Society on the Side

By Dave

Published on Sep 30, 2021


Society on the Side By Connor Matthews

These are spinoff stories to the main series `The Society Boys' (SB) located in the gay/highschool section on Nifty.

Have you always wondered what some of the characters get up to after they walk out of sight of Justin? Now it's time to find out. These will be stand-alone chapters, and as always completely fictional. The chapter in Society Boys (SB). where the character follows from, will be identified in each new story as appropriate, but you shouldn't need the main story to enjoy each chapter (I hope).

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(From SB Chapter 161)

Colton's 16th Birthday

Colton Bower skipped home after spending his first night as a 16 year old getting the present of a lifetime. He had finally convinced his neighbour Justin Masters to give him a sex lesson; and not just any lesson, an all night affair where he learned more than he could have ever imagined...and he had quite the imagination.

As he brushed his long light brown hair out of his green eyes, his heart was pounding hard and his mind was still reeling over the night he'd just had. He may only live next door, but the properties were so large that it took him almost 10 minutes to get home. As he burst through his front door, he couldn't wait to see what else his birthday had in store for him, knowing it was going to end with a hot steamy night of sex with his boyfriend, Darren.

Darren was still just 15 and believed in monogamy, so Colton's big night out with Justin was going to have to remain a secret. His whole reason for cheating on his boyfriend was to learn new things so that sex between them could be better. In his mind, he was justifying it perfectly and would prove tonight why it was the right thing to do as he showed his new skills off. As the front door slammed shut to their house, Dr. Jack Bower, rose his head from the kitchen counter where he was reading the morning paper and enjoying a coffee. "Happy Birthday son!"

"Thanks Dad!" Colton replied with as massive grin as he continued ride the euphoria of his evening. He approached his father and gave him a hug.

"Thanks for letting me stay over at Justin's last night. It was the best time ever."

"I'm guessing you got what you wanted?" Jack smiled.

"I'll say. Darren is in for quite a few surprises tonight. Guess what! Justin showed me just how big a deal the prostate is. I think he hit it several times last night."

Jack rolled his eyes. He was a doctor and the family were naturists, so talking about sex and bodies was not a foreign concept, but he still didn't need to hear the blow by blow of his son's sexual adventures. "That's great. But do me a favour. Keep the details to yourself, unless you have a medical question I can answer for you. Sex between two people should have at least a little mystery."

"Okay, Dad. But thanks for letting me get laid last night. I think I got fucked so many times, I can barely walk. Justin is like this epic pro at it and I'm gonna show Darren everything I learned. Even rimming is fun now, and I thought I'd hate it."

"Are you planning on telling him that you spent the night with another boy?" Jack asked wondering what part of keeping the sex details to himself Colton didn't hear.

"No way. He still wants us to be exclusive with each other. And you won't tell him either right? We have the doctor patient thing between us don't we?"

"And the father son thing too," Jack grinned. He stood up, adjusted his balls and walked over to get himself another coffee. As usual Jack was naked, but Colton never even noticed now. He had been brought up in a house where his parents hardly ever wore clothes, and were as open about their bodies as they could be. One of the big reasons he felt comfortable talking to his Dad about his sex life. Not something most 16 year olds would do. "But for the sake of your relationship, I think you owe it to him to tell him."

"I day, maybe on our 50th anniversary when Alzheimer's has kicked in. Just not today. Today he is going to get the benefit of my night of new experiences. So if you hear a lot of noise coming from my bedroom tonight, just ignore it. We're probably gonna fuck all night."

"Colton, seriously. Keep the details to yourself. I'm still your Dad and some things I just don't need to know."

"No problem. You probably forgot most of that sex stuff already huh, being married and all? Don't want to be reminded of it, eh? I'm gonna go grab a shower and get ready for my big day. Guess now that I'm 16 and a man, I'm gonna be much more independent. But seriously, if you ever have any gay patients that need some tips on being gay, bring them home and I'll be happy to show them."

"I'll keep that in mind," Jack smiled at his overly enthusiastic son. He liked the fact that they talked openly, even though he still wasn't happy that his son was in such a serious relationship at such a young age. He wished that he and Darren would slow their relationship down a bit. He knew they were having sex and accepted it as part of the growing up process as he began to discover who he was. He just wished that they would slow down and enjoy being kids a bit more before they became so serious as a couple. Hence the reason he'd let his son have a night out with the neighbours. He knew the guys next door were very active in the gay lifestyle and if anyone knew how to relax and have fun it was them. He'd heard enough of their parties over the past few years. From the enthusiasm of his son this morning, he had no doubt that it was only one of the pair that wanted monogamy right away.

"So what time does your party start tonight?" Jack asked as he changed the subject.

"7. We're going to have pizza first, probably hit the pool, play games in my room, maybe drink until we all pass out, screw in a mass orgy, play charades, watch a few movies, play video games, things like that."

"Excellent. Just leave out the drinking until you're 19, pass on the orgy, and behave yourself, or your mother and I will stay here and show baby pictures of you all night."

"You wouldn't dare!" Colton grinned.

"Break the rules and I'll be here with the pictures of you naked in the sink with your rubber ducky. Or the one with you and your best friend in the tub together when you were three, all covered in soap bubbles."

"Okay, okay. I'll be good. Except with Darren tonight. Then I'm gonna be bad! Real bad!" he giggled.

"Your Mom and I will be going out tonight to let you have your party, and we trust you. Anything inappropriate and it'll be the last party you have."

"No worries Dad. It's gonna be an epic birthday, but I can hardly do anything wrong. My boyfriend will be here and he isn't exactly going to let me do anything with anyone."

"I'm assuming this is a boy girl party?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, of course. Some of my best friends are girls."

"Well, keep everything age appropriate," his Dad warned.

"Sweet, so orgy in the pool after popping some X, it is! Thanks Dad!" Colton grinned.

"I guess we should stay home then should we?" Jack said staring at his son knowing he was joking.

"Don't worry Dad, the only one who gets naked around the house is Darren, and only because he's been over here so much, he's used to it. The rest of them are still shy and stuff. I just want a cool party. Maybe we play seven minutes in heaven and spin the bottle, but that's about as far as anything sexual will get. You don't need to worry, I'm saving everything for Darren tonight. My dick is already hard thinking about it. I'd show you, but I don't want to embarrass you old man. My penis is way bigger than yours now."

"Dream on little man. You forget. I've seen you with an erection before."

"Yeah. Truth hurts doesn't it, Jack?" Colton grinned as he called his Dad by his first name.

"Thought you were going to have a shower."

Colton laughed and raced upstairs to his room. It was a large double size room with one side set up with large screen TV, pool table, and couches, while the other had his king size bed and bathroom. It was like his own apartment. Helps when one parent is a doctor and the other a prominent lawyer, although they were always so busy the Colton never saw them as much as he'd like.

Some of his best friends were his boyfriend Darren, and by association he'd inherited Cody, Tyler, Andrea, Britney and to a lesser extent, Zane. Zane was Britney's younger brother and one of the gayest people Colton knew. The boy would bend over for anyone and had hit on Colton many times. He had come so close to fucking the younger guy that he now found himself trying to keep his distance whenever possible, so hadn't invited him to his party. The first time he saw how aggressive Zane could be is when he and Darren were over at Tyler's place. Tyler had an older brother, Chris, who was gay and in an open relationship with his boyfriend Wade. The younger guys were playing video games when Chris had walked in from their shared bathroom to tell his brother to quieten down. He was wrapped just in a towel fresh from the shower. Zane jumped up from their video game and ran over to Chris.

"Hi Chris. Sorry we were making so much noise. You look like you've been working out."

"Yeah. Hi Zane," Chris said looking down at the younger guy. Zane licked his lips and quickly popped the towel that was fastened around Chris' waist letting it fall to the ground. He shot a look at the older boys' naked body and dropped to his knees in front of him.

"Wow. That is an awesome shaving job, Chris. Can you show me how to do that?" He took hold of Chris' cock and balls as the older boy pushed him away and grabbed his towel to refasten it. Zane stood up and smiled. "I'm a total bottom you know and I'm pretty good at it. Wanna fuck me?"

"ZANE! Stop perving on my brother, ya giant homo and get back in the game," Tyler yelled at him.

"You can fuck me if you want. I have a really nice ass," Zane said as he turned around and dropped the back of his pants to show Chris his bubble butt. Chris stared and then shook his head.

"Just keep the noise down, bro. I have studying to do." He then shot another glance at Zane's ass before going back to his bedroom.

Colton had noticed it all and wondered how Zane could be that open and never have got beaten up yet. It was less than 10 minutes later when Zane ran off to use the bathroom and didn't come back for over half an hour. When he did, he had a huge smile on his face and kept looking over at the bathroom door, which led from Tyler's room right through into Chris' bedroom. Colton asked him about it later and he told him he'd gone into the bathroom, stripped and got a boner, then walked into Chris' room and convinced him to fuck him. Colton wasn't sure he could ever be that aggressive, but after the night he'd just had with Justin, he was feeling confident he might be able to one day. He'd even let Kyle, Justin's friend, come in this morning and give him a quick fuck in a three-way. He enjoyed it, but found it difficult to concentrate on what he was doing or on who he was supposed to be paying attention too, but he wanted to do it again that's for sure. He knew he'd need more lessons in group things before he was comfortable with it. Tonight's party would have all his friends over, most of whom were straight, some of whom he'd seen naked and thought were hot, and all of whom were accepting of his relationship with Darren. He found he got along better with some of the girls than he did with the boys, as there was no sexual tension with them. He was totally looking forward to his party tonight. He hit the shower and let the warm water flood over him as he stood there thinking about some of the things he should do at his party. As he exited the shower, he looked at himself in the mirror and figured he looked younger than before instead of older. It may have had something to do with the fact that Justin had removed all his body hair from neck to toes. He spun around to check out his ass and ran his hand over it. It was normally smooth anyway, but now it just felt extra smooth. He didn't even have any underarm hair, which he kinda liked. He wasn't sure about leg hair though as he thought that had looked good on him. Too late to do anything about it now. He took his razor and gave his face a quick swipe with it. He only needed to shave about once a week, but since it was a special night, he figured he might as well look good. Probably none of his friends would see him naked, and he'd just `surprise' Darren later by showing him how smooth he was. Of course the whole point of going over to Justin's place last night was to learn a bunch of new sex things, that he also hoped to use on his boyfriend tonight.

He dressed and ran back downstairs. Normally he would have gone naked, but he didn't feel like answering a thousand questions from his parents about the lack of hair. His Mom had joined his Dad in the kitchen and both were now dressed.

"Good Morning Colton. Happy Birthday son!" She said as she came over and gave him a big hug and kiss. "How was your first night as a 16 year old?"

"Epic. I learned so much from Justin last night that I could become a porn star? That dude knows his shit!"

"Language please."

"Right, sorry Mom." His Mom was a lot more reserved than his Dad and he sometimes forgot that. While he could talk openly with his Dad, guy to guy, his Mom wasn't quite that open, despite the entire family being naturists. That's about as far as it went with his Mom. She wasn't interested in hearing about his sex life, and he had to watch his language too. Being a lawyer, his Mom knew how to use her words, and she wanted Colton to be as equally capable, so profanity, slang and acronyms were frowned upon.

"Next big birthday is 17, then I can drive, then 18 and I can vote, then 19 and I can drink. Got it all planned out," he grinned as he sat down with them.

"Which one has you moving out?" His Dad grinned.

"You wish, old man. You wish. I'm gonna be here until you guys die and I get the house."

"Guess we should change the will then. Currently the house goes to the cat orphanage," his Dad joked. His Mom walked over to the side of the kitchen and opened the pantry cupboard and pulled out some wrapped presents

"Happy birthday son." She said as she handed them to him.

