
Published on Dec 10, 2014


A Year In The Life

Project Charlie Pt. 2

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Saturday we walked up to Pete's to bring him up to date. Pete was encouraging, even suggesting that Charlie cut the cord on the apartment right now. Charlie had lived there long enough that a 30 day notice was all that was required. Charlie warned Pete and I that he might be strapped for cash for a bit. "Don't worry, You're good for it, we have your back" Pete replied.

While Charlie and Pete talked, I walked back to my place and got Charlie's pickup. I pulled into Pete's drive, honked the horn and they came out. They deserved time to talk, so I followed Pete's truck into town. It really didn't take long to pack up the remaining things. Pete was no nonsense when it came to prioritizing, so we put the items to be donated in Pete's truck, and the keep items in Charlie`s. We secured the loads with a tarp and bungee cords. Pete and I did a quick clean of the apartment, while Charlie went down to the office. We had the small space looking clean in record time and dropped the second set of keys off with the apartment manager.

"I gave my notice, and used your place as a forwarding address for the deposit check" "The manager was sad to see me go and said I should see something from them shortly." Charlie took the keys from me and motioned for me to join him. He placed his hand on my knee as we drove home, I could feel the strength in his touch. Pete following behind. As we unloaded the truck Charlie said "It's a sad state of affairs when a man's possessions can fit into two pickups."

"There are millionaires who don't have what you have in your heart. That is a sadder state of affairs." Pete replied.

We shared dinner, Pete left for home and Charlie and I settled in. Charlie was focused on the meeting with Gino the next day, so I suggested he check out some things online. I took out my pad and started writing down some plans for the house.

The next few days ran together. Charlie had his meeting with Gino, he wouldn't say how it went, but I could tell it helped him. On Monday Pete drove his pick up full of items to the donation center, and then dropped off Charlie's change of address form at the post office. I went into work and plotted out a schedule for December. The team was refreshed after their long weekend so I schemed a way to give them 10 days off between Christmas and New Years. A few were planning on this, but I knew I could make it happen without them using their vacation hours.. I called Pete from the office and told him I was taking the two of them out that night in celebration.

Tuesday night Charlie and Gino went to their meeting. Pete and I decided to have a burger at the bar and soon a number of Charlie's bar friends showed up. "Where's Charlie?" Stan asked "I tried to call him and he never picked up"

"Probably passed out on the couch" another one laughed.

"I stopped by after work and he wasn't at his apartment." Mike chimed in. "The manager said he left, probably drying out somewhere"

"Or he is up on Thompson Hill, trolling for truckers." That one got a large round of laughs.

Pete got up, slammed the table "You call yourself friends. He is better off without the lot of you"

We left. Pete stewed all the way home. He dropped me off at my place, I invited him in.

He was still upset, I could tell. "I was about to stand there, stare them down and say Yes your friend is a drunk, so are most of you. Yes your friend is a cock sucking, pitching catching slut, so are the two of us. But this cock sucking, butt fucking old man can wipe the floor with all of you. Don't tempt me." "Pete, I would have helped you, but their sorry asses aren't worth it." I told him. That calmed him down.

We had left the bar, halfway through our burgers, so I made some impromptu sandwiches. I offered Pete a beer, he looked worried "Should you have that here with Charlie?"

"We had that talk, Charlie knows he is the one with the problem, and that problem shouldn't stop me from enjoying an occasional beer. In the end it is about trust, and I trust him. Here, let me show you something." We took our sandwiches and beers upstairs to the office. There on the calendar written in red Sharpie were the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

We headed down stairs. Headlights flashed through the drapes, Gino was dropping Charlie off. Charlie entered, Pete made an attempt to hide his beer. Charlie said "My problem, not yours, drink up." I went to the kitchen and made Charlie a sandwich and a glass of water. "With ten percent of the world's fresh water in our backyard, I will never go thirsty" he smiled.

Charlie enjoyed the sandwich. I could tell he was in a good mood. His ice blue eyes were smiling, his beard stubble looked sexy. All three of us had the look of lust. Charlie finally broke the deadlock. "Middle" he called and proceeded to strip the two of us down to our shorts.

