
Published on Nov 16, 2015


A Year In The Life

The Pack Part 1

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

The Pack Part 1

Pete looked over at me during our ride home from the sauna. "Out of all of the men there, why did you pick Rolf to play with? He doesn't seem your type."

"I'm discovering more and more that I don't have a type. I guess it was a connection, mainly those eyes."

"I can see that." The smile on Pete's face told the whole story. In my mind I replayed our day at the sauna.

We had spent the rest of our time at with the big guy we came to know as Rolf. Pete became so relaxed, he even nodded off as we were snuggling with Rolf. Rolf saw exactly what I saw. "How can such a tough man look so beautiful when he sleeps?

"When you get to know him you'll see his beauty at all times. Just like you."

"Just like me? I'm an old, overweight balding guy. And those are my best features."

"No, your best features are those eyes, humor, and your loving heart. I can't wait to introduce you to the rest of our group. You're gonna love them, and they will love you."

Pete looked over me as I thought about our afternoon. "You got that look again, what're are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, just our group, how much love they give us."

"We got quite the family don't we?"

We drove the rest of the way in silence. I half expected to arrive home to silence, but was greeted by Derek, Justin, and Putski. We hugged the two men while Putski ran laps around the sofa. "Excited about something Boy?" Pete asked.

"I hope you don't mind. We owe you dinner and Justin has a need for a sauna. Putskis excited because his Grandpa is going to dog-sit him. That is, if its okay with you."

"Definitely" Pete said. "I love my furry boy, and I love you too Putski. C'mon, let's go play while the boys cook for us."

I saw the two on the sofa playing, then the men in the kitchen. My family was complete, maybe it was time for pictures. I ran up to the spare bedroom and grabbed my new digital camera. I quickly took some candid shots.

"Putski is hyper about something" Pete said. "He is one happy boy."

"That's because his pack is here. We're his family." I sat, then snuggled with Pete. Putski stopped playing then rested his head on Pete's thigh, looking up at the two of us. "See what I mean?"

Pete chuckled at the scene. There was a sense of satisfaction sitting with my man. The smells coming from the kitchen made our home seem even warmer. I looked at the two men working in tandem. They were almost choreographed as they made their way around the kitchen.

Derek looked up, caught my eye. "You're gonna love this Dad. Chicken tacos with fruit salsa. It reminds me of California."

"Fruit salsa? Pete said. "Never heard of such a thing."

"Time to broaden your horizon Pete" Justin said. "Derek is a great cook, and has introduced to me to all sorts of tasty things."

I avoided the obvious joke, but Pete whispered to me "I'll bet he has."

We snuggled a bit more, then moved to the kitchen. The guys set up a production line of toppings, some warmed tortillas, then said "Dig in."

It was enjoyable making our tacos. There was a freshness in the ingredients that was perfect for the spring season. When all of us had full plates Derek said "Eat."

The table got quiet as we tasted the food. I think we were all three tacos in before Pete said something. "I hate to admit it, but you're a better cook than I am."

"Not better, just different Dad. So... are you guys gonna spill the dirty details of what happened at the sauna?"

I spoke. "Nothing dirty Derek, we actually met a guy who we think will fit in with our group, just trying to decide when we can introduce him without overwhelming him."

"Only you two can go to a notorious place like that, and end up with a new friend." Derek shook his head. "Of course, what do I know, I've never been there."

"Son, we could all be better people if we allowed ourselves to experience something before judging it. Kyle has taught me a lot about that, and I'm still learning."

"Look at Putski there" I started to point out. "People are leery of his breed, but he is one of the gentlest dogs I know. I sometimes am distrustful of people who don't like animals, but I give them the benefit of the doubt since they might be misinformed. But I always trust a dog's instinct, when they don't like a human."

"Kyle, I think you have that same instinct." Pete looked at me, then continued "Like our friend today, you looked beyond the outward appearance, and saw the man."

"No fair telling us this, and not sharing the details" Justin protested.

Pete looked at him. "Do I need to know everything that goes on, in and out of your bedroom? Justin, I hope my family stays here tonight. You and my son can avail yourselves to any and all of the toys available to you. The sauna, the showers, the sling, the workout room, it's all yours. Kyle and I will take care of Putski while you two create your own fantasy. We won't need to know the details, because we'll be busy creating our own.

It wasn't long before we left the two younger men to their own devices. Pete reminded me of our full day the next day, so we called it an early night. But not before Pete did his best job of emulating Rolf's rimming technique, then my fucking technique. I fell asleep assured that Derek and Justin were experiencing their own fantasies.

We woke before the two and took Putski with us as we collected the sap. Unleashed he still stayed close. Towards the end we tied the cart to his harness and he became our pack mule.

When we got back home we were met by the whole gang. Again Putski went wild as he went from man to man. "Cooking for the gang Dad, I hope you don't mind. We may need to do this more often until their kitchen is ready."

