
Published on Jun 19, 2015


A Year In The Life

Valentines Day Surprise Part 4

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

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I momentarily lost sight of my goal as Derek got into his city vehicle and drove down the road. All I saw in my mind was an ass that rivaled Pete's, on a man who was testosterone personified. The fact that he hinted he was a demanding bottom made him even more enticing as a plaything.

But wait. What was our ass-pact and how did Derek fit in? If I remembered correctly, it only meant that no one else could fuck either of us. My ass was his, his ass mine. So the rock-solid-inspector could spend the better part of the day being shared by the two of us if we agreed on it. Fuck! That thought derailed my plans for a while, until the delivery/set up men arrived.

They too worked with speed, possibly wanting to get home to their wives. I don't know if Derek raised the bar impossibly high, but the three, albeit strong, delivery men, did nothing to my libido. I showed them the exact spot for their set up, then grabbed a cordless drill and level. I took care of my small contribution to the surprise. Their installation was massive, mine small, but the pros got their job done before I did. They had their area cleaned up, and garbage hauled out, just as I took care of my last detail.

I called Fred to inform him I was ready, then grabbed my clothes and a present for Pete. I saw Derek's vehicle, so I knew he was still there. Angelo's car was gone which told me that they had already started their Valentines date. No one was in the area of the remodel, so I surmised they must have been in the basement. I ran upstairs to my old bedroom and dropped Pete's present on the bed., then quickly changed into my own dress clothes.

I walked down to the basement as Derek was picking apart Pete's installation of the beefed up electrical panel. I could tell by the body language that Pete was getting a bit overheated.

"Cut the bullshit, did I pass, or didn't I?" Pete finally said.

"Yeah, cut the bullshit" I added, getting their attention.

"Damn" Pete, Fred and Derek said in unison as they turned towards me.

"You really clean up nicely" Derek added. He let the words trail off when he realized what he had said.

"So , did we pass or not?" I wanted to get back on topic without letting Pete know that I had found out the scoop on our muscular inspector.

"I'm just ensuring that old Ivan here is up to snuff on his electrical game" Derek said. "I guess you CAN teach an old dog new tricks because this is up to code and should handle the rest of the electrical needs of the house when you are done with the remodel."

Derek then pointed at me. "I do have to talk to you sir about something I saw in your plans. Will you guys give me a few minutes?" Fred and Pete excused themselves and went upstairs. When we were alone Derek got close. "You owe me big time. I coulda been home an hour ago jerking off to the News Tribune pics of Pete. You two better make this worth my while." Derek then stretched, his arms against the wall. This caused his ass to flex in his skin tight work pants. "OH, and YES I did wear a smaller sized pair of pants today just in case Pete was here. I did catch Pete looking, and a few others too. Is everyone you hire gay?"

"Not everyone, just the ones I have sex with?"

He smiled. "I hope I am among that group and soon. My dick is getting raw jerkin off thinkin' about Pete, now I have to think of you too."

We walked upstairs. As a bit of show Derek said "Well I think that oughta cover it" then walked to his vehicle.

"Damn what got into him today?" Pete said.

"The question is probably what didn't get into him today." Fred said. "I still think he has a boner for you Pete, in fact I am sure I saw it stuffed down the left leg of his pants."

"Oh you noticed that too? And those pants, I think had to be painted on. Maybe you guys are right and he just prolonged the inspection to be around old Pete here."

"Or maybe it's Ivan he wants" I pointed out, then changed the subject. "There's a package for you up on my old bed, I'll see you there in five minutes."

"But I've worked up a bit of a sweat today, maybe I should shower."

I got close, sniffed the air. "Nah babe, you smell like a man. Go get dressed, hurry up, time for our date to begin."

Pete took the stairs two at a time, he seemed to be enthused for our Valentines date.

I updated Fred on how the inspection and installation went back at "our home." Conveniently I left out the details about Derek's offer. Fred didn't need the details anyway, he clued me in on how obvious Derek had been about his lust for Ivan/Pete. "He worked very closely with Pete, almost too touchy feely. And then there was that boner he had to readjust. I think it was lucky I was there or who knows what he might have done."

"Too bad he's going home alone on Valentines Day to his dog, some beers, and probably a bucket of KY." Fred smiled at the last line. "Hey, he's single, maybe you two could hook up"

"Naw, I don't see that happening, I am pretty sure I am not his type. But gawd I'd love to deep throat that cock of his if he ever gave me the chance."

