Social Network

Published on Aug 5, 2022


Social Network Chapter 4

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Social Network Part 4

September 2005 Los Angeles

Thomas: Did he steal anything?

Jessica: No! But still I have a feeling .......

Thomas: Did he break anything? Valuable or even trivial?

Jessica: No! But...

Thomas: He has a very old Two in Ons music player. Did he play music very loud?

Jessica: No. B..

Thomas: Did he show any sexual or vulgar or any kind of misogynist remark towards you?

Jessica: No

Thomas: Does he make this house dirty or at least keeps his room untidy?

Jessica: No his room is spotlessly clean.

Thomas: Did he ask you to cook something for him which is difficult for you hence overburdening you?

Jessica: Hell no! Mr. Hallowell Infact you know he never eats at home, He goes to his work in the early morning and comes back late at the night. Besides, I don't have any problem cooking for him. It's just..

Thomas: Does he bring girls when I am gone (while you work at home) and that makes you uncomfortable?

Jessica: No he has never brought any girl.

Thomas: Does he bring any rowdy friends of his which make and create a lot of noises and creates a disturbance for you while you work in the daytime?

Jessica: No, Mr. Hallowell! In fact, I have not seen any of his friends whether it is a boy or girl.

Thomas: Jessica, my relatives were old fashioned all backward white trash so they could have been a bit racist. I really don't know how they raised Brad but did he say anything to you even unintentionally which you might call racist?

Jessica: No!NO! Never!. The boy doesn't even talk to me. Mr. Hallowell but you must listen to me. There is something really off about the boy. Something really very dark.

Thoma : one last question Jessica. You once told me that you had a grand-aunt in Mexico who was a psychic. Remember?

Jessica Yes. But.

Thomas: Do you think that you might have inherited some of her power?

Jessica:(innocently): No. But why?

Thomas: (Jokingly) Then why are you pretending to be one? Why are you saying baseless things about that poor kid like he is some kind of dark thinking psycho or even a monster?

Jessica: I never said he is a monster or a psycho!

Thomas:(laughed): But that is exactly what you implied. by saying "There is something very dark about him" or "something very off "

Jessica: Mr. Hallowell. please don't laugh. I am serious I never implied any of those things which you mentioned but I have seen his eyes. There is something in there which I saw but I cannot comprehend.

Thomas: What?

Jessica: Like I said I cannot comprehend in words but may be too much ambitions

Thomas: Ambition is a good thing. LA is a city of ambitious people. Besides an eighteen old kid ought to be ambitious, if he is not then there is a problem with him.

Jessica: I am not able to explain myself. It is not exactly ambition which I saw in his eyes. it is this strange hunger of power

Thomas(sighed): Ambition or Power. I really don't know why you are adding negative connotations with these words?

Jessica: You must listen to .me, Mr Hallowell. This boy is a bad news

Thomas:(in a tired voice): Now, you listen to me, Jessica. I know you really care about me, I have always treated like you a family and I also know that there is nothing wrong with your intentions but implying baseless things about an eighteen-year-old boy is in a very bad taste. And me kicking him out based on your baseless feeling would be a very cruel and inhuman thing to do

Jessica: Mr. Hallow...

Thomas: Listen Jessica. Everything is going to be fine. Brad has already been living here for the past 3 weeks and has not created any problem. It is just a matter of 2/3 months. After Thanksgiving, he will move out (when he will have a proper job). So you relax. Nothing bad is going to happen here. It is just a temporary arrangement to help that poor kid. Relax I have not even given an alternative key of the house to the kid.

Jessica: But..

Mr. Hallowell: (firmly) I will see you tomorrow morning Jessica.I think it is already too late for you today. I think your kids must be waiting for you

Jessica(disappointedly): Okay.

Thomas: Good night Jessica. As Jessica was going out of the house Brad was coming.

Brad: Hey uncle!

Thomas: Hey kid!, How was your day? Come have dinner with me.

Brad: No thanks. I ate at work. Now I am going to my room. I will just freshen up and then go to bed. Good night uncle.

Thomas: Good night kid.

