to his ass and felt it. He looked at his finger and smiled.

"I have your cum in me. God, that's so hot!" He said excitedly. "I can't wait to do it again. How long do we wait before we can go again?"

"11 minutes 15 seconds," Colin said as he lay on his back.

"That's pretty specific. Is it the same for everyone?" Julian asked lying on his side to rub Colin's chest playfully.

"I'm joking. You go again when you're both horny. Sometimes you can just kiss and cuddle for a bit until you get hard again. Other times, you go do something else until you need to get back at it, like get some food or drink. You haven't cum yet, so that's why you're still raging hormones. Why don't you fuck me and see how you like that?"

"Really? Wicked. What position should we do?"

"Doggy style. I'll get on my hands and knees. You get behind me and fuck my brains out."

"Cool. That's one of the ones on my list that I wanted to try," he beamed.

"You have a list?" Colin said amused.

"Sure. Like kneeling on the side of the bed and the other guy stands and fucks you. Then riding a cock while the other guy just lies there. And I wanna do it in the shower while we're wet and I'm bent over getting it. I have tons more, but those are just for starters. Every time I see porn with a new position, I make a note."

"Oh porn. A teenager's sex manual. Is that how you learned to suck cock?"

"Pretty much. First few times were horrible as it doesn't tell you about the choking and gagging thing, but once you figure it out, the rest it pretty easy."

"Sounds about right," Colin nodded as he got onto his knees. Julian moved behind him and put his cock against Colin's ass.

"I should use lube, right?" he asked.

"Always. You'll never get your dick in any guy unless you lube up," he replied as he handed the bottle over to him.

"How much do I need?"

"Not a lot. It'll depend on the guy being fucked. If he's used to it, you won't need much. If he's new, you may need to apply more as you get going, or if you're at it a while, you may need to add more to keep the ass from getting sore."

"Cool. Thanks." he said as he poured a bit of lube on Colin's ass and then his own erection. He wiggled closer and watched as Colin reached back to take hold of him and guide him in. As soon as the tip of his penis touched Colin's hole, Julian took a deep breath in anticipation of the event. Colin's ass grabbed the mushroom head and pulled him inside; Julian gasped and pushed in faster.

"Take your time," Colin advised. "I can handle a fast fuck, but most guys your age will need you to go slow and easy until their ass is used to being opened up. It's all about breathing and relaxing. Do that and you'll really enjoy fucking."

"Cool. So do I just fuck you now, or do I have to wait for anything?"

"Nope. Once you're in, check to make sure the guy you're doing is okay, and then start to fuck. Go slowly back and forth to start. Once he gets used to it you can go faster and faster until you're both crazy horny."

"Are you okay with me in you?"

"Definitely. Fuck away!" Colin said, almost cheering him on. Julian began to fuck, watching his penis going in and out of Colin's smooth ass. He wished he had his camera close by as he wanted to take a video of it so he'd always remember. Colin told him to go faster, which he automatically did, without even thinking about it. As they got going, Colin slammed back against Julian to make sure the boy knew he could fuck a lot harder and deeper if he wanted to. He didn't have time to give instructions before Julian cried out and held himself deep inside Colin's tight tunnel as he emptied his balls.

"Oh fuck! Shit! That was insane. I could feel my dick throbbing inside you when I was cumming. I can't believe my sperm is inside you. That's so epic!"

"Yep. It's a great feeling isn't it?" Colin replied as he heard Julian breathing hard from the climax. He also noted that Julian didn't seem to be in a hurry to pull out as he just stayed where he was, fully inside Colin's ass. "I'm guessing you probably shot a load big enough to make me pregnant."

"Funny," Julian said quietly as he slowly pulled out. "I'm gonna remember to say that every time I pump my jizz into a new guy."

"One thing you will learn is that straight boys love getting fucked almost as much as gay guys. Only difference is that they'll never admit it in public and will always say it's gay. But get them in private, suck their dicks, then start to play with their ass. Rimming, fingering, etc., and before you know it, you're balls deep in them while they're fisting their cocks so hard you smell burning skin. After you both finish, they'll threaten you to never tell anyone or they'll `kill you'. A week or two later, they're back in your bed asking to go again."

"Straight boys? What about gay guys?"

"Gay guys are the same, but they don't threaten to kill you. They ask when you're gonna hook up again, before they go home and shove things up their ass as they jerk off thinking about you."

"Wow," said Julian as he lay on his side next to Colin so they could talk. "Do all straight guys like getting fucked?"

"No. Not a single one of them says they like it, but once you find a way to get them to try it, the majority will find a way to come back at some point."

"Who are the easiest to get into bed? Probably the nerds, huh?"

"Actually, no. Nerds don't get a lot of attention, so they're more suspicious of people who talk to them. Takes a little longer to get them into bed. Jocks are the hardest to talk to because their focus is on sports and proving they're more of a man than the next guy. But they're the easiest to get into bed because they're more used to bragging, being in close contact with others, and talking about their sexual conquests, real or imagined. Once you find a way into their conversation, it'll be easy to dare them to try new things and you'll have them in bed pretty fast."

Julian laughed. "The guy I want at my school is kinda in the middle of that. He's the nicest and coolest guy in school. He has tons of friends, and he's so cute I think my brain shuts off every time I'm around him. He says hi to me all the time when he walks past, but my mouth fails to work. He must think I'm mentally challenged or something."

Colin chuckled. "Yeah. I've known a few guys like that at school. Whenever I saw them, my imagination saw them naked in bed with me. By the time I'd returned to the real world, he'd already walked past and I don't have a clue if he talked to me or not."

"Yeah. That's exactly how it is. How do I get THAT guy? How did you get that guy?"

"Me? I used my friends to get him. They found out things about him and then talked me up to him. Before I knew it, we were hanging out."

"Did you get to have sex with him?"

"No. I never got that far. I was still pretty nervous back then. Now I wish I had. I saw him in the change room once, and after that I couldn't bring myself to ask him anything sexual. He was so hot that I just froze up. It happens. I mean I'd done tons of guys just as hot since, but there's always one that got away. I think every guy will have that someone they wish they'd hooked up with."

"So, I could find out his interests and maybe see if we have something in common?"

"Wouldn't hurt. Or you just give him a big smile when he walks by and turn to watch him walk away. Who knows maybe he'll turn his head to look back at you."

"What would that mean?"

"It would mean he noticed you, and it will be easier to start up a conversation. If he doesn't look back, then you just need to do more to get him to acknowledge you. Now, would you like to keep talking, or should we make out some more?"

"Make out," he grinned widely as the boys shuffled against each other, intertwining legs and kissing. `God, this is so hot. I could stay in bed with you forever."

"We might need to get up to pee and eat," Colin smiled as they rolled around together.

"No way. I'd give both those up if it meant being able to have sex instead," Julian beamed as he stared into Colin's eyes.

"Have you ever been out in public with a boy? Like holding his hand and kissing, anything like that?"

"Not yet, but as soon as I get a boyfriend, we'll go everywhere holding hands and having pda's. I'm nervous about doing it, but some days it's all I think about."

"At first it can really get the adrenaline pumping, but after you've done it a few times, it gets easier. Best advice is just focus on the person you're with and ignore anyone who gives you attitude. Seattle is a lot more open than say Texas or the Midwest. It'll be easier here."

"I'll get there one day."

"I have an idea if you're interested. There's a pool and hot tub here, so why don't we go down as boyfriends and hang out there for a bit?"

Julian just stared at Colin for a moment. "God, my heart is already beating faster. Just the thought of it is making me super nervous."

"Don't worry, I'll be there to make sure nothing goes wrong. Gives you a chance to try it. See what you think."

"Would it be wrong to say I hope no one else is there?" Julian said with a nervous smirk.

"If no one else is there, I'll strip your shorts off, and pound you up against the side of the hot tub."

"That'd be hot, but I'd probably faint from the sheer terror of it."

"Nah, you only think you'd faint, but I'll bet it would be the most exciting thing you've ever done."

"Probably, although that gloryhole was pretty scary the first time," Julian admitted.

"Exactly. Now you can't wait to go back and do more. So? Shall we hit the hot tub? Soak our muscles a bit? Then come back and watch a movie while we cuddle."

"That'll make me tired," Julian replied nodding slightly.

"It'll make you relaxed. Better for getting fucked."

"Then hot tub it is! Oh...wait. I didn't bring my swim suit. Think I could go down in my underwear?"

"Probably, but I have something you can wear that'll make you sexy." He jumped off the bed and grabbed his Speedos, tossing them to Julian.

"How old were you when you wore these?" Julian asked holding them up.

"That's our team suit. Don't worry, they stretch."

"They'd have to," he said pulling them on and trying to stuff himself into the small amount of fabric. Colin went over to help him and made a point of rubbing his ass, which felt amazing in the tight swim suit. "God, don't do that. If I get a boner, there is no way they could stretch that far."

"Bragging much? Don't worry, if you get hard, I'll take care of it. Nothing hotter than you bent over the side of the hot tub for a deep ass banging. How about we get the cum out of our asses before we go downstairs."

"Probably a good idea. Not sure everyone would appreciate floaties in the pool."

"Can't be worse than swimming after some kid peed in there," Colin joked as they headed to the bathroom.

"Gross. I may never swim in a public pool again."

The guys cleaned up, put on their swimsuit and wrapped in a bathrobe. "Okay, if anyone asks. Were boyfriends. I'm 17 and you're 15. We've been together a year."

"This is cool. You're my first boyfriend. Have we been having sex the whole year?" Julian asked with a giant grin.

"Since the first day we met. I saw you in the locker room and took your virginity after everyone left."

"Damn! I'm a playa, bitch! Fucked on my first date! Boo-ya!" He laughed snapping his fingers.

"Welcome to being gay. If you don't get laid on your first date, you're not doing it right. Only straight people wait months to get some."

"For real?"

"For real. Why waste all that time dating if sex is just gonna suck."

The boys headed down to the pool area where there were only a couple people using the weight room, but the pool and hot tub were deserted. Colin grinned as he looked at Julian. "Looks like that ass pounding in the hot tub could be a thing."

Julian just smiled nervously. "Pool first though, right? I hate going into the cold water after being in the hot tub. Makes it feel WAY colder."

They dumped the robes and jumped into the pool. They swam a couple laps before Colin stood in front of Julian and slid his hand into the front of his speedos. "Just checking for shrinkage. Cold water and all."

"You know if you keep doing that, you'll reverse the shrinkage and I won't be able to keep everything in the shorts. They're not exactly roomy," Julian complained playfully.

"That's okay because these are just in the way. I want you. Right here. Right now," he smirked as moved his hand into the back of the speedo and slid a finger along his crack before ducking under the water. Colin yanked the speedos down and removed them before resurfacing with them in his hand.

"What if someone comes in?" Julian said looking around.

"They can wait their fucking turn," he said as he pulled Julian against him and gave him a kiss. He felt Julian's nervous resistance at first, which quickly melted away as he got into it. Colin smiled to himself when the felt Julian's penis rise in the water and begin to poke him. He grabbed it and began to gently stroke it. Julian leaned in against Colin as he forgot they were in the public pool. Just as fast as he started something, he broke apart and swam to the side of the pool where he threw the shorts on the deck. Julian dove under the water and swam to catch up with Colin where he grabbed his shorts and yanked them down, leaving both boys naked. He resurfaced only long enough to toss the suit onto the deck with his and then vanished again. This time he grabbed Colin's waist and wrapped his lips around the semi hard cock in front of him. He couldn't stay down long, but long enough to enjoy himself.

"How was that?" He beamed. "Never given underwater head before. Wish I could breathe underwater."

"So do I buddy. So do I. Shall we swim a couple lengths?"

"Sure. Should we take our shorts with us?"

"Where's the adrenaline rush in that? Just leave `em," Colin grinned as he swam off. Julian chased after him. They swam a few lengths before pausing at the far end of the pool.

"I love skinny dipping. I might do this every time I go swimming," Julian grinned wildly.

