So by the Way

By Shai Jones

Published on Mar 3, 2022


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction and contains sex by young adults. If that offends you or you are one who should not be reading this; if you take the trouble to continue, then you are reading at your own risk. Any resemblance of characters to people alive or dead is purely coincidental.

note 2: author can be reached @ I've written a few stories, poems and reflections. Sometimes my mind is running ahead of my fingers and some revision and editing is required. (I apologize in advance for that)

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Chapter 3

Jeff and Zake strolled down the walk on their way to Zake's home. Jeff was chatting up a storm and did not realise that Zake was fairly quiet. Zake's mind was on the few minutes he spent with Shai. He cannot believe they were interrupted again. He even went to the trouble to prepare himself and his itch needed scratching like crazy. Here and there he picked up a few words about Landa and how freaky she can be. He was not paying much attention to the one-sided conversation. He wondered if Shai even think about the time they spend together. He knew Shai was quiet sometimes and not that into talking but he can seriously lay some pipe and when he breaks out of that quietness can come up with some funny quips.

Jeff, was still droning on about Landa and her new crazy idea. Zake just heard Jeff asked him a question. "Huh, what do you say? Can we do it?," Jeff looked very hesitant and because Zake did not follow the flow of the story he had no idea how to respond. "Tell me again. She wants to do what exactly?" he tried his luck. Jeff was quiet for a little bit and it looks like he was now struggling to formulate the question he put to Zake earlier. He was not sure if he can repeat himself again. It is not as if he was into doing that crazy stuff, but he remembered, "What Landa wants, Landa gets."

"Yo, tjommie, its cool if you don't want to, I just thought it will be easier with you than some random rugby pal. Word might get out that Landa is wanting to taste some knew stuff and you know how they can joke and tease and I would never hear the end of it if I would dare getting one of them to join Landa and I in a three-way."

Zake could now hear the stress in Jeff's voice. Gone was the confident fool playing friend of his.

"You know you can trust on me. There is no way that I would let you down. You just set it up and I'll help you out. But please you need to relax and let it go. We are young and we can try anything. Just don't get hanged up on every detail," Zake was doing his best to steer the troubled mind of Jeff somewhere else. "Besides it's not like we have not done anything like this before?"

He brought some comfort to Jeff and those memories are flooding back and just like that, Jeff was back to being the prankster, party-animal again.

"So, I can pick you up at 14:00 tomorrow. We have a few days before I need to sort out our trip and I don't want her to try anything with some-one else while I'm gone. Zake, Landa is getting some crazy appetites lately," Jeff continues.

"So, we are taking Brent and Shai and the two cousins of yours with us. Damian and Elroi will make it a fun group."

"Yep, but that means we can shop for some some-some at the beach." "It depends on what you mean by some-some."

The two of them fell silent as they enter the McMillon's property. "What time is your parents' home?" "Shai was in one of his moods today. Study even when he can relax and take a break. That oke, is going to be bachelor professor, travelling the world one day," Zake could hear the pride and love Jeff has for his brother.

"He is fun and I'm sure he will end up with a partner of some sort. It just may look like he is a lone-wolf with his focus on studies," Zake smiled as he hugged Jeff.

"Come, let see what the `rents are doing. I am sure we will get a lesson if we don't greet"

As Jeff and Zake entered the kitchen, Beatie McMillon and Ron was feeling each other up. Swapping spit and oblivious to anyone.

"Heita, slow down, we have company," Zake said.

They slowed their kissing and Ron grabbed Beatie's ample ass as he looked at the young men smiling. "You must pray that you have such a fun loving partner one day"

"There is nothing better than sharing ourselves with each other, "Beatie said.

"Are you staying for dinner or sleeping over tonight?"

"Naah, I am still getting over Zake's snoring and wondering hands in his sleep, "Jeff teased.

Being open on love and making sure that everyone is included in their circle is one of the McMillon's greatest gifts. As a younger lad, Jeff can remember how he would crawl into their bed a few times when he slept over and they had no issue. They were welcoming and made sure he was comforted when there was a need. He loved the fact that very little fazed them. That attitude rubbed off on Zake and made him easy to like and become friends with anyone. Jeff hoped that this friendship of theirs will stand the test of time, if the things they have done together is any indication, then it sure will.

Zake slipped off to the bathroom and still feel cheated on getting what he wants. It's easy to be the jokester and keeping everyone happy but he has needs and his itch need some scratching. He still is puzzled by how easy Shai take things. When they are together it is all about Zake. When they in a group then the group gets all the attention. He was not sure what he was feeling or what Shai playing at.

Now this thing with Landa and Jeff! He is far too invested in keeping his friend happy that he would disappoint Jeff.

Ron took Jeff to the garden shed to show him one of his new projects. They discussed the ins and outs of the Jeff's plans for the new year and how proud they all were of him taking a year of to make sure he was firm in what he wanted to do for his future. Jeff felt the love so freely shared and for those moments spend with Ron he forgot about the world.

Beattie was preparing supper and her mind was playing her conversation on repeat of the flirting between her and Shelly. She was a confident colleague who let nothing stop her from being herself. It was a while since Ron and Beattie shared a partner. They let that slipped when Zake started high school.

She smiled as she thought of the way the world has changed. How love and connection now has little limits. Gone were the times when society frowned on what others do in the bedroom. Sure you get those who cannot see or want to experience new things. At least now they keep things to themselves.

Next: Chapter 4

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