Soccer Bus

By Michael Stevens

Published on Jan 22, 2016


The hard-fought soccer game between Weston and Morales high schools went into overtime, and by the time the winning goal went in, the skies had darkened and an early October chill settled onto the field.

All the boys were exhausted, and as they passed each other in the hand shake line there were few comments beyond a mumbled "good game." Their jerseys, slick with sweat, clung to their chests, and now the autumn cold chilled them down, raising nipples and goosebumps.

Morales did not have a big locker room, so the Weston boys just boarded their team bus for the ride home. Danny O'Reilly had gone back to the bench to pick up his bag, and now, as he walked across the parking lot, he could feel his damp jockstrap chafing underneath his balls. He was the last getting on.

Sprawling sweaty miserable boys filled the seats, and as he headed towards the last open space, he saw that he would be sitting next to Brian Johnson, the team captain. Early in the season they had had a problem in the locker room. Danny had come out on top, and Brian had harbored a grudge for some time until Danny's dad had given him a strategy to help them get along.

His father's words ran through his head, as he sat down. Compliments can help he had said. So Danny tried that now. "Hey man, great game, you were brilliant out there."

"Yeah well, it didn't help"

"Are you kidding? Without you it would have been much worse." Brian cuffed the younger boy gently on the head.

"Thanks" and turned to look out the fogged window at the darkening sky. The ice between them seemed to have melted a bit.

Danny had pitched his bag up on top of the pile that took up some of the back seat, and was sitting between the pile and Brian, who was at the window. The diesel roared into action and the crowded bus lumbered across the lot. Danny hoped the heat would come on soon; it would, but not from the engine.

As they took the sharp turn out of the lot, the back end of the swung wide, and went up over the curb. The lurch shook a bag loose, and shoved Danny up against Brian. As they readjusted themselves, Danny realized that the bigger boys warmth was not unpleasant, and he shifted a little, hoping that Brian would not notice where their skin touched.

As the potholes jostled the lumbering bus, the pile of bags shifted again, pushing Danny up against Brian to the point where he apologized to him. "Sorry, these bags are squishing me."

Brian just replied" 's ok" and silently thought that the younger boys warm skin next to his wasn't a bad thing. His arm was pinned between them, so he shifted it up to the back of the seat. He smiled as he thought that it was a classic movie theater move to cop a feel. Not this time, he thought.

Danny was not unaware of the move, and wondered if it was another one of the fag-baits that Brian was known for. He thought back to their first locker room problem, when Danny had been new to the team. After one of the first practices, Danny had modestly fastened his towel around his waist and headed for the showers. When Brian caught sight of him he called out "Hey Miss Piss, we're all boys here!" Danny tried to just walk past the naked boy, but Brian persisted.

"Ya got a boner under there sweetie?" So Danny stopped and turned to face him. He looked the bigger boy up and down and then unfastened his towel and tossed it over his shoulder.

"I've got more than you've got." he said. And indeed, the younger boy had a dark full bush and a substantial cock. For all his swagger, the blond Brian had much less to show. As he walked away, Danny made a mental note to never cover himself again.

So now he wondered if this was going to be a setup, and when Brian slid his arm down across his shoulders, his fears grew. But something else was growing too, a small burn in his jockstrap. He liked this embrace, no matter how dangerous it might be. The excitement clouded his judgement, and instead of taking a defensive move, he decided to call Brian's bluff. At the next pothole, he let his right hand be jostled off his own thigh onto the muscled thigh next to it. If Brian objected he would move away, of course, but the older boy was silent. At the next bump, his fingers moved down to the naked skin of Brian's inner thigh, and reaching over the hem of his soccer shorts.

Although they would have denied it, the boys were now snuggled against each other in a comfortable, warm embrace. As Danny probed the edge of Brian's soccer shorts, Brian let his arm relax so that his hand slid down Danny's chest and teased his nipple. Their explorations were largely unconscious, or at least appeared unintentional. That is, until Danny reached up to find out what was going on inside Brian's jockstrap. What he found surprised and excited him! There was a big hard cock in there! And it drew a response from Brian; the arm that had been a warm embrace over his shoulders tightened around his neck, and he felt Brian's lips whispering in his ear. "That's just gonna be our little secret. isn't it?" The threat was real, and Danny knew only one way to make the arm relax. He reached for Brian's free hand and pulled it to his own crotch. His boner was poking out of his jock and nearly out of his shorts.

Brian relaxed his grip and Danny turned to look up at him. their eyes locked and Brian whispered "What the fuck is happening?"

"I don't exactly know Brian," replied Danny, "but I like it."

"Oh my god" said Brian. What are we doing?"

"Having fun?" said Danny. Brian clearly did not know what to do, but Danny did. He slid his hand up inside the leg of Brian's shorts and wiggled his fingers into his jockstrap to reach Brian's hard cock. At the same time, he hooked a finger over the waistband of his own shorts and tugged down, revealing his own.

