
Published on Jun 30, 2015


A Year In The Life

Jack Pine Savages Part 2

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

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Saturday night I knew the truth. Fred and Rhonda were right. I needed to get Pete back, but I didn't know how to do it.

When we got back to Duluth, I dropped off Fred, then drove back to our place. I knocked at the door. Pete's truck was there, but the house was dark. I looked in the window, and saw a light downstairs, probably coming from the sauna door. I knocked loudly, wasn't sure if he heard me, so I continued for a few minutes. When nothing changed, I drove back home.

Then I called him, nothing. I called his cell phone, nothing. Finally I found myself at the computer keyboard writing an email.


What can I say, I fucked up. I realize you may not believe me but you have to know nothing ever happened between me and Mike.

I wish there was something I could say, something I could do to let you know how I feel. Tell me what I need to do because I don't like living this way. I need to be home with you, in your arms.

There is only one man who means more to me than you, and he is no longer alive.

Tell me what I need to do, I'll do it.




Fred joined me in the upstairs office. He put a plate with a sandwich and bars in front of me, then sat in the adjoining chair. "Someday soon, we can do this downstairs in the new office. But you better not spill coffee on the woodwork, I hear the carpenter is a real bear"

"Are you saying bear as in a grizzly animal, or as a furry gay furnace. Because I know which one I would rather sleep with tonight. It's supposed to be minus 30 tonight out there."

"I'll keep you warm Duke. You don't mind me calling you Duke do you?"

"I don't mind at all, it makes you feel like part of the family. Which you are, you know."

I ate my sandwich while we talked. We decided to watch some home improvement shows, then head to bed. Fred's strong arms held me while we watched TV, and did the same while we slept. The safety I felt, caused me to sleep soundly. Dreams, good or bad, were kept at bay.

The next morning I checked my email. The email to Pete was delivered and read, but no response. However I did get an email from Van who wanted to stop by and check on our progress. I sent back a reply suggesting we meet late afternoon.

Fred cooked a hearty breakfast while I was on the computer. He brought up a plate to the office. I told him of our afternoon visitor. It was a mixed blessing for Fred. He wanted to show the architect his handiwork, but also was concerned that work on the house was at a stand still until an electrician could be freed up.

"Sorry Fred, I've just lost focus on this project. My heart's not in it. My heart's not in a lot of things. I think the office would be better off if I stayed home too."

I hated saying it, but it was the truth. The cold black and white landscape of my hometown cemetery had followed me home. My mind was seeing shades of grey, color had long vanished from my vision.. My trip home had momentarily lifted me from the funk I was in, but the lack of response from Pete put me back there.

Seeing Van that afternoon brought back a little of the color I was missing. His fiery red beard was augmented by his orange and blue plaid shirt. He walked through the finished bathroom noticing the details that Fred and the crew had taken such pride in.

When he saw the progress in the office he stopped. The rich woods were singing. His hands lingered on a detail. He left his finger there as he looked up to Fred. "This is exactly how I envisioned this. Wait, no, it's better."

Van's eyes sparkled, his smile shone through his red beard. "I've got a project that has your name on it when you're done here. I'll talk it over with Mike. Look at this Kyle. This wood is all the color you need in this room. When I drove up here today I noticed your white farmhouse against the grey and white landscape of winter and I was starving for some color, any color. I was worried about your white bathroom, but the details elevate it. I wondered if the office needed color, but seeing it now, the answer is no."

It shook me how he was channeling me like that. "I've been feeling the need for color too, how can we accomplish it?"

"Look at Pete's home. The warm wood is a break from this cold winter weather." Van saw the look on my face. "Oh sorry about that, I forgot for a moment. Any chance of you two getting back together?"

"I don't know, I am trying, but right now the ball's in his court."

"I barely know you but I can see that what you guys had is worthwhile, something to fight for. But if it doesn't work out I know someone who is single and available." Van absentmindedly twisted his nipple through his orange flannel shirt. FUCK, here I was lamenting my failed relationship and he says that?

"Don't tease me like that buddy. I haven't given up yet."

"And you shouldn't. I am sorry I said that my friend. I just want to find my own Pete or Kyle down the line."

We walked through the rest of the plans. It was a shot of adrenaline to the project, but still I was pessimistic about the completion timeline. Van gave me a hug when he left. "Make it work with Pete" he said. "We'll make it work here."

