
Published on Feb 24, 2016


A Year in the Life

Shelter Part 2 By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

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Shelter Part 2

The Letter

Present Day Sodom and Gomorrah

Duluth is certain to become the Sodom and Gomorrah of present day Minnesota and God will exact his vengeance on the populace if we keep on our wicked ways. If our recent ice storm wasn't enough evidence of his power, imagine the fury he can unleash on us in the future.

If you wonder why we are courting a vengeful God, you only have to look to recent occurrences in West Duluth. First, there has been a crime spree involving so called adult toys, and now two known homosexuals think they are getting married. One of them, Pete, is a very public figure who should think about his responsibilities as a role model and athlete. Men like him should be pure of mind and body. Instead he parades his perversities in front of everyone. Doesn't he know it is Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve?

All of this has been aided and abetted by a local press who won't report the truth, and a police department which is only concerned with sweeping things under the rug and giving comfort to the enemy while the real heros (sic) are hunted down.

It's time we wake up, smell the coffee and realize this is a Christian Nation and our Christian God will soon call up a storm so forceful, so awe inspiring, it will make our recent ice storm seem like a drizzle. There is still time to repent. Time for the News Tribune to repent, and along with it, the Police Department.

Isaiah Wilkins


Pete pushed the paper aside. It had been a great day up to that point, and he would soon be leaving to pick up Kyle's friend Carl. His day was going to be good, and no ignorant, pious, sanctimonious letter to the editor was going to fuck with it. He already had enough of his phone ringing off the hook, so he put his cell phone on vibrate, and headed off to pick up Carl at the old Fitger's Brewery complex.

Micah let his car idle. He needed the extra time to calm his nerves. He didn't need to see the name at the bottom of the letter to the editor. A few years earlier it could have been his father, but this time it was his brother. That acorn certainly didn't fall to far from the tree. When he finally felt he was able, he grabbed his briefcase and entered Kyle's office building.

"Just what the fuck does he mean when he says the police department is only concerned with sweeping things under the rug? FC you know I trust you, but you and your staff better have your I's dotted and T's crossed when it comes to anything regarding either of these cases. We've taken dozens of phone calls this morning and though you know, and I know that most think this fella is just another wingnut, he does have a few supporters. Luckily those with brains far out-number the wingnuts."

The Captain looked up at the Police Chief. The Chief was in the power position, a position the Captain usually occupied. He did not feel comfortable giving up the edge to the other man, even though he was his superior. He looked at the Chief, gulped once, then spoke. "Believe me, we have things under control. I have a visiting expert on the Dildo case, and I will make sure the hate crime is investigated thoroughly. I will not let the prejudices of a few, keep our citizens from leading a safe life."

"Sorry about the letter in the paper."

I looked up at Micah as we went over our financials. "No reason for you to be sorry about someone else's ignorance, just because you share the same last name. It's not like you're related." I glanced at Micah, the reaction was immediate, I could see the color draining. "Wait. Are you?"

"My brother has been dead to me for quite a while. This is just one more nail in the coffin." In the quiet of my office, he told me the whole story. His abusive father, docile, obedient mother and demeaning brother made his last dozen or so years a constant struggle. Even in death, his father held a certain control over his life, especially with Isaiah as executor of his will. Everything Micah had, he earned for himself. College tuition, his car, and the down payment for his house came out of his own pocket, while Isaiah pissed away the thousands he skimmed off the estate. His mother, ever obedient, turned a blind eye to the actions of her husband's favorite son.

I sat there shocked. I couldn't imagine all this hate and turmoil within a family. I often joked that my family lived a 50's sit-com existence. Sure we were far from perfect, but the thoughts of my own father brought nothing but warm memories. I couldn't imagine having to live with these thoughts, these memories. I stood, gestured for Micah to join me, then I pulled him into my arms. My kisses on his cheek were comforting as he started to cry, my touch let him know it was okay.

"I should be the one comforting you Buddy" he finally said, pulling away. "Once again my fucked-up Dad and brother are trying to ruin someone else's happiness."

I flicked the angel wings that sprouted on the back of his neck. I looked into his eyes for answers, then finally found the words. "You are responsible for no one else's actions but your own, just like he was responsible for himself. You are the man that your dad never was, and your brother never will be. We can go over this later. You probably should go be with Mario. I bet he has a project or two for you to help him with."

"You know Kyle. Every other man in my life has drained energy from me. Mario gives it back."