"Jesus Danny!" he said looking up nervously. When he saw that no one in the dark bus was paying them any attention at all, his eyes returned to the swollen cock next to him, and he reached over to touch it.

"Jesus Danny!" Brian repeated quietly. He touched the head of Danny's swollen boner with his fingertips as if he expected it to be red hot. When he realized that it would not actually burn him, he circled it with his fingers, pulling up then sliding down, exploring this new territory. He had touched himself like this many times, of course, but another boy? Never!

The boys were twisted together, holding each other's cocks and not really sure where to go next. Brian was touching a penis other than his own for the first time. If it had been his own, he would know exactly what to do, and in fact that was what he started to do. He stroked Danny gently, not wanting to hurt this perfect penis, not knowing what else to do. Danny whispered a soft moan.

Danny now had a hold of Brian, and had worked him up and out of his jock so that he could see the moist head of Brian's penis peeking out above the waistband of his shorts. His thumb and index finger had circled the shaft, and he, too, was beginning to stroke. Danny had an idea of what he wanted to do, but even now, he did not totally trust Brian. If he were to sink his lips down over that beautiful head and swirl his tongue around it, tasting the tingle of precum and lapping the sensitive star underneath, he feared Brian might shout out "Cocksucker!! I knew it!!" and that would be the end of him. Brian would need to make that move first. So Danny just stroked.

Brian was in a haze of hormones; what Danny was doing just stoked his own boner and he had never felt bigger or harder. His hips began to push against Danny's grip even as his own fingers pushed further down Danny's shaft. But a flash of light in the bus froze him in mid-stroke. The driver had turned on the interior lights. "OK boys" he shouted, "we're about a mile from school. Get your shit together now, I ain't gonna wait around for long."

Instantly the boys parted and tried to stuff their parts back where they belonged. Raging boners did not make that easy, but everything got contained and untucked shirts covered the bulges. Brian looked out the window while Danny grabbed his bag from the pile and put it in his lap. They did not make eye contact, and Danny feared that those few minutes in heaven might be all that he and Brian would have together.

The team shuffled out of the bus and into the parking lot. The October night was cold, and they all headed for their cars or waiting rides without much conversation. As Danny fumbled in his bag to find his phone Brian casually walked over. "Need a ride?" "Nah, my mom will come and get me." "Really, it's no trouble; I want to, really." And so with no more conversation, they climbed into Brian's battered Toyota and headed in the direction of Danny's house. He texted his mom I got a ride. Then Brian took an unexpected left turn and pulled over about 50 yards into the woods.

Brian pulled over to the side of the narrow road and when he switched off the engine it was very quiet. Without the headlights or dash lights, it was almost totally pitch dark. Neither boy spoke or even moved Danny could hear Brian's slow breathing and he was sure that the other boy could hear his heart pounding in his chest.

"Jesus Danny" Brian said in a low whisper. "What the fuck is goin' on here?" Danny did not have an answer ready, so he stayed quiet, hoping that Brian would keep talking and answer his own question. He didn't, but asked "are you ok with this?" And Danny whispered a barely audible


"Good, I can't wait any longer" was the quiet reply.

He heard Brian shifting in his seat and then a hand bumped into his shoulder and found it's way up to his neck. It was joined by another exploring hand up the other side, until his face was cradled between them. Danny felt himself drawn forward by two gentle hands until he felt warm breath on his lips. Brian paused there as if he was standing on the edge of a cliff. Danny inched forward and felt his nose touch Brian's. That seemed to be a trigger for Brian, because in the next moment he pulled Danny closer and kissed him. Once. Twice, just on the lips, and then a third and their lips parted and the floodgates opened.

They kissed with a level of excitement and energy that surprised both of them. Their tongues probed each other, deep and hard. Brian kissed Danny hard, pulling at his lips with his own. He turned Danny's head to the side a bit at his earlobe and pulled at it with his teeth. Brian could feel Danny's beard stubble rasping his cheek and he turned to kiss and lick along his jawline and then down across his neck.

When his lips met the edge of Danny's shirt, he stopped and, reaching down, pulled the shirt up and over Danny's head. Nipples revealed, well, in the dark anyway, Danny let Brian lick and kiss them, but he quickly needed something to do, so he pulled Brian's shirt off and began to work both nips with his thumb and index finger. With his free hand, Brian slid down into Danny's shorts and cupped the ribbed fabric of the boy's jock pouch. He went all the way down under to where the thin leg straps connect to the pouch, and for a moment, Danny thought he might go further, into the hole that would eagerly welcome him. But Brian pulled back and went inside the pouch instead, to cradle Danny's balls.

