By Trevor Johnson

Published on Apr 25, 2014



After a very long illness i am back writing again this time with a short story in the High school category. Hope you enjoy it.


A short story by Trevor Johnson

Ok, let's get the preliminaries out of the way. My name is Toby, a senior at Oakdale high school or have been for one week since my parents decided to move here from New York. I don't like this school, the students are unfriendly and being it's a small town they all know each other and don't like strangers. My parents have been called twice in my first week to the school just because I was fifteen minutes late. I hate this school, this town and the people.

I'm gay but no one here knows that and being in the Bible belt I want to keep my sexuality secret for as long as possible. So how do I get my sexual relief and gratification? Are you aware of the thousands of gay chat rooms there are on the internet? Yes I indulge on an almost daily basis, chatting to whoever wants to talk dirty to me so that I can jack off on my own in private while my imagination is running riot with some other dude who has the same intensions.

Another exciting aspect of internet sex is that you can `do it' with other guys in other countries. I found out at an early age that whoever or wherever you are we all jack off the same. According to a Zulu guy in Africa our jism is the same no matter what the color of our skin or the size of our dick.

Being in a new school and also being a bit of a loner and also scared about my sexuality I didn't know any one. So I would spend my time during the lunch break sitting on my own usually reading a book or studying and listening to country music on my I pod. Yes that was something else I preferred to keep to myself because a guy my age isn't supposed to enjoy country music. I must admit George Strait was my favorite along with Idol winner Scotty McCreery who gets me hard whenever I see a picture of him.

Talking about getting hard I suppose I should tell you (although it's none of your business) that I am about seven and a bit inches and cut due to the fact that my father is of Jewish extraction and got me done to please his parents. Incidentally, I am an only child and from listening in to my parents talking I will never have a brother or sister because of some medical problem my mom has.

While talking about my parents I just want to say I love them dearly, plus they spoil me rotten being their only kid. If I did come out to them I think they would understand and support me, but I'm just too scared to take the plunge.

Well now that is all my background stuff is out of the way I need to tell you about this very cute red headed kid who is in most of my classes. He also appears to be on the shy side with few friends and to be honest I'm not even sure of his name. I think it's Peter but not sure. Anyway I get hard just staring at him in class and a few times I have had to turn away quickly when he has caught me looking. Redheads for some reason turn me on and I don't know why. Personally my hair is a dull dark brown which looks even worse when its long so I keep it short in a crew-cut.

Anyway as usual I have allowed my mind to wander which it does frequently, so back to the internet and gay chat rooms. Just a couple of days ago I was in one room which was quite busy and chatted to several guys. I always wonder what the guys I chat to are really like. I'm sure they all exaggerate as regards their looks and size and so on. After all my dick grows a couple of extra inches and my hair goes blonde when I'm chatting. I brag about past conquests which of course are only in my dreams. During the chat I am always a dominant top when in fact I've never tried top or bottom but would be willing to go either way with the right guy.

The room suddenly went quiet and I thought I might have to go searching for another more lively room, when a guy called Randy popped up saying, "hi would you like a private chat?"

I agreed and we moved out of the public chat area so that just the two of us would be alone. We went through the normal introductions and told the usual white lies. It appeared he was about the same age, blonde like me with a big cock like mine (oh Yeah) and so on.

"I've recently moved into the town where I live and hate it." He told me.

"Yeah, I'm the same and no one wants to talk or be friends straight or gay." I explained.

Now this is where the cybersex bit comes in. He asked me if I was naked. "Yeah completely." Having shed my T shirt and shorts before logging in.

"Me too and I'm stroking my dick while typing as well."

This is where I had an advantage because my parents were out shopping and I had a voice recognition program called Dragon which translated what I said into words on the screen. This allowed me to have both hands free and as I explained to `Randy' I was not only stroking my dick but fingering my ass as well.

"Wow I wish I could do both at once." He exclaimed.

"Well take your time and do it in between typing." I lowered my voice trying to make it sexy before realizing what a stupid idiot I was because he couldn't hear me. Still he must have used his imagination and said, "I bet you have a sexy voice and great lips. Just imagine our mouths coming together our tongues meshing together as we fondle each other's dicks."

After reading this I swear my dick grew another couple of inches as I typed, "Would you like me to suck your dick?"

"Is the Pope catholic?" He replied with a LOL after it.

"Just lay back while my mouth travels down your naked body taking each nipple and sucking in turn, then swirling my tongue around your navel before licking and then putting your balls in my mouth. Then I will run my tongue up and down your mighty shaft before licking the tip and savoring the taste of your precum. Finally I will slowly take your giant member into my warm wet mouth. Slowly, oh so slowly, swallowing you down to the base until your pubes tickle my nose."

All the time he was typing. "Yes, oh yes, do it. I love it, go all the way down, suck me dry."

