
Published on Dec 28, 2015


A Year in the Life

Secrets Part 3

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Secrets Part 3 Names & Labels

"It's Francis by the way."

"What's Francis? The Talking Mule? Francis Ford Coppola? Is this some kind of multiple choice exam?" Rolf looked over his shoulder towards the Captain. Except for an apron, Rolf stood naked at the kitchen stove. He was making breakfast for the policeman who was contemplating the contents of the goblet that sat in the kitchen window.

"My name is Francis, Francis Charles Hendricks to be exact. Imagine having that name growing up in a tough neighborhood. I hated being called Francis, Frank, Charles and especially Chuck. I got kidded a lot and grew thick skin because of it.

"Try being called Rolf" he laughed. "If anyone threw up in school they named it after me" Rolf chuckled at the thought. "If you hated all of those names, just what did they call you?"

"Most friends called me FC, and now almost everyone knows me as the Captain. The few people who are aware of my real name are sworn to secrecy."

"Okay Captain" Rolf said, "Breakfast is served. Grab a plate."

"You sir, can call me Francis. But just when we're alone."

After a late night spent with his son Derek, Pete finally slept in. It was odd being the first one up. I took advantage of the time by making breakfast and coffee, and then serving it to him in bed.

"Just what are you making up for?" Pete asked. "Didja have a trick over last night while I was helping Derek?" Though he laughed, I still struggled, remembering seeing Pete last night with a guy. The more I thought of the man, the more familiar he seemed. Probably an old friend I was introduced to once.

"Take the day off babe. We only have less than a month to make this wedding happen." It was a plea from my hubby to spend some time together. I quickly called in healthy to my team.

Jason snuggled with Ashley. At the suggestion of his Captain, he was taking the day off. The previous shift had been productive. He and the Captain had mapped out every clue, checking the emails for patterns. They set the investigation into motion, and he personally had been brutally honest with the Captain regarding his relationship with another man. That was the tough part. Admitting to loving another man, while he still held on to his wife as hard as he could. Holding onto her that morning, he felt his son kick, and suddenly he knew the reason the decision was so hard.

There was no day off for Bub. Like he said hundreds of times, "Cows don't milk themselves." By the time 8:00 a.m. rolled around, he had done more work than most people do in their entire work day. He still had a trip into the city to meet up with a CPA and computer specialist. He chuckled. "It has taken me until May, 2000 to join the new millennium."

Jeff drove his mail truck along Michigan Street. The new route meant new challenges as he got to know the people on it. He was used to his old route, the one that introduced him to his lover Fred. He took the time drinking in the details of his new neighborhood. It might have been corny, but he saw a mailman as an important part of the community.

He saw the scruffy man leave his makeshift home under the freeway. He had seen him numerous times in the last few weeks. He tipped his hat, hoping the man would see, but the greeting was not returned.

Yes, it was his day off, but the Captain still felt a sense of duty to the city, and to Jason. He'd love to spend the rest of the day with Rolf, getting to know the big man who showed him so much love, but that was just not to be.

They lingered over a goodbye kiss. "Rolf" the Captain hesitated, looking Rolf in the eyes, "Let's do this again."

"Anytime Cap... I mean Francis." He tested the waters, saw no resistance.

The Captain opened the door, looked both ways, and when he saw no one, he gave Rolf a final kiss.

He started up his car, then drove off. Turning onto Grand Ave he started towards the business district. As he passed under the I-35 freeway he yelled "Let's do this again? WHAT THE FUCK'S WRONG WITH YOU FRANCIS?" Then quietly he thought to himself "A man makes you feel better than you ever have, and that is the best you can do?"

"Well at least he didn't recoil when I called him Francis" Rolf thought to himself. "But that goodbye was kinda lame. He said he is working on a tough case, maybe that was on his mind." Rolf went to the kitchen, retrieved the cork and then added "FCH" above where he had written "The Captain." He had nothing planned for the day except for the usual Tuesday gathering with The Pack.