Thomas(to himself) What a nice kid. And Jessica wanted to throw this poor kid out, Jessica can be very cynical sometimes

After dinner, Thomas too retired to his room. Before going to his room he was brushing teeth in his bathroom when he heard very slow music coming from Brad's room. Brad and Thomas shared a common bathroom. Each bedroom had a separate door to that bathroom. This is is the first time Thomas was having any guest stay over. So whenever he has to use bathroom he locked the door which opened towards Brad's room for privacy. And Brad used to do the same(with the door which opened towards Thomas 's bedroom)

Just like every night Thomas was brushing his teeth before going to bed. He had locked the door towards Brad's side. But he could still hear faint music coming from Brad's room. Thomas immediately stopped brushing his teeth. He thought he had heard this music eons ago. Thomas tried to concentre his mind to remember where he had heard this soulful music. He hurriedly finished brushing and rinsing his mouth. But he could still not remember the song. The lyrics of song were in French. It was a young male singer 's voice. Thomas closed his eyes and tried to remember the song. The lyrics of song were something like " Je t'aime. Je veux être avec toi, je veux t'embrasser, je veux te baiser, je veux mettre ma semence en toi, je veux faire du sexe pur mais illgeal avec toi"

Which meant "I love you. I want to be with you, I want to kiss you, I want to fuck you, I want to put my seed inside you, I want to have pure but illegal sex with you"

Suddenly he realized where he had heard this song

Thomas :(to himself): I am really getting very old! How the hell I could forget this song? This was my most favorite song of all time.

He accidentally got an old record label of this song during his teen years around the late 1950s. Thomas was one of the very few people in his class who had enrolled in an optional French class. Noone in his freaking family understood French. There was only one record store in his town. The owner of that music store accidentally got that controversial record label. That record label was shortly banned after his release even in France. The singer was a French guy. Though it was never clearly stated it was fairly obvious from the song that the singer was singing for his male lover and expressing his desire to have sex with his lover. The song was very controversial and was quickly banned just a few weeks after its release. The music store owner of the town(in Kentucky) somehow got the label. Since no one was interested he gave it to the teenage Thomas for free. Thomas was learning French in high school and looking for some French music label. When he brought that label home and listened to it then he become tearful with the emotion. The song touched his heart and soul It was the first time he had heard a song which was probably composed for people like him. The song was very sensuous too. Thomas used to play it out in open in his living room since no one understood meaning of the song(since it was in French)

But he also used to play this song in a low sound in his private bedroom at night when he was jerking off. He used to quietly play the music in his room when he was all alone and jerking off while fantasizing about his imaginary lover making love to him. That record label was the most precious thing to Thomas. He wanted to make an additional copy of it since he knew the label wouldn't last forever and he could not purchase a new one. But just before his high school graduation that record label was somehow got broken. Thomas really tried hard to get it repaired but he could not. Thomas was really heartbroken. but he could not do anything about it. He lost his favorite song forever. until this moment.

Thomas really wanted to barge in Brad's room and wanted to ask him where he got this label. But he decided against it. He thought he would ask Brad in the morning. However, he heard the humming sound of Brad singing the song which was coming from the room. Thomas placed his ear on the door and tried to listen closely. Brad was humming the song along with the music player. But his voice seemed broken and he was breathing heavily. Thomas just could not control his curiosity and quietly and slowly opened the bathroom door a bit and peeked inside the Brad's room.

And Brad's bare back came in his view. Brad was sitting on his knees buck naked. facing the wall(hence his naked back was towards Thomas) He was humming the song while it was played on his "two-in-one player. Brad was thursting his naked body forward slowly while jacking off. He was humming the song. But Thomas's eyes zeroed on Brad's beautiful ass crack from where a line of hairy fur was peeking. "How in hell a teenage boy has such beautful hairy ass crack?"

Thomas slowly started touching himself. However suddenly Brad's stopped jerking off. He probably sensed that someone was watching. He paused. Thomas realized that and immediately closed the door fastly but quitely before Brad could turn his back and catch Thomas red-handed perving on him

Thomas hurriedly exited the bathroom and entered his own bedroom. He closed the bathroom door behind and went to his bed. But his mind was racing and his heartbeat was pumping fast. What if Brad had caught him peeking inside his room?

