Soccer Buns - Normal Boy

By D One

Published on Jun 12, 1999



The school was pretty far in the boonies. That was part of their selling point. To get the students away from all the temptations of the city and suburbs.

So, Clyde's parents made the decision and just told him the fact. There was yelling, crying and even some cursing. But Clyde knew he hadn't any option.

And what's more, he know that this wasn't the solution to what his parents perceived was the problem. he sighed knowing that only time would solve things.

"FAG" one of the jock jerks yelled at him and other so called demeaning names. Clyde wasn't a jock. He wasn't a nerd either. But he was different. He knew that....and so did his classmates.

"Your grades are great" His Dad said "Except in gym of course" Clyde's mother toughed his arm in rebuke.

"But you just aren't ... normal" His fathers' words would have hurt, except it wasnt the first time Clyde had heard them..from his father or others at school.

He liked fact he was very popular among the girls at school. He would sit with them talking about all the things they talked about including their parents, teachers and even the other boys.

"what's with him" a boy would ask afther Clyde would say hi to the girl the boy was kissing. "Oh that's just Clyde..he's ok" the girl would say. And the boy was confused why his girl friend was friendly with another guy..especially one like Clyde.

Clyde sang in the church choir, bowled with the few friends he had and collected model cars.

"he's just not like all the others" his Dad said to his mother in front of Clyde.

So Clyde carried his suitcases up stairs in the dormatory that was now hs home for the majority of the year.

"hey" the boy said. He was thin, kind of like the classmates he had left behind. Shawn was Clyde's new roommate.

"Hey soccerbuns, you play?" the yell came across the field. Shawn and Clyde stood watching several of the boys in the school running up and down the field.

"Oh shit" Clyde said "it's starting already" as the kid who had yelled trotted over to where they stood. Anothe rjock making fun of him wasn't the way Clyde thought his first day in the new school would start...but it was the way he feared it would be sooner or later.

"Hey, new meat, I'm Tommy. " The boy wasn't being abusive at all. He stood there and reached out his hand in greeting.

"uh, Clyde" Clyde said and hesitantly shook Tommy's hand.

"I know Tommy plays, do you..we can use some help. And I thought from your legs and uh...well you looked like a soccer player"

Soccer buns was what the boy had called him Clyde thought. He had played soccer back home though it wasn't thought of as a main sport. It was just a bunch of kids running around on the field when the football jocks weren't around.

"Hey great game" the hand patted his butt. Tommy smiled at him. There was something in that smile that told Clyde he had a new friend...hell, he had a real friend.

"Hey sorry about the soccer buns thing" Tommy said "but you do have a nice butt" they gently punched each othe ras both Clyde and Tommy laughed.

As was inevitable....and not uncommon in private schools, the two became more then friends, growing, exploring, sharing and sexually playing ove rthe year.

"You look great" his mother said. Even his Dad was acting different after Clyde, Tommy, Shawn and others ran off the field to where the adults stood watching.

"You play soccer?" His Dad asked.

"he's good too" Tommy said.

Clyde blushed. It was a new feeling. His father was approving of him, his mother seemed more relaxed too.

"Mom, Dad, there's something I need to tell you" he began, " This is Tommy......"

And so Clyde became normal.

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