
By Jim

Published on Feb 11, 2010


Jim, waddling because his jeans and boxers were soaked in coca cola, followed Nick into the foyer, and up the curved staircase. The second floor was as luxurious as the first, with hardwood floors and wainscoting on the walls. Jim followed Nick down the hall, and then down another hall and through what appeared to be a tunnel into Nick's huge bedroom.

"Wow, is this all yours?" Jim said, taking in the space. It had high ceilings, and Jim could see off to the right there was a private bathroom with a large whirlpool bathtub, and off to the right was a small room that had a bench for free-weights and a treadmill. The main room, which Jim was standing in the doorway of, was at least 50 feet by 50 feet. The bed was off in a far corner, there was a corner with couches and a big TV, and a corner with a mini-fridge and a wet bar, and in the middle was a seating area with a skylight over top.

"Yeah, freshman year the day before states a tree fell on the section of roof above my room and punched a huge hole and let in all this rain, so my room was ruined. The next day I went and won my division in states, so my dad decided to turn the room over the garage into a suite for me. I guess it was just luck. Go over to the closet and grad a t-shirt and shorts or something, and just leave your wet clothes in that basket over there, IÕm going to run downstairs and clean up the soda from the floor. I'll grab our stuff too, we can work up here."

"Cool, thanks, I'll be down in a minute to help." Jim replied as Nick turned around and headed back down the hall. Jim walked over to the closet and opened he double doors. Inside was Nick's extensive wardrobe; most of which has been purchased at the Gap or Abercrombie. Jim could see he had his school clothes sectioned off from his party clothes, and then there was a section for his running gear. There was a dresser in the bottom, which presumably held his socks and underwear. Jim resisted the urge to peak into super-jock's underwear drawer. He heard a clap of thunder outside, and turned around to look out the picture window in the front side of the room. A storm was definitely brewing outside. Jim, pulling off his soda-soaked t-shirt and dropping it in the basket Nick had dropped next to the closet, Jim carefully selected a pair of mesh shorts and a plain white T-shirt from the collection.

"Jeeze, you take longer then a girl, just pick something and put it on." Nick said with a laugh as he strutted into the room, balancing their school books in his well muscled arms.

"Sorry, I've just never seen these many designer labels in one place outside of the mall..." Jim said as he unsnapped his jeans and pulled them off.

"Yeah, my parents give me a pretty liberal budget for clothes..." Nick trailed off, as he had just noticed Jim was standing in his soda dampened boxer briefs. "Do you play any sports?" He asked, putting the books down on a desk and walking over to the closet.

"Nope, just PE." Jim replied, pulling off his socks and dropping them one at a time in the laundry basket.

"You'd never know, you've got a pretty nice body. You've got the swimmer's build, tallish and skinny." Nick said, sizing Jim up with his eyes.

"Thanks." Jim said, blushing slightly at the fact that the hottest kid in school was telling him that he looked good in his underwear. "That means alot coming from someone of your ... um ... build." Nick laughed and said

"Thanks I guess. Come on, get those boxers off so I can throw this stuff in my washing machine." Jim was suddenly nervous about getting naked in front of Nick, which was kind of silly, as they changed in the same room every day in PE, and for the last four days they had been naked together in the same room after swimming. This was different though. They were alone, in Nick's bedroom, with nobody else in the house, and a thunderstorm raging outside. Gee, this would make for an awesome porn.

"Come on, I've seen your wang before. Hell, I played with it, remember? Here, if it makes you more comfortable, I'll get naked too." And with that, Nick dropped his mesh shorts and stepped out of them. Jim's dick started to enlarge immediately. Nick looked even more perfect without clothes on. His legs were thick and muscular from running track, his pecks were perfectly shaped, his eight-pack was clearly defined, his biceps and triceps popped out nicely when he flexed. The V of his lower abs led down to his crotch, which had a field of brown pubic hairs above what was the most gorgeous 5 inch, soft penis Jim had ever laid eyes on. Below that hung two balls that just begged to be played with. Never before had Jim seen a crotch that he would define as perfect, but Nick had one.

"Yes, yes I know, it is quite impressive" Nick said in a mock game-show host voice, as he flexed his muscles. "Now come on, get out of those boxers before they start to stick to your pubes. If you don't I'll have to peel them off of you."

Jim didn't know if that was a threat or an offer, so he decided not to take his chances. He slowly peeled his boxers off of his thin frame, releasing the stiff dick that was waiting to come out. Jim stepped out of his boxers, walked over and handed them to Nick. Nick stepped so close to Jim that Jim's stiff cock almost touched Nick.

"Well, aren't you happy to see me..." Nick said, as he reached out and placed a hand on Jim's chest, squeezing the hard nipple and slowly sliding his hand down, until he reached the fine trail of brown hairs leading to Jim's junk. He slid his index finger down the trail, through Jim's bush of pubic hair, and ran his fingers over Jim's incredibly hard penis.

Jim was in ecstasy. Not only was he in Nick's house, but he was naked, in his room, getting groped by the celebrity himself. Jim could resist no longer.

He reached out both hands, stroking Nick's hard shaft with his right and with his left stroking his contracted balls. Nick groaned and led Jim by the cock over to the large bed in the corner. Nick shoved Jim down onto the bed and laid down on top of him, laying his lips on Jim's, kissing him and wrapping his arms around him. Jim kissed back, running his hands over Nick's hard, smooth back, then moving his hands down and cupping his cute, dimpled butt. They laid there kissing and groping for what seemed like an eternity. Eventually, Nick separated himself, crawled off of the bed, and pulled Jim close to the edge, and took Jim's long rod into his mouth.

At this point Jim was beyond being in complete shock. He was being sucked off by the man of his dreams. Jim moaned with delight, running his fingers through Nick's brown hair, guiding his head up and down on his pulsating rod. Nick crawled back up and kissed Jim on the lips. Jim slid down the bed and onto his knees on the floor. He ran his hands over Nick's rock solid body, and then ran his tongue over Nick's head. Jim could taste the salty pre-cum on the engorged purple head of Nick's perfect cock. He took the length into his mouth and slid his mouth up and down the 8 inch shaft. He tongued Nick's dick like a lollypop, trying to get to the prize in the middle. Nick's moans had increased in frequency and intensity, until they climaxed into one long, loud moan. His balls pulled up, and his cock started pulsing in Jim's mouth. Before Jim knew it his mouth was being flooded with Nick's hot, salty man juice.

Jim swallowed happily, every last drop.

Jim kept sucking on Nick's softening penis long after the last drops of cum had flowed into his mouth. Nick gently placed his hands on the sides of Jim's face and pulled him off of his knees and back up onto the bed. He kissed Jim, licking his man-juice from Jim's lips. He slid himself down the bed and slid Jim's harder-then-ever cock into his mouth. He didn't have to suck for long before Jim's enormous and long anticipated load came spewing forth. Nick swallowed every last drop.

Nick slid back up next to Jim, both of them sweaty, naked, and panting. Nick rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around Jim, who was more or less in shock. They laid there for what seemed like hours.

"Jim, there's something I think I should tell you..." Nick said in a somber voice, breaking the long but welcome silence. "I'm gay, and I think youÕre really hot."

And with a smack of Jim's ass Nick laid his lips onto Jim's and ran his hand back down into his crotch.

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