So This Guy Walks into a Bar

By simonne danielle

Published on Jan 30, 2009


(Author's note: Reading Part 1 is highly recommended.)

"Simonne Danielle's - So This Guy Walks Into A Bar... Part 2"

By: Simonne Danielle

Copyright 2006

All Rights Reserved

Please be mindful - - This is FANTASY: Imagination unrestricted by reality; "a schoolgirl fantasy".

Got it?



~ - ~ -

Amazingly, we woke before noon on Saturday. Mary came into the bathroom as I was brushing my teeth. She sat to pee and looked up at me watching her out of the corner of my eye. As the last of her morning pee-pee splashed into the bowl, she said, with the most innocent look on her face, "Danielle, you seemed to like it last night. Wanna see how it tastes in the light of day?" She glanced down suggestively as she invitingly spread her legs.

I didn't need a second invitation. I dropped to my knees in front of her and dove in. Her pee-drenched pussy smelled as sweet as it did hours earlier. I began lapping at her pee hole. She spurred me on by spreading her thighs even further apart. The symphony of my slurping and her moaning sounded sweeter than the National Anthem. I meticulously sucked and lapped her inner lips and even used my lips to squeegee her pubes of any remaining residue. She giggled, when I came up for air, as she daintily plucked at several of her golden brown pubic hairs which had lodged between my teeth.

"Maybe I should shave you?" I playfully suggested, as I felt the tickle of yet another pube on my tongue.

"Oooh, I'd like that! And I'll shave you down there, as well!" she retorted.

"You're on!" I declared.

We climbed into her massive combination Jacuzzi/shower/steam bath. The steamy jets felt exhilarating as we scrubbed and soaped off the remnants of last night's sexual gymnastics. She grabbed a mug of shaving soap and worked it into a lather with a large badger-bristle brush. She began mopping my groin with a thick lather until my thatch of pubic hair was completely covered. Oh, yes! I was rock-hard by this time! She deftly denuded my groin in seconds ... with a straight razor, no less! She even negotiated the very tender area between my ass cheeks, leaving me hairless and as smooth as a billiard ball. The incongruity of my totally bald groin in contrast to my hairy legs was almost laughable.

"Go ahead!" I sighed. "You might as well shave my legs, too!"

"Oh no, Dani-girl, that's an experience we'll save for later!" she replied. I knew better than to ask. Not having any expertise whatsoever with a straight razor, I opted to use one of her disposable ones to transform her furry snatch back to its preadolescent state. I used my tongue to insure that the entire area surrounding her pussy was as silky smooth as my own! I had done as well with the disposable as she had done with her straight razor.

My own clothes lay crumpled in a pile on the floor. I suggested we throw my slacks and polo shirt into her dryer to freshen them but Mary's plan worked out better. Naturally!

She preferred that I wear the pleated lime-green, skin-tight slacks and pale yellow silk blouse she dug out of her massive closet. She supplied a lovely chocolate-brown, lace-trimmed camisole and pair of chocolate-brown satin bikinis ... "Nice panty line, Dani-Girl!" she mused as she stroked my butt.


No garter belt or nylons?" I asked with mock sarcasm. I had actually become quite enchanted with the way nylons made my legs tingle.

"They'll just get in the way where we're going, Lover!"

There was that 'look' ... again! I didn't ask!

She found a pair of penny loafers with an inch and a half heel, which fit me to a 'T'. Mary looked delicious in her red mid-thigh length shorts, cream silk shell top, and strappy flats. The lace trim of her virgin white silk bra peeked through the thin silk of her top. It was one of the bras I had bought her. It was sheer enough that her nipples were visible. Naturally, she was wearing the matching panties.

Mary pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and secured it with a lime-green scrunchie. As advertised, my make-up was still intact, even after all the sex and our morning shower. A light touch-up "to smooth things out" and she dragged me to her car.

"I don't suppose I get a hint where we're going, do I?"

"Of course you do, Lover. Breakfast ... I'm starving!" she grinned.

She handed me a cream-colored Luis Vuitton shoulder bag, into which she had thoughtfully crammed whatever it was she thought I would need.

After a light brunch, she playfully informed me, "C'mon Danielle, we better get going or we'll be late."

"Huh, late for what?"

"Shush! You ask too many questions!"

She led me by the hand to her Jag. I wondered why she needed her overnight bag but didn't dare ask! Truth be told ... I was thoroughly enchanted with the manner in which she had so easily begun controlling virtually every aspect of our relationship.

~ - ~ -

Twenty minutes later she was checking us in with the receptionist - - the necessary prelude to my very first salon/spa experience!

"First things first." Mary said, as she turned me over to the care of my 'personal attendant'.

Amanda led me to a private room and told me to strip to my panties. I felt a momentary embarrassment that my 'package' was on display. However, that feeling rapidly dissipated when Amanda simply patted my silk-clad cock and balls and said, "Pretty!" Was she referring to my package or my panties? Or both?

As I lay on the treatment table, I felt the curious warmth of the wax she was applying to a small section of my right leg before she pressed the waxing fabric into place.

"Yeeooow!" I screeched.

"First waxing?" Amanda questioned. She giggled.

For the next hour, I endured the sadistic torture as she methodically and meticulously stripped away the sparse hair from my legs, underarms, chest, ass, and arms. For the first time in my life I offered a silent prayer of thanks that nature had graced my petite frame with sparse and wispy body hair.

She waxed and tweezed my eyebrows into delicate and feminine arches, leaving no doubt that I was indeed being transformed from the macho adult male I used to be into the very girly-girl she-male Mary wanted me to be! I thoroughly enjoyed the soothing lotions Amanda massaged into every pore of my skin. A facial - - mudpack and all - - actually put me to sleep for a while.

A pedicure and simultaneous manicure followed - - not an ordinary manicure ... a manicure which included a full-set of acrylic extensions which extended three-quarters of an inch beyond the tips of my fingers! Even though the pale rose color was understated, there was no way I was going to be able to fool anyone into thinking they were the nails of a manly-man!

'Should be an interesting day at work on Monday!' I thought, ruefully.

Shit! I damn-near poked my eye out the first time I tried to scratch an itch on my temple!

'These are gonna take some getting used to!'

Two hundred human-hair extensions were added to my already thick chocolate-brown tresses before my hair was washed, conditioned, colored an even richer chocolate-brown, highlighted with auburn streaks, set, dried, and finally combed out. The mirror in front of me reflected a mass of soft curls, which now fell gracefully to the small of my back!

"We can also tattoo eyeliner, lip color, and airbrush permanent eye shadow and blush, if you like, Danielle." Amanda suggested with a conspiratorial tone in her voice. I knew if Mary had wanted that, Amanda wouldn't be asking!

"Err ... Amanda ... let's hold that thought for the moment."