"Wow. Cool! What'd you get me?"

"Well you won't know until you open it. Really the whole concept behind gift wrap," his Mom replied.

He ripped open the envelope first which was his birthday card. It was a humorous one that also had a hundred dollars in it. The second one, also an envelope, contained four tickets to two different concerts; One Direction in July and Taylor Swift two weeks later in August."

"Aww sweet. I so wanted to go to these. Thanks guys! Oh my God, it's gonna be insane. This will be my first concert that I get to go to without parents. Hopefully Darren's parents will let him go to." He leapt off the chair and gave each parent a giant hug and then sat down to read the tickets more closely.

"Aren't you going to open you last present?" His Dad grinned.

Colton put the tickets down and ripped open the last present. "No WAY!" He shouted as he pulled the box out. "A hoverboard? Fuc...Ummm, that's the most insane present ever!"

"Just stay off the pool deck with it. Don't need to find you at the bottom of the pool."

"Party pooper. I was going to ride it along the bottom of it," he giggled. "I've always wanted one of these," he grinned as he gave his parents another hug. "You're the best."

"Well have a happy birthday, Colton," his Mom said, which was almost lost on her son as he ripped open the blue hoverboard and quickly looked at the instructions to see how it worked. He then put in on the floor and went to step on it. The board activated without him being completely ready and moved forward startling him, causing him to lose his balance. He read the instructions again which told him to step with his right foot first and then the left. As soon as he did, the board took off again and he immediately fell off.

"Whoa, they make this look a lot easier on TV. I guess I should practice until I get the hang of it. Wanna be able to show it off to my friends tonight. Thanks again for all the cool stuff," he beamed as he went back to his parents.

"Have fun tonight, and remember, we trust you to behave responsibly. This is your first real test as an adult. Don't let us down," his Mom warned like a typical Mom.

"No worries. We're just gonna do normal stuff, play video games, watch movies, hit the pool, listen to music, stuff like that."

"Stay out of the liquor cupboard too," his Dad warned. "Last thing we need is a bunch of kids heading home drunk from an unsupervised party."

"All good Dad. I won't even tell them where the liquor is. Darren and I might have a drink after everyone goes home though. You know, to take the edge off before we get to the good stuff!"

"I hardly think you need the edge taking off anything. Stay out of the liquor boy, or the next time you see daylight, you'll be too old to remember what it is."

"Geez, I'm just kidding. Chill Dad. You can trust me. I mean if I want a drink I can just ask you, right? It's not like I have to sneak around and steal it. Plus half that stuff tastes like it's gone bad anyway. If we do anything we'll just smoke pot and have sex in the hot tub. You know, normal 16 year old stuff."

"You're not instilling confidence in our decision to leave you home alone with your party," his Mom said as she looked at him seriously. "We might end up coming home early and surprising you."

"Guys. Guys. I'm just joking. It'll be the tamest 16th birthday party on the planet. These are all my best friends, so it's not like I'd do anything to screw that up. Plus, once they leave Darren and I have the whole night to look forward to. That's when things get really wild."

"Let's leave that for behind closed doors," his mother warned quickly. "And remember to play safe."

"Duh. We always do that. We don't put anything electrical near the hot tub and I no longer juggle chainsaws while having sex, so it's all good," he teased. For parents, his were pretty cool. He didn't have people over very often as his parents were usually naked and that wasn't something he needed his friends spouting off about at school.

"You know you might be 16 and almost an adult now, but to me you'll always be my little boy. Don't be in a hurry to grow up," his Mom said as she gave him another hug and kissed him on the top of the head.

"Gotta grow up sometime Mom, but I promise to keep needing you. After all, you pay my allowance," he smiled as he got on his hoverboard again only to fall right back off. The doorbell went and he ran to answer it.

"Happy Birthday!" Darren said as he entered and gave his boyfriend a big hug and handed him his birthday present. "The big one six!"

"Yep. All man all the time now!" Colton grinned as they went back inside.

"Good morning Darren," Jack said as Darren entered the kitchen.

"Morning Jack, Good morning Marla," he said as he sat down. In the two years he'd been Colton's boyfriend, he'd seen it all. From the first time he was at the house and walked naked onto the pool deck to find Colton's Dad suntanning in the nude, to the first time he'd seen Mrs. Bower naked, to getting caught having sex with Colton; there was pretty much nothing that they all didn't know about each other, so calling them by their first name was just normal. Colton's parents were the only parents he got to do that with. He didn't even get to call his own parents by their first name. He barely knew their first names.

"So do you two have big plans for the day before your party tonight?" Marla asked.

"Just the usual. I got a couple surprises for Darren first, then we might go to a movie this afternoon. What time are you guys leaving for the night?" He asked as he sat down to open his present from Darren.

"We'll be gone by 6, so that your party can start without us here," Jack replied. "But like I said. Keep it PG, as we may stroll home at any time."

"Got it. Keep the orgy in my room, not in the pool."

"C! Keep talking like that and we'll stay home," his Mom warned with a bit of a grin.

"I'm just joking. Darren and I are going to have sex before the party so we aren't horny or anything. See, I got it all worked out."

Darren still blushed a little each time Colton talked that openly in front of his parents. There was no way he could talk like that in front of his. Each time Colton stayed over he had to leave his bedroom door open and they were never allowed to sleep in the same bed. At Colton's house, Jack had caught them having sex a few times and never even blinked at it, and the only advice he ever gave was to make sure his bedroom door was locked so that his mother wouldn't walk in on them. Colton opened the presents from Darren and pulled out a cool red patterned T-shirt that he had mentioned he liked when they were out one day. Then he pulled out a second shirt, which was dark blue and sleeveless. Across the chest it said `abolish sleevery.'

"Oh my god! I love these. Thanks so much baby!" He chuckled as he kissed his boyfriend and then sat back and yanked off the shirt he was wearing to put on the sleeveless one. He thrust an arm in the air with his hand in a fist. "Abolish Sleevery!" He said loudly. They all laughed.

"Oh cool. You got a hoverboard!" Darren said as he noticed the device on the ground.

"Yep. And tickets to both One Direction and Taylor Swift. You gonna go with me?"

"Try and stop me!" Darren said excitedly as he jumped on the board and expertly maneuvered it around the living room, stopping, starting and spinning like a pro. "Wow, this is super easy. I should try and convince my parents to buy me one for my birthday or Christmas, then we could go tons of places on them.

"Yeah, we'd be awesome on them," Colton said trying to see how his boyfriend was doing it so easily. Darren rode up to them, grabbed his juice and backed up as he rolled around the kitchen as if he'd been doing it for years. Marla and Jack just smiled at him and looked at Colton who just shrugged. "Natural talent I guess. Come on, let's go to my room. We gotta put all this stuff away before we go out. Later guys. Thanks for all the cool stuff!"

"Have fun today Colton. If you need us, you know how to reach us," his Mom said in her typical Mom role.

"Yep, but I probably won't."

The two boys raced up to the bedroom and Colton slammed it shut and almost instantly began kissing his boyfriend. "These shirts are awesome babe. I'm gonna wear this one at the party," he said indicating the red one that he loved. "And I'm so wearing this out to the movies," he said about the one he had on.

Darren lifted Colton's arm and smiled. "No hair?" He asked redundantly.

"Nope. Been busy. That's what I was gonna show you. Come check this out," he said as they went into the bathroom together. Colton quickly took off his shirt and pants and then dropped his underwear so he was naked. "See! No hair anywhere."

"Whoa. Even your legs? Dude. You're like bald," he laughed.

"I know right. And feel it. Completely smooth." Darren ran his hands over Colton's crotch and then felt his balls. He wasn't kidding. They were totally smooth with no stubble at all. Colton turned around and pulled his ass cheeks apart. "Check it out. Even my crack is hairless." He bent over and Darren bent down to take a look and then felt it.

"That's insane. I like the crotch like that, but I kinda liked hair on the lower legs. How did you get it so smooth?"

"Nair for Men. Works way better than shaving. Justin from next door told me about it," he smiled. "Want me to do you? Then we can both be super smooth for tonight?"

"Sure. Yeah. Last time when we shaved though I had red bumps for days. Does this do that?"

"No, I don't think so. Justin said to use water when rinsing and let it calm down for a couple hours before using soap or anything, so if we do it now, we'll be fine for tonight."

"Okay but just crotch. I like my leg hair, ok?"

"Deal. Now strip bitch!" Colton chuckled as he went for the bottle of hair remover that Justin had given him. Once Darren was naked, Colton rubbed the cream on him and made him wait the 15 minutes for it to do its job. Of course both boys had erections from being this close to each other and they kissed a few times during the process. Colton had managed to also convince Darren to let him do his underarms. By the time he had wiped all the hair off with a cloth and rubbed his balls and ass crack smooth, being normal teenage boys, they were so horny they almost couldn't function. Colton turned on the shower and they both got in so that he could rinse his boyfriend off. As he focused on Darren's crotch he dropped to his knees and gave him a quick blowjob as he did it. "Turn around so I can make sure all the hair is off your crack."

Darren did it and put his hands against the shower wall. Colton pulled the cheeks apart and worked the cloth and warm water along Darren's crack and pink hole. It was as smooth as his and he took the opportunity to press his finger against it. Then he smiled as he pressed his face close and licked along the length before pulling the cheeks wide and burying his face into Darren's pucker, pushing his tongue into the tight hole.

Darren jumped forward and stood upright. "What was that?" He asked as he spun around.

"Rimming. Told you I had a few surprises today. Turn around and let me show you."

"I thought we didn't like doing that," Darren replied as he stood there.

"Just turn around. Trust me."

He used his hands on Darren's hips to turn him back around before burying his face in his ass again. "Stick your ass out further," he said when he came up for air. Darren complied and Colton went back in again. He reached between Darren's legs to take hold of his erection and fondle his balls. Darren began squirming at the sensations.

"See! Told you this was hot," Colton grinned as he stabbed at his boyfriend's tight pink pucker with his tongue.

"If you keep that up much longer I'm gonna cum," Darren warned. Colton stopped and stood up and kissed along Darren's back.

"Hand me the lotion so I can fuck you," he said as he began nibbling on his neck. Darren handed the bottle over to him and spread his legs a little to prepare to be entered. Colton rubbed a bit of the lotion into Darren's hole and then coated his cock before stepping up and slowly inserting himself. They'd fucked each other a lot over the years so had gotten pretty used to it. The first time it was a train wreck, but now they could handle each other easily enough. He had just begun to fuck him when he heard a knock on the door.

"Colton. Your Mom and I are going to the store to get things for your party tonight. Is there anything in particular that you'd like?" His Dad yelled.

"What?" Colton yelled back. His Dad entered the bedroom and his voice became clearer.

"Where are you?" His Dad asked.

"We're just in the shower," Colton yelled back as he kept fucking Darren.

His Dad knocked on the door. "Are you decent?"

"Well we're in the shower fucking, but the curtain is closed, so yeah, we're decent enough," Colton replied. He wasn't shy about sex with Darren, although Darren was a lot more skittish than Colton about it. He tried to move forward so they could uncouple, but Colton just held him in place. "Relax," he said quietly. "It's just my Dad. He doesn't care."

"You know, you boys really need to lock the bedroom door when you're having sex. If your mother walks in on you, I'm never going to hear the end of it," Jack said as he opened the bathroom door. "Anyway, we're heading to the store for food for your party. Anything specific you'd like?"

"Um, just lots of pop and chips and stuff like that. We'll order pizza so it's all good there. Maybe grab a couple bottles of lube?" Colton chuckled as Darren whacked him on the side of his ass.

"You're on your own with that," Jack grinned unseen by his son. "Any type of pop?"

