
Published on Aug 14, 2016


The Countydown 6

A Year in the Life

The Countdown Part 6

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors.  It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events.  It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure.  No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it. 

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow.  You will get to know the characters.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty.  If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at 

The Countdown Part 6

"The Kid, The Man"

Frank navigated the two-lane highway toward Duluth. He had decided south of Moose Lake to exit I-35 and take the scenic route on Hwy. 23. It was a route he'd rarely taken, relying instead on the efficiency of Interstate 35. However, he knew it would take him through Jay Cooke State Park via a different entrance. Possibly this would allow him to unwind and change his perspective on the case.

The last hour and a half had indeed given him time to reflect on everything that had gone on in his life recently.  His trip to Hinckley answered a few questions, but still left him wondering. He was more certain than ever that their suspect was the right man, but his motive was still in question.

He thought about the bizarre trip to Jay Cooke State Park last night. Their informant led them to a dildo, tied to a tree. It didn't make sense at first, but as Carl pointed out, the victim of the 1970's kidnapping was found tied to a tree in Jay Cooke State Park. Another pin on the map meant another clue that didn't answer motive.

In order to make sense of it, Frank had sat up late last night on his computer. Fueled by Rolf's French Roast he started to piece together the map in his mind. Now he could tie two of the dildos to specific crimes. The crimes were so well known in the region, most any informed individual over a certain age would know of their significance. Yet he still had over a half dozen other dildos to account for.

He finally called it a night at about three in the morning, sending off his daily countdown email before heading to bed. It was short, not sweet as he had truly run out of brain power to put his thoughts into words. With only three hours of sleep, he left for Hinckley in the morning. Armed with a thermos of Rolf's French Roast, and a bag of sunflower seeds, he swore he could navigate the route safely.

His visit to Hinckley was unofficial, official business. He was skirting the law, talking to former coworkers of his chief suspect, but he felt he could build the case without the evidence he would find there. He was there mainly to understand what made the Mad Dildoer tick.

The words he heard could have just as easily described himself. Loner, quiet, intense were used frequently. One person said "I didn't even realize that he left `til a few weeks later." The Captain knew that many people would say the same things about him. He was a loner, often quiet and could be intense. As he drove he wondered who would miss him if he left.

The remainder of his coffee was tepid, but he drank it trying to stay awake. The sunflower seeds did their part. He found a rhythm by reaching into the bag, deshelling, and eating the tiny morsels. It helped him navigate the winding road while the radio played in the background.

As his car slowly climbed toward the summit, he heard the start of a Dylan song. Immediately Francis thought of Rolf, he knew of his lover's connection with the local legend. The words of the second chorus started and the vista opened up, revealing the expanse of the St Louis River Valley, and Jay Cooke State Park.

Francis veered into the overlook, rolled down the windows and let it blast.

"May you always know the truth
And see the lights surrounding you
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young"

Knowing that short naps help revitalize him, he then turned off the engine, took one last look at the expansive vista, and closed his eyes.



I love you, gotta figure things out.


The words kept echoing in Rolf's mind all day. Where was the daily countdown? The note was too short, too much to the point, and yet it was also too vague. Where was the assured man from recent days? Where was the Francis who had the answers?

The vagueness of the email was the only thing that held Rolf back as he worked on his vision for Pete and Kyle's backyard. His design for the deck was turning out exactly as he expected, the prow echoed the peak of the chalet's roof, the railing was strong and substantial, yet looked effortless.

The landscaping that Rolf, Drew and Marty had been working on was coming together. He could read between the lines and knew that Marty and Drew's date the previous night had gone well. Rolf's church only had one inhabitant the night before, Drew spent the night with Marty.

They would have much to celebrate at the bar tonight.  It was an unofficial bachelors party with the usual Tuesday night happy hour crowd. He should be heading to it ready to celebrate, but all he could think was "I love you, gotta figure things out."


"Well are you ready to be fed to the Lions?"

Pete laughed. "I think you might be over-exaggerating things there Kyle. It will probably just be our usual Tuesday night, masquerading as a bachelor's party.  I mean it is gonna be at our usual spot. Justin's not gonna be jumping naked out of a cake."

"Not that either of us would mind. I think we both have a soft spot for that copper fur covered fireplug."

Pete yanked me into his arms, and held me looking deeply into my eyes. "It'll be great seeing him tonight. I really think he has matured a lot with Derek's love." I nodded wordlessly. Pete pulled me closer, then allowed his fingers to dance over my flat-top. "Rudy's an artist isn't he? You're lucky I'm the better kisser." Pete proved it by holding me even tighter with one arm while still stroking my flat-top. I shivered uncontrollably as he kissed me. He broke the kiss, leaned back for air. "Gotta keep you coming back baby" he whispered, his voice cracking.

