So My Heart Flies

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jul 14, 2002


Disclaimer: I do not know (nor am I affiliated) with Hayden Christensen nor Nickolas Gene Carter. The idea of a Jedi is from the mind of a genius which I am not. If it is illegal in your area to view homosexual material (or if you don't like it or Alt. Universe), then please leave so we can all get on with our lives.

From the Desk of Nimm: sigh Yes, I am back. I am hoping that this will be a good one. puts on helmet and climbs into a starship I dedicate this to Joe-darling. We rode the waves together and I am forever grateful for what you've done.

So My Heart Flies Locked Journal I: An Introduction

Page 1: I, Nimm, am about to take you on a journey through the pages of time and dimension. What you will read might disturb you or perhaps even shock you beyond belief. But I can assure you that you might need a box of tissues when I am done with my series.

In the beginning, in a world far away from ours and yet so close, there was a tradition. Any child who had shown signs of a fierce and palpable battle aura had been sent to the rather desolate of life planet of Desmondi where they were to be trained of martial arts throughout the universe. These children were the Jedi. As they grew, so did their powers and they became known and revered throughout the universe.

Strong and silent warriors that protect when called to arms. However, as glamorous as they describe that life, the Jedi themselves can tell a different story.

One such story had been scribed and locked in this journal / book by a Jedi whose heart broke at the story and felt that future generations needed to know.

It is the story of one such Jedi who took a chance and fell in love. Jedi Knight Nickolas Gene Carter had been the best of the best but his love for the Prince Hayden of Shmitau.

Chapter 1: It was a rather shy day upon the city of Rorunia when it started. He, Prince Hayden was awaiting in his suite richly garbed as he should be for his guest. There had already been at least two attempts on his life. His family had agreed to assign him a Jedi guard to protect him.

He was rather antsy for Hayden had never had a guard before. Decoys, plenty but an actual guard to protect him? He envied his sister who was lucky enough to be female and easily concealed among her handmaidens and whatnot.

But Hayden' only wish was that this new guard would be his friend. For he didn't have many.

Nickolas rose through the floors in the elevator, looking skyward, just thinking if what he will protect would be a spoiled brat. He had heard many a story about Jedi forced to protect sheltered and guarded little children who had no respect for anyone.

But he was ready for he had been training since birth. Some of the other jedi had joked that he had still trained when he was still in his mum's womb. Nickolas knew that he was the youngest of the Jedi Knights and that the others just hated him for that fact.

As the blue sun set on the backdrop of the golden sky, Nickolas finally the floor the Prince stayed on. He pulled down his cloak hood to reveal his light brown hair and crystal blue eyes. He walked solemnly towards the suite and pushed the buzzer.

"May I ask who it is?" a voice rang through the intercom.

"Jedi Knight Nickolas Gene Carter." he replied with no feeling in his voice.

The door slid open as a handmaiden moved towards the bedrooms. "Your highness, Sir Nickolas has arrived." she announced.

A tall, blonde man, dressed in the finest clothes came out with his head held high and his shoulders squared. His eyes held a storm of curiosity and secrets. Hayden bowed, his eyes never left the Prince's face. "Your Highness."

"You are to escort me back to Shmitau. Am I correct?" he asked.

"That is correct." Nickolas was the true master of masking his feelings for if he wasn't, he would've knocked the Prince to the floor already and do things that were running through his mind that weren't all that innocent.

"Well, I just need to finish packing." Hayden walked into his bedroom and Nick followed him. He watched as Hayden walked gracefully back and forth, packing colorful cloak after colorful cloak. He paused. "You're staring at me."

"Forgive me, Prince." Nickolas replied, not leaving his gaze. Hayden shrugged it off and continued to pack, shutting the suitcase. Nick grabbed the handle and walked, following Hayden' lead.

They walked out and to the starship that took the Prince from place to place. When they sat down in Hayden' private quarters, their eyes met again. Hayden hid his blush and turned away. "So Sir Nickolas, how long had you trained as a Jedi?"

"Since birth. But so many have said I started even when I was in my mother's womb." Nickolas stared off into space. "I never even met my mum for I was taken in early."

"I was taken away from my mother as well. My sister and I lived off in Akanei, training to be heirs of the throne." Hayden replied. He smiled. "It was the most happiest place in my childhood."

Nickolas smiled. "I would like to hear more about it." Hayden smiled back at him as well, both shared a warm moment.

"And I would like to know more about you, Sir Nickolas." the Prince offered.

"You may call me Nick." the Jedi blushed for the lightest shade of pink rose to his cheeks.

"And you may call me Hayden." He began to stare around the cabin, thinking of why he didn't bring his notepad to write. "Do you write, Nick?"

Jedi are not permitted to feel, Hayden, Nick wanted to say but when he looked at Hayden, he replied, "I do. I like to write about life."

"So do I. Have you any works that you may show me?" he asked, curiosity piqued. "I will show you mine when we land on Akanei. It's mostly of how I'm feeling or what is happening around me. To take a different view of life."

"That is how I write as well. Are you hungry?" he asked. Hayden nodded. They stood and walked all over their part of the ship before asking where food was being held hostage.

"In the Kitchen, your highness." replied a handmaiden.

The two men looked at each other and laughed before making their way to the kitchen to get snacks. They sat down and ate in silence. "Do you like music?"

"Yes. It's good for the soul." Nick replied.

They finished their snacks and fell back into comfortable silence. Hayden stood up to find his sister and Nick stood up as well. The ship rocked because of turbulence and threw Hayden into Nick's arms. They looked deep into each others eyes before pulling apart. "Um...I'm going to my sister's room." Hayden said through a dry mouth. "I shall see you when we land."

"Right." He watched as Hayden retreated to his sister's quarters for the rest of the trip.


Next: Chapter 2

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