"The usual. Root beer, orange, Coke, Sprite. Thanks Dad."

"Alright. We'll be back soon. You boys behave while we're out," he said as he turned and left.

As they heard the outer bedroom door close, Darren turned his head to Colton. "I never get used to that."


"That you are so open around your parents. I know I've been over here for like two years now, but it still freaks me out when they know we're having sex and don't care. My parents would cut off my nuts and never allow us to be together again if they walked in on us doing this."

"That's why we do it over here more than your place," Colton said as he increased the speed of his thrusts as they fucked.

"And what exactly does your Dad mean by behave? He knows we're fucking, what more could we get up to?"

"Stuff they don't approve of for my age. Like drinking or taking the car without a license, smoking pot. Stuff like that."

"What will happen when you're old enough? Will they accept it if you drink and smoke pot?"

"If it's legal, then I'm pretty sure they'll allow it. My Dad wouldn't like it if I do either since he's a doctor, but if I get into trouble my Mom is a lawyer," he grinned. "Now stop talking about my parents. That's not helping my boner. Want me to cum, or should we save that for later?"

"Save it for later. I want tonight to be an all-nighter and super special."

"Agreed," Colton said as he pulled out and washed the lotion off his cock as Darren turned around to wash his ass. The two boys kissed and then Darren stepped back slightly.

"Gross. I forgot that your tongue had been up my ass."

"Shut up! It was your ass and it was clean and super tasty."

"Gross," he said again as he took hold of Colton's cock. Colton grabbed Darren's and they just stayed like that in the warm water. Sometimes they found great comfort in just holding each other's penises as they lay together at night. Almost like tubular pink security blankets. They had both fallen asleep many times like that. Both boys were very similar in looks. They each had 7½ inch circumcised penises, stood about 5'10" and weighed around 135lbs. Darren had blonde hair and blue eyes, where Colton had light brown hair and green eyes. But to look at them together, you could see why they were attracted to each other. Both very good looking, with great personalities that others were drawn to, and when they were together, their personalities fused into one even bigger one. The only difference was that Colton's family was a lot more open than Darren's and a lot richer, but that just didn't factor into their relationship at all. Both families accepted them as boyfriends, just one was more traditional when it came to acceptable behaviour than the other. No way Darren would hold Colton's hand or kiss him around his family, and he sure as hell wouldn't have sex with him while anyone was home.

Colton on the other hand strolled around naked with Darren at his house and on occasion would get Darren hard in front of Jack, just to show off. He was a lot more reserved around his Mom, but nudity was never an issue throughout the house at any time. He avoided sexual things around his Mom, but kissing and holding hands were considered acceptable, even while they were naked. "Come on. You can give me a blowjob on the pool deck," Colton teased as he turned off the water and they stepped out to grab towels.

"Funny," Darren smiled. Of course knowing Colton that could be a real plan. It was hard to tell with him. "So who did you invite to the party?"

"The usual suspects. Cody, Tyler, Andrea, Britney, Sophie, Lindsay, Marianna, Jeremy, Tanner, Braden, Huston and Brett and Levi. Should I invite Zane?"

"NO!" Darren said quickly with a grin. "That dude is so gay, he makes gay people look straight. He'd be naked before he got in the door and would be trying to get his ass on everyone's cock all night. No, he's not someone you'd want at your birthday party. He's more the type you invite to one of your neighbors sex parties. Did you invite Owen though?"

"Yeah, didn't I say that? Yeah he's coming."

"Cool. We have to see if we can at least get him naked at some point," Darren said with a huge cheesy grin.

"Oh? Why? You have a crush on him? Wanna suck his cock baby?" Colton teased.

"No, but I heard he has like a massive dick."

"Who did you hear that from and how did Owen's dick get in the conversation?"

"From some girl, who's boyfriend apparently is on the Football team with him. Said he saw it in the shower and it was gigantic."

"Football players go around showing off their erections to each other? Umm, I just remembered I have to sign up for the football team tomorrow."

"No, that's just it. Apparently it's massive even when it's not erect. So I want to see if that's true or not."

"Baby, if you want massive, let's just go down to the pool deck and you can blow me until I'm fully hard."

"You wish," Darren laughed.

"I do wish. I really do. Okay, we'll work on trying to see Owen's junk, but if you end up leaving me for him, I'll be pissed."

"Never. Plus he's straight. Not like I want to be dating a straight boy, when I have the best gay boyfriend in the world."

"Well, we could just share him. You suck him off, I'll fuck him and then we can switch."

"Funny. I'm fine with just trying to see if the rumours are true or not. You're the only one I want sex with," Darren replied as they strolled into the bedroom together.

Colton sighed slightly. Same story every time he tried to suggest they bring someone else in to play with. Darren never wanted to experiment. He loved him, but he was desperate to get him to play with others and loosen up a little. If it meant he had to get Owen out of his clothes to do it, then that's what he'd do. That's also why he invited the Hanson twins, Brett and Levi. Levi's real name was Logan, but for some reason he liked to be called Levi. They were identical twins, but you could tell them apart easy enough with the different hairstyles and a few features that made them stand out from each other. They were both gay and Colton knew they liked to play around, so he hoped some of their enthusiasm for sex would rub off on Darren. He doubted it, but it was worth a shot.

"Well, maybe we can get him naked and get him so horny that he'll spring a boner and everyone will get to see it. If I know Brett and Levi, they'll be all over it if they get the chance."

"God, what if the girls see it and this turns into an orgy?" Darren said looking almost worried.

"Then this would be the best 16th birthday party EVER! We'd rule the school for the entire year. So don't blame me if my dick accidentally slips into someone else while it's happening."

"It better not! Your dick is mine," Darren warned with a smile.

"But if it does, just make sure you get lots of video that we can watch later," Colton grinned as he grabbed his dick and began `helicoptering' it. "This dick is meant to be used baby!" He ran up to Darren and began hitting him with his spinning penis. Darren jumped back and grabbed Colton to throw him on the bed before leaping on his chest with his cock and balls just inches from his boyfriend's face.

"If that dick goes anywhere near anyone else, you'll never see this one again," he warned in a joking voice as he leaned forward to press it to Colton's lips. He may have sounded like he was joking, but they both knew he wasn't. That's why Colton was desperate to try and get Darren to loosen up a little. If he told him what he'd done with Justin and Kyle last night, they would be broken up before he finished his sentence. He did feel a little guilty, but then he only really did it so that he could be a better lover with Darren. That's what he told himself anyway. The truth might lie deeper than that. Colton looked almost cross-eyed at Darren's dick and the quickly opened his mouth and clamped it around the soft penis slightly biting into it.

Darren squealed. "Teeth! Teeth!"

Colton mumbled with a mouth full of cock. "Don't move or I'll bite it off." Darren just shrugged and reached back and grabbed Colton's ball sack and began to squeeze it as he pulled it upwards away from his boyfriend's body. Colton bit down a little harder. They had done things like this a few times and it would now be a test of wills to see which one would cry uncle first. Darren pulled harder as Colton bit down. He twisted Colton's nut sack almost 180 degrees as he applied more pressure.

Colton immediately released Darren's dick and lay back. Darren let go of Colton's balls and lay on top of his partner. "Awww, too much pain baby. 16 year old can't handle it?" He said in his little kid voice before leaning in to kiss him.

"Oh, I can handle it. I just didn't want to bite your dick off. We need it tonight," Colton grinned. "You know we're never going to get anything done if we just lie here all day."

"I'm fine with that. Naked in bed with you is just fine by me."

"Come on. Get up and let's go out. First some shopping, then the movie," Colton said as he rolled Darren off him and swung his legs off the bed and stood up. Darren followed as they went to the closet to get some clothes. Just as they were deciding, the front doorbell rang.

Colton spun around and raced out of his bedroom. Darren yelled after him. "Dude! Clothes!!"

Colton ran downstairs towards the front door and answered it. He was still naked and never even thought about it as he flung it open.

"Nice! Now that's a way to answer the door," Troy said with a smile. He was accompanied by Justin and Colin's 13 year old son, Blake.

Troy lived next door with Justin and the guys. He was a couple years older than Colton and like all the guys next door, Colton thought Troy was really cute. He had long blonde hair, grey eyes and was about the same height as Colton. He was a bit more toned and always had a great smile.

"Heard it was your birthday, so I thought I'd drop off a present and say happy 16th. If I'd known I was supposed to be naked, I'd have left the clothes at home."

"Thanks Troy. Yeah Darren and I were getting ready to go out, so you caught us just getting out of the shower."

"Happy Birthday Colton," Blake said as he ignored the fact his neighbor was naked. He saw enough nudity at home so it didn't even phase him anymore. "Oh, cool! You have a hoverboard he said as he looked past Colton eyeing the birthday present on the floor in the living room. He entered the house pushing past Colton to go check it out.

"You coming in?" Colton asked Troy as they watched Blake.

"No. We just wanted to drop this off from the guys," he said in a normal voice. Then he went a little quieter and moved closer to whisper to Colton. "Of course if you need any more birthday lessons, come by anytime dressed like that. I'll leave my door open."

Blake had taken up a sitting position on the floor in front of the hoverboard and was checking it out thoroughly. "Can I try it?" He asked. Colton was about to give him permission, but Troy answered first.

"No, let's go Blake. We're not staying. As you can see Colton is getting ready to go out."

Blake laughed. "He's not doing a very good job. He's naked." Nonetheless he stood up and headed back to the door. "Can I try it another day?"

"Sure come over anytime you want," Colton told the young teenager. He liked Blake as the kid had no filter and nothing shocked him. He also wasn't afraid to speak his mind and ask questions if he wanted to know something.

Troy kissed Colton on the cheek and wished him a happy birthday again before the two guys took off. Colton raced back to his room with the present he'd gotten.

"Who was it?" Darren asked.

"Troy & Blake from next door. Just dropped off a present for me."

"Cool what is it?"

"Let's find out," he said as they sat on the bed together and ripped open the present. It was an iHome split Bluetooth speaker system. The two speakers connected by a magnet, but could be split in half to place in different parts of the room while still working together.

"That's so cool," Darren said checking it out and began pairing it with his phone to see how well they worked. "Did you really answer the door naked?"

"Of course. If someone comes to my house, then they get me as I am. If I go to theirs, I'll wear clothes. At least until I know I can take them off," he teased.

"Good thing it was only the guys from next door. What if it had been the Girl Guides selling cookies?"

"Then they would limit their cookie sales as they would see I don't need anything cream filled. It would test their motto of Be Prepared."

"Is that Girl Guides or Boy Scouts?"

"Dunno. Do I look like a nerd to you? But they should `be prepared' for someone to answer the door naked if they show up uninvited. Wait till the Mormon dudes show up again. "

Darren got the speaker working and they placed them on either side of the bed and cranked the tunes as they got dressed. It took longer than normal as they were both horny and kept touching each other seductively. By the time they were done both boys had to change pants again so they could hide the boners. They opted for tight underwear and looser pants. One thing they loved about both of them being similar builds is that they could share each other's clothes to basically double their wardrobe. They even shared underwear, which their friends found weird. As Braden had said one day at school. He'd rather go commando than wear someone else's underwear knowing their junk had been all over it. Since Darren and Colton licked and sucked each other's junk all the time, wearing underwear seemed like a non-issue.

The two boys raced out to the bus to hit the mall. Colton was wearing his new `abolish sleevery' shirt from Darren and they bounced around the mall making sure people knew they were boyfriends. Eventually they strolled in to the theatre to watch their movie and bought tons of food to go with it. By the time it was over, both guys were so full they could barely move. They returned home on the bus and Colton nudged Darren and whispered. "That guy's checking you out. Show him your cock."

"Which guy?"