I was just a tad bit overwhelmed by all that had transpired. Don't get me wrong. I liked what Mary was doing to me ... I liked what I was allowing Mary to do to me ... I liked it a lot! I loved Mary and wanted to do anything to make her happy. Anything that made me happy, made her happy! So far, it was a very satisfying 'mutual admiration society'.

I was still in my floral kimono smock when I joined up with Mary for a well-deserved tea break in the lounge area of the spa. I was pleasantly surprised to see that her partner, Janelle, was there. Both of them were grinning from ear to ear as I sat at the table. I crossed my legs at the knees and hugged my kimono tight to my torso in a futile attempt at modesty.

"What are you two Cheshire kittens grinning at?" I innocently asked.

Mary leaned over and kissed me full on the mouth. Janelle was hugging me and kissing my cheek.

"You look so adorable ... so sophisticated ..." Mary squealed.

"Sooo edible!" exclaimed Janelle.

"Mmmm, your legs feel sooo silky smooth, Lover! Don't they, Janelle? And I adore what they did with her hair!"

They were both running their hands up and down my legs, from my ankles to my panty-clad cock. It was driving me wild!

"How does it all feel?" Janelle asked.

"I love it ... honestly, I love it all!"

I was sneaking peeks at my image from every angle in the mirrored walls surrounding the lounge, mesmerized by the 'girl' staring back at me.

"This has been an amazing surprise and a delightful treat! I really like my hair this long and my skin is absolutely tingling all over! Thank you so, so much! When did you have time to arrange all this ... and why? I mean ... I'm not complaining ... but sheesh, I'm gonna have some serious 'splainin' to do on Monday!"

"That's another thing we want to talk to you about, Dani-Girl," Mary began. "Janelle and I have been talking about you since you and I met a month ago. We'd like to make you an offer ... an offer we hope you'll find impossible to refuse."

"An offer ... what sort of offer?"

"I told you last night I thought you were wasting your talents in the corporate world, right?"

"Yeah, I remember. But it's what I do ... and, I make a damn good living at it, in case you haven't noticed!" I said, with a noticeably defensive tone in my voice.

Janelle jumped in, "Our little nightclub does a great business. We're jam-packed seven nights a week. We bring in thousands of dollars every day - - most of it pure profit. We have very little overhead because we own the property outright. No mortgage. Minimum wages - - the employees work primarily for tips. The few dollars we spend on costumes and stage sets is chump change."

Mary interrupted, "We need someone with your talents. Someone who can invest our money and put it to work earning the maximum dividends it should be earning. We're convinced you're the man, err...girl, who can do that for us.

I caught her stutter right away. Looking at my reflection in the mirrors, I realized her reference to me in the feminine person was far more accurate!

"You did all this to me just so I'd agree to be your investment banker?" I asked ... with an incredulous look on my face.

"No! No! Danielle, hear me out!" Mary begged. "It's not like that at all!"

Her voice had a panicked edge to it.

"Sure, we could have simply retained your firm to handle our investments. But ... that first morning when you so eagerly wore my panties to work ... well ... that just started the wheels turning. You certainly know by now that I have a serious thing for 'girly-boys' - - 'chicks-with-dicks' - - 'drag queens' - - 'femmy-guys' - - whatever! Call 'em what you want ... the bottom line is that I simply adore my men in skirts and silky lingerie!

"I fell in love with you the first night we met. I have no doubt you felt the same. When you put on the new lingerie I bought and didn't bat an eyelash when I took you to the club looking so femmy, I just knew I had found the girly-boy of my dreams. From there it was just a matter of seeing how far I could push the envelope and merge your obvious feminine side with your financial skills. There was no deception, no deviousness, no forcing you to do anything you didn't truly want. All I did was provide the opportunity. So far I haven't heard you object! I mean ... just take a look at yourself!"

Janelle added, "Danielle, with your skills and the equal percentage we're prepared to offer, you'll probably be making double or triple what you're raking in now! "Besides," she said with a knowing grin, "you'll get to hang with all the other 'girls' who work for us ... not to mention all the queens who come into the club every night! Shit, after last night, you're already a star! Everyone loved you ... and ... they think you and Mary are the perfect couple!"

They were both furiously stroking my rock-hard rammer! I knew they were seducing me! And ... I already knew I was going to accept their offer ... no matter what. But I hesitated, feigning deep thought, if only to keep them from removing their hands from the increasing dampness in my panties. I could play this game too!

My hand slithered underneath Mary's kimono and glommed onto her saturated crotch. Janelle gently guided my other hand along her silky, caramel-toned leg. I didn't need any further coaxing. I slithered my hand up until I reached the zenith at the top of her thighs.

Mary and Janelle both broke into peals of laughter as they saw the astonished look on my face! The wide grin on my face said it all.

I simply said, "How do you do, Partners? Count me in!"

By way of sealing the deal, I firmly squeezed Mary's pussy lips ... and ... Janelle's ... rock-hard cock! My god, she had a dong that was at least ten-inches! Now, I really was beginning to put two and two together ... and it added up to three!

"Mary!" I whispered, not wanting any of the other patrons to overhear, "You're full of surprises! Every time I think there just can't be anymore, you pull something like this! What more can you possibly have up your sleeve?"

"If it's a surprise, Danielle, it must be a pleasant surprise! You still have a death grip on Janelle's 'Little Janey'! I think ... someone likey!"

What she said was true! Other than my own cock, I had never touched any other. It wasn't unpleasant at all. In fact, it felt strangely satisfying to know that my hand was causing 'Little Janey' to pulse and throb ... and drool. I could feel the dampness seeping into the silky nylon of Janelle's panties ... just like my own 'Little Dani' was drooling. Janelle was simply staring at me - - a glazed look in her eyes.

They both continued to play with my bone as I continued to play between their juicy thighs.

"You were so right, Mary," Janelle moaned. "Danielle is gonna make the perfect addition to our partnership!"

She was grinning from ear to ear.

Upon hearing Janelle's prediction, I spasmed one last time before erupting into my panties with an audible groan. Janelle followed suit. I withdrew my drenched hand from beneath her kimono and salaciously licked her goo from my fingers. Mary and Janelle were each licking my gooey cream off their fingers.

"Well, girls, that was certainly a productive time-out! Don't you think?" Mary began. "But there's still more work to be done before we can get out of here."

"More work?" I groaned. "What more can they possibly do? Christ, I've already had every square inch of my body poked, prodded, scraped, and tweezed!"

"Not quite every inch, Lover!"

As if on cue, Amanda approached and, once again, led me into a private room. This time Mary and Janelle followed.

"Let's see," Amanda giggled to Mary, "you did want D-cups, right?"

Mary nodded. Amanda reached into a cupboard and withdrew a gaily-wrapped package, which she handed to me. I untied the satin ribbon and pried off the pretty paper. Inside were two perfect, flesh-colored silicone titties, complete with inch-long nipples and areolas the size of silver dollars!

"Up you go, Danielle. Lie back on the table and let me settle these puppies into place."

