So This Guy Walks into a Bar

By simonne danielle

Published on Jan 31, 2009


"Simonne Danielle's - So This Guy Walks Into A Bar... Part 3"

By: Simonne Danielle

Copyright 2006

All Rights Reserved

Please be mindful - - This is FANTASY: "Imagery that is more or less coherent, as in dreams and daydreams, yet unrestricted by reality. Also called phantasia."

Got it?



(Author's note: Reading Parts 1 and 2 is highly recommended.)

~ - ~ -

It must have been the over-the-top erotica we had just witnessed! 'Cuz when the stage lights dimmed and the house lights came up, signaling intermission, I became aware of Tommy's hand gently stroking my nylon-clad thighs and fingering the tabs of my garters. Since Mary and Nicole had their hands under Emily's dress and Joel had his hand between Tommy's thighs I figured, 'when in Rome ...' So I reached over and began stroking his thighs!

It all looked sooo decadent as I viewed the rather erotic scene taking place under our table - - 'through-the-looking-glass', so to speak. Tommy drew me towards him and planted a wet tonguey kiss on me. Mary and Emily began swapping spit!

'Maybe I should make use of the control panel to draw our curtains!' I thought. After all, we were on full display, what with the floor lighting under our table!

"I need to pee ... bad! I'll be back in a few minutes." Tommy whispered into my ear.

He had the sexiest husky voice! And his lips were to die for. He was really turning me on! Or was it all the alcohol we were consuming? He rose to head off across the showroom.

I stopped him with a gentle hand on his forearm. "No need to walk that far. Follow me, handsome." I gave him one of those suggestive 'looks' Mary was always giving me.

I held his hand and led him to our suite behind the curtains. He was definitely as impressed with our accommodations as I was with his muscular-looking pecs. My newfound femininity was causing me to react like any normal woman would in the presence of an extremely attractive hunk!

I sat on a vanity stool as he walked over to one of the commodes. I could tell he was enjoying the sight of my exposed thighs as he turned to look back over his shoulder and smiled. He unbuckled and unzipped, lowering his tuxedo trousers and boxers to his ankles in one smooth movement. The tail of his ruffled tuxedo dress shirt hid what I could only imagine was an impressive man-tool. He grinned when he saw me licking my lips in eager anticipation as he sat to pee. I walked over and knelt before him as he began tinkling. I raised his shirttail anxious to see his man-meat ... maybe even taste his man-meat!

Nothing! I couldn't see anything ... except his thighs clamped tightly together.

"Show me what you've got, big boy." I breathily demanded.

My forward behavior surprised even me. But with Mary and the others acting so brazenly in front of all the patrons in the showroom I felt justified acting the same way in the privacy of my own suite.

He smiled seductively as he slowly parted his gorgeous thighs. He began laughing uproariously at the confused look on my face. I was looking for something that simply wasn't there! What I did see was his perfectly formed labia ... cunt lips ... pussy slit ... fuck hole ... dribbling urine into the toilet bowl ... complete with a heart-shaped tuft of pubes, dyed shocking pink, just above his slit!

This was no gaff!

"OH ... MY ... GAWD!" I squealed. "You're a...It's a...!"

"Girl and Cunt ... I think those are the terms you're looking for, Danielle." 'he' said sweetly, as 'he' cupped my chin and kissed me.

Hindsight, they say, is twenty/twenty. Tommy's smoothly-shaved legs should have given me a clue. I should have known something was amiss when 'he' sat to pee. I was so enthralled by him, err ... her, shamelessly peeing in front of me, I had completely ignored that little fact!

Wait a sec ... her pecs ... her chiseled chest! I tentatively reached up and ran my fingers over her chest. There was something there alright! An elastic bandage ... binding her chest!

"Here, Danielle, let me help." She raised her ruffled tuxedo shirt and exposed her bound upper torso.

"Help me get out of this rig, will you? It's becoming irritating!"

I found the Velcro release and slowly unbound her. I gazed with pure admiration, and yes, a bit of envy, at her pert and perky, perfectly shaped B-cup titties. I cupped them gently and rolled her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. I leaned in and kissed them, nibbled on them, suckled them! Tommy began moaning softly. She lowered my head to her dripping wet pussy and I eagerly lapped 'til she was squeaky clean.

She had given me such a perfect performance ... an impersonation of the first magnitude ... I felt obligated ... and she was not to be denied!

"Ahem!" I heard Mary's voice behind me.

I turned to look over my shoulder - - lewdly swiping the remaining moisture from my chin. Mary, Emily, Nicole, and Joel were standing there gawking at my shameless adoration of Tommy's pussy.

"I see you two are getting properly acquainted." she laughingly continued. "Dani, you've already met Tammy. Now let me re-introduce you to Joel, err ... Jolene."

They were all laughing hysterically at their masterfully performed deception.

I realized I had correctly assumed the obvious as I walked over and cupped Jolene's crotch. As expected, it was as soft and smooth as Mary's. Jolene confirmed my suspicions when she unbuckled her trousers and revealed the lovely gold tap panties which covered her very moist snatch. I fondled her for several seconds.

Suddenly, a flash of light assaulted my brain - - an epiphany! I walked over to Emily and Nicole. Without any hesitancy I reached underneath first Emily's then Nicole's dress. They both began giggling coyly when I discovered their moderately sized and rock-hard cocks lolling comfortably inside their panties!

With their gag completed successfully, Tammy and Jolene stripped out of their tuxedos and retrieved more appropriate outfits which they had stashed in the wardrobes. Tammy had brought a sophisticated fire-engine red sheath and Jolene a swishy, full-skirted rose-hued taffeta dress which did absolutely nothing to minimize her luscious C-cups. While Mary helped them dress, I helped myself to Emily's and Nicole's tasty treats.

I ravished Emily's seven-inch cock with my tongue and lips and, at the same time, furiously pumped Nicole's six-inches of boy-clit with my fist. When their howling moans signaled they were both ready to let loose, I took both gorgeous cocks in my mouth at the same time. And not a moment too soon! I think I did Mary proud as I gobbled up both their loads simultaneously.

Ask me if, a few days ago, I could have imagined myself on nylon-clad knees, sucking life's juices out of two stunningly beautiful T-Girls at the same time and loving every delicious second of it! I don't think so!

