
Published on Apr 20, 2016


A Year in the Life

Shelter Part 4 By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Shelter Part 4

The Outing

"Will the two of you do me a favor and meet me for coffee at the Diner?" He then added "Oh, one more request. Don't read the newspaper until you see me."

The phone call from Marty was unexpected but I quickly agreed. I sent an email to my team, telling them I would be late, then Pete and I joined Marty at the Diner. After the waitress brought our coffee, Marty pulled two papers from the window ledge, and opened them to the editorial page. "Read the letters and enjoy, my friends."

The Evolving Family

A recent letter to the editor promised that a vengeful god would unleash his fury on the Northland. This cataclysmic event would happen because two men have decided to come together with friends and family, and express their love and commitment. Let that sink in for a moment.

First of all, what these two men are doing, is private. They are doing it for themselves, no one else. When their vows are said, it will only impact them, family, and friends. Despite what some people may think, no straight couple will get a divorce because of this. Families will not be torn apart. On a larger scale, Duluth's firm bedrock will not open up and swallow the populace in some apocalyptic way. Two men are simply declaring love for one another.

I have known one of the men for almost all of my life. Although mileage has sometimes distanced us, I think of him as a brother. I am looking forward to being there to welcome his partner into my ever growing and evolving family.

The definition of family is slowly changing. Even in my small town I see evidence of this change. It isn't always easy to accept change, but strong family love wins out in the end.

Religious beliefs are personal. I can tell you that "my brother" doesn't share the same beliefs as I do, yet he still believes that love and family is of the utmost importance. It often appears that there are two types of Christians. Those that embrace God's vengeance, and those that embrace God's love. I plan to embrace love as I support my friends in their future life together.

Rhonda Gillette


In my mind I read Rhonda's letter to the editor in her voice. The letter, and two others, dominated the editorial section of the newspaper. Julie, our favorite waitress at the bar, added much needed humor and warmth to her letter when she said "For heaven's sake some people just need to learn to keep their noses out of other people's business." It was just as easy to read Julie's letter in her boisterous voice.

The other letter was written by a local gay marriage activist. He pointed out the hundreds of legal benefits we would still be missing out on through our simple decree of love. In his words "These two men will soon be able to get a Civil Union in Vermont. But since it is only symbolic license in Minnesota, it would still deny them of all the rights straight couples are imbued with a simple, inexpensive, marriage license. The so-called Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA, actually has weakened marriage by implying that one couple's relationship is less equal than another's"

I had been watching the drama in Vermont unfold over the past few months, yet this was the first time I had even considered that option. The July 1st implementation of the law also didn't correspond with our plans. Once again our simple day had become more complex.

Pete and I finished reading at about the same time. Walt looked at us expectantly. "Pete, Kyle, I hate to tell you how much that other letter angered me earlier in the week. But these three letters... I just don't know how to say it." He shook his head, and slowly stirred his coffee. "I never thought I'd see support like this in my lifetime."

"Neither did I, but I never knew someone like Kyle before." Pete grabbed my hand under the table. He tapped out our 1-4-3 code on my wrist. "Loving him is the best thing I've ever done. It's the most natural thing I've ever done"

"And you do it so well." I tapped 1-4-3 back to him, and then said "I love you." The previous day had found me speechless when a young man showed me support in public. Yet here I was in a busy diner telling the man I loved, that I loved him. It was out loud, others heard, and I didn't care. Martin had spent more than 50 years in his closet. He had to see our strong, personal example.

He wasn't the only one to see. Our waitress, and the owner of the diner both stopped by our table. "Forget about Monday's letter. These letters are a better representation of the people in the Northland. My only problem with the two of you is that you didn't ask me to cater the wedding."

"Well we are going to have a lot of out-of-towners here for the Saturday after the ceremony, can we reserve the backroom for a celebratory brunch?" Pete looked at me, gauging support for his impromptu idea.

I nodded, then turned to the owner. "Does that make up for not catering our party?"

"Consider the backroom reserved."

Gino's morning ritual of coffee and the crossword puzzle was interrupted by a phone call from his friend Morris. "I know you don't agree with me about the need for legal, same-sex marriage, but I think I made a valuable point about the many benefits the breeders get that we don't."

Gino laughed. "I know that you and I are rarely PC, but I am glad you didn't refer to straight couples as breeders in your letter. Are you grinding down some of your rough edges in your old age?"

