
Published on Jun 25, 2022


Father's Day 1

A Year in the Life

Father's Day Part 1

"The FFG"

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors.  It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events.  It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure.  No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it. 

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow.  You will get to know the characters.

Father's Day Part 1

"The FFG"

Judge Jeffers laid on the dew covered grass in Two Harbors, as he stretched. He questioned his sanity, as did most of his friends. He had gotten up earlier in the morning to do this. Hell, to be honest he had gotten up during the night.

26.2 miles were already in the book, and he was looking at running back the way he came. To make matters worse, it looked like rain. This was his ritual every year, two weeks before the running of Grandma's Marathon.

He started doing this, five years back. He'd get up in the middle of the night, drive his car to the marathon finish line, and then run the race course backwards. He had to explain to friends, that he wasn't running backwards, just starting at the finish line, and heading up to the start line.

It was the ultimate solitary run. He'd have to dodge the infrequent headlights on scenic Highway 61 during the early morning hours. There were no water-station crews, cheering him on, helping him with hydration and motivation. He was alone with his, water bottle, protein bars and thoughts.

Sometime during his run north, the sun would rise over the lake. He was close to Two Harbors when it happened this year. A light fog on the lake melded the sky and water, leaving the trees looking an intense color of green, that you only saw in this light.

When Judge Jeffers was sufficiently rested, and stretched, he looked at his watch. He was exactly two weeks and ten minutes from the start of his twenty-fourth Grandma's Marathon. He was one of 150 runners the first year, and he had competed in every race since.

He stood and shook his legs out. Without the giant field of runners, without the elite international marathoners, without the wheelchair racers, Judge Jeffers stood alone at the starting line and looked at his watch. Five more minutes and he would start the course again, running the correct way this time.

He barely registered when a car pulled into the lot, and a tall, red-headed driver got out. He felt his presence at the starting line, then heard a familiar voice. "Mind if I join you, Malcolm?"

Judge Jeffers looked up. "Van, great seeing you. No, it'd be fantastic having a running partner. I gotta warn you, I might be slower than usual. I already have a whole marathon under my belt, today."

"That just probably evens the playing field. This race will be my first marathon, my friend. I've been building up to this, but I have to convince myself that I can make the distance."


Pete didn't notice me watching him, as he slowly unfurled the flag. I could watch Pete do anything, especially when he was naked. The simple ritual of unrolling the flag, ensuring there were no creases, was heightened by the fact it was my man, performing the ritual, to honor my Dad.

He stepped into his slippers and was about to open the door to the deck when I stopped him. "Let me help you, babe."

"You can sleep in, it's all right."

I got out from under the covers and settled it by putting on my own slippers. "You do this for Dad. I should be a part of it."

It was a somewhat damp June morning. I could sense that rain was in the air, but with Duluth weather, you never knew when it would start. Echo and I followed Pete downstairs as he carried the flag. It didn't take much to put it in the bracket, and yet he made it an event.

"You know, Dad would have loved your reverence, Pete. I really wish I could have introduced you to him."

"I would have loved to have met him. Tell him what a great family he has, and thank him for his loving son. I feel I know him from some of your family's stories."

"I'll tell you, on a day like today he'd be chomping at the bit to take the boat out to "the rocks" to do some fishing. We'd be watching Saturday morning cartoons, not even realizing that he was gone, and he'd come home with his limit of fish, walleye usually."

We were walking around our secluded backyard, naked, Echo on our heels, as I told the story. I stopped close to a birch. "Gotta piss something bad."

I let it flow as Pete massaged my shoulders. "It's great being free, isn't it? I'd spend my weekend naked if we didn't agree to breakfast with Justin and Derek."

"Tell them to come out here. We still have some leftovers from the wedding, I could make a kitchen sink scramble. We all know Justin doesn't care much for clothing, and if it rains like I feel it will, we'd have enough space inside to be naked. `Sides, Echo and Putski can have a play date."


Rolf shook the last drop of piss from his dick, then pulled up his Black Watch plaid tartan boxers. He wasn't sure where Frank was, but the smell of bacon and coffee gave him a clue. He ambled to the kitchen where he saw a similarly dressed Gordy at the stove and a naked Frank at the kitchen table.

"I know I need my beauty sleep, but you coulda woken me earlier."

Frank scratched his balls, thumping them absentmindedly to the music on the radio, then looked up. "Hey sunshine. We're gonna grab some breakfast, then meet with Jason. Wanna join us? Grab some coffee first."