Breakfast was tasty, not that I would expect anything different. The guys filled us in on their trip up to Gooseberry Falls. "It was roaring, you could barely hear yourself think" Fred said.

"Yeah, it was magical, I think we all got to a point where words failed us, but we still knew what everyone else was feeling." Jeff added. "I hated to come home, we put that off for a while giving Derek the time he needed. But when we did... Damn, that floor looks pretty. How much more do you have to do Derek?"

"One more coat today, then I will be done for a bit. Fred and I will have the kitchen together soon, just have to pass Norm's inspection this Tuesday."

Plans were made for the rest of the day. Pete Justin, Putski and I would start making the maple syrup, then go pick up the patio block. Fred and Derek would work on the floor. That left Jeff, Charlie and Angelo to go shopping since they were volunteered for dinner prep.

Justin took great interest in the maple syrup production. We would need to break away soon to head to the lumber yard, So Justin was in charge. Pete showed him what to look for, what to test. If the process was stopped too soon, it would be watery, and go rancid, too long and it would crystallize.

Before long Justin was confident he knew the system. "Putski and I got this guys, you go pick up the blocks."

We went back to our place and found the paperwork, then got into Pete's truck. The trip to the home improvement store was quick on this quiet Sunday afternoon, there was very little traffic. We pulled into the lumberyard, then saw the full beard at the entry hut.

He looked into our truck as I handed him the paper work. His hazel eyes smiled "Well Damn, look who it is, my buddies from yesterday" he laughed. He then grabbed his full beard, brought it to his nose, and sniffed. "Yep that's you..." he looked at the paperwork, then at us "Kyle and PETE? You mean I fucked around with the two guys who are remodeling that mansion out beyond Beck's road?" His laugh was thunderous. "Small world innit?"

Pete peered across the truck cab towards our big friend Rolf. "No world can be small with you in it my friend. Hey, we gotta load some pavers, wanna help us?"

"Sure, lemme get someone to cover here." He got on the microphone. "Richard to the gate, Richard to the gate." Rolf then covered the microphone. "He hates to be called Dick, although he sometimes can be one."

When Richard arrived, Rolf pointed out the location for the pavers, then hitched a ride on the back bumper. We could have quickly loaded the blocks, but took the time to visit with our friend.

"Thanks for the fun yesterday, I sure needed the closeness. You ever have one of those days where you don't know where your life is going?" Pete and I nodded, both thinking of the last few weeks in February. "Well that was me Friday night. I only went to the sauna on Saturday to dump a load, release some stress, I never thought I would meet two great guys like you."

Are you up for meeting more guys? We meet every Tuesday for bar burgers."

"Any of the guys available? Someone for a big lug like me?"

"Well you already probably know a few of them since you are familiar with my house" I said. "Charlie and Fred are both taken, but who knows who will show up Tuesday, maybe someone up your alley."

"Don't tell Charlie and Fred that I'm coming. It will be a surprise. I'd like to meet this Jeff fella that Fred mentioned. See who beat me to the punch on that one."

"You'll like him, in fact I think you'll like them all, and they will like you. So Tuesday it is, we'll email you the details."

He looked at us, I could see the love in his expressive eyes. "I could kiss you right now but they got surveillance cameras everywhere. I'll just have to make do with smelling your essence on my beard." He inhaled deeply, his eyes rolled back. "I'm damn lucky this apron hides my hard-on like it did Friday when I last saw Fred."

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay seeing Fred with his lover?" I asked.

"Hell if he can get a boyfriend, it gives this big sexy ole bear hope." Rolf laughed, thunderously.

We loaded the last of the pavers then headed for the exit. Rolf walked along side as we left. "I get off at five, I'll be looking for that email when I get home." He stuck his big head into the cab of the truck. Then in an uncharacteristically quiet voice said "I still don't know why you two fine specimens picked me, I am only glad that you did."

"Because my husband has a good instinct about people. He picked me after all." Pete then handed the paperwork to Richard who was still guarding the lumberyard entry shack. "Here you go Dick, you can count `em if you want to."

Rolf's huge laugh drowned out Richards curt "No need sir."

I saw Rolf waving as we drove off, his hand went down to adjust the hard-on I knew was lurking behind the apron. Dick stormed off, in an almost cartoonish manner. "Good job Babe" I said. "He probably deserved it."

We got back to the farmhouse and made quick work of unloading the pavers. Putski's bark announced the arrival of Justin. "Hey guys, glad you're back. I'm taking a break, but if you want anyone to help you with this at all this week I'm your man. I don't have that many hours and there is something calming about it. Besides Putski likes your property."

"You guys are welcomed to visit anytime, you know that." I said.

