
Published on Jul 1, 2022


Father's Day 2

[]A Year in the Life

Father's Day Part 2

"Clothing Optional"

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors.  It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events.  It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure.  No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it. 

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow.  You will get to know the characters.

Father's Day Part 2

"Clothing Optional"


I suppose I should have clarified some things.

House Rules:

  1. Mi Casa, Su Casa. What's mine is yours. Food, laundry supplies, etc. No exceptions. If you question it, just ask.

  2. Clothing Optional, when it is just the three of us. You didn't object earlier so I hope you'll be honest if it is a problem for you. Just don't parade naked in front of any window. That is why I bought the blinds.

  3. If you bring a woman home and need some privacy, just tell us beforehand.

  4. Contribute what you can, when you can. I trust you won't take advantage of me.

  5. Work on what you have with Jason. He needs his father more now, than he has ever needed him.

And right about now I should be apologizing about not giving you a heads up regarding Duane/Grace. I hope she can get to the bottom of things.

P.S. Don't wait up on us. We'll either be at Rolf's or a friends' place.

Gordy scanned the email again. Frank was being generous and trusting and he wasn't sure he was worthy. But he took him at his word. He sat back, and unbuttoned his shirt. The breeze coming through the window ruffled the fur on his chest. He glanced around, and noticed the shades were down, so he shrugged the shirt from his shoulder, then stood and unbuttoned his pants, letting them fall to the floor. When his clothes were neatly stacked, he took off his boxers and laid them on top.

He walked naked to the kitchen and scanned the contents of the fridge. He was lucky earlier when he found the eggs and bacon. The May 29th expiration date on the milk was the first clue that Frank was spending most of his time at Rolf's. The rest of the food wasn't much fresher. Only the shredded cheese, and beer looked palatable. Finally, Gordy grabbed a Leinie's and the cheese from the fridge. He then rooted in the cupboard and found some chips and salsa. It wasn't gourmet, but it'd have to do.

He quickly nuked the chips and cheese then returned to the computer. He pulled up the email and attachments that Grace had sent him. Fuck, it still felt strange to him thinking of Duane becoming Grace. How could he miss that in a friend? Hell, he'd been back to Frank's house only half an hour, and he saw enough clues to know that Frank was spending most of his time at Rolf's.

As a former detective, Gordy wanted to investigate. Grace wasn't forthcoming with information. "I'm finally comfortable in my skin," was as close as she came. She did seem comfortable, that was Gordy's main takeaway from his meeting with his former colleague. She did seem comfortable. "She did," he repeated to himself. He wasn't sure if the decade he had spent away as part of the reason he easily saw Grace as a female, forgetting his former Duane self. She was comfortable in her skin, that much was evident.

Instead of pulling up the attachments, Gordy started to search the internet for clues. He read about the procedures, and hormone therapy. He read stories from people who were in transition, to those who were finally living their chosen gender. He saw procedural pictures that made his dick twinge uncomfortably. Finally, he saw a list of questions that made transgendered people uncomfortable.

Gordy scanned the list, hoping he made none of the faux pas. He wasn't sure where Grace was on her journey, but he took her word. She was finally comfortable in her skin.

The internet, being what it is, meant that Gordy ran into more than a few websites featuring chicks with dicks. Again, his dick would twinge. He liked the chicks, but the dicks, not so much. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed another Leinie's. His dick swung from side to side with every step. "I can't imagine anyone wanting to cut you off," he said to himself as he winced. "I'm just glad I never hooked up with Lorena Bobbit."

Back at the computer, Gordy found a Duluth Mature M4W chat room and signed in using his "DreamField" screen name. The discussion soon caused his dick to flesh out to seven thick inches as an instant message flashed on his screen.


Frank looked as the sparks from the fire-pit climbed to the sky. He held Rolf as he chuckled. "That was a cruel trick. But Gordo said he wanted to be surprised."

"She's beautiful you know," Rolf said. "It's her inner beauty finally coming out."

"I didn't realize you knew, Grace," Frank said. "You'll never cease to amaze me, my man."

"I supported her through most of her transition. It was part of my former life." Rolf hugged his lover as they sat naked by the fire. The other men had long ago gone inside and claimed the three bedrooms at the chalet. They'd either be sharing the downstairs sectional, or sleeping outside under the stars. The stars were looking more and more possible as the night wore on.