Pete yelled from upstairs, "Hey babe, something's wrong with these pants, could you come check them out for me?"

I too took the stairs two steps at a time. When I got up there Pete was framed by the doorway, his thick nine inches were sticking out of the fly of his new pants "Can't seem to make this fit, wanna help me?" I got on my knees and swallowed his dick to his pubes. My adam's apple bobbed as he started to fuck my face. "Ready for your appetizer? It's tasty, and filled with protein."

I gulped, then nodded. Something today had Pete in high gear, whether it was our stocky inspector, or me all dressed up, I didn't care. I was just happy it was MY head he was holding as he fucked MY throat. I knew he was getting close and was rewarded when he held only the head of his uncut dick in my mouth, then unloaded on my tongue.

He wasn't lying about it being tasty, but the portion size seemed big for an appetizer, so I shared. I rose to kiss him, swapping his load with him during the kiss. His passion was evident as we shared his cum. "Yeah, your baby's cum is tasty isn't it? Damn Kyle, you inspire me. I love everything we do, this is just a small part."

He ended his kiss, then licked his lips. I helped him by tucking his dick into his pants as best I could, then zipped him up. I noticed he wasn't wearing underwear. "Going commando?" I asked.

"Yep, easy access for later. I also have a hubby to impress." He stroked the bulge in his new dress pants. "Think this should impress him?"

I stroked his chest through his half unbuttoned shirt, felt the thumping of his heart. "This is what impresses me most about my hubby, not just on Valentines Day, but every day of the year."

"Damn hubby, you always know the right thing to say." He pulled me in tight for a strong hug, our lips met in a powerful kiss. "Fifty-nine years old and I feel like a teenager on his first Valentines date. You always bring out the best in me, I hope I get lucky tonight, but I don't know if I could feel luckier than I do right now? Too bad we have a reservation, because I could spend the entire night here with you."

I broke away from our kiss and started to button his shirt. I noticed the tie was still on the bed, so I grabbed that and expertly tied a Windsor knot with a deep dimple. Damn, I was sure my guy would put everyone to shame at the restaurant. I checked myself, didn't want any errant cum tracks on my clothing, but I must have been an efficient cocksucker, because I found no evidence.

We went downstairs where Fred was making himself a grilled cheese sandwich. "Fred, you could join us tonight, our treat." Once again Pete showed me his true heart, inviting a friend to join us on our romantic date because he didn't want to see him alone, the odd man out.

"No, I think I'm fine, I might go hit the tubs later. Maybe some straight daddy will be out searching for a blow job his wife won't give him at home."

"Play it safe" I reminded him, then gave him a kiss.

He licked his lips post-kiss "You too. I can only hope I find someone who tastes as good as Pete."

Pete punched Fred's arm. "There's more where that came from. Maybe you'll get to sample it later. Well we have a reservation to meet. See ya later buddy."

Pete hadn't told me where we were going but I guessed the steakhouse. We got into Pete's truck so I broached the subject. "I bet I know where we are going."

"It's a surprise, but you'll figure it out soon enough." Then an idea hit him. "Hey, reach into the glove box, pull out that hankie."

I did what I was told, I found the hankie and gave it to Pete. "Scoot over" he said, then blindfolded me. "You will scoosh down in your seat. I'm taking you on a tour of Duluth, with us ending at the restaurant. If you figure out where we eat, you top me. If I fool you, I top you."

I instantly liked this game. They say when you lose one sense, the others take over. Well on this crisp cold February night, I was reduced to three senses, the sense of sound, smell, and touch. I paid attention to those as best as I could. I felt the truck sway as we climbed a curved expanse of the road. I heard him pass a vehicle, followed by a muffled horn sound halfway up. From the condition of the roadbed I guessed we were on 40th West. I noticed that he slowed, and my body sensed the right turn onto Skyway.

He was cut off by another vehicle somewhere on that stretch. He slammed on his brakes, honked his horn and muttered "motherfucker" under his breath. The section that followed had two large curves, which were followed by what I could determine to be a stretch of residential streets. He then waited for traffic and I sensed we were going to a higher elevation. Again we were slowed by something, a traffic light possibly. Another right turn, then the gradual turn as we headed downhill.

Yep, we were heading down hill, the sound got quieter, so I swallowed in an attempt to pop my ears. One right, a long stretch of street, then a left. We went downhill a few blocks, I counted the blocks by noticing the flat roadbed of the intersections. Then we crossed the cobblestones of Superior Street. Bingo, I was right all along. I predicted the rest of the route, when he would have to turn, and what parking lot he would need to turn into. The sound of the Lift Bridge horn on Canal Park was my last clue, one I didn't need.

