
Published on May 12, 2016


A Year in the Life

Shelter Part 5 By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Shelter Part 5

Give Me Today


The pounding at Micah's front door was incessant. He heard that first, then the muffled voice of his brother. His brother had been at his house exactly once before. That time, late at night, his brother was uncharacteristically drunk, and needing quick money. "I gotta end this, I gotta end this" he kept on repeating. "If mom finds out about this, it is all your fault brother." Micah turned him away this past winter when he showed up on the door step, and he was just as willing to do it again.


His brother had called him faggot before, it was nothing new. But this time he threatened to tell Mom. Micah was at peace with this, so he pulled on a pair of jeans, then went to open the door. He stood strong at the door, blocking any entrance The morning sun made Isaiah's hair glow red. "Tell me about this. Tell me about this, faggot" Isaiah spat out, brandishing a copy of the morning Duluth News Tribune.

On the front page of the Local section was a picture of Pete talking to his friend Carl, off to the right was Kyle, and Carl's wife Rhonda. In the background was Micah at third base, his faced unfocused, but still recognizable. "You and your homo friends have matching outfits. If Dad were alive today, he'd be rolling over in his grave."

Secretly Micah chuckled at the malapropism. "Wipe that smile off your face or I'm gonna do it for you FAGGOT. What kind of god fearing man did dad raise? You bring shame on my family name, even as I try to uphold the word of the Lord. I had to keep this away from Mom already this morning."

Mario entered the room. He had hastily put on sweatpants and a t-shirt. "Who is this, is he youvr boyfriend?" Isaiah angrily said.

"Yes, I guess you could call me that, but I prefer the terms lover or partner" Mario grinned.

"Don't get smug with me. I'm family and family needs to protect each other." Isaiah tried to muscle his way into the house, Micah moved to stop him.

"Let me in Faggot. You don't want me to tell Mom do ya?" Isaiah shouted.

"Is there some kind of problem here?" The three men turned to see the man on the front steps.

"No, this is a family matter, butt out buddy."

"Micah, is there some kind of problem here, or is this really a family matter?"

"Yes Captain, my brother Isaiah is just about to leave, aren't you Isaiah?" Micah saw the change on his brother's face when he said the word Captain.

"He's going to go home and forget any of this happened" Mario added.

"Like hell I will. You may or may not know this, but Mom is not a well person right now. Because of that, I am not going to tell her that her youngest son is living a life of sin. That would probably be the last straw. And as for you..." Isaiah turned to the Captain. "Why are you putting your nose in family matters when there is a depraved perv leaving dildos all over town? Hell one of them was found just a few blocks from here."

"I'm putting my nose in this business because this is my town, this is my neighborhood, and these are my people. I live just a few houses down and your yelling was ruining the peace and quiet on my street. I saw the letter to the editor that you wrote and I am happy to know that you live in Hermantown because you do not pay my salary."

The Captain was at full boil talking to Isaiah, but he held back, and brought it down to a simmer. He knew the history of the man. Frequent letters to the editor and phone calls to elected officials meant he was someone to be tactful with. His weekly protests at Planned Parenthood were always within the law, yet skirted harassment for women seeking medical help. It didn't matter if they were there for birth control, a pap smear, or the rare abortion, each woman got his treatment.

With his emotions in check, the Captain continued. "I was up late last night working on a case. When I am done with my morning walk, I plan to go home and take a well needed snooze. If I was an everyday citizen, I would probably turn my ringer off, but as the Police Captain, I do not have that luxury. Instead I am giving my phone number to your brother Micah. If you even attempt to step on his lawn, I am asking him to call me. I promise you, I will be over here quickly. Do you understand that?"

"As a public official you should..." Isaiah started to interject.

"As a public employee, in the City of Duluth, I answer to the Police Chief, and the citizens of Duluth. Since you were probably one of the many who went over the city lines to Hermantown to avoid Duluth taxes. I do not answer to you, until you make it imperative that I do so. By the way, how are those low taxes now?"

Isaiah exhaled. It was obvious he had lost this argument. He looked at his brother. "I'm not done with you yet. You'll see the light and realize how this... this... man has corrupted you. I'm just lucky I intercepted this paper from Mom's place before she saw the kind of man her son grew up to be."

The last line was filled with disgust. The Captain noticed the hate and couldn't resist one last subtle dig. "Well at least she raised one of her sons right, didn't she?"

"Yes she did, and I am glad that dad isn't alive to see this." Isaiah turned and started towards his car.

The Captain watched and when Isaiah finally had driven down the block, out of sight, he turned to Micah. "Looks like you two slept in. My guess is you both could use a cup of coffee, mind if I join you?"