"Not sure how the public pool would feel about that, but in the ocean or at a lake is always fun. Better yet. Get a friend with a pool in his yard and convince him to join you. Find a way to get him horny while he's doing it and make your move."

"I'm not sure I have moves yet, but I know a few guys with pools."

"Trust me Julian, you have moves. You're at a hotel with someone you just met and you've already had sex and invited yourself to spend the night. You've used gloryholes and tried things with your best friend. That's game buddy. More than most guys your age. Just keep being outgoing and go after what you want. Some will turn you down, but others will hear and no doubt try to get to know you. Watch for new friends appearing out of nowhere once they hear you're sexual."

"A few people that I don't know have said hi to me. Do you think that means they want to fuck me?" He asked wide eyed.

"I think that means they like you enough to maybe want to know more about you. I'll give you a hint that I found ALWAYS worked. Find a reason to invite them over to your house. Could be to do homework, play video games or watch a new movie. Once there, make an excuse to get changed and do it so they can see you."

"Like all the way changed? Like fully naked?" Julian asked as he paid attention.

"I'd just go down to my underwear, but watch their eyes. If they aren't interested in being more than just a casual friend, they will probably look away as soon as any clothes come off. If they are looking to maybe make out with you, they'll check you out. Usually their eyes will go to your crotch. Then you know. After that it's easy to make excuses to undress. Like go play sports, or go for a run together. When you get back say you need showers. Invite him to join you, or at the very least get naked in front of him as you prepare to go to the bathroom."

"Wow. I love that. I know just the guy too," he beamed.

"Let me guess. The basketball player?"

"No. I think I liked your idea of bumping into him after we suck each other off in the bathroom. He may freak out, but I'll convince him that if we did it at my place, there'd be less chance of getting caught and we could both get off in private."

"See...that's game buddy. Being confident is half the battle," Colin said patting him on the back.

Julian jumped when the door to the change room opened and a guy around their age strolled in. He quickly removed Colin's hand and inched over to the edge of the pool so he could move along it towards his bathing suit. The new addition jumped in the pool and swam a lap before stopping close to the guys.

"Hey," he said to them as he approached.

"Hey," Julian replied still moving slowly down the pool towards the suits. "You staying in the hotel?"

"No. I'm a homeless vet who breaks in to use the pool. Just joking. I'm here with my parents. Had to get away from them before I go crazy. You know how it is."


"I'm Macon (Mason), by the way. Macon with a C," he said introducing himself.

"I'm Colin with an R. This is my boyfriend, Julian, with an X. Actually with a triple X, but most people don't learn that until they get to know him better."

"You guys are boyfriends?" He asked slightly wider eyed.

"Yep. We're have an anniversary weekend. One year."

"Wow. How old are you guys?"

I'm 17. Julian is 15. You?"

"16. Just turned last week."

"Happy birthday," Julian said to him.


"You got a girlfriend?" Julian asked bluntly.

"Between girlfriends at the moment," Macon admitted.

"Nice. I was between boyfriends once. Totally hot. One in the front, one in back. Made for wicked sleepovers," Colin joked.

"Huh?" Macon said, looking confused. Then in the light bulb moment, he smiled and said, "No, not like that. I meant I had one before and we broke up and I haven't got another one yet."

"I know. I was just kidding you. But it's still hot to be between two...just saying."

"You guys live in Seattle?"

"Yeah. You?" Colin replied quickly.


"Sweet home Alabama," Julian said grinning. "The stay out state."

"Huh?" Macon asked frowning slightly.

"The state flag is a big red X."

Macon smiled. "Yeah, I guess so, right? Never saw it like that before. Great, now that's all I'll see. If you guys live here, how come you're staying in a hotel?"

"It's our one-year anniversary," Julian replied sticking to their back story.

"Congrats," Macon said to them. His eyes finally focused on the two bathing suits on the deck and almost immediately his eyes darted to the water trying to pierce through to see if it meant what he thought it meant. "Ummm...are you guys naked?"

"Yeah," Colin grinned. "Since we were in here alone, we figured we'd go skinny dipping. We were at the opposite end of the pool when you came in. That's why Julian here is trying to sneak along the pool to get to his suit."

"I'm not sneaking. I'm covertly advancing on my mission target."

"Military brat huh?" Macon smiled. "Sorry I interrupted your fun. Should I leave?"

"No. Not at all. Just give us a second to get back in the speedos," Julian told him as he quickened his pace towards the suits.

"Or..." Colin grinned. "You could toss yours up there and join us. We love others joining in."

"I dunno about that. If my parents came in and caught me, it would be way beyond embarrassing. Not only to get caught naked, but to explain doing it with guys I just met."

"It's a guy thing. Mom's might be shocked, but your Dad wouldn't. It's what boys do," Colin said trying to help.

"It'd still be freaky if my parents saw me naked. They haven't seen me without clothes since puberty started."

"Really? They saw you just last week," Colin joked.

"Ha ha. Like 4 years ago," Macon corrected.

Colin grabbed for Julian's hips and lifted his ass right out of the water. "HEY!!" Julian exclaimed trying to squirm free.

"Oh come on. Who wouldn't want to see that cute little ass? Ever seen such a perfect butt, Macon?"

"Never really looked at many," he admitted, having taken a peek, then looked away.

"Trust me it's a perfect ass. Best lay you could have anywhere in the contiguous United States."

"No offense, but I'm straight," he replied.

"No offense, but you're also seriously cute, and even cute guys need a blowjob or a place to put their dicks every now and then."

He blushed slightly, even in the cold water. "Are you guys hitting on me?"

"I'm not!" Julian said quickly. "I'm just trying to get to my bathing suit."

"I am," Colin grinned. "You don't like compliments?"

"Sure. Just don't usually get them from guys. Not that I'm homophobic or anything. My best friend's uncle is gay, and he's pretty cool. He compliments me sometimes when I see him."

"I'm sure," Colin smirked. "How about this. Skinny dip a few laps with us and we'll stop hitting on you."

"Just for the record," Julian said leaning up against the edge of the pool by the shorts "I'm still not the one hitting on you, and make no such promise for the future."

"I thought you guys were boyfriends. Aren't you mad that he's checking out another guy?"

"Nah. We're pretty open," Julian announced. "We've fooled around with lots of other guys together. It's just way hotter like that. Not boring like the straights. They pick one, screw her stupid until they're tired of it and break up. Gay guys like me and Colin, we stay together because we add variety to our sex lives. But we're always there for each other."

"I guess that makes sense. I'm cool if you guys want to keep skinny dipping. I don't wanna ruin your fun."

"You aren't. Come on. Two laps without the suit, and we'll all get dressed and hit the hot tub. Deal?"

Macon looked at Colin and Julian, and then at the suits on the deck. "Okay. Two laps, but if anyone comes in, we all get dressed."

"Deal," Colin grinned as they waited for Macon to pull off his board shorts. "Let's start over there," he said pointing to the end of the pool. As Macon swam away, Colin ducked under the water to check him out and then followed. He resurfaced once he got to the end of the pool and all three boys hung on the edge. "Two laps. Go!" he yelled suddenly, and took off leaving the others unprepared. They took off after him in a splashing chaos as they raced to the other end. Colin was first, followed by Macon and then Julian.

"That's lap one," Colin announced. "Julian you were last, so that's one fuck for you."

"That's what the loser gets?" Julian grinned. "I think I'm gonna walk the next lap."

"You didn't let me finish," Colin teased. "That's one fuck for you with a girl."

"Gross! Not fair. You never said there was a penalty for last place."

"Now you know. Win the next lap and redeem yourself. Finish first and you can name your prize. We'll make it a fair start this time. On your marks. Get set. Go!"

The boys took off on their second lap. This time Julian wasn't holding back. He finished first, a good second or more ahead of Colin in second place, and three seconds ahead of Macon in third place.

"Winner winner. Chicken dinner."

"That's your prize? A chicken dinner," Colin teased.

"Nope. I'm thinking about it. Macon was last this time," he pointed out.

"Yes!" Macon grinned. "One penalty fuck with a girl for me!"

"You're straight. That's not your penalty. You get fucked by one of us. Did you get hard while we were doing the laps?" Colin asked as he dropped under the water to check Macon out. The boy was still limp, but Colin made sure to take a good close up look at him. He popped back up. "Not hard. Too bad. I could use a good blowjob for once."

"Hey! I give good head," Julian complained.

"Meh. It'll do in a pinch," Colin teased.

"He's kidding. I make him cum every time," Julian bragged.

"TMI," Macon replied. "You're just kidding about having sex with me, right?"

"Of course. Sex is supposed to be fun, and straight boys aren't really good at sex, so it's not that fun," Colin said casually as they swam back to where their shorts were.

"Straight guys are good at sex," Macon replied, defending himself.

"You've had sex with a lot, have you?" Colin smirked.

"No. I didn't mean it like that. Why do you say that straight boys aren't good at it?"

"Simple biology. Girls have no idea how a boy feels when she's having sex with him, so they just do what they think feels good. Same as when a guy does a girl. He has no idea how she feels. Most of the time he doesn't even know if she had an orgasm after he's done. So straight people have sex thinking the other likes it. They have no idea it's terrible sex and just keep doing it the same way every time. Guys who do it with other guys, know what feels good, and usually the other guy will tell them what to do to make it better. We're not worried about hurting the guys feelings. We just want awesome sex. Guys don't tell girls what to do when they have sex in case the girl gets upset, meaning the guy may not get laid again."

"It sounds logical, but I think guys get better at sex the more they do it. Like pretty much anything. You're bad at first, but with practice and experience, you can get good at it."

"Fair point. Again, the gay guy would excel at that. Statistics show that gay guys, on average have fives times the sex of a straight guy," Colin revealed using a hypothesis, rather than actual facts for his proclamation.

"That's because guys are hornier than girls, so when two of them get together, it's like there's nothing to stop them. Don't you get horny?" Julian added.

Macon nodded. "Always!" He admitted. "Not right now though. The cold water helps."

"Speaking of cold water, we should hit the hot tub and warm up a little. My balls are like peas," Colin announced.

"Not following," Julian frowned as they pulled their swim suits back on. "Aren't they always that size?"

"No! And just for that, no hot dog and peas for your dinner tonight," Colin said as he hitched up out of the water.

Julian ran after him. "I was just kidding. I love your grapes."

"Walnuts in a baseball casing," Colin bragged as he slipped into the warm water with Julian pressed up against him.

Macon followed, but sat opposite. "You guys like insulting each other huh?"

"It's all in fun. Just regular guy talk, except we're more open around each other."

"I see that. You guys in school together?"

"Yeah. I'm a senior, Julian's a sophomore. It's good for his rep to be seen with me," Colin bragged, as they made up a backstory as they went along.

Julian laughed. "I know he's joking, but he's not wrong. All my friends are jealous that I'm dating a senior. Most of them would give their left nut to be boning a senior."

"Hey, I already told you. Bring them over someday after school and I'll bone them one at a time until they can't even walk."

"I meant they'd give their left nut to bone a senior GIRL, not you!" He smiled.

"How do you know? Once they've had me, they'd never go back to girls again. You didn't."

"Uhhh...I didn't because I'm gay and I've never done any girl. But just so you know, Macon, Colin is like the hottest guy in the entire school. I'm pretty sure even though they'd deny it, some of my straight friends would probably have sex with him in the right setting. I'd let him fuck me on the school field in front of the entire student body if I didn't think we'd get arrested."

"You probably would," Macon acknowledged. "Have any of your friends ever caught you having sex. Like by accident?"

"A couple," Colin replied quickly to add his own details to the ever growing story. "We were having a party at my place one weekend with tons of friends. Julian and me escaped to have a shower and a couple of our friends barged in to see what was taking so long. We were right in the middle of fucking. Gave them a completely unobstructed view. I think it's safe to say that they'll never barge into another bathroom."

"Did anything else happen?"

"No really. Except that they told everyone what we were doing."

"Shit. I'd die. I'd have to change school districts," Macon replied, shocked. "What did you do?"

