Soccer Bus

By Michael Stevens

Published on Feb 1, 2016


Soccer Bus

Ch 6 Tony and James

Brian was just finishing his afternoon shift at the restaurant when Tony came into the storage room they used for changing. It was the first time he had come in since their time in the car, and Brian had been a little disappointed by that. He had enjoyed their little cat and mouse flirting, and he was worried that Tony was upset by what he had done in the car.

"Hey Bri" he said quietly, "how are you?"

"Worried" said the boy. "Did I piss you off or something?" Tony's face fell and his shoulders sagged.

"Oh Brian, no no no! This is all on me. I've wanted to talk to you for days, but not here. Can you come over to my place tomorrow?" Sunday was a day for some Danny time, and Brian was reluctant to say yes. "Come over for breakfast. I'm a cook, you know. It will be great." So Brian agreed.

When Brian told his mom about the invitation, he made it sound like the whole restaurant staff would be there, not just a head to head with Tony. As it turned out, that wasn't all that far from the truth. Brian followed Tony's directions to a very nice house in the woods. He didn't think being a chef paid quite this well! Tony had said that if it was a sunny day, he should just come around back and they'd be in the hot tub. He hadn't noticed the they. He followed the path around, and there he was! When he saw Brian, he came over to the edge and reached up to shake hands and gave him a big smile.

"Hey Bri, I am really glad to see you!"

"Nice house" said Brian.

"Well, we like it." replied Tony.. Brian didn't get a chance to ask what he meant, because he heard the sliding door open behind him.

"Hi Brian!" he heard again, and this time it was from James, the restaurant owner.

"Hi Mr Jim!" I didn't know you would be here too." The quizzical look on James' face told Brian that he had said something odd.

"Bri, this is our house." explained Tony from the tub. Brian looked from one of the men to the other, then back again, as he struggled to process this new information. The Tony got out of the tub and, putting on a robe, walked over to James. It was a jolt for Brian to see that Tony was naked, and another when he kissed James and put his arm around him. Brian's brain was flooded with all the times he had ever seen the two of them together, and couldn't find a single one that hinted at this. Finally he asked

"How did I not know this?"

"Well, business is for business, and home is for love" answered Tony and the two men kissed again. This time James' robe flapped open and Brian got another jolt. James was naked too.

Trying to break the sudden silence, James asked

"Coffee or a bloody mary? Both are ready, Tony makes a great bloody"

"I've never had a bloody mary" said Brian sheepishly.

"Oh, they are one of the great pleasures of a lazy Sunday morning, and this is the perfect place to start." And with that, James filled a glass with ice and poured in some tomato juice. Stuck in a stem of celery he handed it to Brian.

"What's in it? the young man asked.

"Just taste" advised James, so Brian did. A careful sip at first, followed by a good slug. "Wow that's good."

"I knew you would like it." said Tony, and he poured one for himself. "Let's go inside for a bit" he suggested, and the three of them filed inside. Tony sat in the single chair, putting Brian next to James.

James gave Brian a stern look, almost fierce. "So, you're the little slut that's trying to steal my guy!"

"James!! shrieked Tony, and he flung himself onto the couch between the two of them. The hurt in Brian's face showed that he had taken the remark to heart, but the smile on James' face confused him even more.

"I'm sorry Brian. Sometimes I tease with such a straight face that people believe me and don't get the joke. I know how Tony flirted with you in the storeroom, and sometimes we would laugh about your reactions. Then Tony told me all about your transformation and what went on between you. Very hot, I must say. I guess if I'm jealous it's because you aren't sucking my cock." He looked down at it, picked up and then dropped it carelessly. "Poor me."

"Oh cut the shit miss drama queen! Last night you got the best blow job of your whole fucking life!" Tony turned to Brian.

"He really is trying to be funny in his own twisted way. are you OK?

Brian had never been called a slut or heard two men discussing their blow jobs and was struggling to keep up with his own emotions. Tony look at him earnestly and gave him a big reassuring hug. James patted his hand "I'm sorry if I scared you Brian. That was not my intention at all. In fact, it was just the opposite." Brian took a long pull on his bloody and looked at the two men next to him.

"Guys, I've got a lot to get used to. The two of you are just one more thing!"

"Can you tell us what happened?" asked James.

"You don't have to be too specific" he added. "But you could"

Brian took another long pull on his drink. "What's in this?" he asked. Tony the cook explained that it was tomato juice, tabasco, horseradish, worcestershire celery salt and pepper." And vodka."

"Wow, it's really good, and I can feel the buzz already. OK, so what happened? I was on the bus coming home from a soccer game and a kid was sitting next to me. We got bumped around and he's just about in my lap. I was kinda cold, and he was warm, so we just sat like that. I was gonna punk him a little bit, and I tickled his nipple. Another bump in the road knocked his hand onto my thigh, and before I realize it, he's got a hand on my cock. I didn't even know I had a stiffie! So I told him that he'd better not tell anyone about it, and he takes my hand and puts it in his crotch. He had a boner too. We started to play around, but then we got back to school, and we had to stop.

I offered him a ride home, and on the way we stopped. In the dark, we kissed for a long time, and started to jerk each other off. Then I don't know how it happened. I think he pulled his shorts down and his dick just popped up in my face. And then it just went into my mouth. I did that for a while, and then he did that to me Then we pounded each other and shot cum all over the car. OK, it took longer than that, but that's the basic story." Tony and James were quiet until one of them asked

"Have you seen him again?"