Gordy took the paper towel roll, and lined a large platter. He then transferred the bacon from the hot pan, to the platter. "I hope you two have a strong appetite. I nearly emptied out your fridge. But I guess that after last night's action, you two are starved."

Frank blushed. "Sorry `bout that. We thought the noise from the CPAP machine would cover it."

"Nothing to be sorry `bout. Your house, your rules. I'm just a guest here. I just have one question though, Frank."

"What's that?"

"Why isn't your man, following your dress code?"

Rolf hooked the waistband of his boxers, then pushed them to the floor, stepping out of them. "There, does that answer your question?"

"Your house, your rules. Just don't expect me to follow suit. And if I do, don't get any ideas about me. I mean, I'm okay with you two playing hide the sausage. I just don't have an appropriate hiding place for either of you."

"Gordo, I love you like a brother. You are safe with us. Rolf and I talked things out the other night and we decided that it's just gonna be the two of us. No playing on the side, for now, at least."

"So, how does that work for you? I mean, you say you are bi. What happens if you find a woman you'd like to be with."

"Some couples figure it out beforehand and set up ground rules, Gordy. They realize that men are easily distracted, sexually and some sideline action is okay, if they are open about it. I know Frank has had relationships with women, and he might need that contact. I trust him enough to know we'd talk about it before it happens."

"I was monogamous for almost all of my marriage," Gordy said. "I regret that I screwed that up just when my wife needed me."

"See, that's the thing, m'friend. I've dealt with enough couples, couples of all types over the years. I can tell you that male, female couples are," Rolf considered his next words. "Gordy, the average traditional male, female relationship is challenged by the chasm between what a man thinks sex is, and what a woman thinks sex is."

"Don't I know that. Jason's mom didn't even like that I masturbated. She took it as an affront to her. Porn couldn't be in the house, I had to hide it in the garage. I'd go out there, telling her I had a project I was working on. She never questioned why I'd wash my own shop towels."


Rudy watched Al's silhouette as the bamboo blinds were slowly raised. The sky had an almost white, almost gray quality, as it filtered through the leaves of the silver poplar.

"God, I hate that damned tree. It was a fast grower, but I regret that I planted it." He looked over his shoulder at Rudy. "Come here, look. There's at least three saplings I'll have to mow down. The roots of that tree are all over the back yard, and it produces offshoots like a fertile farm wife."

Rudy got out of bed and walked to the window where he hugged Al from behind. "If I was a fertile farm wife, we could expect quintuplets after last night, stud."

"Didn't you learn anything in the Army, Rudy? Butt babies don't live. That's the benefit of taking it up the ass. Other than it feels fucking great. At least I hope it did for you."

"Listen, I'd have a dozen of your baby's if it always feels like that. I hope you'd do the same for me."

Al could feel Rudy's hard dick against his ass. He leaned forward, rested his elbows on the window ledge and pushed his ass back. He looked over his shoulder. "Does this answer your question?"


The rain had held off as the Judge and Van rounded the slightly rising curve on Scenic Highway 61. "Up here is the halfway mark. You'll know you're getting closer when you hear the music. The water-station here is manned by volunteers from the local BixMart store, and they have the best DJ."

"Yeah, Brent told me all about that. He said he'd play a special song for me."

"Wait, you know Brent? I only recognize him from him DJing at the water-station. I didn't put two and two together until I saw him once at BixMart. He suggested I needed longer running shorts. I guess I was among the guys who were showing a little too much as we passed by."

Malcolm Jeffers slowed down and stood by the side of the road as cars whizzed by. "I gotta pee. During the race, there's a line of porta-potties on the other side of the road. But for now, we have to rely on Mother Nature."

He darted into the woods, with Van following him. Malcolm pushed down his waistband, hauled out his dick and started a strong stream. "Damn I can see why Brent cautioned you about your running shorts."

Van pulled out his own dick and joined him. "I see the carpet matches the drapes. I guess Architects are concerned about details like that," Malcolm joked.

"To a point, I also have people around me that I trust those details to. I've been using Brent a lot lately, on the side."

"Really?" the Judge asked.

"Wait, that came out wrong. It's a professional relationship. Not that I'd mind, you know. He is a handsome, but married, man."

"I thought so," Malcolm smiled. "I'm glad my hunch was right."

