Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Jul 5, 2022


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

We continue Colin's back story from the main story The Society Boys. Please consider donating to Nifty if you're enoying all the stories they offer.

Colin Chapter 22

Colin awoke ready for the day. It was his birthday, and despite still trying to put Dylan's new boyfriend behind him, he planned on making it as incredible as possible. He rushed downstairs after getting ready for school, only to find no one home. "Rude!" He said to himself thinking about his last birthday where everyone was basically waiting for him. At least he had a party to look forward to tonight that had been planned for a couple weeks now.

He picked Brooks up, who jumped in the car almost as soon as he pulled up. "Happy birthday, bro," he grinned as he handed him a present.

"Thanks!" He opened it and found a really cool black watch. "Nice! Thanks, dude!"

"Goes with the car!" He grinned.

"It's perfect."

"What did your parents get you?"

"Nothing yet. There was no one even home."

"It should be a wicked party though. How many people are coming?"

"Well if I move the thing to the Staples Center, I'd have to limit it to 20,000," Colin joked.

"Meh. I was hoping for the Rose Bowl. We coulda gone big and invited like 90,000."

"Shit, now you tell me. Next year for the 18th maybe," Colin laughed. "But seriously, I'm keeping it small. Just family and my closest friends for dinner tonight at my house, and then we'll meet everyone else. I rented out the indoor go karting for a few hours."

"I'm there, buddy."

School was out early, and after Colin dropped his friends at home, he stopped by to pick up Hunter so he wouldn't need to make the trip over by bus.

"Happy birthday!" He grinned. "You're looking happier."

"Workin' on it."

"I came up with a present for you, but probably not the type I can give you in front of everyone."

"Hmmm, now I'm intrigued. You get me a butt plug or something?"

"No!" He laughed. "Like I'd even be able to buy one of those. No, I was thinking about how you'd been upset about your ex, so I thought the best way to cheer you up was to help you with it."

"Great. I'll get you the name and address where you can send the hit on his new boyfriend."

"Harsh," Hunter laughed. "I was thinking more along the lines of the fact you need a boyfriend, so as my present, I'll be your loco-boyfriendis until you get one."

Colin frowned curiously. "What's that mean?"

"I made it up. Like loco-parentis, that means acting in place of parents. I'll act in place of a boyfriend."

"That's a cool present. It would be wicked if you were gay so you could do all the boyfriend duties," Colin said smiling.

"Guess you'll have to teach me then," Hunter shrugged as they headed towards the house. Colin almost crashed into a parked car as he turned his head to stare at Hunter to see if he was serious. Hunter just grinned at him. When the boys got home, the first thing Colin noticed were all their cars in the driveway.

"Either we have a lot of company or Mark's gotten lazy," Colin joked as they got out.

"I still can't believe how many cars you guys have, and they still only fill part of your garage."

"My Dad and brother love collecting cool cars, but Carter says you gotta pick the right ones so they keep their value. I have to learn more about them before I buy any though. With my luck I'd buy a car and it'd be worth half by the time I went to sell it."

"Makes sense."

"You cleaning the garage, Mark?" Colin asked when he saw their driver approaching.

"You know how it is. Just finished washing them all. I'll put them back once the garage is ready."

"Have fun!" Colin said.

"Oh, happy birthday, Colin!" Mark said.


He and Hunter entered the house to find it decorated for his birthday with streamers and balloons. They made their way into the kitchen to find his Mom and Dad.

"Happy birthday!" They said as the boys entered. "Did you have a good day?"

"Pretty normal so far," he replied looking around to see if there were any presents visible.

"Dinner will be ready at 5:30 as requested. Are you and your friends going out after that?" Margaret asked.

"Yeah. Planning some serious go karting."

"Sounds fun. We'll see you for dinner."

The boys ran upstairs to Colin's room. As soon as they entered, Hunter closed the door firmly behind him. "So, you wanna teach me what I need to know?"

"About what?" Colin asked throwing his backpack onto the nearest chair.

"About being your loco-boyfriendis," he replied moving closer.

"I thought you were kidding about that."

"Nope. I'm serious. I'll be your temp boyfriend until you get a new one. I know it must suck that Dylan moved on with someone else. I haven't even had a girlfriend yet, so I don't know what that'll feel like, but I bet it'll be like getting kicked in the nuts and then having them twisted," he said patting Colin on the shoulder.

"Yeah...that was super helpful," Colin smirked. "I feel so much worse now. If you want to really help, grab me a heavy rope and tie a noose."

"Awww, like I said, I'm new at being a temp boyfriend. I'm probably gonna suck at it."

"Well, that would be a step in the right direction," Colin joked.

"What is?"

"If you `suck' at it..."

Hunter laughed. "Like I said. Teach me, and Chasseur will be here for you."

"Who's Chasseur?" Colin asked frowning slightly.

"Me. Chasseur Davinci. Chasseur is French for Hunter, and Leonardo Davinci was gay, so I figured it worked," Hunter/Chasseur beamed.

"I like it. So, when you're being a loco boyfriend, you're Chasseur, and when you're being not weird, you're Hunter, or is it the other way around?" He laughed.

"That's the right way. You might not want to say I'm a loco boyfriend. They'll think I've escaped from a mental institution.

"Juries still out," Colin laughed.

"You could even call it boyfriend pro tempore. Latin for temporary. Or boyfriend ex post facto, which means after the fact. All I need is for you to teach me is everything I need to know to be a boyfriend."

Colin frowned and stared at Hunter. "Ummm...I think you're confusing me."

"I guess what I'm saying is that I'd be okay if you wanted to do stuff that boyfriends would do while you look for someone to replace Dylan. I don't really know anything about relationships since I've never had one, but I'm willing to learn."

"Are you thinking of doing this just when we're in private, or when we go places?"

"That's something I thought about too. I mean I don't get the whole gender stereotype thing. Like why is it okay for girls to kiss each other and hold hands, but not boys? I thought we were working towards equality. I'm pretty secure about who I am, at least right now, so if others have a problem, that's on them. I guess I'd be cool being open with you in public, but with no labels to define us."

"Like the loco-boyfriendis?" Colin grinned.

"Okay, one label," Hunter grinned. "Maybe not around my family. I know that no matter what I decided to do with my sexuality, my Mom and siblings would be super supportive, but no need to confuse them."

"That's probably the coolest thing a friend has ever offered me. I'm seriously flattered. Where would you draw the line at this temporary arrangement?"

"I'm not sure what lines there are, but I'm guessing you mean sex, huh? Anything I try like that, I'd probably only wanna do in private."

Colin laughed to ease some of the nervousness he was feeling. "Bummer. I was hoping for an audience. But are you serious? You'd have sex with me?"

"I don't know for sure since I've never done it, but I did okay handling the stuff we did when I slept over. When you get a boyfriend, at least you'd have taught me something about same sex relationships; and how can that be a bad thing for an education? I might not be any good, but who is when they're learning anything."

"What if we do something that you don't like?"

"Did you do stuff with your old boyfriend that you didn't like?"

"Sure. I mean if I'm talking bluntly, when Dylan first fucked me, he was too big and I couldn't take him. It hurt until we learned how to do it properly."

"So, if that happens, and I can't do something, even after practicing, then it's not meant to happen."

"You surprise me each time we hang out. I think you could easily be the most amazing guy I've ever met."

"Nah. I just think we should try new things in life or we miss out. Can I tell you something honestly?"

"Always. I think we figured that part out the first day we hung out due to my stupidity," Colin said with a bashful grin.

"I liked sleeping over here. The stuff we did felt natural. Just two friends being totally cool around each other. I'm used to cuddling with my siblings, but with you it was different. It was, I felt like we were in a bubble together, sharing energy. Does that make sense or am I being weird?"

"No, I get it. I felt comfortable too. I could almost see a colored field around us. It was so surreal."

"That might have been our auras," Hunter replied. "What color was mine?"

"Like a dark red?"

"Makes sense. Yours was a bright red."

"Hey, at least we're a match. But it woulda been cool if you were blue and I was yellow and it changed to green when we cuddled," Colin grinned.

"Dark red means I'm grounded and self sufficient. Yours means you're sexual and full of energy, oh and somewhat competitive."

"That totally sounds like us!"

"I'd agree. But yellow, depending on the actual shade could mean one of us feared loss, or found school just a chore, or was spiritual. Blue can mean you like helping people, you're good at communication, or you might not trust the future. Again, depending on the shade of it."

"I could be some of all of those. Maybe I'm a rainbow...Now THAT would make sense," Colin joked.

"There IS a rainbow aura. That's how you find gay people. It's often referred to as gaydar."

"Really?" Colin said perking up excitedly.

"No! I just made that up," Hunter laughed as he sat on the bed.

Colin sat beside him. "Shit, I thought I had that one for sure."

"There is a rainbow aura though. It just means highly enlightened, or a healer who works with auras, or something like that."

"Wanna see my aura in action? Take off your clothes," Colin teased. They both laughed. "But back to your offer of a boyfriend pro temp facto or whatever that was."

"It's pro tempore, or ex post facto," Hunter clarified.

"Yeah...that! You realize that what we did was just a fraction of what two guys could do together?"

"I know. I totally understand sex. I've just never done it. What would boyfriends do first if they were gonna have real sex?"

"Are you Chasseur now?" Colin grinned.

"Absolutely! Chasseur DaVinci, boyfriend pro tempore at your service!"

"Well the first thing new boyfriends would do is never be shy around each other, including when naked."

"I can do that easy enough. I'm not shy, mostly. What if I get an erection?" `Chasseur' inquired.

"That's the boyfriend part. Depends on our mood. I mean god, if we had to stop for sex every time we got a boner, we'd never get anything else done."

"That's truth right there," Hunter laughed.

"But you don't have to strip right now. I realize that's pushing it. I have a plan; just stop me if it goes to far too fast."

"Deal," Hunter/Chasseur agreed.

Colin looked at his new friend. He loved the hair hanging in his eyes and wanted to reach up and brush it back, but figured that might be a little much. "Okay, lesson one. Hold my hand," Colin said as he put his hand out. Hunter took it without hesitating. "If we were boyfriends, we'd hold hands when we walked places."

"Makes sense. Feels restrictive though. Like if I were carrying an ice cream and you were holding my hand like this, and I had an itchy nose."

"Oddly specific," Colin laughed. "But easy. You either lift the ice cream, making sure you don't get it all over your face and use a pinky finger, or lift my hand and we both scratch your nose, like this," he said lifting their hands and doing it.

"Seems awkward. What if I get an itchy butt?"

Colin laughed. "You really want me to show you that one?"

"Probably not on lesson one," Hunter grinned.

"Okay, so from holding hands we'd move to some quick anal," Colin said trying to keep a straight face.

"Anal? The step after holding hands is anal?" Hunter laughed. "Damn. Gay guys move fast."

"Joking. It's kissing."

"It seems like dating a gay guy is the same as dating a girl."

"Not exactly. I don't have to spend ten minutes figuring out how to get your bra off," he joked. "I mean sure, gay guys get to this stuff like everyone, but by the time we get around to hand holding and kissing, we'd have already had sex. Kinda of an unwritten rule of gay relationships. Remember how you said it was expensive to have a girlfriend and that's why you don't have one at the moment while you save money?"


"Well, that's our big advantage. We have sex first to see if it's worth spending all that money getting to know each other. I mean why blow a big wad of cash, before you blow a big wad in bed?"

Hunter laughed. "I like it, but I can't imagine having sex with someone before I dated them. It somehow seems backward."

"It's `cause your brain is wired for straight. If it was wired for gay, they put the lines in the right way around," Colin teased. "I mean think about it. I jerked you off before I even saw your dick. Then I played with your balls while I watched you rub one out. Think girls get to know you like that? No!"

"True. Okay. So, this part we're learning is supposedly after we'd had sex, and decided to date?"

"Exactly!" Colin grinned. "Now you're getting it." He kept hold of his hand. "Do you know how to kiss?"

Hunter scrunched up his face a bit. "I know how to give a friendly kiss, and I've seen enough French kisses in movies that I get the mechanics of it, sure."

"But you've never done it for real?"

"Nope. If that's what we're about to do, then this will be my first time," he replied honestly. He wasn't nervous like he thought he'd be, he was finding it interesting to listen to Colin explain things.

"Okay follow my lead," Colin said, letting his hand go and moved closer; their faces only an inch apart. "You turn your head to the right so we don't bump noses."

"Why to the right?"

"I dunno. It's just the law of kissing, I think," Colin replied confidently as he moved in for the kiss. The both connected and pressed against each other. Hunter's heart rate jumped as he felt their lips touch, and when Colin's mouth opened and his tongue proceeded to come out, he wasn't sure what to do, but as instructed, he followed his lead and opened his mouth as well. He closed his eyes as he felt the wetness enter his mouth, and pushed his tongue out to meet it. Colin kept going and put his hand on the back of Hunter's head to apply pressure. He let his tongue explore inside and sucked on Hunter's tongue for a second before backing off so they could take a breath. "How was that?"

"Fuck! It was hot and gross all at the same time," Hunter said smiling. "Someone else's tongue in your mouth is like the weirdest feeling in the world, but yet, it was amazing. When you sucked on my tongue, it felt like you were trying to pull it out of my head."

Colin grinned. "Okay. Your turn. You try pushing your tongue in my mouth now."

They kissed again. This time with Hunter taking the lead. He kept his eyes open this time as he thought somehow he might be able to see what he was doing that way, but quickly realized the futility of it. Nerves had increased as he tried to do a good job of exploring Colin's mouth, and he was shaking slightly. He wasn't sure he was doing it right at all, but once they broke apart, he saw Colin grinning. "Was that okay?"

"That was fucking great! If that's your first-time kissing, you're awesome dude! I may not need sex if that's how you always kiss."

"Shut up! You're just saying that."

"No, seriously. Dude. I've kissed lot of people, including straight boys, and trust me the first time is usually terrible. I think you gave me a boner," he said looking down at his shorts.

Hunter rolled his eyes. "Whatever," he said remarked figuring Colin was just being polite, and not looking down in case he fell for the boner comment.

"Go again? This time we take our shirts off and feel the heat of our bodies as we do it. That always makes it better," Colin suggested.

Hunter nodded as both boys pulled their shirts off and got back in position. They kissed again, with Colin pulling Hunter right up against him as they fused bodies. After 15 seconds of kissing and having their tongues go back and forth into each other's mouths, Hunter suddenly panicked and pushed back panting. "Shit. Oh shit!"

"What? Did I do something wrong?" Colin asked concerned.

Hunter shook his head. "I just need the bathroom," he said as he got up and bolted for it. He yanked his shorts and underwear down as soon as he got in and looked at the mess he'd created. "Shit!" he said softly to himself as he grabbed some toilet paper to clean up the load of cum everywhere.

"You okay?" Colin said from the door.

"Yeah. Just give me a second," Hunter answered back in a slight panic as he scrubbed his underwear and wiped his dick clean. He went over to the sink and used some water to wash himself before drying off. He pulled his pants back up and checked to make sure there wasn't a wet spot before returning to the bedroom.

"What happened?" Did I do something wrong?" Colin said frowning as he tried to read Hunter's expression.

"No. It wasn't you. It was me."

"Oh, like I haven't heard that before," Colin chuckled.

"No, I mean everything was great. Maybe a little too great. Sorry. I told you this was my first-time kissing."

Colin grinned as he looked at Hunter's crotch. "Wait! You mean you came?"

Hunter blushed a deep red.

"Dude, I can see your aura again!" Colin said excitedly.

"That's not my aura. I'm just embarrassed," Hunter admitted as he sat back on the bed. Colin sat next to him again.

"Dude, don't be embarrassed. That is the ultimate compliment. It means you enjoyed it as much as I did. I had a boner the entire time too."

"Yeah? But you didn't blast a mess inside your pants."

"Only because I've done this before. Trust me, it's normal. That's why it's awesome to practice with a friend. I mean if you did that with a girl, it could freak her out, but with a gay friend, god, that's as perfect as it could be."


"Trust me. Anyway, I've already seen you cum...twice! I just wish you'd been naked while we were kissing so I could have seen it again."

"Is that really a thing? That gay guys like seeing another guy cum?"

"Sure. It's great!" Colin pushed Hunter onto his back and jumped on top of him, leaning down so their faces were close. "I might like you being a loco-boyfriend. Crazy is good, right?"

"That's loco-boyfriendis," Hunter laughed. "But dude."


"You're sitting on my dick. If you don't want me getting a boner again, I suggest you get off."

Colin laughed. "I'm not a straight boy, buddy. If I feel your boner, I'll definitely get off...but probably in my own pants. Either that or I'll grab it and shove it in my ass so you can get off."

Hunter smiled. "Yeah, this might take some getting used to."

Colin nodded. "I'm fine with that," he smiled.

"We better stop for a bit."

"You wanna go swimming? The cold water might be good for both of us," Colin suggested not wanting to push his luck with Hunter.

"I'd agree with that. Can I borrow some shorts?"

Colin grabbed a couple pair, throwing one to Hunter, who went to the bathroom to change. The delay allowed him to get his penis back down, and he carefully dumped his clothes away from Colin so he couldn't see just how big a mess he'd made in them. Colin held his hand out for Hunter to take.

"Might as well practice holding hands, pro loco facto boyfriendis."

"You know you're just mixing all the words up right now, right?"

"Like it matters. This is still the best gift anyone has ever given me, even if you are high and you come down soon," Colin grinned.

"I'm not high. I just thought it might be something unique for your birthday. Bet no one else gets you this."

"I'd say that's a safe bet," Colin nodded as they raced out of his bedroom, down the main stairs and out the front doors. He could just as easily have gone out the back, or through the house to the pool, but he wanted to go the long way to make this last as long as he could. As they rounded the garage, Mark appeared and saw them.

"Hi Mark!" Colin grinned. "This is my loco-boyfriendis, Chasseur. We're just going swimming."

"Nice to meet you...Chasseur, huh? Surprisingly, I even know what you mean by loco-boyfriendis," Mark said smiling.

"You do?" Colin asked.

"Sure. A take off of loco-parentis no doubt, as in stepping in to take the place of a parent, so stepping in to take the place of a boyfriend?"

Hunter grinned. "Exactly."

"Does everyone know about this but me?" Colin inquired.

"Not everyone. Just smart people," Mark teased.

"Ha ha! Very funny Mark. Won't be so funny when I get a loco-driveris," Colin joked back.

"Touché!" Mark nodded. "Have fun guys." The two boys took off, and raced to the pool leaping in at the same time. They spent the next fifteen minutes just goofing around, racing each other and doing cannonballs, making as much noise as two teenagers can make. When Hunter stopped and sat on the steps into the pool, Colin swam up and floated over top of him, using his hands to stop himself as they came face to face. "Ready to try skinny dipping?"

"What if someone comes out and sees us?"

Colin laughed. "Then we pose for pics! Big deal. It wouldn't be the first time, and it sure won't be the last time. I've been swimming naked in here since I first learned to swim, so they kinda get used to it."

