So This Guy Walks into a Bar

By simonne danielle

Published on Jan 29, 2009


"Simonne Danielle's - So This Guy Walks Into A Bar... Part 1"

By: Simonne Danielle

Copyright 2006

All Rights Reserved

Please be mindful - - This is FANTASY: "Fancy; imagination; especially, a whimsical or fanciful conception; a vagary of the imagination; whim; caprice; humor."

Got it?



~ - ~ -

"So This Guy Walks Into A Bar"...

Can you imagine how many jokes and stories begin with that opener ... thousands! Okay, so it's not the most original phrase ... But it sure seems to capture the imagery I've tried to paint.

When an attractive man meets an attractive woman in a bar lots of things can happen. How many of you would say, "Been there, done that?"

I'd bet my last buck that not very many have done what Dan and Mary do. But, then again, this is fantasy! So I'd probably loose!

Sexual adventures, theatrical adventures, gender-bending adventures, barroom adventures, and ... oh, did I mention Sexual Adventures? Have I got your attention?

~ - ~ -

It was the sunshine streaming through the solid mahogany shutters which covered the large bedroom window that awakened me. It had been a rough night. Mary's arms were still wrapped tightly around my waist, her body pressing snugly against the entire length of my backside. I could feel her beginning to stir.

She cooed in my ear, "Good morning, Lover," as she began caressing my naked chest and then lower to my stomach and finally to my rock-hard morning stiffy. God, even her 'morning breath' was pure ambrosia! As she sensuously stroked my cock, she ground her humongous D-cups into my back and her lusciously wide hips into my ass.

'Oh shit, it feels like she's trying to fuck me!' I imagined - - all the while enjoying this sensual wake-up call.

"Mmmm, that feels sooo good!" I moaned, as I shot yet another gargantuan load into her silky palm.

"And it tastes sooo good, too!" she giggled, smearing a copious glob across my lips and into my mouth. She brought her hand to her own mouth - - licking the sticky-sweet remnants from her fingers and palm.

"I just adore the taste of your cum, Dan! I can't get enough of it! And, I love being able to share it with you ... It's just sooo ... sooo sinfully intimate ... Don't you think?"

I had to admit she was dead-balls-on! Until I met Mary a little over three weeks ago, the thought of lapping up my own love juices had never entered my mind. Now it had become a pleasant apres-fuck which Mary insistently and routinely served up.

~ - ~ -

And so, on that fateful night three weeks ago, I walked into a bar and met Mary. I initially saw her sitting at the opposite end of the bar with a girlfriend. She had the most beautiful face I had ever laid eyes on. Her figure was full - - maybe twenty pounds over-weight, but perfectly proportioned to her five-foot, six-inch height. There was an instant attraction the first time our eyes locked onto each other. Within seconds, she had left her girlfriend in the dust, sauntered down to my end of the bar, and settled herself onto the empty barstool next to me.

"I love your pony tail!" were the first words she uttered to me as she playfully ran her fingers through my chocolate-brown locks.

"Mary Whitney." she introduced herself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mary Whitney. Dan ... Dan Simonson."

I couldn't help being impressed by her firm grip - - like two men shaking hands - - not at all like the feminine and demure handshake I had expected. I liked that. I liked it a lot!

I liked the way she gently touched my arm or my shoulder each time she wanted to emphasize a point. I also liked the way she rested her hand on my thigh when there was a lull in the conversation. I really liked the sexually suggestive innuendos which seemed to be an integral part of her banter.

When I told her what I did for a living, she was even more impressed that I had the "courage", as she put it, to keep my hair as long as it was. It was long - - falling to my shoulder blades. The fact that I made millions of dollars a year for the investment firm where I worked went a long way towards keeping the 'powers-that-be' from enforcing their inviolable corporate dress code where I was concerned.

We stayed at the bar until closing. We were more than a little toasted. We were more than a little horny! When we slid off our barstools to leave I felt the old familiar twinge of concern that Mary, like most women I dated, was taller than me. In her heels she stood a good three inches taller than my five-foot-five. She out-weighed my hundred and twenty pounds by at least twenty pounds and my twenty-three inch waist was tiny compared to hers. She looked down on my diminutive stature and smiled a knowing smile.

"If it wasn't for these damn heels we'd be about the same height. No matter, I think you're adorable, Dan."

"Maybe I should put on a pair of high heels to even things out," I joked.

"What size do you wear? I could always loan you a pair," Mary retorted, with a 'look' that said she was actually thinking about it!

'Hey, if my height doesn't bother her, I'm not gonna let it bother me!' I thought.

Anyway, a lot of the women I dated were taller than me. My witty personality and self-confidence were more than enough to compensate for my short stature and had always won them over.

There was no 'your place or mine' discussion. I headed to my condo at the beach as if we had been together all our lives. It was closer than her place, which was some thirty minutes away, and neither of us wanted to waste precious minutes. It would be no problem retrieving her car in the morning.

As we drove, she had her hands on my cock the entire time. She had her tongue buried deep into my ear as she whispered hungrily ...

"I can't wait to wrap my lips around your cock and swallow the huge load of cum I know you can deliver!"

She seemed a little obsessed as she rambled on ...

"I just adore swallowing! I'm praying that your cum tastes as good as your intoxicating cologne smells!"

Her salacious monologue was as intimidating as it was exhilarating!

I couldn't believe my luck! This was turning into a wet-dream come true! Her royal-blue, full-skirted, softly-pleated cocktail dress was riding high on her generous thighs. The creamy white flesh above the tops of her nylons gleamed each time we passed under a street light. Her black satin garters sparkled in the light from the dashboard of my Mercedes. Her luscious tits looked like twin 'Yule Brenner's' spilling out from the dress' low cut neckline. She grabbed my right hand and jammed it firmly into the crotch of her sopping wet silk panties.

"You CAN drive one-handed, can't you, Lover?" She was moaning with lust-filled desire!

I found her aggressive attitude refreshing and very stimulating. I had never met anyone quite as assertive and self-assured. I was unaccustomed to being with a woman who instinctively and immediately took command. I found myself totally at a loss to do or say anything which would reveal the macho attitude I had always displayed with other women in my life.

