
Published on Jul 27, 2015


A Year In The Life

In Touch Part 2

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

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The Touch Part 2.

That afternoon I was the one who broke away from the embrace and went to the office to gather my thoughts. Pete obviously wasn't lying when he said he couldn't sleep, because he was making up for it now.

I powered up the computer then started to write down thoughts as they came to me.

*Love *Trust *Honesty *The Farmhouse: Deadline for completion, what to do after *Our house: Deadline for moving here, combining what we have *The business: *Charlie: *Fred: *Mike? *Justin:? *Wrestling match at the DECC.

That last one caught me out of nowhere. I looked at the calendar posted above Pete's desk, and there, only 10 days away was the date. Through all the personal turmoil, I had forgotten about this event. We had talked about it for months. Pete's godson was going to be there wrestling in his hometown and he was sending us tickets.

To say that Pete had been looking forward to this was an understatement. It was a chance to reunite with his godson. The notoriety caused by the Y2K wrestling article in the paper had brought him into the limelight again, and here was another opportunity to relive his glory days. With our love, I was proud to know that Pete wasn't living in the past, but embracing the present.

I walked by the bedroom, Pete was stirring slightly. I went downstairs and found the makings for some sandwiches. When done, I brought the platter up to the office, then went to our bedroom. I sat in the chair, watching him sleep. He grabbed a pillow to hug as a beatific smile crept across his face. I hoped it was dreams of me that put the smile there. He shifted from sleeping on his side, to on his back. I hoped that the tent his dick created, was due to dreams of me also.

While I could have watched him sleep forever, the need for his touch trumped all others. I climbed into bed and started to snuggle him, kiss him, nuzzle his neck. His hard-on grew stronger.

"Oh Justin" he mumbled in his sleep.

"Justin? What the fuck?" I pinched his dick "Bitch."

Pete woke from his ruse. "Just kidding Babe. I've been awake for a bit. I was hoping you'd climb in bed and hop on my hard-on to give me a memorable wake up fuck. But when you took your sweet time..."

I admitted to Pete that I deserved it. We spent the next few minutes rolling around in bed, laughing at his prank. I remembered the sandwiches, so I told him to meet me in the office.

"After I piss babe. I could say this was a piss hard-on, but you are 100% responsible for it.

I went to the office, pulled up the list. Pete padded in naked a few minutes later. Over sandwiches I shared everything on my mind. To be honest it wasn't a case of me sharing, it was the two of us discussing everything. I opened up about my dreams, why I felt I couldn't share them. We talked about trust, and honesty and how we needed to embrace them going forward.

Most importantly we talked about Mike. I confessed finally for why I met with Mike. Pete listened intently as I told him about the negotiation, but flinched when I told him about the wrestling match. "To be honest Pete, I love him like I do Charlie and Fred."

I could see the hurt in his eyes when I said it. He breathed in sharply, "Go on."

"Pete, I don't know what would have happened between us if you didn't walk in. I think Mike was caught off guard by his actions, just as much as I was. I won't deny I find him sexy. I won't deny I have a lust for him. But one thing I know for sure, he isn't you. Trust me on that."

Pete put his hand on my shoulder. "Oh I know Kyle, but you'll have to forgive me if jealousy rears it's ugly head again, because... well... this isn't easy. Mike has been a friend for a long time. I want to accept him back into our family but..."

"We don't have to force it babe." I could see that this was still a bit of a sticking point, so I brought up the wrestling match. "Just how many tickets did you get for it? Who's all coming."

"Mario sent me 12 tickets, plus two backstage passes. I know Barry and Rodney have their own, so we might end up with a few extra."

I grabbed a pen and notepad. "Who are the tickets for?"

"Well let's see, the backstage passes are for you and I, obviously. Then there's Charlie, Fred, and Angelo. Maybe Brent and Gino, that's seven, who else?"

"Do you know if Justin is going with Rodney?" I wanted Pete to know I was okay with Justin being part of the group.

"I don't know. We could call him or email him later on. That would make eight. How about Mike and Angela?"

I could tell that was Pete's way of saying he wanted Mike back in our group, but on his terms. This still left us with two tickets, so I suggested Micah and Derek since both had shown interest in wrestling. Pete was certain that Derek probably had his own tickets, but I pointed out that a chance to be at a match with his childhood idol trumped whatever ticket he had.

