
Published on Jun 8, 2015


A Year In The Life

Valentines Day Surprise Part 3

By Bix Meister

This is a story featuring gay men, and gay sex, intended for Adults, not Minors. It is fiction, and as such is not based on any actual people or events. It is a fantasy intended purely as a catalyst for pleasure. No attempts have been made to portray safe sex, but the author encourages you to practice it.

If this is your first trip to my series, I suggest you start at the beginning, Snowplow. You will get to know the characters more.

If you enjoy it, consider donating to Nifty. If you have suggestions or feedback, contact me at

The drive up the shore was awe inspiring. Pete and I were taking Scenic Old Highway 61 north on this starlit night. The light reflected off the large lake looming off to the right. We spotted a flicker of green-blue light in the northern sky. We both knew what was happening so Pete found an overlook and pulled in and killed the engine.

The sky started dancing to the quietness. Blues, greens and purples flirted with each other, a portion reflected in the vast expanse of Superior. I sometime regret that a word like awesome had lost its power, lowered to the level of "cool" or merely "great." The sight of the Northern Lights frolicking above ten percent of the world's fresh water was truly an awesome vision.

Pete scooted over and hugged me, bringing the awesome to a personal level. The strength we shared equaled the power evident in the natural phenomena we were experiencing. Pete exhaled a long sigh, his breath hot on my neck.

It was that sigh that woke me. Pete was spooning me, holding me, not letting me go if I tried. But why try? What a difference a day made. Isn't that how the old song goes? Just 24 short hours before we were on the verge of a break-up, but now I found myself being held by a man who I had just made a lifetime pact with. We even toasted to it with wine, wine that was now causing a slight headache.

I wiggled free of his embrace. I went to the bathroom and found the bottle of ibuprofen, downed two, chased it with a small percentage of that ten percent, pissed and then went back to the bed. He had shifted over to his other side, so I found myself spooning him, holding him in my own strong embrace. He pushed his ass, that beautiful ass back towards me. My dick responded, found his hole and eased it's way in. I was only laying claim to the ass that we toasted to earlier in the night., it was mine after all.

He sighed again as my dick filled his butt. I had no ulterior motive, no need to cum, so I just left my dick there and tried to get as much sleep as I could get in the four hours I had before I would be getting up. Pete sighed once more, driving his ass backwards further. I started to mimic the rhythm of his soft breathing and slowly fell asleep.

I awoke later that morning startled by Pete clearing his throat. I sat up, propped myself on my elbows, and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw Pete sitting in the chair by the window. "I could watch you sleep forever Kyle, but we have work to do today. A pro has to wire your house, and you have to work overtime to pay for his inflated wages."

I threw off the covers, got out of bed. Pete opened his arms, inviting me to join him on the chair. I sat on his lap. "You made me a happy man last night babe." He sighed again, I felt his breath on my neck, the shivers started. "I hope I never lose the ability to make you do that. It's just another thing about you that makes me happy you are my guy."

I could start every day that way, in my man's arms. I also could spend every night that way. It was happily devoid of the dark and foreboding dreams. The only dream I had was almost spiritual, well as spiritual as I get.

Pete held me on that chair, until we ultimately had to move. We showered, dressed, grabbed a quick breakfast and drove to the old farmhouse. We had a quick walk through with Charlie and Fred. While we were making love last night Fred had obviously taken the time to make things even more organized. I warned him to not "work off the clock" but he told me he was only paying back for the investment we had made in him.

It was time to say goodbye and head to my office, when Pete unexpectedly laid a big kiss on me. Some of the new guys saw it so I pulled back. "What about the workers?" I muttered.

"Who cares? I no longer do" was Pete's answer.

"We don't either. As long as you sign our checks." It was Kevin responding, one of the gear heads from the demolition crew. He was there today to work with Pete on the wiring. "Beside you gay guys are improving the odds for the rest of us single men."

I laughed, waved goodbye, then did our 1-4-3 hand signal to Pete, who promptly flashed it back.

The smile he gave me carried me through the day. I grabbed some dinner on the way back home, I didn't want Pete to have to cook after bringing him out of retirement. The same smile greeted me when I got to the farmhouse. He took time to show me his handiwork, allowing Kevin to take credit for his contributions. The wiring and plumbing work on the new bathroom looked great to my untrained eye. It was tidy which I appreciated and the fixtures were where I expected them to be.