When he finally killed the engine he said "So where are we?"

"We are in the parking lot of our favorite steakhouse. You passed one car going up 40th Ave, not a smart move. He might have been the car that cut you off by the Twin Ponds curves on Skyline. You were a little impatient with traffic on Mesabi. But I wish I could have shared the view with you up near the Copper Top Church. But it might be the smell of sizzling steaks that finally gave it away babe."

"Damn, Kyle, I can't get anything past you. And I was really looking forward to fucking that ass tonight." He undid my blindfold. I sat up to see the neon sign of our favorite steakhouse on the side of the old warehouse it now inhabited.

We walked in to find Justin behind the host's station. "We're swamped, and the scheduled host called in sick." he said as he took us to our table. "Oh by the way, Charlie and Angelo are here too, they are sitting very close to where you two will be seated."

Our booth was comfy, and like Justin said, right next to our friends table. They rose to hug us. It was great seeing our friends, but somewhere down inside I wish it was just the two of us. They were already through their appetizer, so luckily it wasn't convenient for them to join us in our booth.

Even with our proximity, both couples found their quiet time. Pete discovered great pleasure in looking at me. I would catch him between bites of his salad. He would glance quickly, his eyes sparkling, then look away when caught. We played this game for a bit. At one point while sipping his wine, Pete's left hand went under the table, possibly to adjust his commando self.

He looked over at our friends who were cutting into their steaks. "How do you like your meat?" he grinned.

"Tasty, thick and juicy, like always" Angelo responded.

"Thicker than mine?" Pete questioned, his eyebrows arched.

"You're still on your salad, your steak hasn't arrived." Angelo said.

"I wasn't talking `bout steak, I was talking about meat." Pete nodded to the area below the table of our booth, I felt something thumping the booth. Pete then flashed his uncut dick above table level for a split second. Looking at me had his juices flowing, and he didn't mind who he shared it with.

"Put that away Pete" Charlie cautioned. We don't want every woman and man in here envious.

"Just having some fun guys. Gotta take chances in life, live dangerously, but if you insist." He tucked his dick into his pants, I could hear him zip up.

Even though they were shorthanded, Justin delivered the steaks to our table. As always, Pete was served first, then I got mine. He made sure they were done to perfection, then quietly said. "Be careful Pete, there are cameras throughout the restaurant. Luckily I was the one looking at the monitors during your little show."

Pete blanched for a moment, I could see his Adam's apple as he gulped realizing what he had done. "Sorry Buddy, not trying to get you into trouble, just having fun with the pals. And you know what Kyle does to me."

"All to well, and I am slightly jealous by that." Justin admitted.

So the youngster was jealous of me. I was more than happy to hear that. Maybe this public admittance by Pete would stop the private notes from Justin.

We ate our steaks slowly. Charlie and Angelo were on their desserts by the time we were halfway through our main course. They left as we were about to order our own dessert.

"You'll probably have the house to yourself when you get home tonight" I said. "Fred talked about going to the sauna for his dessert. My guess is he wants it cream filled, and a generous portion."

"Good for him, we were worried earlier about what he was doing tonight. It sucks being single on a day like today. I know, I have spent too many Valentines Days alone" Charlie admitted.

We shared dessert. Pete had been going light on the vino, since we would be without a designated driver. The coffee we both ordered added deep flavor and energy to the end of our meal.

He drove home. He would steal glances over at me, then rub his crotch through his pants. He pulled into our driveway, looked like he was about to say something, I stopped him. "Pete, it is easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. I know we said that there was no need for gifts on Valentines Day, just dinner would be fine, but I have a surprise for you downstairs."

He looked at me. "I got you nothing, I hope it isn't too big of a gift."

"They say it isn't the size that matters. Oh hell, who am I kidding, look who I have as a hubby. Of course I'd probably still love you if you had an average dick." I got out of the truck, Pete followed me.

I opened the door, let him in. Pete made a bee-line to the lower level, I followed him. He then stopped dead in his tracks, turned towards me. His mouth was open, then he quickly started to smile. Before him stood a regulation size pool table. Every second of planning, every dollar I spent was paid back by that smile.

"You shouldn't have Kyle" he said as he went to the cue rack that I had mounted on the wall and grabbed a cue to inspect it. "But I'm glad you did." He put the balls on the table, aligned them in a rack, then positioned them just so. He gingerly removed the rack, placed it back on the wall, then took the selected cue to break them.

