Social Network

Published on Jul 17, 2022


Social Network Chapter 2

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Social Network (Part 2)

September 2005 LA

There is no fool like an old fool. And currently, Thomas Hallowell was one of those.

He actually believed that a hot 18-year-old stud like Brad would be in deep love with a 61-year-old fat man like him? That Brad would not have any ulterior motive behind all these sexual escapades?

But can we really blame him? To judge objectively we will have to know a little bit about his background. Thomas Hallowell was born in 1944 in a small town of Kentucky in which Adam and Brad were born.

Just like every gay teenage Thomas realized that he was different than other boys. He initially thought that these tendencies would simply go away but they didn't. In fact, they even become stronger. By the age of 15 when he was a sophomore in high school his attraction towards same-sex become even bigger despite his inner repression. There were many hot jocks in his high school and on whom he had a big crush. In the locker room, those Jocks use to walk and chat casually in fully naked without noticing that a closet gay boy like Thomas was in love with them. As he grew older his attraction to these rural hot Jocks grew stronger. Even though he knew that those thoughts were sinful but he simply could help himself jerking himself off twice a day thinking about sucking dicks of those high school Jocks, kissing their lips, faces, neck, and the whole chest licking their hairy balls, sniffing their dense pubes and tasting their smelly assholes.

However in reality he knew that he could only look and not touch. Forget about touching, he knew he also could not even express his secret desires to anyone because that would be complete banishment of him from the town and from his ultra-conservative family .

However, there were few things in his life that were positive. Thomas was an intelligent boy and was very good at studies. Also, he was really hard working and wanted to become a doctor. And even though not a single member of his white trash family had ever gone to college (many of them did not even complete high school) they always encouraged him to study. especially his mother.

Thomas's hard work paid off and after high school, he was surprisingly admitted to premed course in a reputed college. Thomas could not believe his good luck. He finally realized that he could escape that backward white trash rural town. He promised God that he would never waste this golden opportunity and definitely would strife to become a good doctor. In college, while other students studied hard and partied harder, Poor Thomas only studied and studied.

He had absolutely zero interest in girls and going out with hot boys made his "queer problem " even more problematic. Besides one thing which he noticed that he was not as strongly attracted to those hot college studs even though they were nicer, more educated, refined, and had a better sense of style than those raw unrefined rural boys of his small town in Kentucky.

Anyway, after completing college he was accepted into a medical school and after that, he started working as a resident in a medical hospital.

Then came the 70s and things were starting to open in the society.

In the late 1970s, Thomas was working in a hospital in San Francisco. There were a lot of gay bars in Sf and even though Thomas rarely went to one of those he used to love the casual gay scene of SF city.

Thomas now totally loathed going home. He did not even went to see his mother. His mother had forgotten how many Thanksgiving, Christmas, new year, or Easter vacation Thomas had missed. Whenever she complained Thomas always gave excuses that he was extremely busy in his hospital job. While this was partly true however even when Thomas could take time off his work he would never try to go to his home town. He would rather sleep in his apartment in SF for the days Thomas simply loved SF and enjoyed the whole gay scene .. Slowly but steadily he completely steadily drifted away from his family.

In 1979 Thomas started going to gay bars and gay strip clubs. Even though he never dared to hook up with any guys but he loved to watch guys making moves on each other. He also loved to watch those hot dancing go-go boys in the strip club and gays bars.

But one thing he noticed that he never felt same strong attraction to those hot guys in SF which he felt during his high school days towards those high school jocks in his rural town. One thing he also noticed that he was almost invisible to those guys in gays bars. In fact, he was invisible to any decent looking gay man period. Even in San Francisco his few friends he had were straight women or men.

In 1980 Thomas had his first gay sex. It was with a hipster. The guy was ok looking. However, the sex was extremely underwhelming.

The guy fucked him, did not even kiss, just cummed inside him, and left Thomas 's place without even asking his name.

Thomas was very disappointed. Like many gay guys, he also had a lot of fantasy about his first time. But it was extremely painful and extremely underwhelming and disappointing. He did not even cum at all during sex.

The only saving grace was that guy who topped Thomas had a very small penis so the pain was somewhat minimal. Thomas again saw that guy next night at the gay bar. But to his surprise, the guy did not even acknowledge him. Thomas again went to him only to brushed off by that guy. Thomas was really disappointed by that behavior. so much that for the next few days he did not go out in the evening. After few days Thomas again hooked up with another guy and sex was even more disappointing this time. Not to mention the guy was more rude and more unromantic than the previous one. Still, Thomas was very polite to him. He was really looking for a relationship/ Next evening he again saw the guy at the gay bar and had a similar experience just like the first guy.