Each time I feverishly bucked my hips to let her know I was about to shoot my wad she stopped manhandling me and said, "I know baby, I know! Let's wait 'til we get home ... I don't want to lose one precious drop on these expensive leather seats!"

Meanwhile, she continued to grind her slippery crotch into my hand. She probably got herself off three or four times during the ten-minute drive to my beachfront condo.

After I pulled into my attached garage and before I even turned off the ignition she was all over me. Her mouth covered mine and her tongue invaded my lips like a whaler's harpoon. We untangled from each other's embrace and eventually made our way to my king-size bed, stripping one another's clothing along the route - - leaving a trail of garments from the garage entrance in the kitchen to the foot of my bed.

The love we made that first night was the most passionate and intense I had ever experienced ... up to that point in my twenty-four years, anyway! Being true to her word, she went down on my cock and sucked me dry - - not losing one precious drop - - swallowing my entire load into her belly! I could taste the remains of my ejaculate on her mouth - - definitely a new experience for me! The very idea of kissing a woman after she had blown me had always been a definite no-no.


~ - ~ -

For the past few weeks we have been inseparable. Either I'd stay at her place or she'd stay at mine. We're the same age. Unlike me, she had been divorced after only eighteen months of a miserable marriage. Thank god she had no kids. She worked for a movie studio in an upper-management position. Her job had lots of perks, she told me, including invitations to private pre-release screenings, lots of swag, and occasional junkets out of the country. She made a very good living but not as much as I made as a fund manager for a prestigious investment firm. In fact, I wondered how she managed to live such an opulent lifestyle. When I asked, she was a bit vague but hinted at 'other' sources of income.

Best of all, I thought, we were compatible in every respect - - politically, socially, economically, and sexually. We had even begun exercising together at my gym. She was determined to lose those twenty extra pounds that I had never mentioned but which she knew she should lose.

I was dumbfounded that I found her sexual aggressiveness absolutely addicting. In every other aspect of our relationship, we discussed alternatives and came to a mutual agreement before making decisions. I was under no misconceptions, however, when it came to our sex life. Mary was definitely in control.

I was still licking my cum off my lips when she rolled me over to face her. She ground her enormous tits into my chest and her pussy against my cock. She had this amazing ability to get me hard again within minutes. We could fuck three times before getting out of bed most mornings!

We were coming up on our 'One Month Anniversary'. I had been promising myself, and Mary, that I'd figure out something special to celebrate the event. She kept telling me not to worry about it - - that we'd figure out something. In the brief time we had been dating I had learned that anytime she used the "We" word, it really meant the "She" word.

As much as Mary loved it when I went down on her exquisitely delicious pussy, I loved it even more! I could eat her for hours at a time, several times a day! This morning she wanted to fuck. Who was I to deny her? She rolled on top of me, straddling my thighs. She played with my 'Mini-Me' until it was stretched to its full eight inches before impaling her juicy cunt in one forceful lunge. She rocked her hips back and forth, rather than side to side. She knew exactly how to stimulate her clit against the rock-hardness of my shaft while I just lay there enjoying the look of pure lust in her eyes each time she came. She was cumming for the third time as I shot my second load in less than ten minutes deep into her womb!

"Oooh Dan, you are the most amazing Lover! Nobody has ever been able to get me off this many times. I can't get enough of you!"

She scootched along my torso on her knees until her dripping pussy was directly above my mouth. Her thighs trapped my arms. Her juices and mine drizzled onto my lips.

"Open wide, baby! You've never had a treat like this ... it's about time."

It's true. I had never eaten a pussy after cumming inside one.

"You said you wanted to give me something special for our one month anniversary'! Now's your chance! It's called a 'Cream Pie' and it would be just sooo special to know you care for me enough to eat me after flooding my pussy with your cream!"

Her husky voice had a demanding urgency. Once again, who was I to deny this goddess?

I parted my lips just as a large dollop of creamy goo escaped her pussy. It landed on my tongue and slithered to the back of my throat. I swallowed, not really tasting its essence. As she lowered her pussy to my gaping mouth, she left me no choice but to begin lapping at her fount. I could feel her pussy contracting repeatedly. Our combined love-cocktail was jetting into my mouth in forceful spurts. I lapped. I sucked. I nibbled on her engorged clit like it was a tiny cock! She came another three times! I loved the taste!

"Ooooh!" She looked down on me, her eyes boring holes through mine. "Now that's what I call 'something special'! I couldn't have asked for anything better! Happy early anniversary." she hissed. "How'd you like it, Lover?"

"Oh baby, if you had told me three weeks ago that I'd be sucking my cum from your pussy AND loving it, I'd have said you were nuts!" I declared. "Mary, it was amazing! You're amazing!"

Mary had this far-away look in her eyes - - a 'look' that I had come to learn meant she was thinking something kinky.

"What?" I hesitantly asked.

"Oh nothing." she responded. "I just think there's something really, really special about a man who's so willing to eat his own cum from a freshly fucked pussy. Maybe there's more to you than either of us realizes."

She rolled off me, lying on her back, propped up by pillows. I lightly kissed her pussy, both her distended nipples, and, finally, her sweet mouth before I rolled off my side of the bed, intending to head for the shower. I was still a little confounded by what I had just done and wondering what she meant by "more to you than either of us realizes".

As my feet hit the carpet, I inadvertently stepped on her panty - - a black satiny-nylon string bikini. The cool slippery nylon felt weirdly tantalizing as I wiggled my toes and the soles of my feet on the wispy material. Mary looked over the edge of the bed and saw my foot sliding back and forth against the undies she had so hastily discarded the night before.

"They do feel good, don't they," she idly commented, reading my mind.

I squeezed my toes together, gripping the light-as-air garment and raised the dainty wisp to my hand. I started to hand them to her but hesitated long enough to finger the silky nylon and lace edging.

"Mmmm! They do feel nice."

I leaned over and tickled her nipples with the silky material.

"How can something so delicate and light provide any support?"

"You're so silly, Dan! Girls don't need support! We need coverage! Now you, on the other hand, definitely need support!" she joked as she hefted my cock and balls.

"These don't look sturdy enough to support my equipment." I half-heartedly challenged.