The openness that we shared in our office that day gave me hope for our future. I suddenly felt the need to address one bullet point not on my list, secrets. He at first felt we should be totally open, no secrets, but I pointed out the difference between my secret meeting with Mike, and my Valentine's Day Secret.

"I guess it all comes down to honesty and trust" he said. "We have to trust each other when we feel the need to keep a secret, and be honest when it is time to reveal."

We decided to make plans for the night of the match. Pete suggested we continue the plan making in our room, so I took the pen and pad to the bedroom and propped myself on the bed while Pete ran downstairs for wine and glasses. The way his dick bobbed as he came into the room let me know our little brainstorming session was going to be cut short.

I made an effort of plotting out a pre-match party. We quickly decided to check into reserving the party room at our favorite happy hour bar. For convenience we could rent a party bus, then if anyone needed a designated driver, we had our standbys.

Pete poured some more wine into my glass, then pulled the pad from my hands and threw it on the floor. "That's enough of that." He nuzzled against me, his beard tickling my ear. "So, what was Mike like? How good of a kisser is he? Is he is good as this?" Pete then straddled me, tilted his head, and used his right hand to pull my lips to his. His fingers tickled my neck as we kissed gently at first. I flick of his fingers over the short hairs at the nape of my neck caused me to tremor. He took advantaged and kissed me harder.

I rubbed my fingers over the stubble on his shaved head. I flashed back to the time I shaved it for him. How I gently shaved his head while lovingly fucking his ass. "Yeah babe" he said coming up for air. "I need to shave it soon, maybe we can do it like we did that last time. Or would you rather have me grow it out like Mike?"

"Pete I love you, not him. I gotta be honest, I had fun kissing him, but he is not you. And I was surprised to feel his hard-on."

"How was that babe? Was it as meaty as mine?" He slapped his dick against my belly.

I raised my legs and slammed my dick against his ass. "To be honest babe, I think we both got him beat in the meat department. But why talk about him when we got all we need right here?"

"Because talking about him gets you all hot and bothered." He spit on his hand, then reached around to my hard dick and coated it with his slime. "Now fuck me like you would have fucked Mike."

With that Pete sat on my dick right down to the root. His eyes went skyward as he inhaled a throaty "Yeah, fuck me"

I started to pile drive him, using my legs for leverage. I steadied my hands on his hips, holding him in place as we fucked. If Pete wanted to know how I would have fucked Mike, I was going to give him the full treatment.

"Take it Mike, this is how a man fucks another man. Yeah, ride my dick, you've needed this, admit it" I scooted a bit further down on the bed, carrying Pete with me. "You've been teasing me too long Mike, `bout time you gave me that ass."

I was able to long-dick Pete. My pre-cum made sliding into his hole easier with each stroke. He started to bounce up and down on my dick, in time to my thrusts. I could tell I was hitting his prostate as he started to moan and arch his back as he bounced. His sphincter masterfully started to massage my dick.

"Yeah Mike, grab that pecker with your hole, now you are getting it buddy. This is how MEN fuck. Oh yeah, your dick feels good slapping against my belly, does it feel good to you Mike?"

"OH GAWD YEAH KYLE" Pete shouted. "FUCK ME!" He started to exhale shorter, harder breaths. "Why.. Didn't.. I.. Do.. This.. Sooner? Maybe.. next time.. I fuck you.. Kyle?"

"Ain't gonna happen Mike, Pete and I have a pact. He's the only one who gets my sweet ass." I slammed into Pete, my dick going into overdrive. Pete fisted his own dick quickly, spraying my chest. As he came his sphincter clenched my pecker, drawing my cum out of me. "Take it Mike, your first manload up that fine ass of yours."

Pete was still spurting as I filled his ass. He started to chuckle as his breathing slowed. By the time he came down from his high, it was a fully belly laugh. The corresponding spasms in his butt pulled some more cum out of me. I looked at him quizzically as my own post orgasm breathing slowed.

"The way I painted your chest it looks like modern art. Kyle, if that is the way you were gonna fuck Mike, I almost wish I would have come home later and joined in. That was hot Babe."

I got up on my elbows, Pete still sitting on my dick. "Really?" I said. "You would have joined in?"

