
Published on Dec 9, 2014


A Year In The Life

Project Charlie Pt. 1

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

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November 30th 1999

"Hi, My name is Charlie, and I am an alcoholic, I have been sober six days."

"Hi Charlie"

As we went around the room for introductions I knew I belonged there, and not at the bar with my friends. I had my last drink six nights ago when I was over at Kyle's. I just didn't know it at the time. I had only two beers when I stopped to see Pete, but he was busy, so I decided to visit Kyle. I wasn't drunk, I had clear thoughts. I was buzzed, however, the night before when I blurted out how I knew Kyle from the sauna, quickly regretting it. I asked him not to tell Pete. That would kill me.

Gino was with me at the meeting. He was one of the reasons I was here. At Pete's Thanksgiving spread Gino declined the wine I was pouring. Seeing a man like that, a confident man, admit he was a "Drunk", his words not mine, gave me a nudge to follow suit, at least for the day. I knew there was a reason I bought the sparkling grape juice at the liquor store, so I offered it to Gino and poured a glass for me. The liquor store owner even laughed at the purchase. "Are you going soft on me Charlie?" That should have been a hint.

When they left Pete's house that night, Gino slipped me a card. It simply said "One day at a time" Gino, and then gave his number. I was buck assed naked at the time so I palmed it until I could place it down where I would remember it. I called him Friday, and we decided to meet for dinner Sunday night since he was a retail widow due to the holiday weekend. We found a quiet booth, I told him my story.

Gino said I was a lot like him, a functioning alcoholic. I think he was being generous when he called me functioning. He pointed out that I almost always kept commitments, it rarely impacted work, and I seemed sociable while out with friends drinking. It was the nights, home alone in my apartment that no one saw. I had a more than passing acquaintance with every liquor store in West Duluth. I was well paid as a plumber, I should have had my own home, but I struggled to make ends meet. I'd be home by five, sauced by nine, and only functioning the next day thanks to a loud alarm clock, and strong coffee.

I made poor decisions drunk. Even worse decisions drunk and horny. On a good day I might head to the sauna early, maybe slip a beer in, but I would be in control of my actions. The time I fooled around with Kyle was that way, the time with Gino and Brent, less so. Kyle loved my beer belly, rubbing it like I was some horned up Buddha. I remember everything that happened with Kyle. However when I found out that I hooked up with Angelo at the Thompson Hill rest stop without remembering it, I once again faced the fact I was a drunk.

Gino assured me that he would be my sponsor, help me out, but reminded me of two points. We could no longer fuck around, and what I said to him was confidential. Regrettably I agreed to the no sex part, he was a fun partner. Luckily he and Angelo had thrown me a good fuck at Pete's so I would have that memory.

"Hi, my name is Gino and I am an alcoholic, I have been sober 12 years"

I knew I had the right sponsor.


A lot happened since my Thanksgiving shindig. Kyle won the wrestling match for "Middle". It was a good match, but in the end I remembered I would be sleeping next to "Blast Furnace Charlie" and slipped, letting Kyle pin me. Nothing much happened under the sheets. There was a lot of snuggling, erections lasted more than four hours, but there was no sex, we had enough of that earlier. Looking back I never really planned for an orgy to break out. I think Charlie found freedom in being able to talk about man-sex openly and that caused the ball to start rolling. For someone who protested that he had put sex on the back burner while starting his business we learned that Kyle was a slut.

Black Friday I sent Kyle and Charlie off with two large care packages of leftovers. Charlie's pick up drove back down the road a few hours later. The rest of the crew stopped by for their care packages. I took the opportunity to get to know Brent and Gino more. Kyle had left the pie, there was enough for a piece, each so we had coffee and pie. There were a few couples I have known through my life who seemed to fit well together. These two quickly joined that category. They loved each other's soul, knowing they were imperfect, but perfect for each other.

I started to think of them as role models. I had spent the last night with two guys I had feelings for. This was new territory for me. Being burned once left me gun shy. Seeing the two of them made me realize I never loved my wife, so the failure of our marriage wasn't all on her. I was still perplexed by how their open sex life fit in with the love I saw.

"We trust in each other, and know the love is there" Brent said. "It isn't who you go to bed with, it's who you wake up with."

I think I got their logic, if not their secret. My problem, I went to bed last night with two guys I cared about deeply, and woke up with them both.

Soon they had to go. Brent was up early today for the Black Friday rush and was in need of a nap badly. I reminded Gino that my sauna was always available, just call me before hand. They promised to take me up on that offer, and soon. As they left I saw Charlie's truck heading to Kyle's.


I had the best of all worlds Thanksgiving night. I was in the middle of two great guys. Neither fucked me, but as we snuggled that night, dicks were poking, and strong arms were cuddling. I think I found their softer side, if you discount the hard-ons. It was even better waking up with the two of them. All of us were still on the full side, so we had coffee and some fruit that Pete had forgotten to put out. We sat at the kitchen table naked. It wasn't sexual, it just felt natural. We eventually found our clothes from the previous day, and got dressed. I saw Charlie pick up the card that Gino left him, he slipped it into his front pocket. We finally kissed our goodbyes, grabbed the care packages and walked to my place.