In the middle of the most passionate event of his young life, Danny thought back to the first time he had been touched there. Jason, a neighbor home for a college summer vacation, had seduced him. Winning the boy's friendship and then confidence, and finally introducing him to the pleasure of mutual masturbation. Then one day Jason casually suggested something new that would feel really great. Slowly, slowly, Jason had prepped Danny, entering him with a finger first, and then finally with his hard cock. He just slid it in gently, and Danny had moaned with true pleasure. He had never forgotten that experience.

Brian had kissed his way down Danny's chest and belly and was close to the waistband of his shorts. Of course his cock was as stiff as a broomstick, and was already poking out, so Danny decided to make the next step inevitable.

He hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and jockstrap and then lifting himself a bit, slid them off his ass. Then pulling at the front of the shorts and the pouch of his jock, he set his cock free. When it sprang free of the waistband, Danny's boner popped up, practically hitting Brian in the face, so it was natural for Brian to grab it in his fist, give it a couple of pumps, and then just let his lips slide down over it. Almost like he had done it before. Danny's sense of relief was as great as his excitement

Danny was stroking Brian but he had one goal in mind. Now that Brian had proved that this was not fag-bait, Danny was eager to suck on him in return. He hated to pull Brian off, but there was no other way he could get to him. They kissed again still eager and probing, an then Danny leaned over and touched his tongue to the tip of Brian's dick. It was still trapped by his shorts and jock, so he did what Danny had done earlier and pulled them down over his ass and then down in front.

As Danny took hold of Brian's boner, Jason's words flashed through his mind "Slowly slowly"

and he tried to do that. His tongue just lightly touched the very tip of Brian's penis, feeling the slippery precum. Then his tongue slid down underneath to that supersensitive place, which he licked with a mixture of spit and precum. Then finally he kissed the head of Brian's dick and opened his lips to surround it. His tongue swirled around it before he finally went down the shaft as far as he could. When Brian's blond pubes ticked his nose he pulled back and then went down again.

Through all this, Brian must have been holding his breath, because when Danny went all the way down, he let out a huge sigh of relief and pleasure, and he continued to breath heavily.

Both boys were nearly naked now; they had given up trying to get their damp shorts and jocks off over their soccer cleats. The only things to get off now were the boys burning with testosterone. An orgasm can be a delicate thing, but for these two it was as certain as the detonation of a stick of dynamite with a lit fuse.

Danny reluctantly kissed Brian's dick one more time and sat up. Each boy continued to stroke the other at an ever faster pace. "Oh my god" whispered Brian, "I'm so close.

"Me too" panted Danny. They leaned in to kiss again, and the touch of tongues was the trigger for both. They leaned back in their seats both whispering "Don't stop don't stop" When Danny felt Brian's hips pushing up against his stroking, he pushed back, making long hard pumps. And then he, too, was shooting wildly and happily. Brian could not see the smile on his face and he hoped Brian was smiling too.

Both boys were experienced masturbaters, and had used up many boxes of tissue collecting the wads of sperm that shot from their teenage boners. This time, they were totally unmindful of that, and just let it fly. When they were done, the sat back quietly in their seats, trying to catch their breath. As their boners faded and the sweat on their skin evaporated, they realized that it was getting cold in the car. The tugged up their jocks, which were now very cold and damp, causing Brian to gasp in shock, and then their shorts. They located their shirts and quickly pulled them on, but they weren't much help from the cold either.

And then Danny's phone buzzed with a text. He found his bag and checked it; it was a single "?" from his mom wondering where he was. He texted a reply, "Home in 5"

Brian started the engine, turned on the lights, and both boys saw each other for the first in a totally new way.

"Hi Brian" Danny said with a smile.

"Hi Danny" replied Brian. "I'm really happy to get to know you better."

The short ride to Danny's house was quiet as both boys tried to process the tectonic shift in their sexual world. For Danny it was a validation of the feelings that he had long kept nearly to himself. When he and his dad had had the sex talk, he had told his father that he didn't really think he was interested in girls. His dad had said that many boys his age feel that way, to just give it some time. After his experience with Jason, he hadn't said anything about it, but he knew the direction he was headed in. And now he was there.

For Brian, the world had just turned upside down, and he didn't know what to think. He did know that he was not the same as he was before, but what he was now he wasn't at all sure about. They pulled into Danny's driveway and looked at each other, still quiet. "Danny..." Brian started to say.

"No" said Danny, "don't talk."

"I have to... about all that fag stuff in the locker room. I'm sorry"

"Don't be" said Danny cheerful. "You were right!" And with that he hopped out of the car and scooted up the porch steps. As he went across the headlights Brian saw the number on his jersey and realized that they had switched shirts in the darkness. He flicked his high beams, but Danny just gave him a back wave and darted into the house. Realizing that he was wearing Danny's shirt now, he tugged the hem up to smell the boy that had just been in his arms and in his mouth. Yes, things were different now.

Next: Chapter 2

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