"You'd be surprised, Lover. Why don't you try 'em on? I'll bet they'll even look cuter on you than on me!"

She was half joking but then again ... there was that 'look'.

Not being one to refuse a challenge, I stepped into the delicate intimate garment and settled them into place. My recently disgorged package was easily held comfortably and securely. The immediate sensation I felt was the cool and slippery caress of silk against my cock and balls and, especially, my rump. Mary's hands went to those two sensitive areas - - one hand massaging my cock and balls - - the other my ass cheeks. Even the crusty gusset, evidence of last night's prelude to sex, felt delicious against my scrotum. I went into sensory overload! I started getting hard ... again!

"Someone likey, I think!" she teased.

It wasn't an accusatory or demeaning tone. It was simply a statement of the obvious.

"Not just someone!" I retorted. "SomeTHING! 'Little Danny' likey ... a lot! Where have these been all my life?"

Mary was continuing to caress me ... in all the right places. 'Little Danny' was poking his engorged purple head above the lacey waistband.

I left her laying in bed and headed for the shower. Today was a workday, after all, at least for me. Mary had the day off.

"Cute ass!" she called out after me.

As I walked back to the bedroom after showering, I had her panties dangling from my index finger. I tossed them to her as I began selecting my own underwear from my dresser. She tossed them back. They bounced off my butt and fell to the floor.

"Why don't you wear mine today? The thought of you wearing them at work, all hard and excited, would absolutely make my day!"

"Sure! Why not? Might be interesting, at that."

I finished dressing and kissed her warmly before heading out to fight the investment battles I knew were waiting to assault me. It was Friday and all I could think about was spending the weekend with Mary!

I was reminded of the black satin panty more times than I could count as I went about waging war with the financial markets. The panties didn't interfere with my battles. If anything, they enhanced them! Several times, I found myself with my hands in the back pockets of my dress slacks, caressing and squeezing my silk-covered ass cheeks as I stood chatting with co-workers and clients. A pervasive theme kept running through my brain - - 'I could get used to this!'

Mary was home when I got there. She did have her own key, after all! She had my usual vodka gimlet waiting as I arrived precisely at five-thirty.

"How was your day, Lover?"

"Delicious comes to mind." I answered in a conspiratorial tone.

"Delicious?" she asked. "That's an interesting turn of a phrase. Let me guess. My panties drove you wild!" she giggled.

"Not really wild, actually. But I sure knew I was wearing something different ... and very delicious!"

"I couldn't stop thinking about you wearing them, Lover. I was wet all day. I had to do something ... something really special!"

She rose from the sofa and headed to my bedroom.

"Wait here. I'll be right back."

I leaned back into the sofa, sipped my gimlet, and enjoyed the spectacular ocean view off my back deck. That spectacular ocean view was rapidly taking a distant second place to the view I enjoyed of Mary's gorgeous ass as she sauntered out of the room.

Seconds later she returned, carrying a bright pink shopping bag from one of the finest women's lingerie boutiques in the city. She rushed to my side, placing the bag between us. Her knee-length skirt rose indecently, exposing the tops of her stockings. At that moment I was more interested in what was inside her thighs than what was inside the shopping bag.

"Stop looking at my legs! God, you're incorrigible! Look in the bag. It's all for you! Happy Anniversary, Lover!"

I set my drink on the burl wood coffee table and gingerly pried open the edges of the bag. The moment my fingers touched the silky contents I had no doubt what was inside. One by one I withdrew two dozen pair of the silkiest, laciest panties - - each one a replica of the bikini-style panty I was still wearing and in every color of the rainbow!

As I held up each pair to examine them in detail, Mary exclaimed, "I knew you'd love them! I just knew it! Don't you just adore them? Promise you'll wear a different color each day ... just for me ... Please? It's such a huge turn-on!"

"Don't worry!" I answered, almost squealing like a bride-to-be at her bridal shower, "I'll wear them alright ... but not just for you! I'll wear them for me, too! I can't describe how fantastic they made me feel all day!"

She was giddy with unbridled joy - - hugging me, squeezing me, kissing me, licking me!

I reached for my briefcase on the floor and opened it. I retrieved a shopping bag similar to the one Mary had given me, but from a different boutique.

"Happy Anniversary to you too, Lover!"

She was bug-eyed as she dove in. One by one she discovered two dozen pair of panties, also in the same style as the pair she had generously loaned me this morning. But that wasn't all. As she continued to unearth her treasure, she was treated to matching bras, camisoles, and garter belts! It had cost me a small fortune but what the fuck! If this new kink in our relationship was gonna give us so much joy, it was worth it!

"Ohmigawd!" she exclaimed. "You are so awesome! I can't believe you did this! You are the most wonderful ... most adorable ... most generous ... I've never met anyone like you! I love everything! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

The couch, the coffee table, and the floor were littered with piles of lingerie.

She rolled to her left, hiking her skirt and straddling my lap in one fluid movement. I reached to undo my belt and slacks. She was preoccupied hugging and kissing me like a school girl who'd just been invited to her first prom! Her tongue probed my mouth and my ears. With my slacks around my ankles and her skirt hiked to her waist, she ferociously ground her silky panties against my panty-clad rock hard cock. Our juices mingled and within seconds we had both cum with unimaginable force!

For the next hour we sipped cocktails and snipped price tags from all our new dainties. It was fun. Mary decided we should celebrate by going out to dinner. I showered and returned to the bedroom to dress. Mary had our entire collection of lingerie spread out on the bed. I flopped onto the bed and smothered myself in the mountain of luxurious silkies.

"Damn!" I moaned. "I can't believe how fantastic all this shit feels against my body! It's the most amazing feeling! You wear these things all the time? How do you get through the day? If I was wearing these panties and everything else all day I'd be cumming all over myself! In fact, I almost did today at work!" I sheepishly admitted.

I was grabbing handfuls of delicate silk and nylon and lace - - rubbing them all over my body - - licking my lips with licentious lust! My cock was as hard as it had ever been. When I saw my raging bone drooling pre-cum, I scooped it off and licked my fingers as Mary looked on - - her eyes bulging out of their sockets.

She had a look which begged the question, 'What sort of monster have I created?'

