So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on Feb 11, 2023


This story is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locations or business establishments or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this story may be transmitted or reproduced in in whole or in part in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Author or Publisher, except where permitted by law. Copyright © 2011 by Flip McHooter.

Because it's based in the past, some of it may not be politically correct as I have tried to be true to 1969.

Thanks to everybody who has emailed me, I appreciate the tips and feedback. Comments are always appreciated! Flip. 1977.

Chapter 31

"Ryan honey, we're home!"

"Oh shit! That's my mom on the intercom," I told the guys, jumping off Enzo's rapidly deflating cock. "Shit! What does she want now?"

"Should you answer it?" asked Kenji, Enzo's cum still dribbled down his chin, which he wiped up with his finger and then stuck in his mouth.

"Hell yeah," I said. "If I don't, they're gonna come out here and knock on the door and catch us foolin' around. I don't think we want that! Turn down the music."

"Roger that Bucky," said Jake. He wasn't worried. Nothing ever seemed to bother Jake.

"Hey Mom. How was dinner?" I asked, running over to the intercom by the door. I almost tripped on the edge of the fold-out bed and broke my freakin' arm.

"Are you all right, honey? You sound strange. Have you been smoking that wacky tabacky?"

Oh man. She was in a mood all right. "Yeah, Mom. That's exactly what we were doing. And we stole some of your pills and dad's booze. Come on out here and let's party." I was really pissed off all of a sudden.

"Dude, mellow out. You don't want her to get pissed at you," Jake said.

"Ryan Jacob Miller! Don't you talk to me like that."

"Sorry mom, we were just hanging out talking and you scared the crap out of us. Why are you home so late? Can't this wait `til morning?"

"Well, you know your father. He is such a romantic!" she said, forgetting that I had just yelled at her. "Get off me, Wiley, and stop sucking my toe. He took me to this fabulous French restaurant and we had such a divine time. Crepes and oysters and caviar, oh my goodness. And I guess the clock just kept ticking away. Tick-tock, tick-tock."

"Great, Mom. Thanks for sharing." Yuck-a-rama! I was starting to get really pissed now. I didn't need to hear about their sex life just like she didn't need to hear about mine. And she was sounding sloshed again. "What do you want?"

"I read your note and just wanted to make sure you and your little friends are all right and that Jordan and his boyfriend are doing fine out in your tree house."

"We're fine. Geez! And we're not little. Let me go outside and see if the little dudes are okay," I said, letting go of the intercom button. "Damn, she's so freaky when she gets drunk and horny. Man! I don't know how my dad puts up with her. She must really do something super-sexy that drives him wild," I said to the guys. "I'm surprised I don't have more brothers and sisters."

Everybody in the pool house started laughing. Finally, catching his breath, Jake said, "Just check on the little dudes and then tell her everything is groovy. Then she'll go screw your dad and leave us alone."

"Roger that, god damn fucking shit for brains Bucky!" I was beyond pissed; I was fuming. Why does she always butt her big fat head into our business? I opened the sliding glass door and stuck my head outside. I didn't hear anything. I looked over to the trail and could barely make out that the cigarette packs that I had left for the Dark Man were long gone. After looking around for a couple of seconds more, and not hearing anything unusual, I closed the door and walked back over to the intercom.

"Mom? Everything is okay. I don't hear the little dudes so I'll just see you in the morning, okay?"

It took her a minute to come back on the intercom. "What, honey? What did you say?"

"I said everything is okay!" I really had to bite my tongue to keep from shouting.

"Oh, good. How is Jordy and his little friend?" she asked, forgetting that I had just told her. When I flipped off the intercom I rolled my eyes at the other guys, the three of them laughed so hard I thought they'd pee their pants, except they weren't wearing any.

"I already told you. They're fine. I'll talk to you in the morning, okay?" I said, through my clenched teeth.

"You bet, sweetie. See you boys in the morning. Wiley, get off of me you silly goose."

"I am so glad we're not sleeping in the house tonight, guys. If I heard any more of that shit, I think I'd go sleep in the car. Geez."

"I think it's cute. It's cool that your parents still love each other. Look at us: My dad is dead, Enzo's mom really isn't his mom and Jake's mom and dad are getting a divorce. You're lucky you have both of your parents," Kenji said, sounding way older than he was.

