
Published on Mar 9, 2017


Case Closed 2

A Year in the Life

Case Closed Part 2

Hook, Line and Sinker

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors.  It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events.  It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure.  No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it. 

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow.  You will get to know the characters.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty.  If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at 

Case Closed Part 2

Hook Line and Sinker

"It's gone Captain. The dildo is gone. I did my part, I hope it helps you guys."

"Skyler. Thanks for the call. I can't tell you any more about the case, but you have been a big help. And you don't have to worry, none of what we discussed, is on the record."

Skyler looked at his appointment book. He had "Dinner with wife" penciled in for the evening. He didn't know how he could go forward with her and her needs, or his own needs for a fact. "Umm – Captain – I was a big ball of nerves last night. I finally had to take a sleeping pill to calm me enough to sleep. I just need to talk to someone about this, but I know it can't be my wife."

"Skyler, you know she won't be brought in on this. Even your attorney knows this."

"But Captain, I need to talk to someone. Umm, maybe you need to talk to a professional about life insurance. I can pencil in a lunch appointment. My treat, you understand."

"I can break away today, if that works for you. However, I will have to pick up my own tab. The police department doesn't look kindly on gifts of any kind."

"Sounds good. Is there any place between downtown and West Duluth that we can meet?"

"The Diner on 27th fits that bill, Skyler, see you there around noon?"

"It's a deal."


Martin clicked on his email icon. Two emails stood out. "Miss you like crazy you handsome fuck" and "great seeing you, see ya tonight." The men who had written them were in competition for sexiest man alive in Martin's opinion.

Drew, was the known quantity. In their short time together, the men had grown close, despite their age difference. Martin had more sex in the previous week with Drew, than he had in the last three decades of his marriage.

Jed, was still a conundrum. In talking with him last night at the bar, he pieced together what he could about Jed's life since high school. Marty wished he could have talked more with his former wrestling student, but Claudia was ratcheting up her charm, trying to hook the one unmarried, straight man at the table.

Jed's charm was on display too. Between his smile, and the abundant fur spilling over the collar of his polo shirt, Martin was leaking pre-cum like he did back when he was Jed's coach. Jed would listen to Claudia, then give Martin a quick wink. The wink would release another shot of pre-cum. As Jed turned, Martin saw Jed's bubble butt. Remembering every swirl of fur on that butt would cause his dick to leak more. Slim must have been a recently required, ironic nickname, since his broad shoulders, and full ass, were anything but slim.

Remembering the lingering hug that Jed gave him at the end of the night, Martin oozed more pre-cum into his sleep pants. Thinking of Jed's ass, Martin undid the waist band, and lowered his pants. "He may be straight, but boy has that boy, grown into a man," Martin thought as he started to stroke his dick.


"Hook line and sinker, Captain. He took the bait."

"Way to go, Mel. Tell me, we have our best man following him. He's a former cop. He will be onto us if our work is sloppy."

"Well yes and no Captain. Your best man is sitting in front of you. But I can't be the guy since we used to work together. And our other best guy, isn't a guy. K.C. is perfect for this. She can blend into the background like nobody's business."

"You are right, K.C. is perfect. We will have him in no time."

Mel shook his head. "I just don't understand it FC. I can't figure out what is going through his mind. And to be honest, I don't want to be the guy who arrests him."

"I don't either. It will be like arresting the brother I never had. I don't know what I will do when I must make the arrest. I guess I will cross that line when I need to. The Chief is stopping in today after lunch. Maybe he can give me some insight."


With my long week off, I was happy Jean was able to get me up to speed on projects at the office. "You gotta check out the web sites that Mario worked on. I sent you the links in your email. About that, don't worry, I sifted through the spam and took care of what I could, while you were away."

"Remind me again what I do here?" I asked.

"You are the creative guy, I am just the glue that holds this all together."

"Do you want more than that Jean? If you do, I know you can handle it."

"Well there is a new business that contacted us last week. A locally based sporting goods company that is focused on fishing gear, wants our help. I have an idea I want to run by you."