"I don't need vows to prove to you that I will always be yours. Guys like Rudy just add flavor to my life. But you know I could live the rest of my life, being only with you."

"Oh I know. I'm in for the long haul too." Pete once again closed his eyes and kissed me, then, leaning back he whispered. "I gotta watch myself when Rolf says you may now kiss the groom. I don't want to shock any of the Hansen crew."

"They know the love between us. There will be no problems with my family, however we decide to kiss."


The Captain was running on empty when he finally parked his car at McDonald's. The coffee and sunflower seeds had kept him awake, but he knew he would just crash if he went directly home. His eyes caught Caleb's, as he stood in line. "Congrats on joining the team young man. You were very impressive yesterday."

"Thanks. I put in my two-week's notice today. I get the feeling they're gonna miss me, but what Randy offered will allow me to pay off my loans and be comfortable while I finish my education. I'll even be able to move out of the `rents house. I always had set my sights on being a policeman, but this was too tempting to pass up. But, enough about me. What'll you have? I rarely see you in here other than at breakfast."

"I know. I guess I'll have a Big Mac, fries and a Coke. I might as well keep it old school. Make it to go, hopefully I can get that far before passing out."

"Tough night eh?" Caleb asked.

"The toughest. Running on the fumes of this morning's coffee."

Caleb bagged the order, then handed it to the Captain. "Hopefully this will give you enough fuel to make it home."

"Oh I'll make it there fine. I'm not sure if I will get past the easy chair however. See ya Caleb."

Caleb watched the Captain as he walked out the door. He couldn't resist taking one last glance at the meaty ass that filled out the Captain's jeans. "Damn" he thought. "I sure hope I don't have to work too closely with him." The Captain was suddenly vying with Rolf in Caleb's fantasy man league. He shook the image out of his mind, then turned to the man with the pure white flat-top. "What'll you have sir?"

The man winked a steel blue eye. "I'll have what he had."


I hesitated at the entrance to the bar. "You know Pete; this is the world's worst kept secret. Are you sure you're ready to go ahead with it? We could just turn around and go home."

"And leave the boy's here disappointed? Not a chance." With a chivalrous bow, Pete opened the door and gestured for me to enter. "You first, m'lord."

I half expected the gang to be waiting twenty feet away yelling "Surprise!" Instead, Justin and Derek were the only ones in our usual spot.

"Oh hey" Derek said, barely looking up from his beer. "The rest of the guys are running late. D'ya guys want the usual?"

"Yeah, I think that'll do." Frankly I was fine with this change of plans. Our day had been busy as we started to check off the final details before we'd be saying our vows in three days. I didn't feel like being the center of attention, and I got the feeling Pete didn't either.

"Got any idea when they'll show?" Pete asked. He looked a bit perturbed, maybe I had read him wrong.

"Soon. I just got a call from Marty. He has an out of town guest, I told him you wouldn't mind if he brought him along."

Our beers arrived and the four of us chatted. Justin seemed distracted, but swore he was just thinking about the food set-up for the wedding. I finally assured him that we always wanted it kept simple, and he should stop stressing over the details.

"Easier said than done. You guys forget that I do this for a living."


Frank popped the last fry into his mouth, then chased it with a sip of Coke. His initial thought as he closed his eyes while listening to the radio was one of self-pity. "Am I becoming like him? Will people describe me as a loner, quiet, reclusive, intense when and if they talk of me?"

But the image of Rolf loomed large. Though he continued the charade that they would be meeting at the Diner in less than a week, he knew it would happen sooner, at Pete and Kyle's wedding. No matter how much he played it through in his mind, he couldn't visualize how the evening would go. He could try to avoid seeing Rolf, but since Rolf was officiating, and he was providing security, their meeting would be inevitable.

He knew of one other opportunity to meet Rolf. The invitation to the bar was still open for tonight. Was he feeling bold enough, assured of himself enough to chance it and see Rolf earlier than planned. He opened his eyes, took one last sip of Coke, and thought to himself. "Maybe another fifteen-minute siesta would energize me to make the decision."


"Marty, great to see you" Derek shouted.

Marty walked towards us with a large bearded man. At first I didn't recognize his friend, but he smiled the smile I had seen in his profile pic. I stood and rushed towards them "ButteBeast, I'd know that smile anywhere." I threw my arms around him, hugging him tight.

ButteBeast returned the hug and chuckled. "Call me Drew, Kyle. We can save the screennames for the chat room." Pete walked towards us. "And you must be Pete" Drew said. "You are one lucky man. Kyle and I have been online friends for quite a while now."

