Snuggle Bunny

Published on Oct 2, 2000


Snuggle Bunny by Sarah Brandt

Life, in general, had not been going well for me, or my friends for that matter. I was very good in physics, a genius really, but my poor showing in phys. ed. put my college scholarship in jeopardy. I was six feet tall, but a bit pudgy. Girls didn't find me attractive at all. In a word, I was a nerd. The only guys on campus who liked me were my best friend and brother nerd Greg, Rick, a freshman who was geekier than me, and Tim, a former jock who liked me for helping him pass math. Also, I was the only one on campus who didn't blame him for fumbling the ball that cost us a slot in the Rose Bowl. Though 6'5 and muscular, he wasn't very good-looking. Truth be known, he was ugly. He was probably the only varsity football player in the world who couldn't get laid. Just when things looked their worst, I had a vision. I saw space as a series of concurrent realities, each with a specific frequency. If I could tune in to those frequencies, I could see into other realities. Since I lost my scholarship, I had little time so I decided to build a 'dimensional scanner', as I called it. That would surely get me a new scholarship. Greg and Rick helped with the math and computer programs, and Tim helped buy, borrow or steal the parts I needed. In a surprisingly short time, I had perfected it. What I discovered when I used it was astounding. I discovered that not only are there 'alternate realities', but I could create a portal into one! The algorithm I had written could project how a person would do in that alternate reality and actually predict wealth, success, beauty, etc. I scanned through thousands of possible existences. I soon found another reality where Tim, Rick, Greg and I all had high levels of wealth, success, physical attractiveness, and happiness. I couldn't be more specific as to how we would achieve these things, but it didn't matter. In another reality, we were destined to be rich and desirable. We discussed the possibility of 'making the leap' as we called it. Greg suggested applying the algorithm to this reality. Our future was so grim, I won't even bother with the details. "What have we got to lose?" I said. Ultimately, we decided to go even though it was a one way trip into a mysterious destiny.

We packed all our belongings and assembled in my room. Not knowing what to expect, we had on winter coats. I adjusted the scanner to scan us and shift our frequency to that of the new reality. I felt a strange - something in my stomach. The miserable world I had known blinked out of existence, replaced by a very large, obviously expensive, living room. We had stepped through right into a fancy house. We could see through the windows that it was Spring. The room was filled with four, young losers, all their worldly goods, plus a chair and waste basket from my dorm room that had gotten scanned, too. We all stood there, too stunned to speak for several minutes. We had done it! We were going to be successful.

The house was very large, but not a mansion. It sat on several acres and had a pool and tennis court. We found a game room, jacuzzi, and a garage with a Cadillac, Suburban, and Corvette in it. We decided to rummage through the den and discovered that this was Greg's house. Upon seeing this we all ran back to the living room. There we found a picture of a tall, muscular, handsome man cuddling a voluptuous vixen with a centerfold body. The inscription said, "To My favorite Guy-man Greg- Happy Birthday. Love and Kisses from your little Snuggle Bunny Rhonda" This was incredible. Greg was going to be that stud in the photo. We found what had to be Rhonda's room; it was an EXTREMELY feminine room, all pink lace and perfume with some dolls on the daybed. I became envious when I found letters which said Greg and Rhonda were engaged. Rick found a photo album of her. She was stunning, especially in a throng bikini. It revealed she had a heart-shapeed mole on her right buttock. We all teased Greg about 'getting to see that up close.'

The equations had given the possibility that we might look differently. This confirmed it. We all speculated on how long that might be until we all had assumed our new identities. The best guess was it would take between 2 weeks and 2 months. That being settled for the moment, we all settled in to enjoy the comforts of Greg's wonderful house. We swam, played tennis, watched videos on the wide screen TV and lived the good life. A few days later I looked through the phone book and found that Rick owned the place behind this one! We went through the adjoining gate and found another place that was equally impressive. It seems Greg had made some investments that paid off, then Rick had joined him. That explained a lot. The equations had indicated that Greg was the 'event precipitator'. Apparently Rick was also engaged, to some foxy Asian girl named Maia with the most irridescent green eyes I had ever seen. We went back to the phone book, but couldn't find any listing for Tim or I. We checked the math and came to the conclusion that Tim and I hadn't achieved our success yet, but there was an indication that our futures were tied to those of Rick and Greg. It was decided that I would live with Greg and Tim would move in with Rick until we found out what our new destinies were. "Don't worry about a thing," Greg said as I settled in to my room. "I'll take very good care of you." I knew what he meant, but it seemed like an odd way to say it, none the less.

Greg and Rick were behaving differently. They kept calling us 'old sport' and other preppy phrases. Greg complained of some achiness in his joints. I thought his clothes looked tighter and his pants were too short. Then one morning, Greg came down to breakfast completely transformed into his new, studly self. He entered the kitchen, where I was making breakfast, flexing his new muscles - stark naked. I took a look at him. He had classic features, long wavy black hair, bedroom eyes - AND HE WAS HUNG LIKE A HORSE! Suddenly, I blushed and turned away. I had a boner! What was I thinking! I wasn't sure, but I think Greg saw it, and had smiled. Oh no! Were we destined to be gay lovers? Nothing in the math said we couldn't be, but no. There was Rhonda, somewhere. I felt relieved. Rick changed the next day. Rick and Greg began to spend a lot of time at the country club, playing golf and tennis, but mostly looking for Rhonda and Maia. Tim and I limited our trips in public to the library. We weren't sure when, or under what circumstances, we would change, so we decided it was best to stay close to home until we did.

It was more than a week after Greg changed that I awoke feeling - odd. I got up and looked in the mirror. I didn't seem to look any different, but something didn't feel right. Later that morning I was vacuuming. Lately, I had been doing housework. I enjoyed it. It broke the boredom. I had been a little curious where Rhonda was. After all, she WAS Greg's fiancee. I couldn't imagine where she might be, so I went back to vacuuming and trying to decide what to make for dinner. The door to Rhonda's room was ajar. I went inside to look for some small clue we may have missed. I looked through her desk. Nothing. I went through her closet, still nothing, but wow. She really had nice clothes. I went into her jewelry box and found her engagement ring. It was a real door knob! 3 carats at least. On impulse, I slid it onto my finger. It wouldn't fit. I looked, next, in her underwear drawer. As the drawer slid out, my nose was assaulted by the scent of lace, silk, cache', and perfume. My prick stiffened. I picked up a panty and looked around. Hands trembling, I slid off my pants and shorts, then slid my legs into the exquisite smoothness of the panty. I moaned softly. This was incredible! It felt sooo good. I walked to the 3-way dressing mirror in the corner. I looked at myself, turning from side to side to see myself in panties. I tugged at the leg hole to make a tighter fit and looked into the mirror. I screamed! On my butt was a heart- shaped mole!

By now I was naked and other changes were noticable. I had lost some height and musculature. My eyes had changed from gray-blue to a deep blue. Besides the new mole, my ass seemed - cuter. I stared at my ass for a long time as the full implications of this were sinking into my brain. A tear formed in the corner of my eye.

"Oh, no!" I said to the empty room. "There is such a thing as karma. No wonder Greg hasn't found Rhonda yet. I'M RHONDA; at least, I'm going to be." I gasped. "That means Tim is going to be Maia. I'ld better tell him what's in store for us." I called Tim, chuckling softly as I thought about that hulking ape turning into the petite nymphette I saw in the photographs. Then I thought about the first time I saw a picture of the equally buxom Rhonda. "Wow. Nice headlights," was my crude remark. hmm. Now they were going to be MY headlights.

I could tell something had happened as soon as Tim picked up the phone. I asked what was going on. He said that he had noticed some changes this morning. His eyes were a different color. He sounded happy. "Are they, by any chance, irridescent green?" I asked cautiously. He seemed surprised by my response and asked me how I knew. "Tim, I don't know how to tell you this. Maia has irridescent green eyes." There was a long pause before he said anything. "Could - could - that happen?" he asked, fear choking his words. "Yes. In fact, I have a heart-shaped mole on my ass. You know - like Rhonda. Why don't you come over." He said he'ld be right there. I decided to make some coffee and was momentarily concerned that I had nothing to serve, when I caught on to what I was doing, but as I ran my hand over my slightly expanded rump, I was began to understand these changes in my behavior.