"Look who's calling me old. I was still in diapers when you were in high school."

"And I will probably be in diapers when you finally finish that degree you've been working on. You are lucky you have a smart, well employed husband who can allow you to take your merry time going for your masters."

"And you are lucky you have an industrious husband who keeps you off the street. Look at us. We both refer to our significant others as husbands, and yet we disagree on the terminology of marriage. "Civil Union, Marriage whatever you call it, we need it. All I want is equal protection under the law."

Gino mulled the point over. He preferred the Civil Union that Vermont would soon be offering, and questioned his friend Morris' preference of Marriage. "They have to get religion out of the matter, make it just a legal contract. That is all the state should be providing in the first place. Beside, tomato, toe mah toe, no matter what it is called, it doesn't matter, as long as it happens in my lifetime."

"Oh it will, and I plan to be there on the day it happens"

When I finally arrived at work the three letters to the editor were already framed, and hanging on the wall. "I knew I liked Rhonda the moment I met her yesterday" Jean said. If she's like a sister to you, I can't wait to meet your family"

I had appointments with a couple of clients, and the framed letters actually started a conversation. My last closet door creaked open as one client commented on the lucky couple who was finding support in the community. "Yes we are lucky" I admitted. His smile and handshake opened the door a bit further.

Rhonda and Carl stopped by on their trip out of town. She was proud of the place of honor her letter already had in my small office. My office staff pumped her for information about what kind of kid I was growing up. She shared half of the stories and glossed over some incriminating details.

Later in the day Pete called me. He had gotten many phone calls, but two stood out. One was from the Tribune, and another from a friend of Gino's. "Damn Kyle, I don't want to make a big deal out of this. They asked me about the vandalism and our upcoming ceremony. I just told them that friends and the community had helped us after the vandalism, and that we were just having a private party. I feel like I am back tracking by calling it a party, but damn, I don't like all this drama."

Rolf's calendar was never far from his mind. He just had to make it through work this weekend, and then four days the next week, and he would have the following week off. It was the thought of that time off, and the man he would be spending it with, that got him through the day. His co-worker Dick was not too happy that Rolf was getting vacation on Memorial Day, and the week before it. In the DIY Home Improvement business, Memorial Weekend is like Black Friday businesswise, as homeowners get projects out of the way before the start of summer.

Drew and the Captain were both on Rolf's mind while he punched the clock after a busy day. One man, Francis, he still loved. The other one, Drew, was an unknown commodity. He smiled as he drove his PT Cruiser home. He and Drew had "clicked" last night online. How would that translate in real life in a little over a week he didn't know. He had even blurted out an invitation for Drew to stay with him in the church while he was in town for the week. There were no promises, but Rolf wouldn't rule out some casual fun with his new friend, more if they clicked in real life.

The elation he felt carried him up the walk to the entrance of his church. He barely noticed the letter sticking out under the door. He recognized the handwriting, so he opened it quickly.


I miss you. Can we work on this?


The vast space of Mario's West End warehouse was finally taking shape. Mario was stripped to his waist, his muscles covered in sweat. His vision of an open space with few walls would keep the focus on the gym equipment. The walls that were going up were for the locker rooms, a private residence, and the CPA office he was furtively building for Micah.

Mario glanced at Micah who was using their make-do office to order equipment for the gym. This was the first of their planned "Family Fridays." They decided that neither of them would schedule clients on a Friday, enabling them to devote the day to building their business and relationship together.

Micah looked up at the strong ex-wrestler across the room. "Caught ya! What are you looking at anyway?"

"Just my lover, my man, my life" Mario said, winking. Mario could see his man's shoulders go slack at his words. There was a relief that Micah had needed ever since he had seen his brother's letter to the editor. "I'm thinking that my man has worked enough today, and maybe I treat him to dinner tonight. It's the perfect way to end our first Family Friday."

Micah picked up the folded newspaper that was next to the computer. "You know Kyle's friend Rhonda said it best when she talked about the evolving family. You, your parents, the Pack and my mom are my family. That other guy is biological, but he is no longer my brother."

"So let me get this straight Justin. You want us to pick up a man to play with as a test?" Putski felt the tension in Justin and Derek's Morgan Park home. He cowered on the corner of the sofa as Derek quietly seethed. It was a moment that Derek was expecting, but one he wasn't ready for.