It had been a busy night for Jason. The two dildos that were found, were the first in weeks. The oddest detail was the initials FCH on the one found down at the docks. He was familiar with the dock. His dad would often tell him the story of the ore-boat's anchor hauling up its catch of the day. The story was almost legendary in West Duluth. The novelty of a ship's anchor hooking a submerged vehicle caught the fancy of the nation for a while, even getting notice in the New York Times. But the nation's attention span was shorter than the video's on the then new MTV cable channel, so the rest of the country quickly moved on.

It was Jason's dad's biggest regret, not solving the crime. He wouldn't admit it, but Jason sensed the ultimate divide between the Captain and his dad was because of this case. "I still feel I am right" his dad would often say after relating the story to his son.

Jason had his own regrets. A wife that was growing more distant as her belly grew was the first one. His yearning for the love that he felt in Bub's arms was the second one. The biggest regret however, was the Father whose goodbye was so feeble. "When I'm ready and have all the answers" were the last words Jason heard from his dad before he hung up.

On this beautiful May Saturday morning Jason felt in control of only one of those regrets. If he did his math right, he knew a certain dairy farmer might be visiting McDonald's and the Feed & Seed store. He looked at the Local section of the paper and went back to reading the article about Pete. The Captain had asked him to attend the party for the two men to help with security, just in case. Pete and Kyle, didn't "look gay" to Jason, but they looked happy. "Damn, if I can't get the happily ever after like Pete and Kyle, I might as well have some fun along the way."

Ashley was at her Mom's place for the weekend. The sauna was calling Jason's name.

"I'm glad you guys came over. I think we need to ask a favor of you." The morning sun warmed the back deck. Pete and I were sitting there with Justin and Derek. Putski and Echo were curled up together, basking in the sun. The four chairs on the deck were part of the initial delivery from Rolf's store. Below in the back yard were two pallets of landscaping material.

"If your favor involves those pallets down below, I think you should know, my back is acting up. I probably threw it out last night." Derek rubbed his lower back for emphasis, Justin smirked at the gesture.

"Was he being a bit too physical for you last night Justin?" I asked.

"Well not m..." Justin caught himself. "No, I might have been too physical for him."

Derek's glare told me something was up, but I let it go. "Derek, as a matter of fact, we do need your help with those pallets. Rolf called us this morning and asked if we could make ourselves scarce from here for the week before the wedding. Sounds like his simple plans have gotten more ambitious, and he wants to surprise us. That is where you come in. We can't stay at the farmhouse because we'd still see the progress. Gino and Brent already have a friend staying with them. Is your guest room available?"

"For you, dad, anything. That's what family does. It will give you guys some time to get ready. Tell you what, I'll even take over the prep for the party. Justin and I will, I should say. He has helped cater enough weddings with the steakhouse, we could use his expertise."

"Maybe we could just house swap" Justin added. "I'm taking the week off anyway. Look at it as a mini-vacation. I know you guys could use the distraction from the mess in the paper."

It was the first time any of us brought up the latest article. "Controversy Over Local Icon" was the headline. While the article seemed balanced, I personally thought it was an invasion of our privacy. The chosen picture, also invaded the privacy of my friends Carl, Rhonda and Micah.

"At least they interviewed the minister of one church that is affirming. Justin, if one young gay man or lesbian, finds solace in that minister's words, then I am okay with it."

"Yeah, you never know where someone is going to find the strength or guidance they need Dad" Derek said. "Last night two friends helped us understand the importance of family, and a stranger made me question some long held beliefs."

"What do you mean by that?" Pete asked.

I wanted the answer too, but Derek put his hand up. "Some things are better left a secret. Let me just say I love Justin more each day, and nothing makes me prouder than to be your best man."

The Captain walked down the sidewalk to his Denfeld neighborhood home. There was solace in knowing that his neighbors just a block over were gay men. He had been in the house before when the Johnsons owned it, but this was his first time with Micah as the owner.

He had prided himself on knowing his neighbors, being part of the community. He could tell you what everyone on the block did for a living, and what sport or class their kids excelled in. When Micah moved in, he asked him to be his accountant. He knew so much about his neighbors, and yet somehow he missed the relationship between Micah and Mario.

The Jeep out front should have clued him in. In an older neighborhood like this, one -car garages accessed via the alleyway, were the rule, not the exception. The appearance of the same Jeep every day for the last week, should have been obvious.

He entered his home and went up to the bathroom. The Tudor style home was his private getaway ever since he bought it five years ago. Only one other person had ever entered it, Rolf. He thought of Rolf's timeline. A little over two weeks and they would meet again at their booth in the diner.

The Captain undressed, then started the shower. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. He stood, looking directly at his reflection. "Not bad" he thought to himself. He posed, his legs set wide, his arms crossed over his chest. Hell, he knew it this was his power position. Steam started to rise in the small bathroom. The mirror fogged as he imagined Rolf exiting the shower. In his mind Rolf would enwrap him in his strong arms. The full beard would bristle against his neck as Rolf's dick was cradled in the Captain's ass-crack.