Carl was waiting on a bench in front of Fitger's. The lake breeze energized him as he contemplated the last twenty-four hours. The previous night he had met the man who would be marrying a friend from his childhood. In high school he had wondered and worried about Kyle's orientation, but the growing confidence he had seen in Kyle after he came out, pushed all concerns aside. Sure, Kyle had some struggles, but the glimpses Carl saw of the growth in Kyle every year, had impressed him.

Then last night he met Pete, the man Kyle would soon be marrying. Even though their time together was short, he saw the love the two of them had. It almost felt like what he shared with Rhonda. This was something new for Carl. There had never been any gay marriages in their small town. Sure everyone knew that the female lumberjack who lived north of town had a longtime companion. Then there was the older man whose advances Carl had to brush off. He felt good remembering he never judged the man, never demeaned him, he simply said, thanks, but no thanks.

The troubling thing to him was the letter to the editor. Whoever this Isaiah Wilkins was, he was suddenly a person of interest in the Dildo case. There was an undercurrent to the letter that fit with a few of his theories about the suspect. To appropriate Shakespeare "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Pete pulled up in front of Carl, honked the horn and pulled him out of his reverie. "Where to buddy?" he yelled from the window. "Your driver is at your beck and call."

"There are some places I do need to see" Carl said getting into the pickup. "But I will leave the rest up to you."

In one short week Rolf had become smitten. He knew it was an old fashioned term, but it worked. No one had ever made him feel this way. That is why the sudden phone call from Francis hit him hard. He knew there was pitfalls loving someone in the public eye. However, suddenly an ignorant letter to the editor was impacting his life. He was still digesting what Francis had to say, they would have to tone things down for a bit, lay low. This didn't jibe with what The Captain had told Kyle. When it came to Pete and Kyle, they should go on living their life, but Rolf and Francis had to live by different rules.

Pete was unsure what every spot on the map represented to Carl, but he was his dutiful chauffeur. Carl was very no-nonsense and quiet. Those qualities hit home with Pete since they mirrored his own. The men conversed like old friends and felt no need to fill in the silence.

They picked up some sandwiches and drove to one of the spots on the map. The lookout up on Skyline Parkway was a perfect location to see the lay of the land and eat lunch. "I've lived in the northland almost all my life, and I have never been to this spot, it's breathtaking" Carl said, breaking another long silence. Between bites he looked at Pete. "You know Rhonda is going to like you, but I gotta warn you, Duke is almost a brother to her. Don't ever give her a reason to be mad at you. She still talks about how sad Duke was when he stopped to see her this past winter."

"Believe me I have no such plans" Pete responded. "I was at the point in my life where I thought I'd never be in love with anyone, much less a man. I am not going to screw up what we have."

"Great! You know, I have seen so many people screw up their chance for happiness when they worry about what others think. Too often people hide who they are when they would be better off facing up to the truth. For instance, don't get me started on that letter to the editor in today's paper..."

"I'd rather forget that. We are going on with the wedding, and it will be so great having you and Rhonda there for it. When I make a promise to Kyle to love him forever, I will be making a promise to all of his friends too."

I made it through the rest of the day without incident. I frankly needed a few brews with friends at our usual Tuesday night get-together. I didn't know what to expect regarding the letter to the editor.

Most of the guys were quiet, especially Rolf, but our favorite waitress brought us out of our doldrums quickly. "The first rounds on me guys, consider it an early wedding present. I'm still waiting for my invitation by the way" Julie said.

"You're invited, don't worry Julie" Pete smiled. "It's informal so don't expect an engraved invitation."

When the beers and soft drinks arrived, things seemed back to normal. A few of the people we only knew from the bar stopped by to offer their support regarding the letter. "That man's a fucking psycho" one guy commented. "He's always got his holier than thou opinion which he feels he has to force on everyone."

I looked to Micah, mouthed the word "Sorry" then shrugged my shoulder.

"He's right" Micah said back. "He is a psycho and he is no longer my brother."

Somehow the night ended on an upbeat note. Pete nursed his beer while I made up for him by drinking more than my usual. Pete drove home sober. I was more than slightly buzzed when I he carried me up to bed. Echo laid in his new doggie bed. He looked annoyed as Pete and I started to wrestle on the comforter. Echo was asleep when Pete lifted my legs and slid into my ass. He growled lightly when Pete grunted "I'm cumming babe, take my load." We awoke with Echo's ass planted between our faces.

Mario woke up in Micah's arms. Something was on his new lover's mind. He could sense it in the restive sleep Micah experienced the last two nights. Their love making the previous night was just as fulfilling as the night before, but more tender, intimate. He simply spooned his new lover and let their combined sweat, spit and precum ease entry. It wasn't a sprint; he was in for the long haul as he slowly fucked his man. The resultant orgasm was intense as he trembled and filled Micah's ass. He was sure the aftershocks would have registered on the Richter scale.