"Oh I'll be honest, if I caught you fucking, I probably would have thrown the both of you out then, but now... Damn, I sorta want the opportunity. Maybe we can work something out, invite Justin or Derek over." Pete pulled himself off me, then laid down beside me. "Babe, you're a mess." He licked as much of his cum off my chest as he could, then kissed me sharing his load.

We rolled around on the bed for a bit, prolonging the kissing and touch. He then got up, and pulled me along with him. "Let's shower."

I think we used all of the hot water that night in the shower. I took the opportunity to shave his head, then rim his ass. He paid me back by offering his own rim job, followed by a slow standing fuck. I teased him by saying "That's how to fuck me Mike" He repaid me by jabbing me even harder.

The next morning we were almost back to normal. I went into work, surprising my team in doing so. I think I needed to get back on my routine, and this helped.

When I got home Pete pulled me up to the office. There sat my own computer, ready to go. He threw me down on the spare bed in the office, then filled me in on all he accomplished that day. The party room at the bar was reserved, along with the party bus. Emails were sent out with half responding already. He would kiss me in between his updates, I'd nuzzle him back.

"Oh" he said, "two more things. All of your clothes are back home, and we're meeting Mike and his wife at the bar in half an hour to discuss things."

Here I was proud that I had a productive day at the office, and Pete got all of that accomplished. I was surprised mainly by the meeting with Mike. I had hoped we'd get things hashed out soon, for the sake of our friendship, and also the work on the farmhouse. But Pete was moving faster than I expected.

"We'd better get changed if we're gonna make the bar on time." I pointed out. Pete reluctantly got off the bed, so did I. I would have gladly rolled around with him on it, discussing the small stuff, just being intimate, but we had friends to see.

We got there on time, in fact earlier than Mike and Angela. I had never met Angela before but it soon became evident why Angela's name came before Mike's on their construction company, AMC, Angela & Mike Construction. She was an alpha if I ever saw one. While with the guys, Mike was in charge, jockeying with Pete for superiority. But here with the three of us, Angela was the top dog.

At 5'5", almost a foot shorter than her husband, she reminded me of my High School coaches motto.

"It isn't the size of the dog in the fight, but the fight in the dog that counts."

Angela was a pretty woman, and it became obvious that Mike loved her. I almost felt guilty about the little scene I played last night with Pete where I imagined I was fucking Mike. We made plans for the remodel over dinner. Angela proposed a more challenging timeline, and Mike went along with the plan. We were about ready to leave after eating, but Angela suggested another drink.

"Let's talk about the elephant in the room guys, Mike's boner for Kyle." A dead silence came over the table. It didn't stop Angela. "Let's be honest, I knew when I married the guy that I married a sexy tease. I know he flirts with women all the time, but I also know who he loves and who he comes home to."

Mike gave her a sign to "zip it" but Angela took a sip of wine and went on.

"I mean where is he going to find a better woman than me? Am I right?" She sipped her wine. "But maybe you two offer him something I can't give him..."

I waited in her silence for the punch line. I think we all were nervous of what was coming next. Pete took a long drink from his beer, savored it for a minute while waiting.

"Yeah, you two offer Mike something I can't give him, and I'm fine with that."

Pete literally did a spit take. "Excuse me?"

"Mike and I have a joke we talk about, our Hall Pass. If we ever had the chance to fool around with our Hall Pass, we could, no questions asked. Mine is George Clooney. Mikes is Julia Roberts. You can now add these two honey."

"Angela" Mike said under his breath. "Don't you think we could have talked about this first."

"Mike, we have talked. I have seen how you have come home after being with these guys. I know sooner or later you would go looking for someone to play with, and I would rather it be someone I trust."

We all were silent at that. I finally spoke up. "What makes you think Mike would want us, or that we'd go along with it?"

"Call it woman's intuition, or just knowing my hubby. Or the fact he didn't put back my vibrator in the same place the last time he used it." Mike blanched at the last line, both Pete and I tried to hold back our laughter. "But I can tell you I'd rather have him fooling around with two friends than some guy at the rest stop."

Pete motioned for the waitress to bring us another round. "Kyle and I have discussed that we have to keep our business relationship with Mike professional so..."

"That will give him incentive to speed up the remodel. Sounds like a win, win." Angela laughed. "Now I'm not saying he has to fuck around with you guys, or you with him. I'm just being realistic about my husband. And if it ever happened, I would probably benefit in bed when he came back home. Now excuse me, I have to use the women's room. Talk amongst yourselves."