Frank snuggled back into Rolf's body as his lover's large beard tickled his back and neck. Rolf kissed him tenderly. "Damn Rolf, I wish I'd met you earlier. Just think of what I missed out on."

"Neither of us were ready, Francis. Hell, you weren't ready to be called Francis, much yet be Francis, until recently. You're finally comfortable with who you are."


Gordy wiped the cum from his chest and gut, then threw the paper towel into the trash. Dreamfield's cybersex with AlphaBette was as satisfying as any hook ups he had experienced in years. Sure, her user name was corny, most were. But she knew his needs before he did. He powered down the computer, and then checked the front and back door, ensuring they were locked.

He retired to the guest room, sleeping on top of the comforter. He left the blind up a few inches, knowing the garage obscured any angle of vision into his room. He laid back, thinking of AlphaBette and stroked his dick to its full seven inches. "Twice in one night, you must be a helluva woman to coax that out of me at this age."


Pete unfurled the flag as I surveyed the backyard. "Look, Pete. Rolf did say that our backyard provided shelter. Seems like he and Frank tested his theory."

Sometime in the middle of the night, Rolf and Frank had moved the wooden lounge to a space under the pergola. They were spooning under a blanket as the sun started its rise. Pete and I walked out and placed the flag in its bracket, then stood, saluting it.

"Thanks, it's great to see someone with respect for our flag. Even if you are not in uniform." We looked towards the deck. Rudy was leaning over the rail, looking down. The door opened and Al got behind him and pretended to hump him. "So much for reverence for our flag," Rudy joked.

"You didn't mind my pole last night." Al slapped Rudy's butt. "C'mon, it's our turn to make breakfast."

One by one, our clothing optional Pack joined Al and Rudy in the kitchen. I ground some French Roast beans, then started the coffee. Rudy spied our maple syrup, then looked for pancake ingredients. Al noticed that we were never out of bacon, so he started frying enough for the Pack.

Justin and Derek took Putski and Echo out for their walk. Though the dogs were quiet, like they were trained to be, their wet noses woke Frank and Rolf. Soon everyone was sitting around the kitchen table. Breakfast was simple; bacon, pancakes, real maple syrup and coffee. I think most of us were talked out after last night's fire-pit chat.

Justin however had missed out, due to work. Out of nowhere he blurted out "I got a $150 tip, and I didn't have to blow anyone."

"Your FFG must have been powerful," I said. "Why did you get such a high tip?"

"I think it was partly a bribe, and part apology. It's a guy who tried to pick me up earlier this year. I figured out he's a bank manager. He put the bill on his corporate credit card, writing in a standard twenty percent, fifty-dollar tip, then slipped me the rest in cash as he left the restaurant."

"You mean it's the same guy that invited you up to his room. He's throwing cash around like that? Do you regret marrying me?" Derek asked.

"Not one bit," Justin replied. "He was there with his wife and kids. It was awkward. I mean what keeps people from living the life they're meant to live. Imagine what his kids are going to go through later."

"Some folks just aren't ready, Justin." Rolf said.

"And some kids born to gay dads, turn out all right, Justin," Derek winked.

"I can't wait to introduce you to my Dad," Justin said. This started a long discussion about our fathers. In a short time, I learned that Justin's dad was a supportive farmer from southern Minnesota. Al's dad worked at the U.S. Steel plant and lived in Morgan Park. Rudy's dad worked for Zenith Dredge, keeping the harbor navigable for the large ships.

It almost came as no surprise that Frank's dad was a cop. The one that did surprise us was Rolf. "My dad was this pipsqueak. He was about 5'3" and 135 pounds soaking wet. Mom was six inches taller, and thin as a rail. I tell you they were the real odd couple. They used to joke that they found me on the curb. Then once, when wrestling was on, Dad saw you Al. He told me that The Cruncher was my dad."

"There's your dad," he said. "I'm suing him for child support."

"I'm not anyone's father, that I know of," Al protested.

"That you know of, huh," Rudy joked. "I remember how tight those wrestling trunks were. You could have impregnated the first four rows in the arena with that dick of yours."

Rolf laughed. "You know my dad, had me believing you were my real dad. Anyone who knew us realized that I got everything good about me from my dad, even if I outweighed him by sixth grade. I got my dad's humor, brains and compassion."

"He must have been a good-looking man too," Frank added.

"You flatter me m'man." Rolf leaned over and kissed Frank. "I got my looks from my mother, and my dick from my father."

