
By moc.loa@yuGllekceR

Published on Feb 18, 2008


Disclaimer: I do not own Days, or any storylines, characters, or other things related to Days. This is a fan fiction and does not represent days in anyway.

Bo Brady was laying in his bed. He hated life at the moment and had for months. He found out he had a severe Illness. No one has been able to figure it out. It was really starting to take its toll on him though. He had been unable to do the yard work, help around the house, or work. In fact his wife was out of town on an assignment for a case he had been working on. He hated how much this thing - whatever it was - was taking over his life.

His adult son Shawn in fact even had to move back home for a few weeks until his mother came back to help take care of his father. Bo's baby girl had been staying with her grandma. Bo felt helpless, and useless. Shawn figured how he felt, so he tried not to hover over him and baby him, but he felt like he needed to.

Shawn was burning up in the house. He knew his dad had been cold, so he turned the heather up. He didn't realize it was to 90. He decided to go check on him and see if he could turn it down. When he walked into the room Bo was covered in a few blankets, and Shawn knew he was also fully dressed.

"Hey son, what's up" Bo asked. "Nothing, just coming to see if you needed anything dad" Shawn answered. Bo told him that he didn't however he would like it if Shawn would watch a movie with him and make him feel normal instead of like a pet needing to be taken care of.

"No problem dad. What movie?" Shawn asked. "We will find one on the TV, just lay here with me" Bo told him as he patted next to him on the bed. Shawn climbed up there and laid back. He grabbed the remote and found one that was just starting.

The men laid there watching the movie for about half an hour when Bo realized Shawn was sweating. "Son, is it too hot in here?" Bo asked. Shawn wiped the sweat from his head and nodded but told him not to worry. "Turn it down then. I didn't realize it was this hot" Bo told him. Shawn told him no, that he wasn't going to do that and that he would deal with it.

"I am not going to be happy if you are miserable son" Bo said. Shawn sat up and pulled his shirt off and flung him across the floor. He kicked his shoes off and pulled his socks off as well. "There. Happy?" Shawn asked. "If you are not about to die of heat because your old man is pathetic then yes" Bo said. "Dad, you are not pathetic. It's not your fault. Stop feeling like that" Shawn told him as he gave him a hug.

"Hey dad, you know you are soaking wet with sweat?" Shawn asked as he felt his father's chest and back. "No, how can that be? I am freezing" Bo told him. "Maybe you should take a shower" Shawn suggested. Bo agreed and flung the blankets off him. He put his feet on the floor and tried to stand up but fell back onto the bed. Shawn hoped over there and offered him a hand.

Shawn led Bo to the bathroom and turned the water on. He sat Bo down and Bo tried to take his clothing off but couldn't. He looked at Shawn with embarrassment. Shawn smiled and lifted at Bo's shirt as he told him not to worry, he knew Bo would do the same for him. Shawn then pulled Bo's socks off as well before checking on the water.

Shawn stood his father up again and had him lean agai9nst the wall. Shawn squatted down and grabbed the wasteland of his father's long johns. Before he pulled them off he couldn't help but feel the tension and he wasn't sure why. They had gone camping since he was a kid. They had always seen each other naked. "Shawn, stop. I will get it from here" Bo said also feeling the tension.

Shawn shook his head and reminded him that they had seen each other naked many times, in fact last year they went skinny sipping on a hot summer night in the Kodiaks pool for fun. He told his dad it just felt odd undressing him and it didn't matter anyways. Shawn then pulled them down. He tried not to stare o long but his father's penis was perfect. It hung long soft, about seven inches soft. His balls were like grapefruits. All covered in dark man fur.

Shawn then unbuckled his jeans and pulled them down kicking them to the side. He wasn't sure if he should just strip naked and stand behind his dad in the shower and help him or if he should stay in his briefs and stand on the side giving him a helping hand. He opted for the second choice.

He led his father over to the shower and helped him step in as he stood on the outside. He left his arm in there and held it strong for his father to grab onto. They didn't speak at all. Both felt the tension, but it wasn't usual my family member is naked and this is an uncomfortable situation tension as much as it was a sexual tension.

Bo almost fell before grabbing onto Shawn's arm. Shawn seen how weak he was and decided he would be better off in there with him. Shawn used his free hand to pull his briefs off and stepped in with his father. Bo noticed Shawn's penis. He had seen it many times, even in recent years, but he had never checked it out until now. It hung about five inches low soft. His balls were a nice size as well. They had a light cover of dark fur all around them.