The waitress placed fresh beers in front of us, a wine for Angela. We all tipped our glasses. I watched Mike's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed his beer. "Guys, I don't know where that came from. I mean we have talked about Hall Passes, but it was mainly a hypothetical joke."

"George Clooney I can get, but Julia Roberts?" I joked. "I can see why she gives you two more options."

We joked around for a few more minutes, by the time Angela came back from the women's room half of our beer was gone. "Looks like I have to catch up" she said, then took a healthy swallow.

It wasn't long before all of our glasses were drained. We got up to put on our coats and say our goodbyes. At the door Angela hugged me. "I can see why Mike likes you. If you played for my team I would have you on my own Hall Pass."

Pete and I got into his truck. Before starting the engine he looked at me. "What the fuck was that?"

"I know, one minute I am regretting even thinking about Mike in a sexual way, then the next minute his wife is encouraging it. But to be honest it does give me incentive to finish this remodel soon. Did you see how his ass looked tonight in those jeans?"

"Almost as good as yours babe." Pete started the engine, and backed out, as we got onto Grand Avenue he looked at me, his face highlighted by oncoming traffic. "Hall Pass huh? Who would be yours?"

"Well there is this wrestler named Ivan that I have been dreaming about for years..."

Pete laughed as he drove. "Hot Stuff huh? I bet you'd like him to get you into one of his holds and then fuck the shit out of you. You'll have to introduce me to him one of these days."

If Pete would have glanced over to me he would have seen my smile in the dim lights. I was feeling the effects of three beers which put me in a good mood. Our post break-up relationship had just passed an important test, meeting with the person who was partially the impetus for the break-up. And the wife of that man, possibly opened the door for some fun in the future.

But on that night, my only thought in the truck was the love I felt for my man. He did glance over to me, then tapped out 1-4-3 on my thigh. I knew he was feeling the same way about me. "Feeling like a sauna Babe. Why don't you set it up when we get home."

A few minutes later we were home, I went downstairs to start the sauna. It didn't take long to heat up so I got out of my clothes and brought two towels into the room, then sat my ass on the top tier. I was luxuriating in the dry heat.

I was a little nervous that I would get dehydrated due to the beers and the sauna, so I got up to get a bottled water. Just then a slip of paper came under the door. I flipped it over and saw the words "Hall Pass"

The door burst open and in flew Ivan. "Heard someone wanted me" he snarled, and assumed the pose. He was wearing a red mask with a gold hammer and sickle on it. True to Pete's sauna rules, that was the only thing he had on. "Wanna rassle me for the sling?"

Damn, it had been a while since Ivan had reared his shaved head, and boy did I miss him. He picked me up like I was a sack of potatoes, and backed out of the sauna. "Let's forget the rasslin' and go right for the sling" he growled.

I was hard immediately. His thumb found my hole while he carried me the fifteen feet into the workout room. He was snarling and growling the whole time. "Gonna show the world I'm not only the best wrestler, but best fucker out there. When I am done with you, you will say Mike who?"

"OOOOPH FUCK ME IVAN. Show me your moves."

"I'm gonna take my time Boy. This rasslin Russian won't be rushin'. Gonna make your hole MINE, GET IT?"

He dumped me in the sling. He walked over to the weight bench. There were straps, lube and two dildos there. He grabbed the straps and returned to the sling. His eyes stared at me through the mask. The warm loving eyes from earlier that night were replaced by a cold vacant stare as he strapped my legs to the chains of the sling.

I was getting Ivan that night, it became evident. He went back to the bench, and started to drag it closer to the sling. I gulped as he took the bottle of lube and upended it, letting a generous amount fall onto his beefy palms. First he coated his fingers, and started to play with my butt. First one, then two fingers slipped in. Two of his thick fingers would have equaled the average man's dick, but Ivan was no average man.

A third finger soon joined it as he skewered my butt. He continued to stare and snarl at me through the mask. "Wanna try four?" he said, then didn't wait for an answer while he pounded the fourth finger in.

He was plunging in and out of my butt. The feeling became so intense I couldn't hold back. Pre-cum oozed from my piss-slit as groans escaped from my mouth. Ivan was owning my ass, but I still had control. I used my ass muscles to roll back and forth on the invading digits. I squirmed in the sling, letting Ivan know I was enjoying it.