I spent the morning hearing out Jean on her idea. She had done her leg work, and I thought it hit the perfect spot where retro felt modern. By lunchtime we had some rough drafts to share with our client, and Jean was officially in charge of the account. I figured a simple burger at the Diner on 27th was a good way to celebrate my return to work, and Jean's new account.


"Captain, thanks for meeting me. I just don't know what to do."

"Skyler, I'm more than happy to help you out, if you just tell me how I can. If it is legal of course."

Skyler couldn't help but laugh, especially at the Captain's easy smile. The Captain would be just the kind of guy he'd love to be fucked by, if the situation were different. Seeing the handsome Police Captain across from him in the booth with his uniform fitting perfectly, Skyler suddenly had an entirely different idea of how the Captain could help him.

But he wasn't sure about the legality or propriety of trying to pick up a Police Captain, even one as sexy as FC. What he needed instead, was someone who he could confide in, and Skyler was convinced that FC was his man. "FC, it's like this," Skyler looked at the adjacent booths, then leaned in and whispered "Things were going smooth for the wife and I, until this thing happened. Now I don't know what to do."

"So, speaking as a man who knows about needs, not as a policeman, what do you want to do?"

"Is this really off the record?" Skyler asked. The Captain's nod was all he needed to go forward. "I love my wife and my kid. They are the best thing that ever happened to me. But FC, I love being with a man. I doubt you can relate, but when a strong man enters me and owns me," Skyler breathed in sharply, then shook his head. "Is it wrong that I can enjoy myself so much with a man, and then head home and have sex with my wife?"

"If it works for you and your wife, who am I to judge? Besides, that is not my role in life. I am only here to figure out if someone has broken a law. I leave it to others to judge. Believe me, I have heard some stories over the years, and I am no longer shocked."

"So, what do you feel? I trust you FC. You look like a straight shooter, buddy."

"Again, who am I to judge. If it works for you and your wife, more power to you."

"It does, but I have a feeling it is all going to unravel down the line. As the group of guys I play with grows larger, I worry that one of them will be my undoing."

It was The Captain's turn to become quiet. He leaned in and whispered, "Just how many men have umm – how many men have been with you?"

"At least a dozen at the sauna. A couple of them more than once. Oh fuck, I probably shouldn't have mentioned that. But you did say this was off record."

"Skyler, I won't comment on the Police Department's official or unofficial stance on the sauna. I will say that as long as what you do there is legal, and consensual, you might be fine."

"Okay, good to know. Oh, of course there were the two men who lived in Morgan Park. Damn, they were fun."

The Captain fidgeted uncomfortably in the booth. This talk was hitting too close to home. He picked up his mug, sipped some coffee, the looked up as I walked past him. "Oh, hey Kyle, here for lunch? Do you know Skyler? He is trying to sell me some life insurance."


Frank's greeting seemed forced and odd. I made small talk, quickly shook Skyler's hand, then joined Jean a few booths down. It was when Skyler reached into his sports coat, and pulled out his reading glasses that I realized the Captain was talking to the World's Greatest Dad." So, the WGD was named Skyler, and sold insurance. Hell, I had seen his company logo on buses, and never made the connection.

"I'm amazed you don't know Skyler," Jean said. "You should try to get his business. His logo is not the logo of a savvy young insurance salesman. And if I was that handsome. I'd have my face plastered all over town."

"So, Jean, is the Skyler Lloyd Insurance Agency your next client?"

"If I was a woman without morals, I'd go for more than that. But you saw the ring on his finger. That fine-looking man is off limits."

"If only you knew," I thought to myself.


"Good save there, Captain," Skyler said, putting the papers away. He wasn't sure if Kyle realized who he was. Kyle was among the dozen or so men who had fucked him. In fact, Kyle was his favorite. He felt a huge attraction to the older man, one he was feeling right now with FC.

"If we are going to be doing business, you might as well call me Frank. But back to the other matter, have you ever thought about having a fuck buddy? Maybe that is what you need. A no strings attached friend who can help you with your needs, and then you can go home and satisfy your wife."

"Frank, I don't know. I'm worried that I would get too close, and then there is the fact that I like the thrill of having sex with a stranger."