We sipped Champagne and chatted like sorority sisters while Tammy and Jolene completed the transition from dashing girl-snares to ravishing seductresses. During my lust-crazed slurping I noticed that neither Emily nor Nicole were wearing a gaff. Obviously for easier access.

I took the hint from them and happily removed my own gaff. I didn't really need it. My full skirt and petticoats would provide more than adequate camouflage for my dong! And right now it was screaming for some freedom!

We returned to our 'throne'. Janelle was waiting for us.

"Too bad I didn't think to install monitors in your private suite!" she teased.

We had missed the second and third shows and the dance floor was packed - - too packed for the seven of us to squeeze onto. We opted to 'people watch'. I flipped up the monitor and set the dais to slowly rotate. We all found it stimulating to watch the partygoers gyrating both live and on the TV monitor. Janelle began channel surfing - - displaying all the various views around the club.

We laughed hysterically at the image of a petite wife trying to assist her six-foot-two inebriated spouse into their tiny sports car. The fact that she managed to get him into drag without shaving his legs or his mustache kept us in fits of laughter for five minutes!

She switched channels to show an image of the 'girly-boy' restroom. The scene that popped up revealed two stunningly gorgeous 'girls' - - one standing with her stretchy knit slip dress hiked to her waist, the other on her knees gobbling on the others ten-inch joint. Several others, both GG's and 'girls' were standing in a circle around the two 'performers' - - most with their own skirts hiked and fondling either man-meat or pussy. The whole thing was sooo erotic!

Mary's hand snaked under my dress and took a death-grip on my cock. "I'm sooo glad you took off your gaff, Dani-Girl! This feels wonderful!"

Suddenly, she was in a serious competition with Emily who was also determined to grab hold of my pole! As I glanced down through the glass top I could see I was not alone. Everyone's hands were frantically groping someone! 'Enough is enough!' I thought, and prudently pushed the control button to close our drapes - - giving us all the privacy the moment dictated

For the next couple of hours we thoroughly enjoyed each others company. We even turned off the TV monitor. We danced to the music of the final show and then to blaring rock coming off the dance floor.

As we danced, we ground our hips against each other, causing a delightful friction as cocks and pussies were stimulated. Janelle, Nicole, Emily and I giggled raucously each time we were 'forced' to adjourn to the wardrobe to change our sopping wet, cum-filled panties. Mary, Tammy, and Jolene weren't immune from drenched panties either! When the house lights came up, signaling 'last call', Janelle opened our protective drapes. She left us to bid individual guests good-night. We hung out, finishing off the last of several bottles of Champagne, and ate late night snacks provided by the kitchen.

Mary and I bid Emily, Nicole, Tammy, and Jolene goodnight with warm and lingering hugs and kisses. After everyone had left, Janelle, Mary, and I tallied the gross receipts for the night.

Eighty-Thousand Dollars!

"That's quite a take!" I casually observed.

"Average!" said Mary and Janelle, in unison.

I'd certainly have sufficient funds to work my 'magic' when the Markets opened on Monday.

~ - ~ -

Sunday was a lazy day ... at least it would be until we headed to the club in the early evening. Mary and I lay in bed, sipping coffee.

With some trepidation I called my boss and summarily resigned. It was a big step for me but, having seen the operation of Kings and Queens, I had all the confidence in the world that I could match my current earnings and probably do much better. I assured my boss that I would make myself available, at least by phone, until all my accounts transferred to my successor. He wasn't happy but took it in stride.

Mary hugged me with girlish delight as she listened in on my end of the conversation.

"Be careful, you imp, you'll wrinkle my nitie!" I chided.

"As if it's not already wrinkled beyond all decency!" she shot back, playfully tickling my sides.

"That had to be difficult for you, Dani," she whispered. "I know it's a big step. But, now that you're our partner, and considering how well and how fast you've adapted to, err ... the new you - - I think you made the only logical choice. Don't you, my love?"

Mary was right - - of course. Like I thought earlier - - 'In for a penny, in for a pound ...'

"Ah, err ... Mary?" I began. "There's something I want to ask you about. I mean, speaking of, um ... adapting ..."

"Then ask, Danielle. Just ask." She hardly ever called me Danielle so she must have sensed the serious tone in my voice.

"Erm ... well ... Don't get me wrong. I love my falsies." I hefted them as they floated freely under the silky bodice of my nightie. "You mentioned that doctor ... what's her name ... Doctor Busty? Well ... I ... err..."

"You mean Lynette Jamison, the plastic surgeon? Ohmigawd! Are you asking what I think you're asking?" Then with a coy smile, "You want your own titties, don't you? Oh god ... I can't believe it! I have created a monster! Let's call her right away and make an appointment!"

She grabbed the phone and began dialing the doctor's number ... from memory! She had that 'look' ... the one that said she wasn't to be denied.

"But Mary, it's Sunday! She won't be in the office. We can wait 'til tomorrow." I was pleading ... maybe trying to buy a little time now that I had opened the can of worms!

"Silly girl ... Don't you know me by now? I'm calling her at home! I'm not giving you a chance to change your mind ... not now ... not ever!"

"Hi Doc ... Mary here ... How's your schedule today? ... I'll need you for a couple of hours ... Yes ... A very special friend ... No, she doesn't work for me. Actually, she's my newest partner! I want the very best for her. Okay ... I'll explain everything when we get there. See ya."

"That's all settled," she declared with finality. "Let's get showered and dressed. We have to meet her at her office in an hour."

"In an hour?" I wailed. "Aren't you rushing things a bit?"

"Oooh Dani-Girl, you're gonna be so happy you made this decision! Stop procrastinating and get yer cute ass in the shower!"

I knew her well enough to know that arguing wasn't an option. Into the shower we went. Thirty minutes later we were on our way to meet Doctor Busty and my new titties.

~ - ~ -

Dr. Jamison ... "Please, call me Lynette" ... greeted us like her dearest friends. I instantly liked her and trusted her implicitly.

I stripped to the waist and sat on the exam table. She took several vials of blood and ran the obligatory tests while Mary and I looked through a portfolio of 'before' and 'after' photos. Doctor Busty skillfully dissolved the adhesive holding my silicone boobs and removed them. She explained the procedure in exhaustive detail and had me sign all the required release forms. To her utter delight, I gave Mary a durable power-of-attorney in case of any unforeseen difficulties.

