
Published on Aug 14, 2015


A Year In The Life

World of Wheels, Part 2

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

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World Of Wheels Part 2

Every time I wake up in a foreign bed, I feel a little disoriented. Though I woke up alone that March Sunday morning, I knew exactly where I was. Derek's Morgan Park home was already like a third home. I got up and pissed, then walked back to the guest room. I pulled on my pants and walked by the master bedroom. Justin was sleeping away, looking almost angelic in the early morning light.

I smelled sausage downstairs. I went down and quietly made my way to the kitchen. Pete was at the table in jeans, drinking a cup of coffee. Derek was tending to the sausage, wearing only a tank top and boxers. This little slice of father/son domesticity looked like it was painted by a modern day Norman Rockwell.

I cleared my throat, interrupting the scene. "Glad you are wearing shorts while frying sausage. I'd hate for any grease splatters to damage the sausage you save for Justin."

"He loves me for more than my dick, Dad. He thinks my ass is great too."

"I know that Derek, in fact he told me he loves you, he thinks you're the one."

"He did? He does? When did he tell you that?"

I worried that I had overstepped a line there, but what was done, was done. "Yesterday afternoon. But I am sure you knew already."

Derek removed the sausage from the pan, onto a plate then grabbed a cup of coffee. He motioned to me with a cup, I nodded, so he filled one for me. "He likes it black, just like... Oh never mind..." Pete said. "That joke is getting old"

We laughed and joined Pete at the table. "I hope we weren't too loud last night?" Derek said quietly.

"You weren't, and why should it matter, it's your home" I said.

"Sounds like our story gave you guys some inspiration" Pete added.

"You heard????"

"Every detail, you know you don't have to do everything your old man does just to get his approval." His smile, and the punch on Derek's arm let him know Pete was joking.

"Dad, I love him. He brings out everything good in me, and sands down most of the rough edges. It's like that woodwork in the living room. It took me months to peel away the paint, reveal the grain, and highlight it with stain. He has done that to me in the matter of weeks."

"I think I talk for Kyle and I when I say this, but we've noticed the change. You used to strut around, showing everyone who was in charge. But the cock of the walk, doesn't have to be the cock of the walk if you know what I mean. His mere presence should be enough."

"It's sort of like our cars Dad. There will be others at the show that will be flashier, with bigger engines, but we have the quiet strength.

"Much like the 34 Ford I saw last year." I let it slip out.

"What 34 Ford?" Pete and Derek said in unison.

"Oh, just a nice Hot Rod I saw last year. The owner thought it was the hottest thing there, but I've seen better."

"I've been out of the circuit for a while" Pete said. "Not sure if I am familiar with it."

"You'll have to point it out to us. I'm really looking forward to walking the show with my two dad's and my lover. It'll be funny messing with the straight guys. I doubt any of them would have an idea we were four gay men."

"Now son, be nice to the straight men, I was once one too" Pete pointed out.

The laughter around the table was raucous. A naked Justin entered the room. "What'd I miss? What's so funny?"

"So nice of you to dress for breakfast sleepyhead" Derek said. "But now that you're up I can finish it."

"Hey it's the dress code at Pete's so I thought it worked here."

Derek got up, poured a cup for Justin. I wondered for a moment how Norman Rockwell would capture the copper glint in Justin's chest hair or the silver nipple ring that poked through it.

"Wait, when did that happen?" I said, then leaned over and tweaked it.

"A few weeks back. I'm surprised you didn't see it in the sauna or breakfast at Pete`s. I think everyone's eyes were on Derek and his little show. I know mine were."

He was right. Derek was the cock of the walk that night, grabbing everyone's attention quietly. Just as quietly now he was tending to a large wok on the sofa, folding eggs, cheese, crumbled sausage and fried potatoes together. He put a lid on the wok then pulled some plates from the vintage cupboards. The earth toned dishes were from about the same era as the house. Derek filled them with his concoction, sat them in front of us, then joined us at the table.

He lifted a coffee cup "To my dads and my man." We all raised our coffee cups, then heard a bark at the back door. "Oh I forgot about Putski"

Derek opened the back door to let his four-legged side kick in. Putski bolted to Pete's chair and sat down beside him, completing the modern day Norman Rockwell tableau.