"I guess. But she just chaps my anus sometimes, you know?"

"Well, as funny as that was, and it was really funny, just be glad that they make love and not war. You should have heard some of the big fights that my mom and dad used to have. I am so glad we moved here and we don't have to put up with that crap anymore," Jake said.

"I agree. Even though she's not my mom, when my dad was home they barely talked to each other. How sad is that? I think it's kinda cute that your parents still got it going on for each other, even if she has to get a little sloshed," Enzo said.

"Okay, okay. You guys are right. I guess it's better that they get all horny instead of fighting. But still, I don't need to hear about it. Hey Jake, I forgot to tell you that the cigarettes are all gone. Think the Dark Man will leave us alone now?"

"For now, maybe. I guess so. But as long as he hangs out in the bushes behind your house, I think he'll be watching us. Maybe we shouldn't do any more nude hikes."

"Oh, man. I forgot about that."

"What are you guys talking about?" Kenji asked.

"You guys go hiking in the buff?" asked Enzo. "That's so cool!"

"Sometimes, early in the morning, before anybody gets up. We would go hiking up the trail behind the tree house just wearing our shoes. After about fifteen minutes we would stop at a clearing and make out on a big rock. It's so bitchin' having sex outside! But then we saw a picture the Dark Man had drawn on the side of his hangout farther up the trail. It showed Ry and me holding hands, so we think he has been watching us. That's kinda creepy," Jake said. "Dontcha think?"

"Yeah, that's fucking crazy," Enzo said. "But still, having sex outside sounds sexy."

"Any more of that joint?" Kenji asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, fire it up," I said. There wasn't much left of it but we all got a good sized hit.

"Hey," Enzo said, blowing out his hit of ganja. "Do you guys know what a `daisy chain' is? I heard a couple of guys talking about that in the locker room last year but I was too shy to get in on the conversation." He stood there looking at us and started blushing like crazy.

"I'm not sure. I think it's like sixty-nine times two. You know, like when a guy and a girl double date and then they all get naked, lie on the floor and give each other head in a circle. Like this; a guy eats out his girlfriend, then she sucks the other guy's dick. The he eats out the other girl and she sucks on the first guy's dick. My sister would know," said Jake, looking over at me. "She's probably done that a thousand times."

"Don't look at me. I don't have a clue," I said, stubbing out the roach and putting it down on the table. "Never heard of it."

"I know what it is. The guys at my old school used to do it after swim practice. They were such horn dogs. Three or more guys would lay naked on the floor. They usually did this in the locker room showers after practice. One guy would suck the next guy's dick, and so on and so forth. Everybody had a different guy's dick in his mouth. I tried it once; it was totally hot!" Kenji said.

"Oh man! I want to do that," Enzo practically screamed.

"Down boy. I thought we were just going to fuck you?" I said.

"Me to," Jake said.

"Well, guys," Kenji said, "we can still do a daisy chain, but instead of sucking dick we do a rim job on the guys that are going to get plowed."

"What's a rim job?" asked Enzo.

"That's the name for licking someone's butt hole. Like what I did to you when Jake and Ryan were sucking your dick. It helps loosen up your butt and gets you all horny to get fucked," he said, this time he was clearly embarrassed. But he still popped a raging boner. I was pretty sure he didn't want Enzo to know he made out like that with his old swim team, or even Colt, Tucker, Jake and me for that matter.

"That felt so bitchin' when you did that to my butt, Kenji. How would we all do it?"

"Well, let's see. I'm gonna fuck you, Ryan's gonna fuck me and then Jake is gonna fuck Ryan. So why can't we get on our hands and knees and stick our asses up in the air in a line in do this in the same order? That way we can give everybody a rim job that's gonna get fucked? Jake would be the one that misses out."

"I've really gotta lock the freakin' door," I said. "And make sure the drapes are closed tight. I don't want the Dark Man to try to look in here and see us doing any of that stuff."

"That sounds bitchin'," Jake said. "I'm up for it."

"Then let's do it," Enzo agreed. There was an old tattered rug on the floor in the middle of the pool house, and Enzo didn't waste any time getting down on it. He moved down on his hands and knees towards the edge. "Do that to me again, Kenji. That felt so fucking hot!" he said, staring at his friend. "Stick your tongue up my ass again. Right now."

