So Cal Summer 1969

By Flip McHooter

Published on Apr 16, 2011


The story below is a work of fiction, except for the location. It was written by me and I am over 18. Any similarities to anyone living or dead are strictly coincidental. This story contains explicit sexual situations between high school aged boys, (and some girls). If this is illegal, or it offends you or you are not of legal age to read this than please do not read any further.

The author retains the copyright to this story, and any other rights, to this original story. Nifty has the posting rights. You may not publish it or any part of it without authorization from me.

I hope you enjoy it. Please email me at

Chapter 2

Later on that afternoon, after everything was unloaded from the microbus and brought into Jake's house, my mom asked everyone to come over to our house for some refreshments. Refreshment' was a code word that my mom and dad had for cocktails, and man, did they like their cocktails! Everybody thought that was a great idea, so we all went back to my house and hung out in the family room. My dad started mixing a blender full of margaritas for the adults, and I got out some Coke's and some chips for Jake, Lisa, Jordan and me. The four of us sat around the game table and watched as our folks got more and more animated. Lulu and my mom, LuAnn, now dubbed the Lulu's' by Lisa, were laughing away at something silly one of them said as my dad looked on obliviously as he scratched Sloan between the ears. Even my usually quiet little brother was hamming it up.

Somehow Jordan and Lisa had hit it off real well and were talking nonstop about music. He was totally into Peter, Paul and Mary, and had all of their 45's which he played tirelessly on a portable record player that he got for his birthday last year. Lisa said she was into the Mama's and the Papa's and she had all of their records. Yuck. But it was funny to watch them. Jordan was standing next to Lisa sort of leaning onto her shoulder, and he was staring down her top looking at those big boobs, pretty much oblivious to everyone and everything else around him. Lisa apparently was used to this and so she put her arm around his lower back and started fingering the waistband to his shorts. The little dude was in heaven!

After a few minutes of watching this I asked Jake if he wanted to go outside and check out my tree house.

"Great. Let's get out of here before I puke. I can't stand that crappy music. I'll take the Stones or Jefferson Airplane or CCR any day."

I started laughing and went over and told my mom where we were headed. No problem.

"You and Jake come back in an hour or so, honey. I think your dad is going to fire up the grill and make some hamburgers," Mom said.

Finishing our drinks, I gave her the thumbs up sign as we turned to go. I started showing Jake around our backyard that my dad had spent a lot of time and effort into landscaping. He spent weekends planting bushes and trees around the perimeter so we could have our own version of Eden. We had one of the bigger lots in the development and it backed up to the hillside on two sides, the street on another side and of course the south side faced Jake's house. From the back of the lot you could see over the trees all the way to the ocean. Well, only when it wasn't smoggy, which it generally was most of the time. The hillside had some big old oak trees that surrounded the back side of our house and pool. Next to the pool was a pool house that connected to the garage. That gave the pool total privacy which was cool because we never had to wear clothes when we went swimming. No one could see us! My parents weren't really nudists, but they did like to skinny dip. That's the reason they bought this house, my dad said. I loved to swim nude because it always gave me a boner. My friends from school liked to come over and skinny dip too. It was fun to see their dicks swing around and sometimes get hard, but I never got to play with them. Their dicks I mean. But now I was thinking that I might get to do it again with Jake. I instantly got hard and had to rearrange my dick so it wouldn't break. Jeez!

Further back behind the pool house was a short path that led to my tree house.

"My dad wouldn't let me build a tree house in view of his precious' backyard, but he did help me build a very cool tree house way back here. You'll see what I mean in a minute. It's just around the corner out of sight behind those trees. It's really pretty neat cause my parents never come back here."

"You're lucky you have such a great dad. My dad is a dick. Well, when he was home. The last few years he was away on business a lot, so that made life bearable," Jake said sadly.

I stopped walking and turned to Jake. "I'm sorry dude. But if your mom's gonna divorce him you won't have to see him anymore, will you?"

"Nah, I don't think so. We haven't really talked about it. I don't miss him, though. Lisa and I both hate him for what he did to our mom. We haven't seen him for a few months. Hopefully, since we've moved, he won't bother to look for us."

"Good. If he does show up, you can stay with me so you don't have to see him."

"OK, that sounds cool," Jake said enthusiastically as we started walking again.

Once we rounded the corner I heard Jake say "Holy Shit, Batman! This looks like a miniature house!" And it was, too.