"Again? Damn you used to sit only by me. What gives buddy?"

"Derek" I pointed out. "Dogs always know who the alpha male is."

I smiled at my newest family member. He looked up at me, smiled back, then laid his head down by the master's chair.

We quietly spent the rest of Sunday morning with our newest family members. Pete did the crossword puzzle while sipping coffee at the den, Putski at his side. I checked out Derek's Hot Wheels in the guest bedroom. Meanwhile Derek and Justin cuddled on the couch. Justin had a mid-afternoon shift at the steakhouse so they wanted their quiet time.

I came back downstairs. "Do you realize you have at least one valuable Hot Wheel up in that room?"

"Oh those cars, just childhood stuff. I do pick some up every now and then at garage sales etc."

"The light green Superfine Turbine is near mint buddy. They only made it one year. It's gotta be worth a few hundred at least. They make me want to dig out my old cars, display them somewhere in our house."

"What are we displaying in our house?" Pete joined us from the den. "I hope I get some say in this, seeing how "our house" used to be just "my house." He laughed. "By the way guys. According to the forecast there might be snow this weekend. We'll have to see if Mike will let us use the trailer to bring our cars to the show."

"I don't know about you, but my car is not a trailer queen. It can handle what nature throws at it, and we'll just wipe it down at the DECC."

"Damn, you ARE my son aren't you? Move over, give the old man some room."

Derek and Justin scooted over, Pete plopped down on them and Putski jumped on Pete's lap. I took a mental picture of the four of them filling that sofa. I thought again of a modern day illustrator who could capture the love and detail of our lives. Then I realized, I could be that modern day Norman Rockwell.

I joined them on the sofa, sitting on the arm next to Pete. "Let's give them some room" I whispered in his ears. "Justin will have to leave for work soon enough, let's get back to our place."

"Guys, my husband has suggested that we let you guys to do whatever it is you do, when we're not here. Or you could do, what you do, when we are here, but a little bit louder this time. Either way, we're heading home. Talk to you tomorrow son." He got up, bent over and kissed Derek then Justin. He tweaked Justin's nipple ring then turned to go upstairs and get the rest of his clothes.

We said our goodbyes, then walked out the front door. Pete started up the truck, I got in. We rolled down the windows to let the breeze blow through as we drove out of Morgan Park. The sprightly reggae beat of Paul Simon's "Mother and Child Reunion" came over the truck's speakers.

"Pete, I heard years ago that this song's title was inspired by the name of a chicken and egg dish in a Chinese restaurant. I wonder what a Father and Child Reunion dish would be made of."

"Sausage and Egg, of course. Or exactly what my son fed us this morning."

We did make quite the family. I often thought of the guys as my extended family. Fred had once told me that we were closer to him than his father had ever been. But now we had true flesh and blood in the family. We drove through the exit of Morgan Park and out onto Grand Avenue. I was anxious to get home to our place, and make a pit stop down at the old farmhouse.

I told Pete of my plan to go rummaging through some of the storage boxes at my old home, but he stopped me dead in my tracks. "That can wait babe. I bet Derek and Justin are beyond the snugglin' stage right now, and I can't let my son show up the old man.

We got home, parked the truck. He tugged me upstairs, then quickly got naked. "I have a feeling you weren't telling me the whole story about this Hot Rod you saw last year. Is this one of those secrets I am gonna have to trust you with, or are you gonna fill me in?"

I got on my hands and knees on the bed, hiking my ass up in the air. "Why don't you fill me in, while I tell you about his Hot Rod."

"You're here with me now so I must assume, I have the hotter rod" Pete said, then nudged his dick between my cheeks. In one lunge I knew who had the key to my ass, and my heart.

Pete grabbed a hold of my butt and started to piston away. "Oh FUCK YEAH, you beat him in every way Babe. Beside, you let me drive every once in a while, I bet he would never do that."

"That's because Old Petey is smart enough to know a great ride when he sees one. And damn if I don't know a great ass when I see one. "How could he pass this up?" FUCK!"