I looked over to Jake when I came back from checking the door, and he just gave me that goofy grin of his. If he wanted to do this, then so did I. Kenji got down on the rug behind Enzo, sticking his little ass up in the air. Kenji stuck his tongue out and started to lube up Enzo's asshole with his dripping saliva. That was my cue to get in there and start licking his little pink hole. I maneuvered in behind him, one hand on the floor and one hand on his right ass cheek, pulling his cheeks apart with my thumb. I split his butt cheeks wide and zeroed in on his quivering little Asian hole. I started to lick and slurp, and the next thing I knew, Jake had zeroed in on my butt hole with his hot tongue. He hawked up a big loogie and then spit it out on my rosebud, the goo running down my crack and onto my balls. That felt hot!

Enzo had laid his head on the floor while the rest of us had foxy little teen boy buttholes in our faces. We weren't going to waste any time getting them all lubed and loosened up. We were really going at it, three of us slurping and slobbering and all four of us with raging hard-ons.

Kenji was slurping like a mad man, no surprise there. He had Enzo moaning and groaning, and you could tell he was loving it. I was having fun on Kenji's asshole as well, getting it good and sloppy so I could sink my fat dick into him. He kept wiggling around and pushing his butt into my face. Guess he loved it too!

Jake was going crazy on my hole, as well. He knew I loved this and this time was no exception. I could feel his hot tongue licking around my boy hole, and quivers shot through my body when his tongue would part my ring and slide inside. It was a crazy sensation eating somebody out at the same time getting your ass eaten out by somebody else. I was really starting to get hot and was worried that I might shoot off without even touching myself.

After a few minutes of this butt eating action, Enzo piped up and said, "Hey guys? We gotta stop this. I'm about ready to shoot and I don't want to do that yet. You guys promised to fuck me."

"Yeah, we did," Jake said, getting off me and standing up.

"How should we do this?" asked Kenji.

"All aboard!" Enzo shouted, as he bent over and flashed us his ass.

"I guess that answers my question," Kenji said.

"You're funny," Jake said.

Right about then, Backdoor Man came on the radio. I hadn't been paying any attention to the radio, but this song seemed so appropriate for this situation. What a crazy coincidence! It was a cool song by The Doors that you really never heard all that often. Actually, now that I think about it, this was a song that they only played late at night. Now I knew why.

Jake grabbed me around my waist and pulled me into his crotch, his hard cock sliding up along my crack. He started to grind into me and then we both started to sing along with Jim:

Well I'm a backdoor man I'm a back door man Whoa, baby, I'm a backdoor man

"Holy shit! Is that song what I think it's about?" asked Enzo.

"Well, yeah. What do you think a `Backdoor Man' is?" I said, grinding harder into Jake.

"A guy who gets it up the butt?"

"Hell no, a guy bangin' chicks' up the ass," Jake insisted. "Jim Morrison dig's chicks. Maybe he likes fucking them up the ass, I don't know. I happen to know girls dig it `cause they can fuck that way and won't get pregnant."

"Jake, you're wrong. This is an old blues song that talks about a chick cheating on her husband. The other guy has to sneak around and come and go out the backdoor. That's what I heard, anyway," said Kenji. "My dad used to listen to all kinds of blues and jazz records."

"Well, I don't know much about blues, but it sounds to me like he likes doing it up the butt," I said. "I remember seeing him in those tight leather pants. He's got a big one."

"Okay. For the sake of argument, let's just agree that ol' Jim likes to fuck a tight asshole, maybe a chick, maybe a dude, but anyway, that's what we're gonna do to Enzo right now. All right?" Jake asked. He reached up and started to twist my nipples.

Everybody agreed and smiled at Enzo. You could tell he was excited and nervous at the same time.

"If Jim Morrison likes to screw ass, he can screw mine anytime," Kenji said, laughing. "That dude is sexy!"

"Why don't you screw mine, instead? Who's gonna go first?" Enzo asked, shaking his ass all around. He was totally excited and so freakin' horny.

"Here's what we were thinking: You want to get screwed by all three of us, right? So we're gonna all get screwed at the same time," I said. "And then we're all gonna take turns cumming up your ass."