Thomas continued to have more or less similar types of bitter and disappointing experiences with hookup culture in next couple of years. Most of the gay guys were simply not into him because he was not hot and young enough. And those guys with whom he managed to get hookup were not simply interested in him beyond a one-night stand.

Thomas tried to broaden his social circle. He tried to meet gay guys outside gay bars or strip clubs. He was really looking for a long term relationship but unable to get the right kind of guy. All he got was a few sloppy one night stand from scrappy guys over the course of next few years.

Even though Thomas's sex and romantic life were dry he still liked SF gay scene and still loathed going home at Kentucky. He has made some really close friends with straight women and men in his neighborhood. He really liked open-mindedness of people of his neighborhood.

However, in the early 80s the AIDS epidemic started rapidly and the city of San Francis was really hit hard. By the mid-80s one could see many gay men dying on streets. there was so much chaos, fear, paranoia, lack of information, and misinformation about the disease. People use to call it a gay disease or gay cancer

Even though Thomas was a doctor he was also totally bewildered by this epidemic. There was so much disinformation that those who were working in the medical field also did not have the proper information. Thomas totally ended all his social life. Forget about going to gay bars or gay strip clubs or hooking up with men, He even stopped going outside after work. His whole life was now revolved around his apartment and his work.

But the AIDS epidemic still had a huge negative impact on Thomas's life and psyche. Some of his straight friends who knew about his homosexuality had started avoiding him. Some of them even flat out said to him that they did not want anything to do with "people like him".

So now at the age of 40, Thomas Hallowell went back deep in the closet


Present-day March 2020 Kentucky

Brad: I will help you

Adam: What?

Brad: You heard me I will help you.

Adam: So you are going to do a STARgram collab with me?

Brad: Nope, I have booked a couple of cottages in the woods for the next few months and you and Lucas are going to move in with me.

Adam(snapped): I don't need your pity bro, I just want one collab that's it. I don't have any intention of mooching off you.

Brad: It is not pity you moron! In the last fourteen years, we have barely spent quality time with each other. I miss you. I miss our old days when we used to be so close to each other. Tell me when the last time we had dinner together? You should know that this freaking lockdown can last for months. Why not make most of it to catch up for the old times?

Adam: But that collab? I need some online clients bro.

Brad: Jesus! You are so no naive. You think if I do one collab post with you today and by tomorrow almost all my followers will start following you and by day after tomorrow .you will start getting online clients for your gym program or you would get a ton of advertisers then you are completely wrong. It takes a lot of time to build a big social media profile.

Adam: I am not thinking that but I need a good boost for my SM and for that I need a start from you.

Brad: Look, Adam. We are not just friends but we are like brothers. I have always considered you my brother. Look, we may not have spent a lot of time together since high school since we decided to do different things but now you are my responsibility. We will have a great time together for the next few months. You and Lucas will both live with me and in these few months I will build a huge social media profile for you . Hey Lucas! Just pack your and Adam things. We all be moving to the cabins in the wood which I have booked for the next few months but before that, we will go and buy a new phone for Adam.

Lucas(hesitantly): Actually I too need a new phone. ..

Adam: Lucas! Your phone is alright. You don't need a new one.

Brad{laughed]: Okay, Okay. We will purchase one for you too. You just pack your and Adam's things and we will back in less than an hour.

After that, all three will go for dinner and then we will move to the cabin tonight.

Lucas(excited): Okay I will start packing our things. Just drop me to our (Adam and Lucas)' apartment

Brad: You take Adam's truck . Adam and I are going to the Apple store in my car.

Lucas excitedly went to his apartment while Adam and Brad went to an Apple phone store. On the way, Brad started giving some vague idea about how he is going to create big Social media profile for Adam in the next few months

Adam was listening to things very enthusiastically. Finally, some happiness was coming back to his face.

While Brad was thinking something else

Brad:(thinking and planning in his mind): I am so going to tap your ass, Adam. I have been thinking about this since our high school days but finally, fate has given me a chance to do that. I am not just going to tap your ass And I am going to own your body and soul. Things you would do for me you would have never dreamt about doing that in your life. I wish Lucas was younger / Preferably less than 18. Anyway, he still looks like a minor even though he is 20. Well, come to the DARK side, Adam. Lucas is going to be your Eve and I (snake) is going to use him(among other things) to totally corrupt you.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 3

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