I smiled knowing that our pack was getting larger, then I thought, that's it, that's the name of our softball team. "The Pack" Such was the creative process for me. A small germ of an idea, a word, an image, and suddenly I was seeing a bigger picture. I'd make an icon based on Putski. I'd pick a graphically strong font then wrap that icon with the words The Pack. I'd keep it simple, strong. I promised the guys custom shirts, my logo would grace them. One of my resources only needed the graphic, she would rush production for me. If I was lucky the guys would have two surprises on Tuesday, Rolf and new Softball shirts.

Rolf was sitting in his shack, or as he preferred to call it his cage. A recent model, black Chevy truck pulled up to his window. The driver rolled down his window then gave the paperwork to Rolf. "A dozen bags of river rock? Right over there." He then got on the microphone. "Richard, help needed with river rock."

He saw the two men get out, thought they looked familiar, then the younger one bent over and started to lift the bags onto the truck. "Damn" he thought, that's the guy from the sauna... what was his name, what did the other man call him Jase? Yeah, that's it. Rolf was pretty sure it was Jase, and that he had hooked up with the smooth skinned, big man with the fat dick. "Boy I'd hate to think what his hole feels like know" Rolf thought to himself, remembering how the other man's dick plumped up in the sauna. "Must be hard for him to sit after that workout" he thought.

They loaded the truck quickly, then drove toward his cage and the exit. "We'll get this unloaded before I leave today Jason" the older man said while Jason handed over the paper work. "Then you can surprise my daughter with a new back yard."

They drove off. "Well I'll be damned, they didn't even recognize me, and they're father and son-in-law???" Rolf said to himself. He then remembered how the older man invited "Jase" into another room to share some married man's ass. "This is getting stranger and stranger" he thought to himself.

Jason sat uncomfortably the rest of the way home from the lumberyard. He tried to tell himself that it was due to the rather large dick that deflowered his ass the day before. But in reality, he really enjoyed it. He was just nervous that the man in the cage at the lumberyard knew his secret. The security cameras sprinkled throughout the lumberyard reminded him of someone else who knew his secret. The Captain.

"Do you mind if I break away Babe? I got an idea I want to work on. It's a secret, trust me."

"I trust you with everything Kyle, in fact, I'll walk back with you, and I have something to share with you." He stopped halfway home. "See that metal stake there? Draw a straight line down to the creek and that's our property line. This side is your property, that side is mine, but soon that side will be ours. I got spooked with Fred's heart attack. You never know what's going to happen, and though I trust my son..."

"Pete, you don't have to do this."

"Kyle, it's the only thing I can give you to show how much you mean to me. I'd marry you if I could, hell we joke about being married already, but this is as close as I can get. I contacted Gino's friend the lawyer. He's getting paperwork ready. Don't worry, Derek knows about this. He's surprised we haven't done it already."

He grabbed my shoulder, then pulled me in for a kiss. "Pete, I love what you're doing, but this is all I need, your arms, your love." We broke the kiss, then walked arm in arm to our house.

"I gotta grab some of the bottles. Justin's hell bent on filtering the batch from Friday. You take care of whatever you need to do."

I walked up to the office, turned on the computer, and then loaded the digital pictures I had taken the day before. I laugh now about the crude quality of those files, but I did find one or two great photos of Putski that captured his strength and character. I pulled out a sketch pad, I wanted his icon to be direct and simple, and so I drew a quick pencil sketch. I used some Sharpies to add dimension to the sketch, then scanned it.

With my graphics program opened I opened the scanned sketch, then cleaned it up. For dimension I added a shadow line to the sketch. It was subtle, but would pop when I added color. I found a font that complimented the name, and the icon, then played with how I could wrap it around the icon.

It needed something to define it, maybe a shield of some sort. I thought of my favorite architect Frank Lloyd Wright, and the small brick red tiles he would place on his building. There was one less than twenty miles from here on the world's only gas station designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. That would be the right element.

So I framed The Pack Icon in a brick red square, superimposed a subtle circle that touched the edges, another FLLW signature, and then added THE PACK lettering.

Pete poked his head into the office. "Howzit going Kyle?' he said, I quickly closed the screen.

It's perfect, you'll see the surprise later on this week if things go well.

"Save it, cuz the guys will be here soon" he said, then joined me in the office. "Did you send off an email to our friend Rolf? Y'know, maybe he can pop over tonight."

"Don't want to overwhelm him, Tuesday will be soon enough."

"You have a point, here, let me show you something." Pete pulled out a copy of the property lines, and plot lines for our street. I had long forgotten that I had bought multiple plots when I bought my house. "Kyle, here is our property. There are three plots on your side of the line before you get to the plot that your house is on."

"Now I know you have plans to sell the house sometime soon, but maybe we can just sell the plot your house is on, and the one beyond it. That way we keep the sugar shack and most of the maples on our lot." He stopped for a second, hesitated. "Sorry if it seems like I am jumping the gun on this, but..."