That night I chanced sleeping alone. Fred had to get up early the next day to work on one of Pete's other projects. Sleep found me quickly, the day had drained me of my energy. I recall one dream that night. I was in my new office, installing my computer there. Pete had left it on the porch along with a few boxes of clothes. "Figured you might need this" was written on a small piece of paper taped to the box.

I got the computer up and running, when I looked towards the door. There stood a naked Van silhouetted by the ochre wall of the hallway. "Does the color work for you?" he said.

My eyes started at the bright red hair at the top of his head. His olive green eyes winked back at me behind those tortoise shell frames. The fiery beard mingled with the more coppery fur carpeting his chest, his muscular chest. Two strong arms were crossed below that chest, framing his erect nipples. I wanted to look further down, I wanted to see his dick, but Van startled me by tweaking his nipple. "I said, does this color work for you?"

Though Fred tried to be quiet, the closing of the door woke me, and not a moment too soon. I got up, pissed, and then walked naked to the office where I powered up the computer. Still no response from Pete.

I walked back to my old bedroom, rifled through the remnants of my drawers. The clothes I had left there were minimal, I would need to do laundry soon.

I might have been a bit petulant after getting dressed, so before I left, I sat down at the computer.


Still wondering what I can do.

I know you have read my other email.

I know you are home.

I know you aren't answering the phone or the door.

I might need to stop by for clothes if this keeps up.



Regret sending.

I went in to work, got there early, though I am not sure why. Driving past Pete's house was painful. Yes Van was right, the wood tones of his house had a warm glow on this cold day. But all I could feel was the chill in the air created by not being there with Pete. The truck in the driveway clued me in, he was home, but there was no signs of life.

And then there was Van. That dream last night, that image of him standing there. Well I'll be honest. It gave me my first hard-on since my ill fated wrestling match with Mike. However we had a business relationship, something I had to steer clear of. After all, look what happened the last time I crossed that line.

I made it through the day at work, and thought of going straight home, but Fred called me to let me know he would be working late that night. I drove to a fast food place. I ordered, then brought my tray to a table. That is when I saw him.

Sitting across from me, a few tables over, was "World's Greatest Dad" I wasn't sure, I rarely saw him with his clothes on, but yes it was him. He was wearing glasses this time, tortoise frames similar to Van's. He didn't see me at first. He was paying attention to his wife and daughter whose backs were towards me. "WGD" was an attentive dad, cutting up the daughters chicken pieces.

The daughter got fussy, so the wife took her to the bathroom. That is when "WGD" noticed me. He smiled a me at first, like an acquaintance. Then a leer grew across his face as he realized how he knew me. He took a plastic fork and stabbed a piece of chicken which he placed on his tongue, winked at me while he wolfed that down. Then he grabbed some fries, dipped them in the sauce then shoved them suggestively into his mouth. "Later" he mouthed, then winked.

What the fuck was wrong with him? A married man, out for a quick bite with his wife and kid, and he is trying to pick me up. But what the fuck was wrong with me? I was getting hard thinking about him despite myself. I high-tailed it out of there, dumping my tray as quickly as I could. I fumbled with my keys at first in my car, then started it up, I looked back at the restaurant. The "WGD" was looking at me in my car. He gave me a thumbs up as his wife arrived. I was glad I never saw her face. All along he had just been that hot straight guy I fucked, then sent home to wife and kid. I never expected to see the wife and kid.

I was somewhere uncomfortably between horny and ashamed. My second hard-on in a week was due to this encounter. I drove out of the parking lot, and turned right instead of left. My car knew where it was heading. It was heading down to the sauna.

Of course I blame my car for having a mind of it's own, but in reality I was thinking with my dick. I could fixate on the breakup for another night, or I could go play around with someone new. My dick said "Chance it" so I parked, paid my entrance, then walked downstairs.

It was quiet, a couple of the regulars who I hadn't seen in a while. I still had standards in my horniness, and they were not "sauna-worthy." I wrapped a towel around my waist and sat in the TV room.

Then he entered. I am not sure I remember what detail I saw first, there were so many fighting for my attention. It could have been the salt and pepper beard stubble on his strong cleft chin, or the windburn on his cheeks. Maybe it was the shock of chest hair spilling out of opened jacket. Possibly it was how his snowmobile pants rustled against his thick thighs as he walked.

But the kicker, the thing I'll always remember, he was wearing a snowmobile jacket with his club's name on it, "The Jack Pine Savages." He walked by me sitting there. He saw me, the corner of his mouth drew up in a smile. His tongue darted out as he quietly chuckled "Yeah."

