
Published on Dec 4, 2014


A Year In The Life

Thanksgiving Pt. 2

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Always the early bird, Pete woke up before me on Sunday. I pulled on some sweats, and went looking for him. The only sign of life on the main level was the coffee maker. I poured myself a mug and went down to the lower level. I found him in the workout room, lifting some weights. He didn't hear me enter the room, so I watched him quietly, while sipping coffee. I enjoyed watching him in his sweat shorts. Lifting caused muscles to be defined, the sweat he produced only enhanced them. He was in amazing shape for someone that well into his 50's. I never really had a workout routine, and though my body was relatively muscular, it happened by accident. A combination of good genetics, and just enough activity gave me a sometimes intimidating bulk. Seeing Pete work out, knowing he was 16 years older, I started to wonder what my body would be like down the line. I made a mental note to ask Pete to help figure out a routine, but I knew today wasn't the day.

I slipped up to the kitchen, looked in the fridge, saw the makings for my breakfast scramble and started to whip it up. When Pete didn't come upstairs in time for my concoction, I dished up two plates, balanced them and two mugs of coffee, and went down to the rec.-room. "Breakfast Time" I yelled, getting Pete's attention. He walked into the room lifted an arm to wipe the sweat from his brow, and sat down to eat. We both devoured our plates quickly.

"You never told me you could cook" he said. "What are you making for Thanksgiving?"

"I was thinking of wild rice, an old family tradition" I said We brought our plates up to the kitchen, rinsing them in the sink. I refreshed the coffee for each of us and we sat down. Pete was quiet. He had his coffee, Sunday paper, and notebook. He was checking his list again, looking through the ads for bargains, while doing the crossword puzzle. I felt a bit weird. We didn't talk, I could have easily not been there. Were we at a comfortable phase, or was he just bored.

"How are you doing this morning? I asked

"Great, the workout really helped." he said No talk of last night. He didn't mention a thing about what happened. I sat there, got to a point where I was overanalyzing things in my head, and just decided to forget about the subject.

I poured some more coffee into my mug and went up to the bedroom and changed into the clothes I wore last night. Oddly I felt the need to be home, and maybe give Pete the space he needed. Downstairs Pete looked up from his paper. "Leaving so soon?" he asked "Sit for a while. If I can do it after last night, you can." His smile told me everything was all right. "Does the soreness in your butt ever go away? Do you ever get used to it?"

"Sometimes I get sore, but when a guy knows how to fuck, it is well worth it. Tell me, how did you feel last night when I was dick deep in your ass, rubbing your prostate?"

"Damn Kyle, that felt great. I often thought that men who bottomed were less manly. But I felt the same rush as a good wrestling match or a great work out. I think it takes a real man, to let a man like you fuck his butt Kyle. I only wish I wasn't this sore."

"When you feel sore, just remember the fun you had getting there. Don't the weight lifters say "No Pain No Gain? Tell you what, you teach me a work out routine, and I will give you pointers on ass fucking."

"Deal" he said, and we shook on it.

I slammed my hands down on the table. "I'd love to chat all day, but something tells me we both have a lot to do before Thursday rolls around. We have a short work week. My team doesn't know this yet, but I am giving them Wednesday off as a paid day. I had better get home and plan that surprise. While I am at it I can call Mom and get the wild rice recipe." I got up to leave "I'll show myself the door."

"No sir, a gentleman always walks his dates to the door" He opened the door for me, and again without care of looking either way, kissed me as he stood there in just his sweat shorts. I walked a few steps, looked back, he was still standing there in the open doorway, shorts tenting down to the right. We both smiled. I continued walking home, knowing at least I had a new fuck buddy, if nothing more.

I spent the rest of the morning on my project schedule. I soon realized that even with the diversion of the parade float we had been so productive earlier in the month that we only needed two office days this week. I had toyed with letting my team know Tuesday about getting Wednesday off as a paid day, but decided to let them know earlier so it could help them with their holiday plans. I spent the next few minutes on the phone, calling them with the news. They were all overjoyed, as I should have expected. Half of them invited me to their homes for Thanksgiving. I declined and told them I was spending the day with my neighbor, the wrestler from Friday night. Jean picked up on it and said "Oh, are you two an item?"