"Pete, you want the same thing I do. This has nothing to do with property lines, and everything to do with being together forever, experiencing life together..." I let my voice go silent as I looked at my man. "We could lose everything tomorrow, and we'd still have each other, our friends, our family."

"Speaking of family" Pete said. "Move over."

With speed Pete pulled up his online account. I didn't know where he was going with this but I watched over his shoulder as he found the email addresses for my siblings.

"To the Hansen Gang.

Pete Ravinka and Kyle Hansen request your presence on May 26th, 2000 at 5:00 P.M. as we make a commitment to each other in front of the only people that matter, our Family and Friends."

The words surprised me, he looked back. I swallowed... "Go on" I said.

"In our love Kyle and I have everything we need. So no presents, just your presence.

Regrets Only, Pete and Kyle."

He looked back at me, I nodded. He hit SEND. I was still in shock, almost ready to cry, I probably would have, but I heard a loud knocking at our door.

"HELLO" Derek yelled "Get down here, stop your fucking, you have guests."

I looked at Pete. "Should we tell them?"

"No we'll tell them Tuesday" Suddenly my softball jerseys didn't seem like a worthy surprise.

The Pack Part 2

Reading email that night was quite an experience. The last of our guests had gone and I was finally able to boot up the computer. Three out of five of my siblings had already read Pete's quick invite. Their surprised responses far out did mine. Each one represented their unique personality.

Patty: "So Happy for you, I'll be there, want me to bring Mom?"

John: Kate: "You dawgs, so proud of you, We'll be there with bells on"

Mandy: I'm crying right now. I always worried that my buddy Kyle would never find the one, now I know he has found the man he needs. Rhonda will want to be there, do you want me to invite her?"

I also received an email from our overworked CPA Micah. Tax day landed on a Saturday that year meaning taxes were due April 17th. Two more days of work made Micah an unhappy if anxious boy. His email read




The last personal email was from Rolf.

Thanks for the invite for burgers Tuesday. It took every bit of professionalism I had to keep from leaving my cage and following you out to your home. However I AM delivering your hot tub and decking on Thursday, I already penciled it into the schedule. I gotta see this Xanadu, Kublah Kyle is remodeling out in the hinterlands.

So our big friend was literate and witty too. Two more pluses in my book.

The minute I got to work Monday, I placed a rush order for the jerseys. "Let me guess you're ordering heavy on the XL and 2X?" I heard laughter on the other end of the line. "Don't you know any small boys?"

I had to laugh to myself. Even our smallest player Justin was somewhat of a tank and liked to wear shirts cut generously. I thought of Fred and Rolf and decided 3X might be needed. Without asking I was already assuming that Rolf would join The Pack, or at least dress the part.

Derek joined us for Antiques Roadshow later that night. He had taken off a few days so he could help Fred get my house ready, and then walk the inspection the next day with Norm. There was something about the inspector, being inspected, that made Derek apprehensive. "Damn, I know what to look for, I know we got this aced but..."

"Just go there early tomorrow and walk it yourself. Be extra critical. You have high standards, if you pass your own inspection, you'll pass Norm's." Pete was spot on in his assessment. "I remember when your inspection made me sweat bullets. You caught every detail that I put into my work. Do the same tomorrow."

Derek got reflective. "Kyle, I've been meaning to ask you something. Dad told me that he is putting your name on the deed of the house. What are you going to do with the old farmhouse when it's finished?"

I filled him in on my master plan, how we would annex the three plots to our property before I sold it. I told him of my other secret plans for the house, and he promised to help me keep the secret.

"You two make me so proud." Derek was getting emotional for some reason. "Whenever I start to feel that maybe I was cheated out of a dad, I realize I got two dads instead."

"Well to let you in on a little secret we're having a party at the end of May. It may seem corny but Kyle and I want to share our commitment to each other with a few of our closest friends and family. Will you be there for us?"

With that the flood gates opened. "It'd be an honor" he croaked out between tears. "Never thought I'd see the day that my two dads would get marr..."

"Now stop right there. I never said the "M" word." This is just a simple party, nothing legal, not that it would be legal."

"You may say that, but I know you well enough to realize what you really mean. You guys are as good as married right now. Hell, everyone thinks of you that way."

"Okay, maybe you're right, but don't make it something it's not." Pete left it at that, he knew when he was beaten. "Just do me a favor, and don't tell Justin."

Derek left our house a few hours later. Justin wasn't expected home from work for another hour or so, so he decided to take a scenic drive on Skyline Parkway. It was a good way to clear his mind, and allow him to focus on what really mattered. His two dads just told him they were going to get married. They could try to convince themselves that they were just having a party, but he knew better. He knew a few long term couples when he lived in California, even played with a few of them. What he saw in his dad's relationship, he saw in theirs. Yep, his dads were getting married. "Glad I have less than 24 hours to keep this secret from Justin" he thought to himself.