"Nothing. We admitted it. Told them when you're horny, you're horny, and if they're that jealous maybe they should date someone who puts out. That shut them up."

"Almost shut them up," Julian added. "Devyn gave it up a couple days later."

"I forgot about that," Colin nodded. He forgotten because they were making this shit up as they went along. "That was wicked hot."

"What happened?" Macon asked not really wanting details, but still curious about how they hooked up with someone.

"He asked if he could come over and study after school, so he came home with us. Long story short, he asked if we'd really been having sex in the bathroom at my party. After we acknowledged that we were, he asked if having sex with a boy was really different from sex with a girl, so we stripped him and showed him. By the time he left, he didn't have any questions about the differences," Julian grinned. Colin rolled his eyes almost to himself and wondered if that was Julian planning his first session with the basketball player when he got him home.

"Do you fool around with lots of your friends?"

"Not really. About the only thing our friends agree on is that they end up naked around us more than their other friends. Mostly if they're horny, we'll watch porn and jerk off," Colin answered. "Once in a while we go further and give blowjobs, but that's usually not when a group of them are over."

"Wait. You jerk off in a group? Like more than one friend over? I'd never heard of my friends wanting to do that. Usually we get boners and try everything possible to hide them."

"You need more outgoing friends, Colin laughed. "Straight versus gay, probably. We think showing off the rod is a sign of strength. Every guy gets them, all the time, so why feel bad about it? Announce you have one and see who comes running. Girls may giggle at the idea, but they still want to see what you're packing, no matter what they say out loud."

Colin reached over underwater and shoved his hand into the front of Julian's speedo. Hell, my boy here has a boner right now. He's not shy about it, are you?"

"Not really. I used to be, now I don't care who knows that I'm super sexual...oh, and cute."

"Now you're reaching."

"I could never do that. Guys would tease you non-stop if they saw you had an erection," Macon announced.

"I never understood straight boys. You do realize that if they start calling you out for having a boner, it means they checked out your crotch. Seems like that might be just as gay as jerking off together," Colin said shaking his head slightly. "I usually just reply with something like Hey, thanks for noticing.' Then depending on the guy, and if he's trying to be a bully or just be playful, I add something like, It got hard when I noticed you had one too' or, I was thinking of your girlfriend and me last night', or I guess it likes you. Wanna pet him?'"

Macon laughed. "Oh god. I love that last one. Wanna pet him? I'm so gonna use that. Wait...anyone actually pet it?"

"Guess you'll find out when you challenge someone," Colin grinned as he pushed his hand deeper into Julian's speedo and cupped his balls, causing Julian to lift up slightly and gasp.

He turned to look at Colin and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I want you to fuck me."

Colin grinned. "Pace yourself," he replied.

"For what?" Macon asked, not having heard the request.

"Julian's horny. He wants me to fuck him. I told him to pace himself. He'll be getting enough later tonight."

"Oh. You guys really do that huh? Like do it in the ass and stuff?"

"As much as we can," Julian grinned. "I can't really explain it if you've never been fucked, but it like combining your favorite hobby and contact sport into one. When I was 12 or 13, I used to think jerking off was the best feeling in the world. Then I got fucked, and now jerking off is like having Corn Flakes instead of Fruity Pebbles."

Colin chuckled. "Does that actually make me Fruity Pebbles?"

"Guess you'll find out tonight...Pebbles," he joked.

"I learned one thing today," Macon admitted. "Gay guys sure aren't shy talking about sex."

"Why wouldn't we?" Julian answered. "It's a pretty basic activity. Straight guys talk about sports all the time because it's what they know. We talk about cute guys and sex for the same reason."

"Kevin is up to bat. It's his first time at home," Colin said using his announcer voice. "He's been to the plate several times, but struck out when visiting. We're looking for a grand slam homo today where he'll drive one deep into center field."

"Homer. Grand slam HOMER," Julian corrected with a smirk.

"Says you," Colin grinned. "There's the pitch. It's a spitter. Oh, and it's a swing and a miss. Low and outside. The pitcher just doesn't have good ball handling skills today. If Kevin just moves up a little, he should get at least a piece of the next one. Here's the wind up. It's curving. Kevin leans into it and he connected! It's outta here deep, deep, deep into the back field. He's sent that thing packin'. Folks, this day will go down in history folks. Kevin has scored at home. His fans are going crazy. They hope he'll rub off on members of his team so everyone will score big tonight."

Macon laughed. "I'm not sure if baseball will ever be the same now."

"Don't even get me started with football. Guys bending over. Tight ends. Wide receivers. The guy who ass grabs the guy in the middle. Conversions. The tackling, huddles and butt slapping. That sport couldn't me more gay if it were naked wrestling...which for the record is my favorite of all the gay sports."

"I won't even be able to think of those sports the same anymore. I'll end up only thinking about lawn bowling from now on," Macon said shaking his head.

"Oh right, because old men playing with their balls is better," Colin grinned.

"I guess you could make lots of sports gay, huh?"

"Probably. But some are just gayer than others."

"So of all the sports, which one is the gayest?" Macon asked, looking at the two guys.

"Wrestling," they both answered in unison, and then laughed.

"I thought it would be swimming, but I can see wrestling," Macon agreed.

"Swimming isn't so much gay as it is an eye candy market, but diving is better than swimming. The divers still wear speedos which are barely big enough to cover anything so you get to check out more of the guys you like. Swimmers now wear those stupid jammers. Such a horrible look."

"They may not be wearing them to impress other guys. I think they're supposed to be faster in the water," Macon replied.

"Well it's inconsiderate for their spectators," Colin mock complained. "You have any gay friends back home?"

"No. At least none that said they're gay. I think being gay is more of an east or west coast thing. Not a lot of gays move to Alabama."

"Would suck to be an Alabamite," Julian said with a little smile.

"Alabaman or Alabamian," Macon corrected. "It's actually not a bad place to live. Of course I've never lived anywhere else, so I kinda just see it as home."

"Have you thought of living any other place?"

"California. Always wanted to live by the ocean. Seattle's not bad though from what I've seen so far, although I hear it rains a lot here."

"That's mostly in the winter. At least it doesn't snow much. I'm not sure I could handle 10 feet of snow all the time," Julian told him. "I think I'd like California where it hardly rains at all.

"I like it after it rains. The air smells so fresh and everything looks so clean. The trees smell incredible if you are walking through a forest," Colin said.

"You walk through a lot of forests?" Julian grinned.

"Just when I'm searching for cute boys to bring home for dinner."

"You bring guys over for dinner?"

"Sure. They just don't realize that they're going to be the main course," Colin laughed. "Hey!" He said suddenly looking at Julian.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"What happened?" Macon asked.

"Nothing. The horny little shit just tried to stick his finger up my ass. If he gets any hornier, this could quickly become X-rated and not suitable for those under 18."

"Aren't you guys under 18?" Macon pointed out.

"Exactly. That's what makes this so wrong," Colin teased then jumped slightly.

Julian grinned as he put his head on Colin's shoulder. "We should jump back in the pool and then go to the sauna."

"Good idea. Then one last jump into the cold water and I'll be ready for bed," Colin agreed.

"Yeah. That! Let's just do that!!" Julian said sitting up excitedly.

"What? Jump in the cold water?"

"No...go to bed. I'd be `up' for that."

"Yeah...I'm sure," Colin said standing up. Julian followed him, and Macon couldn't help but notice that both guys had much more visible bulges than when they'd first gotten into the hot tub. He joined them as all three jumped in the pool and swam to the far side before getting out and heading to the sauna.

"I like the dry heat. Makes your skin feel like it's steaming dry," Julian said looking at his arm that had all the hairs on it standing up.

"I prefer steam rooms," Colin admitted. "Easier to breathe. Sauna's always make my nose hairs burn."

"Yeah. I like steam rooms better too," Macon agreed as he sat beside Julian.

"Odd man out again, huh Julian," Colin joked. "Ever try this?" He asked as he leaned over and blew air against Julian's skin.

He jumped. "Holy shit. It's like you're breathing fire. Check it out, Macon," Julian commented as he leaned over to blow hot air against his arm.

"Fuck. That's insane," he laughed as he blew air back at Julian.

"How about this?" Colin smirked as he moved in close and blew more air right on Julian's nipple.

Julian quickly rubbed his tit. "Damn, that's even more sensitive," he laughed as he leaned in to do Macon, who agreed that it was much more intense than the arm. The boys kept blowing on each other for a few more rounds, until Colin gave Julian a cheesy look, grabbed the front of his speedos, yanked them down and blew air against his penis.

Julian jumped again. "Hey! Warn a guy when you're gonna do that. My penis is my most sensitive area."

"Not actually true. Your fragile ego is!" He howled with laughter at his own joke. "Actually, your balls and cute little pink hole are more sensitive."

He reached in and pulled the balls all the way out, tucking the suit under them. Julian was now fully exposed but making no attempt to cover up.

"Okay, do my balls. I can handle it," Julian challenged. Colin gave a big grin as he reached over, took hold of Julian's penis to move it out of the way and then gave a big breath of air against the tight balls.

"Holy crap!" He exclaimed and pulled his penis free from Colin and held his balls.

"Was it bad? Macon asked, having watched, but not admitting he'd watched.

"It's way more sensitive than my arm. That's for sure. Let me do you, next?"

"Ummm...I dunno."

"Might as well. Don't worry about me seeing your dick, we're gonna see it anyway, so you might as well just get over being shy about it."

"Why would you see it anyway?"

"Guys always want to show off their penises. The only thing stopping us from whipping them out in front of everyone is fear of a negative reaction. If guys were told it's okay to show it off, they would without hesitation."

"Maybe. I guess. But why would that mean you'd see mine?"

"I've already seen it under water," Colin announced, "plus we're all guys. Not like we haven't seen penises before."

"Abd because me and Colin are gay. We totally don't have hang ups about seeing penises and we'd love to see yours, so you now have permission to get it out and show us," Julian reasoned, as Colin just smiled at the kid's game play.

"Don't you see enough?" Macon asked.

"You can never see too many. It's like seeing snowflakes. They're all different and fascinating."

"Except with a snowflake, they disappear as soon as you touch them. With penises, you just get to see more, the longer you touch them," Colin added for humor. "Anyway, what Julian said is pretty close to the truth. Guys love showing off what they've got when they're given a chance. Look at how fast you joined us at skinny dipping."

"But I wasn't exactly showing it off."

"In a way you were. In your mind it was a secret thrill to get naked in front of people, am I right?"

"I guess. Sure. I can admit that," Macon nodded.

"The only difference now is that there isn't the water as a barrier."

"Okay, I'll do you instead," Julian grinned as he looked over at Colin and went for the front of his suit and pulled it down. He fished out the package and leaned in to blow on it. Colin reacted almost the same as Julian.

"Damn, this would be a wicked dare at a party, or a torture..." he laughed as he went to pull his shorts up, but Julian had other ideas. He took the limp penis into his mouth and went down on him a couple times. Macon, who had been watching the air being blown, now found himself staring at a blowjob in progress. It took his brain a couple seconds to react before he averted his eyes. By the time Julian sat back up, Colin was almost fully erect.

"How was that?" Julian asked with a stupid grin.

"I could feel the hot air against my skin as you were breathing. That's quite the sensation."

"Do me like that?" He said shoving his speedos all the way off and placing them on the bench beside him.

Macon looked at the door. "What if someone walks in?"

"There's no one here, but if there were, I just hope it's a hot guy who wants some of this," he replied with a chuckle as he grabbed his junk and started twirling it around. Macon watched for a second until he realized that he was staring at a guy playing with his junk, and once again looked away, but still had the visual in his peripheral vision.

Colin grabbed hold of Julian's dick to stop it spinning before he got some sort of vertigo. He leaned over, cupped Julian's balls and went down on him for a few seconds before sitting up.

"Damn. That felt so weird. My dick was wet with your tongue all over it, but I could feel the hot air from your nose and mouth on my skin. Try blowing air on my ass now," he said as he stood up and turned around to kneel on the bench.

