
Published on Feb 3, 2016


A Year in the Life

Shelter Part 1 By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Shelter Part 1

Fathers & Sons

It started out innocently enough for the Captain. Rolf was undeniably frisky after the birthday party he had attended the night before, and the Captain reaped the benefits. Clothes were strewn everywhere as the two men's ardor got the best of them. There was no script to their sex, just men in heat. It was over quickly, but the afterglow lasted the night.

In the early morning hour, the Captain got up to piss, then started to tidy up. Rolf's wallet had fallen out of his hiking shorts in the frenzy, its contents spilled on the floor. It took him seconds for his eyes to adjust to the moonlight, but when he saw Rolf's driver's license, curiosity got the best of him, he couldn't look away.

"Rolf Ian Mackenzie? You mean your initials are R.I.M.?" The Captains laughter echoed in the church. "Rim huh? I guess your parents knew your future."

"Yes, Francis Charles Hendricks. My parents knew their bouncing baby boy was going to grow up to be an avid butt licker. You didn't seem to mind last night, or the night before."

This was all on the Captain's mind as he searched the police department's database. In cases like this, everyone is a suspect. He was just being a good cop checking any and all clues. Rolf Ian Mackenzie had numerous sex toys in his church loft bedroom. Happily, Francis found out that his lover Rolf also had a spotless record. No misdemeanors, traffic tickets, petty larceny, nothing. Even his credit score was exemplary. He was the model citizen.

The Captain regretted checking into his lover's records, but was happy they came up clean. The case of the Mad Dildoer had gotten cold, no findings or emails for almost a week. A Sheriff's deputy from a nearby county was coming to Duluth later on this week to train with the department's computer system. He happened to be involved in two major cases that involved sex toys. Carl was as close as the Captain was going to get, to an expert in such matters.

At work Monday I checked my emails when I noticed one from my hometown friend Rhonda. I hadn't seen her since February, so I was quick to check it out


I'm going to be in town later on this week. Carl will be there with the Duluth Police Department learning their computer system, and helping them with a bizarre case. He can't and won't share any details, the turd, but he is excited. He probably will be there weekdays, until the wedding, so if you two can have him over once or twice, I'd appreciate it.

I know he could make the trip home daily; it isn't that far. But I think he is just looking forward to time away from the old battle-axe. After almost 30 years I think every relationship needs their space.


Rhonda was my sister's best friend, Carl held the same position for my brother John. He was a lot like John, but a little more at ease, affable. He had a quiet strength that held him well as Deputy Sheriff. Our county was mainly rural, almost sleepy from a distance, but look closer and you could see the less desirable side. Amid the lakes, forests and rolling hills, were pockets of despair. A high percentage of people lived below the poverty level, and with that came issues.

Carl had dealt with many family crimes over the years, always with empathy and resolve. He was a respected lawman, and probably could have been Sheriff, but he didn't play well with the politics. Instead he did his job to the best of his ability, and left work, at work, when he could.

I suddenly had two more dates for the week. Tonight Pete and I were joining Mario and his parents at the Fitger's complex, and then later on in the week I'd get to introduce Rhonda and Carl to Pete.

Caleb couldn't believe how easily he could hack into the Duluth Police Department's computer. That would be one of the first things he would address when he finally graduated and joined the force. He was there for one thing, to check on the mysterious case of the dildo sightings in West Duluth.

People say a lot of things around someone when they think they cannot be heard. Though Caleb was legally deaf, he had some hearing, augmented by his hearing aid, and even better observational skills. His bedroom wall had a map of Duluth, with magnets representing the location of every dildo sighting he was aware of. This morning's perusal of the Police Dept. computer, filled in a few more.

There was one thing that baffled him. Why was the Captain showing interest if Rolf Mackenzie? Rolf was a big old bear of a guy. Caleb's keen gaydar pegged him at gay. Could he be a chief suspect in the dildo case? Maybe he'd have to stop by the local lumberyard and find out for himself.

Mario's face was inscrutable as we waited for his parents to arrive. If he and Micah, had hooked up, he was not kissing and telling. After one long stretch of silence I simply looked at him and said "So...."