Shawn stood behind his father and supported him. He couldn't help but look at his dad's ass. It was perfect. It was so round and really did stick out. It looked firm as well. Like a bubble. His dick started to rise a little and he couldn't stop it. Bo told Shawn he couldn't stand any longer but the water was helping him feel better. Shawn leaned forward and told his father to put all his weight against him. Bo did this and Shawn just leaned as far forward as he could o he could keep his penis from touching his father ass. He Didn't know how he would explain that one to be father.

After twenty minutes Bo said he was good. Shawn stood him up and turned the water off. He leaned Bo against the wall and hoped out. Shawn rapping the biggest towel he could find around him trying to hide his erection. He then grabbed two towels for Bo and helped him out of the shower. Bo told Shawn he felt stronger now and grabbed the towels thanking him. He walked around for a few minutes before Shawn left him alone.

Shawn was going to change the sheets on the bed but the mattress was even soaked. He knew his father wouldn't be happy but he was going to have to stay in Shawn's old room until the mattress was dry. Bo came out of the bathroom and Shawn told him the plan. Bo wasn't happy about it but didn't fight it. He then almost fell and Shawn caught him. Shawn helped him to his room and onto the bed. He asked him if he needed a new pair of long johns or more blankets or what. Bo told him he was hot now and he was good how he was.

Shawn went to leave, but Bo asked him to stay. He told his son that he felt normal again when they ere just kicking back watching a movie together. Shawn agreed and laid on the bed with his father. They were really close to each other and no other option as Shawn only had a full bed. They started talking about random things and watched a movie or two before both men feel asleep.

Bo woke up after a few hours and couldn't believe the position he was in. He looked down and both he and his son were naked. Legs were wound up together, bodies were pressed firmly next to each other, arms wrapped around each other, faces so close they could kiss, and both had erections. Bo wanted sex. More than sex Bo wanted his son. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn't help it. Bo laid his head back down. He started to grind his body against Shawn's. He closed his eyes and forced a kiss on his son causing him to wake up. Shawn would have freaked out if he wasn't in a lip lock with his father.

"We can't do this dad" Shawn said. "No, we shouldn't do this, but we can" Bo said before grabbing Shawn's ass. Shawn gave him and grabbed Bo's as well. The two men laid there making out with each other and grabbing every inch of each others body's rolling around on the small bed. Bo ended up on top of Shawn and kissed his way down to Shawn's meat. Bo licked the head before going down.

As he sucked on his sons pole Shawn started moaning. Bo then went down further and sucked on his balls as he jerked on his sons cock. He went back to sucking him off and before long started to insert a finger in Shawn's ass/ Shawn moaned in pleasure and took a hold of his fathers head forcing him up and down. As Bo was sucking his meat he was finger fucking him with two fingers, then three. He took his other hand and pinched his nipples. Shawn was moaning loud now and Bo could feel his body tense up. He knew it was coming, and before too much longer his son shot his mean juice. Bo drank all of it down. He then pulled his Fingers out of Shawn's ass and kissed him again. Shawn told Bo it was his turn now, But Bo told him he was going to fuck him.

Shawn tossed him a bottle of lube and laid back. Bo flung his legs around his shoulders and told Shawn to relax as he jammed some lubed up fingers in his ass. It was tight but Bo knew it wasn't virginal. When he called his son out on it Shawn pulled out a dildo from his nightstand. Bo smiled as he lubed up his cock as well. He has felt weak for weeks now, but not he felt in control.

Bo hand Shawn's knees over his shoulders. He leaned forward a bit to open Shawn's ass even more. Shawn then nodded as he bit down on a towel one of them had been wearing. Bo jammed his head in. Shawn was in pain but Bo took it slow. Bo then started to force himself in inch by inch. He got about halfway in before pulling back and going in again. Shawn had gotten use to it now was okay.

Bo then started to inch more and more in before he got all eleven inches in. He then pulled back out and really started to fuck his son's ass. After a few minutes Bo leaned all the way down. This had Shawn's knees against his own chest. His ass up and open, and his father fucking him as he kissed him.

Bo then leaned back up and really started to pound at his son's ass. He pulled out to the tip then pushed all the way in balls deep. He started going at it faster and faster. "Fuck yeah! Take my cock son!" Bo screamed as he shot his two week load up his son's ass.

Bo fell on top of his son and kissed him. They fell asleep just like that. It was a night they would never forget, and one they were sure to repeat.

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