Jason was sitting in his police cruiser in a small pull off area near the Twin Ponds section of Skyline Parkway. He looked at the rubbery object in an evidence bag that was sitting on the passenger seat. Earlier that night he was the latest cop to make such a find. West Duluth had a mysterious rash of dildo sightings. Just a few weeks back he had taken the Grand Avenue exit on I-35 when he noticed a 12 inch dildo on the side of the road. He couldn't safely stop and pick it up, but he made a mental note to check it out later.

After enjoying lunch, he got back into his cruiser, only to hear the aftermath of the "dildo sighting." Two of his fellow colleagues were called to the scene after a flabbergasted mother had to explain to her kids what a 12 inch rubber cock was doing on the side of the road. The large flesh colored object was the laugh of the evidence room `til the second and third rubber cock joined it. No one could figure out why they were showing up, or even if there was a crime being committed.

Jason looked at the dildo. He recognized it as one sold at that sleazy shop he would furtively visit downtown. It was modeled after some famous gay porn star. He literally stumbled across it tonight as he was walking his beat in a park near the Holiday station. He went to the gas station and asked the attendant for a bag, and then retrieved the rubber dong.

Transferring the dildo from the paper bag to the evidence bag was a formality. But as he sat in his cruiser he noticed the similarities between this fake penis, and the real one that fucked him so well on Saturday. "I didn't even catch his name at first" Jason muttered to himself as he remembered the man who took his ass-cherry.

He thought about the man, his solid almost smooth body, his close cropped blond hair. But most of all he thought about his dick. "Damn, I got eight inches and he matched it, and more" he thought. Jason's dick started fleshing out in response to his memories. He knew why he made this side trip in the cruiser before the end of his shift. He could see Hallet Dock from the overlook on Skyline, but that was now off limits. He was quickly running out of places to release his sexual tension. His father-in-law took him to the downtown sauna as a way to help allay that tension, but this memory brought it on stronger than ever before.

Jason was nervous in the sauna. He and his father-in-law Patrick had gotten there at opening. It was unspoken, but the two kept a polite distance between themselves. The opening and closing of doors signaled new prospects, but none appealed to Jason, until the big guy entered.

Jason's hard-on struggled against his uniform pants as he remembered his entry. Jason unzipped quickly and pulled out his cock, and then thought of the smile that was on the man's face.

Catching Jason's eyes, the man undid the towel that was around his waist. He threw it to a spot a foot away from Jason, then fluffed his cock and balls.

That last move wasn't lost on Jason, who went from looking at the smile, to looking at the ample dick head and thick shaft. Jason's own towel started to tent up in the sauna as the man sat. "Just what I need after this week of rain, it will be good for the fields eventually, but I've worked my fingers to the bone." Jason looked down at the bone that was being held by this man's thick fingers. "See something you like?" the large man asked.

Jason could barely squeak out the word "Yes." The guy got up, grabbed his towel and nodded for Jason to follow him. He stopped at his locker, retrieved a small kit, and then quickly found an open room. He motioned for Jason to enter, then closed the door behind them.

In his cruiser he played back how the man slowly forced him down onto the bed. Jason started stroking his dick as a lone car drove by. He wondered what his weekend play mate was doing right now. Was he stroking his dick too thinking about how he told Jason: "Suck on it, get it good and wet. You'll need plenty of spit and lube to take this."

"That's too big, I've never been fucked before" Jason said honestly.

"That's what they all say" the man responded. "But they all come back for seconds."

Jason took the dildo from the evidence bag and started to stroke it. It lacked the warmth of the real thing; the pulse that gave it life. But it did resemble the real deal that he so lovingly applied spit to. Jason brought the dildo to his nose, huffed in a big whiff of rubber cock. It was almost antiseptic in its smell. "What the hell" Jason thought as he started to suck in that rubber dick.

The thick dick that filled his mouth on Saturday afternoon was attached to an equally thick man. In the darkness of the room he let his hands roam over that body. Jason could tell the man's muscles were due to hard work, not a gym. His skin was still warm from the sauna, it was getting slick with sweat. "That's right, feel the man whose about to fuck ya. Man did I get lucky finding a boy like you today."

Jason thought back. "Did he really see me as a boy? Even with this dick between my legs?" Then he remembered, the man paid little to no attention to Jason's dick.

He pulled the spit soaked dick from Jason's mouth, then slapped it against his cheek. "That looks ready. Now let's get your ass ready." He reached for the kit on the side table, and pulled out a bottle of lube. Even in the darkness he made a ritual about pouring the lubricant onto his fingers and then coating them. "On your side boy. Show me that ass. We'll get it ready."

Jason got on his side. One thick finger started to push into his hole "Well, Damn, I did get a virgin after all. Lucky for you that ends today." The big man started to thrust that lone finger in and out of Jason's butt. Jason pushed back. "You're liking one I can tell. Let's try two."