"See, that is what is going to get you into trouble. You tell your kid about "stranger danger" don't you? I'm just telling you that you can get seriously fucked up by someone, and not in the way you like, if you get what I am saying."

"Hook, line, and sinker, Frank."

"Well Sky, I'm not sure if I am your best source when dealing with this sort of thing. But I do have a friend who seems to have a lot of insight. He's sitting a few booths down, and you just gave him your business card. It might behoove you to call him. I think you will find him very helpful."

Skyler gulped hard and thought, "If only you knew Frank. If only you knew."


We were out of the diner, and back at our office before 1:00. By about 1:15 I got a phone call from Skyler. I could sense over the phone that this wasn't a business call. He brought up insurance, but I quickly understood the subtext of the phone call, he wanted to talk to me, in private.

Finally, he came right out and said it. "Listen buddy, we might as well address the elephant in the room. We have a history. Kyle, I have used you before, but now I need your help. Do you have any openings this afternoon?"

"Skyler, I'd love to help you, but I have a slight problem. My assistant wants to get your business. She thinks you need to step up your game. Frankly I agree with her. If I were to bring you into my office today, it would appear like I am not supporting her. Would you feel comfortable talking in your office if I could slip away?"

"Normally I would say no, but I can send my assistant off on an errand. I need privacy to discuss this with someone, and Kyle, I think you are the guy. Hell, even the Police Captain recommended you."

"Skyler, you set the time. I'll show up."


"So how do we proceed Chief? What do we charge him with?"

"I don't know FC. I am vacillating between throwing the book at him, or hitting him with a littering ticket and moving on." The Chief walked to the map on the wall, each pin representing a dildo found. "I mean, look at this case. How fucked up can one case be? Are you still sticking by your theory that each one of these dildos represents a case he was working on?"

"Yep, Chief."

"Then explain this one to me." The Chief pointed at the pin placed at the Grand Avenue exit on I-35. "I don't recall any crime beyond a fender bender at that exit. And the one found at the ball fields, that doesn't make sense to me at all. And then there is the dildo that Jason found near the Sauna and the threatening notes he received. If we figure those out, I think we will know the difference between charging him with a misdemeanor, or throwing the book at him."

"I think you are right. I also think since Jason is involved, we must tread lightly. I am also finding out that a few more families might be dragged into this, if we go any further. I promised them they wouldn't be involved, but I am not sure I can hold this promise.

"Frank, you should know better than to make promises like that. You're putting your ass on the line for people you don't really know. Maybe you are getting too close to this case and I should appoint someone else. I know you want to protect Jason, and frankly, I do too. But if these other people are involved, it may see the light of day in a court case. Remember one thing. Your private life may come under scrutiny if this goes to court."

"So, do I step back?"

"Carl seems to have a grasp on the situation. Maybe we need to rely on him, and whoever the arresting officer is. If it is K.C., I think we're in good hands. We'll let them decide if you need to be involved."


Skyler's office was tidy, yet well appointed. The waiting area was free of the usual personal clutter that I had seen in similar small businesses. This was the office of someone who was rational, and orderly. That balanced approached ended as soon as he had time to see me.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush, buddy. I think my life is about to fall apart and I might lose this all. All because of guys like you."

"Wait. You can't blame whatever is happening on me, or guys like me. You were a willing participant, more than once."

Skyler shook his head. "Oh, I know, I know. I'll just blame it on my ass."

"Back up a bit Skyler. Just what is happening? Do you need to talk?"

Skyler began this lengthy monologue detailing how he had been seeking out men to fulfill his wife's need to dominate him, but soon realized the needs he was filling, were his own. I was one of many men who had fucked him, and sent him home to his wife. Sex with her was always amazing after a successful trip to the sauna. However, sex with some of the men, soon rivaled the feeling he had with his wife.

"You said it best Kyle. You said "Your ass is made for my dick." Damn, I realized you were right. You fucked me a couple times, and had me so close to cumming. My wife wouldn't allow that. She is in control of my dick. Now, I don't know what to do. This is all unraveling. My rational mind tells me I need to cut this off or my marriage will be at risk. However, I fear if I do, my wife will cut me off, and my marriage will be at risk."