He avoided my direct gaze for a minute. When he spoke, it was quietly. "So... When did you know Pete was the right one?"

"Almost immediately. What about you Pete?" I looked at him. I had never asked him that before.

"While holding you, watching the snow fall." The look of bliss that washed over Pete's face told me everything I needed to know. He looked at Mario. "I never had known love before, and my mind was conflicted because it was a guy that made me feel this way."

Mario nodded quietly, then finally admitted "I felt it yesterday when I saw those angel wings on the nape of Micah's neck." I gulped at the comment, I shared the same affinity for that sexy feature. "This feeling is a first for me, and I believe it's a first for Micah too." Mario looked at the two of us, I could tell he was mulling over something, he got quiet. "You may not believe this, but other than kissing, and a lot of hugging and touching, nothing happened last night."

I was at a loss for words, Pete jumped in. "Kissing, hugging and touching can be more intimate than sex if it's with the right guy" he said glancing towards me. "I've got a feeling that Micah is inexperienced and just needs to be romanced, educated. Can you be patient with him?"

"Definitely, he's the right guy, I am certain of it. I only hope he feels the same way about me."

"You only hope who feels the same way about you?" We were so caught up in our conversation, we didn't see Giorgio and Arlene arrive.

"Dad, Mom, sorry, I was hoping to tell you later, but I think I found the one."

Jason sat at his computer. Ashley was out for dinner and shopping with friends so he had the early evening to himself. The dildo sightings had stopped, his stalker's emails had too. He was still baffled by the case, but glad he could go on the computer without worry about what his inbox had for him.

The guys in the softball chat room provided a chance to forget about all of it. Ashley, Bub, the case, the stalker and especially the dildos could all be swept aside. They would chat about softball, sex, beer etc. and most of all, they could trash talk each other. He knew almost all of them by name, or screen name since as a group they were a little leery of newbies.

However, there were two relative newbies he had quickly grown to know and like, and they were present that night, joining in on the trash talk. Jason had to admit that his user name SftbllStud made him a prime target for trash talk, and DreamField and SloPitchr were always willing to pitch in. He was playing along with the friends, until one spirited exchange happened.

DreamField: Stop being a dildo "Stud", and who are you trying to kid? UR more of a DUD, than a Stud.

SloPitchr: Yeah, besides he probably wants what I am pitching. He's definitely interested in this pitcher's mound.

SftbllStud: Fuck the two of you. Oh wait, you'd probably like that too much.

DreamField: That's not what your Bub-ba said. He can't wait to cop that ass.

Jason went silent as the rest of his friends joined in. "Dildo, Bub-ba, Cop." Those words cut a little too close to his reality. His intuition told him something was up with his newbie friends. He went right into cop-mode and started to copy and paste the chatroom notes to a file. He interjected a few bits here and there, just to keep his presence in the room, but most of his time went to investigating Pitchr and Field.

The two had profiles that were suitably vague. For all Jason knew, they could be of either sex and live anywhere. He looked at the rest of the people in chat. He knew most of them personally, from softball tournaments and games, but Pitchr and Field were unknowns. No matter how gullible Jason felt at the moment, he was a cop, and had to keep on investigating. He stayed in the room until the two of them left. When he felt he had gathered all of the evidence, he left soon after. He knew the Captain would probably be home alone, so he picked up his cellphone, and called him.

Giorgio and Arlene didn't bat an eye when Mario came clean on his new love. Frankly they seemed more concerned about his gym business. I allayed their fears unintentionally. "You know Mario, you can always do some freelance work for me while you get the business up and running. I've seen your work and more and more of my clients are needing an online presence."

"That sounds like a great idea Kyle. But don't expect me to have too much free time. I've done my research and I think I will have a thriving business within a year's time. And if I scrimp and save, I have more than enough money to last me that long."

Giorgio was a proud father at that news. He clamped his hand down on Mario's shoulder. "Now that we have that covered, when are we going to meet Michael?"

"It's Micah Dad, M-I-C-A-H."