He shoved his dick back in his shorts, and then put his hand on Van's neck, pulling him into a kiss. "Unless I got my signals crossed, you planned on meeting me this morning. It wasn't by chance. Besides, I figure you need a ride back to pick up your car, don't you?"

"Yes, but after that, I have nothing planned for the day."

"Well, I do, sorry to say. I must meet up with a guy who is volunteering for the race this year. After that my day is open."


Justin laid back in Derek's arms on the large wooden lounge with Putski at their feet. The lounge was a surprise gift for our one week anniversary, yet the two were celebrating their own anniversary on it.

Pete and I sat on our deck, looking down at the couple and their dog. The rain had held off, save for a few sprinkles, but I wasn't complacent. I knew that things could change quickly.

"You know, I still can't believe how fast my life changed, Kyle. Last year, at this time, I was probably just putzing around on my car, getting it ready for the Back to the 50's State Fair car show in a couple of weeks."

"Now, look at me. I got a husband and a son, and a son in law. Not to mention my boy Echo."

"Our boy Echo. You do remember he was a gift to me, but he relates to you. And, yeah, you're gonna have your first Father's Day ever in two weeks. Bet you never thought that would happen."

"That's the amazing thing. Look at my son down there. Look at the love he has for Justin. It just looks, natural I guess. That's the only way I can say it."

"It is natural. Nature has a way of doing that. Sure, it can pull some nasty tricks on ya, but it provides so much beauty when you look for it." I looked at the darkening sky. "Speaking of nasty tricks, looks like rain is heading our way soon. Wanna head inside?"

"Yeah, but we'll give the lovers some alone time out here."


Rolf and Frank sat in the front seats of Rolf's PT Cruiser, as it idled near Jason's Norton Park bungalow. "What do you think is keeping them? He said he'd be out in a minute."

"I don't know, Rolf. I think Ashley is home. I'm not sure Jason is ready for this."

A few minutes later, Gordy emerged, alone. He got into the back seat, buckled his seat belt, and said, "Drive."

Rolf saw the first drops of rain, and clicked the button on the steering wheel stem. He put the car into gear as the wipers started. "Where to?"


I looked out on the back patio as Pete joined me. He had just started the sauna and I had towels ready. I noticed that Derek and Justin were okay with the first sprinkles of rain on their naked bodies. Putski, on the other hand was smart, and was already inside.

Then the deluge hit. They bolted from the lounge, running to the back entrance of the chalet. Pete blocked the door, and pointed to the shelter of the deck, above them.

"C'mon Pete, let them in, they're soaked."

"As nature intended."


"So much for my plans to mow the backyard," Al said, looking out the kitchen window.

"Look at the bright side, you get to be naked with me," Rudy responded as Al smiled. "There, that's what I like to see. How could I ever think you were menacing in the ring?"

"You mean like this?" Al said, huskily. He looked up into Rudy's eyes. Rudy could see that a switch had flipped. Al held his hardening dick in one hand and then pointed with the other. "Down, boy."

Rudy slowly went to his knees, and sucked in Al's thick member. "That's right, boy. Suck The Cruncher's cock."


The rain arrived on the marathon route as Malcolm and Van were just hitting the Lester River area. The men welcomed the rain, since it washed away the sweat that was starting to form, helping to cool their bodies. Rain was also a possibility during the actual marathon in two weeks, so it didn't deter the long-distance runners.

Soon the rain soaked Malcolm's shorts, accentuating his swinging meat as he ran, a detail not missed by Van. It also washed out the bloody spots that were starting to form near Van's nipples. Van had a history of nipple play, that often verged on the edge of torture. He was unaware that his shirt had chafed his nips so much, that they were bleeding.

Malcolm noticed, however. He had seen it happen to runners before. Some, like Van, had not sufficiently trained for the long distance, and never encountered the effect that tens of thousands of steps, would have on their sensitive nipples. By the time it would happen, it would be too late.


Rolf pulled into the Diner's parking lot. Neither Gordy nor Frank had spoken since they left Jason's house. The ease he felt with Gordy earlier, was gone. They were seated quickly in a booth.

When the waitress came, Frank ordered for his friend. "Coffee, black. Right?" Gordy nodded as he looked at the menu. Frank then turned to the waiter. "We'll need some time, someone may, or may not be joining us."

After the coffee came, and the silence continued, Rolf finally said, "So..."

