
Published on Jan 1, 2016


A Year in the Life

Secrets Part 4

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

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Secrets Part 4 Anything

May was always my favorite month as a kid. In my mind it started with my birthday, and ended with the last day of school. In between I would venture out into nature seeing the remnants of winter, and the first hints of summer. Deep in the woods the white bloom of trilliums could be only feet away from the last few inches of snow. Pussy willows would show in ditches that might still have ice in the early morning hours. In third grade I remember it snowing on my birthday. My plastic golf clubs would have to wait another day to be used.

Pete and I laid in our bed Wednesday morning. The vandalism played heavily on our minds as we watched the rain come down. We heard siren's from over the hill. A quick check of the local radio station confirmed our suspicions.

Since Duluth is built on a hill, next to a very large body of water, weather conditions can change rapidly in the matter of miles, sometimes even feet. The rain we were experiencing closer to lake level, was freezing over the hill. According to the radio, all travel over the hill was not recommended. Branches weighed down with ice were already coming down, knocking down power lines. Numerous accidents were reported on the ice slick roads.

Pete and I were up, so we decided to make breakfast, and then head down to the farmhouse. Charlie and Fred were there. Angelo had been called in early to sand and salt the roads and help with cleanup. Pete was without his truck for a few days, and he definitely wasn't taking the Charger out in this weather.

The guys gave us a tour of the upstairs. The walk in closet showed Fred's talented touch. He certainly had a knack for wood. Only my old bedroom showed no change. I felt as if it was the bedroom of a child who had gone off to college, and the parents couldn't dare to change it.

The call to the Captain came early. His pager woke the sleeping couple. "It's freezing rain Rolf" the Captain said after he checked in. "It's going to be a busy day for you at the lumberyard. We've gotten reports of downed trees and damaged roofs already." The Captain dressed quickly, the kiss goodbye, short. Rolf wasn't sure if he ever was going to get used to the emptiness he felt at the Captain's abrupt departure, but he would have to try.

Martin's Piedmont Height's neighborhood was among the worst hit. He stood outside in the freezing rain assessing damage to his split level home. Brent and Gino were on their way. Like true friends, they were venturing up the hill to help him get a tarp on the southern part of the roof that covered the garage. Even though they had spent many a Sunday at his place watching sports, his "coffee buddies" were nowhere to be seen.

He opened the garage door, retrieved his extension ladder, and then placed it against his garage roof. The rain was starting to abate, it was no longer freezing, but the roof would still be icy and unsafe. He found all of his tarps, leaving one on his T-Bird.

Jason left his pregnant wife. She would be heading in to work soon, where she would be making home equity loans to people needing a quick bit of cash for home repairs. Jason himself had to put his investigation on the back burner as he was called in to help with patrolling the areas that were heaviest hit during this freak ice storm.

For one day it seemed as if the whole of Duluth pulled together to combat the damage of the ice storm. The home improvement stores were busy, much as the Captain predicted. Plywood and roofing supplies went out the door at a record pace. Replacement windows were ordered, while residents used plywood to board up broken ones. Emergency generators sold out quickly as power was lost to thousands.

Pete and I ended up at a few doors down from Martin's at the house of my employee, Jean. Mike had Charlie and Fred a few blocks over fixing a roof while we boarded up Jean's window.

Lost in all of this action was the old pick-up leaving town. Jeff was on his mail route when he saw the scruffy man start up his vehicle, then head towards the Freeway on 27th. He was the lucky one, many of the other homeless men didn't have the alternate shelter of a vehicle.

This was the last thing I expected. So much for my plans to have my way with Pete on my birthday. If this weather kept up we'd have to celebrate inside, instead of in the hot tub. However, I had a valuable team member needing our help, so I jumped right into the task at hand.

Rolf looked harried when we stopped at his store for supplies. "Busier than a one armed paper hanger here guys. I'd love to stop and chat, but we're short as it is. A third of the crew called in due to the ice storm, and Dick is as useless as ever." We loaded our supplies quickly, and then helped a few others in the yard.

"See ya tomorrow night at the game" I yelled as we drove by Rolf. Dick stood safe and dry in the cage, not even bothering to check our purchase or receipt.

Thursday was a vast improvement on the previous day as life got back to normal. The drive to work revealed the extent of damage. There was almost a visible line on the hill. One side of the line, no damage, the other side, trees down everywhere. Power was finally being restored and city crews went from sanding the streets, to removing trees and branches.