"That one," Colton said nodding towards the boy across from them and towards the back of the bus.

"Dude, he's like 12."

"So? I'm sure his balls have dropped. Whip it out and show him a man size dick."

"Shut up. Not everything should be about sex you know."

"That's so NOT true. We're teenagers. Sex is our life! Want me to go see if he wants you?"

"No. Don't you dare," Darren warned, but it was too late. Colton stood up and went back towards the kid. "Colton!" Darren yelled quietly after him.

He sat beside the boy. "Hi. I'm Colton."

"Uhh, ummm, Karl," he replied.

"How old are you?"


"Nice. Noticed you checking out my boyfriend. You think he's hot huh?"

"What? No I wasn't. I just liked your shirt," he stammered looking a little nervous.

"Thanks. But I think you were checking him out. It's okay if you were. He thinks you're pretty hot too."

"He does? I mean I wasn't checking you...him...out. I was just wasting time looking around and stuff. Bus rides can be boring sometimes."

"Well I can make it less boring. Show me your dick and I'll show you mine."

"Uh, I couldn't do that. Not on the bus."

"Yeah, I get that. Sometimes it's way to hard to get the lizard back in the cage when it bones up huh?"

"What?" The boy asked confused.

"It's too difficult to push an erection back into your pants quickly once you let it out," Colton clarified.

"Uh, yeah. I guess. I gotta go. This is my stop," the boy said suddenly as he pushed the bell. The bus pulled over and the boy raced off out the back door. Colton returned to Darren.

"Almost had him get his dick out to show us."

"Looks more like you scared him off the bus and he's going to call `To Catch a Predator.'" Darren laughed. They both looked back to see the boy still standing at the bus stop.

"Hmmm, guess that wasn't his stop," Colton laughed. "Okay, guess you'll have to show me your dick instead."

Darren reached up for the bell and held his hand close to it. "Touch it and I scream rape."

"Yeah right. I touch it, you get hard, we make out and end up missing our stop is more like it."

"Yeah, true," Darren laughed as he put his hand down and then took hold of Colton's hand for the remainder of the trip. More to keep him from scaring any more boys off the bus than anything. They arrived home to find the parents at home, so they rummaged through the food that they had bought and helped put it out into bowls and sort things to get ready for the party.

"We didn't know if you wanted balloons or anything, so we bought them anyway," his Mom said.

"Uh, no. That's fine. I'm not 12 Mom. But I like the Happy Birthday Banner. That's kinda rainbow cool. We'll put that up," he said taking it and heading into the living room with Darren where they stuck it on the wall.

They raced back to the bedroom to change for the party and when they were convinced they had the right looks, they headed back downstairs.

"Allright, we're leaving `C'. Have a good night and remember we're trusting you," his Dad warned.

"No problem. You won't be disappointed. Oh, by the way are beer kegs recyclable or just the bottles?"

"Funny. You forget I can tap into the house security cameras anytime I want," he said pointing to the surveillance system. "Happy birthday son."

"Happy birthday Colton," he Mom said giving him a kiss on the cheek. They walked his parents out and once the door was closed, Darren let out a huge breath of air.

"Do you think they've seen us making out on those cameras before?" Darren asked as he looked around.

"Maybe. But if they did, they never said anything, so it's all good. I'm sure if they saw it, they wouldn't watch long. It'd be the same if I checked the cameras and saw them going at it. Gross. I'd be scarred for life. My parents may be naturists, but I'm sure they've never had sex. Old people are like that."

"They had sex at least once," Darren laughed "or I wouldn't have a super cute boyfriend."

"Gross, shut up." The first party guest arrived about 15 minutes later and Colton answered the door for him. This time wearing clothes.

"Hey! Happy birthday Colton," Jeremy said as he handed his friend a present and entered. "Am I the first one here?"

"First one after Darren," Colton said pointing to the kitchen.

"Hey Darren!" Jeremy yelled.

"Jeremy!" Darren yelled back. The boys went to the kitchen together to grab a drink.

"So you get anything cool for your birthday?"

"Yeah, a hoverboard and some concert tickets. Taylor Swift and One Direction."

"Taylor Swift is cool. But One Direction is a little gay dude."

"Uh, yeah?! Hello!" Colton laughed pointing at Darren and then leaned over to kiss him.

"Right. Sorry, I keep forgetting. I didn't mean it like that."

"We know. One Direction is kinda gay, but hey, it's a huge concert with probably 56,000 teenage girls, 20 boys, pot and after parties. Sorry you won't make it. So gay!"

"Touché!" Jeremy laughed.

The doorbell went again and this time Andrea, Tyler, Britney and Sophie arrived together. They were followed minutes later by the twins Brett and Levi. Before long everyone who said they were going to show up had arrived.

Brett and Levi went over to talk to Colton and Darren. "So are you two still doing the monogamous thing?" Levi asked.

"Yeah, why?" Darren asked.

"Just curious as we thought since it's such a special day, you guys might be up for doing twins?"

"Sorry," Darren said quickly before Colton could get the blood to rush back to his brain in time to answer. He'd was definitely `up' for it and had always fantasized about doing the twins. But he still had the cock blocking boyfriend.

"Too bad. We thought that since the four of us are the only gay guys around here, we could have some fun together."

"The only gay guys except for the house full next door," Colton reminded him.

"Oh yeah! Justin, Colin, Troy, Kyle and everyone else. Damn I almost forgot they were your neighbors. Guess we'll go over there and get some action after the party. The last time we were there we had twin on triplet action. Talk about fucking hot. I dreamt about that for weeks afterward and jerked myself off so much I almost wore my dick out. Those guys are always up for sex no matter when you show up. You guys should come over and join in. Now THAT would be a 16th birthday present," Brett smiled.

"Maybe one day," Colton said trying to sound like he was interested while respecting his boyfriend's wishes. He left out the fact he'd already done one of the three triplets, and Kyle, just last night.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Tyler asked as he interrupted the four guys.

"Video games, movies, bangin' music, food, games, hit the pool, sauna, more food. Things like that," Colton answered. "Just friends hanging out mainly."

"Andrea and I had some ideas if anyone's into it. We play a bunch of various games. If you lose, you take off one article of clothing and leave it in a pile in the living room. If you win, you get to pick an article of clothing from the pile, but it can't be yours and it has to be from the opposite sex if some are available. And no cameras tonight. We all leave our phones on the table."

"Cool. I look fabulous in bra and panties," Huston said.

"I'm sure you do," Lindsay said as she put her arms around him and stroked his face. They all pulled out their phones and left them on the table after taking a few pictures of the group before things got underway. Darren looked at Colton, and then glanced up at the home surveillance. Colton just shrugged.

"As long as we don't do anything illegal, it's all good," he said quietly to his boyfriend.

"So what happens if you lose all your clothes, and then lose another game?" Owen asked.

"Sucks to be you. I guess the group could come up with a dare or something, but hopefully we'll all just end up in someone else clothes. If you don't want to take something off, then you just do a dare, which may be way worse than stripping," Tyler said continuing to explain. "Everyone in?"

They all agreed. "Great. First up. Everyone gets a pop and we chug it. Last one to finish loses."

Once they were ready, they chugged. The guys were better at it than the girls, so Marianna lost first. She took off her earrings, which the guys complained wasn't fair, but let her get away with it anyway. As the loser she got to pick the next game. They cranked the music and grabbed snacks as she decided that Twister was in order. They all agreed that when you fell, you were out and had to lose something. It didn't take long before people were dropping out quickly. As it was Marianna's challenge she got an advantage of being the person to spin until someone dropped out. Then she entered the game. By the time it was over, only Colton and Tyler were left. Everyone else had fallen and most had removed a sock. Only Levi had decided to go bigger and took off his shirt, claiming that if you had it you should flaunt it. That created a round of comments that he should put his shirt back on as he didn't have it to flaunt, which wasn't true, but teenagers, by nature, insult each other just for the fun of it.

Colton and Tyler were twisted around each other like pretzels and at one point Tyler wiggled his ass across Colton's face. "Quit and you can kiss it," Tyler smirked.

"Keep wiggling it near me and I'll bite it," Colton retorted. Then next move had the birthday boy lose his balance and fall. He followed the rest of the group and removed a sock. Tyler was announced the winner and allowed to pick something from the pile of clothes.

"Well, I don't want anyone's smelly socks, so I guess earrings it is!" He laughed. Someone pointed out that he could have taken Levi's shirt, but he said he didn't want to wear two shirts at once. He took out his own stud from his ear and put in hers and waved his head around to let everyone see it dangling nicely. (The clear it up for those with dirty minds). Since Jeremy had been the first to fall, he got to pick the next challenge which he suggested be pool. They would play two on two with in a bit of a competition until everyone was done, and since everyone couldn't play, they put on a movie and while others played foosball. Competitions broke out in smaller groups, like push-ups, arm wrestling, Jenga, staring contests, etc., and each time someone lost they had to remove something. It was only an hour before half the boys were shirtless and girls were down to bras, and the pile of clothes was slowly building. Of course seeing a boy in a girl's shirt, or a girl with one of the boy's baseballs caps on was always good for a laugh. Colton ordered pizza during the games and they all took a break to enjoy it. He opened the presents that they had brought for him and since Colton was always so friendly, he gave each of them a hug as a thank you. He was smart enough to give the straight boys a bro hug and the gay guys and girls a real hug. Darren whispered in Cody's ear and then ran out of the room. When he returned, Cody hit the lights and they all sang happy birthday as Darren brought the cake in with candles already lit. He blew them out and everyone clapped.

"Did you make a wish?" Darren asked.

"Of course?"

"What did you wish for? Cody asked.

"Can't say or it won't come true." And he really wanted it to come true, but something said it wouldn't be anytime soon.

"Let's crank this party up boys. Time for spin the bottle," Sophie smiled grabbing one of the pop bottles off the counter. "This should get things moving. The person it lands on has a choice. Kiss the person who spun, or remove a piece of clothing. The spinner has no choice but to accept the result. If you choose kissing, you roll the dice to see what you're going to kiss. 1 is lips, 2 is French kiss, 3 nipple, 4 crotch, 5 ass, 6 receiver's choice."

"What's that mean?" Darren asked.

"Person about to get kissed decides where they want to get kissed...on bare skin," she added at the last second.

"So can we roll first and then decide if we want to kiss or not?" Owen asked.

They all agreed to do it that way so that it was more fair. Either way, you kissed or lost clothes.

"If you're already naked, then you can only choose the kissing option," Sophie added as the game began.

The group all sat in a large circle and with 11 boys to 5 girls, it was pretty obvious to everyone that boys would be kissing boys at some point, or would be very naked. The first spinner was the birthday boy. Colton spun and it landed on one of the twins, Brett. He shook the dice and got a one. He grinned and leaned over to kiss Colton without hesitation.

"Happy birthday buddy," he said sitting back.

"I think I like spin the bottle," Colton announced. Brett spun and it slowed down on Huston, but stopped on Andrea.

"So close!" Brett pouted and then smiled as Andrea shook a three. She leaned over, lifted his shirt and kissed him on the nipple. She spun and it landed on Lindsay. The boys began chanting three, three, three, as she shook the dice, landing on 5. They all cheered and hooted Andrea turned around and Lindsay kissed her on the ass, over her pants. Almost all the boys were thinking that this would become a lot more fun when there were less clothes.

"How do we know when this game is over?" Levi asked.

"When it gets boring. Usually people drop out if they can't do their turn and when it gets down to the last few, you add more intimate things to do until there is only one person left willing to do anything."

Each player took their turn and some took off clothes, others kissed. The most resistant were straight boys with straight boys. That usually led to clothes coming off instead of kisses. When Colton's spin landed on Darren, he rolled a 2 and crawled across the circle and planted his lips firmly on Colton's as he pushed him backward until he was on top of him and then gave him a kiss that made others blush.