"God damn! That sounds fucking bitchin'." He sounded just like his dad, Crash, and it made me laugh.

Pulling Jake off me, I went over to the stash box on the counter and got out the KY that Lisa got us. Man, we were really ripping through this stuff. "Okay, everybody, assume your positions and start your engines," I laughed.

"Who's got the pole position?" asked Jake, grinning. Without giving any of us time to answer, he added, "Oh wait. We all do!"

Enzo got on the bed on his back and threw his muscular legs up into the air and started to giggle again. I doled out a little dab of lube into Kenji's hand and after he slicked up his dick, he started to shine up Enzo's exposed little pink hole. I figured that since Kenji had already loosened him up with his tongue, and since Kenji's dick was on the smaller side, Enzo wouldn't have any trouble taking the little Asian kid.

"Give me some of that," Jake said. He was ready to get fucking.

"Roger that, Bucky!" I was ready too.

After squirting some goo into Jake's hand, I squeezed out a dollop into my hand and put the tube on the side table. Jake and I were smiling at each other while we slimed up our hot cocks. We were both going to enjoy this. Like I thought before, I couldn't wait to be the filling in an Oreo cookie!

"Enzo, take deep breaths and push out a little like you're gonna go poop. Then Kenji will slide right on into you," I told him. "And stick a pillow under your head so you can watch."

"Right on! I got it," he said.

Kenji moved in behind Enzo, lining up his little brown uncut dick with Enzo's quivering pink hole. I took the opportunity to use my greasy finger to start rubbing between Kenji's smooth butt cheeks, pushing him forward and on into Enzo. I looked over his shoulder just as his little hot rocket met Enzo's butt hole for the very first time. Then it slipped right on in.

"Oh, God!" Enzo said. His super hard dick was lying flat on his stomach, leaking a few drops of pre-jizz. I don't think his cock ever went soft all evening.

"Stay there, Kenji, don't move. Let him get used to it for a minute while I get in place." I got up behind Kenji and lined up my super hard dick with Kenji's hole. I had to spread out my legs a little bit because Kenji was a few inches shorter than I was.

Kenji was hot, because he turned his head and whispered to me, "Stick it in me, man. One slow thrust, okay? I can take that fat cock of yours, no problem. You know I like big dicks."

That's all I needed to hear and I did just that. My cock twitched as I lined up my fat uncut dick with his waiting hole, grabbed his hips with both of my hands and pushed my dick all the way up his butt hole, nice and slow in one long thrust, just like he wanted.

"Oh, man," Kenji said. "I love it."

"Oh, God," Enzo said, once again, feeling Kenji get pushed in deeper into Enzo's hole.

I turned my head around and said, "Give it to me nice and slow, Jake. Fill me up with your long cock. Set the pace for us, okay buddy?"

"You got it!" I could feel Jake move in close to me, and then all of a sudden there was pressure on my back door. Man, I loved being a backdoor man! I leaned into Kenji and wrapped my arms around his waist as Jake slipped his long dick right up into me in one slow, fluid motion. He rubbed against my prostate and I had to let out a long sigh.

"Shit! This feels freakin' outrageous," I said, catching my breath. I couldn't believe that I had a dick up my butt and my dick in another butt. How freakin' cool was that?

Jake started to slowly grind harder into me and then would back out almost all the way, leaving just the knob of his dick in my butt. Then he'd slowly slide all the way in, giving me his whole length in one swift movement. Every time he did that, I would be pushed forward into Kenji, who in turn was shoved all the way into Enzo's ass. This was the craziest feeling, screwing somebody and at the same time getting screwed. It sorta felt like all our dicks were connected somehow. While Jake was doing these nice, slow thrusts, he had wrapped his hands under my arms and started to tweak my pointy nipples again. That felt groovy.

Kenji leaned over with his hands on either side of Enzo so he could lean in and kiss the bigger guy. I started to run my hands all over Kenji's compact little body, from the top of his shoulder blades down to the globes of his tight little ass. It was cool watching my fat cock disappear up his butt every time Jake would slide into me.

Jake would ram into me, causing me to moan and then push into Kenji. Then Kenji would moan and be pushed deep into Enzo. That would cause Enzo to complete our little moaning chorus. Then Jake would plow me again and we'd all repeat our moaning. It was crazy!