He and Francis had enjoyed an extended shower earlier in the second bath. It was a pre-fab kit shower he had installed to make the old church livable while he reno'd it. Rolf looked at the master bath, the incomplete shower, and the crates of tile, and decided to make its completion task #1. He wanted a roomy shower to share with Francis, when he decided to "do this again."

Bub pulled his 4X4 truck into the McDonald's parking lot. He knew it was a long shot, but he was in the area anyway, and his young cop lover just might be walking the beat. He walked past the four men he always saw there, and claimed the same table he shared with Jason on Saturday.

Martin sat with his three friends, going through the motions. For the last ten or so years he had spent almost every morning with them over coffee, yet they suddenly seemed like strangers. He knew that his secret would be revealed someday, he just didn't know how or when.

"So Martin, just how badly did the Cops take it to the fruits the other night? You've been AWOL so we haven't heard the story."

Martin looked at Sal. For a split second he questioned why he ever called this man friend. He was about to tell him off, then remembered how fond he was of the other two men. "It was close, and frankly the Cop's should have lost. Both teams are good, I just think that the Pack are probably closer knit, more of a team."

"Closer knit? Is that your way of saying they take turns dropping soap in the shower? A buncha grown guys playing hide the wiener. Fer Christsakes those fags just make me sick."

Martin had enough, he stood to face Sal. "Make you sick? Does your friend Martin make you sick?" He saw the look on the other men's faces. "Yep, your buddy is gay. Don't you dare call me fruit or fag to my face."

Others in the McDonalds were watching. Jack wanted to calm things down. "C'mon Marty, I know you, you're not gay. Yeah Sal is a bit of a jerk about Pete and his team, but you don't have to pretend you are gay to make your point. I mean, look at you, you don't even look gay."

"Does Pete look gay? Does his lover Kyle look gay?"

"Do I look gay?" The men looked towards Bub, who was now standing behind Martin. The former wrestling coach and high school football star were imposing men. Their strength silenced the other three men. "The world is changing guys. You can either change with it, or move out of the way as it speeds by." Bub put his hand on Martin's shoulder. "Want to join a less hostile table?"

"I'd be glad to" Martin said.

The conversation was not lost on Caleb who was cleaning a nearby table. People often saw his hearing aid and assumed his deafness was a disability. However, he had cultivated strong observational skills that he had planned to use when he became a detective. He dreamed he'd become the first out Detective in the Duluth Police force. Seeing these strong men declare their sexuality, made that dream closer. He finished cleaning, went to the counter, and then returned with a fresh order for the two new friends. "On the house, sorry for the unpleasant experience you had sirs."

Pete and I were deep in planning our little gathering. As the guest list became longer, and budget bigger, we realized we had lost the intention of the day. We had just wanted to declare love for one another with friends and family present. Now we were suddenly the talk of the town. We had to get this party under control, and fast.

Finally, I remembered something I learned in college. "Let's KISS it Pete."

He looked dumbfounded. "Kiss it? Kiss it goodbye and just call it off?"

"No, Keep It Simple, Stupid. Let's just have a quick ceremony, and a big meal in the backyard. We can even have the Italian deli make the food. We don't need anything fancy. Just some lasagna, salads, and assorted sandwiches."

"I can make a few of my porchettas. Your family really liked them."

About fifteen minutes later our wedding was planned. It was almost lunchtime so we decided to make a trip down to the deli and consult with them about catering the event. We sat with Lou, the owner, who pulled together a menu that suited our simple get-together. The order was well within our budget so we wrote a check for the down payment.

"So you're really doing it huh?" Lou said. We hadn't told him the reason for the party, so we were surprised. He shook his head. "Imagine the surprise if my Dad ever found out that his lasagna recipe is being used for Pete's wedding. Well, what he don't know, won't hurt him."