Derek knew he was the product of a free-love mother, and a long absentee father. He had just started to build his relationship with his dad, and couldn't come to terms with the fact that his father was about to marry another man, and yet they still played on the side. "I guess the promiscuous gene skipped a generation" he thought to himself, then quickly regretted. Perhaps he was too judgmental of his father, because He and Kyle had a strong loving relationship that survived the extracurricular playtime.

Derek patted the sofa "C'mon, sit with me." He pulled the younger man into his strong arms. "I may be going against my values, but I'm willing to talk about this. You just have to tell me why you want to do this, and assure me it won't hurt us."

"I'm not sure why. I do know I am not as strong as you when it comes to other men. I'm pretty sure I'd be tempted and possibly fuck up our relationship. Maybe I just need a trial."

"You are stronger than I give you credit for, and I may be weaker than you realize. Damn, I don't know what to do, but for you, I'm willing to try anything."

This was something new for Rolf, two men interested in him. As flattering as it was, it was overwhelming. The simple note from Francis was one thing, then there was the email from Drew. It was innocuous for the most part, except for a few lines. "I can't wait to meet you and see what develops. Kyle raves about Duluth. Who knows, I might like Minnesota enough to move there."

Rolf thought about the email for a few minutes before he hit the reply button. His fingers were deliberate as he typed.


I look forward to meeting you. I really feel that we have the start of a new friendship, we seem simpatico."

"Simpatico?" He thought to himself. Was the word too pretentious? No, it was who he was. He went on.

"I know that the two of us can give our friends Kyle and Pete the perfect setting for their wedding. It will be our secret, and their present. Working together will help us get to know each other as friends."

"Damn" Rolf thought. "Am I making it too obvious about needing to be friends?" He looked over at the simple note from Francis and decided that friendship was the immediate goal for any relationship with Drew. His went back to the email.

"Drew, if I sound cautious, it is because I am. I just broke up with someone. He was my first attempt at loving someone since I lost my lover years ago. I think of the Depeche Mode lyrics "Pleasures remain, so does the pain." So far the only way I have dealt with the pain is through friends."

"A friend who helps me through this rough time would be greatly appreciated. I hope you can be that man."


It said what needed to be said, so Rolf hit send, then started dinner.

The Friday night crowd waiting for available tables at the West End Diner greeted Justin and Derek. The promised fifteen-minute wait wasn't long, so they decided to wait it out. Derek quickly scanned the restaurant, catching Mario's eyes. He and Micah were in a booth by the window. Derek tipped his hat to the two men, then turned to Justin. "I keep forgetting that Mario's gym is close by, this must be like a second home to them."

"You may be right" Justin said. He looked at the two men who were deep in discussion. He secretly envied that there was no tension evident. As much as he knew he needed to be honest with his partner about his fears and desires, the last two weeks had been overwrought. Justin had suggested that he and Derek should go talk to Pete and Kyle, but Derek was concerned that they were dealing with enough shit as it was. He looked again at his friends. Mario winked, then waved them over. "Looks like the guys want us to join them. Wanna tell the host we have a table?"

"I dunno, I thought tonight was supposed to be about us, and maybe a third." Derek gave Justin a sly wink. "Are you sure you are up for a foursome?"

The response from Drew was swift, and comforting. The best line "If friendship is what you seek, friendship is what you'll get" eased his mind. Drew also mentioned that he was planning to stay with Brent and Gino. "There are some lines we don't need to blur, buddy" was his explanation.

Rolf contemplated his relationship with the Captain as he ate his dinner at the computer desk. Ever since the night he had dinner with Francis at the West End Diner, meals had meant something to be shared. The moments, the conversation, the flirting that he had shared with Francis, were the memories he thought of.

He couldn't get that first dinner out of his mind. He couldn't figure out how he felt so bold, so confident to invite the Captain to a booth, and then back to his place. Damn, what he shared with Francis was much more than simpatico. He remembered looking into the Captain's eyes and seeing the need, seeing the love. The booth by the window was where it started for him. "I'll be damn sure it doesn't end at the lumberyard" Rolf said out loud to no one. Catching himself he chuckled, then thought "Just how am I going to win him back?"