He remembered the parcel he had gotten a few weeks back. It was very similar to the one that was found on the docks the night before, just the shorter, more manageable model. He retrieved it from his night stand, and then returned to the shower where he planted the suction cupped base at just the right height. The Captain entered the shower, closed the curtain, and eased his ass back on the rubber dong.

"It's not you Rolf, but it'll have to do."

"Mom, there is someone I want you to meet. Can I take you to lunch at your favorite place?" The chain Italian restaurant was not his first choice, but he knew his mother loved it She'd get dolled up in her finest, and join the "Ladies who lunch" there almost weekly.

"I can, after I call the News Tribune and complain about their service. Can you believe I didn't get my copy of the paper this morning? Just who is this person you want me to meet? Wait, are you dating someone? What's her name?"

"He's a partner, my business partner now, I should say." Micah caught himself, hating his half-truth.

"Your business is that good that you need a partner already? The way Isaiah tells it you are struggling while his insurance business is thriving. I worried about him ever since he left the bank this winter, but he claims he is doing fine."

"We'll talk about my business over lunch. I can't wait for you to meet Mario. He's quite the guy. And don't worry about calling the newspaper, we got an extra copy."

"I can't wait, I do adore their soup, salad and breadsticks. Isaiah brings me there after church every other week. He is getting so forgetful however. The last three times he has forgotten his wallet. Can you imagine that?"

Mario looked on as Micah said goodbye to his mom. "I'm proud of you, I know this will be tough, but your brother will hold no power over you, when you tell your mom the truth. If she raised you right, she will want you to be happy."

Jason pulled into the McDonald's parking lot. He had spied the lifted Ford F-150 from Grand Avenue. There was a space right by the truck, so he parked next to it. He knew that Caleb was working the drive-thru, so he avoided entering the restaurant.

Bub's large frame filled Jason's rear view mirror as he exited the McDonald's. Jason got out of his truck, leaned on the door, and looked at Bub as he walked towards him. A broad smile filled Bub's face. "Is it Feed & Seed day?" Jason asked.

"Damn right it is? Wanna join me?" Bub said, gesturing to the truck.

"I need to find a spot to leave my truck. Why don't you follow me over to the Spirit Valley Mall?"

It was a quiet day at the mall. Jason found a spot that would be relatively close. There would be enough vehicles around which should allow him to park his truck for an extended time, without drawing attention to it.

Jason was nervous entering Bub's truck. The chrome tube step-up allowed him to pull himself up and in, mimicking Bub's entrance. Inside he saw the custom details that personalized the ride. Bub revved then engine, then turned down the stereo.

He looked at Jason, hesitated for a second, and then spoke. "You make me very happy young man. But be forewarned, this is gonna get physical, it's gonna get sweaty, and I'm gonna make you work for it." He backed up from the parking spot, then pulled out of the lot.

"That sounds promising" Jason said. "Nothing like getting sweaty in the sauna, then working my ass on your dick. I like being physical like that."

"Maybe I should make myself clear. Today is a Feed & Seed day. I need to stop at the store, pick up my feed, and then head home. Sorry to say buddy, the sauna is not in the plans today. However, I could use your help for the afternoon at the farm. The sooner we get it done, the sooner I can make you dinner, and then... If that doesn't work for you, I will drop you off after we are done loading my order at the store."

Jason contemplated his options as they drove to the Feed & Seed. This wasn't exactly what he had planned, but the beautiful man who was driving made the offer seem very inviting. Yeah, he thought to himself, the large man was beautiful.

Bub looked over at Jason as he thought. To fill the silence, he turned up the radio. The oldies station wasn't Jason's first choice, but there was something in the soulful voice that made him listen. "We meet every day, at the same café." The singer's words drew him in. Damn, this was a song about cheating. That's what it was. Jason listened intently to the lyrics. "We both know that it's wrong, but it's much too strong, to let it go now."

Yeah, he knew it was wrong. He looked over at the big man who was humming along to the tune. Bub saw him, then winked. "We gotta be extra careful" Bub sang along. Jason heard the next lyrics about building hopes up too high.

The lyrics were cautionary. But the wink did it to him. In his mind he pulled down the caution tape, just as easily as he would walk into the scene of a crime. "I believe I'd enjoy spending the day at your farm Bub.

He saw Bub's arms flex as he maneuvered his big truck into the parking lot of the Feed & Seed. Bub looked over at Jason. "Time to get busy Jase, you're gonna earn your supper."

"A mother always knows." Those words echoed in Micah's mind as Mario drove back to their Denfeld neighborhood home. Her hair was perfectly coiffed, looking especially auburn this morning. It was her attempt to make her natural copper hair color more subdued. Micah had a hard time remembering her actual hair color, it had been so long since he had seen it.