"What caused the unraveling, as you call it?"

"I can't talk about it, but outside forces are involved. Damn Kyle, my actions have impacted others."

"Do you see this as an addiction? What you are saying almost sounds like something an alcoholic might say."

"No, I don't think so. Hell, I'm not sure. I really don't know now."

I thought for a moment. "So, is this one problem, or two? You like to get fucked, and when you do, you have extremely hot sex with your wife. Maybe you need to separate the two, and find a way to provide for your wife first, and then your ass, second."

"Oh god, I don't know. Kyle, when did you know you were gay?"

"Is that your problem? You're gay?"

"No, I know I am bi."

"I knew at an early age, but when I was fifteen is when I started to really accept that I was attracted to men. I remember watching TV and jerking off to the man who I eventually married, believe it or not.

"Oh, I believe it. I remember watching Magnum P.I. and going up to my room. I still remember the first time I put my finger into my ass. My girlfriends always said I had a hot ass, little did they know. I remember the first time I tried the handle of a screwdriver, and a carrot. The carrot was too cold, so I ditched that idea. The screwdriver on the other hand. I kept on thinking it was Tom Selleck."

I reached into my shirt, ruffled the fur there. "So, is that why you like older, hairy men?" I knew I was teasing him, but I had to get him to vocalize his thoughts.

"There was also a neighbor." Skyler's look was distant. "I helped him one summer. He took me to his cabin to fish. I was eighteen, so he offered me a beer. We were both a little buzzed when dinnertime came around. I soon found out that my butt was the only thing on the menu. He was the first man to rim me. His tongue entered my ass, followed by his dick. Let me tell you, his dick felt better than a carrot or screwdriver handle. Kyle, he was the first one to say it."

"Say what?"

"Your ass was made for my dick."

I fidgeted in my chair.

"Yeah, I'm getting hard too," Skyler noted.

"He cut me off after that summer. He and his wife were working on their marriage, so he needed to devote his energies to her. I went to college and started to date. I still remember fucking a girl one night. She threw me out because her roommate was returning. I got in my car and drove to the dirty book store. There was a realistic dildo behind the counter that looked like my neighbor's dick. I blew the budget on it, but at least it didn't let me down."

"So, do you need to go get another dildo?"

"No, that is what is causing this mess."

"So, Skyler, what can I do for you? What exactly do you want from me?"

It was a huge relief when he answered. "Well, it's hard for me to say, but I don't think we should have sex anymore. I worry that I could get in too deep with a guy like you. My wife knows I am bi, and she doesn't mind it if I have sex with a man. She just doesn't want me to get emotionally close to someone. She is in control. She'd lose the control, if I got emotionally involved with a man."

"So, you need someone anonymous, or a fuck buddy."

"Maybe that, but I actually need someone to confide in. Listen Kyle, I have told you more about myself, and my needs, than I have told anyone, other than my wife. I admire you, and your husband, and how you have dealt with the publicity that marred your private moment. What I think I am saying, is that I need a friend."

It was the first time that someone outside of my circle had referred to Pete as my husband. I was taken aback at first, but then thought about my ever-evolving circle of friends. "We have a whole group of supportive men. Most of them play on the softball team. You can join us."

"Remember, I am a sexually generous kind of man. I have history shall we say, with more than a few members of your softball team."

I smiled. "Say no more. Listen, I like you, and as sexy as your ass is, I am willing to give it up, to gain you as a friend. I'll give you my cell number, and my email, if you want to talk about anything. We can meet for coffee, dinner, whatever; Pete can join us. And if you decide to be more discreet in your coupling, maybe Pete and I can help screen the applicants, so to speak."

"Yeah, I think I need an ear, most of all. Then, maybe a cuddle. Nothing more than that though buddy. Sometimes a guy just needs to feel the strength of another guy."

"Are you still hard?

Skyler nodded.

"So am I." I stood, my dick was obvious in my pants. I held out my arms and he was soon in them. I pressed my hard-on against his and kissed him softly on the lips. "There you go, buddy," I whispered. "That should hold you over, `til the next time."