"Almost the literal definition of blowing smoke up your ass," Colin joked as he put his hands on each cheek to pull them apart, exposing the sensitive pink hole to view.

"How did that saying ever get started?" Julian asked. "Why would someone blow smoke up someone's ass?"

"I read somewhere that it was an actual medical procedure in the olden days. If I remember, it's sort of how they did mouth to mouth before that was a thing. Something about blowing smoke up someone's ass after they drowned helped warm them up and dry them out, and something about nicotine from the smoke being good for your heart."

"Boy people were sure dumb fucks back then," Macon laughed. "Probably the same as people two hundred years from now will think of us, when they can just wave some device and heal us instantly."

"True, but personally, I like the idea of mouth to ass resuscitation. I might find myself drowning daily," Julian grinned.

"No doubt," Colin laughed as he leaned in and blew hot air at Julian's winking pink starfish. He chuckled as he saw the hole tighten up as if trying to keep back a flood.

"Oww! Now that feels really sensitive," Julian complained, but didn't move.

Colin leaned in again and stuck in tongue in Julian's hole before sitting back. "Anyone got any smoke handy?" He teased.

"Just do it without smoke...and hurry. I might be drowning!" Julian begged. Colin slapped his ass and sat back up. Julian turned around and sat back on the bench, making no effort to hide his now fully hard erection.

"Ummm...don't you care that you've got a boner?" Macon asked as he couldn't help but see it.

"No way dude. Shows I'm a man, with a man size cock, ready for action."

"Or about to head off to a construction site to pound nails," Colin joked.

"Or pound construction workers," Julian chuckled.

"Yeah, right!" Colin laughed. "If I know you, you'd be the one getting pounded."

"That's probably true. I'd love to lie over their workbenches and get pounded by their big hammers," Julian smiled nodding. "Okay, Macon. Your turn. Want me to blow air at your ass or on your balls?"

"Ummmm...if I have a choice, then balls," he said, not processing that a third option would be to just say neither.

"Balls it is," Julian said as he slipped to the lower bench and moved in front of Macon. He grabbed the guy's board shorts and yanked them down in one hard pull, exposing the new guy instantly. He reached up, took hold of Macon's penis and pushed it out of the way as he leaned in and blew hot air at the firm balls.

Macon jumped at the sensation. "Holy crap! That's feels like my balls are on fire."

"I know. Weird, right?" Julian smiled up at him, making no effort to let go of the penis he was holding. Instead, he leaned in to blow air on it, watching Macon's reaction. See, not so bad letting your junk out."

"I'm just nervous that someone might come in and report us."

"If anyone were to come in the pool area, we would be able to hear the door open. We heard it squeak when you arrived," Colin assured him. "Even if someone did come in, we're kids. We'll just pretend we thought this was a guys only sauna and that you were supposed to sit in them without clothes. They'll think it was funny and we'll leave."

"Yeah, we're just dumb innocent kids," Julian smirked as he leaned in licked to full length of Macon's balls and shaft, stopping to breathe hot air on the tip of it, before pulling the whole penis forward into his mouth.

Macon gasped. "Oh god. What are you doing?"

"I think it's almost rhetorical to ask that, isn't it?" Colin smirked as he slid closer to the two of them. "I'd say it's pretty obvious."

"We should stop. If someone came in, this wouldn't look exactly innocent," he said squirming as if trying to get away.

"That's what you're worried about? Not looking innocent. How about the fact that you're getting a blowjob? Is it good?"

"No...I dunno. I've never had one before. All I can feel is the hot air."

Colin reached down and slapped Julian playfully on the head. "Bitch! You're not doing it right. He can only feel the hot air. Do better or no pole in the hole for you tonight." Julian grinned to himself and added more tongue and suction to his actions. "Does that feel better, now?" Colin asked, looking at Macon.

"Yeah. I mean I dunno. We shouldn't be doing this. I should go," he said reaching for his cock to try and take it back.

"I wouldn't try to get that away from him right now. You know what they say about taking candy from a baby or a dog with a bone! And trust me this `bitch' has your bone and if you try to take it from him, he's gonna growl and bite down on it. Just enjoy it and add it to your list of first-time adventures."

"I can't believe you guys just do this out in public."

"It's not exactly in public. I mean it's not like we're on the metro with a couple hundred people watching...although that might be insanely hot. Just relax and enjoy the feeling of it. Imagine your girlfriend is the one doing it. She's working your hard pole with her tongue to get you crazy fucking horny, before she sits up, straddles your waist and sits down hard on it. She takes you deep into her pussy and rides it like the moguls at an Olympic event, while you get to watch her boobs hypnotically bouncing in front of you. Then you blast your hot warm jizz deep inside her, flooding her guts. She gets off and immediately goes back down on you to lick up the last bit of taste you have to offer. Or imagine whatever you want. I just recommend you let him finish."

"You're not planning on doing that, are you? Riding my cock to make me cum in you, are you?" He asked looking slightly panicked, but having leaned back and spread his legs slightly to let Julian do a better job.

"No. You're a straight boy. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be able to handle good sex like that. Now if you had been gay...your legs would already be up around yours ears," Colin grinned as he leaned in to lick Macon's nipples one at a time, using one hand to rub the back of Macon's head, while the other was running the fingers through Julian's hair. Colin was enjoying himself a great deal and secretly hoped the boys he met in Canada would be this much fun, and as cute. Realizing he was the only one still wearing anything, he took off his swim suit and dropped it on the bench. As he leaned in to work the straight boy's nipples, he took hold of Macon's closest hand and wrapped it around his erection. Macon tried to pull back, but Colin held it until he felt Macon's resistance fade and acceptance took over.

"Ummm...I'm gonna cum," Macon announced in a bit of a panic as he looked down at Julian. Colin sat up, and wrapped his own hand around Macon's so he could encourage the boy to jerk him off faster.

"He'll swallow whatever you give him, so just let it fly like you're flooding a hot pussy. Trust me, it's an amazing feeling if you've never done it before. Close your eyes and let the orgasm hit like a freight train."

Colin rubbed Macon's chest as the boy began breathing heavier and heavier until he tensed up, grunted and unloaded into Julian's mouth. Julian gulped it down as if it were an all you could drink competition, and he was out to win. Once Macon finished and came down from his high, both Julian and Colin eased back from him, with Julian returning to sit on the bench with them. He wiped his lips and smiled at Macon. "Not bad, huh? Like a hot air blowjob."

Macon reached for his shorts and began to pull them on. "It's kinda hot in here. I need to cool off," he said quickly as he stepped down off the bench. Colin and Julian dressed and followed him out where they all jumped into the cold water, which now felt like someone had dumped a few thousand ice cubes into it. Macon swam to the far end and hung on the side. The other two swam up beside him.

"You're not mad at me, are you?" Julian asked as Macon had gone very quiet.

"No. If I'm being honest, I kinda figured you guys might be hitting on me when you suggested we skinny dip. I just didn't figure it would end with a blowjob."

Colin gave him a giant smile. "It doesn't have to end there if you don't want it to. You could come back to our room. I'm sure we could find another way for this to end."

Macon swallowed hard. "I kinda meant, I never planned on getting a blowjob at all."

"Dude!" Julian piped up. "No one PLANS blowjobs. They just happen. You get hard, some guys sees it and helps you out. That's what friends do."

"Not my friends. That might just be a gay thing."

Colin nodded and then snapped his fingers. "He might be right about that. Mostly it's our gay friends that are into that, or the friends with benefits. They're okay with head too."

Julian just nodded. "Hey Mase, I know that was something new that you hadn't figured on learning, but if you do get horny later, me and Colin will be awake most of the night. Just come hang out with us. If something happens, it happens. If it doesn't at least you won't be bored in your room by yourself."

"I'll think about it," he replied, still processing what just happened.

"It usually takes a while to realize that it wasn't that weird to get head from a guy," Colin told him. "If you're curious about how two guys have sex together, just ask when you come to our room. We'd love to put on a show for you. Of course, you'd have to be naked. It'd be kinda creepy if you had clothes on while you watched."

"But no pressure dude," Julian added. "We seriously had fun hanging out with you and it'd be cool if you wanted to keep hanging out later."

"Thanks. I guess in some weird alternate universe kinda way, I guess I had fun too. I can tell you one thing; I'll never actually forget you guys. Even if I tried hypnosis or brain wiping. No way I'd forget this event."

"Cool. Imagine how much more memorable it'd be if you became horny again and had more fun with us."

"I'd say that would be memorable. Like stuff of nightmares, memorable. Monsters under the bed kinda scary."

Julian laughed. "Babe, the monster wouldn't be under your bed. It'd be in your ass. You've seen how big Colin's dick is. That's the real monster."

"I should go before this gets more weird," Macon said as he pulled his shorts back on.

They gave Macon their room number and watched as he left, almost in a hurry.

"That should be the last we see of him, don'tcha think?" Julian laughed as he turned to hug Colin.

"Probably. He had that look of `Oh my god! What just happened' on his face. I've seen it many times."

"Does anyone ever come back?"

"Yeah. Some the next day; others take a month or more. Some don't of course, and do everything they can to ignore you, or act like it never happened. One thing that's pretty common is almost every single one of them will start with something like `I'm not gay, but...'"

"Hey. If it means I can suck their dick or get fucked, I don't care what they say before it happens," Julian smiled as he kissed Colin.

"Neither do I," Colin agreed as soon as they finished. "Let's go cool off and then head back to the room."

Once back in the suite, they took a shower to wash off the chlorine, and then stayed naked as they lay on the bed to pick a movie. They quickly lost focus and began to make out for a bit, pausing when each of them began to approach a climax, agreeing that they wanted this to last as long as it could.

They started another movie and lay cuddled together as it began. "You want something to drink or a snack or something?"

"Sure. Do you have something?"

"Minibar has stuff," Colin suggested.

"Isn't that shit like crazy expensive? Like $10 bucks for airline size peanuts or Pringles?"

"Usually. Let's see what this shit costs," he said jumping up and opening the bar. "Coke $4.00. The one in the vending machine down the hall was like a dollar. Holy shit. Toblerone. Nine bucks."

"Isn't that normally expensive?"

"Yeah, but it's nine bucks for THIS," Colin said holding up a tiny 50 gram bar.

"Holy shit. I guess everyone is getting fucked in this hotel. Not just me!" He giggled. "We should just run out to the store and get stuff."

"Nah. What's the fun of staying in a hotel if you can't use their overpriced shit? Like the movie is 12 bucks. That's nuts. I could hook up my laptop and get it for free if they didn't have some weird security device on the back of the TV to prevent it."

"Screw it. You want Coke, Sprite or ginger ale?"

"Coke, please," Julian replied. Colin grabbed a selection and dropped it on the bed. "Crap you'll have to sell a kidney to pay for it."

"Can't. I sold the kidney to pay for the hotel room. How many kidney's you got?"

Julian laughed just as there was a knock on the door.

"That's either the mini bar police, or Dial-a-lube is here!" Colin said as he headed towards it.

"Dial-a-lube?" Julian asked frowning slightly.

"Sure. It's like dial-a-bottle for alcohol. But this is for emergency lube delivery. I figured we might need another gallon or so," he joked as he headed to the door.

"Ummm...shouldn't you put clothes on first?" Julian asked.

"Why? They're at our door, we're not at theirs," Colin said shaking his head. He peeked through the door viewer first just to make sure it wasn't the FBI, DEA, ATF, DHS, or some other federal acronym group that he may not want to fling to door open to while naked. Like Lesbians in Christ (LIC), or Straight Lives Under Total Solidarity (SLUTS). It was Macon, so he opened the door.

"Hey! Hope it's not too late. You said I could come up," Macon greeted.

"Never too late. We just started a movie. Come on in," Colin said opening the door wider to allow him access.

"Oh shit," Macon said when he saw Colin wasn't wearing anything. "Sorry. Did I come at a bad time? Should I leave?"