"That was easier than I thought" Micah said, looking towards the lake. "Did you know that if you emptied Lake Superior, it would cover North and South America in a foot of water?"

The tidbit of information was just another piece of trivia Micah had shared with Mario. "That's cool, but what does it have to do with our lunch with your mom?"

"It's just that we are all connected. Water is finite in our existence. A drop of the water you used to make coffee this morning was once in the body of a dinosaur. Hell, ten percent of the world's fresh water is out there." Micah pointed to the lake. The mid-day sun highlighted the grain elevators near the bay.

Mario nodded his head. "There is so much beauty in our area, and yet your brother only looks for the evil. Something tells me there are some demons in your brother's past that are coming out right now, I am not sure what it is, but I can see him needing his family down the line."

"I'm not so certain I can be there for him. I'll only know how I'll feel, when and if it happens."

The '70 Dart rumbled to life. It was Justin's idea. They'd dog-sit while Pete and I would take my birthday present on an extended drive. "We don't expect you home before sundown kids. Enjoy yourself."

"Where to?" I questioned.

"Let's just see where the day takes us."

"A & Dub's for a quick burger, and then up the shore?"

"Yeah, we haven't been there since they opened for the season. In fact, "We" haven't been there, have we?"

I smiled as we drove down Grand. A & Dub's was a west end tradition. An old A & W drive-in that had given up its franchise long ago. It was only open in the late spring through mid-fall. They still had car-hops who would hook your serving tray on your rolled-down car window. The hand painted menu was still the same. The well weathered lettering was in stark contrast to the fresh paint on the prices that had been updated over the years.

We ordered two bacon burger baskets, and two frosty mugs of root beer. The car-hop repeated the order back, taking great pleasure in emphasizing the alliterative Bs in bacon burger basket.

"Get the feeling she hears that order a lot?" I said, turning to Pete.

"I bet that even with the size of this menu, it all boils down to half a dozen things that are ordered." The menu was indeed the menu for a size queen. It ran a good 15 feet along the side of the building. The building itself was a jumble of angles, and overhangs. Boarded up for almost half the year, and exposed to harsh Minnesota winters, it wore it's flaking paint like battle-scars. When new, and part of a franchise, it would have easily fit the drive-in culture of Southern California. However, now, it felt more like a surfer on Lake Superior, in the middle of winter.

The car-hop brought our tray, I cranked the window up enough for her to hook the tray. The mugs were frosty, as advertised, and solid thick glass. Contemplating our trip up the shore, I remembered the scuba diving store I spotted near A & Dub's. "Have you ever gone scuba diving?" I asked Pete.

"No, I used to be an expert muff diver, but that's all behind me now" he winked.

The burgers were going down too fast, so I made a conscious effort to slow down. The throaty roar of a car's engine caught my attention. Looking in the rear view mirror I saw a low slung '34 Ford entering the lot. I knew the navy blue paint job, the yellow to red scallops. Most of all, I knew the man. "Don't look now, Pete, but we got company" I said, elbowing my man.

Al, or the Cruncher, pulled in beside us and killed his engine. "Anything tasty on the menu?" he shouted. "Or is it the same small portions?"

"No need to shout" Pete said. "Or are you going deaf in your old age?"

Al opened his door. It never failed to amuse me watching the big man exit his low riding beast. In Hot Rodding circles, the car's stance is almost as important as any other aspect. You can nail the details, but if the car doesn't sit right, it doesn't look right. Al's car had the right stance and so did Al.

He walked around the back of my car, took the car-hop's tray off the window, and gingerly placed it on the roof of my Dart. He leaned in, filling the window with his upper frame. Even though I was sitting, my knees went weak. "Great car you got here Kyle. Gonna be fun seeing you at the shows this summer. Aren't you glad I helped Pete negotiate the price on it?"

"Thanks buddy, why don't you hop in the back? We can flag the car-hop over."

"Me in back? I'm a little big for that don't you think?" His wink drove the intended double entendre home. "Besides, I think I deserve a spin at the wheel for all I have done."

I got out, angled the seatback forward, and maneuvered my way into the back. Al took his place behind the wheel. I could see him checking out the details. His fingers lingered over the dash, his eyes glanced around the interior. "I got a guy who can help you with the interior. You might as well go whole hog to match this paint job." He looked back at me. "You deserve it buddy, putting up with that old battle-ax."

Al's smile melted my heart, and chubbed up my dick, a detail that was impossible to miss. "Still got it, don't I?" he winked. "But so does Pete, you are two lucky men. I can't wait to help you celebrate." He hesitated for a second, got very quiet. "So... is there a possibility of a final fling before you two are hitched?"

"Who says it would have to be final?" Pete asked. "Kyle and I plan to continue to play on the side. Right Kyle?"

