So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on Jun 4, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except for the location. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, etc., well you know the drill. Also, because it's based in the past, some of it may not be politically correct as I have tried to be true to the time period.

Thanks to everybody who has emailed me. Please let me know what you think of this chapter. I really enjoy all of the feedback!

Chapter 6

The night went by fast and it was just starting to turn into morning, from the dark black to the deep blue and then to a light gray, when I woke up to the irritating sound of those freakin' squawking wild green parrots.

"What the hell is that damn noise?" asked Jake, blinking the sleep out of his eyes while his piss hard-on was poking me in the butt, his arm still wrapped tight around my waist.

"Uh," I said, sitting up and leaning my back against the side of the tree house, trying to get my mind going."Those are those fucking parrots that live in the trees sometimes around here. They escaped from a pet store or breeder that caught on fire a couple of years ago. Some guy raced in and opened up all of the cages to set them free so they wouldn't get burned up. I think it was down in Arcadia or Temple City or someplace like that. I don't really remember the whole story, except that he should have just let them roast and become Parrot Fricassee. All I know is that every once in a while those noisy fuckers perch up here in the tallest trees and wake up at sunrise, fly off back down the valley looking for food in fruit trees, and then come back here at sunset to roost. Mr. Bailey said parrots can live for 70 or 80 years, and mate for life, the two of them having baby parrots every year. I just wish they weren't around here-they are too damn loud. I remember some old woman down in the next block using her husband's shotgun on them, trying to scare them away."

"What happened to her?"

"After the third time she shot off the gun, somebody called the cops on her, and she got arrested for shooting off a gun in the city limits. I think she should have received a medal from the Mayor."

"No shit, Sherlock! That sound that they make is like playing an Elvis record backwards at full blast. Before I was so rudely woken up by those crazy mother fuckin' critters, I was having a great dream with you and me running naked in the surf down an empty beach on a hot, sunny summer day. It was wickedly groovy!"

"That sounds bitchin'. Have you ever been to a nude beach?"

"Yeah, this one time when I was a little guy, maybe like Jordan's age, or just a little bit older. I know that I hadn't grown any hair on my balls yet. I think the beach we went to was in Topanga. Or maybe up by Rincon where those guys surf. Anyway, my dad was on a business trip back east in New York for a couple of weeks during that summer, so my mom packed us up a great big picnic lunch with food and drinks and snacks and stuff, and took me and Lisa up to the nude beach for the day. My mom liked sunning naked, but my dad was really uptight and never wanted to do that. We did that a few times, but then my dad always got pissed at us and we never went naked again. Anyhow, I think that was the first time that I really noticed that Lisa had such big boobs. They were totally bigger than my moms were or anybody else that I knew.

"But, what I really remember was," Jake continued, sitting up and making a tent pole with his hard-on under the sleeping bag,"was this funky couple strolling down the beach. Mom and Lisa were up on the sand, kinda out of sight and snoozing below the bluff, lying in the warm sun. Lisa had her transistor radio turned on to KHJ and blasting out that week's top forty. I was down at the water, sitting in the sand right where the waves stopped, making a sand castle and a moat all by myself. There weren't very many people around that day and one time when I looked up I was surprised to see this long haired hippie couple, a guy and girl walking along the surf towards me. She had some feathers in her hair, and he had a few strings of love beads around his neck, but other than that they were both buck-ass naked. She was sort of pulling him along the beach by his big boner. He had his arm around her back and she was stroking his hard dick as they walked along towards me. Since no one was around, they sort of stopped and gave me a sex show."

"What did you do?" I asked grinning.

"What could I do? I just sat there in the sand and stared straight ahead at his fat hairy dick while she stroked him. It was so big and his balls were so hairy. I had never seen a grown man's hard dong before, and I was amazed at how big it was. Well, it probably wasn't all that big, but to a little guy it looked huge. Anyway, I think they both got off on me watching them. I remember my little boy dick was rock hard, sticking straight up, but I wasn't really embarrassed by it and I didn't care if they saw it. Then she whispered in his ear and he started to finger her hairy snatch. That sort of grossed me out, `cause I really didn't know what a snatch was all about yet. After that, they continued waking down the beach. My eyes followed them down and the next thing that I saw was a naked older guy sitting on a towel on the sand rubbing his hard cock up and down as this couple slowly walking by, doing the same thing that they had just did in front of me. Even though I didn't know about it at the time, he must have shot off his wad because after that they walked past them and he ran into the surf to rinse off."