"In that case ... why waste the opportunity?" she asked coyly.

"What're you talking about?" I asked.

"Shush! ... Just listen to me! As long as we're going out to dinner to celebrate ... why not really make it special? Here ... try this!"

She proceeded to select various delicacies from the huge pile of lingerie scattered on the bed.

"One for you ... One for me ... One for you ... One for me..." she hummed in that seductive, sing-song manner she liked to use to tease me.

In no time at all she had selected lingerie ... for both of us. Panties, garter belts, and camisoles.

"Naturally, I'll need a bra. You can wear one too ... if you want to!" She had a devilish grin on her face.

In obvious response to the confused and questioning look on my face, she stated, matter-of-factly, "What? Can't you imagine how much fun we'll have, and how special it'll be, knowing we're dressed in matching lingerie? It'll be like our little secret. No one will know ... except you and me, of course!"

What could I say? I'd already spent the day wearing her satin panties ... and, enjoyed every minute of it! The thought of being out with this goddess of kink, while wearing matching silkies, was too much temptation to pass up.

I capitulated, "Sounds like a plan to me! Let's do it! You're such a kinky little devil!"

I slipped on a pair of fire-engine red bikinis and a matching lace-trimmed camisole. The feel of the silky nylon caressing my chest, butt, and my cock and balls made me feel light-headed. Mary donned a matching set ... only hers was fuchsia. She wrapped a matching garter belt around her waist, tucking the ruffled satin garters under her panties. As she reached into her overnight bag for a new packet of silver-gray nylons, she asked, "You really should wear nylons too, Lover. You won't believe how great they feel on your legs! And, what a lovely pair of legs you have!"

'In for a penny ... In for a pound,' I figured.


Why not?" as I wrapped the matching garter belt around my waist. "I don't suppose you have a pair of stockings to go with this stuff!"

Silly question!

She dug back into her magic overnighter and ceremoniously waived a package of black, seamed wispy nylons in my face. "A girl has always got to be prepared for any contingency!"

I found myself mimicking her feminine movements as I donned the dainty, but oh-so constricting, garter belt. I gathered my nylons into little donuts before slipping them over my size five tootsies and smoothing them up my legs. I even crossed my legs in that feminine manner I had seen her use to tease me so many times! Clipping the garter tabs for the first time was a bit cumbersome but with Mary's eager assistance we got them fastened. The jet black flavor of my nylons actually camouflaged the wispy but dark hair on my legs.

"Tsk ... tsk," she muttered, as she fussed with my seams and stroked my nylon-clad calves and thighs. "We'll have to do something with these hairy legs! No girl would ever be seen in public with a forest of hair like this!"

"I'll be wearing dress slacks, for chrissake! Who's gonna see my legs, anyway?" I whined.

"That's not the point, Lover! I'll know ... and, you'll know! It just looks so icky! Oh well, next time we'll prepare you better so you'll feel more lady-like! Maybe next time you'll be wearing a skirt or dress! Who knows?"

She lovingly patted the obvious bulge in my panties. "Mmmm, feels sooo good!" she cooed. Her incessant teasing went right over my head. I was enjoying other sensations!

'Me - - feel more lady-like? Oh well, dressed like this, I guess she does have a point!' I thought, smiling to myself.

When she tucked her massive D-cups into her bra and slid the camisole over her head, I felt a twinge of envy. She caught me staring and giggled. "You still have time to change your mind and wear a bra to go with the rest of your lingerie!" she half-joked.

If I had anything to fill the cups, I would have worn the matching bra! I was definitely getting into this whole kinky scene. As it was, the panties and camisole, not to mention my nylons, were probably gonna keep me in a pronounced state of excitement all night long.

I slipped on a pair of light beige dress slacks, a pale yellow polo shirt, and a pair of cordovan alligator loafers. As I reached for my Rolex, Mary stopped me.

"Oooh, Dan, You look way too scrumptious to wear something as masculine as that heavy man's Rolex. Try this."

She handed me a spare wristwatch from her jewelry bag ... a woman's Yves St. Laurent with a delicate gold band encrusted with diamonds. It was actually a bit large and flopped loosely on my wrist.

"There, that's much better!" she cooed. "Let's see what other goodies I can find in this bag."

She dug out three very feminine cocktail rings and a gold necklace which matched my watchband. She secured the clasp of my necklace and opened the buttons of my polo shirt. The necklace draped suggestively against my bare chest, almost touching the barely exposed lace trim of my camisole.

"Too bad you only have one ear pierced, Lover. I have a lovely pair of earrings which match the rest of your jewelry!" she teased.

She did manage to find a yellow scrunchie to replace the simple rubber band I normally used to tie off my pony tail. She also retied it higher up towards the crown of my head.

"Cute ... very cute!" she declared.

When I looked at myself in the full-length mirrors covering the sliding doors of my closet I was more than a little shocked. The lightweight slacks and shirt left no doubt as to what was underneath!

"Uhh ... Mary ... I can't go out looking like this ... I can see everything ... all my lingerie ... my stockings ... everything! Don't you think it's a bit much?" I lifted the cuffs of my slacks. "I should probably put on a pair of socks, too."

"Of course you can see everything, Lover! That's the whole idea! And ... you look positively delicious! Only a REAL guy would be willing to wear such pretty undies to please his woman! I want everyone to know that I'm with someone who's willing to wear whatever I ask ... just to please me! C'mon ... it'll be a kick! We're gonna have so much fun tonight. Besides, where I'm taking you for dinner ... it won't really matter!" she added, mysteriously. We piled into Mary's Jaguar.

~ - ~ -

It took almost forty-five minutes to drive to the place. It was actually pretty close to Mary's home. Even though it was nighttime I could see that the place was situated on a large parcel of land on the very peak of the mountains circling the city and was surrounded by huge oaks and pines. The building seemed huge.

It took a few minutes but we finally found an empty space in the crowded parking lot. The sign in front was lit up like a Vegas hotel. It read "Kings and Queens". I could hear the pounding beat of salsa music. Couples were filing in, hand-in-hand, obviously eager to get a decent table. Mary reached into the back seat of her Jaguar convertible and handed me a red leather purse, albeit, a rather androgynous purse, but a purse nonetheless.