"Just friends" I said. I couldn't and didn't lie. I am not sure if Jean read between the lines. I don't recall if Friends With Benefits had a name back then, but that is where I placed our relationship. Once I hung up with Jean I called Mom. After getting the recipe I asked Mom what she was doing for Thanksgiving. She told me my oldest sister was having her over for a scaled down feast. She enquired about my plans and I said a neighbor was having me over.

"Is he a good friend?" Mom asked. I knew what she was asking. In Mom's vocabulary my previous partners were "good friends"

"I think he might be a really good friend" I replied.

"Good Kyle, you deserve it" Mom was in her 70's and moving with the times. I smiled knowing how lucky I was.

I decided to head to the store to get everything I needed for my wild rice. While I was at it I thought about getting presents for my team. There I ran into Brent, and he helped me with my shopping. "It was great seeing you at the parade. Is that guy your lover?"

"Just friends now, I think"

"That can be good, I can't tell you where I would be without Gino. Retail can be stressful at this time of year. He smoothes over the rough edges. I've got a hectic schedule this week. Working late on Wednesday setting up the store for Black Friday, then I have the opening shift on Friday. I haven't even thought about what we are doing on Thanksgiving. Gino always does something last minute, always pulls it off, not sure how he does it"

"Why don't you two join us on Thursday? It seems like Pete is planning a feast for an Army, not the two of us"

"That sounds just like Gino, his recipes are never for two, always an Army. I have never complained, after all I like a man in a uniform."

I chuckled "If Gino wants to, have him make something. We have the turkey and basics covered. I think Pete is planning to eat at about two, so anytime after one is good." We exchanged email and street addresses. We were both familiar with the area and soon discovered we were only about five minutes away from each other. Brent suggested gift cards for my team, so I grabbed them and some thank you notes, and headed for the check out. The store was bustling, but I was quickly through the line, and on my way back home.

I spent the night watching home improvement shows on TV. Pete's compliment of my work in the bathroom was the kick in the pants I needed to get my home project back on schedule. I had what I could best describe as an old farmhouse, though I am not exactly what a farmer could have grown among the forest that sheltered my home. It had a wrap-around porch, the feature that sold me on the house, but much of the interior suffered from unsympathetic "modernizing". I wanted to take the house into the twenty-first century, without losing the feel of a 1900 farmhouse. I started bullet pointing rooms and projects. I gave myself a tentative budget and then transferred all of my thoughts to my computer. I decided to attack it much like any work project, set a deadline of a year, and shut down the computer.

I went to bed reflecting on the day, and the last week or so. I missed the comfort of Pete's arms even if my flannel sheets were doing their best to keep me warm. Brent has sold them to me last year, telling me he had the same sheets on his bed. I thought of Brent and Gino snuggling in their bed in the same sheets as I fell to sleep.

The next day was productive at the office. The extra day off was a big hit, as well as the gift cards. Everyone worked hard, and we actually started on projects I had planned for next week. I even got a call from Pete, which caught me by surprise because I hadn't remembered sharing the company name or our phone number. "I called the company from Friday night" he said. "I told them I was impressed by their new logo and float, and asked them who created it for them. They were happy to share the name." I realized that Pete did this to promote my business, and get my number, he was sneaky like that. "The reason I called was to invite you out with my buddies on Tuesday. Charlie called and he is feeling kind of down, the holidays do that to him. I want you to meet him, get to know him, because I was thinking of inviting him to Thanksgiving."

That surprised me, and also reminded me. "Pete, I forgot to tell you, I invited a couple of guys I know. I realize it was presumptuous to invite them to your house, I hope you don't mind"

"The more the merrier they say. Maybe we are having an army after all. With us two, Angelo, your friends, and maybe Charlie, that is six, I think I can handle that. Well see you tomorrow, I'll drive. You can have as many beers as you need to put up with my friends."