"Wow, that's freaky cool," I said."That shit never happened to me."

"I know. Lisa and my mom never saw what happened. Hey, I've got to take a leak or my bladder is going to pop."

"Me too. Since it's so early, let's take that naked walk up the trail like I was telling you about yesterday. I'm sure Sloan's up for it too."

"OK. I'll climb down and then you can lower Sloan. Are you sure no one will see us?" Jake asked.

"Nah, no one comes out here and I bet everyone in the house is still sound asleep. Just wear your shoes. When we come back we'll get dressed and then head inside for some breakfast."

Both Jake and I were still rock hard with morning boners, bouncing around as we got Sloan lowered to the ground and then made our way down the tree. Hitting the ground running, Sloan immediately emptied her bladder, followed by Jake and me. We both laughed as we stood there trying to get our pee to flow. I scooted up next to Jake and slung my arm around his back, just above his big buns, handlessly poking my dick out in front of me and finally letting loose with a hot, hard stream of piss. Jake did the same after a second and after a little bit of swordplay, we finished up and I told him to follow me.

"C'mon, Sloan, let's go," I said over to my dog who was sniffing around mindlessly.

For as early as it was it really wasn't too chilly, and as we made our way through the trees to the back of our property and along the small trail next to the ravine that led back to my secret place. It was fun hiking naked through the old oak trees, our dicks and balls slapping to-and-fro as we hiked along. Soon enough, we were both warmed up and our dicks had boned up again, just like fifteen year old boy dicks will do.

The sun was just starting to peak out over the hill and light up the area above the trees. Those pesky parrots had finally taken off and now it was nice and quiet. The only noise that we could hear was the sound of the breeze filtering lazily through the trees. Sloan was in the lead, I was in the middle and Jake brought up the rear. When I turned around to look at him to make sure he was doing alright, I had to suppress a smile: he looked so groovy in the morning light, the sun lighting up his golden brown hair and his hard dick pointing the way up the trail. Just as nature had intended! About ten minutes later we got to my secret little clearing in the woods.

"Climb up on top of that rock. If you look that way you can just make out the roofs of our houses through there," I said pointing south and down the hill.

"Wow! Not only can you see our houses, but you can see all the way to Catalina Island from here. It looks so small. We could see the top of the island from our balcony at our old apartment and it looked so much bigger. What a view."

After looking around for a while and pointing out some of the other Southern California landmarks, I walked up behind Jake and wrapped my arms around his flat stomach and gently laid my chin on the top of his shoulder. When I did that, he pushed his ass back against my cock. I pulled him in tight and my cock slipped right into place down along his butt crack. We both let out a moan of peacefulness as we stood for a few minutes not saying anything, just enjoying the warm Southern California sunshine and the connection of our hot skin. This was paradise, I thought to myself.

"Yeah, this is a great view, but let me get a better view of this," I said breaking our embrace, turning around and kneeling down in front of his juicy milk-bone. His cock was half hard already, so it didn't take me long to get it plumped up to full size. I wrapped my fore-finger and thumb around the base of his cock and opened my mouth up wide so I could take the head and part of the shaft inside. This time I was able to get a little bit more of Jake's cock in my mouth than I had before. I swirled my tongue around and around the head of his hot rod tip, gently squeezing his shaft with my fingers. With my other hand I rolled his golden-brown haired balls around, like they were a sack of marbles, gently squeezing and pulling them down. After a few minutes of this, I jumped down on the ground next to the large rock we were on and told Jake to move over and sit on the edge.

"Sloan, get over here," I said, because she was rooting around in the bushes, looking for who-knows-what. She immediately ran over and lay down by my side, being the good little dog that she was.

"Lean back and part your legs, OK? Put your legs over the edge and spread them open," I told Jake, parting his knees wide so his dick was sticking straight out, right at my mouth level. Then I dug in like it was a plate of deep-fried taquitos from Tijuana. I slurped up his shaft in my mouth, and then sucked up and down, up and down. Every so often I would glance up at his face to see the blissful look that he had. What a turn on to make someone so freakin' happy!