"You can put your wallet and keys in this. We don't want any unnecessary bulges messing up the lines of that fine ass of yours. I know it's not very feminine but it'll still look cute hanging off your shoulder."

So, taking a deep breath, I walked into this bar. 'Was I gonna be the butt of the thousands of jokes which began with that overused introduction?' I pondered nervously.

The place was packed. "We're never gonna get a place to sit ... even the bar is jammed!" I lamented.

Mary just gave me the 'look'. The hostess greeted Mary like they were sisters.

"Mary! You made it! How wonderful!" she exclaimed. Then, looking me up and down with obvious approval, "This gorgeous creature must be that 'Someone Special' you've been bragging about for the past month!"

Mary introduced me to Janelle Trent, a six-foot-three - actually five-eleven without her heels - statuesque caramel-skinned beauty in a gold lamé figure-hugging evening gown. The low cut bodice barely contained her D-cup tits - - Shit! Half her areolas were exposed! Her gown was slit in the front, almost to her crotch - - her gorgeous legs, gartered nylons, and lusciously wide hips commanded instant attention.

Janelle, towering above me by a good ten inches, bent at the knees and gave me a hug like she'd known me all my life.

"I love your necklace, Dan. And your watch is to die for! By the way, happy anniversary!"

I felt more than a little self-conscious as I graciously accepted the compliment and smiled.

To Mary, "Your table's waiting, Luv! Follow me!"

Janelle led us through the throng of patrons. When she seated us at a reserved table next to a stage, we certainly got our share of envious stares! I felt like a celebrity. Mary took it all in stride. The bright lights from the overhead spots were shining down on us. I looked down at my lap.

'Oh shit!' I thought. 'I really can see my garters and my black nylons right through these lightweight slacks!' Not only that, my pull-over shirt did nothing to hide my red lace-trimmed camisole - - if anything, it emphasized it! And my panties! Everyone could see my red bikinis! Delicate lace trim and all!

Mary immediately sensed my apprehension and sudden panic. "Don't worry your pretty little head, Lover. You're not alone in here!" Mary comforted me, reading my thoughts.

As we waited for our cocktails, I had my first opportunity to really look around the cavernous room. What I saw amazed me. There were couples alright! Men cuddling with men - - women cuddling with women - - and men ... obviously men ... wearing glamorous and outrageous evening gowns, cocktail dresses, even very sexy and revealing mini-skirts with low-cut tops! Some were more casually attired in 'Daisy Duke' short-shorts! I mean shorts with a capital 'S'! Their ass cheeks were exposed for the entire world to see! Those who weren't cuddling were camping and vamping - - successfully calling attention to their outrageous appearance!

"Like what you see, Lover?" she smiled, with that familiar all-knowing 'look'. "I told you you're not alone!"

"What sort of place is this? I've never seen anything like it! And it's so huge!" I had to yell over the cacophony of dozens of customers trying to be heard at the same time.

"It's only the most popular female impersonator floorshow in the country, Lover!" She leaned into me. Her warm breath tantalizing my ear. "The drinks are phenomenal and the food's fantastic! But the floorshow - - well - - you just wait and see ..."

She toasted to 'us', raising her freshly arrived cocktail. I could do no less ... I toasted back, "To us!"

Patrons from nearby tables were waiving and yelling greetings to Mary and she acknowledged all of them, waiving back, blowing kisses - - all the while keeping her arm around my shoulder and pulling me close to her as if to say, "He's all mine folks ... Don't even think about making a play!"

Her kisses and sensuous licking of my ear was driving me wild! After she kissed my lips, she giggled and told me her lipstick looked better on me than on her. She gently covered my hand with hers as I reached for a cocktail napkin and playfully prevented me from wiping it off.

Her hand was sensuously caressing my thigh and crotch. My erection was more than obvious. I was embarrassed, yet highly aroused, as she continually snapped my garters, teasing me to an even higher state of arousal. My hand found its way to her exposed silky thigh. As usual, the hem of her short pleated dress had ridden high on her voluptuous thighs. I playfully snapped her garters in return and snaked my hand to her panties. They were still soaking wet. I had made them wet during the drive to the club! She was thrilled when I observed she was wearing the very same royal-blue silk dress she had worn the first night we met.

"How on earth did you ever find this place?" I asked, still taking in all the erotic activity going on around us.

"The truth is, Lover," she said with a sheepish grin, "I own this club. At least I own half of it. Janelle owns the other half. I sort of fibbed a little when I told you I work for a movie studio. I used to work there. Really, I did. But I gave that up when Janelle and I started this little venture. I hope you'll come to love it here as much as we do."

Everything started to fall into place. 'No wonder she was so eager to get me into her panties!' I thought.

Rather than ordering a heavy meal we snacked on an assortment of delightful, and mouth-watering, appetizers - - shrimp scampi, crab cakes, baby back ribs, and a lovely salad made with a variety of delicate baby greens and drizzled with a light raspberry vinaigrette dressing. My tumbler of vodka gimlet and Mary's crystal goblet of Pinot Noir never seemed to be empty.

~ - ~ -

Following a drum roll, the lights dimmed as the first floorshow of the evening began. It was a truly amazing show. The 'girls' impersonated just about every famous female singer and actress imaginable - - Dolly Parton, Cher, Mae West, Bette Davis, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland, even Dinah Shore! Just to name a few! And this was only the first show! Sure, they were lip-syncing, but they each had all the right moves, and had them down perfectly! It was like watching the real deal! Each performer made a point to sashay over to our table, hug Mary warmly, and tease me mercilessly. The spotlight was on us continuously. Mary was constantly snapping my garters or fiddling with the lace shoulder straps of my camisole, causing me no end of embarrassment! I loved it!

"Let's dance!" Mary squealed as soon as the first show ended.

Thumping, pounding music, provided by the house D.J., got the crowd going. We joined the masses on the postage-sized dance floor. Mary's hands were all over me - - caressing my chest, pinching my nipples, squeezing my ass, and groping my rock-hard rod! Everybody was doing the same with their respective partners! I began reciprocating - - groping her ass, her thighs, her crotch, her gorgeous tits.