Skyler reached for the neat stack of business cards on his desk. He pulled one out, and then wrote his cell number, and email on the back. I pulled one from my wallet and did the same for him.

Skyler looked distracted. "My wife is done early today and the kid is at daycare. I think I'm gonna call my assistant and tell her I am stepping out for a bit. She can close up shop when she gets back."


As I left his office, I got a call from Pete. "Do you think you can break away? Claudia called me and said she was going to visit her dad. She wants us to join her."

"I'm downtown now. Do you want me to meet you out on Park Point?"

"It sounded important to her. I think we should."

Traffic wasn't bad, and the Aerial Lift Bridge was down, so I was at the nursing home quickly. Claudia was waiting in the reception area, looking very polished. "You didn't have to dress up for me."

"Listen Kyle. If there was a chance in Hades that I could snag you, I'd be on the best dressed list in Duluth. This is for my dad."

"How's he doing?"

"He didn't even know me, Kyle. There were flashes of recognition. I told him I ran into Pete, and he asked how Ivan is doing. Kyle, I am worried I am losing him."

Just like I had done for Skyler, earlier, I opened my arms for Claudia. She began sobbing. "Just once before he goes. Just once I want to see a flicker of recognition from him."

"So, you think if he sees Pete, he'll flash back and remember you too?"

"This is his favorite dress. I'm wearing it for him. Who has time for dresses these days? But I will do anything to have him back for a moment."

Claudia looked up. "I really need your strength right now Pete. I've talked it over with the staff here. They say I have nothing to lose. Will you help me take Dad back to the bar for one last bump?"

We started towards his room. Along the way, we ran into Rudy. "It's sad that a good percentage of my clients are now in nursing homes. I come out here every other Wednesday. The old guys really are particular in how I cut their hair."

"That's because they want to be presentable for the ladies," Claudia said. "You wouldn't believe the stories I have heard." It was great to see Claudia smile. She finally stopped at a door, and tapped on it, before opening it. "Dad, I got an old friend of yours to visit."

Claude sat there in his recliner, staring forward. He was a slight man, neatly dressed in a tan cardigan and brown slacks. A pencil-thin moustache graced his upper lip. Pete kneeled by him. "Claude, you're looking great."

Claude looked at him blankly.

"Claude, it's me, your favorite wrestler, Pete."

Claude's eyes traveled up and down Pete as he knelt before him. "You should be working out. You're looking old and tired, Ivan. The audience will not believe it, if we have you win the match this weekend."

Claudia whispered to me. I heard the excitement in her voice. "He does that sometimes. If he likes you, he will remember a part of your life when everything was great."

Pete continued. "Claude, I was wondering if you and your daughter Claudia, would join me and my friend Kyle, down at the bar for a beer."

"Claudia's the smart one. She's gonna have this business one day. You will be answering to her."

Claude started to rise from his chair. He grabbed the cane to steady himself. "You're looking good old-timer," Pete said.

"Who are you calling old, Ivan? I can still whip your ass." I suddenly saw the man I recognized from back in the 70's. He looked assured, a huge change from the blank stare that greeted us minutes before.

Claudia grabbed my elbow. I could feel the excitement in her touch. "Dad, your stool at the bar is waiting. The guys are gonna drive us there."

"And who are you? You're a big guy, but I don't remember signing you. Claudia, is he one of your guys?"

"Oh, what the hell Dad. This is Kyle. He is Pete's partner."

"You mean the Mad Russian finally has a tag team partner?"

"You could say that Dad."

"Well, what's stopping us? Do you still have that Charger, Pete?"

"Yes, but I didn't drive it, I think we'll take Claudia's vehicle."

Claude walked confidently down the hall. One of the staff stopped Claudia, and claimed he needed to use his walker if he was to leave the premises. After a heated showdown, and a call from her boss Tony, we were driving to the bar, without a walker.

"They've made changes," Claude said. Since it was Julie's day off, many of the people who worked at the bar were too young to know Claude, but Claudia waltzed in like she owned the joint.

"I need the key to the private room," She said.

"We have a party coming in soon to check it out."

