
Published on Sep 2, 2015


A Year In The Life

Rebirth Part 2

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

Rebirth Part 2

"I looked through your boots, I believe these are the best."

The predawn sky silhouetted Pete as he sat in his chair. My eyes adjusted to the light, or lack of. Pete was fully dressed, mud boots beside him. "We have to get busy if we are going to tap the maples before Derek shows up."

I stretched and yawned, hoping that oxygen would replenish my system. I would do anything for, and with this man, but traipsing through our property at this hour, tapping maple trees didn't hold any allure.

"Want me to pick out your clothes too? Or do you just want to sleep in? I remember you seemed enthusiastic a few months ago. This will be our workout today."

He had me, but good. The oxygen went right to my brain as blood rushed to my dick. His voice did that to me, and the promise of any time with Pete made work seem less of a task.

"I can dress myself Babe, surprisingly so."

Pete chuckled "We don't have all day. Once we get out there I promise you'll enjoy this. We'll have time later on to catch up on a nap if needed."

I got up, pissed and then rummaged through my clothes in the next room. "Don't get too fancy" I heard from the hallway. "We'll be battling some brush out there and definitely some snow."

The Carhartts I picked seemed to fit the bill. An undershirt and plaid flannel top completed the look. I looked in the mirror in the dim light. I was somewhere between north woods hot, and utilitarian. Yep, this'll do.

"Damn Kyle, you could spiff up anything." Pete's compliment as I returned to the room put a smile on my face. "I've already gone down to the shed, I got the equipment out back, let's get busy."

We headed downstairs to the lower level. Out on the patio was a gardening wagon laden down with buckets, taps and a couple of mallets. It soon became evident why there was a path connecting our two properties.

Light started to trickle between the bare trees on the path. I pulled the cart until we got there then Pete stopped me. "It's mostly pine and birch this way, but there are a couple maples, let me show you what we need to do." He grabbed two buckets, and taps, then went off the path in a direction only he knew. Pete was almost a savant about the woods that surrounded us. I followed him, doing my best to avoid the snow that was hidden. He found the first tree. "See the bark, this will be a good tree." He then picked the perfect spot in his mind, and drove that tap into the tree.

He followed the path, again I was his pack mule. However soon I got the madness in his method. "My turn, I think you missed one back there." I grabbed a bucket, tap and mallet and went off the path.

I started pounding the tap in before Pete joined me. "Well I'll be damned, how did I miss this one?" I winked at him. "I should have known you'd be quick to pick this up" he finally admitted. The rest of the morning was a two person show allowing us to pick up our pace. We ran out of buckets before maples. "I'll have to clean out more buckets for tomorrow" Pete finally admitted.

On the way back to the house Pete took a call from his son. "Stop on over... Yeah we can get started earlier, I'll make breakfast... breakfast in bed with Justin?... aww that's sweet... Bring him along... him too... See ya soon Son." Pete looked over at me. "I still have some syrup left from the last batch, how does pancakes and bacon sound?"

We got home and Pete immediately went to the kitchen. I felt the need for a shower, so I stripped right away, rinsed off the sweat, then joined him in the kitchen. It's hard to beat the smell of bacon, but add in coffee, pancakes and real maple syrup warming on the stove, and I was in scent heaven.

Pete looked up "Derek and Justin should be here soon, they're bringing Putski. Is that how you're dressing for breakfast?"

I looked out the front door, my car was there. "So did Jeff get Fred back before his curfew?"

Pete laughed "I dunno, but it was cute to see young love blossom wasn't it?"

"Fred deserves it. You know, I almost wrote that guy off the first time I met him. I thought he was a complete drunken ass. It's a shame how much internal homophobia can fuck up a person's life."

"What do you mean by that Babe?"

Pete was really a neophyte in so many ways when it came to the gay world. "I know I'm gonna misquote Shakespeare, but his line "Me thinks thou dost protest too much" comes to mind. Fred was always the worst one when it came to Charlie, maybe to hide the love he had for him. That is hard to hide, and his way to cope was to get blitzed."

"Oh I get it" Pete said. "Sorta like what Al almost said about us, when in reality he was just jealous of what we had."

"That's part of it. I'm still trying to figure Al out. Maybe he is a true bisexual. The heart wants what it wants, and the dick is less discriminating."

By the time Derek, Justin and Putski showed up, breakfast was ready. Though they had shared breakfast in bed, they joined us at the table. The chorus of smells were undeniable, and Justin soon dished up his own plate. "This maple syrup is the real deal isn't it?"