"Well any friend of Kyle is a lucky guy. But maybe I am the luckiest, meeting him in the flesh before you did" Pete said, pulling him into his own hearty hug. Pete broke the hug, then looked at Marty. "So, where are the rest of the guys? And wait..." Pete pointed at Marty and Drew, raising an eyebrow. "What's going on with the two of you?"

"We've become good friends Pete, maybe even better than that" Marty smiled.

Drew's smile was just as large. "I guess you could say very good friends. It's been a pleasure working closely with Marty."

I could see the connection. "Looks like you are doing more than working closely with him. You both deserve it."

We returned to the table where I started foolishly to make introductions. Justin laughed. "I've also been working closely with Drew, but not as closely as someone" he winked.

Julie stopped by our table as we ordered a round for our new guests. We almost forgot about the members of The Pack who were not yet in attendance.

Finally, Marty spoke up. "Pete, have you ever used the private room here for any meetings? I got an email from some of my High School wrestling team alumni and they are looking for a place to plan a reunion."

"Sure, it's a great private space. It can hold anything from a small gathering to a large function. Maybe we can check it out tonight."

"Why don't we do it now before the other guys get here. Julie, do you have a key to the private room?" Marty asked.

"Sure do guys, c'mon, let's go check it out."


From his vantage point at the Thompson Hill rest stop, Rudy looked over his West Duluth neighborhood and beyond. Eating the last of his fries, Rudy wondered why he made the trip. His nerves kept him from admitting the real reason. When you own a barber shop with an almost exclusive male clientele, you'll hear almost anything and everything with regarding sex. There didn't appear to be a topic that was off limits. Hell, a few of his regulars even admitted to getting a blow job at the rest stop on Thompson Hill.

There, he admitted it. He was there for a blow job. The fun he had with Kyle the day before, left him wanting more. He could justify his actions like the men who got BJs from other men at a rest stop. As one of the men said "A hole is just a hole, a mouth is just a mouth." It could be impersonal, just him dumping his load down some lucky man's throat.

However, he was sitting there without a clue on how to proceed. He could see the cars and SUVs enter the lot. They mainly contained tourists getting a jump-start on the Memorial Day weekend. He saw the next lot with semis, but there didn't seem to be any action there. As he sat there, windows open, smoking a cigar, a single man pulled next to him. He was younger, toned, muscular, and tanned. The man looked over at him, smiled, showing his straight white teeth. Rudy smiled back. Was this kid coming onto him? Rudy didn't know the cruising etiquette. He chuckled silently at that thought.

In his mind Rudy called him The Kid. The Kid's hair obviously had been highlighted and spiked by some downtown salon. Again The Kid looked at him, winked and then subtly darted his tongue out. He thought from movement in The Kids shoulders, that there was something happening down below. Rudy smiled back weakly, inhaled his cigar. He mimicked The Kid and started to massage his limp dick. "C'mon buddy, a hole is just a hole, a mouth is just a mouth, and this mouth wants it."

But his dick didn't respond. Every single time that Rudy played with a man before, it was someone he considered a capital M Man. From his first encounter with the Army Major, to yesterday with Kyle, and those few times with Pete, it was always with someone who defined masculinity to him. Sure, The Kid had muscles, but they were muscles from the gym. He was too perfect, perfect for someone else, but not for him. He was looking for someone like the Police Captain that was in front of him in the line at McDonalds, or even the deaf kid behind the counter. It was obvious he wouldn't find someone like that here, but he had heard of another place he might. He nodded to The Kid, started his engine, and left Thompson Hill.



I looked at the crowd in the bar's private room. Everybody was there, raising a drink to Pete and I. The Pack was there in full force, joined by Rhonda, Carl and Randy. Mike and his wife were off to the side along with Connie and Stan. Al's flat-top was visible in the back, along with a group I couldn't identify. As we joined The Pack, they parted.

I started crying. There was my Mom, all of my siblings, most of their significant others, and their kids.


"It's shit or get off the pot time" Rudy said to himself. He was parked in the lot of the downtown sauna. He had gotten the last spot, hopefully that was a good sign that there would be someone there who might fit the bill. On one side was a new Honda, the other side a vintage pickup. He finally got up the nerve so he snuffed his cigar, locked his car, and started to walk towards the sauna. Remembering what he heard, he told the attendant "One for downstairs" then paid his fee.

The attendant handed him two towels and a locker key. "Lucky number seven, enjoy" he winked. Rudy started down the steps. The nerves that had been calmed earlier by a cigar, were coming on strong. "I'm just here for a blow job" was his mantra, "A mouth is just a mouth." He walked through the maze of rooms looking for his locker. The short glimpses he'd seen of the men there, left him wanting.