"God, get a room you two!" Levi laughed. "Okay, okay, save some for the rest of us. I haven't kissed the birthday boy yet."

As Darren got off Colton and crawled back to his place in the circle, Colton sat up and adjusted his crotch. Tyler noticed. "Dude! He gave you a boner?" He said as he reached over and grabbed the outline of the erection. Colton just looked down and smiled.

"Sorry, can't help it. I like kissing my boyfriend."

"Dude, you're grabbing his junk," Huston said stating the obvious.

Tyler smiled and let go without saying anything. "Jealous? Want me to grab yours?"

"No. Are you gay too?" Huston commented in such a way that no one could tell if he was joking or serious.

"Nope, just open minded and not shy. Colton didn't mind did you? With a cock that big, the outline is a little obvious."

"How do you know how big his dick is?" Jeremy asked.

"Seen it many times. Spend a few days over here and you'll know what I mean. The whole family are nudists so you can't help but see someone naked here."

"You mean you've seen his Mom and Dad too?" Jeremy asked. "Not to sound creepy dude, but your Mom is hot. I'd like to see her naked."

"Probably why you've never been invited over to go skinny dipping," Tyler replied. "But dude, he's right, your Mom is hot."

"Can we get back to the game and my birthday and stop perving on my Mom? I think I might puke up a lung if you keep talking like that." They all laughed as Darren spun and landed on Andrea. They had been friends for years and she was the first one that Darren had come out to. It was no surprise that she had no hesitation when she spun a 4 and leaned in to kiss his crotch.

After several rounds, most of the boys were down to underwear and the girls had basically remained clothed, with only the odd shirt missing. Brett's spin landed on Owen and he rolled a six.

"Ass dude. You have to kiss my ass, or take off the underwear."

Darren held his breath as he really wanted to see if the rumours about the size of Owen's dick were true. From the bulge in his underwear, it was quite possible. Owen looked at Brett who had turned around and lowered the back of his underwear for his kiss. You could almost see the dilemma in his head. Kiss a boy on the ass, strip and be naked in front of everyone, or drop out and be the wimp of the group. He figured the kiss on the ass cheek would be least of the three scenarios, so he crawled over and kissed Brett quickly. He then spun the bottle and it landed on Marianna. She basically still had all her clothes, and rolled a 4, meaning that she had to kiss Owen's crotch.

The football player almost wished he had now chosen to remove his underwear. Marianna leaned over and kissed him square on the crotch before taking her turn to spin. It landed on Levi. He grinned and looked at the group. "Guess one of us has to man up first. Time to show the ladies what is only available for the boys," he said as he hitched up his ass and slipped off his underwear, throwing them in the pile. He was totally naked, but still kept his legs closed and his dick slightly hidden. "First one naked! I should get a prize. Maybe 15 minutes in private with the birthday boy," he said licking his lips.

"The boyfriend may have a problem with that," Colton smiled as he looked at Darren and then tried to see what Levi had between his legs. He could see that he shaved his pubes which was always hot, and he already knew that both twins were circumcised. Levi spun and it landed on Darren.

"Come on 4!" Levi yelled as Darren prepared to roll. "4!" He cheered when it stopped moving. "Pucker up and kiss my dick."

Darren blushed and leaned over to kiss the top of Levi's dick quickly. Almost too quickly, `causing Levi to complain that it wasn't long enough. They played a few more rounds until everyone began getting bored.

"I know a game we can play. My older brother and his friends play it," Huston said. It's called `never have I ever.' The idea is that someone says never have I ever and then says something. If you've done it, you have to take a drink and if you haven't you don't have to drink. If no one has done it, the person who said it has to drink."

"That's not going to work if we don't have alcohol, but if we could get some, I'd play," said Owen.

"No alcohol, sorry. My parents would ground me until I was old enough to drink," Colton said. "But I'm gonna totally remember that game. What about truth or dare?"

"Make it interesting though," Tyler said. "Everyone writes down two dares and two double dares and we put them in two piles. If you pick it, you have to do it. No chickening out. Double dares should be totally sexual in nature and you'd have to have the balls to do it yourself, if you write it down" he smiled at the girls. "Everyone in?"

"Who's still a virgin?" Brett asked. No one admitted anything.

"I have an idea," Darren said. "We each write down on paper a yes or no for whether you're a virgin and we'll know the skill levels of most of the group."

They agreed and each one wrote down whether they had had intercourse or not, which was determined to be the `de-virginizing' marker. Kissing and oral sex didn't count. When the results were counted, there were 9 yes and 7 no.

Levi laughed. "Well we know who 4 of the no's are. Me and Brett. Darren and Colton. The gay guys. So that just leaves three of you that have actually had full on sex before. God I'd hate to be straight. Maybe that should be a truth, or a double dare. Let's find out who's a virgin and get everyone laid tonight."

"Guys, I want my party to be fun, but not an orgy. If we were all gay guys here, I'd be up for it, but let's not make it part of the game. If it happens naturally between two people, cool, otherwise no dare should include fucking. Dares can only be solo, or with the person giving the dare. You can't add a third person in," Colton said.

"What if the person isn't physically capable of doing the dare, can they pick another one or take a penalty or something?" Lindsay asked.

"Yeah. Penalty!" Tanner said. "We all line up and the person has to crawl our legs bare assed and we all get to swat them hard. That's like 15 swats on the bare ass."

Everyone agreed and the party picked up speed. Most of the guys were just in their underwear, while the girls were still fully dressed. Levi was allowed to put his underwear back on to be like everyone else. Colton ran to get pens and paper for everyone to write their ideas down. Once they were done and the two piles were created, they drew a card to see who would go first. Cody drew an Ace and was first to choose.

"Okay birthday boy. Truth Dare or Double Dare?"

"Duh, double dare!" He grinned and picked a piece of paper. "Suck or lick the genitals of the darer."

"Wow, no wasting time huh?" Colton grinned. "Do we have to do it in front of everyone or can we go in the closet?"

"Like you've ever been in the closet," Tyler laughed. "Uhh, I say in front of everyone."

The group agreed, but decided to turn the lights way down low so that there was at least some feeling of not having to do it under a spotlight. It was almost dark in the room but enough to see if you wanted to. Colton and Cody got up and stood off to the side as their friends turned to watch the double dare.

"So whip it out," Colton said to Cody with a smile. Cody was one of Darren's best friends and Colton felt a little guilty about what he was going to do, but also excited. This was his opportunity to play with others and not piss off his boyfriend. Cody closed his eyes as Colton got on his knees in front of him. He pulled the front of Cody's underwear down and slipped the straight boys' cock into his mouth. He began to give Cody a full on blowjob.

"Okay dude. I think you qualified. It didn't say to get me off," he clarified as he pulled his dick out of Colton's mouth, wiped it on his underwear and put it away, all the while trying to keep some form of modesty and not let everyone see him fully nude. Colton had an almost instant boner and hoped that there would be a lot more dares like this. He wiped his mouth and looked at his friends. "Can I go again?" He laughed as they returned to the circle and Colton spun.

It landed on Owen. "Truth Dare or Double Dare."

"Well I'm not sucking your dick, so truth," he said quickly. Getting a boo from the group.

"Have you ever sprung a boner in front of other guys in the shower?"

"Not a full one," he answered being as truthful as possible. "I was close once, but when I felt it happening, I got out of there."

"Cool. How big is it?" Colton asked wanting to know what was packed in that underwear.

"That's a second question. You'll have to wait," Owen said as he spun. It landed on Andrea.

"Truth, dare or double dare?"

"Dare," she said, and reached for a piece of paper. "Expose a body part to the group that you wouldn't normally show in public."

"Boobs!" Yelled Tanner.

The group began chanting boobs, boobs, boobs. Andrea just looked at them and as she thought about what to show. She then stuck out her tongue for several seconds and wagged it for all of them to see.

"No fair. It's supposed to be boobs or pussy," Jeremy complained.

"It says expose a body part you wouldn't NORMALLY show in public. I don't NORMALLY stick my tongue out in public," she said in her own defense. "If you wanted something else, the dare should have been more specific."

The group laughed and agreed that she had completed the task. Andrea spun, landing on Britney who also chose dare. Her paper said `make out for two minutes.' She shrugged and the two girls lay together and kissed and fondled each other's breasts for two minutes. Every straight boy stopped blinking during that period for fear of missing something. The gay boys watched the crotches of the straight boys, and the party instantly went to a new level. When the two minutes was up, they all clapped and Britney took a bow as she returned to her spot and spun, landing on Huston.

He looked around the room. "What the hell. Double dare. Time to live dangerously, and make this party epic." He grabbed a piece of paper from the double dare pile.

It read. `Get kompleetly nakud and strok ur penus or finger ur vajina 4 2 minuts.'

"Who's the illiterate one?" Huston asked as he showed the group how the dare was written. No one admitted it, but Braden blushed quietly to himself. Speling just wazn't his strong point. "Okay, someone time me. I'm going to finger my vagina for two minutes."

He slid his underwear off and with his legs crossed began to stroke his dick. For about 30 seconds, nothing happened and then he slowly reacted and began to get an erection. He tried to ignore the fact that everyone was watching him jack his uncut cock and hoped he could make it to two minutes without blowing his load. Fortunately he had done it that morning, so he hoped there would be at least some control. Brett and Levi sat up on their knees to see him more clearly. Most of the other straight boys took only a cursory glance, as boys do when checking each other out. Colton was watching closely and saw that Huston still had a full set of pubes. He made a note to offer to help Huston shave them. After all, he wanted to be a good friend. The two minutes was up and Huston grabbed his underwear and pulled them back on as the group clapped.

One by one they all did truth or dares, with very few choosing double dare. Colton even picked truth when his turn arrived with Tyler.

"Have you ever had sex with a girl?"

"No, never," Colton admitted.

"So how do you know you're gay?" Owen asked naively.

"Same way you know you're straight. You just do."

"That's what we should give you for your birthday," Sophie said. "The girls should all take you and give you a night of sex to make sure you're gay."

"I think I might be gay. I'm confused," Tanner said quickly.

"Yeah me too," Huston said smiling.

"Same as me," Jeremy admitted.

"Wow, that's cool guys. Guess you'll all have to find out then. So let's see you three fuck the gay boys first, and then we'll take you into the bedroom and see if can unconfused you," she said calling their bluff.

"What? Why would we have to do a guy if we said we're gay? Colton doesn't have to prove it," Tanner complained.

"Duh, dumbass," Levi laughed. "They fuck all the time. They're not confused. Same as me and Brett."

"So if I fuck a dude, I can fuck some of you?"

"Sure. Do it right here in the middle of the circle. Pick a gay boy, and let's see the two of you make out and fuck. But you have to do each other, just to be sure. Do that and all us girls will take you to the bedroom."

"Uh, let me think on it and I'll get back to you. Let's keep the game going. Whose turn is it?"

Sophie giggled as she had won that round with the straight boys. The only one thinking about doing it was Tyler. He was straight, but he'd have no problem being with a gay guy at all. He'd been with a few. His older brother was gay with a boyfriend and he'd done things with both of them. Plus he'd done things with Darren, before Darren had Colton as a boyfriend, but that was a secret between the two of them. He wondered if it would be worth his reputation to do a guy in front of everyone to be able to hook up with 5 chicks later. He almost wanted to go for it. If there hadn't been other straight boys there, he wouldn't have hesitated. He was one of the guys who wasn't technically a virgin, although he'd never done it with a girl despite being straight.

Colton spun and it landed on Jeremy. He picked dare and his paper read `get naked and go to the neighbours on the south side and ask to borrow a cup of sugar.'