"I keep telling him he needs a hearing aid, but will he listen to his bride?" Arlene laughed.

The twenty-five-minute ride home from Bub's helped Micah clear his head. Just a day before he was struggling with an empty feeling. But then he met a man who immediately filled that void, he just wasn't ready for it.

He knew that he was gay, he had felt that way for as long as he remembered. He had been comfortable with the guys he had met at the bar. They were mostly his "type" if he admitted to having a type. They all welcomed him in, making him feel comfortable, and oddly never judged him or asked him if he was gay. They just considered him a friend, a friend without a label.

He had even broached the subject with Bub. "Have you ever felt you met "The one?"" Micah said, using air quotes.

"Twice, the first time was never meant to be, and unfortunately the current one looks off limits too. If your guy is available all I can say is go for it."

Micah was determined to go for it. It was time to shit or get off the pot as his dad used to say. Unfortunately, he knew what his brother would think of his new lover.

Caleb thought about leaving his calling card on the Police Department's computer system. He had done that before when he hacked into a computer. He had never done anything malicious, hacking was just a sport to him. This was the first time he felt he was doing something that crossed the line. However, he convinced himself he was only working on a case, he was helping the police out.

He also felt the same way about the fun he had in the chatrooms he visited that night. He bounced from one to another, each room mirroring a part of his identity. He was especially pleased and surprised to find the online community of deaf gay men. One older man had almost become a mentor to him, someone he could connect with.

His own father was just too weird to fill that spot. That became very evident when he hacked his father's computer. "I guess everybody has their fetishes" Caleb thought as he perused the websites on his father's internet history.

"Carl" I yelled as we were walking to our car. "I expected you later in the week."

Carl looked at me "DUKE, great seeing you bud. Rhonda told me she emailed you. I just decided to come here early, take a day off and get to know the city a bit more before I get into the thick of it. Treating myself to the hotel here until I have to economize at the Motel 6."

"Carl, meet..."

"No need to introduce me to Ivan, Giorgio and Mario. C'mon, everyone in the area knows about these wrestling legends. Great to meet you Ivan, and congrats on snagging Duke here. John has been telling me how glad he is that two of you have found each other. I guess the boys really love Ivan, I mean Pete."

"Do they now?" Pete said. "I think the world of the both of them. John and Kate raised them right, but from the looks of their kids, so did Roy and Karen." Pete winked at me.

We caught up quickly with Carl as official introductions and greetings were made. Pete offered to chauffeur him around the area the next day, giving him the lay of the land beyond the shopping mall and touristy areas most out-of-towners were familiar with.

We were about to say goodbye when a stranger stopped us. "Pete, right? And this is your friend Kyle?" We nodded at his question. "Guys, I work for the Tribune and just want to give you a heads up. There is a letter to the editor in tomorrow's paper that concerns you. Personally I wouldn't have printed it, but the paper wants to have all opinions represented." We looked at him, bewildered. "Well, I just wanted to warn you and let you know you have one guy on your side. Gotta go."

He was on his way, ducking into the Brewhouse. We stood there, still questioning what had happened. Finally, Arlene broke the silence. "Well, that was strange. What on earth could he be talking about?"

"I guess we'll find out tomorrow" Pete said. Pick you up at ten Carl?"

Mario's cell phone rang as we were on our way home. I could hear the warmth in his voice as he answered.

"Hi... Heading home with Pete and Kyle... Yeah I miss you too... Feel the same way... Even told my parents, you'd have laughed, he called you Michael, they both want to meet you... Yeah, me too... me too... definitely... I am sure they can drop me off... See you soon."

Pete chuckled from the front seat. He looked in the rearview mirror, caught Mario's eyes. "Don't rush him, give him love at his pace."

There was something oddly reassuring when Francis was finally back in Rolf's arms. He had to break away from their love making to take Jason's call. Jason recounted his chatroom experience, and his investigation into the two newbies he had unwittingly befriended. The Captain felt that Jason might be overly sensitive, but he still supported the cop's hunch.