Al and Pete looked back at me. "Damn right" I answered.

Being physical with Bub, exceeded Jason's expectations. Somehow loading and unloading the truck, cleaning out the barn, and moving a few dozen hay bales didn't seem like work since he was doing it with a man he loved. They were both stripped to the waist, sweating in the cool breeze. He would see Bub's mature muscles flex as they worked. It was enough to keep him on the verge of hardness the entire time.

"I really want to show you my land" Bub said. "Why don't we take the four wheeler?"

From the outside it appeared Bub's property was nestled in white pines. However, Jason saw its expanse from the barn. They got on the four wheeler, Jason reaching around his lover's waist. "Hold on, it can get bumpy out there."

Jason leaned in, smelled the honest sweat on his man's bare back. They drove along the freshly planted fields and down towards a small lake on the farm. There was a shed near the lake shore. Bub stopped the four wheeler at the top of the hill, then got off.

He pulled Jason into his arms and kissed him. His right hand went down to knead the younger man's butt cheek, his left hand held Jason's neck tenderly. He then gently tugged Jason's shoulder, directing his attention at the shack. "This summer I'm making that a traditional sauna. Wood stove and everything. I can't wait to show it to you."

"Well I could use a swim right now" Jason said. He started sprinting towards the lake, taking off shoes and jeans as he went.

"Don't" Bub yelled. "The ice has only been off the lake for a few weeks."

A quick dive and splash was followed by a loud "F-F-F-U-U-U-C-K" as Jason emerged from the cold water.

"I tried to warn ya buddy, but you wouldn't listen. Something tells me you'll need a steamy shower to warm those bones."

Bub ambled to the lake, picking up pants and shoes as he went. Jason quickly emerged from it. "Talk about shrinkage" Bub chuckled. You got an innie babe. I guess I'll have to work on that too.

Bub pointed to the four wheeler. "Here, you drive. I'll try to keep you warm until we make it back to the house." Bub gave Jason his jeans and shoes. He put them on quickly. "I see you're going commando today, was that intentional?"

"The less clothing between us, the best" Jason said as he got on the four wheeler. Bub got behind him, his muscular body providing the heat needed to warm Jason's skin.

Bub leaned in extra close as they got near his farm house. "I love you babe, can't wait to make love to you in our bed" he whispered into the young married man's ear. "That's what it is, you know."

Jason pulled the four wheeler alongside Bub's truck. Bub got off, pulling Jason into his arms. "I know; I love you too Bub. But, it's like the song says. We can't build our hopes up to high."

"Just give me today, and we can figure out the rest."

"Still no answer at Jason's" the Captain thought to himself. He had Jason's cell phone number, but avoided calling him there. What he wanted to discuss wasn't life or death, but it still troubled him that he couldn't get a hold of his coworker. He finally decided it was easier to call him and allay his own fears, than worry about what was happening.

The more he thought about the matter, the more the Captain realized Jason didn't need to be in on his latest issue. This was suddenly a personal matter to him. He had a friend, a private investigator that could help.

"Yeah, get me all the information you can on him. Also if you even get a hint he is coming to my neighborhood, I want to know ASAP. And don't forget, you still owe me, so we'll talk fees later on. Got that?"

The affirmative he heard on the phone let him know the wheels were in motion. He could now call Jason, as a friend, just to ensure things were fine. He knew that Ashley was gone for the weekend, so maybe he and Jason could meet for dinner. With that in mind, he dialed Jason's cell.

About five minutes into our drive, I knew where we were headed. "Your usual hook-up place again Al? You must love the inherent danger in outdoor sex."

I could hear Al's deep chuckle over the engine. "I dunno if we can do anything there. The river's way too busy on the opening of fishing season. I know a place we can pull off, just beyond Jay Cooke State Park. I found it by accident a few weeks ago. There's a perfect spot for a man to bend over and offer up his ass to a horny friend or two."

So Al did like outdoor sex, or more possible, he liked sex where getting caught was a chance. I wondered for a moment if I wanted to use a hall pass before our ceremony, but Pete removed the option from the table. "So which one of us are you offering your ass to?"

"Well I'm driving Kyle's ride now, he can ride me when we get there." Al looked over his shoulder at me. His thick tongue licked his lower lip. "Still got it, don't I?" he winked.

Jason enjoyed watching Bub piss. "You don't need to shower Bub; you smell good the way you are. Fuck, you always smell good" he said, shaking his head.

"It isn't by accident that I always smell good. Try working chores in a dairy farm, then head into school. We rarely could take showers back then. It wasn't fun being in class smelling like a barn. When I took over the business from Dad, the first thing I did was redo the shower. I also get my soap from the same place that the sauna does. It has a fresh clean scent."