During the next two hours Doctor Busty made small incisions in my arm pits and, through small catheters, implanted plastic pouches under the skin covering my pecs. She slowly and methodically injected them with the required amount of silicone until they reached the pre-determined D-cup dimension Mary wanted and I had agreed to.

As an added 'bonus' she made microscopic incisions in each of my nipples and inserted rubbery silicone extensions which made them protrude a full inch! Six tiny stitches were all that was needed to seal the nearly invisible cuts. It was weird enough watching my boyishly flat chest expand to the voluptuous proportions any young girl would die for. It was even weirder standing for the first time and trying to find my new, and permanent, center of balance - - even with the hefty athletic support bra Doctor Busty provided.

She insisted I hang out until the local anesthetic wore off - - another hour. Satisfied that all was well, she sent us on our way. Mary begged her to join us at Kings and Queens. Sadly, she had other plans. We promised her a rain check ... anytime.

I was happy that Mary insisted on diving home. There was a little discomfort but no pain - - just a kind of unfamiliar stretchy feeling tugging at my chest. It actually felt quite delicious! I could have done without all the potholes, however!

"Let's go get our nipples pierced, Mary, just to celebrate my new puppies!"

"Relax, Dani-Girl, relax! We have plenty of time for that. We'll wait 'til next week, just to be sure they're well settled in. Are you okay to go to the club tonight? Or would you rather stay home and rest?"

"I can handle the club ... besides, I really, really want you to show me off!" I giggled.

"The club it is, Lover!" she declared. "I really, really want to show you off, too!"

We probably went through two dozen outfits, trying to find one that would hide the ugly support bra. It was really icky!

In desperation, Mary said, "Let's try one more thing."

She rummaged through her massive collection of titty slings and magically pulled one out, declaring it to be the perfect one. It was lovely, too! It was deep purple, satin, lots of lace trim, and had sturdy underwires which, Mary assured me, would provide just as much, if not more, support than the Ugh-Ugh provided by Doctor Busty. When I got it situated I was astounded that it not only provided the necessary support but it also lifted and gently squeezed by boobs, creating a deep and inviting cleavage ... just like Mary's!

The rest was easy. Mary handed me a knife-pleated white mini-skirt with a wide white patent leather belt and a black satin, pleated, short-sleeve blouse. She selected my undies - - white satin panties, a white garter belt, a silky white half-slip and suntan nylons. I damn near fell on my face when I stood for the first time in the white five-inch stiletto fuck-me pumps she insisted I wear! All that white made me feel like a virgin. Well, at least my tits were virgins.

After all, they had yet to be fucked!

~ - ~ -

You would think, being a Sunday night, it wouldn't be all that busy at the club. But, as I wheeled my Mercedes into the lot (Hey, I had to learn to drive in heels sometime!), I could see that Kings and Queens was just as jammed as every other night.

I started to pull into Mary's reserved space when she said, "Don't park in my space, Lover. Why not park in your own space?"

"Huh?" I asked dumbly.

"Over here - - on the right - - between mine and Janelle's." she directed.

Sure enough, at the head of the space, was a large white sign with hot-pink block letters proclaiming ...


In smaller print was a warning ...

Violators will be towed at their own expense ... Municipal Code Section 07.25.42

The number of the local police impound yard was also printed.

Normally, I would have pulled up to the valet station but parking in my own reserved spot for the first time was just too deliciously tempting. Nevertheless, two of Kings and Queens finest valets instantly appeared to help us exit the low-slung sports car. Now I truly felt like a K, err ... Queen!

"Nice touch, Sweetheart!" I quipped.

"I thought you'd like it, Dani-Girl."

Mary decided to give me the grand tour of the club. It was still fairly early. Janelle was off somewhere attending to someone's needs so it was as good a time as any to have a look around.

I was amazed when I finally got a close up look at the massive main dining room. There were tables and red leather booths which could accommodate parties ranging in size from two to twenty. Each table was covered with a hot pink Fergusons Irish linen table cloth. The place settings were the finest Limoges China, Waterford Crystal, and Reed and Barton Sterling Silver money could buy. Each place setting was worth about a thousand dollars, Mary informed me.

At any other place it would have been a huge temptation for an unscrupulous patron to walk out with at least a 'token'. The loyal patrons of Kings and Queens were a much higher caliber. Okay, so maybe the security cameras and the dozen or so behemoth security staff had a little to say about our patron's incomparable honesty!

I loved the private dining cabanas built around the entire perimeter of the room. Each one of the twenty-four private cabanas could accommodate up to eight diners. Each cabana had its own paging system with a direct connection to a personal server, lighting controls, and even its own sound system and monitor which provided a bird's-eye view of the floorshow. To book a cabana one had to cough-up a thousand bucks ... plus the dinner tab! Most nights they were booked solid. Each cabana was monitored by the house security system. I'd love to see some of those videos!

She took me into the state-of-the-art kitchen and introduced me to everyone. Behind the kitchen was the central hub, the control center, the office. A heavy steel door, a real bank vault door, combination lock and all, led to a subterranean level. All the books, records, and cash receipts were housed in the impenetrable space.

Mary explained that every thirty minutes excess cash was transported via air tubes located around the club directly into the large safe. If anyone was dumb enough to try robbing the club and lucky enough to get past all the security, they'd only walk out with, at most, a couple of thousand dollars. It had never happened.

She ended the tour with the 'piece de resistance' - - backstage - - where all the dressing rooms, hundreds of costumes, dozens of stage-hands, the sound and lighting controls, and, of course the marvelous cast were housed. It was a mad-house! While the cast and crew prepared for the evening's entertainment, Mary patiently and proudly introduced me to everyone. They had all heard of our new partnership ... and love affair ... and giddily expressed congratulations and an obvious excitement that I was 'on-board'.

I was overwhelmed by their shameless display of affection for Mary and humbled by their unequivocal acceptance of me. She proudly cupped my titties as she related every tiny detail of the procedure I had undergone only a few hours earlier.

Though everyone was thrilled by my new acquisitions, I saw a few envious stares from some of the cast who hadn't been able to raise enough funds to pay a visit to Doctor Busty. I started formulating a plan to invest some money on their behalf for just that purpose.