"Do your friends do it too?"

"Pretty much. That's the fun of having a private pool." He leaned in for the tie on `Chasseur's' shorts, unfastening them. When Hunter didn't say anything, he opened the top and pulled them down, tossing them on the deck, along with his own. He got back over top of Hunter, this time reaching down to feel his package floating in the water.

"You're hard again?" Colin grinned.

"Can't help it. I guess new stuff like this excites me, and when I get excited, I get a boner."

"Must be a bitch on the golf course, since you like that so much."

"Only when I get close to a hole in one," Hunter said smiling.

"Too easy," Colin said shaking his head as he lowered his own body right onto Hunter's and pressed their penises together. "You get it under control pretty fast after you've gotten used to skinny dipping for a bit."

"Not if you keep touching it I won't. You better not rub it too much or I might cum in the pool, and then I think I'd be way beyond super embarrassed," Hunter warned.

"Again, wouldn't be the first time or the last time," Colin chuckled as he pushed back and swam off. Hunter followed him, all too aware that he was now fully naked outside. They swam to the far end of the pool and hung on the side looking across the deck. "So? Cool right?"

"Yeah. I gotta admit it feels pretty awesome. The water going between your legs feels different."

"Now you know why people like skinny dipping. Well that and pressing up against someone is fun," he smiled as he moved behind Hunter and pressed their bodies together, letting his penis lay against Hunter's ass crack. "You're nice and warm."

"You too," Hunter agreed. "What's next?"

"Next?" Colin grinned as he moved to hitch himself up out of the pool. "Cannonballs!" He yelled as he ran and jumped in to try and soak his friend. Hunter couldn't believe that Colin just got out naked like he did. "Come on chickenshit. Your turn."

Hunter looked around to make sure no one else was around before he got out of the pool, quickly turned and cannonballed back in trying to drown Colin. For the next 15 minutes they continued to goof around as normal, each minute becoming a lot easier to forget they were naked.

"I have to admit I like swimming without shorts," Hunter said as they paused at the side of the pool eventually.

"Right?" Colin agreed. "Even the girls that come over like skinny dipping."

"Girls? You have girls get naked in here too?"

"Sure. They like it as much as guys."

"Then there's no way I would get out the water."

Colin laughed. "Yeah you would. You only think you wouldn't right now, but it's no different after you've spent some time naked around each other."

"Nope, I'd definitely not be able to keep it down with a naked girl around."

"Like they'd care either way. Plus, it's not like you can keep it down with a naked boy around either," Colin teased as he reached for Hunter's cock under water.

"Shut up!" Hunter grinned. "Now what? I've conquered kissing, hand holding and skinny dipping. What's next on the boyfriend agenda?"

"We warm up in the hot tub and go back to my room and hang out naked until dinner. No better way to get more comfortable with each other."

"Lead the way," Hunter agreed.

After having warmed up in the hot tub, they got to the bedroom, wrapped in towels, and sat on the end of the bed. "Are you still okay with this temporary boyfriend thing?" Colin grinned.

"Yeah. I'm actually having fun."

"Want to keep going?"

"It's your birthday, and I'm the loco-boyfriendis," he grinned.

"Alright, cool. Lie on your back," Colin told him. Hunter quickly complied. Colin slid onto the floor, got between his legs and slowly unfastened his friend's towel, peeling it open.

Hunter took a deep breath when he felt fingers touch his balls. "You're gonna blow me, aren't you?"

"If you're being a boyfriend, then that's the plan. You can always say stop if it's too much for you."

"No, I'm okay. Just making sure I know what to expect," Hunter replied as he tensed up, and watched as Colin gently lifted his dick upright and licked the length of it. He shuddered at the sensation but kept watching. Colin pulled the hard penis forward and licked the head thoroughly before slipping it into his mouth. Hunter took a sharp breath of air and said a quiet `oh fuck' under his breath before laying his head back on the bed to stare at the ceiling. He recorded each movement in his head as Colin went fully down on him. He felt the wet tongue work his tip and shaft, and couldn't believe his entire penis was going into Colin's mouth. He lifted his head back up to take a look as saw Colin focused on his penis like a dog with a bone. Bad analogy...a kid with a popsicle. It didn't take much before Hunter closed his eyes, dropped his head back on the bed, gripped the sheets and felt his cock explode into Colin's mouth. "Oh shit. Shit. Shit. I'm sorry. I couldn't hold it. I didn't mean to do that," he said as he frantically put his hands over his crotch. Colin moved off to the side and lay half on top of him.

"That's kinda the point of a blowjob," Colin grinned having enjoyed getting his friend to cum again.

"But it was in your mouth. Wasn't that gross?"

"Not even a little bit. I love the taste of cum. It'd have been such a waste if you'd pulled out when I was trying to suck it out of you."

"That's gonna take getting used to as well. I've always just blown my load in the shower or into my hand or something."

"Now you have me!" Colin grinned as they lay together. "Have you had enough now that you've cum, or you still okay?"

"I'm still fine. I usually just need a few minutes to recover after I jerk off."

"Pretty normal. We could just talk if you want," Colin suggested. Hunter nodded and the two boys lay intertwined as they chatted about school, golf, and surfing, each feeling the warmth of the other. Colin grinned as he felt Hunter twitch against his leg. "Someone's horny again."

"You or me?" Hunter asked with a grin.

"Well, probably both, but it's your boner pressing against my leg, so you might be hornier," he said as he leaned in to kiss Hunter again.

"Is it always like this with two guys? I mean you know when the other one is horny, and you just fool around?"

"Pretty much," Colin grinned as he reached down to take hold of Hunter's cock.

"I guess that's the easy part huh? Knowing when we're both in the mood for it. Girls don't exactly get boners, so maybe that's why they don't have as much sex `cause you never know when they're in the mood."

"Probably. Plus they have their periods and bitchy stuff and those take like a week or something. That's like 25% of the whole month shot for sex right there. Guys don't have that problem."

"I wasn't sure I'd be able to do this, but I'm actually super comfortable around you," Hunter admitted quietly.

"You ready to take the next step as that boyfriend temp dating thing?"

"Which is what?" Hunter asked as he moved into Colin a bit more as he enjoyed the feeling of his warmth, and the hand around his cock.

Colin paused as he stared into his friend's eyes to gauge whether he was ready to hear it or not. "Would you fuck me?" he said quietly as he held his breath for the response. He figured as long as Hunter was this willing, he might as well see what he could get out of it before he changed his mind, or if the boyfriend thing ended once his birthday was over.

"I kinda figured you might say that. I'm not sure how, but if you teach me what to do, I'll try it."

Colin's heart pounded with excitement, as he never actually expected him to agree, but as long as he was in this giving mood, he'd keep suggesting things. "I just wanna make sure you're really okay with it. I mean we're both super horny, and when guys get like this our brains shut off."

"I'm okay," Hunter assured him.

"It's just that my brother Carter said that you always remember your first time, and technically this would be your first time. After you fuck me, you'll no longer be a virgin."

"Basically what you're saying is, no pressure then. If it sucks, I'll remember it forever?"

"Oh, it won't suck, dude. I have a great ass," he said with a huge grin. "But if you'd rather lose your virginity to a girl, I'd be okay with that. It's already been the best birthday of my life with just the things we've already done. This is something I'll never forget."

"I'm committed. I want to be a good temp boyfriend until you get a real one. Just don't laugh at me if I do something wrong or cum too fast."

"Never." Colin rolled onto his back and put a pillow under his ass as he moved his knees up. "We can start slow. Get between my legs and lie on top of me."

Hunter repositioned himself so he was lying chest to chest with Colin, their faces beside each other. "Like this?"

"Perfect," Colin replied. "Now just kiss me, and I'll do the work to get you started. Once you're in, you'll know what to do. First time I did it, I was freaking out, but then everything felt wicked cool, and my whole world changed."

"I trust you," Hunter said as his whole body shook with nerves. Colin noticed, but just pulled Hunter in tighter for support without saying anything. The boys began kissing and Colin reached over to his night table to grab the bottle of lube. It took only seconds for both of them to be rock hard with each other, and as soon as Colin felt wetness at his crotch, he knew it was time. He poured lube into his hand and reached between them to coat Hunter's dick. Hunter paused the kiss to see what was happening.

"It's lube," Colin explained looking at his friend. "You need it or your cock won't go in me. Boys aren't lubricated like girls. They have self lubricating pussies, but our asses don't do that." He moved his ass up a bit so he could push a finger in to prepare himself. Then he moved his legs back further so he had Hunter's erection where he wanted it. He stopped to look at his friend. "You ready?"

"Can't really chicken out now, can I?" He answered nervously as he felt the tip of his penis touching Colin's ass.

"I wouldn't be mad if you did, just so you know. But when you're ready, all you do is move forward and press against me. I'll aim it to make sure it goes in," Colin told him. Hunter nodded. There was a brief pause as Hunter got his breathing under control, and then pushed forward, feeling the resistance from Colin's ass.

Colin held onto Hunter's erection, wiggling himself into position and sliding forward. He knew exactly when the penis was going to pop through his ring as the feeling was all too familiar. "Here we go buddy," Colin announced quietly.

Hunter inhaled as his penis became engulfed by the warm ass of his friend. "Oh shit! Oh my god!! Whooooo."

Colin removed his hand and put it on Hunter's ass as he lifted his legs up. "Now lie back down on me," he instructed.

He nodded, and Colin guided their faces together so they could kiss again. He pressed Hunter's ass and guided him in. Once he felt his friend's pubes, they paused and Colin smiled.

"You're all the way in. How's it feel?"

"Unreal. I had no idea it would be like this," Hunter replied staring at Colin closely.

"Now you know why everyone wants sex. Time to do what comes natural buddy. Fuck me. Go as fast or as slow as you want. If you think you're gonna cum, you can stop moving until the feelings calm down, or go faster until you finish."

"Do you want me to pull out when I cum, or how should I do it?"

"I want you to cum inside me. I think you'd like that more, and I know I will," Colin grinned as Hunter nodded and began to move. He thrust several times, stopping and starting as he got used to the sensations. "Go faster," Colin whispered as he pulled Hunter down on top of him and wrapped his legs around Hunter's waist and held on. "Fuck me. God, fuck me harder," he cried out as he felt the great cock drilling his ass. "Oh god yeah."

"I'm gonna cum," Hunter announced as he went to pull out.

Colin quickly grabbed his ass with both hands and pulled him firmly back inside as far as he could go. "Keep going. Don't stop! I want it inside me," he panted as he leaned up to kiss him again.

"Unnghhhh!" Hunter grunted loudly as he emptied his third load of the day. This time leaving it deep in the ass of his friend. He shook and waited until the feeling ended before collapsing his full weight onto Colin. They were both panting heavily and lay together as they got their breathing back under control.

Hunter turned his head to look at Colin. "Was that okay?"

"It was perfect!" he admitted. "What about you? How'd it feel?"

"That was maybe the best thing I've ever done. I had no idea fucking would be that incredible. It's a hundred times better than golf, even."

"Now you know why more people have sex than go golfing," Colin smirked as he unwrapped his legs from Hunter's waist and put them back around his friend's legs.

"Do I pull out now, or what?"

"Normally, but if you're still enjoying it, stay in. I love feeling you inside me. Are you still hard?"

Hunter's brain did a quick internal scan and he nodded. "Yeah, I think so."

"There's no real rules to sex. If you're happy in there, stay. If you're done, pull out."

"I could stay in for a bit longer," Hunter acknowledged. Colin grinned as they just lay coupled together.

After a few minutes, Colin spoke quietly. "I have an idea. Pull out for a second and I'll turn over. My legs cramp a bit in this position."

"Oh, sorry," Hunter said as he eased up and pulled himself out slowly. Colin grinned when he saw that his friend was still fully erect. He turned over and told him to lie back down on him. As Hunter did it, Colin reached back, grabbed his erection and let it slide back into his ass. Hunter lay on Colin, staying like that breathing in sync with each other. Hunter slowly humped him, almost as an automatic reaction, and at one point, Colin turned and pulled Hunter's head down so they could kiss again.

"Wanna try a cooler position and watch yourself fuck me hard?"

Hunter nodded.

"Okay, pull out and stand up."

Hunter climbed off the bed and waited with his wet erection standing out proudly. Colin spun sideways to let his ass hang off the edge.

"Okay move up against me," Colin instructed as he lifted his legs, and once Hunter was in position, placed them on his shoulders. He grabbed the lube to put more inside him and coat Hunter before telling him what to do. "Push your cock down and put it back in. This way you can see everything and I can watch you too."

"Yeah, I like this one," Hunter admitted as he pushed his erection down, and Colin inched up to him so they could connect. Both boys watched as he slid back into him for a third time. Once he was all the way in, he began to fuck slowly.

"Looks like you got the hang of it," Colin grinned. "Grab my ankles and push my legs out to the side. It'll be like handles to help you go harder." Hunter did as he was told and couldn't believe how much different it felt fucking like this. They weren't touching full body to body, so it didn't feel as intimate, but it was more intense. Colin had a full erection as he watched. He had been trying not to cum so that he wouldn't want to quit as soon, but watching his friend fuck him was driving him crazy. He was leaking all over himself, and seeing the abs on Hunter move in and out, he was mesmerized. "Put one of my legs back on your shoulder and take hold of my dick."

He realized as he thought about all the things they'd done so far, that this would be the first time that Hunter had actually felt his cock. He helped guide the free hand around himself and they stroked together before Colin let go so Hunter could fly solo. How's that feel?"

"Different. I've never held someone's cock before. It feels way different than holding my own."

"Better or worse?"

"Just different. Like holding a firm warm sausage," he said as he watched.

"Don't be afraid to touch my balls or jerk me faster. The faster and harder you fuck, the faster and harder you can jerk me off," Colin advised. Hunter nodded and began to go faster at both tasks. "Oh shit! Yeah, that's it. Pound my ass. Fuck me," Colin cried out. "Oh Jesus, that's the way. Fuck me!"

Hunter slammed him harder amused by the look on his friend's face, and how he was now crying out obscenities nonstop as he got fucked.

"Oh my god! Shit! Fuck me harder. Oh god yeah," Colin cried out in a breathy voice. "Oh Jesus. I'm gonna cum. Don't stop! Fuck my hole!" He thrust his ass forward as Hunter drilled into him and was almost insane with lust. "Aaghhhh! Oh fuck!!! Unggghhhhh!" he yelled as cum flew out of his dick, scaring Hunter with the force of it. The first jet flew over his head landing on the bed, with several more jets splashing on his chest and stomach with the force of a monsoon rain. "Keep going!" Colin cried out. "Oh shit!!" He said as several more volleys of cum blasted out, flooding his body and running onto the bed. Hunter couldn't hold back any longer himself and reached another climax inside his exploding friend. He didn't know exactly what to do at this point and kept fucking and stroking Colin until he felt a hand around his getting him to stop. "Oh my fucking god!" Colin exclaimed as he inched back to allow Hunter to slide out of him. He looked at himself and the huge load of cum everywhere. "That was insane. I didn't even know that much cum was in someone," he panted. "Grab the tissues dude, or we're gonna have this stuff everywhere.

"It kinda already is," Hunter said breathing just as hard as Colin as he reached for the box on the night stand, handing it to his friend as he sat down beside him to check it all out. He took a few tissues himself and wiped his dick dry. "You got cum clear across the other side of the bed."

Colin turned to look at how far he'd shot and grinned. "I think that's a new long-distance record," he bragged putting his arms straight up in the air as if cheering. They finished cleaning up and lay together for a few seconds before agreeing that they probably needed a shower and open the windows. As they lay there, side by side, Colin felt water running down the side of his cheek. At first, he just thought it was probably his hair dripping from the pool, but quickly realized it was a tear as soon as he wiped it.

"You okay?" Hunter asked as he saw it too.

Colin nodded. "Perfect. After I cum too hard like that, I think I get a bit emotional. Thanks for making me feel better. Were you okay with everything?"

"I wasn't sure how much I'd be able to do with you, but now that we've done it, that had to be the most fun I've ever had in my entire life!" He said quietly but excitedly. "Is sex always like that?"

Colin shook his head. "No. That was honestly mind-blowing. I've never cum that hard, or had so much fun with sex for so long. Dude! I'm gonna be jealous when you get a girlfriend."

He laughed. "You get jealous a lot, huh? Don't worry. I'm your loco-boyfriendis. I wouldn't stop that job until you get a real boyfriend again."

"Well he's gonna have to be pretty fucking good to top that!"

"I think you're just being nice, but thanks for teaching me. That was wicked fun! And your brother is right. I'm gonna remember that for the rest of my life."

"I will too. Believe me! My head is still spinning from how hard I came."

"Is there more to learn, or is that everything?" Hunter asked as they lay there talking.

"Please tell me you're not horny again?" Colin smirked.

"Not right now. I think I've have had enough for my first time. I was just curious what other stuff there was."

"Well, the advantage of us being two guys is that we have double the fun of straight people."

"How's that?"

"Think about it. Whatever you do to me I can do to you, and vice versa. So, it's like twice the fun."

Hunter paused for a second and then nodded. "Makes sense. I guess that means that next time you're gonna want to fuck me?"

"You don't have to, but it'd be one more thing to learn. Same as blowjobs."

"I have an idea. I'll ask my Mom if I can spend a weekend here. I could sleepover. I mean I have to work Saturdays and Sundays during the day, but we could hang out after that."

Colin smiled. "That would be awesome, but don't feel like you have to. I mean if you get home and think about it, and realize that you don't want to do it again, I'm okay with that. Guys experiment. That's our job as teens, but not everything is for everyone."

"I know, but I really did have fun. I mean I may find stuff I don't like, but then at least I'd know, right? Like eating broccoli or oysters. You may like it, you may not."

"Or golf," Colin teased.


"We should get cleaned up before dinner," Colin suggested. The headed into the bathroom, this time with no questioning whether they were going together or separate. Hunter was in the middle of washing Colin's back when the bathroom door opened and Brooks walked in.

"Hey buddy, your Mom... Shit! I knew it. You owe me a hundred bucks dude!" He grinned as he came up to the two guys.

"I don't owe you shit," Colin said wiping the water out of his eyes and turning to face his friend, while Hunter turned away from him, as if trying to hide the fact he was naked.

"Right, because you and a straight boy are in the shower washing each other. You two fooled around, didn't you?"

"Dude! You and I shower together, so does that mean we're doing it too?" Colin said grinning at Brooks, knowing it was a double-edged question.

"Fine whatever, but I'll bet if I showed up 20 minutes ago... Anyway, your Mom said to come get you before dinner. Nice rip on the abs, Hunter. Cute ass too," he teased.

"Ummm, thanks?" Hunter replied as he stayed with his back slightly to Brooks, who was checking himself in the mirror doing his hair, not appearing to be in a hurry to leave.

"Dude. You wanna give us a minute?" Colin asked.