Fred assured me that they should be ready for the inspector tomorrow so they could possibly get the waterproof cement board up before the weekend. "He's gonna be here tomorrow at 2 if you can break away, it will be the first inspection I walk by myself, so I would appreciate the support."

"We'll all be here" I said speaking for Pete, Charlie and I. "We know you will pass the inspection."

There really was a new found energy to our relationship. It appeared that what I thought was a band-aid was actually major surgery. The stop gap measure to stabilize our love, had revitalized it. And that revitalization was raising everyone around us.

Whether it was the new responsibilities or something else, Fred never looked more confident. Gone was his despondence about his love life. Confidence looked sexy on him, I don't think he was getting anything beyond the play with his roommates, but he hadn't required a hug date from me for a while.

Charlie and Angelo, well they had been on a rising tide since day one. The less they had to worry about Fred's love life meant they could focus on their own. They had a long weekend planned for the weekend after Valentines Day. Angelo worked to ensure he could take the time off without worrying about being on call. They finalized their plans for a Vegas weekend using Angelo's aunt Connie as their travel agent. The couple had considered a skiing weekend, but Angelo the snowplow driver, wanted to get as far away from snow as possible.

The others in the group were doing great too, Barry was looking forward to the upcoming Pro Wrestling event at the DECC. Brent started some design work for Van, and both of them were excited about the progress on my house. Rodney talked to Pete and informed him that he had a little something going on with Justin. I was a bit skeptical of that last tidbit of information after seeing some of the emails Pete thought he deleted.

In fact that was still the one sore spot for me. Justin and Pete. I had almost forgotten about it until I offered to take Pete's pants to the dry cleaners. In our bout of passion that night we had gotten them a little, ummm "messy." I got my pants ready then grabbed his, I threw them on the passenger seat on Friday morning when the note from Justin fell out.

I should have just balled it up and thrown it out the window, but for some stupid reason I read it.


I miss ur daddy dick in my ass. No 1 has fucked me like u, let's do it again, and soon.


Yep, I should have just thrown it. I remember Pete paid little attention to it when he got it, and what did he do afterward, he spent the night convincing me that my ass was the only one he needed for the rest of his life. But for some stupid reason I refolded the note and put it in my wallet.

Yep, I did that, then I went to work, I took my lunchtime to stop at the dry cleaners, then worked an hour, before cutting the day short to head in for the building inspector.

I got to the farmhouse in time. Fred was ready, he had his clipboard with everything he needed. He looked confident if a bit nervous that the inspector was late. I suggested he give me the spiel on the remodel, show me the same things he would the inspector. His confidence came back just in time for Derek to arrive.

When Derek exited his vehicle, my spank bank immediately was filled with new images. Damn this tight beefy shaved headed guy turned my crank. Pete of course noticed "Down boy, be professional" he whispered in my ear. No one else caught it, but no one else knew me like Pete did.

Fred took charge when Derek entered. Our little rehearsal meant he knew all of the important parts of our remodel, and what was needed to have it signed off so we could precede with the next steps. Derek himself was all work, no small talk. You could tell he liked to get right to the point, which he did a few times, abruptly cutting Fred short.

When it was done he simply signed the form and handed a copy to Fred, "Okayed for dry wall, keep it up but talk less the next time buddy. It's Friday and I want to head home to my dog and a few beers.

As he left he looked at Pete. "You used to be Ivan dintcha? I was your biggest fan back in the day. Looking good for a guy your age. Maybe we should work out together."

He nodded goodbye, then left the house. "What the hell was that last part? Pete said "Where did that come from?"

"Oh I dunno Pete" Charlie said. "I have seen that look before, on your boy Kyle. Looks like you have yourself an admirer."

"That guy can't be gay, I don't know if I have ever seen a more butch son of a bitch."

"Pete I have" Charlie said. "And I'm looking at him. In fact Derek could be your younger brother or son. And we all know you are gay."

Charlie was right, Derek was a different type of handsome compared to Pete but in his work clothes he was his shorter, younger clone. Gay or not, the motherfucker was hot, butch as hell, and damn he didn't just trip my triggers, he hard wired them.

I had those images in my mind heading into a weekend off. The guys decided they were going to use the passed inspection as a chance to get ahead, they started to put up the cement board in the shower area. Fred called his tile guy and asked if he could come in a day earlier.