"I'm glad it wasn't the other way around," Frank chuckled.

"You mean your dad was 5'3" and 135 pounds and had a thick dick like yours?"

"It looked HUGE on him, m'boy Justin."

"Well it's obvious that Derek got his dick from Pete. Take it from someone who knows," Justin said.

"I'll take your word for it, though it sounds like there's a story there," Rudy said.

Derek halted the conversation. "There's some things best not talked about. It's hard to live up to dad, as it is."

"And sometimes the son far surpasses the dad. Many times, it is the other way around," Pete added.

"Tell me about it," Al said. Dad used to get home from the Steel Mill. He'd be grimy and sweaty and mom wouldn't let him into the house. He rigged up a shower in the garage. He'd take a quick shower out there, put on his boxers and then race into the house. My dad was hung in a way that'd put Pete and Derek to shame. Why did I get shortchanged?"

"It's lucky for me you did, Al. If you were hung bigger than you are now, I don't think I'd be walking," Rudy laughed.

"Wait," Justin said. "Your house in Morgan Park had a shower in the garage? Derek, do you think it's possible?"

"I don't know of another in the neighborhood, Justin. Al, I think we live in your childhood home."

"No shit. I'd love to see it sometime. Maybe we can leave from your place for the Back to the Fifties weekend."

"Sounds like a deal," Derek said.

The guys started to clear their plates and refill their coffee mugs. It was then that I realized that Pete had not mentioned his dad. He had talked, but only about my Dad and the connection he had with someone he never met. Instinctively I understood the importance of the US flag in our backyard.

The rest of the morning was unstructured, yet clothing optional. Rolf and Frank used the workout room, followed by a sauna. I noticed that Al and Rudy were interested in the sling, yet were too timid to try it out. So, it was no surprise when they left early. Derek and Justin spent most of the morning, laying out on the lounge in the backyard.

Pete remained silent. We were cleaning up the kitchen when I chanced it. "You never mentioned your dad."

He gave me a rare stern glance. "In a way, I did. Let's just say he wasn't there when I needed him, and this hard-ass got everything he has, by himself."


Gordy looked across the booth at Grace. "We'll just call this an advance. I've got a job that could use your talents, and meanwhile you can do some cyber-sleuthing about your case on my time," Grace said.

"You know, I think the world of Francis, but he's so head over heels in love with..." Gordy caught himself before he outed his former colleague.

"Gordy, believe me, I know what's going on. They are such a cute couple. So, go on. What were you going to say about Frank?"

"He tells me everything he has is mine, you know, Mi Casa, Su Casa. But all he had in the fridge was curdled milk, some green stuff, cheese and beer. I'm making dinner for them tonight, showing them I can get back on my feet quickly. Your money will help."

"Aren't you a sweet thing? You know, you're gonna make some woman very happy. The years have been very kind to you. I'd say more but officially we have a professional relationship, and I'm getting close to overstepping my bounds."

"Talk about comfortable in her skin," Gordy thought to himself. He had been talking to Grace for half an hour and this was the first time he thought of her previous life. He thought about the list of questions that transgendered people encountered, and realized he wanted to ask half of them. Finally, he just let it go and focused on the woman who sat in front of him.

Evidence pointed to Grace living as a woman for years. Gordy had seen some photos online of men who were in the early stages of their transition. If Grace was comfortable in her skin, they seemed to only be getting used to themselves. Many weren't yet comfortable with their clothes, hair, even their posture.

Grace, on the other hand, was fully immersed in who she was. Gordy searched for traces of Duane. The usual visual clues, hands and Adam's apple were noticed, yet Grace held herself in a way that minimized them. Her posture, the way she walked, and the way she carried herself bore no resemblance to the man that Gordy used to know.

The man that he used to know, was no longer there. Gordy realized that he was fixated on questions that weren't easily answered. His mind and body needed a rest.

"My, what a sigh. What brought that on?" Grace asked.

"Really, was it that noticeable?" Gordy asked.

"It would have blown my wig off, if I was still wearing one," Grace winked.

Grace's smile, especially her eyes, was the first glimpse Gordy got of his old friend.


Rolf poured the last bit of coffee into his mug, then sat across from me. "Do you ever get the feeling that things aren't what they seem?" He knew I looked perplexed so he continued. "Kyle, I know you, and you know me. In some ways, I feel we are two peas, one pod. The guys see us as optimists, but we see more clouds than we will own up to."