"Right. Got it. "You need privacy to do it," he grinned, pointing at them as he left.

"Oh shit!" Hunter whispered. "He knows."

"Shhhh," Colin said turning to look at him. "If that were true, Brooks and I would have had sex a thousand times now. He's just trying to embarrass you."

"It worked. Does he always just barge into the bathroom without knocking?"

"Yeah. We've known each other so long that it doesn't bother us at all, but just ignore him. Who gives a shit what others think we might or might not be doing? Anyway, you're my loco-boyfriend. He's gotta think we're doing it," Colin laughed as they left the shower.

"That might be tougher than the actual sex," Hunter admitted as he dried his hair.

"You really do have a great body, and a hot ass. I sorta wish you were really gay."

Hunter didn't reply as they strolled into the bedroom, relieved that Brooks had left them alone. The two boys dressed and ran downstairs to see what his Mom wanted. Both of them almost jumped out of their skin when they rounded the corner into the living room and everyone yelled surprise!

"Jesus! I could have had a heart attack. How is it a surprise if I knew everyone was gonna be here?" Colin asked holding a hand over his heart.

"Well it obviously worked," Carter laughed. "Happy birthday little brother!"

"Thanks," Colin said as he gave him a hug, followed by Daphne. Then he went to give his Mom and Dad one, followed by Brooks' Mom and Dad and then all his friends.

He left Brooks to last. "You hug me, you lose your nuts!" Brooks joked.

"Shut up!" Colin said as he hugged his best friend. "Just be thankful I don't kiss you."

"Happy birthday, son," his Dad said as he handed him a wrapped package.

Colin opened it and pulled out a blindfold. "Kinky! Now all I need is handcuffs and the boyfriend to go with it," he said as he showed everyone.

"Colin!" His mother said trying to scold him, but with a big grin.

"You need to wear that so we can take you to your other presents," Ethan told him.

"So, no handcuffs then?" Colin pouted playfully as he pulled the blindfold on. He was spun around a couple times and then led forward. He had his hands out to make sure he didn't hit the wall or fall on his face if he tripped. They took him for a reasonably long walk until they finally stopped.

"Okay, take the blindfold off, bro," Brooks told him.

He removed it and looked around. They had walked him out to the garage, but there was a large curtain in front of him. "Happy birthday, son!" His Dad said nodding to Mark who dropped the large sheet.

Colin looked around to see more colourful curtains hanging around the garage. "Awesome, you got me new curtains for my room!" He said cheering as he clapped. "Let me guess, you each got me a different color. Thanks!"

"How about you go over to the first curtain and pull the cord, smart ass," his father suggested. Colin shrugged as he went over to the cord marked `one' and pulled. It dropped to reveal a classic car.

"Whoa! That's sooo cool!" Colin said as a blue 1967 Ford Mustang was revealed. "A Mustang convertible? I love this car. American muscle baby! Just like me!" He joked as he flexed his guns before running over to it and got in behind the wheel. Everyone joined him in checking it out.

"I feel like I'm on Let's Make a Deal with all these curtains," Colin joked as he got out of the car and headed to the next rope to pull. As it dropped, it revealed a red 1940 Mercedes 540K. "No way!" He cried out. This is the coolest thing I've ever seen."

Carter explained the car and again the guys gathered around to check it out.

"This is a wicked car," Preston remarked, with Martin and Grayson both agreeing quickly.

The following four curtains revealed more cars, each one getting increased reactions from Colin. The Mercedes was followed by a 1929 Duesenberg soft top convertible, and a 1933 Bugatti Type 51. The next curtain was a brand new Ferrari Enzo with Gull wing doors in the traditional bright red.

"No way!!" Colin shrieked. "A Ferrari! This is like the sickest car ever." He jumped behind the wheel.

"Dude. This is the car I'd wanna drive," Treyvon remarked as he checked it out, with Hunter agreeing.

"Right off the line. It's next year's model," Brooks' Dad explained as the boys crawled all over it.

The final curtain revealed another new car, the Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder in a black.

"Fuck me! A Lamborghini? This is too unreal," Colin said continuing to gush. "I've never seen anything this cool in my life. Can we drive any of them, or are they only for show? How long do we have them for?" Colin asked wondering how you even borrow cars like this.

"You can have them as long as you want," his Dad explained. "They're yours. You can drive them anytime you want."

Colin stopped dead in his tracks "Wait. What? These are mine? You mean like I own them?" He asked as looked back around the garage and slowly circled the Lamborghini checking out all it's exterior features.

"All yours little bro," Carter said handing him a key box with all six sets of keys.

"I don't even know what to say. I think I'm gonna hyperventilate," he said as he leaned against the Lamborghini. "You guys seriously bought these for me? I can't even believe it. Thank you so much." He looked at Mark. "Cleaning the garage huh? You sure fooled me! I seriously get to keep these...and I can drive them?"

"All yours," his Dad assured him again. Colin raced around and hugged everyone again, teasing Brooks by covertly crabbing his crotch. He got his hand slapped.

"I guess my present seems kinda stupid now compared to those cars, huh?" Hunter said as soon as was by himself with Colin, as the other guys all spread out to check out each car.

"Are you kidding? Yours was the most thoughtful present of them all. I think it was the most incredible thing anyone has ever given me," Colin said leaning over to hug him. "Gifts aren't about money, dude."

"I dunno. This Lambo's gotta be worth a fortune. But I promise I meant it. I'll be a temp boyfriend until you get one of your own, and I'll do anything you need."

"You might be sorry you said that," Colin teased.

"I doubt it!" Hunter grinned as they raced to check out the other cars.

"How much did these cars cost?" Colin asked his brother.

"Most are collector's items, so more than their original value, but keep them in showroom condition and they'll appreciate in value, not depreciate," his Dad replied. "I do know the Lamborghini wasn't that bad. Around 200k. We had to pull a few strings to get the Ferrari delivered in time."

"Do I even want to know how much it was?"

"Probably not, but because it's a special edition with all the extra features and best engine in the line, it was just short of 700k."

Colin quickly took his hands off the car. "Seven hundred thousand dollars? Are you serious? Who would pay that for a car? Shit, I'll be as scared of getting it dirty as I will be of it getting stolen."

"It's insured," Carter assured him.

"Maybe I'll just leave it in here," Colin said as he looked inside it. "It's so pretty though."

"Now the gay boy comes out to shine!" Carter laughed. "Okay, take a guess at how much the others were. Remember, they're all collector items."

"The Mustang, 60 grand," Colin guessed, with the other guys all chipping in a guess. Hunter took a stab at it as well, guessing 40 thousand.

"$38,000," Carter revealed. "Winner, Hunter! Okay the Mercedes?

"80," Colin guessed, only to find out that it was 43.

"Wow, I would have thought for sure that would be way more expensive than the Mustang," Martin exclaimed with others nodding in agreement.

"It's all based on age and how many are still in circulation in showroom condition. Okay, the next two the Duesenberg and Bugatti."

"I know Bugatti's are expensive," Brooks said first. "I'm gonna guess 550 for that, and 250 for the Duesenberg." Colin went higher at 800 and 475."

"You might want to sit down for these boys," Carter said grinning. "The Duesenberg was 1.2 million and the grand prize winner is the Bugatti at 1.6 million."

"Fuck off! You paid almost 3 million for two cars. I think I might actually pass out. There's no way in hell I'm driving either of those," Colin exclaimed in disbelief.

"Hey Colin, may I borrow the Bugatti for my next date?" Austin asked as they all went over to check it out again.

"Still won't help get you laid," Colin replied trying to insult his friend.

"But at least he can compensate for a small penis with it," Grayson laughed.

"Some cars truly are for collectors, so you may not want to drive them too often," Ethan told the guys. "Those would be two such vehicles."

"I don't even know how to thank everyone. You're not just pranking me though, right? These are really my cars?"

"All yours," Ethan replied, yet again. "Just look after them. It wasn't easy trying to keep them hidden from you until today."

"This is the best birthday ever!" Colin grinned. "I know just which outfit to wear for each car!"

"Huh?" Grayson asked as he looked at Martin and Brooks, who just shrugged.

"Alright, dinner is ready," Margaret said to the group. As they went to head inside, Carter put his arm around Colin's shoulder and pulled his kid brother against him. "Now you're part of the car club."

"Thanks Carter. This is awesome. Now I know why you guys love collecting them so much."

"Thought we'd get you started, and we wanted you to have something special," he said as he pulled him in tighter. Colin put his arm around his big brother's waist as they walked into the house. They sat down at the large dining room table to wait for dinner to be served by the caterers they brought in for the occasion. While they were eating, Colin got other presents from his friends and showed just as much excitement as he did when he saw the cars.

"Once they were done, the guys headed to meet everyone else at the go kart track that Colin had secured for the evening. While not everyone had been invited over for dinner, there were at least 20 of his other friends at the track. They spent the next few hours racing the karts until it was closing time, and there was plenty of food, drink and arcade games for those that had to wait their turn for a kart. Colin drove Hunter home, where they fist bumped and gave each other a hug as they said goodbye. Neither of them figured a long French kiss outside his house would be a good idea, and never even suggested it.

Colin drove home breaking a few speed limits along the way and, after stopping to thank his family for an awesome birthday, he headed for bed to dream about Hunter. This time the visions were of someone other than Dylan for the first time since he'd moved away.

Chapter 23 At school the next morning, Brooks walked up to the locker and grinned at his best friend. "Wicked birthday dude. Shit, look at you!" Brooks said grinning. "Someone got laid."

"What? How do you figure that?"

"It's all over your face, dude."

"Shit!" Colin grinned as he wiped his face.

Brooks burst out laughing. "That's not what I meant, but thanks for confirming it. I meant your face is totally flushed and your eyes are brighter. You've been pretty melancholy lately. So, truth time bro. You nailed Hunter, didn't you?"

Colin grinned and reached into his pocket and handed Brooks a hundred-dollar bill. His friend took it and looked at it for a second.

"Fuck yeah! I knew you'd bag the caddy! Gave him your 7 wood! Brooks was correct again!"

"Yeah yeah! Shut up," Colin replied.

"Did he have a nice big appendage for you to slurp all over? Did you tap that hot little rectum and make the little virgin ejaculate all over himself?"

"Shut up! If you want to know how big his cock is, you blow him," Colin replied, and then lowered his voice. "And yeah, I made him cum four times."

"Come on. Tell me what happened. How far'd he let you go?"

Colin told him an abbreviated version of the story, as they both knew he would. They pretty much talked about everything that happened between them.

"Four times? He came four times? No chance."

"I'm serious. I wouldn't make that up. Everyone says I'm amazing at sex."

"You're the only one who says that," Brooks teased. "Okay, even if I believed all that, which I'm pretty sure I don't. There's no way someone ejaculates from just being kissed. It doesn't happen."

"It does if that's your first experience. I mean I guess it does, since it did."

"Oreo, I'll admit you're a good kisser" he said lowering his voice "but there's no way you're good enough to make him cum. That I call bullshit on."

"Guess you'll never know, bro," Colin laughed. "Of course, you could come over and kiss him for yourself. Two straight boys going at it. That should be comedy central worthy."

"Never gonna happen, but how about this. Kiss him again and let me watch; if he cums without being jerked off, you win."

"What do I win?" Colin said knowing that Brooks was always one for a bet, especially on a dare.

"I'll blow you. How's that for being confident that you're bullshitting?"

Colin curled his lip up. "Oh...I was kinda hoping to win something good," he said trying to sound disappointed.

"Yeah, tell it to someone who'd believe you, but you're not going to win. When I win..."

Colin interrupted "you fuck my ass?" he beamed.

"! Nice try though. You give me your Lambo for a month."

"Oh, you're on dude. You better practice your blowjob skills on cucumbers, because this monster is going to choke you," he said groping his crotch.

"Monster? Delusional much? I've seen you erect, remember. Never gonna happen though," Brooks said confidently. "When are you and the caddy gonna get together again?"

"He's sleeping over this weekend," he replied as they sat on the hallway floor as others began to arrive to their lockers.

"Oreo, can I be serious for a minute though. I think you having sex with Hunter is a really bad idea."


"We've been friends our whole lives, so I think I know you better than anyone. I know how you are. I saw it with Dylan. You're going to fall for him, and fall hard, then he'll break your heart when he gets a girlfriend and doesn't want to do it anymore."

"I won't. I know he's just doing it as a temporary thing. I really like him and yesterday might just have been the most fun sex I've ever had," Colin admitted.

Brooks just looked at him, pausing for a moment. "Shit!"


"You're in love with him already, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not," Colin replied defensively.

"Balderdash! Or as you'd say...bullshit! You've had intercourse and now you've fallen for him."

Colin felt strong emotions suddenly boiling up inside him and his heart began beating faster. "I mean I like him. That's for sure."

"Colin, you're my brother, and if I can give you some advice on this. Quit him while you can. You had Dylan as a boyfriend and then broke up, but neither of you actually broke up, despite what you said to all of us. Then he left and you were devastated, and he was full on gay. Hunter is just an infatuation. A conquest. Congrats, you bagged a straight boy. Now move on. Find a real boyfriend. Someone who loves you as much as I do, just that'll have sex with you."

Preston and Martin came up to them, changing the heartfelt conversation quickly. Both guys stood up. Brooks looked at Colin. "I mean it, Colin. Not a good idea in any sense of the word."

"What's not a good idea?" Preston asked quickly.

"For Colin to be having sex with a straight boy," Brooks revealed, getting a light punch from Colin.

"You're fucking a straight boy?" Preston asked with a surprised look.

"No, dumbass," Colin said turning to get books out of his locker before turning back to his friends. "Technically he's fucking me."

"Colin found a straight guy that let him have sex, and I say it's a terrible idea to get into a relationship with him. It's gonna end badly."

"This is your new plan to replace Dylan?" Martin asked. "Straight boys?"

"No!" Colin replied bluntly. "It was just a one-time thing with a curious guy," he lied. "Brooks and I were just debating it."

"Well, I say do one or the other. Either have sex and move on, or be friends with him and not have sex," Preston reasoned.

"My point exactly," Brooks said nodding.

"You're saying a straight boy is so narrowminded that he couldn't be friends with a gay guy, and when he's horny be okay having sex with him?" Colin asked.

"What type of sex? Are we talking a quick blowjob, or full on in the butt stuff, and kissing?" Preston inquired.

"That's not a straight boy," Martin reasoned.

"I know straight boys that would be okay with gay sex," Brooks replied, "but could you be good friends with them, and not get attached emotionally?"

"Not a chance," Martin replied. "Sex is emotional. You're gonna feel something, and if you wanna be friends, you can't be running off banging each other, unless you're both gay and like the same things. Not being homophobic here, it'd be the same with a straight couple. You can't be friends with a girl that you're having sex with and not get attached to her. The more you do it, the more you wanna do it."

"Not true. Ask married people," Brooks laughed.

"Let's drop it. If I wanna screw straight boys, I'm gonna screw straight boys. And if I don't want a boyfriend again, that's my choice. If I want sex with friends, then that's between us, and it's no one's business!" Colin said as he locked his locker and took off.

Preston looked at Brooks and smirked. "So, which one of us is he having sex with?"

"It's none of us," Brooks replied.

Preston snapped his fingers. "It's Hunter, isn't it? Dude, I'm totally straight, but he's so good looking I'd let Martin fuck him."

Martin was just nodding in agreement and then stopped. "Wait! What? Great, now I'm not going to be able to unsee that in my head," he complained.

They headed for class. "I hate to say it, but I kinda wish Hunter WAS gay," Preston remarked. "I think he'd make an awesome boyfriend for Colin if he were, but being straight, it'll kill him if they stop having sex. They should just be friends."

"That's what I told him," Brooks revealed.

"Sometimes I'm jealous of Colin. I mean he gets so much sex, it's insane. How come straight boys can't get laid that much?"

"Cause guys never say no to sex. Girls do," Brook replied.

"Logical. We should find him a boyfriend who's gayer," Preston added. Both Brooks and him looked at Martin, grinning.

"Oh, fuck you!" Martin said shaking his head as they all laughed. "When did this become pick on Martin day?"

"Operation `Get Colin a boyfriend before he crashes and burns with a straight boy caddy and drops into the sadness abyss where we all have to pick up the pieces' is a go," Preston remarked.

"You might wanna work on the mission name," Martin smirked.

On his way to school Friday, Colin took a quick detour over to the country club to leave an envelope for Hunter. He told them he wanted to give Hunter a tip for doing such a good job improving his game, but that he'd like it to be anonymous. They assured him of that. Upon arriving at school, he texted Hunter to confirm they were still hanging out.

cant wait,' Hunter replied. ill come to ur place aftr skool.'

`I can come pick u up', Colin offered.

`thanks. im fine w bus tho. C u after skool.' Followed by several encouraging emojis.

Colin arrived home only moments before Hunter, and was all smiles as his boyfriend pro tempore bounced up to him. "What's the plan for tonight?" Hunter asked as they made their way to Colin's room.

"The gang wants to go out to dinner, and then I thought we could do something we haven't done in a while and go bowling. We'll have enough for two teams."

"Oh," Hunter said as he sat on the edge of Colin's bed.

"We don't have to, if you'd rather it be just you and me," Colin said quickly backpedalling as he saw Hunter become less than enthusiastic about the idea.

"No. It's not that. I can probably afford to go bowling, but not both that and dinner."

Colin grinned. "That's the beauty of the boyfriend thing we got going. "I asked you out, so the rule is whoever asks the other one out pays, so you don't pay for any of it."

"That doesn't seem fair."

"It's fair. Plus, my parent's give me money for stuff like this, so we might as well spend it," he reasoned. He hadn't bothered to tell Hunter just how much money he really had. It was one of those omissions they'd agreed upon. Plus, he didn't want money to define who they were as friends.

"Then once we finish bowling, you and I can come back here," Colin said continuing the plan.

"And then?" Hunter grinned.

"Ummm...I dunno," Colin said playfully. "We get into our pyjamas, brush each others hair, play some video games and have a pillow fight?"

"Our pyjamas?" Hunter mocked. "Do you even own pyjamas?"

"Nope, never had any. We'll borrow my Dads if he has some."

"Okay. If that's what you wanna do," Hunter shrugged. "This sound more like chick sleepover though, just for the record."

"Okay, you caught me. We should take a shower before we go out. I mean we have been in school around smelly breeders all day." He quickly removed his shirt, and Hunter followed his lead.

"Smelly breeders?" Hunter asked amused. "What's a breeder?"

"Technically, you are. Straight guys...who breed. Just kidding, but it seemed like a good excuse to get you naked."

"Do you usually need an excuse for that?"

"Nope, but you're new, so I'm giving you one. Most of the time we'd get home, strip and jump into bed for four or five hours."

"Four or five hours? We both know I'd never last that long. Four or five minutes maybe," he said as he took off his pants and the boys headed into the bathroom in just their underwear. Colin stepped out of his and went over to the cupboard.