We played around on the couch. He straddled me and rubbed his belly in my face. I opened my mouth licking and nibbling as it passed. His tighty-whiteys were leaking on my chest as he did it. Pete's pecker fell out of the fly in his boxers. He rubbed it between the mounds in Charlie's briefs. We had a great rhythm going, my boxer-briefs were tenting up in front. I made a mental note of potential stocking stuffers and said "Time to lose the shorts boys."

I slid my boxer-briefs down over my ass and dick, grabbed Charlie's briefs and yanked them off. Meanwhile Pete got rid of his boxers, and kicked them to the side. I sat my butt down on the rug and opened my mouth for Charlie. My forehead got intimate with his belly while my throat found his dick-head. Pete lined himself up with Charlie's chute and pushed in. Charlie's belly cushioned the thrust but another inch of his thick member found my throat.

I started to rub Charlie's gut, still not totally getting my attraction to it. "Yeah, rub Buddha's Belly, it will give you good luck

Pete was fucking Charlie's tail, the two small mounds shaking with Pete's thrusts. "Charlie, you need a bigger ass to counterbalance that gut of yours, I am still not certain how you stand upright".

Charlie was a natural middle to the two of us. Pete's prodding produced a large amount of pre-cum that was sliding down my gullet. Charlie was oozing, I could tell he was getting closer. I continued to rub that belly with one hand while stroking my dick with the other. "Yeah, rub the belly, rub the belly, good luck is about to come your way."

With that he shot, filling my mouth. I unloaded on Pete's calf while Pete filled Charlie's chute, Charlie continued to spasm, sending more cum my way. I could tell Pete was dribbling more juice in Charlie's tunnel. We quieted down and sprawled on the sofa.

Pete was short of breath. "I should be getting home, leave the two of you to yourselves."

"Would you consider joining us Pete?" I said. "We'll fit in my bed."

"You know I get up early, don't take it wrong if I am gone when you two awake."

Charlie and I didn't take it wrong when we woke up the next day. We both had to get ready for work. I saw the red 7 on the calendar when I left. I was proud of my friend.

It was an uneventful day at work, and I was on my way home early. I stopped at the mail box and found a letter addressed to Charlie, I dropped it on the kitchen table. He arrived later on and we sat at the table over some coffee. He said "The funniest thing happened at lunch today." "Stan from the bar stopped by and apologized for their behavior last night." "Just what the hell happened that I missed out on?" I filled him in on the gist of the conversation, including how Pete blew up, and then shared Pete's tirade when we got home. "Stan made an attempt to apologize , I am not sure when I will be at the bar, if at all soon, but when I do, I will want you two along." "We will see if any of the others are man enough to apologize."

"By the way, you got mail today" I showed him the envelope.

He opened it up, there was a check and a note, he brightened up. "Dinner is on me tonight, they rented the apartment already, and I got my rent back plus the security deposit back with 10 years interest."

"Save it for something important." I said. "Go upstairs and check out your email. I'll call Pete and figure out dinner.

The next few days were fluid. As red numbers reached double digits, Charlie looked healthier and happier. I think he was letting his beard grow as another way to remember his sobriety. We played a game of musical beds, with any combination possible between the three friends and two homes. Gino sent Charlie a daily email of encouragement with his own version of the calendar.

The next Sunday Charlie was apprehensive and I couldn't figure out why. We talked for a few minutes and I found out that Monday was his Mom's birthday. She would have been 75. She died a few years back during the holidays. I sent Gino a heads-up email and then busied myself in the basement. While down there I notice my Christmas decorations.

I went up to get Charlie, I had a plan. Charlie stopped me to tell me that he and Gino were going to a meeting the next day. I said "good to hear, however I feel the need to get in the mood for the season and find a tree for this place." We got in his pick up, I drove. We headed down by the zoo, I found the Christmas Tree lot. We picked out the perfect one and threw it into the back of the pickup.

I found the right spot in front of the window. We put the tree into the stand and let it warm up. I made cocoa, turned on my Christmas Mix, and we started to light the tree. Like Pete's omelets, my tree was the kitchen sink variety. Some ornaments were older than me, while others were thrift store finds. We haphazardly filled the tree. There was no rhyme or reason to our tree, but it looked festive when done.

We sat on the couch admiring the tree with the room lights off. I laid back resting my head on his belly listening to the mix. Charlie laughed at one of the songs, and his belly shook. "You'd make a good Santa Claus with those red cheeks and belly " I said, patting my favorite feature.