As we worked our way back to our table, I could see that the dining room was filled and the showroom was almost packed to capacity. Can you say another eighty-thousand dollar night?

We stopped at every table as customers greeted Mary warmly. I was amazed that Mary remembered everyone's name ... Not really that amazing if you knew Mary. She patiently introduced me to each patron and hinted that she was planning a grand soiree to formally announce our partnership!


She held my hand tightly - - even possessively. When she wasn't holding my hand, she had her arm around my waist and held me close ... oftentimes sliding her hand down to romantically caress my bottom. I loved the way she made me feel - - I loved the way my clothes swished, the way my acrylic talons glistened, and the way my new boobs gently jiggled on my chest. We made it back to our 'throne' just as the first show was starting.

~ - ~ -

Butch had gone all out in planning the first show of the evening. Yvette, Rhonda, Monique, Priscilla, and Angelica started the festivities by dedicating their rendition of the Temptations "My Girl" to Mary and me! Following a standing ovation for their spectacular impersonation, Monica, Marci, and Patrice followed with "Baby Love" by Diana Ross and the Supremes, also dedicated to Mary and me. In fact, Butch had arranged to have every number in the first show dedicated to us! Even Janelle came to sit with us when she realized the entire cast was honoring us in such a delightful manner.

The show turned out to be just as much a tribute to Classic Rock and Roll as it was to Mary and me. "Dedicated to the One I Love" - The Shirelles; "Let The Good Times Roll" - Shirley and Lee; "Dream Lover" - Bobby Darin! The costumes were all classic "Fifties" style! The final ovation lasted five full minutes! Mary started crying with joy. That caused me to shed tears. Janelle couldn't hold back any longer either! The three of us adjourned to the vanity to re-do our streaked make-up. I was putting a gloss-coat on my lips when Janelle looked at me - - like she was seeing me for the first time.

"You look different, Danielle. You're like glowing - - from the inside. What have you done to yourself?"

I looked at Mary and we shared a secret grin.

"Whatever do you mean, Partner? Do you see anything different about me?" I gave her my most innocent and coy look.

"There's something different. I know it. I just can't put my finger on it!"

Mary was starting to giggle uncontrollably.

"Then let ME put your finger on it!" I volunteered.

I took her hand and gently placed her index finger on my left nipple, firmly pressing it in. She caught my slight wince.

Janelle looked first at me, then at Mary. She still hadn't removed her finger from my nipple. The light suddenly went on inside her pretty head. Her eyes bugged and she squealed with unbridled glee. She began cupping, massaging, and kneading my chest with both hands.

"You did it! You've been to see Doctor Busty!" she exclaimed.

"And she's seen me!" I gleefully replied, as I led her hands on a guided tour of my D-cups.

Mary was beaming with pride as she placed her hands on top of mine and Janelle's. The stimulation was incredible! I could feel the wetness spreading in my panties.

"Let me see! ... Let me see!" Janelle demanded.

She started seductively unbuttoning my satin blouse. I helped. Mary helped. I shrugged off my blouse and reached behind to deftly unclasp my bra. I shimmied my shoulders and my bra slid to my lap.

"Oh ... My ... god! They're gorgeous, Danielle! Doc Busty outdid herself!"

She was kneading them and rolling my nips between her thumbs and forefingers.

"Oooh, be careful! They're still a little tender!" I pleaded.

"Sorry, Sweetie ... I couldn't resist. I forgot how tender mine were afterwards!"

She eased off a bit but kept her palms in motion. She raised my arms to locate the tiny incisions and expressed genuine admiration at the Doc's handiwork.

"Your nipples are huge! What did she do?"

"She implanted silicone nubs!" Mary patiently explained. "It's the latest refinement in breast augmentation. Don't they feel real?"

"They feel real to me. I can definitely feel how real they feel!" I said breathlessly, as I started squirming.

"I gotta get me a pair of these!" Janelle declared. "They're just too delicious!"

She bent over and took my right nipple between her lips, suckling, and flicking her tongue gently. I was in heaven! She slipped the bodice of her cocktail dress down to her waist and thrust her boobs against mine. We shimmied our chests together, mutually stimulating each other. It felt sooo erotic!

Janelle's loving and gentle stimulation alone made me oh-so happy I'd decided not to argue with Mary and delay this exquisite pleasure.

"I have to get back to the front, ladies. I'm sooo happy for you Dani. Welcome to the sisterhood, girl!"

She put herself back together and left Mary and me in a passionate embrace.

I slid my hand under Mary's chocolate-brown suede mini-skirt and cupped her drenched crotch.

"You're as wet as I am!"

She reached between my thighs and felt the sodden gusset of my panties.

"Mmmm, great minds do think alike, eh Lover?"

When we strolled through the curtains, back to our table, there was a bottle of Champagne lolling in an ice bucket. Attached to the neck of the bottle was an array of colorful balloons, each one screaming "Congratulations!" in large script.


As we sat and watched the next floorshow, I began outlining my investment plans. Mary was thrilled when I suggested presenting an investment scheme for any of the 'girls' who wanted cosmetic surgery. By matching any money each cared to invest with profits from the club I was pretty certain I could generate enough gains to pay for, not only cosmetic procedures, but for a complete health plan for all our employees, as well! The tax write-off wouldn't hurt us any, either.

Mary wanted to check things out in the kitchen so I decided to wander backstage to thank the cast for their warm dedications. Butch Cassidy was in full drag - - a floor-length sequined purple gown, sky-high stilettos, garish stage make-up, and a Dolly Parton wig which was teased at least eighteen inches atop his head. He rushed over as soon as he spotted me. He threw his arms around me and kissed me full on the mouth.

"Thank you sooo much for the dedications, Butch, that was such a lovely gesture!" I screeched above the din of activity.

"Danielle, I can't thank you enough for coming backstage to see us again! Twice in the same evening! We're honored."

We hugged some more as he guided me through the maze of costume racks, vanity counters and all the other seemingly disorganized paraphernalia which constituted 'backstage'. I stopped to chat with everyone for at least a minute or two. Monica and Yvette had already heard about my new implants and playfully squeezed them with obvious appreciation and ... more than a little envy. They both wanted their own but hadn't been able to save up enough. I looked forward to brightening their outlook.