One thing for sure, Rolf Ian Mackenzie couldn't have been in the chatroom. The two men were enjoying a quiet night at Rolf's converted church. It started innocently enough. They had to make sure that the shower didn't leak, so an extended shower was called for. They were lucky to live this close to 10% of the worlds fresh water, so they felt no need to conserve.

They also had to test the strength of the shower bench that Rolf had constructed. It passed every test with flying colors. It was the right height for Frank to lean on as Rolf rimmed his ass. It was deep enough that Rolf could lean back. And finally it was strong enough to hold two men, and Frank was able to climb aboard, riding Rolf's dick to an earth shattering orgasm.

The only thing that cut the shower short, was the incessant ring of the Captain's cellphone in the next room. The Captain thought of his lover's alibi, but then worried what would be revealed if he ever became a prime suspect in the case.

He was silent about the topic for far too long, it was time to bring it up. "Rolf, there might come a time where our relationship is outed to the public. Do you think you can handle it?"

"Francis, like Duluth's own Robert Zimmerman said "When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose" I don't worry about me, I worry about you. You have something to lose. Now excuse me while I go piss. We both have a busy day tomorrow; I think I need some shut eye."

The Captain thought about it for a minute as he heard his lover pissing. He placed his cellphone right next to his police revolver and then joined Rolf in the master bath. Rolf was using the newly installed toilet, so the Captain stepped up to the urinal and let it flow.

Wordlessly they got back into bed. Rolf pulled on his CPAP mask, and the Captain pulled him in. Though he had quoted Duluth native Bob Dylan earlier, it was another of his songs that captured the moment.

Try imagining a place where it's always safe and warm

"Come in," she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

Of course Rolf changed the gender in his mind as he always did with songs. And though he was in the Captain's arms, Rolf was the one offering shelter. He now knew why Kyle wanted that song as the theme for their wedding. He would have to work overtime writing words that were worthy of his favorite songwriter.

Derek sat at his own computer. In a few weeks he would be the Best Man for his father's wedding. He was told the ceremony and reception would be informal, but he knew it was his duty as Best Man to make a speech. However, he had a bad case of writer's block. Justin, his lover, was still at work, so it was the perfect time to write, but the words were not flowing.

Derek knew the reason for this, it was Justin. Though he had said nothing, Derek was certain that Justin wanted to open up their closed relationship. He saw how Justin eyed the other men at Kyle's birthday party. He trusted his lover, but he couldn't trust himself if Justin played with another man.

Then there was the situation with Pete and Kyle. Somehow they were able to have some extracurricular play and maintain their strong relationship. He wasn't sure how recently his father's had played, they didn't kiss and tell, but in his mind their relationship was stronger than ever.

Derek sat there, lacking the words he needed. He knew they would come, but not that night.

"I'm just a bit ashamed... I've never done this before with anyone."

The hesitancy that Mario noticed with Micah the night before was back. He would have to ease him into it. He knew exactly what Micah needed, even if Micah himself was unable to verbalize it. The two tall men stood eye to eye. Mario finally broke the silence. "But there's no place on earth you'd rather be. Right?" He looked to Micah, raised an eyebrow. Micah fell into Mario's arms. Micah groaned as Mario started to kiss him. "Yeah Babe, I know how you feel" Mario whispered between kisses. "You've been needing this for a while haven't you? You've been needing the touch of another man."

"Yeah" Micah barely croaked out. "I've wanted to make love to a man for as long as I remember. I've always known I was gay; I was just too timid to do anything about it." He reached down and felt Mario's hard on. "FUCK" he grunted, "I want that, just not sure my ass can take it."

Mario slowly led Micah to the bedroom. They had shared it the night before, but Mario knew it from its previous life. The house was only two blocks from his childhood home and was owned by the family of a good friend. Fresh paint had helped make it Micah's but Mario would always think of it as the Johnson's place. There was something clandestine knowing he was going to make love to his new lover, in Mr. & Mrs. Johnson's bedroom.