I laughed. "I just told Pete that I'm the most pessimistic optimist he'll ever know."

"We'll have to arm wrestle for that honor. But look at us Kyle. I'm a big hairy beast of a man. People who see me on the street probably think I live in a cabin in the woods, and that I'm only in town selling my lumber. They don't know the witty, erudite, charming man who is in love with the Police Captain."

"And I'm the scrawny kid who always got picked last in gym class, yet is married to the ex-pro wrestler. I get what you're saying. Here, I am king. Pete makes me feel that way. It extends to my world in Duluth. I feel confident in who I am, and I exude that. But when I get back to my hometown, I revert to being the kid being picked last in gym class."

"It's who we are, Kyle. Our knowledge, and our trust in humanity feeds the optimism. Yet the two of us harbor a little part that never measured up. So, we hide behind our strongest façade. Me, I look like a lumberjack to the average Joe. In reality, the average lumberjack is often this wiry, lanky dude with a torn western shirt that could use a few washings."

"I think I went to high school with him."

"You and me both, m'friend. Tell me Kyle, I know you aren't religious, but do you consider yourself spiritual?"

"I guess the only thing I believe is that things happen, when they are meant to happen. Call it fate, destiny or kismet. But it isn't passive, this kismet. You must let yourself be open to it. You gotta be in the running somehow."

"Look at that picture on the wall, Kyle," Rolf said, pointing to our copy of "Grace." "That guy happened to find himself in a photographer's studio, when the light was just right. There is so much mythology around these parts about that photo, so I believe we'll never know the true story. Is it a bible sitting there, or some other book? Was the bread brought in as a prop, or was he just hungry? Was he a weary traveler resting, or a devout person, saying Grace?"

"And somewhere along the way, a black and white photo became a tinted print. And the photographer's family milked the mythology, and suddenly it seemed that every other household in the Northland had a copy of it. When I was young I thought the man was someone's uncle, and that every family with the print, was related," I said.

Rolf laughed. "Your niece thought he looked like me, so maybe we all are related. But I guess what I am trying to get at, is while we are sitting here, on a Sunday, stripped of our clothes that define us, others are sitting reverently, seeking something to define themselves."

Rolf sighed, then ran his fingers through his bushy beard, settling them on his ample gut. "This is me, this is who I am. I'm damn lucky to find a man who loves me, as I am."

"Likewise, my friend."


Gordy unpacked the last of the groceries, then undressed and sat at the computer. "First things first," he thought to himself as he erased the internet history from last night. He was no longer interested in finding out the whys and wherefores behind Grace's transition. He didn't need to know details about her genitals or any of her procedures. Grace was simply Grace, and Duane no longer existed. He could have talked to Grace forever, but she needed to break away for a "case."

With that done he checked his email. There was one from Jason, and another from Frank. He opened the one from Frank first.


Having lunch with some friends. I saw how stocked their refrigerator was, and realized I offered to share a whole lot of nothing with a good friend. Rolf and I are stopping off at the SuperOne on our way home.

Mi Casa, Su Casa.


Gordy laughed to himself, realizing that the bare cupboards would be overflowing soon, if he knew Rolf. He then clicked on Jason's email.


Ashley and I talked into the night. I told her that you have worked hard trying to get back into my life. I didn't tell her everything of course. She's just so flustered. She's could pop any minute now. She isn't easy to live with. Taking her to church.

Give me a few days, then the three of us can grab something to eat. If you need me to, I can meet with you and the Judge on Monday.


Gordy felt no urgency in responding to Jason's email. Instead, with a few clicks, he was creating new internet history, searching for the kind of woman who'd satisfy his needs.


Grace sat in the back pew of the church. She should have known from the billboard out front, that today's sermon would be especially homophobic. "PRIDE GOETH BEFORE A FALL."

The usual suspects were in attendance. The Mayor sat up front. He always made his presence known. A few rows back, was another regular. She was pregnant and looked ready to deliver. Her on again, off again pew-mate, her husband the cop, was with her today. He always seemed out of place, and was especially fidgety. Grace noticed his discomfort when the firebrand preacher focused his attention on the "homosexual underbelly of our society that has co-opted God's beautiful rainbow, all in the name of Pride."