I was momentarily dumbfounded but then realized there was no other alternative. After all, I couldn't go around flat chested what with everything else that I had allowed them to do. Amanda helped me out of my kimono and noticed the obvious mess saturating the front of my panties.

"Oooh! Messy ... but my kind of messy!" she cooed.

Amanda began sizing up my chest - - trying out a few different positions for my new play-toys.

"Don't they just stuff inside the bra cups?" I naively asked. She giggled. Mary and Janelle giggled.

"Silly girl," she admonished me, "you do have a lot to learn, don't you?"

Mary said, matter-of-factly, "Actually, Lover, these are a bit more permanent. You'll see in a minute!"

"Not as permanent as mine, though." Janelle added, as she hefted her implanted silicone globes and grinned.

By now, Amanda had decided on the perfect locations for each of my titties and had marked tiny corresponding reference dots on both my chest and the edges of the forms. She applied a sticky substance to my chest and to the undersides of the forms. As the substance began to set up, she explained it was a medical adhesive that would hold my titties securely for up to a week at a time. She showed me the bottle of solvent needed to release the adhesive so I'd be able to remove them periodically to allow my skin to breathe overnight before re-applying them.

"With enough practice you'll be able to do this yourself, Dani-Girl." Mary predicted. "Of course, it's really much more convenient to have implants ... like Janelle!"

"And ... sooo much more sensitive!" Janelle moaned, as she squeezed and worried her nipples.

Amanda carefully set each breast form on my chest, meticulously aligning the dots. Each breast form had one-inch, feathered, micro-fine edges which, when joined to my chest by the adhesive, made the seam undetectable. As she held them in place for the required three minutes, she balanced herself by leveraging her crotch against the edge of the treatment table ... precisely where my hand gripped the table's edge.

"Jesus Christ! Is anybody here a real girl besides you, Mary?" I groaned.

There was no mistaking the boner inside Amanda's silky panties! A boner which was growing harder by the millisecond!

"First of all, Danielle, we're all real girls! Mary just happens to be the only 'GG' amongst us!" Janelle patiently explained.

"A 'GG'? What's a 'GG'?"

"Dani, Dani, Dani ... a 'GG' is a Genetic Girl ... it's how we, in the "TG, TV, TS Community", distinguish between 'girls' like Amanda and me ... and now you ... from girls like Mary. It's not all that complicated, really."

"TG...TV...TS...GG...? What is this ... the national spelling bee? I do have a lot a lot to learn, don't I?" I naively asked.

The fact that Amanda was slowly grinding her panty-clad cock against my hand hadn't escaped my notice. I playfully latched onto it - - massaging her silky panties against the tender flesh of her seven-inch drooling tool. She began moaning!

"Mmmm! Oooh! Aaah!" And then erupted, flooding her satin cocoon and drenching my hand!

"Tsk, tsk ..." Mary chided. "Such a naughty display!"

She was lightly running her hands along my inner thighs and my own still-drenched dainties. "Are you gonna be naughty for me, again, Dani-Girl?"

Any audible answer would have been moot, as I unloaded once again!

"Okay Danielle, try standing ... see how they feel." Amanda directed, once I was able to catch my breath!

I swung my legs over the side of the table and stood barefoot on the floor. I couldn't even see my feet! It's a good thing Amanda and Mary were on either side of me. I damn-near toppled over from the unaccustomed weight of those humongous tits!

"Stand up straighter, Dani-Girl, keep your shoulders back, find your center of balance ..." Mary coached.

Amanda began to apply a foundation blend which further camouflaged the seams where the forms met the skin on my chest. To say they were a perfect match to my own skin-tone would be an understatement. By the time Amanda had worked her magic they were virtually undetectable! She used a matching powder, explaining, "This will set the foundation so it won't smudge your bra."

"My bra?" My new boobs were bobbing and swaying as I tried to find my center of balance. My bra was gonna be a welcome comfort!

Janelle reached into Mary's overnight bag and dangled the most enticing confection of sheer nylon and lace for my approval. The bra was mauve with antique-white lace trim. I sighed in resignation and held out my arms as Janelle and Mary helped me into it.

"This style's for the 'Varsity Team', Dani-Girl ... big girls like us! With your new puppies, you're gonna need the support!" Mary giggled.

Janelle was busy securing the three hooks and eyes in the rear while Mary adjusted the shoulder straps.

Amanda finished by brushing on a slightly darker blush to further highlight my now very noticeable cleavage. I swear to god, you couldn't see any sign they were fake ... even with a magnifying glass!

I was admiring my new assets in the mirror, oblivious to anything else. I was mesmerized by the image which I now realized was the 'new me'!

"Anything else?" I asked, sarcastically.

"Just one more teeny-tiny accessory, Lover!" Mary responded, with her, now infamous 'look'. I had finally figured out that anytime she shot me that 'look' it meant one step further towards femininity!

As Mary reached into her overnight bag, Amanda stripped off my thoroughly saturated panties and was swabbing my groin with a warm washcloth. She dusted a delightful gardenia-scented powder on my flaccid cock, my ball sac, and between the cheeks of my butt. I was tingling from her ministrations and, if it weren't for the fact that I'd shot my wad twice in the past hour, I would have had a raging boner! I was distracted by Mary as she held up the tiniest 'jock strap' I'd ever seen.

I gave her a questioning and apprehensive look.

"Relax, Lover. It's a gaff. As much as I love this beautiful appendage of yours, there's gonna be times that demand proper decorum for 'girls' like you ... and Janelle!"

"And me too!" declared Amanda with a giggle.

"A gaff is worn to keep your family jewels neatly tucked out of sight so you can present a perfectly feminine image, no matter what you wear ... just like me! With this little accessory you'll even be able to wear a skimpy bikini at the beach!" Mary was patting her panty-covered pussy. "Didn't you notice the 'girls' at the club last night?"

It was true. As much as I had tried, I hadn't been able to see any hint of tell-tale bulges under the skin tight gowns worn by the 'girls' in the show ... or any of the patrons, for that matter.

Well ... there were one or two rather randy types who took particular pleasure in showing off the prominent tent-poles trying to poke holes in their dresses. Amanda and Janelle started donning their own gaffs while instructing me to pay close attention.

At first glance the gaff I held gingerly between my fingers seemed to be not much more than a mass of tangled, flesh-colored elastic straps. I watched closely as first Amanda, then Janelle, demonstrated. They showed me that the gaff consisted of a triangular front cover, similar to a G-string, which was attached to a silken braided sheath. Attached to either side of the front cover there was an adjustable elastic strap, similar to a bra strap, which clasped together in the back, just above the butt crack. A third elastic strap was attached to the free end of the braided sheath.