"So, my son doesn't have the balls to introduce me as his father. I finally meet Ashley, my son's wife, and the mother of his child, and he can't even introduce me as Dad."

Gordy sat, looking out the window as he fumed. "She's the one who figured it out. And then to top it off, she said she didn't want me there."

"Jason needs more time, Gordo. He wasn't planning for her to be there," The Captain replied.

"He can take all the fucking time he needs for all I care. Fuck him. He's an adult he can stand up to his witch of a wife."

"Like her or not, she is going to be the mother to your grandson. You might try to show her some respect." Rolf tried to calm the situation. "I know you didn't expect to waltz in there and change things in just a day. You are a smarter man than that, and a better father. I can tell this about you."

"Damn, Rolf I am sorry. I know I am over-reacting. Frank, you guys made me feel so welcomed. When I woke up in jail I had no idea what was going to happen next. But you gave me a home, and hope."

"And you just thought it was all going to be easy. I get that," Rolf said. "If everything is easy, we don't see how great it can be when things finally work out."

"Rolf, has anyone ever told you that you'd be a good preacher?"

Rolf winked at Frank then turned to Gordy. "Well, Gordy, m'man. Just a week ago a pretty young lady kept calling me Preacher. So, she might agree with you. If you are open to my sermon, I'd say give Jason some space, but also be supportive. And I'd be quick about it. I just saw his truck enter the parking lot. And look at that, the rain has stopped."


The late morning light slowly arced its way across the slate flooring near Pete's pool table. Putski and Echo shared the spot as we entered the sauna. "Dad, do you mind if Justin and I take your usual place in the sauna?"

"Yes, I do, but I'll give into you anyway," Pete winked. "It's the least I can do after keeping you out in the rain for a minute more."

In a break from the norm, Justin claimed the corner spot, and welcomed Derek in his arms. I took that as a sign, and sat in the opposite corner, encouraging Pete to lean back on me.

"I hate to break it to you, but I took a shift for tonight. I gotta work the next two weekends so I can have time off for the Back to the 50's weekend. I'm giving up lots of tips since I won't be working Grandma's Marathon weekend, so I gotta hustle tonight. I hope you guys won't let Derek ruin your plans."

"We had no plans for tonight, other than spending it with our son and his husband," I said.

"Damn, no matter how much I hear that, it's hard to get used to the idea that I am married and have a son." I held Pete as he said those words, and tapped out our signal; 1-4-3. "We'll find some way to spend the time without you, Justin, maybe we'll work on the plan for our weekend at the Back to the 50's car show."

"You know, I've been thinking, do you think Al would want to bring one of his cars?" Derek asked. "You guys are much closer than ever since after the World of Wheels show. He might enjoy it. It would give him a chance to hook up with some fine young thing, who knows."

"Derek, are you that blind?" Justin asked. "From the looks of things this week, Al rides the same bus as us. Unless I got my wires crossed, I think he has a thing for Kyle's barber, doesn't he?"

"You may be right, Justin," I said. I didn't elaborate on the date I saw them on the night before. I figured it was their story to tell.


Al sprawled on the kitchen chair and watched while Rudy perused the contents of the refrigerator. "Damn, how does a man your age, have such a fine ass?"

Rudy smiled. "Look who's talking buddy. I like your meaty butt, and you're a few years older than me. So, what do you say? Looks like the sun is peeking out. Burgers on the grill, and maybe a salad?" Rudy took charge and grabbed the ingredients he knew he needed, bringing them to the table. "We'll have to at least put on shorts to grill, but it would be a perfect time to share cigars outside while grilling."

"That sounds great. It's the least I can do for the man who – the man who – fuck it bud. I'm sorry I got a little forceful with you earlier."

"Don't be sorry. It was fucking hot, buddy. I don't mind being dominated by a hot fucker like you. Just be ready in case I feel the need to pay you back."


Van sat in Malcolm's SUV. The blanket draped over his shoulders, kept his shivering to a minimum. "You pushed me buddy, you pushed me. I'm thankful for the rain. Don't know if I would have made it."

Malcolm didn't want to let on that he had slowed down for Van. He had seen Van do some of the mistakes a rookie would make. Though he had brought along a water bottle, hadn't planned for proper course hydration and energy. He also had never encountered the effect of 26.2 miles of chafing on prominent nipples.

"Should we get your car, now, or later?"

"I really didn't think this through, did I?"