One regular wasn't uncomfortable. He could be heard shouting "Amen," as the preacher told his tale of Pride. Grace decided that if you looked up the word pious in the dictionary, you'd see a picture of this red-headed man. He was the reason, she was subjecting herself to this venomous sermon. She was doing it as a favor to an old friend, Frank, the Police Captain.

Isaiah Wilkins was on Frank's radar ever since the day Isaiah threatened his gay brother, Micah. As Grace investigated him, she found out more about Isaiah, and her own friend. She also figured something was up with Ashley, the pregnant woman. On days when she came to church alone, she could often be seen, talking to Isaiah. There was obvious tension between them. When she arrived with her husband Jason, it was a different story.

Isaiah was up front. His fiery Amen matched the intensity of his flaming red hair. Grace had to smile to herself when the church band started into a rocking version of Take Me to The Pilot. Was the preacher so clueless that he didn't realize that Elton John, the songwriter of that song, was England's second most popular queen?

Isaiah stood, and sang along to every note.


Jason wasn't sure where he was heading, he only knew he had to get away. He could handle hearing Ashley's former boss saying "Amen" as the preacher went on his diatribe against gays. Jason had wanted to rearrange the face of that ginger haired fuck-wad, more than once. It stung more when Ashley's "Amen" joined the chorus

She was oblivious how her words cut him to the core. Hell, she was oblivious to him in general. He was glad that she wanted to nap, so he left her on the couch, and got into his truck. Fifteen minutes later, he signaled his intentions, and took the side road towards Bub's farm.

Bub's lifted four-wheel-drive truck was there, but his four-wheeler was gone. He was nowhere to be seen near the barn, and the chores looked like they were done. It was a beautiful summer day, so Jason had an idea where he'd be.

He walked toward the small lake on Bub's property. As he got over a crest, he saw him. Bub was rested back, naked on an Adirondack chair, with binoculars in his hand. The second chair was empty. The grass swayed in the breeze as Jason walked down the hill towards the sauna, and chairs.

Bub was so intently looking through the binoculars, he barely acknowledged Jason's presence. "Have a seat," he finally said. "You've got to see this."

"You just missed Chase, by the way. He asked about you," Bub said, then handed the binoculars to Jason. "Look in the tall reeds over there." Jason put the binoculars to his face then focused on the reeds. He wasn't sure what he was looking for. Bub's whisper, and gentle hand, directed him. "Look for the rustling reeds. We have a pair of loons nesting on our lake."

"This is a first for us. It's never happened before."

Jason focused on the reeds, then Bub's words. We, us, and our, were used, not I, me, my.

"We're gonna have baby loons, soon. Isn't it beautiful? This shouldn't be happening; our lake is too small."

There were those words again, "We're gonna, our lake."

Then out of nowhere. "I'm so happy to be sharing this with you, Jason. Make yourself comfortable, it's a clothing optional sort of day. We just have to be quiet, I don't want to startle the loons."

Jason sat up and untied his dress shoes, putting them aside, and removed his socks. He then stood, and removed his shirt then dropped his pants. He sat back down on the chair, and slowly slipped off his boxer briefs. His hard dick slapped against his belly as he handed the binoculars back to Bub.

"You are so damned handsome young man, especially in this light. It's a damn shame I'm gonna put you in the shade." Bub rose from his chair and straddled his young lover. He then bent forward and kissed Jason.

"I don't know how long I've got you, so I am making the best of it. You've got three options young man. We get sweaty in our sauna. We get sweaty in our bedroom. Or, we get sweaty right here."

"Right here does it for me. I always wanted to be fucked outside. As long as I don't have to worry about any pests."

Bub rubbed his thick dick against Jason's tight, hairy gut. "The only pest you have to worry about is a snake, and it's mine." Bub lifted Jason from the chair, and laid him down in the long grass. "My snake wants to burrow, and find its home."

Jason yanked Bub down on top of him. They playfully rolled from side to side as they kissed. The grass was tamped down by their weight, and strength. Every movement felt natural to the men. Bub found himself on top, straddling Jason once again. A drop of sweat fell from his forehead, to Jason's meaty, hairy pecs. He leaned down and licked the sweat that mingled with Jason's own.

"As much as I want you forever. I'll settle for right now." Bub leaned forward and kissed Jason once again. He came up for air and then smiled. "I know you want me forever too, and hopefully you won't settle for right now. Just say the word, this is ours."

"I can't, right now will have to do." Then as an afterthought he added, "Fuck me."