The second finger hit his prostate. "Unffff" Jason groaned.

"Feels good don't it? If you like this, you'll like my dick even more. You may not know this, but your ass was made to be fucked. I knew you'd be wanting me the minute I saw you, I saw it in your eyes."

Jason thought back, was he that transparent? What if his father-in-law was aware he'd lost his ass-cherry? Jason took a few more passes on the rubber dick, raised his ass off the seat of the cruiser, and slowly slid the dildo home.

"Ummmmpppphhhh" Jason said. His voice was muted by the thick hand that covered his mouth as the man slowly pushed his thick dick into Jason's no-longer-virgin ass. For all the force the man showed earlier, he was gentle, yet urgent as he entered Jason. He soon bottomed out, wiry pubes met Jason's furry ass.

"Yeah, feels good doesn't it?" Jason could almost feel the smile that was on the man's face. "You like a man filling that beautiful butt of yours don't ya? I'll just let it sit here for a minute, let you get used to it. The man nuzzled against his ear and whispered "It takes a real man to take a dick like this, aren't you glad I'm your first?"

"Oh god yes" Jason blurted out, almost embarrassingly loud. "Go for it Buddy, FUCK ME.

"Okay, but I want you to see the man who's taking your cherry." He pulled out. Jason felt empty as the man went towards the door and flicked on the light. He walked back towards Jason, using one hand to slap his thick dick against the other hand. "By the way, my name is Bub, not Buddy. But my buddy here sure liked your hole. Now lay on your back, pull back those legs and show me that beautiful ass."

Jason regretted the light for a minute. Bub's "Buddy" looked impossibly huge. How was it possible that he had that thick cock balls deep in him? But Jason soon embraced the inevitable, and pulled back his legs. The smile on Bub's face matched the smile he had when they met in the sauna. He placed his dick against Jason's hole, held his legs then slowly pushed his dick in, balls deep once again, as his head rolled back.

The look of pure bliss on Bub's face was something new for Jason. He was used to encounters in the dark or obscured by the glory hole partition. But in the room's light he finally saw the other man's reaction to the pleasure he was being given. His face was almost angelic as he started to grind into Jason. "Boy where have you been hiding? You're taking dick like a pro."

Jason was at a loss for words as Bub continued to fuck away. Over the last few months he had fantasized about men: The Captain, his softball foe Mike, the black guy he met at the bar. But nothing prepared him for Bub. The solid man who was face to face with him, drawing in closer as he continued to grind away. This reality far outstripped anything he could fantasize about.

Bub's face inched closer. "Like this?" Jason nodded. "You'll like this even more." Bub closed the distance and started to kiss Jason. It was unexpected, but Jason didn't fight it. Kissing was one of the few things he could do with his now pregnant wife, but this was beyond that.

"Yeah" Jason sighed. "You taste good." "You taste good?" he thought to himself. "Is that the best you can do?" He took a whiff of the man fucking him, he smelled masculine and clean. "God you smell good too, very manly."

"So do you buddy, so do you. Add in the fact that I am giving your butt the ride of its life..." Bub continued his strokes into Jason. I'm getting close buddy. Do you want it?"

"Fill me Bub." Jason hoped his eyes told the man how much he wanted to feel him cum in his ass. Bub started to slap away. He bit his lip as he picked up the pace. Sweat was falling from his forehead, his tongue lapped more sweat from his upper lip. It was all too much for Jason so he leaned forward and started kissing Bub again.

"You are one needy hot little fucker aren't ya?" Bub said, and then unloaded in Jason's no-longer-virgin ass.

The spray of cum hit the cruiser's dashboard as Jason remembered the inaugural load that filled his butt. He clamped down on the rubber dildo in his ass. He remembered how Bub shook a bit when Jason did that to the real thing. He slowly removed the rubber dick, placing it on the evidence bag. There was no way he could turn that in now. He thought for a minute that he could take it home, but how would he transfer it to his private car from the squad car without being seen. He slowly tucked his dick into his uniform pants, then exited the cruiser to hide the rubber dong behind a prominent pine tree.

Twenty-some miles southwest Bub slumped into bed. Fresh from a shower needed to combat his 12 hour day on the farm. He was getting too old for this. He wished he could break away, but as his father always reminded him "Cows aren't gonna milk themselves."

His dad would say that every school day. He hated going to school smelling like a cow barn, but this was the reality of a working dairy farm. He was the good son, the one who stayed home when the others went off to college. He was the one who inherited the farm, and the work that came with it.

People always thought he was a bachelor looking for the right woman to tame him. But he knew he was looking for the right man to share this bed with. "Damn, I came close on Saturday" he thought to himself. The young man never told Bub his name, but Bub remembered everything else. He was tall, handsome, and muscular and hung. The last part wasn't important to Bub since he was a top, but it sure didn't hurt.