Suddenly, Jake pulled me back tight into him, wrapping his strong arms around my chest, tight. I turned my head sideways so we could kiss and tongue duel. "I love you, man," he whispered into my ear.

"Right back atcha, dude," I said, breaking our kiss.

Jake started to ram his cock into me harder now, hitting my prostate with every thrust. This in turn made my cock throb and I'd be pushed into Kenji's little hole. Kenji, in turn, kept up the pace and when I'd push into him, he'd return the favor and push hard into Enzo.

"Oh, god, guys. I'm loving this! Can you fuck me harder?" Enzo asked.

"Sure," Jake said and he started to really grind into me. I spread my legs out a little bit more and then started to hump up on Kenji. He was starting to really dig it because he was moving his ass all around and pumping into Enzo for all he was worth. Kenji and Enzo were the loudest moaners and were both really getting into this. All of this activity was making us hot, and the four of us had a nice sheen of light sweat all over our bodies.

After a few minutes of this, I told Jake to stop and just stand there for a second. Figuring that this might feel really good, I started to slide my butt back onto Jake's rock hard cock, and then once impaled all the way, slowly move back off and push myself deep into Kenji's asshole. Then I'd slowly speed up the movements, basically fucking myself on Jakes cock and slamming into Kenji. I felt like I had one giant dick that was attached to all four guys.

Kenji was really panting now and I knew he wasn't going to last much longer. I concentrated on ramming my dick up into him, making sure to brush his prostate on every thrust of my dick. Jake got into the same rhythm and was rubbing on my prostate, too. My hard cock was throbbing with pure delight.

"I can't take much more of this, guys," Kenji said. "I'm gonna cum pretty soon."

"Go for it Kenji! Dump your hot load in me. Oh god! I want to feel your juice blast off in me," Enzo practically sang out. "Do it man, fill me up."

I pushed my whole body into Kenji and started to make little short in and out thrusts with my dick, making sure I was massaging his love button deep inside him. I reached around and started to pinch and twist his little brown nipples which were standing at attention. He started to really moan now, and I could feel the hot sweat between us as I ground into him, making our bodies slip and slide. Suddenly, his ass ring clamped down tight around my cock and I could feel his body shake as he unloaded deep into Enzo. With a loud moan, he deposited three or four good blasts of hot boy cum deep into Enzo and then fell back into me, completely spent. I stopped thrusting into him and just held him up for a few moments, until he regained his composure.

Jake then pulled out of me, allowing me to back up and out of Kenji's ass. I didn't go far because I wasn't sure if Kenji could stand up on his own from his powerful orgasm. But he was okay and he moved over to the side, taking Enzo's hard dick in his hand and started to slowly stroke it. That left me and Jake standing there with our hard dicks sticking straight up in the air.

"You first," Jake said to me as he pointed to Enzo's waiting hole. It was kinda gaping open and a little trail of Kenji's juice was running down his crack.

"Don't mind if I do," I said, stepping up to the plate, so to speak. "Damn, that dripping hole looks hot!"

I started to line up my hard cock with Enzo's slippery looking ass while Jake moved back in behind me again. I went slowly because I didn't know if Enzo could take my fat cock as easy as he took Kenji's. But I needn't have worried because it was so hot and slippery in there that my dick cruised right on in and filled him up.

"Oh fuck! That feels so bitchin'," Enzo said.

I waited for a second while Jake pushed his long cock back inside my butt hole, and then I started to rock back and forth between these two hot guys. Enzo's ass was so hot and tight and Jake's hot cock was really starting to burn up my ass, but it was a crazy-good burn. Man, I was really starting to sweat like a hog about to get slaughtered. Jake planted his hands on my hips so he could really pound me, causing me to really slam into Enzo. Enzo really loved it because he was laying there moving his head back and forth on the pillow, eyes closed tight. He was making little `oh, oh, oh' sounds and it sounded like he was delirious with lust.

All too soon, I felt that familiar tingle shoot through my entire body and knew that I was going to shoot pretty soon. There was no way to stop it now. My balls tightened up against my body and I could feel my ass starting to clamp down tight on Jake's hot cock. "I'm gonna cum," I howled and unloaded my hot load deep into Enzo's ass, mixing it up with Kenji's load. Jake held onto me as I came back down, and then he pulled out of my ass. My rapidly shrinking dick popped out of Enzo's ass, along with a good amount of spooge.