"Want to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what you want little boy?" he said. "Just blurt out the first thing that pops up."

I did sit on his lap, felt a nudge, then told him what I wanted for Christmas "This... all of this" I said as I hugged and kissed him.

We barely heard Pete knock, so he let himself in carrying chili, followed closely by Angelo with the rest of the fixings. "Who's ready for my Chili?" he shouted. Charlie's stomach growled, we got up, out of our place of comfort, and joined the two of them in the kitchen. "That looked sweet, were we interrupting anything?"

"Just two friends admiring their handiwork" I said. My mix was on repeat, so we had a soundtrack for our dinner. I pulled large bowls from the cupboard and we started to personalize our food. Why don't we eat in the living room so we can look at the tree, get in the mood." I said. We all had water, Angelo was on call.

I sat on the sofa first, Pete sat by me. Angelo and Charlie took the love seat. It was just as delicious as the chili made for our second date, but even richer. "Angelo had some venison, so I used that." Pete explained. Our hearty meal filled us. We were all in a mellow mood . I knew my mix, the song that was next, so I huddled closer to Pete. It was one of the most romantic holiday songs, Pete held me tight. He started humming, then softly singing in my ear. He alternated nibbling, kissing and singing. His tender side was a huge turn on. We laid out on the couch. His huge hand slipped under the waistband of my pants and found my ass. We felt each other's strength, and tenderness.

On the love seat Charlie and Angelo started going at it. I think Angelo had the same soft spot I had for Charlie's gut. He massaged it, then unbuttoned Charlie's shirt. Charlie struggled out of his work shirt, and threw it aside. Angelo attacked Charlie's belly and then his right nipple. I saw Charlie slide down on the love seat, spreading his legs wide. Angelo straddled Charlie's strong thighs and took a seat face to face, wrapping his arms around Charlie's neck.

Clothes started being shed. Hairy flesh was lit by flickering lights I noticed that Pete had stopped shaving his beard down to the jaw line. It did the impossible of making him look even more masculine. I used both hands to pull his face to mine as we kissed. The stubble of his shaved head tickled my hands. I was jealous of the razor he used to shave it. Pete's dick nudged my balls, I pulled them aside. His knob then honed in on my rosebud, leaking a trail along the way.

Charlie slid further down on the chair, pointing his thick member up. Angelo straddled him, feet on the love seat. He fucked his cock up and down Charlie's belly and between the mounds of his hairy chest. "I think I know what naughty boys want for Christmas" Charlie said as he stared into Angelo's eyes. Angelo answered by grinding his meaty ass down on the cock below him.

I am not sure who was entered first. Pete somehow slid into me gently. I had almost 9 inches of thickness embedded in my chute, but my concentration was on his spicy kisses. His fucking was subtle, his passion unbound. Our eyes never unlocked. We were close enough to see the lights flickering in each others eyes. His cock kept on grinding at my ass. My own cock was being rubbed by the rhythm of his gut.

His fingers found the ticklish spot on my spine below the nape of my neck, and I shivered. My back arched, drawing him in deeper. He found it again. I quaked. His fingers danced above the spot, I convulsed, untouched. Each shiver, each quake, drew him in deeper, and forced my dick between our bodies. The last tease of his hand cause me to lose it. I filled the space between us with sperm, my back arched, and butt spasmed, pulling the warmth out of Pete.

Meanwhile Angelo was being slightly more athletic. It was a struggle getting Charlie's rod in, but Angelo controlled the descent with his strong legs. When he hit bottom he threw his arms around Charlie, leant in to kiss him, and then started to bounce up and down on the thickness. Pretty soon his butt was slapping away as he bounced up and down on the beer can dick he was riding. Charlie met every bounce with a thrust. I wasn't sure how Angelo could keep it going. Among the grunts of pleasure, I was sure there had to be some pain. His legs started to cramp up, so he turned around, ass to belly, and sat back down.

In that position Charlie quickly started to meet Angelo's every move with a thrust. Angelo got the rhythm going again, and his thick dick flopped rigidly up and down. When Charlie fucked me for the first time, I lost my hard-on for a bit adjusting to his size. Angelo had no such problem I don't know if the change in position made Angelo's hole tighter, but the grunts soon sounded more like Charlie's. He uttered a loud "FUCK" and slammed Angelo down one last time. His balls unloading deep inside his buddy, Charlie fisted Angelo to a climax, spraying the cum back onto Angelo's own meaty gut.