I saw Tim jogging across the lawn. Already, there seemed to be somewhat less of him than I recalled, and his carriage had become just the slightest bit effeminate. That was a rather subjective observation on my part, but Tim had always been so totally - Neanderthal, that any change toward what most people would merely call 'human' behavior was a sure sign of a growing femininity. Looking back, I saw that it had begun a few days ago; just about the time I started to act like Betty Crocker. From the moment he walked in the door and I saw those lovely eyes (His lashes were longer, too) I knew I was right about what was happening to us. However, he was not ready to accept it yet. At first he presented an argument that we were Rhonda and Maia's brothers and had introduced them to Rick and Greg. Even he didn't believe that one after he said it out loud. He then grasped at a comment I had made earlier about Rick and Greg. I had hypothesized that they had changed first because they were 'in their own place' and that we would change if only we could find 'our place'. He wanted to pack and get out of here - now. The recent alterations to my gluteus maximus indicated the futility of that idea. I had to get him to accept this. He wouldn't like it. I didn't either, but really; what choices did we have. I sat him down and poured him a cup of coffee. We sat quietly for a moment, sipping our coffee. I noticed Tim and I had both crossed our legs, at the knee - like women.

"Don't you see? Greg and Rick haven't changed into their new selves because they're in their own place and we aren't. This is our place, too. They changed more quickly than us because they're still MEN, just better looking. But in this reality, you and I are women. I guess we'll take longer to change, but we will change. Look at us. We're both shorter already, and I feel - it's hard to describe, like I'm getting fat."

"Just because you've been eating too much, doesn't mean we're turning into women!"

"Oh, puleez. Let's not waste a lot of time with denial. I wake up with a heart-shaped mole on my butt, and you have green eyes. Face facts. You're GOING to be Maia, and I'm going to be Rhonda, though, unlike you, I'll wait until I actually have tits and a cunt before I start acting like bitch."

"Watch who you're calling a bitch - you bitch."

"See! When was the last time you called a guy, any guy, a bitch. -- Oh." He was putting me on. Tim smiled impishly at my being tricked by his wry comment, but he was right, too. For all practical purposes, we were women already. There was no way of knowing when, but soon apparently, we would become women physically, as well. We both broke into laughter. It relieved the tension. Now, I hoped Greg would take it as well- when I told him that we were engaged. Tim and I sat at the table, making plans for more than an hour. The changes in our behavior were probably caused by physical changes to our brains. Tim actually said that he had feelings of being a woman trapped in a man's body, and that he had been finding the rest of us more desirable. Upon hearing the words, it occurred to me that I felt the same way. To avoid problems we would have to go along with those changes, without resistance. It meant that from this moment on, we should start behaving like the women we would soon be. We even started calling ourselves, without actually planning to, Maia and Rhonda. It sounded odd to be called 'Rhonda', but there was something normal about it, too. We checked ourselves carefully. I had shrunk an inch and Tim had shrunk two. Both of us looked way over due for a haircut. I could feel a thin layer of fat forming under my skin and I semed to have lost some muscle. That explained that 'fat' feeling I had. We found that Tim had also lost a lot of muscle tone. He flexed his brawny muscles, probably for the last time, then left for home. I called Greg at the club and told him I had some news on Rhondas whereabouts.

I had decided what I was going to say, but I almost lost my lunch when I heard his Corvette pull up. He bounded into the room with the enthusiasm of a Labrador puppy. This was NOT going to be easy. "Well? What have you found out," he asked expectantly. My eyes looked everywhere, except directly at him. "Greg- I know where Rhonda is. You see, I started to change this morning." Greg didn't understand what I was driving at. His impatience was growing. I pressed on. "You know how Rhonda has that heart-shaped mole on her butt? Well, I ......." I pulled down my shorts to reveal my new mole. I closed my eyes and turned my head, unable to face Greg's reaction. That's when I heard - laughter? Greg was laughing. I looked at him in shock. "What's so damn funny! I'm turning into your fiancee and you think it's funny?" Greg wiped a tear from his eye. "I'm not laughing at you, or your - situation. I'm laughing because I'm relieved. After I changed, I began to have feelings of - attraction for you. I thought I was gay!" I began to laugh, though giggle was a more appropriate word for the sound coming out of me. "You did? Me, too! Well. I guess I'm not gay either. Tell you what. If anyone ever says we are, I'll have a baby. That will show them, won't it." We both collapsed in hysterical laughter. You had to. The situation WAS funny, after all. When we had regained some level of composure, I told Greg of my desire to start living as Rhonda right away. He agreed. I took the keys to Rhonda's, uh- my, Eldorado and went to the mall. The clothes in - my - room didn't fit -yet. I needed to get some dresses and high heels; and a bikini. I couldn't go topless around the pool anymore. Those days were over, now that I was a female, so to speak. I was happy, I guess. After so many weeks of uncertainty, it was nice to know I had a future again, and I just wanted to get on with it. The good thing about taking this attitude was that I no longer was a man turning into a woman, I was a big, ugly woman who was getting more beautiful by the day. That was much better for my morale. On the way to the garage, I said goodbye to Greg - and kissed him on the cheek.

It was a pleasant drive at first. I was listening to the radio when they began to play 'Paradise by the Dashboard Light'. The imagery had always been erotic until it occurred to me that I WAS GOING TO HAVE 3RD BASE BETWEEN MY LEGS! Men - with cocks- were going to try to enter ME. I pulled to the side of the road. I felt sick to my stomach. Reminding myself I had chosen this, and recalling the misery of my 'other future', I pulled myself together. I got to the mall and had my ears pierced (don't we always in these stories?). The simple hoops were gender neutral, so no one really paid any attention. I went to department store and bought some clothes that I thought would fit me for now, which because of my still male body, meant PLUS sizes. I decided on feminine colors and floral prints and got some fatlady mu-mus, tights, tube tops, shorts and tennis skirts. I also bought some head bands with bows. I didn't buy any make-up since there was plenty at home and I really didn't know what to get anyway. I was sure the knowledge would come in time. I then hurried home to become - a girl.

Upon returning home, I went to my room and locked the door. Greg knocked and asked if I was alright. I replied, "Just give me some privacy for a few hours. Ok? Once I'm in skirts and high heels, I intend to start being a woman for you. Well, as much as I can anyway." He left. I hung all the 'plus size' clothes in an empty closet and went to my bathroom. I applied depilatory cream to my torso and arms and showered it off when the time was right. Next, I drew a foaming bubble bath. (CLICHE' ALERT!) I soaked for a time, enjoying the steam and warmth. Then with a heavy sigh - I shaved my legs and underarms, like a woman. When I was done, I applied some of the lotions and creams I had found. They felt greasy, but OK. I wrapped myself in a big, fuzzy towel, remembering to cover my chest, and proceeded to put on my first dress.

part 2

I set several records that day. It was not only the first time I put on a dress, it was also the quickest. As I gained experience with women's fashions, I came to realize all the decisions I had to make. I haven't been dressed in under an hour since that day. It was also the day of my first blow job.

Looking back on that day, I know I really looked like a man in a dress. My make-up was all wrong, the mu-mu emphasized all my figure flaws, and I walked like a lumberjack, but somehow, I still felt like a woman. I came down the stairs, stumbling on the high heels. I think Greg stifled a laugh, but to me, he suddenly looked VERY good. He looked me over as I turned for his inspection. We approached and kissed, really kissed. I suddenly felt like a homo, but it passed. I concentrated on the feel of my dress against my shaven legs. The feeling passed. I pushed him back into a chair, knelt before him, and unbuckled his pants. I had to do this. I had to surrender my masculinity to him, completely. His thick cock fell into view. I gasped then - gingerly- placed my lips upon it. I wanted to gag, but I fought it, once again concentrating on my smooth body. Long and slowly I ran my lips along the massive organ. He got hard. I catlicked the tip. He moaned. I ran my tongue along the bottom then inhaled its length. Back and forth; long and slow. He exploded into my throat. I swallowed as much as I could. As he softened, I licked him clean. I was so pleased. I had served my man - as a woman.

He rose and straightened his clothes. We embraced; he crushed me in his powerful arms, stroking my hair. I think I purred. Then - he slapped me on the ass and said, "That was great, Rhonda. Could you make me a sandwich? The game will be on in a minute." With that, he went to the media room. I sighed, smiling, and went to the kitchen to make him a sandwich.

I got out some bread and cold cuts, and sliced some lettuce, tomato and onion. I knew this was Greg's favorite sandwich. I got out the mayonaise - and couldn't open the jar! All of a sudden, I had almost no strength at all! I felt my biceps. Since getting dressed, they had gotten noticably smaller and softer, but I was still man enough to keep trying. I was grunting and straining with the stupid lid when Greg came in to get a beer. He obviously saw my dilemma, chuckled and offered to open it.