"I won't fuck you, but I'll love you." Bub sidled down, then looking in Jason's eyes, he lifted the young man's legs. Bub rubbed his hand through Jason's sweat-soaked fur. He gathered sweat, spit into his hand, then coated his thick dick. He nudged the big piece of meat against Jason's pucker and slowly inched forward.

Jason's ass swallowed three inches of Bub's snake. "I've never had a man take my dick with such ease," Bub said incredulously.

"You've never met a man who needs you so much," Jason panted.

"Really?" Bub asked, raising an eyebrow. He already knew the answer. Bub held Jason's legs as he looked down at the remaining six inches of dick that needed to find a home in Jason's ass. He could tell by Jason's spasming sphincter that he was ready for more. Another drop of sweat fell from Bub's forehead to the juncture where thick dick, met tender ass. He conjured up a mouthful of spit, and let it fall to that point.

Bub withdrew an inch of dick, leaving his thick knob in Jason's inviting ass. He then inched forward, snaking five more inches into his lover. "Ready for more?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow in that sexy way that got to Jason.

"OH, FUCK YES," Jason yelled.

Jason's yell, was answered by the song of the loon, and the frantic slap of sweaty ballsack on cock-filled ass. Nature took its course as Bub started to slam into Jason. Jason thought back to the morning's sermon. He remembered the story of men who were less than men, and unnatural in God's eye. He remembered that Lust and Pride were deadly sins.

No one could convince him at that moment, that he or Bub were less than men. Nothing felt more natural to him, than being loved by Bub. It was love, not lust, that allowed him to accommodate Bub's big snake. Finally, he felt that accepting who he was, could be labeled as honesty, not pride.

Hell, that preacher is probably a closet case, Jason rationalized, then focused on the man who was filling his ass.

The breeze caused waves in the tall grass as Bub looked down at his lover. "You don't know this, but today is the start of our forever, my lover." Bub lowered Jason's legs, leaving his big knob in Jason's warm ass. He angled himself so he was spooning the young man. He pulled Jason's sweaty body, back so it met his own. He lifted Jason's left leg and started to grind into his ass. "My beautiful young lover, so tender, so strong."

Jason fisted his own eight inches as Bub made love to him. Their rhythm was as easy and natural as the waves in the grass. Jason knew he could handle being fucked this way, forever, but he too wanted to feel the warmth of his lover's ass. "Fill me," he grunted, "So I can return the favor."

"Oh, hell yeah," Bub moaned. He was close, only holding off the inevitable for selfish reasons. He thought when he came, Jason would go. Bub dropped Jason's legs, grabbed his shoulders, and ratcheted into his lover's butt.

The earthquake that radiated from Bub and Jason, shook the nest that their bodies had created. Bub had again, seeded one little plot on their property. It would be up to Jason to do the rest.


Rolf and Frank were sitting at the kitchen table when Gordy returned. "Still no answer. Well, can't say I didn't try to invite him, I guess it will be just us three."

"Maybe it's better this way. Glad to see your fine with the relaxed dress code here," Frank said. "We'd only have to get dressed if Jason joined us."

"Yeah, I don't know if he is ready to see his dad naked. I'm not sure if he is ready to see his dad at all. I really did fuck up, didn't I?"

"Nothing that can't be fixed if you put your mind to it m'friend," Rolf said. "Our boy is quite resourceful, and definitely independently spirited. Remember that and you'll be in his good graces again."

"Speaking of Grace, when were you going to spring that on me?"

"At times, it is best to discover things yourself, than have preconceived notions."

"Well, that was a crash course," Gordy laughed. "She was all dressed up for church. I wonder what kind of case could possibly be linked to a church."

"Hell, if I know," Frank laughed. "Maybe someone's skimming from the collection plate."

"Whatever," Gordy said. "All I know is Grace is Grace. That's the only way I can put it."


It was a beautiful summer night. Frank and Rolf put a bottle of wine into an ice bucket to chill, then decided to take a walk. They strolled towards 66th where they ran into Brent and Gino, who were out with their Pomeranian Beau. "Care to join us?" Rolf asked. "We got a bottle of wine chilling."

"I'm a drunk," Gino reminded. "Brent can have some since we're not driving. We'd enjoy the company."

The men circled the block then walked down towards Rudy's barbershop. Twin embers glowed on the darkened, second-floor deck. Rolf pitched a tiny stone up there, causing Al to bark out "Halt. Who goes there."

