
Published on Aug 3, 2015


A Year In The Life

In Touch Part 4

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

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In Touch Part 4

"You're so pretty when you sleep." Pete's voice greeted me as my eyes adjusted to the light. He was on the easy chair by the wall of windows. The muted purple of the dawn sky silhouetted the trees in our backyard.

"How long have you been watching me?"

"Just a few minutes. I was checking in on our friends. Charlie, Angelo and Fred never made it home, they are in a pile on the sectional. Derek and Justin are spooning in their room. They left their door opened just enough that I could see the smile on Justin's face. Gino and Brent are still sawing logs in the office."

Pete got off the chair and joined me in the bed. He spooned me while nibbling at my ear. He then whispered "So tell me everything you think you know."

I did, laying out the evidence. Charlie Chan and Sherlock Holmes didn't have anything on me. Pete and I talked for a while, trying to figure out what was next, how to proceed. We were equals in the discussion, it felt great to have the trust.

"We could waste our day away Kyle, but we have some guests we have to feed."

Pete and I pulled on some sweatpants, then went down to the kitchen. We were a well rehearsed team, and soon there was enough bacon, sausage, eggs and potatoes to feed our crew. I brewed a pot of coffee and put it in a carafe, then started the second one.

"I'll go get the three amigos downstairs, you're in charge of the crew upstairs Kyle."

Upstairs I heard low moans from the room across the hall so I decided to give them some extra time. I heard some soft slurping from Brent and Gino's room. I knocked. "Breakfast's on the table in five minutes."

"Be right down Kyle" Gino said. "We just gotta get dressed."

I walked back to Derek and Justin`s room. The moans were louder. I heard Derek's voice. "Yeah Yeah, that's it. Move that ass, milk my dick."

I took evil pleasure in interrupting them. "Breakfast in five minutes guys. Justin knows the dress code."

"We'll be down when we're ready, start without us" Derek said.

"We'll be ready in five" Justin grunted. "He doesn't know how talented my ass is yet."

Pete was setting the table when I got down there. "We'll have to huddle together to fit them all. But that's okay, I like having my guys here."

"We might have to start without Derek and Justin, unless Justin is true to his word. He might also need a cushion to sit on after last night." I took a pillow from the sofa, then a kitchen towel just in case. "There, all ready for Justin."

"You really think he's going to need that?" Pete asked.

"Our crew has had Derek horned up for weeks, you tell me."

"Good point, maybe we should get another towel."

"Another towel for what?" Derek's voice was unmistakable. I looked up to see our friend, his semi-hard dick tenting the towel wrapped `round his waist. "Sorry, I think our clothes are downstairs. Hope you don't mind."

"The dress code is casual here buddy" Pete said. "Where's your friend?"

"Ummm, he's making sure he can sit... uh... comfortably."

The rest of the guys started filtering into the kitchen. Coffee cups were filled then each man heaped their plate. Justin was the last one to join us, completely naked.

"You're throne is ready" Derek joked. "We thought you might be sitting tenderly after last night."

"Oh, that little thing? I barely felt it." Justin filled his plate, then sat his bare ass down. There was a little hesitation, but he settled in comfortably.

The camaraderie around the table was palpable. People joked and shared beyond their usual partner or partners. The casualness worked for Derek who lost most of the macho guard that he used on the job site.

"Last night was fantastic guys. Thanks for including me in the group Pete. I was going to be there anyway but being there with a local legend like you was beyond amazing."

"Local legend? Isn't that a bit limiting?" Pete joked.

"Too bad you didn't have a chance to go to the locker room" Fred interjected. "Mario is quite the guy. He's sexy as hell close up."

"I didn't have to see him naked in the locker room to know that" Derek joked. "Hell, everyone of you guys are sexy as hell. Pete has good taste in friends, and I am glad to be part of that. At least I hope you consider me a friend."

"That we do" Pete said.

I could have spent all day with the guys, but our friends needed to head back to their own lives. Hugs and kisses were plentiful as we sent them off. Fred chauffeured Derek and Justin back to fetch their cars at the bar then stopped by on his way back to the farmhouse.