Bub shook his dick, the last drops of piss hit the bowl. He turned to look at Jason. "Young man, I built this shower for two. You are the first one to share it with me. The king sized bed in the next room has been empty for far too long. You aren't going to deny me my shower now are you?"

Bub yanked Jason into his arms. Their eyes locked, Jason saw the need. "I'm yours however you want me."

"Start the shower, I'll be back" Jason watched Bub's beefy ass leave the room. He turned, then adjusted the shower. As Jason entered the shower, Bub returned with two fluffy towels, leaving them on the bench. Jason grabbed Bub by his thickness, and pulled him into the shower. Bub closed the shower door and started to kiss his young lover.

"No one has ever tasted better than you, no one" Bub said, coming up for air. "Mind if I sample some more?" The spacious shower allowed Bub to turn Jason around as he nibbled and licked the younger man. Nipples, arm pits, biceps and shoulders were tasted.

Bub paid special attention to Jason's ear lobes as he held the man, his thick dick nestled against Jason's ass. "So tell me, do you love me?" Bub whispered. "Or are you just humoring an old man?"

"Jason convulsed at his man's touch "Oh damn I love you. I want this more than anything in my life." His ass clenched as he said it, butt-cheeks hugged the thick member that was sliding between them.

Bub grabbed the bar soap from the shelf. "Well, I want this more than anything." He slowly went down to his knees. With the soap firmly in his grip, he started to lather the beautiful, hairy masculine ass that was inches away. Jason was a cub, with bear potential. For his entire adult life, Bub had a thing for younger men. He usually preferred men who were just this side of being boys. But here he was imagining his lover growing older, and fleshing out.

"This is the perfect ass" Bub said, working the bar soap over the cheeks. "It'll still look good when my cooking gives you love handles." Bub dragged the soap over Jason's hips, then leaned back to allow the shower to rinse away the suds. When Jason's crack was clean, Bub allowed his tongue to taste Jason's butt. "Yeah babe, your ass tastes so damn good, and it's not even seasoned yet.

Bub stood and soaped Jason's shoulders with one hand, while his other swabbed his dick up and down his ass. "There, that should season it." He went back down and pulled Jason's butt-cheeks aside, then licked deeply. "Yep, perfect" he said, coming up for air.

Once again he stood. His arms went around the younger man as he started to lather his chest and then his stomach. "You've got a natural build babe. It can handle the extra muscle you'll get from helping me on the farm. I know it liked the workout we had earlier, and your ass will like the workout I have planned for it later." Bub swatted Jason's ass with his beer can thick dick. "You're getting me too close just thinking about it. You had better soap me down before I shoot all over you." Bub stood back for a moment, turned Jason around, and handed him the bar of soap. "Here, your turn. I don't want to smell anything like the barn while I make love to you."

Jason contemplated the nearly smooth, stocky man who was standing before him. The afternoon sun coming in through the farmhouse window caused the shower cascade to sparkle. The broad shoulders of his lover were covered in rivulets. It became the obvious place to start.

"So was it hard work that made your shoulders so strong? I can't wait till mine are stronger, wider." He got closer to his lover as he continued to bathe him. His hands started to scrub Bub's back, feeling the muscles. "Since I'm so hairy, my back muscles will need to be more defined to be seen. Will you help me with that?"

"Anything for you, lover." Bub replied.

Jason's hands went lower and started to knead his butt. "I already got you beat in the butt department. Just don't let it get flabby" Jason said, then slapped his man's cheeks. Jason spent a few wordless minutes soaping his lover's ass. The two men hugged as their kisses and moans drowned out the sound of the shower.

Jason felt the hefty slab of dick that was poking his abs. He reached down with the bar of soap, and started to clean it. "No matter what you feed me, I'm never gonna match this" he said.

"It doesn't matter, it's yours when you are ready. Are you ready? Am I ready? How do I smell?"

Jason inhaled deeply. It was the scent of the man he had fallen in love with weeks ago. The scent he remembered. Maybe it was always the sauna soap that he loved, he wasn't sure. The scent triggered something in him the first time, and was doing it again. With another deep whiff he said "You're ready, I'm ready babe, I need you to fuck me."

"We still need to do the rinse and dry cycle, before we hit the sheets" Bub smiled.

He angled his young lover under the shower head. He knew Jason had been rinsed perfectly, but he couldn't pass up the opportunity to handle him gently again. He then slowly rinsed himself off. Each move was for Jason's benefit. He flexed his broad shoulders, let his back muscles ripple. He even clenched his ass, he knew he was no slouch there. Then he turned and swung his dick from side to side as the cascade rinsed it clean. "There, I'm ready" he said, turned off the shower, then opened the glass door.

He grabbed the towels from the bench, threw one over his shoulder, then used the other one to dry off his lover. Again he maneuvered Jason within the spacious shower, spending the time needed to show his love.