"Are we gonna have any visitors barging in on us this time?" Hunter asked as he paused before removing his own underwear.

"Probably not, but don't worry, my friends have all seen each other without clothes. You'll just become one of us quicker if they see you naked too." Colin turned to look at Hunter. "I guess the first thing we do to start the weekend is to make you look like a boyfriend," he grinned.

"What's wrong with the way I look?" Hunter asked staring in the mirror.

Colin held up the cordless trimmers and turned them on and off.

"You're not gonna cut my hair, dude," Hunter replied quickly.

"Not on your head. That's as perfect as it gets, but those pubes need work buddy. It's like jungle world down there."

"I noticed that a lot of guys trim and stuff. I've never done it, but I've thought about it. Again, lack of privacy at home makes it difficult. You do it for swimming right?"

"Right. Guys should manscape. If for no other reason to make their junk look bigger."

"Look bigger for who? If I don't have a girlfriend, then no one is really seeing it anyway," he reasoned.

"Exactly, but now you have a boyfriend loco pro facto, so I'll be seeing it all the time, and if you're around my friends and we go swimming, they'll see it, and if I take you to a drunken orgy, everyone will see it."

He laughed. "You plan on getting me naked that much, huh?"

"If I had my way, you'd never wear clothes ever again," Colin chuckled. "Okay, into the shower. Time to clean you up...Oh, wait! I have an idea first." He raced out of the bathroom and returned with his phone a few seconds later. "Before and after shots."

"Just my dick though. No face, right?"

"But you have such a cute face," Colin teased. "No, just the dick," He agreed. He took shots from several angles, making sure he got all of Hunter's body in the shot, and then put the camera aside.

"Just don't cut me," Hunter requested as they walked into the shower area. Colin got on his knees and looked up at Hunter.

"Don't worry, I have butterfly sutures if I need them."

"Don't joke about shit like that when you're that close to my balls," Hunter said looking down.

Colin turned the trimmers on and quickly removed the thick bush over Hunter's penis, taking the opportunity to hold it as he went slowly over the hair. It took very little for Hunter to become fully erect. From the main bush, Colin changed the end on the trimmer and began on Hunter's balls and shaft. Once he was done, he stood up. "That's a good start," he grinned as he brushed any loose hair away.

Hunter looked down at himself. "Actually, that looks okay. I guess it does make it look bigger."

"Put your hands behind your head."

"My hands? Why?"

"Pits and pubes. Dude, you gotta learn this stuff."

Hunter didn't argue as he put his hands behind his head and let Colin quickly shorten his underarm hair. He felt each pit as soon as Colin finished. "Wow, they look way bigger too," he joked. "Why the pits?"

"Why not? Who wants hair sticking out from under your arms?"

"All I have to do now is learn to play water polo and I could join the team," Hunter teased.

"And if I had whiter balls, I'd be a golf pro," Colin joked back as he put the trimmers down and grabbed his phone for more shots of Hunter's package, now with 95% less hair, and a penis that was half inflated. He put the phone out of the way and grabbed the shaving cream.

"I'm ahead of you there," Hunter grinned. "I shaved this morning."

"I can see that, but that's not where I'm shaving," he said as he squirted some in his hand and quickly slapped it on Hunter's crotch and rubbed it around. He grabbed the razor and held it up.

"Oh shit. Don't cut me. I'm serious."

"I do this all the time, never had a fatal accident yet. Of course, the last straight boy that jumped at the wrong time is still in surgery. I heard the doctors are hopeful that they'll be able to re-attach his ball with little to no scar."

"You know that's not funny when you're about to use a razor down there?"

"Moral of the story. Just stand still and let me work," Colin chuckled as he turned the water of the shower on slightly so he could rinse the razor. He began above the crotch and made quick work of the stubble. Then he moved to the shaft which, being as hard as it was, made it much easier. "Hold your penis up out of the way so I can do your balls next. This is really the part where you don't want any sudden movement."

Hunter held his dick up froze in place as Colin pulled his balls tight and slowly went to work removing every bit of hair he could find, rinsing the shaving cream off for an inspection when he thought he was done. Before he let Hunter have a look at himself, he told him to turn around.

"Turn around?" Hunter asked. "I don't have a hairy ass, dude."

"You just have a few hairs in the crack that we should get. Spread your legs wide and bend over against the wall and I'll get them. I mean if I'm gonna eat you out and fuck you later, it'd be nice if your ass was perfectly smooth. That's assuming you're still gonna let me do that."

"I've been thinking about it all week and I looked stuff up about it. Lots of comments about it are that it kinda hurts doesn't it?"

"It could if we go too fast, or if you're too tense and nervous. We can try it, and hopefully I'll do it right so you enjoy it. You can always stop if you can't do it."

"Can I ask you something first?"


"Do you think before you actually fuck me, I could try giving you a blowjob? Just to see what it's like?"

"I dunno..." Colin teased as he slapped some shaving cream between Hunter's ass cheeks. "Straight boy blowjobs are the WORST. They're all teeth, no suction, barely get any of the dick in their mouth before they're about to puke. Last thing I need is you wrecking my dick before I push it up your ass."

"Oh, okay. Just thought I'd ask," Hunter replied nodding.

"Dude! I'm joking. Duh! Of course you can blow me; like I'd ever say no to that." We could 69 all night if you wanted to."

"I wouldn't last all night. I liked the stuff we've done so far, but this seems like it's gonna be way more gay. No offense or anything," He said as Colin shaved his ass.

"Fucking me wasn't gay?" Colin inquired with a smile as he held the ass cheeks open and stared at the pink hole he was going to use later, giving himself an erection in the process.

"No. I mean it was kinda. Like for you, `cause you were the one giving the blowjob, and getting my penis in your ass. Shit, I'm sounding stupid," he stammered.

"No, I get it. You could still feel reasonably straight, getting head and fucking a tight hole. You'd do those things with any chick. Even kissing, but tonight the roles reverse and you do the `gay' things," Colin said understanding his friend's emotions as he stood up.

"Yeah. That," Hunter nodded as he also stood up and looked at himself.

"Damn, I look 12."

"Not with a cock that big you don't," Colin teased as he took hold of it before letting go and squirting more shaving cream into his hand.

"Pits?" Hunter guessed.

"No, they're fine like they are with just short hair. That doesn't need to be completely smooth unless you want that. I do it for water polo, but I find that without hair, it makes my pits sweat more. Thank god for deodorant. I'm just gonna quickly do the little bit of stubble I have so we're both just as smooth.

"Do you want me to help?" Hunter asked as he watched Colin lather himself up.

"No, I'm good. I do this a lot, so it only takes a few seconds. Thanks though."

Hunter actually felt a bit of relief at not having to shave his friend. Not because he wouldn't, but because he'd never forgive himself if he cut him. Colin finished up quickly and they fired up the shower to full speed and got cleaned up. Once they were out and dried off, Hunter took a look at himself in the mirror.

"That's really a different look. My brothers are gonna have a thousand questions if they see me," he said as he turned each way to check himself out. Colin grabbed his phone again and took the final pictures of Hunter's crotch, making sure to get as many different angles as he could. He even convinced Hunter to bend over and let him take pics of his ass. He already knew he'd be jerking off to them more than he'd like to admit. He showed everything he'd taken to Hunter and they both agreed that without pubes looked much better.

"If you keep them like that, it is so much easier every time, plus you don't end up itching when they grow back. The boys headed back to the bedroom still naked.

"I know you said no face, but how about we take a pic of the two of us together. Not like a sex pic or anything. Just you and I side by side naked."

"Only if you send it to me so I know you won't post it on the internet," he agreed.

"That's fair."

"Would you care if there was a nude pic of you out there somewhere?" Hunter inquired.

"I don't think I would as I'm not scared to be naked, but I prefer to control the narrative on a picture like that, so I probably wouldn't want it out there in case I ever changed my mind. What about you?"

"I agree. I'm not shy about being naked, I'd just prefer to know who I'm naked in front of."

The boys took a couple of full shots of themselves standing side by side with their arms around each other, and without erections. They both agreed that they looked good in them. Colin emailed them to Hunter, and the boys dressed to head out to meet everyone for bowling.

"We need teams," Brooks said after getting their shoes and arriving at the assigned lanes.

"Easy. Everyone with a cute ass, come over here to my team, everyone else on that lane," Colin said grinning. Everyone moved over to Colin's lane, and they laughed.

"Hmmm, that didn't work. Okay, everyone who'll give up their cute ass to me tonight in this lane, everyone else over there," Colin said revising his idea. The whole group, including Hunter, moved to the other lane. "Ouch, harsh!"

Brook leaned in to whisper to Hunter. "You two have another shower together before you came over here?"

"No!" He denied quickly, blushing slightly as he looked around.

"If you did, here's your chance to switch teams," he joked at his own double meaning.

They ended up just sorting themselves out with no parameters. Hunter was on Colin's team, along with Austin and Treyvon. Martin, Grayson, Preston and Brooks were on the other team. They played three games with mixed results. Martin was by far the better bowler, with Hunter and Treyvon bringing up the rear. After something to eat, they decided to call it a night.

"Should I sleepover tonight? Be the buffer between the two of you," Brooks asked Colin as he came up and put his arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Nope. I definitely don't want a buffer. Now if you're into a three-way, then I might let you stay over," Colin said directly.

"Still a bad idea, Oreo. He's gonna break your heart at some point. You know that, right?"

"I can deal," Colin told him bluntly as they made their way to the cars. Hunter and Colin drove off, while Preston, Martin and Brooks watched them leave.

"He's sure in a hurry to get home," Preston remarked.

"Hunter's spending the weekend. You do the math," Brooks replied.

"You mean they're going to have sex?" Martin asked raising his eyebrows.

"It's Colin. What do you think?"

"The gays have it figured out," Preston replied.

"Unlike church chicks, and dumb straight boys who go out with them, you mean?" Brooks laughed as they got into the car to head home.

Hunter and Colin arrived back in the bedroom and both quickly stripped to their underwear to lie on the bed and play video games for a while. Colin wanted to just get right to it, but he knew he needed to get Hunter relaxed first or it would be a disaster waiting to happen. As they played, Colin moved his legs so they touched Hunter a few times before they were both feeling a little hornier. Colin took the lead and sat up, patted Hunter's ass and slowly pulled the back of his underwear down to expose his butt, rubbing each cheek gently. Moments later he reached under Hunter to free his penis, allowing the shorts to be pulled all the way down his legs and tossed aside. Once he had his friend naked, Colin stripped off his own shorts and just sat there watching as Hunter played a solo video game. Colin ran his hand over Hunter's back and ass, covertly playing with his balls too when he pushed his fingers down into the crack.

"If you keep doing that, I'm gonna cum all over your bed again," Hunter warned bluntly.

Colin jumped off the bed and quickly went to the bathroom and returned with a towel that he put under Hunter, taking the opportunity to feel his friend's firm erection raring to go. "There, problem solved. Your ass is so firm," Colin said as he rubbed each cheek, pulling them apart to see the pink hole waiting patiently for him.

"Is this where I say thanks?" Hunter asked looking back grinning. "Like that's a compliment, right?"

"Right. You're getting better at this boyfriend thing."

"Sorry I didn't hold your hand or do anything while we were bowling. It just didn't feel right to do that around your friends."

"It's cool. I mean you sat beside me and I felt your leg touching mine a lot, so that was pretty hot."

"I figured I could deal with that if anyone looked at us," he reasoned. "Maybe if we go somewhere in public and hold hands we should go someplace where no one knows us first. If you want to that is. I mean I totally will if that's something you want from a boyfriend."

"I'm cool either way. I still get nervous sometimes showing PDA in public. I mean people are pretty accepting and stuff, but it's still not everyone that's cool with two boys dating."

"God, if you get nervous, I'll be a wreck then. We totally have to do it now!" He grinned. "Nothing like a good adrenaline rush."

"You do know that most straight boys do extreme sports for that adrenaline rush, not hold hands with a gay guy in public, right?"

"Yeah, that's why I like bmx, but think how good it'll be for us holding hands in public. Adrenaline pumping, a great cardio workout, burning calories. It's the whole deal, man."

"How is holding hands a cardio workout?" Colin asked confused as he kept causally playing with Hunter's ass as they talked.

"Some homophobe sees us, calls us names and chases us for a few miles. We run like hell to avoid being murdered. Cardio!"

"Great, I've got a boyfriend with a death wish. Where do we find these homophobes?"

"On golf courses usually," Hunter chuckled as he turned off the TV and video game and dropped the remote on the floor. He rolled over on his side to look at Colin and placed his hand on his thigh. "I'm guessing you're horny, huh?"

"What was your first clue?" Colin smirked.

"Uhh, well for starters, this," he said reaching over to grab the erection between Colin's legs.

"Then that makes you horny too," Colin reasoned as he grabbed Hunter's. "Let's get into bed and do this properly."

"What's the definition of properly?" Hunter asked as they pulled the duvet and sheet back and crawled into the bed facing each other with their heads on the pillows.

"There isn't really a definition, but I figure you watch lots of straight porn, right?"

"NEVER! I'm not into that filth. What kind of guy do you think I am?" Hunter said trying to look shocked and serious.

"So, that's a yes."

"Yeah, all the time," Hunter giggled.

"Most movies and stuff are in bed, so I figure we just play and have fun. You already know lots, and after kissing and rolling around for a bit, you can work down my body, kissing various parts until you get to my dick. Kiss it, lick and just check it out. Do what you want. If you try blowing me, great. If you can't, then I'll spin around and 69 with you. I'll suck you off while you keep exploring my junk. Then we just keep going until we fall asleep."

"Sounds good to me. But just for the record. I'm totally committed to giving you a blowjob and letting you fuck me. I may hate it, or love it, but either way it's a go."

"Let's hope you love it then," Colin grinned as the boys began kissing. It took very little time for them to ramp it up to where their bodies were fused together with hard cocks pressing against each other in excitement. Colin rolled Hunter onto his back at one point to kiss and lick down his body, making sure he was slow and deliberate so that Hunter could focus on what he was doing. He worked the nipples, the belly button and then his cock and balls. He avoided going right for the blowjob as he kissed down the rest of Hunter's body and grabbed a foot.

"Dude, if you lick one of my toes, you're gonna get a foot in the face. Just warning you, as I'm super ticklish."

"Good to know!" He said amused as he quickly sat on Hunter's foot, grabbed the other with both hands and put the big toe in his mouth and held on for the ride. Hunter began shrieking and giggling as he squirmed all over the bed trying to get away. Colin kept going as he licked each toe in turn, laughing at the antics of his friend, who finally managed to get free. Colin bounced back up beside him as they lay there panting. "See, sex can totally burn calories. That's one foot, now we have to do the other one!"

"Don't you dare!" Hunter grinned as he moved to lie on top of Colin. He placed his head on the pillow and stared into Colin's eyes as they both felt the other's heart beating and felt each of them breathing on the other.

Colin moved his hand to rub Hunter's hair. "What are you thinking about so hard?"

"Ummm, I was just wondering if, like, after I give you a blowjob if I could maybe fuck you again first...before you fuck me. If it hurts and I freak out, I don't wanna ruin this for you."

Colin gave him a big smile. "You'd never ruin any of this for me, and you can fuck me anytime day or night. Whenever your cock gets hard."

"Okay...but you're gonna pretty much have to live in my room. I get hard a lot, and I do mean a lot!"

"Fine by me. Just remember to bring me food at least," Colin joked as they began kissing again. This time Hunter moved down Colin's body, almost duplicating move for move what he'd experienced himself, except for the toe sucking. He avoided that. When he got to Colin's erection, he took hold of it and began to gently play with it and fondle his tight balls. He touched his tongue to them and watched as they moved. Slowly he began exploring the shaft and then the tip as he licked around it.

"Hmmm," Hunter said curiously.

"What?" Colin asked.

"Nothing. It just doesn't taste like I thought it would. I figured it would be different somehow, but it's actually okay. Kinda like sucking my thumb. If my thumb were this big."

"Glad you added that last part or I could have been insulted."

"What do I do now? Just put it in my mouth?" Hunter asked as he stared at the penis he held upright in his hand.

"Yep. Just go slow at first and watch the teeth. Use tongue and suction and you'll get the idea."

Hunter nodded and put the tip in his mouth and began his first blowjob. He moved his hand up and down Colin's shaft slightly and played with the balls like he'd remembered from when he got blown. He stopped suddenly and lifted his head up. "Ummm, are you gonna wanna cum in my mouth?"

"I don't have to if you're not ready for that. Usually that's the way it happens and you can spit or swallow, but you can also stop and just jerk me off until I blow. Your choice."

"Guess that'll be truth time huh? I either like or love you," he chuckled.

"Funny." Colin was gonna tell him to get back to sucking, but he figured he'd let his buddy explore at his own pace. Hunter struggled as he got further and further down on Colin's big cock, stopping several times as he gagged and felt like he might throw up. Colin gave him some direction and told him to just relax and slow down, reassuring him that it wasn't important to make him cum, and to just focus on the experience. "Dude, I'm getting close," he said after several more minutes of letting Hunter suck him off. "You wanna give your jaw a break and fuck me. I know that'll send me over the edge," Colin suggested.

"Sure," Hunter replied almost relieved that he could stop for a minute. He found that the action of sucking really did make his whole mouth hurt, and he hadn't processed how he was gonna respond when Colin reached his climax. This way he had his out, plus he had really enjoyed fucking the first time. Colin handed him the lube and shoved a pillow under his ass, once again giving Hunter instructions on what to do. This time he made sure it was Hunter's finger that went in his ass and felt around. When they were ready, Colin lifted his legs up and placed them on Hunter's shoulder and, after just a small amount of fumbling around, he jumped slightly as Hunter punched through his ring a little faster than he'd have liked. He held on and let his friend do what he wanted. It took Hunter very little time to get into the motion of the fuck as he leaned down and kissed Colin again. That didn't last long as he leaned up, took hold of Colin's cock and jerked him off as he fucked faster and harder. He alternated looking at Colin's face and his penis as he nailed him. "Holy shit!" Hunter exclaimed. "This feels so awesome. I know I'm not supposed to like fucking a guy, but I really do."

Colin grinned. "It's because you have no other base of reference. My ass is the only place your dick has been except for my mouth, of course. It's not like you can compare it to pussy, since you haven't done that yet. Your dick is just happy that you're letting it in the game."

"Probably true, but I'd be happy with this for a while," he grinned and went back to his silent fucking. It was only a few minutes before both boys reached the point of no return, with Colin yelling at Hunter to go faster.

"Yeah, fuck my pussy. Hit it harder!!" Colin coached as he wiggled around to get as much of his friend as he could. "Jizz my hole, baby. He leaned up slightly, grabbed Hunter's ass cheeks with both hands and almost took over the fuck as he slammed himself down on him with each thrust forward. Hunter cried out and grabbed Colin's ankles tight as he let fly with a powerful orgasm, grunting loudly as his cock exploded deep inside the tight hole. He'd forgotten to keep jacking Colin's cock, so Colin grabbed his hand and got him back up to speed. He let fly with his own jettisoned load that hit him on his chin and flooded his chest. Both boys were panting so hard that neither could hear anything except their own breathing. Hunter pulled out and looked at Colin's ass to watch his cum run out, while Colin reached for the tissues to clean them both up.