Shot after shot was made. I enjoyed watching my man sink those balls. He was just as much of an athlete here as he was on the mats. Everything looked natural, my man, the table, the light above it all fit into our masculine rec.-room. It was as if every element had been there forever.

He found himself in a spot where three balls were left on the table. He walked around the table examining the potential shots. Even an amateur like me saw a couple of opportunities to make a shot. The pro saw the full potential.

"If I pocket all three balls, it's your ass that gets fucked tonight, not mine."

I said "Deal" not seeing how this trick shot was possible.

He walked the table one more time, bent over, giving me the best view possible, then pulled back his cue-stick. He got it lined up, then hit the cue ball with exacting force. The first one went in the side pocket, the cue ball veered off nudging the second ball in. Then the cue ball caromed off and back, where it hit the third ball at the exact angle and speed needed to send it in.

Pete raised his cue high in victory. "Lose those pants hubby, we're christening the table right now."

I am not a foolish man, so I did as I was told. My pants were soon at my ankles, and so were my boxer briefs. He hoisted me up onto the pool table. The rich oak felt cool on my naked ass. He bent over and removed my shoes, leaving my dress socks. After both shoes were removed, he pulled my pants and shorts off completely, throwing them on the other end of the felt surface. Pete then got between my legs. The hunger in his eyes said everything I needed to know. He rolled me back onto the felt surface, my legs went into the air. He then simply unzipped his own pants, and fished out his thick nine inches.

He grabbed the cue ball and stick off the table. He made a production out of stroking the cue stick with his right hand as he walked around the table. My eyes followed him. Pete looked like an animal stalking it's prey. Every step was deliberate. He stopped in front of my face and looked down at me. "Do you want this? Or this?" he said as he offered me the cue stick or his dick.

"It's up to you Babe, you won the bet."

He navigated the rest of the table, stroking the thick cue stick, then his dick. It seemed to take forever for him to get around to my ass. I am sure it was only seconds, but the anticipation was building. I tensed my gut muscles and raised my butt a few inches. Pete took the cue stick and rubbed it against my raised asshole. He toyed around with my hole a bit. "How does this feel?" he said as he nudged the butt end of the cue stick against my rosebud. I said nothing, but exhaled at the thought. Then he picked up the cue ball. "Or this?"

The cue ball felt cold against my hole. My butt muscles flexed trying to keep that cold orb out. Pete massaged those muscles with the ball, keeping a steady rhythm. I reacted to one minor thrust by pulling my legs back. They hit the pool table light, causing it to sway.

"Damn you look sexy in this light." He dropped the cueball on the felt surface, picked up the cue stick, then cleared the table with his perfect aim. "No need for those toys when I got this" he said. He stepped up to my ass, aimed his dick, and his balls were in my pocket with one shot.

Pete was a sight to see. He still was dressed head to toe as he fucked me. At one point his tie got in the way, so he quickly tucked it into his shirt and continued to slam away. I could tell that he enjoyed owning my butt. He started out on high speed, but soon found a quieter pace. I saw him start to smile which grew into a chuckle, then an outright laugh.

I gave him a questioning look. He winked, then explained himself. "When we tell your nephews about the first game of pool played on this table, we'll leave out this part."

My laughter went right to my gut. My belly rumbled as I laughed. As I discovered lately, that caused my sphincter to clench. It gripped his invading dick, causing him to laugh even more. Our laughter was infectious and oddly raised my senses. I was getting tingly all over as he fucked me. The felt of the table rubbed against my hot spot on my neck as Pete screwed me

I was shivering and bucking all over the table as I finally put Pete over the edge. "Oh shit babe, here it comes." Pete stood still, his ass twitching as he filled my butt. He held my legs as he unloaded, his eyes closed as he shot. When he was finally done, he opened his eyes and started to chuckle. The laughter caused his dick to thrust further into my cum filled butt.

"What now?" I questioned.

"Whoever installed your light fixture left a smudge on it. Amateur."

He continued to laugh as he bent over to tickle me. I was still sensitive, so my body quaked at his touch. I was about to lose it again when he said "Put your arms around my neck"

I complied, and he used his mighty strength to lift me off the table. He did his best to carry me over to the sectional, where he laid me on the arm, then slowly pulled out of my ass. "Didn't want to chance it and have my seed slide out of your hole onto my new gift" he said.

Next: Chapter 31: Jack Pine Savages 1

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