Finally, he found the locker room. There was one naked bearded man there sitting on the bench. He looked up "Whatcha got bud?"

"Locker number seven. Looks like you're sitting in front of it."

The Man stood, fluffed his balls, then broadly gestured to the locker. "Be my guest. What brings you here tonight?" The Man said, absentmindedly combing through the abundant hair on his chest.

"Oh, you know..." Rudy couldn't say what he was there for, but The Man seemed to know.

"Yeah I think I do. I think I do." He smiled, continuing to stroke his chest as Rudy opened his locker. "Never seen you here before. D'ya live around here?"

"Yeah I do, but first time here" Rudy almost whispered as he started to undress. He bent over to untie his shoes, he caught a glimpse of The Man's dick. It was so close he could smell it. He slowly took off his shoe and sock, rolling the sock and inserted it into the shoe. He repeated again with the other shoe. Again he looked and inhaled. This was a man's dick, a man's dick that was filling out. This was a Capital M Man.

"Thought so." The Man's voice was masculine, deep, sexy.

"Shit" Rudy thought. "I'm getting in too deep. I just thought of a man's voice as sexy." He started his mantra again "I'm just here for a blow job. I'm just here for a blow job" he thought.

The Man put his arms behind his head and started to stretch from side to side. "Just moved here a few months ago myself. I hate to admit it, but I've become one of the regulars. I'd definitely remember if I ever saw you here before."

The mantra had helped Rudy lose some of the stiffness in his dick, but The Man was bringing it back. Rudy took his shirt off and hung it in the locker. "Oh, nice silver fur. D'ya mind?" The Man said, as he started to ruffle the fur on Rudy's chest.

"Do I have a choice?" Rudy chuckled.

"Touché bud, touché." The Man removed his hand. "Hey bud, you're in charge of what goes on down here."

Again the voice got him. Rudy's dick plumped up at the very moment he needed to lose the pants and shorts. He turned slightly, and undid his belt and the snap at the waistband. The leaned forward a bit, and removed his pants, still angled from The Man. "Yeah" the Man's whisper turned into a growl. Rudy was standing there in his tighty-whities. He could hear The Man breathing behind him. He hooked the waistband of his shorts and lowered them, stepping out of them. "Fuck, yeah" he heard The Man say.

Rudy grabbed a towel from the bench, wrapped it around his waist, making sure it would hold down his dick as best it could. He then turned to face The Man. Remembering what The Man said about him being in charge he spoke. "My ass is off-limits if we decide to play. I'm here for a BJ, nothing more, nothing less. Got it?"

"Then you got the right man, bud."


I really don't know how they pulled it off. Every communication I had, was that I would see my siblings on Friday, not a minute before. I was totally perplexed until I saw Rhonda talking to Mandy. She looked my way, winked and then said "I hope you don't mind the surprise. Carl and I thought it would be the best possible gift."

"Mind? I, well, we love it." I put my beer down and hugged the two of them. "You know; I don't get to see my family often enough. I'm glad that both of you made this happen."

"If you think we came early to see you, think again Duke" my sister said. "I want to see your strong hubby to be. Where's Pete?"

"I think the twins got him. They probably want him to go hustle someone in pool."

"You know Rhonda, when Kyle was in college, I foolishly asked him if he ever thought about marriage and kids. He did his best to ignore my question. I secretly knew his reasons at the time. I can only say that I am glad he waited for Pete."

"Oh I love Pete too. If I was single, and he was available, Kyle would have some competition."

"Rhonda, both of us ended up with the man that was meant for us. That is why we are here tonight celebrating."

"Damn right it is."

I looked over my shoulder. Pete was there with Al who pulled me in for a hearty hug. "Congrats my friend. Who are these lovely ladies?"

"Al, this is my sister Mandy and our good friend Rhonda. Rhonda and Mandy, meet Al, AKA The Cruncher."

"Oh my god, does Terry know you are here? He idolized you and Ivan back in the day."

"If that's your good looking brother over there, yes. But I get the feeling he idolized Pete just a bit more than me. Then your mother said something about me looking pretty good for my age. Can't I get any respect from the Hansen clan?"

"Maybe if you get that mop top clipped." I ruffled his longish hair. "What's up buddy? Your flat top is always on point."

"My stylist retired. I'm like a rudderless laker without him Kyle. Your haircut is looking great bud. Maybe I need to go to your barber."

"That's funny. Rudy is looking for new business and he is the king of the flat top. Here, he gave me his card. Call him tomorrow. I have the feeling he'd like you as a client."


"Love ya babe, I just need space" Jason said as he closed the door.