"Huh? Why?...Oh, because we're naked? Nah. We're always naked when we're inside together. Just more comfortable. We could get dressed if it bothers you, but it'd be more fun if you took off your clothes."

Macon entered the room and waited for Colin to close the door. "I had to wait for my parents to fall asleep or they'd come to my room to check on me. Last thing I need is to be an amber alert. I was thinking about what you guys said earlier."

"About what?" Colin asked as they headed over to the bed, where Julian had shuffled over to make room for Macon to sit down against the headboard.

"About coming over to hang out if I was bored, so I figured it'd be interesting to hang out here. You guys are way different than other guys I know, so I thought it'd be fun to spend more time with you."

"Truth? You came for another one of my world famous blowjobs, right?" Julian grinned as he turned over and bounced to sit next to Macon.

"How are they world famous?" Colin asked. "They're barely blowjobs."

"Check the internet. I'm trending somewhere that's not Seattle. Therefore, world famous."

"He wishes," Colin said looking at Macon.

"I was thinking if you guys did start doing stuff with each other, I could sit quietly in the corner and watch so I wasn't in your way."

"That sounds more boring than just being alone in your room. At least there you could jerk off thinking of a girl," Julian remarked as Colin got a coke for Macon from the minibar.

"I don't have any porn. My parents check my computer. They like to think I don't know they're doing it, but they stomp around in my files like a tornado in a paper factory."

"My parents would never do that," Julian grinned. "I already warned them that I have gay porn on there so unless they wanted to see guys doin' it, they might not want to go looking for stuff."

"If I admitted to even knowing about porn, I'm sure my parents would take my computer and phone away, and probably remove my bedroom door."

"Well, we're not like that. Now get those clothes off and join us for the movie."

"I have to be naked to watch a movie with you?"

"Uhhh, duh! Anyway, why so shy? We've already seen you naked, and you have an awesome cock that we'd like to see again," Colin said looking at him.

"It's awesome? Really? Why?"

"It just is. Now, you gonna strip or do we have to do it for you?" Colin threatened playfully.

Macon pulled his shirt off over his head, feeling very self-conscious knowing that Julian and Colin were staring at him as he undressed. He slowly undid his pants and slipped them off. He removed his socks and stopped. "Everything?" He asked almost hoping they'd let him keep his underwear.

"Everything! Cocks out boys!" Julian said as he stared at Macon's crotch.

Macon swallowed nervously and shuffled his underwear down while holding an arm slightly over his crotch. They started the movie and he slowly let his hand slip aside, giving the other two a great view of him. All three were flaccid at first, but that didn't last long as Julian wasn't interested in being patient. He wanted to maximize every second with Colin, and now that a second naked boy had joined them, he was even more anxious to have some fun.

Julian reached over and took hold of Colin's penis and began to stroke it until it was fully hard. No one said anything as it was happening, all pretending to be concentrating on the movie. Macon was trying not to look, but his curiosity got the better of him, and he found his eyes being drawn to the action. It didn't take long for Julian to slip down the bed and lean across Colin to take him into his mouth. He was partially obstructing Macon's view, but that didn't stop Macon from reacting to the sex next to him. He quickly moved his arm over his crotch to keep his penis from rising up from his lap. Colin grabbed the hand and put it back on the bed as he smiled at the newcomer.

"No need to hide it. We've seen you hard already. Try to relax and enjoy yourself," he suggested. "Thinking about how it felt when Julian blew you earlier?" He asked staring at the boy's crotch.

"No. I guess my penis just hears sex and gets excited. Not having eyes, he doesn't know it's two guys," he said trying to make a joke.

"It has one eye," Colin teased. "Maybe it does see it's two guys, and feels left out. You'll probably be more comfortable if you open your legs a bit. Give the boys some air."

"Uhhhh. I dunno."

"Might as well. It's not like the sauna here. No one can accidentally stroll in and see us," Colin reasoned. He watched as Macon slowly opened his legs a bit. The hard erection sprung free and stuck straight up. "Flag is flying high buddy," Colin said as he reached over and pulled Macon's balls free from between his legs as well. "You gotta let the nuts out as well. Last thing you need is those sticking to your legs."

"I know, right. That's the worst," he agreed as he fluffed himself up a bit. "Especially when it's hot out. Sometimes they get stuck on your skin and you almost pull them off."

"Hopefully not. Those are nice balls and I'd hate to think of you ripping them off," Colin laughed. "I love how hard your dick gets thinking about sex. Some chick is gonna be in for one concrete hard fuck when you get going."

"Yeah. It gets hard a lot. Wish it had switch to turn it off when I didn't need it showing up."

"It does have a switch," Colin grinned. "It's called jerking off, or a blowjob if you need faster results. Julian or I can help you out with that."

"I think I'm okay just watching."

"No you're not. Admit it. You came over hoping for another blowjob. Otherwise, you would have stayed in your room jerking off thinking about the one you got earlier."

"I...uhhhhh...I was just bored...that's all," he stammered.

"Well be bored no longer. Julian. You're up," Colin said patting him on the head. Julian took Colin's cock from his mouth and looked over at Macon's erection. He leaned over and took hold of it. Macon jumped slightly so Colin shuffled closer putting them skin to skin. They both watched as Julian slurped the pole into his mouth and began to give him head. He made sure to play with the balls as well. "See, no one died and you're getting your second blowjob of the night. By the time you leave you won't need to cum for a few days you'll be so drained. But don't cum too fast. When Julian's done, I want a turn on that cock. Looks amazing."

"Never heard anyone say that about a penis before," Macon commented as he continued to stare at Julian chowing down on him.

"Now you have," Colin grinned. "Hand me that bottle on the night table beside you."

Macon reached for it and handed it to Colin. "What is that?"

"It's lube. You need it for fucking."

"What are you gonna do with it?" He asked nervously.

"Well Julian is so busy enjoying a new cock that he's not about to stop until he gets his reward, so I figure I'll just fuck him while he's busy. You can watch how it's done."

"Oh," he replied, not sure what to say to something like that.

Colin just smiled to himself as he moved down the bed. He told Julian to get up on his knees, and wasted no time lubing him up and shoving his cock back inside the newly devirginized hole. Julian paused sucking while he was being entered, but once Colin was all the way in, he resumed the fellatio and almost purred as he was being fucked.

"See how much he likes it," Colin grinned looking at Macon. "That's one thing those religious idiots have wrong. If God never makes mistakes, then he obviously put the guy's g-spot in our ass so we'd do anal. Explain that! You can't, because we were meant to have our prostate's stimulated, and the penis is the exact size to do that."

Macon again had no idea how to respond so he just kept watching the two other guys.

"Once one of us reaches a climax we'll all switch and do something different. I still wanna suck you off, but maybe you'd prefer to fuck one of us first. See what it's like."

"It's wicked hot," Julian said looking up at them as he paused the blowjob.

"No one's talking to you slut. Get back on that cock. He'd take dick 24/7 if it were offered. Most of the time you limit yourself to once or twice a day. Keeps your ass from wearing out and you stay hornier for the next round."

"You have sex twice a day?" Macon asked, showing genuine surprise.

"Full sex, yeah. Things like blowjobs, kissing or rimming don't really count. It's really only sex when you fuck. Sometimes we do it more than twice. Like today we've already done it more than that, and we intend to fuck all night, and maybe twice in the morning before we checkout."

"Wow. I don't think girls have that much sex. Guys have way more sex, huh?"

"Way more, buddy. Way more. I'm just glad we're gay. If I had to be straight and work that hard to get laid, I'd kill myself," Colin told him as he continued to hold Julian's hips while he gently fucked him. "I can feel myself getting close buddy. I don't want to cum yet, so I'm gonna pull out. When I flood your hole, I want you to really feel it splash.

Julian looked back and smiled. "Nice!

"Let's switch it up. It's my turn to suck you, while Julian fucks me. Or you could try sucking him off," Colin suggested as he slowly pulled out of Julian. He watched as his younger friend's ass slowly closed up, sealing the cave of happiness until the next visitor.

"I don't think I'd be okay doing that," Macon replied quickly, tensing up.

"You never know what you like or don't like until you try it," Colin reasoned. "You obviously like blowjobs, since you're getting your second one today. Most guys wait until they graduate high school to experiment with different types of sex. You're just getting a jump on them."

"Who's jumping on him?" Julian chuckled as he paused the blowjob.

"No one. Keep that dick in your mouth and stay quiet," Colin said pushing his head back down.

"Whether any of us like boys or girls is irrelevant right now. It's pretty obvious we're all horny, and we're already naked. Just enjoy the moment. After I give you my blowjob and you've had a chance to see the difference in techniques, you'll know more about what you like, and can tell a girl how to do it better to get you off. Once I'm done sucking you, Julian can ride you until you reach orgasm. Ideally, I'd love to see Julian cum all over you, as sperm is full of protein and keeps your skin nice and smooth. I do it so much my skin is perfect. You'd never believe I was 60 would you?"

"You're not 60," Macon replied quickly.

"No, but I get so much protein both inside and out, that I probably will look like this when I am 60," he laughed.

"You want me to fuck Julian?" He asked sounding a little shocked at the idea.

"Nah. He'll just ride your cock. Then if you find you like it as much as I think you will, you can ask to fuck one of us. We'll even let you pick the position you want."

"I really did just wanna watch. Maybe at the most, jerk off," Macon said quietly.

"Julian, show him why that's not true. Push his legs back and show him what rimming is all about."

"Yeah. That's hot!" Julian replied as he put his hands under Macon's knees and pushed the legs all the way back, lifting the smooth ass in to the air. He wasted no time licking the length of it several times before plunging his tongue into the sweet hole.

Macon almost flew off the bed when the tongue made contact with his outer ring. He gasped and held onto the sheets.

"THAT is called rimming. It stimulates your ass in preparation to get fucked. Now you have some idea why guys love having their ass played with. Most girls won't do that, but almost all gay guys will. Pays to have a queer boy on speed dial when you need him."

Julian put Macon's legs back down and moved to the side so that Colin could take over. He wasted no time taking him all the way down his throat while fondling his balls. Julian watched the two of them and moved in to share the cock with Colin.

"You had your turn. Find something else to play with," Colin said smiling.

Julian fake pouted and ran his hand down Colin's ass crack. "There's a big open hole here I could use," he said insulting him as he shuffled back to begin rimming. He reached between Colin's legs to play with his package at the same time.

Colin looked back as he paused. "Slow down babe, or I'm gonna cum."

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Normally no, but I want to shoot my load inside someone, not waste it."

"I could suck you off and you could shoot it down my throat. Then it'd be in me," Julian grinned as he licked the full length of Colin's ass.

"I want it in someone's ass," Colin clarified before resuming the blowjob. He used a free hand to explore Macon's body, which was perfectly firm and toned with nice size perky nipples. He tweaked each one in turn.

Then in a test move, he slipped a finger down the back of Macon's balls and touched his hole. Macon instantly tensed up and clamped his ass shut like they were vice grips. Colin smiled to himself and seriously considered wetting his finger and forcing it into the virgin entrance. Suddenly Macon made a small squeaking noise and barely managed a warning before he shot his load into Colin's mouth.

"Oh shit! Shit. I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it. I tried to warn you but I couldn't speak," he said panicking as he watched for Colin's reaction.

"It's all good. Trust me. That's always the preferred result. Shows that it was a good blowjob."

"I still can't imagine taking someone's cum in my mouth. That just sounds so gross."

"To me, tasting a pussy and that would be the grossest thing I could imagine, so we all have our likes and dislikes."

Macon sat up against the headboard, moving away from Colin and Julian, who were still connected together. "I should go. I really only came to see how two guys do it together, and I guess I've seen it. I should go before my parents realize I'm missing," he said scrambling off the bed to grab all his clothes.

"Are you sure? We'd could let you fuck one of us if you want to know what intercourse feels like. Or if you want to know how to suck a dick, we could show you," Colin offered.

"I'm good for now," he said getting dressed so fast he almost fell over a couple times getting into his pants and socks. "I had fun meeting you guys. Have fun tonight. See ya later."