In the crotch of one of the biggest California oaks on our property, my dad and I had built a big tree house with screened-in windows and a large porch. It had a peaked roof so we were able to stand up inside. To get in, you had to climb about twenty feet up from the bottom of the tree to reach the trap door opening, and once you were inside it was like a party room. I had my favorite black light posters up and my dad had found some blue shag carpet remnants for the floor, so it was nice and cozy. It had windows on all four sides so it stayed nice and cool, and screens to keep the bugs out. Last year I rigged up a pulley and litter system that came up through the floor of the porch. This way I could set Sloan in it and then pull her up and into the tree house. She loved to hang out with me up here, looking out the windows for birds and other critters. And my dad had even found an old sink at an architectural salvage company that he mounted in the corner and connected it to water from a long hose that he ran from the back of the pool house. It drained out through another hose that was buried and emptied out about fifty feet down a small canyon.

"Hey Ryan, how do you get up in there?" Jake asked worriedly. "It looks hard."

"It's easy. Just follow me. When you climb remember to keep three of your arms or legs secure, and reach out with your fourth," I said as I reached out and started to climb up the side of one of the big branches.

When I got to the bottom of the tree house under the trap door, I looked around to make sure Jake was still behind me. Despite his apprehension about climbing up the tree, he was swinging around just like a gorilla. I had to laugh. I pushed open the trap door, pulled myself through and then held out a hand for Jake. Once we got inside the tree house, I slammed the door shut and took a seat on some big pillows as Jake plopped down beside me.

"This is really a groovy place," Jake said looking around. "Up `till now, we have always lived in apartments and there was never anyplace that I could hang out and be by myself. You're really lucky to have this great hideout."

"Yeah, I know. I am really lucky. My dad is always looking out for me and Jordan. He said he used to have a tree house when he was a kid, and wanted me to have one too."

Changing the subject after a couple of minutes of silence, I asked Jake shyly "Hey, do you like to get high?"

"Um, sure. I've only smoked once before, but it was fun. It made me really horny," He said, starting to blush.

"I got a little bit of weed from a friend down the street. He and I have been smokin' once in a while for a few months now. I like the buzz, and it makes me horny too," I giggled. I reached over to a little shelf and pulled out my stash box. It was an old cigar box that Mr. Bailey had given me a few years ago. I had wrapped it up in some psychedelic paper that I got downtown at Wiggy's Record Store.

"My friend Cooper gave me this pipe. I don't know how to roll joints very well yet. Coop has had lots of practice, since he's seventeen. His older brother is a hippie and Coop says he can roll a joint with one hand," I said.

I snatched up a pinch of bud and packed it in the multicolor glass pipe. When I had enough in the bowl, I dug out my mom's Bic lighter that I had swiped out of her purple polyester purse and put the flame over the end of the pipe. I inhaled the smoke and then passed the pipe to Jake. After he took a puff, he started to cough and gag. I thought he was going to choke to death.

"Dude, slow down. Just take a little hit at a time."

Tears were streaming down his cheeks and his face was all red. "Sorry Ryan, I told you I had only done this once before."

"Hey, it's cool. Try again but just suck a little bit this time."

"OK," he whispered, still recovering from his coughing attack.

Jake pulled in a smaller breath this time, and fortunately for him he was able to blow it out without coughing up a lung.

"That was better. Hey, this stuff smells pretty good. The last time that I tried smoking pot was with this girl from my school. Her name was Rainbow. Is that name stupid or what? Anyway, we sat in her car after class and got high. But her pot really stunk," Jake said giggling.

"I think they call that stuff skunk weed," I said.

"Yeah!" Jake said too loudly.

"Dude, I think you're wasted."

"Maybe, but I feel really good right now. Remember when I told you that I got really horny last time? Well, Rainbow, that girl at school wanted me to get down with her, but I was really embarrassed and didn't want to do that with her. Especially in the student's parking lot. I was afraid the campus cop would catch us."

Lowering his voice, he continued shyly, "But laying here with you I'm getting all tingly and hard. Do you want to take your clothes off?"

"Yeah," I answered hoarsely. "Getting high and getting naked are two of my favorite things."

I sat up and pulled my red striped tee-shirt over my head. As I reached down to untie my shoes, I looked over at Jake as he hurriedly stripped off his shorts. He hadn't wasted any time getting naked. He looked hot! He wasn't ripped or anything, but he had a nice flat stomach and just below his tan line was a beautiful pearly white bubble butt. He had a small bush of light brown hair just above his cock, and a tiny treasure trail crawling up to his stomach. Plus, he had a good amount of hair under his pits and big round nipples the size of half-dollars. Man, my dick was rock hard!