Each of them, in turn, expertly slid their lovely boy-tools into the braided silken sheath, making slight adjustments to the elastic waistbands before clasping them in back. They pulled the strap attached to the end of the sheath back between their legs, nestled it between their ass cheeks, and looped it under and over the waistband before securing it to itself with hook and eye fasteners. The genius of these devices became all too obvious. Not only were their cocks and balls rendered invisible but the front cover of the gaff was fashioned in the shape of perfectly formed, hairless vulva - - complete with labia majora and labia minora!

The cover was made from a flesh-colored silicone pad, complete with a glistening slit which, for the life of me, was undetectable from the real thing! When they turned their backs to me and bent over I could see the tips of their cocks extending just beyond the end of their sheaths. They explained this allowed them to sit and pee without having to remove the gaff. It also provided a delightful stimulation to the tip of their cocks when the silky gusset of their panties caressed it.

With more than a little skepticism, I slid my flaccid dick into the silky sheath of my own gaff. I secured the two waistbands with the hook and eye fasteners where they came together just above the crack of my ass. Mary and Janelle adjusted the bra-like slides until the elastic waistband hugged my hips firmly. When I reached between my legs from behind and pulled on the sheath strap, I felt the diameter of the sheath shrink and tighten around the entire length of my dick.

It felt just like the Chinese finger cuffs I used to play with as a kid. The grip of the sheath was unyielding and actually flattened my cock to about a third of its normal diameter. There was no way my cock could slip from its silken prison until the sheath was compressed from both ends simultaneously ... compressing the sheath caused its diameter to expand and easily slip off. I felt for the waistband and slipped the end of the sheath strap underneath it and folded it over. Mary pressed on the front pussy cover causing my nuts to recede somewhere into my groin. Janelle was busy between my ass cheeks. She secured the two hooks at the end of the strap to a pair of the several pairs of eyes running the length of the strap.

The flesh coloring of the straps was so well matched to my own skin tone it made them invisible. The end result was so perfect I was confident I could lay naked on a beach with my legs spread wide and still be indistinguishable from ... What did Mary call them? ... 'GG's' ... Genetic Girls!

I fingered my new slit in amazement. I took a few tentative steps and rubbed my thighs together. I sat down, crossed my legs, then stood and took a few more steps. How could something with a vice-like grip like this be comfortable? It felt more than comfortable ... I actually felt a sense of security!

Mary stood next to me ... all four of us stood before the mirror ... four girls ... four pussies ... unbelievable! Mary slicked up her fingers with her own fresh pussy juice and smeared it over and inside my 'slit'.

"If you're gonna look like a real girl, you might as well smell like one, too!" she purred in my ear. I was speechless!

Janelle and Amanda giggled like schoolgirls as they hugged and kissed me. Mary began rummaging through her overnight bag ... again. She handed me a pair of silky bikini panties, in mauve, which matched my bra, a white satin garter belt, and a pair of smoky gray nylons.

"Wait! Wait!" exclaimed Amanda. "There's just one more thing!"

"Aarrgghh, what now?" I groaned.

She was carrying a small plastic squeeze tube and a Q-Tip as she approached me.

"Danielle, you're gonna love this ... It'll really put a wiggle in your walk! Bend over, girl!"

Mary and Janelle were covering their mouths, trying to suppress their giggles. What could I do? With a sigh of resignation, I bent over. Amanda tugged my gaff strap aside and spread my ass cheeks wide with one hand. I watched in the mirror as she squeezed a dollop of clear jelly-like ointment onto the Q-Tip. She jammed the Q-Tip deep into my butt hole and smeared whatever it was all over the sensitive inner lining of my anus.

"All done. You can stand up now, Danielle."

Ten seconds later I felt my asshole heat up ... I mean, really heat up! And it tingled!

"What the fuck is that stuff?" I was starting to clench my ass cheeks together, trying to desperately get some relief from the tingly heat! I started pacing back and forth across the small room. With each step I was forced to wiggle frantically to relieve the tingle! My three girlfriends were bursting at the seams laughing!

Mary finally stopped laughing long enough to explain that the goop was a mentholated jelly and that it was doing exactly what it was supposed to be doing!

"I know it feels weird, at first. In a little while you'll start loving the sensations ... and ... it'll be a constant reminder to walk like the sexy girl you appear to be ... once we get you dressed. I was trying to scratch my asshole.

Janelle chimed in with the suggestion to not get any on my fingers. "If you get it in your eyes, it really stings!"

I secured my garter belt around my waist and pulled on my panties. I paused to marvel at the reflection of my 'pussy'. My panties were scrunched nicely between my 'pussy' lips! If I had any pubic hair, I could have counted each one separately! I sat in a chair and rolled my nylons up my freshly waxed legs.


What an exquisite feeling! I smoothed imaginary wrinkles but was really relishing the silky-smoothness encasing my legs. Mary, Janelle, and Amanda were watching me intently. I squirmed in the chair, grinding my asshole into the cushion, trying to get relief from the tingles without using my fingers. They laughed with sisterly love at my futile efforts.

From her magic overnighter Mary extracted a hot-pink silky cami-style top. It was very low cut and perfectly complimented the stretchy black skirt she was holding. The cami fit me perfectly and was cut just low enough to allow the lace trim on my bra to peek out. The skirt hugged my hips, thighs, and ass so tight it looked like it had been spray painted on me. I had to tug at the hem to maintain a semblance of modesty and not show the welts of my nylons. A two-inch wide black patent leather belt accentuated my already small waist.

Black strappy three-inch heels complimented my outfit and forced me to take tiny mincing steps while my butt was lifted up and out. With the high heels and menthol jelly in my ass I couldn't help but wiggle seductively. Mary and the girls were thrilled as I vamped around the room, flailing my hands and limp wrists in as feminine a manner as I could muster.

I was standing in front of Mary and Janelle with my hands on my hips and with my most seductive smile on my face. I didn't notice Amanda rutting through one of the numerous cupboards lining the walls of her "Chamber of Torture".

"Okay, you sexy thing ... It's time to make you even sexier!" she proclaimed as she put her arm around my shoulder and led me to a chair.

"What else can you possibly do?" I groaned.

"Danielle, you have no idea! Just sit still for a few minutes."

I looked to Mary and Janelle for some sort of support. They just shrugged their shoulders and smiled as if to say "Don't look at us ... sit down and shut up!"

During the next few minutes Amanda cleansed my ear lobes, made tiny black marks with a magic marker, and 'shot' studs into them. Rather than the one tiny blue sapphire in my left ear lobe, I now had a half-carat diamond stud and a diamond chip-encrusted gold hoop in each lobe! I looked at my reflection, turning my head from side to side. I looked at Mary and Janelle, then to Amanda, then back to my reflection, then back to them again.

"Are these real?" I asked.

I was watching the bright lights dancing off my new studs. They sparkled like nothing I had ever seen. It was an almost blinding light!

"As real as it gets, Partner!" Mary answered, as she hugged me tightly.

"I love them!" I squealed with delight.