Once again he felt his lover leave him sometime in the middle of the night. Again, Micah returned, hugging Mario tighter as they both fell asleep. That was almost exactly the way they woke up. However, this time Micah's morning wood was poking Mario's own meaty ass. Mario knew he was ready, it was time, so he rotated his ass back on Micah's perfect five inches.

Micah couldn't play possum anymore. "Yeah Babe, your ass is so tight, so warm. It's just what I needed." He started to take control of the lovemaking, sliding into his lover's butt. He felt the fur that fringed his man's ass. He gripped Mario's strong shoulders, then leaned into his ear, nuzzled his neck and whispered. "You're gonna make a top out of me yet, damn Mario, your ass feels perfect."

"Only for you babe, only for you." Mario clamped down on the perfectly curved cock that was thumping his prostate. He had a few men fuck him previously, but no one fit quite like Micah, no one made him feel so good. "Damn Micah, you're gonna make me shoot if you keep that up. Who the hell taught you how to FU-U-U-C-C-C-K!"

The last slam of Micah's dick into Mario's prostate forced Mario to shoot all over the sheets in front of him. His whole body spasmed as he felt his lover dump his load into his ass. A tingle that started in his toes, strengthened as it travelled up his legs to his muscular thighs. A shiver that originated at his neck, spread out to his fingers and down his spine. All sensations converged on his asshole which was trembling as it clutched onto Micah's perfect dick.

Mario had only intended to pay back his lover by offering up his ass. He never realized that Micah would give him the energy back in such an intense way.

The phone call from Micah was unexpected. I was not technically his employer, he had no reason to call me and tell me he wouldn't be in that day, I was merely a client. Yet I heard the love and warmth in his voice when he told me was spending the day helping Mario set up the business accounting side of his gym. I certainly noticed the life that was missing the previous day when he talked about his brother.

I decided to take the day off and work with Pete on our upcoming wedding. We both were still coming to grips with the idea that our private declaration of love had become something public, but we weren't going to let some narrow minded individuals impact our commitment to each other. My team was supportive of my day off, and even offered their assistance with planning if we needed it.

The Captain looked at the computer screen with Carl. He was somewhat shocked at the information Carl had gleaned in the last week, and more than embarrassed at the security risk their current computer system was to the police department. How was this deputy sheriff from a Podunk town in one of the poorest counties in Minnesota, so computer savvy that he was able to break into their system so easily? What made matters worse was the other spying eyes that had seen confidential computer files. Could it be someone on the force? Could it be the Mad Dildoer himself?

"How the hell did you do that? You do realize it will be a tough sell when I explain to people that you are here to learn our computer system?" The Captain's frustration was evident. "Maybe we need you here to bring us up to your standards."

"It helps having a brother-in-law who is a computer genius." Carl smiled at that last admission. His brother-in-law Randy designed one piece of computer software at 23 years of age, that set him up for life. Randy and his wife worked only because they wanted to, not because of need. Randy had long been a close friend of Kyle, a fact that Carl thought of while filling in the Captain on his pet theories about the Dildo case.

"Captain, I think it is time for some full disclosure here. I read the letter to the editor in yesterday's News Tribune. I know the two men whom the douchebag was referring to. Kyle has been a friend for decades, and I met Pete just the other night. Now I have some doubt that the person who wrote that letter is responsible, but it would fit with one pet theory. However, that letter will tie the two cases together in the public mind, and puts both men at risk."

"That's been weighing heavily on my mind especially after the vandalism at the bar. I want them to go on with it, told them myself, in so many words, but I'm still concerned. I almost want someone from the force there for their own safety."

"For what it's worth, I will be there with my wife. I'd hate to see what Rhonda would do to someone if they tried to ruin her buddy Duke's day." Carl smiled slyly thinking of his wife's wrath. "She may be petite, but the few people who have tried to get the best of her, have lived to regret it."

"Well maybe if I can snag an unofficial invitation, drag Jason along with me, I'd feel better. Between the two of us, you and your wife, and the half dozen or so ex-wrestlers who should be there, no one would dare try to ruin their day."

"Rhonda and I are having dinner with the men tomorrow night before the softball game. Maybe I can bring up the idea with them. From what I know it's an informal event. In the meantime, do you have an office I can take over for a while so I can do some snooping on this other hacker? If you don't mind, I can call the brother-in-law. If you need his security credentials I can get them."