Thomas:(to himself) No No I don't think he saw me. But what the hell I was thinking? Perving on my own nephew? Thomas now questioning his decision. Did he make the right choice by asking Brad to stay till Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving was still more than two months far.

Thomas's mind was racing. He was feeling like he was naked and the whole world was staring at him He felt like his cover was blown.

Thomas :(talking to himself): What the hell I was thinking? What I have gotten myself into? Brad had not caught Thomas leering at him still Thomas was panicking. Does he know? Will he tell this to everybody? He was feeling scared. The whole world will sooner or later will come to know his little dirty secret and they will hate him for that.

Thomas's mind was racing. He was now sure that he did a very big mistake by asking Brad to stay with him till Thanksgiving Thomas knew that he needed to came out of this situation. And it was not like he was afraid only from Brad(that Brad might know his truth and may blow up his cover). He was very afraid of himself. He knew he was dangerously attracted to this hot guy(Brad). Brad was everything he wanted. Handsome, charming, affable and bold. Brad was the type of guy who would make his(Thomas)'s asshole quiver. Even though there was a big age difference between them and Brad was grand-nephew to him but Thomas just could not resist his obvious attraction towards Brad.

Thomas knew that Brad may or may not blow up his cover but if he(Thomas ) stayed longer with Brad then sooner or later he(Thomas ) would do something so stupid because of his fatal attraction towards Brad. Only Thoma knew how hard he had tried to keep his secret from the whole world. There was a reason he left his whole family in Kentucky forever and made little to zero contact with them after he graduated from college.

Thomas knew that he needed to come out of this situation very fast. He decided that tomorrow morning he would make some excuse to Brad, give some extra money to him, and ask him to move to that boy's hostel. Yes it would embarrassment to ask Brad to move out but this was the only way his secret would be safe.

Little did Thomas Hallowell knew that getting in the life of Brad Hallowell was like going on a one-way street. Af that point Thomas Hallowell did not know that from the next day onwards his life was going to be changed forever.


March 2020 inside a restroom of a diner near a truck stop near a highway in Kentucky

Brad: Lucas!Lucas! You all right there?

1s voice from the stall: The pup is not going to remove his cloth. Just tear it

Lucas:(sobbing in a low faint voice): Please no

Brad: Lucas! Lucas! Hey!Hey! open this fucking door!! Open it!

Brad started banging the door of the stall very hard. He also started kicking the door

Brad: Open the freaking door or else I will break it!

The door opened.

Brad saw that in the small stall two big burly men had trapped little Lucas between them and were groping and molesting all over his body. These two guys were most probably truck drivers.

1st guy: What the fuck is your problem dude? Let us shit in peace.

Brad: Hey motherfucker! Are you two taking dump together in the same stall? You freaking leave this kid alone!

1st guy: That is none of your business. We are having our little fun with the kid right now. Why the fuck you are poking your none in our business? Fuck off !! Let us fuck this kid in peace!

Brad: The kid is with me. Let him go!

Both the truck driver laughed loudly.

2nd dude: Dude You really think that we are that naive? This is probably lamest and most used con game in places like this. Whenever someone like us is having our peaceful lunch with a stray pups like this then hyaenas like you always come out from nowhere in no time. And claim that the stary pup is with you and then guys like you immediately take the pup in the next stall or any nearby dark alley and fuck their brains out. Nah dude we are not stupid. Con men always claim that these stray pups are tjheir friend or little young brother or worse even son. But as soon they get them they just shove their dick in pups cute little boy chute. So sorry man play your trick somewhere else.

1st dude: Yeah that trick has become really old. Now just fuck off Let us drop a load or two in this pup's bunghole. If he is any good then we are going to take him to our motel room for more fun tonight.

The two guys tried to close the door. But Brad just held the door tight keeping it open.

2nd dude: Oh! So you want to watch? Okay, we don't mind giving you or anyone else a good show. If you want to watch and get your rocks off by watching us tearing up this pup's pussy apart and drop multiple loads in it then you are most welcome. Be our guest.

Brad: (Again shouted): I said leave the kid! Can't, you see he is afraid and he is crying?

Both the guy burst into another laughter.

1st dude: Man! Are you really that dumb or just pretending to be one? Everyone knows that faggots like this always pretend to be scared little pup in a place like this.