"I'd like to think that you planned this on the chance that we were on the same page, so to speak. But yes, you do have a lot to learn if you are going to run a marathon."

At that moment, The Judge's phone buzzed. "I gotta take this. Sorry, Van."

He listened, saying few words other than "yes," and "I see." Finally, he ended saying "Call my office on Monday, we can reschedule." Turning to Van he said. "My weekend is now completely open. I suggest your formal training start after we retrieve your car."


Rolf could sense the tension in the room. "Do you guys need time to talk?"

Jason pushed the recliner back and stared at the beamed ceiling. "I don't know where to start," he shook his head as he collected his thoughts. "I just want to get this fucking month over with."

"Just because your wife is a bitch. Doesn't mean you have to be."

"That'll be the end of that. Come with me Gordo." The Captain grabbed his former co-worker and yanked him out of the living room.

"He didn't mean that Jason. It's a shitty thing to say, but he doesn't think that about her," Rolf said.

"He did mean that. And you want to know what's shitty about it? It's the fucking truth. I don't even know her anymore."

"Pregnancy can be rough. There are a lot of hormones flowing through her system. Then there is the worry about the baby. I know it hasn't been an easy pregnancy for Ashley. Frank has told me about it."

"Has he told you everything about me? I'm no fucking saint."

"Even the saints had flaws. No one is perfect."


Van followed Malcolm's SUV into the alleyway behind the old Victorian. He had been to functions at the Judge's home, so he was familiar with it. The previous owners had removed some of the modernizations that had been inflicted on the home over the years. However, Van was aware of plumbing and HVAC improvements that were needed to bring this house into its next century.

The men went through the kitchen and dining room, to the front parlor. The Stickley settle was a modern reissue, but the arm chair was vintage Stickley. Malcolm pointed to the settle, "Take a seat Van, I'll see what I can pull together for a post-run energy boost."

Van laid down, tentatively at first. "Make yourself comfortable. You might want to lose the shirt, and let your nipples recover."

Van noticed the red streaks on his running shirt. The rain had not completely washed away the blood. He sighed as he laid back. From his vantage point he could see Malcolm remove his running shirt, laying it on the dining room table. He saw the fur that ran from Malcolm's strong shoulders, down to the waistband of his running shorts. Van winced as he raised his torso from the sofa to remove his own running shirt.

He laid back down, trying to will his pain away. Muscle spasms wracked his body. He tried his best to relax each muscle, and soon he could close his eyes.


"Tell me what that was out there? You just called your son's wife, a bitch."

"The truth hurts."

"You may think that, and you may feel that, but you don't say it to your own flesh and blood. You are talking about the mother of your grandson, Gordo. You don't say shit like that to your son."

"Something is truly wrong with that woman. I only spent ten minutes with her, and I know something is up. Jason made a big mistake marrying her. I know this. You know my instincts, you trust my instincts, Captain."

"I trust your instincts, but I also trust Jason's. I've seen the love they have. It's the pregnancy. It does something to some women."

"You didn't see the woman I saw. I figure I got a month to figure this out. Tell me, is Duane still the best private detective in town?"

"Well," Frank hesitated. "There's a little something you should know about Duane."


Malcolm leaned back in the Stickley arm chair. He saw Van's eyes flutter first, then his arms stretched above his head. "You depleted yourself out there, you needed the rest."

Van looked at Malcolm. He appeared relaxed with his "1999 Grandma's Marathon Finisher" t-shirt draped over his shoulder. "Tell me, why does a perfectly sane man run 26.2 miles, if he doesn't need to?" Van asked.

"Did you know that humans are the best long-distance runners in the animal kingdom? Plenty of animals can beat us in a sprint, or even short distances, but we have the focus to go the distance. A cheetah or a horse will stop and rest when they need, but we keep on running. So, I guess the answer is either because we can, or don't know any better."

"But every fucking bone hurts, and all my muscles are sore, not to mention." Van pointed to his chest. "I mean, I like a little nipple play but that was beyond intense."

"Men like you have to protect your nipples, I'll show you how before the marathon. In the meantime, you need your strength back. Tell me, did you carb load last night?" Van shook his head. "Another rookie mistake. Luckily, we have time to set you right before you run the marathon for real. I want you to pull open the Duluth News Tribune Marathon supplement in a few weeks, and see your own name among the finishers. Because you can."

"Or don't know any better," Van replied, chuckling.