The thing that almost sealed the deal with this kid was the look in his eyes when Bub turned on the lights. It went beyond desire and lust, and bordered on love. "Oh yeah" Bub thought. "He said that I taste good, smell good too." This was far from the taunts he used to get while in school.

Bub thought of how he seeded this young man's virgin ass. How he wished he could sweep him away from the sauna, and take him home. But the glint off the wedding band killed that fantasy.

"I'm getting too old for this" he thought again. "But my dick isn't" he said as he thought of his new playmate. He started to fantasize about this nameless man as he stroked his dick. In his fantasy the wedding ring was gone, and the man shared his bed, not one at the sauna.

Patrick was in his pickup heading towards the bookstore. He shouldn't be this horny this soon after the weekend.

He sure did find the oddest way to bond with his son-in-law. The two of them tag-fucked a married man. Maybe that was it. He had been playing with the man, hoping he would get to suck his torpedo shaped dick, but the other guy wanted only to be fucked.

Patrick broke away quickly to find Jason, he had an urgent need to share this man's ass. Patrick could tell that Jason had just crossed a big threshold. He walked gingerly back to the room Patrick had left the man in. When Jason saw the man's ass, he felt a sudden need to taste it. The manly kisses he received earlier had heightened his experience, and he desired a new taste.

Patrick watched as Jason rimmed his first ass. "Tastes good doesn't it?" Patrick said, cluing Jason in on what had happened earlier. "He needs your dick buddy. Give it to him."

Jason's dick was impossibly hard, so entry was easy. Patrick got off on watching his son-in-law screw this married man. He was living through Jason as he talked. "Yeah, that's a tight hole. Hold that furry butt. Oh yeah, he likes that, give him your baby makers."

It didn't take long before Patrick saw his son-in-law cum in their new-friend's ass. He was so turned on, his load was soon joining Jason's.

As he headed into the back parking lot of the bookstore he realized that is what was making him uncomfortably horny. The same sperm that coated his dick as he fucked the married man, was the sperm that created his unborn grandson. He contemplated that for a moment as he let his truck idle. He was about ready to back out, and head home, but a tall, handsome, twenty-something young man looked over his shoulder towards Patrick as he entered the back door of the bookstore. Patrick wasn't far behind.

Tuesday was hectic for me. I had to pick up the jerseys, meet with a couple of clients, and answer a backlog of emails. Derek called to tell me the results of the inspection, but I told him it could wait for Happy Hour. I am not sure why I did, I could tell by the tone of his voice they passed. I got calls from Micah, Pete and Rolf. Each one short and to the point. Again I read between the lines learning more from their tone, than their words.

All of my friends were anticipating seeing the group that night, that much was obvious. I wondered if we were packing too many surprises into the gathering, but I finally decided to just go with the flow. Pete called me a final time and told me that he would go to the bar with Derek, so I could meet him there.

I got to the bar early. I contemplated how I was going to carry the three heavy boxes of jerseys inside without anyone seeing them. "Need help with those?" I heard over my shoulder. I turned, it was the young policeman from last week.

Remembering the banter between he and Mike I said "Sure thanks, Jason... It's Jason right?"

"Yep, Officer Jason at your service." His muscles flexed as he picked up two of the three boxes. I grabbed one, then opened the door for him as he entered. He ass was a magnet for my eyes as he walked towards the table. "Same spot as last week?"

"Yep, big party tonight, do you want to join us? I'll buy your coffee."

"No can do. The Captain is keeping tabs on me. I'll take a rain check for some night when I'm off duty, maybe after we wipe your asses out on the ball field."

Like many of my friends, I would happily take him up on that rain check. That ass seemed to be even hotter that night. He strutted with a confidence I missed last week. He said his goodbyes and left. I watched his uniform clad butt leave the bar seconds before Pete and Derek arrived.

"I can tell by the smile on your face that we passed the inspection." I couldn't help ruining his surprise.

"We sure did Dad. I'm usually the one who has the homeowner squirming, but he had no such power over us. It was the quickest inspection I've ever been involved with, I was almost disappointed that he couldn't find anything to nitpick about."

We didn't get a chance to go into specifics as the rest of our group started to arrive. Micah looked chipper after Tax Day. Justin arrived with Rodney. I was surprised by that situation, but Derek didn't bat an eye. Mike arrived the same time as the farmhouse gang, everyone celebrating the house inspection.

Even without our surprises, we had a good vibe going at the bar. Then I heard Rolf's booming voice. "There's m'boys."

"Rolf? Who let you out of the cage?" Fred yelled. "Come join us!"

"What makes you think that wasn't part of the plan? Why do you think I am here? Hey Kyle, Pete, thanks for the invite." Rolf looked back at Fred, and lowered his voice. "When I saw you at the store last week I realized it was time to life my life the way I needed to. Now where is this Jeff guy who got to you before I could?"