He grabbed his bat-bag, put it on the passenger seat of his pickup and drove towards Spirit Valley. It wasn't his best day in a long time. His personal safety valve at work, the Captain, wasn't there. He was frustrated with the clues in the Mad Dildoer case and reaching dead ends on the three kids who had vandalized Pete's truck. To top it off, Ashley's hormones were raging, making her impossible to live with. He had two options, attend a party he didn't feel comfortable at, or relieve some stress by taking time in a batting cage.

Jason slowly drove by the bar looking for Frank's car. He really didn't feel comfortable about attending the party for Kyle and Pete, even if he was going to be at their wedding in an official capacity. There was still tension between he and Fred over the arrest made last December at the Thompson Hill rest stop. Try as he might, Jason couldn't get over that momentary lack of judgement.

With no glimpse of the Captain's car, Jason drove toward Frank's house. A quick drive through the alley revealed nothing. He really wasn't sure why he even thought of breaching his superior's private space, so he drove towards the ballfield.


"Damn bro you're looking great. When did you start working out?" Scott threw his arms around me, and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Pete, meet my brother Scott and his partner Paul."

Pete looked at the two men who looked like they came directly from the gym. Scott's muscles were partially camouflaged by his t-shirt, but Paul's tight tank top couldn't do the same for his meaty pecs. "Whoa! Don't crush me when you hug me. I've heard so much about you two, but I thought Kyle was exaggerating."

Paul gave Pete a hug "Bro, I heard you were a wrestler. For some reason I expected a roided up monster, but damn you look good for your age."

"I'll take that as a compliment I guess" Pete laughed. "When I wrestled we didn't know anything about steroids. This is all natural buddy."

"That's lucky for Kyle I guess. `Roids can do a number on your nuts buddy. Kyle doesn't need a man with shriveled up nuggets."

"Oh, I can promise you Pete has no problems in any shape or form down there Paul. But I'm not marrying him for that, I'm marrying him for his heart."

"Well I am sure the Heart ON doesn't hurt either" Paul said, slapping his side at his own joke. My brother's eye-roll was felt, more than seen.


"I just don't understand it Sean, he had all the earmarks of someone trolling for dick. He was checking out every car and semi that came into the lot. He was back and forth to the men's room. That guy either wanted to give or get a blow job, I'd bet my badge on it."

"Maybe I'm not the right bait Chase."

Chase looked his Highway Patrol partner up and down. "Are you kidding? You're every gay guy's walking wet dream. You're handsome as hell and look at those muscles. You are the kind of guy my brother would die for. I'd set you two up if you weren't straight."

"Really? Your brother's gay?" Sean smiled. "Younger or older brother?"

"Older, about the age of that guy you were trying to entice. That is why I am amazed our mark didn't take your bait. You look like my brother's type. Every one of the "friends" my brother has introduced me to, is like you." Ryan used air quotes to emphasize the word friends. "It's funny. He's never come out to me, not even close, but he has a rotating roster of twenty-something "friends" who look just like you. I don't understand why he doesn't trust me enough to just come out."

"Have you ever given him a reason he shouldn't trust you?"

"Never, I've always been supportive."

"Never and always? C'mon I've heard you call someone faggot. I've only worked with you three years; your brother has known you almost his whole life."

"Well, I suppose maybe a long time ago. But give me a break, he should be over it by now."

Sean silently watched Chase as he picked up his high powered binoculars. The older patrolman filled his uniform with natural bulk and muscle. He had a body made through honest work. He didn't have the gym fees that Sean incurred maintaining his form. The setting sun caused Chase's buzz-cut to glow. Though there was more than a decade between them, Sean saw Chase as something more than a partner, he was his closest friend. "Chase, I guess I just don't see the need for this. I mean it is only two men helping each other out. Why do we have to go after them? It feels like entrapment."

Chase scanned the parking lot and spoke. "If you do your job right, it isn't entrapment. You know the drill. The summer tourist season is about to start. Last year we had a few tourists upset about what they heard was going on up here. A couple of influential politicians want us to make examples of a few unfortunate men, to keep the action down. You know, and I know that it will still happen, it will just move from here. If we catch one now, it will get the word out and take the pressure off us and put it on someone else."

Sean picked up his own binoculars. He saw a young man enter the lot. He sensed something was amiss when he saw the anxious look on the young man's face. "What about that kid in the teal Escort?"

"You noticed him too huh? It's show-time Sean. Go get `im."


"I'm really gonna be a father soon. This isn't a dream." Jason walked to his pickup as the young boy walked away. The kid was there alone, throwing a ball in the air, catching it awkwardly. Jason had asked him if he wanted to play catch, then hit him a few grounders to test his fielding skills. He'll be doing that with his own boy in a few years just like his father had years ago. However, he pledged to be there for his son years down the line, unlike his father.