"That was awesome!!" Colin announced once they lay back beside each other. "Damn, you're a fucking natural."

"Literally...a `fucking' natural," Hunter joked.

They both lay together talking, while almost unconsciously touching each other at random, until the inevitable happened, and they both became horny again.

"Lie on your stomach," Colin said quietly as he moved so Hunter could stretch out. He kissed down his back and gently spread his legs so he could lie between them. He pulled Hunter's ass cheeks apart and lowered his face in to his crack to lick the length of it. Hunter inhaled at the touch and almost pushed his ass up to get more of what was happening to him. Colin smiled and knew that unique sensation of having your ass licked and how it sent waves of pleasure through your entire body. He lost track of how long he enjoyed eating Hunter out and poking his tongue into his hole as often as he could. He felt between his legs a few times and found his temporary boyfriend rock hard and leaking almost the entire time.

Colin grabbed the lube off the night table and coated his finger, slowly sliding around Hunter's hole and testing his resistance. He found very little, so began to work himself inside, watching as each inch of the finger disappeared. Hunter reached out and grabbed hold of the bed sheets as he felt himself being probed for the first time. "You okay?" Colin asked once his finger was all the way in.

"Yeah. It just feels really weird. I feel like I have to poop," he admitted.

"Please don't," Colin said rubbing Hunter's ass cheek with his other hand.

"It doesn't hurt though," Hunter admitted as Colin felt around inside.

"Good. It's only my finger, so it shouldn't. Your ass is so warm," he said complimenting his friend as he leaned in to kiss each cheek while fingering him. He made sure to go in and out to let Hunter get used to the feeling of it and the more he did it, the harder his cock got in anticipation of what was to come. He pulled out, added more lube and went back in for a second feel. This time Hunter seemed to be more ready for it. When he finally pulled his finger out, he poured some extra lube down Hunter's crack and coated his own cock before lying fully on top of his friend, making sure to place his erection right in between the cheeks. He put his head next to Hunter's as he slid his cock up and down the crack.

"I call this a buttie fuck!" Colin joked.

"A buddy fuck?"

"No, like in butt. Butt-ie. Like straight boys do tittie fucks. Gay guys can do buttie fucks."

"Never heard of it."

"That's `cause I just made it up. You still sure you're okay with this?"

Hunter nodded. "Yeah. I looked stuff up online so I know I'm supposed to keep my bum relaxed and breathe a lot, so I think I'm ready. Are you gonna do it now?"

"I am if you're cool with it. I'll go super slow, I promise."

Hunter nodded and let out a big breath of air. Colin smiled as he felt his friend almost deflate. He hitched his ass up and reached under himself to aim his cock at the freshly probed hole. He pushed the tip firmly against the rosebud and slowly added pressure. He heard Hunter inhale deeply as the penetration began. "Whoooo, that feels big," Hunter remarked. Colin smiled and wanted to say that it was because he was big, but chose to just tell him to keep relaxed. He began to enter and saw Hunter grab the sheets beside him.

"You okay?" he asked.

"It kinda hurts," he remarked.

"The first time does a bit. I'll ease out and use more lube. If you can hold on, it feels a lot better as soon as I get past the entrance. I promise."

Hunter nodded. Colin pulled back poured more lube into Hunter's crack, and then began to enter again. He pushed and the sphincter gave way to suck him inside. Hunter yelped slightly and moved a hand back to stop Colin going any further.

"I'll wait here until you get used to it," Colin told him. "I promise that was the worst part."

"Shit that hurts. God, I can't believe we're doing this," Hunter remarked.

Colin smiled. "I'm pretty sure this makes you the best temp loco-boyfriendis I've ever had."

"I'm the only temporary boyfriend you've ever had," Hunter replied trying to joke back while breathing to try and get the pain to subside.

"Therefore, you're the best!" Colin said leaning down to kiss him on the cheek. Hunter turned his head and the kissed properly as Colin began to push inside, trying to go so slow that Hunter almost wouldn't notice. By the time he was fully in, Hunter was breathing heavily and trying not to move.

"Shit, it feels like my ass has a tree in it," Hunter remarked.

"Awww, thanks!" Colin grinned. "That's my motto. Plant a tree, save a straight boy. If it makes you feel any better, your ass feels like it's clamped around my dick like a vice. I'm all the way in though, so you did it."

"Now what?" Hunter asked.

"How's the pain?" Colin inquired.

"Better than at first, that's for sure. It really feels strange having something in my ass, but I'll let you know if I can't handle it," Hunter encouraged. Colin began to move his ass up and down, continuing to lie completely on top of him and press their bodies together. Both boys began breathing in unison as Colin happily fucked away inside Hunter's ass.

"Oh god that feels incredible," Colin exclaimed. "Whoooo. Oh yeah! Ughhhh. Ughhhh. God!" Colin moaned as he reached his hands out to grab Hunter's and interlink their fingers as he began to fuck him faster. "Oh Jesus, your ass is nice." He would have been totally content staying like that, but he knew from his own experience, that Hunter would enjoy it more if he could get to his own cock and masturbate from the sensation of his prostate being stimulated. Almost reluctantly, he slowed down and leaned back, pulling Hunter to his knees to reposition themselves. He grabbed hold of his partner's hips and began to fuck him again.

"Grab your dick and jerk off as we do it. That'll make it feel wicked awesome," Colin suggested. He looked around to see Hunter take his soft penis in his hand and begin to massage it. Colin helped by rubbing Hunter's back and reaching around to play with his nipples while he fucked him, taking the opportunity to watch his penis going in and out of his temporary boyfriend. It wasn't long before he heard Hunter moan and noticed that he'd become fully erect. "Yeah! See I told you it'd get better."

"Can you put more lube stuff in there as it's hurting a bit," Hunter asked.

Colin grabbed the bottle, and as he pulled out, he poured lube on the top of his shaft and went back in. "Better?"

"Yeah, thanks. Are you close, because I think I might be, and my ass is starting to hurt."

"I'm really close. You wanna cum at the same time?" Colin asked not sure if they could really time it that well, but he was willing to try.

"Yeah," Hunter nodded.

"Okay, hold on and jerk off faster when you feel me pick up speed," Colin instructed.

He gripped Hunter's hips tighter and began his final thrusts towards climax. He hammered Hunter so hard that he was now sweating and having trouble concentrating.

"I'm gonna cum!" Hunter announced. "Oh shit! I'm cumming!!" He shot his load all over the bed and had trouble steadying himself as it seemed as if the orgasm wave washed over his entire body. Colin hammered harder and grinned to himself as he felt his own climax approaching.

"Fuck yeah. I'm cumming dude!" He announced as he slammed hard into Hunter a couple more times and fired his load as deep into him as he could. He pushed Hunter back flat onto the bed as he lay on top of him, breathing heavily while staying inside. Once he came down from the orgasm, he slowly, and gently pulled out, grabbed the towel nearby and wiped himself dry, as well as Hunter's ass. He had him turn sideways to clean up the bed a bit, before both boys lay beside each other, still breathing heavily.

"How was that?" Colin grinned looking into Hunter's eyes to see if he could see the answer before hearing it.

"It hurt more than I thought it would near the end, but I think it was okay."

"A ringing endorsement. Every top tries to get the response `I think it was okay'," Colin teased.

"It made me cum, like super hard, so I think I enjoyed some of it. There was this part where my whole body shook while you were fucking, and I couldn't help but cum."

"That's where your prostate is stimulated to the point of no return. That's my favorite part when I get fucked. The worst is getting past the entrance and then pulling out after you cum. All you want is the penis out of you."

"I'd agree with that. I don't think I'd like to do that all the time though. It felt like I had to poop the entire time, and my ass is throbbing like as if you're still in there."

"That goes away in a few minutes. Thanks for letting me do that. Not everyone likes to get fucked, but at least you tried it."

"Yeah," Hunter nodded. "I way prefer doing the fucking though. Hope that's okay."

"Fine by me. I love being fucked."

"Cool. I liked the prostate thing, I just think maybe your cock is too big for my ass. Maybe if there was something thinner to put in there, I might be okay with my ass being played with," he added.

"I should get Brooks to fuck you then," Colin joked.

"I was thinking like chopstick thin."

"Yeah, like I said...Brooks," he giggled as they both laughed.

The boys fell asleep and woke up to have a shower and grab breakfast before Colin drove Hunter over to the country club for his job. He said he'd be back at three to pick him up. Colin spent the day surfing with Grayson and Martin before he left them to go back to get Hunter.

Colin waited in the parking lot at the club and waved as he saw Hunter approaching. Hunter had a huge smile on his face as he jumped into the car.

"Hey!" He said as he threw his bag in back seat.

"You're excited," Colin remarked.

"Best day at work, ever!" He replied. "Went out twice on the course and got big tips."

"Nice. I have a big tip for you in my pants for later!"

"More of that gay hitting on me stuff?" Hunter grinned. "First guy left me 50 bucks and the other 60, but when I picked up my tips at the end of the day, some other member had left me 500 bucks. Dude! I made over 600 dollars today. Fuckin' wicked or what?"

"I'll say. How much do you normally get?"

"Most times I only go out once and get maybe, if I'm lucky, 50 bucks, plus my regular pay."

"Nice! So this WAS a good day!" Colin beamed.

"How about we go for something to eat, and I'll pay this time?"

"You should save your money. I don't need you to pay for stuff for me," Colin said smiling.

"Hey, you know the rules. Whoever asks the other one out, pays," Hunter reminded him.

"Okay, deal. I'm in the mood for McDonalds."

"Cheapskate," Hunter laughed. "Can we stop by your place so I can shower first? I didn't do that in the caddy's lounge as I didn't want to keep you waiting."

"Sounds like a plan," Colin nodded as they drove off. They got back to the house and Colin watched as Hunter stripped and headed to the shower.

"Is this the part in the boyfriend thing where I ask if you want to join me?" Hunter inquired.

Colin quickly threw his clothes off and the two boys showered together. Colin avoided anything sexual but was having trouble not jumping Hunter as they got cleaned up.

"What's the plan for tonight?" Hunter asked as they finished up and went back to the bedroom.

"Wanna go driving in one of the new cars? We might find other things to do as well."

"Only if I get to drive a bit," Hunter replied with a smile.

"Of course. As my acting boyfriend you have equal share in everything."

"What about when I'm not your loco-boyfriendis?" Hunter asked giving Colin a little grin.

"Oh well, sucks to be you then. You'll be in the back seat."

"Ummm, half those cars don't have back seats."

"I'll attach a trailer for you," Colin joked.

"That's how it is, huh?"

That's how it is!" Colin nodded.

The boys took the Ferrari out and drove the freeways before moving over to the PCH to drive along the coastline. They'd stopped for something to eat and noticed how much attention the car got each time they stopped. Hunter felt like a movie star in it. At one point when they were a good distance from home and had stopped at a beach, Hunter reached over and took hold of Colin's hand as they walked.

"Are you sure?" Colin asked, feeling pleasantly surprised at the contact.

"No, but I wanted to see what it felt like."


"I feel like the entire world is looking at us, and that my knees are about to buckle."

Colin looked around and didn't notice a single person even glancing at them. "I guess I'm just used to it, but I like holding hands, so thanks."

Each time a person came down the walk towards them, Colin could feel Hunter tense up slightly and then relax as soon as they'd past. By the time they got back to the car, both of them had sweaty palms and Colin felt like he might have a couple broken fingers, but he was still happy they'd done it. They drove to a rocky area and parked to get out to explore. The boys grabbed their packs and climbed over the large rocks on their way towards the ocean, and sat on the edge of them looking out at the waves.

"Think this would be a good place to go surfing?" Hunter asked.

"Nah, too rough with the rocks underneath. If we fell, we'd probably be crushed, or at the least crack our skulls open on the jagged rocks. We should climb down and go check out the beach," he suggested.

They quickly worked their way down to the beach and explored all the holes the water had left in the rocks, forming almost a series of open-ended caves and tunnels. Colin grabbed Hunter's hand at one point, stopped and turned to kiss him.

"What was that for?" Hunter grinned.

"I dunno. I'm just having fun."

"Me too. This is a wicked cool beach."

"Wanna go swimming?"

"I didn't bring my suit. Unless you have a spare one," he replied.

"Me neither, but there's no one around so do we really need them," Colin hinted with a smile.

"Outside on a public beach? Isn't that illegal or something? What if we get caught?"

"Only if someone reports us, and the cops find us naked. But even if they did, it's not like we're robbing banks. We wouldn't even get a slap on the dick for it."

"Don't you mean slap on the wrist?"

"Hey, you have your cop fantasies, I have mine," Colin giggled as he reached over to pull Hunter's shirt off.

"Fine, but if I go to jail naked, I'm blaming you."

"Deal, and if we rob a bank one day, I promise we can do it with clothes on, just so you get what you want too," Colin agreed as he pulled off his own shirt.

"I...wait, what?" Hunter asked, pretty sure that the robbing banks thing wasn't his idea in the first place. He waited as Colin pulled out the towels from his backpack and lay them down in the sun.

The boys stripped their shorts off and raced into the ocean, splashing and trying to drown each other like anyone would without lifeguards around to blow whistles at them. When they'd finally had enough, they ran back to lie on their towels to dry off.

"Shouldn't we put our shorts back on?" Hunter asked.

"Nah, no one is around. We can work on getting rid of tan lines."

Hunter shrugged and lay face down as they let the sun dry them off. Colin turned over to show Hunter that he'd gotten hard.

"Horny much?" Hunter laughed as he looked over at him.

"Always. It's my trademark. Wanna fuck me?"

"Blunt much? Out here? What if we get caught?"

"There's no one here, and even if someone showed up, they'd only be jealous. I'd totally let them watch if they wanted to." He turned on his side and ran his hand over Hunter's back and ass. "It'll be fun, I promise," he teased. Hunter turned on his side to face Colin, who immediately reached down to take hold of Hunter's penis. "Damn, your dick is still ice cold."

"It's been in the ocean," Hunter replied, stating the obvious.

"I can warm it up," Colin grinned as he leaned over to kiss Hunter, who didn't hesitate to return the gesture. Colin rolled Hunter onto his back and partially lay on top of him as they kissed and he played with the cold package. Like any teenage boy, Hunter quickly became hard, and found himself focused on scanning the beach in case anyone appeared, or something came out of the water to catch them. He knew the Navy Seals sometimes popped up out of the water on missions to catch evil doers. As Colin began to kiss down Hunter's body, Hunter succumbed to the inevitable and put his arm across his eyes, waiting for what he knew was about to happen. Colin gently sucked the erection into his mouth and began to blow his friend as he tugged on his balls, cupping them gently.

"Is your popsicle warmer now?" Colin grinned as he looked up. Hunter lifted his arm.

"I'll say. Fuck this is making me so nervous," he admitted.

"But it's fun right?" He asked as he kissed back up Hunter's body stopping to suck each nipple before fully lying on top of him. "Am I making you horny though?"

"Oh baby, you make me so wet and horny that I can't get enough. We should make babies right here on the beach in front of the whole world," Hunter said in his best feminine voice as he tried to ignore how fast his heart was beating from nerves. He wrapped his arms around Colin's back and pulled him tight like he was giving him a bear hug.

Colin giggled. "Now, you're sounding like a girlfriend. But about that baby thing...which one of us would be getting pregnant?"

"You!" Hunter grinned. "Like I'd want to ruin my figure carrying your baby."

Colin leaned up and batted his eyes at Hunter. "Are you saying you wanna impregnate me?"

"Are you thinking you'd like sand in your ass?" he replied as he rolled him onto his back and they switched positions. Colin grinned and flung his legs up over Hunter's waist so if anyone had walked by it would have totally looked like they were having intercourse.

"Build a sandcastle in there if you want," Colin said looking deep into Hunter's bright blue eyes as he pushed the long hair out of the way.

"You know I'm having fun playing your boyfriend, but sometimes it makes me super nervous, like right now, curled up with each other naked outside. Other times it makes me feel amazing. Like when we're in your bed sleeping together. That is maybe the best feeling I've ever had. Do you think that makes me gay?"

"Nah. Guys our age experiment. That's how we learn about who we are. Plus, humans crave touch. It's how we energize each other. Trust me, you're not the only straight guy trying sex with another guy. It's the 21st century. We're not old fashioned like our parents. My older friend once told me, try everything once and the things you like, repeat until you'd don't like it anymore, and move on to something else."

"I'd agree with that," Hunter replied.

"I'm pretty sure when you get a girlfriend, that you and I will drift into the friends with benefits role, or maybe just even good friends with no benefits."

"Hey, I promised that I'll be your temp boyfriend until you get a permanent one," he said leaning in to kiss Colin again.

"Thanks. It's still the most awesome thing anyone has ever done for me. I have a question for you."

"Go for it."

"Do you think those two people walking towards us on the beach would like to watch us fuck?" Colin said leaning up slightly to look past his naked friend.

Hunter spun around to see two people in the distance heading towards them. "Shit! Dude! We're totally gonna get busted," he said scrambling apart from Colin to reach for his shorts. Colin made no such move. "Dude! They'll see us," he said as he pulled his shorts up and looked at Colin in a panic.

"I'm okay with it," he said trying not to show how nervous he really was. He was almost as freaked out as Hunter, but he wanted to challenge himself to show his friend he was cool, so he lay face down on his towel, resting his head on his folded arms. Colin tried to keep his breathing under control as he imagined the couple getting closer and closer and what might happen when they caught him.

Hunter whispered to Colin as if he were giving mission updates. "They're like 50 feet away, and still coming towards us." Colin ignored it.

"30 feet. Dude, it's now or never. They're almost here," he whispered.

"Shit. 15 feet," he said quietly as the couple came within earshot.

"Hi!" the girl said.

"Uh, hi!" Hunter replied swallowing nervously and wondering if he should throw something over Colin's ass.

Colin lifted his head and looked back. "Oh, hey!" he said as if he hadn't known they were approaching. He turned around and sat up, putting his hand over the top of his eyes to block some of the sun. "Sorry, we were just skinny dipping. I guess I fell asleep," he lied as he slowly reached over for his shorts.

"It's cool. That's why we like it down here. We're usually alone down here ourselves, for the same reason," the guy said. "Mind if we take up some of your beach?"

"Go for it," Colin replied as he looked at the couple while they lay their towels down and undressed. "Are you boyfriend and girlfriend?"

"Yep. Since freshman year in high school," the girl replied.

"How old are you now?" Colin asked.

"19. You?" she asked.


"Are you boyfriends?"

"No, just friends with occasional benefits if we need it," Colin answered.

"Are you straight or gay?" The girl asked.