"You better start carrying a can of pepper spray in case some tries to rip your ears off, Dani!" Janelle exclaimed, with the voice of experience.

Amanda tilted the back of my chair into its full reclining position. She cleansed my belly-button and before I could utter any sort of protest had expertly pierced my naval. The sight of three diamonds, strung together by thin gold chains, was sooo erotic I actually got the chills. Mary proudly explained the each of the one-carat D-flawless diamonds was set in twenty-four carat gold!

"These must be worth a fortune, Mary! I can't let you do this!" I whined.

"I can if I want to! In fact, I already have! Besides Lover, you're worth it!"

She hugged and kissed me - - slipping her hot, wet tongue deep into my accepting mouth. She caressed my ass with a proprietary squeeze.

Mary started rummaging through her overnighter, once again! She was holding two rectangular velvet boxes. She opened one and withdrew a delicately fashioned ankle bracelet. It was obviously the same twenty-four carat gold as my ear studs and belly-button dangle.

The sparkling inscription on the two-inch golden plate was inscribed, "Mary Loves Danielle" in tiny diamond chips! Mary knelt at my feet as she clasped it around my right ankle. She raised my foot to her mouth and kissed each of my toes, repeating, "I love you, Danielle!" after each tender kiss.

Tears were streaming down my face. When she looked into my eyes I could see tears of joy streaming across her cheeks, as well. Janelle and Amanda were both dabbing tears from their eyes.

Mary finally rose to her feet and handed me the second velvet jewelry box.

"Now you do me, Lover."

I opened the box, knowing full-well what was inside. It was an exact duplicate of the bracelet I proudly wore. The only difference was that hers read, "Danielle Loves Mary"!

We exchanged places and I knelt at her feet. I performed then same ritual - -kissing each of her toes as I intoned, "I love you Mary!"

Thank god our make-up was water-proof!

Several rings and dangly bracelets later, not to mention my very own Yves St. Laurent, diamond-encrusted watch, Mary declared it was time to head home.

We had been at the salon for six hours! I thoroughly enjoyed the envious stares of the several clients and stylists as Mary, Janelle, and I sashayed our way out! With my three-inch heels and Mary still wearing her flats I was now towering over her by two inches! A rarity, indeed, to be taller than my companion!

We left Janelle slithering into her pink Porsche, agreeing to meet her at Kings and Queens at nine. On the drive home Mary got serious.

"You know I've been trying to lose twenty pounds. Ever since we met I've been working my big butt off at the gym. I've only lost five pounds!" she wailed.

I'd never seen her like this. She'd always been care-free and happy-go-lucky.

"Seeing you now ... so sexy and svelte ... goddamnit ... I'm jealous!"

I paused before responding. I knew my response had to be couched in just the right terms.

"First of all, I think you know by now that I love you! I mean ... I really, really love you ... every luscious, sexy, square-inch of you! I wouldn't ask you to change anything. But ... if you're determined to lose weight ... I want you to know I'll do anything to help. We can start by changing our diet and stepping up our exercise routine. Considering my new appearance, I think I should give up the membership in my gym and join yours. Or we could re-do one of my extra rooms into a home gym and even hire a private fitness trainer, if you want. Working out together will be a great motivator. We can do this!"

"Why don't you just sell your place and move in with me?" she suggested.

"Mary, I love my place at the beach ... more than ever now that I'm sharing it with you. We can afford to keep both places. We'll just put exercise rooms in each home. Shit! By the time I get through investing your profits we'll be able to afford homes with gyms anywhere we want! The important thing is that we do this in a safe and healthy manner. I just found you and wouldn't want you getting sick or injured by going too fast."

Mary suddenly pulled over to the side of the road, screeching to a halt. She put her arms around me and hugged me tightly while planting kisses all over my face and neck.

"Oh my sweet Danielle, now I know why I love you so much. I'm totally and completely yours ... forever!" She paused to catch her breath. "You know ... there's another reason I want to lose the weight," she said with her now famous 'look'.

"Oh really," I queried. "What would that be ... ?"

"Well ..." she paused with an almost embarrassed smile ... "If I get down to your weight, think of all the money we could save by sharing clothes!"

"At this point, sweetheart, I can't think of a better reason!"

~ - ~ -

We got back to Mary's house and settled into a steamy hot Jacuzzi for an hour. My new hair barely fit inside the shower cap. The gardenia-scented bath oils were soothing and relaxing. I was amazed that the medical adhesive held my new titties firm. They floated in the water just like Mary's. We looked like a couple of prunes when we finally climbed out.

Before starting the delightfully arduous task of dressing to the 'nines', I eagerly lapped at her slushy snatch and brought her to three earth-shattering, mind-blowing explosions. She wrapped her warm wet lips around 'Little Dani' and sucked me like a vacuum cleaner until I filled her mouth with my gooey cream ... which she thoughtfully shared.

"Ohmigawd! Mary, I don't have anything to wear!" I suddenly realized.

Mary was patiently applying some touch-up foundation, powder, and blush to enhance my new cleavage.

"See, Danielle, you're already thinking like a girl! I love it. Not to worry, though, I have the perfect dress for your second debut. You're gonna knock 'em dead tonight." She added wistfully, "It used to fit me..."

"It'll fit you again, Sweetheart! Don't you worry your pretty little head." I assured her. "By the way, do I need to wear this?" I asked, holding up my gaff.

"Not really, honey. Not with the dress I have in mind! But I think you'll enjoy knowing you look as femmy as me ... everywhere! Go ahead and slip it on. And don't forget to powder down there." She was grinning at my incorrigible boner which was beginning to rise to the occasion. "I think I'm gonna have to suck you dry every time, before you put it on, though. Janelle says it's a bitch trying to get into that rig with a hard-on!"

"That'll work for me!"

Mary slipped to her knees and took 'Little Dani' into her wet and warm mouth. With her well-practiced expertise she was gobbling and swallowing yet another gusher in mere seconds. She looked up into my eyes, putting an exclamation point on her erotic behavior with a quiet, though quite unfeminine belch.

We both giggled at that!

I dusted my cock and balls with a yummy Lancóme Tresor powder. I slipped my flaccid cock into the silken sheath and clasped the waistbands behind me. I even managed to snug them up a little more while Mary looked on. I tugged the sheath strap firmly between my butt cheeks and latched that, as well, without Mary's assistance. As I was admiring the result of my effort in the mirror, Mary came up behind me and began fingering my 'pussy' lips, slicking it with her juice. Her 'woman scent' wafted up to my nostrils.

"I know, I know ... If I'm gonna look like a woman down there, I might as well smell like one, too!" I quipped.

"You are a quick study, Lover!" She scooped a dollop of menthol gel onto a Q-tip and swabbed my boy-pussy. I reciprocated as I dabbed a healthy dollop around and into her back-door.

"What's good for the goose is good for the gander." I reminded her.

"Oooh! This is a first for me!" she observed, as the gel heated her innards.