"That's a double dare," he complained.

"No, it's not sexual, so it's just a dare," Sophie clarified as the rule master. The rest of the group cheered him on as he removed his underwear and stood up with his hand over his crotch. He had a cute bubble butt and the girls all commented on how nice his ass was causing him to blush all the way from his ears down to the source of admiration. They all went downstairs with him and Colton ran to get him the cup for the sugar. He also gave Jeremy the code to the neighbour's front gate.

"Are you sure we can't take a picture of his ass," Brett asked as they watched Jeremy run down the driveway to the open gate. "It's like totally perfect. I'd give him one, that's for sure."

Jeremy's heart was pounding as he ran out onto the street and went full speed down the road to the next house. He had to momentarily remove his hand from his crotch to punch in the entry code and almost felt impatient waiting for it to open enough to get through. At one point he jumped a mile, when a car went past and honked their horn at him. He bolted for the front door and rang the bell. He kept his hand firmly over his crotch. 13 year old Blake answered the door and looked at the naked guy.

"Uh, hi. I'm from next door. Could I borrow a cup of sugar?" Jeremy asked trying to get on with his task.

"Why are you naked?" Blake asked with a smile. He was only wearing a t-shirt and underwear himself.

"It's a dare. I'm at a party?" Jeremy answered.

"Cool! It that Colton's birthday party? I was gonna go, but I wasn't invited. DAD!!" Blake yelled suddenly. "There's a naked guy at the door for you wanting to borrow sugar."

Colin walked to the door and looked at the guy with amusement. "Can I help you?"

"Uh, yeah. Sorry. It's a dare. I'm at Colton's party next door. Would I be able to borrow some sugar and then I'll leave. Sorry, I didn't know there would be kids here."

"Relax. Blake's seen more guys naked than you ever will. Just part of living in a house full of guys. Come in and I'll get you some." Jeremy entered the giant house, not sure if he was happier to be inside or to have been outside. He felt really self-conscious being naked as he walked across the large open floor toward the kitchen. Another guy was sitting at the counter.

"Justin, this is one of Colton's party guests looking to borrow some sugar. What was your name again?"

"Jeremy," he answered. "Again sorry about the naked thing. We're playing truth or dare and I don't think they knew there was a kid here."

"Trust me, they know. Colton and Darren have hung out here a lot and we go skinny dipping with them all the time," Justin replied to reassure Jeremy. "Sounds like the party is going well."

"Yeah, lots of fun," Jeremy admitted. "If you don't count me running into a stranger's house without clothes."

"Oh, that's the part I thought was the best," Justin laughed. "Anything good happen yet?"

"Like what?" Jeremy asked.

"Sex dude. Sex."

"No. I don't think the girls will have sex with the guys in front of everyone, and the rules won't allow it anyway."

"Sounds a little tame for one of Colton's parties," Justin said teasing him. He had no idea what type of parties Colton threw, only the type he threw and they started with sex and built up from there. Colton and Darren had been to more than one of them, but never really strayed from each other sexually, until Colton's birthday tutorial last night.

"I play truth or dare all the time," Blake said as he sat next to Justin checking out Jeremy. "Can we play it tonight, Dad?"

Colin laughed. "No point, buddy. I don't think there's anything you wouldn't do, and the whole idea behind it is to embarrass people. Not a game for you, except if we dared you to keep your clothes on for a week and not talk about sex."

"That would be a boring game," Blake admitted, as he looked at Jeremy. "How big is your penis?"

"Blake! Boundaries please. Not the type of question you ask someone you don't know," Colin said quickly as he got the sugar for Jeremy. "What happened to don't talk to strangers? Or stranger danger?"

"He doesn't look dangerous Dad. He's naked and blushing worse than my friends do when they see a boob. And how can he be a stranger when he's in our house and is a friend of Colton. Any friend of Colton is a friend of ours. I'm 7½ inches," he exaggerated. "I have a big penis for my age. How about you?"

Jeremy looked like he wanted to be anywhere but where he was right now. He knew he was bigger than most guys at 8 inches, but fortunately when he was soft it was just an average length which meant he didn't stand out in public showers or locker rooms.

"Blake! Go play somewhere and leave the guy alone," Colin said as he handed the sugar to Jeremy and walked back to the door with him. Justin felt himself getting an erection as he watched Jeremy's cute ass walk away.

"Nice to have met you, Jeremy," Justin called out as they walked away. "Come by and borrow sugar anytime you want." Under his breath he mumbled, "I'll give you some sugar!" Jeremy ran back to Colton's having completed his task and quickly got back into his underwear.

"You survived!" Darren laughed.

"Dude! You didn't tell me there was a kid there. He opened the door and I was there naked. I half expected them to call the police or something."

Darren howled with laughter, along with Colton. "Dude, that's Blake. The kid is a riot. I'm surprised he didn't show you his penis. Kid is totally immune to nudity."

"Yeah, he did ask how big I was and told me about his penis," Jeremy admitted.

"What did you tell him? How big are you," Colton asked never having seen Jeremy erect before.

"I told him the same thing I'll tell you. Nothing," he smiled.

"That small huh? Sorry about that. Guess you either get a hot ass or a great dick. Can't have both I suppose," Colton teased.

"Nice try, but I'm still not telling you," he said as they returned to the party area after getting more food and drink. They played a few more rounds of truth or dare, which had most of the participants flashing their private parts at one point or another. Only when someone picked double dare did the group get really excited.

When Brett's spin landed on his twin, Levi picked double dare. The paper said '69 for two minutes.' The group cheered and laughed as the twins looked at each other. It wasn't like they hadn't had sex together before, or even had sex in a group before, but it would be the first time they had sex together in front of girls and straight boys, so it was a bit of a thrill.

"I'm gonna grab some more food," Owen said as the twins moved into the middle of the circle.

"Yeah, I think that's my cue too," said Tanner as he stood up to follow Owen. Huston and Braden thought about it, but chose to stay and watch the girls' reactions. The twins quickly went to work on blowing each other and because they were so comfortable with each other, they had their legs open and were playing with each other's asses as well. Both Darren and Colton were totally turned on and rock hard, while the girls giggled and encouraged the boys as they watched.

"It's so weird seeing two guys make out," Braden said casually. "Never seen that before. Not sure what to think. I couldn't imagine sucking a dick. Unless it was my own, then I'd never leave my bedroom."

"Best blowjob you can ever get is from a gay guy," Tyler said without thinking. "I should know. My brother is gay.

"You let your brother blow you?" Braden asked surprised.

"Sick, no. But his boyfriend sucks like a Dyson with turbo boost. Think about it. Guys know how a penis works, so they know what makes it feel good. If gay guys like sucking cock, then I say bring it on. Way better than just jerking off don't ya think?"

Darren was deliberately avoiding looking at Tyler in case his face gave away the fact that he'd blown him before. He'd also blown his best friend Cody after begging him to give in and let him practice. But that was his secret with each of them. The sexual thing that was somewhat public was his relationship with Colton.

"So you let a gay guy suck your dick?" Jeremy asked for clarification.

"Sure, why not? It's just a blowjob."

"Then I TRIPLE dare you to let one of these guys blow you," he challenged. Darren went cold as Tyler looked at him and smiled. He tried sending him a signal not to ask him to do it in front of everyone. Plus he had his boyfriend now, so he couldn't exactly do it, and hoped Tyler understood that and wouldn't out him to everyone. The two minutes had passed and no-one bothered to tell Brett and Levi, who were not only 69ing each other, but had their finger deep inside the other twin's ass. They were almost oblivious to the group until Marianna mentioned it to them and they broke apart. Colton felt like punching her in the face for stopping them. He was so hard and horny that he was glad he was wearing black underwear or it would be obvious that he was leaking precum like a faucet. He wanted to play with the twins so badly that he almost joined in despite the consequences that might happen with Darren.

"So are you man enough to do it, or full of shit?" Jeremy asked. "If one of these gay dudes wants to blow you, would you let them, right here, right now in front of everyone?"

Tyler stood up and Jeremy jumped back slightly think he might be coming over to hit him. Instead Tyler dropped his underwear, spread his legs slightly, put his hands behind his head and wiggled his hips causing his slightly inflated dick to flop back and forth between his legs. "There it is boys. If you want to suck it, go for it. I'm not shy, nor am I homophobic. A blowjob is a blowjob." Tyler was 6 feet tall with shaggy brown hair and light green eyes. His circumcised cock was a decent size when limp and 7 inches when erect. He wasn't shy about being naked in public and had washboard abs from working out with his brother and friends all the time.

Bret and Levi looked at each other at the same time and almost immediately crawled over in front of Tyler, millimeters from his swinging dick. "Are you serious? We can blow you and you won't kill us or anything."

"It's all yours boys," Tyler grinned making no effort to move away. It was a challenge like no other. A straight boy offering his dick on a dare in front of everyone. As each sexual thing took place, Colton was getting more and more pissed that Darren wouldn't let him participate. He needed to talk to him and get him to relax the rules, or it could be detrimental to their relationship over the long term. He wanted to experiment and try things, and more than that, he wanted the twins to fuck the stuffing out of him. Tyler stopped swinging his dick and there was a slight pause as the group waited to see if they would all go through with it.

Then it began. Brett and Levi grabbed Tyler's cock and began sucking on it like a fat kid on a lollipop. The group acted slightly shocked, but then cheered them on. Tyler quickly became hard and just kept standing there as the twins shared his cock and balls. He looked at Jeremy. "Like I said. A blow job is a blowjob. And a blowjob by two guys is twice as good!"

"Guys, I'm not gonna last long if you keep doing it like that," he warned, causing no slow down from Brett and Levi at all. In fact it intensified their efforts to get him to cum.

"Okay guys, point of no return! I'm gonna cum. Who wants it?" Brett sat back and let his brother keep going. He reached up and fondled Tyler's balls as Levis kept sucking. Then Levi sat back and opened his mouth wide as Brett took the shaft and rapidly pumped it, aiming it at his brother. Tyler gasped and let fly with a huge load that expertly went right into Levi's mouth. It was the stuff of perfect porn movies. The ultimate money shot and Colton almost passed out from excitement. The same couldn't be said of Owen who walked back in the room just as the jizz was flying out of Tyler and into Levi.

"What the fuck?" Owen said. "Dude, that's sick."

Levi just looked at him and smiled as he swallowed the big load and then waited for Brett to squeeze the remaining cum out of Tyler. He licked his lips. "Dude, you get your protein the way you want. I'll get mine the way I want."

"If we're just gonna do gay shit for the rest of the night, I'm out," Owen said as he grabbed his shirt. "Nothing personal Colton, as I have zero problem with gay dudes as you know. I just don't need to see it in front of me."

"Chill, Owen," Tyler said. "Jeremy just tripled dared me that I wouldn't let a guy blow me. Think I proved that point nicely. Plus, gay guys are good at it. No clean up afterward. Everyone should get a gay dude."

"Like a puppy," Brett said laughing, looking at his brother sitting back on his knees licking his lips. If he'd had his hands up in front of him, he could have been the puppy. "Just for the record, Brett and I are both single if anyone else needs anything. We're both versatile."

"Versatile?" Hudson asked.

"Means they fuck and get fucked," Tyler clarified.

"Let me guess, you'd fuck a guy too?" Jeremy said almost sarcastically.

"Wow, dude, what's with the homophobia?" Tyler grinned. "I'm straight, but letting a guy suck my dick, or fucking his ass, is no different than letting a girl do it. Except that gay guys just get to it and we don't have to get all romantic first. No offense ladies as I like the romance too, but I wouldn't be into that with a guy."

