
Published on Dec 12, 2015


A Year in The Life

The Pack Part 4

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

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The Pack Part 4

Marty was staring trancelike at the ceiling as I woke the next morning. The rising and falling of his chest was his only movement. There was enough early morning light to pick out his features. I saw a smile form on his face.

Pete nuzzled my neck. The resulting shiver was hard to hold back. It pulled Marty out of his reverie. He looked over at us. "It's time to move on guys. I've done a disservice to Walt and my wife by not doing so. And it's about time my kids know about their dad."

"All in due time Marty" Pete said. "That's a lot of change to cram into your life. At least you know you have friends who will help you."

"I'm holding you to it guys. Hell the guys that I meet for coffee will be a big enough pain in the ass to come out to, if I come out to them."

"Who says you need to?" I added. "You can still hang out with them. Not everyone needs to know you like men. Besides you will have a new group of guys to get to know."

"I appreciate that, and plan to take you up on it. But you guys are the talk of West Duluth. If I hang out with you, I might as well wear a rainbow colored shirt and march in the Pride Parade. No, they will know sooner or later. I feel I need to be the guy who tells them. First I need to tell my family. The kids are coming up here this weekend. It'll be my chance to set the record straight, or not in this case."

We laughed at his joke, then roused Marty from the bed. I went across the hall and grabbed Marty a pair of sweats from my drawer. We had a few minutes before the rest of the team would arrive, so we went downstairs and showered together. The intimacy was a perfect way to honor our lovemaking the night before. While scrubbing my back Marty leaned in to whisper to me. "Walt thanks you for last night."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'll tell you later. We need to get ready to work out with the guys."

There was no need to explain Marty to our gang. Pete simply introduced him as a friend, and that was enough. He kept up with us on the run, and was a natural leader as we stretched afterwards. Justin and Derek stayed for a shower, as did Marty. The downstairs shower room was all business, unlike earlier.

I gave Marty a Pack jersey as he left. This was not lost on Derek. "What's the story there Dad?" he asked.

"That's his story to tell you when and if he does" Pete told his son.

The Captain stood in front of his map of Duluth. Remembering "The Pack's" mascot from last night's game, he placed a flesh colored pin in the middle right center field. He then went to his computer and checked out the website he had visited earlier in the week. Whoever this person was, he or she had spent $29.99 and shipping on this dick, just to abandon it in the middle of a softball field. Over a quarter century on the force, and this was the weirdest case he had dealt with yet.

The previous title holder was in the early '80's when a ship raised its anchor in the harbor. Hooked on it was the catch of the day; a '70's sedan and two dead bodies. Due to the chilly waters of Lake Superior, the bodies were well preserved. Though there were many scenarios, their murder remained a cold case. The Captain was resolute that he would solve this strange dildo case before summer's end.

Martin tried to avoid his coffee buddies. He had really thought of them as friends, but was not in the right frame of mind to see them. Twenty-four hours earlier he was confronted by a younger man who was living a life he had always wanted. Something in the strength that man had shown, forced Martin to face his reality. He just wasn't sure he could share this reality with his friends. What made it worse, he wasn't sure if they would remain his friends, knowing the truth.

I drove by McDonalds that morning on my way to see a client. Stuck at a stoplight, I saw the men from the previous day, minus Marty. I flashbacked to how my dad would go downtown to the local diner every morning for coffee. I wondered if Pete and I would be doing the same thing, years down the line.

Fuck, why was I thinking of the distant future, when we already had so much to do in the next month or so? On our agenda was the completion of the kitchen remodel at the farmhouse, maple syrup to make, and plan our wedding. So far all of my siblings had responded and the guys were looking forward to it. But other than a date, no plans were in place.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I almost missed the turn to my client's office. I hit the brakes, and then made the turn. I spotted a uniformed officer up the road, so I slowed down. He nodded to me. "Damn" I thought, it was Jason from last night's softball game. He looked exceptionally hot that morning. The uniform pants fit his ass to a T, and the bulge up front was emphasized. I was early, so I pulled over and rolled down my window.