Mario started to undress Micah. All of his wrestler bravado was gone as he intimately, slowly took off his lover's clothes. Last night the two were almost chaste in their intimacy, tonight that would not be the case. He unbuttoned Micah's shirt, revealing the dark chest hair. "Yes, I knew you'd be furry." Each button undone revealed more of his chest, and strong gut. Mario felt Micah's breath while rubbing his gut. "Deep breaths baby. Gonna make you feel good. Gonna show you my love."

He slowly pushed the shirt back and off Micah's shoulder, then stood back to look over his lover. "Damn man, you are perfect. So beautiful. Your parent's should have called you Angel. And look at that." Mario reached down to feel the dick tenting Micah's pants. "And this little devil makes my Angel a human."

"Little?" Micah asked. "I know I am not as big as you but..."

"Don't worry babe, I already know you're perfect." He kissed Micah quickly, regretting his choice of words. Having a big dick isn't always what it's cracked up to be. Many men were intimidated by it and wouldn't even consider being fucked by him. Without seeing it, he knew that Micah's dick was perfect for him. He finally needed the proof.

While still kissing Micah, Mario's hand went down and unbuckled his lover's belt. His hand then expertly undid the waistband, before slowly unzipping the slacks. He reached in and grabbed the brief-clad dick. "Perfect" he whispered. "Maybe I'm the one who needs to be fucked. I'd love to feel that dick deep in my hole." Mario slid the slacks over Micah's ass, and let them fall to the floor

He slowly went down to his knees and helped Micah out of his loafers, then pulled Micah's slacks off completely, one leg at a time. Micah's tented shorts were right at face level. Mario leaned closer, inhaling his lovers scent as he got near. Soon his cheek rubbed up against the lump tenting Micah's briefs. He looked up at Micah. "Can I?" he mouthed.

A nod was all it took. Mario quickly released Micah's dick and it landed in his waiting mouth. Five perfect inches were sucked into Mario's mouth. Weak on his knees, Micah steadied himself by holding Mario's head.

"Don't! You're getting me too close, too quickly. And you still have all your clothes on."

Mario let go of Micah's cock, then stood. "That can be taken care of" Mario said as he started to undo his shirt. Unlike the slow strip tease he did on his new lover, Mario wasted no time in getting naked. Seconds later he was back in his lover's arms, kissing him. Almost nine inches of thick dick sparred with Micah's perfect five inches. "Still want to be fucked?" Mario asked, the urgency in his words left no doubt what was going to happen.

Carl sat at his computer. The dial-up internet connection in this hotel wasn't the best, but it would have to do. He smiled at himself at the thought he was there to learn about the computer system. For the second time in a week he had hacked into the Police Department computer. He knew a lot about the case already and had a couple of pet theories about it. He made a mental note to help close the security risk, but he had already seen that he wasn't the only hacker interested in the case. He might have to partner with the Captain in a bit of Cat & Mouse, help draw the hacker out into the open before he closed the hole.

"Yeah, open that hole for me. You know you need it as much as I do." Mario played with Micah's butt as they laid on the bed, his thick index finger slowly prodding him. Even though Micah was a virgin, he was prepared. The CPA/Boy Scout had done his homework and his nightstand was stocked with lube and a pair of dildos, he was familiar with both of them. Mario was enjoying this chance to get to know Micah's body. If he was great from the front naked, from the back he was stunning.

Those angel wings on the nape of his neck were mimicked on his shoulders. A fine line of back hair went down and fanned over a perfect butt. It was that perfect butt that Mario now was fingering with two of his digits. When three fingers became comfortable to Micah, he would try a dildo, when the dildo went in with ease, it was time for the real thing.

"Are you ready Micah?" Mario instinctively knew the answer. His man was ready. His man was, simply put, his man. He also knew instinctively how he needed to make love to him for the first time. He sensed hesitation, so he talked him through it.

"Lay on your side babe, it'll make it easier, more comfortable." Micah did as he was told. "Beautiful... Perfect..." Mario's yearning voice comforted Micah, put him at ease. Mario put his body against Micah's. He nudged his dick against Micah's butt, then nuzzled the angel wings on Micah's neck. "I'm going to slowly enter you babe. You're ready for it, I know it."