We all caught our breath. Pete still in me, Angelo impaled on Charlie. I glanced out the window, saw some flakes. I was lost in the moment, loving the season and the closeness, when Angelo's cell phone rang. He pushed himself off of Charlie with an audible plop and stumbled on the floor for his pants.

"Gotta go in fellas. They are predicting 6-8 inches and want to be ahead of the storm this time." Angelo said.

He got dressed. Pete started to follow him and he said. "Stay here. I will ensure your road is clear"

We all kissed him goodbye at the door, Charlie was last, letting the moment linger. After finally saying goodbye he motioned like he had to piss, I said "You know where it is." and added "What are you going to do now that you no longer have your usual piss joke?"

"Oh you mean the "rent beer" joke? I will just say I am replenishing natural resources." Charlie replied. And went upstairs.

With Charlie gone, I filled Pete in on Charlie and his earlier mood. "We have to help him through the holidays. It may be touch and go at times, but this is a time where our friendship is needed."

Pete held me close, hands holding my butt. "I knew there was a reason I love you. Yes I said love. I don't say this lightly, and I am not sure I have ever said it before, and meant it like I do right now. I am not even sure I know what to do about it. I only know and trust that we can use our love to help a friend. I don't know how, but we will find a way to share our spirit with him. On another topic entirely, you know you should really have a bathroom on the main floor."

"It's in the plans." I said.

"Let's go find Charlie and tell him we are stuck here for the night" Pete said.

We found Charlie just as he was leaving the bathroom. "We are bunking here buddy, hope you don't mind that I already called "Middle". First I gotta piss like a race horse." I joined Pete at the toilet, we crossed streams again.

I looked over into his eyes "Love huh?"

"Yep" he replied

We all collapsed into bed, Pete in the middle I slid behind him and slowly entered him for the first time since he gave me his ass cherry. Pete embraced Charlie, holding his ample gut and slipped his dick between his legs, resting against Charlie's bull-balls. We slowly made love then fell asleep. Sometime in the night I heard the sound of a snowplow blade scraping against blacktop. I could tell Angelo was doing a thorough job. Finally I heard a horn signaling goodbye, and the sound of plowing faded.

December Project Charlie. Pt 3

Pete left, early as usual. I walked downstairs to start the coffee. I looked in the living room. On the Christmas Tree I found a note attached to one of the branches:

You left the lights on, I turned them off

Beautiful tree

It's a shame it's so small.


Fucker...I never picked him as a size queen. I showered, dressed, made breakfast for Charlie and I, and then woke him. I checked email while Charlie showered, nothing important. I sent Charlie a quick email of encouragement on what I knew was going to be a rough day. He finished the shower, I turned over the computer to my friend. I had left his coffee and breakfast in the office.

I fussed around downstairs, giving him space. I went back up to the office. Charlie looked up from the computer and then rose to hug me. "Just so you know, I am meeting with Gino tonight. He is picking me up at work so don't expect me." Charlie said.

We both left for work minutes later. I looked in the office, I didn't see the red number on the calendar. It was going to be a tough day. I left our house, funny how I thought of it as our house. Angelo had come back once again, and our road was relatively clear. Work was great. We had a new client, a local computer company wanted an image to greet Y2K with. To be honest they were a few months too late but I knew my team would produce. I redid my project schedule, and we were still able to fit our new client in. I left work, stopped off at a local deli for dinner that I could reheat for Charlie if needed, and then drove home.

As I drove by Spirit Mountain, I saw the ski hills were lit while they were making snow. There was an arc of man-made snow blasting over nature's own. By the next weekend skiers from the Twin Cities would be enjoying it. Houses everywhere were lit up with Holiday Spirit. I turned on our road and drove by Pete's house. There under his vaulted ceiling, was a Christmas Tree 14 feet tall. I stopped , grabbed my pad, ripped a sheet and wrote:

Is that the best you can do?


I slipped it under the door, knocked, and then sped home. The war was on.