Pete told me wanted to talk to me in the basement office, I followed him down. "Did I just miss something, or did he just come on to me?"

Pete looked genuinely worried. "Don't read to much into it, he looks like his life revolves around his workout. Maybe he thought he found his new workout partner and by coincidence, it is a guy who he used to idolize. Don't over think it. But if you do agree to work out with him, can I watch?"

"Maybe I oughta rush you home and jump your bones while the guys are focused on getting that sheet rock up. We got the whole weekend without distractions, let's try to remain naked the entire time. Wanna sneak home?"

We quietly made our way up stairs and were almost out the door when Fred stopped us. "Hey guys I have a question about.."

"You make the decision Fred, that's the reason I suggested you take the reigns. We're gonna be occupied for the weekend. See ya on Monday" I got in the last line before closing the door,

Pete and I sped home. He fumbled with his keys, dropping them, I was quick to fish for my set, letting us in. I don't know what was on Pete's mind, why he wanted to speed home, but I knew my reason. Derek had my juices flowing

"Gotta get you naked" Pete said, letting me know what he wanted. The slow, tension filled strip tease of the other night was replaced by a frenzied race to rip my clothes off. We were barely in the entrance when he started to open my shirt and jacket and shuck them off. He did the same to his own, then threw them on the kitchen table. He pulled my pants down over my ass, then pushed me over to the kitchen chair.

He ripped off my shoes, then the pants, I sat there in only my socks as Pete tore the rest of his clothes off. When he finally was down to his socks he stood there. "The weekend starts now." His arms went out, he struck a pose "Does Derek have anything on me?"

"Oh hell no!" I got up from the chair and hugged Pete into a passionate kiss. "My turn Babe. You're gonna give me that ass, then make me something to eat."

"If I am going to make you something to eat, desert will be me giving you something to eat." Pete thumped his dick against my stomach, as if I needed any clue what would be on the desert menu.

"That's fine as long as you have your ass in the sling in two minutes" I said. "I'm gonna start the sauna, we might need to relax after I give your ass a workout. I promise you it is a workout Derek cannot match."

"This ass is yours alone babe, I'll see you in the sling in one minute."

I was there in 40 seconds, he was ready. Pete had his sweat sock clad ankles wrapped around the chains of the sling, there was a container of lube resting on his gut, The sling was still in motion from Pete mounting it, I steadied him.

For a split second, I looked at Pete, and saw Derek. My dick bounced at the image. I stepped forward and yanked the lube from his heaving gut. I looked at his face, he had that intense glare he has when every filament of his body was heightened. "Show me you're the only workout partner I need." Pete too was thinking of Derek.

I squirted a generous glob of lube on my dick, then stroked it to coat it evenly. It throbbed in my hand. Pete's look was even more fierce as he saw my pecker pulse. "Derek's got you worked up too huh?" he said.

I nodded then stepped around to his butt. I put another glob of lube on my fingers, making an exaggerated show of lubing them. "Gonna show you what Derek is missing out on." I went for broke and jabbed the three fingers into his ass.

"Ooooooff" he gritted his teeth. "I can take it" I started to thrust those fingers. I knew I was in for a good fuck, so I squirted more lube on them as I was frigging his hole. "I don't know if I trust that guy. He says he's my #1 fan, but my #1 fan is about to fuck the hell out of me."

I twisted my fingers around in his ass, thumping his prostate, and coating as much of his hole as possible. I knew he was ready, and damn I was, but my fingers were having too much fun. "As much as I'd like to try, I doubt Derek could take this," I thrust my fingers, "or this," I swatted his ass with my dick, "as well as you do."

With that, I pulled out my fingers, quickly replaced them with my cock, and slammed home.

"Oh I don't know Kyle, he looks like a rough and tumble character, I bet he could take anything you'd dish out."

That sounded like a challenge, so I took the challenge. I grabbed Pete's meaty thighs and started to pull his ass back on my invading dick. Our sex life had been all over the board lately, from romance novel to light bondage, but this was invading hoards. "So you think Derek can handle this? You think that tight ass can handle a thumping from my mushroom head?"

"OH GAWD Kyle, I don't care about Derek right now FUCK ME" Pete lost his intense stare as his eyes rolled back. His back arched as his body started to buck in the sling. His muscular insides milked my dick as I slammed his prostate. He was grunting in time to my slams. His abs were getting a workout they would never get with Derek as he used every muscle to meet my thrusts.