"Oh we have enough extra offices. With our force being downsized due to budgets, I am sure I can find you an empty space to take over while you are here." The Captain worked swiftly setting Carl up. When Carl was finally settled, the captain went back to his own office and started to go through his own computer. There were a few sites and files he was worried about, should Carl start to snoop into his own matters. He could easily explain them away. He was simply checking out leads into the case.

Sitting at his desk he thought of a personal email he had gotten at home earlier that morning. He regretted making a promise to meet his friend, but he did have an ulterior motive. He had written down the address, checked it on his wall map of West Duluth. It would be a longer drive, but it would certainly be worth it. He was unaware of the reason for the change in location, but the remote location added a certain privacy he needed.

Pete and I lounged on the floor, looking out the big living room windows. The way he held me, nuzzled me, reminded me of our first night together. The falling snow of that night was replaced by sunlight filtering through trees. Echo was taking advantage of the sunlight, basking on a sliver of light that warmed the floor. Our wedding plans hadn't advanced much, but that didn't matter. We were simply fulfilling a need for closeness.

His breath was light on my neck when he finally spoke. "I could hold you like this forever, and it would be all I need. Do you ever think that this whole wedding thing is unnecessary? I mean look at all the fuss, the vandalism, the letter to the editor. I only wanted to share how I feel about you with friends, and now this is becoming almost like a circus."

"Babe I feel the same way, but now we can't go back. We simply have to focus on why we are doing this. If we make a commitment to each other, the circus will leave town."

Pete held me tight. I felt his strong arms envelop me as he lightly kissed my neck. The shiver started, and slowly trailed down my spine. It reminded me again of our first night together. I felt sheltered in his embrace, knowing that moment watching the snowfall, was the moment he fell in love with me.

Fred and Jeff huddled together in the semi-darkness of the small shack. Wednesday was Jeff's new day off and Fred was joining him for the first time in their newly designated "Suck Shack." "Remember, discretion is a big part of this for some of my clients. If you recognize someone, don't blurt it out here or out in public."

"You should know me better than that babe" Fred said. "I'm not gonna fuck this up. He hesitated. "Shhhh" Fred whispered. "I think I hear footsteps."

The two lovers were quiet as the sound came closer. The door creaked as it opened. In the silence they heard a man enter, close and latch the door, and then shuffle forward. A voice familiar to both of them quietly spoke. "Nice set-up. I like how secluded this is. What's the reason for two holes buddy?"

"You have your choice bud, I'm in the first one and my friend is at the other" Jeff whispered.

In the light filtering in through a small vent near the eaves of the shack, Fred caught glimpse of a well-known figure in West Duluth. Now he knew why the voice sounded familiar. The man on the other side of the sheet of plywood was a long time fantasy. Fred actually felt himself salivate as he thought of one of his fantasies coming true.

The man spoke. "I think I'm gonna go for what's familiar first." He kneaded the lump in his slacks, then slowly unzipped, pulling out five inches of perfectly curved dick. "Too much stress lately. I've needed this, boys." With his hands he swept his jacket aside and stepped forward, his dick went through the glory hole and into Jeff's waiting mouth. Fred gulped when he saw the holstered gun.

"Yeah... I need this" His chuckle grew into a growl as Jeff started to engulf his rigid thickness. "No one quite has the technique you do bud. Your friend will have to work overtime to measure up."

Fred watched the sliver of action he saw from the adjourning hole. Thick legs were planted wide. The man's slack clad ass was clenched as he thrust into the hole. Fred's eyes ran up the man's arched torso to the strong arms that were crossed on his meaty chest. It was a sight he had seen on the local news, the night at the bar, on the softball field, and even the morning after his arrest.

"Oh fuck you're good" the man said, throwing his head back. "Yeah nurse that spot, nurse that spot."

Fred was torn between watching through the hole, or catching the action on his side of the partition. He looked over at his lover who was bobbing on the thick spit-slicked knob of their "bud." His lover Jeff was simply put, a master cocksucker. He could tell exactly what a man needed by body language and vocal inflection. He worked over the spot knowing it would drive his "client" crazy.

Fred leaned in to get a closer view of the action. Jeff scooted over a bit and started to nurse up and down the side of the man's dick. It was a clear invitation to Fred who joined his lover on their friend's cock. The two men started working in tandem, a detail that wasn't missed by their "client."

"OH DAMN I have two mouths on my dick" the usually reserved man all but shouted. "Who's gonna take it? Who's gonna take my load?"