I waited a minute to listen to his actions. I heard the locker open then the sound of him getting undressed. After the locker closed, I heard the distinct sound of the shower door being opened and closed. I hesitated, then walked that way.

The shower was empty, so was the back video room. I knew where he would be, I went into the sauna. There he sat on the top tier, almost exactly where I usually sit. Our body language already dictated that we were going to be enjoying each other's company, so I sat down beside him, less than a palm's width between us. He opened his legs a bit, spreading his thick thighs, closing that gap.

"Great way to warm up from this deep freeze isn't it?" His thick hands landed on my thigh and started to massage. "I know a way to make it even hotter in here." His hand went to the nape of my neck, and massaged me there.

What started out as a massage quickly changed direction as his other hand stroked his uncut 6 inch dick. I felt the pressure on my neck as he pointed his dick towards me. It was evident what he wanted from me. I knew it would break the ice. He rolled back the foreskin, then helped lower my head down to his crotch.

Damn, he was tasty, and boy did I need that taste. "Yeah, getting hotter already buddy, too hot in here, let's go find a room." He didn't bother wrapping a towel around himself, nor did he even think of a shower. He too was thinking with his dick, and I followed his meaty ass out of the sauna, into one of the large rooms. I started to close the door. "Leave it open" he said, "make the others jealous."

"Let's see, where were we? Oh yeah, you were giving me head buddy." I plunged down on his dick as soon as he laid down. "Yeah, that's it, get it all nice and wet, spent the day with another buddy who got me all hot and bothered looking at his ass. He's not here, so you are gonna get what he had cumming."

I bobbed up and down on the snowmobiler's dick as he started to play with my butt hole. Whoever had him raring to go earlier, was certainly missing out on a hot session now. I was enjoying this guy, maybe because he reminded me of a chunkier Pete, but possibly because he was giving me a closeness I had missed this past week.

I came up off his dick after a few minutes, looked in his eyes. "What's your name?"

"Don... Now get back on it."

His strong hand directed my head back on his dick as two fingers started to explore my ass.

I got him ready, he got behind me and started to rub his dick up and down my crack. Just then a guy in a matching snowmobile jacket walked by the room.

"Shit, is that him? Close the door." I got up and quickly closed the door. "That's him" he said. "I need you to do something for me. Go see if he is undressing. If it's the guy I am thinking of, you will know by the black and red watch band, and the greatest ass you have ever seen on a guy. Talk to him, ask him his name. If it's Jed, bring him back and I will show you both a three way that will have your ass twitching for months. By the way, the lights will be off, leave them off `til I tell you to turn them on."

I went to the locker room, pretended to look for something in my locker, while the new guy undressed. I saw him hang up his snowmobile jacket. The "Jack Pine Savages" insignia was there. He pulled off his shoes, and pants, then his shirt. He turned towards the locker while he took off his underwear. Don was right, this ass rivaled Pete's or the World's Greatest Dad. On his left hand I saw the black and red watch band. I left the locker room and went into the sauna, taking my perch.

The new guy entered. He was about ten years younger than me. He smiled at me, then claimed his spot right next to me, flashing that ass at me before he sat down. "Cold night for snowmobiling, had to come in out of the deep freeze. Maybe I'll find something to take the chill off."

"The name's Kyle, what's yours?"

"Jed, nice to meet you Kyle."

He reached over towards my hard-on. "That'll take the chill off" I said. "But I might have something even better in another room, want to join a party?"

"Lead the way Stud"

Oh I wanted to follow Jed's ass. Something about it drew me in, but I had to take the lead that night. I got up, threw my towel over my shoulder, and motioned for Jed to follow me. He did the same, his towel was over his shoulder, allowing his hard dick to bob as he walked towards the room.

I opened the door to the room, the light that filtered over the walls barely silhouetted Don as he sat against the cold brick wall. His thighs were spread wide, six inches of uncut dick throbbed between them. "Chow down buddy" I said. "Get it nice and slippery for later."

I knew that Don was hiding in the shadows for some reason, so I directed the action. "Yeah, suck on his dick while I get that ass of yours ready for it. Hands and knees buddy, get on your hands and knees" I lifted his butt a little, then pushed the small of his back down to give me a better angle. I sniffed between his cheeks, smelled the musk of a man, then started chowing down.