2nd dude: Yeah I have seen many sissy faggot like these who pretend to be a scared little virgin but a fuckhole so loose that you can insert your hand up to your elbow. Luckily this faggot seems to be a virgin

1st dude: Listen, man, we are not selfish if you want to join in? No problem, you can have him after we are done with him. Then you can have his sloppy fuckhole

Brad: (got angry and almost dragged the first dude from the stall): I said leave him! Today only I have purchased him from his father for a couple of grand. So officially he is my property. And you damn fucking know one rule of this place. You can fuck anybody's son, kid-brother or somebody else faggot but you can not fuck or steal anybody's property and this boy is my property!

Brad snatched both the guys (with one hand each) so fast that they both were literally dragged out of the stall. Lucas too was dragged along with them and almost tripped but he balanced himself.

Both the truckers lunged at Brad to attack him. Lucas was very scared but Brad casually just threw one left-right-left punch at both of them and they were lying at the floor of the restroom.

Lucas was surprised how quicky Brad managed to crush those truckers. Those two truckers had also real realized that Brad was the real deal and not some pretty metrosexual city boy .

Brad: Get up motherfuckers!

Both the guys got up. They were still in pain, After both of them got punched in the face by Brad.

1st dude: Sorry man. we thought that you were some pretty boy from the big city. We never thought that you are like one of us. Hey man, we are cool. No hard feelings. We understand that you purchased this faggot so you have the right to take his cherry. We are not greedy. We will take this bitch as your sloppy second. We know a cheap motel nearby. How about we book a room there? Our treat! We also have weed and even a bit of coke too. We are not freeloaders man. If you are willing to share your faggot then we are very much willing to share our stash with you.

Brad:(angrily): Get the fuck out of here or else this time I will hit you so hard that your dick will never get up.

2nd dude(very scared and in comprising tone). Dude. Dude. Take it easy, man. take it easy. Why you are getting so angry over small things? Look.we are not some losers lurking around this truck shop to get some free faggot pussy. We are even willing to pay you 50 bucks each to fuck this bitch.

Brad(now extremely angry and grabbed 2nd man\s collar) : I said get the fuck out of here before I break every bone in your body!

2nd dude: Ok Okay man. Why the hell you are getting so hyper? We are leaving. Let's go dude. So much fuss over this faggot.

Both the guys left.

Now Brad and Lucas were only one in the restroom. Now Brad turned his attention towards Lucas who was shaking.

Brad:(angrily) What the hell Lucas? Why the hell you did not fight off those motherfuckers? Why the hell you were standing like a moron when those guys were assaulting you? And why the hell you are shaking?

Lucas immediately burst into tears and started crying. Brad got dumbfounded and did not know what to do for a few seconds.

Brad then decided to take Lucas in the same toilet stall (in which those truckers took Lucas) and closed the door

Brad: Hey!Hey Hey! calm down Lucas. Calm down. I am here. i am here. You are safe. No one is going to hurt you.

Lucas stoped crying but he was still sobbing and he was still shaking due to fear.

Brad: Hey Lucas baby You are safe now.

LucasL(in a shaking and sobbing voice): I got very scared. I did not know what to do.

Brad hugged Lucas and held him for a few moments. Lucas slowly calmed down. He even stopped sobbing and shaking

Brad: Baby, nothing wrong if you got a little scared. No need to worry. I am sorry I shouted at you. But one thing I am not able to understand. Why did not you even shout for help? You were lucky that I came to piss here. And barely heard your voice. At first, I could not even recognize it. You are lucky that I suspected it was you. You were barely whispering. Why did not you scream out loud?

Lucas did not say anything. He just layed his faced on Brad's chest.

Brad lifted Lucas's' face with his(Brad's finger) under his Lucas's chin

Brad: Tell me, Lucas. Why did not you scream loudly?

The look of panic once again came back on Lucas's face and he put his face down on Brad's chest

Brad decided to let it go

Brad: It is okay. It's okay. If you don't want to tell me. Leave it, baby. Anyway I had to take a wicked piss and that is why I came to the restroom but I still have not taken it. I really need to do it otherwise I will do it in my pants. (Brad chuckled)

Brad did not ask Lucas to go out or even kept him away. He held Lucas with his strong left hand with his arms draped around Lucas. Brad. Slowly moved towards pot and open his zipper with his right hand and pulled out his dick and start pissing right in front of Lucas.