"Guys, I don't know how to thank you for last night. Seeing Omar with another man hurt me. But who knows, maybe he was cheating on him, while he was with me."

"In the end you are better off without him Fred. You are a smart man, you learn from your mistakes." I really believed what I told Fred. The hug he gave me when he left told me he agreed.

Pete and I had the rest of Saturday to ourselves. We spent most of the day laying in bed holding each other. The only interruption was a phone call from Derek, thanking us for including him in the group. Pete took the call sitting on his favorite easy chair. I zoned him out as I thought of our new friend.

"Great, we'll see you tomorrow night. You know the place right? Oh, Okay Derek, talk to you tomorrow."

"We're meeting Derek at the diner, is that okay with you?"

"Of course it is babe. Now get back here and snuggle." I pulled the sheet back from my body, revealing my ass. Yes I was being obvious, but I needed my man.

"Look at that pretty thing. Oh so kissable." Pete maneuvered me onto my belly, then lifted my ass in the air. His thick paws started to manhandle my butt as he brought his bearded face closer to my ass. "Oh so beautiful" he said, then I felt his tongue on my hole. "You got me leaking Babe."

Pete raised himself, then started to swab his dick up and down my crack. "Between your spit and pre-cum I'm ready Pete." I felt him enter me. "Yeah, home where you belong"

"I have a feeling I'll be taking up residence for a while Kyle." He leaned over me, his strong chest rested against my back as he slowly made love to me. Pete peppered my neck with kisses. His beard flicked over my ear as he ground his dick in and out. "Have I ever told you how sexy your neck is? It's getting sexier by the day" he growled in my ear. "Yeah, gonna be in your ass the rest of the afternoon, that leaves the night open. Any ideas?"

"Our sling, your ass, my dick. How does that sound to you?"

"If your tongue and fingers are included, we got a deal. Speaking of which, I need another taste." I felt his dick leave my hole, replaced quickly by his tongue. "Yeah, gonna cream-fill this hole. That is if I didn't deplete myself last night. I think I dumped about a cups worth in your butt. It was so hot watching Derek and Justin fuck."

"Tell me about it. I covered the three amigos in jizz. Glad they are not the timid type. I don't think I shot that far in a long time. It was like I was in my twenties."

"I'd like to think I was responsible for that geyser. But FUCK that was hot. It made me fill you up like never before. OH SHIT I'm getting close, gotta slow down. I want this to last and not be a one pump dump chump."

Pete gave my ass one last lick, then hugged me from behind. "Let's spoon babe, take it slow." He pulled me down to lay on our sides. His strong arms wrapped around me as he entered me slowly. I felt each inch enter. My insides rolled over each thick inch, welcoming them home. "Yeah, that's it. Keep it up. Keep doing that Babe. I'll just leave my boner there while you work it over."

I did work it over, doing my best to please my man. Believe me it was easy to do. I started off just rolling my butt muscles back and forth over his dick. Then I started to hump my ass back to meet his pubes. I just let him lay there holding me as I worked him over.

My gut started to heave. My breathing got short as his dick prodded my prostate. He was sending me over the edge, just laying there. Then he did it. He pulled one arm free from the hug and flicked his knuckles over the hot spot on my neck. I shivered up and down my spine then shot, my cum reaching a spot four feet away on the floor. My ass clamped down on his dick which started to produce rapid fire spurts into my ass.

"See it was me all along Babe" he said, then rolled me a quarter turn so I was on my stomach. He slowly pulled his dick out. "Look at that, so pretty, so tender, so you, so tasty. Damn Babe, it's leaking out. Gotta push it back in. Like I said, so pretty. Ready for round two?"

The second round was even better. He took his sweet time. The added lube and warmth of his load made it even more pleasurable. I think his hands touched every muscle on my body as he made love to me that afternoon. He filled me once again, licking away the errant tracks. I think he would have gone for a three-peat if it wasn't for the call from a friend.

He scrambled to the chair to retrieve his phone. "Yeah, that sounds good... You're sure of this right?... Good, see ya tomorrow."

"I gather things are going as you thought huh?"

"Yep, but I still worry. This isn't easy."