When done, Jason repaid Bub in kind. He wrapped the towel around Bub's neck and used it to pull him in for a kiss. He then see-sawed the towel down Bub's strong back to his meaty ass. Again, he kissed Bub, then maneuvered the towel to ruffle his lover's hair.

Bub had gone flaccid while being rinsed, but the kisses were bringing the urgency back. "Fuck the rest of it. Wet or dry, I need you in our bed right now."

Bub led the way to the spare bedroom. The king bed didn't allow much room for other furniture. The clean white down comforter was pulled back, showing crisp cotton sheets.

Jason started to enter the room but Bub stopped him. "Wait, I've always wanted to do this." Bub picked Jason up as if he was a hay bale. Crossing the threshold with the strapping young man was important. Holding Jason in his arms, he looked in his eyes. "To us, and whatever the future brings." He then did it. Bub carried a man he loved across the threshold, and put him tenderly on the bed.

Jason inhaled deeply. The sheets smelled just like the man he loved, crisp and clean. He looked up at his lover, saw the need in his eyes, then when he saw the tears form, he saw the importance of the moment to Bub. His arms went out. "I'm yours today, we'll talk about forever later on."

Bub fell into Jason's outstretched arms. He started to sob as he kissed him. Bub knew the tears represented years of desire for such a man to share his bed and his life. He may only be getting him for a day, so he was going to make it memorable.

He was suddenly unaware of anything else in his life, but the man who was holding him. "Hold on, I'm taking you for a ride" he blurted out, immediately regretting it. However, Jason held on as Bub raised him off the bed. Bub's hands clasped his lover's furry butt, lifting him further. Bub nibbled Jason's clean neck as Bub inhaled his scent.

If Bub liked the smell of the sauna soap on himself, he loved it on his lover. It was like an aphrodisiac on steroids. Bub felt his dick rub his lover's ass crack as he lightly chewed his way up his neck towards his mouth.

Jason knew the inevitable. They were eye to eye, dick to ass. "Fuck me" he said, then started to kiss his lover.

Bub bit Jason's lower lip, then eased his body back onto the bed. Even with the urgency he felt from Jason he knew he had to ease entry. He knelt on the bed, and hoisted Jason's ass to rest on his own strong thighs. He then offered his thumb to Jason, slowly prodding his mouth with it.

Jason suckled the thumb in, lavishing the oversized digit with love and spit. He let Bub thrust the thumb in and out, his tongue applying love with ever movement. Bub withdrew the thumb after a moment, then plunged it directly into Jason's ass. Jason repeated the treatment on Bub's thumbs with his ass muscles.

Bub pulled his thumb out of Jason's ass, slowly bring it to his face. He dragged the thumb past his nose, then smiled at Jason. "Clean... perfect" he said, then offered the thumb once again. This time he rotated it slowly in and out of Jason's mouth. With each rotation in he would caress the young man's beautiful cheeks. Though in the past he wanted his men clean shaven, he was turned on by the stubble that his fingers were caressing.

Bub's left thumb soon joined the right one. "Damn I love you boy" he said as the young man suckled the two thumbs. He held his man's face, rubbing his chin. "Would you do an old man a favor and grow a beard for me? Become the man you are?"

The "Umm hmmm" was muffled by the thumbs filling his mouth, but Jason nodded his head in agreement. He used his mouth and tongue to eject the digits, then grunted. "Just fuck me babe. I'll do anything for you."

Bub lifted Jason's ass with his hands, and thrust the spit slicked thumbs in. "Oh FUCK yeah" Jason said. "I'm ready, I need that dick."

With one hand holding his dick, Bub lifted Jason higher, and lined himself up. With his entire weight behind him, he leaned forward, and slid home.

Jason was never sure how it happened. His ass was virginal only months before, and yet he was able to take the length and girth of Bub's dick, and love it. There was never pain, only pleasure.

Bub started to screw his man. His rhythm was erratic, driven by love and lust. He was happy the afternoon sun was bathing the room with a white light, it highlighted the beautiful man he was loving.

In his thrusts he felt a need to kiss Jason, to taste him. He once again nibbled him on his neck, catching them both off guard. "Sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"No, I love that, keep it up. Damn, you smell so good."

He bit Jason's lower lip, then inhaled. "You too Jase, you too." Bub was glad the younger man was still agile, flexible, as he gyrated in and out of his ass. With both arms he hugged Jason, holding him tighter as he thrust deeper.

"I've waited my lifetime for this" Bub said. With one last thrust, he shuddered, then shook, and unloaded in his lover's ass.

"Phew, he sure knows how to fuck. Lucky you. He's gonna make a good husband for you Pete."

"And with the way you suck dick, you'd do the same if you're ever inclined" Pete laughed.