"Yeah, right from our backyards. Kyle and I started the process earlier today. We'll put your names on a couple of bottles of this year's vintage."

There was a subtle hint of smokiness to the syrup, which complimented the bacon. Derek finally gave into temptation and got his own short stack, a few pieces of bacon and the remaining syrup for his pancakes. "Don't worry Putski, you'll get to lick the plates clean, if there is anything left." Putski looked up at Pete, smiled then put his head back down. "With him around, who needs a dishwasher?"

We did end up using the dishwasher, even though the plates looked almost sparkling when Putski was done. The April morning was beautiful so we walked with Putski down to the old farmhouse. Jeff's motorcycle was still there, I wondered what he had for breakfast.

We quickly found out. Charlie, Angelo, Fred and Jeff were taking up every square inch of the porch furniture. The empty McDonalds bag proved that their McMuffins were no match to our pancakes. Putski's bark announced our arrival.

"Hey boy" Fred said. Putski tugged at his leash, I let him go, and he ran to Fred. Putski understood who the alpha in that rag tag group was. I think Jeff helped bring it out in Fred.

There were hugs all around as Jeff was introduced to Justin and Derek. Derek stopped for a second when it came to Fred. "Jeff, do you know we have a true artist in our midst?" He gestured to Fred. "This guy is like the Michelangelo of wood."

"He hasn't showed me what he can do with his wood yet" he laughed. "But I did get a chance to see his cabinets, and I know what you mean. As for the rest, I followed the Doctors orders and only snuggled with him last night, and he is an artist there too."

Over coffee on the porch it was quickly decided that Fred, Pete and Derek were going to plan the refinishing of the kitchen floor, while the rest of us took Putski for a walk along our path. We would retrieve the rest of the buckets and taps needed for tomorrow's work.

Justin and Putski were quite the team. His leash was not needed even when small animals crossed his path. A curt "Heel" made Putski return to his master.

Jeff was wide eyed as we walked. "Hard to believe this is within city limits" he said. "Others thought I was foolish to want this route, but look at the beauty I see every day."

"Yes, Justin does have a nice ass doesn't he?" I joked.

"He does, and all of you guys are handsome in your own way, but how do I put this... I'm not an ass man. I won't deny a guy's butt can be nice, but I guess I'm mainly oral. Fuck, I haven't even told Fred this. I hope it doesn't disappoint him."

The group laughter caught him off guard. I knew from his look he missed the joke. "Buddy, you two are a match made in blow job heaven. Our friend Fred will fuck a guy if needed, but given a choice, there is nothing he like more than sucking dick." I didn't share with Jeff how we learned about this, the arrest etc. I thought it was something that Fred would tell him when the time was right.

"Well great, I can't wait til the Doc gives him the go ahead for some head." Jeff chuckled at his own joke. "Guys, I gotta confess, as much as I like oral, I'm holding off til I can do it with Fred. I've even closed my private glory hole indefinitely."

"Private glory hole?" we all said in unison.

"Yeah, just something temporary. I post when it's open on an online board, and guys set up appointments. They arrive, put their dicks through the hole, and I relieve them of all their tension. I think a few of my regulars are a bit disappointed that I closed it, but I... uh... it didn't seem right to keep doing it while dating Fred. As for my regulars, If I named names, you`d be surprised."

I had to smile, thinking about New Year's Eve and the glory hole that Pete put up for the party. Fred and Omar did their share of dick sucking that night. "You two are like peas in a pod Jeff. The more you get to know Fred, the more you will realize it."

"I know exactly what you're thinking of" Justin added. "Hey Kyle, whatever happened to that? Did Pete shit-can it?"

"No, Fred has it stored somewhere on the property. I think he hid it when we started to remodel the house. He didn't want any of the straight workers to see it."

It was relaxing walking our property and seeing signs of spring. The brighter daylight, and flicker of green took away the cold black and white that assaulted us the last few weeks of February. Sharing this part of my land with friends was new to me, something I hadn't done in my three years there.

Jeff loved the view from the back side of Pete's chalet. I had no time to give him the grand tour, but he was impressed with what he saw peeking through the window. We grabbed the gardening cart, then started walking back to my old property.

We finally got to the shed that stored the needed equipment. I undid the latch then walked in. There were only a couple dozen buckets left, it wouldn't take long. As we were loading the last taps, Jeff noticed some plywood leaning against the wall. The large hole drilled in it couldn't be missed.