Jason leaned in. "Hey, good game last night, too bad the best team won." As if catching himself, he dialed it back a bit. "Although honestly it was a toss-up. That play could have been called either way. You've got quite an arm on you, have you been playing long?"

"Not really, I just have the knack of getting lucky when the time calls for it. I don't have the natural born talent you do, so I'll continue to rely on luck and timing." I wasn't going to lie to this young man. It appeared as if he was making an effort to brush off his cockiness, so I did my best to relate to him on his level.

"You really think it is natural talent? I work hard at it buddy." There was a hint of his brashness coming on, but again he dialed it back. "Sometimes I have to remember all that work I put into it, and not screw it up by being a hot head."

"Jason my dad was a great baseball player, almost made the major's. Although his talent skipped right by me, he still taught me to put that energy into the game and anything I do. Maybe you'll do that the next time we play, and we'll both know that the eventual winner deserved the win."

I looked at the clock on my dash, I had only a few minutes. "Gotta go buddy" I said, and then rolled up the window.

"Shit, what a hot guy" Jason muttered to himself. "And he remembered my name." Jason's mind wandered for a few minutes as he walked his beat. He was happy that the Captain had placed him on a day shift. The still cool spring day was warming slowly. He woke up that morning in a shitty mood after being ejected from the game. He got up early for the shift change, then grabbed a cup of coffee while checking his email. There was an anonymous email that caught his attention.


Wear a jock today under your uniform. You've got it, flaunt it."

Though no one signed it, and the user name was unknown to him, Jason was pretty sure it was his wife playing around. Only a handful of people called him Jase. He smiled thinking that this was his wife's way of letting him know she still thought of him as sexy. A quick trip to the underwear drawer and Jason was admiring himself in the mirror. He didn't want to be caught in the jock at the precinct, so he dressed at home. As he left, Ashley gave him a wolf whistle. Yep, the email was from her. Jason had gotten many admiring nods already this morning. If he wasn't mistaken, the guy who he just talked to in the car was among those admirers.

"Fuck" he thought to himself. Maybe there is some truth to the rumor that the team they played last night was a gay team. But freaking Mike plays on that team. Mike, his softball idol, with the hot wife. That didn't make sense to Jason. However, Jason thought to himself, Fred plays on that team.

As Jason walked through West Duluth he thought of Fred. Though it was months earlier, Jason remembered his blow job as if it were yesterday. He started to bone up inside his jock as he remembered the warmth that surrounded his dick on that cold winter night. Fred wasn't Jason's ideal man. Mike, The Captain, the guy in the car, and Bub were more his type. But for some reason Fred still made him hard.

It was time for a break, and Jason was close to the McDonalds, so he walked the few blocks and ordered a coffee.

"Hey Jason, I heard it was a great game last night. Guess you took it to the fruits."

Jason looked at one of the regulars who nodded to the empty seat next to him. Jason sat down. "I wouldn't say that, we barely squeaked out a win. I'd rather win it with a more comfortable margin." For the first time in his life Jason realized he had not taken the homophobic bait. He thought of the man in the car that he had just talked to. "If that guy is gay..." he thought to himself.

"Oh, from what I heard you beat those fags fair and square. Martin was there, he has a cold or something, otherwise he would be here to tell you the truth.

Jason flinched at the word. "Now buddy, we don't need to be calling them names..."

"But two of those queers are getting married. Pete and that younger fella. There's gotta be a law against that. You're a cop, you should be able to arrest them."

"Really, they're getting married?" Jason smiled. "It won't be a legal marriage, but that isn't saying what they are doing is illegal. Maybe I don't see why any of this concerns you."

"It's just not right" the ringleader said to his two friends who nodded in agreement.

"Well guys. Got to get moving, thanks for the chat" Jason said as he got up. He decided on a McMuffin to go, so he ordered one at the counter. He appraised the tall young man at the register, noticed the hearing aid. "Do you play ball? You got the natural build for it."