"Oh yes." said Brian softly.

Both men shifted a bit in their seats to put some cover on their own boners. Brian took a final hit on his bloody mary. They were all quiet until Tony had a suggestion. "The tub's hot! Let's not waste it." He stood up and snugged the bulky terrycloth robe around him. "Brian, I'll get you a robe. You don't have to be naked, you can wear your underwear if you would be more comfortable." James got up too, and refilled the bloodies all around.

Tony came back with a robe. "You can change in there" and he gestured to a bedroom.

"Thanks" said Brian. He went into the guest bedroom and dropped the robe on the bed. Watching himself in the mirror, he stripped his clothes off until just his favorite jock was left. That's enough he thought, and wrapped himself in the lush cotton robe. But then he decided to to go naked, and he pulled the jock down and piled it on top of his clothes. Then he went back into the living room, picked up his bloody, and headed out to the deck.

The guys were already submerged to their necks. Brian padded over to the edge and paused, knowing all eyes were on him. "Avert your eyes James; allow the boy some modesty." said Tony, but he didn't really mean it.

"No need" said Brian, and he stepped to the edge of the tub and slipped out of the robe. He paused for a few heartbeats, knowing that the men were taking a good long look, and took the few steps down into the hot water. He wondered what he was getting into, and he didn't mean just the hot water.

The hot tub was not all that wide, and there was a tangle of legs under the steamy surface of the water. There was some gentle shifting of position until they were all comfortable. What Brian didn't realize was that each man had claimed one leg. They took turns gently rubbing their knees against him, and it was having an effect; he was glad to have taken his jock off, because it would have been uncomfortable now. He felt their feet behind his thighs and they began to gently float him up to the surface.

When Brian's boner broke the surface both men collapsed in giggles and Brian quickly sank down into the depths of the hot water. He glared at them with anger, but they were giggling so hard that it was impossible to stay angry and Brian began to laugh too. I bet I'm not the only one here with a hard-on." he said finally. Tony and James looked at each other with who me faces, but Brian persisted. "Come on, stand up and prove it." So the two stood up and sure enough, both dicks were standing tall. They collapsed back into the water but Brian could see that there was some surreptitious touching going on under the surface.

When they had settled down, Brian realized that he had come to rest on top of James and Tony. They were sitting on opposite sides of the tub, with their legs going across. Tony was lying gently on them, and when he reached out for the underwater bench of the tub to steady himself, he didn't get bench, he got a different kind of wood. So he held on and both men sighed quietly. "Brian, it doesn't seem fair to leave you out of this." and Tony reached over and gently stroked Brian's dick. It caused some ripples on the surface, and as Brian started stroking the cocks he had hold of, the tub got much more agitated. Then James spoke up "Gentlemen, we have a rule `No cum in the tub.' which was enough to stop all the stroking.

The three of them lapsed into thoughtful silence as the hot water worked its magic on their bodies. Brian really didn't know what to expect, so he just waited and hoped that his boner would go down. Tony spoke first. "Brian, I invited you over for some conversation and breakfast, and we seem to have wandered away from that destination. There are three horny men in this tub, and we may get further into things that none of us need or want if we stay much longer." He let that sink in and then lightened the mood a bit "so Let's eat! Breakfast, I mean!

With the three-way averted and boners fading in the chill air, they scrambled into their robes and went inside. As Tony put the breakfast out, James and Brian sat at the table. "How long have you guys been together?" Brian asked.

"We met in college" said James over his croissant "Sweetie, these are delicious" he said to Tony in the kitchen. Brian nodded in agreement, and spread a little more jam on the flaky pastry.

"Don't fill up!" said Tony, "There's more."

"How did you meet? Love at first sight?"

"Well, not exactly. Freshman year, neither of us was out. But one day in the locker room, I saw a guy with a great body and a deliciously furry butt. I was staring, and when he turned around I saw the downy blonde curls surrounding his penis. Equally delicious. I looked away quickly and thought he hadn't caught me."

In the following days, we bumped into each other a number of times, just passing in the hall or sometimes in the cafeteria. We really didn't know each other, but one morning I said Hello" and we introduced ourselves and agreed to meet up for lunch. Then we began the conversations that never ended, about everything. The conversations went on for days. We really hit it off. I was a business major and Tony was in Culinary Arts, and one evening we began to talk about a future working together. That was when Tony said James, we really gotta talk about something else.' He told me that our random meetings were not at all accidental, the he had planned every one, not really knowing how to say `hello.' It all started the day he caught me staring at is furry ass.

"And" chimed in Tony as he came to the table "I told him that it gave me goosebumps to think that he liked looking at me."

"You're leaving out the part about your boner." said James.

"No I'm not" said Tony, it's right here!" and he flipped open his robe to reveal a pink shaft surrounded by golden curls. "Anyway, that was the night we first kissed, the beginning of it all." No, your furry butt was really the beginning."

"Or was it the end at the beginning?"

When breakfast was over, Brian felt much better about his new status as a gay man. He was more confident that he could be a real partner for Danny, and hoped somehow that he would be able to bring Danny into this group. When it was time to go, he changed back into his clothes and carefully hung the robe on the back of the bedroom door. He was excited to see that there was another robe hanging there. The guys walked him to the door and he headed out to his car. He turned to wave but they were not watching him. James had slipped his arms into Tony's robe and around his waist, and their lips were locked into a long deep embrace. He started to back out of the driveway and gave them a little toot. They both faced him and waved, robes open, stiff and proud.

Next: Chapter 7

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