After a few minutes of this I slapped the palm of my hand in the middle of his chest and slowly pushed him back, and he complied by resting on his elbows with his knees open even wider, his heels on the edge of the rock. This gave me an unobstructed entrance to all of his teen-boy parts between his legs. I dove back in, this time sucking one ball and then his other ball from his lightly haired ball sack. It was salty and tasted kind of rubbery, but not too bad. And I loved the taste of it! His balls were all wet with my slobber, which was drooling down towards his brown boy hole. I wasn't sure if I wanted to lick any further south, so I ran my thumb back and forth from the base of his ball sack to the top of his clenched-tight wrinkly butt hole. As I did that I jumped back on his hard shaft and tried to suck out all of his pre-come juices that I could get. Yum! Jake was going wild, rocking his head back and forth, his eyes closed.

The next thing that I knew, I was standing there with his rock hard dick in my mouth as it shot spasm after spasm of thick, creamy boy juice steaming into my mouth. Truly, the breakfast of champions! Wheaties should have a picture of us on the front of their cereal box, I thought to myself.

"Oh, man, Ryan, that's the best one yet," Jake said, after his hard dick started to go limp.

I was so turned on by sucking Jake off that my own boy dick was rock hard and pre-cum was pooling around under my foreskin."My turn," I said without hesitation, jumping up on the rock next to Jake.

"Horny, are we?" Jake giggled, sounding like one of the Beatles. Obviously, he had seen plenty of English movies, just like I had.

"Yes sir, please suck it," I asked pretending to be a shy boy.

"All right than, mate. Here we go," He said as he spread my legs and dug in."Jolly good, this." He did pretty much the same thing that I had just done to him, only he would pull my foreskin back and lick all around my cock-head, sucking up all of my boy juices. Then he would suck on the skin to cover up my cock head, release it from his mouth and then slap my cock against his face. Then he would fist my cock and pull the `skin back down, allowing him to slurp around my head, then pull the skin back up one more time and nibble and chew on it. Wow that felt freakin' outrageous. Every once in a while he would open his mouth up wide and suck up and down on my shaft like he was bobbing for apples at a Halloween party. When he did this it sent shivers up my spine and made my balls pull up and my asshole clamp tight. I was so horned up from being bare-assed out in the open and from sucking him off that in no time I was ready to blow. I was feeling so great, and I wanted the good sensations to last but I just couldn't keep my cum load inside my balls a minute longer. I didn't even have time to warn Jake about what was coming, it happened so fast.

"Ugh, ohhhhh, ohhhhh," I mumbled. Then, after catching my breath,"Oh wow. That's so cool! I wish we could do that all day long."

"Me,too. But in case you forgot, we've got a busy day ahead of us. You promised to help me unload my shit from the moving truck when it gets here. We had better save some of our energy for that. Besides, as much as I like eating and slurping up your jizz, I'm getting hungry for some real food. And look at Sloan. Your poor old dog is laying there in the dirt chewing on a stick, she's so darn hungry!"

"All right, all right," I said standing up."Let's go. It won't take us long to get back since its faster going downhill. We just have to get our clothes out of the tree house and then run in the pool house to get cleaned up."

"OK. Race ya!" Jake said, turning around and pinching my left nipple.

"I would, but you probably run like a girl and I'd be standing down there for hours waiting for you to show up," I teased, pushing his hand off me.

"See, ya, wouldn't want to be ya," he said and he was off.

He was a good runner, I'll give him that, but I'll also have to admit that I was really enjoying watching his naked ass as he ran down the trail in front of me. I was so intrigued by those bouncing white globes that I almost fell down a couple of times. We reached the bottom of the trail, got our clothes out and got dressed, then headed into the pool house to make ourselves presentable. With that mission accomplished, we headed out towards the kitchen of my house. We barely got to the back door when we stopped dead in our tracks to inhale that glorious aroma of frying bacon. Just as we opened the back door, Jake and I both looked at each other grinning like dorks and said at the same time"Yum!"

Laughing, we tumbled through the door and into the kitchen. Luckily we were just in time as everybody was there but Lulu, and everybody was about to dig into big platters of scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes, toast and cups of orange juice and coffee. I squeezed in between my dad and Lisa, and Jake plopped down next to Jordan, rubbing his head. He seemed to be taking a liking to the little guy.