"So when is that gym going to be ready for me?" Derek flexed his biceps as he looked at Mario. It was typical for Derek to do this, assert his dominance when it came to other alpha males. He couldn't deny that his lover's muscles turned him on, but he thought back to how Pete told his son that he didn't always need to be the cock of the walk. Derek had done a good job of keeping it in check, but it would sometimes come back without warning.

Justin had long ago accepted his partner's foibles, but this one still grated at him. "Thinking about yourself again huh? I think the more important question is when will it be open to the public so that Mario and Micah can start getting some cash flow?"

It was subtle, but Derek got the hint. "So how is the place coming? It looks like the work is agreeing with both of you." He leaned in to whisper "Mario, I don't know what you are doing, but Micah has never looked happier."

"Mario takes care of me in all ways" Micah winked.

Derek was taken aback at the usually quiet Micah. "What got into you buddy? Oh wait, I have a pretty good idea. I've seen how Mario fills out those wrestling trunks."

"Subtle" Justin said, then looked at his friends. "You know I can't take him anywhere. Oh look, the food is here, saved by the bell. I can only imagine where the conversation would have gone." Justin looked at the server. "Perfect timing. Your tip will reflect it."

Mario glanced out the window at the hills to the west. The tension between the two men who sat across him, was almost unbearable. He regretted inviting them over. However, Derek was the son of his godfather Pete. It was Family Friday after all and Derek qualified as part of his extended Family. He felt obliged to at least be civil. "Such a beautiful night to be spending with great friends." He raised his coffee cup in a toast. "To my godfather's and your dad" Mario nodded to Derek. "May they love each other forever."

Regret. It was the one word that came to FC's mind in his Denfeld neighborhood home. His latest regret was the feeble note he tucked under Rolf's door. "I miss you. Can we work on this?" It was pure amateur hour, a point driven home by the lengthy email response he got from Rolf.

In his heart he knew why Rolf needed the distance and time, but two weeks would be excruciating. He saw the significance in the proposed meeting spot. The Diner, the place at which they had their first date, the place he fell in love with the big bearded guy. That was the one thing he didn't regret, falling in love.

Two weeks was going to be too long. FC's dad used to repeat the cliché, desperate times call for desperate measures. Francis sat at his computer. It wouldn't be easy to tender his resignation, but it needed to be done.

Mario's toast to his godfather's had its intended effect. There was no posturing at the table, no tension. They were celebrating and sharing stories about the men who had both meant so much to the four of them. He knew it wasn't the night that he had intended for the two of them, but they would have their time later on. Somehow Derek and Justin's appearance at the Diner was a lucky coincidence. Something was off, and maybe they needed the distraction of friends.

With his strict workout diet, he usually would forego dessert, but he felt the need to extend their time together, so he ordered raspberry pie ala mode. While the waitress filled their coffee cups, Micah made an observation. "Did you know that pie ala mode was invented here in Duluth?"

"Micah knows so much trivia. I'd say he had useless information, but I've learned so much. Plus, it helps fill in the awkward moments."

"Sorry about that guy's." Justin's whisper caught everyone's attention. "I guess every relationship goes through their rough spell. This time I think I'm responsible."

"Bullshit. It's a two-way street." Derek put his arm on the back of the booth, then lightly touched his lover's shoulder. It was an unexpected bit of intimacy from Derek in a public space. Derek looked at his man, then their friends. "How do you think my dad's do it? They never seem to have any problems. Hell, I don't know if you know about this, but they play around, without any jealousy."

"I think you need to ask them, have a heart to heart." Mario looked pensive. "We haven't even talked about monogamy, and I may be putting words in Micah's mouth, but I think I lean towards that. I have seen too much shit going on while I was a wrestler. If my dad could be a wrestler during the free love seventies without cheating on my mom, I think I can do it."

"But is it cheating if it is within the agreed upon framework of a relationship?" Justin glanced at Mario, and then his man. "Derek I think I heard one of your dad's said that love wasn't like this pie here. If I have a piece of pie, it means one less piece for someone else. Love is endless, and you know I have more than enough to go around."

"And sex isn't love anyway. Yeah I know it." Derek shook his head, then continued. "This is all a façade, window dressing, compensation. It is my shit to deal with" Derek said, flexing his biceps. "When I was growing up I knew I was gay. But real men and wrestlers aren't gay."

"What does that make me?" Mario joked.