The next day flew by. I sent everyone home at noon and took the scenic route home. I opened the house project file on my computer, adding a few more projects I thought of while driving. Walking through the house I prioritized my projects. I knew there were some light updates I could do in the winter months, so they went to the head of the list.

I walked to Pete's house at about four, earlier than he planned. Angelo's work car was there. I was worried I was interrupting something, maybe something fun, but I saw them through the picture window, sitting by the fire. I knocked and was soon greeted by a smiling Angelo. "I was just about to leave, good to see you" he said. "Pete convinced me to make lasagna, so I have some shopping to do"

After Angelo left Pete looked at me "It isn't what you think" he said "Nothing happened, he was just visiting. He is on call most of the Winter, and most of his family moves south for the season."

"Even if you fucked his brains out, you owe me no explanation, and I wouldn't blame you. He is a fun fur-ball after all."

Pete grinned, I almost felt he was guilty. "So tell me about your friends" I clued him in, assured him that he would like them, they would fit in well.

We headed to the bar. The last of the sun was setting over Spirit Mountain creating a pink glow. We were the first at the bar, picking a tall table away from most of the smokers. Charlie was the first to join us, followed soon by the others. Something about Charlie seemed familiar. I chalked it up to his last name. Luoma is a pure Finnish name. The Jack Pines forests in between my hometown and Duluth attracted a number of Finnish Immigrants. It turned out Charlie was from Floodwood, a team we used to trounce in Basketball.

Charlie was just as I imagined him. He was the life of the party, but I sensed the sadness in the clown. Of all of Pete's friends, I felt the biggest connection with Charlie, and the nagging feeling I had known him before. Two beers in I needed to relieve myself. I went to the men's room, stepped up to the urinal, and unleashed. Seconds later Charlie entered the room and stood at the urinal next to me. "You don't buy beer, you rent it" He said as he started to piss.

"I still have the feeling I know you Charlie" I said

He leaned in, whispered, "You don't recognize me with my clothes on?" I looked around the privacy panel, saw his dick sticking out of a blonde brillo pad and suddenly it dawned on me. "Don't tell Pete you know me from the sauna." he said still whispering. "I am not sure he would understand."

I zipped up, washed my hands and gave him time to join me. We left the bathroom together, started walking to the table as I told him that his secret was safe with me. Charlie and I had a few more beers, Pete kept his limit to two Even though the two of them joked like straight men I could read Charlie and knew had a thing for Pete, not that I blamed him. Meanwhile I was definitely developing a thing for Mike. Gawd, he was just a bit taller than me, bulky as fuck, and tripped every one of my triggers. I hoped Pete didn`t notice.

When Pete finally asked Charlie over for Thanksgiving you could see Charlie light up. Almost all of the other men had families to share the holiday with so it seemed natural that the three bachelors would get together. "Just bring a healthy appetite" Pete said to Charlie as we left the bar.

Pete drove me home and ever the gentleman, walked me to my door. I was slightly buzzed, so I grabbed Pete, kissed him and invited him in for a romp. "Simmer down buddy, I have a lot to do in the next couple of days, and don't need distractions"

"It was great meeting Charlie, he is going to fit in with the crew Thursday" I said

"You think so?" Pete said, looking at me questioningly.

"I know so" I said, and then said goodnight after one last kiss. I walked into the house, made a pit stop upstairs and then went to the computer. I was buzzed, and horny as shit. After checking email, including one from Brent, I found a few websites for eye candy and pulled out my dick. One site I visited had real men, men like the guys I had fooled around with this last week. One guy with a shaved head looked like a younger, taller version of Pete. There was a chunkier Angelo, and a guy in glasses who could have been the twin to the "World's Greatest Dad". The guy who turned my crank the most that night was a blonde brillo pad that could have been Charlie's spittin' image.

I was so turned on I powered down the computer, and went across the hall to my bedroom. In my mind I played back my Summer visit to the sauna.

I wasn't too sure it made sense to visit the sauna on a hot June day, but I had a bad case of the horns. Hot days in June aren't that common in these parts, the lake is a natural air conditioner, but they do happen. It was upper-eighties outside, and steamy downstairs at the sauna. I walked into the sauna room, seeing only one other guy sitting in my usual spot. Old habits die hard, so I sat a few feet over, not wanting to lose my claim to that place.