I became even more aroused each time the spotlight caught her from behind. Her silk dress was sheer! And she wasn't wearing a slip! Backlit like that, she might as well not have been wearing the dress! I was drooling at the thought that we were wearing matching undies! She grabbed both my hands and began moving them along her hips and thighs. Her dress rode higher and higher. In true 'burlesque' tradition, she slowly raised the hem of her dress, exposing first the welts of her nylons, then her garters, and finally her lovely new fuchsia panties! Patrons began applauding, catcalling, and whistling. It was turning into a bawdy display and we were the center of attention!

As she held the hem of her dress at her waist, swishing it can-can style, I began caressing her panty-covered ass. She ground her crotch into mine. The wondrous scent of her pussy wafted to my nostrils. I wondered if she could smell the pre-cum which was starting to drool from the tip of my cock. She let the hem of her dress fall and grabbed me around the waist. Before I could react, or resist, she had yanked the hem of my polo shirt and raised it high on my chest. My pretty red satin camisole was fully exposed and the crowd went wild! Her hands roamed over my chest and back, causing hundreds of tiny shocks to tingle and electrify my skin. When she pinched my nipples, I just about creamed on the spot!

As we returned to our table several revelers patted me on the back, obviously thrilled to see Mary having such a hot time. I felt at least three pinches on my ass! It felt good!

"I need to pee, Mary. Where's the men's room?"

"Across the showroom, Lover. There's a men's room, a ladies room, and a third bathroom especially for girly-boys and the ladies who love them. I use that one. It's a riot in there. Wanna give a looksee?"

She grabbed my hand and reminded me to take my purse. "Swish a little for me, Lover. I love watching your ass wiggle. Besides," she giggled, "we wouldn't want anyone thinking you're a man 'crashing' the wrong restroom!"

Sooo, 'swish' I did ... right into 'no-man's land'! It was a riot in there! Every 'girl' was fighting for a space in front of the mirrors or standing in line waiting for a stall to free up. There were more squeals of delight and generous hugs for Mary ... and even me ... when we entered. It was like being at a Disneyland for adults! Several 'girls' stepped aside to allow Mary and me access to a couple of stalls. Mary beamed when I flatly refused to cut into line ahead of 'girls' who had been waiting longer.

It was obvious that one 'girl' was standing at the toilet to pee. We could see her feet pointing the wrong way! When she came out of the stall she had her dress hiked to her waist and was struggling to pull her way-to-tight panty girdle into place, Mary affectionately chided, "Sherry, that's not very lady-like!" Everyone giggled, including me.

When I finished doing my business, I joined Mary at the vanity counter as she touched up her war paint. I stood behind her, marveling at how adept she was at the art.

"Sit next to me, Lover! I'll only be another minute."

I sat on the very feminine, low-backed, wrought iron stool. It had a soft floral cushion, edged with delicate ruffles. When she finished, she swiveled my stool so I was facing her.

"Let me try some on you, Lover?" She saw the astonished look in my eyes. In return, she gave me her famous 'look' and said, "Please, please ... let me do this?"

I melted ... once again! As a sign of acquiescence, I offered her my pursed lips. She simply smiled, stuck her tongue between my lips, and whispered, "You know what? I'm falling in love with you!"

She grabbed my purse and dumped an array of cosmetics onto the vanity counter. I had no idea all that stuff was in there! Of course, I hadn't bothered to look!

"I had a feeling all this would come in handy tonight, Lover." she explained with that devilish grin on her face.

She spent the next ten minutes fussing and preening over my face. As she led me by the hand from the bathroom she asked, much to my total dismay, "Are you ready to make your debut, Danielle?"

The 'Danielle' reference didn't escape my notice. In truth ... I was feeling more like 'Danielle' than 'Dan' at the moment - - in fact, more like 'Danielle' with each passing moment since I had fallen under this lovely witch's spell!

When we arrived back at our table, it was obvious to everyone who could see me that my lashes had been thickened and lengthened with three coats of velvety black mascara, my eyelids had been colored in a blend of rust, yellow, and beige eye-shadow, and my eyes had been lined with black liquid eyeliner. My cheekbones were tinted with a soft rose blush, and my lips had been anointed with three coats of fire engine red lipstick topped by a glistening coat of clear lip-gloss. She had wanted to paint my short nails in red, to match my lipstick and lingerie, but said we'd miss most of the next show by the time they dried.

"Besides, we really should get you acrylic extensions if we're gonna do them properly. Anyway, you look absolutely adorable just the way you are!"

We stayed for the last two floorshows. I 'camped' and 'vamped' like all the rest of the 'girls' ... much to Mary's astonishment and utter delight! There was just something about being all 'girlyed-up" that forced me to 'camp'. Janelle and some of the performers sat with us for a nightcap at closing as the multitudes exited the club. The cast, waitresses, and waiters were one big happy family. And they all adored Mary and Janelle. They made me feel like I was part of their family.

On the drive home, at Mary's insistence and much to her delight, I had my face firmly buried in her pussy. How she managed to avoid crashing her Jag was a miracle I still don't understand! When I finally came up for air, two things surprised the shit out of me.

First, she had brought me to her luxurious home in the hills overlooking the city. And second, despite my insatiable muff-diving, my lipstick was still intact! Mary giddily explained that my lipstick was indelible, as was the rest of my make-up, and would probably last several days before wearing off. As for the reason she brought me to her home, she went on, "There's just one more surprise before we go to bed!"

'Will this dream ever end?' I mused. 'I certainly hope not!'

We entered Mary's cavernous living room arm in arm. She couldn't stop gushing about how well I got along with everyone - - how marvelous my dancing had been - - how naturally feminine I had been! She even suggested that I had a natural talent and could probably give most of the cast in the show a run for their money.

"I swear, Danielle, you really are missing your calling. I think you're wasting your time in the corporate world."

She demurely excused herself to "slip into something more comfortable" and asked me to fix Champagne cocktails. Once again, the "Danielle" reference didn't escape my notice. Dressed as I was, and in full war paint, I kind of liked my 'new' name - - at that moment it suited me to a 'T'!