He rushed out the door and just as fast as he'd arrived, he was gone.

Julian laughed. "Fuck I remember what those days were like...when I was 11. I'd have a dry cum, feel super guilty that I'd done something wrong and freak out for an hour until I calmed down."

"Yeah. Post orgasmic remorse. It's a real condition, especially for straight boys who let another guy go down on them."

"What do you think will happen when he gets home to Alabama?"

"I think he'll try to forget what happened, but won't be able to. He'll subconsciously search for a gay boy to be friends with, or at least secret friends with, and eventually will have various types of sex with him until he gets a girlfriend who puts out as much as he wants."

"Do any girls put out as much as a guy wants?" Julian asked as he pushed Colin onto his stomach and followed him down so he could lay on him and continue the fuck.

Colin snorted a small laugh. "God, no. That's why straight boys look for gay guys to augment the down times. Every group of straight guys has their token gay, just for that reason. And the gay dude gets all the cock he can handle."

"I'm so getting in good with the jocks. I could help them with push-ups," he joked as he began doing his own push-ups over top of Colin. Each time he went down, he shoved his cock as deep into Colin as he could.

"Will you stop that," Colin laughed. "Lie on top of me and fuck properly. I want you nutting in my hole so I can feed you next."

"Your wish is my command, master," Julian giggled as he dropped on top of Colin and thrust his hips up and down rhythmically fucking him. Colin grabbed Julian's arms and wrapped them around himself pulling the boy in tight. Julian began kissing Colin's neck and ears, which got him even more excited, leading to the inevitable orgasm. He pumped several strong waves of cum into Colin's ass before he stopped moving and lay the panting.

"I'm guessing you're done?" Colin asked turning his head slightly.

"Yeah. That was great. I'm so comfortable I could just stay like this all night and fall asleep on you."

"I'd like that, but first I have to finish fucking you. I saved my load in case we got to fuck Macon, but I guess the load is for you now."

"Oh, so I'm your second choice? Some boyfriend you turned out to be...and on our anniversary too," Julian said faking annoyance.

"Well, you're my first choice now," Colin grinned. "You want me inside you or not?"

"Hell yeah I do!!" Julian said excitedly. "After you cum, it's okay if you want to keep it in me while we sleep. I'd like that."

"I might, but we'll sleep on our sides spooning together so it's easier for both of us to breath."

"I'm the little spoon though, right?" Julian clarified.

"You are definitely the little spoon."

They switched places and Colin gave Julian the identical fuck that he'd just received, with Julian purring and moaning each time he was thrust into. When Colin finally came, he made a very vocal point of letting his partner know it was happening and for how long. By the time he fully collapsed onto Julian's back, he was exhausted. He turned his head to give him a kiss, but froze when he saw tears in Julian's eyes.

"Oh god. Did I hurt you? Why didn't you say something, babe?" Colin said kissing his cheek as he slowly pulled out and rolled to the side to look at him. He stroked his hair as Julian turned and shuffled up against him so they were face to face.

"You didn't hurt me. They're happy tears," he said as he wiped his face. "This has been the best night of my life, and I just think that it's even more perfect being that it was with you."

Colin smiled and kissed him. "Thanks. I'm having a lot of fun too. I remember my first real sex like it was yesterday. All other sex has been as much fun, if not more fun, as I learned what I was doing, but that first time will be forever embedded into my self-conscious. I think you'll be the same."

"I hope so. I never ever want to forget you," he said before they kissed again.

"You won't. Strangely, you may also remember Macon as well since he was part of your first real sex session too. A straight boy and a gay guy, all in your first night. I'd say you're a player, playa!"

"But we're not done playing, right? I'm hoping for more memories before I leave," he said with a cheeky grin.

"I can say with absolute certainty that we are not done playing. I'm going to fuck you at least twice during the night, and if you wake up horny, you're welcome to do what you want with me as well. In the morning, after we 69 and take care of our morning wood, I'm going to take you into the shower and fuck your brains out until you can't stand up any more. Then before we get dressed, we're going to swap underwear so we have a souvenir of our time together."

"Part of me can't wait to do all that, and another part never wants morning to arrive because that means I'll have to leave. I might never see you again."

"I'm sure we'll see each other again. I'll be in Vancouver, which is only three hours from here. You could come up anytime and stay with me, or I could come back for a weekend or two."

"I'd like that. I've never been to Vancouver. You could show me around. Do you think they'd let a 14-year-old cross the border by himself?"

"I think if you had a letter from your parents giving permission, you could."

"I can see it now. I give my son permission to go to Canada and have wild gay sex with an 18-year-old hottie all weekend, and as many times as his little ass could handle."

"I'm sure the note could leave out a few of those details," Colin laughed. "Maybe leave the gay sex thing out and try a field trip, or you're researching Vancouver for school."

"They'd never let me go by myself. They'd be worried I'd be mugged or raped or something."

"Yeah, it would suck to be mugged," Colin chuckled. "But from the crime stats, you're more likely to be shot and mugged in Seattle than Vancouver. At least in Canada if they mug you, they say sorry before they run off, and they don't use a gun. They use harsh words."

Julian laughed with him. "That's probably true, right? I know Canadians are supposed to be super polite and everything, but I'm sure they have crime just like we do."

"Of course. Just less violent crimes."

"I still don't think my parents would let me travel by myself. I'd have to figure out a reason for us to go up as a family."

"That could be hot. Your Mom and Dad watching as I undress and fuck you in your hotel room."

"Gross. Are you trying to scare my erection away permanently? Keep saying shit like that. I'd find an excuse to sneak out and meet you at your place."

"Well it's something to look forward to if we can make it happen. Right now, we have tonight and tomorrow morning. How about we get cleaned up and get into bed?"

"Deal," Julian grinned as both boys headed to the bathroom together.

"You should drain the cum out so your ass isn't dripping all night," Colin suggested. "You go first and I'll get the shower warmed up."

"This is another first. I've never sat on the toilet in front of anyone before. I mean I've peed beside lots at urinals and stuff, I've just never sat down in front of anyone to do my business."

"Life's full of firsts. But truthfully, I'm not a fan of pooping, or using the toilet in front of anyone either. It's the one thing I still consider super personal. You can eat my ass, suck my dick, fuck my face or ass, and I'm fine with it, but watching me poop. That's where I draw the line."

"Yeah. I'm like that. So how come we're doing it now, then?" He asked.

"Uhhhh...because you can't end up with the same phobias as me. That's not cool. Might as well get you over them at the start. You know the really stupid thing? I have no problem being in the shower with some guy while he pulls my ass cheeks apart to watch the cum run out of me. He could even lick my hole or finger me, but the second I have to hit the toilet, he'd have to leave."


"I dunno. I've always been like that. I guess one is sexual, the other is maybe a private thing."

"I think I understand. Maybe you could just finger the lube out of me in the shower?" Julian suggested with a grin.

"Just sit and drain your hole! No phobias for you, boy," Colin said pointing to the toilet.

"Okay, but if I fart or poop, don't blame me," Julian complained with a shrug as he turned and plopped down hard on the toilet seat.

"No pressure, but if you fart or poop, no more sex for you until morning."

"That's not fair," Julian said staring at Colin as he relaxed his ass to let the cum run out of him. He pushed a little, but cautious to avoid unwanted noises or bodily functions. Once he was done, he wiped and flushed before joining Colin in the shower. "Hey. How come you don't have to sit and drain my cum out?"

"Told you. I don't sit on the toilet when others are here. Guess I'll just have to finger it out while we shower," Colin smirked.

"That's so not fair!"

"Fine. You finger the cum out of my hole. I mean it IS your cum after all."

"No, I mean it's not fair that I had to sit and poop out cum, but you don't," he clarified.

"Awww...suck it up princess. Anyway, you did it and didn't die. Now you can do it on front of anyone."

"Sure, I'll get right on that. No, I think your idea is correct. Going number two around someone kills the sex mood. Last thing you want to think of is eating some guy out, or fucking him after you've heard him dumping a deuce."

"Okay. Can we stop talking about this or I'm not going back up inside you again."

Julian zipped and locked his lips with his fingers and threw away the imaginary key. The boys showered and cleaned each other thoroughly, which included a finger into the ass.

The boys climbed under the covers where they lay and talked for a little while before Colin wrapped his arm over Julian to pull him in close. Julian shuffled in tight as if trying to fuse the two of them together.

"I can feel your penis against my butt," Julian commented quietly.

"You'll feel it even more later when I push it into you," Colin teased.

"Yeah," Julian sighed.

"Lift your leg a little and I'll place my dick between your legs. That should make it more comfortable."

The boys adjusted their position and fell asleep quickly after that. In the middle of the night Colin woke up and smiled to himself. Julian was still pressed against him, although Colin's penis had slipped from between his legs. Colin had moved his ass back a little the give them a bit of space, but he was fully erect. He slid his hand down Julian's chest and grabbed hold of the boy's penis. He was also hard. Colin probably figured the boy was dreaming of sex, and specifically the sex he'd just had earlier in the day. He knew that's what he'd dreamed the first time he'd gotten laid, and it consumed his dreams for many nights after.

Colin slowly stroked the hard cock, and moved his ass closer to Julian so that the tip of his own erection brushed against Julian's firm glutes. He heard Julian moan slightly and the cock throbbed in his hand. "Are you awake?"

"No," Julian replied softly.

"Yes you are, you just answered me," Colin chuckled lightly.

"No I didn't. You're just dreaming it."

"Oh. That's okay because you're dreaming too," Colin replied.

"I really like this dream then. Are you going to fuck me?"

"Yes. If you grab the lube on the table beside you I will."

Julian reached for the bottle and handed it back to Colin, who wasted no time fingering some into Julian's hole and then preparing himself. He lifted Julian's leg over top of his own and shuffled into an easier position while rubbing the tip of his erection up and down Julian's crack. Then he pushed the tip against the small pulsating hole and slowly entered.

"Mmmmm..." Julian moaned as he felt the large cock take him again. "I wish I had someone to sleep with every night."

"One day you will. Soon, I'm betting," Colin assured him as he began to fuck him slowly while stroking his erection to stimulate him more. "You should grab some tissues to put on the bed so you don't have to sleep in a wet spot after you cum."

Julian quickly grabbed a half dozen and lay them in front of himself. The boys lay quietly joined together as they enjoyed each other.

"I'm gonna cum soon, buddy. Are you close?" Colin asked, leaning in to kiss Julian's neck several times.

"Yeah, really close. If you go a little faster and tickle my balls, I'll probably be there."

"Let's see if we can time it so we cum at the same time."

"Cool," Julian grinned as he felt Colin begin to stroke his cock harder and fuck faster. It took only a few seconds for the excitement to build and the churning of the balls to begin. "I'm ready to cum," Julian announced, his breathing now shallow and rapid. His whole chest and stomach heaving in and out as he approached climax. "Oh god. I'm cumming!" He announced.

Colin fucked him faster and stroked his cock with blistering speed. He felt Julian begin to cum and let himself jettison his load into the tight hole he was enjoying. Both boys were breathing hard with heads spinning as they unloaded. As Julian shot mostly onto the tissues, Colin reached up and wiped the tip of his penis before letting go so he could suck the cum off his finger. He returned his hand to Julian's now spent penis, squeezed the tube and got the remaining cum out of it. He fingered that up, only this time moving his finger to Julian's mouth so he could taste his own juice.

"How was that?" Colin asked.

"Great. I wish I could do that every night. Lots of times I wake up with a boner and have to whack off before I can get to sleep again. If you were always in my bed, I'd never have to jerk off again."

"You parents might have something to say about me being in your bed just so I can take care of night time erections."

"And day time ones. Pretty much anytime is fine by me," Julian grinned, still high from the orgasm.

Colin went to pull out of Julian's ass, but the younger boy had other ideas as his hand quickly reached back to grab Colin's ass. "Stay in me please. Can we fall asleep like this?"

"We can, but at some point, it's gonna drop out by itself," Colin reasoned.