I continued, "I am slowly moving up and down your throbbing shaft gradually increasing the speed until at last I am sucking your cock like crazy. I can feel your testicles tightening, preparing to blow your load which I can feel it is on its way and I intend to swallow every last drop of your hot load of sperm."

"Oh yes, get ready to take it all, I'M CUMMING, TAKE IT ALL, SWALLOW MY JUICE." He typed in capitals showing that he was shouting.

At the same time my own dick erupted without much help from my hand spraying my spunk all over my desk and computer screen. I don't know about Randy on the other end of the chat line but I was out of breath literally gasping as I drained my dick with the help of my left hand.

Both of us went quiet recovering from what had just occurred, which for me was one of the hottest orgasms I had ever experienced.

Normally once I have blown my load we would break the connection but this time I felt that I wanted to know a bit more about the guy on the other end, Randy. Plus I got the impression he wanted to chat some more as well.

I told him about my new school and how I didn't like it there but without mentioning any names. I did this because one day I was chatting to a guy before we left New York who said he was in his teens. I later discovered he was in his seventies lived close by and he began stalking me. I got some buddies at school to warn him off and never saw him again but I learned my lesson.

Randy told that he too was going to a new school and also hated every minute he was there, "It's only a small school compared to the one I went to in Pittsburgh. I miss all my old buddies, plus they all knew I was gay and it didn't bother them." He explained.

"I have always been too scared to come out to anyone even my parents, although I'm sure they would understand and be caring, me being their only child." We continued chatting in general for some time revealing more and more about ourselves. I felt that I could be more honest with this guy and not worry and he too sounded as if he was being truthful and open.

Finally he opened up more saying, "I have a feeling that I know you and can trust you and if we live anywhere close I wouldn't mind meeting up."

This statement took me totally by surprise but without giving it a second thought I agreed that would be great. I didn't think this would happen expecting us to living hundreds of miles apart. So imagine my surprise when he told me he went to Oakdale high school.

"So do I." I told him feeling the excitement of at last connecting up with someone in my own town and to be at high school he must be about my own age. My dick also became overjoyed at the news rising up above my navel in anticipation of some live action. "Don't get too excited old fella, this could still be one big con. If we don't get on together when we meet nothing might come of it." I muttered to myself.

"When and where would you like to meet?" I wrote.

There was a long pause and I thought that I'd scared him off but eventually he answered my question, "Not sure were to meet I have a younger brother and sister so here at my place is out of the question. I don't like public restrooms or anywhere like that either"

There was a long pause on my end this time before I thought what the hell and went for broke, "My parents are going shopping tomorrow and won't be around when I come home from school would you like to come round here?"

No pause this time as the answer from Randy was quick and definite. I gave him my address hoping I was doing the right thing and got a surprise answer back, "That's only one street away from my home." He told me. We chatted in general some more before breaking off saying our goodnights.

As I lay in bed later pondering on the evening's events I had a few nervous moments wondering if this guy was genuine and that I wasn't going to be beaten up and half killed the following afternoon. It was quite a while before I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I made sure I was at school with plenty of time to spare which I spent sitting on a low wall near the entrance checking out all the guys as they came in trying to figure out who was `the one'.

To say the day dragged on would be an understatement and all the time I was searching, checking out the guys, who was talking to chicks, who was with other guys and who was alone. I was becoming paranoid over the whole business telling myself not to be so stupid and that the guy might not even be in school but could well be a middle aged bald dude.

It was mid afternoon when the thought crossed my mind that I was seeking out a blonde kid when his hair could be any color. I was pretty sure my cyber boyfriend wasn't an African American because there was only a handful of them in the whole school and they were all football jocks. He could be Hispanic with there being quite a large number of them in the district but that didn't worry me just as long as he was cute.

All these thoughts were going through my head as the day progressed. Late in the day I glanced across at my redhead fellow classmate thinking to myself `is he the one?' but deciding no, I couldn't possibly be that lucky.

Finally the bell rang signaling the end of the day and I couldn't get out of that building fast enough and onto my bike, pedaling home as fast as I could. After checking to make sure my parents really were out, I took a quick shower making sure I had clean underwear, smart casual shirt with a collar and khaki shorts. I checked in the mirror decided that I looked too smart and changed into a T shirt, no socks just sandals on my feet.

I kept checking the mirror and my watch as I paced up and down the hallway waiting for the gentle peal of the doorbell. Time dragged on and I began to have doubts that he was going to turn up. I was so busy worrying that he was a no show that when the doorbell did ring I jumped a few inches off the ground in surprise. Another quick look into the mirror and I headed for the front door.

My hand hovered over the handle for such a long time that the bell was rung again. Finally I opened the door and believe me I was visibly shaking as I opened it wider to see an equally nervous face peering back in my direction.

Once the initial shock was over we both began laughing as we fell into each other's arms, embracing and then kissing as the thought went through my head, "My God I do love redheads."


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