At the counter we heard a familiar voice. "I'll have an order of Sal's Famous Lasagna to go please."

Pete looked up. "Mario, what the hell are you doing in town, and why wasn't I notified?" He stood to greet his wrestling godson, then looked to the person behind the deli counter. "Make that three orders for here, put it on my tab."

We sat and caught up with Mario. He was home a week earlier than planned, and had bought an empty warehouse that he had planned to convert into a gym and loft residence. He was staying at a Motel 6 for the week, until he could get a cheap efficiency apartment. All of his wrestling money was going into the gym so he was on a tight budget until it was open.

"Skip the efficiency and stay with us. Free room and board for a few months means you can get the job done faster." I was silently disappointed that Pete had made the offer, without consulting me. For all of his talk about it being "our house" he still made decisions without my input. Personally I liked Mario a lot, but saw him as a potential third wheel while we planned our future.

Though it was his day off, Jason took the Captain's offer to meet him for lunch. Ashley was at her job at the bank, so his day was free. Wanting to steer clear of their West Duluth precinct, the Captain met Jason at a swanky restaurant out on London Road in East Duluth. Jason even took the precaution of using public transportation, instead of his car, which could be trailed. He paid close attention to every bus rider that morning, and felt that none of them were his stalker.

He was however, joined by Caleb from McDonald's. Caleb was on his way to UMD for his afternoon classes. Jason was impressed by Caleb's career choice and even offered his email address in case Caleb needed help with a class project. The Captain had taken him under his wing once at an important time. Maybe it was time to pay that favor forward. Caleb caught a transfer a few blocks before the restaurant. Jason admired his ass as he walked towards the bus stop.

A few minutes later, Jason was at the restaurant, joining his boss. The Captain sat in the leather covered booth as he looked at Jason as he sat across from him. "Order whatever you want, it's on me, but no booze. I know it's our day off, however, we need clear minds. I want to reconstruct how we found every single dildo.

Rolf looked at his handiwork. The tile was inexpensive, the result of cancelled order when the decorator declared she wanted "pinkish slate, not greyish slate." Somehow he had installed the tiles precisely in this old church. He often mused the church was just like him because it had "no straight lines."

The tile would have to set 24 hours before he could deftly apply the grout. Thursday he could deliver and install Kyle's appliances, play softball, and then head home to put the finishing touches on his new master bath. Maybe Francis was available on Friday for a grand opening. He pulled the cell phone out of his dust covered overalls, and dialed the number he already knew by heart.

The Captain and Jason were hiking the woods near his favorite spot on Skyline Parkway. The Captain's phone rang; he saw the number. "I gotta take this, I'll catch up with you."

Jason walked ahead as the Captain answered it. "This is the Captain... Yeah... I miss you too... I know, I know, it was lame... Yeah, I feel the same way... No, it was fine, I hope my snoring didn't disrupt your sleep. Slept like a baby huh? God I miss that too. Friday? That might work. I'll check my schedule... Damn it sure sounds sexy the way you say it. Go ahead, call me Francis anytime we're alone... Goodbye, I'll get back to you handsome."

The Captain hiked quickly through the forest to catch up to Jason. He was flush partially from the hike, but mainly from his conversation with Rolf. That big man certainly got to him, and his effect was impossible to hide.

"Damn Cap, just who were you talking to? Did ya get a little something-something last night? Is that why you are distracted today?" Jason smirked, the smile grew as he realized what had happened. "Yeah, some chick got lucky with the Cap last night. Did you give her your night stick? C'mon, spill it, I told you everything about my guy."

"Jason, I am sure you left out some details, and beside, my sex life is not pertinent to the case. I have learned to keep my personal life and my business life separate. Something you can work on young man."