"Greg, no. I've begun to wear dresses, but please don't treat me like a helpless woman, uuuu - yet." My knuckles were white from the strain. Finally tiring of this, I handed Greg the jar. "oh poo! Ok, open it, Mr Guyman." I watched Greg open it with ease. I felt an odd mix of envy, remorse and admiration. I just adored the way his biceps bulged as he twisted the cap off. Suddenly, I felt very weak and helpless - and there was a strange stirring in my groin. I just stood there for a moment, bracing myself against the counter. "Uh oh," I thought to my self. I didn't even have to look. "They're gone." My balls were gone! I decided not to say anything to Greg. I watched him lumber back into the den with his sandwich and beer. Casually, I followed behind him. He was sitting in the LA-Z-BOY, watching a football game. I watched him for a while then went upstairs. I needed to pick out a negligee - for tonight. I had decided we should start sleeping together. I also wanted to check myself. My chest felt funny.

I entered my room and was quickly nude at the dressing mirror. Yep. They were gone. My scrotum was now empty and nearly flush with my groin. My cock was also smaller. The biggest change seemed to be on my chest. My pecs seemed flabbier than ever and my nipples looked bigger. "They'll be bigger than this before it's all over," I said to myself as I hefted the loose flesh. The mu-mu felt like a sack. I had probably shrunk a bit, too, though I couldn't be sure.

I put on a stretchy spaghetti strap nighty with a bow at the bodice, and matching panties. The top felt like it was holding in something. I slipped on a pair slingback bedroom pumps with bows. A headband with a big polka-dot bow completed the outfit. My legs seemed softer and were looking pretty good. hmm Was my hair longer? I glided into the den. Greg looked up at me. His eyes ran over my form. I could feel them. I hoped he liked what he saw. "I-I think we should sleep together - uh, tonight," I whispered in a thoroughly embarassed manner. Greg looked me in the eye - and laughed! Suddenly, tears filled my eyes. I covered my face and ran from the room, sobbing wildly. By the time Greg came to apologize, I was locked in my room, curled up on the bed, eating a quart of Haagen-Daas. He tried to apologize, but I wouldn't let him. In time, I knew I looked rather comical that evening. A still mannish figure in a sexy nighty, but that wasn't how I felt at that moment. I had offered myself to him and he had rejected me. I hated him! "GO A-WAY!" I screamed as I threw a shoe at the door. I hated being like this; not a man anymore, my blowing Greg proved that, and not yet a woman, my still beefy physique proved THAT. The last thing I remembered before I cried myself to sleep was that my panties felt tight.

The next morning was bright and cheerful - and I felt like I had been run over by a bus. As I rose from the pillow I felt jowly. A quick glance down explained everything. During the night I had shrunk several inches and all of my muscles had turned to fat. I shuffled to the mirror. I could feel my inflated buttocks jiggling. I gasped at the image. I had shrunk to 5'7 at most, and had become chubby and pear-shaped, with hair over my ears. My nipples were engorged, red and puffy; too sensitive to touch. My dick had become a tiny, limp appendage. I would be sitting to piss from now on. I ran my hands over my enormous rump. It was - was huge, but I really liked rubbing it. The bathroom scale revealed my weight at 170#. That was 21# less than before, but on a much smaller frame. Besides, muscle is denser than fat. I was now 170# of flab. I examined my plump body, noting the new fleshiness around my arms. "Wow. I even smell like a woman." I swung my ass into view. "And when did my ass become an erogenous zone. UGH! A BIG erogenous zone." But on second glance I saw other changes - improvements. My eyes had become larger, somewhat doe-eyed. My lips seemed fuller, poutier, and my complexion was flawless. I was almost - pretty. I looked at the photo of me in the bikini. Yes. The fox in the picture WAS emerging.

The bathrobe accentuated my fat ass, and I could feel it undulating as I moved around the kitchen making breakfast. I was putting the scrambled eggs onto a platter when Rick came in. He did a double-take when he saw me. "Wow. You too?" he commented. I smiled sheepishly, looked down at my plump body and said, "I'm at that awkward stage. I guess. How's Tim doing?"

Rick chuckled. "He's down to 5'8", and not a muscle left on him, but he only lost 26 pounds. His skin tone and eyes have changed, too. He looks like Buddha."

I stifled a laugh myself as I recalled last night. "I know it's funny," I said. "but don't forget, Tim is becoming Maia in mind as well as body. SHE may be a little sensitive about her looks right now."

Rick seemed to understand. "I still can't believe that hulk is going to be the petite vixen in the picture, but seeing is believing. You're looking pretty good, actually. I see a lot of Rhonda already. Say. Are you getting tits?"

I glanced down and hefted my fleshy chest. "Well, my nipples are bigger, but I think the rest is just flab - for now anyway. Would you like some breakfast?"

"No. I just came to see if you had anything Ti- uh - Maia could wear. He - uh - she didn't have the foresight you did."

I was pleased to hear Rick call Maia a 'she'. "Sure. I have a few things that should fit OK. Give me a minute."

I could feel Rick's eyes on my ass as I waddled upstairs. I would have to get used to that. I found a few mu-mus that would cover Maia for a while. Rick took them and patted me on the ass as he left! "Couldn't help mysel," he said teasingly.

"Watch the hands!" I said in mock anger, rubbing my 'wounded' posterior. Wow. My life was going to be VERY different from now on. Once again, I hefted the loose flesh of my chest. I pulled the robe away. hmmm, no need for a bra. Not yet anyway, but soon. I was suddenly worried. This wasn't a costume. It was real; and this was only the beginning. Once I started in bras, I'd be strapping myself into straps and elastic for the rest of my life.

I was cooking when I, once again, felt hands on my ass. "Smells good. What's for breakfast," Greg asked.

I smiled at him. mm He looked good; great. Trim, athletic. I wasn't sure if I was impressed or envious. Probably both, though it looked like his hairline had receded just a bit. "Pancakes for you, grapefruit for me. I know my present condition is temporary, but it reminded me that I'll have to start watching my weight," I answered, patting my hips for emphasis.

"Don't suffer for me, Rhonda. I've always believed that a broad SHOULD be broad."

He was trying to be nice, but he didn't understand. I felt like a whale! Besides, with the hooters I was about to develop, they'd be down to my knees if I got too fat. I kissed him on the cheek as I set the plate down. "Wait until you see me in a bikini, Mr. Guyman," I purred. "You'll adore my sexy, little figure."

"I adore it now," he rumbled sexily as he slid my robe up.

What was he doing! I could feel his stiff prick against my ass! WHAT WAS I DOING! I was breathing heavily and semen was oozing from my still-limp dickette. Greg forcefully spun me around, pushed me back onto the countertop and - and - shoved his - oooo - shoved his- uuu- dick- aaaa- up my ass. What was I doing now? Oh, no. I had a dick in my ass, but instead of resisting - oooo- my legs were spread with my ankles crossed behind a man's back! I - I - LIKED it. Was I a - a girl- now? Was I going to start thinking like a girl? Wanting what women want - like - commitments - or babies? Would I forget how to give directions? I only struggled with the philosophical problem for a moment. I was having too much fun. I ultimately decided I was a girl now. I was exhibiting a woman's instincts, and I didn't get an erection or ejaculate. I just oozed - and my nipples tingled a little. Greg erupted inside me. I swooned. As my head cleared, I kissed him. He pulled out and we had a nice breakfast. We seemed more like a couple somehow. It suddenly became very important that we discuss EVERY LITTLE DETAIL of our relationship. And Greg was so mean. He wouldn't share his feelings. I couldn't understand that. Didn't he want to figure out what our last sex act meant?


After cleaning up the breakfast dishes I went upstairs to get dressed. Halfway up the stairs I felt dizzy and a little lightheaded. By the the time I staggered into my room, my legs felt like rubber. I collapsed onto the bed. "Here we go, again," I said to the empty room. I began to feel my groin muscles twitching, followed by a tightening around my scrotum. My arms and legs spasmed erraticly, and I had trouble keeping my train of thought. Soon, I could feel a space opening up between my legs and movement inside my abdomen. "Oh boy," I sighed with a bit of regret. I'm really a girl now."

My head cleared and I got some strength back. Standing up, I could tell I was shorter. My nighty was below my knees, while it had been above before. I removed my nighty and looked in my dressing mirror. I was slightly smaller. 5'5 or 6, it seemed. My figure was definitely female now, with the beginnings of a real 'hourglass' shape. I had wider, rounded hips. Of course, what was between them is what had become most important. My new .... pussy was hairless, but otherwise completely formed, and my nipples, no longer the vestigal ones of a male, had become larger and redder. There was a definite bulge under my nipples, too.