His slick hand exited my ass. Butt juice and lube made his thick mitt shine in the light of the workout room. "So what will it be, Mike, or Ivan?" He pointed to the large, and extra large dildos on he bench.

"Ivan, always Ivan" I said. He made an exaggerated effort on lubing the dildo. He strutted around the sling, his masked eyes boring right into me. By the time he made it around the sling, the dildo, and my ass were ready. He took that fat invader, and placed it against my hole. With a quick shove, it was in to it's fat rubber balls.

"OOOOOOPH" I exhaled "Fuck me Pete" I yelled.

"PETE?" he snarled "It's Ivan you want, it's Ivan you got." He then started to pummel my butt with that rubber dick. I met the invasion blow for blow. I don't think my ass had ever been more needy than it was that night. All of nerve endings were concentrated on my hole and rectum. I worked my ass muscles on that dildo. I bet if I wanted to, I could have shot it across the room.

Ivan pulled out the dildo unexpectedly. My ass shook and spasmed in it's emptiness. He then took the dildo he called Mike and pushed it into my butt. "Now which do you want? World Champion Ivan, or also-ran Mike?"

I played with him. "Oh I don't know, can't I have both?"

"BOTH?" he growled. "Why not." He then held the smaller dildo in my ass as he inched his own dick in along side it.

"FUCK" I croaked as my head rolled back. I quickly realized the movement of my head help create an angle that eased entry of Ivan's uncut truncheon. Yep, I was thinking of him as Ivan, not Pete. And I certainly wasn't thinking of Mike.

"Well, Ivan's big rasslin' fan is full of surprises tonight." He started to saw in and out of my butt, holding the dildo with one hand while the other rested on my heaving gut. "Ivan's never felt better fucking anyone" His eyes started to roll back behind the mask as a smile started on his face. "And neither has Pete!"

He broke character and started to laugh. I joined in. Pre-cum was pouring out of my piss-slit as Pete took over. His eyes smiled at me behind the red mask. "Damn Kyle you have a talented ass. You have two dicks up your butt. Yeah one of them is fake, but damn, you're taking them like a pro."

"You inspire me babe. Maybe I could use a Hall Pass to have a real guy join us some time. Would that fit within our Ass Pact?

"Who do you want? Rodney? Derek? Mike?"

I gulped when he mentioned Mike.

"Mike huh? We'll have to work on that. I wonder if Angela realizes what she has signed off on."

I wondered for a moment if Mike realized what his wife's plans would lead to. Sharing Pete with another man, a man who probably was going to give up his ass for us. At least he would be losing his cherry to someone worthwhile.

I looked at Pete as he fucked me. "Damn hubby, I just want you right now. Lose the fake Mike."

He pulled out the dildo and threw it on the wrestling mat. He then slid his own thick dick back into me, filling my ass with 100% real meat. "Maybe that is how we handle the Hall Pass baby. We only share our asses with Men who are worthy of them. If Mike takes our dicks like a champ, maybe he can join that short list."

The thought of Mike, fucking me, after handling the two of us, put me over the edge. I started spurting come all over my belly and chest, clamping down on Pete's dick while doing so.

"Oh SHIT BABE" Pete said, then started a rapid fire of cum into my hole. His butt slammed into me for every burst, the sling shook from the force.

It took a while for his breathing to get back to normal. I followed suit in returning back to earth. Pete slowly pulled out of me, then picked up the smaller of the two dildos. He placed it against his still hard cock, then walked around the sling for a close up.

"You took this babe. I don't know how you did it, but you did."

"Your inspiration, Pete. You know I would do anything for you."

"I just ask for one thing. I need for you to love me forever." He bent over to kiss me. It was a gentle, almost chaste kiss considering the animalistic sex we just had.

Pete unstrapped me and slowly lifted me out of the sling. He threw the smaller dildo on the weight bench with the other items. "I'll clean this up tomorrow. Let's go get showered, then head to bed. I need to snuggle with the man I love."

My ass was tender, but full and happy as we walked arm and arm to the master bedroom. I had sex with three men that night, Mike, Ivan and Pete. But it was Pete I was in love with. It was Pete I was going to bed with, and Pete I was waking up with. Could life get any better?

Next: Chapter 36: In Touch 3

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