"So Kyle, fess up. I guess I am not the only one in Duluth with his private glory hole."

"It's not mine. I just own the property, you'll have to talk to my renters."

Charlie threw his hands up in the air. "Not mine buddy."

"I'm innocent too" Angelo added.

Jeff grinned. "And here I worried about telling Fred about what I like. Guys, don't let Fred know what I know. I wanna play with his mind a bit. Not sure what I'm gonna say, so play along. Just don't tell Fred that we've been in this shed."

*************************** Meanwhile, a few hours southwest ***************************

Jason parked his truck in the nearly empty back parking lot of the adult bookstore. He was on a tight schedule today. His wife and mother-in-law were shopping `til two, then he was to meet them and his Father-in-law at a local restaurant. He had already made a trial run between the bookstore and the restaurant, so he knew exactly how much time he had to enjoy this appetizer.

"Damn, I thought there would be more on the menu here" he thought to himself as he strolled through the empty back video arcade. He picked the same booth from yesterday, and started pumping in quarters. When he found the same video, he stopped. One of the actors he remembered from the scene he watched, but there was a new guy, one who reminded him of his father-in-law.

The acting was nonexistent, but the action was hot. The guy who looked like Ashley's dad Patrick was nuzzling the other man's neck. "You've gotta fine ass buddy, it's time you learn what it's good for."

FUCK! That image went right to Jason's dick. He fished his eight inches out, giving it air. At that moment he heard the next door open and close quickly. A light flickered through the glory hole, as the man in there inserted his own coins. A full basket on top of strong thighs was highlighted in the glow. A fat dick was pulled free from that mound as thick fingers guided it towards the hole and Jason's waiting mouth. Then he saw it, a Claddagh wedding ring. "Take it buddy" He heard the man whisper through the wooden partition. C'mon boy, I don't have all day."

Jason hesitated, as he knelt before the hole. Six inches of daddy dick entered his booth, then his waiting mouth.

"That's it boy, take it, it's been a while."

Jason knew he didn't have much time. As much as he loved, yes loved sucking the dick that was offered to him, he had to speed things up. The cock he was sucking was tasty. He was turned on that the man on the other side of the partition was married, like him. But the detail that gave his boner the extra jolt? They both had Claddagh wedding rings.

"Oh boy, where have you been, you must be new here. I've never had anyone suck it quite like you." Jason felt the full weight of the man's body on the partition. The entire length of his dick was pushed through the hole, allowing Jason to take it right down his throat. "You got a magic throat. D'ya want it right down the throat, or should I let you taste it on your tongue."

Jason backed off enough to croak, "Tongue." He then went right back to slurping on the man's dick. There was something in what he was doing that had him turned on like never before. Maybe it was the chance of being caught, or the fact that he was sucking the cock of a guy who would then head home to his wife.

"Well take it buddy. Been saving up for some lucky guy, and you are it" the man said, then unloaded into the mouth waiting for him on the other side of the glory hole.

Jason savored the taste as the married man slowly pulled out. Both booths were dark now as they had neglected feeding their machines with quarters. He heard the other guy zip up, then the sound of the door closing to his booth. Jason counted to a hundred, hoping that would give him enough time to make his getaway.

When he exited into the bright sunlight, he saw a flash of red exit the now full parking lot. He looked down at his watch. It was a quarter to two. "Fuck, I took too long, I`d better hi-tail it to the restaurant" he muttered to himself.

************************* Meanwhile back in West Duluth *************************

We pulled the gardening wagon back to the chalet, then took the street back to see what progress the guys had made on the kitchen floor. With Fred's supervision, Derek and Pete had stripped and sanded the old wide plank flooring down to reveal its century old beauty. There was honest character there from decades of use. It was the kind of history that can't be copied, replicated no matter the technology.

"Let me show you something Boss" Fred said. The guys had brought up one of the base cabinets from the basement. Fred used a wet mop to test a spot in front of the cabinet. "This gives you an idea what it will look like." The grain of the wood was emphasized by the simple addition of moisture. It complimented, rather than matched the wood of the cabinets. "We could stain it, but that might be blotchy on this wood. I suggest just a natural finish."

"You're the artist Fred. I'll go with your opinion."

"Good, one less step." Derek said. "I'll have us back on track, but it might mean missing Antiques Roadshow tomorrow night."