"Growing up gay in the 70's and 80's we didn't know that or see that. All we saw were the caricatures on TV, florists, drag queens and the such. When Mom and I moved out to California I did see the clones, even got to know a few of them later on. But in the back of my mind, my wrestling heroes were the ones that inspired me to work on my body. I guess years of rejecting that femme side, trying to be the butchest thing on the block, has made me very possessive and controlling of Justin, and he doesn't deserve it."

"But Derek, you don't have a femme side. Yes, you have a loving, tender part of you, that is what you inherited from you mother and father. But, you have nothing to compensate for, no need to be butcher than anyone. Just because you suck dick, doesn't mean you are any less masculine than anyone on this earth. Plus, babe, you know in your heart that you do not need to control me."

"I know, but..." Derek sighed. "Guys, I didn't mean to ruin your night out together. If there is any consolation, I think Justin and I are a lot closer to seeing eye to eye on this."

"I can't speak for Mario, but you guys didn't ruin my evening" Micah said. "In fact spending time with my friends is a great way to continue the great vibe I felt this morning when I read the letters to the editor in the paper. This is what a family does for each other. We pull together and give advice if needed. You guys will figure this out, and so will we when the topic comes up. But right now if you guys indulge me, I would like to take my man home, so we can have some us time."

The Captain looked at his resignation letter. He gave the requisite two-week notice. He would be able to hand over the reins on the Mad Dildoer case to Carl, Jason and the Chief. Pete and Kyle's wedding would be his last official business. With any luck, Rolf would be there as his surreptitious date. He still couldn't come clean with the Chief, but he did say he was quitting for "personal reasons that might impact the force negatively, if revealed." No, Francis Charles Hendricks couldn't tell the chief that he was bi, and in love with a man. That would be evident after he resigned, and was a private citizen.

The Captain stared at the computer screen. He scanned his resignation one last time. It looked perfect, he was ready to send it. However, something this significant needed to be acknowledge. He went to the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of Merlot, a wine glass, and corkscrew.

He poured half a glass, then following the tradition of his lover Rolf, he signed the cork.


Francis raised his glass to the computer screen. "To Rolf, and my new life." He hoisted the glass towards the screen, used his other hand to click the send button, then took a sip of wine.

Derek and Justin had been to many a Tuesday night happy hour at their favorite bar, but Friday night just felt different. None of their gang was there, there were only a few people they knew. They were only going to be there for a night cap, a bump before heading home.

Dinner with Mario and Micah had put their plans for the night on the back burner. On their ride home they both realized their idea to pick up a playmate for the night was destined to failure. If they ever decided to play, it had to be natural, not forced.

The beers were going down easy as they talked. The hoppy local brew gave them a slight buzz. Without an available designated driver, they knew their limitations. Justin looked up at the bar from his booth seat. He knew if he paced himself, he could sample one more beer safely. The spigot handles called out the choices on tap. To the right of the taps, he saw something else he could easily sample, if given the chance.

He was pretty certain the bespectacled man was the shortstop for last night's opposing team. He remembered how the man moved on the field, and how that ass filled out his shorts as he stood at bat. Justin took a swig of beer, then licked his lips. For a moment he was unsure if he tasted the beer, or this man's precum, the fantasy was that strong.

Justin quickly looked back to his man. He hoped Derek hadn't seen his wandering eye. "Should we try the Honey Weiss next? I see they have that on tap." That should cover it, he thought to himself.

"Sounds good to me, but then we are heading home. When we get there, I'm gonna tap that ass."

Just then the shortstop got up from his bar stool and headed towards the restroom. Justin caught Derek's eyes following their opponent as he walked past their booth. "You too huh? Damn, what an ass."

"Yes, but it's a married ass. Didn't you see the ring?" Derek whispered, conspiratorially. "If we ever do play, would someone like that be an acceptable playmate?"

"I just want to please you tonight." Justin was about to place his hand across the table, but remembered where he was. This was still a working man's bar. No matter how accepting it was, there were still lines you didn't cross. Instead Justin started to rub his foot up Derek's calf. The sly grin on the other side of the table clued him in to his success.

"Great game last night guys. You won fair and square." The voice startled Justin and Derek. They looked up at the handsome man who was leaning into their table. "Mind if I join you. I usually don't drink alone, but I am a bachelor tonight. The wife is at a spa, my Mother's Day gift to her. She left me with explicit instructions to enjoy myself while she was being pampered."