I knew Charlie was going to a meeting with Gino leaving me alone for a few hours. I grabbed a couple of bins from the basement. And went out onto the porch I decided to cap the porch columns with greenery and lights. It took me two hours to wrap and light the columns, but when I was done I was happy. I just finished when Charlie returned from his meeting. He helped me light the final column and then we stood outside to admire my work.

Inside I nuked dinner, and then sat down with Charlie. "The meeting with Gino was good "It's like he read my mind, we share so many of the same experiences. Oh, Stan stopped by again today. He said he wanted to meet me at the bar tomorrow night. I wasn't sure so I mentioned it to Gino. He said he and Brent would join me for support. Do you think you and Pete could too?"

"No doubt about it Charlie." I said. We made plans, called Pete who was up for it, and then settled up in the office. While checking out my email, Charlie reached into the desk drawer, pulled out the red Sharpie and made his mark on the calendar.

I was proud of my friend. We went down to the living room where I lit the tree, and snuggled on his lap. We both were exhausted, so we left on the porch lights and went up to bed

Charlie was awake before me and came upstairs with the note he found under the door

"Porch lights?



"What does this mean?" he said.

"I believe we are having a friendly Christmas lighting war." "I know I go down for most anything, but I am not going down that easy" "I am not sure what I can do tonight since we are meeting at the bar, but I am going all out tomorrow."

We plotted over breakfast. I knew I would be giving Pete today's round, but I could come on strong tomorrow. I kissed Charlie goodbye, and went to work. I took a long lunch to raid Brent's store. I filled two carts with lights and décor. I placed them in the trunk of my car and then drove home when work was done.

Pete had lined all of his eaves with lights, and highlighted the clerestories. If I hadn't seen Brent at the store today, I could have sworn he helped Pete augment the architecture with lights. I got home, defeated, but remembered what I had in the car.

Charlie arrived a few minutes later. "Didja see Pete's? He has that place lit up like Vegas. Are you going to let him win?"

"Tonight I am going out with my buddies to the bar, that is what I am focused on. Get changed, Pete will be picking us up soon." Charlie took a quick shower.

Pete arrived. "Giving up?"

You just wait buddy, tonight I am going out with my best friends. Tomorrow, the war continues."

We drove to the bar. I heard Charlie mutter "Time to face some demons" and we walked in.

Gino and Brent were already there so we joined them at the table. Gino and Charlie ordered ice tea, the rest of us beer. Charlie's other friends were at another table, they nodded towards us.

Stan arrived late, but came straight to us. " Mind if I join you?" He said Charlie pulled out a chair for Stan, who hugged Charlie before he sat down.. Introductions were started and when we got to Brent and Gino, Stan said, "I know my neighbors"

We decided on Two-fer Tuesday Burgers and soon the energy level was up at the table. It was great to see Charlie having fun without a drop of alcohol. After we finished the burgers I sat with Stan while the rest played darts. "Thanks for taking Charlie in" Stan said. "I think he really needed it."

"It's easy with a guy like Charlie." I said "He deserves the second chance he has been given, I am proud of his progress."

"We really deserved it last week when Pete chewed us new assholes. I should have figured out what was going on, I dealt with this with my son, we almost lost him twice. First when he came out, and second because of drinking." Stan looked me in my eyes. "I'm right, aren't it?"

"That is up to Charlie to tell you."

He got his chance soon. Gino and Brent sat down by Stan and started talking to their neighbor. "How's Matt?" Gino asked.

Stan opened up about how proud he was of his son being sober for two years. He also talked about Matt's partner Mark. "Matt really looks up to you Gino, you too Brent. I think when he saw how accepted you were in our working class neighborhood, it gave him hope. I never thought the two gay guys on the block would help get me back my son."

"That is all on your son," Gino said. "He has help, but staying sober is all up to him."

Charlie spoke up. "I know what your son went through Stan. I have had a ton of support, but some days are tough. Knowing I have the love and support of these guys, it just humbles me at times.

We had another round of drinks. The banter was lighthearted. Double entendres were dropped left and right. Some Stan got with a blush, others went over his head. Glasses were close to empty, no one wanted the companionship to end so Gino reminded us that we had built in designated drivers with Charlie and him. We decided one more round was in order, Charlie paid. He was no longer supporting half of the West Duluth liquor stores, and his bank account was getting as healthy as he was.

"You guys gotta see Pete's Christmas Tree. It's huge" Charlie blurted out.