As much as I wanted to stay backstage and chat with everyone, they had a show to perform and I wanted to re-join Mary. I found her patiently waiting at our table. I kissed her and tingled all over as she slipped her tongue into my mouth and cupped my titties. Wow! What a difference from the falsies which had been glued to my chest only a few hours ago!

"Everything's okay in the kitchen." she idly commented.

"I'm more interested in what's going on in your oven!" I teased, as I slid my hand under her skirt and lovingly caressed her panty-covered pussy.

"Mmmm!" was all she said, squeezing her thighs to entrap my groping fingers.

She wanted to hear details of how I planned to invest funds from the club. I told her I had a few ideas but wanted to check all the books first and see what I had to work with. I also mentioned my plan to involve any employee who wished in a personal savings plans.

"Most of these kids have never learned how to handle money and are more interested in buying clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, and plastic surgery." I lamented. "I think with proper guidance they can have all they want and still put money aside for the 'rainy day' which always rears its ugly head."

"What a wonderful idea, Danielle! Now I know why I love you as much as I do!" she squealed.

We spent the rest of the night watching the remaining shows and chatting with several guests who joined us off and on. Some of the guests at Kings and Queens were more entertaining than the floor show!

One married couple, in particular, was outrageous - - a petite sissified, twentysomething husband, dressed as a six-year old. Pretty is the only word to describe him! His fortyish wife, as a domineering mistress, was dressed in a shiny black bustier, black latex stockings, and six-inch stilettos! The mask covering her eyes and the stiff riding crop hanging from her waist made her a very intimidating and formidable figure. 'Sally-Ann', as his wife referred to him, wore the most adorable lavender satin dress adorned with oodles of ruffles, ribbons, and lace. His eight-inch diameter all-day-sucker was a lovely touch!

Mistress Dominique proudly informed us that, since Sally-Ann had been so well-behaved all week, she had rewarded him by allowing six frothy petticoats under his dress rather than just the three she normally permitted.

Sally-Ann was mortified as Mistress Dominique insisted, "Why don't you show Miss Mary and Miss Danielle your pretty package, Sally-Ann?" It wasn't a request!

Red-faced and thoroughly humiliated, Sally-Ann slowly bunched his voluminous skirts and raised them to his waist. I couldn't suppress a giggle as his package was revealed. His testes and eleven-inch cock protruded through a lace-trimmed opening in his panties! Tied around his cock and balls were a dozen multi-colored curlicue ribbon streamers tickling his thighs. The tip of his cock was coated with hot-pink lipstick! Mary and I reached out and patted it simultaneously! It was irresistible!

Mistress Dominique added to Sally-Ann's mortification when she ordered him to twirl and swish for our amusement. As his petticoats flared out to the horizontal, the entire audience could look up and see his pretty ruffled satin panties and his be-ribboned package! As Mary, Mistress Dominique, and I chatted idly, Sally-Ann skipped around the table licking his sucker and singing "On The Good Ship Lollipop"!

The Coup De Grace, however, was Mistress proudly extolling Sally-Ann's extraordinary talent to 'fluff' the numerous real men she brought home and to have him thoroughly clean her pussy after they had filled it with their cream!

"Sally-Ann can take any size rammer and swallow it deep down his throat! I mean, swallow it right down to the root. I've almost lost a couple of lovers to his talented mouth! But ... he does get them hard in a hurry!"

She was grinning from ear to ear. Sally-Ann was beside himself in abject humiliation! Mistress Dominique left no doubt that she considered Sally-Ann to be nothing more than a totally sissified male - - unworthy of being even remotely female!

After they left us I exclaimed to Mary, "It's fascinating that he can swallow a whole cock down his throat like that. That sissy could be a sword swallower in a circus."

"Dani-Girl, it's not that difficult! I do it to you all the time ... and, I adore it! Once a girl gets a taste of hot, gooey boy-cream shooting deep into her throat ... well, all I can say is, it's positively addicting! Janelle and I could teach you ... if you'd like to learn, that is!"

"Now there's an offer I'm finding very difficult to refuse! I mean ... I've only tasted my own cum so far ... oh yeah ... and Janelle's ... oh yeah ... and Emily's and Nicole's!" I added, with just a tinge of embarrassment.

"Every girl should know how to take man-meat deep into her throat! I think it's one of the sexiest things she can do ... and, such a huge turn-on!"

As if on cue, Janelle climbed the steps to our throne.

"What's a huge turn-on, girlfriends?"

"Danielle wants to learn to deep-throat!" Mary said matter of factly. "How's about coming home with us tonight. I'll bet by morning she'll be just as addicted as we are!"

Mary had a lurid grin on her face. Janelle was licking her lips salaciously. With that settled, we finished off the last of the Dom Perignon with toasts to the rapidly expanding horizons of our partnership.

~ - ~ -

Two hours later we had all 'slipped into something more comfortable' and were lounging on Mary's king-size. Mary was patiently stroking Janelle's rock-hard ten-incher. She instructed me to pay close attention as she slowly lowered her lips over the very tip, slathering it with her saliva.

She lifted up briefly to explain that when Janelle's cockhead barely touched the entrance to her throat - - the gag reflex, as she put it - - she would start swallowing.

"Swallowing in advance makes taking it past the gag reflex much easier - - sort of like swallowing a handful of vitamins. Of course, Lover, you have to remember to breathe through your nose!" she teased. "Watch my throat muscle start to work Janelle's clitty and, once I get it past my gag reflex, touch my throat and feel her beautiful cock sliding up and down my gullet."

She went down on Janelle and I paid very close attention. The way she began swallowing when only a mere three inches of man-meat was in her mouth and the way the remaining seven inches disappeared shortly thereafter made it appear easy.

I tentatively touched Mary's throat. As Janelle's cock slid deep I could feel its entire length. Mary placed her hand over mine and squeezed my fingers around her throat. I got the hint and started jacking Janelle from the outside. Mary was humming delightedly. Janelle was moaning ecstatically! When Mary pulled her mouth away I could see that she had left Janelle's cock streaked with lipstick.

"That's another thing, Lover. Always leave traces of your lipstick on your lover! It's sooo romantic!"