"Well now that Kyle put us all to work, I'd say he owes us a big lunch" Pete said. "Meet you all at the diner. Fred and Jeff, you're riding with us."

"I'm still in the same clothes I wore when I got here yesterday" Jeff added. "Do ya mind stopping at my house? I live on the way, over by the Zoo, in Norton Park."

"Living by the Zoo is appropriate for this bunch of animals" Pete laughed. "Sure we'll stop. Just don't take too long."

We pulled up to his house. It was a small bungalow with a garage and shed in back. "C'mon Fred, let me show you my house while I change. It's a small house so it will be a quick tour. I promise Pete."

Fred followed Jeff into the house. The minute they closed the screen door I saw them kiss. As much as I loved seeing the gentle side of the two, I was still laughing on the inside about their shared love of glory holes. "Pete, it seems Jeff has his own private glory hole, imagine the chances of that happening. And guess what he saw at the shed."

"Yeah I noticed the glory hole from New Years was there when I went down there earlier today, I forgot to warn you about it."

"He is going to play a trick on Fred, so just play along."

"Will do hubby, you know Jeff has been good for Fred. He looks better than he has in years. I wouldn't doubt it if the Doc gives him the go ahead for more strenuous activities soon."

"I hope so, and I only hope that whatever Jeff does, it isn't too much for Fred's heart. We don't need him back at the E.R."

Jeff and Fred returned a few minutes later. Jeff was wearing the slightly darker blue version of the same jeans, with a white t-shirt and leather motorcycle jacket. I guess he had his work uniform, and his play uniform. Pete was quick to comment. "Was the wardrobe change needed, because you look virtually the same as when we dropped you off, `cept for the pecker tracks."

"What pecker tracks? I promise we didn't do a thing" Fred protested.

"Just kidding you buddy." Pete laughed as he pulled onto Grand. "I trust you guys to follow the Doctors orders."

When we got to the Diner the host brought us back to the corner. Our group was too large for our usual booth, so two large tables were pulled together. We quickly ordered, then discussed plans.

"Oh Pete, Kyle showed us the shed on his property" Jeff said. "We got all the buckets and taps out of there, but there are a few sheets of plywood that look interesting."

Fred gulped, his face went white, Pete noticed. "What's wrong buddy? Are you okay?"

"N-n-nothing" Fred stuttered.

"Well anyways, I was wondering Kyle, do you have any plans for that plywood? Was it a defect or something, I noticed a large hole in it."

"Oh that's not mine, it's Fred's." I turned to Fred "Do you have any plans?"

"Ummmmmmm nope" Fred cowered.

"It just reminds me of someplace I used to eat at. I forget the name, it's an old hole in the wall type of place. Spotty service but usually something good to eat."

I got where he was going. "Did they serve fish?"

"Ewwww, Fish? Nope, just meat, sausages, stuff like that, often had all you can eat with a special cream sauce. All the truckers used to stop there."

Fred started to squirm in his chair. Pete laid it on thicker. "That sounds right up your alley Fred, truckers... Meat, special sauce."

"Alright dammit guys, I'll admit, I want to open a glory hole." He looked to his new friend. "Sorry to disappoint you Jeff. But I was going to change the old shed into my own private glory hole, just didn't know where to start."

"Well you came to the right place buddy. I've been operating mine the last two years. We can call it the Head Shed, or the Snack Shack, your choice. That is if your landlord will allow it."

They looked at me. "I dunno guys, Fred has gotten into some problems with that. He has been warned to steer clear of this type of thing. It would take a lot to convince me."

"Oh shit" Jeff said then looked at Fred. "Don't tell me you're the guy from Thompson Hill around Christmas time." Fred lowered his head. "Buddy here's the deal. You've heard the saying "It's not who you know, but who you blow?" Well I know... and... ummmm blow, someone who helps ensure that I'm never in trouble. If there is ever any chance something will happen, I get a heads up so to speak"

"Well let me ponder this for a few weeks" I said "Between getting Fred healthy, the remodel, work, and the softball team, We have enough things on tap."

"Softball team? Need a shortstop?"

"We sure do, we already have our share of catchers." Pete said without irony.

Personally I was glad the glory hole discussion was tabled for a while. I saw a connection between the two men that was stronger than their shared love of stranger-dick. If that was going to happen, I wanted them to have a solid foundation for their relationship, and not have a replay of what happened to Pete and I in the last throes of winter.