"My turn," Jake said, changing places with me. "Ready, Enzo?"

"You bet. Bring it on dive boy," he said, and slowly pushed his long, hard cock into Enzo's sloppy ass.

"Oh god, your ass is so hot. Are you loving this Enzo?"

"Oh yeah, it feels so groovy. Shoot your load in me, man."

Jake crammed his long cock up into Enzo like a beef taquitos inside a bean burrito with extra sour creme.

"Oh god, I'm gonna cummmmmm!" Jake said, slamming into Enzo.

"Give it to me, c'mon, give it to me dude!"

And he did. He emptied his big load deep into Enzo's hot gaping asshole, with three or four big grunts. Then he was spent.

"That was bitchin'!" Jake said.

The rest of the week was pretty routine, with swim practice alternating with some weight training and yoga and meditation. The yoga was really interesting and I was really starting to dig it. It was relaxing and invigorating at the same time, and yet, I could really feel my muscles starting to firm up and become stronger. The four of us totally enjoyed the special attention that we were getting from Coach Brian and his girlfriend Samantha.

Jake seemed to really get into the whole meditation thing, and sometimes on our way home he would describe some of the intense and vivid thoughts he got when Samantha walked us through some of her guided imagery exercises. He always had visions of water or boats or something like that, and they constantly had some sort of story or theme. Maybe because we were in the pool so much, I guess. Anyway, my visions were more obscure and I really didn't understand them. It seemed like in my mind I was always running around or chasing something or somebody, but I never really seemed to focus on any one thing in particular. It was relaxing just the same and afterwards I always felt really great. I just knew that it was fun and it made all of us happy.

Kenji kicked ass in the pool, but he wasn't all that much faster than me. Even though I was a year younger than he was, I was slowly starting to catch up to his time, especially on the 200 meter freestyle long-course. He was a bullet off the block, but he needed to work on his stamina. His best time so far was just under 1:55, but I was right there behind him, about ready to pass the two minute mark. I was sure one day soon I'd pass him up. By the end of the summer we were both going to be good competition, not only for each other but when we started swim meets with other high school teams.

Enzo was a little slower in the pool then the three of us, but he didn't seem to mind and he kept up his cheerful attitude at practice. His times kept improving, little by little, but his real strength was playing water polo. His big arms and legs made it easy for him to push the other competitors around the pool, even if he wasn't that fast of a swimmer. Coach always had at least one lane open for us and that made us seem more special than the rest of the kids in the pool-not that we got big heads or anything. It was just nice to be treated a little differently. The biggest surprise for all of us was with Jake and his diving. He was fearless when he was on the board, and coach gave him special attention and pointers to make him dive even better. He could do a backwards 11/2 Somersault Tuck with ease, but if he tried for two he always messed up, hitting the water and tearing up his back. His biggest problem was keeping his legs together and his toes pointed out. But I was pretty sure he'd get that down real soon. Later on, he quickly got the knack of bending slightly at the waist as he entered the water to keep his impact from over rotating his body. And he sure looked hot standing on the edge of the high dive platform, all tan and tight in his red speedos!

True to his word, that Monday after practice, Enzo asked Coach Brian about getting some counseling, which he started the next day. He continued to be happy and friendly with us, but I'm sure at some point the whole thing with his mom was going to cause him some grief. But for now, he seemed to be okay and nothing seemed to bother him. Things at his home seemed better and Crash had gotten a nice Italian lady to do the cleaning and cooking, just like he promised. Even though she didn't speak much English, Enzo said that he, Chris and Crash all seemed to like her, and she was a really good cook, too. Enzo told us that Chris didn't seem to understand exactly what really happened to their mom, and if it traumatized him he sure didn't show it. Maybe he'd ask more questions about it when he got older.

Lisa was really cool when she offered to take all of us up to the cemetery Wednesday before practice. Enzo was pretty emotional, but it was a far mellower scene than anybody would have imagined. Jake, Lisa, Jordy, Kenji and I helped the Ferrari brothers find their mother's gravesite in the old, overgrown Mountain View Cemetery in Altadena. It was a kinda creepy place with its droopy trees and overgrown brown lawn. Their mom was buried under a huge old Pine tree and she had a nice, granite headstone, unlike some of the other big gaudy ones nearby. It had a simple block inscription that modestly read:

Here lies Maria Licata Ferrari, beloved wife and mother. 1934  1958.