I slipped into a pair of black bikini panties and donned a matching satin and lace bra. I clasped it and my black satin garter belt with ease ... as if I'd been doing it all my life! As I rolled sheer Hanes Barely-Black Silk Reflections nylons high onto my silky-smooth legs and clipped them to my garters, Mary gave a low wolf-whistle and asked rhetorically, "What kind of monster have I created? I am impressed!"

"It's a piece of cake!" I shot back, giving her a sheepish grin. "You know what? I think you're right about one thing ... I am gonna knock 'em dead tonight! Just like you!"

Mary handed me my dress ... a very sexy black lace, satin-lined affair with a low cut sweetheart bodice which dramatically emphasized my cleavage. The sewn in triple-layered net petticoats held the softly-pleated full skirt at a forty-five degree angle. The hem !generously! fell to four inches above my knees! With four-inch suede strappy sandals my slim legs were definitely on display. I turned this way and that.

The sibilant swish of my skirts was music to my ears. The sight of my dress and net petticoats flaring wildly gave me goose bumps! About the only regret I felt, if you can call it that, was that my dress wouldn't allow me to show off my three-carat belly button piercing. On the other hand my ear studs and golden anklet were on full display! Yummy!

"You're gonna have to be careful, Lover, else you'll be giving everyone a better show than the cast at the club!" Mary cautioned.

"Maybe I want to show off a little!" I teased.

"Then you're gonna have to give a proper audition ... just like everyone else!" she shot back.

Mary touched up my make-up ... it didn't really need much. She cleansed my ear piercings and added a brilliant ten carat ruby heart-shaped pendant, surrounded by quarter-carat diamonds, and suspended from an eighteen-carat gold chain.

If I looked hot, Mary looked even hotter. Her LBD hugged every curve of her voluptuous figure. She wore black patent leather two-inch heels which evened things up a bit. Her magnificent tits were on full display. I was jealous and told her so as we drove to Kings and Queens.

"Don't concern yourself, Lover. We can make yours as real as mine anytime you want. Those silicone titties are just a trial run. I just thought it would be a good idea for you to get a feel for their heft before we set you up with Doctor Busty."

"Doctor who?"

"Doctor Busty! She's everybody's favorite. Actually, her real name is Dr. Lynette Jamison. But everyone calls her "Doctor Busty". She's a genius at titty augments. You'll love her! She does all the plastic surgery for everyone at the club. Janelle's boobs, for instance. Don't you love 'em?"

The thought of having 'real' titties like Janelle's was tantalizing. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted them. I was even thinking of nipple piercings! Christ! I hadn't even been at this for two days and here I was thinking of getting my own tits!

Mary pulled into the parking lot and this time parked in her reserved spot. Jose, the valet, was at my door in a heartbeat. As I slid out of the luxurious leather bucket seat I made sure to give him a lingering bird's-eye upskirt view of my silky panties. His erection was instantaneous! The feeling of power my silken legs and satin-covered 'pussy' gave me was invigorating. I playfully patted his bone as Mary linked her arm in mine.

"Slut!" was Mary's loving observation.

For once I was as tall as Mary. My skirts swished deliciously and with the minimal lingerie I was wearing, the cool night air wafting under my dress made me dizzy. The anal jelly was titillating us as advertised. We both wiggled our asses frantically and seductively in a futile attempt to relieve the tingly sensations it generated.

~ - ~ -

Janelle greeted us with lust-filled hugs and kisses. Everyone was staring.

"You both look yummy enough to eat!" she gushed. "I have a delightful surprise for you two." Janelle teased, as she led the way to our table. I didn't see a reserved sign on the ring-side table we had shared before. In fact there was another couple sitting at it.

When we gave her a questioning look, Janelle pointed to a circular wall of velvet drapes off to one side and in front of the stage. She aimed a hand-held remote and the drapes magically parted, revealing a large round table perched on a circular dais and raised eight feet above the main floor.

"To my King and Queen!" she proudly proclaimed!

Mary and I just stood there, looking up, mouths agape - - shocked!

The table, itself, was two-inch thick beveled glass and was easily ten-feet in diameter. It was supported by a sculptured wooden pedestal, all pink, in the form of three naked, embracing cupids - - a female sporting a pair of gorgeous, albeit, budding breasts, and a male with a perfect replica of a pre-adolescent cock and teeny-tiny testes!

The boy cupid was cupping the girl cupid's breast with one hand while his other was supporting the table top. The girl cupid was toying with the boy cupid's miniscule erection with one hand while her other supported the top.

The third figure knelt before them, in humble supplication, offering a tray laden with fruits and goblets of wine held in one hand while the other provided support for the table. The third cupid combined both of the critical attributes of the other two - - replicas of the girl cupid's pert titties and the boy cupid's tiny dickie!

The sculpture was the most exotic I'd ever seen.

"That pink stain makes the pedestal glow! It's exquisite!" I exclaimed.

Janelle explained, "That's no stain, Partner! It's custom made from solid Pink Ivory wood. It's one of the rarest and most unusual woods found in Africa! It cost over a hundred thousand dollars!"

The entire sculpture was drenched in a soft glowing light provided by tiny spotlights strategically embedded in the mahogany floor upon which the table perched.

Ten steps led from the main floor to the thirty-foot diameter dais. Eight elegant, hand-carved armchairs surrounded the table. The seat cushions and backs of the armchairs were done in plush red velvet. Janelle led the way up the steps and, with a dramatic display, seated us, much to the delight of the crowd of on-lookers.

From our elevated vantage point we were actually looking down on the stage and had a bird's eye view of the entire club. The circular wall behind us was covered in deep red velvet drapes. The advantage of the glass table top became instantly obvious as Mary and I took our places of honor. It allowed an unobstructed view of everything below! It was tantalizing to be able to see Mary's hand as she reassuringly patted my exposed thigh. We heard a few friendly wolf-whistles when I reciprocated.

It was then that I realized that guests would be looking up at us - - able to see everything and anything! The only drawback I could see was that some of the chairs had their backs to the stage. Guests seated in those chairs wouldn't be able to watch the performances! I expressed this thought to Janelle. Mary concurred with my observation.

"Not to worry," Janelle patiently explained. "Watch this!" she said with obvious pride.

She pressed a small gold button set into the thick glass and a sixteen by twenty-four inch panel flipped up, revealing a control panel complete with a small TV screen. An array of buttons and switches was housed inside, each one labeled with its particular function. She pressed one and the dais began slowly rotating. The wine, already poured in golden goblets, didn't even ripple!

"Leave it on and it takes ninety seconds to make one full revolution." Janelle explained. "Or you can press it again at any point and it stops."

She demonstrated and the dais came to an imperceptible halt.