By the end of work, life was pretty much back to normal. The softball field was below the line of storm damage, and thus ready for the Pack. Frankly all of us were ready for the relief a game of softball offered. I was watching from the sidelines with an unexpected cohort. The Captain was there. He said he just felt the need to watch a good game of ball to counteract the stress of the last few days, but I wondered if he had an ulterior motive. His team was playing later on the same field, so his explanation had merit. However, Pete and I were the target of a hate crime, so maybe he was there on official business.

"Left the mascot at home tonight?" he winked. "Good choice." FC as I began to know him, revealed himself as a quiet, articulate man. We talked about every subject except the weather, both of us long weary of that topic. He finally brought up our wedding.

"I hope that incident last night isn't changing your mind about your upcoming wedding. The person who commits a hate crime is just like a terrorist, they want you to change what you do to conform to their ideas. If you do, they win, you lose."

"It's going on as planned" I assured him. "You know, as bad as this weather was, I think it kept that bit of vandalism out of the headlines. I am almost thankful for that."

"I know, I was ready to be answering reporter's questions about it, but instead I spent the last day and a half keeping this city running. By the way, it is great what Bart is doing for you down at his body shop. I have no doubt that the truck will be returned better than new when you pick it up."

I looked at the strong man next to me on the bench, he was quickly becoming a friend. FC even offered some softball advice late in the game, he was a gentleman to the core.

The Pack pulled out a win. Pete, Rolf and I stayed to watch the Cop's team play. Rolf was tired after his busy two days at work, which was capped off this afternoon when he delivered and hooked up my appliances. I offered to take him out the next night as payment, but he said he had other plans.

The next day was a whirlwind as Mario moved in, work got back to normal, and Pete helped Derek with his project. I had to leave work early in order to pick up the truck at Bart's body shop. I drove down to Derek's Morgan Park home. I was about to knock, but Pete was quick to intercept me before my hand touched the door.

He hurried me back to my car, then explained he didn't want to be late. Five minutes later, we were at the body shop. True to the Captain's word, the truck looked better than ever. Bart took pride in his work, it was beyond a quick buff job. There was a new luster to the paint, one that became evident when we got it out in the light of day.

In daylight, the factory blue paint, suddenly popped. From certain angles you could see hints of purple. Pete was slack-jawed when he turned towards Bart. "I hope you like it" Bart said. "I remembered your Charger from the World of Wheels show and decided if I couldn't go full on Plum Crazy, I'd give you a hint."

"Bart, I know how much that paint costs, this couldn't have been cheap. I'll pay you back for this."

"Consider it my calling card, I even made you a custom decal for the back window." He pointed to the vinyl sticker on the back window "A&S Racing" then in smaller letters "Body by Bart". "Look at the vinyl, see how it has a subtle rainbow effect?"

"What's the significance of A&S racing?" I asked.

"Adam & Steve. I figure the best way to take it to the bigots is with subtle humor. By the way I had a few extra made for your other vehicles if you like."

"I like a lot" I said, and then gave him a hearty handshake, pulling him into a hug. I could as easily have been talking about Bart himself. The thick canvas of his Carhartt work pants accentuated a great ass. However, the wedding ring, and kids at home made Bart nothing more than something for the spank bank. But with the activity I had been having lately, who had time to spank?

I was ready to leave, get home and spend some quality time with Pete. However, he had other ideas. "Kyle, I'll meet you at home. I need to talk to Bart about some work that has to be done on the interior of the Charger."

I got home well before Pete. I decided to fire up the grill and make us a few steaks with baby red potatoes and salad. Mario joined me in the kitchen while I prepped everything. Though I initially regretted the idea of him living with us, I enjoyed getting to know him better. When Pete finally showed up, all we had to do was put the steaks on the grill, and we were eating in minutes.

FC's nondescript sedan sat out in front of Rolf's converted church. It was becoming a common sight in the neighborhood. As they sat in the sheltered backyard patio it's presence played heavy on the Captain's mind. "Have you ever thought about building a garage back here, someplace to have your vehicles off the street?"

"That's in the plans babe. Maybe we can make it sooner rather than later for your sake. I figure we can build it off the alley, and then plant some trees to line the walkway to the back entrance of the church. "That way no one will know when you are visiting."

The Captain noticed the sarcasm and hurt in Rolf's voice. "It isn't like that babe. I mean, maybe it is... but you were forewarned. I'm in the public eye. Everyone thinks they sign my paycheck."

Pete's decision to help Mario with his warehouse space was abrupt. I was going to be losing him for another night. The saving grace was how great his ass looked in his Carhartt work pants. Bart's fine butt had been trumped by the ass of my future husband.