I had started out this playtime inspired by a muscular building inspector, but the reality of the flesh and blood I was loving, yes loving, far outdid any fantasy I could have. I was beyond control, I involuntarily thrust a few more times, then shook as I unloaded in my man.

Yes! My MAN. I was still trembling deep inside My MAN. His gut was still heaving, his tunnel muscles still massaged my dick. His breathing was short, his body was in constant motion, trying to come down from his high. Damn, I put him there, I gave him an unforgettable ride.

"You've never fucked me like that Kyle. We'll need him to walk more inspections if that is what happens afterwards."

"It was only him for a minute Pete" I said, steadying the sling. "It was your reality that put me over the edge."

Pete wiggled his sock clad toes against the chains of the sling, a smile of contentment crept across his face. That smile sent a jolt right to my dick. I started to rock that sling back and forth, gently screwing Pete. If this was the only ass I was going to have for a lifetime, I was going to have it as many ways as possible.

"Yeah, gonna milk my man one more time." His ass muscles started to roll over my dick. In a short time Pete had become an expert bottom, probably by being an attentive top. Our fucking was gentle, it was the sunny day on a hammock, compared to the night I just spent in the dungeon. Pete was different too. His eyes sparkled while I softly fucked him. His moans were gentle, not the heated grunts of our earlier round. I was in no rush to cum, we had all weekend, but the beatific man I loved in the sling, pulled it out of me.

He chuckled, "Oh yeah, I knew you could do it, no one else babe, no one else."

My back arched as the last few spurts of cum pooled in his tunnel. I pulled out, and went down to kiss his rosebud. He flexed it, kissing me back. I stood and softly slapped his butt. "Time for a sauna, then dinner."

I helped him out of the sling, he was a little unsteady on his feet, so we walked arm in arm to the sauna, grabbing towels on the way. I got the catbird seat up in the far corner, Pete fell into my arms. "I suppose I should pull my socks off" Pete said.

"I dunno, they look kinda sexy" I said truthfully.

He chuckled then winked. "Anything for you Kyle, anything for you."

"Likewise babe." I hugged him tightly. We made small talk, plans for the weekend. I reminded him of his promise that we could remain naked the entire time when he suggested a shopping trip. He told me he needed to go Valentine shopping for me, I rightfully said that trip could wait. "Just take me to dinner, that's all I need."

The sauna left us rested, a quick shower rinsed off our honest sweat. We wrapped the towels around our waists then went upstairs. He made chicken and a light salad. I think the menu reflected the sunny fuck I just gave him. I hated to think what he would have made if he was coming off the more teeth rattling ravaging.

We did spend the whole weekend naked. That's if you didn't count our robes, or the occasional towel. I ignored all phone calls except one from Fred. My promise to always be there in case he needed me, was upheld. He didn't need me, but instead wondered if we wanted a pizza since he was going into town. We told him to order the Pete and Kyle special, the pizza place will know the one. When Fred dropped it off, and two naked friends answered the door, he wondered if he was in some recreation of that old porn cliché, the Pizza Delivery Man.

After our naked weekend I stopped off at the farmhouse and saw the progress. The new bathroom looked massive. It was easier to envision the final product when you could see the physical size of the space. The tile boxes were stacked neatly in the hallway outside of the bathroom, ready for the tile guy.

Fred brought me downstairs to show me a huge surprise. Over in the corner were some boxes under tarps. "I priced that lumber, and I figured a way to fit the budget. I decided to just go for it and made a mock up for Van and Brent" He pulled a tarp off one of the boxes and I saw his sample.

It was beyond what I expected. He used the reclaimed wood as the panel in the door of the cabinet. It added the honesty I was looking for, and instant history. "Van and Brent will say yes, if not, they're idiots." Fred smiled at my comment, his face flush with pride. I could tell that this house was personal, which fit into my long term plans.

As far as my short term plans were concerned, I needed to ensure that Fred help play into my Valentines scheme. Since Mike wasn't running the show here, I couldn't count on him keeping Pete busy next Monday. I went over the idea with Fred, filling him in on the secret, and what he needed to do to help it come to fruition.