Jason scooted over, patted the seat of the booth. "Sure join us, the more the merrier."

Micah collapsed on Mario. "Damn babe, you just bring out the top in me." Micah could feel Mario's cum between them as they wrestled on the bed.

"You were always a top. I'm just the lucky guy who gets to enjoy this" Mario grabbed Micah's still-rigid dick. "But I'm staying for this." Mario's hands caressed Micah's chest, right above his heart. He rubbed his cum into the furry chest, then let it rest there, feeling his lover's heartbeat.

He had known Micah less than a week, and yet Mario felt confident in one thing. "You know Micah, I'm with you for the long haul, no matter what. And if there ever is a time that you feel the need to test it, I think our love will last."

"What do you mean by test it?" Micah leaned into Mario, wanting the full answer.

"Well, do you want to be monogamous or monogamish? Sorry if this is too soon to ask."

"What do you mean by monogamish?"

"Well, look at Pete and Kyle. Their love is monogamous, but they play, with ground rules. Pete even told me one of the rules. They have what they call a hall pass. You see their asses are off limits for other men, unless they both agree on the hall pass. I'm not sure if that is something they are doing going forward after their wedding, but it is in effect right now."

"Let's work on what we have together first, before we try to explore anything else."

Derek closed the drapes of his Morgan Park home. He didn't know if the guy was gonna flake on him, but the way he talked at the bar gave him the impression he wanted to play with two men. "The wife told me I had to enjoy myself" the man said. His laughter made the line sound like a command, not a suggestion.

Derek walked into the living room. Justin sat on the couch, in his corner. He saw the doubt on his lover's face. "I'm sure he's gonna show up. Don't worry, he said he knows the neighborhood." He patted the couch beside him. Derek sat down as Justin's arms quickly enveloped him. "It'll be my chance to be a top" the redheaded fireplug lustfully whispered into his man's ears. "I gotta feeling he's gonna want both of us before this night is over." Putski looked up at the two men on the sofa. He sniffed the air, his head went back down to the floor.

The knock on the door startled the men, Putski, barked rapidly. Derek readjusted his hard on down his right pant leg, then walked toward the door. It was true that Derek was exclusively a top in their relationship, but the thought of Justin fucking another man had inspired the hard on that was pulsating against his leg. He and Justin were about to test their relationship. His mind was still struggling with the idea, but his dick had made its decision.

The porchlight reflected off the man's glasses. Derek pulled him inside, past the office into the living room. There was an awkward silence as the man sat down on the other end of the sofa. "I'll get us some beers, is that good with you?"

The man nodded and Derek left for the kitchen. "Beautiful night, I love this neighborhood when the trees start to leaf out" Justin said, trying to break the ice. From the kitchen the men could hear the sound of three beer bottles being opened. Justin nervously grabbed a throw pillow to hide his growing hard on.

Derek returned with the beers, handing one to each men, then took a swig from his. His trip to the kitchen had not lessened the erection in his pants. He swallowed the beer, took another sip, then looked at the men on the sofa. "Well?"

The shortstop looked at Derek, then took a long draw from his beer. The talkative guy from the bar, was suddenly quiet. He saw Derek standing there, nervously, so he stood, and stepped towards Derek. When he was face to face, he reached down, and pawed the thick dick that was snaking down Derek's pants leg.

Derek rested his free hand on the man's shoulder. With minimum pressure the man went slowly to his knees. When he got there, he scooted over, angling himself so Justin could see. With his left hand, he slowly traced the lump in Derek's pants. The ring finger was evident as he manipulated the masculine bulge. The man rested his chin on the hard dick as his left hand stroked it. He then took a healthy swig of beer and kissed the top of the bulge, releasing the fluid.

Derek jumped slightly as the cold beer soaked his pants. His dick remained rigid while the shortstop started to suck the brew from the denim. The man looked over at Justin, who was slowly readjusting himself. With a nod, Justin undid his belt, then unzipped his hiking shorts. With his eyebrows, he motioned towards Derek's own waist. The man took a long swig of beer, swished it around in his mouth, then undid the waist of Derek's jeans. He tugged both side of the fly as the zipper went down.

The man fished out Derek's dick. It slapped against the man's five o'clock shadow before being swallowed into the man's beer filled mouth.