He was a blonde fur-ball. His eyes were closed, so I took him in. I noticed the five o'clock shadow that bisected his cheekbones. Dimples were present even without smiling. Sweat dripped down onto his chest, his furry chest. A round belly sat under his chest and almost obscured the thickness of his dick. My body was joining him, perspiring the sweat we both came here for. His thickness grew, and so did mine.

He opened his eyes, they were ice blue. "Hot enough for you?" It wasn't original, but it broke the ice.

"Close, but getting hotter all the time"

"Want to grab a shower, and a room to cool off?"

"Not sure that would cool me off, but it is tempting"

We walked out to the communal shower. In an effort to save resources, we showered together. His belly was full, but his ass was an afterthought, two handfuls of furred cheek. I wedge my dick between these mounds as I scrubbed his back. The soap easily sudsed up in his back-fur I cleaned a trail down his back to between his cheeks and then slid my index finger in, taking his temperature. He was primed, I knew what I wanted, so we barely toweled off, walked through the video room and into one of the back rooms. We fell onto the bed into a quick sixty-nine.

In the sauna and shower I was concentrating on his butt and belly so much, I missed the beer can he had up front. I slurped at it, getting as much of his shaft into my mouth as I could. His bull-balls were just as massive, but I couldn't pass them up. He followed me, move for move, ball for ball. We were both oozing a richness. I was open to anything with this guy, literally. I thought for a minute of taking a seat on that beer can, I was prepared for it, but I could tell he was there for one thing, and I was happy to help him out. I slid down a bit more, past his balls, let my tongue slide up to his hole.

"Uh Huh" he grunted as my tongue found it. I licked back and forth, finding the spot each time. I rolled him onto his back, lifting his leg and dove in. Between the sweat, the lube and my spit he was ready. I looked him in his eyes as I deep dicked him in one shove, he was that ready. I rested one hand on his belly, the other on his shoulder as I started to fuck. His ice blue eyes rolled back, his beer can popped directly onto my stomach, and I unloaded in his ass. We untangled and returned to the shower room. He nestled his cock in my crack and whispered "Next time..."

There hadn't been a next time, yet. I pulled up the flannel sheet over my cum sprayed belly, I didn't care. Brent had convinced me to buy a second set, so I knew I could change them out before I started any project tomorrow.

Thanksgiving Pt 3

Pete called me early on Wednesday. He was a bit frantic. Every store in town was out of pumpkin pies. I told him I had made pies before, and I could certainly fake my way through a pumpkin pie. I asked Pete when he needed my help, and he said "you could help me the best by keeping out of my hair" It was hard to avoid shaved head/what hair jokes but I did my best. "Just show up at noon on Turkey Day. I got everything else planned out, but I might need your last minute help.

I called Mom to find out her secret pumpkin pie recipe. "Look on the back of the pie filling can" she deadpanned. "The one time I made the filling from scratch, using real pumpkins, was the one pie that Dad and all of you kids didn't like. Hint number two, whip your own cream. Fresh whipped cream can cover any number of baking sins"

I went to the pantry. By luck I happened to have a can of pumpkin pie filling. I checked the back of the can and realized I had everything I needed for the pie. I remembered the blueberries I had picked with my aunt and uncle in late Summer, and decided on two pies. The food processor would cut the prep time on the pie crusts, so I pulled it out of the cupboard and got busy. I spent the rest of the morning baking pies and prepping the wild rice.

Secretly I wished I was helping Pete get ready, but I knew it was his show. I took the last of the pies out of the oven, leaving them out to cool down. I decided to lay on the sofa, read the latest Rolling Stone, but naptime won out.