"I'm gay, he's my bitch," Colin joked.

"Hey!" Hunter complained.

"Kidding. He's straight, but open minded.

"Me too," the guy revealed. "Best way to be especially when you're partying."

"Truth. I'm Colin by the way, and this is Hunter."

"Brendan and Andi. You ever been with a girl, Colin?"

"Sure. I just prefer guys now that I've tried both."

"What about you, Hunter?" Brendan asked as Andi got out some suntan lotion and began rubbing it on her boyfriend's back.

"I've not really done much of anything yet."

"Never been with a girl?"

"Not yet. Soon, I hope."

"But you two have done stuff with each other? Have you fucked?"

"Brendan!" Andi scolded.

"What? I'm just curious. God, when I was 14, I fooled around with a friend. I just wanna know if they have. Everyone does. Like you and your best friend. That was hot."

"Shut up, Brendan. That was more your fantasy than mine," she replied. "Straight boys and their belief that all girls should make out with each other. I wonder how they'd feel if we insisted that two boys make out with each other before we let them have sex with us."

"It's not the same. Two guys aren't as sexy as two chicks," Brendan replied. "Am I right, Hunter?"

"I respectfully take the fifth," Hunter replied.

"Smart guy," Andi nodded. "I think two guys having sex is really hot. My pussy would get so wet seeing you make out with another boy. My boobs would get so hard that I wouldn't be able to stop playing with them, licking my tongue all over my nipples," she said seductively as she sat up behind Brendan, reached around to rub his chest and grind against him. "It would turn me on so much!" She moaned.

Brendan rolled his eyes. "See what I have to put up with?" He laughed. "Shit, now you're giving me a bone. You better be prepared to take care of it. You know the rule, you create the problem you solve it."

"Done. Colin. I give you permission to take my boyfriend."

"That's not what I meant, Andi. Chicks, am I right?" Are you shy or something Hunter?"

"Not really, why?"

"You're the only one wearing clothes. I just figured maybe you weren't as comfortable with it."

"I put my shorts back on when I saw you approaching. I wasn't sure you'd be okay with us naked."


"Yeah, you might as well take `em off again, buddy. Keep working on the no tan line thing," Colin suggested. Hunter slowly slid his shorts off before lying back down. Meanwhile, Colin's eyes couldn't help but go to Brendan's crotch.

Brendan noticed him looking. "Not bad, eh? It does that when it knows it's about to get some. At least you're not the only one with a boner now, Hunter."

"Wha...? I'm...uhhh..." Hunter stammered.

"It's all good bro. Girls see our wood and can't wait to go down on it. That's what gets their panties off so we can fuck `em."

"He wishes that girls were that easy," Andi laughed. "Most of the time we're laughing AT boys instead of with them. It's fun to get them horny and then walk away leaving them to wonder how they didn't get laid. Am I right Colin?"

"I dunno. I never walk away from a guy with wood," he said smiling. "I'm a guy so I know how that feels, and I'd never leave someone hanging...or the case may be."

"Nice! See Andi. Gay guys have it figured out. Always take care of the wood."

"Like a lumberjack? Axe and chainsaw?"

Hunter turned to Colin. "We should hit the water for a bit. Get cooled off before we head home."

"Sure. We'll be back," Colin said as he stood up and watched as Hunter got up with his hand over his crotch. Once they were halfway to the water, Hunter removed his hand to reveal his erection.

"You shoulda showed that off. I think you're bigger than Brendan. That would have given his girlfriend something to tease him about," Colin remarked.

"I couldn't help it. She got naked, and I don't think my dick has ever gotten hard that fast."

"Is that the first girl you've seen naked in person?"

"Yep. The first one," he admitted.

"Another first for Hunter," he said fist bumping him as they hit the water to get cooled off. By the time they strolled back to the towels, Andi and Brendan were making out, pressed against each other, but stopped as soon as they arrived.

"How was the water?" Brendan asked as he sat up, not hesitating to show that he still had a full erection.

"Salty and wavy," Colin replied.

"That's funny. Hey, just so we're not ruining your day out, we're fine if you guys want to make out with each other. I mean we're both cool about it."

Colin nodded. "We've fooled around already today, so we may not be in the mood right now, but thanks for letting us know. guys should feel free too. We don't care. Right, Hunter?"

"No. It's fine," he said swallowing nervously.

Brendan grinned. "You ever seen a guy fuck a girl up close before?"

"I have," Colin admitted with Hunter saying he hadn't.

"Well, if you get curious, don't hesitate to watch. We both find it pretty hot actually." With that comment, he rolled on top of Andi and pushed her legs back and shuffled down to eat her out. Hunter quickly turned face down so that his erection wouldn't give him away. Colin leaned over and rested his head on Hunter's lower back, rubbing his ass as he watched. Andi played with her boobs and smiled at Colin.

"Is he good at that?" Colin asked.

She nodded and smiled as she replied. "It needs work, but he practices, so eventually he'll get the hang of it," she said teasing her boyfriend who just looked up.

"She knows I'm good. Makes her wet for me. I make her cum every time," he said before lowering his face back into her. Andi just shook her head and mouthed a silent, `no he doesn't.' Colin just grinned and moved to kiss Hunter's ass cheek.

"Do you eat your friend out, Colin?"

"Sure. I love rimming. Especially an ass this hot," he said slapping it. "Straight boys have no concept of their prostate, so when you teach them, they go crazy for it. Of course with a guy, it's way easier to know when you make them cum."

"Isn't that the truth," Andi replied as the two of them kept talking. Colin moved his hand into Hunter's ass crack and just rubbed it gently. Hunter had kept his head looking over to Andi and was doing his best not to stare at her boobs, or the fact she was being eaten out. Colin could feel Hunter squirming slightly beneath him and knew he was probably rubbing his hard cock on his towel. He moved his hand and felt for the firm tight balls and smiled to himself. Brendan sat up and shuffled up against Andi, rubbing his firm erection between her pussy lips as he watched. Hunter glanced down and had to lift his head slightly to see better.

"This is the best part," Brendan said to them. "When you finally get laid Hunter, take your time and enjoy it. Let your cock explore the pussy before you go in."

"Sure, yeah. Makes sense. Foreplay, right?"

"Right. But don't keep him waiting too long or he gets too excited for the action."

Colin laughed. "He knows that. First time we kissed he got too excited."

"Dude!" Hunter scolded staring at Colin intently.

"What? They know what it's like, right?"

"Absolutely. First time I kissed a girl my cock was so hard I thought there was something wrong it was so painful. How old were you the first time you had sex, Colin?" Brendan inquired.

"13," Colin admitted. "Did a girl and a guy on the same day to see which I liked. It was my brother's idea to set me up with both."

"Nice brother."

"The best. When you experimented with a guy did you like it?" Colin asked.

"I mean it was different, so yeah, it was alright."

"Would you ever do it again?"

"I wasn't really into the kissing. But anything else would be fine if the mood is right."

"Nice, so ball gag, and tie down straps are okay?"

Andi almost choked as she coughed out a laugh. "Fuck, I love your wild humor. Girl, we could be best friends."

"Humor? I said something funny?" Colin smirked.

"I think I'd need to be a little drunk or stoned for that level of wild sex."

"Dude! Grab my coke, weed and ecstasy our of my bag will ya," he joked to Hunter. "Oh, and that 40 of vodka."

"If you really had all that, I might just offer to fuck you. Sorry babe...I meant after you of course," he said as he slipped inside her and leaned forward. Hunter shuffled around slightly forcing Colin to sit up. He took the opportunity to look between Brendan's legs to see his balls.

Hunter was paying attention to what Brendan was doing so he had more information for the next time he was with a girl, while Colin moved so he could clearly see Brendan's cock and balls moving in and out of the pussy. He was laser focused on Brendan's body as he drilled her. They went for almost 10 minutes before Brendan shook, and came inside Andi and pulled out.

"Whew. I love an audience," Brendan said panting. "That was one big load. Check it out." He put his hands on her pussy and spread the lips so the guys could see his cum run out."

"That's hot," Colin grinned as he looked over at Hunter who was hiding his erection under his hand. He reached over and freed it so everyone could see. Then he ran his finger over the wet tip and put the finger in his mouth. "Mmmmm, someone's horny," he commented as he pulled his finger out of his mouth. Brendan reached over and rubbed the tip of Hunter's dick and copied Colin as he licked it.

"Not bad dude. Sweet tasting precum. Looks like someone is definitely horny. You wanna fuck her and try your first pussy?"

Colin grinned. "There you go, dude. Your chance to lose your virginity. I'd cum so hard seeing you do that."

"I don't have a condom," he said nervously.

"I'm on the pill," Andi replied. "You pretty much have to be when you have a boyfriend as horny as Brendan, and who offers up my pussy to others without checking first," he said staring at him. "But you can totally fuck me if you want. I'm sure you'll love it."

"Thanks, but I want my first time to be special. I hope that doesn't sound like an insult," he remarked.

"Dude! What could be more special than fucking your first girl on a public beach with two others watching?" Colin asked. "That's something you'd never forget."

"I was thinking I'd like it to be with someone I love first," he said to them.

"Ignore them, Hunter. I think it's romantic that you want it to be special. See Brendan not all guys are just about the fuck."

"That's only because he's never had one before. Once he gets his dicky sticky, he'll be just like the rest of us, am I right Colin?"

"Sounds right to me."

"Thanks, but I'd prefer to wait. Sorry if that seems stupid," Hunter said lying down to hide his erection.

"Not stupid at all, buddy," Brendan said quickly. "Your first time should be something you've dreamed about and have it go the way you want. Respect. But I can imagine your answer will be totally different if we meet again after you've gotten laid. I look forward to seeing you guys again after that. I might even offer to fuck you while Hunter is drilling Andi, Colin."

"And I'd happily accept," Colin grinned. "We should get going though or we're gonna be late. Thanks for letting us hang out with you."

"Anytime," Andi grinned as she licked a finger and pushed it into her pussy to tease Hunter.

The boys said their goodbyes, and raced to the car after scrambling back over the rocks.

"That was so awesome," Hunter exclaimed when they were back in the car. "Seeing her naked like that and watching him fuck her. I almost came like a dozen times."

"You should totally have fucked her. I mean you fucked me, so why not Andi when she offered?"

"I dunno. I wanted to, but I really do want my first time with a girl to be special and romantic. Plus, I didn't know how you'd feel about it. I'm supposed to be your temp boyfriend and it woulda been rude to fuck a chick in front of you."

Colin laughed. "It would have been as hot as shit! I could really had some fun and rimmed your ass or pushed you head down so you could have sucked on her boobs. I wanted to fuck you right there when I saw how hard you were."

Hunter grinned. "I had a feeling you were pretty horny."

"Dude! Porn stars are `pretty horny.' I was one strong gust of wind away from spraying the beach with my white lava. Put the seat back and take your shorts off, I need to blow you or I'm never gonna be able to drive home."

"I could drive," Hunter grinned.

"Fuck that," Colin said reaching over Hunter to pull the lever to drop the seat. He helped Hunter get his shorts to his ankles and went down on him, not wasting time or effort to get him off. While he sucked him, he jerked his own cock furiously. Hunter came first with Colin swallowing it eagerly, before he sat back and jerked himself off even harder. Hunter reached over and cupped his friend's balls to help him out. Colin lifted his shirt, grunted loudly and came all over himself. "Fuck, I needed that," he panted as he squeezed the last remaining bit out of his dick while Hunter grabbed a towel out of a pack and handed it to him. They cleaned up, dressed and started the car to get the air conditioning going. "Whew! What a day! Now the game is afoot to find you a girlfriend. Get you some pussy. What's your type?"

"I dunno. I don't think I have a type," he said. "Maybe like that girl. Naked and willing to have sex? Sorry. I know you probably hoped I'd like boys better, right?"

"No, it's cool. Will this mean I'm out as the loco boyfriendy thing?"

"No way. I promised, so I keep my promises. But we might not have as much sex if I get a girlfriend, I have to have enough energy for her, ya know."

"We're 17, not 40, dude. I think we have plenty of energy. We're in our prime. At our age we're supposed to be sticking our dicks everywhere we can."

"Hopefully not everywhere," Hunter grinned.

"I hope you get a cool chick that'll be into letting me watch you do her," Colin grinned.

"And let you join in?"

"If she was super cool, fuck yeah. Start thinking about hot girls you know while we drive home. Hopefully that'll get you horny again, and I'll let you fuck me."

"You'll LET me? Why do I get the impression, you'd never say no if I whipped out a hard dick?"

"You'd don't know," Colin said as he smirked and they headed towards home.

"I know. Trust me, I know THAT much about you already."

Chapter 24 The boys got home and rushed to Colin's room where the first order of business was a shower to wash off the sand and salt from the ocean. "That's one thing you have to remember if you have sex with a girl. Shower as quickly afterward as possible to scrub pussy juice off your dick. If you let it soak in, it's as hard to get off as cement, and your dick smells like wet fish for weeks.

"Really?" Hunter asked as they showered.

"True fact," Colin said as he reached down and grabbed hold of Hunter's penis and began to soap it up. "Want me to show you how to clean it properly with the scrub brush?"

"On my dick? I don't think so!" Hunter grinned as he slowly became erect.

Colin went behind Hunter and washed his back, leaving the erection alone as he focused on the rest of his friend. When he got down to his ass, he ensured he did a thorough job of getting deep into the crack. When Hunter gave a slight moan, Colin dropped to his knees and pulled the cheeks apart so he could lick the hole and push his tongue in before leaning back for a second. "Just making sure I get everything."

"I figured," Hunter said as he put his hand against the wall to steady himself. It was making Colin even hornier.

"Can I fuck you?" Colin asked, as he stood up and placed his dick at Hunter's entrance.

"Slowly. I'm still not used to it as easily as you."

Colin slid in gently as he massaged Hunter's shoulders to help him stay calm. He leaned in and reached around to grab Hunter's cock and jerk him off at the same time. "Oh fuck! I'm not gonna last long!" He leaned further forward and gently bit Hunter's shoulder as he moved his hips back quickly reaching a climax, with Hunter only moments behind him.

"That was nice," Hunter panted a bit as soon Colin pulled out. "Do I need to scrub my boy pussy juice off your cock now? Where's that scrub brush?"

"No, that only applies to girl pussy," Colin commented laughing, as the boys finished showering and went back to his room without getting dressed. They jumped on his bed to play some video games, followed by dinner, basketball, swimming, and a movie before finally heading for bed. They only ended up cuddling during the night instead of having a sex session. Sunday, they woke up early with Colin taking care of Hunter's morning wood with a blowjob, before they showered, had breakfast and headed to the country club. After he dropped Hunter off at work, Colin raced over to Brooks' house and right up to his room. Brooks literally flew off the back side of the bed as Colin busted in. "SHIT, Oreo! Fucking warn a guy. I thought you were my parents!" He chastised as he looked up.

Colin bounced onto the bed to find Brooks on the floor with his pants down. "You gonna finish, or do you need some help?"

"No, I don't need help! And you scared the crap out of me!" He said pulling his shorts up and getting back on the bed.

"I don't know why you freak out about choking the chicken. Just do it already. If someone busts in on you, they should be embarrassed for you. Seeing something that small would get you a lot of sympathy," Colin laughed. "Wanna go hang out, or should I get snacks so I can watch you finish?"

"My heart is beating so fast I may not get a boner again," he replied. They jumped in the car and headed off to do nothing specific, just hang out as friends. Brooks made sure to point out every cute chick he saw in a bikini, forcing Colin to point out every hot guy he saw, and make similar comments. When Brooks said to check out the rack on some girl, Colin did and appreciated it. When Colin pointed out the hot package on some dude, Brooks didn't appreciate it and told Colin to stop being gross. Equality still had a way to go.

The next meeting of the Handie boys was back at Carter's, but with more new members, it had been getting pretty crowded lately. Carter had decided that it was time for them to find a new meeting place.

"Boys, before you start your meeting, how about you follow me? I have something for you," he offered. He gave them the address, and they all piled into various cars to meet him there.

Colin looked around at the building they were at. "Where are we Carter?" he asked as his brother unlocked the front door to what looked like an industrial office. As they all entered and looked around, Carter answered.

" your new clubhouse, and I think this would be perfect, and I get my condo back. It used to be a dance studio, but they left. So, you have a wall of mirrors, perfect for the exhibitionists in the group. It has full washroom and shower facilities and you can decorate any way you want. Throw in a few bean bag chairs, some couches, a TV and a microwave, and it's the perfect place for a meeting...that isn't my place," he grinned. The front door has a keypad entry so you can set up different codes for different levels of members, and change it if some guys leave. "Enjoy. I own it, so it's yours for as long as you want it. Maybe figure out how to raise money for your club and do things like help others in need. That might be a nice break from just having sex every meeting."

"Cool! Thanks Carter!" Colin said as he hugged his big brother, which led to everyone else wanting in on the hug next. He pushed them all away eventually and smiled.

"Later, boys!" He waved as he headed out.

"You have the coolest big brother of all time."

"He's okay...for a brother," Colin said trying not to oversell it. He already knew Carter was the greatest, but he didn't want to sound uncool around his friends.

"Do you know if he's available?" Harlan asked.

"First, gross, and he has a girlfriend, so no he's not available. God Harlan. My brother? Gross!"

"What? He's hot," he replied as others agreed with him.

"You all need to shut up or I'm gonna blow chunks all over our new clubhouse.

"What should we do first?" Paul asked. "This place is kinda empty."

"Get naked and all stand in front of the mirror? We'd look like we'd doubled the club membership," Cole suggested, causing half the guys to laugh.

"We could do that fund-raising thing your brother suggested. "Naked guy yoga, or dance lessons. We could watch everyone in the mirror."

"I think we need more than just the mirrors though," Harlan added. "Do the lights adjust?" He went over to the wall to find out that they had dimmers and multiple circuits to change lighting around, which they all agreed could be cool.

"If we had some money, we could go to one of the thrift stores and get some rugs and furniture. Maybe that could be our meeting today?" Aidan suggested.

"I have money we could use," Colin offered.

"We could take my truck to load up," Paul spoke up, getting in on it.

"Mine too," Trent added.

"Okay, guys let's go shopping," Colin grinned as they all headed out and locked up with the code Carter had provided.

They found plenty of things for their new place and filled the trucks quickly.

Jin pointed out some colorful rectangular plastic bins. "We should get those," he recommended.

"For what?" Aidan asked.

"To put our clothes in so they're not all over the place."

"Great idea," Cole agreed, and bought all of them.

They unloaded everything they'd bought and it was beginning to look more like a hangout now.

"We need a TV in here," Jeremy suggested once everything they'd bought was set up.

"Yeah, for porn!" Carlson yelled out.

"And video games," Blaine added.

"I'll go get one. Who wants to come with me?" Colin asked. "Paul, I'll need to borrow your truck as a TV won't fit in my car."