"F-f-f-f-f-f-f-uck" Derek grunted as the cold beer bathed his dick. His jeans fell to the ground as he thrust his dick further into the man's hungry throat. Justin stood, lost his shorts then joined Derek at his side.

The invitation was obvious to the shortstop, as he took another swig of beer, then swallowed Justin's copper fur trimmed dick. "Damn, you sure know what you're doing buddy" Justin said as his butt involuntarily thrusted forward, lodging his dick down the man's throat.

The two lovers stood arm in arm as the shortstop continued enjoying his beer. With each swig, he would spend more time pleasuring them. He kept on going from lover to lover, as he downed the twelve ounces of brew. When he was done, he wordlessly stood, undid his own waistband, then turned. With minor coaxing, the pants started to fall, unveiling a perfectly furred ass.

He then knelt on the couch, placed his elbows on the back cushion, then looked over his shoulders to Derek and Justin. "I'll need the redhead to prime me before I attempt that dick" He said. He then reached his left hand back, pulling his ass cheek aside. His ring finger manipulated his hole. "Lick it" he said into the back cushion of the sofa. "I'm clean, that's what took me a while."

Justin picked up his beer from the side table and took a swig. "Two can play at this game" he thought as he leaned forward and spit some beer on the hairy crevice that was awaiting his tongue. He quickly lapped up the amber liquid, then continued to tongue the man's crack.

The man leaned his entire weight on the back of the sofa cushion as his hand pulled his ass cheeks apart. He was not lying when he said he was clean. Justin could only taste the beer, and a little man-musk. He took another swallow of beer, saving a little for the man's beautiful hole. With his beer lubricated tongue, he started to probe further into the man's butt, tasting more of his man-musk. He was still missing the one flavor that he enjoyed the most while rimming.

Justin stood and started to swab his dick up and down the man's butt-crack. He was so focused on the man while rimming him, he had almost forgotten the other masculine presence in the room. He looked over at Derek, who was boned up and leaking. "Help me out hubby. Give him some of your dick juice too."

The two men took turns rubbing their dick-snot up and down the man's hairy crack. They would slowly take their turn, prodding the waiting hole each time. Justin's only direction was to prime him. On his last pass he felt the shortstop's hole was well primed, so he pushed further in. When he finally arched his back, he was balls deep in a married man. He looked over to his lover. Derek's lopsided grin, and mouthed "yeah, go for it" was all he needed.

Justin grabbed a hold of the two furry globes that were in front of him. He hadn't fucked a man for almost half a year, it was time to make up for that. "Gonna fuck me some married ass, give you something your wife can't."

He was slow and deliberate at first. He was supposed to prime the shortstop after all, not wear him out, that was Derek's job. However, the perfect ass he was balls deep in, had other plans. His furry hole started to lunge back rapidly. Justin caught the man's groove and picked up the pace.

"Fuck YEAH" Derek grunted. "When did my man become a top? I might need some of that later on babe, you sure know how to fuck an ass."

"Just shut up and watch, if you want pointers." Derek watched as Justin started to pummel the man's hole. One hand on the man's ass cheek to control tightness, the other on his shoulder to gain leverage.

Derek got behind his shorter redheaded lover and hugged him as he continued to fuck the married man. "I'm beginning to like this babe" he whispered. "I'm glad I, uh... we, took a chance. Looks like you are revealing a whole new side to me."

Derek leaned in and licked the nape of Justin's neck. He knew his move would have a desired effect. Justin shivered, arched his back, and slammed his dick home in the shortstop's ass. From Justin's ass spasm, Derek knew his man was unleashing his cum deep in the married man's butt.

Derek let his lover slowly come down from his cum-high. He pulled Justin back. Derek's thick dick nestled in his lover's ass-crack as he hugged him. "You're the best babe, I now understand why we are doing this."

The married man looked over his shoulder at the domestic bliss. "Enough of that. I'm not done yet. Next."

"Yes I got your resignation, and no I am not going to accept it."

The phone call from the Chief was expected, but sooner then he thought it would be. The Captain had spent the rest of the night crafting his letter to Rolf. Every word was considered, it was the perfect plea for forgiveness. However, he knew he had to wait for the Chief to accept his resignation, and it looked like he wouldn't get it.

"I need you down at the docks. We have a case that literally has your name on it."