"If you want privacy ..." She pressed another control and the drapes behind us began sliding along circular tracks set into the ceiling. In less than thirty seconds we were completely shrouded from the rest of the room. The TV screen flickered to life and we were treated to a view of the entire stage. Janelle pressed several buttons in succession. Each one permitted selected views of just about every square foot of the club - - even the dressing room and the bathrooms! A joystick allowed rotation and zoom of whichever camera was operational. When she switched back to a view of the main room we could see and hear guests in the audience smiling and pointing at our drawn curtain.

I heard more than one patron exclaim, "I wonder what those three are up to behind those drapes!"

We giggled and magnanimously opened the drapes, much to the crowd's delight.

Of course, we rose to take our bows with an air of mock regalness. Everyone applauded. I said to Mary, "Do you mind if I make a small offering to our guests?"

"It's your club, too, Lover! What did you have in mind?"

Janelle, reading my mind, pushed another control button. Instantly, a voice boomed through a small speaker. "What can I do for you, Miss Mary?"

"Oops," exclaimed Janelle, "here's the volume control. That voice is our head bartender, Reynaldo. Just tell him what you want, Danielle."

"Actually, Reynaldo, it's me, err ... Miss Danielle."

Mary was grinning from ear to ear as I referred to myself as 'Miss' for the first time.

"Yes Miss Danielle, sorry Miss Danielle, how may I assist you?"

With as much friendly authority as I could muster, I replied, "Reynaldo, please buy the house a round of drinks from Mary, Janelle, and me - - with our thanks and wishes for a delightful evening!"

"Yes Miss Danielle. Thank you! Miss Danielle!"

We were able to watch in the monitor as the several servers took orders and served the hundred or so patrons efficiently and professionally. Their required uniforms were inspirational. Each server, whether male or female, was clad in very pink, and very short, French maid costumes - - poufy satin dresses held out to the horizontal by a mass of net petticoats, white satin sissy panties, dainty white aprons, white gartered nylons, and six inch stiletto patent leather pumps.

We saw Reynaldo smile and raise a glass to the camera over the bar in a toast to us. Even though the drinks were on the house, I was pleased to see most of the patrons proffering generous tips as they received their drinks. They also raised their glasses in a toast to Mary, Janelle, and me.

I stood and toasted back to the crowd and squealed, "Enjoy the evening, ladies and gentlemen ... and everyone in-between!" The laughter was deafening.

"Only twenty minutes to showtime," Mary said. "I can't wait to see the show from this eagle's nest!"

"Speaking of which," I said, "I have to use the little girls' room ... desperately! Wanna go with me?"

Janelle smiled a wicked smile and stood. "You can use the girly-boy bathroom across the club if you want ... or ..." Pressing yet another button on the control panel she parted the curtains behind us with gusto, "...You can use this one! Follow me, if you please, my King and Queen!"

She led us past the curtain, into a small alcove. A doorway on the other side was marked, "King Danielle and Queen Mary - Private".

We entered an elegantly appointed vanity/dressing room/wardrobe. Dual porcelain sinks were appointed with gold fixtures. The vanity stools were delicate gold-plated wrought iron frames with silken cushions. Across the room were three more doors. Two enclosed private commodes and bidets - - the third was a large shower over a Jacuzzi tub and steam bath. The large built-in wardrobes held a selection of outfits we could change into as the need dictated.

As Mary and I squealed with delight, Janelle, gushed, "You have no idea how difficult it was to get all this done in secret! I thought you'd discover it last night, for sure! But you two were so engrossed with each other, you didn't even notice that this whole area was draped off! I'm so happy you love it!"

She hugged us tightly and left to attend to the numerous guests still filing in.

"I'm not so sure I qualify for the title 'King Danielle' anymore, Mary," I giggled and pouffed out my skirts.

She wrapped her loving arms around me and whispered back, "You may be as gorgeous and feminine as any woman to ever grace these premises, Danielle - - and getting more so by the minute - - but you'll always be my King. I love you so much!"

That settled that!

We entered the private toilet marked 'Queen Mary'. My bladder was so full my back teeth were floating! I still had enough 'gentleman' buried somewhere inside to let Mary sit first. I suppose we could have used the separate facilities but it was so much more fun peeing together! I stood looking down on her as the gushing sound of her urine splashed into the bowl. She looked up with that special 'look' I had come to know so well. She grinned and spread her thighs wide. I hiked my skirts and slipped out of my gaff. I straddled her lap.

My pee sloshed and splashed against her pussy while her steaming-hot pee sterilized my cock. How decadent is that? I finally stood to give her access and she eagerly laved me squeaky clean.

I returned the compliment and observed, "I might have to bottle your pee-pee and serve it at our table! It's so much finer than the Pinot Noir we've been drinking!" I exclaimed, as I eagerly lapped Mary's pussy.

'No sense wasting toilet tissue.' I mused silently.

"Mmmm ... then we should bottle yours, as well, Lover!" she replied, as she licked her lips.

After freshening up with the array of all our favorite cosmetics Janelle had thoughtfully provided, we returned to our table.

Mary asked, "Dani-Girl, would you mind if I invited a few friends to join us. This huge table is just screaming to be occupied by more than just the two of us!"

"Not at all, my love! In fact, I'm anxious to meet your friends. I hope they'll become my friends, too!"

Mary looked at the control panel and found a button marked, "Hostess Station". Janelle responded instantly, "Hi Partner...Watcha' need?"

"Sweetie, ask Emily, Nicole, Joel, and Tommy to join us, please."

"Right away, my Queen!" Janelle replied.

Just as the lights on stage were dimming, Janelle escorted Mary's friends to our 'throne' and seated them with panache. She introduced me to the four and poured wine for everyone.

As it turned out, Emily and Nicole were a couple, as were Joel and Tommy. All four were in their mid twenty's ... basically the same age as Mary and me. We hit it off instantly. Mary and I sat next to each other. Tommy sat to my left - - Joel next to him. Emily sat next to Mary - - Nicole next to her. Joel and Tommy looked handsome in their tuxedos, ruffled shirts, and cummerbunds. Emily and Nicole looked positively ravishing in their short and flirty cocktail dresses. Mary hugged Emily and Nicole and gave them wet, tonguey kisses. Joel and Tommy hugged and kissed me lightly on the lips. It just seemed so natural!

~ - ~ -

The primary thing that keeps everyone coming back for more, night after night, to Kings and Queens, was the floor show. Of course the main dining room, which could seat three hundred diners, served elegant four-star haute cuisine and was always booked solid. The two dozen private dining cabanas surrounding the main dining room were always booked, as well. Strategically placed monitors insured that everyone had an optimal view of the stage.

But it was the floorshow that was the big draw. It was never the same two nights in a row. The 'Production Manager', Butch Cassidy - - I swear that's his true name - - had over forty years in theatrical production. Mostly as a Female Impersonator. He was internationally known. He ran the productions at Kings and Queens with military precision. He designed and fabricated most of the costumes. He constructed the stage sets. He fine-tuned the lighting and sound. And ... did I forget to mention ... he also performed in many of the skits! He was worth his weight in gold!