"You would think he was compensating for something, but we all know better" I replied.

"So that is why you are always smiling Kyle?" Stan joked. We all laughed, Stan had me there. "I have one question ,am I the only guy at the table who's straight?"

They all looked at me. "Well I haven't had sex with him."

Pete slammed the table. "There you have the definitive answer. Gentlemen, I am heading home and turning on the sauna, Anyone who wants to join me is welcome. The usual rules apply."

Stan said "Count me out, I have plans to remain straight."

I called Angelo from the parking lot, inviting him to Pete's for a sauna. He said he would meet us there. Charlie drove, Pete took the passenger seat, and I was in the back of the club cab. I leaned forward, put my right hand around and caressed Pete. My hand found an opening in his flannel shirt, so I stroked his hairy pec. "I love you" I whispered.

His hand held mine where it was. I felt his strength. "I know" he said, telling me what his touch had already spoken.

Charlie wanted to stop by my house before heading to Pete's. Pete got into the drivers seat and drove off. I went upstairs with him, pissed, and then walked by the office. I glanced at the calendar and noticed today's date had the red number on it.

We walked back up to Pete's arm in arm. Along the way I just had to embrace Charlie. "I'm so proud of you buddy."

"I couldn't have done any of this without my friends, but especially the two of you. I love you guys." Charlie eyes were watering.

When we rounded the corner we could see the house was ablaze with Christmas lights. We knocked on Pete's door. Pete greeted us naked. "What took you so long? Angelo, Brent and Gino have a head start.

"We can't have that" Charlie said as he stripped quickly and headed downstairs.

Pete and I moved more slowly to the sauna. Once we got down to lower level Pete started to undress me. "About a month ago there was no life in this house. I'd get up, work out, maybe visit the guys for coffee, or beers at the bar. I really had no focus, no life. I've done more in the past month, than in the entire rest of the year. I've done all of this, because I had to pull some underdressed idiot from the cold. I don't know what those sex fiends are doing in there, but tonight, whatever happens, I only want you."

In the sauna the party was already started. Angelo and Gino were comparing their Italian Heritage The Scandinavian countries were represented by a Finn sampling a cream filled Dane. We bisected the two couples, and found a spot in the corner. Pete lounged on the top tier, his back against the side wall. I got between his legs, and fell back onto his chest. His arms wrapped around as we watched our friends. "This is all I need tonight" he said. I looked back and nodded. We sat there, feeling the therapeutic effects of the dry heat. The strength of Pete's embrace was therapeutic too. It would sell the night short to say that we snuggled. Our bodies merged. He anticipated where I needed his touch. Pete had a tenderness that was strong. We both were hard, but that wasn't important. We were just basking in the glow of the warmth and intimacy of our friends.

Brent had Charlie laid out on a lower tier. Brent's tongue was wearing a groove between Charlie's dick, bull-balls and his rosebud. His hands were busy, alternately opening Charlie's hole, pulling at this balls, stroking his dick and pushing back his thighs to allow ease of access.

"I never would have guessed that watching a man lick another man's ass could be so beautiful. Hell a few months back I would have thought the idea was crazy, dirty even." Pete admitted.

I looked back. "So was I your first?" Pete nodded. I had gotten three of Pete's cherries. "You lick ass for four reasons Pete. One, it's tasty, believe it or not. Two, if you like butt, it is a hell of a lot of fun. Three it is fun for the other guy, as you well know. And four, it is a great way to open a guy up for a good fuck."

I felt Pete's dick twitch against my back. Talking about sex with Pete was getting to him. I remembered our pact to train each other. He was to train me with weights, and I was to train him on how to open up for dick. I thought a little play by play of Brent and Charlie's ass-play would be a great way to start his training.

In my best golf announcer whisper I started. "Brent is licking the sweat down the crack, inhaling Charlie's ass-musk. He pulls Charlie's mounds aside, allowing his rosebud to open a bit. Brent's tongue takes that invitation and skewers in a bit. See, he is taking two of his fingers into his mouth, wetting them and applying them to Charlie's sphincter."

"Now he is finger fucking him. Looks like he hit the spot, Charlie's dick is oozing. Brent is not letting that go to waste, he swoops down and swirls his tongue around the head and foreskin. Brent adds one more finger to the mix. Looks like Brent gulped, Charlie must be oozing more of his tasty pre-cum. You can tell from the sap leaking off Brent's dick he is primed and ready."