Rudy leaned into the screened-door, nudging it open with his ass. He backed out, onto the rear steps of Al's home and walked down to the patio, holding the salad bowl. Al looked up at the barber. "I know this isn't the dress code we talked `bout, but those shorts look great on you."

"Your shorts I can wear, we have the same waist size, But I've got about four inches on you in inseam. So, if we plan to go anywhere where I will need to wear long pants, we might need to stop by the barbershop."

I have no plans like that," Al said. "However, we do have that as a contingency if you get tired of being naked with me. It's too bad my yard isn't more private. It's the perfect afternoon to get some sun on our lily-white asses."

"What about your shop. I seem to remember that's out in the country."

"Or we can go visit Pete and Kyle. I know their dress code is relaxed, and their backyard and woods are private."


"I really didn't think this through, did I?" Van shook his head then looked across the dining-room table, into Malcolm's eyes. "I'm glad I knew enough to latch onto someone with experience. I'm already feeling better."

"The banana should help with the muscle spasms. The other fruits are there to help with rehydration and quick energy. I'll get you back to feeling somewhat normal by bedtime. However, I warn you, you are going to feel this tomorrow."

Van liked Malcolm's warm smile. It was framed by a tailored dark brown beard which was speckled with flecks of gray. His eyes assessed the man who coached him through his first marathon-distance run. Van noticed his broad, muscular shoulders. Van had often seen Malcolm before. Usually his musculature was hidden by his clothing, but not this time.

He noticed the fur that started sparsely on Malcolm's shoulders, and fanned out over his chest. The fur stopped abruptly an inch shy of Malcolm's nipples. "So, what's up with your nipples?" Van finally asked.

"I was once in your shoes," he said, pointing at the blood that remained on Van's chest. "I think it was my third marathon. I wore the wrong shirt and my nipples were bleeding by the halfway mark. I noticed, but kept on running. I guess I did it because I can," he smiled. "One of my friends took me under his wing and told me what to do to prevent it from happening again."

"So, you just shave around the nipples?"

"Shave, lotion, and band-aids believe it or not. The shaving does nothing except allow me to remove the band-aids without pain. I mean I can handle a little pain on my nipples, but I like to be in control of that."

"I have so much to learn," Van said, shaking his head once again.

"And you have a friend who is willing to be your mentor. But first, we need to take care of you. Are you strong enough to stand for a shower?"

"If not, I am more than willing to accept your help."


I put down the phone. Pete looked at me cautiously. "Looks like we're gonna have company," I said after a bit of hesitation. "Rudy and Al are bringing the Lincoln out here."

"Then it is up to you, Kyle, to break the news to Derek and Justin."


"So, Van, allow me to pick your brains. What would you do with this bathroom. I mean as a professional architect, if a client presented you this bathroom, and said it didn't fit his current needs, but he still wanted to remain faithful to the architecture. What would you do?"

"I'd first ask my client what his needs were. Then I'd remind him that homes are a living thing. I know you want to update the plumbing, so this might be your opportunity to do so in a way that honors the bones of the home. So, tell me, what are your needs?"

"You saw how tight it was for us in the shower. I've gotten to a point in my life where I want to share my home and my life with a man. I want him, I mean I want us to have the space we need." Malcolm shook his head. "Isn't it odd that I have this big old house to myself, and I worry about space?"


"You know, I really should have crashed your wedding last week," Rudy said. "But chances are, my current attire would be inappropriate."

"Ha," Al laughed. "I accidentally flashed half the wedding party the next day." Al continued to tell his story as the men sat around the fire-pit in Kyle and Pete's back yard. He absentmindedly fluffed his dick as he recounted the shivaree, and how he ran naked to the deck. I noticed Rudy looking at Al, as Al was talking. He was giving him the same look, that Al gave Rudy at the Pickwick the previous night.

"So how was your date?" Pete asked. "Didja get lucky Al?"

"A gentleman never tells," Al laughed.

"That's why I asked you, and not Rudy," Pete chuckled, then shook his head. "I don't know why I asked, I can see the answer in front of me."

"They do have the FFG, don't they Pete?" I added.

"Kyle, clue me in, what is the FFG?" Rudy said.

"Freshly Fucked Glow. You can get the FFG from any type of sex, even kissing. But the FFG you two have, hints at much more than that."

"Is that what we saw on Justin's face when we arrived this afternoon?" Al asked.