Besides impersonating many famous actresses and singers, albeit by lip-syncing to their biggest hits, there were lots of vaudevillian sketches, all with predictable transvestite and fetishistic themes.

Tonight's opening mini-drama featured Butch Cassidy as the prototypical spinster schoolmarm - - almost six-foot tall, skinny, exaggerated bosom, hair pulled into a tight bun, and wearing nose-pinching wire-rimmed glasses. He wore an extremely tight gray pencil skirt with a hem that fell below his knees. It was so tight the outline of his garters could be seen. It was obvious he wore a very tight and confining elasticized girdle rather then a more risqué garter belt. He wore sensible court shoes with a one-inch heel.

As he sat behind his desk, absent the modesty panel, with his knees primly crossed, the three-inch wide lace hem of his pale-pink slip was clearly visible. His slip was also visible underneath his pleated, high-collar, ruffle-trimmed, cream-colored rayon blouse. He sat there, tapping his pencil impatiently - - obviously waiting for someone.

Alana, Butch's 'naughty' pupil du jour, entered from stage-right. She was wearing a mid-thigh length pleated tartan plaid skirt which was secured by a pair of burgundy suspenders, a starched white dress-shirt with a long pointed collar, a burgundy silk necktie, white knee-high ribbed socks, and black patent leather Mary Jane shoes with a half-inch heel. As she swished into the 'classroom', her skirt flared enough to reveal her hot-pink ruffle-trimmed petti-panties. Her virgin-white lace-trimmed satin bra gleamed under her shirt. She was the quintessential Catholic School-Girl.

Although the entire sketch was performed in pantomime, with dramatic mood music for emphasis, no one in the audience had any trouble deciphering the 'story line'. Alana approached Teacher's desk with a demure and contrite look on her face. As Teacher soundly reprimanded her, shaking his index finger in Alana's face, her contrite expression turned to one of abject fear. Her 'sin' became all too clear as Teacher raised the hem of Alana's skirt and accusingly pointed to her very sexy but unauthorized petti-panties.

Alana held her skirt at waist level and turned to the audience. She flicked the ruffles adorning the hem of her panties. She was obviously pleading for the support of the audience. Of course, none was forthcoming. In fact, there were lots of "tsk, tsk's" and "tutt, tutt's" - - the crowd's way of showing their disdain that a proper young Catholic School-Girl would dare to wear such an 'indecent' item of lingerie!

Teacher, with well-practiced authority ... and much relish ... sat on a side chair. Butch forcefully pulled Alana's petti-panties down to her knees and turned Alana to face the audience so that her teeny-weeny flaccid cock and balls were revealed to all! Loud feigned gasps could be heard rippling through the crowd. Before pulling Alana over his lap, Teacher grabbed an eighteen inch ruler from his desk and tapped it against Alana's over-sized clitty and balls. Alana feigned pain, discomfort, and embarrassment. Her eyes pleaded with both Teacher and the audience, to no avail.

As she lay across Teacher's lap her legs began to flail involuntarily, certain in the knowledge of what was to come. Teacher tapped his ruler lightly, almost lovingly, on Alana's silky-smooth and naturally pink cheeks. Alana looked again to the audience for help!

"Boo!" "Spank her good!" "Make it glow!" was all she heard. She looked devastated.

Without warning, Teacher lowered the boom!




The smacks resounded through the eerily silent showroom. Alana's legs were kicking and flailing madly. The blows which rained down on her unprotected bottom were unmerciful and unrelenting. She was held firmly in place by Teacher's strong arm across her back. With nowhere to go, she could only endure the awful stinging swats which were by now raising noticeable red splotches on her sweet cheeks!

The punishment continued non-stop for five minutes save for a couple of 'time-outs' which Teacher used to gently caress Alana's pert little bottom and revel in his handiwork. Alana showed a look of relief and pure joy when her spanking concluded and Teacher lovingly massaged a soothing cream into the tender flesh of her buttocks and, by the way, deep inside her pretty rosette.

As he helped Alana from his lap, Teacher once again faced her toward the crowd and used what little lotion was left on his hand to massage her tiny clitty-cock to full erection ... almost two-inches!

The sketch concluded with Teacher directing Alana to step out of her sexy hot-pink petti-panties and into a very plain pair of white full-cut cotton briefs. As Alana demurely exited stage-left, Teacher, with his face blushing guiltily, raised his own skirt and slip, stepped into the sexy petti-panties, and smoothed them lovingly over his girdled loins.

The lights dimmed and the crowd went delirious. It was a standing ovation which lasted a good two minutes. When the pandemonium finally subsided, recorded big-band music began. Joelle strutted onto center stage and, as the perfect 'Carol Channing', threw herself into a slow and sensual rendition of "I Enjoy Being A Girl". Her slinky gold lamé gown was slit to her thigh and complimented her platinum chin-length razor-straight hair. Her amazing impersonation generated yet another standing ovation from a very appreciative audience.

Act Three featured Victoria, Lynette, and Teri performing a skit in the living room of a family home. Victoria portrayed the prototypical 'bad-little-boy', dressed in an adorable Little Lord Fauntleroy suit. The little devil maddeningly and continuously lifted 'Little Girl' Lynette's yellow taffeta party dress and frothy petticoats to have a peek at her ruffled, lacey nylon panties. Each time 'he' mercilessly teased her she stamped her feet and squealed for 'him' to stop.

Her cries and pleadings were eventually heard by 'his' mother, Teri. 'Mom', a marvelous June Cleaver look-alike, ceremoniously dragged him off to Lynette's bedroom where he was stripped naked.

Even though the entire crowd knew what was about to befall naughty Little Lord Fauntleroy, the cheers and applause were deafening as, in the span of two minutes, 'he' was forced into shiny white tights, panties, petticoats, and a party dress, all in pink, which matched Lynette's oh-so girly outfit.

The skit concluded as several more party-going 'children' joined the red-faced, sissified 'boy', and his sister, for her birthday celebration. Naturally 'Mom', much to the delight of little girl Lynette and her friends, encouraged all the children to lift Little Lord Fauntleroy's skirts and expose his pretty panties! The standing ovation which followed shook the room to its timbers!

To be continued ...

A note to all my appreciative readers: This three-part story is complete. Part three is ready to be submitted and will be posted per Nifty's guidelines. Have patience.

Copyright 2006

All Rights Reserved

In the tradition begun by Fred Gingerman, one of the brightest authors to grace this site, and one of my favorites, I offer, for your perusal, my other stories on nifty:

"The Ranch Hand" - - TG - -Authoritarian

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 1" - - TG - - Teen

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 2" - - TG - - Teen

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 3" - - TG - - Teen

"Faster, Bennie! Faster!" - - TG - - tv

"So This Guy Walks Into A Bar ... Part 1" - - TG - - tv

Next: Chapter 3

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