Jason threw his bat-bag onto the passenger seat, then started the engine. In the last of the remaining daylight he started towards the top of the hill and Skyline Parkway. He needed more time to think through things before he'd be able to handle Ashley's volatile personality. "Just a little over a month" he kept repeating to himself.


Rudy leaned back in the sauna. His dick angled up and to the right. He no longer felt the need to hide his hard-on, he and The Man were on the same page, or at least he thought they were. They were the only two men in the sauna, so he closed his eyes and spoke freely. "Okay, here's my ground rules. This is a one-way street. You'll suck me, but expect nothing in return. There will be no kissing, and don't expect even a hand-job. I've played with men before, but always with limits. If you want to test my limits, be a man and ask. Got it?"

"Got it! But I have to admit, the no kissing rule is such a shame. The way your goatee frames those lips makes them look very kissable."

Rudy hesitated. If he was honest he'd have to admit that he enjoyed kissing Kyle the previous day. The Man's perfectly groomed beard reminded him of the man who awakened his need to check out the Thompson Hill, and finally the sauna. "Kissing's off limits. For now," he added, almost silently.

"Can I touch your chest again? It'd be a shame to waste all that sexy silver fur."

If it leads to you giving me a blow job, be my guest." Rudy closed his eyes again as The Man started to rub his chest. "Oh yeah. That feels good."

"Can I use my tongue?"

With his eyes closed, Rudy nodded. The first flick of tongue on his nipple made him shake. The Man started to suck on his nipple while his hands circled through the fur on his gut. Rudy's dick was leaking onto his belly. This was even more intense than what he had experienced before with any other man. "Use your teeth" he said. "I'm a strong guy, you can't break me."

The Man started gnawing at Rudy's nubs, allowing them to grow. His pre-cum was creating a puddle on his gut. He could feel The Man's hands spread it through his fur. He could no longer pretend this was just a blow job. He opened his eyes to watch as the man made love to his chest. The Man's thick hair looked inviting to the barber. As a master scalp massager, Rudy was intrigued by the patterns his hair made.

"Fuck buddy, I'd like to work my magic on you." He started to finger through The Man's hair, pushing The Man's head into his chest. "You've got a head of hair barbers dream about."

The Man raised his head, looked at Rudy. "You like eh?"

"Very much. Almost too much bud. Getting kinda hot in here. Too hot in fact. Let's find a private room. You know the lay of the land, you lead the way."

"Let's shower, then grab one of the back rooms. There's only one shower that works the way I like; we might have to share it."

"You're in charge. Lead the way."

In the shower room The Man adjusted the shower for temperature and then angled it. He yanked Rudy into his arms and started to soap him down. Looking into his eyes he finally said "You said I'm in charge, does that mean you're rethinking your rule about kissing"

"Oh fuck it." Rudy put The Man's jaws in his hands then kissed him full on the lips. The Man put his hands on Rudy's thick ass to turn him so he was directly under the shower. Their tongues started to wrestle. Rudy could taste cigar on The Man's tongue. The taste turned him on so much he grabbed two handfuls of The Man's own sturdy ass. He wanted a Capital M Man, he finally got one.

The Man came up for air. "I guess we share the love of a good cigar."

"And I'm finding I like the taste of a Man." He turned off the shower. "Let's go find a room where I can explore this in private."

"So are you rethinking your rules bud?"

"Yeah, I guess so. Lead the way, you'll find out."

Neither man bothered to fully dry off as they grabbed their towels and walked through the back video room. Three men where in there jerking off to the porn playing on the VCR. Rudy barely noticed them, he was fixated on the furry ass he was following.

The Man stopped at the entrance to the empty room. He looked Rudy in his eyes. "My rules now. If you join me, you are open to explore what it is like to make love to a Man." He waved his hand in front of Rudy, the minimal light from the video room caught the glint of the wedding band. "No strings attached tonight buddy. I promise you I won't take you too far. Do you agree to my rules?" Rudy entered the room and laid down on the bed. The Man stood in the doorway. "I thought you would."

"Rule number one: If I am willing to do it to you, you have to at least try it with me. Just follow my lead." He walked towards the bed. "Scoot down just a bit, I gotta get at that dick."

Rudy knew he was about to cross a line. He scooted down anyway. "Get on your side bud. It will make it easier." The Man laid down, they were in a classic sixty-nine position. The Man grabbed Rudy's dick, smearing the pre-cum of its head. He brought his head closer, inspecting the dick. Rudy could feel The Man's breath on his thick member. "Join in when you're ready bud." The Man then engulfed Rudy's dick completely.