Pete roared as he started to bang me. I could only think of the noisy sex we heard from across the hall last night in his son's house and I wondered if they were being even more noisy now. "That's right Babe. Tell me how you feel. Talk to me."

"DAMN, how can this ass be so pretty and so tight? You must be doing exercises to keep your hole in shape. Yeah, that's it, work that ass, I feel you tighten that hole for me."

I did as I was told. I clenched down on his prick as it was prodding me. Damn he had me motivated with his words, I wiggled my ass back as he continued to piston into me. "Give it to me Pete, make me forget old whatshisname and the car he drove in on."

"See you've forgotten already. Back that bumper up while I hitch a ride."

I chuckled at his metaphor "I thought Derek said you weren't a trailer queen."

"Well you protest that you're not a size queen and look at the rod I'm throwing you."

"With pleasure babe, with pleasure."

"Getting close. Gotta look you in your eyes as I lube your rear end"

Pete pulled out, rolled me over, lifted my legs and slammed home. "Here it is Babe. TAKE IT!"

"Oh HELL YEAH!" I roared.

"Better than Mr. 34 Ford?"

Pete gave me another nudge, then fisted my dick. I shot, cum landed on his cheek. "I guess I got my answer"

"Ain't no comparison Babe."

My breathing slowed. Pete lowered himself to kiss me. I took advantage of the moment by licking the cum from his cheek, then shared it with him in the next kiss.

"Tasty as always, even second hand" Pete said. He then withdrew from my ass, and pulled me into a tight snuggle. Our faces were centimeters away from each other. He held me in one hand while the other caressed my face. "I didn't know love could be so great, that a man could be so beautiful."

His touch was tender. Thick calloused hands held me with fragility and strength. His kisses touched me in the same way. How could a man shift gears so quickly? I was lucky to be the man, desired by such a man.

"I only hope my son finds the same thing in Justin. He is a good man, he deserves the best."

It would be hard for me to argue that. In my months with Pete I had come to know many new friends. Each one brought love to my life. A few had found their own Pete, some were still looking. I didn't know for sure if what Justin and Derek were developing was love on our level, but I would be there to help them.

I also wasn't sure if the father-son connection I had seen was innate, or still a work in progress. In one short week they had displayed a closeness that looked like the product of years of knowing each other. But I was aware there could still be some deep-seated issues that might still bubble to the surface. As someone who loved both of them, I vowed to look for any signs.

Derek called me Monday just as I was about to leave work. We shot the shit for a while. I could tell he was feeling a bit lonely since Justin had a shift that night. "Why don't you join us for pizza and some TV?"

"Do you mind if I bring Putski? He's missing Justin too."

"I know Pete would love to see his grandson. Bring him along"

It felt natural that Monday night, watching Antiques Roadshow and eating pizza with Derek. Putski snuggled up to Pete, putting his head on Pete's meaty thigh. Derek excelled at our appraisal game, often coming very close. My specialty that night was picking out who was gay, and who was the hot daddy. Pete didn't totally understand the concept of Gaydar. I enjoyed explaining it to him.

The rest of the work week crept by. I was feeling like a kid at Christmas counting down the days `til the World of Wheels. On a whim I designed logos for our rides, then had a local source make personalized bowling shirts for the four of us. Later I remembered Brent's admiration for the Plum Crazy Charger, so I called and upped the order.

Friday finally was here. I had always been there the moment they opened the doors in previous years, but this year I was there for set up. I sprung my surprise on the guys after we drove our shining beauties into the Mopar section of the show.

Pete was already wearing his Plum Crazy shirt when Derek opened his ReDart one. "Uh, isn't matching shirts... ummm... sorta gay?" Derek said.

"Hey, don't you have pride in your car? Beside, you suck dick and fuck ass, get over yourself." Pete had a point. "If any man thinks you are gay because you are wearing this shirt, it is probably because he wants to get you out of it."

Reluctantly Derek pulled his red shirt over the black t-shirt he was wearing. He had the body that could pull anything off, and the black panels down the front accented his tight stomach, while the logo I placed on the back exaggerated his shoulders. He checked himself out in the reflection of the glass. His smug smile let me know he passed his own inspection.