I got off the couch a few hours later. My bladder told me I had to make a trip upstairs. After pissing, I decided a shower was in order. I walked to the bedroom and took off my clothes. Thinking I might as well have fun in the shower, I reached into the drawer of the nightstand and took out my trusty dildo and some lube. The dildo was just the right size. Looking at it I realized it was a size somewhere between mine, and Pete's. I bought it just before I left Chicago, not sure what type of playmates I would find up here. The suction cup came in handy in the shower, but it would slip off the previous tiles. When I remodeled this bathroom I bought a few tile samples to test my dildo with before choosing the style I bought.

I got into the shower with "Bert". Yeah I named my dildos, Ernie was slightly larger, almost too thick and heavy for the shower. The shower was relaxing. I soaped up, cleaning certain areas thoroughly, enjoying the chance to caress my own body. The tiles were wet, so I suctioned Bert to the wall at just the right height. I angled my body to shield the dildo from the shower, applied lube to Bert, and my ass, and then pushed my ass back on it.

Sometimes I see ass-play as a means to get off, shoot some scum, and please my partner. Today I just was focused on exercising my butt. I angled myself so the dildo would hit my prostate. I counted off reps as I pushed back on it, the knob hitting my butt nut every time. I flexed my hole to cause more friction on the inanimate dick. My cock was plumping up, leaking like a faucet, but I didn't touch it. Instead I started rubbing my hands through my hairy pecs. My nipples appreciated the attention, and stood up. My hand went to my gut. I sported more of a keg than a six pack, I was okay with that.

One hand went back to my butt as it thrust back. I felt the spot where the dildo was entering my hole, and I pulled that cheek wider. I never thought much of my ass, but Pete seemed to like it. I tried to remember his compliment, something about having a fine tail. I also remembered Pete saying he felt more like a man, being fucked by a man. Damn if that wasn't true. Here I was, in a shower alone, feeling as masculine as I ever had felt, with a rubber dick up my butt.

I was getting waterlogged from my ass workout. I popped off of Bert, rinsed and dried myself, then went back to the bedroom. I pulled a pair of sweatpants from a bag. I never was a fan of them, thought they were for lazy people or young kids, but I had grown to like them while staying over at Pete's. I picked up a couple pairs on my last shopping trip to Brent's store, swearing I would only wear them around the house. I pulled them on commando style, and went downstairs to look for something to eat.

Dusk came increasingly early during northland Novembers. As I was rummaging through the fridge looking for a light meal, I saw headlights flash through the drapes. I looked out the window, didn't recognize the truck, but was surprised when Charlie got out.

He was heading towards the front door, which I seldom use in the Winter, so I popped my head out of the kitchen door and yelled "Charlie, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I stopped by at Pete's" he said. "He is so hell-bent on getting ready for Thanksgiving, he wouldn't even let his best friend Charlie in to piss. I remembered you lived down the road. Mind if I use your shitter?"

"It's upstairs, to the left, you can't miss it" I said

"Don't be surprised if Lake Superior rises when I flush" he said, and bounded up the steps.

I could tell that Charlie had stopped at the bar for some holiday cheer. He had obviously rented his beer. Once again I was taken by his sparkly eyes, and his cheekbones were pinkish from a combination of cold, and beer. I had quickly become taken with Charlie, that much was obvious to me.

I pulled out enough cold cuts and cheese for a couple of sandwiches, and was about to make them when I heard Charlie walking down the steps. "You left something in the shower" he said. I gulped knowing exactly what he meant. He walked into the kitchen, one hand holding Bert, the other one stroking it, slicking it up with the lube he found on the shower shelf. I noticed his dick sticking out of his jeans, thickening as he stroked the dildo. "The last time we were at the Sauna, I told you that you were next, looks like it is my time to even the score."

I went to the living room, got on the sofa and presented my ass to him. He threw his jacket on the couch, unbuttoned his shirt, and pushed his pants to the floor. He slipped my sweats over my ass, the waistband catching my cock, it sprung back up to my belly. "Nice, easy access" he said. I looked over my shoulder to see him stroking Bert some more. "You might need this to work up to my beer can" he said

He slid the dildo up and down my behind, teasing my hole with the rubber flesh. "I can tell by your wet hair, you just got out of the shower bud. You're ready for it" and with that he pushed half of Bert into my butt. My sphincter responded by alternately grabbing and loosening around the dildo. "Yeah, you're working it boy, gotta work up to my dick" he said and thrust the rest of it in. He had that eight incher nuts to butt and started to manipulate it in my butt. He twisted the cock around in my ass, the pliant curve hitting new spots deep inside. Charlie kept the head in one spot, then slowly ground the base in a circular motion, opening my hole wider as he did it. He pulled out the cock, spit on it, hit bulls eye and shoved it in further. If he could have pushed the rubber balls and suction cup in, I believe he would have.