"Yeah, but not as good as you" the counterman said. Jason smiled at the compliment. The young man placed two Egg Mcmuffins in a bag then quietly said "Thanks for making the neighborhood safe. Stop by again." Damn, even the counterperson at McDonalds was cruising him.

Jason strolled down towards the harbor. The arrival of spring meant there might be some questionable action near the bay. He walked by the supermarket, and under the freeway towards the paper mill. There were some teens practicing on the soccer fields near the paper mill. On beautiful days like this Jason wondered about the need for a neighborhood foot patrol, but he was determined to make the best of it. He planned on making the trip down to the Hallet Dock on foot, then walk back via Main. The two Egg McMuffins were devoured quickly, and ever mindful of his role, he rolled up the bag and put it in his pants' pocket.

But then he saw a black object just to the right of the paper mill entrance.

The Captain placed the black push pin on the map as Jason watched. "So let me get this straight. You found it right by the entry. Thousands of cars go by there in an hour, and you find it in broad daylight?"

Jason saw the Captain shake his head. "I just don't get it either. I mean, look at the size of that thing. It can't be cheap."

The Captain powered up his computer and motioned for Jason to look at the adult toy website. "Look at that! $79.99. This makes it over $200.00 of dildos found in our backyard. I still don't get it Jason. Can you imagine spending all that money on something, just to discard it?"

The Captain got up and locked the door. Jason knew what that meant. The Captain sat opposite him, looking Jason in the eyes. "We still haven't talked about last night. I don't think I need to tell you again that what happens at work, can't end up on the softball field, and what happens on the field can't color what you do at work. Jason, you have every potential to be a great cop, but sometimes you lose sight of that. What happened between you and Fred months ago shouldn't be cropping up at a softball game."

Jason hesitated, opened his mouth to respond, but the Captain stopped him. "You can protest all you want as to what happened, but in the law's mind, that's a closed case. You are only going to harm yourself if you pursue it anymore." The Captain eased his chair forward, he was now inches from Jason's face. "Do I make myself clear?"

Thankfully Jason's jock masked his true response to the Captain. He immediately thought of Bub. How the older man had gotten so close to him as he made love to him. The intense look in his eyes reminded him of the Captain as he confronted him. Jason took a deep breath, covertly adjusted his crotch and responded "Crystal clear Captain."

"Good, any questions?"

"Captain, I was talking to some of the old farts at McDonalds. Do you think the rumor is true about Pete, the old pro wrestler getting married to some dude?"

"If it is, does it matter to you and me, I mean they are not breaking any law as far as I know. They are two guys, finding love and companionship in each other. If that's the case, good for them. I know I wouldn't have said this five or ten years ago, but times change..."

"That isn't the way those guys think. To be honest Captain, I am not sure it's the way I think. But something in the way they talked about it made me support Pete."

"That means you are growing Jason, good on you. Now get back on your beat. Go over by the Spirit Valley Mall, it's the perfect day for kids to play hooky from school and do some petty shoplifting."

The Captain noticed Jason's ass as he left the office. His tight pants belied the presence of a jock strap. One look at that ass reminded the Captain of a certain parcel heading his way. He pulled up the website again to check tracking on his order. It was out for delivery.

Marty called us later that afternoon. His kids were meeting him for brunch the next day and he was getting nervous. We agreed to meet him at the local diner, he offered to pick up the tab. Over the Friday night fish fry, we did our best to allay his fears. In talking to him we pointed out that his marriage probably wasn't as loveless as he thought it was, and that if he raised his kids right, they should want him to be happy. By the time dinner was over we had him feeling as confident as possible about finally being honest with his kids.

Pete was obviously mulling things over as we drove home from the diner. He turned down the volume on the oldies station, hesitated for a moment and then started to speak. "Ever get the feeling you need to shake things up a bit?"

That caught me off guard to be honest, my silence was proof.

"I mean even though we just played with another guy last night, this whole marriage thing almost has me feeling too safe. Where's the excitement of discovery? I don't want to be a boring old fart for you."