"Fuck `em." Claudia got closer to the bartender. "Listen, my Dad hasn't seen this place for ten years. He used to own this joint, and if he wants to go to the private room for a beer, I think he should be able to. `Sides, I know who is coming in tonight to check out the room. They'll be fine with it."

"What'll he have?"

"He used to like Hamm's, but do they even make that anymore? Just give me the key, and I'll pull whatever's on tap. This oughta cover it."

Claudia threw down a $100 bill. "Listen hon, this'll be the last time I can buy rounds for my dad."

The bartender grabbed the key from the hook. "Be my guest."

Claudia opened the door, and gestured for us to enter. Since I had been in there with her, the night before, I knew which stool was his. Pete and I helped me onto the stool, while Claudia went behind the bar, and pulled out four glasses. One by one she filled them, and sat them in front of us.

Claude sipped his beer, then looked at Pete. "So, the next match, are you ready to win it?"

I could tell from the look on Claudia's face, that she was already winning. The bartender stopped in with a tray. "Sorry, I talked to the owner. He said your dad liked these. I didn't know your father. So, I'm sorry."

There was a variety of appetizers before us, so we ate and drank beer. The smile on Claudia's face, was almost as winning as the one she gave Marty's friend Jed when he entered the private room. As the sole, unmarried, hetero guy in our group last night, she turned up the charm for him last night, and it glowed even brighter today.

When Marty and his other friends joined, we realized we had outstayed our welcome. Claude needed to get back to the nursing home. It became evident when he took a sip of beer, then turned to Pete and said, "Now, who are you?"


"Damn that Jed. Look at how that back-fur creeps out from his collar."

Marty was extremely distracted by his former student when he saw him at the bar. He was talking to Pete's friend, Claudia, and she was flirting back. "Oh, what the hell," he thought. He was being an old fool, carrying a thing for a former student. Nothing happened back then, because he was a student, and nothing was going to happen now. Jed, or Slim as he now was called, liked women.

The meeting turned out to be a snooze. The proposed reunion and banquet would happen in July. They were cutting it close, but they figured with email addresses they should be able to track down all the guys. Their main goal was to pull together the squad that won the State Wrestling Championship. Slim was the Captain of the team that year, and he said he had the addresses needed. There was a small resort on a lake near their hometown, which would be able to handle it. With the evolution of the Northern Minnesota resort business, it would probably be the last year it could host a party of this size. Many of the smaller resorts had been sold off in favor of larger resorts, privately owned cabins, and lake homes.

As they said their goodbyes, Marty took a chance. "So, Slim, wanna go grab some dinner?"

"I should be driving home. My farm is about half an hour away."

"Damn, I wanted to catch up with my favorite Captain. Is it a working farm, is there anything or anyone you have to tend to?"

"Nope, I just bought it for the solitude. I needed to get away from wrestling and maybe get back to writing. And, no one is in my life, yet. I screwed that up while I was on the circuit."

"Sounds like you need to catch me up on things. You can stay at my place if it gets too late.

"Maybe we should. I know they have good burgers here."


When I got home, I powered up the computer, and checked my email. I clicked on the one from Skyler.

"Hey Pete, you gotta see this."


This is just a test. I hope I got your email right.

Buddy, after you hugged me, I felt hornier than I ever had. Sex with my wife was the best it has been in months. I am glad you suggested this.


Pete clapped me on the shoulder. "Just what is that about, hubby?"

"Remember the story of the "World's Greatest Dad?" Well, his name is Skyler, and he contacted me today." I relayed the whole scenario to Pete.

"You mean to tell me that he used to get fucked, head home to his wife, and then she would eat his ass, and let him fuck her?"

"Yeah, kinda screwed up, isn't it? But if it works for them, who are we to question it?"

"Sounds like your hugs, are just as powerful as your fucks. Hell, I coulda told him that already."

Pete gave me a questioning look.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"I sure hope so. But we should cut out the middle man. How exactly did it go? Remind me."

"I fucked him. Sent him home with an ass-load of cum. And then when he got home, his wife was waiting to eat him out. He would repay the favor by banging her."

"And tonight, your hugs were the incentive for him?"

"Sounds like it."

Pete began to unbutton his shirt. "C'mon."