"Gay guys have two types of sex. They have the whole romantic boyfriend type where it's passionate, loving and all the things that straight sex has, and then they have the `we just need to get off, get down to it, bang your brains out, dump a load type sex. No attachment, no talking about it, just doing it. Like just now. Suck and blow. Done."

Colton perked up as he listened to Tyler. Obviously his older brother, Chris, had been teaching him a thing or two, and he could use that to his advantage. He just had to remember how Tyler was explaining it.

"Okay, whatever you want to tell yourself, Tyler," Owen said as he grabbed the pool cue and set up the balls, making it obvious that he was done with Truth or Dare. "This dick is for ladies only."

"Not like it's mandatory to let a guy suck you," Tyler laughed, just more convenient. He was still naked as he sat down. "One thing I do think we should do though is get more comfortable around each other considering we've been friends for a while now. We're playing truth or dare and there's a lot of nervousness around each other. I say we all get naked, get over anything sexual and go skinny dipping for half an hour until nudity isn't a big deal anymore."

"Who's with me?" Brett and Levi immediately put up their hands, followed slowly by everyone else. The only one not to put his hand up was Owen. The whole group looked at him and he just shook his head slowly.

"Fine. You all want to see me naked then let's go skinny dipping."

"I'll grab some towels," Colton said as he ran off to the hallway closet. He stopped in the bathroom to use a wash cloth on his junk to wipe away the precum and kept the water cold to help his penis return to normal size. He returned to his party with a stack of towels. Everyone removed their underwear and stood naked in front of each other for the first time. Most of the boys checked out the girls, while the girls checked out the boys. Darren immediately stared at Owen and the rumours were true, his dick was at least 7 inches as it hung limp between his legs. He had plenty of public hair, but not completely wild. Some of the straight boys had obviously trimmed their pubes, but no one was commenting on anyone else as they grabbed a towel and headed for the pool. Colton turned down some of the lights as they went in hopes that the surveillance cameras might not be able to see in the darker room. They played around in the pool for almost half an hour and eventually everyone forgot they were naked. A few times, however, Brett and Levi would swim over to Colton to talk to him. He felt one of the twins reach between his legs and take hold of his balls while the other played with his cock. He looked to see where Darren was, but anyone looking over wouldn't really be able to see what was going on under water. To the casual observer it only looked like the twins were `personal space close' to Colton. Colton's heart was pounding hard as he really wanted sex with them, and they obviously wanted him. He got hard as they fondled him and talked about random things as if nothing was going on.

"Do you like that hoverboard you got?" Brett asked as he rolled Colton's balls around in his hand.

"Uh yeah. Haven't mastered it yet though. I keep falling off. Darren is better at it than me."

"We should all get one and then we could hang out more. Go off as a group on them. It'd look so cool."

"Plus, we'd be able to come over more," Levi said as he stroked Colton slowly under the water.

"Not sure THAT would be a good idea. Especially if we get up to other things," Colton said with a bit of a guilty smirk. "Not sure I could focus long enough to stay on the board."

"Dude, nothing personal, but this whole monogamy thing is such bullshit. We're not straight. Just tell him that you want to fool around already. We both know you want us."

"What gave it away, the erection you're playing with?" he said sarcastically.

"I'll bet that if you didn't have a close relationship, you'd want to fuck both of us, wouldn't you?"

"Duh. Total fantasy come true. But I do have a closed relationship, so it kinda limits what I'm allowed to do."

"Dude, you're too young to be tied down like this. Although I hear being tied down can be fun too...just not in a relationship," Levi laughed. Colton blushed slightly. "How about if we go work on Darren? If he agrees, would you be up for having sex with us?"

"I'm already `up' for it. That's not the problem. Convincing Darren, that's the problem. I've tried a few times, but I don't want to push him too hard in case he breaks up with me. Despite that difference between us, we're perfect together and I wouldn't want to ruin it."

"Leave it to us," Brett said as he let go of Colton and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday buddy. Hopefully we can make it extra special."

If they only knew how special it had already been after his night last night. He was still feeling guilty about that and now the twins had felt him up to the point where he had a boner that could be seen from space. He tried swimming a length or two of the pool to get himself back under control and watched from the corner of his eye as Brett and Levi teamed up on his boyfriend. He didn't want to make it obvious that he was watching, but then he really wanted to know if the twins were doing to Darren what they had done to him. It was hard to tell as Darren kept slowly moving as if to get away from them. After about 10 minutes, the twins caught up with Colton in the hot tub with Tanner, Andrea, Sophie and Jeremy.

"Excuse us girls, we're the dick police," Levi announced. "Except for Owen, these are the last two we need to inspect. We are checking sizes to see who is packing what. Haven't tried Owen yet as he'd kill us, probably, so if we're going to die, we have to do everyone else first. So you have two choices boys, tell us how big your dick is when hard, or we'll get it hard for you and check ourselves."

Jeremy just grinned. "Are all gay guys like you?"

"Most. Just not the boring married ones, like Colton and his wife over there," Brett said smiling. "So sizes, boys. We're both 6 inches in case you need to know."

"Didn't need to know that," Tanner replied grinning. "So you've found out how big everyone else is?"

"Working on it. So far we know Tyler, Huston, Cody, Darren and Colton. The others just told us to fuck off. But won't stop us from asking. big?"

"Hmmm... let's see. It goes all the way from the tip back to my body. So it's big enough to use and none of your business," Tanner laughed.

"God, straight boys are so shy about their dicks. Meet a gay guy and you learn how big his dick is before you know his name. But we're letting all the guys know that if you get horny we're available for sucking and fucking."

"Yeah, I don't think we'll ever get that horny," Jeremy said bluntly. He had an 8 inch dick and after seeing Tyler get a blowjob and cum from it, he was mildly curious, but wasn't about to admit it in front of everyone.

"What about the girls? Kinda sexist only asking the boys isn't it?" Andrea asked.

"Honey, if you had a nice dick, I'd be all over it," Brett said. "But just so you don't feel left out, you have really nice boobs and I personally think they're fabulous. Mind if I check them out?"

"Sure go ahead."

Brett took hold of one and lifted it up. "They look good. Love the nipples," he complimented.

"Thanks," she beamed. Darren, who was one of her besties, had told her that many times, and they had no problem being naked around each other as there was no sexual tension between them. She always felt safe around the gay boys as they had no designs on trying to get with her except as a friend. Straight boys on the other hand were all hormones.

"Can I feel them?" Jeremy asked as he felt his dick inflating underwater.

"Sorry. Girls only," she smiled as she politely refused him.

"But he's not a girl," Jeremy complained motioning to Brett.

"And he also doesn't want to fuck me."

"Uh, me neither," he lied. "I've just always wanted to feel boobs."

"You should probably tell your penis that. Dick police, I think you can find out the size of another straight boy," she teased as they all looked in the water at his erection. Levi dropped down under the surface and Jeremy quickly put his hands over his crotch. Levi came back up smiling.

"I'd say he's about 8 inches. Makes him the biggest guy here. Congratulations Jeremy. Looks like you're the winner. You can claim your prize after the party."

"What prize?" He asked not stopping to think.

"Duh, you get Brett and I for the night. You can change your virgin answer from the yes to a no by morning."

"If one of you has a pussy and boobs, I'm in."

"I have a tight boy pussy," Brett said turning around to wiggle his underwater ass at him.

"And that's my cue to leave," Jeremy said as got out of the hot tub and dove into the pool glad to be able to go get his dick back under control before he ended up doing something he might regret just so he could get off. Tanner and Sophie also drifted away, leaving Brett and Levi with Colton and Andrea.

"So we talked to your boyfriend about giving in and letting us stay over tonight and hopefully having some group birthday fun, but he's still not into it. He said you had a special night planned. Guess you're getting laid huh?"

"That's the plan," Colton smiled. "Did he say anything else? Was it a firm no?"

"Sounded like it. You really gotta convince him dude. Sounds like you want it and he doesn't."

Andrea spoke up. "I've known Darren longer than any of you. We grew up together and I'm the first one he came out to. It's not that he doesn't want sex with others, it's that he is scared of losing Colton if he gets compared to someone else. It happens a lot in open relationships, but you know who might be able to help is Tyler. TYLER!" she yelled waving him over.

He approached and jumped in the water beside them. "Dude, your brother and his boyfriend are in an open relationship right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"How do they do it so neither one gets jealous or cheats on the other one?"

"Mostly they play together with the other guys they want. They say it makes it more fun that way. They have the rule that there can't be kissing. They say the kissing is just for each other, but I know they break that from time to time, especially if they've been drinking."

"It's too bad that he won't play. Brett and I told our parents we wouldn't be home tonight, so if we can't stay here we'll have to find another place to crash. Maybe we should go see Justin next door. I know he'd be into having some fun."

"You can crash at my place Tyler offered. My brother is away this weekend so you can use his bed, or we can put sleeping bags down in my room."

"Won't he mind?" Levi asked.

"Dude, if my brother came home and found gay twins in his bed, not only wouldn't he mind, you'd probably not be leaving for a few days."

"I'm in!" Brett grinned.

"Me too. Guess we're crashing with you tonight. Thanks Tyler."

Colton felt immediate jealousy, and just some mild anger at not being allowed to play, as he was pretty sure that the twins would convince Tyler to fool around with them, especially after what he'd just seen upstairs. Part of him wanted to go over and get totally pissy with his boyfriend. Use the whole `thanks a lot!' sneer to guilt Darren into giving in. But mainly he was jealous. He got out of the hot tub to dry off and get dressed to head to the kitchen for some more food. Some of his guests had already moved to the snacks and put their clothes back on. He suggested a killer action movie with lots of blood and guts and they all headed upstairs. A total guys movie. Slowly the rest of the group joined them and the party settled into a typical 16 year olds party with video games, movies and pool. Around midnight, many of them said they had to go and by 1 am, Colton walked the last of his guests out. He was still trying to keep it together as Tyler, Brett and Levi left. All he could think about was the three of them having sex all night. That should have been him in the middle of the twins. Tyler had made it worse earlier when he said that he'd didn't mind guys giving him blowjobs and he'd smiled at Colton when he'd said it, so in his mind, he could have had all three tonight.

Darren and Colton cleaned up some of the things from the party in the kitchen and then headed for the shower before bed. "That was a good party!" Darren smiled. Got to see everyone relax around each other and we got to see Owen's dick. Looks like the rumours are true."

"Yep, looks like," Colton agreed. "Not my type though. He's a little rough around the edges. Tyler was fun. Couldn't believe he let the twins blow him right in front of everyone."

"Yeah, Tyler is pretty wild like that. Probably helps that his big brother is gay. I don't think he has the same hang-ups as many straight boys."

"Thought I was gonna cum when I saw that huge load pour out of Tyler and into Levi. Jesus, all I could think was that we should have been doing that."

"I know right. But don't worry. I have a big load ready for you tonight," Darren smiled as they hugged and kissed under the spray of the shower. Colton didn't clarify that he meant that he'd want to be the one swinging off Tyler's dick taking his cum. It was time to focus on his boyfriend and show him what he'd learned from Justin the night before. As they kissed, Colton sucked on Darren's tongue and then pulled it into his own mouth and really went to work on it. When he finally released it, Darren just stood there grinning.

"Where the hell did you learn that?" he smiled.

"Would you believe YouTube?... or porn. Can't be sure," Colton lied. "I been trying to see about new things we could do tonight. Figured since I'm 16, it's time to ramp up this sex thing. Move from vanilla to strawberry."

"Kinky. You gonna use the whole strawberry?" Darren chuckled.