Janelle looked like she was about to explode.

"Now you give it a try, Partner?"

She was breathing heavily. I knew exactly how she felt.

I lowered my mouth without hesitation and took her gorgeous caramel-colored shaft between my lips. She was drooling a torrent of pre-cum. That served to spur me on.

"Swallow, Danielle, swallow! That's it! Start breathing through your nose! Good girl!" Mary encouraged.

Janelle was also encouraging. "Oooh, that feels good, Danielle! You do have a natural talent!"

Her cock barely touched the back of my throat and I backed off, gagging and coughing.

"That's okay, Sweetie, try again. You're doing great!"

My second and third attempts met with the same result. 'Was I ever gonna master this art?' I worried.

I lowered my mouth for my fourth assault. I was determined! Mary implored me to take a deep breath through my nostrils just before Janelle's cock head reached my gag reflex. That helped!

Swallowing in advance of the onslaught and breathing deeply through my nostrils in anticipation was the solution! I felt Janelle's helmet slip past the opening of my throat and begin its decent downwards. I continued swallowing, as I had seen Mary do, and felt my throat muscles gripping and massaging Janelle's shaft. Mary was feeling my throat - - gently squeezing Janelle - - jacking her off. Janelle was delirious!

The feeling of power I felt was indescribable! I wanted to keep her in my throat forever! I continued ministering to her rigid shaft with my throat muscles while sliding up and down its full length. I spent considerable time working the sensitive underside of her helmet.

"Oooh, I'm gonna cummm ... I'm gonna cummm!" she squealed.

"Danielle, slide your lips back to the helmet!" Mary was acting like a movie director. "Let her fill your mouth with her sweet cream!"

I did ... and Janelle did ... and she began filling my mouth with her creamy girly-boy goo. She came in quarts! By the time her ejaculation subsided my cheeks were bulging. I slipped my lips from her rod, all the while maintaining a tight seal. I didn't lose a drop of that pearly cream!

They both giggled as they watched me swirl Janelle's cummy snowball around the inside of my mouth. I eagerly pressed my mouth against Janelle's and shared. Mary pressed her mouth against mine and I shared some more. I swallowed what remained. It was yummy!

"You were fantastic, Danielle!" Janelle proclaimed as she hugged me tightly. "Some people never master the fine art of 'deep throat'! You managed to perfect the art your first time! Unbelievable!"

Mary chimed in, "I'm so proud of you, Lover! I can't wait to show off your new-found talent to Emily and Nicole!"

I couldn't wait for that!

"Dani-Girl when word gets around, your mouth is gonna be in serious demand!" she predicted with an air of absolute authority. "I'm gonna love sharing you with all our friends!"

Did I mention yet that Mary doesn't have a jealous bone in her body?

Janelle had already lowered her mouth to my rampant cock. She expertly slid it deep down her throat and worked me like a piccolo. The velvety texture of her throat had me in the throes of ecstasy in seconds. Each time I felt I was about to explode she backed off and squeezed the base of my cock with her hand. She wasn't gonna let me cum! She rose up and handed me off to Mary's gaping lips. The two of them played me like a Stradivarius for the next thirty minutes. I was still wearing my bra - - Doctor Busty's orders! But I was cupping my tits and squishing my nipples continuously. The combined sensation of my hands on my tits and their mouths on my cock was dizzying!

After what seemed an eternity, they graciously allowed me relief. To my astonishment they expertly caught each and every one of the hundred or so stringy, gooey globs ... or so it seemed ... which my spasming cock propelled into their gaping mouths. They shared with one another and then with me. Double yummy! Any recriminations I had about resigning from my lucrative job quickly dissipated. This was gonna be one hellacious partnership!

~ - ~ -

Monday morning found me at the club bright and early. Old habits are hard to break. I'd always been the first one in the office and the last to leave. Besides, I was anxious to delve into the financial records of the club. Mary and Janelle decided on a shopping spree and said they'd meet me at the club later in the day. Other than me, the only ones there were the prep staff in the kitchen.

As I passed through I was greeted warmly. I got more than a few appreciative stares as the oh-so-gay staff eyed my cute pleated rayon, fire-engine red, flippy skirt, skin tight lacey cropped tank top, and four inch strappy sandals. It seemed that their roving eyes couldn't decide which was more enticing - - my huge tits trying to burst their way out of my top, my sparkling diamond belly-button pendant, or my long and slender legs - - no nylons today - - which were on full display from mid-thigh. Then again, maybe it was my Tresor perfume which was a very pleasant contrast to the odors of all the cleaning chemicals.

I made my way down to the inner sanctum where I began pulling files - - monthly reports, annual reports, bank statements, and tax returns. If nothing else, Mary and Janelle knew how to manage a filing system.

In the two years since Mary and Janelle had operated the club they had averaged almost two and a half million dollars a month! After expenses and taxes their net profit was over a million a month - - fifteen million a year! They had never solicited investment guidance, opting to stash their profits in numerous FDIC insured bank accounts. The paltry amount of interest paid by the banks was sickening. Whoever was doing their taxes didn't know his ass from a hole in the ground!

Several dozen phone calls later I had moved two thirds of the thirty million into a potpourri of stocks, bonds, and various market funds which, if my record of success to date held true to form, would double our money each year!

I contacted a lawyer friend and had him prepare documents which allotted Mary and Janelle seventy percent, five percent for employee benefits, and twenty-five percent for me - - five million a year for me, seven million for each of them and a million for our employees! All we had to do was insure was that the crowds kept coming ... and that gravy train was on auto-pilot!

I called Doctor Busty and put her on retainer, effective immediately, with an opening deposit of five hundred thousand. Her instructions were simple: Do whatever any employee wanted.

I purchased a comprehensive health plan which would take effect once the entire staff had undergone physical exams. I also made arrangements with the fleet manager of a local dealership to provide new and used cars for our staff. The club would pay cash for the vehicles and staff would re-pay the cost at no interest. Finally, I set up a separate account for Butch Cassidy which insured his future and his future loyalty to the club.

By the time I had finished it was five p.m. I hadn't eaten since my early morning bowl of cereal and black coffee. I ordered a grilled salmon plate from Jose, our master chef. Fifteen minutes later there was a soft knock on the door to my office.