"I'm working tonight and I've found I get better tips if I'm sent to work happy," Justin replied.

"I remember the first and only time I gave Rudy the FFG," Pete said. "He came out to the house years ago to cut my hair. I gave him a generous tip the first time. The next time the tip was even more generous."

"Just the tip huh," Al laughed. When we wrestled we gave him the nickname "Just the Tip". Anyone who'd believe him, would end up with more than "Just the Tip."

"Well I for one, am glad my Mom got more than "Just the Tip," Derek said. "I'm proud to call him Dad."

Among all the laughter, Rudy was quiet. Al noticed this too, and patted his friend on the shoulder, then hugged him. "Sorry, bud. I guess we got a bit carried away."

"No, it's okay. It is just that I haven't really discussed this much with anyone. Pete was only the second man I had sex with. Hell, I knew that some of the guys were doing the "good buddy" thing with their fellow soldier. But I couldn't because I knew it might expose myself as bi, if not totally gay. Then I get back home, and date a few women. So, when I met Pete, and he figured me out right away, or so I thought. I thought I had to be a flaming homo in his eyes, to know me so well."

"Now, Rudy. I never would have thought that about you. You were three inches taller than me and weighed just a bit less than I do. And look around. Gays come in all sizes and types." Pete got a serious look on his face. "And you are just the type that gets me going. Hell, I used to be defensive about the more effeminate gays. But I've seen the strength they possess to live their life in the face of society. It just so happens that I am attracted to men who are men, and used to be attracted to women who are women."

"So, Pete. Tell me, what would happen if you found yourself attracted to a woman again?" Rudy asked.

"Pete knows that I would be understanding if he ever feels the need. I also know that our love is strong enough to pull him back to the arms of the man who loves, and understands him."

"Kyle speaks the truth," Pete added.


Van leaned against the headboard, allowing his body to sprawl, covering much of the huge bed. He looked up as Malcolm entered the room. Five flaccid inches of dick swung with each step as Malcolm walked around the bed towards the night stand. There, Van saw a bottle of lotion.

Malcolm grabbed the lotion from the night stand and poured a generous portion into his hand. "Gonna warm this up. I'll warn you, it might sting a little at first. That is just letting you know the healing has begun."

Malcolm knelt on the bed, leaning forward to rest his hands on Van's copper fur covered chest. He began to massage the lotion into Van's pecs, inching closer to his nipples. "How's it feeling so far, handsome?" he asked.

"I guess my body has more energy left in it, than I expected," Van said, nodding toward his lengthening dick. "I've always known my chest was hard wired to my dick. I didn't realize it was hard wired to yours, too."

Malcolm's dick had fleshed out to its full nine inches. The weight of it meant it was thumping the bed to the rhythm created while Malcolm massaged the lotion into his friend's chest. "My dick thinks for itself. It obviously responds well to the stimuli that is bombarding it."

Malcolm reached back to the night stand, grabbing the lotion. "This might be a bit cool, but I think you can handle it." He quickly squirted the lotion on Van's pecs, then massaged them closer to Van's nipples. He half expected Van to yelp in pain as the healing lotion contacted the injured nipples. However, the involuntary tremors in Van's dick, clued Malcolm in. "You have a high tolerance for pain, don'tcha?"

"I haven't tested it fully yet. Not sure I've met anyone I trust enough to find my limits."

"The people of this county have put their trust in my hands. I think you can too."


The Captain stuck his head into the guest bedroom. Gordy and his son were finally quiet. From their body language, The Captain knew that though they had talked a lot, there was still more to be said. "Listen, we'll give you guys some space. Rolf and I are going out for a ride. We got your number, Jason, and you have mine. Don't hesitate to call."

"We'll do so, Frank," Jason said. "Dad and I have a lot to talk about."

Rolf was already waiting in his car. When he saw Frank leave the house, he started the Cruiser. "Where to?"

"I guess I need somewhere, where I can be free to be myself with you, around others. Not sure I'm ready for the bar scene or anything like that."

"I think I know just the place." Rolf put the car in gear, then took a U-turn heading towards Grand, then the Super One. "I don't like showing up unannounced without a peace offering." They shopped quickly for steaks, brats and chicken, then grabbed salads at the deli.

They were at Pete and Kyles place in minutes. When they heard voices out back, the walked around the home. Echo and Putski barked, announcing their arrival.

"Look what the cat dragged in," Pete yelled.