"Time for the real thing Kyle" he said and withdrew the dildo. I regretted the emptiness for a second, but soon felt the blunt force of his beer can. He grabbed me, each hand pulling my ass open. The tapered head went in. "My plumbing is leaking buddy, just primed for your butt." He swirled the knob around using the same circular motions he had used with the dildo earlier. With one more thrust, he was nuts to butt again, brillo pad bush to stretched ass. He leaned over me, licked my ear, and whispered "I don't get to do this often, I'm going to enjoy this ride"

"The dildo was fun, but Charlie's dick was the real deal. Charlie was warm blooded, and his cock made my ass feel like a furnace. As he fucked me his hands and tongue explored my back. He searched for the best way to find leverage, hands on cheeks, hips and shoulders. Sometimes he used a combination of two. His tongue became acquainted with my upper shoulders, even finding the ticklish spot on my spine at the nape of my neck. I shivered, he thrust in deeper. He teased me again, dragging his knuckles across that spot. I arched my back, shivered again, and clamped down on his dick as he thrust.

He lost it, grunted out an "I'm cumming!" and seeded my butt. My dick responded by spraying my couch with cum. We stood, I kissed him. He was surprised, but kissed back. I saw the sparkle in his eyes and I rubbed a finger over his flushed cheek. His heavy breathing slowed a bit

"Hungry?" I asked

"More than you know" he said. I pulled up my sweats and went to the kitchen to finish the sandwiches I had started. I grabbed a couple of beers, and the plate of sandwiches and went back into the living room. He was on the couch, pants still puddled around his boots, shirt still open. "I hope you don't mind" he said as he gestured to the relaxed dress code.

"We're casual around here" "You could be naked for all I care" Charlie took that as an offer, and got out of the rest of his clothes and sat his naked butt back down on the couch. I gave him a sandwich, and beer. He wolfed down the sandwich, and looked ready for seconds. "We have to save room for tomorrow, I reminded Charlie" "When I last saw Pete he was cooking for an Army"

"How am I going to deal with Pete?" he said. "We have been friends forever, I don't know how I can hide anymore, and I would hate for that to break up our friendship"

"I wouldn't worry about Pete. I consider myself more honest, than out, he knows about me, and we have gotten really close in the last few weeks." I didn't tell Charlie how close. "Just be yourself, Pete doesn't have a judgmental bone in his body. You will find the right time and place to break the news to Pete."

I offered Charlie another beer. "I don't want to drink and drive" Charlie said. "I got a DUI once, it screwed me over for a while so since then one of the guys always looks out for me, usually Pete."

"Do you have anywhere to go tonight?" I asked. "You could stay and head over with me in the morning"

"I'd like that" he said as he took a swig of his beer.

We talked on the couch for a while, enjoying the beer. I had long since lost my sweats, I wanted him to feel welcome after all. He commented on my house, I mentioned my plans to remodel. "Between Pete and I, you have the electrical and the plumbing contractor covered" he said.

"I should have known you were a plumber, with that pipe" I said. He blushed.

I got us another round of beers. He started talking about his personal life, filling me in on some of the troubles of the last few years. "I think it all stems from living the lie. I was at the bar last month, and we were joking as usual. One of the guys, Fred I think, said "I'm pretty sure I saw your truck parked up at the Thompson Hill Rest Stop Charlie, were you trolling for truckers?" I gulped Kyle, he caught me. I thought of a quick comeback, the gang laughed, but I almost started coming apart at being discovered."

"If you lose a friend, because you suck dick, is he a true friend?" I knew where I stood.