Alana came in carrying a serving tray. She was demure as could be and clad in the club's spectacular French Maid costume!

"Mary called earlier and instructed me to be sure you were well taken care of, Miss Danielle."

She smiled coyly as she bent at the waist to set the tray on a small dining table near my desk. Her ruffled white satin panties, pink garter belt, and shiny nylons were a delight to my tired eyes.

As she turned to face me her pink skirt and white petticoats swirled deliciously and exposed her lovely girl-cock which poked out of her panties through a lace-trimmed orifice. Someone had duly noted that the sight of Sally-Ann's cock in a similar pair of panties last night had turned me on!

"I can see you've been talking with Mary ... and Janelle, as well!" I said to Alana.

She had definitely excited me the first time I saw her perform as the quintessential Catholic School-Girl in that marvelous sketch. As a French maid she was irresistible!

"Miss Danielle, why don't you enjoy your meal? I'll come back and serve you dessert in a bit," she giggled. "Mary did insist I treat you properly. Besides, she told me all about your new talents! I can't wait to see for myself! Just call the kitchen when you're ready for me."

It didn't surprise me in the least that Mary would make the staff available to me. She and Janelle had hinted and even stated outright that many 'pleasures' awaited! Now I knew it was true. I ate a leisurely lunch while I reviewed my plans. I re-touched my make-up, adding an extra coat of glossy red lipstick before I phoned the kitchen.

Alana was beside me in a flash. Her short skirt barely reached the tops of her stockings. She smiled down at me as I placed my hands on each cheek of her bubble-butt and pulled her hips toward me. She hiked her skirts to her waist as an accommodation. My ruby-red lips engulfed her three-inch boy-clit and swallowed it to the root.

The lessons I had learned last night served me well. I thoroughly enjoyed the sensation as her velvety tool slid into my throat. I bobbed up and down and she humped back and forth. I could feel her beginning to pulsate. I encouraged her efforts by massaging her shaft with the muscles in my throat. She rewarded me with a gush of sweet-tasting pearly goo which filled my mouth to the brim. As I swirled it in my mouth like a fine wine, she crouched down so we were face to face and kissed me. We shared the gooey cum for several moments before swallowing it deep into our tummies. She hugged me tightly, cleared away the dishes, and left me to my work.

Twenty minutes later Mary and Janelle came in with a flourish! They were actually glowing with excitement.

"Did you enjoy your desert, Lover?" she asked coyly.

"You know I did, you kinky little devil! Are there no secrets in this place?" I moaned. "Have you two been shopping all this time? What did you buy ... Maybe something pretty for me?" I hinted.

"Actually, Dani-Girl, we bought everything for you! You're gonna love it all!" Janelle chimed in.

"Are you finished here? It's late. We ought to go home and change for tonight. You do have enough energy left for tonight, don't you?"

"I wouldn't miss it! And, yes, I'm all finished here." I gathered all the files and folders I had generated and packed them into a file cabinet.

"What's all that stuff?" Janelle asked.

~ - ~ -

On the way back to my place I outlined all I had accomplished. When they heard the projections and the plans for our staff they were ecstatic! Even though they had 'lost' tons of money by not investing properly for the past two years, I assured them we'd make it all up, and more, in no time. These two ladies knew how to run a four-star gay bar but had no idea how to manage their finances.

Back at my condo they enthusiastically dragged me into my bedroom.

"I hope you don't mind, Lover, but I made a just a few teeny-weenie changes." Mary was bubbling over.

'Teeny-weenie' my ass! All my bedroom furniture had been replaced. In place of my old king-size bed was a lovely cream-colored four poster, gilded with gold, and sporting a lace and ruffled canopy. A cream and pink satin comforter covered the cream satin sheets. A matching dust ruffle skirted the base. There was a matching triple dresser and vanity set. Janelle dramatically opened my closet. No traces of Dan remained! A virtual treasure of stylish girly-girl dresses, skirts, tops, nighties, and shoes had replaced my now useless old wardrobe!

"We didn't think you'd be needing your old clothes so we donated them." Mary explained with a sheepish grin. "We were right, weren't we, Danielle?"

It was a rhetorical question which I answered with a big hug and a wet, tonguey kiss. "You did great, Sweetheart! I know I'm gonna love all this!"

"Wanna see what we bought?" Janelle asked.

"Nope!" I declared, to their mutual surprise. "It'll be more fun having a new adventure-in-dressing everyday!"

"And, by the way, just in case you're wondering, you have another complete wardrobe waiting for you at my place!" Mary squealed. "No more overnight satchels necessary!"

She was like a kid in a candy store.

"I hope you don't mind, Danielle, but I took the liberty of stashing a few of my things in your guest room," Janelle said, with a grin on her face. "I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time here,".

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Partner!" I happily exclaimed.

"Now that we've settled that let's shower and get ready," Mary declared.

The shower lasted a little longer than we planned. I think we could have spent the whole night in there - - lathering, caressing, massaging, stroking, fingering, sucking, and fucking! Mary took the initiative by dropping to her knees and gobbling my cock to the root! While Janelle manhandled my boobs, Mary bobbed up and down until, seconds later, I exploded a load of cummy cream deep into her throat.

I was shaky but managed to squat and swallow Janelle's massive tool. I could feel her begin to pulsate and couldn't wait to feel her silky goo sliding down my gullet. Instead she pulled her delicious lollipop away. I moaned.

She said, "Let's try something different, baby."

I looked at Mary. She had the proverbial cat-who-ate-the-canary look on her face. I knew better than to argue.

"Down on all fours, Lover!" she commanded. "On the outside you look as beautiful as any woman I've ever known. Now it's time to make you just as beautiful on the inside! When Janelle gets through you're gonna know what it feels like to really be a woman!"

I looked over my shoulder to see Janelle lathering her enormous ten-inch doodle and licking her lips with the same lusty look Mary always had just before she gobbled me down her throat. I knew what was coming and wiggled my ass seductively - - signaling her welcome invasion. I couldn't wait to have her bust my cherry.

She fingered my boy-pussy, lubricating it with generous gobs of gardenia-scented bubbly. I felt the tip of her ramrod tickling my entrance and shoved backward, impaling myself to the hilt in one smooth, effortless thrust!