"Tis I, Lord Rolf and my henchmen, Francis, Brent and Gino. His Lordship requests your presence in five minutes at the Castle's gardens. We'll be tapping a new cask of wine."

Rudy flicked the light switch then stood. The privacy screen on the deck hid their nakedness. "Oh, it's you Rolf, ya big goof. Just let us get presentable and we'll meet you there."


For the second night in a row, Gordy felt his pulse return to normal, then saw the evidence of AlphaBette's cyber talents. Her instant message had coaxed two loads out of him. Gordy wasn't a saint, but it had been months since he had been with a woman. He had numerous girlfriends in the Hinckley Casino hotel, but none connected with him like AlphaBette.

Gordy walked to the linen closet, grabbed a washcloth, and then wettened it in the bathroom sink. He appraised himself in the mirror as he wiped away the cum. With Rudy's haircut, and his trimmed beard, he no longer looked like a homeless man. Having a job, however tenuous it was, helped raise his confidence.

He wasn't foolish enough to think something would come of AlphaBette. At best, and worst, she was a distraction, something to make him feel virile and alive. He looked at himself, and noticed a shot of cum that rested on his shoulder. "Fuck, did she ever coax it out of me," he thought to himself.

Gordy returned to the computer, and noticing the icon, he pulled up his mail. It was from his son. The subject line said "Help!" He opened it immediately.


I can't continue to live this way. I'm gonna need your help figuring this out. If anyone can help me make sense of this, it is you.



A Personal Dedication

"I guess the only thing I believe, is that things happen, when they are meant to happen. Call it fate, destiny or kismet. But it isn't passive, this kismet. You must let yourself be open to it. You gotta be in the running somehow."

Writing for me, is like the grass that grows in the sidewalk cracks. The sidewalk is life with my husband, my work, and time with friends. Those friends can be found when I attend happy hour, or here online. When I have free time, I am not always in the creative mood. When I am, however, I often have a burst of creativity that removes me from my friends.

I had that type of creative burst when I wrote this chapter. The grass was filling all the sidewalk cracks. One of my usual online outlets was on ignore. I felt exhilarated when I finally got online and spoke to friends. My exhilaration was heightened when I heard the good news about one of them.

He had shared with our group, our Pack, The Cuddle Bear Army, how proud he was that he had finally come out to his siblings, and it had gone well, even better than he hoped or expected. I immediately told him that it went well because he had picked the right time to let fate happen. He put himself in that position. I shared with him the words I had just written.

I also flashed back on the number of friends in our circle who had made the step in the last few years. My own personal journey of coming out had started almost thirty years ago. It started awkwardly in Downtown Minneapolis when I told a female friend that I could never give her the love she wanted.

Since that moment of personal honesty, my mantra has been that I am more honest, than out. Years of acceptance found me in a place where I was ready for my own kismet, and I met the guy our group now knows as GBear. Honesty about my feelings, meant he has been in my life, since day-one.

I've known acceptance since then. I've also seen the true side of some so-called friends. The acceptance always outweighed the negative. Because of how I've been accepted, I often found myself unknowingly assuming that a friend was out and honest. It is easy to forget that people still struggle with coming out. Thankfully, many of them began to feel more comfortable in their skin, allowing them to be strong and share their own honesty when the time came.

Many of my readers are somewhere on this journey, therefore they identify with a certain character. I can only hope my men and women are the role models they need.

My female friend in Minneapolis is still in my life. A few of my online friends have started relationships, as proudly honest gay and bi men. Others are taking tentative steps, finding strength in our community.

In this month of Pride, I have two requests:

1.     Be honest with yourself, accept yourself, love yourself.

2.     Share your honesty with others, so they may continue this cycle.

So, my dedication is to my friends who are taking this honest journey. There are too many of you to mention individually, but you know who you are. Keep on being the great, honest men I know you to be. I also dedicate this to my readers, wherever they are on this journey.

With much love, and pride.

Bix and GBear


Check out my other story J&J and the 5-Be's in the Incest section of Nifty. It's a present-day story that is becoming intertwined with my Snowplow/Year In The Life Series.

FYI: The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

With these chapters I am utilizing the HTML method to make my story easier to read. I am looking for feedback on this in addition to any feedback on the storyline. Personal emails might also get a sneak peek at artwork for an upcoming story. Continue to email me at Thanks.

Next: Chapter 76: Fathers Day 3

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