Our little "au naturel" session with Al was inspired, if unexpected. The spot Al picked out was perfect too. With the tall pines providing shelter, the nearby rapids of the St Louis River drowned out the sound of our rutting.

I had Al so far gone he adopted his Cruncher persona and rasped out demands. "Fuck this man's ass, FUCK THIS MAN'S ASS" he barked, then went back to town on Pete's dick.

"You gotta do what the Cruncher wants Kyle, we can't disappoint him."

As I pulled out of Al's well fucked butt, I thought I heard a twig snap. I gave his ass a slap, then raised my hiking shorts. Pete tucked his dick into his jeans, while Al stood and shook his legs.

"You know, I never have this much fun with the ladies, maybe I should just switch sides permanently?"

Pete's throaty laugh amused me. "Al, being gay isn't all about the sex. My dick could probably have sex with anything, but my heart and mind are tied up in one being, who happens to be a man." He grabbed me. "I love this man, and that in the end is why we are doing what we are doing in a few weeks."

"Then I'll be proud to be there to witness that. Especially having witnessed how in sync you two are. Do you realize you both unloaded in me at the same time?"

Al straightened himself up. He was a particular man about his appearance. He tucked his white shirt into his jeans, adjusting it so it would accentuate his strong gut. The belt was buckled, then adjusted to dead center. His broad hands brushed off the dirt that he had tried his best to avoid while I dicked him. He then pulled a handkerchief out of his rear pocket and tidily wiped his beard of any cum tracks that Pete might have left.

When he was suitably sure he was presentable, he fished into his jeans for the keys to my car. "Throw them here buddy. Just a reminder that the next time we get together, I drive." Pete said.

I swear I could see Al's butt-cheeks clench as we walked towards the car. As we got closer I noticed an early 70's Ford pick-up parked a few feet from the Plum Crazy Dart. The man behind the wheel cranked the engine a few times, before it came to life. "Damn, that guy looked familiar" Al said as he got into the passenger seat. "Looks like someone I remember from the old West Duluth days. I'll probably wake up in the middle of the night sometime next week and remember."

Jason could see the sunset in the rear view mirror of Bub's lifted pick-up. He smiled seeing the road sign off to the right. The timing of passing Sunburst Drive at that moment, couldn't have been any better.

He found strength and love in the arms of Bub, and he suddenly had the resolve he needed to somehow make this relationship happen. Even with the son on the way, he knew he had to make it work.

Riding with Bub as he drove down Thompson Hill towards the Spirit Valley, he saw the expanse of the great lake, and the city that hugged its shoreline. They took the Central Avenue exit, and doubled back to the mall. Jason's truck stood out in the near empty parking lot.

They didn't plan to be there so late, but a great dinner led to full bellies that needed to be rubbed, and that led to...

Jason smiled, remembering how Bub's ass felt on his dick during their post dinner fuck. He knew it would be the image that would help him through the weeks and possible months before they could be together next.

Bub pulled alongside his lover's black pick up. Jason unlocked the door, ready to get out, Bub reached over to stop him. He unlatched the glove box, and pulled out a pad. He quickly jotted down a note, folded it, and put it in the pocket of Jason's shirt. "I'm online now. Hit me up at any time babe. Damn, I need one last kiss man, I don't care who sees it."

"Okay, one last kiss, until next time." With the light of the parking lot filtering in, Jason started to tongue wrestle Bub. He suddenly felt like a seventeen-year-old furtively kissing a girl, instead of a grown man making out with a man almost twice his age. For some reason he didn't give a fuck, not even this close to his wife's bank.

"That was one to remember" Jason thought. "Gotta go, I'll email you later" he said, patting his pocket. "Thanks, we can keep in touch this way, and the wife won't have to know." He exited the pick-up, gave Bub one last look then unlocked his own truck.

He drove home, Norton Park wasn't far from the mall. He had a date to call Ashley, just before 10 that he wasn't looking forward to. Jason parked his truck in the driveway, grabbed his jacket and his phone from the passenger seat, and entered his house. He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out the bar of soap Bub sent home with him. He passed the bar near his nose, inhaled deeply, then placed it in his dopp kit.

Jason finally plopped down on the sofa. He had half an hour before he would have to call Ashley, so he turned on TV. He clicked through the channels, finding nothing. He finally decided to check his phone.

There were 12 phone calls on his list. One from the Captain, three from Ashley, and the last eight from his Father-in-law Patrick. From the frequency of the calls from Patrick, he knew it was important. He skipped his voice mail, and hit the redial button immediately.

"Jason. You need to come down here immediately. Ashley had an allergic reaction to something at her shower. They rushed her to the hospital. There's a possibility she may lose Patrick Jr."

FYI The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

Also I am considering making my e-book available on iTunes. If this option interests you, please contact me at

Next: Chapter 58: The Countdown 1

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