"I don't think that is ever going to happen Pete. But if you are worried, maybe I should be too. What do you want?" I asked. "What else do you need to discover?"

"I honestly don't know. I just know that I don't want us caught in a rut."

Personally I didn't see us in a rut at that moment, but I played along. "Pete, when we get home, you will go upstairs, strip, get your Pack jersey and put it on. You will then walk downstairs to the workout room and climb into the sling. Have your ass primed and ready for whatever I decide to do."

Pete looked over at me as he drove. The smile that curled his lip signaled his anticipation. Yep, we were going to shake things up tonight.

Martin got home from the diner that night and powered up his computer. It was a present from his kids the previous Christmas, and was quickly becoming a new lifeline for him. He checked his emails then decided to venture to the Bears4Bears chat room. His kids had suggested the screen name WrestlinDad innocently, but Martin learned how apt the double meaning was.

The usual gang were in chat that night. A few of the people he would joke with, but some kept a distance since his profile was on the vague side. Martin wouldn't apologize for this vagueness because his profile was visible to his family. Martin felt a bit more confident that night chatting with his friends. The closest ones greeted him as Dad. He looked through the list of users and didn't see the one that he wanted to see the most.

After chatting for a few minutes he saw it. "DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He only knew one person who would greet him that way. It had to be his friend FargoneBear. It felt odd for Martin to say this, but even though he had never met him, he considered FargoneBear to be his closest friend. There was a connection he felt with Fargone that was undefinable.

Two minutes into chatting that connection appeared again. WrestlinDad saw the icon that let him know he had an Instant Message from Fargone.

FargoneBear: Sup? Something's different tonight?

WrestlinDad: Nothing's up, cept my dick just talking to you.

FargoneBear: Dad, don't tease me like that.

FargoneBear: Wait, you're usually a bit more reserved than this. What's gotten into you? Or what did you get into?

WrestlinDad: Bear, you know it has been a long time since I have been with a man right? Well this old guy still has it. And I found two hot men who want what I have.

FargoneBear: Dad, you know three then. This furry fucker would be all over you, wrestling you for top.

WrestlinDad: Really? You don't even know what I look like, I could just be a dirty old man for all you know.

FargoneBear: And that is fine with me. Dad, you know I joke, but maybe it's time we get serious. We live in the same city, isn't it time we meet up for coffee??? you know...

WrestlinDad: I don't know Bear. I'm having brunch with my kids tomorrow. I figure it is about time they know their dad. We'll have to see how that goes before I promise to meet a friend from online. I'm kind of apprehensive about this, got any advice for an old fool about to come out for the first time?

FargoneBear: Just be yourself, be honest. If you raised your kids the right way, they will want you to be happy.

WrestlinDad: You sound just like the two men I played with. Maybe it is time to live my life and trust my gut instinct. My head is telling me to do what you say, and my hard dick is telling me another story entirely.

FargoneBear: Damn Dad, now you got me hard. The hubby will be happy I talked to you tonight since he gets the benefits of my boner.

Walt chuckled to himself as he unzipped his slacks and pulled out his dick. He knew that soon he'd be standing and squirting all over his polished desk. He'd have to remember to hide his cum rag before the kids would stop by the next day after brunch.

FUCK!!!, What had I gotten myself into? I had asked Pete to put on his Pack jersey and get into the sling, but the sight I saw when I walked into the workout room with my duffle bag, was hotter than I expected. Yes, Pete had the jersey on, but he was wearing it in such a way that it heightened everything sexy about him. The sleeves were rolled taut on his biceps. Each side of the unbuttoned jersey laid across his perfectly furred gut, the shirttails swayed as the sling slowly swung due to Pete's heavy breaths.

Pete's legs were already up and resting on the chains of the sling. His hole seemed to open and close to the rhythm of his gut as it tensed. I was so mesmerized by the sight of my man, his low voice startled me.

"What took you so long? What's in the bag baby?"