Softball would give them a chance to be physical with each other as they worked on their relationship. While I wasn't a good player, I knew from my Dad that connection between Short and First was an important one.

Dinner arrived. It was funny when Fred realized he had ordered the fish, following his Doctors orders. "I thought you liked juicy meat" Jeff joked.

"First time for everything" Fred admitted, then flaked off a bit of his baked walleye.

*************************** Meanwhile, a few hours southwest ***************************

Jason got to the restaurant a few minutes late. "No big deal" he thought. He checked himself in the reflection of the glass by the entrance. When he noticed nothing incriminating, no stray cum, no pecker tracks, he entered.

Ashley waved to him. "Over here honey." He made his way to the booth. "You're late" Ashley admonished him. "But so was Dad."

Jason sat next to his pregnant wife. He gave her a quick kiss on her cheek, then placed his hand on her belly. "Did ya get everything you need for Junior's room? We`re going with a zoo theme."

"Now Jason, I thought we decided this already. His name is going to be Patrick, after the other great man in my life."

"Really? Wow, I'm touched. Put it there buddy." Patrick offered his hand. Jason shook it with an extra firm grip. "Whoa son, no need to impress me" Patrick said as he brought his other hand to the table.

Then Jason saw it. The Claddagh wedding ring that his father-in-law wore. No, it must be a coincidence. Ashley had insisted on it as a way to honor her Irish heritage, and her father. There was a small contingent of Irish people in the area. "Yeah" he thought to himself, "just a coincidence."

The late lunch was okay, nothing memorable. He thought the tastiest morsel was the dick he sucked less than an hour before. However the time spent with his wife and in-laws made up for it.

His mother-in-law Janine was getting misty eyed. "My first grandchild, and you live so far away."

"You act like Duluth is in another continent. It's only a few hours honey, we can make the trip as often as you need to see baby Patrick." Jason could see the pride on his father-in-laws face. He then looked towards Jason and momentarily flicked out his tongue. "It'll be great to bond with my son-in-law."

"FUCK" Jason thought, "Just what did he mean by that?"

************************* Meanwhile back in West Duluth *************************

"I see you are following the dietary guidelines Fred. The walleye here is excellent."

"Oh hey Doc" Fred said. "Yeah, been taking it easy, getting some light activity in, and avoiding stress. Today I even helped my buddies here by supervising their floor refinishing."

"Looks good on you. Just don't overdo it. Everything in moderation is good advice in most cases."

"Thanks, I'll remember that. Oh and sorry, I didn't introduce you. You know these four from the ER. This is Pete's son Derek, his friend Justin, and my friend Jeff."

I could have sworn there was a momentary nod between Jeff and the Doctor. Derek rose to shake his hand. "I hope I don't have to see you anytime soon" he joked.

"From the looks of it, I won't have to see Fred other than a follow up."

"D'ya got a second Doc?" Fred asked, as he nodded over to an empty corner booth.

"Sure thing. My friends won't miss me."

They went to the booth and started to talk. I paid little attention to what was going on as I started thinking through the next few days in my head. Pete's strong hand on my thigh brought me out of my momentary daydream. "You're off in your own world. What's up hubby?" he whispered to me.

"Just thinking things through. Nothing to worry about. Small stuff."

"Good, I hate that faraway look."

Pete had no need to worry, and neither did Jeff it appeared. I could see how he looked at Fred while he talked privately with his Doctor. A satisfied smile inched across his face. It grew as Fred rejoined the table. If I wasn't mistaken, Jeff smirked as the doctor walked past our table, to his own booth.

"Good news Jeff, I got the go ahead from the Doc. Your place or mine?"

"We'll figure it out handsome. Just what did he say?"

"I asked if it was okay for me to have sex. I sorta beat around the bush, using words like "someone" and "they". He finally looked me in the eye and said. "Just don't overdo it. Let HIM do the heavy work." Damn, I didn't expect him to be that open about it."

Jeff looked at Pete. "You can drop us off at my place tonight. I'll have him home on time tomorrow, gotta get up early for the route."

You could see that stress was gone from Fred's face. In its place was a sense of serenity as he looked at the man he would be sharing the night with.

I paid the bill, Pete left his usual generous tip, and we left the diner. Hugs were endless in the parking lot as we made plans for the next few days. We got into Pete's Ram truck. The two men in the back seat looked like young lovers on the verge of some new experience. Life was good in West Duluth.