I tried on some of my 'Rhonda' clothes. They didn't fit at all. I was still too fat. My hair was also longer. Well past my ears. I found myself brushing it out of eyes. It was so annoying I put a headband on. Now that I was 'all woman', I decided to try on a swimsuit and use the pool.

The two-piece suit made me look like a chubby girl - which, I guess, I was. It was weird to have something to hide on my chest. I decided to wear a bit of lipstick, too. I had just settled onto a chaise lounge when Ti- uh Maia walked over. She was dressed in a mumu and looked like a fat, effeminate Eurasian, but still male. She was surprised at my state of transformation. "Rhonda! How did you change so fast!" She gasped. I smiled and told her that the change seemed to accelerate, each time I had sex with Greg. I had expected some kind of comment after that, but not what happened. Maia screamed and ran back to her house blubbering, "I'm not a fag! I'm not!" I ran after her.

I found her in her living room sobbing. I put my arms around her and she pushed me away. "Rhonda. I will NEVER let a man touch me. I can't believe you would actually let a man - yuch- enter you." I was shocked. "Maia, you seemed so good about it yesterday. What happened?" Maia looked at me. "Rhonda, I can't handle this. Yesterday, I was watching an adult movie on cable. As I was watching the woman, I thought about how her tits weren't so great. Then I saw the man's penis -and - and- I got an erection! I was so ashamed. Rick came over and put his arm around me, and my skin crawled. This is just too much to handle. I can't - I can't ...... live like this." That last comment frightened me. Maia was really depressed; maybe depressed enough to hurt herself. I knew what she needed. For Maia's sake - she had to get laid.

We spent the day together. I tried to keep her from thinking about our situation. I tried to talk about our old lives, as if nothing had happened. When she seemed more relaxed, I started to tell how great it felt to be a woman, then about what a great lover Greg was. Maia would look at me, like she had just seen me eat a rat, and get depressed again. I wouldn't leave her until Greg and Rick got back from the country club. When Greg and I were alone, I told him about Maia. He said that Rick had talked to him about it, and they had a plan. They were going to include her in their plans for a while, until Tim had changed enough to be as good about it as I was. "That's not going to help, Greg," I protested. "She needs to get laid and become more female as quickly as possible. She needs to accept what is happening. She has to be able to talk about it." Greg smiled and kissed me on the head. "Rhonda. I can't get over how female you are already, and so brave. I'ld have probably gone nuts if I lost MY dick. Rick is right. You must have wanted this - a little, but Tim is still a guy, and in the worst situation imaginable. We have to keep him distracted until it's over. Let him feel like a guy for as long as possible. Trust me, I know what the poor guy is going through. Tim and Rick are coming over. Why don't you go down to the kitchen and fix us something, and go easy on Tim. OK, Rhonda? This change of sex has been hard on him." Hard on HIM! What about me! I didn't ask for this, either. Just because I haven't become a manic depressive, they think I WANTED this! Then, they listen to Tim - no, Maia whine and support her - just because she still has a cock - and ask me to get coffee! I was so mad. "Let HER enjoy it - while she can. We'll see how 'special' Tim is treated when SHE'S as dickless as I am," I fumed. I was so mad at him, I didn't tell him about my new cunt and was very cold to him.

Rick and Greg decided to take Tim, as they decided to call her, for trip to a lake to go fishing. You know; guy stuff. I, on the other hand, was requested to 'do my nails, or something'. Once they left to get Tim, I went to my room and slipped on some lingerie. I had a plan of my own.

Meanwhile, Rick and Greg were having some problems. MAIA didn't want to leave the house. "Come on, buddy. We'll fish; knock back some beers. It'll be fun," Greg coaxed. Tim was too upset to pay a lot of attention to him. "You're only doing this because I'm going to be a cunt, like Rhonda soon. I'm not going to live with tits and a pussy! So stop patronizing me! I'm still Tim. WAAAA I AM!" After that, Tim locked himself in his room. Rick and Greg were worried now. They rushed back to our house. "Damn. We try to treat Tim like he's still an equal and all he did was cry - like some dizzy bitch!" I was angered by his comment. True, I was turning female, but I wasn't 'some dizzy bitch.' I told him how I felt. He looked at me and smiled. "Don't you get it. This is a different reality. Women never got the vote here. In fact, they're congenitally dyslexic. By the time you're through changing, you'll have the reading level of a 9 year old." I was shocked by that comment. It had never occurred to me that some things, besides my gender, could be different in this reality. If that was true, and I had no reason to think otherwise, I was a second-class citizen. Little better than mere chattel. But how did Greg know? Maybe Tim was right. Maybe I should be more concerned. Maybe we should leave! Maybe Greg knew all along and picked this reality. He DID do most of the programming. I mentioned that to Greg. Again that damn smile. "So, you finally figured it out. Not bad for a dumb broad. Yes. I skewed the equations to lead us to a reality where Rick and I get to fuck some hot babes. It was just a bonus that you and Tim became those babes. You can leave - if you still can. In case you haven't noticed, sweety. You're turning into an airhead as we speak. You're getting more vacuous and scatter-brained by the minute. That nighty proves it. What GUY would think of seducing me to get me to do what he wanted. That IS the idea. Isn't it? A piece of that new pussy if I talk Rick into fucking Tim? Maybe I will - after I help Rick make a woman out of Tim. That's right, tootsie. Rick should be humping Maia into unconsciousness by now. Still think you're some kind of genius? Personally, I don't think you can even SPELL 'dimensional scanner' anymore, let alone build one. Better hurry sweetheart. It'll be tough soldering the circuit boards with two fat tits getting the way. Accept your fate. Be a good girl and get me a beer." I was still in shock, because he had been so right about everything. How did he know about my pussy? He patted me on the ass as I left the room --- to get him a beer.

Later that afternoon I was in my room thinking. I could hear Tim moaning in pain, humiliation, and occassioanlly, as Rick and Greg used him - like a woman. I had researched this world in the encyclopaedia. I knew Greg had been telling the truth. Women couldn't vote. They could own property, but couldn't make contracts without the consent of a 'responsible male'. The only jobs women were permitted was various forms of prostitution, which was legal. In this world, to be called a 'working woman' was a severe insult. The clincher was that I was starting to have trouble reading some of the 'big words' - like dy- men-shun-all skan-ner. I was in a reality where females were just helpless bits of fluff; too frail and illogical to get by without a man to take care of them. Forced to be sex objects in exchange for material security ..... and I was a female. There was no denying it anymore. I would have to get by as best I could. That meant I would have to become a great lay. I had to make Greg crave what was between my legs.

Part 4:

I went back to the library to learn what I could about my new life before my reading ability deteriorated any further. I found a book entitled 'What Every Man Needs To Know Before His Wedding'. I thought it was some sort of a sex manual, but it wasn't just that, it was all kinds of legal advice, medical information, helpful hints, and what I read was - FANTASTIC!! Everything was going to be all right!

I wasn't sure if Greg was coming home tonight so I just went to bed. I put on a long, silky nightgown, slid between my scrumptuous satin sheets and diddled myself with an 8" vibrator until I fell asleep - umpteen orgasms later. I slept peacefully, but I had the strangest dream.

I was walking through a lovely meadow filled with daisies. The sun was shining and a soft breeze caressed my naked body. In my dream I was completely changed. I had a lovely figure, just like the photograph. The flowers seemed to go on to a distant horizon while fluffy clouds drifted by. I seemed alone in the world. I picked up a flower and sniffed it. The fragrance was heavenly. Suddenly I felt a desire to eat the flower, so I did. The taste was fantastic! I ate another- and another. I couldn't - or wouldn't - stop eating them. I strolled along eating huge amounts of flowers. Time seemed irrelevant. Then I felt - different. I looked down to see that my breasts had become huge!! In fact, all of me had become huge! I continued to eat, getting larger and larger. Not just fatter, but taller, too! I felt like a giantess. My breasts become so big and heavy that I bent over onto my hands and knees- and still I ate. Then Greg was there dressed as a farmer, with a bucket and a stool. He sat beside me while I .... grazed, grasped my enormous nipples and tugged. Milk sprayed noisily into the bucket. I continued eating as Greg milked me. The odd part of the dream was I felt better than I ever had in my life. I really enjoyed this dream. I awoke the next morning feeling wonderful as I remembered the odd, lovely dream, though part of me was disturbed that I did enjoy it so much. I stretched my arms over my head in an effort to wake up and immediately noticed some more changes.