I put the duffle bag down, unbuttoned my own jersey to mirror his and then unzipped the bag. "We've been focusing too much on softball practice; we've forgotten your own personal ass training." I reached into the duffle bag and pulled out the largest dildo either of us owned. "This is what took me so long" I walked around the sling, got close to Pete's face and then slapped the nine-inch dildo down on my open palm. "Forgot where we had it, thought for a moment you had discarded it in West Duluth somewhere." I walked towards his ass, sliding Pete Jr. through the fur on his gut. "I was worried that I was about to marry the Mad Dildoer, but like I thought, all of ours are present and accounted for. Tonight, you are doing me proud by taking the largest one."

I saw Pete's Adam's apple bob as he gulped. "Do you really think I can do this?"

I grabbed a bottle of lube from the duffle bag and started to slowly lube up the thick rubber dick. My eyes were locked on his while I applied the juice that would ease entry. The sling was still slightly swaying due to my man's rhythmic breathing. Standing between his legs I had the best viewpoint in the room that night. I placed the lubed dong against my own precum slicked dick and then slowly gave Pete a preview of cumming attractions. "The man who can take this..." I waved my dick for emphasis. "Will be taking this even thicker dick tonight."

I rubbed the rigid dong on his hole, he shivered. "I don't know babe, that's damn big."

Rubbing the dildo once more on his ass, I slowly placed it on his crotch next to his own rigid dick. I did my best to wrap my hands around the two thick dicks before me. "Pete, look at what you have to offer me. If I can take yours, you can take this." I stroked the real and fake dick with both of my hands, Pete's concentration was on the action taking place in my hands.

"FUCK" Pete grunted as I thrust my dick into him." Yeah, that's what I need you horny little fucker. Make this man's ass your own." His rambunctious bucking in the sling caused me to lose control of the Pete Jr. dildo and it fell to the floor.

I let go of his dick and grabbed onto his legs for more leverage as I started to pound his ass. "THIS MAN'S ASS IS ALREADY MINE" I grunted. I was really giving him my all, slamming into his butt. He was working my dick with his ass muscles, getting me close to cumming much quicker than I expected or wanted. I slowed down. "Gotta make this last babe, you still have to take Pete Jr. tonight."

Pete's eyes caught mine again, he winked. "Wouldn't a cum filled hole make for easier entry?"

"It might. But remember, you were the one who wanted me to shake things up. Tonight's on my terms babe, and your ass is about to find out how mine feels every time you fuck it." I was enjoying the slow fucking I was giving Pete, so I slid my hands up through the fur on his gut.

Pete was feeling the rhythm too. His moaning was almost musical. He quietly growled, then spoke. "Kyle... I'm ready. I've never been more ready."

I slowly pulled out of his ass, steadied my hand on his gut, then leaned over to retrieve the Pete Jr. dildo. Once more I walked to the head of the sling, I looked down at my man waiting there. I applied a new layer of lube to the rubber pecker and then waved it closely to his face. I looked him in the eyes and then said. "I'm more than ready to be your man for the rest of your life. Pete, this fake dick represents something very real. When it's balls-deep in your ass think about how good your dick feels when it is filling my butt. Think about Marty, and how he wished Walt could fuck his ass just one time. We have a chance to live a life he only dreamed about. Yes, Pete, you say you've never been more ready. Now it's time to prove it."

He never lost contact with my eyes as I walked around to his ass. The stare he gave me was intense, filled with desire, and maybe a little doubt. I stroked that dick the entire time, sluicing it up for his ass. My own dick bobbed as I rubbed the fake one on my man's hole. His butt and gut shook at the touch. "Relax babe, greet it, let it in."

His butt relaxed for a split second, long enough for the fake knob to breach his ass-ring. The groan was real, a combo of pleasure, pain and need. "Let it in, let it in" I whispered. He spasmed. An inch of dick entered my man's ass. I twisted the dildo in his ass. I grabbed the bottle of lube from his gut and let a generous amount dribble down onto the dick invading my lover. I put the bottle back down on his gut then leaned forward, looked him right in his eyes. "Let ME in" I said, part whisper, part demand.