"Rolf, meet my friend Jeff." Rolf looked at Fred questioningly, calling his bluff. "I mean meet my lover Jeff" Fred corrected.

"There's the honesty that impressed me. Great to meet you Jeff, you got a great guy here." Rolf pulled him into a bear hug.

Jeff pulled away. "I'm surprised you don't remember me, but I bought a house you flipped over in Norton Park.

"Oh you bought the bungalow by the zoo. I did two over there, sold the other one to a young couple. I hope you like it."

"I like it more now that I am sharing it with Fred" Jeff said.

I watched with bemusement as Rolf quickly became part of our pack. On any other night it would be enough of a surprise, but we still had a few more to share. Pete fed me an opening line. "Is everyone ready for our first practice tomorrow night?"

"I am" Mike answered. "We gotta put Jason in his place. Are you a soft ball player Rolf or are you going to be joining Kyle in the dugout?"

"Oh I play, but I don't run that well, I rely on my long ball game cuz I can't outrun em like I used to.

"And I'm not just sitting in the dugout" I protested. "I'm making an investment in you guys." I reached under the table and opened the top box. I looked at the size label for the first one. "3X, here you go Fred, try it out." I threw the first shirt his way, then started to hand out the rest in a similar way.

Mike was the first to try his on, but only after I changed his size to an XL. The snug fit accented his pecs and thick biceps. My logo fit squarely on his pec. Damn, he was the perfect model for my design. He saw my response, flicked his tongue for a second then winked at me. "Great job Kyle, I'll be proud to wear it."

"Now we're ready for practice tomorrow night." The proud smile on Pete's face told me everything. He grabbed his own XL shirt from a box, slipped it over his t-shirt. "Put yours on too Derek." Derek listened to his dad and donned the jersey. The resemblance between the two was heightened by the matching jerseys. It was another bond they felt.

Soon everyone had tried on a jersey. Even our waitress Julie threw one on. I regretted not having my camera there, but promised to bring one tomorrow.

"So dad, explain "The Pack"" Derek said.

"You have to thank Putski for that." He inspired the logo and the name. He thinks of all of us as members of his pack. We're his family."

"The Pack" Mike growled. "I think I like that." He raised his beer. "To "The Pack."" We all joined in.

In the midst of the celebration, Pete pulled me aside. "You surprised even me Babe. I am not sure if I am ready to make our announcement, or if they'd even listen."

"They'll listen to you, the top dog always gets attention."

"I'm not convinced I am the top dog, I think that may be you Babe."

"Just go for it. Think of what you are trying to say by committing to me. You got this Babe."

We returned to our tables. There was a lull in the conversation. Pete took advantage of it. "Guys, can I have your attention?" They looked to Pete. "Everyone here means more to me than even I realize. Each one of you are my friend. Some of you have known me a long time, some only a few days. But you all know that this man standing beside me is the man I will spend the rest of my life with."

The gang was quiet, even nearby tables stopped to listen. Pete continued. "I'm... no... we're inviting everyone here to join us next month in celebrating this... this... union." He could barely get the words out, he hesitated. "Oh to hell with it, I'm marrying this man and I don't care who knows it."

There was cheering at the bar as friends rushed in to hug Pete and I. People who we had only known through the bar came up to shake our hands. Julie barked out "It's about time," then gave us a hug in her matching jersey.

Our West Duluth workingman's bar had a slight rainbow tinge that night. Pete was a local celebrity, and this public expression of love for me would probably set tongues a wagging. I think we realized this at the same time. Pete looked at me. "I'm beyond caring who knows anymore. I just feel the need to be honest."

I had often said I was more honest, than out. It was great to have my soon to be husband in the same camp.

Jason drove by the bar after he ended his shift. He saw Mike's pickup in the lot. His meaty softball foe had played a major part in his recent fantasies. The sauna interlude with Bub played in his mind as Jason thought of what he could do with a man like Mike. Yep, Bub opened him up in more ways than one. It was now beyond simply getting his rocks off. Bub showed him that two men could share something strong, something powerful.

He thought of going in, seeing Mike, maybe the other men who would be there. The guy he had helped earlier with the boxes was certainly on that list. Maybe the black man would be there, or that older guy with the shaved head might still be there. The thought of all those men was overwhelming.

Ashley wouldn't be awake when he got home, he was sure of that. A detour up on Skyline Parkway was in the cards. He drove up the meandering 40th Ave W. as he headed towards the Parkway. He followed along as the road curved. His headlights cut through the trees as his car handled the ancient esses. He crossed Piedmont Avenue, then drove past Enger Tower. He found the spot he parked the previous night. The blinking lights of the Antenna Farm silhouetted the pine tree he remembered from last night.

He was there for one thing; retrieve that dildo and head home. He could hide it in the garage, it was his sanctuary. He got out of his car and walked to the spot he knew it would be. The dildo was gone.

Next: Chapter 46: The Pack 3

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