"Oh FUCK bud, that's good. I did come to the right place. Damn buddy, you are talented." Rudy was so caught up in the blow job he was receiving, he almost forgot about his end of the bargain. However, it was staring him right in the face. The Man's dick was just a bit smaller than his own, but it smelled so good. He noticed the clean soap scent didn't overpower the odor of man-musk that remained. He saw The Man's pre-cum. "Oh fuck it" he said, grabbing hold of the rigid dick that was in front of his face. He licked the knob, tasting the pre-cum and soap. He had fulfilled his end of the bargain, he had done it, he had at least tried it. But he wanted more.

The Man felt Rudy's mouth engulf him. "Oh yeah, it's good isn't it bud. That's something the wife can never give me." The Man jacked Rudy's dick as Rudy continued his first blow job. "Yeah, that's it. You're a natural, no teeth buddy... Yeah. Damn, look at your pre-cum. You are really getting into this. But don't make me blow yet Bud. That's rule number two. When we blow it's gonna be in each other's mouth. Agreed?'

Rudy came off The Man's dick. He held it there contemplating. He was barely able to choke out his reply. "Yes" he said, then went back to vacuuming The Man's dick. The Man followed suit. They found a rhythm in their sixty-nining that worked for both of them. If they got close, they'd back off. They had each other on edge, yet they both wanted it to last.

The Man held Rudy's dick while he started to lick his balls. "Oh that feels good" Rudy grunted. "I guess I have to follow suit." He deftly swallowed one man-egg and then the other. He could feel The Man lick his sack and then slowly nibble towards his asshole. Rudy let The Man's balls fall from his mouth. He doubted he could reciprocate on this.

"Rule number three. I'm about to do something I don't expect you to do. But I just gotta taste every aspect of you. Has anyone ever rimmed you bud?"

Rudy could barely get out the "No" that was caught in his throat. "But I want it."

"Get on your hands and knees bud. I'm gonna send you to heaven." The Man sensed some hesitation so he added. "Don't worry bud, my tongue is gonna be the only thing near your asshole tonight. That's rule number four. Remember, according to rule number two, we are gonna blow in each other's mouth. I have no intention of filling that ass, no matter how hot and tasty it is."

Rudy got onto his hands and knees. Despite the assurance, he felt vulnerable. Then The Man's perfectly groomed beard made contact with his ass. This was one of the most masculine sensations he had ever had in his lifetime. It was only heightened as The Man's tongue darted in and found his hole. "Oh DAMN BUD, you know what you are doing" Rudy all but screamed.

"You know I do, but remember bud, that load of yours is for my mouth. Don't blow it yet." The Man went back to chowing down on Rudy's tail. His strong hands held the meaty ass-cheeks aside as his tongue explored the trench. His thumbs plied the rosebud, allowing The Man to dig deeper with his tongue.

"If you keep that up I'm gonna blow" Rudy grunted.

"Do it"

Rudy fell forward, dislodging The Man's tongue. He then laid on his back as his hips started to thrust. He was over the edge. The Man swooped down and engulfed Rudy's shooting dick at the right moment. Rudy reached out, feeling The Man's perfect scalp as he unloaded. The Man continued to nurse Rudy's dick to the point where it was too sensitive. He then stood, smiled at Rudy, and opened his mouth, showing him the load.

He swallowed, then smiled "Next." The Man leaned towards Rudy, his dick inches from his face. "Your tasty ass has me close. It won't take much. Time to savor your first load."

The Man winked at Rudy. Rudy knew he was crossing another line. He didn't know if there was a way back over that line. Rudy simply opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and waited for the inevitable. The Man's tasty dick found its home in his mouth. He was right, it didn't take much. He felt the first spurt, welcomed the next six. The Man held Rudy's head as he slowly thrust in and out of his mouth. He caressed his head. "Damn sexy flat-top bud. Always liked them, but with this unruly mess I never could have one."

"A flat-top isn't right for you. You just need a pro who can tame your head. And you need to have a standing appointment with him every two weeks."

"We'll consider this a consultation then bud. Scoot over. Time for the client to get to know the barber."

"I don't know; I think it's time for me to go home. I'm completely booked tomorrow."

"Care to share a shower?"

"I guess so, but don't try to start anything" Rudy smiled.

Shower time was pleasurable as the two men gently soaped each other down. Rudy took great enjoyment in inhaling the scents of soap, and masculinity. He even initiated some soft kisses as he held The Man by his butt-cheeks.

They dressed slowly, wanting to prolong the buzz. When they were done, Rudy reached into his wallet and pulled out a card. "I'll pencil you in for two weeks from now. What name do I put in my appointment book?"

The Man pulled him in for one last kiss. "Can't share that bud. My job's too high profile, especially with the wife and kids moving here in a few weeks."