I was sitting on Mary's twenty-foot sectional sofa, sipping contentedly on my Champagne cocktail. I had my legs crossed at the knee and my shoeless foot was swinging lazily. I was admiring the sight of my toes, visible through the silky opaqueness of my nylons! Mary descended the eight-foot wide curved staircase, a vision of loveliness the likes of which I had never seen.

The nightgown she wore was the most glamorous shade of pink - - floor-length and probably designed from fifty yards of cotton candy chiffon and satin. The matching peignoir was secured at the neckline by a single pearl button. The long, transparent chiffon sleeves ended at her wrists with three-inch wide satin cuffs fastened by six pearl buttons. Antique-white French lace adorned the ruffled satin collar, the hem, and the cuffs. The gown, itself, was full-skirted satin with three layers of chiffon overlay. The lace-trimmed satin spaghetti straps held the fitted bodice firmly. The empire waist permitted the four layers of wispy confection to float and swirl freely with every step she took. Antique-white three-inch mules trimmed in marabou completed the spectacular vision.

It was the most gorgeous garment I had ever seen. This was not a gown made for sleeping. It's sole purpose was for the not-so-gentle art of seduction! Considering all the events of the evening, I was instantly filled with mixed emotions - - absolute adoration of the vision standing before me and an equally absolute envy that it was her and not me enveloped in that gorgeous confection! God, I wanted that gown! At that moment, I think I wanted that gown more than I wanted Mary!

"Like what you see, Danielle?" she asked, as she took the Champagne flute I offered. As she sat, she flared her gown with a dramatic gesture that caused the delicacy to completely envelope my lower body. Irresistibly, I began caressing the flimsy material - - the several layers of chiffon totally overriding my senses.

I embraced Mary - - hugging her tightly against my body. Her perfume and the exquisite silkiness of her gown caused me to swoon! I purred into her ear, "Oh Mary, sweet Mary, it's so gorgeous! I've never seen anything so lovely."

I felt like a schoolgirl after her first kiss. I quickly amended my last exclamation, "Except, of course, for you wearing this magnificent creation! I think I'm actually jealous!"

I wanted to crawl underneath the frothy layers and bury myself in this silken prison. "Do I like it? I love it! I adore it!"

As I gently, but insistently, suckled her breasts through the satin, she murmured, "I knew the minute I saw it in the boutique that you'd love it!" she cooed, her hot breath titillating my ear. "Don't you wish you were wearing it, Danielle?"

She fluffed the gown across my thighs. Even though I was still wearing my dress slacks, I could feel its silkiness to my core!

"Oh god, Mary, don't tease me like that! Of course I wish I was wearing it! I'd have to be comatose not to want to wear it!"

I was fluffing it and spreading it across as much of my body as I could. I grabbed a handful of fluff and brought it to my nostrils. Even though it was brand new, it already exuded the scent of her gardenia sachets. It was intoxicating!

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Follow me, Danielle!" she commanded, as she led me to the staircase. "By the way, do you mind me calling you 'Danielle'? It just seems appropriate at this point, don't you agree?"

In her own inimitable style, she made it clear that her question was rhetorical.

"Do I agree? I couldn't agree more!" I gushed, as we entered her boudoir. "Since early this evening, when we put on our matching undies, I've been thinking of myself as 'Danielle'! Not necessarily in name but certainly in spirit! Shit, if this keeps up, I might even have to consider a legal name change!" I joked.

"Be careful what you wish for, Dani!" she warned, with that 'look' on her face. "In any event, you're kinda stuck in drag for the next few days, what with the indelible make-up I used on you."

She giggled like a mischievous child with a new play toy.

"Oh Christ, I forgot about my make-up!" I squealed. "What am I gonna tell them at work on Monday? Hey! I thought you were gonna call me Danielle? What's with 'Danny'? ... Oh! I get it ... Dani ... with an 'I'! Cute!"

"I think so! And, as far as your work is concerned, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." There was that 'look' ... again! "Now be a good girl and close your eyes!"

I could hear the sound of the closet doors sliding open and the sound of hangers sliding back and forth. I stood still with my eyes tightly shut. I inhaled deeply as I sensed her approaching me. The gardenia scent was over-powering.

"Open wide, Dani ... with an 'I'," she cooed. "Surprise!"

She was standing in front of me, holding a padded satin hanger hooked over her index finger. She held it towards me.

"It's for you, Lover ... for both of us!"

There floating weightlessly before me was an exact duplicate of the luscious pink nightgown and peignoir that Mary wore. I clasped my hands in front of my face in a decidedly girlish manner and squealed, "Oh Mary! I don't believe it! I don't believe you! I love it! I love you!"

I took the hanger from her hand and enveloped myself in the frothy silks, twirling in a circle, causing the airy material to swirl in a high arc before it floated down weightlessly to caress the full length of my body.

I was literally shaking uncontrollably with excitement.

"Well, silly girl? Are you gonna just stand there like a goof or are you gonna put it on? I wanna see my 'twin sister'!"

"Mmmm, I can't wait!"

I quickly stripped off my shirt, camisole, and slacks.

"Leave your nylons on, Danielle. Your legs will feel so much smoother. And they'll cover up all that hair. But change into these pink panties ... your red ones clash!"

I gathered the yards of satin and chiffon and lowered the mass over my head. It cascaded over my body, giving me goose-bumps! I twirled to show off for Mary as she held the peignoir for me. It took a bit to do up all twelve buttons on the satin cuffs. It was a perfect fit! I was delirious! From behind her back, she whipped out a pair of three-inch marabou-trimmed mules. I stepped into them, gingerly, holding Mary's shoulder to keep my balance. Again, a perfect fit!

Of course, there was the blatantly obvious difference. Mary's magnificent D-cups pushed the bodice of her gown to its limits and then some. My bodice, on the other hand, was as flat as a pancake.


Mary read my mind. "Don't worry, Danielle, we'll fix that little problem tomorrow."

I held my hands to my non-existent breasts. "It's downright embarrassing!" I whined.

We returned to her living room to open a fresh bottle of Champagne. Wearing three-inch heels for the first time, I had to hold her arm to steady myself. As she poured the bubbly, she suggested I walk around the living room for several minutes to get the feel of walking in heels ... backless heels, no less! In only a few minutes, Mary was complimenting my efforts. She handed me a flute of Champagne and instructed me walk some more. I didn't spill a drop!