Mario's dick head breached Micah's hole. There was a quick gasp from Micah. "Oh fuck Mario, it's so damn big, I thought I was ready but..."

"You're ready" Mario whispered. His tongue flickered over the angel wings sprouting on the nape of his lover's neck. Micah shivered at the barely-there touch. His hole flinched for a second, allowing Mario to push another inch in.

"Oooooomph" Micah grunted, then quickly followed with a guttural "Yeah." Mario felt the smile form on his lover's face so he withdrew a fraction of an inch, then pushed two more inches in.

"My Man can take it" Mario whispered. "I knew he could." Mario's smile morphed into kisses on the beautiful neck before him. "You're so beautiful" he purred and then with a slow grind, another inch filled Micah's ass.

"Oh damn babe, you feel so good in me, so warm, so full" Micah groaned.

The growl Micah emitted spurred Mario on. "You are gonna be even more full in a bit babe, then it will get hot." He rotated his hips slowly, easing another inch into Micah's dick-stuffed butt. Bingo, he hit Micah's prostate.

"OOOOOOMMMPH! OH FUCK YEAH! That feels fucking GREAT" Micah roared. "DO THAT AGAIN" he all but shouted. Mario complied and pulled out a few inches and then pushed back in, nudging his lover's virgin prostate one more time. The usually quiet Micah suddenly was transformed. "Fuck this man's butt babe. Don't hold back! Give me that dick and keep hitting THAT SPOT."

Mario tried to pick up the pace, but he knew that their spooning had its limits. He pulled out quickly. "On your hands and knees babe. If you really want me to go to town on your ass, get on your fucking hands and knees." Micah responded quickly. Mario looked at the beautiful ass that was ready for him. "OH YEAH BABE" he said, then lined his dick up, and plunged right in.

Micah felt his lover's balls slap against his own. "Fuck YEAH. I GOT ALL OF YOU. NOW RIDE THIS MAN'S BUTT." He felt Mario pull almost all the way out, and then slam home, hitting his prostate along the way. "Oh yeah keep doing that. Hit that spot, fill my ass. You know I need it. I'm a man, I can take it."

Mario had heard his godfather's advice earlier tonight. "Don't rush him, give him love at his pace" Pete had said. However, he was suddenly finding out his lover need to be rushed, needed the urgency of their lovemaking, needed to feel Mario's thick dick abusing his prostate. Mario was ready.

"Your ass is mine Babe. I knew you'd be great to fuck; I just didn't expect this so soon." Mario took a hold of Micah's two furry butt cheeks and started to pound into his ass. Every rub, prod or pounding of Micah's prostate was met with a groan, growl or grrr. "You like this dontcha? Your ass was made for my dick isn't it babe?"

"OH FUCK YEAH I KNOW IT" Micah shouted, and then as if catching himself, he quieted down. His voice was tender, almost pleading. "I knew I needed you the moment I saw you... and fuck... this is so perfect." Everything was just too much for Micah. He had his ass full of his lover's dick and nothing in his life ever made him feel so masculine.

Yeah, he was "taking it like a man" he thought to himself. He started to tense his muscles while his lover fucked him. Mario saw Micah's shoulders ripple, his thighs tighten and his butt cheeks clench as he drove into the finely furred tail of his new lover. Mario was barely able to hold onto his man's furry ass, Micah was bucking so strongly, edging him close to the precipice. "Yeah, that's my guy, that's my MAN' Mario growled, the last words burned into Micah's psyche. "My MAN'S gonna make me CUM" Mario groaned.

Micah knew what he needed. He fell forward, dislodging his lover's perfect dick, then scrambled around 'til he was on his back, legs in the air, hole opened ready to be plugged again. "GIVE IT TO ME" Micah shouted, losing any semblance of reserve. "FILL YOUR MAN."

Mario simply leaned forward. His dick found it's home immediately, thrusting in, pounding Micah's prostate. "Oh shit Babe, look me in my eyes while you fill me, that's it, that's what I've needed." With that Micah let loose a torrent of cum. The first spray hit his chin, the second his open mouth.

