Soapstar Superstar

By Scott - GLB

Published on Jan 27, 2006


This story is complete fiction. I am not making assumptions of the sexualities of any of the people mentioned. I wrote this story so ask my permission if you want to use it anywhere else!

Comments/Suggestions/Questions to

Gonna have a website soon that will have all my stories on, (that's if I can find the stories that I wrote a couple of years ago...) Will post the address when it's ready.

Thanks to those that have already written with words of encouragement. Please continue to email me, I only feel motivated to write when people are actually enjoying my stories!

I've been on a course this week so haven't had the time to write a lot. Hopefully you'll enjoy this chapter!

I've decided to do this from the view point of Richard, so it's now in 1st person and not 3rd person. If you don't like this, let me know!

Scott xXx ---------------

"Richard!" said the voice.

"UUrgh." I said sleepily, waking from a nice dream that I was having.

"Richard!" the voice said again.

Slowly my senses started to return to me and I realised it was my mum.

"Richard! Third and final time..."

"Yes Mum?" I asked, annoyed that she had woken me from my dream which involved the lad from the audience.

"It's 11am! You need to get up, we have visitors", she replied.


"The Walkers from next door."

"I'll be right down, just need to get showered and dressed." I shouted back.

I pulled back my duvet cover, ignoring my morning wood, popped on a pair of boxers that were on the floor and dashed to the bathroom.

Locking the door and stripping of the boxers, I turned the water up nice and hot and jumped in. I quickly soaped my body up and washed my hair, I had the urge to do something with my still hard cock, but I was in a rush so I ignored it, willing it to go down.

By the time I'd turned the water off, my erection had gone. I stepped out of the shower, grabbed a fluffy towel and wrapped it around myself.

I left the bathroom and headed towards my room. I dried myself and quickly got dressed. I thought that I should try to make a good impression on our new neighbours so I spent ten minutes doing my hair, making sure it was perfect.

I walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen to grab something to drink. Settling for some Tropicana, my mum walked into the kitchen.

"You took your time now. The Walkers were thinking about leaving soon."

"Good job I'm here now then isn't it?" I said with a cheeky grin on my face.

Mum led me into the lounge where the Walkers were.

"Jan and Ron, this is my son Richard. Richard, Jan and Ron Walker.", she said as she introduced us.

"Hi.", I said.

"We thought you were brill last night! We glad that you won, you were definitely the best!" Mrs Walker said.

"Thanks. I didn't think that I would win. But am glad than I did."

"We all enjoyed the show, we were sitting next to your family so it was like you were singing to us, even though you were singing to them.", Mr walker said.

I was wondering at this stage where Ryan was. I wanted to know if it was him!

"Ryan, darling. Come here and say hi." Jan said. "He's a bit shy at first." she added to me.

Ryan came over to his parents; I couldn't see his face as he had been sitting behind where I was standing. He walked past me and turned round.

Standing in front of me was the most gorgeous lad that I had ever seen. "Oh My God!" I thought to myself. "It's him!"

I smiled to him and said hi. He gave me a quick smile and said hi back to me. He did seem very shy and didn't want to say much. "How can I fix that?" I thought.

Just then, Mr and Mrs Walker said that they had to leave. "Are you coming Ryan?" they asked there son.

"Yeah, I suppose. Not got nothing else to do.", he mumbled as his reply.

I wanted to get to know him so I asked; "Would you like to stay here and play ps2 or something?"

Ryan had an unsure look on his face, but replied; "Is that ok Mum?"

"Course it is. You need some new friends now we've moved here."

"Shall we go up to my room then?" I asked.

"Yeah, ok." Ryan said.

I ran up the stairs and he followed me up.

Entering my room I dropped down onto my bed, Ryan came in shortly afterwards and looked eagerly around my room.

My room didn't have much in it apart from a queen-size bed, a wardrobe, a desk with my computer on it and a chest of drawers that had my TV and ps2 on it. There were a few posters on the wall and a few nik naks lying around.

He sat at my desk and said, "Nice Room!"

"Cheers!" I said. "So did you enjoy the show last night?"

"Yeah!" came his reply.

We chatted for a bit, first his answers were short. But as he got to know me he opened up a bit and started to chat properly. We talked about stuff that we liked doing, he asked about me acting and what it was like on the street and what my future plans were.

After a while, we started to play Mortal Combat on the ps2. I though that I was good, but he was even better! He beat me every time. "I whooped your ass that time Richard!" he said.

"I wish!" I thought to myself...

We continued for a few more games, he beat me every time.

"So not fair!" I said. "I thought I was good at this game!"

"You are! But I'm better!" he said with a smile on his face.

We continued at this and chatted at the same time. By the time we'd had enough of the game we were laughing and joking like we had been friends for years, he had definitely came out of his shell for me which pleased me. I thought to myself should I tell him that I liked him? He hadn't mentioned anything about being gay, or liking lads so I didn't want to in case it spoilt our newly formed friendship. At least I could be friends with this gorgeous guy.

"Can I use your loo?" Ryan asked.

"Second on the left."

Ryan left my room and headed for the bathroom.

After about ten minutes, he still hadn't returned and I began to wonder where he'd got to. I headed to the bathroom and saw that the door was closed but not locked.

I opened the door and peered in.

There was Ryan, with his jeans and boxers round his ankles, cock in hand having a right good wank! He was sniffing the pair of boxers that I'd left in there earlier.

"OMG! He's gay!" I thought.

Ryan glanced up and saw me. He stopped what he was doing, dropping the boxers and quickly tried to pull his clothes up.

"Please don't hate me!" he said as he began to cry.

"Why would I hate you?" I asked.

No reply came from Ryan, he had finished pulling up his clothes and was about to run past me.

"Why would I hate you?" I asked again.

He continued to cry and tried to get past me. I blocked his way by closing the bathroom door.

"Let me out!" he shouted. "I don't want you to hurt me."

"Why would I hurt you??" I asked.

"Did you not see what I was doing?" he asked still crying.

"Yeah." I said. "So what?"

"I was sniffing your boxers and pleasuring myself. I'm such a freak." He said. "Me being gay had ruined yet another friendship. You'll never want to talk to me again."

"You've not ruined this friendship." I said.

He had a puzzled look on his face. "Did you not hear what I said?" he asked.

"Yeah", I replied.

"I'm gay!"

"Yeah, I heard you the first time." I said as I stepped closer towards him.

"Does that not bother you?" he said, he had stopped crying as much but he still didn't look happy.

"What do you think?" I said as I leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips.

It took him a few moments to realise what was going on, but he stopped crying completely and started to kiss me back.

I could feel his tongue trying to enter my mouth, so I opened it and let our tongues come together.

After a minute or so he stopped kissing me and took a step back.

Looking at me he smiled.

"What?" I asked.

"So you are too?" he asked still with the cutest smile on his face.

"Yeah, I guess me am.", I replied.

He pulled me towards him and our lips joined once more into a frenzied kiss.

That's it for now; do you want me to continue?

Next: Chapter 4

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