"That's okay. I just want to fall asleep feeling you inside me. I think I love you."

"Thanks, but you're just experiencing a sex high. It's probably safe to say you'd love the basketball jock too if you were sleeping together, and he was fucking you."

"Probably. I think I could love lots of people," Julian sighed as he let himself relax and sink back into his pillow. Colin returned his hand to Julian's chest to hold him and they drifted back to sleep.

By the time they woke up again, Colin's penis had slipped out of Julian and they were now lying face to face, with Julian having turned over. Colin couldn't help but smile to himself as Julian had a firm hold of his penis as if it were a security blanket. It didn't take much for Colin to fully inflate into the hand, so he began gently moving back and forth to get the full benefit of the hand job.

"Can I put it back inside me?" Julian asked quietly after opening his eyes to look at Colin.

"I've created a sex monster," Colin smiled back at him. "Guess you like anal, huh?"

"It's a thousand time better than I imagined. I hope I can do this everyday for the rest of my life."

"With your enthusiasm, I'm sure you'll find a way. What position do want to do right now?"

"If you lie on your back, I can ride you. That's a fun one."

The boys got into position and Julian wasted no time lubing Colin up and dropping fast onto the stiff pole. As soon as he was fully down on him, he began to bounce, fisting his own erection in unison. Colin just smiled as he watched the 14-year-old entertaining himself.

Colin reached out and took Julian's penis into his own hand and slowed down the speed of the stroking. He figured at the rate Julian was doing it, he might actually burst into flames.

Julian sighed as he bounced harder, then leaned down to kiss Colin. The boys hugged and kissed while Colin took over the fucking by thrusting his hips up and down.

"You like this, huh?" Colin said quietly as Julian lay on top of him bent at the waist. He got no reply, so he ran his fingers through Julian's soft hair and looked at him. He laughed quietly to himself as Julian had fallen back to sleep. "That's new," Colin said quietly to himself. He kept slowly fucking the guy on top of him and gently shot his load inside him. They stayed like that for another half hour before Julian woke up.

"Sorry. I guess I was still tired," he apologized as he sat back up slowly.

"That's okay. I guess it means you're just that comfortable around me. Oh, you'll find a load of my cum in your ass. I couldn't help it as you were still riding me when you fell asleep."

"Sorry. It's the best sleep and dreams I've ever had. Do you think if I keep riding you, you'll be able to cum again? I like watching your face when you do it."

"Well, if I can't, at the very least we should get you off. I'd love to see your dick explode all over me, and then lick me clean."

Julian just smiled and got to work. After they'd enjoyed another round of poke the sausage in the hole, and Julian licked up the mess he made on Colin, they both cleaned up and lay on the bed talking.

"Oh, I guess I should tell you something else too. I kinda told you another lie earlier."

"Let me guess you're not 14, you're actually a mature 10?" Colin smirked.

"No. I'm really 14."

"That's good. Whew! So, the lie was that this isn't your real dick, you borrowed it from a friend?"

"Yeah. Sorry. Thought you'd figure that out," Julian chuckled as he waved his penis at Colin. "No, my name isn't Julian. I just use that online. It's Miles."

"Nice to meet you Miles. I think that name suits you better than Julian. Of course now that you're a different person, we'll have to fuck again to see if you're different than Julian," he teased.

"I could turn over," Miles grinned. "My ass is still good for a few more rounds."

"I think you mean my cock is good for a few more `Miles'," Colin joked.

"Funny. Like I've never heard jokes using my name before. Like when you go to Canada, do you have to change your name to kilometers', or how many Miles does it take to get L.A.? Only one, but it takes a while to ride him there. I'd rather be a Julian."

"Trust me, you're Miles ahead of everyone with your name as cool as it is," Colin smirked.

"Shut up! So what do you wanna do now?"

"Haven't you had enough?" Colin asked as he stroked Miles' back gently

"No way! This is the most fun I've had in my entire life. I'm never gonna forget this."

"I know what we could do. We should take some sexy pictures of you so you have them for your social media."

"Yeah. Cool. We could take some of your dick in my ass and me sucking your cock. I've seen ones where guys have cum all over their face. We should do that one," he said sitting up excitedly.

"Slow down!" Colin replied rolling his eyes. "I said sexy, not actual sex. You're 14. You can't exactly be taking pics of you getting laid."

"So what type would we do?"

"How about making you look so sexy that even straight guys would want to fuck you."

"Nice! I'd line up the football team, and then the basketball team and let them all have Miles rides."

"I know there's a joke in there somewhere," Colin said grinning at him. "Okay, first thing we'll do is tidy your hair and make sure you look the part."

They spent the next hour taking pictures in all sorts of poses and outfits to make Miles look incredible. They had dozens of him shirtless and just as many of him in various kinds of underwear. Several of them were taken using his reflection in a mirror and others just had him lying on the bed with a computer or other such poses. Colin made sure to get plenty of close-ups of his face as he really wanted to remember the guy.

"Here, put these on," Colin said as he handed Miles his team speedos.

"Now these will make me look sexy. Won't really hide much either."

"That's the point," Colin said as he watched Miles change. By the time the boy stuffed himself into the tiny outfit, he was already partially hard. "Yeah. That definitely doesn't leave much to the imagination. Tuck it straight down between your balls to start which will show a huge bulge."

Miles did as he was told and Colin snapped him from several angles before moving over to reach into the front of the suit to pull Miles' penis up and off to the side. He stroked him gently for a couple seconds to allow for the full effect, then stood back and took more pictures. It clearly showed the length of the outline, and Miles just smiled at himself in the mirror.

"Damn, it's pretty obvious how big my dick is in these. Wonder if people will think it's photoshopped."

"When they ask, that's when you offer to show them in person. Nothing breaks the ice faster than them thinking your bulge is photoshopped."

"Nice. I'll be whipping it out a hundred times a day once these get posted."

"Then why wear clothes at all?" Colin laughed. "Just stay naked."

"I would if it wouldn't get me arrested. What other pics can we take? How about some of my ass?"

"We can do that," Colin nodded as Miles turned around and moved the speedo down a little to expose the top of his ass crack. "Stand at the window a little at an angle and look out over the city. I'll try to capture your reflection in the glass as well. They set it up and moved Miles around into several different positions to get the perfect shot. When they both agreed that they had it, Miles was even more excited.

"Are you sure I can't do anything completely nude?" He asked.

"If you stay where you are and lose the speedo, I think a few shots of your ass are fine. We'll just put your hand over your crotch to prevent the reflection showing it."

Miles stripped and Colin took several more shots showing Miles' perfect ass and body reflecting in the window with the city in the background. They both agreed that those shots looked amazing, which led to more. Miles lay on the bed with his ass up and Colin took pictures along the length of his body to show face and ass. They even had him lie on his back with the bed sheet just barely covering his crotch, but enough so you easily figure out he was naked.

"How about some in the bath?" Colin suggested. "We could make bubbles to cover your crotch."

"Those would be good shots," Miles agreed and they made the next set of pictures all in the bath, followed by the shower. Colin had to reposition Miles several times as he had an erection from the excitement of it all and it kept getting in the shot. Once they were done and Miles was dried off, they returned to the bedroom.

"Those are so hot," Miles gushed as they looked them over.

"Which are your favorites?" Colin asked.

"I love them all actually, but the best ones are where you can see my ass. I love the one where I'm standing in the window with my reflection. It's got to be the hottest. It's like you can imagine all the people on the street looking up and seeing me standing there completely naked."

"That would give me jerk off fantasies for years," Colin smiled as he downloaded them from his camera in to the computer.

"Colin. Would you take some close-up pictures of my cock and balls? Please!!! I'd kinda like some just to have. I'd take them myself, but it'd be more fun if you do it."

"I will but only if we don't have your face in the shots. That way it could be anyone's dick. Only you and I would know it's you."

"Cool. I'd like to get some of both when my dick is soft and hard. Maybe you could take some closeups of my ass too. Like so I could see my hole?"

"At this rate you'll have me taking the picture you originally suggested of my dick inside you."

"I wouldn't complain," he said leaning in to kiss Colin on the cheek. "Hey, would it be illegal for me to have nude pics of you?"

"No. But who says I'd want you to have them?" He asked.

"You don't like nude pics of yourself?" Miles said giving a little frown.

"Of course. I'm not shy about people seeing me naked. I would never want sex ones out there though."

"Yeah, I guess that's true. Can I take some of you?"

"Sure. I'll make you a deal. I'll pose for the pictures as long as I'm not hard while my face is in the shot."

"Deal. But I can take some close-ups of your boner without your face?"

"Yeah. I guess that's only fair."


They spent another half hour finishing up the pictures and Miles had Colin pose every way he could think of. By the time they were done and had the pictures downloaded to the computer, they weren't interested in getting dressed right away.

"I'd email all these too you, but there's too many of them. I have a stick I could put them on and you can have that. Just don't lose it," Colin smiled.

"Never. I'll keep these pictures forever."

"Me too," Colin agreed. "But you know what's even better than these pictures?"


"Having you in person. All these sexy pics have me so horny again. Wanna have another session in bed before we have to check out?"

"Hell yeah. What time do you have to leave?"

"I told them I'd check out at 1, so we have a few hours, as long as you're okay to stay."

"I'm fine. I'd stay here forever if I could."

"I'm sure you would, but we have to eat and get fresh air at some point," Colin said as he rolled Miles onto his stomach and entered him as they began another fuck. They didn't come back up for air until it was time to go. They showered and reluctantly dressed before heading out. "Do you need a ride somewhere?"

"I think I had several rides," Miles joked as he went with him to the front desk, making made sure to call Colin his uncle at one point while they were in the lobby.

As they left and headed to the car, Colin turned to look at him. "Uncle?"

"Figured that was better than honey, or Daddy," he giggled.

"Definitely. Okay, nephew, where should I drop you off?"

"Are you sure you have to leave, Colin? I could stay with you a few more days and show you around Seattle. You could fuck me whenever you wanted. I'd even get naked whenever you said."

"I wish I could stay, but my brother is expecting me in Vancouver. It's only a short drive, so we could meet again."

"Cool. I'd like that. Could I at least show you the gloryhole that I found in the bathroom?"

"Sure, I have time for that," he agreed. Miles gave him directions to the park and they headed to the bathroom together.

"That's the stall I use right there," he said quietly as he pointed, then lowered his voice to a whisper. "There's someone in the middle stall already."

The two boys entered the stall together and locked the door behind them. Miles quickly leaned in to look through the hole and stood up smiling to look at Colin. He gave the jerk off motion with his hand and quickly unfastened his pants and fished his cock out.

Colin just grinned as he watched how eager Miles was, so he helped him out by yanking his pants all the way down to his ankles. It was only seconds later that a finger appeared in the hole and rubbed it. Miles leaned in to Colin and whispered in his ear. "That means he wants my dick in there."

"So? Give it to him," Colin said as he spun Miles to face the hole and aimed his cock at it. He watched Miles press himself against the partition for his blowjob. As he stood there grinning and nodding at Colin to indicate that he was being sucked, Colin moved behind Miles and pulled his shirt up over his head to remove it. Then he squatted down behind him and took off his shoes and socks, before divesting him of his pants and underwear, leaving the boy completely naked in the public bathroom stall. He stood up and firmly rubbed Miles' ass, pressing him hard against the wall. He pulled the cheeks apart to see his winking and throbbing hole. "I want to fuck you again," he whispered in Miles' ear and he leaned against him.

Miles nodded. "God yeah."

"You want to make it really kinky?"

"Sure. Anything you wanna do, I'm into it."

"Good. This is gonna be hot."

He dropped down and began licking Miles' ass to get him ready. As he did it, he removed his own shirt before standing up and taking off the rest of his clothes. He got the lube out of his pocket and quickly slapped some on Miles before coating his own cock. He rubbed his penis up and down Miles' ass crack to tease him.

"Ready for the kinky part?" Colin asked as he licked his earlobe.

"Sure," he replied almost breathlessly.