I now had breasts! Full, round breasts with bulging red nipples!! I ran to the mirror and pulled down the bodice of my nightgown. My boobs popped out. I had real boobs! I looked like I might be a 'B' cup already. I still seemed a bit plump, but my figure was very womanly. My hips were wide and my waist was somewhat slimmer and more tapered. My legs were very shapely, but it looked like I would have to shave them again, as well as my underarms. I got in the shower and quickly denuded my legs and underarms. I was getting rather adept it this. My bush definitely needed a trim, too. Yesterday I had been as bald as a little girl, but now I had a furry muff between my legs. My new tits swung and swayed with every movement because they weren't as firm as I thought they would be. It suddenly occurred to me that I was badly in need of bra. I hoped I had one. I seemed to be close enough to my final 'Rhonda size', so I went to the closet to try on some of those clothes.

As expected, most were too tight around the hips and loose on the bust, but I was able to find a loose-fitting, matching, knit top and skirt that I was able to fit into. My new boobies were swimming around in the bra, but I decided to wear it anyway and filled the remaining volume with some stockings. I looked pretty good; a slightly more zaftig version of the woman in the photographs. I was sure that one good fuck, with the semen filling my new box, would complete my conversion. I was ready for it now. After putting on my pantyhose and some heels, I went downstairs to look for Greg. I needed his dick - really bad. I stomped my feet in sexual frustation when I found his note saying that he and Rick were teeing off at 10am. I decided to go see how Maia was doing; and it would be Maia. After last night, I was sure there would be very little of Tim left.


I knocked on the door and waited. I could hear feet shuffling along the floor. The lock clicked, the door swung open and Maia looked at me groggily. "Oh. It's you," she mumbled. Maia was now about 5'9 and chubby, with some adolescent breasts visible under her robe. Her hair was black and straight, hanging to her shoulders. Her face was a full, but lovely, Chinese face. She looked at me for a moment then burst into tears. She hugged me as she sobbed, "Oh Rhonda, you won't believe what they did to me last night. WWAAAAAAA! I'm - I'm- turning into a - a - a GIRL!!!" I hugged her back, stroking her glistening hair and cooing re-assurances to her. "Relax honey. Everything is going to be all right," I said. I led her to the couch. When she was composed enough to listen I told her about what I had read in that book. Her eyes brightened. "You're kidding," she said in her rising voice. "This is incredible. It might almost make all .... this (she cupped her breasts) worthwhile." I smiled at my changing friend. We were bonded by these bizarre circumstances. Two men becoming women. But it was going to be as wonderful as we had hoped when we first left our old lives. In fact, Maia was so happy - she had an erection!

"I guess there's still some male left in you," I teased as I pointed to the bulge between Maia's legs. "Gee. I still can do it. Do you realize this is probably the last boner I'll ever have?" she mused. I knew I couldn't let such a momentous occassion go to waste. I dropped to my knees, parted the robe and began to suck before Maia could protest. Tim's dick was still almost 4 inches long, though his balls were rather tiny. Between slurps I told Tim not to worry, that I had a cunt now so this wasn't gay sex. "Oh, wow. I have to try to remember what this feels like," he moaned. "That's right. Enjoy it .... while you can." I thought to myself. "The next time we do this I'll be licking your pussy - and you'll be licking mine." It took longer than I expected to get Tim off. He erupted into my mouth like a gusher, but squealed girlishly as he did. I pulled my lips from him and looked up. Something odd was happening. Maia looked dazed and I could see blue-white strands of electricity dancing across both of us, and then radiating across the floors, walls and furniture. The room seemed to ripple for an instant and I felt dizzy. This hadn't happened before. My head cleared and I saw an amazing sight. Tim's dick began to twitch then retract into his body! As I gazed the penis became a clitoris and the scrotum became the labia. I guess this is how my transformation had looked. Then I felt odd. My breasts began to throb as they grew to fill my bra! The stockings I had put in the cups were making it too tight. I quickly reached into my bra and pulled the stockings out. I looked down at myself as my breasts grew fuller and heavier until they completely filled the bra- the C CUP bra.

I staggered to my feet and stumbled to the front hall mirror to see what had happened to me. I was shocked. I now filled out the skirt and blouse with what was, obviously, a woman's well-rounded, hourglass figure. My small waist flared into hips that were round and wide, my ass very full and protruding and my breasts large and melony. But I didn't look like the Rhonda in the picture. I hadn't lost any weight, though I could tell I was shorter, and now had a slight tummy. Strange. Though this was the dress from Rhonda's closet, it seemed different. The hemline was now below my knees. Some of that was from my legs getting shorter, but the proportions of the dress had also changed. Maybe I wasn't completely changed yet. I hoped that was it. I didn't like having a big butt. The most bizarre change was my hair. I now had BIG hair! It was one of those blown-out, teased, sprayed, pouffy hairdo's with bangs. I looked ready for the senior prom!

I was busy staring at myself when I heard a soft girlish voice crying. It had to be Maia. "I'll be right there, honey," I called to my friend, then immediately clasped my hands over my mouth. I now had an accent! It was some vague, Euro-trash accent like you might hear on some perfume commercial. I said 'what's happened to my voice' but it came out 'vaht's hohppened to my voyz'. I rushed over to Maia taking short, mincing steps that made my generous hips and backside roll and undulate. I still felt strange. I saw a short, slightly plump Chinese woman with shimmering black hair down to her waist struggling inside a giant bathrobe. Maia couldn't have been one inch over 5'2" now. In spite of the plumpness she seemed very petite, almost tiny. Odd. She didn't look quite like the girl in the photos either. "Oh, Whonda. Pleeth help me!" Maia had a lisp!

I helped Maia to her feet. As I did, I took her hand. WOW! She was wearing an engagement ring AND wedding band! Neither ring had been there before. YIPES!! I also had an engagement ring and wedding band!!! I pulled mine off. It was on very tightly and when it finally came off I could see that the skin under it was paler than the rest of my finger. Since we had been here we had NEVER affected objects around us before. The changes had only affected our physical bodies - up until now. No. This was VERY different. Maia and I had not only turned into women ... we had turned into MARRIED women. "How do you feel, Maia," I asked. Maia shook her head as if to clear it. "OK, I gueth. But I feel -- I don't know -- older." Now I understood my own odd feeling. I felt older, too!

I noticed that Maia looked upset. She was pulling at her robe and looking very uncomfortable. I asked her if she was all female. "Oh, yeth," she replied. "In fact, I'm menthtwuating right now. I hope I can find thome Kotekth." I knew that was an inevitable part of being female, but to be faced with the reality of it was disturbing. I wanted to help and had a million questions, but she asked me to leave her alone for a while. I understood her need for privacy ... during her first period. As I strolled back to my house, I mused about what my own first period would be like. Darn. My arms brushed against my hips when I walked and my breasts bounced. I had become 'all tits and ass'. How could my body have changed so much! I was scared, a little, and excited, a little. Menstruating would be gross, at least at first, but it would also mean I was fertile. Wow. Before I reached the house I decided to stop worrying about my period and concentrate on getting my cherry popped. I was actually horny. Since I was obviously a woman now, I didn't see any sense in being a married virgin. When I got to my door I received another surprise.

part 6

My house had changed! My house? Yes. I was Greg's wife now. This was MY house, too. It had been a fairly average looking Colonial home but now it looked like something from the 1939 WORLD'S FAIR! It was all chrome and glass with sweeping ART DECO details, free form furniture, but with advanced technology, too. The TV screen was now 8 feet tall by 12 feet wide! We had a thing on the wall labeled VIDEOPHONE'. I could READ! Overall it looked like the 21st Century as seen from 1952! As I stepped in the front hall I felt my clothes shift again. My hemline got lower by about 2 inches, but my neckline also got lower revealing cleavage. My bra changed style, causing my breasts to reshape themselves into 1950's torpedo tits. I felt something wrap itself around my abdomen and start to squeeze n me. Something tickled my leg. I looked down and saw my stockings grow a seam up the back. My make-up felt thicker and my hair even bigger! I looked in a mirror and gasped. My make-up was so heavy! My lips so red and shiny! My hair was now a huge, billowing cloud surrounding my head - with a silk rose over my ear! My nails would have made the Dragon Lady' proud! I jingled from the all the bracelets, necklaces and dangly earrings that now weighed me down. GEEZ! How much more feminine could I get! Just then a thing that looked like an oversize upright vacuum with a plastic head from a window dummy and shiny, metal arms, whirred into the room. "Good day, ma'am," it said in a mechanical monotone. "I have finished the vacuuming and now will do the laundry. Is there anything else, ma'am?" Stunned, I merely mumbled `no' and waved the contraption away. It went "yes, ma'am. e leave everything to Sophie. BEEP PING" and rolled away. This was too much. I decided to go to my room and rest. I needed time to think and see what ELSE had happened to me.