Jeff moved back and allowed Fred to take the lead. Fred sucked the thick five inches down to the root and tugged the man's furry balls through the glory hole. He had one goal, taste the load of the man on the other side of the plywood. He suddenly knew why he woke up that morning. He was only there to thank a fellow traveler who had unknowingly helped him months earlier at the lowest point in his life. He was going to savor the load of the local Police Captain. Fred let his throat muscles massage the beautiful dick filling it. He felt the balls tighten in his hands, the Captain's body shook. Fred knew it was time so he backed off, leaving only the head on his tongue.

"Damn! You're good too buddy. Gonna feed you my cum. TAKE IT" he grunted. The Captains body went slump on the plywood partition as he unloaded into Fred's waiting mouth. Fred slowly vacuumed the perfect dick, collecting the entire load. In the available light of the shack he turned towards his lover Jeff and slowly opened his mouth, revealing their reward. The two lover's lips met as they continued to nurse the Captain's still hard cock. They share the seed between each other as they worked in unison.

"Keep it up and you'll get it again." The Captain said as he leaned against the plywood. He was really considering going for seconds when his phone rang. With his body still plastered against the wall, his dick still being administered to by his friends, the Captain reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

"Captain speaking... Yeah... He cleared security?.. Good, give Carl the go ahead... Wait, he even offered to help fix our computer system for free?... Yeah, I'll be back soon, just finishing up lunch."

The Captain slowly pulled his dick back through the glory hole. "Sorry guys, I gotta run. This is a great set up you got here. It's a shame, but I am going to ask you to close it up for a bit. With all of the hubbub about that letter to the editor I just don't need any more distractions. I'm sure you'll understand that it is the best for you two, and your neighbors. Don't worry Jeff, I'll give you the go ahead when the coast is clear again. And by the way, you're welcome Fred."

Fred crouched in the shack, amazed at what he heard. So many things were becoming clearer as he saw the Captain tuck his dick back into his slacks, straighten his clothes and then leave the shack. Jeff had told him a few months back that one of the reasons he closed his previous glory hole was some inside information. You can't get any more inside, than the Police Captain himself.

Echo followed the patch of sunlight as it traveled across the living room floor, eventually landing right near Pete and I. The three of us snuggling together made me realize this was my new family. In the quiet I heard their soft breathing. I felt their hearts beat in the closeness. We weren't progressing too far on wedding prep, but we were cementing our love.

With one final flex, Pete broke his hold on me and spoke. "Time we get off our asses and get something done." His movement forced me to slowly get up. I pulled him up into a quick hug. "We can no longer procrastinate Kyle. A little over two weeks from now our house will be filled with friends and we aren't even near ready."

I looked to the wall of windows. A plain-Jane sedan drove towards town. I had seen it head towards the old Farmhouse earlier. "I'm wondering who could be visiting the guys?" I said, totally perplexed.

"I'm not sure why the road is getting more traffic lately. Maybe people are taking advantage of the spring weather to hike down to the creek."

"That gives me an idea. With the nieces and nephews visiting, I think we should do a scavenger hunt on our land. It'll give them something to do while the adults are busy."

Pete stopped me. "We have a bigger issue to discuss. How are we going to accommodate the rapidly growing guest list? I have this idea about the back yard. C'mon, I'll show you what I mean."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." The Captain slammed his hands on the steering wheel. "Why in the hell do you keep doing this Francis?" he questioned himself. Even though he knew the answer, he pulled his sedan into a rarely travelled road, rolled down the windows, and turned the engine off.

He could continue the lie. He could try to convince himself that he went to Jeff's glory hole just to quietly shut them down. He could claim that the casual sex he had with Jeff and Fred had no bearing on his relationship with Rolf. Hell, they weren't even in a committed relationship yet.

Everything he thought, was a lie. He loved Rolf, and what he had just done was cheating. He had not only dumped the man he loved, he had quickly sought impersonal release at a glory hole, under the guise of "this is best for the city."

It wasn't best for the city; it was the easy way out for Francis Charles Hendricks. He had dumped Rolf to avoid being outed somewhere down the line. Francis Charles Hendricks had been a coward when he needed to be a hero for his community.

As his pulse returned to normal, he noticed the soft breeze through the open window. The air was filled with the scent of green. It was a hard thing to put into words for the Captain, but he knew his lover Rolf would make the scent sound poetic. The Captain dealt with details at work, but Rolf always noticed and celebrated the smallest detail in nature.

Francis started the car, but left the windows open to allow nature into his life. Work would have to wait a few minutes he thought, as he slowly pulled back out onto the main road. There was a big man working at the lumberyard who deserved his attention.

FYI The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

Also I am considering making my e-book available on iTunes. If this option interests you, please contact me at

Next: Chapter 55: Shelter 3

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