I followed him as he went down the stairs. His shirt was thrown by the Wall of Shame. His slacks were left in a pile near the doorway to the workout room. He was wearing only his socks when he climbed into the sling. I grabbed for his hard dick, he slapped my hand away. "That's for later, fuck me daddy. This ass is made for your dick."

"And my tongue too, don't forget that."

I got on my haunches and started to eat butt. I didn't bother with preliminaries like getting naked, I just chowed down. About five minutes in, I unzipped, and freed my cock; it needed the space. There was something about Pete's ass that always drew me in. His masculine aroma was evident, especially after my saliva mixed with his essence.

"Is this all that's on the menu, daddy?"

"We wasted too much time fishing today son. It's about time you took the bait." I could tell that Pete was into the story of how Skyler lost his virginity to a married man. "Your ass was born to be fucked. It's about time I show you."

"Show me Dad. Fill me."

I stood, and hooked my arms on his thighs. I pulled his ass back onto my dick.

"Oh, Fuck YEAH, DAD, FILL ME."

I stopped being gentle about the third stroke in. I was fucking a man, a man who could take it.

"Don't fuck the cum out of me, Dad, I gotta save that for my man."

"Your ass will do what I want it to do. Your ass was made to give this dick pleasure."

I was out of control, fucking Pete. Skyler had painted a vivid picture of the older man who helped him discover the fate of his ass. It was a perfect ass, that was made to be fucked. Pete's ass was just as perfect. It was the butt, THAT BUTT, that drew me in, made me feel at home, months earlier. It was THAT BUTT which I was loving completely on the last night in May, 2000.

May was always my favorite month. This May was no exception, and it was going out the right way. I was balls deep in the ass that was made for my dick. The man who had the ass made for my dick, was the man I had just married. He began to growl as I fucked him. "Don't make me cum, don't make me cum," was his otherworldly mantra.

I looked at the animal in the sling. His wild eyes pushed me over the edge. I held him tight, and my body shook, jack-hammering my dick into his hole. I flooded my man's ass with millions of my little swimmers.

I slowly slid my dick out, and began to dip down to my haunches. I was going to eat my load out, just as Skyler's wife had done to him. However, Pete had other plans.

"Forget that Mr. Ravinka. Your ass was made for my dick." Pete jumped out of the sling. "Strip and get up here hubby."

His momentary fantasy, was replaced by a hotter reality. "Damn Boy. That fuck you threw me has me so close. I can feel your nut leaking out of my ass. Let me get mine, and we can clean each other up later."

Pete wasn't lying. He slammed into my ass, and took no more than ten strokes before he unloaded. As he steadied the sling, he reached back between his cheeks and collected some of my cum. He leaned forward and fed it to me. Finger by finger, I licked him clean. He then went down to his haunches, and tongued my freshly fucked hole.

He helped me down, and then led me to the sauna. I sensed what he was feeling as he held me. "What we have is better than anything I can imagine with anyone else. Pete, I hope you know that, even if we play down the line, you are the only one who knows me completely."

"You can fuck anyone else for all I care. I'll even let you give that ass up if you want to. Because in the end, I know that ass was made for me."

"And your ass, was made for me."


Marty couldn't help but watch, as Slim walked naked to the bathroom. "I hope you don't mind, Coach. I mean we've seen each other shower hundreds of times."

Yes, they did, and each time was a challenge for Marty. Nothing prepared him for the challenge he had right then. Fifteen years had made Slim even more desirable. The fur on his butt was denser than before. Marty got up from the bed, closed the door, and then pulled down his sleep pants. He would be ending the day, the way he started. His hard dick was in his hands, as his former wrestling captain fueled his fantasies.


Check out my other story J&J and the 5-Be's in the Incest section of Nifty. It's a present day story that is becoming intertwined with my Snowplow/Year In The Life Series.

FYI: The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

With these chapters I am utilizing the HTML method to make my story easier to read. I am looking for feedback on this in addition to any feedback on the storyline. Personal emails might also get a sneak peek at artwork for an upcoming story. Continue to email me at Thanks.

Next: Chapter 72: Case Closed 3

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