"But Chief, I have had half a bottle of wine. I'm not on call, and I shouldn't be driving."

"I'll have a squad there in minutes. I'll have him pick up coffee on the way. I just need you here. Got that?"

Putski looked up from his spot on the floor. That scent was in the air. The scent that meant his two pack-mates were engaged in activity that required him to stay out of their way. He laid his head down again, then sniffed the third, newest scent in the room.

Derek looked at the married man on the sofa. He was undulating his ass in anticipation of Derek's longer, thicker dick. But Derek had something different on his mind. He wanted the shortstop to see the face of the proud, out, gay man who would be filling his ass.

"On your back buddy. I want you to look in my eyes when I fill that butt of yours."

The Captain sobered quickly on the ride to the docks. He recognized Jason's stature as he strode down the length of the dock. He had forgotten his protégé was on duty, but he was glad to see him. The exact spot where Jason was standing with the Chief, brought the Captain back almost twenty years. He had been there that time to see the 70's sedan that was hooked by an ore-boat's anchor.

Jason's dad joined him at the dock that night in the early 80's. They combed the vehicle for clues. The vehicle, and the bodies within it had gone missing almost five years before. The frigid waters of Lake Superior had done its best to preserve the bodies, but time, and the ship's anchor, had not been kind to the car. Their death was still a cold case, in more ways than one he thought.

There were no ships in sight as he walked down the long dock towards the policemen who were huddled at the end. They were looking at something at their feet, as he got closer, he realized what it was. There, at the Police Chief's feet, was a nine-inch dildo. The Captain knelt to inspect it closely. Then he saw why the Chief wanted his personal attention in the case. At the base of the dildo were the initials FCH.

Derek looked at the married man whose ass was still clutching his dick. Fucking a straight ass, that had already been filled with his partner's cum load, was a mighty turn on for Derek. True to his word, Derek's eyes were firmly planted on the shortstops eyes as he filled his ass.

He slowly withdrew his dick. He had the sudden need to savor the two loads that were mingling in this man's butt. He knelt down, raised the man's legs, and started to lick his hole.

"Don't, I save that for my wife!"

"I thought your wife was away for a spa weekend" Derek said.

"That was just a story to help pick you guys up. It's part of my Mother's Day present to her." Their fuck buddy, who had been taciturn for most of their time together in their Morgan Park home, was suddenly talkative. "My wife found my stash of toys a while back. She got suspicious so I had to tell her everything. She got turned on when I told her I used to get fucked when I was in college. She started to use them on me, then get me so hard I'd fuck her. But that started to be less effective. So one day she sent me down to the sauna, and told me to get fucked, literally."

The shortstop started to play with his hole as he related his story. "The first time I got fucked, I showered at the sauna, then went home. The sex was great as I told her all the details. The second time I went there, I was due home, and no one appealed to me. I was about to leave when this hot bear daddy came in. I had to make it obvious to him, so I showed him my ass. My wife says it is my best feature, even better than this dick." He swung is still-hard nine-inch torpedo back and forth while he continued to plunge his finger into his hole.

"So this guy licked me like no other guy ever had rimmed me before, until you maybe" he said, nodding towards Justin. "Then he fucked my well used hole and dumped his load deep in me. I had no time to shower, so I hurried home. When I got there the wife took a whiff of my freshly fucked rosebud and started eating me out for the first time ever. When she was done, I flipped her over and fucked her."

"So that is what happens every time now, or some variation. She is in control; it is her rules now. She tells me when to go out looking for a man. I need to come home with an ass full of cum, and I have to save my load for her."

"That is the strangest thing I have ever heard" Justin said. "And oddly it is one of the hottest things I have ever heard too."

"All I can tell you buddy, is it works for us. She knows that she'll never be able to fuck me like a man can."

"What about your stash of dildo's?" Derek inquired.

"What stash? I lose them one by one. Each time she sends me away, means I lose another one. And this time I guess I lose two." He smiled at the memory of the two men who had banged him earlier. "This is part of her Mother's Day present. She will be going on a spa weekend next week, that isn't a lie. Oh, and I bought her a corny gift. I got her a "World's Greatest Mom" T-shirt that matches the "World's Greatest Dad" one she got me."

FYI The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

Also I am considering making my e-book available on iTunes. If this option interests you, please contact me at

Next: Chapter 57: Shelter 5

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