"Oh, he backs off Charlie's meat. His fingers are holding the hole open. Brent's tongue goes in for five quick jabs, each one deeper. Brent stands, steps up to the tee. Hole in One!"

Gino Angelo and Pete cheered. Brent started a long dick fuck and said "Thanks for the play by play , but I have to finish the round." Pete and I watched the two of them from our perch. His caresses followed the rhythm the two shared.

Gino and Angelo untangled, Angelo joined the pair, while Gino sat up by us. "I guess I gotta sit this one out" he whispered to Pete and I. "But Charlie's getting one of the best fuckers I know. I could say I taught him everything he knows, but the student outperforms the teacher."

Angelo started to stroke Charlie's chest and belly. I didn't know a single guy in our group who didn't want to get lucky with our very own Buddha. Brent's fucking was languid at first. The sauna heat meant he had to go slow in order to avoid over exertion. All of us were sweating, especially Brent. "His ass is just like a furnace. It reminds me of when I used to work at the steel mill" Gino again whispered while stroking his dick. "Charlie is a lucky guy right now, so is my hubby."

Brent picked up Charlie's legs, scooted his ass higher, and went to town, picking up the pace of his strokes. Angelo continued to rub Buddha's belly. His dick and balls rested on Charlie's forehead. Charlie opened his mouth, Angelo saw the invitation and stuffed the open mouth with dick "Damn you're talented." Angelo said. Charlie was stuffed at both ends The rhythm was intoxicating. All three were connected. It was quite a sight, Brent deep-dicking Charlie. And Charlie caressing Angelo's cock with his tonsils.

Pete and I remained in our catbird seat. He held me closer, his dick imprisoned between his belly and my back. "That's it. Keep it up fellas. Give him that dick Brent. Yeah... That's right Charlie. Take it like a man. Squeeze the cum out of that fucker. Fill his throat Angelo, you know he needs it."

Pete's sexy admonitions put everyone over the edge. Gino lost it first, spraying his own belly with scum. Angelo again rubbed Charlie`s gut, tensed his legs and then pumped down Charlie's throat. Charlie's squirts laced the fur on his belly, and when he came, his sphincter spasms caused Brent to shoot.

I felt Pete's warmth and wetness on my back as I shot onto my own gut. Pete reached down, ran his fingers through my cum, gave some to me, then licked off the rest. We all sat for a few minute, luxuriating in the warmth of sauna, sweat and cum. Pete finally said "Snow time fellas." and preceded to hold the door for us. We were less rambunctious this time. There was a fresh layer of snow in the back yard that cushioned us as we jumped in. We came back to earth quickly then went in for a calming shower.

Pete had thought ahead, there were robes for everyone. We went up stairs to take in the tree and each other. As we relaxed Brent commented on the tree and lighting. Pete and I filled the guys in on our friendly competition. Soon we all agreed that we would have teams to help even the war. Since Gino was retired, he would join Charlie and I. Angelo and Brent would help Pete. As luck would have it, all of us were off Saturday. It was decided the war would end then at sundown. We also agreed not to turn on the lights until then, keeping our progress secret.

Brent and Gino soon had to leave. Brent had his usual Wednesday off, but they had to get home to their dog and cats. Angelo was on call, but could stay the night. I got up about ready to leave when Pete stopped me. "I need you here tonight, and I will not take no for an answer. You two are welcome to the guest rooms"

Charlie interrupted. "If you two don't mind I would like to show Angelo my room." I think Charlie figured out that Pete wanted his space.

They gathered their belongings, got dressed and left, kissing us at the door. Pete and I went up to his room. We laid on the comforter, I held him as we looked outside. Three deer made their way across the backyard, into the woods beyond. We kissed, groped and rolled around on the bed. Pete laid me down finally on my stomach. His dickhead rested at my hole, his mouth at my right ear. "It's time lover." he said and I expected his dick to enter me. Instead his tongue traveled down my back, making pit stops along the way, and then slid down my crack. He scooted my ass up, I could feel him smile, then his tongue zeroed in. I was getting his fourth cherry.

Thanks for all the feedback, any and all feedback is appreciated Keep it coming guys.

Next: Chapter 10: Project Charlie 4

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