I allayed Pete's fears the best way I knew possible. I pulled him back to my arms and hugged the crap out of him. We laid there, solving the worlds problems in each other's arms. We might have greeted slumber that way if my gurgling stomach didn't make it's presence known.

"Have to take care of my hubby. How does pasta sound? My treat."

I hated to get dressed. Pete hated it even more. "Damned shame to cover that butt of yours, but I don't know any clothing optional restaurants."

Personally I looked forward to being out with my guy. We had more than a few people stop us to remark about the wrestling match. Everyone agreed that Mario's match was the highlight of the night. Pete did his share of the "Ivan Pose" and signed a menu or two.

"Ivan" came home with us and took his turn in the sling. It was my chance to use a Hall Pass and fuck "Ivan." He was quite athletic in that sling, a very demanding bottom, and I rose to the occasion. I think I gave pile-driving a new definition as I pummeled his ass.

He broke character. "FUCK KYLE, Give it to me" It was my turn to push him right over the edge.

"You got it Pete" I gave him one long thrust, hitting his prostate dead on.

"OH GAWD" he said as his dick juice flew out of his dick, hitting his open mouth and beard. "Oh SHIT." The next string hit his chest. "DAMN." The last pulses pooled on his pubes.

Those pulses went right to my dick, and I unloaded in his butt. My toes curled standing there. I got up on the balls of my feet, sending his filled ass forward in the sling. My ass jack-hammered his butt once more as my load seemed to increase. "Was it worth it babe?"

"You deserve the world championship belt of fucking Kyle. It's a shame no one else will be able to experience quite like that, but I am glad that I am the man who gets to be fucked by you for the rest of time."

I slowly pulled out. I saw his butt hole was quaking as I exited. I saw how tender and strong it was, and realized I was seeing the same beauty he had seen in mine. A pearl of white leaked out as I left him completely. I nudged the drop back in with my dick, then went on my haunches to assure that nothing else would try to escape. I licked his hole, tasting and feeling the folds with my tongue. The beauty continued there as I tasted my man's essence.

The sling was still swaying as Pete came down from his fuck high. I went to his side, steadied the sling by pushing down on Pete's gut, then bent over to kiss him.

"Remember, I can still fuck others, but no ass measures up to yours. Let's hit the shower, then the sheets" I said, then helped him out of the sling.

Shower time was kissing time as we continued holding, and snuggling each other. Soap was spared as we both wanted to bask in the essence of man. We saved on towels too, allowing our caresses and time to air dry ourselves. We ultimately ended the night in each others arms under a single sheet. Our body heat was enough on this early March night.

Sunday's intimacy centered on talking things through. When I met Pete during that blizzard, I should have guessed he was adverse to change. Every clue in his house pointed to the fact that he was comfortable in the way things always had been. But ever since he fell for me, changes were happening right and left. Apprehensive was the best word for how he was feeling that Sunday morning, and he saw no change in sight.

Somehow I pointed out that this rock solid aspect of his character would be the part carrying him through the following months of change. I think that quieted his concern for the time being.

It was a beautiful day so we took Pete's vintage Charger to the diner for our date with Derek. I drove it for the first time ever. It was exciting harnessing all of that legendary muscle for the fifteen minute drive. Pete looked off into the harbor as we got closer. I could tell he was mulling everything over.

"Our usual booth if it's open" Pete said to the hostess. "There will be another guy joining us. He kinda looks like me."

We were seated right away. We had made better time than I thought, so Derek wasn't there yet. We ordered coffees then waited. I saw Derek park his car. He stopped to look at the Charger. I saw the same connection I had with it months earlier. I could tell he wanted to touch it, but as a true gear head, he knew it was off limits.

"They're right over here" the hostess said to Derek, even before he started to speak.

"Guy's, did you see that cherry Charger outside? I wonder who was lucky enough to be driving it here?"

"That would be me" I said. "Pete trusted me enough to drive his baby."

We motioned to Derek, he sat. "You've got a great car, and a great partner. I should be so lucky. Of course who am I to complain, I got a nice bit of Detroit muscle back in my garage. And if this thing with Justin works out..."