"Guess you'll find out shortly." He took his partner in to the bedroom and pushed him backward onto the bed before climbing on him as they began to kiss. They made out for the better part of half an hour rubbing bodies together and basically enjoying being together getting to anything sexual. Colton made sure he used his tongue as wildly as he could inside Darren's mouth, and even nibbled on his ears and kissed the neck and Adam's apple. Darren was doing his best to keep up with the new skills that Colton had somehow gained in less than a week. By the time it got to 69ing, both boys were beyond horny and wondered if they would last long. Colton pulled one of Darren's legs back before he began to lick backwards into his crack and pushed his tongue as deep into the hole as possible. He pulled the ass cheeks firmly apart and drove his face as far as he could go, making sure to point his tongue and stab it in and out as far as possible. Darren was squirming all over the bed at the extra sensation. Colton tried a few times to get his own legs back to give Darren access to his hole, but each time his boyfriend resisted, and only did the basics on the back of the balls and the edges of the ass. He felt like pinning Darren to the bed and sitting firmly on his face. Sometimes you just have to make someone rim you before they realize how much they love it. They usually can't get enough of it after that. The boys fucked each other on and off for more than two hours as they went from hot and heavy, to passionate and loving, then slowed down to make out as they relaxed to recharge slightly. Then back to fucking in every position Colton could come up with. Some that worked, some that didn't. He wanted to tape it but he knew from his Mom that if he did and got caught with it, he could be charged, even if it was of himself. Seemed like a stupid law, but he respected his Mom and Dad not to cross those lines.

They were both getting tired as the night began to turn into morning, so Colton went for the finale. He ended by putting Darren on his back and folding him in half with legs over his head. He then stood above him, with his legs scissored between Darren's. Colton pushed his hard cock down toward the waiting, and well used hole, then lowered himself into Darren's ass, As he fucked him he grabbed Darren's dick and stroked him firmly, making sure to aim it right at his boyfriend's mouth.

"Damn, this is a hot position," Darren complimented. "How much porn did you watch?"

"A LOT!" Colton grinned. "And we're not quite done yet."

After a minute or two of fucking in this position, Colton pressed his index finger into the edge of Darren's ass along with his cock.

Darren grunted at the extra stretching his ass was getting. "Shit, I think I'm gonna come dude," he warned. Colton bounced up and down faster and stroked Darren even harder. "Dude! Seriously, I'm gonna cum!!"

"Then open your mouth and catch your load or you get to sleep in the wet spot," Colton replied with an evil smirk. Darren just looked up to see if he were serious and since he didn't have time to process other options, he opened his mouth just as he let fly with a huge load that was almost a perfect hit. Most went right into him, while the rest splashed all over his face. Colton quickly pulled out and let Darren's legs down as he almost dropped instantly to straddle his boyfriend's chest. He put the tip of his cock in Darren's mouth and pounded his shaft until he was on the edge of cumming. He grabbed Darren's hair with his other hand and told him to prepare for blast off. Colton shoved his cock halfway down Darren's throat and unloaded wave after wave of hot jizz into him. He hadn't felt a powerful orgasm like that in a while. When he was done, he squeezed the last few drops from his shaft, pulled his dick out and wiped it on the sides of Darren's cheeks before lying down on him and licking his face. He pressed his tongue into his boyfriend's mouth to taste both of their loads. When he finished he rolled partially off him and looked into his eyes. "So how was that?"

"Wow. That was both gross and hot all at the same time. Never taken my own load before and then you licking my face felt weird, but somehow super sexy. So you learned all that from porn?"


"Mostly?" he asked curiously.

"Dude, we live next door to a house full of gay guys who party and have sex all the time. Go over enough and you learn a few things. I was over there the other day and as usual there was sex going on, so I just watched and asked questions. The more I asked the more they showed me. Told them I was going to use what I learned with you tonight. How'd I do?"

"Fucking insane. Literally and figuratively. That had to be the best sex I've ever had."

"See! That's what I'm talking about. If we learn from others we can make it so much better for us."

"Is this your way of asking to fool around with others again?"

"Kinda. I don't want to piss you off or anything, but like tonight for example. Brett and Levi wanted to stay over and have a four-way with us. Dude, we could have boned twins! TWINS! When does that ever happen in real life? I almost shot my load when they sucked off Tyler in front of everyone. I didn't know if I was jealous of Tyler or the twins."

"So does that mean you're not happy with me?" Darren asked quietly as they lay curled up together.

"Why don't we get cleaned up and then we can cuddle under the covers and talk until we fall asleep?" Colton suggested. He realized he was leaving Darren hanging with a serious question unanswered, but it would give him time to formulate the best response.

As they showered and cleaned each other from head to toe, they ended up pressed together for more kissing before they finally headed to bed. They snuggled together and got comfortable under the covers. Colton killed the lights and they talked.

"You know that you're the only guy I love, right?" Colton said as they intertwined their legs together.

"I know and I love you too. But are you getting bored with me?" He asked as felt Colton breathing on his face.

"Never. No way baby. I just want us to learn more things together and what's wrong with playing with our friends?"

"I dunno. I've heard of guys having open relationships and breaking up because they fall for one of the guys they're playing with. What if that happens to us?"

"Well, we can't control fate, but I have no intention of breaking up with you, and if you break up with me, I'd be crushed but anything could happen in our lives. I mean I might get fat and bald, and you wouldn't find me attractive anymore."

Darren laughed. "Baby you'll never get fat and bald, and if you did I'd be aging the same too. I might get hairy ears or uncontrollable farting syndrome."

"You already have that and I'm still here!" Colton giggled. "But seriously you like sex right?"

"Yeah, duh. We just had three hours of it."

"So how hot would it be if we could do others together and learn things that we don't know. I mean when we've been at the parties next door it was hot seeing all those guys going at it right? We came back so goddamn horny we almost killed each other with sex. Like that time when Justin caught us hiding out and rubbed my ass. My dick was so hard that I wanted him to grab it and shove it in your ass and then climb on top and fuck me while I did you. I couldn't sleep for hours and had a boner for days."

"Yeah that was pretty cool. I was so nervous at being caught and the adrenaline was going crazy."

"SO? Let's do it. I mean not all the time or anything, but once in a while, let's do some group shit. Think about it. Tonight we could have been making out while twins were slurping down our dicks. Then we could have fucked them both at the same time."

"I hear what you're saying, but I can't help but feel I'd end up being a bit jealous seeing someone fuck your ass or you sucking their dick."

"But what about me seeing you fucking some guy while I kissed you and you getting me all horny as I watched your balls banging against his ass."

"Can I think about it?" Darren asked as he put his arm around Colton.

"Of course. We're just talking and nothing changes between us if you decide that you don't want to. I love you no matter what. At the very least, we should attend more parties and stuff and see what guys are getting up to in person rather than just watching porn."

"Yeah, I can do that, but I'll sleep on the other idea too, `k?"

"Deal. I'm a little tired baby. We should get some sleep. Thanks for an amazing birthday. I can't wait for yours."

"It was fun and I feel so special that you chose me to be your boyfriend."

"Not as special as I feel," Colton said as the two boys kissed and pulled the covers around them as they fell asleep in each other's arms.

"`Morning, baby," Darren said quietly many hours later as he gently slipped his morning boner into Colton's ass. "I'm in."

"I know. I can feel it!" Colton grinned as he turned his head so that they could kiss while they fucked.

"No, I mean I'm in to fool around with others, but only if we do it together and both agree on the guy, and kissing should only be between us."

"Oh my god! Are you serious? That's awesome!!! Who should we do first? Brett and Levi, or go next door and do a gang bang with Justin and the guys. Be good neighbours and shit."

Darren laughed. "We're not going to do it all the time though right? I still want it to be mainly you and me."

"Guaranteed. But I can already see it. We fool around with a couple guys together and you and I are so crazy insane horny that we come back and fuck ourselves to death. Like right now. Let me turn over so you can pound my hole while we kiss." Colton pulled Darren out of him and quickly flipped onto his back and wrapped his legs around Darren's shoulders and pulled him back inside. The boys kissed as Darren fucked.

"Harder! Fuck me harder!!" Colton yelled as he thrust his ass up as Darren thrust down. He was feeling the pain and loving every second of it. "Faster! Make me cum baby. Bone my ass!"

"Jesus! I think you're possessed," Darren said as he began to sweat from the intensity of the fucking.

Colton grabbed his dick and began to beat off as he was being fucked and it was only seconds later when both guys came simultaneously. Darren filled Colton's ass and Colton filled his belly button. As Darren pulled out, Colton ran his finger around in his cum and then sucked it. He did it again and gave his cum soaked finger to Darren, who hesitated momentarily before tasting it. Colton rubbed the rest into his stomach and then pulled his boyfriend down on top of him so they could kiss. As they came down from their high, they slept for another hour until they rolled out of bed to take a shower together. Colton took the opportunity to rim Darren's hot ass before fucking him. He was so happy that he now had a little freedom to experiment with others without having to feel guilty about any slip ups he made. He wondered who he should call first. Justin, or the twins? He was already planning what the sex session would look like.

The boys dressed and headed down to breakfast holding hands. Jack was in the kitchen having a morning coffee and reading the paper. "Good morning boys. How was the party?"

"Epic!" Colton beamed. "It was the best party ever! Thanks for letting me have it. Guess what. Darren and I have agreed to do some gang bangs with other guys. We're gonna fuck the planet!"

"COLTON! Language," his mother said as she came around the corner.

"Shit! Sorry Mom, didn't know you were there."

"Apparently. Despite the crude way you expressed yourself, I don't know if it's a good idea for you to have multiple partners at your age. Build your relationship and look after each other."

"That's what we're doing. We're gonna have intercourse together with other guys to see what we can learn so that when we are fu... ummm making love together we can be better at it."

Jack just sat quietly as he already knew that Colton had gained additional experience. "Jack? What do you think?"

"I think what you think honey," he replied with a smile. "But boys will be boys. Let them get it out of their system and have some fun."

"Don't worry Mom, we'll only do it with guys we know and both agree to. It's not like we're going on Craigslist and posting ads for orgies or anything. We'll just play with friends and stuff."

She shook her head. "I wanted a girl. I really did," she smiled.

"I could slap on a dress, do some drag if you like. We could have a girl's day at the spa. I may be a boy, Mom, but I'm a gay boy. Probably the closest thing you can have to a girl without me actually being a girl."

"I've changed my mind. I think I'm going to be an alcoholic instead," she smirked.

"Cool. We can go to rehab together when I'm older."

His Mom kissed him on the forehead and left the room.

"Keep that up and you might actually drive your Mom to drink."

"Chill Dad. Just say the word and Darren and I will drink all the liquor so Mom can't have any."

"You may be 16 buddy, but you're not too old to be grounded."

"Will I get spanked too? Darren let's go ground ourselves in my room. You can spank me first!"

"C, are you high?"

"Just high on life Dad. It was such an epic night, I can't even explain it, and now we have a whole new step in our relationship. Life doesn't get better than this. We're having breakfast, then Darren is going to teach me how to ride the hoverboard. After that we might go back to bed for a couple hours to have sex and then go over to the neighbours to see if they're doing anything fun. Plus I have to call Brett and Levi and see if they want to come over."

"Pace yourself. You've only been 16 one day. Try to make it to 17 will you?"

"Deal. Can you grab me a coffee?"

"Coffee huh?" Jack smiled as the boys sat down and got on with their day.

Colton couldn't wait to test his new relationship for real as he sat thinking about the possibilities over breakfast.

End of Chapter. Be sure to follow the adventures of Colton and Darren as they get involved with `The Society Boys' after chapter 161, and test their new relationship rules. More chapters to follow with other characters from the main story.

Author's note: Other authors are welcome to submit a chapter of their own for consideration from characters in past chapters. Send direct to me at I reserve the right to edit them for the integrity of `The Society Boys' story, but will discuss with the author before posting. Happy writing! :)

Next: Chapter 2

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