"Sure," he said. The boys swapped vehicle keys just in case Paul wanted to leave at all. Colin, Blaine and Jeremy got into the truck and headed for Better Buy. Its deals were sweeter than the `Best.'

"We need a big TV for a room that size," Colin suggested. We should probably get a couple so we can watch movies on one and play video games on the other." The guys agreed and once they got there, they were quick to find the TV's they wanted. Then they decided to look around to see what else they might want. That led to a stereo and speakers for music, and both an Xbox and Playstation so the guys could bring their own video games. Blaine went to get all the extra cables required, and once they found a salesman, they told him what they wanted. He looked at them suspiciously, but went to get the items to take to the checkouts.

"Three TV's? Jeremy asked as he saw them brought out.

"Might as well," Colin shrugged. "I also think we should look on Craigslist for other cool stuff, like foosball, or a pool table."

Jeremy laughed. "At least we won't need sticks and balls. We each have our own when we're naked."

Once they got to the checkout, Colin handed over his Visa to the sales person.

"I'll just need to see some identification please," she asked.

"I.D.? Why?" Colin asked having never been asked for it before.

"It's just a store policy for larger purchases," she assured him. Colin shrugged and handed over his driver's license. She looked at it, then at him, then at both cards. "I'll be right back," she said and went into the back.

"What's that all about?" Blaine asked.

"Who knows. Probably a new employee that doesn't know shit," Jeremy reasoned. She returned with another guy. "See," Jeremy whispered.

"Is this your credit card, sir?" The man asked.

Colin frowned and looked at him? "Seriously? It has my name on it and you have my driver's license. What do you think?"

"Are you 18?"

"17. Again...driver's license," Colin replied. "What's the problem?"

"This is just a very large purchase and we don't usually see someone buying three TV's and two gaming systems at once. What are these for?"

"Are you in the habit of asking all your customers why they're purchasing your products? If I were a betting person, I'd say they're for watching TV and playing video games. I thought you were in the electronics business. Kinda stuff you should know if you're selling them, don'tcha think?" The sales girl smiled and Blaine laughed out loud.

"I'm sorry, but we have to ensure that this isn't a stolen credit card."

"Once again...license, name, me!" Colin replied standing his ground as his brother had taught him over the years.

"I'm sorry, but we have a floor limit for credit cards, and this purchase exceeds that," the man said bluntly handing the card and I.D. back.

"I doubt that. What's your floor limit for a Visa debit card?" Colin asked.

"We don't have one," he replied.

"Fine, put it on my debit card then," Colin said handing it over to him. "Oh, also my name on that card too."

The man looked at Colin and swallowed hard. He paused and looked at the card.

"Now what's the problem?"

"I'll be honest. We are suspicious that someone your age would be able to afford all this without something being wrong. Perhaps funds from illicit gains."

"Wow! Seriously? How about you go and get the store manager, and maybe I won't sue you for what you just said to me," Colin said bluntly as he stood his ground.

"I am the store manager," he replied.

"So, there's no one above you?"

"There's a district manager."

"Then get him please."

"He's not here."

"You have a phone, or would that be suspicious to assume? Call him, and while you're doing that maybe look my name up on the internet. You can come find me in the store, and do it quickly before I decide to contact our family attorney," Colin said as plucked his debit card out of the guy's hand and walked away. Blaine and Jeremy ran after him.

"We could just go buy this stuff somewhere else," Blaine suggested. "That guy is a douche."

"True, but we've already picked out what we want. I'm really not in the mood to have to go do it somewhere else."

They waited a couple minutes, checking out the latest in computers and video games. Jeremy nudged Colin when he saw the manager approaching.

"I've spoken to the district manager and he's agreed to let the purchase go through."

"Good to know you actually WANT to sell the stuff you carry," Colin replied bluntly. "And what sort of a discount will you be offering since you caused me so much inconvenience, harassment, and embarrassment in front of everyone?"

The man audibly gulped. "We can offer you 10% off the final bill."

"Let me think about it. I have to call my Dad to see what he suggests I do. Accusing me of having funds by illicit gains, specifically because of my age has me outraged, and I need to calm down a bit and decide whether I need to take legal action or not. You can leave while I discuss this with my friends who witnessed it all," Colin said as he turned and went back to talking with Blaine and Jeremy as they checked out the features on a gaming computer.

The manager looked lost as he watched them, then turned and walked away.

"Dude! That was epic. Did you see the look on his face?"

"At least their district manager is letting us buy the stuff," Blaine said happily.

"He never called anyone. He probably went straight into the back and pulled up my name. There's a picture of me with my Dad and brother in some story they did about the studio a year ago, and how it was a family business that had grown into a big success story. No doubt he realized who I am now. You know what else we should get? A fridge. To put pop and stuff in," Colin said as they head to the appliances. They found a mini fridge and Colin asked the sales guys to take it to the checkout and put it with the other stuff they had selected.

"How much is all this gonna cost?" Blaine asked as he tried to add it all up. "Each of those TV's is over $6,000, so that's already 18 grand."

"As long as I don't go over my purchase limit, I'll be fine."

"How much is that?" Jeremy asked.

"I think my Dad said it's $50,000. I'm not sure if that's a day or a week, but I think it's probably a day, since that's how they do cash limits too."

"You're allowed to spend fifty thousand dollars at once?"

"I could, but I don't think I'd ever do that. I'm guessing they did that in case I needed to buy another car or something. Oh hey! Check this out," Colin said pointing to a sign. They say you can save even more if you have a commercial account. I should see if we have one of those."

He got out his phone and called Carter. "Hey bro. Do we have a commercial account at Better Buy?"

"Sure, why?"

"I'm buying some stuff for our clubhouse and the manager is being a bit of a tool. Thought maybe I could use our account? I'm paying for the stuff, I just wanted a discount."

"Good thinking. Definitely use the Worthington Entertainment Network account, and give me 10 minutes to make sure your name is added as a signatory."

"Thanks Carter." He hung up and turned to the guys. "All set. Carter's gonna take care of it. Let's go pick out some video games while we wait." They returned to the games area and played a few while they wasted time. A text came from Carter saying he was all set on the account, so the three guys strolled to the checkout counter and asked the sales person to go get the manager.

"Mr. Worthington. I must apologize for earlier. We have to be careful about fraudulent situations, and I'm sure you can agree that three teenagers buying over twenty thousand dollars worth of merchandise is a little unusual."

"So is age profiling," Colin replied bluntly. "I think we have everything we need. We'll be using our Better Buy corporate account. It's under Worthington Entertainment," Colin said bluntly.

"Yes. We already received the information from our head office. Would you like that on the account, or would you still like to use either the Visa or Visa debit cards?"

"I'll pay on my debit card. It'll save me having to pay my Dad back if it goes on account."

"Your corporate account will get you 15% off the retail price," the manager informed him.

"Great. And then you'll be giving me that 10% off the final bill on top of that too? Since that was for the harassment?" Colin inquired.

"Uhhhh...yes. Of course," the manger said obviously looking like he was being pummelled by teenagers now.

"Good. Can we get some help to put this stuff in the truck please?"

"Of course."

The sale was completed and loaded into the truck. Once they drove off, Jeremy and Blaine were bouncing all over the place. "Holy shit dude! You handed him his balls and made him eat them!"

"Graphic, but fuck yeah! I dunno how people do shit without a brother like Carter to help."

"I dunno dude. You kinda kicked his ass all by yourself. That was epic!" Jeremy said praising him. Plus you saved like 25% on all this. Fucking insane."

They got back to their new clubhouse and went inside. Some of the guys were fooling around together, while others were just lounging and watching.

"Okay horny boys! We're back! We need some help getting the shit out of the truck," Colin yelled as he took his clothes off. Everyone raced outside naked to help unload the purchases. They were all impressed by the shit he'd bought and couldn't wait to rip it all open and set it up. Sex took a back seat to the electronics. Colin had bought a couple stands for the TV's so they could be up off the floor and the guys set to work building them. They chose one part of the room for the movie TV and another part for the game TV's. The stereo was also a hit as they hooked up their music to it, and the clubhouse came to life.

"We shouldn't let guys see where our clubhouse is until we make them members," Cole suggested. "Maybe pick them up somewhere and blindfold them before we bring them here."

"Yeah. I'd agree with that or they could just show up and try to get in," Rory, one of their newest members, agreed.

"Okay. We'll add that to the rules. The only people to know about this place are actual members," Colin nodded.

"Also, we should make it a rule that all boys have to shave their pubes. Most of us do anyway, so we should just make it a full rule," Chris suggested. Some of the guys complained that it might not be good to go fully shaved since they change in front of the other guys on some sports teams. They agreed that smooth was the preferred option, but they would allow short buzz cut pubes, but all new members must be smooth when being accepted. No exceptions. They still had plenty of energy once they were satisfied that the clubhouse was set up the way the wanted it, and burned it off by having an orgy with each other, ending up in the showers together. They quickly realized that they probably should have bought some towels in their shopping spree and added that to their list of things they'd have to remember to bring. For now, they ended up sharing the three towels that some of the guys had brought in their packs. After planning the next meeting, and agreeing to make it an initiation for Axel, they headed home.

A few days later, Colin arrived at Hunter's. "I told my Mom we'd take my brothers and sister for the day, but she suggested we have a boys' day, and she'd take Briel for a girls' day," Hunter explained as soon as Colin got in the house.

"Sounds good to me. You guys looking forward to a boys' day out?" Colin said to Skyler & August. "We could go swimming first, then maybe laser tag?"

"Cool!" August replied. He grabbed their backpack and raced out to the car to fight over who got the front seat.

"I promise you're gonna regret this," Hunter laughed as they drove off. Colin took the back seat of his own car with Skyler, which seemed to appease everyone. They got to the house and ran around into the back yard.

Skyler jumped around excitedly. "Neat! Your pool goes into your house!" He exclaimed.

"Shall we get into our shorts?" Colin asked as he took them into the house, and grabbed a pair of shorts out of the cupboard next to the towels. The boys pulled their shorts out of the backpack they were sharing and changed. Colin ran and cannonballed into the pool, followed quickly by the three brothers. They swam around in the pool playing diving games and tossing Skyler around, then going after him to ensure he was okay.

While they were all outside, the boys took turns diving or jumping off the board to see who could make the biggest splash. They made sure when Skyler went that someone was close by when he popped back up, so he could grab on and have a ride back to the side of the pool. "Wanna see something funny?" Colin asked as he got on the diving board. He dropped his shorts and put them on his head and jumped up and down, flying into the water.

Skyler giggled as Colin swam to the side and threw his shorts on the deck. "Me next!" He got out of the water, took his shorts off, and put them on his head to copy Colin as he jumped off the diving board. He resurfaced looking for someone to hang onto. Colin grabbed him, and Skyler climbed on his back. Hunter shook his head and got out of the pool. He walked to the end of the diving board, lowered his shorts and did a hand stand. As he went to fall forward, he kicked his legs and threw his shorts across the pool before hitting the water. The guys applauded. Skyler pulled himself out of the water again.

"Skyler has a boner!" August laughed pointing at his little brother.

"So? Hunter said I'm allowed to," Skyler replied running for the diving board, completely not embarrassed by the erection.

"I did say that," Hunter laughed. "Just part of being a boy."

"Skyler looks so much like you. I picture that's how you looked when you were that age. Boner and all."

"That's what my Mom says when she shows us pictures of me as a kid. Except the boner part."

They watched as Skyler jumped off the diving board and Hunter was nearby to get him, and make sure he got back to the side of the pool. August was next to get out of the pool, where he paused to think about it, before removing his shorts like the others.

"Damn! He's got the same cute ass as you," Colin remarked quietly as he watched him walk away.

"Dude! That's my kid brother."

"Yeah, and if he wasn't, I'd bury my face in that," Colin laughed, as he reached under the water and took hold of Hunter's dick to pull on it a couple times.

Hunter hit him on the arm. "Shut up!"

August ran down the diving board, jumped and did a perfect dive into the pool.

"Wow! Awesome dive August," Colin said congratulating him as he popped back up. "I don't even think you made a splash."


The guys played around in the pool for a while, with Skyler's favorite game being to swim between the boy's legs as he played submarine. Colin asked if they were hungry a short while later, which is almost redundant when you're a growing boy. He suggested they go out for food and then to laser tag. "Who likes cars?" Colin asked.

"Me! I do," August said quickly.

"Okay, let's get dressed and you can pick out which car we can take. Where do you want to eat? Skyler, you get to pick that one."

"McDonald's!" he said excitedly.

"That figures!" Hunter said rolling his eyes.

The two boys swam into the indoor part of the pool and walked up the stairs out of the water to get a towel. Colin leaned over to Hunter and whispered. "Don't worry, you get to pick something too. You can decide whether you'd like to be a top or bottom, later!"

"Chasseur will be ready!" Hunter laughed as they swam to join the other two. They dried off and dressed quickly, before Colin took them to the garage.

"Wow! Are these all yours?" August said as he raced into the garage to check all the vehicles out.

"Some of them are."

"You have a Ferrari and a Lamborghini, and a Rolls Royce, and Bugatti," he shrieked as he ran all over the garage, with Skyler running after him just as excited, but probably only because his brother was.

"So which car do you want to take to McDonald's?" Colin asked August.

"I kinda want the Ferrari or the Lamborghini, but they only have two seats and there's four of us," he said sounding disappointed.

"So, we take both. Hunter can drive one and I'll drive the other," Colin offered. The two kids cheered.

"Lucky," August said to Hunter. "I can't wait until I can drive!"

Colin went to the lock box on the wall and punched in the code to open it so he could get the keys. Hunter and August got into the Ferrari, while Colin helped Skyler strap into the Lamborghini, since they weren't normal seatbelts. Skyler was so excited it looked as if he was hyperventilating. Colin wasn't sure if it was because of the car, or the fact they were going to McDonald's.

He opened the garage door and slowly pulled the vehicles out to make their way for food. As soon as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, people began to gather around to look at the cars. Colin ignored them as they headed inside. August couldn't stop talking about how cool the Ferrari was. He ordered so much food that the other three stopped eating just to watch him shovel it all in.

He looked up at them. "What?"

"Nothing. It's just you weigh 85 lbs and you have like a hundred pounds of food," Hunter joked.

"Can I ride to laser tag in the Lamborghini next?" August asked.

"Fine by me," Colin replied.

"No way! I wanna stay with Colin," Skyler complained as he slurped down a milkshake.

"So, we'll all switch cars," Colin suggested. "Then you can see which one you liked the best." That seemed to settle down any fights. Hunter sent his kid brothers to the bathroom as soon as they were done eating. "Told you it would be fun having your brothers around."

"Wait. They're still being nice. At some point they're gonna fight over something, and I'll bet you won't think it's as good then." As soon as they got outside Hunter and Colin swapped keys, and had to ask some of the guys gathered around if they could move so they could get in the cars.

"You guys steal these?" One older teenager asked.

"Sure, `cause that makes sense," Hunter replied as he opened the door and the guys tried to look inside.

"How do guys your age have cars like this then?"

"How do guys your age NOT have cars like this?" Hunter replied bluntly as he closed the door and started it. Colin just smiled at how well Hunter had handled it. They left and headed for laser tag.

"So which car do you like the best?" Colin asked.

"I like them both, but I think I like the Lamborghini better," August admitted.

"I like the Ferrari `cause it's red, and has super cool doors," Skyler grinned.

"Yeah, I like the doors on the Ferrari too," Colin said agreeing with his newest friend.

"You're too small to even close them," August commented to his little brother.

"I am not, Auggie! You're too dumb to close them," Skyler replied.

"Take that back!" August said running at Skyler, who turned and ran off screaming. "Take it back you little shit!"

"Hunter! Help!"

"Told you it wouldn't take long," Hunter grinned as he leaned against the car next to Colin and watched the boys running all over the parking lot.

"You gonna help?" Colin asked with a curious smirk.

"Nope. One of two things will happen. August will catch Skyler and tackle him to the ground to force him to take it back and say `Uncle', or they'll both get hit by a car. Either way, the chase is over."

Colin laughed. "I guess this is good practice for when I get my own kids."

"Anytime you want to borrow them to practice with, be my guest," Hunter offered. "Hey! You wanna play laser tag or not? Colin and I are going in," Hunter said as he moved off the car and headed to the door. Both boys ran up and surrounded Hunter.

"Make him apologize," August said.

"Why? You called him out first. Now you're even. Drop it and let's go play laser tag."

The boys calmed down and entered with the older two. Colin bought the four passes and they were taken to be suited up. Skyler wanted to know if he could be on Colin's team, but was even happier when he found out they'd all be on the same team, up against other guys for the first round. The second game was an everyone for yourself game, but Colin leaned down to whisper at Skyler. "We can team up and get your brothers, you up for that?"

Skyler giggled excitedly and worked with Colin to defeat the other two. Near the end, when it was just Colin and Skyler up against a couple other boys, Colin pushed Skyler behind him and took a `bullet' for him. "Okay buddy, it's all you. Go get them. You're smaller, so stay low and you'll be tougher to hit." Skyler nodded and ran off, gun in hand. He managed to get one guy, but got hit by the last one.

He returned shrugging. "I almost had him."

"Dude, you rocked that shit! You beat all of us and almost won against a bigger teenager," Colin said high fiving him. "You want another game to see if we can fuck their shit up?"

"Yeah!" he said excitedly. "We're gonna fuck their shit up! Right Hunter?"

"Right!" Hunter agreed as the game was reset. "I am gonna be in so much trouble later," Hunter said laughing at Colin.


"Oh, you'll see," he said without further details. This time August and Skyler teamed up against Hunter and Colin, ending up beating both of them. Of course they had no idea that the older boys let them win and watched as they raced around, empowered and excited.

When they finally left, everyone was adrenaline charged, and it almost needed the special seat belt to lock Skyler down. They took the cars home and piled back into Colin's Camaro for the ride back to Hunter's. Skyler and August raced into the house trying to both be the first to tell their Mom about the day.

"Momma? What's wrong?" Hunter asked he noticed her at the kitchen table looking extremely unhappy.

"Nothing, just allergies," she said looking up with a forced smile. "How was the day, boys?"

"Wicked cool, Mom," Skylar said excitedly. "We got to swim in Colin's pool, and we didn't even need a swim suit. Then we had McDonald's..."

"And got to ride in Colin's cool cars. He has a Ferrari AND a Lamborghini," August added.

"Then we went to play laser tag and I kicked ass. It was the most awesome day EVER! I even got to say the S' word and the F' word, when we were playing tag. You gotta do that when you're with older kids. That's how you fuck their shit up!" Skyler explained.

Hunter looked at Colin with an amused grin, and shrugged. "Told you I was gonna be in trouble."

"Sounds like you had fun," she grinned. "Why don't you boys run off and play now?"

August and Skylar took off as Hunter sat down. "What's wrong Momma? You don't have allergies."

"It's nothing you should concern yourself with, baby. These are my problems," she said looking at the pile of papers on the desk. Hunter took one of them to read it.