"You really are a natural, Dani. You walk in those low heels as if you've been wearing them all your life! I'm definitely impressed! I should have put you in heels when we went clubbing tonight!"

My knees were wobbling - - not from walking in the heels, but from the feel of my nightgown delicately seducing my entire being. Mary giggled when I finally sat down. The numerous layers of slippery satin and chiffon caused my ass to slide to the edge of the couch. I almost landed on the floor! I barely managed to keep my Champagne flute from flying out of my hand!

As we snuggled and sipped Champagne, I could feel the heat from Mary's body. All I could think of was re-paying her for the marvelous gifts she had given me - - not only the luscious lingerie, but also our night out at the "Kings and Queens" ... and now this exquisite nightgown! My only desire was to treat her as my 'Queen'! I felt honored that she was proud enough to introduce me to her friends and employees.

I slowly and seductively slid to the floor. I was on my knees as I gently pried apart her thighs. I tenderly massaged her legs and hips with the silky material of her nightie and peignoir. She began moaning - - softly at first. Her moaning became much more vocal as I lifted her skirts over my head and buried my face in her naked, and very wet, pussy. Her love juices were nectar of the gods. I slowly lapped at her outer lips for several minutes before prying them apart with my thumbs and exposing her swollen clitty.

She swung her legs up and onto the couch, reclining on her back. I followed her lead and climbed back up, kneeling between her thighs and lowering my mouth to her slushy cunt. I was sucking on her clitty as if it were an engorged cock! She was urging me on - - demanding more of my tongue - - her spasms coming quicker and quicker! As she came for the third time, I tasted a salty and somewhat bitter flavor.

'Ohmigawd!' I thought. 'She's just lost control of her bladder! I'm lapping her pee!'

No matter, I kept lapping, hoping against hope that I could keep her juices off her new nightie. When she finally calmed down, I grasped her thighs from underneath, raised her legs high, and back over her head. My tongue traced a path from the depths of her drenched pussy to the now very exposed rosebud opening of her back-door. I kissed and nibbled along that tender pathway before jamming my rigid tongue deep into that heretofore un-penetrated nether hole.

As I furiously rimmed her, she squealed, "Danielle, no one's ever done this to me! It feels incredible! Don't stop ... don't ever stop!"

My tongue was deep inside her back-door - - lashing in and out like a piston. I withdrew and returned to her gaping pussy - - plunged in and out a half-dozen times then returned to worry her back-door with unbridled lust! Back and forth, back and forth ... pussy to back-door pussy ... back and forth. Her juices were flowing uncontrollably, soaking my face and running into my nose as I buried it deep in both her love holes! I found the combination of her love juice and pee delightfully intoxicating. In what little conscious mind I had left it occurred to me that this would definitely not be the last time I'd taste this delicacy.

Her moaning had ceased. She was lying motionless. 'Oh shit! She actually passed out!' I simply lay quietly between her thighs, her legs draped across my back. When she finally regained a semblance of lucidity, she began stroking the back of my head, running her fingers through the ponytail still perched high on the back of my skull. Her moans and sighs were the sounds of absolute and total contentment.

"C'mere, Lover!" She was grasping under my arms, pulling me up towards her face. She kissed me with a passion I'd never experienced ... not even with her! She rolled me onto my back and slithered down to my crotch. Our matching gowns and peignoirs were scrunched up to our waists. Her hot mouth found my throbbing cock drooling into my pink panties. With her lips wrapped tightly around my love spear, she divested me of my panties and began worshiping me in earnest. My cock was plunging deep in her throat and just about to blast off. She slipped her mouth off my cock and licked her way down my shaft, pausing briefly to roll each of my nuts in her mouth. She mimicked my earlier tongue dance as she worked her velvety 'mouth-cock' into that place where no man, or woman, had ever gone before!

Now I understood what had got her so incredibly worked up. Her tongue was ramming in and out of me like the piston of a Ferrari at full throttle! It drove me wild! I wanted her in me even deeper and screamed exactly that! I could feel her furiously probing me in an unrelenting effort to satisfy my demands! I knew I couldn't last much longer! She read my mind and withdrew. She slurped her way back to the tip of my boy-toy and engulfed it in one effortless swoop! That was all it took! I started unloading a torrent of creamy goo into her mouth! I thought it would never stop. She was gurgling and giggling with divine lust!

"Mmmmmm!" was all she could utter, as she walked on all fours up the length of my body. Without warning, she clamped her mouth onto mine, forcing my lips apart with her tongue. A flood of cum ... my own cum ... invaded my mouth! She swirled the glob around the inside my mouth! We spent at least a full minute sharing my humongous load before nature finally took its toll and we were forced to swallow.

"Mmmm, another 'cream pie'!" I contentedly moaned. "Yummy!"

"Lover, that's no cream pie!" She corrected me. "That was a "Snowball"! You likey?"

"Oh my, yes! Indeed I do!" I exclaimed. As an afterthought, I asked, "How do you manage to swallow my cock so deep in your throat? It really is quite amazing!"

"Practice, practice, practice!" she proudly declared. "Why? ... Would you like me to teach you how it's done? It's not all that difficult. In fact, it's really the most incredible turn on!"

Food for thought?

It was four a.m. before we finally slipped into bed. We didn't even bother to shower. Mary's satin sheets felt just as delicious as my very rumpled nightgown. It had certainly been an interesting day. As I drifted off into slumber land, I dreamt of 'snowballs' and 'cream pies'. I could only wonder what adventures tomorrow would bring!

To be continued ...

A note to all my appreciative readers: This three-part story is complete. Parts two and three are ready to be submitted and will be posted per Nifty's guidelines. Have patience.

© 2006

All Rights Reserved

In the tradition begun by Fred Gingerman, one of the brightest authors to grace this site, and one of my favorites, I offer, for your perusal, my other stories on nifty:

"The Ranch Hand" - - TG - -Authoritarian

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 1" - - TG - - Teen

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 2" - - TG - - Teen

"A Boy Can Dream ... Can't SHE? - Part 3" - - TG - - Teen

"Faster, Bennie! Faster!" - - TG - - tv

Next: Chapter 2

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