I was in ass-pig heaven as I rimmed him. With just a few licks Jed had reached the same level of rim inspiration as Angelo and Worlds Greatest Dad had been. As my nose followed the trail my tongue did up and down his ass trench, he started to rival Pete. My hands played with his cheeks as I licked away. I teased his hole with my thumbs, alternating between the two. Each tease, opened his ass more.

I gave Don the OK sign, he gave me a thumbs up back, then gestured for Jed to flip. "Get on your back buddy, I think our friend is ready. Jed complied, laying down on his back. In the darkness Don lifted Jed's legs, planted his dick against Jed's hole, then gave me the signal to flip the light switch.

I got up, flipped the switch. A shocked Jed said "Don!" then Don slammed his uncut dick into his snowmobiling buddy in one fluid motion.

"Who else buddy? We've been beating around this bush for too long, its about time I plow that ass of yours."

With that, Don leaned forward and kissed his friend as he started to fuck that near perfect ass. Yeah, I realized it was near perfect. Near perfect because it wasn't Pete's. The three way suddenly became two guys going at it, and a distracted spectator. It was as if I was watching the b-movie version of my love life with Pete. I had to get out of there.

I went to my locker. I wasn't sure what to do with myself, head home, or stick around and watch TV. I looked in my pockets for change, maybe I'd get a pop from the machine. I noticed that I missed a call from Fred, so I redialed. "Yeah, down at the diner... No the other diner... Not all you can eat tonight, but if you stop by I can promise you all you can hug... Okay, see you soon."

Ten minutes later Fred walked through the TV room. I joined him at his locker as he undressed. It's funny how I had almost dismissed him a few months ago when he was just another one of Pete's drunk friends. Now I looked at him getting undressed and I saw him as a masculine, even sexy friend.

"How about a sauna, shower and then hug?" I said. "If you see something to your liking I won't hold you back, but I don't see sex in my cards tonight."

Fred joined me at my spot in the sauna. We talked about his newest project, it was a time filler until he could get back to working full time on my house. He had also met with Van who wanted him to work on his next major renovation. A banking executive just moved up to Duluth from the Twin Cities and wanted Van's stamp on his house. The timing sounded perfect if we could complete my remodel by the end of May.

Fred and I sweated away in the sauna. It was a unique experience, talking shop instead of talking sex, but I enjoyed it. Then he entered. The World's Greatest Dad climbed to the top tier and laid down, ass up. He raised his ass for a moment, then pushed his dick back. I had seen this happen many times before, and I knew what was expected of me.

He wiggled his ass as his dick plumped up. I marveled again that it seemed to be the younger, cut twin to Pete's. Once again it wasn't the real thing. It wasn't the dick, or the man that I loved.

Fred on the other had started to get hard, harder than I'd ever seen him.

"You like?" I whispered and nodded towards WGD's furry ass.

"Yes, yes very much. I'd like to deep throat that mother."

"Ain't gonna happen, he'll have other plans for you. And who knows, you might like them, broaden your horizons."

Worlds Greatest Dad wiggled his ass once again. In the light of the sauna you could see his hole spasm as it winked to us. He sat up, stroked his dick once then wrapped the towel loosely around his waist before descending the tiers. He went to the door, opened it, then nodded for the two of us to follow him.

WGD wanted a three-way. Any other time I might have jumped at the opportunity, but not that night. We followed him out of the sauna, through the shower and locker room, and down to the large corner room. He opened the door, only to see Jed's ass being pummeled by Don.

He went across the hall, opened the door, and saw it was empty. I looked at the World's Greatest Dad as he dropped his towel and said to him "Sorry buddy, I'm heading home. You're up Fred, do me proud."

WGD's well sculpted ass entered the room, Fred was right behind it.

I showered, dressed then said goodbye to the man behind the counter. "Have a good night buddy, hope you had fun" he said.

"More important than that my friend. I felt the chill leave my body."

I got out in the subzero night. My car started, and I put the heater on blast. I drove home as I often did, taking the scenic route. I thought of Pete, and for the first time since we broke up, there was hope in my thoughts. Why settle for a pale imitation of Pete, when I can have the real thing. And though I have fun, why would I fuck someone who is married to another person, when I could be spending my time fighting for the man who isn't perfect, but is perfect for me.

Optimism warmed my thoughts, Optimism that carried me until I got home. There on the side porch was a cardboard box. It was from Pete, filled with some of my clothes neatly folded. Unlike the dream, there was no note attached.

Next: Chapter 33: Jack Pine Savages 3

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