"Mornin' little man. Good morning everybody. This sure smells great!" Jake said.

"Morning, boys. Did you and Jake sleep good?" my mom asked as she pecked me on the cheek.

"Yeah, we did. We both knocked out. Even Sloan was good," I said as I looked over at Sloan who was sitting next to Jordan, waiting for him to drop something on the floor."Where's Lulu?" I asked as I started to shovel food onto my plate.

"She'll be here in a minute. She's on the phone, trying to find out when the moving van will be here. Remember, we all promised to help our new friends unpack today," She said looking at me, then to Jordan and finally over to my dad."You will need your energy so eat up, everybody."

Jordan didn't say anything, being preoccupied with his bacon, and Dad gave his usual early morning"Uh-huh," his head lost in the morning sports section, probably reading about Many Mota joining the Dodgers this season.

"I told Jake that I'd help him unload his shi... stuff, and help him put it away. Do you think it's gonna take all day?"

"I don't really know, dear. Let's ask Lulu when she comes downstairs," my mom said giving me the evil eye. My dad didn't care if I swore, but my mom sure as hell didn't fucking like it.

"It shouldn't take that long. The movers are supposed to move the heavy stuff and we don't have to unpack all of the boxes right away," Lisa said."Except for mom's massive quantities of clothes, hats and shoes, that is."

We all started to giggle. By now, we all sort of had figured out that Lulu was some sort of clothes-horse hippie and that her big, silky flower dress and colorful floppy hat was just one of the many outfits that she had collected.

"Well, I'll do what I can to help you guys, but I draw the line at ladies unmentionables," Jordan said, swinging his legs under his chair and taking everybody by surprise with such a big word.

"Even mine?" Lisa asked out of the corner of her mouth.

"Maybe," he said, smiling shyly.

"Well, we can help out however you need us, but I was hoping that later on I could show Jake around the neighborhood," I said between big gulps of scrambled eggs.

Just then, Lulu came sweeping down the back stairs and into the kitchen, a different flowing dress and floppy hat firmly in place."Good morning, everyone. Everything smells divine. Can I help with anything?"

Perfect timing! My mom had just put down a fresh pile of scrambled eggs on the table and was just about to sit down to breakfast herself."There you are, Lulu. Can I get you some coffee?"

"That would be delightful," Lulu said stringing out the words.

"How do you take it?"

"Black," she said, but then after a minute added"With four sugars."

Everyone started to snicker again.

My mom started to pour her coffee as Lulu reached under neckline of her puffy dress and pulled out a pack of Newport's and a book of matches from some mystery place inside her top. What else did she have packed away in there between her titties, I wondered?

Then Jake said to his mom,"We were just talking about the movers. How long do you think this is this gonna take? Ryan said he'd show me around the neighborhood today, and I really want to go and check it out."

"Slow down, punkin'. I just got off the phone with the moving company, and they said they would be here no later than eight-thirty with our stuff. There will be two or three men to unload the moving van and bring everything inside. I expect that if we direct them to put the furniture and boxes in the correct rooms, it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours. If you strong young men want to help them, I'm sure it will go a lot faster," she said, batting her long fake eyelashes at me and Jake.

Turning to my dad, Lulu continued,"Wiley, do you think I could rope you into assembling some of the bedroom furniture? I just don't have the tools or the know-how for that sort of burly stuff, and I really don't want the movers to do that. You know, my brother made some of those pieces and I wouldn't want them to get broken."

"Sure, Lulu, I think I can do that. Maybe Jordan can be my assistant. What do you think, champ?"

Jordan wasn't paying any attention to what was being said around the table because his eyes were locked firmly on Lisa's big boobs, all the time sucking on a strip of crispy bacon. This kid was whipped!

"Jordan, did you hear your father?" my mom said raising her voice, and setting down Lulu's steaming coffee cup in front of her.

"Huh?" he said turning back and forth to look at my parents at each end of the table.

Smiling and very quietly, but still raising her voice, Mom asked him,"Do you want to help your father put together Lisa's bed?"

"Um, Ye-yeah!" Everybody in the room erupted in laughter, although Jordan had no idea what he had just said.

***That's all for now. Please let me know what you think of this chapter, what you like and what you don't. I really enjoy all of the feedback! Flip.

Next: Chapter 7

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