The seven of us just sort of stood around the grave in a semi-circle, not really knowing what we should do. It was quiet and respectful and seemed to be enough. None of us were very religious and since Lulu wasn't with us, we didn't feel the need to chant or sing or do whatever mystical thing she was into this week. It was sad, but seemed to bring a bit of closure to everyone. Everyone was pretty happy when we got home, so it must have done the trick.

We were having lots of sex too, although Jake and I did our own thing and Enzo and Kenji did theirs. Jake and I both agreed that as much fun as we had screwing guys at Coop's party, and at Enzo's butt cherry-popping shindig, we really just wanted to make love with each other. It was so much better when it was just the two of us. And besides, Enzo and Kenji seemed to be getting along pretty good and seemed happy with their arrangement, whatever it was.

Thursday morning was the day the Lulu's and my dad were supposed to take off for Uncle Gus's birthday party up at his farm in Marin County. They were going to be spending the whole Fourth of July weekend up there, leaving us home alone for four days. To say that we were looking forward to being on our own would be a major understatement! We weren't planning to have a party or anything, but after all of the stuff that had happened during the last few weeks it would be cool just to hang out and relax.

When we got back from practice on Thursday afternoon, we were surprised to see that our folks were still home. They were running late and so they decided to drive half-way tonight and then stay in a motel mid-way. Tomorrow, they should be up at the farm in the morning. I didn't really care as long as they just left. Dad gave me and Jake about a thousand rules because "we were the guys and it was up to us to keep Lisa and Jordy safe." He was still worried about the Dark Man and the incident with the microbus. He told us to keep all the doors locked at night and then reminded us that he wanted all of us to sleep in the house together instead of the tree house. Then he gave us a bunch of money and some free tickets he got for the Fireworks Spectacular at the Rose Bowl. Mom was a nervous wreck like always, and he finally got her ushered out to the car around 4:30. I was surprised that he didn't make her take one of her Valium's. Lulu was excited too, and she was dressed for the occasion in a, well, I'm not too sure what it was actually. She was wrapped up in a gigantic psychedelic dress with fringe at the bottom, a huge belt and sandals. And of course she was sporting her famous floppy hat and mosquito sunglasses. Finally, once everything was packed and the Lulu's had given us kisses goodbye, they jumped in the car and headed down the street.

"Man, I didn't think they'd ever leave," said Lisa.

"No shit," I said.

"So what are we going to do tonight?" asked Jake. "I'm getting hungry."

"You boys are always hungry," Lisa said. "It's a wonder you aren't four hundred pounds!"

"We're growing boys," piped up Jordy, standing on his toes and flexing his ten-year-old boy biceps. "Can we get some tacos? Mom doesn't like Mexican food and we never get to eat it."

"I don't know little man. We have a big day planned for tomorrow. And they have that cool food court outside the Rose Bowl and we'll get to eat all kinds of stuff. Maybe we should just hang out here tonight and pig out tomorrow. Mom left us a bunch of leftovers," I said.


"Well, it's up to Lisa if she wants to drive us somewhere. What do you guys think?" I asked everybody. I was starting to think I was going to have to be the decision maker this weekend. It felt really good to be in charge for once. I eyed everybody, but nobody seemed to have an answer.

Finally, Lisa was the first to answer. "I don't have any plans. Coop's working at the pharmacy tonight so we aren't going to go out. We can go get some tacos I guess, but really, Valley Of The Dolls is on tonight and I'd rather stay in and watch that. This has been a busy week and I'd just like to take off my bra and snuggle up on the couch."

"Can I play with your boobies?" Jordy whispered up to her, standing on his tippy-toes so Jake and I wouldn't hear. But we did.

"Sure little man, whatever floats your boat."

"Leftovers sound good. Let's stay home!" Jordy said, making us all laugh.

We started to head into the house to find something to eat, but before we could do that Jake stopped us to tell us a joke.