We needed to ensure that Monday had enough electrical projects to keep Pete busy. He required all of his supplies to be ready, no trips to the store because even a quick trip past our house would give away my secret. Fred went to the white board for the office and looked at his timelines. "I think we can have Pete super busy on Monday. As far as the electrician, I know just the guy, but I gotta see if you will need an inspection. I'll work on that today

It was great to see Fred take the lead in this house, and in Mike's business. When things quieted down I would have to go to bat for Fred to ensure he got compensated for his actions. In the meantime Fred put the fire under his guys, and they made a lot of progress on the house in that weeks time. The bathroom was completed on time and was exactly how I saw it. Van and Brent were impressed by the door detail, so Fred used much of his waking hours to complete the cabinets and ready them for install. He also planned for an update on the electrical service to the house, with Pete projected to work on it the next Monday, Valentines day.

He also talked to our rugged building inspector Derek about my secret project. Even though he saw no need to inspect the project, it was merely a light installation, he would stop by and check it out. So everything was coming together for the surprise. All important deliveries were scheduled, all my I's dotted, all my T's crossed.

The best part was that Pete was none the wiser about the plans. I kept reiterating that nothing special needed to be planned for the day. "Just dress up, take me out to dinner" was the party line. That really was all I needed from Pete.

Yes, work kept me busy, and the progress on the old house filled my days, but it was my alone time with Pete that made me a complete man.. As I got closer to Valentines I almost regretted my plans. We found pleasure in the simple things we already had, and my secret was not simple. I finally decided since I had already ordered everything for it, I would just go forward.

After another week of being out of retirement to work on the farmhouse, Pete was ready for naked time. I am not saying that he couldn't keep up with the young workers, they usually had issues keeping up with him. Pete was just becoming used to the freedom he found being natural with me over a weekend. With Valentines looming he even wanted to extend the weekend into Monday, spend the 14th naked with me, just being us.

I was glad that Fred had scheduled an inspection at the farmhouse and at Pete's or should I say our house. I did my best on Monday, walking through the day's plans with Pete and Fred. I even apologized that I would not be able to walk through the inspection due to a meeting with a fussy client. Pete bought my story, and Fred played along without giving my secret away.

I drove off that Monday with my own hit list of things to do. I had to be at the office early and actually get some work done. I planned to call Pete's cell from the office phone to remove all doubt where I was. But starting at eleven I had to be at our house. One thing I needed to do was take down the sling, since it could be seen by the electrician and our inspector Derek.

Derek was supposed to inspect the electrical work in our house at 2:00 so the electrician had three hours to install and secure the new ceiling fixture. Our inspection was a mere formality, but Fred wanted to ensure everything he did was by code. Then Derek would stop by the farmhouse to inspect the new electrical service. Fred and I had already decided that if I needed more time, I should just try to bribe Derek into dragging out the inspection. As a fan, he might look for an opportunity to spend more time with his wrestling idol. After the inspection Fred and I would connect and then time the rest of the surprise.

Perfect planning from Fred ensured that things went better than expected. The electrician got the new light fixture ready for Derek who stopped by promptly at 2:00. I gave him a quick tour of the downstairs, including the electrical service, then I showed him the ceiling fixture the electrician had installed. Derek was all business checking things out to make sure they were up to code. He breezed through the inspection, giving us a pass very quickly. He was almost out the door, and down to the old farmhouse, then he saw the Wall of Shame.

He started to look at each photo individually. He pointed out people I had long forgotten. He copped the Pete pose, looking every bit as menacing, every bit as sexy. The guy that was all business otherwise, was a chatty Cathy, going on about his favorite local wrestler.

"You know I saw this house in the Duluth News Tribune Y2K spread on 1970's wrestling" Derek said. "I didn't know it was your place, I thought it was Pete's."

"Well it is his, and mine I guess you could say."

Derek's grin grew wide. "Well I'll be damned. You mean you and Ivan ride the same bus as me? Here I've been fantasizing about working out with Pete and I could be jerkin off thinking about being in your sling with the two of you double teaming me? That is what usually hangs in the workout room isn't it? You guys aren't fooling me with those punching bags. I wasn't born yesterday."

"Well if you ever have any plans of doing a workout of any sort in this house, I need your help with something. As much as I'd like to take up your offer as soon as possible, tonight is Valentines Day, and I need to ensure Pete is occupied for the next two hours. If you ride his ass for that long during the inspection, we'll look into riding your ass for twice as long down the line."

Derek got close to me, looked up into my eyes. "Make it happen buddy, my ass will make it worth your while."

Next: Chapter 30: Valentines Day Surprise 4

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