Maybe I had been used to having Pete always around, but the space I felt both exhilarated, and frightened me. I used the time to quickly get some things done on my computer, and then I checked out the Bears4Bears room. Brent and Marty were both in there so we joked that the name should be changed to DuluthBears4Bears. My many friends who were dispersed throughout the country joked that there must be something in the water that made the men here so hot.

Somehow the topic of our wedding came up. One of my longtime friends in the chat room, ButteBeast instant messaged me.

ButteBeast: Does ChicAHGrrrr know about this?

CoffezBruin: Does it matter? He dumped me. Besides he is not anywhere near the man that Pete is.

ButteBeast: Well you know how it works. The internet has made the Tell-a-gay network faster than the Telephone or Telegraph. He will find out sooner than later, if he hasn't already. Someone told me he's been in a pissy mood lately. I just thought you should be aware.

ButteBeast: AND if I get a chance to schedule a business trip your way, can I attend this shindig?

CoffezBruin: Make it happen, we'll make room for you. It's about time I get this long promised hug.

ButteBeast: I may want more than a hug, but not sure it can happen on the weekend of your wedding. Oh, and Fargone has already offered a place to stay if I ever make it that way. I will have to make this happen, meet you, Fargone and Dad, all in one trip. That sounds like bear heaven to me.

I had to smile at the last comment. My little burgh certainly did feel like bear heaven to me with all of my extended family. And all of this happened because I needed shelter from the storm. "Shelter from the storm" I thought. It was one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs, and the perfect theme for my love for Pete. I quickly sent an email to Rolf, giving him the idea.

"You've got mail."

The familiar voice from Rolf's downstairs computer was still heard in the loft. Rolf rolled over, tempted to go answer his email, but Francis pulled him back. "Whatever it is, can wait." Rolf melted in the Captain's strong arms. Francis lightly kissed Rolf's neck, then inhaled the scent of the man he loved. The smoke from the barbecue grill only added to the masculine scent that hit his nose. There was also a hint of the large load he had just planted in Rolf's ass.

Rolf rolled to face Francis. "Yeah, why do I need mail, when I got male? Damn Frank, after that first night I pegged you as a bottom, I guess I was wrong."

"I still don't know what I am myself, I keep discovering more things I like to do with you. I am open to just about anything."

"Anything?" Rolf said, lifting his right eyebrow.

The Captain groaned loudly. "I said just about anything, but my guess is you could convince me to try ANYTHING." He pulled Rolf in, kissing him tenderly. "I trust you that much."

Rolf pulled the Captain on top of them as they rolled on the down comforter. He pawed the Captain's furry ass as they kissed. He knew the "anything" he wanted to try on the Captain. It might test his limits, push his boundaries so to speak, but it was very much a part of his sexual being. Over the years Rolf had amassed a wide variety of toys. If they were to be close, Francis would find out about them sooner or later.

"Look, he's an adult. I laid out the rules while I was helping him tonight babe." Pete's words were reassuring as we sat in the sauna. "Besides, he is dead tired now after his day at the warehouse. It's almost as if we have the place to ourselves."

I laid back in Pete's arms. We were occupying our corner and my man was holding me tight. Again I found the shelter I needed in my man's arms. As Pete kissed my neck, finding my hot spot instinctively as always, I lost all my cares and worries over our new housemate. Pete was getting into kissing me, nuzzling me, licking me. "I've got an ass that needs to be fucked by the birthday boy, wanna do it while you're still a year younger?"

My dick oozed a large pearl of precum as my body shivered at his words. My ass clenched on the sauna bench. "Anything for you babe" I said, turning my head slightly to catch his kisses. His athletic body pulled me face to face on the sauna bench. His kisses became stronger, hungrier.

"Anything? We'd better not wake the wrestler." Pete stood, pulling me up with him. Though he wanted me to top him that night, he led the way. He grabbed our towels, I thought for sure we were headed to the shower. He yanked me towards the steps. "Straight upstairs young man, I don't want to waste the sweat."

I followed Pete's naked sweaty ass upstairs. I inhaled his scent. Sweat, hard work, and a few hours in those Carhartts had left him with a butt that was mouthwatering. I was ready to rim and breed my husband.

Frank looked up at his lover with trusting eyes. If he was being honest with himself, he would have to admit that he was living a frequent dream. Handcuffs and straps had his hands anchored to the corners of the headboard. He had cuffs around his ankles, they were also ready to be tethered to the headboard.