*************************** Meanwhile, a few hours southwest ***************************

Jason could sense that Janine was having difficulty saying goodbye to the two of them. "Why don't you and Ashley have some quiet time while Pat and I start transferring all of your purchases to our truck?"

"So is he going to be called Patrick or Pat?" Jason's father-in-law inquired.

"We'll know when we look at him" The two men made quick work of their task and soon the truck was filled with all the paraphernalia needed to outfit a first born.

Ashley and Janine quietly rejoined the men. Pat hugged his son-in-law. "Next time you come, make sure it's my weekend off so I can spend quality time with my son-in-law."

************************* Meanwhile back in West Duluth *************************

"Are you sure there's not anything going on that I need to be aware of Kyle. That's the second time today I've seen that look."

Pete was right. We had just dropped off Jeff and Fred. The hills of Norton Park were in my vision as we drove towards our home. "Pete, do you ever get the feeling things are going too perfectly? Right now everything feels right in our world, and I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop."

Don't worry about it Babe. Whatever happens, we'll deal with it. In the meantime I have a husband to satisfy. I feel like taking Doctor's orders and letting him do all the work."

The sexy grin on Pete's face looked almost angelic in the afternoon sun. How could I deny my man, and not follow the prescription. We were about five minutes from home so I placed my hand on his thigh. "Your touch babe, it always gets me" he said.

I felt that thigh up to his crotch where I massaged the hard-on I knew I'd find there. My experienced hands manipulated his manhood. I started to unzip, then undid the waist band of his work pants. With skill I pulled out nine inches of uncut dick.

"Getting warm in here" Pete said. I rolled down the windows.

"Going to get hotter Babe" I said then bent over and rolled his foreskin between my tongue and lips. I knew what I was doing, I had one goal. Keep him on edge `til we got home.

Pete's right hand was on my shoulder as I tongued his foreskin. His touch went from gentle to urgent, tender to strong. Calloused fingers stroked the hot spot on my neck, then his full hand massaged it. "Almost home babe, don't overdo it."

We had traveled that road so many times I knew right where we were, exactly how much longer I had. I took his dick to the root, unzipped and pulled out mine, then unbuttoned his shirt. When we turned onto our road, I started a slow trail up his hairy stomach with my tongue. By the time we turned into the driveway I was at his neck. When he put the truck into park, my tongue was wrestling with his.

He broke away from the kisses. "Out here, or inside?"

"Out here, then inside" I swallowed his dick whole, pushing the foreskin back with my tongue. The taste I found there was of a man who had put in an honest day's worth of work. I savored his taste while I fisted my own dick.

"So close hubby... DAMN I'm coming..."

I pulled up enough to capture Pete's spunk in my mouth. I rolled my tongue around the head of his dick collecting all of his cock syrup. He was sweet that afternoon, maybe the maple syrup during breakfast played a part.

Pete pulled me up into a kiss. "Sweet huh? Our syrup will be a good vintage this year."

I laughed then said "Let's finish this inside."

We made no attempt to cover our naked bits as we entered our home. Frankly both of us were too exhausted so we let the afternoon sun drape us as we sat holding each other on the couch. I looked off into the distance. I thought of our extended family, and imagined most of them sharing intimate moments like this. In it all I couldn't shake the idea that another shoe was about to drop. However, I took Pete's advice, realized we'd deal with it when and if it happened, then fell asleep in his arms.

*************************** Meanwhile, at home in Norton Park ***************************

Jason still was thinking of the last image he had of his father-in-law. The firm ass of a mature man as he sat down in his red Accord. It was just another coincidence. The Claddagh ring, the red Accord, both very common. But he couldn't shake the thought from his mind. What if it was his father-in-law that he had sucked through that glory hole? What if it was his sperm, the same sperm that created Ashley? Nah, it can't be.

Ashley was tuckered out on the couch as Jason unloaded the truck. Their little bungalow was much like the others in the area. It was a recent purchase to accommodate their growing family. They had yet to meet any of their neighbors. He did notice a mail man who lived on the next block that piqued his interest. However, this was too close to home, a clear violation of his rules.

When all of the packages were placed in the future nursery Jason walked by a slumbering Ashley, and powered up the computer at his makeshift desk. Right away he spotted an email from his father-in-law.


We have to talk.


If you like my stories, check out my eBook "A Year in The Life, Volume One" on It features all of my stories from Snowplow to Jack Pine Savages.

Next: Chapter 43: Rebirth 3

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