Rolf looked at himself in the mirror of the second bath. He retrieved a bottle of beard oil from the vintage medicine cabinet, then poured some on his open palm. He smiled as he remembered Francis calling him "handsome." With his free hand he brought his full beard to his nose and sniffed in the remaining scent of the Captain. No man had ever made him feel like this. He let the scent linger as he applied the beard oil to his full beard. He brushed it through, leaving a luster to the impressive mane.

"Handsome huh? Likewise, Francis."

"Mario sure is good looking, he gets to you doesn't he?"

Pete's observation as we drove home caught me off guard. Yes, Mario was sexy, but I didn't think I was that obvious. "Oh, he's handsome, look at the genes he got from his father Giorgio."

"Oh no, now you are thinking of two hot Italian men, I'll have to work overtime getting your mind back on me. Oh the sacrifices I make to keep you mine..."

"We have the afternoon off, nothing planned until we meet the guys at 5:00. Got any ideas?"

"It's time I shave my head, I used to do it in the bath, wanna join me?"

Fuck, there was no place on earth that I'd rather be. I'd been with this man over half a year, and we were finally taking a bath together. The master bath tub was large enough for two, it was about time we shared it for more than a shower.

Soon we were home, upstairs. I opened the patio door while Pete drew the bath and prepped for shaving. I joined him in the bathroom, then slowly undressed him. The cool April breeze met the warmth of the bath, creating a fog on the bathroom mirror. When we were both naked he took my finger and wrote 1-4-3 on the bathroom mirror. He yanked me into his strong arms. "Damn Kyle, I don't know how I deserve a man like you, a lover like you."

We kissed in each other's arms, then I stepped into the tub. I laid back, invited him in. He filled the space between my legs as he joined me in the hot water. "Perfect" he growled. "Just the right temperature, should make shaving easy.

I used a loofah to scrub my man, kissing him, touching him while I did so. My hands did linger a while on his dick but I made sure I cleaned every inch of his body. "Switch" he said, and then did the same for me, his hard dick pressed into the small of my back.

The water had cooled a bit; it was time to shave his beautiful head. We switched positions again, then I started to lather his noggin. I steadied one hand on his chest and used the other to expertly shave the stubble. I thought of previous times where I had shaved his head while fucking his ass. I could have just as easily done this in the tub, but I had other needs.

Pete seemed disappointed at the almost utilitarian shave. The disappointment ended when I dunked his head, rinsing off the remaining lather. We played like kids in the tub, splashing each other, wrestling a bit. We finally stood, let the water drain, then drew the curtain and showered.

We toweled each other expertly. Pete was about to jump on the bed, when I got another idea. I yanked the comforter from the bed and walked out to the second floor deck. "I don't know when we'll get this chance again when Mario moves in."

I placed the comforter down, then laid on it. I lifted my legs, making my intentions very clear. I needed to be fucked by Pete. He joined me on the comforter, pushing my legs back even further. His face went down to my freshly showered hole. "So this is what you want from Mario huh? Will ole Pete do?"

He started to slobber on my butt. I had done my best to train Pete, he was an expert rimmer. "I betcha Mario can't lick ass like I do." Pete went back to chowing down, opening my hole with his thumbs as his tongue plunged deeper. "Yeah, so damn tasty. I'm glad Mario is missing out on this."

He continued to tongue my butt while fisting his dick. Precum was coating his uncut knob, and I wanted it. "Fuck Mario, I need you Pete, Fuck ME!"

My head flew back as Pete lifted my legs further, and plunged his dick into me. My groan was enough to scare three squirrels out of the white pine tree at the end of the deck. They scurried across the backyard towards the trees beyond, as Pete started to expertly screw me. The breeze felt good on my drying fur while he slammed into my ass.

He got a wild look on his face as he expertly rode my tail. "Yeah Babe, we were made for each other" he said, smiling. "I gotta taste you." His kisses tasted of ass, soap, and spring air. Our tongues fought each other for supremacy as he dumped his load into my ass. I felt every shot of his love as it warmed my butt.