My room, now Greg's and mine, was where I had left it but the furniture was all free form and bright colors. I went to the walk-in dressing room and took off my blouse. My bra had become a circular stitch, under-wired, industrial strength harness - with drop panels? I slid off my skirt and half-slip. My pantyhose had changed into a girdle with seamed stockings. I removed my shoes and was immediately surprised at how short I was. I seemed to be around 5'4 now. I didn't like being short. I undid the snaps and peeled the hosiery down my soft leg. With a grunt, I rolled the girdle off me. OOOO That felt good. Then I looked down. "Oh my. Ah've groon a pootbilly," I said aloud in my new acc ^Éent. I placed my hands over my soft, protruding tummy. I was going to have to take better care of myself - now that I was myself??? I removed the bra and my new boobs flopped out heavily. They were no firmer than before and bigger - and I could not BELIEVE what had happened to my nipples. They were the size of cherries! I didn't think I would ever get used to being breasted. It felt so weird to have these big bags of - of FAT hanging from my chest. They swayed and bumped each other as I bent over to remove my panties, which had also changed to large, white waist high panties. As they came down over my fleshy thighs I could see my bush. It was very furry again and - could it be? Yes. There were gray hairs in it! Not many. Just two or three, which I plucked out immediately, but gray hairs.

I heard more whirring and looked to see another robot with a mannequin head roll up to me. This one had 6a maid's cap and apron, too. It spoke in an equally tinny voice, but with a fake French accent. "Hellooo madam. Would madam like Fifi to do er air now?" I told the machine to wait a bit. "Ver-ee well," it replied and began to pick up my clothes. I went back to examining my body and wished I hadn't. After the shock wore off and I was honest with myself I had to admit I saw my mother in the mirror. At least as she was when I was a kid. I picked up the picture of me in a bikini and turned it over. The date said it was taken last year. How was that possible. I tried, unsuccessfuly, to suck in my soft belly. It must have been a tough year, because this was the new me. I was an over-weight, aging, FORMER sex kitten. I looked at my hand. But I was married! Apparently, that was VERY important in this reality. A book

title on the night stand caught my eye, "MARRIED AT LAST: A Woman's Guide to Marriage". I picked up the book and began to read, fascinated at its contents and overjoyed at being able to read `big words' again. This was just as good as before. In this reality females had a two step puberty. They became sexually mature just like I was used to, but here there was an extra step. If a woman had sex with one male every day for a month, her metabolism changed. Only THEN did she become fertile, and she could only get impregnated by him for the rest of her life. Her estrogen levels rose enormously, causing some side effects like breast growth, weight gain, lose of muscle tone and gray hair. On the good side, her body stayed in perfect health and she secreted pheromones that î insured fidelity from her mate. Wow. Here, married women LITERALLY turned into their mothers. The women that didn't mate, stayed slim and girlish but aged and could get sick. They also had to live with their families or in special dormitories.

Since there was nothing I could do about it, I decided to enjoy this. I put on a dressing robe, sat in a chair and had Fifi put my hair in curlers. She next removed my make-up and gave me a facial, then a manicure and pedicure. mmmm I was beginning to like this. Then Fifi said, "Would madam care to be milked now?" My eyes turned to saucers when I heard that! If course. That's why my breasts felt so heavy. I was lactating! The dream came back to me. Before I could tell Fifi no' I felt a pressure in î my boobs that built quickly, and I knew I must say yes'. Fifi came over with something called `The Mark Eden Breast Pump and Enlarger'. Two plexiglas cups with some kind of rubber fingers inside were placed over my tits. I could feel a suction, then release, suction then release. My nipples engorged and milk began to dribble out, only to be drawn away through a hose. The rubber fingers began to oscillate, gently massaging my bloated breasts. OOOOO That felt good. I could feel my thighs getting wet. My milk flowed for about 20 minutes. Fifi removed the cups and my now drained boobs flopped out, the skin pink and flushed. The robot rubbed them with a lilac scented oil, paying special attention to my nipples. What had I gotten myself into?


After my - milking- I decided to put some clothes on. Fifi suggested a black lace body shaper because "... a married wooman needs zee help. No?" I agreed with her and squeezed my new - maturity- into the confining garment, grunting ever time I squeezed another bulge or roll into it. The stockings were hard to clasp with these claws but I managed. Fifi had laid out an ankle length hobble skirt with a matching jacket with short puff sleeves. I asked Fifi to help me into it, but she said, "Not yet, madam. You must prepare your `usbands dinnair first. Zat is a wooman's duty." I looked at my reflection. Clad in just the body shaper and hose, with my hair up in curlers and no make-up I saw my new life wrapped up in that one image. Darn. I looked awful. I was a frumpy housewife with a belly full of eggs, a breeder. I no longer had choices. From now on, my uterus and ovaries would be making all the important decisions. I wasn't a person anymore. I was just a female with my brain so flooded with estrogen that this was starting to seem normal. According to the book, my estrogen levels were 6 times that of a woman from my own reality. I tried to imagine what it was doing to me already. I could almost feel my brain changing. In a few weeks I was going to be a ditzy, emotional, scatter-brained ... woman. I began to cry- a victim of my new hormones. I was so confused. I hated myself for enjoying the cry, but I DID feel so much better. I wanted Greg to hold me.

Going down to the kitchen really drove home how small I was. Everything looked different; everything was harder to reach; everything seemed heavier to my shrunken, softened muscles. I put in a roast with potatoes and carrots. Then I decided to bake a cake. I needed a step-stool to get the cake mix down from a high shelf. I noticed Sophie doing the laundry. She was washing it in a plexiglass tub and washboard! She wrang it out in her mechanical hands and hung it on a clothes line where a gadget with sunlamps and fans, called a DRY- O-MATIC, took the place of a dryer - or hanging them outside for that matter. The cake recipe was weird. It said ..use 2 cups of milk, or if substituting cow milk use 1-1/2 cups of milk and a teaspoon of sugar.' I didn't understand that for a moment, until my nipples engorged again. They meant use MY milk! I saw a small breast pump on the counter. I pulled down the cups of my bodyshaper and held it to my left boob. I pumped it until I had 2 cups and poured them into the bowl. Obviously another one of my wifely duties was to be a cow. I hefted my - udders. "Vell, girls. It looks like you'll be pretty busy from now on." The phone rang. I slid the girls' back into the welcome support of the cups and answered. I only remembered my curlers after Maia gasped. She was in bed, dressed in a silk penoir and eating some ice cream from a gallon container. "How are you, honey?" I asked. Maia had tears in her eyes. "Thith ith awful Rhonda. I've got crampth and bloating - and thereth no chocolate in the houth!" I told her I would send Sophie over with some. She was overjoyed. We chatted, vacuously, for a few minutes then hung up. I put the cake in the oven and returned to my boudoir. Fifi combed out my hair and styled it into a huge beehive that was almost a foot high and sausage curls hanging down around my ears! She did my make-up for me. After that she helped me into the skirt and jacket. The scoop neck showed a lot of cleavage and the skirt was snug around my plump fanny. My stilletto heels were odd to walk on and I was still shorter than I used to be..... except for the hair, but I felt - wider. A large necklace, bracelets, cocktail ring, hoop earrings and a tiara completed my adornment as a wife; the tamed, domesticated, prize and property of the MAN of the house. This outfit restricted my movements, symbolic of my new role. I minced downstairs, put some music on the HIFI (hifi?) and made a pitcher of martini's. Greg would be home soon.