I felt my pussy expand wider than I would have ever believed then snap back a bit once her massive mushroom passed the initial resistance as it conformed to the two-inch circumference of Janelle's clitty-cock! The feeling was exquisite - - I was tingling from head to toe - - and she hadn't even started to pump me! She just remained still while I adjusted to this newest sensation!

Water was raining down from the shower heads yet I still felt myself perspiring! I slowly started rotating my hips and clenching my boy-pussy. I could feel every millimeter of her luscious tool tickling and caressing the inner walls of my love canal!

Janelle took my gyrations as a signal. She began a slow and deliberate pumping. Each time she grazed my prostate I thought I was gonna faint. Just when I thought I couldn't take any more she increased her speed, sending me to even higher fits of passion. I was squealing girlishly, giddy with the knowledge that Mary's prediction had indeed come true. I felt the way every other woman must have felt on the occasion of her first time!

I felt movement underneath me. I opened my eyes to find myself staring at Mary's magnificent gaping pussy. I lowered my face and buried my tongue as deep as I could. I wanted to crawl inside and lick her uterus, her fallopian tubes, and her ovaries! She raised her legs over my shoulders and I jammed my tongue into her backdoor-pussy. She squirmed, she squealed, she screamed! Janelle had reached maximum velocity. I thought her testes were gonna get whiplash! Mary was cuming for the third time - - or was the tenth? - - I lost count!

I felt the flood of Janelle's cock-cream filling my innards with the force of a river raging out of control! I repeatedly clamped down on her softening clitty in an instinctive attempt to suck every last gooey drop into my no-longer virgin hole! I collapsed onto Mary's breasts and sucked her titties until Janelle slipped naturally from my grasp with a squishy plop!

The floral-scented douche they used to clean me out was sooo refreshing and a pleasant diversion from the Menthol gel they smeared in me afterwards.

Dressing, making-up, and hair-styling were anti-climactic after that glorious shower! I was even starting to get the hang of managing my waist-length hair. I felt as sexy as I had ever felt and chose my lingerie accordingly. With a generous dollop of menthol jelly to keep my anal ring pleasantly tingling, compliments of Mary, and my gaff securely in place I opened my lingerie drawer for the first time. The first garment I selected was an emerald-green satin garter belt trimmed in delicate black lace. I attached a pair of Barely Black Silk Reflections to the six thin garters.

My boy-pussy was really heating up now! Mary and Janelle were watching me intently, obviously overjoyed to see me as giddy as a schoolgirl as I picked out just the right stuff. I found a pair of pure silk French tap panties and a bra to match my garter belt. I gave my protruding nipples a couple of firm pinches as I settled my D-cups into the half cups of my bra. The tops of my areolas were exposed. To my delight there was a matching silky chemise which settled seductively at the lacey hem of my panties. I felt like a princess!

I padded to my closet. The very first gown I saw was the one! The ankle-length emerald green strapless sheath was slit to mid-thigh and fit me like a second skin after I slid up the side zip. Mary showed me how to remove the satin straps from my bra but it and my gown still provided all the support I would need. The low cut bodice left little to the imagination as my deep and inviting cleavage would certainly draw immediate attention. I spied the matching five-inch stiletto strappy sandals and sat at my new vanity before slipping them onto my size five tootsies. Mary and Janelle loaded me down with just about every diamond bauble in my jewelry box. I made a mental note to have a very strong safe installed.

Janelle looked gorgeous in her 'hostess uniform' - - another of her signature full-length gowns. Tonight's selection was a lacey full-skirted affair in black with sewn in petticoats. Mary's knee-length lavender cocktail dress was also full-skirted and flared delightfully over the frothy white petticoat she wore underneath. She and Janelle donned mink stoles and lovely clutch purses which matched their gowns. They both started giggling when they saw the jealous look on my face.

"Oh Honey, you don't have a wrap! Whatever are you gonna do?" she mocked me. "Janelle, see if you can find something in her closet. The poor girl can't go outdoors without something to keep her pretty shoulders warm!"

Janelle walked into my closet and several seconds later came out carrying the most exquisite pure-white Ermine stole! She graciously placed it over my shoulders. It was sooo soft! I couldn't keep from running my hands all over it! I hugged Janelle and I hugged Mary and I hugged my new Ermine!


Almost forgot!" Mary squealed with glee, as she handed me an emerald-green sequined clutch purse. "You can't forget your purse, Lover."

I checked its contents and saw all the make-up, perfume, and other paraphernalia which would get me through the evening. Mary and Janelle had thoughtfully supplied a mini-tube of menthol and Q-tips!

~ - ~ -

We arrived at Kings and Queens fifteen minutes before opening. Janelle had settled in at the hostess station and Mary and I were at our table surveying the incoming throng. I switched on the monitor to check out the hustle and bustle backstage. Alana must have seen the red light in the camera come on 'cuz she looked up and waived as she dipped into the most delightful curtsey.

Oh, my! She was wearing the very same French maid costume she had worn when she served me lunch! I couldn't wait to see the sketch which would most certainly highlight that luscious creation! She hiked her skirt and fluffy petticoat just to show off her little doodle which was poking out lasciviously through the lace-trimmed opening in her ruffled panties. I jiggled the camera back and forth to let her know 'message received'. She winked and laughed.

As I sipped on my first vodka gimlet of the evening I reflected back over the past four weeks. In an unimaginably short period I had fallen in love ... I mean, truly fallen in love ... for the first time in my life! I had transformed myself, at Mary's insistence to be sure, into a 'babe' of porn-model dimensions! I had become a partner in a venture which had made me an instant millionaire!

And to think, it was all because this guy ... this guy I used to know ... walked into a bar!


Copyright Simonne Danielle 2006

All Rights Reserved

In the tradition begun by Fred Gingerman, one of the brightest authors to grace this site, and one of my favorites, I offer, for your perusal, my other stories on nifty:

"The Ranch Hand" - - TG - -Authoritarian

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 1" - - TG - - Teen

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 2" - - TG - - Teen

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 3" - - TG - - Teen

"Faster, Bennie! Faster!" - - TG - - tv

"So This Guy Walks Into A Bar ... Part 1" - - TG - - tv

"So This Guy Walks Into A Bar ... Part 2" - - TG - - tv

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