Colin smirked to himself as he reached over and unlocked the bathroom door to pull it wide open.

Miles turned his head quickly when he was what Colin was doing. "Oh shit."

"Yeah. Now everyone can see how hot you are, and watch me enter you," Colin said quietly as he continued to rub his penis all over Miles' ass.

It took only seconds before someone appeared at the door. He was an older heavy-set man roughly in his late 40's or early 50's. He stood watching for a bit before he opened his pants and pulled out his hard cock as he enjoyed the show of the two boys. Colin turned slightly sideways to allow the guy a better view of his cock, before he slowly pushed it up inside Miles. "Yeah. Fuck that boy's hot ass," the man moaned as Colin pressed tight against Miles, turning his head so they could kiss while he thrust his hips back and forth to fuck him.

Another person appeared at the door. This time the man was maybe in his late 20's or early 30's with a three-day growth of facial hair. He quickly had his own cock out, pulled his shirt up and tucked it behind his head, exposing his smooth chest. Colin watched him, as he watched the two boys.

"Pound his hole," the younger guy said before reaching over and grabbing the dick of the older guy beside him. Colin and Miles were both watching their audience, and getting turned on knowing that they were causing these guys to be that horny. Colin had eased himself slightly to the side again so that the guys could clearly see his cock going back and forth. At one point, he pulled out of Miles completely. He wanted to let the guys see his cock, before plunging back in rapidly. It got the desired reaction from the guys watching.

"Yeah, fuck him hard with that big cock," the older man encouraged.

"Flood his hole," the younger one added.

Colin leaned in to Miles' ear and whispered. "Kinky enough for you?"

"So nervous," Miles replied quietly.

"Then this should totally freak you out," Colin grinned as he pulled out and motioned for the younger guy to join them. He didn't need to be asked twice. He entered the stall as Colin moved back out of the way, basically straddling the toilet to make room. He lubed the guy's dick up and watched as he entered Miles and began fucking. No introductions or foreplay. He just went all the way in, grabbed Miles' hips and began banging him against the stall causing the whole place to rattle. Colin just hoped the partition wouldn't come crashing down. The guy on the other side sucking Miles' cock would sure be surprised. So would Miles if he fell forward and landed on his erection. That would be one broken bone that wouldn't heal fast. Cast or no cast.

The man doing the fucking reached over to grab Colin's cock and pulled him closer. As soon as he had him close enough, he leaned in to kiss him and feel his ass, poking a finger at his entrance.

"Nice and tight. Perfect," he mumbled almost to himself. He pulled out of Miles and pushed Colin towards the door, making him face the entrance. He bent him forward and used some of the lube to finger into Colin. The older man at the door stepped in and took hold of Colin's head, lowering it to his cock. Colin closed his eyes and let it slide into his mouth. He preferred younger guys, but he started this situation so he figured he should see it through to the end. If nothing else, he was doing it to show Miles what kinky looked like.

As soon as Colin was bent over in position, the younger guy entered him and the spit roasting began in earnest. He was being pummeled from both ends while Miles had his head turned to watch. He was still pressed up against the stall wall, seemingly stuck. The guy fucking Colin reached over and shoved two fingers into Miles' ass to probe him repeatedly. With all this action in such a small space, it took very little time for the guys to reach their climaxes, but not before they had attracted another couple of guys outside the stall, who were doing their best to see what was happening. The older man came in Colin's mouth first, making it obvious with a loud grunt. Then the younger guy shot off inside Colin, and held himself deep inside until he'd completely drained his balls. He pulled out, slapped both boys on the ass as he thanked them and left. Colin quickly shut the stall door and turned back to Miles.

"You cum yet?" He asked quietly.

"Three times," he beamed. "I think I had at least fours guys suck me off while we were getting fucked. I'm pretty sure I had two at once at one point," he said slowly pulling out of the hole to check his penis. It was coated in saliva and cum. He wiped it dry with toilet paper as Colin held a shirt over the hole to block and view.

"Was that kinky enough for you?"

"Fuck yeah! I want everyone to come check this out with me. I so want that jock at school to fuck me in here while people watch. That would be epic. What now?"

"Now we clean up so I can get on the road."

"Awww. I was hoping we could do more kinky stuff."

"Haven't you had enough?"

"Hey, I'm 21 remember. I'm in my prime.

"You're not online at the moment, so you're 14 and for the record, you're two years from reaching your prime, but by 21, you're on the down slope. 16-20 is the peak sex time for guys.

"Not me. I'm gonna be in my prime until I'm old. Like 35," he grinned as he wiped the lube off his ass. "That's the only problem with anal stuff. Your ass is all sticky with lube."

"No problem. We just wash it off. That's the beauty of water soluble lube instead of silicone," Colin told him as he stuffed Miles' clothes into the backpack.

"Ummm...I need those to get dressed," Miles pointed out.

"Who said you're getting dressed?" Colin grinned as he got into his own clothes and opened the stall door, pushing Miles out.

"I can't walk back to the car naked," he said nervously resisting.

"Why not? Is your ass too sore to walk?"

"No. I mean it's illegal. I'd go to jail."

"You'd go to jail naked with hundreds of other guys who are all locked up too. Can you think of anything kinkier than that? You'd be the meal of the day." He took Miles over to the sink and grabbed some paper towel. He wet it and had his new friend bend over the sink so he could wash his ass. He made a point of pulling Miles' ass cheeks apart so the two guys at the urinal could see his hole. Colin smiled when he saw the guys looking, obviously jerking themselves off.

"I have to get the lube and cum out of his ass," he explained. "Can't have him leaking all over my car seat. If I know him as well as I think, he'll be back here tomorrow afternoon looking for more action. Some days I think I should tie him to the bed so I know where he is when I need him."

Miles chuckled. "I'll bring the rope."

"I'd fuck you again to shut you up, but I think you've worn my dick out," Colin said slapping his ass playfully.

"I'll fuck him for you, if you want," one of the guys at the urinal offered.

"Thanks, but we have to get going. If he escapes again, I'm sure you'll find him here tomorrow at the same time. No doubt he'll bend over for you then."

Colin finished washing Miles, making sure to finger his hole and fondle his balls a few times before he dried him off. By the time Miles stood up, he was sporting another full erection. Colin turned him to face the room, allowing anyone who entered to clearly see his aroused state. He opened the backpack to get Miles' clothes out, and handed the out one piece at a time, leaving pants and underwear `til last. "You're such a slut," Colin joked as he helped Miles get dressed. "You've gotten laid ten times already and you're still hard. Damn. You've got to be the best boyfriend I've ever had."

"Thanks, babe," Miles grinned as he almost reluctantly jumped into his pants and fastened them.

They left and headed back to the car. Miles thought it felt like the walk from death row to the electric chair, knowing that his amazing weekend adventure was about to be over.

"I'm gonna miss you," he said quietly as they got settled in the car.

"Me too, buddy. Me too. But now that you know more, I'm sure you'll be having regular sex with half the guys in this town before long. Hell, just keep going back to that bathroom and leave the stall door open. You'll be so worn out; you might not have the energy to crawl home."

"If I crawled out of the stall, I'm sure some guys would just think I was looking for doggy style," he chuckled lightly.

"If I were you, I'd make every attempt to get your basketball jock and see what builds from there. No doubt the two of you could team up to get anyone you wanted."

"I'll try, but I don't think anything will top this with you."

"You'd be surprised. You may always remember that I was the one who took your anal virginity, but you'll find someone even more special as you explore."

"Maybe, but you meant what you said, didn't you? About us maybe visiting each other."

"Of course. We have each other's numbers and emails, so even if we're not in the same city we can talk lots. We could even Skype," Colin suggested.

"God yeah! That would be hot. We could both be naked and get each other horny and jerk off together and stuff."

"I'd rather be here in person, deep deep deep inside your tight hole."

"Yeah. That'd be best," Miles nodded in agreement. Colin slowly drove Miles towards his neighborhood and dropped him off just a couple blocks from home. The boys hugged and kissed for what seemed like half an hour. Neither really wanting it to end. Miles grinned and sat back in his seat. He reached for Colin's hand and placed it on his crotch to show he was hard again.

"How can you still be horny? You've had more sex in the last 20 hours than most guys have in a month."

"I guess I just like you," he said with a big smile. Then suddenly he moved Colin's hand off himself and stiffened his posture. "Shit!"


"It's Nolan. My best friend," he said staring at the guy walking towards them.

"He's fucking cute. Dude, you seriously gotta tap that," Colin said looking at the brown-haired guy rapidly approaching. He had a square jawline with eyes that seems to be lit up from behind. "Jesus. I'd stay an extra few hours if we could toss him into the middle of a three-way."

Nolan walked to the passenger side of the car and Miles rolled the window down.

"Hey dude," he said greeting his friend as if it were normal to be in a stranger's car.

"Where have you been? I've been calling you," Nolan said leaning in to talk to him.

Julian took a deep breath, took a quick glance at Colin before smiling and replying. "My phone died. I was at your place all night. At least that's what my parent's think."

"Where were you all night? And who's he," he asked suspiciously.

"This is Colin. I spent the night at his place. Well, his hotel. He's from California."

"How do you two know each other?" He asked frowning slightly, and looking suspicious.

"We just met, but we know each other pretty well now. I showed him the gloryhole at the park."

"Oh," Nolan replied, instantly understanding what was going on. "You wanna hang out today, or are you busy with him?"

"No, we can hang. Colin is heading for Vancouver so he has to go. Why don't you get in the car for a minute while we say goodbye. I was just gonna suck his dick. You could totally watch if you want. Dude! You should whip your dick out and let Colin see it!" He said almost as if he just came up with a great idea. "He'd love to suck you off, right Colin?"

"Depends on what his dick is like. I'm not into finger food," Colin said bluntly.

"Nah. He's as big as me, but just not gay. He's straight, so it would only take like a few seconds to make him cum. He doesn't get laid like I do. I keep telling him to be bi and he'd get double sex, but he's still thinking about it."

"I'm not thinking about it. I'm straight, but I can handle a gay guy hitting on me. I'm not homophobic or anything," he said defending himself. "Do you want to meet up later or something when you're finished?"

"No. I'm free now. Jump in the back seat and let Colin see your dick while I suck him off," Miles suggested again.

"Not really my thing. I'll just wait for you at my place."

"You're missing out dude. Colin has a great penis and it's tasty as fuck. Plus, he really knows how to have sex. You should totally let him teach you stuff."

"Pass. I'm out. See ya later."

He went to walk away, and Miles just mumbled `shit' and looked at Colin. "Sorry. I have to go. I guess you'll have to wait for that blowjob."

"It's all good, but if I were you, I'd offer the blowjob to your friend. That was some serious jealousy I saw right there."

"Yeah?" Miles asked staring at his friend who was slowly walking away.

"Yeah. Now go get him. Send pics," he joked. The boys kissed and Miles raced after Nolan. Colin smiled and pulled out onto the road to resume his trip to Canada.

He took the interstate through to Peace Arch on the border, and waited in the always busy lineup. The Canadian border agent approached him. "Good afternoon. May I have your passport please."

Colin handed it over and watched it get scanned.

"What is the purpose of your visit?"

"I'm moving up to live with my brother in Vancouver. I was born in Canada, so I guess I'm a citizen already."

"Yes, I can see that," the agent smiled. "Are you bringing any fruits or vegetables with you?"

"No, I left him in Seattle," Colin replied humorously.

The agent gave a slight smirk, and repeated the question.

"No. Sorry, I was just trying to be funny."

The agent handed back the passport. "Welcome to Canada."

Colin smiled to himself. That was an even easier border crossing than what he experienced when he flew to Canada. He was now officially in his new country and it seemed like part of his old life just slammed shut behind him at the border, and the new adventures lay ahead.

"Time for some of that Canadian bacon and maple syrup," he said to himself. "Wonder where they keep the cute boys?" He settled in for the short trip up highway 99 into Vancouver.

End of chapter.

Be sure to check out the main story at It the longest short story you can imagine.

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Next: Chapter 16

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