"A cannibal man and his cannibal wife we're eating dinner one night when the man turned to his wife and said I really don't care for your mother.' She dropped her fork on her plate and then gave him the stink eye. If you don't like her,' she said, `then just eat your vegetables'."

That made everybody groan.

"Where do you get these things? That one was pretty lame," I said.

"I don't know. It just popped into my head," Jake said.

After dinner, Lisa and Jordy got comfy in front of the television while Jake and I cleaned up the kitchen. It wasn't that big of a mess and we were done in no time.

"Why don't you run out to the garage and get us a couple of beers while I finish drying the dishes," I asked Jake. "Make sure the door is locked when you leave the garage, okay?"

"Roger that Bucky. Be right back."

Jake wasn't gone more than a couple of minutes before I heard Sloan start barking her head off. It didn't sound like her normal `there's a squirrel in the tree' kind of bark. This was more of a four-alarm kind of bark, something she didn't do very often. And then I noticed some of the other dogs in the neighborhood were starting to bark as well. That seemed weird. So I threw the dishrag in the sink and stuck my head out the sliding glass door, trying to see where the sound was coming from. I couldn't see anything at first, so I started to follow the sound. I walked fast through the breezeway and noticed the gate to the front was open. Once I came around the front of the garage, there was Sloan in the middle of the driveway barking and barking and barking. The hair on the nape of her neck was all hunched up and her normally wagging tail was sticking out straight behind her. Something bad must be going on.

I rounded the edge of the house just in time to see the tail lights of the green sedan go fishtailing down the hill and out of view. What is it with that car, I wondered? Jake probably saw it from the garage. I'd have to ask him about it.

"Sloan! Be quiet," I yelled at the barking dog. She didn't stop and instead looked straight at me and continued on with her tantrum.

"What? What is it girl?" I was starting to sound like Timmy on a rerun of Lassie. I looked all around the front lawn and didn't see anything unusual, except that now Mrs. Kravitz across the street was standing on her front porch looking at me.

"Sloan! Stop!" This time I clapped my hands and she finally got the message. I still didn't see anything unusual so I motioned for Sloan to follow me across the street.

"Hi Mrs. Jacobson. Any idea why Sloan is going crazy?"

"No, honey, I don't know why she's barking like that. I came out here to see what all the fuss is about. Yer dog is usually so well behaved."

"I know. Something must have really spooked her. Oh well, whatever it was is gone now," I said.

"Yer momma said yer all going to be alone this weekend. Are you going to be all right? Do you have enough food?"

"Were fine, thanks. It's only going to be a couple of days. We aren't going to have any parties or light off any firecrackers or anything. Don't worry. My dad already gave us a thousand rules and regulations," I said. Great. Now we have this old lady spying on us.

"Okay, honey. If you need anything just ask. We'd be more than happy to help," she said. She really was a nice old lady, nosy, but nice.

"Will do. Thanks Mrs. Jacobson," I said and started to walk away. Then I had a thought. "Do you know why that green car has been hanging around out in front lately?"

"Not really. I've seen it around once or twice. I thought it might have something to do with that ruckus you had up in yer backyard the other night."

"Maybe. Well, goodnight. C'mon, Sloan. Let's go home."

"Night, sweetie. You kids take care."

I headed back across the street and back towards the house. I latched the gate closed behind me and then walked over to the door to the garage. It was locked. Guess Jake was back in the house. I turned around and was just about to head back when something caught my eye. Up by the tree house something was moving behind the bushes. Crap. Now what? Sloan sensed it too and started to growl. I reached down just in time to grab her by the collar before she had a chance to go charging into the bushes. No telling what was in there and I didn't want her to get hurt. Then out of the side of my eye, I could barely make out a shape. Holy crap! It was the Dark Man! What was he doing out during the day?

"Satellites aren't out tonight. Whey-oh. That's b-b-bad!" he said, shuffling out the brush. He was dirtier than ever and he had a scratch on his face.

"Why is that bad?" I asked. I didn't really want to talk to him because I was afraid he might snatch me up again. But for some reason, he seemed more docile today. Sloan got it too and she stopped growling and sat down, panting.

"Bad things happen. Can't hear the voices. Whey-oh. Your boy. He's gone."

"What? Jake? What do you mean he's gone?"

"Men in car. Men in suits. Men in car suits. They take your boy-o."


Next: Chapter 32

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