"We're gonna lose the house?" He said shocked as Colin looked over his shoulder at the paper. "Can't we do anything?"

"I don't know. I'll have to call them. But we just don't have enough money. I thought we did, but I guess it went faster than I'd budgeted. Don't worry. I'll figure something out."

"I could call my brother. He's pretty good with banking stuff. He might have some advice."

"Thank you, Colin, but this really is my problem. I'll just talk to the bank in the morning. Maybe there's something we can do. Oh, and Hunter...remind your brother about swearing."

"Sorry Momma. It was just a slip of the tongue. I'll correct it."

"It was my fault. I only have an older brother," Colin added. "I totally forgot to watch my language."

"It's fine. We just don't encourage it, but we all know shit happens," she said looking at the boys with the best amused look she could.

The boys went to Hunter's bedroom. "That sucks. My Mom works so hard. I hate seeing her upset like that."

"Me too. Could I give her some money?"

Hunter smiled a little. "She wouldn't take a handout. That's one of those things she taught me. We stand on our own two feet."

"Maybe I could make it like a loan with no interest. She could pay me back at lower payments than what you do now?" Colin suggested. "I could be the Bank of Colin...International!"

"I'm still sure she'd say no. We'll see how she does at the bank."

"Banks suck," Colin said shaking his head. "They have their big corporate rules and don't care about the little guy. I hope she sticks it to them."

Hunter laughed. "I hope so too. Are you still gonna sleepover or have you had enough of my brothers by now?"

"I'm sleeping over. Your brothers are fun."

"You're really a sucker for punishment huh? Stick around a week, and when you can't get five minutes privacy, not even to beat off in the shower, you won't be so enthusiastic."

They played some video games with Skyler sitting right up against Colin giving him advice on what to watch for and who to shoot. When it was time for bed, Hunter put a blanket on the floor and lay a sleeping bag out for Colin, who opened it up to lie under. He explained that he liked having space to move instead of in a small sleeping bag. Skyler strolled in dragging his comforter.

"Skyler what are you doing?" Hunter asked.

"I wanna sleepover too," he said as he lay his blanket down next to Colin.

"You live here. It's not a sleepover if you live in the same house," Hunter reasoned.

"It is too. Can I? Please?" he begged.

Hunter looked at Colin. "Fine by me. I think it would be fun," Colin grinned.

"Fine. Skyler, you wanna sleep in my bed, and I'll sleep on the floor with Colin?"

"No way. I wanna sleep down here," he said sitting down on his blanket.

"Cool!" Colin said putting his fist up for Skyler to bump. The younger brother gave a big grin and bumped it. August returned and got into his bed in his underwear. Skyler was sent to go brush his teeth and take a pee before bed. Hunter and Colin went last.

"Umm, what do you guys wear to bed?" Colin asked Skyler after they returned to the bedroom.

"Underwear," he said quickly. "Why? What do you wear?"

"Usually nothing. I mean it's kinda stupid to wear clothes to bed, but I always ask when I sleep over," he said pulling off his shirt and pants, before getting under the covers. The boys told ghost stories in the dark and Colin smiled to himself as he felt Skyler move closer and closer to him as the stories got scarier. By morning Colin woke up with Skyler's hand over his chest and the boy snuggled against him. He looked over to Hunter's bed and saw his friend looking down at them.

"You have a new friend," he whispered. Colin nodded and moved himself slowly out from under Skyler and climbed onto Hunter's bed, where the boys looked at some videos on the laptop together. It wasn't long before Skyler awoke and stood up.

"Weirdo, where's your underwear?" August asked as he looked at his kid brother with his morning stiffie.

"I took `em off. It's stupid to sleep with clothes on, right Colin?" He ran off to the bathroom, and Hunter punched Colin lightly on the arm.

"Sorry, I had no idea he'd do that. I was just commenting," Colin apologized. "And I had no idea he was sleeping naked. Shit."

"Don't worry about it. He has a tendency to mimic a lot of things he's sees, especially with two older brothers. It's one of those things you learn having kids around. Didn't you wanna copy your big brother?"

"Sure, all the time. I guess it's just different from the other side of the fence."

"Like I said, anytime you want them, they're all yours," he laughed as they went back to looking at the laptop before Skyler returned having peed away his morning erection. Hunter told him to get dressed so they could go for breakfast, and August, who hadn't followed the lead of his youngest brother, and was still in his underwear, ran off to the bathroom. They all put t-shirts on and headed to breakfast.

As soon as Colin got home, he called Carter for advice and told him what he wanted to do, since he'd noticed that Hunter's Mom was at the same bank he was. Carter gave him some options letting his kid brother know that it didn't matter if it was a different branch or not, as they were all linked to the main bank. He offered to go along to help him. Colin said he'd like to try it on his own and listened intently on how Carter told him to go about getting what he needed. The next morning, he eagerly went over to the bank as soon as it opened and asked to speak to the manager.

"Do you have an appointment?" The receptionist asked almost coldly as she looked at him.

"No, sorry. I just dropped by."

"May I ask what this is about? Perhaps one of our other officers could assist you," she offered.

"No thanks. I'd like the manager please. He gave me his card and said I could ask for him anytime. Could I make an appointment then?"

"He's very busy. The first appointment I have is two weeks from now. Would you like me to schedule you for it?"

"I guess, but this is kinda urgent."

The receptionist gave him the smile that said `I'm sure it is, kid.' "May I get your name please?"

"Colin. Colin Worthington," he said feeling disappointed that he couldn't get in right away. As soon as he said his name the receptionist's face changed.

"Just a moment Mr. Worthington." She quickly got on the phone. Within seconds the manager was out front smiling.

"Colin. Great to see you. Perfect timing. I just finished a meeting, and my next appointment isn't here yet. Come in. Come in. Can we get you anything? Soda, juice, coffee?"

"I tried coffee. It's pretty gross. No, I'm fine thanks. I just need a favour."

"Anything," he said as they headed to his office and got seated.

Colin got right to the point, trying to be as professional as he could. "My friend's Mom has a mortgage with this bank. I dunno if it's your branch or not, but I figured I'd start here." He handed over her name and address on a paper he'd written down. "They lost their Dad to cancer and she has four kids. I think they're way behind on their payments and might lose the house. I came to ask if you'd forgive their mortgage. I also want to put some money into their saving account."

"That's very thoughtful of you, Colin. We don't usually just forgive mortgages, but perhaps we could do something like refinance so they can get caught back up. He quickly began typing into his computer. "Hmmhmmm," he said as he reviewed the file. "Yes, we do have a mortgage loan on file and you're right, they are in arrears."

"Yeah, she got some sort of notice that the house could go into foreclosure and you'd seize it. There's no way I want that to happen. She's a really good Mom who works hard to raise her kids. It's not the best neighborhood, but they like it."

The manager did a few more uh-humm's, and ah-haa's, as he looked over her situation. "I see the steady income, and she was keeping up until the insurance money appears to have been depleted. It's too bad they didn't have insurance to cover the actual mortgage, or it would have been paid off upon the husband's death."

"How much is it?"

"There's still a little over $200,000 owing. If we refinanced, we could extend the mortgage and make the payments lower a little." He worked on his calculator for a few minutes and ran some numbers. "With her current income, she would still fall behind again, but it could give her the time needed to raise additional income. Unfortunately, she is just not making enough to pay all the bills. I'm sure she's trying her best, but the numbers show that every month, her expenses are more than her income. I'm sorry Colin, but it might be better if they moved to someplace more affordable."

"Or you could forgive the mortgage and pay it off, right? Then she'd have more than enough money to get ahead."

"True, but the bank isn't usually in the habit of just forgiving mortgages."

"That's why I came to you. I talked to Carter and he said you sometimes write them off when you can't sell a distressed property."

"Also true, but there's a process to go through first. We always try to get our money back from the property before we write it off."

"I see," Colin said trying to sound mature. "So you can't help her?"

"I mean we can help by refinancing and delaying the inevitable, but at some point, it's going to catch up with her again. I'm sorry."

"Is 200,000 really a lot of money to a bank this size? I mean my Dad told me that my trust is over 300 million dollars right now, and I get half of that when I turn 18." He pulled out his phone and used the calculator to run his own numbers, which he'd done before, but Carter had told him what to do when the manager said no. "Don't I make like over a million dollars a month in interest? Or like six hundred thousand, on just the first half alone?"

"Sounds about right," the manager smiled.

"I don't know how you guys make money off me having money in here, but if went to another bank and asked them to do me a favour like this if I transferred all my money, would it be worth it to them?" Colin kept a straight face as if he were truly inquiring, but inside his head he was grinning wildly. Carter had told him that managers hated losing big accounts, as their corporate offices would investigate the reason for an account that size walking.

"It might be. Yes, banks invest your money so that they can pay you interest, and at the same time earn something themselves."

"Sir, this is really important to me. Hunter's Mom is a great lady and the family is awesome. She has four kids and when I saw her crying, and how concerned my friend was, I wanted to help. I know I'm knew to all this, but I really want to deal with a bank that cares about people as much as money. If they lose their house because you guys took it, I couldn't bank here knowing you did that to someone I cared about. So, I'd really like to know if there's a way you could make their mortgage go away."

"Let me look into it for you. Things like this are above my head, so it may take several days."

"I guess I can't ask for more than that. That'll give me enough time to check out other banks in the meantime to see if they might help too," Colin said smiling cheerfully, knowing full well it was coming off exactly as he meant it too, while sounding like a kid just trying to solve a problem above his head.

"How about you give me half an hour to make some calls. You can wait in the reception area and I'll get to work on this to see what I can do."

"Sure. I'll maybe go for breakfast first. I've been craving iHop."

"Sounds great. You're a fine young man Colin. It's refreshing to see someone caring about his friends as much as you do. I see the resemblance between you and your brother," he smiled, but with a look that said it all as he stood up. Colin got up and they walked out together. He called Carter.

"How'd it go?"

"I dunno. At first, he said they could refinance, but that they'd still fall behind, and when I asked him to just pay it off, I think he almost choked. It was pretty funny. Then I did what you said and he kinda went a grey color."

Carter laughed. "Worst thing you can do to a bank manager is threaten to take your money out. Then what? Did he pay it?"

"No. He said it would take a few days to look into it for me, so I told him that would be awesome as it would give me time to check out other banks to see if they could help her."

Carter howled. "Nice one. I'll have to remember that line. So innocent, yet so evil. And?"

"He told me to come back in half an hour."

"Okay, I'll stay by the phone. If he doesn't offer to pay it off and help out, you can do one of two things. Call me and let me talk to him, and I'm sure the money I have in there, along with yours, and the trust fund, should be enough to change his mind, or just let him know that you'll go off to find another bank to help, and ask him to arrange to transfer your money as soon as you find one. Then call me and we'll switch to my other bank."

"You use more than one bank?"

"Of course. Never have everything in one place."

"Eggs...basket thing?" Colin grinned as he walked to iHop.

"Egg-xactly!" Carter joked.

"Funny. Okay, I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks Carter. I'm glad you know so much about this stuff."

"Anytime little brother. That's what I'm here for."

He had breakfast and went back to the bank. This time he was ushered right in to the manager's office; ready to fight if he had to.

"Good news, Colin. We'll pay off the mortgage to help out your friend as a favour to your family. We value your business and your family has done a lot for us over the years, so it's nice that we can do something to help out in return."

"That's awesome! That should ease the stress on her big time. I'd also like to transfer a hundred thousand dollars to her saving account so the kids can go to college. I'd like to keep this anonymous though. Maybe you could just say something like you found an insurance policy you didn't know about when you were looking over their file."

"We can do that. We'll call them personally to give them the good news. For legal reasons we can't put false information into a letter, but behind the scenes, we'll forgive the mortgage under one of our programs, and send her the deed to the house free and clear. All she'll need to pay from this point forward is the property taxes...and before you ask, we can't eliminate those," he grinned. "Your gonna be just like your brother when you grow up."

"I hope so!" Colin grinned. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much that means to me. I guess you have a customer for life."

"Good to know. Your family has been with us a long time. I'll just need you sign a withdrawal slip for the money you wish to put into their account and I'll take it from there."

Colin quickly signed the $100,000 transfer and walked out beaming. He quickly called Carter to let him know. "He paid the whole thing off. Like 210,000 dollars."

"Nicely done little bro. I'm fuckin' proud of you. You just got a big bank to part with 200 grand because you're a Worthington. How'd it feel?"

"Dude! I'm stoked. Hunter and his family get to keep their house and they'll have enough money now to be able to live better." He didn't tell Carter that he'd transferred his own money to them as well, as he wasn't sure how Carter would feel about that, but he felt awesome. Helping people in need, especially someone he cared about was like the best feeling in the world. He raced to school feeling like he'd won some big sporting event. He was actually looking forward to his economics class now.

A few days later, he picked Hunter up at the house so they could head over to go swimming, and then hang out with the guys afterward. Hunter was unusually quiet all the way back to the house as he drove. As soon as they got into Colin's bedroom, Hunter turned to Colin with tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god! Are you alright, buddy? What happened? Is your family okay?"

He nodded and flung himself against Colin, knocking him onto the bed with him. "Thank you!" He said giving him a big kiss holding onto him like his life depended on it. When he finally pulled his tongue out of Colin's mouth to get some air, Colin was grinning wildly.

"I should be thanking you after a kiss like that. Not that I'm complaining, but I'm confused. What was that all about? Tears, and then a kiss to give me a boner for a week?"

"You know! You're the best person ever."

"Well that's true! But usually people only say that while I have my dick in them just seconds before they cum," Colin joked.

"I know it was you," he said as he lay on his side with their legs intertwined, staring at each other.

"What was me?"

"The house and the bank. I know you paid off our mortgage."

"Me? I didn't. I swear," Colin said truthfully.

"Bullshit. You hear that my Mom is gonna lose the house and two days later we get a call from the bank to say they found some insurance policy when they were looking through the files. Suddenly the house is ours and there's a hundred grand in our bank account. I smell you all over that."

"That smell is because I haven't had a shower yet," Colin said trying to joke. So much for anonymous. "I swear I didn't pay the mortgage off."

"But you had something to do with it," Hunter said not giving up.

"Let's just say I asked the bank manager to review your file carefully as a favour to me and our family."

"And they paid it, just like that?" Hunter asked suspiciously.

"I kinda suggested I'd take all our money out of his bank if he didn't," Colin admitted. "But for the record, I did not pay your mortgage off. I know you'd have been pissed at me if I did. Does your Mom think it was me, or did she buy the insurance thing?"

"I think she's so relieved that we're not gonna be out on the street, that she'd pretty much believe anything as long as we were all safe. Plus, the extra money means that my brothers and sister will be able to go to college when they get older now."

"And you," Colin grinned.

"I was going anyway. I have enough money saved for the first year already, so I'll be fine. Thanks Colin. You didn't have to do that, but I'm glad you did," he said as he leaned in so they could kiss again, which led to a full sex session.

By the time they lay relaxing, Colin looked over at Hunter. "If I'd known that getting the bank to do me a favour would have made you so horny, I'd have done it months ago," he grinned. "This loco-boyfriendis thing is totally worth it!"

"Wanna go again?" Hunter asked as he pressed up against him.

"We'll be late to meet the guys," Colin said looking at his alarm clock.

"So we'll be late, fuck the guys!" Hunter said as he rolled over on top of Colin again.

"Umm, if we fuck the guys, we'd be able to kill two birds with one stone," Colin joked as wrapped his legs around Hunter's waist and waited for him to enter again. He brushed the blond hair out of Hunter's eyes so he could see him better while he was being fucked. It took Hunter kissing Colin before he finally came and the two boys separated and raced to have a quick shower, before rushing over to meet their friends. "Oh, by the way, Skyler insists on sleeping naked now. Thanks for that! Should make it super awkward when he gets into bed with me."

"You're welcome," Colin smiled.

"He talks about you all the time and how cool he thinks you are. He won't shut up about the day out we had."

"Kid has good taste," Colin nodded as they met up with everyone.

"Way to show up on time 30 minutes late!" Brooks said criticizing the two guys.

"Sorry, traffic," Colin replied.

"Yeah, bullshit," Brooks said with a smirk. At one point when some of the guys were out surfing, Brooks sat down next to Hunter and looked at him. "So, how's Colin in bed?"

"What?" Hunter asked staring at him.

"Colin. In bed. How is he?"

"How would I know," Hunter replied shaking his head. He was thankful that Colin had warned him that Brooks would try something like this to get information, so he had been ready. "I figured you'd know more about that than me, since you've been friends with him your whole life."

"Just friends," Brooks replied.

"Ditto," Hunter added. Then looking around as if they might be being spied on, he lowered his voice and leaned closer to Brooks. "But if you're that curious about it, we could both go and ask him for a blowjob. I heard that he's amazing at it. We could time him to see which one of us he makes cum the fastest."

"Pass," Brooks said ending the conversation. Hunter just smiled to himself as Colin sat down and Brooks headed off to find Preston.

"He asked me how you were in bed," Hunter revealed.

"Figured he would. What did you tell him?"

"The truth, obviously. That you suck at it. Your ass is way too loose to be fun, and that you slobber like a Saint Bernard when you're kissing."

"Funny. But seriously, did you tell him anything?"

"Of course not. I said if he wanted to know so badly that we should ask you to give us blowjobs to see who you could make cum the fastest."


"And he stopped talking."

Colin laughed. "Nicely done. You have Brooks figured out."

"I work at a golf club with a bunch of stuck up assholes. You pick up a thing or two about how they talk and act."

"That's probably true. But just for the record, I'd totally do that if you two wanted me to," Colin laughed. "Now just convince Brooks to go through with it, and you've got yourself a competition."

Hunter looked at Colin. "Have you actually sucked off your other friends though?"

"I wouldn't tell you that. That wouldn't be any more fair than if they asked me anything personal about you."

Hunter nodded. "I like how you protect your friends. It's pretty decent."

"That's how we all stay friends."

Later on, Colin dropped Hunter at home, and as soon as he was alone in the car with Brooks, he shook his head. "Really? You asked Hunter how I was in bed? You're an asshole, you know that?"

He grinned. "What? I wanted to know if he'd admit it."

"And did he?"

"Nope. He basically said if I wanted to know I should find out for myself. He suggested we ask you for a blowjob to see who you could make cum the fastest."

"That's an easy one. I can already answer that. It's you."


"Seriously. You have a sensitive dick, what can I say. You probably just need to use it more. Hunter's more active I guess," he teased.

"Is that why you two were late today? Were you having sex?"

"Dude, seriously? Why ask if you really don't want the answer? We've talked about that. Are you really saying you'd like to hear the details of how he had my legs over my head, his big cock slamming my tight ass, jizzing his load into it before we kissed and rolled around on the bed, or would you just prefer knowing that I was late because of I said?"

"Traffic's a bitch this time of year," Brooks nodded and they headed home.

End of Chapter.

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Next: Chapter 13

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