"I guess not" he came back. He tilted back his beer, emptied it and nodded upstairs.

"I know Charlie, you rent beer." "I should put in a bathroom down here to avoid the need for stairs in cases like this."

Charlie soon joined me on the couch. I grabbed another beer. "Let's look into the possibility of a bathroom down here" he said. I gave him a tour of the house. He had already seen the second floor, knew the general layout, so we started on the first floor. His mind was working, I could see that he was figuring out where rooms were in comparison to the upstairs. By the end of the first floor tour he identified two possible scenarios, either would work for me. "I just have to see the plumbing in the basement, then I can give you a better idea" I warned Charlie that the basement was cold. "I'm warm blooded, and insulated, we both should be able to take a quick visit" I showed him the basement. He saw the main stack, and said "Option #2 is the best one, when do we start?"

I laughed "I have to make it through the holidays. Then we can plan."

We grabbed the last beers in the fridge and I took him up to my office to show him my remodel plans on the computer. It wasn't really an office, but an unused bedroom, something Charlie was quick to pick up on. "With option #2 you were going to lose that bedroom downstairs. Why not carve out a space for a bathroom and build the office next to it" I quickly edited my remodel file.

We surfed the net for a few hours. I think Charlie was blown away with what you could find online. I showed him some of the places I visited. He quickly found out that regular guys like him, liked other regular guys, like him. He suddenly remembered some beer and wine he bought for tomorrows shin dig. I doubted that it would get cold enough to freeze, but he ran out to his truck bare-assed naked to get it

We ended up in bed, I was glad I changed the sheets that morning. Between the flannel sheets, and his insulation, the bed was warm. I snuggled up against his ass. A combination of his ass-sweat, and my dick juice eased penetration, I slipped in. I thought of the `70's drink the "Sloe Screw" as I leisurely fucked him. Minutes later warmth flooded his ass as I wedged my dick in and fell asleep.

The next day I started prepping my wild rice. Charlie joined me downstairs, still naked. "I see you like the dress code" I said, he smiled. I was at the stove in my sweats, Charlie pushed his dick between my cheeks and licked my ticklish spot.

I convulsed, turn around and pushed him back. "I've got work to do, find something to keep yourself busy until we head to Pete's"

"Could you fire up your computer, and head me in the direction of those places you showed me last night?" I brought him upstairs, gave him a quick tutorial, showed him what he could, and couldn't touch. I poured him a cup of coffee, brought it upstairs to the office, and then went on back to the stove.

Over the next hour I worked over a combination of herbs, spices, fruits, nuts and wild rice. My uncle used to be a wild rice agent in our small town, buying the locally harvested wild rice and selling it to processors. I doubt he made much money from it, but many young people in the area benefited each summer when it became time to harvest. Our family canoe would float down Willow River as we used sticks to harvest the grain. Since then I have always bought harvested, not farmed wild rice, knowing the history behind it.

I let the rice simmer on the stove as I walked upstairs to the office. Charlie was there, naked, looking at the same site I showed him the previous night. I don't think he saw me as he absentmindedly stroked his dick. A string of pre-cum fell to the floor. I noticed a puddle there.

I cleared my throat "I told you to save your appetite for Pete's"

"I doubt I will get this there" Charlie replied

"Don't bet on it" I said. I went to my room, picked out some clothes that looked casual, but dressy enough for a fine feast. I went back to the stove, checked out the wild rice, it had about 5 minutes left on the stove, so I added the orange wedges. I found Charlie's box of spirits, balanced one pie and a bowl of whipped cream on it and covered the box. I went to the basement, found a box big enough for my pot of wild rice. I checked the rice, it was ready. I turned off the stove, wrapped the pot in a towel, boxed it, and then put the remaining pie on top of the pot.

I walked upstairs to the office, cleared my throat again "I'd hate to interrupt your play time, but we have to get moving." "We can walk to Pete's from here" "Get dressed buddy."

"How are we going to explain the two of us arriving together to Pete?" Charlie asked.

"You will tell him you parked at my place, to make it easier for his other guests to park"

Next: Chapter 7: Thanksgiving 4

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