"Just how is that going? I would have invited him, but I assumed he worked tonight."

"He's hot Pete, I don't think I have had this much sex since I moved back to Minnesota. But if it keeps up, my right hand is going to get jealous, and those posters of you are going to get lonely."

Pete inhaled quietly. "About that..."

Just then Barry entered the diner. He looked over, saw us, then made a bee-line for our booth. "Mind if I join you?"

"Scoot over Derek, make room. Barry, you remember Derek."

"Yes I do. He made quite the impression on me Friday night at the bar. Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself."

Derek became a bit of a chatty Cathy, filling in another of his idols on his history. Barry listened raptly at the story of a boy born to a single mother on the range. He related how he was a huge local wrestling fan, until he and his Mom moved to California when he was ten. "I really got into the car culture out there. The wrestlers weren't as fun to watch, but I kept my scrapbooks. My grandma would send me updates."

"Tell me more about your Mom." Barry added. "How was it being raised by a single mom."

"She was the best, a bit of a hippy I guess you would say. She always did her best, giving me things, working an extra job or two. You know, I never missed my father. She was always enough for me."

Pete spoke up. "Did she ever talk about your father?"

"Not really, she said he was a good man, but just not ready to be a dad. Mom was a free spirit. I guess she knew she was able to handle me, and some of the people in our life helped her. She wouldn't say anymore about my dad. But if I ever got out of line and brought him up, she would set me straight. ""He would have loved you Derek, I just never gave him the chance" she would tell me. She kept on telling me that until the day she died from cancer."

Barry reached into his pocket, pulled out an envelop. There was a small faded color photo in it. "Is this your mother?"

Derek's face went white, he looked at the photo, then at Pete, then Barry. "What are you trying to say?"

"I think I'm your father Derek, and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.." Pete said, then hid his face in his hands.

I looked over at Pete. I saw the tears he was hiding. I then looked at Derek. I couldn't read him like I could his father. The muscles in his neck tensed as he looked at the man across the table from him. He threw the photo down on the table, it landed in front of me. I saw a young Pete holding a blond woman. His conservative crew-cut clashed with her flowing blond hair.

"Well" Derek said, he neck muscles shaking. "Don't you think you owe me an explanation after 35 years?

Pete looked up through tear filled eyes. "Derek, I owe you more than an explanation. I owe you for everything I missed out on over that time. I owe you for every time you needed a dad and there wasn't one there. But you have to understand one thing. I never knew I had a son until Friday. If I had even an inkling, I would have done my best to be in your life from day one. I was never given the chance."

"Pete's right" Barry said. "He only saw your Mom a few times over the course of that Winter. He was just starting out as a wrestler and she was barely out of high school. When she disappeared from ringside at the matches, we just thought she moved on to another crush."

"You guys will have to excuse me for a moment." Derek got up and pulled on his jacket. Barry allowed him to leave the booth and we watched him walk out to his car.

"I don't know how else we could have handled this Pete, I think we did our best."

"Maybe we should have waited longer, or not told him at all."

"And have him continue to try to sleep with the two of you?"

"Well, there's that. That makes it very awkward because I know both of us lusted after him." I finally admitted.

The waitress brought our meals. I saw that Derek was out in the parking lot, still sitting in his car. "Let me see if I can talk to him." I went outside, tapped on his window. He unlocked the door, so I joined him. "Pete knows there is nothing he can do to make up for all of those years. We have talked about this. He only can promise you that he will be there for you now. Me too, we'll make good on that promise."

Derek looked up at me, his tears were evident. "We know it can't be easy" I continued. "But we will give you the space you need, when you need. In the meantime there is a meatloaf dinner in there that is beyond this world. I don't want it to go cold when we both could be in there getting to know your father a little more."

"Do you really think he's my father?"

"He is willing to take a DNA test on national TV. Wouldn't that be a good Springer episode? But I don't think that's necessary. I see Pete in every movement you make. He's your father, and he is willing to be your Dad."

We got out of the car, he hugged me then said "Time to get to know my Dad."

In his touch, I knew he was father's son.

Next: Chapter 38: World of Wheels 1

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