During set up I stayed mainly in the Mopar section which kept my camera busy. There was so much muscle eye candy to look at, and a bit of daddy eye candy too. One guy with a flat top mullet caught my attention. His broad shoulders went down to a bit of a paunch, and almost nonexistent ass. He was one of those men who were almost all torso. I forgave him for his mullet, because he had enough going for him in other areas. I took a quick picture of his car, making sure I caught him in the background.

Arriving early meant I also was there for vendor set up. There was a tall straight bear daddy from Chicago there selling his Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars. I had seen him at flea markets and car shows when I lived in Chicago, and was happy to see him up here the last few years at World of Wheels.

Pete and Derek had their cars situated and Pete was talking to an old buddy, so I convinced Derek to go looking with me. The vendor from Chicago was still unloading totes. He didn't look up. "Still unloading guys, not open yet."

"Just checking things out, seeing if you have any reds for me."

He looked up. "Oh hey bud, hoped I would run into you, I got my special box over here." He dug around for a bit, then found it. There was a small case inside with about two dozen minty Hot Wheel redlines. The green `36 Ford Coupe caught my eye first, until I saw the Purple Custom Charger. To say I lusted after it was an understatement.

"What do you want for it?"

"I'm thinking a buck, seventy-five."

Derek grabbed my wrist, shook it, "Go for it, that's cheap."

"Bud, what you don't understand is that when I say a buck, seventy-five I mean $175."

"Shit, for a Hot Wheel? I don't think I have ever spent more than a few dollars on them."

"Welcome to the world of collecting." I started to point out some flaws to my Chicago friend, a flea bite in the paint here, chrome loss on the rear drivers side wheel. "See that Charger down at the end of the hall and the mean looking guy standing by it. I'll give you a Benjamin for this. That way he'll be happy and won't have to take his aggression out on you. My guess is you are still making a pretty penny on this."

He held up the Custom Charger and squinted, getting the real deal and the toy version in focus. "Looks like a match, and looks like we have a deal. That guy looks familiar. Didn't he used to wrestle?"

"He still does from time to time, mostly private matches." I handed over five twenties, then watched him as he wrapped it gingerly, then place it in a protector. "Thanks, we'll be by later when we have more time, maybe send business your way."

As we walked back to our cars Derek whispered to me. "He is hot in a daddy bear kinda way. Not in your or Pete's league, but still fuckable. I still can't believe you paid that much for a toy car. Do you really think that one of mine is worth hundreds?"

"I am sure it is."

Back at our car I gave Pete the small protector. "Open it Babe"

Pete opened it and put it in his hand, then looked at the full scale version. "It's beautiful Babe, I hope you didn't spend too much on it."

"The guy wanted a buck, seventy-five, Kyle got him down to a buck."

"You negotiated over seventy five cents? I guess my frugality is rubbing off on you."

"No when he..." Derek started to say.

"When I pointed out who it was for, he cut the price. It seems he is a fan." I made a note to inform Derek not to share the prices of my toy purchases. I felt it was within the agreement Pete and I had on secrets.

The doors finally opened. Friday was our free day. Pete had signed us up for door duty on Saturday, but Friday we were free to roam. Justin and Brent arrived, finding us quickly. "Damn D, you look hot in red. Hottest one here, although that silver haired daddy we saw by that old Ford is a close runner up, present company excluded."

Pete threw each of the men their shirts. "Here you go, we're a matching set now. So this Ford owner is a silver haired daddy huh? I wonder if it is the same guy Kyle had fun with last year."

"You had sex with the owner of the `34 Ford? I thought just his car was hot." Derek said.

"The way Kyle tells it, he gave him a ride, then he gave him a ride." I think it's high time we go meet this man that's almost in my league. Lead the way Justin."

We left the Mopar area, walked through a connecting hall, and then I saw the blue `34 Ford. The drivers door was opened. Al's meaty ass was on display in his 38X30 Wranglers as he bent over while fiddling with the dash.

"Al my friend, I'd like you to meet..."

Al straightened up. "PETE?"

"THE CRUNCHER?" Pete and Derek said in unison.

Next: Chapter 40: World of Wheels 3

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