I heard a strange flapping sound outside. I looked out the window at the driveway and saw a 1949 Studebaker Starliner - with a propeller on the roof!! It came to rest on the pavement then the prop folded into the trunk. Greg stepped out. He looked the same except he had a crewcut and he was dressed in garish, plaid golf pants and he was smoking a pipe. He waved cheerily while retrieving his clubs from the back seat. I ran to him, a best as I could in the tight skirt, and hugged him as he came through the door. "Oh Greg. Vaht haf I done," I sobbed. His preppy accent was unchanged, perhaps stronger. "You've done nothing wrong, Rhonda-kins. Everything is just outstanding. You look outstanding, pooky." He kissed me. mmmm Maybe everything was - outstanding. I stepped back from him so he could see the new me. "You like me dis vay?" I asked plaintively. "Of course, my dear. What's not to like. I love the new hooters; adore the butt. Hair's not gray enough, but that will change soon. You are, simply, an outstanding woman. I am a lucky man." We hugged again. I nestled my head in his chest, feeling very safe all of a sudden. We went upstairs where Greg gave me the screwing of my life, and for the first time in weeks, sex didn't cause me to change. NOW I could get on with my life. It felt so - right to present my lush, naked body to my man; to see his eyes absorb me, the approving look making my - cunt drip. I was so female now, I couldn't believe it. Looking at him I CRAVED a dick inside me, though I had never had one - yet anyway. I lay back on the bed seductively and moan contentedly as I feel his weight upon me. So good; so right. His massive cock slid in easily, filling me - fulfilling me. Each thrust made me see stars and colors. ooooo OOOOOO AAAAAAAA UUUUUUU. Orgasm after orgasm crushed me - the old me, until only Rhonda was left. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around him and squeezed. The feel of his hot, potent semen inside me drove me wild. I cooed, shrieked and whimpered all at the same time. My tits leaked a bit, too. OOO This was great.

I settled comfortably into married life. Greg played golf almost very day, while busied myself shopping or going to lunch with Maia or making myself beautiful for him. Maia and I both could easily remember our past lives and all the things that happened to bring us here, but yet were comfortable in this life. Each day we found our new lives as women more joyous than we could have imagined. Rick and Greg remembered being our friends, but now were tender, adoring husbands. I got used to being milked. In fact, I started to enjoy it. I soon made so much milk every day that Sophie could make ice cream with it. My first period was GHASTLY, but I had the foresight to have plenty of chocolate in the house. After that, they weren't so bad. I knew what to expect. As the days turned to weeks, and the weeks to months, I became more demure and lady-like, but also grayer - and more bosomy.

Six months later I was getting dressed. My hair now had broad bands of gray radiating from my temples and forehead with more gray sprinkled into the rest. My rather furry muff had become salt-&-pepper already. I was wearing a girdle, stockings, a half-slip and a bra. It was weird to me. This reality had developed flying cars but not pantyhose or even seamless stockings. The girls's were resting comfortably in my new DD cup nursing bra. Much to my chagrin, the girls' had put on some weight lately. So much so that I now called them the ladies'. I hefted them and saw the skin ripple. I just couldn't believe how BIG I was getting. They swayed fatly, in spite of the bra, as I stepped into a full, calf- length skirt. The snug knit top really made me look top-heavy, but that was the idea. In this world women's fashion was meant to emphasize overt indications of fertility. The pleated skirt accented my wide, roomy pelvis. I shook my hips to see the skirt flare. According to my gynecologist, I was as fertile as a spring field and I looked it. The tummy all married women grew was from their enlarged uterus, and I needed a girdle to keep mine under control. The hormone rush from my ovaries swelling with eggs had broadened my hips and fattened the ladies' to their present bulk- besides keeping me horny all the time. If it wasn't for my weekly birth control shots, I'ld be a lady-in-waiting already. I'ld love it, but he and Greg say I should wait until I'm a fully developed breeder before I get pregnant. Oh well. Men know best, I suppose. I stepped into my spike heels, grabbed my purse and went to see Maia. I almost had to duck my head to get my beehive hair through the door. Lucky I'm short.

Maia, being Asian, developed differently, now that she was a breeder. She had grown somewhat in the bust and was now a C cup, but mostly she had filled out and was very round all over. She was wearing a silk, Chinese dress with a high collar. Her face was round with a slight double chin and she wore her hair in a high ponytail that displayed the gray band at her forehead to best advantage. Her breasts were perfect hemispheres with tremendous nipples dimpling the front of her dress. Her belly was round, her wide hips were round and her ass was round. The short sleeves revealed fleshy arms, while the short hemline revealed full, shapely legs. She really looked good. The last time they were over for dinner, I noticed Rick couldn't keep his hands off her. It's true. A breeder's pheromones are VERY powerful. We were going out for some lunch and shopping. Sophie drove us in a ground car. She had to. Lately, neither one of us could remember directions. The drive to the city was pleasant and we chatted, as we always did, about what we were going to wear tomorrow, what wore yesterday, what we planned for dinner. You know; important things that the men never took seriously enough. We also kissed and fondled each others boobs. Sometimes you needed another woman to find just the right spot, though we both prefer our men. After our first encounter we avoided sex for a long time. We didn't want to go to yet another reality, but after a while, it seemed safe to have sex again. Maia has a very talented tongue, I may add. Of course the major topic of discussion was our impending pregnancies. We were both supposed to go off our birth control next month. It would be a very interesting experience. According to what I had read, pregnant women went through some serious physical changes during their year of pregnancy. That's right; year.

Part 8:

Lunch was pleasant. We arrived at the restaurant and the maitre'd asked us whose wife I was. That was an empty compliment. Waiters and the like asked any woman if she was a wife, even if she was obviously some, skinny, barren UN-married woman. After lunch we went shopping. I bought some lovely new swimsuits. If I got pregnant right away, as I was sure I would, I would just barely be showing by Independance Day. That was...... darn I had so much trouble remembering history and stuff.. oh yes, the 6th of July, the day in 1708 when we became independant of Lichtenstein. Yeah, I know, but it was still celebrated with parades, picnics and fireworks. On the way home Maia and I looked at the scenery while fanning ourselves with folding fans, and sipping Margueritas. Maia was telling me about a movie she saw last night. I cried at the sad parts and laughed at the happy parts. I no longer even tried to control my emotions. I just responded to any emotion the instant I felt it, like some sort of mental patient. I was totally controlled by my hormones now. I kept reminding myself that a blood transfusion from me could cause a man to grow tits. That's why women, in this reality, had to be kept in their place. Reluctantly, I agreed. Our husbands had decided that we should insert benwa balls whenever we went out. An aroused woman is an obedient woman. Those metal balls rolled back and forth around my clitoris, reminding me whose woman I was. As if we weren't horny enough. Each time we hit a bump in the road, ALL of me jiggled. It was fun, but I was eager to get home. My tits felt like they were about to explode.

After Fifi milked me, I decided that I would take a bubble bath, since I hadn't for several chapters. Looking at my nude body I was reminded that my estrogen levels were over three times that of the most pregnant woman imaginable, back in my old life. I simply looked so FEMALE now. My skin was soft and smooth and pink, with a very palpable layer of sub-cutaneous fat. My nipples were the size of thumbs and a glowing scarlet red. My tits were so - so BIG. They were the size and shape of honeydew melons, but with the feel of a marshmallow. If I looked close I could see a network of blue veins, just under the skin, radiating from my areolas. My upper arms were turning to Jello. With my rounded tummy, wide soft hips and fleshy butt and thighs I looked permanently 4 months pregnant. Of course, not like a 4 month prego here. THAT was going to be interesting. It was also frightening. I hoped I was ready for it. Greg surely was. He got an erection every time I mentioned it. I shuffled to the tub while my fat udders swung heavily with every step. They were already beginning to sag. As I had predicted, they would be down to my knees one of these days. The warm water felt sooooo good. The water gave such welcome support to my big tits. It helped relieve the backaches. My meaty leg looked so sexy as I held it straight out and gently shaved. My arms rippled as the razor denuded my armpits. I had to be careful trimming my pubis. My pussy had been getting fuller and fleshier lately - in preparation for childbirth. The biggest change the estrogen had caused was to my head. All I could think about anymore was BREEDING. Not love; not even sex. Just a blind, all consuming NEED to reproduce. Once in a while I tried to remember what it felt like to be a male. I could easily envision my old self, but as soon as I thought about my long lost cock - my pussy would start to gush and I'ld be begging Greg for a good fuck. The sight of any cock turned me into a bitch in heat. Before I knew it, I had three fingers swimming around inside my juicy cunt. OOOOOO I shuddered from a nice little orgasm, then drifted off to sleep.

I was once again nude and walking through a field. My hips began to widen and my ass to spread. Next, I began to sprout feathers. Soon I was completely covered in feathers. I wanted to scream but it came out as a cluck. A tremendous pressure built up in my uterus. It felt like the worst cramp I ever had. I had an uncontrollable urge to squat, which I did. I squatted on the ground and pushed until .... an EGG popped out! I had laid an egg! I was so HAPPY!!! Before long I laid another, then another, and another! Egg after egg, clucking contentedly after each one. I could actually feel each egg slipping down my vagina and slurping out onto the growing pile of eggs. I couldn't stop -- and didn't want to.

