So My Heart Flies

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jul 24, 2002


Disclaimer: I do not know (nor am I affiliated) with Hayden Christensen nor Nickolas Gene Carter. The idea of a Jedi is from the mind of a genius which I am not. If it is illegal in your area to view homosexual material (or if you don't like it or Alt. Universe), then please leave so we can all get on with our lives.

From the Desk of Nimm: sigh Yes, I am back. I am hoping that this will be a good one. puts on helmet and climbs into a starship I dedicate this to Joe-darling. We rode the waves together and I am forever grateful for what you've done.

So My Heart Flies Locked Journal III: Forbidden Earth

A knock came on Nick's door very early the next morning. He opened it to see a little blonde girl no more than 12 smile. "Tell my brother that I have stepped out to the cabin on the mountain and I won't be back until tomorrow. Could you do that, please?"

"Who are you going with, your highness?" he asked.

"I'm going with Brooks and Emily so I'll be safe as well as my handmaidens." the young princess assured. "By the by, I'm Shirley."

"Well, have fun, Shirley. I'll stay here and protect Hayden for you." Nick replied.

She laughed and closed the door. A few hours later, the sun had risen just a bit over the horizon and Nick got out of bed. He did his morning rituals and walkd into Hayden's room to meditate before the sleeping Prince.

He bit his lip, knowing that he didn't want to intrude in Hayden's mind but...He stood and waited as his mind connected to the sleeping youth's dream.

~Dream~ Hayden laughed as he watched Nick run up to him. Hayden ran down the hill but stumbled and fell, rolling and laughing his way down. Nick soon joined him as they were a laughing heap of mirth. Nick was on top of the Prince and generously kissed his neck making Hayden wrap his arms around the Jedi. Soon they looked in each other's eyes and something just clicked. Their lips met. Softly, sweet. A caring kiss that of only lovers could dream.

They looked into each others' eyes. Something tickled behind them. Far past lust. Something deep. ~**~

Nick silently pulled out of the dream. It was no secret that he wanted to share a bed with the Prince but rules kept him from doing so. He turned and began to meditate without the Prince as distraction. Soon, he felt that he had dissolved into air.

Hayden slowly awoke from the wonderful dream to see Nick at the foot of his bed, meditating. Had it not been a dream, then? Nick turned to face the young prince. "Good morning, your highness."

"We have settled on calling me Hayden, Sir Nick." Hayden blushed. He got up. "Um...where are Emily, Brooke, and the girls?" he asked.

"They went up to the cabin retreat and won't return until tomorrow. That leaves all of today for us alone." Nick smiled. "Is there anything you wish to do today?"

"There's a place nearby. Shirley and I loved to sneak in and dance. And it's not boring dancing either. Really upbeat, most of the sounds are. Because it's Forbidden Earth." Hayden smiled excitedly.

"Forbidden Earth? Are you serious?" asked Nick. Forbidden Earth was a paradise for those who did not want to be found and lived on two things either or: Music and creativity. It was strictly forbidden for it was about issues no one in the Senate or galaxy would even discuss. They posed no harm in any of the planets so they were left alone. "I use the music for training sometimes. it not banned for people of your status to do that?"

"Yes. It is. But it just means I can do it with no one to remember I do it." Hayden began to walk around the room, finding clothes to wear. "See, me and Shirley mostly spent our lives pretty much alone save for the maids and the androids." Clothes flew out of the immense closet. "So we go to Forbidden Earth often. Queen Nimcara has graciously helped us become situated there." He poked his head out of the closet, his youth braid hanging a 14 or more inches from his head. He looked Nick up and down before returning into his mess of clothes.

"What's wrong with the way I dress?" asked Nick, rather defensive. He absently toyed with a sphere that sat upon a column.

"Don't play with that!" Hayden shouted. Nick set it down again. "Well, not an offence, but people of Forbidden Earth don't really like Jedi folk. They think that Jedi are too serious and only there for... government things."

"Is there some sort of illegal happening at Forbidden Earth?" asked Nick, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"Oh no. It's perfectly legal. They live the night life. A perfectly balanced economy. It's rather simple. They work during the day and create a visage that they are just people going about their business like a watered down Rorunia." Hayden summarized. He held out a pirate cut off sleeveless shirt and trousers at Nick. "Try these on. They should fit you."

"But Forbidden Earth is a rather big planet, isn't it?" Nick asked as he slipped on the rugged clothes. He looked in the mirror and smiled. With his blonde hair and brooding eyes, he was sexually intimidating.

"Not really. Everyone thinks it's big but it's just the size of here." Hayden replied. "Not a lot of people live there. You'd be surprise of how small it is." He came back out wearing a black shirt that glittered in the soft Akaneian sunlight and pants that were not tight enough to be offensie but showed off Hayden's legs.

Hayden's mouth dropped for Nick's muscled form filled out the pirate clothes he had given. "Is there a transport to take us there?" Nick inquired.

Hayden moved his mouth but no sound came out. "S-sure. In the hanger." he finally answered. "Forbidden Earth used to be a second moon to Earth but then it flew out of orbit because it was larger than the moon and just a bit smaller than Earth. It flew into Shmitau's orbit."

They walked towards the hangar and found the small ship hidden away. "Hayden, do you know how to pilot it? It's pretty old."

Hayden smirked at Nick. "No problem. I've been using it all my life and it has yet to fail me. Hop in." Nick did so and soon they zoomed off to Forbidden Earth.

They arrived not long later at one of the smaller clubs. Hayden felt right at home and Nick smiled as he saw the young prince dance his heart out on the floor. It wasn't long before Nick joined him on the dance floor; the beats of Forbidden Earth music pumping through their mind.

Sweat broke out on their skin as they danced closer and closer to each other. Nick's hair clung to his head like he just walked out of a rain storm and Hayden's eyes were closed with his mouth slightly open to grab whatever air was available. They were dancing so close, that they could hear each other breathing.

The dancing continued as Hayden kept up with Nick. All that vigorous training sure gave him an amazing body, Hayden thought. It soon grew late. Nick watched Shmitau through the windows of the club. He bent and whispered to Hayden, "We must leave."

Hayden shuddered despite the intense heat and nodded. They escaped the club and back to their little ship. It was a silent ride back to Akanei and its picturesque meadows.

They parked in the hangar and Hayden kept nodding off. Nick picked him up and carried him to his chambers. He placed the young prince on the bed and rose to go to his own room when a hand caught his wrist. "Mmm, no. Nick, stay here." the sleepy prince mumbled.

Nick sighed and took off his shoes before climbing in bed with Hayden. He wrapped his strong arms around Hayden when something hit him. "I love you, Hayden." he whispered.

The prince smiled knowing the comfort and strength of Nick's arms. For him it was bliss to a long night's dancing.

E-mail : Yahoo! : anneth_fosiohto AIM : MistressN9 site : Note : Please e-mail me! nicky pout please?

Next: Chapter 4

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