He finally slipped out, and then laid down next to me. "Damn, I really did screw up inviting Mario to stay here didn't I? I mean I had good intent doing so. You gotta believe me on that."

"We'll figure it out, we always do. I trust us that way. Too bad he can't join us at the bar tonight. I know Fred would love to see him."

Jeff met Fred at the farmhouse. He was there for two reasons. He was going to pick Fred up for their weekly Happy Hour at the bar, but first they were going to set up their private glory hole. He used to run one from the basement of his house, but the sugar shack on the old farmhouse proved to be the ideal set up. It was secluded enough for his "clients", plus he and Fred would have enough room to share their lust for anonymous sex.

Fred was more than proud to show off his handiwork in the upstairs bedroom. He had converted the one-time office into a walk in closet. "It's ironic doncha think? Charlie is finally out of the closet and he has a closet fit for a king."

The two men walked down to the sugar shack. Fred had already stashed the lumber and supplies down there. They quickly framed in a makeshift wall that could be removed during maple syrup season. The double glory hole panel from Pete's New Year's Eve party would fit like a glove. With hammering and insulation done, the Sugar Shack was converted to a Suck Shack. All that remained was for Jeff to get the word out to his "clientele".

The hammering woke Pete and Kyle. The guys were up to something down at the farmhouse. In his mind Kyle had long given up ownership of the place, so he trusted that whatever was being done, was for the better. They finally got up off the deck, retrieved the comforter, and then went inside to dress for Happy Hour.

Rolf missed the phone call, he wished he would have missed the voice mail. "Something's come up, no-can-do Friday night." If the previous call found him on cloud nine, the voice mail brought him crashing down to earth. Oh well, another Tuesday Happy Hour with the Pack might pull him out of the Captain induced doldrums.

Marty joined us at Happy Hour. Everyone was humored to realize that his internet chat friend was our very own Brent. He told us of how he was forced to come out to his coffee buddies earlier in the day, and then how he met another fellow traveler. I noticed that all the guys seemed to be in good spirits, except one big lug.

"Something's up buddy, I can see it in your eyes." Rolf's eyes did indeed betray his emotions. The hazel eyes that sparkled at me recently at the sauna, were clouded with emotions. I grabbed our drinks, then led him to an open booth off to the side.

He finally spoke. "Did you ever think things were going your way, and then have it all come crashing down? Kyle, I thought I finally found HIM last night. You know what I mean by HIM don't you? The one, the guy you were supposed to spend the rest of your life with?"

As if catching himself Rolf hit the side of his face. "Duh, of course you know what I mean. You met the man of your dreams and you are going to marry him. And, if I get my way, I'm going to be the officiant."

"Wait, what was that? The Officiant?" I mulled it for a second. "Rolf, we hadn't thought of that detail, but what good is an officiant if it isn't official?"

"What you two are doing is only for the two of you. You are sharing it with friends and family because that love is worth sharing. Making it official, will not make it any more special than it already is. Kyle, please let me do this. I have already written the ceremony. You two will write your own vows of course."

"Of course..." I winked.

"Ha Buddy! No wonder you are my friend. You just put a smile on my sad ole face. With friends like you I will figure out this situation. My man's got a public job; he's probably just being careful of his reputation. I'll cure him of that."

Our food was being delivered so we rejoined the guys at the table. His hazel eyes smiled at me across the tabletop as he took a bite of his burger. I turned to Pete. "Pete, I forgot to tell you we have an officiant for our wedding."

"Well then it's good news all around" Micah said. "I got a new client today. I'm going out to his dairy farm tomorrow to help install a computer system so he can modernize his books. You should have seen the mess he calls his records. I'd hate to have to represent him for an IRS audit."

"Was his name Bub by chance?" Gino asked. Micah nodded.

"Wow, that's the name of the guy who came to my rescue at McDonald's. Small world isn't it?" Martin said.

"Nothing small about him. He was a big bull, looks like he'd give Pete a run for his money."