I woke up around 4 o'clock. I had to get ready for dinner. Greg had picked out a dress for me to wear. It was strapless and floor-length. The boned body shaper really had its work cut out for it holding up the ladies'. I hated the fleshy bulge under my arms, but that is the price of fashion. Not only was it floor-length, it was very full, requiring petticoats. Formal wear was the most uncomfortable. Fifi styled my hair down my back and very full. It was a rather virginal style and looked incogruous with my gray hair. The white satin pumps had 5' heels. All done up like this I could barely walk. Greg got home just as I finished my make-up. I glided down the stairs and saw Greg with another man. "Hello," I said graciously. "Velcome to our home." I gave Greg a kiss on the cheek and the man kissed my hand. "Pooky," Greg said to me. "This is Judge Winslow. He's going to preside when we renew' our wedding vows today. Greg winked at me when he said `renew'. "But Greg. Vy!" I stammered. "Oh, pooky. You're about to become a mother and I just wanted to show you I'm still in love with you." I began to cry and ran to my darling husband. "Oh, Greg. Dat iss the sveetest ting yoof ever done for me." It was a lovely ceremony in the garden. Rick was best man and Maia was matron-of-honor. She had brought a bouquet and veil for me. We had a lovely wedding supper together then they all left so Greg and I could renew our honeymoon vows. I knew what my dream meant. I was ovulating.

Part 9:

Greg and I went upstairs for our second honeymoon. I was so excited. I was about to start my family. I did a belly-dance as I removed my clothes for Greg. He groaned slightly as my big, beautiful breasts fell into view. I stood before him with my hands on my hips while he dropped to his knees and began to kiss my thighs. OOOOO I was getting wet. The altered biology of this world effected Greg, too. He pulled the zipper of his pants down - all the way to his knee. His horse-like dick swung heavily out of his pants. mmmmm I had a teeny orgasm just looking. It was turning red - and hard, his 4 hairy balls pulsing with virility. I dropped to my hands an knees and presented my engorged, bulging, dripping pussy to him. He slid into me easily. OOOOOO That felt soooo good. "Well, pooky. This time sex is going to REALLY change you," he said. "Vy shood today be any different," I breathed back huskily. This was going to be the ultimate change. I was going to become a mother. He began to pump rhythmicly. Faster and faster. harder and harder. I was soon lost in a multi- orgasmic glow. I squealed a lot and, I believe, yipped like a dog from time to time. I wans't sure anymore. Reality and lust merged into a total sex buzz. When Greg finally erupted into me I could feel myself filling with gallons of hot, sticky cum. OOOO That was great. Greg pulled out, lifted me onto the bed and tied my ankles so I kept my feet in the air and my hips elevated. There was no doubt in my mind that I was getting myself pregnant.

We kept this up for almost two weeks. I couldn't believe Greg's stamina. It was with much regret that we took a break when I didn't get my period. I was almost certain that I was pregnant. I needed only one more sign to confirm it. There are no pregnancy tests here either. There isn't a need.

Three days later was the 6th of July and Maia and Tim invited us over for a barbecue pool party. We could relax, swim and watch the fireworks later. Maia took me aside and asked if I was pregnant yet. "I'm preety shoor," I said. I wish my first language hadn't been Esperanto. I could have done without this accent. That afternoon Greg and Tim were fooling around in the pool while Maia and I were chatting and sipping daquiri's. My leg was itching a bit so I scratched it occassionally. I didn't think much of it until Maia said, "Oh wow! Rhonda look at your leg!" I looked down and could see that gray hairs were sprouting all over my leg! I pulled down my bikini top. Yes! White hairs were sprouting around my nipples. I leaped from my chair and screamed for Greg. "Honey! It's begun! I'm PREGNANT!"

Greg was out of the pool before I knew it. He crushed me in his arms. We were both so happy. He looked at the fur sprouting on me. He found more growth on my belly and the small of my back. You see, our biology was altered because we didn't evolve from apes. We called ourselves Lepus Sapien, the Wise Rabbit. That's right. Our ancestors were rabbits, or, at least, some rabbit- like creature. During pregnancy, females de-evolved a bit to Lepus Erectus. We didn't lose any intelligence because our brains remained the same size, but did grow a thick layer of fur with a fuzzy tuft where our tails once were. I'ld be uncomfortable in clothes for the next year, but most women stayed home and naked during their pregnancy. It wasn't so bad. according to what I read, the word `inhibition' would NOT be a part of my vocabulary. I also got a respite from lactating for a while. The fur fell out completely within 72 hours after giving birth, except for a furry strip running from the pubis to navel that I'ld keep for the rest of my life. It was known as mother-fur and grew thicker with each pregnancy. I could hardly wait.

I was a little bitchy for the next week as my fur grew. It itched a lot and I was very uncomfortable. I couldn't stand to wear clothes. My bra cups felt fur- lined. It was so hot. My fur seemed to spread from around my nipples, which was white fur that eventually covered my chest and pussy, and gray hair which sprouted everywhere else. My eyebrows got very thick while long tufts of hair covered my ears. And the hair on my head now grew in completely gray. My face didn't grow any hair, but my nose turned pink! By the end of the week I was lightly, but completely, covered in fur. I put my clothes away. I was going to follow tradition and stay naked.

Greg was so turned on by my condition that he couldn't keep his hands off me. We fucked so much (like rabbits?) it seemed like he was trying to start a second baby in me, and it was so much fun to cuddle in bed now. I was truly my Greggy's snuggle bunny.

As luck would have it, summer was especially hot and humid. Just the thing a fur covered woman needs; right? Showers took a long time now. Not the shower, actually, but blow-drying my entire body afterward did. One of my favorite pleasures was to be brushed. I really liked it when Greg did it, but Maia was fun, too. Fifi wasn't bad, but she always made me take a spoon of cod-liver oil ..... to keep my coat shiny.

Over time, my fur grew in thicker and I felt even hotter all the time. I was grateful when the cooler fall weather arrived, but the cool air caused my fur to grow still thicker! And I was getting my belly, but now I wasn't alone. Maia came to visit on day. We hugged , then she pulled up her skirt to show me all the hair that was growing out of the leg holes of her panties. She was pregnant, too! She turned all gray from the waist down and the chest up, with a band of white fur all the way around her middle. She looked good.

The winter was long and cold. I spent my days lounging around the house, watching TV, snacking - and growing more fur. By the sixth month of my pregnancy, my fur was thick and curly like wool. My feet looked like I was wearing fuzzy slippers that I could never take off. I could now feel the baby kick. Suddenly it all seemed real to me. I was a woman, and would be a mother. But the sex! ooooo It just got better and better. Greg gave up his afternoons at the club to stay home and keep me VERY satisfied.

Spring came with warmer days, flowers blooming and birds singing. Maia and I emerged from our winter isolation so BIG we could barely move without assistance. The second summer was even worse than the first. I was much bigger and furrier now. No one came near me unless they were willing to risk getting yelled at.

Just when I thought I would kill Greg for doing this to me, I went into labor. They rushed me to the hospital. I was really scared about what was to come, but I shouldn't have been. I kept forgetting that my body was built for this. Labor was not the screaming, thrashing ordeal it was in my old life. It was merely a strong, but not uncomfortable pressure in my vagina. I could feel my uterine muscles gently push the baby into the birth canal. My vaginals muscles stretched easily and with a small effort on my part, my baby was born! She nuzzled her way through the fur to find `the ladies' , now back to work after their year-long vacation. mmmm This was wonderful. I soon expelled the placenta and my fur began to fall out in clumps. By the time I took our new daughter home, I was once again smooth and hairless. It felt odd to be wearing clothes again. I decided not to shave off my mother-fur, though. It woudl only grow back anyway. And after all, I was a mother now and I wanted everyone to know it.

My daughter, Tracy seemed to like Aunty Maia's fur. When Maia held her she fell asleep without complaint. I returned to a normal life, though I occassionally forgot I wasn't pregnant anymore and would answer the door naked. The mailman, who had 6 kids of his own, just laughed and said new mothers are all alike when I treated him to an accidental peek.

Maia had a son 6 weeks later. I've now been married almost two years and have treasured every moment of it. Oh! What's this! Is that fur on my leg!

THE END (I hope you enjoyed it)

Next: Chapter 2

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