Lucaa's eye just went big when he saw that big dick of Brad coming out of his zipper. A thick stream of yellow piss was flowing from Brad's dick into the pot. Lucas's mouth was also open in awe. He was like a very little kid who had seen his favorite thing and was too surprised to believe it He hugged Brad's side even tighter

Brad was unaware at Lucas admiration of his (Brad) juicy dick.

Brad:(without even looking at Lucas held him even closer with his left arm): Its okay baby, everything will be all right.

Once Brad finished pissing he gave his dick a few shakes. When he was about to pull back his dick back to his zipper at that moment he caught Lucas looking at his dick in complete awe.

Brad saw Lucas's eye went big and his mouth was gaped open. There was a slight drool in his mouth.

Brad was puzzled for a moment at Lucas's expression but then a smile came across his own face.

Lucas turned his face upwards towards Brad for a second and he saw that Brad had caught him ogling at Brad's dick.

Brad:(smiled mischievously): You ok to go out or should we spend some more time here to make you comfortable.

Lucas(totally embarresed) : unn noo lets go. Adam must be waiting for us.

Brad: okay. As you wish .

They moved out of the stall. They both washed their hand and then came out of the restroom . Lucas was embarrassed with his behaviour . They were still walking with Brad's arm wrapped around Lucas so as to gie him comfort.

Lucas saw people were watching them and smiling at them. He also saw that they were winking at Brad and giving him thumbs-up sign for approval. One guy even shouted, "Nice pup you got there". Brad just winked at them back and smiled mischievously. Lucas got very consious of Brad's hand around his body.

Lucas(Getting out of Brad's hug while walking towards parking) : I am ok we should move fast Adam must be waiting for us.

Brad: Okay, You go ahead. I have to make an urgent phone call. I will meet you guys in 5 mins.

Then he moved closer towards Lucas's ear and said in a very hushed voice.

Brad(in hushed voice): Hey Lucas, Now I think I know why did not you scream louder in the stall when two guys were assaulting you. But don't worry babe, your secret is safe with me.

Lucas's face immediately went red due to embarrassment , shame, fear, and shock.

Brad: Hey Hey! Don't worry babe. I will not say anything to Adam or anyone else. Go ahead and you two wait for me. I will meet you in 5 mins.

Lucas went towards a parking corner where their mini trucks(Adam and Brad) were parked.

Lucas's mind was racing. He was feeling like he was naked and the whole world is staring at him. He felt like his cover was blown.

Lucas:(talking to himself) : What the hell I was thinking? What I have gotten myself into? Even though Brad had not said anything specific about what he was talking about still Lucas was panicking. Does he know? Will he tell this to everybody? Lucas was feeling scared. The whole world will sooner or later will come to know his little dirty secret and they will hate him for that.

Lucas's mind was racing. He was now sure that he did a very big mistake by coming here with Adam and Brad and he needed to come out of this situation. And it was not like he was only afraid of Brad*(that Brad might know his truth and may blow up his cover). He was very afraid of himself. He knew he was dangerously attracted to this hot guy(Brad). Brad was everything he wanted. Handsome charming affable and bold. Brad was the type guy who would make his(Lucas) asshole quiver fast. Even though there was some age difference between them and Brad was like a big brother to him but Lucas just could not resist his obvious attraction towards Brad.

Lucas knew that Brad may or may not blow up his cover but if he(Lucas) stays longer with Brad sooner or later he(Lucas) would do something so stupid because of his fatal attraction towards Brad. Only he knew how hard he had tried to keep his secret from the whole world. There is a reason he left his home after he thought that his mom might know the truth.

Lucas knew that he needed to come out of this situation very fast. He decided that tomorrow morning he would make some excuse to Adam and would move back to his town. He would move back to his mom's basement. Yes it would be an embarrassment to move back to his mom house but his secret would be safe .

Little did Lucas Castle knew that getting in the life of Brad Hallowell was like going on a one way lane. Af that point little Lucas Castle did not know that from the next day onwards his life is going to be changed forever.

to be continued

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