Rolf looked at the man he loved. He held up first one, then two, then three dildoes. He gave his lover a questioning look.

"Let's start with the third" He wanted to add that he had just purchased the same model, but Francis felt the need to keep that a secret.

The calm, assured voice of the Captain gave Rolf more confidence. "Gotta get you ready" he growled. "I'm into pleasure, not pain, so if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, tell me Frank." He then hooked the strap to the ankle cuff on Frank's right leg. He pulled it back, adjusting it so Frank's ass was at the right level. Rolf then did the same on Frank's left leg.

Rolf stood and looked at his handiwork. The man who looked back at him with trusting eyes, looked even more loving. "You are under my control for tonight." Rolf walked around the bed, the Captains eyes followed his every move. "Even when I undo the cuffs, I am in control. All your troubles at work are gone. You don't give a fuck what other's think. Tonight, you are only concerned with me and my needs."


Frank's response was quick. In Rolf's mind the "sir" part was a great touch, but unneeded. Instinctively he knew the Captain needed to lose his "in charge" persona every once in a while and Rolf was more than happy to be the man to do it.

Rolf stood, grabbed dildo #3 and started to slick it up with lube. He then squirted a generous amount of the slick stuff on his fingers and entered the Captain's hole slowly with one, two and then three fingers. The Captain trembled with each thrust. His curved dick was spewing out precum onto his fur covered gut.

Rolf smiled down on his lover as he fingered him. Although he told him he was under his control, Rolf only was concerned with love. He loved Frank enough to make him see that he didn't always need to be the one in control, the one in charge. He could be just as strong, letting someone else take over the reins for a while.

Rolf withdrew his lube-slicked fingers, added more lube to them, and liberally coated the dildo again. He got between Frank's tethered legs, and pushed the blunt head of the dildo at Frank's furry hole. "Let me in" Rolf whispered.

The quiet demand was enough. Eight inches of fake dick, quickly filled the Captain's hole.

Years earlier a flamboyant coworker once bragged that he had helium ankles. Lay him down on bed, and his ankles would be up in the air, ready for whatever was to come. Two days before my birthday Pete had his own case of helium ankles. The minute we got into our bedroom his legs were in the air, his still sweaty ass ready for my tongue and dick.

I got between my man's legs and started to feast on his butt. I pushed his thighs back, opening his crack to my tongue even more. "GOD DAMN YOU KNOW HOW TO TONGUE A BUTT" Pete growled out as I started to slobber all over his hole. I couldn't tell what was butt sweat or my drool, but I had that butthole slick quickly.

"You know it babe, but you don't have to tell the world" I whispered between licks.

"Oh Mario's dead to the world, have at my ass Babe. EAT ME OUT." Pete started to snort as I licked his butt. I skewered my tongue in deeper, opening him up for the assault that was yet to come. "I NEED YOUR DICK BABE, I NEED YOUR DICK, FUCK ME KYLE."

I no longer could deny his needs. I got on my knees, pushed his legs further back, then sunk my dick in one long stoke.

Rolf could tell by Frank's eyes that he was ready for the real thing. He toyed quickly with finding a larger weapon from his arsenal but decided nothing could please his lover now more than flesh and cum. He rotated the fake pecker in the Captain's ass one more time, then withdrew it, leaving the Captain empty.

Momentarily forgetting who was in charge, the Captain started to protest. Then he saw what was replacing the dildo. Rolf placed his dick at Frank's trembling rear entrance, and while holding the Captain's thighs, he slowly shoved in, filling the void.

"Ride it Kyle. Ride this man's ass. You're the only one for me. Keep this up and I'll never be using that hall pass.

Mario laid back on his bed. Who was he fooling when he thought he could share the same house as Pete and Kyle. Sure he said he could be fine following the house rules, but he didn't expect it to be tested so strongly, so early.

The ropes of cum that striated his furry chest and gut were evidence of the sexy hold the two men had on him. Sure, he had fucked around while on the Pro Wrestling circuit, as many others had. But he had tried to convince himself it was just a case of any old port in a storm. It was easier playing with his opponents than to subject himself to the STDs he could get from wrestling groupies.

Sooner or later he'd have to come clean that he was gay. Maybe his current living situations would make it sooner, rather than later.

Now if he could only figure out what Pete meant about the hall pass. Perhaps he'd get up the nerve to ask him tomorrow at the warehouse.

FYI The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

Also I am considering making my e-book available on iTunes. If this option interests you, please contact me at

Next: Chapter 52: Secrets 5

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