I finished taking off my shoes and socks and as I pulled down my shorts and underwear my hard dick slapped straight up against my stomach. When Jake heard this he started to giggle. Then I started giggling too. We laid there for a minute under the hot sun streaming through the windows, giggling and not saying anything. The cool breeze off the mountains blew through the open windows and made my nipples get hard. I could hear the melancholy drone of a small airplane flying lazily over us. I felt good, really good.

"You know Jake, I'm glad I'm a guy because I really love playing with my dick," I said thinking out loud. "If I had a pussy I don't think it would be as much fun. It doesn't look like there is much there to play with. I bet I've been playing with myself since I was probably five-years-old."

"Me too," said Jake as he moved around next to me on the pillows to get comfortable. A lock of his long, light-blond hair rubbed on my elbow and my dick got even harder. "Even before I could shoot, I've played with my cock. When I was little, I had a friend named Jorge who always wanted to play army. He made sure I was the one who got shot in the dick so he could pretend to be the medic and nurse me back to health. One time he said that the only way to get the bullet out of my dick was to suck it out. Boy, that felt great. But we only did that once because after that he had to move away."

"Wow, that's bitchin'! Did you ever suck his dick?"

"No, but I think I might have if he asked. Have you ever sucked a cock?" Jake asked.

"I never had anybody ask. I skinny dipped with a lot of my friends, but we never did anything sexy. I've tried to suck my own dick but I can't seem to get it close enough to my mouth. But sometimes I like to lie on my back with my feet over my head and jack it off to try to shoot it onto my tongue," I said as I slowly stroked my dick, pulling on my foreskin and feeling kind of embarrassed.

"That sounds fun. I've never done that, but I have tasted my wad before. It tastes kind of good." Jake looked up at me and after a long breath said, "If you promise not to tell anybody, do you want suck on each other's dicks?"

"Yeah," I said in a husky voice. "Who goes first?"

"Well, since I've had my cock sucked before, I'll do you. Then you can suck on me." Jake rolled over and got up on his knees, tucking his hair behind his ears. Then he positioned himself between my legs, bent down and took a deep breath and started licking along my shaft.

"Oh, man. That feels awesome!"

Jake continued to lick up and down my cock for a little while, getting it all good and wet. Then he grabbed the shaft with the palm of his hand and pulled it out toward his mouth. Taking another deep breath, he stuck his tongue inside the tip under my foreskin and then started to roll his tongue around the head. Then he started to chew on my long foreskin, very lightly. Shit! I was in heaven. My legs were starting to jerk uncontrollably and I was breathing really hard.

After a little bit, he stopped for a minute to catch his breath and then went back to work. This time instead of licking and chewing, he opened his mouth wide and put the end of my dick right in his mouth. He closed his lips around the shaft and started to suck. Slowly at first, he started to go faster as he got used to my hard prick. Since this was only his first time and being inexperienced, he could only take a couple of inches, but I didn't care. It felt so good. Soon, I was ready to blow.

"Jake, I'm gonna shoot. Do you want to take it?" I whimpered.

He said something but I didn't know what it was because he had a big mouthful of my teenage cock. So I took that as a yes. Anyway, I couldn't stop now even if I wanted to. My toes started to curl and my arms and legs went ridged. My butthole clamped tight and my nuts pulled up into my body. And then I had this feeling like I have never had before in my life. It felt like my whole body was my dick. I really can't describe it other than to say my body felt like it was a giant a water balloon and all of the water was escaping from the tip of my dick. I started to shake all over and shoot like a geyser into Jake's mouth. I have to give him credit, though. As hard as he tried to hold it all in his mouth, cum and spit still soaked my pubes and my balls.

"Jake, stop! It's getting too sensitive."

He looked up at me with gooey grin. "Did I do it right?"

"Yeah, bud, you did it right. At least I think so. That was the most awesome, bitchin' feeling that I've ever had in my life. Let me rest for a second and then I'll do you."

So Jake sat back down, wiping my cum from his mouth, while I caught my breath. After a second, I looked over at him with a big smile and told him:

"I'm glad that you moved in next door. I think we're going to have a great summer together!"

Let me know what you think:

Next: Chapter 3

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