Charlie had been quiet, I felt something was up. I invited him in and made some more coffee and I joined him on the couch.

"I'm a drunk, I need help" he finally croaked out, and started sobbing uncontrollably. I got close, hugged him and started to rock him like a baby. As I held him, he opened up, told me about his drunk nights. He always felt on the verge of screwing up completely. He was tired of all of his lies. I don't remember when the sobbing ended. I do know that I continued to hold him, rock him, comfort him. We kissed, it was a sweet kiss, loving kiss, not hot and heavy. His eyes were bloodshot when he reached into his pocket and pulled out the card.

"One day at a time" "Gino"

"Call him" I said.

"I will, soon"

I could tell he was drained. Wordlessly I led him upstairs to my room. We fell on the bed fully clothed. I wrapped my arms around him while he fell asleep. I made plans while he snored. If need be, I would open my house to him. He needed stability, and I thought he could find it here.

He woke up an hour later. I could tell he was putting off the inevitable trip home. Finally he said as much. "Charlie, you know you are always welcome here. I could use your help getting this remodel off the ground. Plus there are other fringe benefits."

He smiled "Would you go with me to my apartment, not sure I can face it alone"

I agreed so we picked up our jackets and warmed up his truck. We drove into West Duluth, I was familiar with the area. We entered his apartment. It was bare bones. There was a futon, TV and chair. He started to pack what he needed in a suitcase, and some garbage bags. He remembered that garbage was picked up on Tuesday, so I offered to take it out. It was mainly liquor bottles and take out bags. I wasn't sure when he was going to be back so I straightened up a little. When he figured he had enough of his belongings packed we went to the pick up and threw them in the back. He dropped December's rent off at the office. He was shaking so I grabbed the keys.

We drove to a drive thru. I ordered for both of us. I was feeling a little melancholy, so I took the scenic route. I drove up to Skyline Drive, and pulled into one of the lookouts. I ran the engine while we ate. "Charlie, we are unbelievably lucky to live here. Look at all of that water, this area is never going thirsty. This town has been knocked down before, it always comes back. Winter throws everything at us, we fight back. Strangers stop to help you out when you're stuck. You have friends who love you and will help you now."

He cried again, but I think they were happy tears. I drove him home, to his new home, at least for now.


Kyle barely knew me, but he saved me. I really doubt I could have made it through day two without a drink if I went back to my apartment alone. I dropped my check off at the office. I can't remember the last time rent was paid on time. Kyle drove home taking a turn I never expected. We were up on Skyline Drive, and suddenly he was a poet. I was ashamed that my belongings fit in the back up a pickup, but he had me soon feeling that I had limitless opportunities.

We got back to Kyle's and he showed me what would be my room. It was spare, but comfortable. "When the stores quiet down next week we'll pick up some things to make this more homey" Kyle said. I didn't want to let him know that my rent check had depleted my budget.

With Kyle's encouragement I called Gino. We set up a time to meet. I gave him Kyle's number as my contact, not sure when I would ever get back to the apartment. I went back upstairs. Kyle was in the office on the computer. I ran downstairs grabbed a chair and joined him in the office. "How does PlumbBear51 sound?" Kyle asked

"For what?" I questioned.

"A screen name, we have to set you up online, drag you kicking and screaming into the new millennium"

"It sounds okay I guess" I said

"Good, I already set you up, you have your first email." "Click on that icon right there"

He left the room while I read.


My home is your home. Here you can be yourself. Here you are not judged. When you need support, I will provide it. When my support is not enough, I will call in the troops. When you need love, I will give what I can. When you need sex, I am just across the hall.

By the way, I am across the hall now.


And lubed.


I think I set a record getting across the hall. Kyle was ass up with two dildos and lube beside him. There was the one from Wednesday night, and a larger one I hadn't seen before. I stripped off my clothes, and joined him on the bed. I thought of going for broke with the large one, but decided instead to break him in. I greased up the smaller dildo and used it to toy with his hole. I rolled it round and round and up and down over his crack. I placed it at his hole and gently screwed it in, widening the attack as I went in. I hit his love button a number of times with that rubber dick. He kept on grunting and encouraging me. I pulled the smaller dildo out and was about to shove in the larger one when he rolled onto his back.

Our eyes locked on each other. This was no longer sex, we were about to make love to each other. I knocked the dildos aside, lubed my dick, hiked his legs either side of my belly, and entered him in one slow stroke `til I was balls deep. My body was on cruise-control. I kissed him, humped him, stroked him, never losing eye contact. I lifted his legs, changing the angle, never lost eye contact. He rubbed my furry belly, I tweaked his nips, he wrapped his legs around me, holding me in. I gave him short strokes, he was vocal in his love. Finally his legs let go, I lifted one to the side and changed the angle again. I looked him in his eyes. I felt love as I squirted into his ass. I pulled out, and swooped down on his dick just in time to savor his cum.

Hours before I was at one of life's lowest points, but I was coming back.

Next: Chapter 9: Project Charlie 2 3

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