Looking down on his man, Mario saw the blissful state his lover was in. Micah's eyes were closed, his breaths, short. His smiling face rolled from side to side as Mario continued to stroke into his ass. The beautiful open mouth was capped by a moustache befitting a '70's era baseball player or porn star. There was just so much beauty for Mario to see, and it was all unified when Micah opened his loving eyes. The need in those eyes broke the dam, and suddenly Mario was flooding Micah's ass with cum.

Micah felt it, he felt it on the look that Mario gave him, then he felt it in his filled ass. For as long as he remembered Micah knew he was gay, but worried about losing his ass cherry. Could he take it; could he measure up he often wondered. But here he was, he took it like a man. He took it like a man.

Even better than that, when he and Mario finally untangled, their tender moments felt even more amazing. They wrestled, snuggled, hugged and kissed with abandon. It was just as tender as their connection the night before, but with more depth. When sleep finally overtook them, their connection was complete.

Carl looked further through the files of the Mad Dildoer. He had his own pet theories about the case, theories that could be delved into more thoroughly with the assistance of the Captain. There was something Carl didn't trust about Jason, the policeman most often connected with the case. Something felt covered up, something hidden.

It felt odd that two cases in his over quarter century of service, had made him the local "expert" on crimes involving sex toys. They were very dissimilar. One was simply the case of a disgruntled ex, getting back at his former lover. The former lover was an anti-gay public figure, so the ex marked his territory with random sex toys and the ephemera of the politician's hidden gay life. The crowning moment was when a press conference was interrupted with water balloons made from condoms and an anatomically correct blow up doll. Eventually the perpetrator of the crime was arrested and convicted, but the sentencing was light. The outed politician resigned in disgrace, much to everyone's approval.

Carl pulled up the file for the abuse case that first introduced him to sex toys being involved in criminal activity. He was pretty sure it had no tie to the current case in Duluth. It started out simply as an investigation into child abuse, but grew when the arsenal of sex toys was found. The family, living well under the poverty line had one daughter who showed indications of abuse. The sheriff's department had a court ordered search warrant and a small window of time to serve it. One of the deputies was upstairs in a bedroom, dragging his hand through inches of dust under the son's bed when he felt something. Carl will always remember the look on everyone's face when his coworker pulled out a filthy, dust covered dildo. "That's Daddy's sexy toy, yer not s'posed to see that" the youngest girl said.

What they unearthed eventually that day turned into a case that alarmed social agencies throughout the arrowhead region. The abuse and neglect, shocked many in the area, yet helped call for cooperation amongst various agencies. It was such cooperation that led to Carl coming to Duluth to help with this investigation.

It was Carl's hunch that the Mad Dildoer was somewhere in between these two cases. The control the Dildoer had over Jason was almost in the realm of mental abuse. However, the public aspect of the sightings made it appear to be closer to what happened with the politician. Just what were all these clues pointing towards?

"Take it like a man Micah!" Micah flinched as the orange plastic track hit his naked backside. "Jesus wants us to be pure unto the Lord. No son of mine will be watching that filth." Micah's dad continued to whack him as he started to cry. "We don't cry in our household son, Take it like a man."

"But Dad, it's only MTV" Micah said between tears. The beating continued, unabated.

Micah woke with a start. It was always the same punishment. Hot Wheels track pieces should bring back memories of a fun childhood, but they only reminded him of his frequent beatings. His father, a church deacon, made sure both of his kids lived the perfect life in public, but in private, no one remained unscathed, not even Micah's mom.

Micah extricated himself from Mario's arms. He needed to be alone to collect his thoughts. In the living room he thought of his dad's premature death, and the absolute lack of tears or grief at his funeral. Micah was only there for his mom; she was there for one last show of family unity. His mom slowly rebuilt what she could of her life, this time under the control of her oldest son. Meanwhile, his brother started down the same path as his father.

Micah knew only two people who loved him unconditionally, one still lived in his childhood home, the other was down the hall. He quietly walked back to his bedroom and joined Mario under the comforter.

FYI The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

Also I am considering making my e-book available on iTunes. If this option interests you, please contact me at

Next: Chapter 54: Shelter 2

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