The Man flashed his ring finger. Rudy's heart fell for a moment. He never expected to get close to The Man, but here he was, feeling the rejection of The Man's other life.

"I suppose I should go. The wife will expect updates on the remodel. I could call her from my cell, but I try to call her from the hotel phone to allay fears that I am out enjoying the night life."

Rudy and The Man gathered their towels and keys, and walked upstairs to the sauna's office. The Man dropped a five-dollar tip on the desk with his keys, and threw his towels into the basket. "See ya in two weeks" he said, putting Rudy's card in his shirt pocket.

As Rudy busied himself to avoid seeing The Man one more time, a familiar looking man emerged from the hallway leading to the upstairs private rooms. He couldn't put his finger on why this man looked familiar. Over the years Rudy had cut the hair of half the men in West Duluth, he was just possibly an old client. He noticed the distinctive, clean smell of the sauna's soap on the man's freshly shaved face which was in stark contrast to the dirty bag he carried.

"What's his story?" Rudy asked the attendant when the man exited the sauna's front door.

"I really don't know. He comes here once a week to get cleaned up, shave and change clothes. I'm suspecting he's homeless since he always pays in singles and coin."

Rudy grabbed a business card from his wallet, wrote a quick note on it. "Next time he comes in, give him this. Tell him it's for a free hair cut anytime. He looks like the kind of man who just needs a little help getting back on his feet."


From his vantage point Chase was confident that his partner Sean had followed procedure by the letter, and could make an arrest confidently. "Go for it Sean" he said. Sean's visual acknowledgement let Chase know he was ready to proceed.

Just then Chase saw a lowered Chevy C-10 pickup slam into the lot. "Watch out buddy, this doesn't look good." Two young men jumped out of the pickup, brandishing baseball bats as they made way towards Sean. Another black late-model Chevy pickup entered the lot right behind it. Chase quickly radioed for back up, then headed for the rest stop parking lot. He didn't know if he would make it there in time, but he knew he had to be there for his partner.

Sean wasn't oblivious to the action around him as he reached for his badge and gun. He was certain his authority and gun could out-power three punks with baseball bats. What he didn't notice was the fourth man who jumped from the black pickup brandishing his own softball bat, handcuffs and badge.

"Duluth Police, Put those bats down. You're under arrest."

Sean looked at the young man who was waving his bat and badge, he pulled his gun on the three men. "Minnesota Highway Patrol. Drop those bats and put your hands up." He looked over to the unnamed policeman. "My name's Sean by the way. Thanks for having my back." He then spoke into his chest. "We're gonna need more cuff's Chase."

"Jason's my name. And from the look of things, I should be thanking you. I've been staring at these guy's pics all day."

Chase's car screamed into the lot. He jumped out, pointing his own gun at the three young men now lined up against Sean's car. "You'd better not give my partner any trouble." He then looked at Jason. "Who do we have here?"

"Chase, meet my new best friend Jason. He is with the Duluth Police and just happened to stop by at the right time. From the sounds of it he knows of these young men."

"Sure do. Looks like they will be facing attempted assault charges as well as the hate crimes I have been trying to pin on them."


Francis stood waiting in Pete and Kyle's new backyard garden. Though he had never been, he knew it was theirs by the plants he had seen set aside for Rolf. Wordlessly, Kyle walked down the path and joined him. The sound-system played "You Make Me Feel Brand New" as others joined them.

He looked at the guests. Many he recognized from The Pack's baseball team, others from West Duluth. Mario and Micah looked happy as did Nikos and his wife. Francis thought to himself "I didn't realize Nikos knew Pete and Kyle." As he scanned the guests, he realized there were many more from the police force than he expected.

As the music played Rolf walked toward him. He was resplendent in his navy suit, his full beard obscured his tie. "He sure does clean up good" Francis thought to himself. Rolf stood by him and grabbed his hand gently. "Where's Pete?" Francis wondered.

Then an extended organ note filled the air. Francis looked to the deck, noticed Pete at the keyboard.

Kyle cleared his throat and spoke:

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life."

Francis woke with a start. The intro to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy" played in the background as he recounted his dream. Did he actually just dream about marrying Rolf? Looking at the clock on the wall he realized his fifteen-minute nap had extended to three hours. "Damn I missed the surprise party. Guess I'll have to wait `til Friday to see Rolf." Francis got up, walked to the stereo and turned it off. He made a pit stop in the bathroom, then sought the comfort of his sheets. Wanting for nothing more than his dream to continue, he fell asleep.


FYI The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

With these chapters I am utilizing the HTML method to make my story easier to read. I am looking for feedback on this in addition to any feedback on the storyline. Continue to email me at

Next: Chapter 64: The Countdown 7

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