"In more ways than one" Brent said.

I smiled, realizing the last comment was lost on our somewhat naïve accountant.

The Captain ate alone at the counter of the West End diner. Twenty-four hours ago he was enjoying dinner with a man who literally charmed the pants off him. However, earlier he had admonished a fellow policeman to take precautions in his private life. Though it pained him, he had to slow his roll, and call off a date he was looking forward to on Friday night.

"Adam & Eve, Not ADAM & STEVE"



The words were crudely spray painted on Pete's Ram Truck, ignorant typos and all. The right rear tire of the truck was slashed. From the looks of the scene, the other three tires were next. The paint can was there, along with the dropped knife. Mike's calm head prevailed. "Don't touch anything, this is all evidence." He got on the phone. "FC, I need your help. Some friends of mine look to be the targets of a hate crime... We're down at the bar... Good... See ya soon..."

Rolf hugged me. "I gotta go, see ya Thursday, I'd only be in the way here, you guys got it under control."

He walked to his PT Cruiser, and then headed home. Rolf was definitely hot and cold tonight. This bit of vandalism brought out the cold. I turned back to Mike. "Who's FC by the way?"

"Oh just a childhood friend. We used to play softball together, you might remember him, he coaches the cop's softball team."

We drew a small crowd waiting for the Captain to arrive. One guy had a small body shop. He offered to buff out the paint job. Two others were quick to offer their assistance in changing the tire. Pete politely turned down their offer of free assistance, assuring them he would gladly compensate them for their work.

"Pete, you've done so much for me over the years and you don't even know me. We didn't have much growing up in West Duluth in the '70's. Having a local hero like you to look up to, helped me through some tough times."

"Me too Pete, and frankly I don't care who you fuck. These people have to learn that when you fuck with one West Duluthian, you fuck with us all."

Rolf sat as his computer, editing the file. He sat there in his shorts, wanting every word to be perfect for his friends. He had only known Pete and Kyle a short time, but they had already impacted his life in ways that couldn't be measured. He felt helpless leaving them at the bar with their vandalized vehicle, but there was no way he could face Francis tonight.

The knock at his door was weak, he barely heard it. He opened, finding the Captain there. "I can't sleep. Can you find it in your heart to forgive a fool?"

Rolf's hazel eyes sparkled. "If you have it in your heart to love a fool. Francis, if you're only here for sex, I might just kick your ass out. But I have a feeling there's something more to it than that."

"Sit Rolf, I think we need to talk."

The Body shop owner dropped Pete and Kyle off at their house. "Ya know your house was my kid's favorite stop on the Christmas lighting route last year. Personally I liked the one down the road better." I had to chuckle to myself knowing that he preferred my house over Pete's.

He continued. "When I was young I would steal some spray paint from Goldfine's, and then spray any random wall I could find. Then I saw you on TV Pete. I thought pro wrestling was stupid, but something about you made me take notice. You even did a cheesy "Be Cool, Stay in School" appearance at the local mall. I took your advice, really got into shop class, and suddenly I was using the paint on all of my friend's cars. I got so talented painting paid my way through vo-tech.

Whoever did this to you will have to learn their own lesson one day. I hope it isn't too late for them.

"I just need you to understand that this won't be easy for me. There will be times when work will be hectic Rolf, and I won't be able to see you. And I don't know if I can be as open as Pete and Kyle are, look at what happened to them tonight. It just isn't easy in my position. You've gotta understand that."

"That's exactly what I figured the story was Francis." Rolf saw the smile on his lover's face when he said his name, a name he had been running from his whole life. He then added his own devilish smile. "So what position works for you tonight? I have one in mind."

Rolf pushed the envelope just a bit more. "Frank" he growled. "The beauty of the stained glass windows. They allow light to enter, but not prying eyes. This is our sanctuary, you can dress however you want in here, and no one can see." Rolf slipped his shorts over his hard dick and full ass and let them fall to the floor. "Want to join me?"