I felt it. I felt the need overtake his apprehensions. I felt his ass give way, so I plunged four more inches of the dildo into the man I loved.

"OH FUCK YEAH" he roared. "So this is what I feel like filling that butt of yours? I'm not only marrying a man, I am marrying THE MAN. Give it to me Kyle show me what it feels like every time I fuck you. FUCK THIS MAN'S ASS."

I couldn't hold back. It only took a few more passes before the dong was balls deep in Pete's furry butt. He greeted every thrust with zeal. Though it was a fake dick in his ass, my own cock trembled as if it were the dick doing the plowing. The sling was in constant motion as I continued to ravage his hole. He grunted out his words in short bursts.


With that he was true to his words, unleashing a handless geyser of jizz from his bouncing dick. Cum splashed all over his gut as he trembled in the sling. I was so damn close myself I pulled the dildo out and slammed my dick in, dumping an equal sized torrent of cum in Pete's butt.

Pete was still trembling, short of breath as I rested my hands on his cum covered belly. I too was out of control, my dick still spasming in Pete's ass as the last of my cum dribbled out. Pete started to laugh. The sling shook more as the laughter grew. "Damn Kyle, when I said shake things up, I didn't realize you'd take it quite literally."

My own laughter soon joined his. Yes, I was ready to love this man for the rest of my life. How could I pass on a guy who brings so much life to the afterglow.

Martin wiped the cum from the desktop, polished the spot well, and then made sure he buried the cumrag deep in the hamper. Even after almost 12 years of living alone, old habits die hard. "Damn, that was fun jacking with FargoneBear" Martin muttered to himself, chuckling at the image as he got into bed. "He says his partner wants to meet me too." Martin shook his head as he thought of how much his life had changed in the last few days. But he was certain it would change even more at brunch the next day.

Jason was up late online, chatting with some softball buds in a room he discovered last summer. It was the usual, yanking each other's chains, talking trash, and even some talk that was borderline "gay." The year before he was fine when someone would tell him to "Suck my dick" but for some reason it wasn't sitting well that night. Despite that, Jason was feeling a camaraderie with these friends from all over Minnesota. He was finally going to meet a few of them at the end of June when he would be playing in the big softball tournament. It was being held close to the city where his in-laws lived so he might have another chance to bond with his father in law, and maybe visit the bookstore. Unfortunately, he didn't feel comfortable sharing that bit of information with his softball chat friends.

Jason was so caught up with chat he ignored the multiple "You've Got Mail" notifications his computer bleated out. When he finally said goodnight to his friends he decided to clear out his mail. Then he saw an email from his secret admirer.


There is an envelope taped to the top of your mailbox. Go get it and wear what's inside it in addition to your jock strap during your next shift.

Thanks Hot Stuff"

Jason quickly adjusted his sweat pants and threw on his shoes. Looking both ways he ran to the mailbox shirtless. He found the envelope, ripped it from its spot and ran back inside, hoping that no one saw him. Though he could tell what was in it, he opened it anyway. Just as he thought, a stainless steel cockring. He reached into his sweats and pulled out his dick and balls. With a little manipulation he soon had his growing package fitting perfectly in the cockring.

He then went into his bedroom, certain that it was another gift from Ashley. His dick thickened as he took off his sweats and climbed into bed, He snuggled up to his pregnant wife, caressing her belly and wedged his erect dick between her ass cheeks.

"Chatting with your softball buddies makes you hard Jase? What am I going to do with you?" Ashley whispered, barely awake.

"It's you babe making me hard. And thanks for the gift." Jason said, making sure Ashley felt the cold steel of the cockring.

"What gift babe?" Ashley said, her words trailing off in an attempt to sleep.

Jason smiled, assured that Ashley's lame attempt to deny the gift, proved her guilt.

Outside a vehicle started quietly, then drove off.

Next: Chapter 48: Secrets 1

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