"It appears we're a tad, overdressed, Francis. We don't want to make the others uncomfortable, do we?"

Frank undid his belt buckle. "No, we don't, dear."


"Don't worry my friend. You've gone the distance once today. I won't need to carry you over the finish line."

Malcolm grabbed Van by the ankles, and slowly pulled him down the bed. Van kneaded his furry pecs, staying clear of his injured nipples. His dick stood perpendicular to his body, slowly throbbing as he massaged his own chest. He watched as Malcolm slowly circled the bed.

"Do you trust me?" Malcolm asked, arching his eyebrow.

Van looked at the furry judge. He carried a few more pounds than most long-distance runners, Van liked that about him. His musculature was defined, but not grotesquely so. His biceps flexed as he slowly manhandled his nine inches. Van alternated his focus between those thick nine inches, and the warm, yet intense smile the full beard only partially hid.

"Completely. Will I need a safe word?"

"Not yet. I realize you are not 100% recovered, yet. This is not the time to test limits." He leaned forward, and licked Van's nipple, gently. He tenderly held the nipple, then spoke as if to it, "I'll be kind today, but once you're ready, watch out."

Malcolm licked the other nipple, then slowly crawled on the bed, straddling Van. His heavy dick landed with a thud on Van's gut as he backed his ass up. He raised himself, hovering over Van's rigid dick. "My ass has no limits. Go to town my friend."

Van found enough energy to slam his dick up into Malcolm's waiting hole. Van knew it wasn't going to be a marathon, it was more of a sprint. He lunged like a cheetah, holding Malcolm's muscular thighs as his ass muscles, powered the thrusts into the judge's ass.

Malcolm leaned forward, resting his weight on Van's chest. "I can take it Judge, no need to be gentle," Van grunted, jack-hammering away. Malcolm alternated between squeezing Van's pecs, and thumping his gut. His dick bounced with each thrust

Malcolm wasn't expecting Van to be this animalistic, but he went with the flow. He used his strong legs to power past Van's grasp of his thighs, and raised his ass, leaving Van's dickhead throbbing. He got inches from Van's face. "You want this ass, come and get it."

Van responded by bending his knees, pushing his dick back into Malcolm's throbbing target. He then grabbed Malcolm's face and pulled him into a kiss. The men quickly realized their kissing was more intensely hard wired, than any other stimuli their bodies encountered. Convulsions wracked Van's body as he unloaded in Malcolm's ass.

Malcolm nine inches responded by coating Van's furry gut. With the last of their energy spent, Malcolm collapsed into Van's arms. Their breathing slowed as they embraced each other. "I'd go get a towel and wipe this mess off, but you've fucked everything out of me."

"Leave the mess. We'll find the energy later."


Gordy sat as his truck idled. He saw his son's pick-up pull away, and when it was out of his line of vision, Gordy put his old pick-up in gear, and left the lot.

"So, a truce has been called," he thought to himself. "We won't talk about his wife with each other, but that doesn't mean I'll give in."

As Gordy drove through West Duluth, he looked at the address he scribbled on the post-it note. Something seemed different in Duane's voice when they talked on the phone. First there was the hesitation when he asked the woman who answered, if Duane was home. After a moment of silence, another voice answered, "Speaking," he finally said.

Duane listened as Gordy voiced his concerns about his daughter-in-law. Duane's own interjections were minimal, something that wasn't out of character. "I'll be honest, buddy," Gordy said. "I'm sorta in between jobs right now. I might need to work out a payment plan."

"We'll discuss that when we meet."

Gordy thought about that line. It sounded like his old friend, and then again didn't. Gordy looked at the address once again. Duane still lived in the shade of Wade Stadium. It was comforting to know that some things hadn't changed while he was gone.

He parked the car, walked towards the house, and knocked on the door. A woman answered, possibly the woman who answered the phone. "Is Duane here? I have an appointment with him."

"Well he is, and he isn't, Gordy. I'm now Grace."


Check out my other story J&J and the 5-Be's in the Incest section of Nifty. It's a present-day story that is becoming intertwined with my Snowplow/Year In The Life Series.

FYI: The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

With these chapters I am utilizing the HTML method to make my story easier to read. I am looking for feedback on this in addition to any feedback on the storyline. Personal emails might also get a sneak peek at artwork for an upcoming story. Continue to email me at Thanks.

Next: Chapter 75: Fathers Day 2

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