"Frank huh? Damn everything you call me sounds sexy." He stood and grabbed Rolf's rigid dick. "Just so you know, I have to get up early tomorrow, so if I leave before you wake, it's only work calling."

The Captain led Rolf up the stairs towards the loft. He removed his revolver, placing it in its now familiar spot on the night stand to the right of the bed. Rolf laid back as the captain continued stripping. The Captain took his time, and Rolf changed position again, laid on his belly, his head propped on his hands as he looked towards his man.

Francis saw Rolf's beefy ass. He shook his head slowly as he allowed his shorts to fall to the floor. "Tonight that's mine. I hope you are ready for it."

"I just got out of the shower before you arrived. My ass is ready for anything."

"Scoot it around here and prove it."

Rolf felt the Captains whiskers on his ass before the tongue ever found its target. "OH FUCK FRANK, THAT'S IT, THAT'S THE TICKET" he grunted out.

The Captain came up for air, and chuckled "Rolf, you sexy sunovabitch. You not only called me Frank, but the way you say it makes me hard as a rock."

"Don't let that go to waste. Fuck me Frank, FUCK ME."

Frank stood, lined up his dick with Rolf's spit soaked hole and leaned forward, thrusting his beautifully curved five inches into Rolf. "OH HELL YEAH" Rolf growled. "Ride my ass. Make it yours Frank."

The Captain grabbed onto the tasty mounds of his lover's ass. He realized he had lied to himself, he wasn't there making amends, setting the record straight, or feeding an urge. He was there because he finally found someone who met every one of his needs. He was in love dammit, and he would have to deal with the fact that it was a man.

All labels went out the window as he fucked the furry butt of his man. Bi, Straight, gay, top or bottom meant nothing. His needs and desires were satisfied by the thick ass he was filling, and the beautiful, kind man it was attached to. Last night Rolf needed to look into the Captain's eyes when he filled his ass full of cum. Tonight, the Captain was lost in the power of an ass that could only belong to a man

"Take it ROLF, TAKE MY LOAD." He shook as he shot into Rolf's butt. It wasn't eloquent, it wasn't witty, but it was inspired. Inspired by the only man he could think of when he saw the ugly side of man earlier. Inspired by the witty gentle soul who saw the same in him. Inspired by a man who could make the name Francis sound loving, and Frank sound downright sexy.

But most of all it was inspired by the man he could see himself waking up with every day of his life.

Rolf collapsed forward, his breathing slowed. He looked back at the Captain who still shivered with desire. "What got into you?" Rolf whispered. "I never expected that."

The Captain motioned for Rolf to lay on his back, and then he placed his head on the Rolf's strong chest. "Something I never felt before, I think it's called love."

"If that is what it is, you can love me all you want. But I need some sleep, and gotta pee first." The Captain followed Rolf into the unfinished master bathroom. He admired the tile work on the large shower area while Rolf peed.

"That's fine work Rolf, I can't wait to share it with you."

"That was supposed to be your surprise for another night, but someone got a little needy."

Rolf hugged the Captain as he took his turn at the urinal. "Nice touch Buddy, I guess you never expected to host any women in your bedroom."

"Why would I when I have someone as handsome as you. Let's get to bed, we both have an early morning tomorrow. Remember I'm the small spoon when we sleep. You got my ass pre-lubed if you feel the need."

For the second night in a row the Captain made sure his gun was safe and within reach while Rolf adjusted his CPAP mask. They slowly fell asleep to the white noise of the CPAP. In the last few years his machine had allowed him restful nights of sweet dreams, but nothing came close to the reality that held him tightly as they slept.

FYI The first four months of my stories are available as a Kindle friendly e-book at Search for me under Bix Meister. It is easier to read, and has some artwork to enhance the story. Reviews and feedback are appreciated if you happen to buy.

Next: Chapter 51: Secrets 4

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